Resettlement Monitoring Report

Page created by Jimmy Cox
Resettlement Monitoring Report
Resettlement Monitoring Report

Project Number: 45507-003
Completion Report
July 2021

People’s Republic of China: Yunnan Chuxiong
Urban Environment Improvement Project

Lufeng Subproject

 Prepared by Sichuan Fontal Strategic Consulting Co., Ltd for Chuxiong Prefecture Project
 Management Office and Asian Development Bank

This resettlement monitoring report is a document of the borrower. The views expressed herein do not
necessarily represent those of ADB’s Board of Directors, Management, or staff, and may be preliminary
in nature.

In preparing any country program or strategy, financing any project, or by making any designation of or
reference to a particular territory or geographic area in this document, the Asian Development Bank does
not intend to make any judgments as to the legal or other status of any territory or area.
Resettlement Monitoring Report
Asian Development Bank Loaned Yunnan Chuxiong Urban
           Environment Improvement Project
                  Lufeng Sub-project

    Completion Report on Resettlement

        Sichuan Fontal Strategic Consulting Co., Ltd.

                         June 2021
Resettlement Monitoring Report

AAOV   Average Annual Output Value
 ADB   Asia Development Bank
 AHs   Affected Households
 M&E   Monitoring & Evaluation
  RP   Resettlement Plan
EMDP   Ethnic Minority Development Plan
  LA   Land Acquisition
  HD   House Demolition
 CNY   China yuan
 APs   Affected Persons
  HH   Household
 SOL   State-Owned Land
  DI   Dessign Institute
  CL   Cultivated Land
  EA   Executing Agency
  FS   Feasibility Study
  IA   Implementing Agency
 LRB   Land and Resources Bureau
 LAR   Land Acquisition and Resettlement
 PRC   People’s Republic of China
PMO    Project Management Office
 SES   Social and Economic Survey
 SPS   Safeguard Policy Statement
 TRO   Town Resettlement Office
  m2   square meter
  km   kilometer
Resettlement Monitoring Report

    After the Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project(Loan
3115-RPC) passed the assessment of the Asian Development Bank(ADB), the
Chuxiong PMO, as the owner of the project, officially entrusted Sichuan Fontal
Strategic Consulting Co., Ltd. to undertake the external independent M&E of
resettlement. In June 2021, the M&E team conducted an external resettlement
monitoring completion survey on the Lufeng subproject of the ADB-financed Yunnan
Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project, and compiled this report based
on the field survey data.

    The    M&E     panel   did   comprehensive      research    into   the   construction
implementation, the progress of the LA, the standards of LA and HD compensations
and the payment of resettlement funds, as well as the implementation plan of the
resettlement. They listened to persony affected person’s opinions on the resettlement
outcomes and their suggestion. They carefully checked the RP, compared the
changes that occurred in affected person’s living standards prior to and post the LAR,
they generated objective and fair evaluations on the effectiveness of the outcomes of
the resettlement of the Project up to now.

    The data and related information in this report are mainly derived from four parts:
(1) Relevant materials provided by the project office, such as the project RP (updated),
survey data on the physical quantity of resettlement impacts, the division of
responsibilities of the organization and the staffing, etc.; (2) Relevant materials
provided by relevant functional departments, such as policy documents, work
summary, statistical information, etc.; (3) Relevant information provided by town,
communities/village groups affected by the project, such as basic information of
towns/communities/villages , Statistical reports, etc.; (4) Data and related information
obtained by the M&E team through on-site investigations and household interviews.

    We are appreciated to the ADB, the Yunnan Provincial Government, the
Chuxiong Municipal Government, the project county governments, the project
implementation agency, the project office and the project implementation unit for their
good cooperation and strong support to the M&E panel in the process of M&E
preparation, on-site investigation and report compiling of this project.

                                  Sichuan Fontal Strategic Consulting Co., Ltd.

                                                                             June 2021
Resettlement Monitoring Report
Abstract ............................................................................................................................... 1

1 Overview........................................................................................................................... 6

       1.1 Project Overview ..................................................................................................... 6

       1.2 Project Progress ....................................................................................................... 6

2 Resettlement Impacts...................................................................................................... 9

       2.1 Overview on RP ....................................................................................................... 9

       2.2 Overview on Actual Impacts..................................................................................... 9

       2.3 Resettlement Impact Changes and Reasons ........................................................... 10

              2.3.1 Permanent LA ........................................................................................... 10

              2.3.2 Temporary Land Using............................................................................. 11

              2.3.3 Residential Houses Demolition ............................................................... 11

              2.3.4 Ground attachments and infrastructure ................................................. 13

3 Resettlement Implementation Progress....................................................................... 15

       3.1 Resettlement Implementation Progress ................................................................. 15

       3.2 Matching Degree of Resettlement and Construction Progress................................ 17

4 Resettlement Policy ....................................................................................................... 18

       4.1 Resettlement Policies and Standards ..................................................................... 18

              4.1.1 Permanent LA ........................................................................................... 18

              4.1.2 House Demolition ..................................................................................... 18

              4.1.3 Other Compensation Standars..................................................................... 19

              4.1.4 Conclusion of Compensation Standards comparison ........................... 20

       4.2 Applicability Analysis of the Resettlement Policy .................................................... 22

5 Income Restoration and Livelihood Restoration ......................................................... 23

       5.1 Income Restoration Measures ............................................................................... 23

       5.2 Shop Restoration Measures ................................................................................... 26

       5.3 Support Measures for Vulnerable Groups .............................................................. 27
Resettlement Monitoring Report
5.3.1 Women's Development Measures .......................................................... 27

            5.3.2 Vulnerable Group Assistance .................................................................. 28

      5.4 Results of Resettlement Sample Survey ................................................................. 30

      5.5 Income and Livelihood Restoration of APs ............................................................. 32

6 Relocation and Resettlement ....................................................................................... 36

      6.1 Reconstruction Measures ...................................................................................... 36

      6.2 Transitional Resettlement ...................................................................................... 36

      6.3 Construction Progress of Resettlement Sites .......................................................... 36

      6.4 Assistance Measures for Vulnerable Groups’ Resettlement.................................... 38

      6.5 Resettlement Satisfaction Survey ........................................................................... 38

      6.6 Relocation and Reconstruction Assessment ........................................................... 40

7 Infrastructure Resettlement .......................................................................................... 41

      7.1 Infrastructure Resettlement ................................................................................... 41

      7.2 Reconstruction of Community Facilities ................................................................. 41

      7.3 Remaining Problems and Measures Plan................................................................ 42

8 Resettlement Budget and Fund Payment.................................................................... 43

      8.1 Payment and Process of Resettlement Funds ......................................................... 43

      8.2 Fund Release Time................................................................................................. 43

      8.3 Source of Resettlement Funds ............................................................................... 44

      8.4 Comparison of Actual Resettlement Costs and RP Budget ...................................... 44

      8.5 Evaluation of Resettlement Funds Payment ........................................................... 44

9 Public Participation and Information Disclosure.......................................................... 45

      9.1 Information Disclosure Record ............................................................................... 45

      9.2 Decision and Discussion Record ............................................................................. 45

      9.3 Stakeholder Participation Mechanism .................................................................... 46

            9.3.1 Stakeholder Participation ......................................................................... 46

            9.3.2 Grievance Redress ................................................................................... 47

      9.4 Publicity Record of Resettlement Report and Resettlement Information Manual ... 48
Resettlement Monitoring Report
10 Organization and Management .................................................................................. 49

       10.1 Organizational and Division of Responsibilities ..................................................... 49

              10.1.1 Organization ............................................................................................ 49

              10.1.2 Division of Responsibilities .................................................................... 50

       10.2 Implementation and Management Capabilities of IA ............................................ 52

       10.3 Capacity Building ................................................................................................. 52

       10.4 Evaluation on Organization .................................................................................. 53

11 Resettlement M&E....................................................................................................... 54

       11.1 Review of Internal and External M&E ................................................................... 54

       11.2 Evaluation on M&E .............................................................................................. 56

12 Good Experience, Lessons, Remaining Problems and Suggestions...................... 57

       12.1 Resettlement Experience ..................................................................................... 57

       12.2 Project Highlights ................................................................................................. 58

       12.3 Remaining Problems and Measures to be Taken .................................................. 60

       12.4 Lessons and Suggestions ...................................................................................... 60

13 Appendix....................................................................................................................... 61

       Appendix I: Affected Area and Resettlement Location Map ......................................... 61

       Appendix II: Documents Related to the Project Actual Resettlement Policy ................. 62

       Appendix III: Survey Results of Sampled Resettlement HHs .......................................... 68

       Appendix IV: Sample of LA, Demolition and Resettlement Agreement ......................... 70

       Appendix V: Statistics on the Compensation and Resettlement of the Demolition APs . 74

       Appendix VI: Some Photos of Resettlement Activities .................................................. 76
Resettlement Monitoring Report
List of Figures
Figure1-1 Project Completion Photos.......................................................................... 8

Figure 3-1 Payment Voucher for Permanent LA and HD Compensation (Sample) ...... 16

Figure 5-1 Announcement of the Employment Recommendation Meeting Posted on
     the Community Bulletin Board ............................................................................. 24

Figure 5-2 Skill Training Held in Lufeng County.......................................................... 25

Figure 5-3 Opened Shops in the Xiaobeicang and Xuefu Road Settlement Site ........ 26

Figure 5-4 Provide job opportunities for women during project implementation ...... 28

Figure 5-5 Gender Ratio of Respondents ................................................................... 31

Figure 5-6 Respondents' Education Level .................................................................. 31

Figure 5-7 Occupational Distribution of Respondents ............................................... 31

Figure 5-8 Respondents' Family Size ......................................................................... 32

Figure 5-9 Per Capita Respondents' Housing Area Change ........................................ 33

Figure 5-10 Comparison of housing conditions before and after the project
      implementation ................................................................................................... 33

Figure 5-11 Changes in the Annual per Capita Net Income of the Respondents ......... 33

Figure 5-12 Distribution of Annual per Capita Net Income of Respondents ............... 34

Figure 5-13 Changes in Income Sources of Surveyed Families ................................... 35

Figure 6-1 The Current Situation of the Resettlement Sites ....................................... 37

Figure 6-2 The Vulnerable Groups Enjoyed Special Subsidies in the Resettlement (the
      Agreement Sample) ............................................................................................. 38

Figure 7-1 The current status of the infrastructure that has been relocated(electricity)41

Figure 7-2        Current Status of Facilities in and Around the Resettlement Site (sample)42

Figure 8-1 Details of the first batch of HD compensation payment for Lufeng project 43

Figure 9-1 Confirmation Letter of Information Disclosure of Lufeng County RP ......... 48

Figure 10-1 Organization Chart of ADB Loan Chuxiong Project .................................. 50

Figure 10-2 Capacity Building of Resettlement IA During Project Implementation ..... 53

Figure 12-1 The Surrounding Environment After the Completion of the Rainwater
     Management Pool and East and West River Landscaping ..................................... 58
Resettlement Monitoring Report
Figure 12-2 Chuxiong Longi Silicon Materials Co.,Ltd................................................. 59

Figure 12-3 Residents Perform Square Dances and Yi Left-foot Dances in the Small
      Park Built by the Landscaping Subproject ............................................................. 59

Figure 12-4 Public Fitness Facilities and Pedestrian Trails Completed by the Project . 59

                                         List of Tables
Table 1-1 Schedule of Civil Works in the Project.......................................................... 7

Table 2-1 Statistics of Changes in the Impact of Permanent LA by Village.................. 10

Table 2-2 Impacts on Permanent LA by Components ................................................ 11

Table 2-4 List of HD Impacts...................................................................................... 13

Table 3-1 Project Resettlement Implementation Schedule ........................................ 15

Table 3-2 List of project LA and HD implementation progress ................................... 16

Table 4-1 Summary of Permanent LA Compensation Standard.................................. 18

Table 4-2 Compensation Standards for HD................................................................ 19

Table 4-3 Compensation Standards for Land Attachments and Infrastructure ........... 20

Table 4-4 Project compensation standard comparison result .................................... 20

Table 5-1 Statistics of Affected Vulnerable Groups.................................................... 28

Table 5-2 Statistics of Survey Samples....................................................................... 30

Table 5-3 Annual per Capita Net Income of the Households Surveyed Before and After
     the Project Implementation ................................................................................. 34

Table 6-1 The actual resettlement situation statistics ............................................... 37

Table 6-2 Satisfaction Survey Statistics...................................................................... 39

Table 8-1 Payment of Resettlement Funds ................................................................ 44

Table 9-1 Information Disclosure Record .................................................................. 45

Table 9-2 Project Decision Consultation Record ........................................................ 46

Table 11-1 Completion of External M&E Report........................................................ 56
Resettlement Monitoring Report

1. Overview

    The Lufeng urban infrastructure and environment improvement project is one of
the sub-projects of the Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project
loaned by the ADB.

    The project is located in the north area of Lufeng County, with a planned area of
193.3ha. The construction content includes three parts: First, equipment procurement,
including urban sanitation equipment, flood early warning equipment, new energy
pure electric buses and intelligent transportation equipment procurement; Second,
municipal road construction, including 6 municipal roads: Jurassic Ave North
Extension Line, Century Ave North Extension Line and Road 2, Road 3, North
Extension Line of Jinshan South Road and Road 1, with a total length of 7.5km; Third,
comprehensive river management projects, Including ecological management of the
East River (2km), rainwater management pond (Longhu) covering an area of 200 mu,
and landscaping belt of about 12km on both sides of the East and West River, Green
area of 336,000 m2, and the East and West River Landscaping Phase II.

    As of June 2021, the ADB loan project of Lufeng County has all been fully

2. Project Resttlement Impacts

    The river management and flood control, urban development road network and
ancillary facilities construction projects of Lufeng Project involved LA, demolition and

    The actual permanent LA scope of the project involves 5 administrative
villages/communities. The actual permanent LA area of the project is 1,096.41 mu,
including 1,090.32 mu of cultivated land (accounting for 99.44%), 6.09 mu of housing
land (accounting for 0.56%), directly affecting a total of 603 HHs with 2,241 people.
No temporary land is involved.

    The actual demolition area of the project is 10,957.37m2, of which the housing
area is 8,590.34m2 and other buildings and structures of non-housing is 2,367.03m2.
No house demolition of urban residents is involved. Demolition directly affected 135
people in 42 HHs, among them, the river management and landscaping involved 6
HHs in Beimen Community; Jinshan South Road North Extension Line involved 18

HHs in Beichang Community; Road 1 involved 13 HHs in Beichang Community; Road
3 involved 4 HHs in Guanwa Community and 1 HHs in Xinhe Community.

      In addition, the project also affected some ground attachments and special

3. Resettlement progress

    As of June 2021, the project's LA and demolition work has been completed.

    The project actually permanent LA area is 1,096.41 mu. The construction land
involved in the project has been approved by the province and city (YGTZF [2017]
No.26 and CGTZZ[2017] No.15). LA work was started in September 2016 and has
been completed. Compensation for ground attachments and LA have been fully paid
in place.

    There are actually 42 houses have been demolished in the Project, with an area
of 8,590.34 ㎡, and the other demolished temporary structures and pumping houses
are 2,367.03 ㎡, with a total of 10,957.37 ㎡. All compensation and resettlement
have been completed.

    The resettlement progress of this project basically matches the construction
progress. Only in the early stage of the project implementation, the resettlement work
of the project lagged slightly behind due to the domestic supporting fund raising
problem, and in the subsequent project construction process, there was no project
construction progress to lag behind due to the resettlement problem. The
commencement time of all civil works of the Project were carried out after the
completion of LA and HD, which is complied with the relevant provisions of land
management and the requirements of ADB policy.

4. Resettlement Plicy

    The Resettlement policy of this project complies with the requirements of China's
current laws and regulations, and complies with the relevant policy requirements of
ADB involuntary Resettlement and indigenous people. The compensation standards
for LA and HD of this project are strictly implemented in accordance with the laws and
policies promulgated by the state and local governments. The actual compensation
standards implemented in Lufeng County are not lower than the compensation
standards specified in the RP.

5. Income Restoration and Livelihood Restoration

    The survey team visited all affected communities/villages in June 2021, the
survey ratio was 100%; a total of 64 HHs (with a population of 271) were sampled,

accounting for 10.6% of the total number of HHs affected by LA. Among them, 25 HHs
are affected by demolition at the same time, accounting for 59.5% of the total number
of HHs affected by demolition. Based on the field survey data, the report carried out a
statistical analysis of the income recovery situation and project satisfaction of the
affected people.

    Based on the statistical analysis of the on-site survey results, as a whole,
compared with before the project implementation, the income channels of the
interviewed HHs are more diversified and their incomes have increased, and the
income levels and livelihoods of the affected people have been restored.

6. Relocation and Reconstruction
    The relocation and reconstruction procedures of the project meet the
requirements of RP; the resettlement subsidy payment standard during the transition
period is not lower than the RP standard, and the transition cost needs of the same
housing area are met; the affected people are more satisfied with the project
resettlement compensation and resettlement, and the living conditions of the affected
people have been significantly improved after resettlement.

7. Infrastructure Restoration
    As of June 2021, all the infrastructures affected by the project have been restored
and reconstructed and are in normal use. The community facilities affected by the
project have all been rebuilt and are in normal use. The newly-built community
facilities are constructed in accordance with the principle of adapting measures to
local conditions to meet the requirements of the community where they are located.
The north area of Lufeng County, where the 5 affected communities are located, has
formed a complete road network. The transportation in the area is convenient, the
roads extend in all directions, the communication, water supply, and power supply
facilities are complete, and the location advantages have been significantly improved
without any remaining problems.

8. Resettlement Budget and Fund Payment
    Compared with the updated RP budget, the actual resettlement cost is slightly
less than the RP budget. The resettlement funds of this project are paid in a timely
manner, the payment process is consistent with RP, and the management and use of
funds are standardized.

9. Public Participation and Information Disclosure
    In order to improve the transparency of project construction, ensure the success
of the project and the sustainability of project benefits, and avoid conflicts with the
community in terms of project construction or management, the project has
formulated an effective participation mechanism. In the whole process of project

preparation and implementation, public participation is encouraged. During the
preparation and implementation of the project, the autonomous municipal and county
people's governments and the project office have carried out information disclosure
and public participation through multiple channels and methods to protect the
legitimate rights and interests of the project affected people. At the same time, the
project has also established a transparent and effective complaint and appeal channel.
As of June 2021, the complaint channels of the project is unblocked.

10.Organization and Management
    During the project resettlement implementation, the Lufeng County sub-project
resettlement management organization is sound and the division of functions is clear;
the Municipal and county project offices attach great importance to LA and demolition
work, cooperate and coordinate smoothly with each other, and communicate
information in a timely manner. The relevant person in charge of the county project
office often goes deep into the project site to understand the situation, find and solve
the problem in time, and has completed the resettlement data collection, verification,
and summary report, which greatly promoted the smooth development of the project
resettlement work.

    At the same time, the local government resettlement working groups at all levels
have fulfilled their duties, implemented the resettlement work in strict accordance with
local policies, and retained complete documents and archives, which provided a
strong guarantee for the smooth implementation of the project resettlement work.

    As of June 2021, the internal and external M&E of the project resettlement have
been completed in accordance with ADB policies and project requirements. The
timely and effective feedback of internal and external M&E has played a role in
supervision and promotion of the smooth implementation of the project resettlement

12.Good Experience, Lessons, Remaining Problems and Suggestions
    Good experience of the Project includes: the resettlement site design fully
considers the wishes of the APs; provides a large number of work opportunities for the
APs during the project implementation; the project emphasizes the needs and
expectations of women and encourages women to actively participate in the project
construction. Therefore, the social benefits of the project are significant, the overall
employment environment of the area has been improved, and the residents' sense of
happiness has been significantly improved.

    As of June 2021, there are no remaining problems in the resettlement work of this

Lessons and suggestions: at the initial stage of the project, due to the difficulties
in raising domestic supporting funds, as of October 2017, some LA and demolition
work had not been carried out as schedule, resulting in the overall implementation
progress of Lufengzi project was slow. The main reason is that the PPP cooperation
of the project failed to land successfully according to the expected time. However,
after the PPP project funds were paid, the project obviously caught up and all the
proposed project was completed as scheduled. This benefits from the continuous
efforts of the project owners and local government, and from the strong leadership
and good coordination of the Yunnan Provincial Government and the Chuxiong
Municipal PMO. Suggestions: in the future project, from the project planning, should
always pay attention to the coordination of all resources, determine domestic
supporting financing channels and procedures in advance, pay attention to the control
of important time nodes. All parties concerned work together and make overall
planning in order to complete the resettlement work and the established project
content in a more timely and reliable manner, and better achieve the project goals.

1 Overview

1.1 Project Overview

    The Lufeng urban infrastructure and environment improvement project is one of
the sub-projects of the Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project
loaned by the ADB.

    The project is located in the north area of Lufeng County, with a planned area of
193.3 hectares. The construction content includes three parts: First, equipment
procurement, including urban sanitation equipment, flood early warning equipment,
new energy pure electric buses and intelligent transportation equipment procurement;
Second, municipal road construction, including 6 municipal roads: Jurassic Ave North
Extension Line, Century Ave North Extension Line and Road 2, Road 3, North
Extension Line of Jinshan South Road and Road 1, with a total length of 7.5 km; Third,
comprehensive river management projects, Including ecological management of the
East River (2 km), rainwater management pond (Longhu) covering an area of 200 mu,
and landscaping belt of about 12 km on both sides of the East and West River, Green
area of 336,000 m2, and the East and West River Landscaping Phase II.

    The approved total investment of the original FS of the project is 1.01 billion CNY,
of which the ADB loan is USD 50.418 million, and the rest are supported by local
governments. In the implementation of the project, ADB approved the medium-term
adjustment, added two projects (new energy procurement of new buses and
intelligent transportation equipment), and the   Provincial Development and Reform
Commission approved the total investment change to 970 million CNY. Of these, the
ADB loan is USD 50.443 million. In addition, the second phase of the project is carried
out on the basis of the landscaping project. Local supporting funds were raised by
PPP, all in place in October 2017.

1.2 Project Progress

    As of June 2021, the project loaned by the ADB in Lufeng County has been

    The project is divided into 11 contract packages, including 4 procurement
contracts, which are urban garbage equipment procurement, flood warning and
forecast system procurement, new energy pure electric buses and intelligent
transportation system equipment procurement. All equipment procurement contract

packages have been completed. The specific project progress of the other 6 civil
engineering contract packages is as follows:

                        Table 1-1 Schedule of Civil Works in the Project
         Component                        Start Time              Completion Acceptance Time

   East and West Rivers and
                                         April 20,2020                     April 23,2021
    landscape landscaping

 Rain water management pool            December 18,2017                    August 30,2019

 Jurassic Ave North Extension
                                         August 22,2018                     April 4,2019

           Road 1                      December 21,2018                     April 21,2021

           Route 2                       August 22,2018                     April 22,2021

           Route 3                       August 22,2018                     April 22,2021

 Century Ave North Extension
                                         August 22,2018                     April 22,2021

     Jinshan South Road                December 21,2018                     April 21,2021

Data source: provided by the Owner

                      Road 1                                     Route 2

                     Route 3                           Jinshan South Road

Century Avenue                     Jurassic Avenue

East and West Rivers and landscape landscaping

         Rain water management pool
       Figure1-1 Project Completion Photos

2 Resettlement Impacts

2.1 Overview on RP

     According to the Project RP (updated draft) prepared in July 2015, the Project
resettlement impacts include: LA and resettlement of the project involves 1 town and
5 villages in Lufeng County. The permanent LA area is 1,130.89 mu, including
1,112.91 mu (98.41%) of CL and 17.98 mu (1.59%) of housing land, which directly
affected a total of 692 households and 2,947 people. Temporarily land use involved
33.8 mu, affecting 111 people in 35 households.

     The residential houses demolished by the Project only involve rural houses on
collective land, totaling 3,292 ㎡, including 1642.8 ㎡ (49.90%) of brick and concrete,
264.5 ㎡ (8.03%) of Brick and wood, 1283.4 ㎡(38.98%) of Civil house and 101.3 ㎡
(3.09%) of simple. The demolition of residential houses affected a total of 29 HHs and
120 people. In addition, the project also affects some ground appendages, such as
trees, wire poles, etc.

2.2 Overview on Actual Impacts

     The river management and flood control, urban development road network and
ancillary facilities construction projects of Lufeng Project involved LA, demolition and

     The actual permanent LA scope of the project involves 5 administrative
villages/communities. The actual permanent LA area of the project is 1,096.41 mu,
including 1,090.32 mu of cultivated land (accounting for 99.44%), 6.09 mu of housing
land (accounting for 0.56%), directly affecting a total of 603 HHs with 2,241 people.
No temporary land is involved.

     The actual demolition area of the project is 10,957.37m2, of which the housing
area is 8,590.34m2 and other buildings and structures of non-housing is 2,367.03m2.
No house demolition of urban residents is involved. Demolition directly affected 135
people in 42 HHs, among them, the river management and landscaping involved 6
HHs in Beimen Community; Jinshan South Road North Extension Line involved 18
HHs in Beichang Community; Road 1 involved 13 HHs in Beichang Community; Road
3 involved 4 HHs in Guanwa Community and 1 HHs in Xinhe Community.

     In addition, the project also affected some ground attachments and special
2.3 Resettlement Impact Changes and Reasons

2.3.1       Permanent LA

        The actual permanent LA scope of the project involves 5 administrative
villages/communities. The actual permanent LA area of the project is 1,096.41 mu,
including 1,090.32 mu of cultivated land (accounting for 99.44%), 6.09 mu of housing
land (accounting for 0.56%), directly affected a total of 603 HHs with 2,241 people.
Due to the project implementation scheme optimization, the actual impact of LA is
slightly less than the expected impact of RP.

                 Table 2-1 Statistics of Changes in the Impact of Permanent LA by Village

     Village/c                                                           Permanent LA (mu)
Coun                Type of
     ommunit                Affected HHs         APs                                                    Remarks
 ty                  data
                                                             Sub-total          CL           Non-CL

                      RP           398           1697         651.55         643.75           7.81
        Beichang     Actual        362           1310         674.28         669.46           4.82
                    Change         -36           -387            22.73        25.71          -2.99
                      RP            48           206             81.88        78.98           2.90
         Beimen      Actual        100           411          118.72         118.72            0
                    Change          52           205             36.84        39.74           -2.9
                      RP           137           580          220.64         215.35           5.29
        Guanwa       Actual        102           376          212.95         211.68           1.27
                    Change         -35           -204            -7.69        -3.67          -4.02
  g                   RP            14            60             22.78        22.78            0
        Nanmen       Actual         22            81             18.38        18.38            0
                    Change          8             21             -4.4          -4.4            0
                      RP            95           404          154.05         152.06           1.99
         Xinhe       Actual         17            63             72.08        72.08            0
                    Change         -78           -341         -81.97          -79.98         -1.99
                      RP                                                                                After some
                                   692           2947         1130.9         1112.91         17.98
         Total       Actual        603           2241        1096.41         1090.32          6.09     schemes are
                                                                                                      optimized, the
                                   -89           -706         -34.49          -22.59         -11.89   LA is reduced
Data source: RP (2015), provided by the owner unit and local government.

Table 2-2 Impacts on Permanent LA by Components
                                Type of                Permanent LA (mu)
        Components                                                                  AHs    APs
                                 data           CL         Non-CL      Sub-total

 East and West Rivers and          RP         706.46            5.13       711.59   434    1847
  landscape landscaping,
                                 Actual       597.83            0.00       597.83   280    1075
  Rainwater management
           pool                 Change       -108.63        -5.13       -113.76     -154   -772
                                   RP         55.30             0.00       55.30    34     145
     Century Ave North
                                 Actual       72.21             0.22       72.43    51     189
      Extension Line
                                Change        16.91             0.22       17.13    17     44
                                   RP         91.39             5.71       97.10    60     255
 Jinshan South Road North
                                 Actual       127.08            2.67       129.75   110    408
      Extension Line
                                Change        35.69         -3.04          32.65    50     153
                                   RP         62.78             0.32       63.10    39     165
   Jurassic Avenue North         Actual       78.22             0.13       78.35    43     159
       Extension Line
                                Change        15.44         -0.19          15.25     4      -6
                                   RP         95.44             6.06       101.50   62     266
          Road 1                 Actual       90.93             1.67       92.60    55     203
                                Change        -4.51         -4.39          -8.90     -7    -63
                                   RP         51.70             0.00       51.70    32     136
          Route 2                Actual       59.35             0.26       59.61    44     133
                                Change         7.65             0.26        7.91    12      -3
                                   RP         49.84             0.76       50.60    31     133
          Route 3                Actual       64.70             1.14       65.84    20     74
                                Change        14.86             0.38       15.24    -11    -59
                                   RP        1112.91        17.98      1130.89      692    2947
           Total                 Actual      1090.32            6.09   1096.41      603    2241
                                Change        -22.59        -11.89         -34.48   -89    -706

Data source: RP(2015), provided by owner and local government

2.3.2       Temporary Land Using

      This project adopts a staged construction method. In order to avoid temporary
land occupation, construction machinery, stacking materials, temporary work sheds,
etc. were within the red line of the project land, and no other land has been occupied.
Therefore, this project does not involve the impact of temporary land using.

2.3.3       Residential Houses Demolition

      The project involves 42 HHs affected by HD, all have been completed. Among
them, the river management and landscaping involved 6 HHs in Beimen Community;
Jinshan South Road North Extension Line involved 18 HHs in Beichang Community;
Road 1 involved 13 HHs in Beichang Community; Road 3 involved 4 HHs in Guanwa
Community and 1 HHs in Xinhe Community. The demolition area includes a housing

area of 8,590.34m2, other buildings and structures of 2,367.03m2, with a total of
10,957.37m2. No house demolition of urban residents is involved.

    The increase in the housing demolition area of rural residents on the collective
land is as follows: 1) In the actual demolition impact included the housing, other
buildings, structure area(such as pumping houses and other temporary buildings),
etc., which is all counted together with the housing area, since the project data
preparation to the actual demolition, a few years have passed, a large number of
temporary structures and temporary buildings are increased in the project area, it
makes the actual impact statistics greatly increased; 2)The demolition area of brick,
wood, civil and simple houses in the surveying and assessment is higher than that
estimated in RP, expanding the overall demolition area; 3)In the RP impact, this
component does not involve demolition. During the actual implementation, the flood
control channels of Donghe Fengyu Bridge need to demolish 6 HHs, including 1
pumping house and other temporary buildings

                                        Table 2-3 Impacts of HD
             Village /                             Demolition area
Compone                  Type of
             Commu                 AHs      APs     of residential                Remarks
  nts                     data
               nity                                 buildings (m2)
 Jinshan                   RP      25        99         2355.8
   Road                  Actual    31        93        6,339.66         In the actual demolition area,
  North      Beichang                                                increased a large number of simple
Extension                                                                           houses
Line, No.1               Change     6        -6        3983.86
                           RP       2        8          611.6

             Guanwa      Actual     4        16        1,191.9

                         Change     2        8          580.3
 Roud 3
                           RP       2        13         324.6
                                                                        In the actual demolition area,
              Xinhe      Actual     1        5         2,672.3       increased a large number of simple
                                                                      houses and Color-steel tile sheds
                         Change    -1        -8         2347.7

                           RP       0        0            0            In the RP impact, this component
  East and                                                            does not involve demolition. During
    West                 Actual     6        21         753.48       the actual implementation, the flood
Rivers and
             Beimen                                                   control channels of Donghe Fengyu
landscapin                                                              Bridge need to demolish 6 HHs,
                         Change     6        21         753.48
     g                                                                  including 1 pumping house and
                                                                           other temporary buildings
                           RP      29       120         3292

              Total      Actual    42       135        10957.37

                         Change    13        15        7665.37

Table 2-3 List of HD Impacts
                                                              HD area (㎡)                                   Impacts

  Village/co            Villager                                            Simple
                                      Brick-co      Brick-w    Earth-w
   mmunity               group                                              Structur   Subtotal       AHs         APs
                                       ncrete        ood           ood

                  Xiaobeichang         878.23       393.67     1063.31      299.96        2635.17      14         48
                    Beichang             0          1051.93        0        176.64        1228.57       1             /
   Beichang                              0           10.71     262.54        18.86        292.11        4             8
                     Group 4
                                         0          138.24     231.79       112.45        482.48        3             5
                     Group 6
                                       532.15       197.06     644.61       327.51        1701.33       8         32
                     Group 3
   Guanwa         Xishan Group
                                       668.17       110.02     377.52        36.19        1191.9        5         16
       Xinhe      Jiuxue Group
                                       103.07       137.67         0        2431.59       2672.33       1             5
    Beimen          Qinjiaying         305.03       134.57     140.48        173.4        753.48        6         21

                Total                  2486.65      2173.87    2720.25      3576.6     10957.37        42         135
Note: The demolition of Beichang is the former site of Beichang Middle School. The property belongs to Beichang
Community. It has been abandoned for many years and does not involve affected people. The total demolition area in the
above table includes 8590.34m2 of houses and 2367.03m2 of other non-housing buildings and structures.

2.3.4          Ground attachments and infrastructure

       The ground attachments actually affected by the project except the graves are
included for evaluation and compensation in the house demolition procedures, and
the quantity cannot be counted separately. The actual affected graves are 107, and
the affected community is the Beichang Community. The affected graves have
completed relocation and compensation by December 2019 and are not involved in
the updated RP.

       The infrastructure affected by the project shall be relocated and reformed
according to the project construction progress. As of June 2021, the actual
infrastructure affected by the project are as follows:

                                 Table 2-8 Actually Affected Infrastructure Statistics
                                                                                                    Communication line
  S/N                        Construction content                           Power (PCS)
                   East and West Rivers and landscape
   1                                                                               5                          2

   2                     Jinshan South Road, No.1 Road                             6                          2
               Route 2, Road 3, Century Ave North Extension
   3                                                                               3                          2
   4                    Jurassic Ave North Extension Line                          2                          0

   5                           Resettlement sites                                  3                          0

Communication line
  S/N                    Construction content          Power (PCS)
                             Actual total                   19                   6

                               RP total              110*5.5 (pcs *km)           0

Data source: the Owner

     Since the differences in the classification, statistical units and statistical
standards of the ground attachments and infrastructure, the actually affected amount
by the project cannot be directly compared with that in RP. The project
implementation plan has been optimized as much as possible to minimize these

3 Resettlement Implementation Progress

3.1 Resettlement Implementation Progress

     As of June 2021, the project's LA and demolition work has been completed. See
Table 3-1 for the implementation schedule of project resettlement.

     The project actually permanent LA area is 1,096.41 mu. The construction land
involved in the project has been approved by the province and city (YGTZF [2017]
No.26 and CGTZZ[2017] No.15). LA work was started in September 2016 and has
been completed. Compensation for ground attachments and LA have been fully paid
in place.

     There are actually 42 houses have been demolished in the Project, with an area
of 8,590.34 ㎡, and the other demolished temporary structures and pumping houses
are 2,367.03 ㎡, with a total of 10,957.37 ㎡. All compensation and resettlement
have been completed. See Table 3-1 for specific resettlement progress.

     The affected ground attachments and special facilities of the project have been
relocated and compensated by December 2019.

                      Table 3-1 Project Resettlement Implementation Schedule

  County                    Type                    Started Time         Complete Time   Remarks

                        Permanent LA                   2016.9                2020.1

                      LA compensation                  2016.9                2020.1

                 Social security resettlement          2016.9                2020.1

              Compensation and resettlement of
  Lufeng       accessories and special facilities
                                                       2016.9                2019.12

                             HD                        2018.3                2019.7

                      HD compensation                  2018.3                2018.11

               Resettlement house construction         2018.6                2020.6

Data source: provided by the owner unit and local government, on-site investigation

Table 3-2 List of project LA and HD implementation progress

No.    County          LA and resettlement progress                HD and resettlement progress
                                                           The demolition of the project has been
                                                           completed. All the resettlement agreement
                                                           has been signed, the affected residential
                                                           houses have been demolished, and the
                                                           compensation for demolition has been 100%
                                                           All 42 APs have completed compensation and
                The permanent LA of the project has been resettlement, Xiaobeicang, Xuefu Road,
                completed, the compensation for LA and the Shangying, Guanwa 4 resettlement sites’
1      Lufeng
                social security resettlement has been      infrastructure construction has been
                completed.                                 completed, and 42 plots of housing land have
                                                           been allocated to the AHs, and 40 houses
                                                           have been completed, the remaining 2 HHs
                                                           temporarily not built (one has other houses,
                                                           no longer built; the other one’s children are
                                                           all in other places, only one person lives
                                                           locally, will not build the new house

      Figure 3-1 Payment Voucher for Permanent LA and HD Compensation (Sample)

3.2 Matching Degree of Resettlement and Construction


    The resettlement progress of this project basically matches the construction
progress. Only in the early stage of the project implementation, the resettlement work
of the project lagged slightly behind due to the domestic supporting fund raising
problem, and in the subsequent project construction process, there was no project
construction progress to lag behind due to the resettlement problem. The
commencement time of all civil works of the Project were carried out after the
completion of LA and HD, which is complied with the relevant provisions of land
management and the requirements of ADB policy.

4 Resettlement Policy

4.1 Resettlement Policies and Standards

4.1.1     Permanent LA

     Compensation standard for Permanent LA: Land Acquisition and Compensation
Plan for ADB Loan Yunnan Chuxiong Urban Environment Improvement Project
Lufeng Urban Road and River Comprehensive Treatment Subproject(June
1,2016)and The Uniform Annual Output Value for Land Acquisition and
Compensation Standards for Ground Attachments of the Expropriated Land (Trial)
(LZT [2009] No. 105) issued by the People’s Government of Lufeng County and the
file LZF [2010] No. 28.

     According to the unified annual output value of LA and the comprehensive land
price approved by the People's Government of Yunnan Province (revised in 2014),
the compensation standard of the vegetable field is 86,070 CNY / mu, and the paddy
field compensation standard is 86,040 CNY/mu. The homestead shall be
compensated according to the in-situ standard before construction.

     The compensation standard for young crops: the vegetable field (vegetable) is
2,000 CNY/mu, 1,500 CNY/mu for spring-summer crops 800 CNY/mu for
winter-spring crops.

                  Table 4-1Summary of Permanent LA Compensation Standard
                                                   Compensation Standard
                                                        (CNY / mu)
County       Town            Type                                                       Remarks
                                                  RP                  Actual

                              CL                 86040                86040           No difference
                                              according to         1:1 homestead
                                             standard of the        resettlement      Higher than RP
                                            in-situ land-type   (400-600 CNY/m2 for      standard
 Lufeng      Jinshan
                                            before the house      area difference)
                         spring-summer                                                Higher than RP
                                                 1200                  1500
                              crops                                                      standard
                          winter-spring                                               Higher than RP
                                                  600                  800
                              crops                                                      standard
Data source: RP(2015), Project LA compensation agreement

4.1.2     House Demolition

     According to the Resettlement Plan for ADB Loan Yunnan Chuxiong Urban
Environment Improvement Project Lufeng Urban Road and River Comprehensive
Treatment Subproject (June 1, 2016), the house demolition of the project will be
compensated at the reset price, the compensation price will be determined through
the market evaluation, and will not be lower than the demolition compensation
benchmark price formulated by the project. The optional resettlement methods for the
AHs of the project include: monetary compensation (resettlement) and monetary
compensation plus land transfer resettlement. See Table 4-2 for compensation
standard in Lufeng Project.

                                  Table 4-2 Compensation Standards for HD
                                                RP Base
        Affected of Type              Unit                   Actual Base Price             Remarks
                   Homestead         CNY/㎡        400                            The actual standards are
        Reside    Brick-concrete     CNY/㎡        950                            determined by the market
          ntial    Brick-wood        CNY/㎡        700         Evaluation price   assessed value (excluding

        homes       Soil-wood        CNY/㎡        450                            depreciation), not less than
                     Simple                                                      the RP base price
                                     CNY/㎡        200
Rura                                 CNY/HH      2000              4000          Higher than RP standard
l HD
         Other     Temporary
        compe      resettlement                    5                 7           Higher than RP standard
        nsation      subsidy
         fees       Advance
                    relocation                    100               500          Higher than RP standard
                  incentive fee

Data source: RP(2015), Project Resettlement and Relocation Plan

4.1.3       Other Compensation Standars

       Actual implementation of the standard reference: The Uniform Annual Output
Value for Land Acquisition and Compensation Standards for Ground Attachments of
the Expropriated Land (Trial) (LZT [2009] No. 105) issued by the People’s
Government of Lufeng County and the file LZF [2010] No. 28.。

       1)Ground Attachments

       The ground attachments affected by the project are compensated subject to the
market evaluation price, and the compensation standard are not lower than the RP

       According to the policy provisions and the negotiation results, the final
compensation standard for graves is higher than the RP standard. The actual
compensation amount consists of three parts, including relocation fee, cemetery fee
and relocation reward: 2,300 CNY for each earth grave, 2,600 CNY for each brick
grave, 3,200 CNY for each stone grave, and 5,160 CNY for each double-buried stone
grave. See Table 4-3 for more details.

2) Infrastructure

      The actual affected infrastructure does not adopt monetary compensation, but
the project unit is responsible for completing the restoration and reconstruction and
delivering it to the relevant units after passing the acceptance. This standard complies
with the replacement principle, but cannot be directly compared to the RP standards.

             Table 4-3Compensation Standards for Land Attachments and Infrastructure
                                                     RP Compensation          Actual Compensation               Main
             Item                     Unit
                                                         Standard                   Standard                 Difference
      Simple building                CNY/㎡                 100-120                  Evaluation price

        brick wall fence             CNY/㎡                 120-150                  Evaluation price
                                                                                  The project unit was       According to
                                                                                    responsible for          the principle
   Low-voltage line (pole                                                                                          of
                                    CNY/km                  20000                   completing the
        included)                                                                                            replacement
                                                                                    restoration and
                                                                                     reconstruction            price, not
                                                                                  The project unit was      lower than the
                                                                                                             RP standard
                                                                                    responsible for
      Comunication line             CNY/km                Not involved              completing the
                                                                                    restoration and
   Fruit trees (not fruited)        CNY/PCS                    8-30                      8-30

     Fruit trees (fruited)          CNY/PCS                 80-240                      80-240
                                                                                                            No difference
   Commercial forest (not
                                    CNY/PCS                    4-10                      1-10
Commercial forest (timbered)        CNY/PCS                    10-50                     10-50

         Earth grave               CNY/grave                   1500                      2300
         Brick grave               CNY/grave                   1800                      2600                Higher than
                                                                                                             RP standard
         Stone grave               CNY/grave                   2400                      3200
 Double-buried stone grave         CNY/grave                   4200                      5160

4.1.4       Conclusion of Compensation Standards comparison

      The actual implementation policy and compensation standards of the project are
not lower than the RP standard.

                       Table 4-4 Project compensation standard comparison result
           Type                             RP                           Actual                        Main Difference
                               1)Land Acquisition           1)Land Acquisition
                               Compensation Standards       Compensation Standards in
                               in 15 cities of Yunnan       15 cities of Yunnan Province
                               Province (Revised) (May      (Revised) (May 26,2014)
                                                                                                  The compensation
                               26,2014) Yunnan              Yunnan Provincial
                                                                                                      standard for
                               Provincial Department of     Department of Land and
            LA                                                                                   homestead and Crops
                               Land and Resources           Resources
                                                                                                   is higher than RP
                               2)The Uniform Annual         2)Land Acquisition and
                               Output Value for Land        Compensation Plan for ADB
                               Acquisition and              Loan Yunnan Chuxiong
                               Compensation Standards       Urban Environment
                               for Ground Attachments       Improvement Project Lufeng

Type                          RP                       Actual                Main Difference
                        of the Expropriated Land    Urban Road and River
                        (Trial) (LZT [2009] No.     Comprehensive Treatment
                        105) issued by the          Subproject( June 1,2016)
                        People’s Government of      3)The Uniform Annual
                        Lufeng County and the       Output Value for Land
                        file LZF [2010] No. 28.     Acquisition and
                                                    Compensation Standards for
                                                    Ground Attachments of the
                                                    Expropriated Land (Trial)
                                                    (LZT [2009] No. 105) issued
                                                    by the People’s Government
                                                    of Lufeng County and the file
                                                    LZF [2010] No. 28.
                                                    1) The Resettlement Plan for
                                                    ADB Loan Yunnan Chuxiong
                                                    Urban Environment
                                                    Improvement Project Lufeng
                                                    Urban Road and River
                        The Uniform Annual
                                                    Comprehensive Treatment
                        Output Value for Land
                                                    Subproject( June 1,2016)
                        Acquisition and
                                                    2) The Uniform Annual           The house appraisal
                        Compensation Standards
         HD                                         Output Value for Land           price not less than
                        for Ground Attachments
                                                    Acquisition and                   the RP standard
                        of the Expropriated Land
                                                    Compensation Standards for
                        (Trial) (LZT [2009] No.
                                                    Ground Attachments of the
                                                    Expropriated Land (Trial)
                                                    (LZT [2009] No. 105) issued
                                                    by the People’s Government
                                                    of Lufeng County and the file
                                                    LZF [2010] No. 28.
                                                    1)The Uniform Annual
                        1)The Uniform Annual        Output Value for Land
                        Output Value for Land       Acquisition and
                        Acquisition and             Compensation Standards for
 Land Attachments and   Compensation Standards      Ground Attachments of the
                                                                                       No difference
     Infrastructure     for Ground Attachments      Expropriated Land (Trial)
                        of the Expropriated Land    (LZT [2009] No. 105) issued
                        (Trial) (LZT [2009] No.     by the People’s Government
                        105)                        of Lufeng County and the file
                                                    LZF [2010] No. 28.

    Reasons for policy change: since the LA and demolition of the project was mainly
implemented after 2016, the main standards in RP are the policy in 2009 and 2010.
Based on the principle of people foremost and pay close attention to people's
livelihood, in order to ensure the scientific, reasonable and orderly progress of the
resettlement work and the completion on time, the People's Government of Lufeng
County issued the latest resettlement compensation policy in June 2016, which
appropriately improved the compensation standard of the Project.

4.2 Applicability Analysis of the Resettlement Policy

    The resettlement policy of this project complies with the requirements of China's
current laws and regulations, and complies with the ADB‘s policy requirements of
involuntary resettlement and indigenous people. The compensation standards for LA
and demolition of this project are strictly implemented in accordance with the laws and
policies promulgated by the state and local governments. The actual compensation
standards implemented in Lufeng County are not lower than the compensation
standards specified in the RP.

    The compensation and resettlement standards for demolition of this project are in
line with the principle of replacement cost. The M&E team visited the AHs by sample
survey. The sample survey showed that the compensation amount per unit area of the
demolished house was higher than the replacement cost of the house. Regardless of
the resettlement method chosen by the AHs, the actual compensation per unit area of
the rural and urban AHs is higher than the construction cost (1,000 CNY/m 2), which is
enough for reconstruction and resettlement.

5 Income Restoration and Livelihood Restoration

5.1 Income Restoration Measures

    Based on relevant local policies and resettlement willingness of APs, the specific
measures for resettlement and income recovery plan of this project are as follows:

    Monetary compensation:
    Provide monetary compensation for the villager groups and affected farmers
affected by LA. According to the Land Management Law, Land Management
Regulations of Yunnan Province and Woodland Management Regulations of Yunnan
Province, the compensation standard for LA is the unified annual output value and
comprehensive land price standard (revised in 2014), and the revised compensation
multiple is 30 times the unified annual output value.

    In the LA compensation, land compensation owned by the affected villager
groups, its use needs to organize the villagers group members congress to discuss,
and report to the village collective, then the village committee report to the township
government, the township government review and report to Lufeng County People's
Government for approval. There are two main ways of distribution and use: 1)
One-time average distribution according to the actual registered population of the
village group, and adjust the remaining land. 2) Direct payment to the households
affected by LA, without land adjustment and distribution. All the young crops
compensation fees are paid directly to the AHs.

    Resettlement of Land Returning:
    According to the approval document of the People's Government of Lufeng
County on the site selection of resettlement land returning of villager groups in
Jinshan Town, Jinshan Town has defined the total area of resettlement land returning
area of 558.17 mu, which is used for production and living resettlement through land

    Agricultural resettlement:
     Some AHs still have some land remaining after LA, and the measures to promote
the livelihood recovery of the AHs include:

    1)Land adjustment. The directly affected households in the group can obtain
farmland from the non-directly affected households in the group for production, and all
the AHs can use the remaining land for agricultural planting, and they can use the
resettlement subsidy to adjust the planting structure and improve the planting
efficiency, so as to increase their income;

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