Report of the Third meeting of the Latin American Soil Laboratory Network - (LATSOLAN) - LATSOLAN-III/20/Report -
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LATSOLAN-III/20/Report Report of the Third meeting of the Latin American Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN) Virtual meeting, 14 – 16 October 2020
LATSOLAN-III/20/Report Report of the Third meeting of the Latin America Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN) Virtual meeting, 14 - 16 October 2020 FOOD AND AGRICULTURE ORGANIZATION OF THE UNITED NATIONS Rome, 2020 2
The designations employed and the presentation of material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion whatsoever on the part of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries. 3
Table of Contents 1. Introduction ........................................................................................................................................ 5 2. Highlights and conclusions .................................................................................................................. 5 2.1. Downscaling GLOSOLAN activities: NASOLANs establishment .................................................... 5 2.2. Laboratory equipment purchasing, use and maintenance .......................................................... 7 2.3. Internal and external quality control .......................................................................................... 8 3. Position of LATSOLAN in GLOSOLAN ................................................................................................... 9 4. Venue and time of the next meeting ................................................................................................ 11 Annex I. Agenda ........................................................................................................................................ 14 Annex II. List of participants ...................................................................................................................... 18 Annex III. Survey on the procurement of laboratory equipment .............................................................. 27 Annex IV. Survey on the action taken by soil laboratories after participating in a proficiency test .......... 32 4
1. Introduction Due to Covid-19, the second meeting of the Latin America Soil Laboratory Network (LATSOLAN) was organized on the Zoom Video Communications© platform. The meeting was held in Spanish and lasted four hours per day from 14 to 16 October 2020 (see the agenda in Annex I). It was attended by two hundred forty-eight participants from nineteen countries of Latin America and the Caribbean (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Jamaica, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Paraguay, Peru, Dominican Republic, Uruguay, Venezuela). See the list of participants in Annex II. The meeting was opened by Ms. Floria Bertsch, LATSOLAN Chair, and by Mr. Ronald Vargas, GSP Secretary, FAO. Ms. Bertsch recalled the objectives of the meeting: (i) to inform Latin American countries on GLOSOLAN progresses and activities, including the establishment of National Soil Laboratory Networks, (ii) to train soil laboratories in internal and external quality control, and in equipment purchasing, use and maintenance, and (iii) to define the position of LATSOLAN in GLOSOLAN. Mr. Vargas stressed the key role of soil laboratories in the production of reliable data to support decision making, produce maps and define sustainable soil management strategies. Still, the importance of exchanging experiences and cooperation was mentioned in relation to the establishment of National Soil Laboratory Networks, the ultimate organizational level of GLOSOLAN which aims to support and facilitate the implementation of activities at the local level. Ms. Rosa Cuevas, former coordinator of LATSOLAN at the GSP Secretariat, FAO, welcomed the participants one last time while recalling the main achievements of the network since its establishment. Ultimately, Ms. Lucrezia Caon, new LATSOLAN coordinator at the GSP Secretariat, FAO, did the endorsement of the agenda and officially opened the meeting. 2. Highlights and conclusions Due to the large number of participants from laboratories new to GLOSOLAN and LATSOLAN, the first day of the meeting was dedicated to getting to know each other, recalling the history behind the establishment of GLOSOLAN and LATSOLAN with a focus on the work done by the networks over the years, and informing the participants about GLOSOLAN’s activities in 2019-2020. Thereafter, the technical sessions started. 2.1. Downscaling GLOSOLAN activities: NASOLANs establishment Mr. Filippo Benedetti (GSP Secretariat) recalled the importance of implementing GLOSOLAN activities at the local level. In this regard, he presented the GLOSOLAN work plan on the establishment of National Soil Laboratory Networks (NASOLANs). Establishing NASOLANs is important to: 1. Allow all soil laboratories from in a country to interact with each other, overcome common challenges and help each other to build their capacity in soil analysis 2. Promote processes of harmonization in soil analysis at national level; 3. Facilitate the transfer of knowledge acquired by the laboratories participating in GLOSOLAN activities at the national level. Indeed, laboratories benefitting from GLOSOLAN training should transfer the knowledge acquired to other laboratories in their country. This process is also critical to overcome language and cultural barriers. In order to support countries in establishing their NASOLAN, GLOSOLAN is preparing Terms of Reference defining the tasks of the network and guidelines on how the networks can be established. The draft version of these documents has been sent to all GLOSOLAN members for review and will be endorsed at the fourth 5
GLOSOLAN meeting on 11-13 November 2020. Please note that national reference laboratories play a key role in the establishment of national networks and in the implementation of NASOLAN work plans (see the Terms of Reference of soil laboratories in GLOSOLAN). In addition, the GSP secretariat is investing in the creation of NASOLAN webpages (one per country) which will report the following information: • Status of the establishment of the network. Established/under establishment/not established • Name of the network and number of members in the network • Brief history of the network with a focus on the steps taken by the laboratories to establish it, the obstacles faced and potential supporters. • Information on the activities implemented and meetings organized by the network. In this section, meetings material and outcome documents of the activities implemented by the NASOLAN will be published. • Main needs and challenges of the network • Main needs and challenges of the laboratories in the network • Information on the National Reference Laboratory • Information on the soil laboratories belonging to the NASOLAN The NASOLAN webpages provide multiple advantages: - They increase the visibility of the national network at national, regional and global level; - They ensure that all soil laboratories have access to their NASOLAN information; - They allow projects and initiatives to connect with NASOLAN and its members. In this regard, soil laboratories can be easily contacted and involved in projects and initiatives independent of GLOSOLAN and the GSP; - They draw the attention of donors to the needs of the NASOLAN and its soil laboratories. To support the discussion, countries that have already established or are currently establishing their NASOLANs, such as Argentina, Brazil, Panama, Costa Rica and Uruguay presented their experiences. The main obstacles to the establishment of NASOLANs in the Latin American region are related to: - Communication challenges: especially in countries with laboratories far apart, where the exchange of soil samples and the organization of trainings and meetings can be an issue. This obstacle is less severe when different laboratories are involved in a single monitoring system, or cooperate in a joint research or policy-support activity – which requires that results are comparable. Small countries with few laboratories could cooperate with networks from neighboring countries, especially in the organization of proficiency tests, which requires a minimum number of participating laboratories to carry out reliable statistical analysis. - Wide variety of reagent and equipment suppliers: this represents an issue for the harmonization of methods and data between different laboratories operating in the same country, and may compromise the organization and success of proficiency tests, even on a national scale. 6
To overcome this problem, laboratories are trying to agree on the type of equipment and methods to be used to carry out soil analysis, also in accordance with the SOP harmonized by GLOSOLAN. - Availability of financial resources: financial resources are needed to keep a network of laboratories alive. This is one of the reasons why GLOSOLAN is investing in the creation of NASOLAN’s webpages, to bring the needs and challenges of NASOLAN to the attention of donors. - Develop an adequate work plan: in some cases, the implementation of NASOLAN activities leads to an increased workload for the member laboratories and for the National Reference Laboratory in particular. Therefore, at NASOLAN meetings it is necessary to develop a feasible work plan in terms of human and financial resources. 2.2. Laboratory equipment purchasing, use and maintenance Ms. Caon opened the training session on soil laboratory equipment by presenting GLOSOLAN’s good practices on purchasing and operating laboratory equipment (Spanish version available here). Ms. Caon reported that laboratories receiving equipment by GLOSOLAN in 2020 (i) know what they want but do not know how to request it, (ii) have provided rather vague or incomplete technical specifications, and (iii) do not know what to put as quality control criteria. In this regard, she presented some guidelines and principles to be applied in procurement. The responses of the participants in the survey on procurement (see Annex III) were included in Ms. Caon’s presentation and helped to open the discussion on the topic. The participants pointed out that good practices on purchasing laboratory equipment are not always implementable because: - University laboratories: they have limited financial resources, so that equipment and consumables are purchased on the basis of projects granted to the University. Nevertheless, equipment purchased on the basis of projects must remain within the project budget so its quality is not always the best. The majority of laboratory staff also work on a project basis, so that their presence in the laboratory is not constant; - Government laboratories: they cannot rely on a regular budget, so they purchase large quantities of equipment and reagents as soon as they receive financial support from the government. LATSOLAN proposed to the GLOSOLAN coordinator to contact the GSP national focal points and ask them to lobby with their governments to provide financial resources to governmental laboratories for the maintenance, purchase and operation of laboratory equipment. National focal points should be invited to lobby for the endorsement of simplified procedures for the entry of laboratory equipment into the country. - Maintenance is very expensive for some equipment and specialized personnel is often lacking. On this point, LATSOLAN suggested including in the technical specifications that vendors need to support the groups and forum for discussion and technical support established by the countries. In this regard, user networks for similar equipment can be established. Nevertheless, the proposal to record vendors who install and operate laboratory equipment was made. This would help laboratories to self-install, operate and provide basic maintenance of equipment themselves. Ms. Estefania Perez-Fernadez and Mr. Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez from BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Switzerland closed the training session by talking about equipment installation, use and maintenance. Their intervention was particularly appreciated by the participants who asked if the trainers could be contacted 7
by email for further advice. Ms. Caon undertook to collect the participants’ questions and send them to the trainers for feedback. 2.3. Internal and external quality control Internal quality control Ms. Miriam Ostinelli (INTA, Argentina) recalled the importance of quality control (QC) in soil laboratories, linking it to the results of the survey on QC conducted in 2019 among LATSOLAN members. Thereafter, Ms. Ostinelli listed possible direct and indirect sources of errors in laboratory procedures and provided guidelines on how internal QC should be conducted, from calibration of laboratory equipment to reagent control and registration of laboratory results. Table 1 reports the main steps to be followed in internal (and external) quality control. Table 1. Main steps to follow in internal and external quality control Quality control Internal External • Documentation • Documentation • Assay control (Standard Sample - MR • Use of CRM (soil and ref. Solutions) soil) • Verification and calibration of different • External calibration (mass, volume or equipment (Use of Standard other equipment) Substances, reference solutions and distilled water of specified quality) • Verification -or calibration- of the mass • EA (PT) or other interlaboratory magnitude (use of weights as MR) and comparisons. volume calibration (use of balance and calibrated thermometer) • Assay control (Use of reagent blanks) • Assay control (Use of replicas and samples from previous runs) HR trained and committed to carry out the control, analyze the results and define the strategies that allow solving the problems that arise or improving performance Use of long-term monitoring and control tools Establishment of Acceptance / Rejection limits based on information from the validation of the methods, the characteristics of the MR, the calibration of the equipment. Limits based on statistical and agronomic criteria. Software control • Internal audit • 3rd party audit (external) 8
• Correlation of results for different characteristics of the same sample External quality control The session on external quality control was moderated by Ms. Bertsch and Mr. Christian Hartmann (IRD France). Mr. Hartmann presented the outcomes of GLOSOLAN PT 2019 and stressed the importance of organizing such exercises at regional and national level. This is also linked to the current impossibility of GLOSOLAN to send soil samples to all its member laboratories. In this regard, GLOSOLAN encourages national reference laboratories to take the lead in organization of national PTs to allow all laboratories operating in their country (and in GLOSOLAN) to get tested. Thereafter, the attention has turned to: - the variation in the results obtained using the routine methods and LATSOLAN’s harmonized methods in LATSOLAN’s PT 2018. In this regard, Ms. Bertsch asked the participants to support the proposal to ask GLOSOLAN to ask laboratories for the results obtained using their routine methods and GLOSOLAN’s harmonized methods in future PTs. Following its endorsement, LATSOLAN will submit this proposal to GLOSOLAN in November 2020. - the performance of laboratories that participated in the LATSOLAN PT 2018 and the GLOSOLAN PT 2019. In general, all the Latin American laboratories that participated in these PTs have obtained satisfactory results. Great attention was paid to the actions taken by the laboratories that participated in GLOSOLAN PT 2019 to improve their performance. Mr. Hartmann contributed to the discussion by providing general guidelines on how laboratories should react to the statistical analysis of the PT results they submitted. Ms. Ostinelli presented the results of a survey on actions taken after participating in a PT, which participants were invited to respond to prior to the meeting (see Annex IV). 3. Position of LATSOLAN in GLOSOLAN Ms. Caon introduced the agenda of the Fourth GLOSOLAN meeting to the participants and asked for their opinion on: - The GLOSOLAN SOPs should work towards harmonization in 2020-2021, which was followed by the identification of regional leaders. The LATSOLAN SOPs will propose GLOSOLAN to work on in 2020- 2021 are reported in Table 2. Table 2 - SOP to harmonize in 2021, proposed by LATSOLAN Parameters and method Regional leaders (country) Texture (pipette and Bouyoucos methods) • Miriam Ostinelli (Argentina) • Daniel Carreira (Argentina) • Marco Corrales Soto (Costa Rica) • Adriana Margarita Piña Escalante (Mexico) • Víctor García (Mexico) 9
• Pamella McKenzie Jamaica Bulk density (protocol MRV C) • Miriam Ostinelli (Argentina) • Daniel Carreira (Argentina) • Víctor García (Mexico) Soil moisture – gravimetric • Miriam Ostinelli (Argentina) • Daniel Carreira (Argentina) • Olga Gudelj (Argentina) Acidity and exchangeable Aluminum with KCl 1 • Carlos Henríquez (Costa Rica) N • Maria Cristina Suarez (Dominical Republic) • Berta Carrera Victor González (Panamá) Exchangable bases (Ca, Mg, K, Na) and CEC, by • Rosalina Gonzalez (Colombia) ammonium acetate • Nuriángel Casanova (Venezuela) Available micronutrients (Fe, Zn, Cu, Mn, Mo, • Jorge D. Etchevers Barra (Mexico) Ni and Cd) – extraction using DTPA • Braulio La Torre Martínez (Perú) • Julio Cesar Castro Lazo (Perú) Cd total • Braulio La Torre Martínez (Perú) • Julio Cesar Castro Lazo (Perú) • Marco Corrales Soto (Costa Rica) • Armando Guerrero Peña (Mexico) Boron and Sulfur in CaCl2 • Armando Guerrero Peña (Mexico) • Miriam Ostinelli (Argentina) • Daniel Carreira (Argentina) Macro- and micronutrients (including S and B) • Braulio La Torre Martínez (Perú) for Mehlich III • Carlos Henríquez (Costa Rica) • Veda Obando Bustos (Costa Rica) Moreover, LATSOLAN will propose to GLOSOLAN to review and endorse the SOPs only within the working groups. This will also ensure that deadlines are met. - The need to review the FAO Soils Bulletin 74 – “Guidelines for Quality Management in Soil and Plant Laboratories”. Seventy-four per cent of the participants stated that they were not aware of this document. The rest of the participants declared either to be aware of this document but not to use it, or to be aware of it and use it. Overall, participants agreed on the need to update the Bulletin. 10
In conclusion, Ms. Caon asked participants to encourage other soil laboratories in their countries to join the network, to maintain their country profile in the Soil Import Legislation Database (SIMPLE), and to contribute to the creation and updating of their NASOLAN webpages. Moreover, she reminded participants that anyone who is interested and has the capacity to prepare large amounts of homogeneous soil samples could become a PT samples provider for GLOSOLAN. Participants were also requested to review the material to be discussed and endorsed at the fourth GLOSOLAN meeting (11-13 November 2020), with special attention to reviewing their country profiles as part of the “global assessment on soil laboratories capacities and needs 2020”. Lastly, Ms. Caon reminded participants that the launch meeting of the International Network on Fertilizers Analysis (INFA) will take place in December 2020. All laboratories carrying out or wishing to carry out soil fertilizers analysis are invited to join this sub-network of GLOSOLAN and contribute to the implementation of its work plan. Ms. Caon will soon send additional information on this meeting by email. In the meantime, participants have been invited to complete a short survey on fertilizers quality control procedures (available at to gather information for discussion at the launch meeting. 4. Governance LATSOLAN agreed to review the governance of the network by email and to remit the decision on the 2021- 2023 governance of LATSOLAN to the National Reference Laboratories. This decision was taken (1) to ensure a fair election that does not favor countries with a large number of laboratories registered in GLOSOLAN, and (2) to ensure that leading positions are taken by experts who are familiar with the network. The Steering Committee of LATSOLAN was tasked to make a proposal on the new governance of the network, taking into account the participation of the heads of National Reference Laboratories in LATSOLAN activities over the years and the time they could commit to the network. The proposal of the Steering Committee was as follows: - LATSOLAN Chair : Ms. Miriam Ostinelli, Argentina - LATSOLAN Vice-Chair : Ms. Floria Bertsch, Costa Rica - Steering Committee : o Mr. Daniel Carreira, Argentina o Mr. Daniel Vidal, Brazil o Ms. María Suárez, Dominican Republic o Ana Silbermann, Uruguay Mr. Jorge Etchevers from Mexico will contribute to the work of the Steering Committee as advisor. 5. Venue and time of the next meeting COVID-19 gave the opportunity to test new virtual meeting tools such as Zoom. Virtual meetings can engage many more laboratories, laboratory staff and countries than in-person meetings because there are no travel costs. Moreover, virtual meetings allow available financial resources to be allocated to other activities such as training, purchasing equipment to laboratories in need and improving laboratory facilities. On the other hand, virtual meetings do not allow for informal conversations and brainstorming sessions that can lead to more and better opportunities for cooperation between laboratories, institutions and countries. 11
On this basis, the participants were invited to give their opinion on the organization of future LATSOLAN meetings. Fifty-three percent of the participants suggested alternating between in-person and virtual meetings. Forty-one per cent preferred to continue organizing LATSOLAN meetings online every year, while only six per cent of participants expressed their willingness to return to in-person meetings as soon as possible. 12
Annex I. Agenda Miércoles, 14 de octubre de 2020 3:00 – 3:20PM CEST Apertura, aprobación del orden del día y foto de grupo Sra. Floria Bertsch, Presidente de LATSOLAN Sr. Ronald Vargas, Secretario de la Alianza Mundial por el Suelo Sra. Rosa Cuevas, Coordinadora de LATSOLAN por los años 2018-2020 Sra. Lucrezia Caon, Coordinadora de GLOSOLAN, Secretaría de la AMS 3:20- 4:45PM CEST Item 1. Presentación de participantes por país 5 minutos por país - Argentina, Sra. Miriam Ostinelli y Sr. Daniel Carreira, Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos - INTA - Bolivia, Sr. Henan Figueredo, Ministerio de Agricoltura - Brasil, Sr. Daniel Perez, EMBRAPA - Chile, Sra. María de los Ángeles Sepúlveda, Lab. Análisis Químico de Suelos y Plantas - Colombia, Sra. Vivian Álvarez, Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC - Costa Rica, Sr. Carlos Henríquez, Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) - Cuba, Sr. Guillermo Enrique Mora Yero, Suelos Camagüey Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura - Ecuador, Sr. Luis Cacuango, Laboratorio de Suelos, Foliares y Aguas - AGROCALIDAD - El Salvador, Sra. Claudia Maria Lino, Laboratorio de Suelos/CENTA - Guatemala --- - Haiti ---- - Jamaica, Sr. Cawayne Bryan y Sta. Pamella McKenzie, Soil Health, Plant Tissue and Water Laboratory - México, Sr. Armando Guerrero Peña, LASPA-CP - Nicaragua, Sr. Pedro Enrrique Muñoz Izaguirre, Laboratorio de Suelos y Agua Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz - Panamá, Sr. Jhon Alexander Villalaz P., Laboratorio de Fertilidad de suelos del Instituto de Investigación Agropecuario de Panamá - Paraguay, Sr. Higinio Moreno Resquin, Laboratorio de Suelo Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. UNA - Perú, Sr. Braulio La Torre Martínez, Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas, Aguas y Fertilizantes-Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina, y Sr. Julio Cesar Castro Lazo, PROSIP - Valle Grande - República Dominicana, Sra. Maria Cristina Suarez, Laboratorio de Química de Suelos/Universidad Autónoma de Santo Domingo (LABOSUELOS/UASD) 14
- Uruguay, Sra. Ana V. Silbermann, Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP - Venezuela, Sra. Nuriángel Casanova, Laboratorio de Ecología de Suelos, ambiente y agricultura Item 2. Historia resumida de LATSOLAN - Red Regional de Laboratorios 4:45 – 5:05PM CEST del Suelo para América Latina Sra. Floria Bertsch, Presidente de LATSOLAN 5:05 – 5:30PM CEST Item 3. Actualización de GLOSOLAN - Global Soil Laboratory Network Sra. Lucrezia Caon, Coordinadora de GLOSOLAN 5:30 - 5:45PM CEST Intervalo Sesión 1. Redes Nacionales de Laboratorios de Suelos Item 4. Establecimiento de las Redes Nacionales de Laboratorios del 5:45 – 6:00 PM CEST Suelo (NASOLAN) Sr. Filippo Benedetti, Secretaría de la AMS 6:00 – 7:00 PM CEST Item 5. Experiencias de Redes Nacionales 10 minutos para cada NASOLAN Red Argentina de Laboratorios de Suelos Sr. Daniel Carreira, Laboratorio del Instituto de Suelos CIRN-CNIA-INTA, Argentina Red Brasileña de Laboratorios de Suelo Sr. Daniel Vidal Perez, Laboratorio de Analise de Agua, Solo e Planta (LASP), Brazil Red Panameña de Laboratorios de Suelo Sr. Jhon Alexander Villalaz Perez, Laboratorio de Fertilidad de Suelo y Agua, Panamá Red de Costa Rica de Laboratorios de Suelo Sra. Floria Bertsch, Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares, Costa Rica Red Uruguaya de Laboratorio de Suelo 15
Sra. Ana V. Silbermann, Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas de la Dirección General de Recursos Naturales – MGAP, Uruguay Moderador: Sr. Filippo Benedetti, Secretaría de la AMS Jueves, 15 de octubre de 2020 Sesión 2: Compra, uso y mantenimiento de equipos Item 6. Buenas prácticas en la compra y operación de equipos de 3:00 – 3:20 PM CEST laboratorio Sra. Lucrezia Caon, Coordinadora de GLOSOLAN, AMS 3:20- 5:10 PM CEST Item 7. Instalación de equipos, uso y mantenimiento – buenas prácticas Sra. Estefania Pérez-Fernadez, Sra. Jessical Oliver y Sr. Leonardo Ramírez- López, BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Suiza 5:10-5:30 PM CEST Item 8. Adquisición de equipos de laboratorio - Presentación de los resultados de la encuesta - Experiencia de GLOSOLAN en adquisiciones Sra. Lucrezia Caon, Coordinadora de GLOSOLAN, AMS 5:30-5:45AM CEST Intervalo Sesión 3: Control interno de la calidad Item 9. Formación sobre control interno de calidad 5:45-7:00PM CEST - Resultados sobre la encuesta de control de calidad realizada en el Taller 2019 Sra. Miriam Ostinelli, Argentina 16
Viernes, 16 de octubre de 2020 Sesión 4: Control de calidad externo Item 10. Comparación de PT LATSOLAN 2018: datos armonizados 3:00 – 3:45 PM CEST contra datos propios Sra. Floria Bertsch, Presidente de LATSOLAN 3:45 - 4:20 PM CEST Item 11. Desempeño de LATSOLAN en el PT de GLOSOLAN 2019 Sr. Christian Hartmann, Coordinador PT 2019 4:20 – 5:00 PM CEST Item 12. Comparación del rendimiento de los laboratorios de LATSOLAN entre el PT 2018 y el PT 2019 Sra. Floria Bertsch, Presidente de LATSOLAN Item 13. Presentación de los resultados de la encuesta sobre cómo 5:00 - 5:30PM CEST tomar medidas después de participar en un PT Sra. Miriam Ostinelli, Argentina 5:30-5:45PM CEST Intervalo Sesión 5: Sesión de toma de decisiones Posición LATSOLAN en GLOSOLAN 5:45 – 7:00PM CEST - Incluir la propuesta de que se analice siempre con métodos propios y armonizados y a futuro se analice la comparación de ambos. - Decisión sobre los SOP de armonizar en 2021 e identificación de los líderes regionales - Dictamen sobre la necesidad de actualizar el Boletín 74 de Suelos de la FAO – "Directrices para la gestión de la calidad en los laboratorios de suelos y plantas" - Elección del nuevo Presidente y Vicepresidente y Grupo Directivo Moderadores: Sra. Lucrezia Caon, FAO y Sr. Filippo Benedetti, Secretaria de AMS 7:00 PM CEST Clausura de la reunión 17
Annex II. List of participants Name and last name Laboratory / Institution Country Ailén Soto Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Alberto López Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Alejandra S. Bernárdez Laborario de suelo agua y vegetales EEA INTA, San Pedro. Argentina Bárbara Eloísa Iwasita Suelo, Agua y Vegetal. (INTA-RILSAV – EEA Cerro Azul) Argentina Bellanich Augusto Exequiel Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua Argentina Cintia Tinture Torrado LASAV EEA Valle Inferior del Rio Negro Argentina Claudio Lorenzon Laboratorio de química de suelos Argentina Daniel Carreira Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Dunel Luciana INTA Hilario Ascasubi Argentina Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua (RILSAV-EEA INTA Oliveros)- Edgardo Agustín Devia Argentina Argentina INTA EEA Santiago del Estero Laboratorio de suelos, agua y Emilio Abel Azar Argentina vegetales Esteban Julían Rubio Laboratorio de Sustratos y Aguas-INTA Argentina Gabriel Ardit Laboratorio de suelos, agua y vegetal de la EEA Reconquista Argentina Gabriel Escobar Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Hugo Lorenzini Laboratorio de suelos, agua y vegetal de la EEA Reconquista Argentina Juan De Dios Herrero RILSAV EEA San Luis Argentina Laboratorio de Suelo, Agua y Material Vegetal de la Estación Laura Martínez Argentina Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza del INTA Leonardo Monzón Laboratorio de suelos, agua y vegetal de la EEA Reconquista Argentina Lucas Torres Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Luciano Mieres Laboratorio de suelos, agua y vegetal de la EEA Reconquista Argentina Luciano Sánchez Laboratorio de suelos, agua y vegetal de la EEA Reconquista Argentina Centro de Estudios ambientales Integrados - Universidad Manuela Tarabini Argentina Nacional de la Patagonia San Juan Bosco María Cristina Sanabria Laboratorio de Suelos, Aguas y Vegetales. EEA INTA Corrientes Argentina Maria Luján Masseroni Laboratorio de suelo y agua de la AER INTA 25 de Mayo Argentina María Micaela Pérez Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua (RILSAV-EEA Anguil) Argentina Maria Natalia Barnasthpol Suelo, Agua y Vegetal. (INTA-RILSAV – EEA Cerro Azul) Argentina Miriam Ostinelli Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos - INTA Argentina Mónica Alejandra Karlanián Laboratorio de Sustratos y Aguas-INTA Argentina Laboratorio de Suelo, Agua y Material Vegetal de la Estación Mónica Mariana Pino Argentina Experimental Agropecuaria Mendoza del INTA Nanci Kloster Laboratorio de Suelo y Agua (RILSAV-EEA Anguil) Argentina Nicolás Maciel Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Olga Gudelj Laboratorio de física de suelos Argentina Roberto Simon Martinez LASAV EEA Valle Inferior del Rio Negro Argentina Rolando Gustavo Aguirre Laboratorio de suelo, agua y vegetal - Área IPAF NEA - Formosa Argentina 18
Roldán María Florencia INTA EEA Sáenz Peña Argentina Rosa De Lima Holzmann Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas - EEA Alto Valle Argentina Sergio Quichan LASAV EEA Valle Inferior del Rio Negro Argentina Soledad Muñoz Laborario de suelo agua y vegetales EEA INTA, San Pedro. Argentina Teresita Kalemberg Laboratorio Instituto de Suelos-INTA Argentina Vanesa Asencio Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas - EEA Alto Valle Argentina Daniel Perez Embrapa Brasil Angelie Díaz Laboratorio Investigación Suelos Chile Claudia Rivera Laboratorio Investigación Suelos Chile María De Los Ángeles Sepúlveda Lab. Análisis Químico de Suelos y Plantas Chile Andrea Del Pilar Sánchez CIAF/IGAC Colombia Anyela Monsalve Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo en Información Geográfica Carlos Andrés Franco Colombia CIAF/IGAC Claudia Ortiz Hernández Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Daniel Ochoa Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Jhon Jairo Yate Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Laura Uribe Triana Laboratorio Tecnianalisis Colombia Marco Antonio Ruiz Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos /IGAC Colombia Nancy Leiva Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Rosalina Gonzalez La Salle University Colombia Vivian Álvarez Laboratorio Nacional de Suelos / IGAC Colombia Alejandra Montenegro Agrotec Laboratorios Analíticos Costa Rica Alejandro Ureña Sánchez INTA-MAG Costa Rica Ana Isabel Mora PALMATICA Costa Rica Ana Laura Sancho CORBANA Costa Rica Andrés Navarro González Laboratorio Químico del ICAFE Costa Rica Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Carlos Henríquez Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Diana Mora Campos UNA-INISEFOR Costa Rica Eduardo González AGROANÁLISIS Costa Rica Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Francisco Córdoba Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Freddy Blanco Montero Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Héctor Morera F. PINDECO Costa Rica Jeff Briceño AGQ Labs CR Costa Rica Luis Emilio Pineda EARTH Costa Rica Marco Corrales Soto INTA-MAG Costa Rica María Fernanda Chacón AGROANÁLISIS Costa Rica Laboratorio de Suelos, Foliares y Aguas de la Universidad María Teresa López Maietta Costa Rica EARTH 19
Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Marianela Blanco Morice Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Marianela Jiménez Jiménez Laboratorio de Suelos, Foliares y Aguas, Universidad EARTH Costa Rica Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Michael González Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR). Parménides Furcal ITCR Costa Rica Patricia Leandro Montoya Centro Agronomico Tropical de Investigación y Enseñanza Costa Rica Ricardo Noguera Peñaranda INTA Costa Rica Roberto González Rojas Laboratorio Químico del ICAFE Costa Rica Sergio Ramirez Amador INTA Costa Rica Laboratorio de Suelos y Foliares del Centro de Investigaciones Wilberth Rodríguez Costa Rica Agronómicas (CIA) de la Universidad de Costa Rica (UCR) Yorleny Alpízar Montero Laboratorio Químico del ICAFE Costa Rica de Suelo de Matanzas Daily Hernández Cuba Azcuba Suelos Guantánamo Dania Rodríguez Mestre Instituto de Suelos, Cuba Ministerio de la Agricultura de Suelo de Villa Clara Edel Toledo Rodríguez Cuba Azcuba de Suelo de Villa Clara Enma Pineda Ruiz Cuba Azcuba Suelos Camagüey Guillermo Mora Yero Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura Suelos Camagüey Idelaine Díaz Valdevida Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura Sede Central INICA Janin Águila Pérez Cuba Azcuba Suelos Camagüey María Isabel Sánchez Paz Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura Suelos Guantánamo Marianela Cintra Arancibia Instituto de Suelos, Cuba Ministerio de la Agricultura de Suelo de Matanzas Marietta Díaz Guerra Cuba Azcuba Sede Central INICA Mario De León Cuba Azcuba Milagros Lisandra Quintana de Suelo de Matanzas Cuba Miranda Azcuba de Suelo de Matanzas Olivia De Lourdes Rosales Torres Cuba Azcuba Sede Central INICA Orialis Oramas Santos Cuba Azcuba de Suelo de Santiago de Cuba Pablo Domingo Pablos Reyes Cuba Azcuba de Suelo de Villa Clara Rafael Más Martínez Cuba Azcuba Laboratorio de suelos Estación Experimental de la Caña de Ramón Blanco Alonso Cuba Jovellanos 20
de Suelo de Matanzas Ramón Blanco Alonso Cuba Azcuba Universidad de Camagüey Ramón Lamadrid Mandado Cuba (UC) de Suelo de Santiago de Cuba René Nivardo Barbosa Cuba Azcuba Suelos Guantánamo Roberto González Balladares Instituto de Suelos, Cuba Ministerio de la Agricultura Universidad de Camagüey Silvio Martínez Sáez Cuba (UC) Suelos Camagüey Sonia Delmonte López Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura Suelos Camagüey Tamara Robles Wambrug Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura de Suelo de Matanzas Yasmany García López Cuba Azcuba Sede Central INICA Yasmany García López Cuba Azcuba de Suelo de Matanzas Yenima Pellón Guzmán Cuba Azcuba Suelos Camagüey Yoel López Rodríguez Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura Suelos Camagüey Yoenis Montero Ruiz Cuba Instituto de Suelos, Ministerio de la Agricultura de Suelo de Matanzas Yosel Pérez Pérez Cuba Azcuba de Suelo de Matanzas Yuliet Rojas Elizalde Cuba Azcuba Universidad de Camagüey Zenia González Giro Cuba (UC) Laboratorio de Química de Suelos/Universidad Autónoma de Dominican Carbel Mejía Tejeda Santo Domingo (LABOSUELOS/UASD) Republic Dominican Emilio Martínez Laboratorio Agroempresarial Dominicano (JAD) Republic Centro Norte del Instituto Dominicano de Investigaciones Dominican Glenny Lopez Agropecuarias y Forestales-IDIAF - Laboratorio de Suelos Mata Republic Larga Maria Cristina Suarez Laboratorio de Química de Suelos/Universidad Autónoma de Dominican Santo Domingo (LABOSUELOS/UASD) Republic Representante Oficial Laboratorio de Suelos y Aguas/Instituto Dominicano de Dominican Melvin Mejía Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales (IDIAF) Republic Dominican Socorro Garcia Pantaleon Laboratorio de Suelos Mata Larga Republic Bolívar Aucatoma Centro de investigación de la caña de azúcar del Ecuador Ecuador Karina Fajardo Centro de investigación de la caña de azúcar del Ecuador Ecuador Luis Cacuango Laboratorio de Suelos, Foliares y Aguas - AGROCALIDAD Ecuador Tanya Guillen Centro de investigación de la caña de azúcar del Ecuador Ecuador 21
Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas y Aguas / INIAP - Yamil Everaldo Cartagena Ayala Ecuador Ecuador Ana Yaneth Valencia Laboratorio de Suelos/CENTA El Salvador Claudia Maria Lino Laboratorio de Suelos/CENTA El Salvador Sonia Leticia De Alegria Laboratorio de Suelos/CENTA El Salvador Aníbal Sacbajá Salvador Castilo Orellana Guatemala Celena Carías Salvador Castillo Orellana Guatemala Edi Quan Salvador Castillo Orellana Guatemala Norvin Ramos Salvador castillo Orellana Guatemala Donald Joseph Laboratoire National de Sols (LBN) Haiti Linda Thevenin Laboratoire National de Sols (LBN) Haiti Marie Carmene Toussaint Laboratoire Faculte d’Agronomie Haiti Pierre Marie Christine Melissa Laboratoire National de Sols (LBN) Haiti Pierre Marie Darlie Laboratoire National de Sols (LBN) Haiti Cawayne Bryan Soil Health, Plant Tissue and Water Laboratory Jamaica Pamella Mckenzie Soil Health, Plant Tissue and Water Laboratory Jamaica Aarón Jarquín Sánchez BioGeoQuÍmica/ECOSUR Mexico Lab. de Química y Contaminación de suelos, aguas y plantas Abel Cruz Montalvo Instituto de Ciencias Mexico Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Abigail Castro Análisis Técnicos S.A de C.V Mexico Adriana Margarita Piña Departamento de Análisis de Materiales/INEGI Mexico Escalante Alfredo Ogaz Suelos Universidad Autónoma Agraria Antonio Narro Mexico Alondra Lizeth Ortega Navarro Laboratorio de Nutrición Vegetal- Casa Cuervo Mexico Ana V. Coria Téllez LADiPA/El Colegio de Michoacán Mexico Armando Guerrero Peña LASPA-CP Mexico Laboratorio Nacional de Fertilidad de suelos y nitrición Aurelio Báez Pérez Mexico vegetal/INIFAP, Campo Experimental Bajío Biól. Juan Manuel Alemán Quimialab/Química Internacional Aplicada S.A. Mexico Gastelum Lab. de Química y Contaminación de suelos, aguas y plantas Cesar Calderón Fabián Instituto de Ciencias Mexico Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Fertilidad de Suelos y Química Ambiental Claudia Hidalgo Colegio de Postgraduados Mexico Campus Montecillo Eloy Camacho Díaz FYPA Mexico Pedro Figueroa López Fertilizantes Tepeyac (laboratorio) Mexico Laboratorio de Edafología Ambiental/Instituto de Geología, Maricarmen Salazar Ledesma Mexico UNAM Edgardo Federico Hernández Laboratorio Agrícola Diagnosis SC Mexico Valdés Esteban Sánchez Rodríguez LADiPA/El Colegio de Michoacán Mexico Flor Elena Ortiz Cháirez Laboratorio de agua-suelo-planta/INIFAP Mexico 22
Galdy Hernández Zárate Laboratorio de Agua-Suelo-Plantas (LASP) Mexico Gerardo Torres Anguiano Laboratorio Agrícola Diagnosis SC Mexico Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas y Agua (LASPA) Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia Héctor Estrada Medina Mexico Campus de Ciencias Biológicas y Agropecuarias Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán Laboratorio de análisis de suelos y agua /UNAM-Campus Hilda Rivas Solórzano Mexico Morelia/CIGA Bibiana Villegas Castillo FYPA Mexico Ana Edith Islas Ramírez Análisis Técnicos S.A de C.V Mexico Javier Antonio Sánchez Análisis Técnicos S.A de C.V Mexico Hernández María Mónica Duarte Lobo Fertilizantes Tepeyac (laboratorio) Mexico Mónica Belén Cota García Fertilizantes Tepeyac (laboratorio) Mexico Nestor Osvaldo Gomez Garcia Análisis Técnicos S.A de C.V Mexico Fertilidad de Suelos y Nutrición Vegetal del INIFAP-Campo Irma Julieta González Acuña Mexico Experimental Santiago Ixcuintla Fertilidad de Suelos y Química Ambiental J. D. Etchevers Colegio de Postgraduados Mexico Campus Montecillo Jessica Marlen López Ibarra Departamento de Análisis de Materiales/INEGI Mexico Laboratorio de suelos y foliares de Oleopalma// Agroindustrias Jesús Miguel De La Cruz Payró Mexico de Palenque S.A. de C.V. José Abraham Álvarez García AGRUMLAB SC Mexico José Francisco Preciado Guzmán Centro de Diagnóstico e Innovación Agrícola Mexico José Manuel Cena Velázquez Suelos y Plantas. Facultad de Ciencias Agronómicas. UNACH Mexico Lab. de Química y Contaminación de suelos, aguas y plantas José Víctor Tamariz Flores Instituto de Ciencias Mexico Benemérita Universidad Autónoma de Puebla Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Ambiental/ Tecnológico Nacional Judith Ruiz Luna Mexico de México campus Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca Julia Cristel Alcudia Pérez Colegio de Postgraduados Campus Campeche Mexico LAB FER -CPM Juliana Padilla Cuevas Laboratorio Fertilidad de suelos y Química Ambiental. Campus Mexico Montecillo. Colegio de Postgraduados Julio César Bautista Méndez Laboratorio de Nutrición Vegetal- Casa Cuervo Mexico Karla Tapia Fierro Laboratorio de análisis de suelos, Instituto de Ecología, A.C. Mexico Laboratorio De Análisis De Suelo-Planta-Agua-Fertilizantes Pedro Figueroa-López Mexico TEPEYAC Lorena Del Carmen Hernández Centro de Investigación e Innovación para la Sustentabilidad Mexico Nataren de la Palma de Aceite (CIISPALMA) Héctor Andrade Prado CIIDIR-IPN Unidad Michoacán (Laboratorio de Aguas y Suelos) Mexico Margarita Martínez Vargas Departamento de Análisis de Materiales/INEGI Mexico Mario García Reynoso Laboratorio de Nutrición Vegetal- Casa Cuervo Mexico Mc. Mariela Deyta Sánchez FYPA Mexico Nancy Gabriela Crucci Macías Departamento de Análisis de Materiales/INEGI Mexico 23
Ninfa Portilla Loeza Laboratorio de análisis de suelos, Instituto de Ecología, A.C. Mexico Nora Alicia Hernández Laboratorio de Agua-Suelo-Plantas (LASP) Mexico Avendaño Berta Elisa Muñoz Burgos Fertilizantes Tepeyac (laboratorio) Mexico Anavel Vargas García FYPA Mexico Ricardo Zermeño FYPA Mexico Yoli Deyta Sánchez FYPA Mexico Rafael Vivanco Tecnoinsumos Mexico Rocío Karina Ramírez Roa Departamento de Análisis de Materiales/INEGI Mexico Carrera Agronomía, Facultad de Ciencias Biológicas y Rocío Rodríguez Cabrera Mexico Agropecuarias Laboratorio de suelo, agua y planta/Instituto Nacional de Rosa Martínez Pamatz Investigaciones Forestales, Agrícolas y Pecuarias Campo Mexico Experimental Tecomán Laboratorio de análisis de suelos, agua y plantas de Instituto de Mexico Sandra Rocha Ortiz Ecología, A. C. Laboratorio de Biotecnología del Recurso Microbiano/ Instituto Sergio De Los Santos Villalobos Mexico Tecnológico de Sonora Laboratorio de Suelos y Plantas del Centro de Investigación en Ulises López Noverola Ciencia Agropecuarias. Universidad Juárez Autónoma de Mexico Tabasco. Laboratorio de Diagnóstico Ambiental/ Tecnológico Nacional Vicente Arturo Velasco Velasco Mexico de México campus Instituto Tecnológico del Valle de Oaxaca Víctor García LADiPA/El Colegio de Michoacán Mexico Laboratorio de Nutrición Vegetal del Centro de Investigación Werner Rubio Carrasco Mexico en Alimentación y Desarrollo, Unidad Culiacán Pedro Enrrique Muñoz Izaguirre Laboratorio de Suelos y Agua Comandante Fidel Castro Ruz Nicaragua Alexander Polo EnviroLab S.A. Panama Laboratorio de Suelos y Nutrición (Facultad de Ciencias Berta Carrera Victor González Panama Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Panamá). Irene Caballero Laboratorio Envirolab – Grupo ITS Panama Laboratorio de Fertilidad de suelos del Instituto de Jhon Alexander Villalaz P. Panama Investigación Agropecuario de Panamá (Lab. De Referencia) Laboratorio Especializado de Análisis de Suelos y Tejido Foliar José Nazario Panama (Centro Regional Universitario de Los Santos) José Villarreal Laboratorio de Fertilidad de Suelo del IDIAP Panama Laboratorio de suelos y Afines (Facultad de Ciencias Liliana Escalante Panama Agropecuarias de la Universidad de Panamá). Linette López EnviroLab S.A. Panama Olmedo Otero ITS Food services Panama Shantal García ITS Food services Panama Silvia Guerra Laboratorio COOLECHE, R.L (Dr. Maximiliano de Puy) Panama Victor S. González C. Laboratorio de suelos y nutrición Panama Laboratorio de Suelo Higinio Moreno Resquin Paraguay Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias. UNA Alexis Saucedo Chacon PROSIP - VALLE GRANDE Peru 24
Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas, Aguas y Braulio La Torre Martínez Peru Fertilizantes-Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas, Aguas y Efraín De La Vega Arcos Peru Fertilizantes-Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Laboratorio de Análisis de Suelos, Plantas, Aguas y Juan Miguel Guerrero Lázaro Peru Fertilizantes-Universidad Nacional Agraria La Molina Julio Cesar Castro Lazo PROSIP - VALLE GRANDE Peru Alicia Gallo Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Ana V. Silbermann Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Betina Fernandez Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Cecilia Alvarez Laboratorio Analitico Agro Industrial LAAI Uruguay INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Daniel Bassahún Uruguay Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Déborah Torres Uruguay Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua Diego Pazos Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Evelyn Sirio Laboratorio Analitico Agro Industrial LAAI Uruguay Fernanda Lloretnes Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Irene Purtscher Uruguay Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua Laura Patrone Laboratorio Kemia (Silpacor Srl) Uruguay INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Leticia García Uruguay Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua Lucia Cash Laboratorio Agrofertil Uruguay Maximiliano Tramaglia Rojas Laboratorio Ecotech Uruguay Mónica Fernández Estudiolab Uruguay Nicolás Caner Lencina Laboratorio Ecotech Uruguay INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Raquel Musselli Uruguay Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua INIA- Instituto Nacional de Investigación Agropecuaria - Rosario Oten Laboratorio de Suelos, Plantas y Agua Uruguay Valentina Quintana Laboratorio Analitico Agro Industrial LAAI Uruguay Victoria Bourdette Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Victoria Mancassola Laboratorio Suelos DGRN-MGAP Uruguay Virginia Gossi Laboratorio Analitico Agro Industrial LAAI Uruguay José Lucas Peña Suarez Laboratorios de Suelos, Aguas y Plantas del INIA Venezuela Hendrik Sulbarán Laboratorio de Ecología de Suelos, ambiente y agricultura Venezuela Maiella Rangel Laboratorio de Ecología de Suelos, ambiente y agricultura Venezuela Nuriángel Casanova Laboratorio de Ecología de Suelos, ambiente y agricultura Venezuela 25
Trainers and organizers: Ms. Lucrezia Caon, Global Soil Partnership Secretariat, FAO HQ Mr. Filippo Benedetti, Global Soil Partnership Secretariat, FAO HQ Ms. Nopmanee Suvannang, GLOSOLAN Chair Ms. Floria Bertsch, LATSOLAN Chair Mr. Christian Hartmann, IRD France Mr. Leonardo Ramirez-Lopez, BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Switzerland Ms. Estefania Perez-Fernadez, BUCHI Labortechnik AG, Switzerland 26
Annex III. Survey on the procurement of laboratory equipment Participants to the meeting were asked to complete an online survey on procurement to enrich the discussion on equipment purchasing, use and maintenance. In total, 70 responses were submitted. The main questions in the survey and answers by participants are herewith reported: 27
Thirty-three respondents reported the following evaluation criteria they adopt: • Assistance after purchasing (training, maintenance) • Compliance with requirements, delivery time, price • Brands, quality certificates • The compliance with the requirements defined in the bid (equipment characteristics, installation and training - especially for high-cost equipment, delivery times, maintenance of the offer, etc.), presence of company representatives in the country (preferably with a subsidiary, service and provision of guaranteed consumables), existence of equipment of the same brand already installed in other laboratories in the Network or in national laboratories that can provide information on the performance or provision of the equipment, price/quality ratio • Warranty on full equipment for 1-2 years on parts and services, maintenance check every 6 months, technical staff in the country, training on site. That the supplier has all the accessories and consumables of the equipment, or you import it • Brand, supplier, price • Consumables and scope of maintenance • Provider history is primary, peer counseling if a new provider • Technical service and equipment warranty, as well as accessibility to supplies and spare parts • Price, quality, availability • Supplier's background, remote assistance, warranty offered, after-sales service • Known supplier • Technical support, service, quality, price 30
• Remote/on-site technical after-sales service, availability of supplies and consumables • Evaluation and qualification of the supplier, technical service, quality certifications • Verification of the qualities of the equipment in analogous laboratories in the country or region • Personal consultation with the users of the equipment model I require or offer • Warranty, training, including delivery and start-up, quality and price, response time for warranty and maintenance. Effectiveness in repairs of the company • Warranty service price • Price, brand, delivery time • Technical Service • Price/quality ratio, additional training, equipment warranty and customer service are offered • Equipment maintenance, companies with representation in the country, fast service. • Training offered • Comply with requested specifications, cost, support • Technical service after sale and, if required, cover of the cost related to the installation and commission of the equipment • Delivery time, warranty, training and follow-up of the supplier, technical support in the country • Offer of complete training when acquiring sophisticated equipment • Availability, quality and price • Quality, technical support, guarantee, price • Training, quick response • Quality, functionality-targets, consumables, price • Prices, quality and guarantee 31
Annex IV. Survey on the action taken by soil laboratories after participating in a proficiency test Participants to the meeting were asked to complete an online survey on the actions to take after participating in a proficiency test (PT) in order to improve their performance and obtain better results in future PTs. In total, 47 responses were submitted. The main questions in the survey and answers by participants are herewith reported: 32
In case participants selected “other”, it was asked them to specify what actions are taken if the results obtained in a PT are satisfactory. Answers are reported below: • Organize data records • Evaluation of the methods applied in the PT and those used by laboratory, for subsequent validation and replacement of the method. Assess the applicability of it in the tests. • Improve efforts to maintain historical quality in proficiency testing. We intend to initiate accreditation management. • PT results serve as an evaluation of the work of the technical staff in the company • Report to the work team, report the validation and presentation to the Lab Manager • Report the results in Levey-Jennings table 34
In case participants selected “other”, it was asked them to specify what actions are taken if the results obtained in a PT are questionable. Answers are reported below: • Assess the quality of the performance • Evaluating analysts • Repeat the test 35
In case participants selected “other”, it was asked them to specify what actions are taken if the results obtained in a PT are unsatisfactory. Answers are reported below: • Analysis of causes and taking corrective measures or improvements • Participate in another PT • Re-testing, training • Test verification, if applicable 36
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