Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO

Page created by Don Kennedy
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
2019 – 2020
Eastern Europe –
Global Area
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

     Table of Contents                                                      3

01   EEGA Members                                                      04

02   Preface                                                           06

03   EEGA within the Leibniz Association                               08

04   The Research Areas                                                10

05   Promotion of Young Researchers                                    22

06   Internationalisation and Partnerships                             24

07   Knowledge Transfer and Interaction with the Media                 26

08   Publications                                                      30

09   EEGA in Times of Covid-19                                         34

     Contact                                                           38
     Imprint                                                           39
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

01   EEGA Members                                                                                                                    5

                    Leibniz Institute for                                            Institute of Geography at
                    Regional Geography (IfL), Leipzig                                Friedrich Schiller University Jena (IfG)
                    Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz                                          Prof Dr Sebastian Henn
                    (                                         (

                    Centre for Area Studies (CAS) at Leipzig                         Leibniz Institute for the History and
                    University (new from January 2020:                               Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO), Leipzig
                    Research Centre Global Dynamics                                  Prof Dr Christian Lübke
                    (ReCentGlobe))                                                   (
                    Prof Dr Matthias Middell                               
                                    Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development
                                                                                     in Transition Economies (IAMO), Halle
                    Aleksander Brückner Center for Polish                            Prof Dr Thomas Glauben
                    Studies (ABZ) at Martin Luther University                        (
                    Halle-Wittenberg and Friedrich Schiller                
                    University Jena
                    Prof Dr Yvonne Kleinmann                                         Max Planck Institute for
                    (                       Social Anthropology (MPI), Halle
                                Prof Marie-Claire Foblets PhD
                                                                                     Prof Dr Chris Hann
                     Fraunhofer Center for International                             (
                    ­Management and Knowledge Economy                                (
                    (IMW), Leipzig                                         
                     Prof Dr Thorsten Posselt
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

02   Preface                                                                                                                                          7

                In 2020, the Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe –                  i­nnovative teaching in this new field of inquiry. Combin-
                Global Area« (EEGA) finds itself in a unique situation:                ing expertise from all five EEGA research areas, the
               ­After four years of constant development, intensified in-            ­volume comprises findings and outcomes from more
                ternational cooperation across the Atlantic, networking                than three years of fruitful EEGA research activities. It
                activities and a calendar full of events, trainings, work-          stresses and demonstrates the importance of transre-
                shops, and grants for PostDocs, the global Covid-19 pan-            gional perspectives on Eastern Europe, with regards to
                demic has changed the way in which we are doing and                    its global and regional entanglements and (self-)posi-
                conceptualising research. It has also changed the focus                tioning in current and historical globalisation processes.
                of research agendas and questions, with new dynamics                Adopting an interdisciplinary perspective, the textbook
                of responses and positionings of societies towards the               covers varied accounts of Eastern Europe’s interaction
                challenges posed by the pandemic, and a renewed                        with and influence on the global sphere, as well as of re-
                awareness of local, national, regional, and global entan-             verse processes, with individual actors at the centre of
                glements and connections. This shift in research agen-                 the analysis, as they preconfigure, articulate, delimit, po-
                das and methodologies comes in a crucial moment for                 sition and transcend what has become a globally con-
                EEGA in a second regard. In the reporting period, the                  nected Eastern Europe. Each chapter is supported by
                eight cooperation partners, i.e. three universities, three             maps and illustrations as part of a visual language that
                Leibniz institutes, and two research institutions in the            guides readers through Eastern Europe and its global en-
                science region Leipzig – Halle – Jena, submitted an appli-             tanglements.
                cation to the Leibniz Association for a second funding                        In the years to come, the researchers working to-
                phase for the ScienceCampus and, amongst Covid-19                   gether in the ScienceCampus will continue asking how
                turbulences, the Joint Science Conference (GWK) ap-                 societies of Eastern Europe position themselves in global
                proved. In this second funding phase 2020–2024, EEGA                   processes and conflicts. EEGA’s aim to communicate new
                welcomes new Research Area Coordinators, many of                       research results in the media and to the broader public
                them PostDocs who have been integrated into EEGA’s                     remains, and is probably more important than ever. Yet,
                activities in the first four years, and the Leibniz Institute       conditions have changed and we are looking forward to
                for Jewish History and Culture – Simon Dubnow (Leipzig)              an inspiring new year and second funding phase of EEGA.
                as a new institutional partner. Finally, the foundation of           Conversations will hopefully be deepened at the up­
                the ReCentGlobe at Leipzig University in 2020 marks a               coming regional conference of the British Association for
                start into a new consolidation of research efforts, focus-          Slavonic and East European Studies (BASEES) in April
                ing on the study of globalisation processes, in the region.         2021 in Leipzig, organised in cooperation with three Ger-
                        We are particularly happy that the joint efforts of            man partners, namely EEGA, ZOiS and DGO.
                the first funding phase have yielded a text book for                          Please stay in contact with us, online and in-­
                higher academic education on »Global Eastern Europe«,                  person, and enjoy browsing through the pages of our
                to be published in early 2021, which will facilitate                ­annual report.

               Yours Sincerely,

               Prof Dr Sebastian Lentz                                                       Prof Dr Matthias Middell
               (Spokesperson of the Steering Committee)                                      (Spokesperson of the Steering Committee)
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

03   EEGA within the                                                                                                                                      9

     Leibniz Association
                           The Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe – Global                r­esearch ­institutions, and individuals studying globali­
                           Area« (EEGA) is dedicated to promoting research on East-         sation and/or Eastern Europe, EEGA integrates strengths
                           ern Europe in current and historical globalisation pro-          and competencies and builds bridges across disciplines
                           cesses. Striving to outgrow regionally compartmental-            and institutions towards synergetic and complementary
                           ised approaches, EEGA collaborates with regional                 collaboration.
                           partners to develop an informed understanding of East-                    2) The Leibniz ScienceCampus stimulates a re-
                           ern Europe’s changing, at times paradoxical role in a glo-       search-led discourse on societies in Eastern Europe with
                           balised world. The ScienceCampus investigates this multi­-       explicitly reflexive approach on Area Studies. It pro-
                             f­aceted topic through the lens of five research areas:          motes knowledge transfer between academia and the
                           1) Mobilities and Migration Regimes; 2) Self-Positioning           public, researchers in Germany and abroad, particularly
                           in a New World Order; 3) Business Strategies and Frame-          with scholars from Eastern Europe. Engagement and dis-
                           works of Political Economies; 4) Cultural and Intellectual       semination projects with both the public and tailored
                           Perspectives and Identifications; 5) Eastern Europe in           audiences (e.g. journalism, political consulting) promote
                           Times of Europeanisation and Diffusion. These research           interaction between academia and society and enhance
                           activities all aim at understanding how Eastern Europe’s         culture of debate. The exchange with partners (guest re-
                           diverse, rich, and incidentally conflicted societies posi-       searchers, journalists, etc.) from Eastern Europe allows to
                           tion themselves in global processes and conflicts, en-           deepen the understanding of the region by combining
                           gage in the dynamics of global integration, and cham-            internal and external approaches.
                           pion these developments.                                                  3) EEGA pursues the objective of contributing to
                                     EEGA is part of the Leibniz ScienceCampus net-           research capacity and network building within and out-
                           work, the Leibniz Association’s response to the often-­          side academia. By promoting young researchers devel-
                           criticised lack of cooperation between university and            oping a career either within or outside academia, EEGA
                           non-university research institutions within the German           generates both researchers and experts in related fields.
                           research system. Leibniz ScienceCampi thus promote               It provides a subsequent line of education that starts
                           close collaboration between Leibniz institutions and uni-          from Master’s courses and supports PhD-trainings. It
                           versities through thematically focused, complementary            completes with promoting thematic networking for
                           regional partnerships. The resulting networks drive                postdocs and for highly qualified young academics.
                           ­research activities and strengthen the research environ-        EEGA supports sharing experiences in academic teach-
                            ment in the respective fields. ScienceCampi conduct             ing of new perspectives with a close links between re-
                           strategic research, encourage interdisciplinary projects         search and education.
                           and methods, enhance the visibility of the respective                     4) Within the Leibniz Association, the Science-
                            ­locations, and refine their research profiles.                 Campus EEGA strengthens the focus area »Eastern Eu-
                                     In this vein, EEGA pursues four strategic goals:         rope« (see the establishment of the working group »East-
                                    1) The Leipzig-Halle-Jena science region is dense       ern Europe« in 2014) and Area Studies in general by
                           with higher education and research institutions, re-             contributing its multi-disciplinary knowledge and exper-
                           nowned knowledge and expertise in the study of East-             tise and sharing its broad range of experience regarding
                           ern Europe and globalisation. Providing an infrastructure          research, network, and knowledge exchange activities
                           and serving as a catalyst connecting universities,               ­within the Leibniz community.
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

04   Research Areas                                                                                                                                                                                                                       11

     The Leibniz ScienceCampus »Eastern Europe –
     Global Area« is organised in five research areas.
     In the following, they are presented with regard
     to their respective measures in 2019/20.

                                        Research Area 1                Research Area 2                     Research Area 3                            Research Area 4                                   Research Area 5

                                        Mobilities                     Self-Position-                      Business                                   Cultural and                                      Eastern
                                        and ­Migration                 ing of Eastern                      ­Strategies                                Intellectual                                      ­Europe in
                                        Regimes                        Europe                               and Frame-                                Perspectives                                       Times of­
                                        in Eastern                     in a New                             works of                                  and Identifi-                                      Europeani­
                                        ­Europe                        World Order                          ­Political                                cations                                            sation and
                                        Coordination: Prof Dr Helena   Coordination: Prof Dr Frank           ­Economies                               Coordination: Prof Dr Jürgen                       Diffusion
                                        Flam (Leipzig University)      Hadler (Leibniz Institute for the                                              Heyde (Leibniz Institute for the
                                        and Prof Dr Judith Miggel-     History and Culture of Eastern      Coordination: Prof Dr ­Sebastian           History and Culture of Eastern                    Coordination: Prof Dr Gert
                                        brink (TU Dresden)             Europe) and Prof Dr Matthias        Henn (University of Jena), Prof            Europe / University of Halle-­                    Pickel (Leipzig University) and
                                                                       Middell (Leipzig University)        Dr Thomas Glauben (Leibniz                 Wittenberg), Prof Dr Yvonne                       Prof Dr Holger Lengfeld
                                                                                                           Institute of Agricultural Develop-         Kleinmann (University of                          (Leipzig University)
                                                                                                           ment in Transition Economies –             Halle-Wittenberg/Aleksander
                                                                                                           IAMO) and Prof Dr Thorsten                 Brückner Center for Polish
                                                                                                           Posselt (Fraunhofer Center for             Studies), and Prof Dr Stefan
                                                                                                           International Management and               Troebst (Leibniz Institute for
                                                                                                           Knowledge Economy)                         the History and Culture of
                                                                                                                                                      Eastern Europe)
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Research Areas                                                                                          Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

12   Research Area 1                                                                                                           Research Area 2                                                                                                           13

     Mobilities and                                                                                                            Self-Positioning of
     ­Migration Regimes in                                                                                                     ­Eastern Europe in a New
      Eastern Europe                                                                                                           World Order
     Coordination: Prof Dr Helena Flam (Leipzig University)                                                                    Coordination: Prof Dr Frank Hadler (Leibniz Institute for
                                                                       Arokkiaraj Heller © private
     and Prof Dr Judith Miggelbrink (TU Dresden)                                                                               the History and Culture of Eastern Europe) and Prof Dr
                                                                                                                               Matthias Middell (Leipzig University)
     The transformation of Eastern Europe has resulted in
     high levels of subnational territorial inequality, displace-                                                              The end of the Cold War has been widely perceived as
     ments, and expulsions, as well as complex patterns of                     Dr Arokkiaraj Heller: six-months stay; re-      the starting point of changes to and within world order.
     ethnic, cultural, religious, and political identities and ori-            search topic: Indian medical students’ mobil-   The Research Area conceptualises »world order« as the
     entations. Stark contrasts of vibrant and dynamic places                  ity choices to Eastern Europe and non-East-     result of multiple interventions by many actors that can
     on the one hand and marginalised places on the other                      ern European countries: A comparative study.    be explored only by including various spatial scales and
     characterise the region. These trends have resulted in                                                                    formats. It aims to stimulate the debate on the self-posi-
     complex patterns of mobility, mobile and immobile                         »The benefit of EEGA lies in providing me to    tioning of Eastern European states and societies by invit-
     groups, as well as forms of control and flows. Research                   undertake a fresh project on students migra-    ing area experts studying both Eastern Europe and other
     approaches take into account intersecting social, eco-                    tion. During my stay, due to mentors, I ad-     world regions. The focus is on positioning strategies of
     nomic, cultural, political, and infrastructural compo-                    vanced my knowledge of qualitative research     Eastern European collective actors within this changing
     nents. Five interdependent mobilities are distinguished                   techniques.« (Arokkiaraj Heller)                world (order), new spatial formats of political organisa-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      Bálint Varga © private
     here: corporeal travel of people, physical movements of                                                                   tion emerging within Eastern Europe, and the region’s
     objects, imaginative travel, virtual travel, and commu-                                                                   engagement with other world regions.
     nicative travel.

                                                                                                                               In 2019/20, Research Area 2 welcomed three guest                          Dr Bálint Varga: six-months stay; research
     In 2019/20, Research Area 1 welcomed two guest                                                                            ­researchers:                                                             topic: A Transnational History of the Late
     ­r­esearchers:                                                            Dr Dorin Lozovanu: six-months stay; re-                                                                                   Habsburg Monarchy.
                                                                               search topic: Geography of Migration and
                                                                               Diaspora from Eastern Europe (case study of                                                                               During his stay at EEGA he published an arti-
                                                                               Moldova and Romania).                                                                                                     cle on ›America‹ in Rural Hungary around
                                                                                                                                                                                                         1900: Migration Networks and Rural
                                                                               During his EEGA fellowship Dorin Lozovanu                                                                                 Press in Creating Transnational Know­
                                                                               developed an application for a Georg Forster                                                                              ledge at EEGA’s cooperating e-journal Con-
                                                                               Research Fellowship for Postdoctoral Re-                                                                                  nections – A Journal for Historians and
                                                                               searchers of the Alexander von Humboldt                                                                                   Area Specialists.
                                                                               Foundation with the project The Ethnic and
                                                                               Migration Diaspora: Case Study of Roma-
                                                                               nians and Moldovans in Europe. The out-
                                                                               come of the application is expected in spring
                                                                               2021. If successful, Dorin Lozovanu’s new re-
                                                                               search project will be hosted by the Leibniz
                                                                               Institute for Regional Geography.
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Research Areas                                                                                                 Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

14                                                            Lecture Series in Global Art History – »Global or Alter         ism and its Neoliberal Aftermaths‹, ›Nation, Othering,            ship Eastern European scholars might need to ›reclaim‹        15
     Dr Elkhan Nuriyev: six-month stay; re-                   Global? Contemporary East-Central European Art                  and Populism‹, ›Gender, Sexuality, and Social Reproduc-           and how this could be pursued collectively. The series of
     search topic: Competing Regionalisms in                  Histories« (Winter term 2019/20): Organisers: Karolina          tion‹, ›Civil Society and Social Movements‹ and ›Informal         virtual discussions resulted in a short commentary that
     Post-Soviet Territory: Global Trends, Re-                Majewska-Güde (Catholic Private University Linz) and            Urbanism and Mobility Practices‹. In the end, almost all          outlines the state of Eastern European debates and opin-
     gional Implications for the EU’s Eastern Part-           Beáta Hock. The concept of the guest lecture series             the initially committed participants took part in the             ions around these questions and offers suggestions to-
     nership Countries.                                       »Global Art History« at KU Linz, Austria, was inspired by       workshop and the reflection session showed a high level           wards a more organised approach in engaging with and
                                                              the question of what we can learn from the experiences          of satisfaction with the workshop. The positive response          contributing to the relevant debates worldwide. The
                                                              of recent art historiography in Central and Eastern Eu-         to the workshop led to the decision to publish a joint            commentary is designed to serve as a future roadmap for
     »The benefit of EEGA lies in offering great op-          rope (CEE) about the practice of so-called »global art his-     publication and to hold a further meeting, which will be          Eastern European scholars working in Global Colonisa-
     portunities for research fellows to broaden              tory«. Against the background that »global art history«         accompanied by the keynote speech by Nivedita Menon,              tion Debates and Decolonial Struggles. Following the
     their horizons and to acquire new impres-                often deals with the question of the decolonisation of art      which will serve as a closure and summary of the project.         workshop, a mail list was set up on JISC to continue the
     sions. It is a transformative international ex-          historical perspectives, Piotr Piotrowski's proposal of an      The goal is to publish free access, short pieces that will        conversations. The list aims to a) build a community of
     perience to generate innovative ideas and                alter-globalist art history that not only opposes the dom-      reflect overall discussions of the workshop and present           scholars grounded in Eastern European studies, from
     boost professional network which is essen-               inant canons of universal art history but is also highly        the audience on the state of art on current research              within or outside the region, b) to facilitate conversa-
     tial when launching new collaboration.«                  critical of economic, civilisational, and cultural globalisa-   mostly focusing on Eastern Europe but drawing compar-             tions around issues of (de)colonisation, and c) to pro-
     (Elkhan Nuriyev)                                         tion processes, was considered the starting point for the       isons with post-colonial/ global south contexts and en-           mote a more organised regional approach in engaging
                                                              critical approaches of our guest speakers. The series           gaging with southern and post-/decolonial theory. The             with decolonial struggles worldwide. With these aims in
     During his stay at EEGA he published an arti-            problematised both the global perspective in art history        key goal of the publication will be to outline how en-            mind, the list has been set up as a private discussion
     cle on The European Union, Russia and                    from a regional perspective and the positioning of re-          gagement with East-to-South comparisons and mutual                group to make communication and partnerships build-
     China: Competing Regionalisms in the                     gional art histories in a global context. The lectures and      learning sheds a new light on academic analysis of                ing more effective and manageable. Those who wish to
     Eastern Partnership Region and a book re-                the subsequent discussions provided an insight into the-        post-socialism: a task advocated for last three decades           be subscribed are welcome to reach the list owners (the
     view at EEGA’s cooperating e-journal Con-                oretical and methodological questions but also intro-           but only emerging with the engagement of promising                workshop organisers) with a short justification why they
     nections.                                                duced more recent art histories of individual Central and       young scholars, activists and artists.                            wish to be subscribed. A workshop summary to serve as
                                                              Eastern European countries such as the spatial shift and                                                                          a roadmap for issues of (de)colonisation in the region will
                                                              the globalisation of Central and Eastern European art his-      Workshop »The Return of the Colonial: Understand-                 be released soon.
                                                              tory (Beáta Hock), CEE relations (Katarzyna Cytlak), the        ing the Role of Eastern Europe in Global Colonisation
                                                              relationship to decolonisation (Bojana Piškur), new meth-       Debates and Decolonial Struggles« (September
                                                              odological concepts (Pavlína Morganová), rewriting art          2020): The Workshop organised by our Postdoc Fellow
     Zoltán Ginelli: six-months stay; research                history (Kathleen Reinhardt), and local and global inter-       Zoltán Ginelli together with Romina Istratii and Márton
     topic: Postcolonial Hungary: Eastern Euro-               weaving (Irena Lagator). The programme of the meet-             Demeter was supported by Decolonial Subversions and
     pean Semiperipheral Positioning in Global                ings also gave an insight into the infrastructure of re-        EEGA and built on previous initiatives of the Science-
     Colonialism.                                             gional research – the speakers presented key publications,      Campus and the Dialoguing Posts Network. In the event,
                                                              research centres, museums, networks, conferences and            invited scholars of Eastern European and Global or Trans-
     »The benefit of EEGA is providing the aca­               exhibitions related to recent art history in CEE.               regional Studies from various fields debated how to or-
     demic freedom to fulfil your research dreams                                                                             ganise and vocalise engagement from Eastern European
     with wonderful assistance from learned                   Workshop »Conjunctural Geographies of Postsocial-               scholars with colonialism, post-colonial theory and de-
     colleagues in globalization studies.«
     ­                                                        ist and Postcolonial Conditions: Theory Thirty Years            colonial critiques better. Efforts to contextualise Eastern
     (Zoltán Ginelli)                                         after 1989« (May 2020): Organisers: Mithilesh Kumar             European histories of colonisation and decolonisation in
                                                              (Christ University, Bangalore) Wladimir Sgibnev and Lela        relation to Western European colonialism are not new
     During his stay in Leipzig he organised the              Rekhviashvili (both Leibniz Institute for Regional Geogra-      and there is emerging scholarship in this field. Yet it ap-
     EEGA supported workshop »The Return of                   phy). In the light of Covid-19 the conjunctural geogra-         pears to have only little influence on mainstream
     the Colonial: Understanding the Role of East-            phies workshop was held online, and stretched over              post-colonial, decolonial and ›whiteness‹ studies that
     ern Europe in Global Colonisation Debates                three days to accommodate time differences between              currently shape discourses in the West and in many parts
     and Decolonial Struggles«.                               different participants. The workshop hosted six panels          of the post-colonial Global South. The workshop’s aim
                                                              on, ›Postcolonial and Postsocialist Conditions: Space,          was to understand better what particular historical ac-
                                                              Time, and Subjectivities‹, ›Labour, State, Capital: Capital-    counts and existing representations in western scholar-
Report 2019 - 2020 Eastern Europe - Global Area - IAMO
Research Areas                                                                                  Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

16   Research Area 3                                                                                                                                                                                                                          17
                                                                                                                         Dr Liudmyla Yefimenko: one-month stay;
     Business Strategies and                                                                                             research topic: Legitimacy problems and
                                                                                                                         CSR strategies of Ukrainian agroholdings.
     Frameworks of Political
                                                                                                                         During her fellowship Liudmila Yefimenko
     Economies                                                                                                           worked on the joint publication Agrohold-
                                                                                                                         ings and Agricultural Science in Ukraine:
     Coordination: Prof Dr Sebastian Henn (University of                                                                 Uneasy Bedfellows with Taras Gagalyuk
     Jena), Prof Dr Thomas Glauben (Leibniz Institute of Agri-                                                           and Vladislav Valentinov (both Leibniz Insti-
     cultural Development in Transition Economies – IAMO)                                                                tute of Agricultural Development in Transi-
                                                                                                                                                                                         Kinga Xénia Havadi-Nagy
     and Prof Dr Thorsten Posselt (Fraunhofer Center for                                                                 tion Economies) that was published after-
                                                                              Golib Sanaev                                                                                                              © private
     ­International Management and Knowledge Economy)                                                                    wards online at VoxUkraine.
                                                                                  © IAMO

     This Research Area aims to further explore economic is-
     sues by addressing the following research fields and
     questions: corporate coping strategies and state inter-                                                                                                                                Dr Kinga Xénia Havadi-Nagy: two-weeks
     vention, trade patterns and regional specialisations, in-            Dr Golib Sanaev: six-months stay; research                                                                        stay; research topic: Short supply chains of
     and outward-bound foreign direct investments, translo-               topic: Uzbekistan’s integration into global                                                                       agricultural products: tool of economic, so-
     cal knowledge flows, evolution of new economic and                   cotton markets: The role of technological                                                                         cial and environmental recovery of rural ar-
     patterns of urban and regional resilience.                           and institutional change.                                                                                         eas.

                                                                          »The benefit of the EEGA is that it has ena-                                                                      »The benefits of EEGA are various. First of all
     In 2019/20, Research Area 3 welcomed four guest                      bled me to establish a network with re-                                                                           it provides research possibilities in a profes-
     ­researchers:                                                        searchers from various disciplines studying                                                                       sional environment. Besides the research
                                                                                                                          Tetiana Galetska
                                                                          the ongoing processes of agricultural devel-                                                                      conducted in well endowed facilities, the
                                                                                                                                © private
                                                                          opment in Central Asia. Participation in the                                                                      fruitful exchange of ideas and experiences
                                                                          workshop at IAMO provided a platform for                                                                          with international colleagues supports the
                                                                          knowledge exchange, discussion, and net-                                                                          fellows in their professional carrier. The
                                                                          working and brought together over 40 par-                                                                         gathered impulses can refresh the subjects
                                                                          ticipants from various research institutes     Dr Tetiana Galetska: six-months stay; re-                          of interest and publications. Finding com-
                                                                          and universities in Germany.« (Golib Sanaev)   search topic: Economic and Welfare Impacts                         mon research topics for further coopera-
                                                                                                                         of an Ukraine-EU Partnership: The Case of                          tions with collaborators of the host institu-
                                                                          During his stay at EEGA he organised the       Agri-food Sectors.                                                 tions adds significant value to a short term
                                                                          workshop »Agricultural Innovations, Rural                                                                         research stay.« (Kinga Xénia Havadi-Nagy)
                                                                          Development and Globalization Processes        »The benefit of EEGA is an invaluable experi-
                                                                          in Central Asia« together with his IAMO col-   ence of international communication, which
                                                                          league Nodir Djanibekov.                       leads to new ideas, plans, concepts. On the
                                                                                                                         whole, over the time, this experience will al-
                                                                                                                         low us all to change this world in a new and
                                                                                                                         progressive direction.« (Tetiana Galetska)
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Research Areas                                                                                                Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

18   Workshop on »The IT industry as a driver for transfor-       ticipants of the workshop arrived from universities and        Research Area 4                                                                                                             19
     mation in Central and Eastern Europe« (November              research institutions of Ukraine, Germany, United King-
     2019): The two-day workshop in Lviv, Ukraine, was or-        dom, Hungary, Netherlands, Norway and Georgia.                  Cultural and ­Intellectual
     ganised by Susann Schäfer (Friedrich Schiller University
     Jena, Germany), Nataliia Cherkas (Kyiv National Economic     Workshop on »Agricultural Innovations, Rural Devel-             Perspectives and
     University named by Vadym Hetman) and Nicolai Teufel         opment and Globalization Processes in Central Asia«                                                                                       Dr Nataša Jagdhuhn: six-months stay; re-
     (University of Bayreuth, Germany). The participants of       (February 2020): The event was organised by EEGA fel-          ­Identifications                                                           search topic: Collecting and Exhibiting Non-
     the event first visited Futura Hub with a detailed lecture   low Golib Sanaev in the framework of a PostDoc research                                                                                   alignment: The Gallery of Art of the Non-
     from Nicolai Teufel, the director of Learnopolis and Tech    supported by EEGA and Nodir Djanibekov (IAMO). The             Coordination: Prof Dr Jürgen Heyde (Leibniz Institute                      Aligned Countries »Josip Broz Tito«.
     StartUp School. The first keynote speaker Nataly             full day workshop in Halle (Saale) brought together re-        for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe / University
     Veremeeva (Director of TechUkraine, Kyiv IT Cluster) ana-    searchers from different disciplines. Its aim was to better    of Halle-Wittenberg), Prof Dr Yvonne Kleinmann (Uni-                       »The biggest benefit of EEGA ScienceCam-
     lysed in her lecture »Development of Tech Ecosystem in       understand processes of globalisation and agricultural         versity of Halle-Wittenberg/Aleksander Brückner Center                     pus for me was that it provided me with a
     Ukraine: Findings, Challenges and Way Forward« the IT        innovations towards agricultural and rural development         for Polish Studies), and Prof Dr Stefan Troebst (Leibniz                   period of 6 months to work exclusively on
     ecosystem of Ukraine as a whole as well as in the regional   in Central Asian countries. In order to exploit agricultural   Institute for the History and Culture of Eastern Europe)                   my project. The chance to cooperate with
     context, and focused on the necessity of IT Export Strat-    potential in a sustainable way, innovations as well as re-                                                                                EEGA fellows and colleges at the GWZO was
     egy implementation, which should be the result of joint      forms of the current institutional environment are re-         As processes of globalisation in and for Eastern Europe                    very helpful, both on the level of academic
     efforts of the state and business. The lecture was fol-      quired. Challenges relate to non-transparent and poorly        have shaped the region for a long time, the EEGA re-                       counselling as well as on the level of sharing
     lowed by a panel discussion on the impact of IT industry     defined land ownership and tenure relations, a high dis-       search approaches reach back into the first era of globali-                practical information related to different
     on regional transformations with professional experts,       cretionary involvement of governments in input and             sation around 1900 and to the emergence of Eastern Eu-                     forms of postdoc applications. I also used
     who were invited from diverse fields: University council     output markets, high transaction costs, inadequate ac-         rope on the political map after World War I. The research                  my time as a fellow to build up my profile as
     members and academics teaching future IT specialists,        cess to credit for farmers and a limited provision of public   area shifts the focus onto important but yet little re-                    a scholar and to improve my academic net-
     CEO of IT company, head of TTO, Members of IT cluster,       goods and services. However, innovations and integra-          searched questions by conceiving historical actors in                      work.« (Nataša Jagdhuhn)
     CEO of Platform of Innovative partnership, city adminis-     tion into global markets will have implications for struc-     Eastern Europe as active global players instead of just im-
     tration sector responsible for IT development. On the        tural changes, rural labour markets, rural socio-economy,      agining the region as a mostly passive object of global
     second day of the workshop Dr. Magdolna Sass (Institute      as well as farmers’ behaviour. The important role of these     developments. Exploring the cultural and intellectual
     for Economics of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences)          processes has attracted attention of social scientists         manifestations of globalisation in and for the region,
     held the second keynote on the topic »Participation in       from various related fields, including agricultural econo-     Eastern Europe will be conceptualised »on a global
     IT-related international value chains: a catching-up op-     mists. The workshop included presentations on eleven           scale«. Based on this approach, the research area aims at
     portunity for CEE«. The presentations of the participants    topics related to agriculture, innovation, rural develop-      overcoming perspectives on Eastern Europe that repro-                      Dr Laura Demeter: six-months stay; re-
     were organised in three sessions: Digitalisation, Skills     ment, and globalisation in Central Asia.                       duce exceptionalism from within and »orientalisation«                      search topic: Authoritarian Regimes and
     and Education, Local and Global perspectives. The par-                                                                      from the outside.l.                                                        their Involvement in the Global Heritage
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Project during the Cold War.

                                                                                                                                 In 2019/20, Research Area 4 welcomed four guest
Research Areas                                                                                                  Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

20                                                               Conference on »Eastern European Emigrants and the              Research Area 5                                                                                                             21
                                                                 Internationalisation of 20th Century Music Con-
                                                                 cepts« (January 2020): Intercultural transfers have al-        Eastern Europe in Times
                                                                 ways played a crucial role in music history. However, the
                                                                 20th century in particular was one characterised by the        of Europeanisation and
     Dr Anna Calori: six-months stay; research                   global exchange of musical concepts and techniques.
     topic: Bringing the global back home: Devel-                Emigration was a strong catalyst for these processes, es-      Diffusion
     oping »socialist entrepreneurialism« and (re)               pecially with regard to artists from Eastern Europe, be-
     making the workplace in a global perspec-                   ginning with and even before the Russian October Revo-         Coordination: Prof Dr Gert Pickel (Leipzig University)
     tive (1961–2008).                                           lution. The international conference at the Musicological      and Prof Dr Holger Lengfeld (Leipzig University)
                                                                 Institute of Leipzig University, organised by Anna Fortu-
     Anna Calori is co-editor and co-author of the               nova and Stefan Keym, brought together 17 musicolo-            Around 1989/91, the transition paradigm that forecasted
     edited volume Between East and South:                       gists and other researchers from Russia, Lithuania, Po-        Western models of state and economy becoming glob-
     Spaces of Interaction in the Globalizing                    land, Hungary, Slovenia, France, and Germany to rethink        ally universal proved to be mainstream among research,
     Economy of the Cold War (by Anna Calori,                    the relationship between the emigration of artists and         government, and policy-making communities. Roughly
     Anne-Kristin Hartmetz, Bence Kocsev, James                  scholars from Eastern Europe and the globalisation of          25 years later and under the impact of the Ukraine Crisis,
     Mark, and Jan Zofka) published at the end of                ideas. In his keynote lecture, Christoph Flamm (Lübeck/        the relevance of the once powerful paradigm has been
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Micha Fiedlschuster
     2019.                                                       Heidelberg) highlighted not only the negative aspects of       contested. The spreading of new ideas, institutions, poli-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                      © private
                                                                 (mostly forced) emigration but also its positive results as    cies, models or repertoires of behaviour, attitudes, and
                                                                 an enrichment for the host culture. In the final discussion,   values from their point of origin to new sites and Europe-
                                                                 Stefan Keym highlighted some results of the conference:        anisation as derivatives of broader processes of globali-
                                                                 Firstly, there was great diversity in the aesthetics as well   sation have impacted Eastern Europe – but not in the
                                                                 as in the careers of the émigrés. Secondly, geographical       same manner, form, and with the same outcomes every-                      Dr Micha Fiedlschuster: six-months stay;
                                                                 mappings should always be questioned, since the very           where. This research area will explore actors in Eastern                  research topic: The Eastern Partnership Civil
     Dr Jacqueline Nießer: three-months stay;                    terms »Eastern« and »Western Europe« depend on the             Europe between »uniqueness« and »normality« within                        Society Forum: A transnational school of
     research topic: The Non-aligned Body. A                     point of view and cannot be clearly defined. Thirdly, the      Europe and the globalised world.                                          demo­cracy or school of management’?
     Transnational History of Nude Tourism dur-                  different perspectives and narratives from which the life
     ing the Cold War.                                           and creative paths of the emigrated composers were ex-                                                                                   »The benefit of EEGA for me is that I can dedi­
                                                                 perienced and portrayed should be taken into account.          In 2019/20, Research Area 5 welcomed one guest                            cate time to write a proposal for a new re-
                                                                 Finally, the success of an émigré’s integration into and in-   ­researcher:                                                              search project, which will help me to secure
                                                                 teraction with his or her host culture depended largely                                                                                  long-term funding. Second, I can discuss my
                                                                 on the needs of the latter, as the theory of intercultural                                                                               research project with the colleagues at the
                                                                 transfer has pointed out.                                                                                                                member institutions of the EEGA Science-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Campus. I benefit a lot from the interdiscipli-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          narity of the EEGA ScienceCampus and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                          intellectual environment at its member insti-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          tutions. The expertise on Eastern Europe at
                                                                                                                                                                                                          the GWZO and the IfL is in particular helpful
                                                                                                                                                                                                          to develop my research ideas further. Last
                                                                                                                                                                                                          but not least, the other guest researchers
                                                                                                                                                                                                          contribute to the accommodating atmos-
                                                                                                                                                                                                          phere at the work place.« (Micha Fiedl­
                               Participants of the conference
                                study textbooks on the topic
                                           © Felicitas Förster
Promotion of Young Researchers                                                                                  Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

05   Promotion of Young Researchers                                                                                                                                                            Workshop »Zukunft Osteuropa« with EEGA Meet &                       23
                                                                                                                                                                                               Greet (October 2019): The Young German Association
                                                                                                                                                                                               for East European Studies (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Os-
                                                                                                                                                                                               teuropakunde, DGO) organised a day for career orienta-
                                                                                                                                                                                               tion and networking for young people interested in East-
                                                                                                                                                                                               ern Europe for the second time. More than 60 young
     EEGA provides a fully-fledged line of education on re-         At the end of 2019 EEGA welcomed three talented post-                                                                      people from all parts of Germany took part in the event.
     flexive knowledge about societies in Eastern Europe            graduate students, who developed their PhD proposals                                                                       The participants took the opportunity to talk to experts
     for highly qualified young academics. It starts from           in the research field of EEGA:                                                                                             from different fields who are academically and profes-
                                                                                                                                    Mashkura Babadjanova
     Master’s courses, comprises PhD-research and training,                                                                                                                                    sionally involved with Eastern Europe. The main aim was
                                                                                                                                                © private
     and completes with promoting research by and further                                                                                                                                      to gather ideas for their own professional future. In four
     qualification for PostDocs.                                             Anna Zheltoukhova: two-months fellow-                                                                             workshops, representatives from the fields of interna-
                                                                             ship; research topic: New origins of national-                                                                    tional cooperation, media, business and academia pre-
             In 2019, EEGA welcomed its second three-year                    ism in the context of Eastern European polit-                                                                     sented their own professional careers and current fields
     PhD-fellow, Alexander Dontsow (in cooperation with                      ical history.                                           Mashkura Babadjanova: three-months fel-                   of work. The subsequent »Market of Opportunities« with
     the Leipzig University). He is working on the effects of in-                                                                    lowship; research topic: Analysing the impact             about 20 booths offered the participants the opportu-
     tensification and expansion of the Belt and Road Initia-                                                                        of Climate change on wheat productivity in                nity to inform themselves about other professional fields
     tive in Central-Eastern Europe on Russia’s foreign policy,                                                                      Central Asia.                                             and institutions with a connection to Eastern Europe.
     with supervision of Professor Dr Matthias Middell.                                                                                                                                        During the breaks, at the final discussion and at the
                                                                                                                                                                                               »Meet & Greet« organised by EEGA, it became clear how
                                                                             Luka Ekhvaia: three-months fellowship; re-                                                                        informative and important the discussions among the
                                                                             search topic: The Patriot Camps as experi-                                                                        participants were.
                                                                             mental Spaces for Exercising the Memory          EEGA offers trainings and courses for successful career de-
                                                                             Politics of the Post-Rose Revolution Regime      velopment in neighbouring academic fields. The work-
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Concentrated work of the workshop participants © EEGA
                                                                             and for Mass Mobilization of the Youth.          shops are designed for small groups of PostDocs. Topics
                                                                                                                              for trainings and workshops can range from expertise in
                                                                                                                              developing funding applications, specific skill-sets for
                                                                                                                              writing essays for publication in newspapers, to forms of
                                                                                                                              writing a research blog or newsletter.

            »The benefit of EEGA resides in creating a                                                                        Coaching Workshop »Project Management for third-
            platform of opportunity that provides schol-                                                                      party funded projects: application, execution and con-
            ars with communication, interaction, and                                                                          trolling« (August 2019): The tailor-made workshop of-
            improvement of their professional networks.                                                                       fered targeted coaching on visualisation, planning and
            Collaborative effort of EEGA’s members                                                                            monitoring tools in the context of third-party funded pro-
            bring new solutions into rapidly evolving                                                                         jects and was aimed in particular at junior researchers ap-
            global communities, and has proven to be                                                                          plying for or directing third-party funded projects. All
            essential for academic research.« (Alexander                                                                      three phases: application, implementation and controlling,
            Dontsow)                                                                                                          were dealt with. Christian van den Kerckhoff from the Edu-
                                                                                                                              cation Centre of Wissenschaftsladen Bonn e. V. developed
                                                                                                                              the two-day programme. The workshop was the result of a
                                                                                                                              cooperation of EEGA with the CRC 1199 at the University of
                                                                     Alexander Dontsow © private
                                                                                                                              Leipzig and the GWZO Leipzig.
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

06     Internationalisation                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      25

       and Partnerships                                                                                                   this often neglected region when it comes to the search                   tion in a globalised world. The event opened up a space
                                                                                                                          of Russia and East Central Europe for an adequate posi-                   for exchange between European and US communities,
                                                                                                                          tion in today’s world order. In a first panel specific reac-              connecting public and academic discussions on both
                                                                                                                          tions to environmental problems and new geopolitical                      sides of the Atlantic. Benedikt Brisch (Director DWIH New
                                                                                                                          ambitions as well as specific reactions to migration were                 York), David Gill (German Consul General in New York)
                                                                                                                          discussed both from an historical and contemporary per-                   and Matthias Kleiner (President of the Leibniz Associa-
                                                                                                                          spective but also attempts to integrate the vast post-So-                 tion) gave welcoming remarks. Together with the audi-
                                                                                                                          viet space economically in times of the rise of China. A                  ence, Corey Johnson (Department Head at University of
                                                                                                                          second panel of the event was devoted to historical roots                 North Carolina at Greensboro), Beth Mitchneck (Profes-
                                                                                                                          of these current geopolitical ambitions.                                  sor Emerita at the University of Arizona) and Sebastian
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Lentz (Director of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Ge-
                                                                                                                                  The Science Lounge »Riding the backlash                           ography, Leipzig) then challenged existing presump-
                                                                                                                          against globalization – US positioning towards Rus-                       tions and empty words. In an open conversation the ex-
                                                                                                                          sia's role in the world« in January 2020 organised by the                 perts offered insights into the mechanisms and
                                                                                                                          Leibniz Association, the German Consulate General New                     structures of Eastern European societies and tried to un-
Next to the many personal contacts and existing net-           E­ uropean and International Studies (ZOiS) and the Ger-   York, the German Center for Research and Innovation                       derstand the plethora of perceptions of seemingly over-
works at individual level, EEGA strives for a further inter-    man Association for East European Studies (DGO). The      New York and EEGA provided a platform for public de-                      powering processes of globalisation, as well as the kalei-
nationalisation of the ScienceCampus and promotes es-          conference was to take place in Leipzig in September but   bate. It brought together researchers from both sides of                  doscope of individual reactions to them. James M.
tablishing international partnerships. To this end, the         was postponed to April 2021 due to the Covid-19 pan-      the Atlantic, media representatives, NGOs, and policy ad-                 Lindsay (Senior Vice President, Director of Studies, and
following activities were launched in the last reporting       demic. With the theme »Globalising Eastern Europe –        visors to discuss different perspectives on how to under-                 Maurice R. Greenberg Chair at the Council on Foreign Re-
period:                                                         New Perspectives on Transregional Entanglements«,         stand and react to geopolitics, migration, and regional                   lations) moderated the discussion.
                                                                the conference seeks to stimulate and discuss research    development in Russia and Eastern Europe, and its posi-
An application for an EEGA panel at the ENIUGH Confer-         on these border-crossing encounters in a comparative
ence 2020 in Turku, Finland was approved. Due to                perspective. Aiming to stimulate a debate about inter-
Covid-19 the congress was postponed to 2021.                    pretations across historical periods and geographical
                                                               spaces, the conference brings together perspectives and
First contacts have been established and conversations         case studies from a variety of disciplines.
with representatives from research centres and institu-
tions from Prague, Budapest, Glasgow, and Helsinki             The close cooperation between EEGA and BASEES is also
began in December 2019. There, amongst others, the ex-         reflected in the recently approved institutional mem-
pansion of the EEGA partnership network for the train-         bership of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Geogra-
ing of young academics have been discussed.                    phy at BASEES.

The application for a booth at the Research Forum of           Two events in New York City, USA, have received special
the Congress of Historical Sciences in Poznan this year        attention from EEGA partners, colleagues and the public:
was accepted. Due to the Covid-19 pandemic, the con-                  The academic colloquium »Globalizing Eastern
gress was unfortunately postponed to 2021, so EEGA will        Europe – New Perspectives on Transregional Entan-
hopefully participate next year.                               glements of an often Neglected Region« took place on
                                                               13 September, 2019, at the Jordan Center, NYU, in New
Following the first successful Regional Conference in          York City. It was organised by EEGA in cooperation with
Uppsala, Sweden, the British Association for Slavonic          Jane Burbank (NYU) and the Jordan Center for the Ad-
and East European Studies (BASEES) organises its sec-          vanced Study of Russia at NYU. The event presented re-       The discussants on the podium (from left to right):
                                                                                                                            Sebastian Lentz, Corey Johnson, Beth Mitchneck and
ond Regional Conference in cooperation with EEGA.              cent findings of this network and aimed to engage in a
                                                                                                                            James M. Lindsay (moderator) © Nathalie Schueller
Further collaboration partners are the Centre for East         debate with colleagues from the US on how to look at
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

07      Knowledge Transfer and                                                                                                                                                                  27

       ­Interaction with the Media

                                                                                                                                                         Krisztian Simon, Farhan Janjua and
                                                                                                                                                         Tamina Kutscher (from left) discuss
                                                                                                                                                         about the freedom of the media in
                                                                                                                                                         different countries © Swen Reichhold

                                                         After a successful first edition in 2018, EEGA’s second           experience with balanced reporting in his work at the
                                                         Summer School with Journalists was held in Septem-                private radio station Antenne Düsseldorf. The panel
                                                         ber 2019, in Leipzig. The four-day event with the topic           ended with an interactive workshop by Marius Dragomir,
                                                         »Populism in European Societies – Repercussions in                who spoke about research and practise in science com-
                                                         the Media«, moderated by freelance journalist Gemma               munication at his former job at Open Society Founda-
      As a platform, EEGA promotes knowledge trans-      Pörzgen, featured panels, workshops, media-trainings              tions and in his current position as director of the Center
       fer between academia and the public. Events for   and lectures, and targeted a diverse audience of aca-             for Media, Data and Society (CEU) in Budapest.
      specific audiences, particularly disseminators     demics, journalists and the interested public.                             The third day started with a panel on the »Free-
      such as journalists or consultants, ensure this            The event started off with a lecture by Gert Pickel       dom of the Media«. First, Hungarian journalist Krisztian
      ­mutually beneficial collaboration.                (Leipzig University) on populist tendencies in Eastern Eu-        Simon talked about foreign grants in independent Rus-
                                                         rope. Pickel explained radical populism as a global phe-          sian and Hungarian newsrooms. He was then followed
                                                         nomenon and described its current forms in Eastern Eu-            by Farhan Janjua, who gave an account of his journalistic
                                                         rope. Pickel was followed by Jan-Hinrik Schmidt (Hans             work on human and digital rights as well as queer issues
                                                         Bredow-Institute Hamburg) with a lecture on the effects           in Pakistan. These reports were commented on in a fruit-
                                                         of digital media on public opinion.                               ful round table on »Comparative Perspectives on Reper-
                                                                 The second day started with a panel on »Commu-            cussions of Populism in the Media«, comparing the Ger-
                                                         nicating Science,« opened with a paper presentation by            man, Hungarian and Ukrainian media landscapes. A
                                                         Svetluša Surova (Gnarum). Surova claimed that »greater            discussion on »Right Wing Populism and Islamophobia
                                                         transparency and ethics« in communicating academic                in East and West« completed this outlook. Psychologist
                                                         output, i.e. an alliance of academia and journalism, was          Oliver Decker concluded the third day with a presenta-
                                                         »neither possible nor needed« because of the methodo-             tion of the work of the Centre for the Study of Democ-
                                                         logical differences between the trades. Parallel to the           racy and Right-Wing Extremism and their contribution to
                                                         panel, Volker Hahn (iDiv Leipzig) offered a media work-           documenting the alarming rise of anti-Semitism and the
                                                         shop for all those who wanted to improve their media              polarisation of society in Eastern Germany.
                                                         communication skills. Later that day, Tamina Kutscher                      On the last day of the Summer School, Insa van den
                                                         presented her online project Dekoder, which features              Berg (freelance journalist) offered a workshop for the
                                                         annotated articles and videos from independent Russian            preparation of press releases and conferences. She high-
                                                         media outlets in German. The second panel, »Reaching              lighted the differences between journalistic and academic
                                                         diverse audiences«, started with a presentation on »Pop-          »languages« and methods, pointing out the prevalence of
                                                         ulism on Television Political Talkshows« in the Ukraine,          falsification in the former and verification in the latter.
                                                         by Kostiantyn Yanchenko (MA student at Hamburg Uni-                        The Summer School ended with a positive sum-
 Gert Pickel in conversation with
                                                         versity). Yanchenko was followed by Christine Gölz                mary and outlook. Here, participants and organisers clearly
     moderator Gemma Pörzgen
                                                         (GWZO), who spoke about new formats of scientific com-            expressed their satisfaction with the Summer School and
              © Swen Reichhold
                                                         munication at GWZO. Dennis Grollmann then added his               its fruitful and engaging debates and presentations.
Knowledge Transfer and ­Interaction with the Media                                                                                Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

28   Book Launch »A History of Modern Political Thought              Film Screening (November 2019): In November 2019                                                                                                                                                       29
     in East Central Europe« (October 2019): In cooperation          the film Godovščina Revoljucii/Anniversary of the
     with the Leibniz Institute for the History and Culture of       Revolution (1918) – Dziga Vertov's film debut recon-
     Eastern Europe (GWZO), EEGA organised a book pres-              structed was presented with an introductory lecture
     entation of the two-volume History of Modern Political          and discussion at UT Connewitz, Leipzig. On the occa-
     Thought in East Central Europe in Leipzig. The first Vol-       sion of the revolution and civil war in Soviet Russia, a
     ume Negotiating Modernity in the ›Long Nineteenth               long documentary film, »Anniversary of the Revolution«,
     Century‹ was published in 2016. The two-part second             was made between 1917 and 1918 directed by the then
     volume followed in 2018 and consists of Part I: Nego­           22-year-old David Abelevič Kaufman, later world-famous
     tiating Modernity in the ›Short Twentieth Century‹              as Dziga Vertov. It shows scenes of ordinary citizens but
     (1918–1968) and Negotiating Modernity in the ›Short             also of the revolutionaries Lenin and Trotsky on celluloid.
     Twentieth Century‹ and Beyond, Part II: 1968–2018.              After the Civil War, Trotsky's images disappeared from
     Part I and II of the second volume were presented by two        the archives and the film was lost in its entirety. Under
     of the editors, Maria Falina and Michal Kopeček. Friedrich      the direction of the film historian Nikolai Izvolov, the film
     Cain (Junior Fellow at the Max-Weber-Kolleg for Ad-             was successfully reconstructed at the Russian State Ar-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lively interaction with
     vanced Cultural and Social Studies of Erfurt University)        chive for Film and Photo Documents in Krasnogorsk. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         international guests
     moderated the event. Joachim von Puttkamer (chair of            introductory lecture was held by Barbara Wurm (HU Ber-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         © Swen Reichhold
     Eastern European History at Friedrich Schiller University       lin). The film was accompanied live with music by Richard
     Jena und Director of the Imre Kertész Kolleg Jena) com-         Siedhoff.
     mented on the two-volume project. The synthetic work,                   Panel Discussion »Research under the Covid-19
     authored by an international team of researchers, covers        condition – Eastern Europe as a Global Area (Septem-            had to be postponed to 21 – 24 April 2021, keeping as
     twenty national cultures and 250 years and offers the           ber 2020): Due to the current travel restrictions and           much of its current programme set-up as possible. On 16
     first-ever synthetic overview of the history of modern          health requirements worldwide, the second Regional              September 2020, a small-scale event was organised in its
     political thought in East Central Europe. After the book        Conference of the British Association for Slavonic and          place, discussing topical issues in a panel discussion, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                          Historian Stefan Rohdewald elaborating on new research horizons
     presentation, a thought-provoking discussion arose.             East European Studies (BASEES) on »Globalising Eastern          celebrating the approval and start of a second funding
                                                                                                                                                                                                          © Swen Reichhold
     Viewers were encouraged to rethink some of the basic            Europe – New Perspectives on Transregional Entangle-            phase of EEGA with members, colleagues and coopera-
     assumptions about the history of modern political               ments«, originally planned for September 2020, in Leip-         tion partners.
     thought and modernity as such.                                  zig, Germany in cooperation with EEGA, ZOiS and DGO,                     The evening featured a two-part discussion with
                                                                                                                                     two rounds, 45 minutes each. For this event, a roundta-
                                                                                                                                     ble discussion in Leipzig with representatives from all or-
                                                                                                                                     ganising institutions, moderated by the free journalist
                                                                                                                                     Gemma Pörzgen (Berlin), and with a small audience of
                                                                                                                                     EEGA fellows, Research Area Coordinators, and inter-
                                                                                                                                     ested colleagues from partner institutions was organ-
                                                                                                                                     ised. The roundtables featured Gwendolyn Sasse (ZOiS),
                                                                                                                                     Judith Pallot (BASEES), Matthias Middell (EEGA), Gabriele
                                                                                                                                     Freitag (DGO), Réka Krizmanics (Leipzig University), and
                                                                                                                                     Stefan Rohdewald (Leipzig University) who discussed,
                                                                                                                                     firstly, research questions that arise because of the
                                                                                                                                     Covid-19 pandemic, and secondly, impacts of the Covid-19
                                                                                                                                     pandemic on practicalities of empirical research. In the
                                                                                                                                     conversation they tackled broader questions regarding
                                                                                                   Maria Falina (on the right:       the global entanglements the pandemic has demon-
                                                                                                   Michal Kopeček) talking about
                                                                                                                                     strated, and ruptures that have shown themselves more
                                                                                                   the difficulties in composing
                                                                                                                                     brazenly than before, and they also addressed the practi-
                                                                                                   the book © EEGA
                                                                                                                                     cal effects on teaching and empirical research.
Report 2019 – 2020   |   Eastern Europe – Global Area

                    Textbook Project »Eastern Europe: A Global Area«                           The editorial board consists of Katja Nauman and
08                  As one of the main EEGA activities in the first funding            Gilad Ben-Nun. Naumann, specialist for transregional
                    phase, an editorial board has started working on the text          and transnational entanglements of Eastern Europe, has
                    book project »Eastern Europe: A Global Area« in Novem-             been researcher at the Leibniz Institute for the History
                    ber 2019. Combining expertise from all five EEGA re-               and Culture of Eastern Europe (GWZO) since 2008. Ben-
                    search areas, the volume comprises findings and out-               Nun, former EEGA research fellow and lecturer for Global
                    comes from more than three years of fruitful EEGA                  and Migration Studies at Leipzig University, is a historian
                    research activities. It stresses and demonstrates the im-          of international law and an expert on the history of refu-
                    portance of transregional perspectives on Eastern Eu-              gee law.
                    rope, with regards to its global and regional entangle-                    Together with the authors, students and EEGA
                    ments and (self-)positioning in current and historical             postdoc fellows, the editors critically discussed the con-
                    globalisation processes.                                           ceptual rationale of the textbook and the chapters’ set-
                            The textbook aims to provide MA and PhD stu-               ups, complemented by a virtual seminar (see EEGA in
                    dents, in study programmes at EEGA’s partner institu-              Times of Covid-19).
                    tions in Halle, Jena and Leipzig, as well as abroad, with an               The textbook is to be published in early 2021.
                    authoritative and simply written learning tool. Each
                    chapter and case study can be used individually or as an
                    overall guide for structure and content in seminars, lec-
                    tures and other academic settings. Adopting an interdis-
                    ciplinary perspective, the textbook comprises varied ac-
                    counts of Eastern Europe’s interaction with and influence
                    on the global sphere, as well as of reverse processes, with
                    a focus on the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries. The book’s
                    didactic approach puts individual actors at the centre of                      Draft Layout of the cover of the text book
                    the analysis, as they preconfigure, articulate, delimit, po-                   project »Eastern Europe: A Global Area«
                    sition and transcend what has become a globally con-
                    nected Eastern Europe.
                            The chapters cover a variety of disciplines, with
                    topics ranging from geopolitical visions of Eastern Eu-
                    rope and their impact on international relations over nat-
                    ural resources, environmental policies and climate
                    change, as well as transnational and global aspects of
                    Eastern European music history to Eastern European le-
                    gal systems and their integration in international legal
                            Each chapter is supported by maps and illustra-
                    tions as part of a visual language that guides readers
                    through Eastern Europe and its global entanglements.
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