Reopening, Reflation, Reset - Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021

Page created by Robert Hanson
Reopening, Reflation, Reset - Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021
Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021:                                                                                                 Global Head of Research
                                                                                                                                  Alexandra Dimitrijevic

Reopening, Reflation, Reset                                                                                                       London
June 30, 2021

  Key Takeaways                                                                                                                   Research
                                                                                                                                  Joe Maguire
  – Forward-looking indicators point to rapidly improving credit trends. The global corporate                                     New York
    net negative outlook bias—a measure of future downgrade risk—has continued to decline.                              
    It’s now just 14%, down from a high of 37% a year ago, and defaults are trending down from                                    +1-212-438-7507
    their pandemic peak. Our upwardly revised forecast for global GDP growth of 5.9% this year
    will help underpin broadly favorable credit conditions.                                                                       David Tesher
                                                                                                                                  New York
  – The pre-pandemic credit cycle is resuming after a pause, but with added leverage for                                
    corporates and sovereigns and the share of riskiest credits near an all-time high. Roughly                                    +1-212-438-2618
    40% of speculative-grade corporates in the U.S., and more than 30% in Europe, are rated ‘B-’
    and lower, leaving some borrowers vulnerable to credit deterioration and defaults if income                                   Gareth Williams
    recovers more slowly than we expect, especially if the cost of debt starts to rise.                                           London
  – Though not our base case, a build-up in inflation is among our top risks. As price pressures                                  +44-20-7176-7226
    build, central banks may be forced to accelerate monetary-policy tightening, which could
    threaten the orderly normalization of credit conditions. A rapid repricing of risk would hit                                  Yucheng Zheng
    asset prices, raise the cost of debt, and weigh on funding access—hurting low-rated                                           New York
    corporates and some emerging markets.                                                                               
  – Vaccine rollouts offer optimism, and countries are becoming better at coping with the
    economic effects of surges in COVID-19 even during lockdowns. But the picture remains
    mixed for emerging markets, where the threat of a resurgence in cases (and the consequent                                     Links
    drag on the economy) persists even in countries that have improved immunization rates.

(Editor’s Note: S&P Global Ratings’ Credit Conditions Committees meet quarterly to review macroeconomic conditions in each of
four regions (Asia-Pacific, Emerging Markets, Europe, and North America). Discussions center on identifying credit risks and
their potential ratings impact in various asset classes, as well as borrowing and lending trends for businesses and consumers.
This commentary reflects views discussed in the global committee on June 24, 2021.)

Credit trends are improving rapidly, albeit with significant differences across regions and
sectors. The primary positive drivers remain intact: rebounding economies, vaccination progress,
plentiful liquidity, and a strong appetite for risk even at the weakest end of the credit spectrum.
                                                                                                                                  Daily research updates,
We’ve revised our 2021 global GDP growth forecast up to 5.9% and see upside risks. Crucially, the                                 including a summary of related
U.S. and China—which account for almost 40% of the global economy—are both growing rapidly.                                       ratings actions, are available at:
We expect China’s GDP to grow 8.3% this year, and for the U.S. economy to expand 6.7%, in the                           
biggest jump since 1984. A rapid vaccine rollout in the U.S. has made for a rapid easing of social                                insights/topics/special-report-
restrictions, allowing social and economic activity to normalize and reinforcing massive                                          shape-of-recovery
government stimulus programs. Emerging markets, however, remain a concern given that it could
take another year to achieve widespread vaccination in those countries. Vaccine-resistant variants
remain the primary risk to global normalization, given their potential to undermine even the most
successful rollouts and potentially force the reimposition of restrictions.

Reflecting these positive factors, there have been three times as many upgrades as downgrades
this year (see chart 1). That said, these upgrades remain a fraction of the total 2020 downgrades
triggered by the pandemic and the collapse in oil prices. Companies at the lower end of the scale, in
the ‘B’ and ‘CCC’ categories, have accounted for the majority of upgrades (see chart 2). Many of

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Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021: Reopening, Reflation, Reset

these more vulnerable issuers, which represented the bulk of last year’s downgrades, are
benefitting from favorable financing conditions and a better-than-expected economic recovery.
Media and entertainment, consumer products, retail and restaurant, and technology are among the
sectors that have seen the largest number of upgrades—on the back of the economic rebound,
easing of social restrictions, and pick-up in oil prices (see chart 3).

Chart 1                                                                      Chart 2
Positive Rating Actions Peaked In April But Remain Strong                    Rating Actions By Rating Category
                         Downgrade                                                     Downgrade       Upgrade        Share Of Upgrades (%)
                         Overall Net Negative Bias (%)
 100                                                                 40%       400                                                           30%
    0                                                                35%
                                                                               200                                                           25%
-100                                                                 30%
                                                                                  0                                                          20%
                                                                     20%      -200                                                           15%
                                                                              -400                                                           10%
-500                                                                          -600                                                           5%
-600                                                                 0%       -800                                                           0%
                                                                                         AA       A      BBB       BB       B       CCC

Rating actions as of June 7, 2021. Downgrades and upgrades are trailing       Rating Actions are from Jan. 31, 2020 to June 7, 2021. Source: S&P
four-week. Net negative bias is calculated by subtracting the positive bias Global Ratings.
from the negative bias. Overall net bias (%) excludes sovereigns. Source: S&P
Global Ratings.

Chart 3                                                                    Chart 4
Rating Actions By Sector                                                   Net Negative Bias By Sector
                           Downgrade        Upgrade                                                   Current           Dec-20
   100                                                                       60%
   -50                                                                       40%

  -100                                                                       30%
  -300                                                                         0%

Source: S&P Global Ratings. Rating Actions are from Jan. 31, 2020 to June 7, 2021. Aer&D—Aerospace & Defense. Auto—Automotive. Chemicals,
P&ES—Chemicals, Packaging and Environmental Services. HomeRE—Homebuilders/Real Estate. FP&BM—Forest Products and Building Materials.
Med&Ent—Media & Entertainment. Ret/Res—Retail/Restaurants. Transp—Transportation. Telecom—Telecommunications. Net negative bias is
calculated by subtracting the positive bias from the negative bias.

Looking ahead, the net negative outlook bias (indicative of potential rating actions) is now back
to pre-pandemic levels at 14%, down from a peak of 37% a year ago, indicating a stabilization of
credit quality. While the improved outlook has been most noticeable for the chemicals, oil and gas,
automotive, and retail and restaurants sectors, others—such as media and entertainment, and
transportation—will likely remain under pressure well into 2022 or later (see chart 4).

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Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021: Reopening, Reflation, Reset

Funding conditions remain very supportive, with spreads on corporate debt remarkably tight.
Issuers at nearly all ratings levels (as well as in industries where secular headwinds predate the
pandemic) have been able to tap the capital markets at welcoming terms. Secondary-market
spreads are narrower than they were before the pandemic, and the compression in ‘B’ and ‘CCC’
category spreads illustrates the huge appetite among investors for riskier assets (see charts 5 and
6). The economic recovery and stability in financial markets have brought our estimated spreads
closer to observed spreads—after market pricing of risk during the pandemic remained
consistently more optimistic than economic and financial indicators suggested.

Chart 5                                                                                         Chart 6
Secondary Market Spreads Are Tighter                                                            ‘B’ and ‘CCC’ Category Spread Compression
Than Pre-Pandemic Levels                                                                        Showcases Market Appetite For Riskier Assets
                    GFC Median                          Taper Tantrum Median                                    GFC Median              Taper Tantrum Median
                    COVID Median                        Beg. of 2019                                            COVID Median            Beg. of 2019
                    Beg. of 2021                        Most Recent                                             Beg. of 2021            Most Recent
     1,200                                                                                               1400                                                  1314

                                      984                                                                                                                            1091
     1,000                                                                                               1200
          800                                                                                                                                       816

                                                                               616                       800
                               573                                                                                                                       632
          600                                     504                503                                                                                                    608
                                           459                          459                              600                              532
                                                          387                       355                                                     419
                                     344             347                                                                                                       382
          400                                                                 315
                268                              292     264 295    257                                  400                      321
                                                                                          223                       222    242
                   176                                                                                                              216
                                                                                                             172             146
          200            113                                                                             200    98 62 101 71     97     135

           -                                                                                               0
                 U.S. IG    U.S. SG        Europe Emerging   Asia      Latin  EEMEA                             AAA    AA      A    BBB       BB          B          CCC
                                             SG   Markets             America

Note: IG—Investment-grade, SG—Speculative-grade. Data as of June 21, 2021.
Sources: S&P Global Ratings, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis, and Bank of America Merrill Lynch.

This is not a new credit cycle, but rather a resumption of the pre-pandemic one, characterized by
borrower-friendly deal terms and the hunt for yield. Speculative-grade issuance in the U.S. and
Europe has soared to new year-to-date highs. Combined spec-grade bond and leveraged-loan
issuance through May topped $536 billion in the U.S. and €160 billion in Europe—about 3-4
months ahead of the typical annual pace. With much of the issuance used to refinance and extend
maturities, borrowers in both regions are on more-solid footing to weather any inflation/interest-
rate risks. But U.S. speculative-grade corporate real bond yields have fallen below zero, which
raises questions about whether prospective returns adequately compensate for credit risk.

Top risks
Beyond the evolving health crisis, the top risks we are watching include the potential for a
sustained upturn in inflation, rapid market repricing, and new highs in global leverage.

Inflation and market repricing
Our base case is that the surge in inflation will be transitory, given that many of the prices now
soaring are rebounding from pandemic lows or distortions and are unlikely to continue rising at the
current pace. We expect supply-chain constraints and labor imbalances will slowly ease in the
second half of the year, helping central banks keep policy rates unchanged until the first quarter of
2023 for the U.S. Federal Reserve and late 2024 for the European Central Bank (ECB). Emerging
market central banks face a more difficult challenge, with some already having to raise rates,
notably Russia, Brazil, and Mexico. However, it’s our view that the central banks that most affect
global financing conditions—particularly the Fed and the ECB—have the tools to subdue
inflationary pressures and are unlikely to have to raise rates substantially in the medium term. The
greater challenges lie in managing market expectations and timing policy shifts in a way that

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doesn’t choke of recovery too soon or allow inflation expectations to build to a degree that requires
higher interest rates to control.

Inflation remains a key risk to our base case, as a build-up in inflationary pressure could hit
credit in multiple ways. In a sensitivity analysis on more than 10,000 corporates (equivalent to
about 31% of estimated corporate debt, both rated and unrated), we estimated that a twin shock of
1970s-style cost inflation and spreads at the levels of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) could
almost double potential defaulters, to 12%, by 2023 (see “Global Debt Leverage: Spreads, Costs
Shock May Double Rate Of Loss-Making,” published June 22). The share of “highly indebted”
companies could reach almost 40%. But for most, their pushing out of debt maturities in recent
years has cushioned them against interest-cost rises—at least for now. Over time, rate rises would
increasingly weigh on debt sustainability as more debt comes due. Cost inflation is more worrying
for most, as many may not be able to pass on input-cost increases to customers.

Inflationary pressures could also make it difficult for central banks to normalize credit
conditions without triggering excessive market volatility. They may be forced to tighten monetary
policy sooner than they’d like, potentially triggering financial market volatility and a sharp market
repricing akin to 2013’s so-called “taper tantrum.” A rapid and volatile market repricing—affecting
financial and real asset prices, debt-servicing costs, and funding access—would hurt lower-rated
corporates and some emerging markets. The EMs most reliant on external financing are vulnerable
to volatile capital flows and fragile investor sentiment, while those with material foreign-currency
borrowings could suffer from an appreciation in the U.S. dollar.

Global leverage and defaults
Our base case is for default rates to fall further from their pandemic peak, as the economic
recovery drives additional improvements in credit quality, and fiscal and monetary policy remain
supportive and unlikely to be derailed by inflation. We now forecast the U.S. trailing-12-month
speculative-grade corporate default rate to decline to 4% by March 2022, from 6.3% in March of
this year (see chart 7). The outlook is similar in Europe, where we forecast the default rate to fall to
5.25% from 6.1% in March.

Chart 7
We Expect Trailing-12-Month Speculative-Grade Default Rates
To Decline In Europe And The U.S. By March 2022
          U.S. speculative-grade default rate (actual)               European speculative-grade default rate (actual)
          U.S. base forecast (4%)                                    Europe base forecast (5.25%)





Sources: S&P Global Ratings; S&P Global Market Intelligence's CreditPro®.

Increased market exposure to weaker credits is one potential risk to this view. Continuing a pre-
pandemic trend, the proportion of riskier corporate credits reached new highs with 40% of spec-

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grade issuers rated ‘B-’ and below in the U.S. and 33% in Europe. Although liquidity has allowed
many borrowers to reset themselves to cope with the strains of the pandemic, it could take years
for some sectors to recover their pre-pandemic credit metrics. The weakest credits will remain
highly vulnerable to any unforeseen market or economic shocks.

Record-high debt could make for a drawn-out default cycle. Both sovereigns and corporates have
taken on substantial amounts of debt to survive or help the broader economy survive the pandemic.
A resumption of economic growth and profitability will be critical to help alleviate these debt
burdens, with a positive feedback cycle of higher profits boosting tax receipts and limiting the need
for tax increases. If the recovery proves slower than hoped, default risks might rise sharply again,
and the cost of the pandemic could rise.

As extraordinary stimulus recedes, credit pressures will continue to build on corporates in
industries that we expect won’t fully recover earnings before next year or later. This could keep
default rates above average for longer, fuel credit losses at banks, and weigh on investments and
long-term growth. For sovereigns, the impact of high debt on credit quality will depend on the
effectiveness policies to restore growth, fiscal and monetary flexibility, and exposure to shifts in
market conditions.

Sector Focus

Corporates: Recovering, but leverage risks are elevated
The pace of recovery from COVID-19 continues to vary widely by industry. Some sectors—e.g.,
telecoms, tech, and utilities—have been relatively unscathed by the pandemic, and others—such
as capital goods—have recovered rapidly. But we think it will take until well into next year, at least,
for many to recover to pre-pandemic credit metrics (see “COVID-19 Heat Map: Pent-Up Demand
And Supply Shortages Further Improve Recovery Prospects For Credit Quality,” published June 8).

Chart 8
Global M&A Deals Have Surged In Recent Quarters
                    Total Deal Activity (rolling 4Q)                Total Deals (rolling 4Q, RHS)
          4000                                                                                       5000

   $ bn


            0                                                                                        0

*Q2 2021 is as of June 15, 2021. Data includes deal value greater than $100 million. Source: S&P Global Market Intelligence.

With many industries not returning to the pre-COVID world, capex, and M&A are likely to surge.
Shifts in consumer and corporate behavior triggered—or accelerated—by the pandemic will likely
have sustained effects that require a repositioning of business models. Capital expenditures
(capex) and mergers and acquisition (M&A) activity are the two primary routes to adjusting these,
and we expect substantial use of both routes. We expect global nonfinancial corporate capex to
increase 12% this year, its fastest pace since 2007. Similarly, global M&A exceeded $1 trillion in the
fourth quarter of last year and January-March of 2021, and we expect deal activity to remain high
(see chart 8).

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Economic recovery and ample liquidity have bought time, but leverage and solvency risks
remain. Balance-sheet cash remains plentiful to finance investments, and private equity also has
substantial capacity to acquire or reshape businesses. However, execution risk is always
significant and is heightened by the uncertainties of when we will reach a post-COVID world and
what form it takes. While corporates in aggregate have plentiful cash, they also have higher
leverage. Moreover, much of this cash is often concentrated in the hands of investment-grade
issuers in sectors seeking to be disruptors (technology), cope with disruptors (retail, autos), or deal
with climate transition (utilities). Consequently, financial returns on investment could be low. The
dash for cash through the pandemic was more elemental for speculative-grade issuers and, with
leverage elevated, the risks posed by a stalled recovery or irrevocable industry changes are all the
greater and, arguably, not fully reflected in current yields.

Banks: Largely resilient
In the U.S., regulations implemented since the GFC—related to banks’ capital and liquidity,
underwriting, operational risk, and governance—have bolstered their resilience. Most banks
were displaying good financial performance prior to the COVID-19 shock, and the pandemic’s hit to
credit losses and earnings has been less severe than we first thought. As a result, we may revise
the anchor—or starting point—for our ratings on U.S. banks to ‘A-’ from ‘BBB+’ in the next 1-2
years, if the stringency of regulation remains in place, the economy continues to grow and reflation
is orderly, and banks maintain strong balance sheets and good asset quality. A higher anchor would
lead us to raise our ratings on a number of U.S. banks that now have positive outlooks.

In Europe, the effectiveness of government support and the strength of the economic rebound
are benefitting banks by curbing the expected asset-quality deterioration. We remain mindful that
we have yet to see the full effect of the pandemic on banks’ asset quality. Nevertheless, we think
the vast majority of European banks will report improved profits this year, aided by lower credit-
impairment charges, and gradually improving fee and commission income. But the threat of longer-
term challenges persists, whether from a yield curve that remains quite flat in the euro area in
particular, overbanked markets affecting risk-based pricing, and the battle to digitize.

In Asia-Pacific, slow vaccinations in some jurisdictions could constrain the economic recovery,
which could cause rigidity in banks’ credit losses. But even as relief measures are withdrawn, and
with the noteworthy exception of China, we expect credit losses to decline in most major Asia-
Pacific banking jurisdictions in 2021 and 2022. We expect that many systemically important banks
would be beneficiaries of extraordinary government support in the unlikely event it’s needed.

Emerging Markets: Pandemic perils and the risks of falling too far behind
Many EMs remain far behind in vaccine availability and distribution and continue to suffer the
economic drag of social restrictions to prevent the spread of the pandemic. New strains of the
disease continue to surface, and the vaccines in use in many EM countries have proven less
effective, posing additional threats. But the economic recovery means that pressures on sovereign
ratings—while still tilted to the negative—are showing signs of a gradual stabilization.

Countries’ uneven emergence from the crisis means government fiscal and monetary support is still
needed and poses another risk: the resurgence of inflation and its subsequent upward pressures
on interest rates coming from developed markets where economic activity is fast resuming. This
could hit sovereigns reliant on foreign funding to meet their financing needs. It could also weigh on
the debt-servicing capacity of governments that have piled on debt in the past year.

Along these lines, a scenario in which the U.S. is “too far” ahead of the rest of the world could
become problematic. The Fed’s policy rate could rise faster than is warranted by global
macroeconomic conditions. And higher yields on U.S. Treasuries (which have been fairly steady so
far) could raise borrowing costs for a host of countries and entities. Because global capital flows
chase yields and growth, this would push investment to the U.S. and away from EMs, in particular.

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A third key risk for EM sovereign ratings revolves around the social impact of the pandemic, which
could reverberate for years. Social tensions, already high before COVID-19, have been amplified and
could constrain policy makers as they unwind fiscal and monetary support.

Longer-Term Structural Risks
In the longer-term, cyber-risks continue to pose a systemic threat and significant single-entity
risk—especially as new targets and methods are emerging. As public and private organizations are
forced to accelerate their digital transformation, we believe those that employ a combination of
risk-management actions, both before and after an attack, followed by swift remediation, are best-
positioned to face this threat. By contrast, entities lacking well-tested playbooks to shape their
responses are most vulnerable.

Another secular risk is related to environmental, social, and governance (ESG) concerns—Amid
increased global awareness on climate change and recognition of the need to move to a carbon-
neutral economy, the focus on energy transition is likely to accelerate regulatory changes, disrupt
some operating models, and weigh on funding access for carbon-intensive industries. As investors
and policymakers intensify their focus on ESG factors, borrowers that are (or are perceived as
being) ESG-noncompliant could face increasing policy risks or limited access to capital—with
restrictions ranging from having to pay a premium to borrow to being shut out of capital markets.

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Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021: Reopening, Reflation, Reset

Table 1
Top Global Risks
Near-Term Risks
Debt: Corporate insolvencies and new highs in government debt

Risk level*          Very low        Moderate           Elevated            High           Very high        Risk trend**            Improving            Unchanged             Worsening
With aggregate debt levels at or near record highs, some corporates and governments remain vulnerable to credit deterioration and defaults if income recovers
more slowly than expected—especially if the cost of debt starts to rise. As extraordinary stimulus recedes, credit pressures will continue to build on corporates in
industries that we expect won’t fully recover earnings before next year or later. This could keep default rates higher for longer, fuel credit losses at banks, and
weigh on investments and long-term growth. For sovereigns, the effects of high debt on credit quality will depend on policies to restore growth, fiscal and
monetary flexibility, and exposure to shifts in market conditions.

COVID-19: Uneven vaccine rollouts and new variants impede return to normal activity

Risk level*          Very low        Moderate           Elevated            High           Very high        Risk trend**            Improving            Unchanged             Worsening
Slow and uneven rollouts of vaccines in many regions, combined with a potential surge in more-contagious coronavirus variants, could make it difficult to contain
the pandemic—particularly with the highly transmissible delta variant becoming the dominant strain worldwide. Countries are becoming better at coping with the
economic effects of surges in the COVID-19 cases even during lockdowns, but any backslide in progress against the pandemic could hamper the global economic
recovery and result in challenging credit implications for some countries and sectors. Many emerging markets face higher risks due to their health-care
infrastructure and more-limited resources, with some also heavily dependent on tourism.

Markets: Disorderly reflation and market repricing risk

Risk level*          Very low        Moderate           Elevated            High           Very high        Risk trend**            Improving            Unchanged             Worsening
As inflationary pressures build (because of rising demand as social restrictions ease, supply-chain disruption, and—in certain areas—labor imbalances) central
banks may be forced to tighten monetary policy sooner than they’d like. This could make it difficult to normalize credit conditions without triggering excessive
market volatility. A rapid and volatile market repricing or inflation shock, affecting financial and real asset prices, debt-servicing costs, and funding access, would
hurt lower-rated corporates and some emerging markets. Those emerging markets most reliant on external financing are vulnerable to volatile capital flows and
fragile investor sentiment, while those with material foreign-currency borrowings could suffer from U.S. dollar appreciation.

Longer-Term Structural Risks

Secular shifts: Energy Transitions, And ESG- and cyber-related risks

Risk level*          Very low        Moderate           Elevated            High           Very high        Risk trend**            Improving            Unchanged             Worsening
Amid increased global awareness on climate change and recognition of the need to move to a carbon-neutral economy, the focus on energy transition is likely to
accelerate regulatory changes, disrupt some operating models, and weigh on funding access for carbon-intensive industries. There have also been accelerated
secular shifts across a range of industries regarding different work and consumer habits that intensify the risks of technology obsolescence for traditional
businesses. Cyber-attacks continue to pose a systemic threat and significant single-entity risk, and new targets and methods are emerging. As public and private
organizations are forced to accelerate their digital transformation, those lacking well-tested playbooks to shape their responses are most vulnerable.

Politics: Tensions spill over to economic and social conditions, exacerbate inequalities

Risk level*          Very low        Moderate           Elevated            High           Very high        Risk trend**            Improving            Unchanged             Worsening
Amplified geopolitical tensions and economic nationalism have weighed on global trade and could prompt long-term structural shifts in global supply chains.
Under President Biden, tensions between the U.S. and China have persisted, especially in technology, intellectual property, and market access. China is
continuing its drive to be less reliant on markets and technology from foreign countries, including the U.S. At the same time, the pandemic has widened
socioeconomic inequalities. Job losses have hit low-income workers harder—worsening the wealth gap in the largest economies and increasing poverty in low-
income economies—heightening the risks to political and social stability.
Sources: S&P Global Ratings.
*Risk levels may be classified as very low, moderate, elevated, high, or very high, are evaluated by considering both the likelihood and systemic impact of such an event occurring over the next
one to two years. Typically, these risks are not factored into our base-case rating assumptions unless the risk level is very high.
**Risk trend reflects our current view on whether the risk level could increase or decrease over the next 12 months.

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Global Credit Conditions Q3 2021: Reopening, Reflation, Reset

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    –    Global Economic Outlook Q3 2021: Picking Up Steam, Fueled By Vaccinations, June 30,
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         Bank Ratings, May 24, 2021

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