Rendezvous Region 2021 Summer Tour Guide - Come Rendezvous in our backyard! - Townnews

Page created by Jeff Farmer
Rendezvous Region 2021 Summer Tour Guide - Come Rendezvous in our backyard! - Townnews
Cavalier County Republican

  Rendezvous Region
    2021 Summer Tour Guide

    Come Rendezvous in our backyard!
Rendezvous Region 2021 Summer Tour Guide - Come Rendezvous in our backyard! - Townnews
Page 2 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                                  Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                             Cavalier County Republican

   Summer Theatre

                                                                    Downhill Mountain
                                                                    BIKE TRAILS
   Live theater returns to the Pembina Gorge this summer!              All riders are required an access pass to use the Mountain Biker Terrain Park
   Show dates Saturday, June 26 - Sunday, Aug. 1                       Day Unlimited Lift Pass - $35, tax not included
                                                                       Lift hours: Saturday - Sunday 10 a.m. - 6 p.m.
   The Marvelous Wonderettes is a nostalgia packed show that
   will have you singing along from your seat with hits from the    Please call ahead to rent a mountain bike, our rental fleet is limited. Helmets are required.
   50's and 60's.                                                   Due to COVID-19 we are unable to rent helmets.

   To buy tickets and for more show information:                    For more show information:
    Visit                                         Visit
    Box Office Phone Number: 701-549-3602

                           | 701.549.3600 | Walhalla, ND
Rendezvous Region 2021 Summer Tour Guide - Come Rendezvous in our backyard! - Townnews
Cavalier County Republican				                                  Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                  Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 3

             Frost Fire Summer Theatre is back on stage!
By Linda Timian                           Grand Forks, and the show will be          and under. Tickets for dinner buffet starring long-time Frost Fire alum
Republican Writer                         mounted on the Frost Fire stage the        and show are $45.75 for adults and   Misti Koop. Join Misti every Sat-
                                          two weekends prior to opening.                                                  urday in July at 11:00 a.m. for her
   The 37th Annual Frost Fire Sum-        It’s an ambitious schedule, but the                                             musical variety show for kids! Misti
mer Theatre is back on stage this         Paukert’s have 30 years of experi-                                              uses her instruments, puppets, hu-
year with “The Marvelous Wonder-          ence with the Frost Fire Summer                                                 mor, magic, singing, dancing and
ettes!” to entertain you with songs       Theater program to draw upon.                                                   stories to engage your kids in a fun-
and nostalgia. The musical com-               There will be 20 performances                                               filled, interactive variety show. This
edy by Roger Bean is packed with          in all beginning Saturday, June 26                                              summer, her show will highlight
jukebox hits from the 1950s and           through Sunday, August 1st. Show                                                the music of the 50s and 60s to en-
1960s, including “Lollipop”, “Dream       time is at 6:00 p.m. on Saturdays                                               hance the theme of this year’s Frost
Lover”, “Stupid Cupid”, “Lipstick on      June 26, July 3, 10, 17, 24 and 31.                                             Fire production, “The Marvelous
Your Collar”, “Hold Me, Thrill Me,        There will be matinees at 2:00 p.m.                                             Wonderettes.” She also emphasizes
Kiss Me”, “It’s My Party”, and “It’s in   on Sundays June 27, July 4, 11, 18,                                             themes of the beautiful Pembina
His Kiss (The Shoop Shoop Song)”.         25, and August 1, and on Wednes-                                                Gorge! Come and “Get Misti-fied!”
Bean also wrote “Route 66” which          days June 30, July 7, 14, 21, and 28.                                               Hattie’s Closet will be back this
was performed at Frost Fire in 2018       There will also be Saturday mati-                                               summer for guests to browse and
and “Life Could Be a Dream” which         nees at 2:00 on July 17, 24, and                                                purchase hand-crafted items from
was the production in 2019.               31. A wonderful dinner buffet at                                                people throughout the region.
   In “The Marvelous Wonderettes!”        the Frost Fire Lodge will open two                                              Many guests like to pick up souve-
Betty Jean, Cindy Lou, Missy, and         hours prior to each performance.                                                nirs and hand-crafted gifts to take
Suzy are four girls with hopes and            At the July 4th 2:00 p.m. mati-                                             home.
dreams as big as their crinoline          nee, Frost Fire will acknowledge                                                    Whether you take in “The Mar-
skirts! As we learn about their lives     the dedicated veterans and active                                               velous Wonderettes!”, “Misti-fied,”
and loves, the girls serenade us          military in the audience. They will                                             “Encore! Arts Camp,” or all three,
with classic hits. When called upon       receive a 20% discount on their            $21.50 for children 10 and under.    Frost Fire Summer Theatre is sure
to perform at their senior prom as        tickets and be officially recognized         An exciting addition to the sum- to be a highly entertaining destina-
a last minute replacement, the girls      for their service at the beginning of      mer theater schedule this year is tion. Reserve your tickets today!
rally together to entertain their         the show.                                  “Misti-fied,” a free children’s show
classmates in four-part harmony.              Don’t miss “50’s & 60’s Dress-Up

                                                                                       Join us for a round of golf along the
   In Act II, the Wonderettes reunite     Night” at the 6:00 shows on July 17,
to take the stage and perform at          24, and 31! “We thought it would
their ten-year reunion. We learn          be fun to invite members of our au-
                                                                                            beautiful Pembina Gorge
                                                                                        Walhalla Country Club
about the highs and lows the girls        dience to join the cast to dress-up
have experienced in the past de-          in their favorite 50’s or 60’s outfits,”
cade and are charmed to find that         said David Paukert. “All those in the
no matter what life throws their          audience who participate will re-
                                          ceive a fun memorabilia souvenir
                                                                                        5 miles West of Walhalla
way, they will conquer it together.
   “It is a wonderful stroll down         from the cast.”
memory lane that features some of             Mask-wearing and social dis-                   701-549-2357
                                                                                           Visitors Welcome
the most popular female vocalist          tancing are encouraged though
hits of the 1950’s and 1960’s,” said      not required. Seating will start at 50
Assistant Director David Paukert. “It     percent capacity with staggered/
is a funny and charming show that         spaced seating to allow for distanc-
is pure entertainment from begin-         ing. Policies and procedures will be
ning to end!”                             evaluated and adapted on a regular
   Amy Jo Paukert is this year’s Di-      basis to determine what is safe for
rector. The cast members are Ka-          the audience, performers, and staff.
tie Germain, Kenzie Henderson,            On-line seating is currently avail-
Gina Uhlir, and Misti Koop. Amy Jo        able at and
Paukert, Jeff Anvinson and Spencer        set up so that you can reserve seats
Black make up the pit orchestra.          in groups of two with two empty
Others involved with the show in-         seats on either side, alternating by
clude Autumn Horton (Technician),         row. If you would like to have more
Charity Stegman (Stage Manager),          than two seats together, please
Carol Clark (Scenic artist), Pete &       call in your reservation at 701-549-
Pat Danielson (Set Construction),         3602.
and Mare Thompson Hepper (Cos-
                                              You are encouraged to get your
                                          tickets early. Prices are $30.00 for
                                                                                        9 holes, watered greens & fairways
   Rehearsals began May 24th in           adults and $12.00 for children 10                    Concessions - On Sale
Rendezvous Region 2021 Summer Tour Guide - Come Rendezvous in our backyard! - Townnews
Page 4 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                      Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                            Cavalier County Republican

                                                                       Welcome to Walhalla, the “Valley of the Gods”
 Walhalla 2021 Events                                                     Walhalla (Heart of the Rendezvous
                                                                       Region) nestled along the Pembina River,
                                                                       just east of the Pembina Gorge, is the sec-
                                                                                                                        ered “tame” but is North Dakota’s only
                                                                                                                        “white water river”. Current water lev-
                                                                                                                        els and conditions during the season can
 JUNE                                                                  ond oldest community in North Dakota.            be obtained from the North Dakota Park
                                                                          The area is perfect for nature lovers         Service.
 12 – Walhalla Demolition Derby, 2 p.m.                                with 12,500 acres of unspoiled and varied           Tee off at the picturesque Walhalla
                                                                       landscape. There are so many outdoor             Country Club, a scenic 9-hole grass golf
 19 – Up to Par Golf Tournament, Walhalla Country Club                 activities to participate in: hiking, horse-     course located in the beautiful Pembina
                                                                       back riding, mountain biking, berry pick-        Hills. The course is complete with club
 26-27 – Edie Golf Tournament, Walhalla Country Club                   ing & flower spotting, picnicking, bird          house, driving and pull carts are avail-
                                                                       and wildlife viewing, primitive camping,         able for rent, two decks, screened-in-
                                                                       downhill or cross-country skiing, snow-          porch, and restaurant and lounge.
 JULY                                                                  boarding, tubing, snowmobiling, geo                 The Frost Fire Amphitheater has be-
                                                                       cashing, and archeological outing at our         come famous over the years for their
 2 – Brickmine Pro Hillclimb                                           Mosasaur fossil site. The Pembina Gorge          wonderful musical productions. Shows
                                                                       State Recreation Area has several miles of       begin June 26th and run through August
 2 – Janet Shablow’s Indian Tacos, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.                   beautiful multi-purpose trails. For more         1st. For more information call 701-549-
                                                                       info 701-549-2444.                               3600.
 3 – 5k Run/Walk, 7 a.m.                                                  In addition to the Pembina Gorge,                We have modern and primative camp-
                                                                       Walhalla offers the Tetrault Woods State         sites, swimming pool and a picnic and
 3 – Walhalla Parade, 10:30 a.m., (Line up at 10 a.m.)                 Forest. This 420 acre tract of undevel-          play area at the Riverside Park. To book
                                                                       oped wildlife setting is an adventure for        online go to https://riversidecamp-
 3 – Volleyball Tournament, 1 p.m.                                     the entire family. There are two scenic or call 701-
 3 – Frost Fire musical “The Marvelous Wonderettes”, 6 p.m.            overlooks that stand high above the river        521-0544.
                                                                       valley and offer amazing views; both are            Farmers Market is held Saturday
 3 – Street Dance sponsored by Jackson’s Bar                           part of a 33.5 mile North Dakota State           morning, 9 a.m.-noon, on 10th & Central
                                                                       Scenic Backway. The Gingras Trading              – weather permitting July thru harvest
 3 – Janet Shablow’s Indian Tacos, 10 a.m. - 2 a.m.                    Post, a State Historic Site, is within this      season.
                                                                       “backway” and is open 10 a.m.-5 p.m.                Please see our schdule of events for
 4 – Church Service, Riverside Park, 11 a.m.                           daily with free admission Memorial –La-          more activities. If you need more info,
                                                                       bor Day 701-549-2775.                            call 701-549-3939. You can also find us on
 4 – 4th of July Fun Day at Riverside Park, Noon - 7 p.m.                 The Pembina River is considered best          Facebook under Walhalla Area Chamber
 4 – Frost Fire musical “The Marvelous Wonderettes”, 2 p.m.            for canoeing, kayaking and tubing. The           of Commerce or email us at walhalland@
                                                                       meandering Pembina River is consid-    
 4 – Movie, TBA, 8 p.m.
 4 – Fireworks, Dusk
 4 – Janet Shablow’s Indian Tacos, 10 a.m. - 10 p.m.
                                                                                        Walhalla Inn
 8-10 – Pembina County Fair                                                                                            Lounge & Bottle Shop
                                                                          • Steak House                                 Mon.-Sat. 10 a.m.-1 a.m.
 10 – Frank White Golf Tournament, Walhalla Country Club                  • Lounge                                       Sun. 12 noon - 5 p.m.
 24 – North Border Booster Golf Tournament, Walhalla                      • On & Off Sale
                                                                          • Banquet Facilities                             Restaurant Hours
      Country Club                                                        • Casino                                        Mon.-Thurs. 4-8 p.m.
                                                                          • Smorgasbord                                    Fri. & Sat. 4-8 p.m.
                                                                                                                      Wed. Chicken Smorg • Fri. Fish Fry/Prime Rib
 25 – Pumpkinfest                                                                    Hwy. 5 West • Walhalla, ND
                                                                                   701-549-2700 or 1-800-853-4302
 NOVEMBER                                                                 Your Full-Service Flower Shop & Greenhouse
 20 – Holiday Open House                                                      When touring through the
                                                                                 Rendezvous Region,
 DECEMBER                                                                     stop in and take a look at
                                                                                    our gift shop.                                    Find us on Facebook:
 13 – Light Up Walhalla & Evening Open Houses                                                                                            Natures Best

 13 – Hidden Medalion Begins                                               Nature’s Best Floral                                       Wedding and Event
                                                                             & Greenhouse
 Walhalla Area Chamber of Commerce 701-549-3939 –
 Join the Chamber today!
                                                                            401 5th Street • Walhalla
Cavalier County Republican				                                 Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 5
Encore! Arts Camp set for Aug. 2-6 at Frost Fire

                                                                                 Farmers Union Oil Company
By Linda Timian                          forming arts classes will be study-
Republican Writer                        ing creative dramatics, movement,
                                         improvisation, and vocal music.

                                                                                         & C-Store
   Frost Fire will also be hosting       Instructors are Misti Koop, Craig Pe-
“Encore! Arts Camp,” a day camp          tersen, and his wife, Kristin Larson.
for students going into grades 3 –       Petersen is currently performing
12. It will be held Monday – Friday,     professionally in Des Moines, Iowa.                            Rendezvous Region
August 2-6, from 9:15 a.m. – 3:15        Larson is professor and chair of the
p.m. each day. Campers will be di-       theater arts department at Grand

                                                                                          Gas • Diesel • Pizza • Subs
vided into two groups: grades 3-6        View University in Des Moines.
and 7-12. Each group will have the           The week will wrap up with an
opportunity to participate in both       Art Show and performance, show-
visual arts and performing arts ac-      casing examples of the different
   “One of our philosophies at Frost
Fire is to reach out to our rural com-
                                         things the kids worked on during
                                         the week.
                                             The full camp fee (including                   Tacos • Snacks • Soda
                                                                                               Convenience Store
munities and provide opportuni-          snacks and a t-shirt) is $130.00, and
ties,” said David Paukert, “and one      partial scholarships are available
of them is the arts. It’s a part of      by application. Transportation will
Frost Fire and the Pembina Gorge’s       be available to students from Wal-
mission to create and provide these      halla, Langdon, Cavalier, Drayton,
sorts of opportunities.”                 St. Thomas, Grafton, Minto, Park
   Campers will explore visual arts      River, Edinburg and Neche at a
concepts in a variety of media, in-
cluding drawing, painting, pottery
                                         cost of $30.00 per child and $10.00
                                         for each additional child per fam-
                                                                                     While traveling through the
and more. Instructors are Langdon
Area Schools art instructor Mindi
                                         ily. Kids should bring a cold sack
                                         lunch. A healthy snack will be pro-
                                                                                 Rendezvous Region stop in to “refuel.”
Lill, and David Paukert, who is a
former Larimore High School art
                                         vided mid-morning and afternoon.
                                         For more information, email David         9245 Hwy. 1, Langdon – 256-5531
instructor.                              Paukert at          697-5208 • Calvin | 655-3514 • Lawton
   Students enrolled in the per-
Page 6 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                             Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                      Cavalier County Republican

      Outdoor activities abound at Pembina Gorge and Frost Fire Park
By Linda Timian                          the Forest Service building at 101       are closed following a significant        ates 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturdays
Republican Writer                        5th Street in Walhalla. The money        rain event to allow the water time        and Sundays. Season passes are also
                                         generated from these fees goes to-       to shed off the trail. By doing this,     available.
    If you are looking for outdoor ac-   wards maintaining the horse trails. If   rutting is minimized, and it takes           After a day of fresh air and out-
tivities to do in the scenic Rendez-     you are bringing horses into North       less time for the trails to re-open.      door exercise, stop in at Howatt’s
vous Region, the Pembina Gorge           Dakota, information on health cer-       The goal is to avoid damage to the        Hangar, located in the Frost Fire
and Frost Fire Park are the setting      tificates and tests can be found on      trails and long-term closures. To find    Park Lodge, for dine-in or grab-n-
for you. The Pembina Gorge State         the North Dakota Department of           out the current status of the trails,     go. Take-out & curb-side orders are
Recreation Area offers over 30 acres     Agriculture’s website, https://www.      call the PGSRA at (701) 549-2444 or       also available to order by phone at
of trails to enjoy horseback riding,, under Animal Import        check the Pembina Gorge State Rec-        701-549-3600. They feature a va-
hiking, mountain biking, and off-                                                                                           riety of burgers, fries, onion rings,
highway vehicles (OHV). Two trail                                                                                           nachos, chicken strips, wings, fish
maps can be found online at www.                                                                                            & chips, and shrimp. The kitchen is                                                                                               open Fridays and Saturdays from 5
state-recreation-area. One map is                                                                                           p.m. to 10 p.m. and Sundays from
for mountain bikers, hikers, and                                                                                            11 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Sunday brunch
horseback riders only and is called                                                                                         menu includes breakfast and lunch
the Non-Motorized Trail Map. The                                                                                            items like biscuit with sausage coun-
other map is for all users including                                                                                        try gravy and fried egg, cinnamon
OHVs and is called the Motorized                                                                                            French toast, club sandwich with
Multi-Use Trail Map. The trailhead                                                                                          fries, ham-cheese-egg on an Eng-
is located 1 mile north, 1 mile west,                                                                                       lish muffin, bacon-lettuce-tomato
and ¼ mile north of the beautiful                                                                                           sandwich, and cobb salad. Fresh
Walhalla Country Club.                                                                                                      baked buns are provided by Lang-
    Normally, kayaking on the Pembi-     Permits.                                 reation Area Facebook page.               don’s own Bread Pan Bakery, and the
na River and kayak rentals are avail-       The new Multi-Use Trail is free to       Frost Fire Park has a Mountain         steaks are cut fresh by the Langdon
able from the PGSRA, but those may       use by everyone and designed to          Bike Terrain Park for bike enthusi-       Hickory Hut. Tap beer is provided by
be off the table this summer at the      accommodate both non-motorized           asts. The Park plans to have the bike     Revelation Ale Works, an ultra-rural
Gorge. “The river levels are currently   and motorized traffic, including the     trails open the first week of June.       craft brewery in Hallock, Minn.
well below kayaking levels, and we       three classes of OHVs – dirt bikes,      They currently have 3 operational            Hattie’s Closet is a summer at-
need significant rain for us to have a   four wheelers and side-by-sides –        trails, a Cross Country trail, a begin-   traction and gift shop located in a
chance to rent kayaks this year,” said   as long as they are 60 inches wide       ner downhill flow, and an interme-        historical home on the mountain
Park Manager Jarod Matzke.               or less. State registration and insur-   diate downhill flow. All trails are       at Frost Fire Park. It showcases local
    The Pembina Gorge State Rec-         ance requirements for OHVs must          doable and can be as challenging          artists and creators of a wide variety
reation Area is a one-of-a-kind rid-     be followed. In addition, riders and     as you want them to be. There are         of unique hand-crafted items like
ing experience for equestrians.          passengers under 18 must wear a          obstacles on them, but you can go         jewelry, ornaments, decorations,
Horses can go on any of the trails       DOT approved helmet, 16 and over         around the obstacles. Go down it as       and clothing. Stop by, browse, and
in the Gorge, but remember only          must have a valid driver’s license,      a beginning rider. There are a limited    take some of the local handiwork
the Lady Slipper trail is restricted     ages 12-15 must have an OHV safety       number of adult and child mountain        home with you.
to non-motorized users. Riders will      certificate, and ages 11 and younger     bikes available to rent at the Lodge.        Make your plans to spend a day
need to purchase a horse pass for        cannot operate OHVs. Please follow       Helmets are required but not avail-       or a weekend exploring the woodsy
each horse. Daily passes are $6,         the signs and stay on the trails.        able to rent there. Passes are re-        trails, scenic views, and peaceful
and annual passes are $30. Permits          All trails are monitored closely      quired to use the Mountain Bike Ter-      serenity of the Pembina Gorge and
are available for purchase online or     by the PGSRA to maintain a safe          rain Park. Day passes are $5, and Lift    Frost Fire Park.
in the PGSRA office now located in       and sustainable trail system. Trails     Passes are $35 per day. The Lift oper-

                                                                                                           IT ALL!”
   Jackson’s Bar & Bottle Shop                                                                                ~
                                                                                                     ~Rollex Steel Siding & Soffet ~
                                                                                                       ~ Certain-Teed Roffing ~
  Happy Hour 5-7 p.m. Cool Drinks & Fun in the
     7 Days a week Heart of the Rendezvous Region                                     WALHALLA HOME & BUILDING CENTER
                                                                                            1820 HWY. 32 NORTH • WALHALLA , ND 58282
        Open Monday-Saturday – 8 a.m. - 2 a.m.                                        OWNER: DAROL HOFFMAN • 701-549-2320 • FAX 701-549-2322
                Sunday – Noon - 2 a.m.
        1011 Central Ave., Walhalla – 549-3183
Cavalier County Republican				                                             Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                           Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 7

    Tour de Rendezvous set for June 26                                                                            Blue Ribbon Kennels
By Jared Entzi                                    to introduce them to the Rendez-
Republican Writer                                 vous Region. This ride has been                                              of Langdon
                                                  a success and grown every year
   The Tour de Rendezvous Bike                    with the exception of last with CO-                                    Gordon & Sharon Sondeland
race will be held on June 26th at                 VID-19.
10:00 a.m. The race will begin and                   “Road cycling is a great activity                                 “We will make your furry family
end in Langdon at Boyd Block,                     in our area when planting or har-                                       member feel at home.”
where a 60 and 32 mile route have                 vesting is not active as we have
been organized. The cost to par-                  many paved roads with little traf-
ticipate is $20 for adults and $10                fic. I encourage people who have
                                                  not cycled on the open highways
                                                                                                                                 Call 256-3412
for children 15 and under. Par-
ticipants gather from all around                  to try it. It’s a great workout while                                      or 370-1989 to make
the state, Minnesota, and in the                  being surrounded by green fields                                        your boarding appointment.
past-Canada. All participants will                and the sounds of nature,” Nathan
be required to sign a waiver when                 Smith, organizer, said.                                                                 Complimentary
they register for the event. The top                 Mark your calendars for June                                                         HOT Breakfast
three riders for each route/gender                26th! Get your work out on, and
will be acknowledged. Food and                    enjoy what the region has to offer!                                                   On-site 24-hour
drinks will be served at the finish               As always, be sure to stretch and                                                 Cobblestone Marketplace
line, with the addition of water,                 stay hydrated leading up to the                                                          On-site Guest
granola bars, and bananas along                   big race!                                                                               Laundry Facility
the route.                                           For more information or to reg-
                                                                                                                                          Exercise Room
   This ride started in 2017 as a                 ister please email Nathan Smith at
way to bring visitors to the area                                                                 Whirlpool Suites
that enjoy outdoor activities and                                                                                                   Mobility Accessible Rooms
                                                                                             510 9th Ave. E, Langdon                     Beer & Wine Bar
                                                                                                                                    Free High Speed Internet
                                                                                              Like us on Facebook:

                                                                                           Your Rendezvous Region’s
                                                                                              John Deere Dealers
                  June 26, 2021 – 11:00 a.m.
      Start/Finish in Langdon at Boyd Block Plaza
                   32 or 60 Mile Route
             $10 for 15 & under, $20 Adults
  Top finisher for each gender/distance will receive        Route is 100% paved.
         a Rendezvous Region gift package.               Food will be served after ride.
               Email: for additional info

     Enjoy Langdon Parks & Recreation!
     Picnic Area • Playground • Volleyball Net
        Pool • Camping • Softball Diamonds
      3 Shower Houses (Handicap accessible)

                                                                                           Langdon Implement                       Roy Implement
                                                                                           Hwy. 1 North - Langdon              Hwy. 32 North - Walhalla
                                                                                                  256-5276                            549-3861
  11 RV Hookups with cement pads
      sewer, water, electrical, located near                                                                 Cavalier Equipment
      park showers and all park facilities.                                                                    Hwy. 5 West - Cavalier
  Call 256-2155 for more park info!                                                                                  265-8468
Page 8 – Monday, June 7, 2021				           Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                   Cavalier County Republican

                                                          Recreation and history at Icelandic State Park in Cavalier
                                                             North Dakota’s homesteading spirit       & water)
                                                          is evident at Icelandic State Park, lo-        7 Group Campsites
                                                          cated on the shores of Lake Renwick.           10 Primitive Campsites
                                        Glenn’s           Established in 1964, this 912-acre             Camping Cabins
                                                          park allows visitors to learn about the        These camping cabins each sleep
                                       Appliance          state’s early settlement and provides
                                                          an array of recreational opportunities.
                                                                                                      five, bunkbed-style. Each cabin is
                                                                                                      equipped with lights, heat, air con-
                                                          Boating, swimming and fishing are a         ditioning and a deck. Cooking is not
                                         256-5511         few favorite summer activities while
                                                          snowshoeing and cross-country skiing
                                                                                                      allowed inside, but a grill and picnic
                                                                                                      table are located outside of each cabin.
                                                          are popular during the winter. Picnic       The cabins do not have showers, sinks
                                         1111 9th Ave.    areas enable visitors to enjoy a relaxing   or toilets, but most are within a short
                                           Langdon        afternoon in the shade of old oak trees.    walk to a campground comfort station.
                                                             Within the park, visitors will find      Camping cabins are generally avail-
                                                          a number of restored historic build-        able from May 19-September 30.
                                                          ings including Akra Community Hall             Day-use Facilities
                                                          and Hallson Church. Visitors can walk          Akra Hall

    Moose Creek Lodge
                                                          through the Pioneer Heritage Center            Pioneer Heritage Center Meeting
                                                          that houses exhibits and hosts pro-         Room
                                                          graming that highlights North Dako-            Hallson Church
                                                          ta’s homesteading years.                       Picnic Shelters/Ampitheater
                         A Lodging Adventure in              Visitors can also spend time explor-        Equipment Rentals
                     The Heart of the Rendezvous Region   ing the trail system in North Dakota’s         Canoe, Kayak, Stand-up Paddle-
                                                          first dedicated state nature preserve,      board
                         15 miles East of Langdon         Gunlogson Nature Preserve. The 200-            Other Amenities
                                                          acre natural wooded area along the             Boat Ramp, Courtesy Dock, Swim-
                         18 miles West of Cavalier        Tongue River is a sanctuary for plants,     ming Beach, Concessions, 4.10 Miles
                      15 miles Southwest of Walhalla      birds and wildlife. More than a dozen       of Scenic Hiking Trails, Dog Park, His-
                                 on Hwy 5                 rare species exist in the preserve, rang-   toric Buildings & Museum of NE ND
                                                          ing from Watermeal to Bishop’s Cap.         Heritage, Grills in Areas with Picnic
                             256-5066                     The preserve also contains rare birds
                                                          such as the Pileated Woodpecker and
                                                                                                      Tables, 3 Playgrounds, Shower & Flush
                                                                                                      Toilets in Camping Loops, Sewage
                                                          Western Wood-Pewee.                         Dump Station for Campers.                                  140 Modern Campsites (electricity

      701-256-5331                                                                                    701-331-9422
      800-950-0276                                                                                     Park River
   Hwy. 5 East, Langdon                                                            
Cavalier County Republican				                                       Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                     Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 9

Cavalier County Museum at Dresden offers glimpse of the past with much to see
   In the center of Cavalier County on         1920 by siblings Bill and Bertha Sbach,     the Museum in Dresden and find your      season: Monday, Wednesday, Friday,
roads less traveled, lies one of the coun-     is frequently overlooked because it         own treasures that mean something to     and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
ty’s greatest treasures. The Cavalier          has remained mostly hidden behind           you. We encourage all visitors to take      • June 20 - Threshermen’s Breakfast
County museum in Dresden is home               years of trees and over-growth. That        pictures and post to our, or your own,   – Serving Pancakes, French Toast, Hick-
to many of the county’s treasures from         is about to change. This spring trees       Facebook page. We would love to hear     ory Hut Sausage
the past. In one of the museum’s seven         have been removed and dirt has been         about your experiences in Dresden.          • September 5 – Picnic in Dresden –
buildings, you are sure to find some-          moved. This has exposed a side of the          Dates to remember:                    Picnic food and neighborly fun.
thing that ties all of us to our farm roots.   house that has not been seen from the          • May 30 - Museum opens for the
   In our original museum building, the        main museum complex since before the
Holy Trinity stone church, you will find       museum came to be.
many pictures from area county towns.              The red-roofed Hahn home is about
The church has many items in the dis-          to get a new neighbor. From only a mile
play cases that show a simpler time,           away, we are moving in a barn donated
musical instruments, wedding dresses,          to the museum by Wally Jakoubek from
dolls, carriages, and many religious           his farm just west of Dresden. Origi-
items.                                         nally built by Leo Jakoubek, Wally’s fa-
   The Memorial building houses the            ther, in 1946, this huge barn will make
Peterson log cabin, a cook car, and            a welcome addition to the museum.
many other farm items. In direct con-          While the barn will not be completely
trast to that, the other steel quonset is      original, it will tie in nicely with our
set up more like a small town. A gen-          museum complex. When the Sbachs
eral store, a jail, and a barber shop are a    built their home in 1920, Dresden was a
few of the things in the DeVold build-         booming small town, and now their city
ing. The DeVold building is also where         home is going to be part of our “new”
the events for the museum are held,            farmyard with the addition of the Jak-
including the Father’s Day Thresher’s          oubek barn. There is a lot of work to do
breakfast and the picnic in Dresden in         to get the barn into Dresden yet, and we
the fall.                                      are hoping that we can move it in by the
   Other buildings include a one room          end of the season this year. Our hope
school, a children’s favorite caboose,         is to have it open for viewing by the Fa-    The Hahn home, which was originally built in 1920 by siblings Bill and
and a library. The last building and           ther’s Day breakfast in 2022.                Bertha Sbach, is frequently overlooked because it has remained mostly hid-
most overlooked is the Hahn home,                  It has been said many times that you     den behind years of trees and over-growth. This spring, trees have been
which was home to Charles Hahn and             cannot see everything in the museum          removed and dirt has been moved. This has exposed a side of the house that
his children for over 70 years. The Hahn       in one day. There are too many trea-         has not been seen from the main museum complex since before the museum
home, which was originally built in            sures. We would love to have you visit       came to be.

                Open Monday, Wednesday,
             Friday and Sunday from 1-5 p.m.
           Memorial Day thru Labor Day weekend.
                                   Schedule of Annual Events
                                  Thresher’s Breakfast - June 20
                                   Picnic in Dresden - Sept. 5
                                          Phone 256-3650 Museum
                                  382-9902 – Alexis Lafrenz • 256-5957 – Jay DuBois
                                        283-5128 – Shauna Schneider, President
                                                                     Langdon, ND
     Witzel Construction
    Owners & Operators - Dane & Travis Witzel
                                                                                             See us for electrical supplies: lightbulbs, wires, fix-
  • drain tile
  • basement                                                                                tures, motors, Ritchie waterers, shop & flood lights,
  • demolition                                                                                    Marathon water heaters, NEST products
  • drain fields
  • rural water lines
  • loading
  • hauling
  • septic tank installation
  • sewer lines                                Call 256-2385
Page 10 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                                           Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                        Cavalier County Republican

Northern Lights Arts Council provides summer activities for all
   Greetings from the Northern Lights Arts Council!                phy, comedy, and audience involvement. The concerts        welcome to audition! Auditions will be held Monday
We have kicked off our summer events and are so ex-                will be located at Boyd Block in Langdon and start at      morning at 10 a.m., and performances are Friday at 7
cited to share all the fun with you!                               7:00 p.m. The Roxy Theater will be open for conces-        p.m. and Saturday at 2 p.m. Please note the location
   The Summer Concert Series is a new event that                   sions (and will also be the backup location in the event   change this year – both auditions and performances
we have partnered with the Langdon Area Chamber                    of bad weather). Bring a chair, a blanket, bugspray, or    will be held at St. Alphonsus Parish Hall. One other
of Commerce to provide free, outdoor, musical en-                  whatever you need to get comfortable and enjoy the         change this year is that MCT will be requiring pre-reg-
tertainment. There are two dates of the three-concert              shows! Free will offerings will be collected at these      istration. The Monday morning audition process will
series remaining! Thursday, June 10 we present the                 events.                                                    not change, but we will just need a list of students par-
“Musical Revue Throwback Night” directed by Em-                       Next on the calendar is Art Day Camp instructed         ticipating prior to that time. Call or text Amber at 701-
ily Braunberger, accompanied by Lisa Schuler, and                  by Mindi Lill. The dates this year are July 14-15 and      305-0089 anytime now until July 19 with the follow-
featuring many friendly faces you recognize from the               will be held in the Langdon Elementary art room. All       ing information: Name, Age, Parent/Guardian Name,
area. Come out and enjoy your favorite songs from                  the age groups will learn drawing and watercolor           Phone Number, and Email Address. Currently, MCT is
past musicals and musical revues including Take Me                 techniques. The times are as follows: grades 2-3 at        also requiring masks for all participants and audience
To The Movies; Nunsense: the Mega Musical; Lights,                 10:30-11:30 a.m.; grades 4-6 at 1:00-3:00 p.m. or 3:30-    members. This requirement is subject to change, and
Curtain, Broadway; and Once Upon an Ever After!                    5:30 p.m.; and grades 7-12 at 6:30-8:30 p.m. Cost is       we’ll be sure to keep you informed!
There will be something for everyone from “Greased                 $15, and the registration form and fee are due by June        Last but not least, we will be showing a free movie
Lighting” to “I Just Can’t Wait to be King” and many               25. Forms are available on our website and Facebook        at Boyd Block on Thursday, August 5. The movie will
more! The following Thursday, June 17, will conclude               page, or simply fill out the following information and     begin at dusk. The Roxy will be open for concessions.
the Summer Concert Series with the “Divas Through                  send to NLAC, PO Box 162, Langdon, ND 58249: Stu-          The movie will be announced closer to the date. If the
the Decades”. The Divas are a musical tribute band                 dent name, Grade (fall 2021), parent/guardian name,        weather does not cooperate, we will switch the date,
from Minnesota. Their performance will feature pop-                phone number, and if grade 4-6, choose the session         so watch our Facebook page for updates.
ular female vocalists from the 1940’s through today’s              time you’d prefer.                                            Hope you all have a great summer, and we look for-
hits, including Tina Turner, The Supremes, Madonna,                   July 19-24 we will be hosting Missoula Children’s       ward to seeing you around!
Beyonce, and Taylor Swift. Their show will not only                Theater (MCT). This year’s production is “The Emper-
have great vocals but also fun costumes, choreogra-                or’s New Clothes.” Students entering grades 1-12 are

                                     Please support the businesses in the
                                   Rendezvous Region that help support us!

     NORTHERN LIGHTS ARTS COUNCIL                                                                                     Progressive Bingo
                                                                                                                        7:30 p.m. Every Monday & Tuesday Night
    SCHEDULE OF SUMMER ACTIVITIES 2021                                                                                Join your friends at the Langdon Eagles

    Summer Concert Series – Boyd Block, 7p.m.
     June 10 – Musical Revue Throwback Night
     June 17 – Divas Through the Decades                                                           Every Wednesday - Broasted Chicken, 5-8 p.m.
    July 14-15 - Art Day Camp, Mindi Lill, Instructor                                                  Every Friday – Burger Night, 5-8 p.m.
     Langdon Area Elementary School. Students entering grades 2-12.
     Cost: $15. Registration deadline: June 25                                                                A Member of Team Langdon
    July 19-24 - Missoula Children’s Theatre: The Emperor’s New Clothes
    Auditions Monday, July 19 at St. Alphonsus Parish Hall 10 a.m.
                                                                                                                 EAGLES CLUB
                                                                                                                   723 3rd St. – Langdon – 256-3300
    Rehearsals throughout the week between 10 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

                                                                                                    HICKORY HUT
    Students entering first grade through high school.
    No fee to participate. Pre-registration is required; call or text (701-305-0089)
     with the following info.: Name, Age, Parent/Guardian Name, Phone Number & Email Address
    Productions: Friday, July 23 at 7 p.m. & Saturday, July 24 at 2 p.m.
    August 5 - FREE MOVIE - Boyd Block Plaza, at Dusk                                              Meat Market & Big Game Processing
           For more information, contact Amber Benoit at 701-305-0089 or
                     visit or “like” us on Facebook.                                     Hwy. 1 South • Langdon • 256-2116
                                                                                                                  Keith & Linda Albrecht
                                                                                                    Hours: Monday - Friday • 8 a.m. - 6 p.m.
     These projects are supported in part by a grant from the North Dakota Council on the Arts,
     which receives funding from the state legislature and the National Endowment for the Arts.           Saturday • 8 a.m. - 12 p.m.
Cavalier County Republican				                                 Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                   Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 11

 The Northern Lights Arts Council sponsors many fun activities throughout the summer. A few of them would be the Missoula Children’s Theater, pictured
 top left; the summer art camps, top right photo; and the movie in the park, pictured bottom left. Be sure to take advantage of all the great activities that the
 Northern Lights Arts Council provides! Find more information on how to become a member and a full list of activities on their website at

     Serving The Rendezvous Region
1937        for over 80 Years!   2021

      2021 Bronco                                                                                                                         2021 F150

                                                                  Christie        Motors
                                                                 Hwy. 1 & 5 Langdon • 701-256-2182
Page 12 – Monday, June 7, 2021				   Rendezvous Region Tour Guide   Cavalier County Republican
Cavalier County Republican				             Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                                                Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 13

                                                          3 Reasons to Get Your Carpet and Rugs Cleaned Now!
                                                          1. Your home will look beautiful. You can keep an environment your family and friends will enjoy

   Your One-Stop                                          being in. Your carpet strongly reflects your entire home. Half of the first impression is based on the
                                                          appearance of your carpet and floors. Stain-free carpet leaves a great first impression.

   Full Pharmacy                                          2. You’ll save money by your carpet lasting longer. Maintenance is always cheaper than replacement.
                                                          Carpet and rug manufacturers recommend professional cleaning at least every 12 months. In fact,
                                                          many carpet warranties demand professional cleaning at least every 24 months or your warranty is
       Full line of                                       void. Proper cleaning helps carpet last much longer.

   unique gifts & decor
                                                          3. You’ll have a healthier home. The EPA (Environment Protection Agency) recommends homes with
                                                          children or pets have carpet cleaned every 6-12 months. Proper cleaning actually improves the
                                                          health of your home by removing pollens, mold spores, dander, pollutants and soils.

       DKS Kiosk                                                                                   Why Spring Cleaning?
     Picture Station                                      After you’ve been couped up inside, your home needs cleaning. Dirt, germs, food particles, grease, dust, pet dander, asphalt, pollen, and
                                                          other debris settle down in floors, bedding and upholstery. Your environment may look clean, but it’s very unhealthy.

     Jewelry, Purses
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    over-the-counter                                                                                                                 4 Ways You’ll Get a Healthier Home
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                          Mon.-Fri. 8:30 a.m.-5:30 p.m.                                                                              dries FAST with our drying system.
                                                                                                                                     3. Steam cleaning with HOT 240 degree water for
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                             805 3rd Street, Langdon                                                                                 4. Soils are extracted outside into our powerful van
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                            Toll Free: 1-888-757-2144     Celebrating over 25 years in business: 1996-2021


                          1524 9th Ave., Langdon
                           Free Delivery
Page 14 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                                    Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                            Cavalier County Republican

           Cavalier                                                                               Welcome to Cavalier
                                                                                               Founded on July 1, 1875 along the         a beautiful center for camping, boating,
                                                                                           winding banks of the Tongue River,            and hiking. The Pioneer Heritage Cen-
     Four Seasons, Many Reasons                                                            Cavalier is a growing community of            ter, Gunlogson arboretum, and many
                          Points of Interest                                               1,300. Cavalier is the county seat for
                                                                                           Pembina County and is home to the
                                                                                                                                         other historic buildings are located on
                                                                                                                                         the Icelandic State Park grounds. The
  • Icelandic State Park                                  • Tennis & Pickleball Courts     Pembina County Courthouse, which is           Pembina County Museum & Veterans
  •Pembina County Historical Museum                  • Basketball & Volleyball Courts      listed on the National Registry of His-       Memorial are just across the road. Don’t
  • Pioneer Machinery Museum                           • Rental Bikes on Main Street       toric Sites.                                  forget to check out the Cavalier Coun-
  • Pembina County Community Orchard                                     • Restaurants         Cavalier is the regional hub for ser-     try Club while you are out there!
  • Pembina County Veterans Memorial                             • Full Service Library    vices. A hospital, clinic, dentist, and          Farming has always been a vital part
  • Pembina County Courthouse (On National Registry)                      • 8 Churches     pharmacy provide quality healthcare           of Cavalier. Third generation farm-
  • Cavlandic Trail                                    • 2 Fitness & Wellness Centers      to the community, and a progressive           steads are a common sight around the
  • Cavalier Country Club & Golf Course                                        • RV Park   school system prepares the youth to           perimeter of the city. Innovative farm-
  • City Park & Swimming Pool                                                              meet the challenges of the future.            ing techniques and state-of-the-art
  • Frisbee Golf in the City Park                                                              The Cavalier Retail & Services Com-       equipment assure Cavalier a competi-
  • Assortment of Retail & Service Businesses                                              mittee invites everyone to their bustling     tive edge in the world’s food market.

        Cavalier Special Events 2021                                                       shopping district. You can find just
                                                                                           about anything you could imagine on
                                                                                           Main Street: clothing, sporting goods,
                                                                                                                                         Sugar beets, potatoes and grains are the
                                                                                                                                         chief crops of the region.
                                                                                                                                            The two richest resources in the Red
  June 5              City-wide Rummage Sale
  June 5              National Tails Day - Icelandic State Park                            shoes, plants and floral arrangements,        River Valley are the soil and the people.
  June 5              Faith in Action Dinner & Live Auction                                appliances, hardware, a photography           Together these resources provide the
  June 12             Svold Hall’s Annual ATV Trail Ride                                   studio, an auto dealership, dining es-        opportunity for economic and commu-
  June 12             Saturday Night at the Akra Hall - Icelandic State Park               tablishments, and numerous insurance          nity development.
  June 18-19          25th Annual Cavalier Motorcycle Ride-in                              and financial institutions.                      The blend of history and tradition,
  June 20             Cavalier Fire Department Pancake Breakfast                               Cavalier is located in the heart of the   with a spirit of cooperation and an on-
  June 24             Growing Hope in Pembina County Golf Tournament                       Rendezvous Region, an area steeped in         going commitment to economic devel-
  June 26             Cyndi Schill Memorial Kayak Event sponsored by PCMH                  history and natural beauty. The four sea-     opment is all a part of what makes Cav-
  July 8-10           Pembina County Fair, Hamilton Fair Grounds                           sons allow people to enjoy a wide range       alier “Four Seasons, Many Reasons.”
  July 7              Faith in Action Cookout                                              of outdoor activities including golf, ten-       Cavalier treasures its past, delights in
  July 15             Pembina County Hospital Golf Outing & Dinner                         nis, water sports, hunting, snowmobil-        the present and is ready for the future.
  July 17             Levi’s Hope 5K                                                       ing and skiing. Just six miles west of the       Please visit our website at www.cav-
  July 22             Music & Art in the Park                                              city limits and joined by the Cav-landic for more information and
  July 30-Aug 1       121st Annual Deuce of August Celebration, Mountain
                                                                                           Trail bike path sits Icelandic State Park,    check out our webcam!
  Aug 13-15           Kids Weekend, Icelandic State Park
  Aug 20-22           “Off the Charts” Music Festival
  Aug 28
                      Women’s Golf Tournament at the Cavalier Country Club
                      Faith in Action Tabletop “duJour”
                                                                                                             We specialize in all your floral needs!
  Sept                Pioneer Machinery Show                                                            Our fudge is registered with Pride of Dakota.
  Sept                Wine Walk sponsored by Cavalier Retail & Services Committee
  Sept                Fall Festival, United Lutheran Church                                            Soft serve ice cream & gifts for all occasions!
  Sept 11-Oct 21                Scarecrow Alley - Kickoff to Fall
  Oct 21
  Oct 30
                      PCMH Foundation Indian Taco Fundraiser
                      Chamber Business After Hours
                      Halloween Parade sponsored by Cavaleir Retail Services
                                                                                                     Main Street Floral & More
  Oct 30
  Nov 6
                      Birchwood Trunk or Treat
                      Svold Hunter’s Breakfast                                                          112 Main St. West
                                                                                                           Cavalier, ND
  Nov 17              Christmas Open House, Pioneer Heritage Center
  Nov 27              Santa Parade
  Dec                 PCMH Foundation/Wedgewood Manor Lights of Love
  Dec 3
  Dec 3
                      Retail - Moonlight Madness
                      Faith in Action Bake Sale                                                           701-265-4142
  Dec 3               Tongue River Masonic Lodge Fish Fry
  Dec 25              Faith in Action Community Christmas Dinner                                  Check us out on Facebook
              Music & Art                       Icelandic State Park

              in the Park                             265-4561
    Thursday, July 22 • 5-9 p.m.
         • Featuring Downtown Horns
    • Talent Show • Food & Artist Vendors
                                                  • Pioneer Heritage Center
                                                • Gunlogson Nature Preserve
                                                      • Modern Camping
               • Games for Kids                         • Lake Renwick
    • Visit Chamber website for more info                                                              118 Main St. West
               Farmer’s Market                     Pembina County                              P.O. BOX 41 • CAVALIER, ND 58220
     Every Tuesday in the North Star Co-op        Historical Museum                           (701) 265-8404 •
        Parking Lot, 1304 Hwy 5 West
               4:45-6:30 p.m.                         265-4941                                                                 
  Cavalier Area Chamber of Commerce                                                                       Get the most out of your home listing.
                                                   701-265-8188                                We welcome all licensed realtors to bring buyers for your home.
                                               Box 271 • Cavalier, ND 58220
                               –                     The more viewers, the better the results!
Cavalier County Republican				                             Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 15

            Music & Art    in the Park set for July 22 in Cavalier
                     in the activities of the evening, rang- kets, and ice cream. Bourbon Barrel Putting on the event is a joint ef-
By Linda Timian
Republican Writer                       ing from craft items to baked goods BBQ has brisket, sandwiches, and fort involving several entities.
                                        and more!                              their famous mac-n-cheese. There       “While this event is put on by
   Fun for the whole family is            “If you have a unique item to sell, will also be a sno-cone stand that is the Cavalier Area Chamber of Com-
planned for Cavalier’s Music & Art this is the place for you!” said Morri- a hit for all of the kids in attendance. merce,” said Morrison, “it would not
in the Park event sched-                                                                                                        be possible without
uled for Thursday, July                                                                                                         our sole sponsor, Birch-
22nd from 5-9 p.m. at                                                                                                           wood Chevrolet Buick in
the Cavalier City Park.                                                                                                         Cavalier. Their generous
Food, vendors, games                                                                                                            sponsorship has really
for kids, fabulous music,                                                                                                       helped us elevate this
talent, and much more                                                                                                           event!”
will be in the park!                                                                                                                If you have any ques-
   “We are proud to host                                                                                                        tions   or would like to be
a fun-filled evening with                                                                                                       a vendor, contact Mor-
a little bit of something                                                                                                       rison at the Chamber at
for the entire family,”                                                                                                         701-265-8188 or email
said Rachel Morrison,                                                                                                           her at chamber@cava-
executive director of                                                                                                  They also
the Cavalier Chamber of                                                                                                         have a website (www.
Commerce. “The event                                                                                                   where
is free to the public and                                                                                                       more details will be
open to all.”                                                                                                                   added as they are final-
   The evening will kick                                                                                                        ized.
off with a talent show                                                                                                              For a night of fam-
which typically consists                                                                                                        ily  entertainment full of
of local singing talents                                                                                                        music, art, talent, and
as well as a demonstra- Cavalier’s Music & Art in the Park event offers vendors, games for the kids, music, talent games, mark your cal-
tion from the Tae Kwon and much more.                                                                                           endar for July 22nd in
Do students with The                                                                                                            Cavalier!
Ultimate Gym. The tal-
ent show will lead into the main mu- son. Lots of things are pending, and
sical attraction of the night with live they are still accepting applications.
entertainment provided by Down-           Local organizations will have
                                                                                 Cavalier Country Club
town Horns starting at 6 p.m. Down- booths set up to showcase their
town Horns is a regional favorite, causes. Main Street Floral will be do-
                                                                                    Right across the lake from Icelandic State Park
made up of talented local and area ing awesome face painting for kids.
musicians. They play a wide variety Cavalier Recreation will be hosting a
                                                                                     265-4506 • Open 7 days a week
of music influenced by jazz, blues, “Glow Swim” at the Cavalier Pool in
pop, and rock legends like Chicago, the city park that evening as well.
Stevie Wonder, and Wilson Pickett.        Thompson’s Café from Cavalier                  Ladies’ Night                        Men’s Night
   Throughout the evening, every- and Bourbon Barrel BBQ from Neche                         Tuesdays                          Wednesdays
one will be able to partake in the are the local food vendors for the
games and browse the booths. Gen- evening. Thompson’s Cafe typically
erally, 10-15 vendors will participate serves burgers, fries, chicken bas-                                Green Fees
                                                                                              9 Holes $17 • 18 Holes $26
 Thompson’s Cafe                                                                                  Ages 12 & under
                                                                                              9 Holes $12 • 18 Holes $20
                          Main St., Cavalier • 265-4848
     Serving our community for 40 years
                                                                                                         Cart Rental
                  Open 7 days a week                                                            9 holes - $17 • 18 holes - $26
                Mon.–Thurs.: 7 a.m.-8 p.m.
                                                                                                      Driving range available
       Fri. & Sat.: 7 a.m.-9 p.m. • Sun.: 8 a.m.-8 p.m.
                                                                                              Check our website for calendar dates & events
 Weekly Specials • Full Menu & Liquor • Catering Available                                 
Page 16 – Monday, June 7, 2021				                                    Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                     Cavalier County Republican

Pembina County Historical Society open
   A visit to the Pembina County His-        exhibit area including one of the larg-
torical Museum is a must stop place          est Icelandic language book collections
on a day trip around the Rendezvous          in the country, military displays, and
Region to become immersed in the             various exhibits featuring the settle-
story of Pembina County’s history of         ment and changes in Pembina County
settlement and agriculture. Indoor and       as it has grown and advanced over
outdoor exhibits and displays on the         the years. New items are always being
museum grounds concentrate on the            added.
history of the state’s oldest county             Exhibits and stories regarding
beginning with the fur trade era and         transportation changes since the first
continuing through the 1960s. Pem-           oxcart trails were used to the interstate
bina County was organized on August          highway system are being established
12, 1867, with agriculture as its main       in the Transportation Building.
industry which is exhibited on the mu-           Important additions and ongoing
seum grounds.                                projects on the Grounds are the mili-
   Each of the 13 buildings has a            tary memorial area and the Pembina
unique story to tell. Three of the ex-       County Community Orchard. The
hibit buildings feature restored farm        memorial features pavers honoring
machinery including one with tractors        Pembina County’s men and women
of all colors, makes, and ages. Many         who have served their country in time
visitors also enjoy an outdoor stroll        of peace and in time of war since the
through the rows of horse-drawn farm         Spanish-American War to the present.
equipment and older tractors along           The orchard covers nearly one acre
with tillage and harvesting equipment.       and contains nearly 60 fruit bearing
   Five of the buildings on the grounds      trees and shrubs. When the trees start      Here is one of the exhibits that you can find at the Pembina County Museum.
were built in the 1800s and moved to         to bear fruit, the produce will be do-
the museum grounds for preservation          nated to the community.

                                                                                                     Please support the businesses
and to allow visitors an opportunity             There are numerous reasons to visit
to experience the workmanship and            the museum grounds and for those
style of building from that time period.     who geocache, both easy and difficult
The McKenzie-McKechnie Granary, St.
Anthony’s Church, Paton Homestead
                                             geocaches are located on the grounds.
                                             The grounds are also the perfect place
                                                                                                      in the Rendezvous Region
Home, Bathgate Depot, and Cavalier
Jail/Library are each a step back in his-
                                             to just go for a walk.
                                                 The Pembina County Historical
                                                                                                         that help support us!
tory and architecture.                       Museum is owned and operated by the
   Essential to every early farmstead        Pembina CountyHistorical Society and
was a barn, and the 1930s Stegman
Barn is a well-preserved example of a
small family farm barn. The barn area
                                             is located 5 1/2 miles west of Cavalier.
                                             Memberships can be purchased at the
                                             Museum for $10. For further informa-
also includes the Steiger Blacksmith         tion about the Society and its activi-
Shop along with a working windmill           ties, call the Museum at 701-265-4941
and sawmill.
   Each restored building was donated
to PCHS as an important reminder of
                                             or email and
                                             findus on Facebook at Pembina Coun-
                                             ty Historical Museum.
                                                                                             Highway 5 West • Cavalier, ND • 265-4011                   Foods
                                                                                             • Money Orders/Stamps
the way Pembina County residents                 The Museum and buildings are
have lived, worked, traveled, and wor-       open daily from 11 a.m.-5 p.m. from             • USDA Choice Meat
shipped.                                     Memorial Day to October 1; special              • Fresh Produce
   The main museum building features         tours can be arranged.                          • Credit Cards
a research library, art gallery, Icelandic                                                   • Carpet Cleaning Machine Rentals
                                                                                             • Phone Cards
                                                                                             • ATM
                                                                                           Store Hours:
                                                                                           Monday-Saturday 7 a.m. - 9 p.m. – Sunday 9 a.m. - 6 p.m.

     Pembina County Historical Museum
    Research Library & 13 Buildings of Area History
                                                                                                           The He-Mart
                                                                                                            100 Main St. Cavalier • 265-4188
                      Visit the Veteran Memorial                                               Men’s & Women’s Clothing & Shoes
                   Honoring Pembina County Veterans                                             Levi            Gold Toe             Red Wing           Winchester
                                                                                                 Lee                                                    Remington
          28th Annual Pioneer Machinery Show                                                   Carhartt
                                                                                                               Hush Puppy
                                                                                                                                      Georgia             Ruger
                 Sunday, Sept. 12, 2021                                                        Savane          Nunn Bush              Danner             Savage
                                                                                              Rock Port          Vortex              Weatherby
                 featuring Ford and New Holland
      “Preserving Pembina County’s History for Future Generations”                                        Guns - Reloading & Fishing Supplies
               5 ½ miles West of Cavalier – 13572 Highway 5 West                                          Mathew’s bows - Parker bows - Bear & Alpine
       Open Daily 11 a.m. - 5 p.m. • 701-265-4691 •                                               We have live bait!
Cavalier County Republican				                                     Rendezvous Region Tour Guide                                             Monday, June 7, 2021 – Page 17

122nd Annual Deuce of August Celebration                                                                                      122nd Annual Deuce of August
   The 122nd Annual Deuce of August         search your roots. Email Sunna Pam                                                Icelandic Celebration
Icelandic Celebration will be held in       Furstenau @ sunna@icelandicroots.
Mountain on July 30th through Au-           com for the link for online genealogy                                    Árið tvö þúsund tuttugu og eitt (2021)
gust 1st. The Deuce of August Cele-         help. Also available online at any time
bration is the largest Icelandic event in   is a great video titled “The Founding                                   Mountain, ND – July 30-August 1st
the United States and is verified by the    of the Dakota Settlement.” The video                                             Events Schedule
North Dakota Tourism Department as          can be found here: https://vimeo.
being the oldest ethnic festival in the     com/524951860                               Friday: Genealogy Center, 1 p.m.– 4 p.m. • Mountain Legion Fish Fry, 5 p.m.
state of North Dakota. The historical          Friday’s events also include a Fish      Saturday: Big Parade, 10:30 a.m. • Vikur Salad Luncheon, Vikur Church, 11 a.m.
significance of the event traces back       Fry sponsored by the Mountain Amer-         12 noon: Car Show & Shine • Kid’s Inflatable Games
to 1874 when, on August 2nd, church         ican Legion. Saturday morning begins        12:30 p.m.: Kids Pedal Tractor Pull
services were held throughout Iceland       with a big parade at 10:30 a.m., and the    Traditional Heritage Program, Mountain Community Center, 2 p.m.
to commemorate the fact that Iceland        parade will be broadcast live on KXPO       Street Dance, 9 p.m. • Fireworks
was receiving a new constitution from       1340 AM. After the parade, there are        Sunday: Worship Service, Vikur Church, 11 a.m.
Denmark.                                    many activities for all ages throughout      North Dakota State Tractor & Pickup Pulling Contest, 1 p.m.
   The Deuce of August is an annual         the day. The traditional Vikur Salad                                                                                              ”
event hosted by the Icelandic Com-          Luncheon in the basement of Vikur

                                                                                       Golf Langdon
munities Association (ICA). The seven       Church is at 11:00 a.m. Other activi-
Icelandic settlement communities that       ties will include the genealogy center                                                                                2 miles North &
make up the ICA are Gardar, Moun-           from 11 a.m.-1 p.m., a car show and
                                                                                                                                                                   1 Mile East of
tain, Hallson, Vidalin, Fjalla, Thingval-   shine, and a sanctioned kids pedal
la and Svold. The people from these         yractor pull. The traditional heritage
communities and many other support-         program begins at 2 p.m. in the Moun-
ers from all over the United States are     tain Community Center. There will be
instrumental in the success of the cele-    a big street dance from 9 p.m. to 1 a.m.
bration and ICA activities. The mission     with a huge fireworks show after dark
of the ICA is to celebrate our Icelandic    weather permitting. As you can see, the
heritage and culture with the main fo-
cus being to promote and organize the
                                            schedule of events is quite full on Sat-
                                            urday, but it doesn’t end there. Come            “Northeast North Dakota’s
annual “Deuce of August” Icelandic
                                            back to Mountain on Sunday for the
                                            ND State Tractor and Pickup Pulling
                                                                                        finest grass green 9 hole golf course”
   The three-day event has historically     Contest starting at 1 p.m. This event is
drawn thousands of visitors from all        a big show with lots of high powered       Langdon Country Club
over the U.S., Canada, and Iceland.         tractors and pickups. Multiple food        Check the website, facebook or call for dates & tee times.
The event has been attended by the          vendors will be available at the show                                                  256-5938
former President of Iceland, five sit-      and throughout the weekend.
ting Prime Ministers and multiple am-          For more information, visit our web-
bassadors and cabinet ministers from        site at and like us                                                                The One Stop
Iceland.                                    on Facebook at August the Deuce. The
   The weekend begins on Friday, July       Deuce of August depends on the sup-                                                                Shopping Center
30th with the opening of the Geneal-        port of volunteers to keep this a fun,                                                                    We have everything
ogy Center from 1-4 p.m. in the Moun-       entertaining, successful, and safe event   256-2600                                                        for your camping
tain Community Center and online            each year. See you at “The Deuce!”                                                                          & picnic needs.
with several volunteers to help you

            Please support the businesses                                               Also Available:
             in the Rendezvous Region
                                                                                       Lottery Tickets
                                                                                       & Movie Rentals
                that help support us!

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      Hwy. 32 N. • Walhalla, ND – 701-549-2527
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