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The Indies of the Setting Sun Cartographic Humanism How Early Modern Spain Mapped the Far East The Making of Early Modern Europe as the Transpacific West Katharina N. Piechocki Ricardo Padrón “Impeccably researched and beautifully written, this “The Indies of the Setting Sun examines the way that major intervention into the histories of cartography Spanish knowledge about the South Sea—now and literature asks what we mean when we say known as the Pacific Ocean—was developed. Chal- ‘Europe.’ . . . Drawing from a rich multilingual lenging the historical idea that Magellan’s circum- archive of humanists from Germany, Poland, France, navigation had established Europeans’ understand- Italy, and Portugal, Cartographic Humanism shows ing of the Americas as divided from Asia by the vast that Europe is not a monolith and never was.” Pacific, Padrón reveals an ‘alternative European —Phillip John Usher, author of The Exterranean cartography’ that persisted across the sixteenth “[Piechocki] is a careful critic but also a deeply century. . . . This is the first book I’ve ever read that imaginative historian. This is a contribution to the colors the larger ‘Indies’ so vividly.” ‘darker side’ of cartography and the Renaissance . . . —Barbara Mundy, author of The Death of Aztec but its analysis never departs from the measured and Tenochtitlan 2020 352 p. 6 x 9 35 halftones reflective.”—Times Higher Education 1 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-45567-9 $45.00 Your Price: $36.00 2020 304 p. 6 x 9 23 halftones 4 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-64118-8 $45.00 Your Price: $36.00 The Selden Map of China Lost Maps of the Caliphs A New Understanding of the Ming Dynasty Drawing the World in Eleventh-Century Cairo Hongping Annie Nie Yossef Rapoport and Emilie Savage-Smith Dating from the seventeenth century, the Selden “Dazzling. . . . As well as providing a definitive Map of China is a seafaring chart showing Ming account of the discovery and significance of The Dynasty trade routes. It is the earliest surviving Book of Curiosities to the history of cartography, the example of Chinese merchant cartography and is authors offer no less than a complete reappraisal of evidence that Ming China was outward-looking, astronomy, astrology, and geography in the first four capitalistic, and vibrant. Exploring the commercial centuries of Islam.”—Jerry Brotton, author of A His- aims of the Ming Dynasty, the port city of Quan- tory of the World in Twelve Maps zhou, and its connections with the voyages of the 2018 368 p. 6 x 9 25 color plates, 89 halftones early traveler Zheng He, this book sheds light on the 5 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-54088-7 $55.00 COBE Your Price: $44.00 long history of China’s relationship with the sea and with the wider world. Distributed for the Bodleian Library Marvelous Possessions 2019 80 p. 9 x 10 38 color plates 2 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-524-6 $30.00 NAM Your Price: $24.00 The Wonder of the New World Stephen Greenblatt Medieval Islamic Maps Carpenter Lectures 1991, 2017 224 p. 6 x 9 An Exploration 6 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-52504-4 $22.50 CUSA Your Price: $18.00 Karen C. Pinto 2016 384 p. 7 x 10 162 color plates Cover illustration: detail from Roman du Castelain de Couci 3 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-12696-8 $60.00 Your Price: $48.00 (BN fr. 15098, fol. 157v) (fourteenth century). Photograph: Bibliothèque nationale de France.
1 Tudor Power and Glory Elizabeth’s French Wars, Henry VIII and the Field of Cloth of Gold 1562–1598 Keith Dowen and Scot Hurst English Intervention in the French Wars of The Field of Cloth of Gold tournament was one Religion of the greatest courtly spectacles of the sixteenth William Heap century. Both an extravagant sporting competition “Thoughts of war during the reign of Elizabeth and a political summit, it encapsulated Henry VIII’s I tend to conjure images of the Armada, of ships imperial ambitions and confirmed the role of the amassing, of the winds changing. William Heap’s tournament in international diplomacy. This book study of English intervention in the French wars of depicts the skill of the armorers as they prepared for religion introduces a different perspective, focusing the tournament, takes readers inside the fighting on military history and providing a thorough analy- that took place, and reveals the political significance sis of the subject at hand. . . . The narrative is richly of the Field of Cloth of Gold as England and France supported by images, tables and timelines. This is a took their places on the world stage. detailed and visual history.”—All About History Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group 2020 80 p. 61/4 x 91/4 90 color plates 2020 352 p. 7 x 9 30 color plates 7 Paper ISBN: 978-1-913013-00-4 $14.95 USCA 10 Paper ISBN: 978-1-912690-49-7 $30.00 USCA Your Price: $11.96 Your Price: $24.00 Revolt in the Netherlands The First Prince of Wales? The Eighty Years War, 1568-1648 Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, 1063-75 Anton van Der Lem Sean Davies “This fresh, original, and beautifully written book Bleddyn ap Cynfyn was a Welsh king who ruled offers as fine an introduction as one could wish to over Gwynedd and Powys in the eleventh century. the revolt in the Netherlands—why it occurred, and He was at the heart of the events that forged Britain why the Low Countries would eventually be divided before, during, and after the Norman Conquest of against all expectation into a free north and a Span- 1066, one of its most significant historical periods. ish south. Elegant and fair-minded, and crammed with previously unseen visual material, this book “Davies’s book provides a fresh, bold, and will be recognized as a definitive study of a critical persuasive account of Bleddyn ap Cynfyn, king of episode in the development of modern European Gwynedd and Powys and with ambitions to rule society.”—Andrew Pettegree, author of Brand Luther more widely in Wales. In six succinct and clearly Distributed for Reaktion Books written chapters, he skilfully deploys a range of 2019 272 p. 61/4 x 91/4 74 color plates, 7 halftones often difficult sources to reassess the king’s place in 8 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-086-6 $40.00 NSA Your Price: $32.00 the turbulent politics of the mid-eleventh century.” The Medieval Invention of —Ralph Griffiths, Swansea University Distributed for University of Wales Press Travel 2016 176 p. 51/2 x 81/2 11 halftones 11 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78316-936-8 $25.00 NSA/AU/NZ Shayne Aaron Legassie Your Price: $20.00 2017 304 p. 6 x 9 9 halftones 9 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-44662-2 $29.00 Your Price: $23.20
2 Old Thiess, a Livonian Werewolf Heroes and Marvels of the A Classic Case in Comparative Perspective Middle Ages Carlo Ginzburg and Bruce Lincoln Jacques Le Goff “Witch hunts have always been a tool of those in Heroes and Marvels of the Middle Ages is a history power. As such, they shed light, primarily, on the like no other: it is a history of the imagination, pre- needs of the ruling classes. Court proceedings on sented between two celebrated groups of the period. witchcraft and other devilry, however colorful, rarely One group consists of heroes: Charlemagne, El Cid, tell us much about the accused, even when they King Arthur, Orlando, Pope Joan, Melusine, Merlin show defendants prevailed upon to confess. . . . the Wizard, and also the fox and the unicorn. The Now, with Ginzburg and Lincoln’s Old Thiess, a other is the miraculous, represented here by three Livonian Werewolf, a glorious corrective has arrived: forms of power that dominated medieval society: the full testimony, translated for the first time, of a the cathedral, the castle, and the cloister. Roam- loud, proud, self-described werewolf.”—Harper’s ing between the boundaries of the natural and the 2020 272 p. 51/2 x 81/2 12 halftones, 3 tables 12 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-67441-4 $25.00 Your Price: $20.00 supernatural, between earth and the heavens, the medieval universe is illustrated by a shared iconogra- Storyworlds of Robin Hood phy, covering a vast geographical span. Distributed for Reaktion Books The Origins of a Medieval Outlaw 2020 224 p. 51/2 x 81/2 32 halftones 15 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-212-9 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 Lesley Coote “Coote’s scholarly study of the storyworlds of the early Robin Hood tradition broadens our under- Arthur standing of the interconnectivity of medieval outlaw God and Hero in Avalon tales, romance, the fabliau tradition, miracle of the Christopher R. Fee Virgin stories, trickster tales, and pastourelles.” “Refreshingly accessible and expertly researched. . . . —Alexander L. Kaufman, Ball State University This is an unparalleled introduction to the legendary Distributed for Reaktion Books and multifaceted King Arthur.”—Andrew Cole, 2020 320 p. 61/4 x 91/4 20 halftones 13 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-232-7 $30.00 NSA Your Price: $24.00 Princeton University Distributed for Reaktion Books 2019 224 p. 51/2 x 81/2 10 color plates, 40 halftones Introducing the Medieval 16 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78023-999-6 $25.00 NSA Your Price: $20.00 Dragon The Danger of Romance Thomas Honegger Truth, Fantasy, and Arthurian Fictions “A pithy introduction to the weird and wonderful Karen Sullivan world of medieval dragon lore. . . . Ranging from literature and learned writings to religious art and “A stimulating study of medieval French Arthurian folklore, the book is as rich and multifaceted as its romance. . . . Convincingly rebuts critical responses subject.”—Robert Mills, University College London to romance as a dangerous form of self-delusion Medieval Animals distracting readers from the truths of the world.” Distributed for University of Wales Press —Times Higher Education 2020 144 p. 5 x 71/2 1 color plate, 15 halftones 2018 336 p. 6 x 9 14 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78683-468-3 $16.00 NSA/AU/NZ 17 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-54026-9 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 Your Price: $12.80
3 Dæmons are Forever Contacts and Exchanges in the Eurasian Pandemonium David Gordon White A richly illustrated tapestry of interwoven stud- ies spanning some six thousand years of history, Dæmons Are Forever is at once a record of archaic contacts and transactions between humans and protean spirit beings—dæmons—and an account of exchanges, among human populations, of the sci- ence of spirit beings: dæmonology. In this virtuoso work of historical sleuthing, David Gordon White invites his readers to reconsider the potential and promise of the historical method in religious studies, suggesting that a “connected histories” approach to Eurasian dæmonology may serve as a model for restoring history to its proper place, at the heart of Acts Against God the history of religions discipline. A Short History of Blasphemy Silk Roads David Nash 2020 360 p. 6 x 9 30 color plates, 38 halftones 18 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-71490-5 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 Blasphemy is a phenomenon that spans human ex- perience, from the ancient world right up to today’s Habitual Offenders ferocious religious debates. Acts Against God is the A True Tale of Nuns, Prostitutes, and Murderers first accessible history of this crime—its prosecu- in Seventeenth-Century Italy tion, its impact, and its punishment and suppres- sion. With examples ranging from ancient Greece Craig A. Monson 2016 344 p. 6 x 9 29 halftones to the medieval world to the twenty-first century, 19 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-33533-9 $40.00 Your Price: $32.00 Acts Against God considers the act of blasphemy as a widespread and constant presence in cultural, politi- St George cal, and religious life. Distributed for Reaktion Books A Saint for All 2020 224 p. 61/4 x 91/4 Samantha Riches 23 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-201-3 $30.00 NSA Your Price: $24.00 Distributed for Reaktion Books 2015 144 p. 51/2 x 81/2 30 halftones 20 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78023-448-9 $24.95 NSA Your Price: $19.96 Where Shall Wisdom Be Found? Calvin’s Exegesis of Job from Medieval and Modern Perspectives Susan E. Schreiner J.R.R. Tolkien books Through countless retellings, the story of Job has from the Bodleian Library become a fixture in the cultural imagination of the West. In this study, Susan E. Schreiner analyzes Tolkien: interpretations of the Book of Job by Gregory the Treasures Great, Maimonides, Thomas Aquinas, and particu- Catherine McIlwaine larly John Calvin. Reading Calvin’s interpretation of 2018 144 p. 73/4 x 73/4 Job against the background of his most important 100 color plates medieval predecessors, Schreiner shows how central 21 Paper ISBN: 978-1-85124-496-6 $20.00 Job is to Calvin’s struggles with issues of creation, NAM Your Price: $16.00 the problem of evil, the meaning of history, and the doctrine of providence. 1994 272 p. 6 x 9 Tolkien: Maker 24 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-52924-0 $25.00 Your Price: $20.00 of Middle-earth The Phoenix Mosque and the Edited by Catherine McIlwaine Persians of Medieval Hangzhou 2018 416 p. 91/4 x 10 Edited by George Lane 300 color plates Distributed for Gingko Library 22 Cloth 2018 276 p. 6 x 9 52 halftones ISBN: 978-1-85124-485-0 $65.00 25 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-909942-88-2 $65.00 UK&IRE Your Price: NAM Your Price: $52.00 $52.00
4 From the University of Wales Press The Economy of Medieval Wales, 1067-1536 Matthew Frank Stevens “Matthew Stevens’s new book is a succinct, fresh and at times challenging review of economic life in Wales between the eleventh and the sixteenth cen- tury. It provides a valuable guide to the historiogra- phy of the past century, places the study of Wales’s economies in an international frame, and enables Stevens to bring his own research and judgments to bear.”—Ralph Griffiths, Swansea University The Merits of Women 2020 144 p. 51/2 x 81/2 3 maps 29 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78683-484-3 $34.00 NSA/AU/NZ Your Price: $27.20 Wherein Is Revealed Their Nobility and Their Superiority to Men Moderata Fonte Medieval Wales c.1050–1332 Centuries of Ambiguity Written in the early 1590s by Moderata Fonte, David Stephenson pseudonym of the poet and writer Modesta Pozzo, this literary dialogue interrogates men and men’s “This is an invaluable contribution to the historiog- treatment of women. Presented with a new introduc- raphy of medieval Wales. Stephenson successfully tion situating it in historical context, this is a must- challenges the enduring paradigm of the Gwynedd- read, for anyone who needs a refresher on the merits led evolution of one Wales, and paints a more of women and their superiority to men. complex, multi-dimensional picture. An essential read for scholars and students of medieval Welsh “Literary proof that when it comes to male-female history!”—Emma Cavell, Swansea University relationships, the more things change, the more they Rethinking the History of Wales stay the same.”—Kirkus Reviews 2019 256 p. 51/2 x 81/2 30 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78683-386-0 $24.00 NSA/AU/NZ 1997, 2018 128 p. 5 x 7 1 halftone Your Price: $19.20 26 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-55063-3 $15.00 Your Price: $12.00 Engineering the Eternal City The History of Wales Infrastructure, Topography, and the Culture of John Graham Jones Knowledge in Late Sixteenth-Century Rome In the years since its original publication, John Pamela Long Graham Jones’s The History of Wales has become the “In this sparkling scholarly treatise, historian standard concise account of the history of Wales Pamela Long reveals how tottering infrastructure, and its people. This new edition brings the book ancient ruins and the flood-prone river Tiber were fully into the present, offering a new chapter on con- tamed by four successive popes with bold plans for temporary Wales, a new preface, and a thoroughly the urban fabric. Drawing on a trove of archival updated reading list. 2015 168 p. 5 x 71/2 13 halftones maps and plans, Long charts the making and 31 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78316-168-3 $15.00 NSA/AU/NZ remaking of squares, aqueducts, sewers, streets and Your Price: $12.00 bridges.”—Nature 2018 368 p. 7 x 10 73 halftones War and Society in Medieval 27 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-59128-5 $45.00 Your Price: $36.00 Wales 633-1283 Welsh Military Institutions The World of the Newport Sean Davies Medieval Ship This book traces the development of the Welsh state Trade, Politics and Shipping in the Mid- in the years after the Roman empire, setting Welsh Fifteenth Century society in the context of larger European develop- Evan T. Jones and Richard Stone ments while also offering a close look at the military 2018 320 p. 6 x 9 25 halftones, 8 color plates structures and tactics of the period. 28 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78683-263-4 $45.00 NSA/AU/NZ 2015 310 p. 51/2 x 81/2 1 map Your Price: $36.00 32 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78316-139-3 $20.00 NSA/AU/NZ Your Price: $16.00
5 Arms and Armor from the Royal Armouries Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group Arms and Armour of the Chinese Arms and Armour Renaissance Joust Natasha Bennett 2018 96 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates Tobias Capwell 37 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-89-3 $19.95 USCA 2020 96 p. 61/2x 9 100 color plates Your Price: $15.96 33 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-99-2 $19.95 USCA Your Price: $15.96 Arms and Armour of the Leather in Warfare Elizabethan Court Attack, Defence and the Unexpected Thom Richardson Edited by Quita Mould 2018 96 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates 38 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-73-2 $15.00 USCA 2018 228 p. 71/4 x 93/4 110 color plates, 40 halftones Your Price: $12.00 34 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-76-3 $45.00 USCA Your Price: $36.00 Islamic Arms and Armour Arms and Armour of Late Thom Richardson Medieval Europe 2018 128 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates 39 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-71-8 $15.00 USCA Robert C. Woosnam-Savage Your Price: $12.00 2018 128 p. 61/2 x 9 150 color plates 35 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-77-0 $15.00 USCA Your Price: $12.00 Arms and Armour of the Joust Tobias Capwell Arms and Armour of the English 2018 96 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates 40 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-83-1 $15.00 USCA Civil Wars Your Price: $12.00 Keith Dowen 2019 96 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates Japanese Arms and Armour 36 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-90-9 $19.95 USCA Ian Bottomley Your Price: $15.96 2018 96 p. 61/2 x 9 100 color plates 41 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-79-4 $15.00 USCA Your Price: $12.00
6 The Art of Fencing Torture and Punishment The Forgotten Discourse of Camillo Palladini Royal Armouries Edited by Piermarco Terminiello and The Royal Armouries is Britain’s oldest museum, Joshua Pendragon still partly housed in its original buildings in the Hitherto unpublished and largely unknown, Tower of London. The core of the collection is the Camillo Palladini’s manuscript for his discourse medieval arsenal that was restocked by Henry VIII on fencing is of central importance to a modern and on show to privileged visitors as early as the understanding of Italian rapier play in the sixteenth reign of Elizabeth I. After 1660, the general public century. This stunning book reproduces the forty-six was admitted and a series of spectacular exhibits red chalk illustrations in the manuscript together was set up, one of which included instruments of with a transcription and translation of the original torture and punishment. Since that time, they have Italian text. Perfect for students of fencing, lovers been one of the Tower’s prime attractions, enhanced of Italian art, sixteenth-century researchers, and by the macabre stories that surround them. This historical reenactors and interpreters, The Art of fascinating book sets these instruments of torture Fencing showcases a striking example of Renaissance and punishment in their proper context and explores swordsmanship. whether the Tower deserves its grim reputation. Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group 2020 224 p. 131/4 x 83/4 46 color plates 2020 48 p. 63/4 x 9 60 color plates, 10 halftones 42 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-948092-96-1 $75.00 USCA 45 Paper ISBN: 978-0-948092-97-8 $15.00 USCA Your Price: $60.00 Your Price: $12.00 The Medieval Art of Now in Paperback Swordsmanship Laughing Shall I Die Royal Armouries MS I.33 Lives and Deaths of the Great Vikings Edited by Jeffrey L. Forgeng Tom Shippey Royal Armouries Manuscript I.33 is the oldest “Magnificent. . . . Lively, friendly and occasionally known manual of swordsmanship in the Western barbed. . . . Shippey’s magnum opus provides not canon. This new edition includes a critical introduc- only an exhilarating, mind-expanding appraisal and tion, transcription and translation by Jeffrey L. retelling of Viking history but also an invitation Forgeng, the foremost authority on I.33. to discover the cold-iron poetry and prose of the Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group medieval North. Take up that invitation.” 2018 160 p. 9 x 113/4 80 color plates 43 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-948092-85-5 $60.00 USCA —Washington Post Your Price: $48.00 “[Shippey] shows us that both literary and ar- chaeological evidence can help to bring us closer to Dangerous Arts the Old Norse mindset, providing fascinating proof Royal Armouries of the Vikings’ own intellectual examination of their Dangerous Arts presents a selection of gorgeous place in the world.”—Wall Street Journal photography that offers a glimpse into a world of Distributed for Reaktion Books 2018 368 p. 6 x 9 5 halftones battle weapons. 46 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78914-217-4 $18.00 NSA Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group Your Price: $14.40 2018 96 p. 71/2 x 61/2 90 color plates 44 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-948092-81-7 $19.95 USCA Your Price: $15.96
7 Thinking in the Past Tense The Young Descartes Eight Conversations Nobility, Rumor, and War Alexander Bevilacqua and Frederic Clark Harold J. Cook “In an age dominated by the sound bite and the “Anyone who starts reading will quickly be drawn tweet, it can be hard to resist the melancholy into the life of a young and intriguing French noble conclusion that the humanities are in crisis and who only gradually found his way to becoming the that scholarship no longer beckons as a spiritual Descartes later generations know, love, or sometimes vocation. Thinking in the Past Tense offers reason for hate. This is a fascinating study of the personal, hope. In this intimate gallery of portraits we come social, and political complications of living in early face to face with eight distinguished practitioners seventeenth-century Europe, just as the modern of early modern intellectual history, and we are nation-state was starting to form.” reminded once again of the traditional virtues of —Dennis L. Sepper, University of Dallas erudition and philological precision that continue to “Cook wants to shake up our image of Descartes, sustain this field even at a time when historical un- to turn our attention from the familiar and to get us derstanding seems under siege.”—Peter E. Gordon, to think more deeply about just who this Frenchman Harvard University who spent most of his adult life in the Netherlands 2019 224 p. 6 x 9 47 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-60120-5 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 really was and why he engaged in the projects he did. . . . As a skilled historian, Cook brings a good Maimonides’ Guide of the deal of archival and other material to bear on the matter.”—Times Literary Supplement Perplexed in Translation 2018 288 p. 6 x 9 14 halftones, 2 line drawings A History from the Thirteenth Century to the 50 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-46296-7 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 Twentieth Edited by Josef Stern, James T. Robinson, and Spinoza and the Cunning of Yonatan Shemesh Imagination Moses Maimonides’s Guide of the Perplexed is the Eugene Garver greatest philosophical text in the history of Jewish “Spinoza and the Cunning of Imagination offers thought and a major work of the Middle Ages. This a compelling, thought provoking, and original volume is the first to tell the story of the translations argument that challenges readers of Spinoza to and translators of Maimonides’ Guide and its impact reexamine many of their well-received tropes and on philosophy. habits. . . . [Garver’s] book constitutes . . . a rather 2019 464 p. 6 x 9 14 tables 48 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-45763-5 $55.00 Your Price: $44.00 audacious attempt to come to terms with the Spinozistic philosophical enterprise as such and Neo-Aristotelianism and the from a critical but sympathetic view of what is undeniably one of the most important philosophical Medieval Renaissance systems of the Western philosophical tradition.” On Aquinas, Ockham, and Eckhart —Elhanan Yakira, Hebrew University of Jerusalem Reiner Schürmann 2018 320 p. 6 x 9 Distributed for Diaphanes 51 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-57556-8 $55.00 Your Price: $44.00 2020 144 p. 51/4 x 81/2 49 Paper ISBN: 978-3-0358-0148-4 $40.00 BE/FR/LU Your Price: $32.00
8 Courts, Jurisdictions, and Now in Paperback Law in John Milton and His Five Words Contemporaries Critical Semantics in the Age of Shakespeare and Cervantes Alison A. Chapman Roland Greene John Milton is widely known as the poet of liberty and freedom. But his commitment to justice has “There is nothing like Five Words in current criti- been often overlooked. As Alison A. Chapman cism. Grounded upon deep erudition, it represents shows, Milton’s many prose works are saturated in a genuine breakthrough in critical methodology, legal ways of thinking, and he also actively shifts be- conceptual history, and the social and cultural task tween citing Roman, common, and ecclesiastical law of locating literature among the other discourses.” to best suit his purpose in any given text. This book —William Kennedy, Cornell University 2013 224 p. 51/2 x 81/2 provides literary scholars with a working knowledge 55 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-70971-0 $25.00 Your Price: $20.00 of the multiple, jostling, real-world legal systems in conflict in seventeenth-century England and brings Shakespeare’s Lyric Stage to light Milton’s use of the various legal systems and Myth, Music, and Poetry in the Last Plays vocabularies of the time. Seth Lerer 2020 216 p. 6 x 9 52 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-72929-9 $27.50 Your Price: $22.00 “Lerer brings to these rich and strange plays, with their contradictory impulses towards topicality, Practical Cues and Social towards the past and towards the beyond, not only a Spectacle in the Chester Plays deep knowledge of Jacobean history and culture, but Matthew Sergi a fine ear. . . . Lerer is alert above all to the cadences of the last plays’ dialogue and to the time-stopping, In the fifteenth and sixteenth centuries, Chester time confounding moments when their action gives plays employed flamboyant live performance to way to song.”—London Review of Books adapt biblical narratives. But the original format of 2018 272 p. 51/2 x 81/2 these fascinating performances remains cloudy, as 56 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-58254-2 $27.50 Your Price: $22.00 surviving records of these plays are sparse, and the manuscripts were only written down a generation Shakespeare Dwelling after they stopped. Revealing a vibrant set of social Designs for the Theater of Life practices encoded in the Chester plays, Matthew Sergi Julia Reinhard Lupton provides a new methodology for reading them and a “[This book] generously affords us new ways of transformative look at medieval English drama. imagining Shakespeare’s astonishingly syncretic dra- 2020 296 p. 6 x 9 9 tables 53 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-70937-6 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 maturgy. Lupton has already taught us how to think with Shakespeare; here she helps us co-habit the gen- Petrarch erative locales of his work, bringing together threads Everywhere a Wanderer of phenomenology, architecture, house-keeping, Christopher S. Celenza and theology in a characteristically exuberant set of Renaissance Lives reflections.”—Sarah Beckwith, Duke University Distributed for Reaktion Books 2018 272 p. 51/2 x 81/2 5 halftones 2017 224 p. 51/2 x 81/2 20 color plates, 6 halftones 57 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-54091-7 $27.50 Your Price: $22.00 54 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78023-838-8 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00
9 Coming To Arts of Dying Consciousness and Natality in Early Modern Literature and Finitude in Medieval England England D. Vance Smith Timothy M. Harrison “Death is a sophism: we are never in death, only In Coming To, Timothy M. Harrison uncovers the dying all the time. Hence death is work. In this forgotten role of poetry in the history of the idea supremely astute, readable, and intelligent book, of consciousness. Drawing our attention to a sea Smith studies the work of death in Old English change in the English seventeenth century, when, poetry and medieval logic, showing how these poets’ over the course of a half century, “conscience” and thinkers’ insights about the separation of soul made a sudden shift to “consciousness,” this book from body, entombment in a crypt, or dispersal in sheds new light on the emergence of the concept of an archive of mourning fully anticipate the analyses consciousness and the significance of human natal- of Hegel, Freud, Heidegger, Blanchot, and Derrida. ity to central questions in the fields of literature, A true feast for thought!”—Jean-Michel Rabaté, philosophy, and the history of science. University of Pennsylvania 2020 336 p. 6 x 9 2 tables 2019 320 p. 6 x 9 3 halftones 58 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-72512-3 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 61 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-64099-0 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 Catastrophizing Cartesian Poetics Materialism and the Making of Disaster The Art of Thinking Gerard Passannante Andrea Gadberry “With Catastrophizing, Passannante explores how What is thinking? What does it feel like? What is Renaissance thinkers, including Leonardo, Donne, it good for? Andrea Gadberry looks for answers to Montaigne, and Shakespeare, responded to sudden, these questions in the philosophy of René Descartes inexplicable manifestations of nature’s powers. . . . and finds them in the philosopher’s implicit poet- At a moment when the force of natural disasters ics. Gadberry argues that Descartes’ thought was could not be more sadly relevant, Passannante wisely crucially enabled by poetry and shows how markers reminds us that our predicament has an intellectual of poetic genres from love lyric and elegy to the history.”—Susan Stewart, Princeton University puzzling forms of the riddle and the anagram betray 2019 240 p. 51/2 x 81/2 5 color plates, 7 halftones an impassioned negotiation with the difficulties 59 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-61221-8 $25.00 Your Price: $20.00 of thought and its limits. Where others have seen Cartesian philosophy as a triumph of reason, Gad- Staging Contemplation berry reveals that the philosopher accused of having Participatory Theology in Middle English Prose, “slashed poetry’s throat” instead enlisted poetic form Verse, and Drama to contain thought’s frustrations. Eleanor Johnson Thinking Literature 2020 224 p. 6 x 9 “Johnson’s bold wager in Staging Contemplation pays 62 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-72302-0 $27.50 Your Price: $22.00 off richly: let’s think of contemplation as bodily, so- cial, staged, and above all participatory. . . . A beau- tifully coherent, fresh, and persuasive argument. Sign up now for email notification —James Simpson, author of Under the Hammer of new releases by subject at 2018 256 p. 6 x 9 60 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-57217-8 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00
10 Diagramming Devotion Now in Paperback Berthold of Nuremberg’s Transformation of Hrabanus Maurus’s Poems in Praise of the Cross Rhetoric in Tooth and Claw Jeffrey F. Hamburger Animals, Language, Sensation “Hamburger has accomplished a rare feat among Debra Hawhee twenty-first-century scholars by bringing unknown “Hawhee’s complex, nuanced, important argument illuminated manuscripts to light. Acutely sensitive will inform both the study of rhetoric (and its his- to subtle changes made in Berthold’s revision, he lo- tory) and the more recent turn to animal studies, cates the novelties in their theological context; and, providing the latter with historical background moving from image to word and from diagrams to stretching back as far as Aristotle. . . . Highly theological arguments, Hamburger provides a rich recommended.”—Choice compendium of medieval thought and offers a subtle “This is a wonderful book that enlarges the way and complicated analysis of the late thirteenth- that we can think about rhetoric and that power- century version that engages the most important fully reconnects the human with the rest of the intellectual issues of the day. Like its subject, animal kingdom.”—James L. Kastely, author of The Diagramming Devotion is at once profoundly learned Rhetoric of Plato’s Republic and inspiringly original.”—Herbert Kessler, author 2017 264 p. 6 x 9 3 halftones of Experiencing Medieval Art 65 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-70677-1 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series 2019 384 p. 81/2 x 11 220 color plates, 1 halftone 63 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-64281-9 $65.00 Your Price: $52.00 Animal Skins and the Reading Self in Medieval Latin and Autumntide of the Middle Ages French Bestiaries Johan Huizinga Sarah Kay Huizinga’s influential book Autumntide of the “[This book] is an innovative analysis of how Middle Ages is considered one of the most perceptive medieval bestiaries are apprehended by their read- and influential analyses of the late medieval period. ers—visually, intellectually, and emotively. . . . Kay Its wide-ranging discussion of the ritual, formalism, intersects postmodern theory, animal studies, and and spirituality of medieval society makes it a classic manuscript studies in a rich array of close read- study of life, culture, and thought in fourteenth and ings.”—Susan Crane, Columbia University fifteenth century France and the Low Countries. “Extraordinary . . . . This is clearly a book that This new and unabridged English translation has set a new mark of excellence in a buoyant field of the original text celebrates its centenary and and will be the obligatory reference on the topic for captures the impact of Huizinga’s significant piece a very long time to come.”—French History of historical scholarship and literature. Illustrated in 2017 232 p. 6 x 9 28 color plates, 28 halftones color throughout, the book also includes a complete 66 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-43673-9 $49.00 Your Price: $39.20 bibliography of Huizinga’s research and an updated introduction. In the Skin of a Beast Distributed for Leiden University Press Sovereignty and Animality in Medieval France 2020 592 p. 81/2 x 10 3/4 in color throughout 64 Cloth ISBN: 978-90-8728-313-1 $69.50 CUSA Peggy McCracken Your Price: $55.60 2017 240 p. 6 x 9 16 color plates 67 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-45892-2 $45.00 Your Price: $36.00
11 The Subject of Crusade Both from the Ears and Mind Lyric, Romance, and Materials, 1150 to 1500 Thinking about Music in Early Modern England Marisa Galvez Linda Phyllis Austern “This is a bold study that places literary forms, “If anyone in England from 1500 to 1700 has especially lyric and romance, into conversation with written about music, Austern has read it. Both from material culture to provide an account of ‘speaking the Ears and Mind is a magnum opus that draws crusade’: that is, the ways in which an ‘idiom’ was together twenty-five years of research and publica- produced that communicates the ‘crusader subject,’ tion. No existing scholarship on ideas about music whether through poetics or the tangible form of the in early modern England has the range and the exotic sword, enigmatic inscription, or elaborate depth of Austern’s. Musicology scholars will find feast. Galvez moves smoothly across genres, as well in Austern a resource that will challenge and com- as between theoretical framework and historical plicate received ideas about early modern tonality, context, to produce a provocative book in which a harmony, rhythm, and performance.” body of literature conventionally read in terms of —Bruce Smith, University of Southern California pilgrimage and inward penitence is instead placed in 2020 384 p. 6 x 9 5 color plates, 25 halftones, 71 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-70159-2 $55.00 Your Price: $44.00 dialogue with the imagined—and real—frontiers of religious war.”—Suzanne Conklin Akbari, Institute for Advanced Study, Princeton The First Christian Hymnal 2020 280 p. 51/2 x 81/2 14 color plates, 12 halftones The Songs of the Ancient Jerusalem Church: 68 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-69335-4 $30.00 Your Price: $24.00 Parallel Georgian-English Texts Edited and Translated by Stephen J. Shoemaker Remembering the Crusades in This collection offers the first English translation Medieval Texts and Songs of the oldest known Christian hymnal, a book of Edited by Andrew D. Buck and Thomas W. Smith hymns which was compiled in Jerusalem during the “This engrossing volume highlights the excit- later fourth or early fifth century. The First Christian ing work of a new generation of historians of the Hymnal offers an unmatched resource for under- crusades. Focusing on the way the crusades were standing the development of early Christian worship reflected in a variety of writing genres, the chapters and piety, as well as the transmission of Christian show how crusading was embedded in broader doctrine to the unlettered. For too long, this invalu- networks and modes of composition, in continuous able collection has been almost completely ignored dialogue with larger cultural discourses of gender, by scholars of early Christianity, having survived status, emotion, and trauma.”—Nicholas Paul, only in an Old Georgian translation. Distributed for Brigham Young University Fordham University 2018 338 p. 6 x 9 Distributed for University of Wales Press 72 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-944394-68-4 $49.95 Your Price: $39.96 2020 160 p. 51/2 x 81/2 69 Paper ISBN: 978-1-78683-504-8 $34.00 NSA/AU/NZ Your Price: $27.20 Strange Footing Poetic Form and Dance in the Late Middle Ages Seeta Chaganti Most University of Chicago Press The MLA Scaglione Prize for Comparative Literary Studies titles are also in e-book format. 2018 304 p. 6 x 9 10 color plates, 25 halftones See back cover. 70 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-54804-3 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00
12 Typographic Firsts Designing English John Boardley Early Literature on the Page “Tracing the entire history of printing as it de- Daniel Wakelin veloped over the centuries, this volume includes “Covering a wide range of genres, including reli- discussion of woodcuts, relief printing, the creation gious texts, poetry, songs, plays, and medieval medi- of inks, illuminated manuscripts, and women’s cine manuscripts, Designing English aspires to map involvement in printing. Boardley goes back to first out the evolution of the burgeoning English lexicon universities of the eleventh and twelfth centuries and the connection of words to images. How these and the rise of literacy rates and subsequent demand elements evolved became templates for the protocols for books. . . . This a great book for those studying defining print and other material texts during the typographic history and for anyone with a love for Middle Ages and into the modern age.” print.”—Choice —Communication Booknotes Quarterly Distributed for the Bodleian Library Distributed for the Bodleian Library 2018 208 p. 71/2 x 93/4 60 color plates 2017 224 p. 91/4 x 101/4 92 color plates 73 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-473-7 $40.00 NAM 76 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-475-1 $50.00 NAM Your Price: $32.00 Your Price: $40.00 Making Medieval Manuscripts The Copenhagen Bohun Christopher de Hamel Manuscripts “Written in a lively and enjoyable style and includ- Women, Representation and Reception in ing examples spanning the early Middle Ages Fourteenth-Century England through the Renaissance, Making Medieval Manu- Marina Vidas scripts is an informative account of the process of how medieval books were created.”—Choice The Copenhagen Bohun Manuscripts provides a de- tailed analysis of the components of two exquisitely “Christopher de Hamel’s Making Medieval illuminated fourteenth-century English manuscripts, Manuscripts . . . is a copiously—and beautifully— the Hours of the Virgin and the Lives of the Virgin illustrated survey of the materials and techniques Mary, St. Margaret, and Mary Magdalene. Based on used to create handwritten books in the Middle pictorial as well as documentary evidence, Marina Ages—The Medieval Review Vidas offers a fascinating insight into the manu- Distributed for the Bodleian Library 2017 176 p. 73/4 x 81/2 73 color plates scripts’ patronage, provenance, imagery, and texts. 74 Paper ISBN: 978-1-85124-468-3 $25.00 NAM Danish Humanist Texts and Studies Your Price: $20.00 Distributed for Museum Tusculanum Press 2015 224 p. 6 x 9 45 color plates 77 Cloth ISBN: 978-87-635-4324-8 $45.00 UKIRESCAN Medieval Manuscripts from Your Price: $36.00 the Mainz Charterhouse in the Sixty-Six Manuscripts From the Bodleian Library, Oxford Arnamagnæan Collection A Descriptive Catalogue Edited by Matthew J. Driscoll and Daniela Mairhofer Svanhildur Óskarsdóttir Distributed for the Bodleian Library Distributed for Museum Tusculanum Press 2017 1816 p. 6 x 9 2 volumes, 185 halftones 2014 248 p. 71/2 x 93/4 154 color plates, 5 halftones 75 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-85124-454-6 $650.00 NAM 78 Cloth ISBN: 978-87-635-4264-7 $45.00 UKIRESCAN Your Your Price: $520.00 Price: $36.00
13 The Gargoyles of Notre-Dame Magnificence of Marble Medievalism and the Monsters of Modernity Bartolomé Ordóñez and Diego de Silóe Michael Camille Riccardo Naldi “The ‘restoration’ of Notre Dame de Paris has This opulent book brings together two of the always been controversial. . . . Provocative, at times most important Spanish sculptors of the sixteenth profoundly insightful, Michael Camille unveils the century, Bartolomé Ordóñez and Diego de Silóe, fantasies and anxieties of both Viollet-le-Duc and focusing on their work in Naples. Between 1513 all the restorations since in the veils of meaning and and 1518, the pair helped the southern Italian city emotions of France’s most visited cathedral.” blossom into one of the most important European —Barry Bergdoll, Museum of Modern Art centers of marble sculpture. This book presents an “Exploring the indispensability of the monstrous account of their work in Naples, reproducing it in to the modern, The Gargoyles of Notre Dame is at nearly two hundred brilliant, full-color images, once a meditation on the valences of modernity showing how they managed to combine the Italian and a rumination on the meanings attributed to Renaissance with elements from antiquity and the Middle Ages and the cathedral itself in the later Iberian naturalism. Distributed for Hirmer Publishers nineteenth century.”—Hollis Clayson, author of 2015 328 p. 93/4 x 111/2 180 color plates Illuminated Paris 82 Cloth ISBN: 978-3-7774-2329-6 $75.00 CMUSA Your Price: $60.00 2009 464 p. 81/2 x 91/4 370 halftones 79 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-09245-4 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 Shadows of Time Renaissance Prague Giambologna, Michelangelo and the Medici Eliška Fucíková Chapel Renaissance Prague paints a vivid picture of the Edited by Stephan Koja and Claudia Kryza-Gersch Bohemian capital. Featuring a concise historical Giambologna (1529–1606) is widely regarded as the overview, a guide to prominent figures of the time, most important European sculptor between Michel- and a variety of illustrations, Fucíková’s book is angelo and Bernini. Although we know a great deal an enlightening tour through the Renaissance about his success, we know little of Giambologna’s metropolis of the Bohemian Kingdom. formative years in Italy, before he rose to promi- Distributed for the Karolinum Press nence. How did he come to achieve his status as the 2018 190 p. 8 x 101/2 129 color plates, 15 halftones 80 Paper ISBN: 978-80-246-3857-7 $30.00 CZE/SVK preeminent sculptor of his time? Your Price: $24.00 This volume investigates this question and retraces Giambologna’s winding path to success, Longford Castle probing the artist’s largely unknown early work and The Treasures and the Collectors his study of Michelangelo to shed fresh light on the Amelia Smith development of a genius. Based on extensive research in the archives of the Distributed for Hirmer Publishers 2019 264 p. 111/2 x 9 181 color plates Bouverie family, this book tells the story of the house, 83 Paper ISBN: 978-3-7774-3178-9 $49.95 CMUSA its art collection, and its remarkable furnishings. Your Price: $39.96 Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group 2018 208 p. 93/4 x 11 illustrated in color throughout 81 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-910787-68-7 $60.00 USCA Your Price: $48.00
14 Renaissance Lives from Reaktion Books Renaissance and Baroque Art Hans Holbein Selected Essays The Artist in a Changing World Leo Steinberg Jeanne Nuechterlein Edited by Sheila Schwartz 2020 288 p. 51/2 x 81/2 65 color plates, 5 halftones With an Introduction by Stephen J. Campbell 87 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-211-2 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 Leo Steinberg was one of the most original art historians of the twentieth century, known for Artemisia Gentileschi and taking interpretive risks that challenged the Feminism in Early Modern profession by overturning reigning orthodox- ies. This volume begins and ends with thematic Europe essays on two fundamental precepts of Steinberg’s Mary D. Garrard 2020 320 p. 51/2 x 81/2 65 color plates, 4 halftones art history: how dependence on textual authority 88 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-202-0 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 mutes the visual truths of images and why artists routinely copy or adapt earlier artworks. In between Raphael and the Antique are fourteen chapters on masterpieces of Renais- Claudia La Malfa sance and Baroque art, with bold and enlightening 2020 288 p. 51/2 x 81/2 66 color plates, 5 halftones interpretations of works by Mantegna, Filippo Lippi, 89 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-150-4 $24.00 NSA Your Price: $19.20 Pontormo, El Greco, Caravaggio, Steen and, finally, Velázquez. Donatello and the Dawn of 2020 416 p. 81/2 x 11 104 color plates, 140 halftones 84 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-66872-7 $65.00 Your Price: $52.00 Renaissance Art A. Victor Coonin Michelangelo’s Painting 2019 288 p. 51/2 x 81/2 60 color plates, 10 halftones 90 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-130-6 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 Selected Essays Leo Steinberg Titian’s Touch Edited by Sheila Schwartz Art, Magic and Philosophy With an Introduction by Alexander Nagel Maria H. Loh This volume of essays and unpublished lectures 2019 288 p. 51/2 x 81/2 70 color plates, 7 halftones elucidates many of Michelangelo’s paintings, from 91 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-082-8 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 frescoes in the Sistine Chapel to the Conversion of St. Paul and the Crucifixion of St. Peter, the artist’s Leonardo da Vinci lesser-known works in the Vatican’s Pauline Chapel. Self Art and Nature 2018 432 p. 81/2 x 11 124 color plates, 122 halftone 85 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-48226-2 $65.00 Your Price: $52.00 François Quiviger 2019 208 p. 51/2 x 81/2 60 color plates, 10 halftones Michelangelo’s Sculpture 92 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-070-5 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00 Selected Essays Pieter Bruegel and the Idea of Leo Steinberg Edited by Sheila Schwartz Human Nature With an Introduction by Richard Neer Elizabeth Alice Honig 2018 320 p. 81/2 x 11 121 color plates, 127 halftone 2019 240 p. 51/2 x 81/2 60 color plates, 5 halftones 86 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-48257-6 $65.00 Your Price: $52.00 93 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-076-7 $22.50 NSA Your Price: $18.00
15 Leonardo da Vinci and The Book Florence and its Painters of Doom From Giotto to Leonardo da Vinci Bianca Sforza, The Sforziada and Artful Edited by Andreas Schumacher Propaganda in Renaissance Milan The arts in fifteenth-century Florence made numer- Simon Hewitt ous pioneering advances. Artists like Fra Angelico, Debunking the notorious forger Shaun Greenhalgh’s Filippo Lippi, Sandro Botticelli, and Leonardo da claim that he painted La Bella Principessa—the Vinci brought innovation to the themes, forms, and mesmerizing portrait of Duke of Milan’s teenage techniques of painting, opening up a new world of daughter, Bianca Sforza, that stormed the art world artistic expression. in 2009—Hewitt agrees with others that the paint- Drawing on prominent examples of painting, ing should be attributed to Leonardo da Vinci. sculpture, and drawing, this lavishly illustrated vol- Hewitt brings the tragic Sforza to life, suggests why ume offers multifaceted insights into the intellectual and by whom she was likely murdered, and explains world and working methods of Florentine artists why Leonardo’s portrait of her was included in one during the Italian Renaissance. of the most lavish books ever produced—the Distributed for Hirmer Publishers 2018 256 p. 81/2 x 111/4 150 color plates Sforziada—considered by many to be “a book of 97 Cloth ISBN: 978-3-7774-3062-1 $49.95 CMUSA doom.” Accompanied by two hundred color illustra- Your Price: $39.96 tions, Hewitt’s book is a groundbreaking look at art and artful deceit. Frans Hals Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group Family Portraits 2020 352 p. 71/2 x 10 200 color plates 94 Paper ISBN: 978-1-912690-57-2 $37.95 USCA Lawrence W. Nichols, Liesbeth De Belie, and Your Price: $30.36 Pieter Biesboer Frans Hals was one of the foremost portrait painters Leonardo’s Paradox of the Dutch Golden Age, yet little has been written Word and Image in the Making of Renaissance about his lively family group portraiture. The book Culture examines the finer features of four family portraits Joost Keizer and places these works in the wider context of the “Keizer’s rewarding book is, in essence, an extended author’s oeuvre. investigation of—and meditation on—the interrela- Distributed for Hirmer Publishers 2018 112 p. 81/4 x 93/4 70 color plates tion of words and images in Leonardo’s notebooks 98 Cloth ISBN: 978-3-7774-3007-2 $29.95 CMUSA Y and paintings. . . . This is a book to be studied for its our Price: $23.96 revealing insights. Highly recommended.”—Choice Distributed for Reaktion Books 2019 208 p. 61/4 x 91/2 40 color plates, 25 halftones Utrecht, Caravaggio, and Europe 95 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-069-9 $35.00 NSA Your Price: $28.00 Edited by Bernd Ebert and Liesbeth M. Helmus Featuring more than seventy paintings, this stun- Albrecht Dürer and the ning volume traces the careers of the most impor- Epistolary Mode of Address tant Utrecht Caravaggists and illuminates the wider atmosphere of the art world during this time. Shira Brisman Distributed for Hirmer Publishers 2016 320 p. 7 x 10 49 color plates, 86 halftones 2019 300 p. 91/2 x 11 270 color plates 96 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-35475-0 $55.00 Your Price: $44.00 99 Cloth ISBN: 978-3-7774-3133-8 $60.00 CMUSA Your Price: $48.00
16 The Endless Periphery The Making of Measure and the Toward a Geopolitics of Art in Lorenzo Lotto’s Promise of Sameness Italy Emanuele Lugli Stephen J. Campbell “The long lacking history of measurements has fi- “The Endless Periphery provides a startlingly new nally been written. . . . Lugli uncovers this fascinat- view of the central decades of the Italian Renais- ing chapter of European and Mediterranean history, sance. With deep erudition and an acute eye for hidden under the ‘purported simplicity’ of meters detail, Campbell pries the Renaissance out of the and weights. He guides the reader backward in time stranglehold of Giorgio Vasari’s Florentine chauvin- from the standardizations of the eighteenth century ism, which has defined the hierarchies of traditional to the world of medieval cities like Pisa or Milan . art history since he first published his Lives of the . . to the foot of the Lombard king Liutprand, the Artists in 1550. Setting aside old assumptions about height of Christ, and the long-lasting impact of the where great art can be created, Campbell invites Roman land surveyors. The book shows the connec- us to see a rich landscape of artistic production in tivity between abstract and physical forms, the inter- which astute artists of tremendous talent forged relations of things and ratios. It reads like a thrilling complex dialogues and conceptual geographies, novel while at the same time following the highest responding to one another across the peninsula.” academic standards.”—Gerhard Wolf, Kunsthisto- —Rebecca Zorach, author of Gold: Nature and risches Institut in Florence, Max-Planck-Institut Culture 2019 312 p. 51/2 x 81/2 16 color plates, 40 halftones Louise Smith Bross Lecture Series 103 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-61249-2 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 2020 352 p. 81/2 x 10 127 color plates, 45 halftones 100 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-48145-6 $65.00 Your Price: $52.00 Darker Shades My Dearest Heart The Racial Other in Early Modern Art The Artist Mary Beale (1633-1699) Victor I. Stoichita Penelope Hunting This book asks how important Western artists, from “Hunting’s admirably detailed reconstruction of Giotto to Titian and Caravaggio, and from Bosch Beale’s networks puts the painter at the centre of to Dürer and Rembrandt, shaped the imaging of London’s artistic, literary and scientific life. . . . non-Western individuals in early modern art. Victor A fitting tribute to a woman who is again being I. Stoichita’s nuanced and detailed study examines recognised as a major figure in seventeenth-century images of racial otherness during a time of new British portraiture.”—Apollo encounters of the West with different cultures and Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group peoples, such as those with dark skins: Muslims and 2020 208 p. 8 x 91/2 120 color plates Jews. Featuring a host of informative illustrations 101 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-912690-08-4 $35.00 USCA Your Price: $28.00 and crossing the disciplines of art history, anthropol- ogy, and postcolonial studies, Darker Shades also re- Divine Conception considers the Western canon’s most essential facets: The Art of the Annunciation perspective, pictorial narrative, composition, bodily proportion, beauty, color, harmony, and lighting. Sarah Drummond Distributed for Reaktion Books Distributed for Unicorn Publishing Group 2019 240 p. 51/2 x 81/2 70 color plates, 7 halftones 2018 176 p. 73/4 x 91/2 130 color plates 104 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-056-9 $40.00 NSA 102 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-911604-11-2 $37.95 USCA Your Price: $32.00 Your Price: $30.36
17 The Experimental Fire The Transmutations of Inventing English Alchemy, 1300-1700 Chymistry Jennifer M. Rampling Wilhelm Homberg and the Académie Royale des “Forging vivid and compelling narratives with her Sciences materials, while remaining keenly aware of the Lawrence M. Principe living history behind the documents, [Rampling] This book reevaluates the changes to chymistry that has been able to sketch the outlines of what has took place from 1660 to 1730 through a close study previously been entirely unknown to the history of of the chymist Wilhelm Homberg (1653–1715) and alchemy. This is a fully achieved piece of research the changing fortunes of his discipline at the Acadé- that is destined to become the key work in the mie Royale des Sciences, France’s official scientific field.”—Stephen Clucas, Birkbeck, University of body. By charting Homberg’s remarkable life from London Java to France’s royal court, and his endeavor to Synthesis 2020 416 p. 6 x 9 19 halftones, 2 tables create a comprehensive theory of chymistry (includ- 105 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-71070-9 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 ing alchemical transmutation), Principe reveals the period’s significance and reassesses its place in the Tycho Brahe and the Measure of broader sweep of the history of science. the Heavens Synthesis 2020 504 p. 6 x 9 16 halftones, 6 line drawings John Robert Christianson 108 Cloth ISBN: 978-0-226-70078-6 $45.00 Your Price: $36.00 “This fascinating and rich biography successfully Now in Paperback explains the aims of Tycho’s startling and ambitious enterprise, to rebuild the sciences of heaven and Alchemy and Authority in the earth in a new vision of organized inquiry and the Holy Roman Empire accumulation of nature’s treasures. With gripping Tara Nummedal detail and brilliant illustrations, this book will be “Alchemy and Authority does for the history of essential reading for anyone interested in the cosmos alchemy what the literature on quacks has done for and culture of early modernity.”—Simon Schaffer, the history of medicine: it approaches the blurry University of Cambridge Renaissance Lives boundaries that define an individual’s success Distributed for Reaktion Books or downfall in a profession and in society. . . . 2020 272 p. 51/2 x 81/2 59 color plates, 39 halftones 106 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-234-1 $22.50 NSA [Nummedal] is one of only a few academic authors Your Price: $18.00 who manage to confine and consistently pursue their argument . . . and yet manage to write beautiful, Paracelsus effortless prose.”—Chemical Heritage 2007 280 p. 6 x 9 13 halftones An Alchemical Life 109 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-63972-7 $35.00 Your Price: $28.00 Bruce T. Moran Renaissance Lives Distributed for Reaktion Books Influences 2019 216 p. 51/2 x 81/2 10 color plates, 10 halftones 107 Cloth ISBN: 978-1-78914-144-3 $22.50 NSA Art, Optics, and Astrology in the Italian Your Price: $18.00 Renaissance Mary Quinlan-McGrath 2012 304 p. 6 x 9 14 color plates, 12 halftones, 110 Paper ISBN: 978-0-226-42166-7 $23.00 Your Price: $18.40
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