REINVENTING T H E - Exploring Open Banking Opportunities in Digital Mortgages & Building a Seamless Homebuyer's Journey - Portfolio+

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REINVENTING T H E - Exploring Open Banking Opportunities in Digital Mortgages & Building a Seamless Homebuyer's Journey - Portfolio+


Exploring Open Banking Opportunities
in Digital Mortgages & Building a
Seamless Homebuyer’s Journey
por tfo lio + © 202 2                  p o r tfo l i o p lu
REINVENTING T H E - Exploring Open Banking Opportunities in Digital Mortgages & Building a Seamless Homebuyer's Journey - Portfolio+

                        Let’s Admit It: Mortgages Aren’t Perfect............................................... 3
                        Reinventing the Mortgage..................................................................... 7
                            Six Key Elements of Building an Effective Digital Homebuyer’s Journey in an
                            Open Banking System........................................................................................ 7
                            A Shift in Perspective & the Evolving Role of Fintechs in Digital Mortgages and
                            Open Banking..................................................................................................... 8

                        Building a Seamless Digital Homebuyer’s Journey........................... 10
                            Eliminate Manual Processes in Mortgage Origination.................................... 10
                            Provide a Self-Serve Digital Origination Experience ...................................... 10
                            Prefill and Automated Mortgage Application Data......................................... 11
                            Leverage Key APIs & Integrate with Industry Partners................................... 12
                            Extend the Homebuyer’s Journey Beyond the Mortgage Process ................ 12
                            Build Trust & Add Value through Financial Literacy....................................... 13

                        This is just the Beginning.................................................................... 14
                            This is Just the Beginning for Digital Mortgages and Open Banking............. 14
                            Adapt, Rethink, and Reinvent.......................................................................... 14

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REINVENTING T H E - Exploring Open Banking Opportunities in Digital Mortgages & Building a Seamless Homebuyer's Journey - Portfolio+


  f you’re not going to say it, I’m going to say it.   With a series of obscure A or B formulas for
  Of course, I know I shouldn’t—you shouldn’t,         determining things like minimum qualification
  either—but we need to do something about             requirements at multiple stages throughout the
these things before it’s too late. So, here it is.     customer journey, potential homebuyers must
                                                       navigate a complex landscape of lenders and
Mortgages aren’t exactly perfect.                      brokers, determine minimum down payment
                                                       requirements, meet OSFI’s “stress test” or
If you don’t agree, you’ve either never had to         minimum qualifying rate, work with realtors
secure one or you’re not the average Canadian          and lawyers and ultimately settle on a mortgage
homebuyer.                                             lender that undoubtedly offers very little
                                                       differentiation in terms of product, pricing, and
Now, we’re not supposed to admit that. Whether         experience.
you’re a mortgage broker or a mortgage lender—
or a company that develops                                              With very little differentiation
mortgage software and financial “If you’re not going to say             between mortgage products
technology—admitting that             it, I’m going to say it. (...)    from lender to lender, for the
mortgages aren’t great can seem Mortgages aren’t exactly                average Canadian homebuyer
a little counterintuitive. After all, perfect.”                         much of the experience of
we’re in the business of selling                                        securing a mortgage—apart
these things and helping Canadians realize their      from the tedious tasks of collecting paperwork
dream of homeownership. It’s never a good idea        and personal financial documents—is rooted in
to admit the thing we’re selling is kind-of sort-of   the small details between interest rates, terms,
a little, well, flawed.                               and amortization schedules. It’s not uncommon
                                                      for homebuyers to decide on a lender and
Mortgages aren’t perfect because the experience choose one mortgage product over another
isn’t perfect. For most Canadian consumers, the       mortgage product based on an interest rate
process of applying for and securing a mortgage       that’s a fraction of a single percentage better.
is a convoluted, unclear, fragmented journey, one
that often introduces unnecessary stress into the Even then, it’s up to consumers to understand
already stressful process of purchasing a home.       how the interest rate on their mortgage will be

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REINVENTING T H E - Exploring Open Banking Opportunities in Digital Mortgages & Building a Seamless Homebuyer's Journey - Portfolio+

                                  in grade 10 math, right? No?        all those financial documents
calculated and whether their      It probably doesn’t matter,         and personal details to
best options are fixed rate,      anyway. Don’t worry about           manually assess an applicant’s
adjustable rate, or a hybrid      it, though. Your mortgage           creditworthiness, including
rate. Homebuyers should also      specialist or broker will have a    proof of income, financial
understand what percentage        pencil and a notepad to calm        history, paystubs, T4 slips, and
of their monthly payments will    your nerves. Watch as they          proof of down payment. While
go towards interest and what      scribble down some numbers          contributing to the unpleasant
percentage will go towards        here. Feel better?                  experience for homebuyers,
the loan principal. Easy stuff if                                     these manual processes are
you’re a mortgage specialist.     Not really.                         inefficient, cumbersome, and
For the average consumer,                                             even costly.
though, even                                        Simply
that can           “Mortgages aren’t perfect        deciding          We can’t speak for everyone, of
feel a little       because the experience          on which          course. Some industry experts
overwhelming. isn’t perfect. For most               mortgage          would argue mortgages and
                    Canadian consumers, the to choose                 the processes lenders use to
Will rates rise, process of applying for            isn’t always      originate, underwrite, and
homebuyers          and securing a mortgage the most                  fund them are just fine. That’s
might ask?          is a convoluted, unclear,       convoluted        OK, too! There are two sides
Maybe! As           fragmented journey (...).” part of the            to this. After all, the housing
mortgage                                            experience.       industry here in Canada has
specialists, it might surprise    When it comes to the mortgage       been incredibly strong over the
you that we don’t really know,    process, there’s the pre-           last decade and particularly
dear homebuyer. It might help     qualification or sometimes          strong throughout the years of
if you understand a bit about     pre-approval or sometimes           the pandemic, with the market
the overnight rate and how the    the “rate lock.” There’s the        consistently breaking records at
Bank of Canada works—yes, to      application process, the            what some might consider to be
make things more complicated, underwriting process, the               an alarming rate.
you should know that runaway formal approval, and the
inflation and monetary policy     funding process. After that, it’s   In fact, at one point in 2021
play a role in your mortgage      years of mortgage payments to       the average price of a home in
here, too.                        either renewal or refinancing or    Canada was up 31.6 percent
                                  maturity.                           to $716,828. Since then, the
Don’t worry, though. This is                                          average
only the single biggest purchase For lenders, things aren’t           price of a
of your life. Choosing what       much better. Originating and        home has
mortgage is right ultimately      underwriting mortgages is           continued
comes down to a bunch of          a time-consuming manual             to climb
formulas and calculations         process. In addition to             even higher,
and terms that first-time         requesting and reviewing credit     hitting
homebuyers like you may not       reports from external parties,      $816,720 in
fully understand. You were        mortgage lenders and their          February of
an exceptional student back       underwriters must also review       2022—the

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highest national average home      highs in the first months of      lenders—but also a lingering
price ever recorded at the time,   2022, there’s no question that    pandemic has exposed and
according to the Canadian          mortgages are still doing the     underscored the need for digital
Real Estate Association. The       job they’re designed to do.       mortgages and better digital
pandemic forced the market         They are continuing to provide    mortgage lending experiences.
into overdrive, and within         homebuyers, brokers, and
the short span of two years        lenders with a comprehensive     Consumer expectations
Canadian home prices surged        process for financing by taking  for financial services have
by more than 50 percent.           a structured approach to         changed. Banks and lenders
                                   lending money and setting        are expected to think like
In major Canadian cities across    and facilitating repayment       technology companies and
the country, the average price     terms.                           provide the same kinds of
of a home is significantly higher.                                  seamless digital experiences
Take Toronto and Vancouver,        No matter how imperfect          as those offered by Big Tech
for instance. The average          they might be, mortgages still   companies—companies like
price of homes in Toronto and      work.                            Apple and Google. While
Vancouver reached $1.354                                            strict regulatory and privacy
million and $1.374 million         But just because something       requirements, technological
respectively in April 2022. That’s works doesn’t mean it            and infrastructure complexities,
an 18.9 percent year-over-year     shouldn’t be improved.           and cost and resource
increase for Vancouver and         As consumers, the way we         concerns may have prevented
an astounding 30.6 percent         work, the way we engage          meaningful technological
year-over-year increase for        with brands, and the way we      innovation for banks and
Toronto .(4)
                                   interact with                                      lenders
                                   technology       “As consumers, the way            until now,
Without question, the low rates, has changed         we work, the way we              a Canadian
short supply, and increasing       dramatically,     engage with brands, and          framework
demand for housing throughout so why                 the way we interact with         for open
the COVID-19 pandemic              haven’t our       technology has changed           banking finally
created a perfect storm for the    mortgages?        dramatically, so why             promises to
Canadian housing market, with Homebuyers             haven’t our mortgages?” change all that.
home sales and prices only just    deserve  a
beginning to ease as the Bank      better experience.               Open banking promotes
of Canada began its rate-hiking                                     competition in the industry,
cycle to battle the country’s      The proliferation of mobile      opening up new opportunities
runaway inflation that reached     technology over the last         for nimble, tech-savvy,
a 31-year high of 6.8 percent      20 years coupled  with  not      consumer-focused fintechs
in April 2022 and continued to     only a recent meaningful         and lenders that will have a
climb to a 39-year high of 7.7     generational shift in the        new opportunity to challenge
percent in May 2022.               industry—as millennials and      Canada’s big banks and will be
                                   digital-native consumers         looking to disrupt the country’s
With the unrelenting demand        become   the primary             $1.68 trillion mortgage industry
pushing the average price of       demographics for mortgage        by focusing on data-driven
homes in Canada to all-time                                         digital mortgages and seamless

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           homebuying experiences.

           Open banking puts consumers in control and
           changes how information and data can be
           collected and used. Creating a collaborative
           financial ecosystem of traditional banks, lenders,
           partners, third-party service providers, and
           fintechs, the API-driven framework of open
           banking will connect the financial services
           industry in new ways and provide a new
           foundation for banks and lenders to implement
           innovative, data-driven, personalized, and
           seamless digital banking and digital lending

           The world has changed in dramatic ways—
           consumers and technology have changed—but
           somehow mortgages have largely stayed the

           It’s time for lenders to reimagine what a
           mortgage can be. Open banking doesn’t just
           provide an opportunity to automate and
           reduce costs—it’s an opportunity to rethink and
           ultimately reinvent the mortgage. By shifting the
           focus away from mortgage product details and
           putting the consumer experience first, lenders
           can create digital mortgages and seamless
           consumer experiences that focus less on the
           details of a product and more on providing a
           valuable, extended digital experience designed
           for today’s homebuyers.

           Welcome to the homebuyer’s journey.

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         hat role does a mortgage play in the     buyers becomes one piece of a broader business
         journey to homeownership? That might narrative. One that begins long before potential
         be the most important question for       consumers even enter the mortgage origination
lenders considering a consumer-                                  process. There are considerable
centric digital mortgage solution “As Canada starts to           opportunities for lenders to
within an open banking system.     adopt an open banking         leverage embedded solutions
Traditionally, mortgages           framework, the lending        and APIs to architect a better
have been a critical step in       industry has the              homebuyer process.”
the homebuying process, but        potential to innovate and
securing a mortgage is not where transform, particularly         Although every lender will
the homeownership journey          for lenders that are          be different, there are six key
begins. In order to reinvent       committed to leverage         elements lenders can focus on
the mortgage for digital native    APIs that offer faster        when building out a seamless
consumers, lenders must rethink and richer digital-first         digital homebuyer’s journey in an
the entire customer journey—and mortgages.”                      API-driven open banking system:
the ones that start at the very
beginning have an opportunity to build trust        1. Eliminating time-consuming and costly
with consumers long before those consumers are         manual processes that negatively impact
even ready to own a home.                              consumer experience

“As Canada starts to adopt an open banking          2. Providing an entirely digital frontend
framework, the lending industry has the                solution through development or
potential to innovate and transform, particularly      partnership and API integrations
for lenders that are committed to leverage
APIs that offer faster and richer digital-first     3. Automating data-entry to streamline
mortgages,” said Gary Schwartz, President of the       origination, application, and underwriting
Canadian Lenders Association. “It’s a change in        processes
technology, but it’s also a change in the way we
see the buyer’s journey. The traditional mortgage
and the processes lenders use to originate home

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                                     for a consumer to choose one        While this task
                                     product over another. After all,    is required to
                                     every applicant must follow         balance risk
                                     the same onerous process            and ensure that
                                     no matter where they go,            a particular
    4. Leveraging APIs to            collecting the same personal        applicant is
       integrate with other          financial information and           suitable for
       banks, financial              often experiencing a similar        a particular
       institutions, and key         disconnected and fragmented         product and meets the needs of
       industry providers            origination journey. As a result,   the business, it’s an approach
                                     the best mortgage for any           that often creates an experience
    5. Extending the                 consumer is almost always           that prioritizes the needs of the
       homebuyer’s journey           the one with the lowest rate.       product over the needs of the
       beyond the traditional        Although rates will undoubtedly     consumer.
       mortgage process              continue to play a vital role
                                     in a consumer’s choice for a        Although collecting that data
    6. Improving financial           mortgage, it’s not all about        is crucial to the mortgage
       literacy to build trust and   rates, anymore.                     origination process, in an open
       brand loyalty by providing                                        banking system it’s a task best
       value throughout—and          An exceptional digital              left to APIs, digital interfaces,
       beyond—the entire             experience from a trustworthy       automation, and backend
       mortgage lifecycle.           lender—one that also adds           technology.
                                     value through ongoing
A SHIFT IN                           financial literacy and creates an   This change in perspective is
PERSPECTIVE & THE                    informative digital homebuying      an important consideration
EVOLVING ROLE OF                     experience that extends beyond      because it’s the foundation
FINTECHS IN DIGITAL                  the mortgage process—could          of many lending fintechs that
MORTGAGES AND                        be a key deciding factor in a       will be looking to disrupt the
OPEN BANKING                         consumer’s decision when            traditional mortgage lending
                                     choosing a digital mortgage.        industry as we shift to an open

      sk yourself this: If every                                         banking system.
      mortgage from every            When it comes to digital
      lender was offered at the      mortgages, though, some             Fintechs play an important
exact same rate, what would          lenders may find that a             role in digital lending within
make your mortgage product           fundamental change in               an open banking system.
better than a mortgage product       perspective is also required. In    Focusing on providing
offered by another lender?           the past, traditional mortgage      personalized, innovative
                                     lenders have typically focused      digital experiences, they
When it comes to mortgages,          on a product-centric approach       typically act as intermediaries
there’s seemingly very little        where they ultimately prioritize    between consumers and
room for differentiation             the collection of personal          lenders or other financial
between products. That means         information and financial data      service providers. They put
apart from interest rates, there     that’s necessary to meet the        consumer expectations around
is often little to no incentive      requirements of a product.

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                                   lenders to create or streamline    •   Deeply understand the
                                   the development of their own           customer | It’s critical to
                                   digital experiences through            focus on the customer
                                   API integrations.                      first, not the product.

                                   While fintechs are often           •   Identify critical gaps
                                   seen as competitors, that’s            & problems with the
digital technologies and digital   not always the case, and               traditional mortgage
financial experiences first and    they could become valuable             experience | By intimately
offer cloud-native, data-driven    strategic partners to the              understanding the
agile modern platforms that        right lenders. A partnership           challenges of purchasing
can communicate through            approach could help some               a home and securing a
APIs with pre-existing loan        lenders, including B-lenders           mortgage, lenders can
origination systems and            and alternative lenders,               identify key gaps to
core banking legacy systems        expand their businesses and            improve the mortgage
to create seamless digital         meet consumer expectations             lending experience.
experiences that can bring the     around digital mortgages and
consumer mortgage process          digital lending experiences.       •   Simplify the mortgage
into the current century.                                                 process & focus on needs
                                   Much like how some of                  of the consumer | Closing
Many digital lending fintechs      Canada’s largest fintechs              gaps and solving common
in Canada are not currently        and neobanks have been                 consumer problems in
mortgage lenders themselves,       partnering with licensed               the traditional mortgage
but rather they act as             financial institutions to              process will help create
brokerages—but that is likely      bring their own services               a frictionless, cohesive,
to change as more emerge,          to market, there are some              and predictable digital
grow, and explore acquisition      similar, potentially disruptive        experience for digital
opportunities to expand their      opportunities ahead for                native consumers.
businesses.                        current lenders willing to
                                   partner with the right fintechs    •   Leverage APIs &
The role of fintechs focused on    on digital mortgages.                  Automate Manual
digital mortgages in Canada’s                                             Processes | Leveraging
open banking system is not         Whether or not they choose             APIs will help lenders
just evolving—it’s really just     to explore unique partnership          eliminate manual
emerging. Although it’s possible   opportunities with emerging            processes that negatively
      fintechs may begin           fintechs, lenders focused on           impact consumer
         to challenge larger       building digital mortgage              sentiment and will provide
           traditional A-lenders   experiences focused                    the necessary data to
             in the future, some   on creating a seamless                 improve automation
               fintechs may        homebuyer’s journey                    throughout the mortgage
                also provide       can benefit by thinking                lending process.
                entirely new       like fintechs and building
                opportunities      solutions around some key
                for traditional    strategic concepts:

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ELIMINATE MANUAL                 financial data is the first step   risk assessments, and their
PROCESSES                        to streamlining the origination    underwriters don’t have access
IN MORTGAGE                      process, and it will be the        to important personal financial
ORIGINATION                      foundation for creating a          data that allows them to make
                                 frictionless frontend digital      informed decisions about an

      einventing the mortgage    solution that digital native       applicant’s ability to make
      by reimagining how         homebuyers want to use.            payments.
      inefficient traditional
mortgage lending processes       So, how do lenders eliminate all   The manual processes that
can be adapted to create a       those time-consuming manual        are often used to collect this
seamless digital homebuying      processes?                         information are some of the
experience begins with an                                           first interactions consumers
understanding of how each step   It starts with automation.         have with their lenders or
of the mortgage process can be                                      brokers, and they often set the
broken down, simplified, and     PROVIDE A SELF-                    stage for the overall mortgage
automated.                       SERVE DIGITAL                      lending experience. The
                                 ORIGINATION                        collection of data in this stage
Lenders focused on creating      EXPERIENCE                         of the homebuyer’s journey
a true digital mortgage                                             should be as smooth and

experience in an open banking           ollecting personal          seamless as possible, and to
environment will want to                information and key         meet consumer expectations
leverage data and technology            financial data from         in this area of the mortgage
in ways that eliminate many      applicants to assess their         process lenders are required
of the manual processes          creditworthiness is, without       to find a way to make this
traditionally performed by       question, one of the most          experience completely digital.
mortgage specialists, brokers,   important aspects of the
and underwriters. Eliminating    mortgage lending process.          Consumers should have
manual processes that center     After all, without this data       the ability to self-serve and
around the collection of         lenders can’t originate            complete the application on
personal information and         applications or perform proper     their own time, in the comfort

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                                   validated data. A clear user        background,
                                   interface will also help set        requiring
                                   expectations for next steps         lenders to
                                   in what can often feel like a       collect financial
                                   convoluted and fragmented           data including
                                   mortgage process. This kind         proof of income,
                                   of experience can provide           paystubs, T4
of their own home. In this         digital lenders with enough         slips, credit
space, they can actively seek      information to offer applicants     reports, and proof of down
out the information digital        pre-qualifications, pre-            payment.
mortgage providers require as      approvals, or rate-holds within
they apply, allowing them to       minutes.                            While some that client data
complete an application in a                                           is often already available in
fraction of the time.              Digital lenders that provide        financial systems, it’s not
                                   a self-serve origination and        integrated across systems in
Providing a quick digital          application process guided          a way that allows consumers
questionnaire, digital lenders     by user experience-driven           to quickly share their data
can quickly collect enough         questionnaires can also             between financial service
information about applicants       leverage digital dashboards         providers.
to understand whether they         where potential homebuyers
are in the purchasing journey.     can manage their information,       Fortunately, open banking
Lenders can quickly gather         upload electronic documents,        puts consumers in control
information about who their        and even sign documents             of that data, and with their
applicants are, whether they’re    electronically where necessary      consent they can allow banks
first-time homebuyer, what         to ensure the process is entirely   and lenders to both share and
location they’re looking to buy,   digital and seamless.               access that data in order to
whether they’re working with                                           provide services like mortgage
a realtor, what kind of property   PREFILL AND                         origination. Leveraging
they’re looking to purchase,       AUTOMATED                           APIs, banks and lenders can
and even whether they’ve           MORTGAGE                            communicate with external
signed a purchase agreement.       APPLICATION DATA                    systems to securely access
                                                                       and retrieve this key data that

Integrating time-consuming                   hile every lender         can then be used to prefill
data-entry processes into                    is different, many        fields and automate portions
an app-based, self-serve                     lenders require           of the origination process,
digital experience designed        the same information from           eliminating manual data entry
for consumers will not only        mortgage applicants during          that’s required in mortgage
eliminate internal processes       the origination process. This       applications and underwriting.
that contribute to negative        includes the collection of basic
experiences, but it will also      client data like an applicant’s     When it comes to APIs and
result in cost efficiencies for    contact information, telephone      accessing external data,
lenders, faster pre-approvals      number, and home address.           lenders will want to focus
and application processing         It also includes a review           on efficiencies that leverage
times, and more accurate and       into an applicant’s financial       the ability to prefill data and

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                                     to connect, integrate with           •   Home insurance
                                     external systems, and explore
                                     partnerships and technologies        •   Mortgage default
                                     within a secure framework built          insurance
                                     around consumer consent.
                                                                          •   Property valuations
                                     LEVERAGE KEY APIS
automate the origination,            & INTEGRATE WITH  With open banking, digital
application, and underwriting        INDUSTRY PARTNERS mortgage lenders have an
processes as much as possible.                                           opportunity to leverage APIs

Whether a lender chooses to                   hile a significant         in entirely new ways—but
develop or integrate with a                   portion of the             this often requires thinking
provider of what is sometimes                 digital mortgage           outside of the box to discover
referred to as mortgage process      homebuying journey requires         innovative ways of leveraging
automation technology, one of        lenders to collect information      technology to eliminate time-
the most impactful tactics in        electronically through a digital,   consuming or complex tasks.
digital mortgages is the ability     self-serve app that focuses
to request, access, and leverage     on UX-driven questionnaires         By integrating with artificial
data from other systems or           and automation, digital             intelligence solutions through
third-party applications.            lenders can further improve         APIs, for instance, digital
                                     the homebuyer’s journey by          lenders can even collect unique
Of course, that level of             leveraging APIs to integrate        information on properties that
integration may not be possible      with key industry partners and      would otherwise need to be
for some digital lenders at first,   providers.                          collected in person, including
and it may take some time                                                information about things like
for open banking providers           Leveraging APIs, digital lenders    landscape and topology, road
to leverage APIs in a way that       can request data from external      noise, and other information
ultimately optimizes their own       service providers or integrate      unique to the community that
digital solutions. The exciting      services at key moments within      may affect a home’s value.
part is that APIs and an open        the homebuyer’s journey. By
banking framework can allow          retrieving information from         EXTEND THE
digital lenders to integrate with    external systems, lenders can       HOMEBUYER’S
financial service providers to       offer things like homeowner’s       JOURNEY BEYOND
retrieve client data and provide     insurance at the ideal moment       THE MORTGAGE
innovative digital mortgage          in the homebuyer’s journey.         PROCESS
origination solutions for

homebuyers.                          Other key API integrations for               hile the mortgage
                                     digital mortgage providers                   process itself is one
Depending on a lender’s ability      include:                                     of the most lengthy
to develop solutions in house                                            and significant aspects of
or their openness to work with        •   Credit bureau reports          the homebuyer’s journey, it’s
external fintechs and third-                                             not the only area mortgage
party developers, open banking        •   Title insurance                lenders should consider when
provides an opportunity                                                  designing new digital solutions.

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           In order to truly reinvent the    with a savings goal. So, before
           mortgage, digital mortgage        customers even begin looking
           lenders should look outside       for a home, digital lenders
           of their traditional role and     have an opportunity educate
           consider extending the digital    those consumers, create digital
           homebuyer’s journey beyond        experiences that help them
           origination, funding, and         manage money and save for
           servicing.                        this financial milestone, and
                                             build financial literacy around
           Remember to ask yourself this:    the homebuying process that
           When does the home buying         extends beyond the mortgage
           journery really start?            into real life.

           By the time prospective           When lenders can educate
           homebuyers are searching          consumers and provide insight
           for a home, they’ve already       and digital tools that help
           succeeded in achieving a          potential homebuyers reach
           financial milestone on the path   this critical financial goal,
           to homeownership. Despite the     they not only improve lead
           fact that mortgage applicants     generation, but they also build
           are required to have a minimum    trust with their audiences, and
           down payment, mortgage            they are likely to be viewed as
           lenders generally don’t offer     a trustworthy, reliable brand
           consumers digital experiences     when consumers are finally
           built around helping those        ready to purchase their home.
           potential homeowners save
           for a down payment. This is
           a missed opportunity where
           lenders can build trust and
           brand recognition early in the
           intake and lead generation
           funnel though extending the
           homebuyer’s journey.

           BUILD TRUST & ADD
           VALUE THROUGH

                 he homebuying
                 experience doesn’t begin
                 with a rate-hold or a
           mortgage application or even
           the search for a new home. The
           homebuying journey begins

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THIS IS JUST THE BEGINNING                           ecosystem. As a result, financial technology
FOR DIGITAL MORTGAGES AND                            and banking software providers are likely to
OPEN BANKING                                         find themselves playing catch-up well into 2023
                                                     and 2024 in order to redesign and develop new

      rom modernization and digital                  mortgage solutions focused on providing a
      transformation to cloud migration              seamless digital homebuyer’s journey. For some
      strategies, financial technology and core      of these financial technology providers, a trusted
banking providers—including those that offer         digital mortgage solution may take more time.
traditional enterprise mortgage software—have
been juggling multiple complex large-scale           Fortunately, open banking will provide
initiatives to support financial institutions and    traditional banks and lenders with even more
lenders in preparation for a paradigmatic shift to   opportunities for developing new and innovative
open banking in Canada. Already implemented          digital lending solutions, since those APIs
in other international jurisdictions, including      will allow for fintechs to build applications
the UK and Australia, an open banking system—        and services around financial institutions
also known as consumer-directed finance here         and integrate with some of those time-tested
in Canada—will promote competition and               traditional mortgage and lending systems.
consumer choice in the financial industry and
allow Canadian consumers to easily transfer their    ADAPT, RETHINK, AND REINVENT
financial data between financial institutions,

service providers, and third-party fintechs. But              hile digital mortgages can significantly
there’s still work to be done.                                reduce costs and improve efficiencies for
                                                              lenders, that’s not the problem lenders
As banks begin their monumental shift to the         are trying to solve. Remember: Mortgages aren’t
cloud in preparation for open banking, their         perfect. Consumers expect more, and in open
financial technology and core banking software       banking lenders have an opportunity to adapt,
providers are creating application programming       rethink the mortgage process, and reinvent the
interfaces (APIs) and critical API endpoints that    mortgage.
will provide the foundational technology to
allow for secure data sharing in an open banking

por tfo lio + © 202 2                                                                                14

           The traditional mortgage
           lending experience has not kept
           pace with changing technology.
           Reinventing the mortgage
           isn’t about digitizing current
           mortgage lending practices,
           processes, and products. It’s
           about designing around the
           homebuyer’s journey and
           building a digital solution that
           eliminates manual data entry,
           leverages APIs, automates
           underwriting processes, and
           includes seamless digital
           interfaces and experiences
           that simplify the homebuying
           process for the digital native

           It’s time to reinvent the

           And it starts with rethinking the
           homebuyer’s journey.

15                                             p o r tfo l i o + © 2022

                        ABOUT PORTFOLIO+
                                                                              *Based on TSE market
                        Portfolio+ Inc. connects financial institutions        capitalization
                        with customers and partners using innovative           figures retrieved in
                                                                               September 2020.
                        technologies. Its core banking software solutions
                        and open banking technology are used by
                        financial institutions in Canada and the UK.
                        With its powerful +Open Banking Platform and
                        fully documented RESTful APIs, Portfolio+ has
                        the power to connect banks, credit unions, and
                        financial institutions with the evolving ecosystem
                        of financial services technology that is putting
                        everyday customers in control of their financial

                        Located in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA),
                        Portfolio+ is used by 5 of the 7* largest financial
                        institutions in Canada and is a part of Volaris
                        Group Inc.

                        For more information, visit

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                advisory-committee-open-banking.html (Retrieved January 7, 2022)
           2. (Retrieved June 2, 2022)
                (Retrieved June 2, 2022)
           4. (Retrieved June 2, 2022)
                data/residential-mortgage-industry-data-dashboard (Retrieved June 15, 2022)

17                                                                                                          p o r tfo l i o + © 2022

37 Sandiford Drive
Stouffville, Ontario
L4A 3Z2

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