Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory: implications for walking intentions in natural environments

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Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory: implications for walking intentions in natural environments
Health Promotion International, 2021;36:1126–1139
                                                                                            doi: 10.1093/heapro/daaa150
                                                                   Advance Access Publication Date: 27 December 2020

Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour
change theory: implications for walking
intentions in natural environments

                                                                                                                                                        Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
Lewis R. Elliott1,*, Mathew P. White1,2, Lora E. Fleming1, Charles Abraham3,
and Adrian H. Taylor4
 European Centre for Environment and Human Health, University of Exeter Medical School, University of
Exeter, c/o Knowledge Spa, RCHT, Truro, Cornwall TR1 3HD, UK, 2Urban & Environmental Psychology
Group, University of Vienna, Austria, 3School of Psychological Sciences, Rm. 701, Redmond Barry
Building, University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC 3010, Australia and 4Faculty of Medicine & Dentistry,
University of Plymouth, N6, ITTC, Tamar Science Park, Plymouth, Devon PL6 8BX, UK
*Corresponding author. E-mail:

Natural environments can be used to promote health through facilitating recreational walking.
However, efforts to encourage this often neglect messages identified in psychological research that
are effective at influencing intentions to walk. This is despite the National Institute for Health and Care
Excellence stating that promotional efforts should utilize theoretical frameworks of behaviour change
and be targeted towards less active adults. As an illustrative example, this experiment compared a
prototypical recreational walking brochure with an “enhanced” version including such persuasive
messages on people’s intentions to walk for recreation in natural environments. The enhanced bro-
chure heightened intentions for inexperienced recreational walkers through our hypothesized mecha-
nisms, but appeared to dissuade already-experienced walkers. Optimal messaging strategies in recre-
ational walking brochures require tailoring to more and less active readerships. Guidelines are
provided for authors of recreational walking brochures, though the principles and techniques could
easily be extended to other means of outdoor walking promotion.

Key words: physical activity, health communication, reasoned action, greenspace

Physical activity, natural environments and                                  inactivity at the community- or population-level (Baker
health and wellbeing                                                         et al., 2015). Across all age groups, walking is one of the
Physical inactivity is a key public health challenge, con-                   most important contributors to health-enhancing physi-
tributing to non-communicable diseases and premature                         cal activity (Bélanger et al., 2011) and is therefore seen
mortality (Guthold et al., 2018) with substantial eco-                       as a manageable way for most people to increase their
nomic costs (Scarborough et al., 2011). There is there-                      physical activity (Ogilvie et al., 2007) as well as a public
fore an urgent need for strategies which tackle physical                     health priority (National Institute for Health and Care

C The Author(s) 2020. Published by Oxford University Press.
This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (,
which permits unrestricted reuse, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory: implications for walking intentions in natural environments
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                         1127

Excellence, 2012). Walking, even independently of other        of such models; their characteristics and motivations
physical activity, has been associated with reduced risks      having the ability to alter processes in the ‘system’
of cardiovascular disease (Hamer and Chida, 2008) and          (Sniehotta et al., 2017).
reduced symptoms of depression (Robertson et al.,                  Regarding recreational walking in natural environ-
2012). Despite its widespread accessibility, popularity,       ments, there is policy-level precedent for its promotion.
and substantial health benefits, the success of traditional    The National Institute for Health and Care Excellence
interventions to promote increased walking is mixed            (NICE) encourage local authority directors for country-
(Foster et al., 2011). Research has therefore shifted to-      side management, the environment, parks, public health,
wards place-based approaches to support physical activ-        and leisure services, to collaborate to ‘develop walking

                                                                                                                             Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
ity at a community- or population-level (Van Holle             programmes for adults who are not active enough, based
et al., 2012).                                                 on an accepted theoretical framework for behaviour
    The use of natural environments such as green spaces       change’, and ‘ensure groups that are likely to be the least
(e.g. parks, woods) or blue spaces (e.g. rivers, coastline)    active are encouraged to participate, by addressing
for recreational walking is one such place-based strat-        issues that may act as a barrier’ (National Institute for
egy. Natural environments support brisk levels of walk-        Health and Care Excellence, 2012, p. 18). Thus, even
ing (Sellers et al., 2012), and provide various landscapes     policy-level approaches acknowledge the necessity of
for health-enhancing energy expenditure (Elliott et al.,       understanding individual cognitions and actions when
2015). They also elicit more positive affective responses      developing community-wide approaches to physical ac-
compared with walking in more urbanized environ-               tivity promotion. Despite this recommendation though,
ments (Thompson Coon et al., 2011), which may be par-          a content analysis of behaviour change messages in rec-
                                                               reational walking brochures produced by such authori-
ticularly important for sustained physical activity
                                                               ties in the UK concluded that their text frequently does
behaviour (Rhodes and Kates, 2015). There is also a
                                                               not target theory-based behaviour change mechanisms
large body of evidence that suggests those with greater
                                                               known to influence physical activity uptake (Elliott
availability of green (Coombes et al., 2010) and blue
                                                               et al., 2016) and thus may not promote recreational
(White et al., 2014) space tend to achieve higher levels
                                                               walking optimally for less active adults. Although bro-
of physical activity. Finally, there are financial benefits,
                                                               chures or leaflets, even if effectively optimized, do not
with recreational physical activity in natural environ-
                                                               represent a solution on their own, they are a commonly
ments worth an estimated £2.2 billion in cost savings to
                                                               used way to communicate the appeal of an area and
health in England alone (White et al., 2016).
                                                               walking opportunities.
                                                                   Although paper or digital brochures are commonly
Promoting physical activity behaviour change in                used in interventions (Hunter et al., 2015), they give lit-
natural environments                                           tle regard to tailoring messages to individual needs and
Natural environments, therefore, appear to be a promis-        readiness to engage in recreational walking in natural
ing setting for promoting health-enhancing physical ac-        environments (Roberts et al., 2016). The possibility
tivity, in particular recreational walking, which may be       therefore exists that accessing recreational walking bro-
sustainable in the longer-term. However, interventions         chures demotivates less active adults from recreational
to promote physical activity in natural environments           walking in natural environments due to assumptions
have had limited success (Hunter et al. 2015).                 about those reading them, potentially exacerbating
Contemporary approaches to supporting physical activ-          inequalities in recreational walking (Dahmann et al.,
ity behaviour change focus on the complex socio-               2010; Rind and Jones, 2011). Their increasing popular-
ecological systems which influence health (Sallis and          ity as either central or adjunct means of physical activity
Owen, 2015; Keshavarz Mohammadi, 2019). In con-                promotion in exercise prescriptions (McKay et al.,
trast to the linear processes which underlie theoretical       2009) and ‘green prescriptions’ (Van den Berg, 2017),
models of individual-level health behaviour change,            means that it is crucial that messages in recreational
these models embrace policy-level decisions, environ-          walking brochures adhere to the NICE guidelines above.
mental change, behavioural settings, and their likely re-      Basing the design of promotional materials on health be-
curring feedback loops as key influencers of physical          haviour change theory is not a new idea (Bandura,
activity behaviour. This is especially true of the prolifer-   1977; Carver and Scheier, 1982) but is imperative for
ation of ecological and planetary models of public             transparency and understanding of how this material
health (Gagné and Lapalme, 2019). Despite such com-           produces changes in behaviour (Abraham and Michie,
plexity, it is still recognized that individuals are at core   2008).
1128                                                                                                    L. R. Elliott et al.

    One way of helping local authorities produce theory-      Participants who exhibit systematic responses biases are
informed messages is through providing guidance on            removed (Meade and Craig, 2012), and precautions
which persuasive messages are effective at encouraging        minimize the likelihood that surveys are automatically
less active adults to form stronger intentions to under-      completed by machines. While socially desirable
take recreational walking. These messages should target       responses are possible (Behrend et al., 2011), web-based
mechanisms (processes by which behaviour change               recruitment methods typically attract diverse demo-
occurs) and corresponding techniques (ways of affecting       graphics (Gosling et al., 2004). Although not a represen-
mechanisms) proposed by psychological theories                tative sample, participants were recruited from across
(Abraham et al., 2007; Gainforth et al., 2011).               the breadth of the UK.

                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
Messages should be tailored to how motivated people
are to change their recreational walking behaviour be-        Experimental conditions
cause the psychological change mechanisms that under-         A two-page extract from an existing recreational walk-
lie the adoption of physical activity are different from      ing brochure from Devon, UK (Elliott et al., 2016) was
those that underlie the maintenance of physical activity      used as the ‘original brochure’ condition (Fig. 1). It de-
(Sniehotta et al., 2005). For example, the theories of rea-   scribed a riverside walk between two villages. Place
soned action and planned behaviour (Ajzen, 1991;              names were fictionalized to reduce potential familiarity
Fishbein, 2008) have been used to describe how the            with the route; and a copyrighted map was replaced
change mechanisms of changing attitudes, raising nor-         with an equivalent produced by Edina Digimap. The
mative beliefs and heightening perceived behavioural          ‘enhanced brochure’ was kept as similar to the original
control can transition less active adults from physical ac-   brochure as possible, with only elements of the text be-
tivity motivation to volition (Courneya et al., 2001), but    ing altered (Fig. 2). The following steps were taken to re-
adults attempting to maintain physical activity behav-        design the text of the enhanced walking brochure:
iours may require messages which target self-regulation
                                                              1. A content analysis of the original brochure was per-
processes (e.g. continuous self-monitoring of behaviour;
                                                                 formed using a coding scheme (Elliott et al., 2016)
Fjeldsoe et al., 2011).
                                                                 which identified potentially persuasive messages in
                                                                 recreational walking brochures (and their corre-
This study                                                       sponding behaviour change techniques and psycho-
This study therefore hypothesized that ‘enhancing’ a rec-        logical change mechanisms).
reational walking brochure with messages targeting atti-      2. Text was omitted which was unable to be ascribed a
tudes, normative beliefs and perceived behavioural               persuasive message category according to the above
control could encourage so-called ‘non-walkers’ to form          coding scheme.
stronger intentions for recreational walking in natural       3. Repetitive text was also omitted (i.e. other messages
environments compared with an existing brochure. We              in the brochure already targeted the corresponding
further hypothesized that such enhancements would not            behaviour change technique/mechanisms multiple
have comparable effects for people who already regu-             times).
larly undertook recreational walking. Ultimately, we          4. Guidance on behaviour change techniques that can
aimed to provide guidance to local authority directors           be incorporated into written materials was consulted
on how simple modifications could be made to existing            (Abraham and Kools, 2011). Potential techniques
recreational walking brochures (and by extension, po-            were selected if they targeted the psychological
tentially similar promotional materials) in order to ad-         change mechanisms of changing attitudes, raising
here to NICE guidelines and thus more optimally                  normative beliefs or heightening perceived behaviou-
promote recreational walking in natural environments             ral control, as these have been shown to transition
for those who would usually be less likely to do this.           people from motivation to volition previously
                                                                 (Courneya et al., 2001).
                                                              5. Messages operationalizing these techniques were
                                                                 written into the enhanced brochure being mindful
Sample                                                           not to interrupt the route directions which consti-
Participants of the Cint panel (            tuted the main narrative of the brochure.
consumer-insights-network/) were invited by email in             Supplementary Table SA displays a table of the
September 2015 to participate. Cint participants earn            change mechanisms and behaviour change techni-
small financial rewards for completing online surveys.           ques that were selected, together with the persuasive
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                      1129

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Fig. 1: The original brochure.

   messages which were written into the ‘enhanced’           in the future. Two 7-point Likert-scale items measuring
   brochure to target these techniques and mechanisms.       behavioural intentions (Ajzen, 2006) were collapsed as a
6. Piloting these brochures helped clarify messages tar-     secondary outcome variable. We refer to these two vari-
   geting injunctive normative beliefs (e.g. ‘your friends   ables as ‘revealed intentions’ (more proximal to actual
   and family would support you completing this              behaviour) and ‘stated intentions’ (more distal from ac-
   walk’), as too artificial. Such messages were deleted.    tual behaviour), respectively (Ben-Akiva et al., 1994).

Measures                                                     Recreational walking status
Supplementary Table SB contains the full wording, re-        To distinguish people who do not regularly undertake
sponse options and internal consistency coefficients         recreational walks in natural environments from those
(where applicable) pertaining to the measures described      who do, an item which classified participants into five
in the sections below.                                       stages of readiness to change their recreational walking
                                                             behaviour (Prochaska and Velicer, 1997) was created.
Outcome variables                                            Responses to the former three response options (reflect-
Recreational walking intentions were operationalized in      ing amotivation or contemplation about changing be-
two ways. The primary outcome analysed was a binary          haviour in the long or short term) categorized
response to whether or not a participant requested fur-      participants as ‘non-walkers’ and responses to the latter
ther walking information about outdoor recreational          two options (reflecting recent changes to behaviour, or
walking in natural environments at the end of the sur-       stable behaviour patterns) categorized participants as
vey. Requesting further information was interpreted as       ‘walkers’. Similar measures have good construct validity
reflective of greater intentions to engage in such walks     for exercise adoption (Cardinal, 1997).
1130                                                                                                  L. R. Elliott et al.

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Fig. 2: The ‘enhanced’ brochure.

Mediators                                                    (Office for National Statistics, 2001), and income
Items were created to assess whether the enhanced bro-       (Office for National Statistics, 2013) were collected
chure impacted ‘non-walkers’ intentions through the          according to national norms. These covariates have been
proposed psychological change mechanisms of changing         independently shown to predict physical activity inten-
attitudes, raising normative beliefs, and heightening per-   tions or their antecedents (Wilson et al., 2004;
ceived behavioural control (Ajzen, 2006). Items measur-      Ziegelmann et al., 2006; Kosma et al., 2007; Amireault
ing affective attitudes, instrumental attitudes, normative   et al., 2008; Gavin et al., 2011). Measures adapted from
beliefs and perceived behavioural control were sepa-         a national survey (Natural England, 2019) queried the
rately collapsed due to their high internal consistency      participant’s short- and long-term propensity for visiting
(Supplementary Table SB). Collapsed instrumental and         natural environments as this has been shown to affect
affective attitude items were further combined into a sin-   physical activity more generally (Coombes et al., 2010)
gle ‘attitudes’ construct for the same reason (a ¼ 0.89).    and therefore could affect intentions to be physically ac-
                                                             tive (Calogiuri and Chroni, 2014).
The experiment also collected a series of demographic        Procedure
details which were operationalized in analyses as fol-       Participants were randomized to one of the conditions
lows: sex (male, female), age (18–34, 35–48, 49–65),         based on a hyperlink sent to them in an invitation email.
ethnicity (White-British, all other ethnicities), long-      After giving consent, participants responded to ques-
standing illness (yes, no) and annual pre-tax household      tions concerning recreational walking status, short- and
income (five quintiles or ‘don’t know’). Ethnicity (Office   long-term propensity for visiting natural environments,
for National Statistics, 2016), long-standing illness        ethnicity, long-standing illness and income on successive
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                       1131

pages. Prior to seeing the brochure, they read text that     leaflet (n ¼ 22), completed the experiment in under three
was adapted from a study concerning immersion in nat-        minutes (n ¼ 96) or over 20.26 min (n ¼ 18), or had
ural environments (Weinstein et al., 2009) in order to       missing data (n ¼ 4) were excluded. This left a total of
engage them with the task. They then could take as           n ¼ 395, with 202 (51%) in the original brochure condi-
much as time as needed to read either the original or en-    tion and 193 (49%) in the enhanced brochure condition.
hanced brochure in a new browser window.                     Females comprised 54% of the sample and the mean age
    Following this, they were asked whether they had         was 42. ‘Non-walkers’ comprised 46% of the sample.
read the brochure extract fully with those that did not          Participants did not differ between experimental con-
being redirected to a debriefing page. Those that had        ditions in terms of age [F(1, 393) ¼ 0.00, p ¼ 0.99, gp ¼

                                                                                                                           Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
proceeded to answer questions concerning the attitudes,      0.00], sex [X2 (2) ¼ 0.17, p ¼ 0.68], ethnicity [X2 (2) ¼
descriptive norms, perceived behaviour control, and          0.00, p ¼ 0.95], household income [X2 (5) ¼ 3.59, p ¼
stated intentions. After this, they could also enter free    0.61], illness/disability [X2 (1) ¼ 0.13, p ¼ 0.72] or pro-
responses as to what, if anything, had changed their mo-     pensity for visiting natural environments in the short
tivation for recreational walking. Last, they responded      term [F (1, 393) ¼ 0.00, p ¼ 0.99, gp ¼ 0.00], or long
to the item concerning revealed intentions.                  term [X2 (7) ¼ 6.21, p ¼ 0.52]. Recreational walking
Supplementary Text SA contains a transcript of the full      status also did not differ with experimental condition
experiment.                                                  [X2 (1) ¼ 0.85, p ¼ 0.36]. Descriptive statistics for the
                                                             outcomes and mediators as a function of recreational
Analysis                                                     walking status can be seen in Table 1. Of note, measures
Piloting suggested the brochure took a minimum of two        of dispersion were generally higher among ‘non-
minutes to read, so participants completing the experi-      walkers’, potentially signifying more individual differen-
ment in
1132                                                                                                                                          L. R. Elliott et al.

Table 1: Descriptive statistics for the two outcome variables and three proposed mediator variables

                                        Overall (n 5 395)                           Non-walkers (n 5 182)                           Walkers (n 5 213)

                                        Original              Enhanced              Original               Enhanced                 Original             Enhanced
                                        brochure              brochure              brochure               brochure                 brochure             brochure
                                        (n 5 202)             (n 5 193)             (n 5 88)               (n 5 94)                 (n 5 114)            (n 5 99)

Revealed                   %            43.56                 38.86                 21.59                  42.55                    60.53                35.35
  intentions               SE            3.49                  3.51                  4.39                   5.10                     4.58                 4.80
Stated                     M             4.99                  5.32                  4.20                   4.78                     5.60                 5.83

                                                                                                                                                                         Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
  intentions               SD            1.77                  1.54                  1.69                   1.63                     1.59                 1.25
Attitudes                  M             5.27                  5.51                  4.88                   5.20                     5.58                 5.80
                           SD            1.18                  1.27                  1.22                   1.38                     1.05                 1.09
Normative                  M             5.16                  5.32                  4.68                   4.97                     5.53                 5.65
  beliefs                  SD            1.39                  1.46                  1.38                   1.52                     1.30                 1.32
Perceived                  M             4.59                  5.30                  4.33                   4.85                     5.43                 5.73
  behaviou-                SD            1.52                  1.47                  1.65                   1.64                     1.21                 1.15
  ral control

Mean self-reported intention scores represent the average of two 7-point rating scales which were recoded: 1 ¼ strongly disagree and 7 ¼ strongly agree. Mean attitude
score comprised the average score of four 7-point attitudinal items. Mean descriptive norm score and mean self-efficacy score comprised the average of two 7-point
items each. Recreational walking status was dichotomized into two groups representing those who self-reported being in the precontemplation, contemplation and
preparation stages of change (‘non-walkers’), and those who self-reported being in the action and maintenance stages of change (‘walkers’).

Fig. 3: The effect of the interaction between the experimental condition and recreational walking status on both outcome variables.
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                       1133

‘non-walkers’ who read the original brochure                 hypothesized, this enhanced brochure prompted stron-
(OR ¼ 0.14; 95% CI: 0.06, 0.33). The pattern was the         ger recreational walking intentions among ‘non-
same for stated intentions, though effects were slightly     walkers’—they made over twice as many requests for
weaker, and in the case of the latter unexpected finding,    further walking information and on average reported
not significant (Fig. 3 and Supplementary Table SC).         intentions half a point higher compared with reading the
Associations between the other potential confounds and       original brochure. Conversely, ‘walkers’ who read the
the outcome variables remained broadly consistent after      enhanced brochure were much less likely to request fur-
the addition of this interaction term.                       ther walking information than ‘walkers’ who read the
   These analyses were repeated including participants       original brochure. We also demonstrated that differen-

                                                                                                                          Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
with atypically short or long completion times (see          ces in the three psychological change mechanisms tar-
‘Analysis’ section) and all effects were weaker              geted were responsible for influencing the intentions of
(Supplementary Table SC), justifying our decision to ex-     ‘non-walkers’, (especially perceived behavioural con-
clude on this basis.                                         trol), but not ‘walkers’. This study further justifies the
                                                             need for behaviour change theory when designing recre-
Did differences in attitudes, descriptive norms              ational walking brochures, and indeed physical activity
and perceived behavioural control mediate the                interventions more generally (Rhodes et al., 2019).
effect of the brochures on recreational walking              However, this study also demonstrates that brochure
intentions for ‘non-walkers’?                                authors (or intervention designers) need to be flexible
As coefficients did not change substantially following       with their approach to selecting theories (Peters and
the inclusion of covariates, the mediation models ex-
                                                             Crutzen, 2017), as the kinds of persuasive messages (and
cluded covariates in favour of just the experimental con-
                                                             underlying behaviour change techniques) that success-
ditions, outcomes, and mediators. For ‘non-walkers’,
                                                             fully strengthen intentions for one audience, may not
perceived behavioural control significantly mediated the
                                                             work for a different audience.
effects of the enhanced brochure on stated intentions
(b ¼ 0.26; 95% CI: 0.02, 0.50), explaining 45% of the
                                                             Implications for the creation of outdoor
variance in the total effect; but attitudes and subjective
                                                             recreational walking brochures for ‘non-walkers’
norms did not mediate the effect (Fig. 4). The combina-
                                                             The main implication of these findings is that two dis-
tion of all three constructs also mediated the effects of
                                                             tinct types of outdoor recreational walking brochure
the enhanced brochure on stated intentions for ‘non-
                                                             could be developed to heighten outdoor walking inten-
walkers’ (b ¼ 0.42; 95% CI: 0.05, 0.79), explaining
                                                             tions among two target audiences. The first of these are
73% of the variance in the total effect.
                                                             ‘non-walkers’, i.e. those who have not contemplated rec-
    None of the three constructs significantly mediated
                                                             reational walking in natural environments, or those that
the effects of the enhanced brochure on the revealed
                                                             have contemplated this, but have currently failed to act
intentions for ‘non-walkers’ on their own; but the com-
bination of all three did (b ¼ 0.15; 95% CI: 0.01, 0.30),    on these thoughts. Consistent with previous research
explaining 25% of the variance in the total effect. As a    (Courneya et al., 2001), this study suggests that as well
comparison, the same models were performed for               as route instructions, adding text to brochures which
‘walkers’ (Supplementary Fig. SA) and as predicted, nei-     attempts to change people’s attitudes towards outdoor
ther differences in attitudes, descriptive norms, per-       recreational walking, promote normative beliefs about
ceived behavioural control, nor their sum, mediated the      what similar others may do, or raise confidence for such
relationship between the experimental brochure condi-        walking, may help ‘non-walkers’ form stronger inten-
tion and either outcome variable.                            tions to walk in natural environments by encouraging
                                                             them to contemplate further how to undertake such
DISCUSSION                                                       Brochure designers can consider influencing both in-
In order to maximize the potential that natural environ-     strumental attitudes (advantages of undertaking outdoor
ments have for encouraging recreational walking, such        recreational walking) and affective attitudes (emotions
experiences need to be optimally promoted, especially to     stimulated by performing outdoor recreational walking).
less active people. This experiment compared an arche-       This study cannot deconstruct which type of message
typal walking brochure with one which had been ‘en-          may be more persuasive, but studies have previously
hanced’ using persuasive messages which targeted             suggested that affective attitudes may be more important
theory-based psychological change mechanisms. As             for predicting the uptake of physical activity (Lowe
1134                                                                                                                  L. R. Elliott et al.

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Fig. 4: Mediation models demonstrating the effect of reading the enhanced brochure (vs. original brochure) on revealed intentions
and stated intentions (in italics) through attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control for ‘non-walkers’.
Significant effects and covariances are highlighted in bold. Estimates and 95% CIs are presented. DE, direct effect; IE, indirect effect;
NB: For revealed intentions, the diagonally-weighted least squares estimator with probit link function was used (Rosseel, 2012);
hence, the estimates cannot be compared with ORs or log odds. For stated intentions, the maximum likelihood estimator was
used. Slightly different CIs for covariances and regressions of the mediators on the experimental brochure condition are a conse-
quence of the number of iterations of the model before successful convergence.

et al., 2002; French et al., 2005). Brochure designers                providing feedback on performance (e.g. commending
also have the opportunity to describe the outdoor recre-              the recipient on successful completion of a stage); (v) us-
ational walking behaviour of peers or encourage recipi-               ing arguments to bolster confidence (e.g. arguing against
ents to seek social comparison opportunities (e.g.                    self-doubt and asserting that they can succeed in chang-
encouraging people to interact with others in walking                 ing their behaviour); and (vi) prompting organization of
groups; Supplementary Table SA). However, normative                   social support (e.g. joining a walking group). This
beliefs are typically weak predictors of physical activity            change mechanism (enhancing confidence) may be
uptake (Downs and Hausenblas, 2005) which may ex-                     prompted by a variety of behaviour change techniques
plain their weaker influence in our mediation models.                 (Abraham and Kools, 2011) and was the most fre-
    There are multiple ways in which brochure designers               quently targeted in the enhanced brochure, potentially
can promote perceived behavioural control (i.e. raising               explaining why it was the most important construct in
people’s confidence for performing recreational walking               relation to predicting behavioural intentions.
in natural environments). In this study, we targeted this                  Previous research has further demonstrated that
change mechanism in a number of ways (Supplementary                   confidence-building aspects of perceived behavioural con-
Table SA): (i) prompting reattribution of past failures               trol are particularly important for forming intentions to
(e.g. past failed attempts to start outdoor recreational              take up physical activity more generally (Hagger et al.,
walking); (ii) prompting barrier identification and plan-             2002). ‘Non-walkers’’ quotes about the enhanced bro-
ning in relation to anticipated barriers (e.g. difficulty in          chure illustrated the persuasive nature of these messages:
climbing hills); (iii) setting graded tasks/goals (e.g.               ‘it is a very positive leaflet that made me feel comfortable
prompting practice of multiple, shorter walks); (iv)                  in taking it on despite having no experience’; and ‘it was
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                         1135

very encouraging and felt like it was addressing me as an    Table SC). Thus, ‘walkers’, even more so than ‘non-
individual and not just giving the route directions, which   walkers’, could be particularly responsive to the written
is the norm. . .it made me want to start walking again’.     content of recreational walking brochures.
    Although there were not sufficient responses to this         The original brochure may appeal more to ‘walkers’
open question to undertake systematic qualitative analy-     because it already contained the sort of information that
sis, these quotes at least suggest that for some ‘non-       was more persuasive for this group (Elliott et al., 2016).
walkers’, enhancing confidence for walking in natural        This could be messages which highlighted heritage fea-
environments was the primary means by which they             tures in natural environments, or signposted the reader
formed stronger intentions, supporting the quantitative      to nearby amenities (McCormack et al., 2010).

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findings. All responses to this open question can be         Although these messages could be construed to be re-
found in the raw data upon request from the authors.         lated to material consequences of recreational walking
    Although this discussion suggests that designing per-    (and thus, could change attitudes towards the behav-
suasive messages targeting perceived behavioural control     iour), we are unable to provide definitive guidance on
and attitudes (especially affective attitudes) may be most   what types of message may be most persuasive for
effective at encouraging ‘non-walkers’ to contemplate        ‘walkers’ because our mediation models did not identify
future outdoor recreational walking, our mediation           differences in attitudes, normative beliefs or perceived
models also suggest that the combination of our three        behavioural control between the two brochures for this
key change mechanisms is also important. Brochure            audience (Supplementary Fig. SA). However, we do rec-
designers are encouraged to consult practical guidance       ommend that intentionally designing theory-derived per-
(e.g. Abraham and Kools, 2011) on how to incorporate         suasive messages in recreational walking brochures for
persuasive messages targeting these change mechanisms        this group should not involve the use of text that could
in a wider variety of ways which go beyond the techni-       be construed as ‘patronizing’, regardless of the change
ques employed in this study.                                 mechanisms that are targeted.
                                                                 Without further knowledge of the guidelines and
Implications for the creation of outdoor                     management considerations that factor into how a bro-
recreational walking brochures for ‘walkers’                 chure advertising recreational walking in natural envi-
Brochure designers may also wish to design persuasive        ronments is created and written, it is difficult to make
messages for ‘walkers’ who are more familiar with walk-      recommendations on how different design guidelines
ing trails. In this study, these were classified as people   could be implemented in reality. Nonetheless, this study
who were already undertaking outdoor recreational            provides evidence that the implementation of guidelines
walking in natural environments. These people were sub-      which encourage the use of evidence-based persuasive
stantially less likely to request further walking informa-   messages is effective at changing recreational walking
tion after reading the enhanced brochure, suggesting that    intentions. Although only intentions were measured in
the changes to the original brochure actually dissuaded      this study, meta-analysis has shown that targeting the
these individuals from walking in natural environments.      same mechanisms have small but significant effects on
    Although qualitative responses were too scarce to        actual behaviour change (Webb and Sheeran, 2006).
draw definitive conclusions, some responses revealed         Furthermore such tailored media could support so-
that the enhanced brochure may have lowered intentions       called ‘green prescriptions’, i.e. direct recommendations
for these ‘walkers’ because they found the language          from health care professionals to spend more time in
within to be patronizing: ‘The tone of the leaflet was       natural settings to improve health and wellbeing (Van
quite condescending’, and ‘leave the motivational stuff      den Berg, 2017).
to a separate section. . .it is annoying and patronizing’.
This could be seen as analogous to the notion of ‘baby       Limitations
talk’ in health psychology research where a health care      First, while only the text component of the original bro-
provider underestimates the patient’s knowledge and          chure was manipulated in this study, there are numerous
uses language perceived as patronizing, thus leading to      stylistic features that may aid or inhibit comprehension
disengagement (Waitzkin, 1985).                              of the written text, e.g. graphical illustrations of specific
    Generally speaking, the effects of both brochures on     behaviours (Kools et al., 2006), or coloured tabs and
‘walkers’’ intentions were the strongest observed effects    pictorials (Kools et al., 2007). Second, the brochures
in this study; greater than, e.g. the effects of sex, age,   used in this experiment described a linear route in a
ethnicity or income on these intentions (Supplementary       semi-rural riverside location, but people’s preferences
1136                                                                                                    L. R. Elliott et al.

for features of recreational walking routes differ with       public health goal is reducing physical inactivity, then
their demographics (Davies et al., 2012). Replications of     policy-level initiatives such as improving accessibility or
this study with different audiences and different exem-       safety of walking settings may be most effective (Panter
plar brochures are necessary to determine how general-        et al., 2019). Nonetheless, intervening without under-
izable the current findings are.                              standing behavioural complexities and motivations of
    Third, the three psychological change mechanisms          individuals would ignore a key part of these complex
we targeted do not necessarily support maintenance of         socio-ecological systems and potentially undermine
behaviour change (Kwasnicka et al., 2016), i.e. the bro-      interventions (Rhodes et al., 2019), so explorations like
chure does not propose an explanation as to how indi-         those in this study remain worthwhile endeavours.

                                                                                                                               Downloaded from by guest on 18 October 2021
viduals could maintain physically active behaviours
once they have initiated these behaviours. Future
attempts to design persuasive messages in recreational
walking brochures may wish to draw on other behaviou-         To ensure natural environments are used for recrea-
ral models, such as the model of behavioural mainte-          tional walking, especially by people who are typically
nance (Rothman, 2000), in order to elicit more                less active, these opportunities should be effectively pro-
sustained changes in people’s walking behaviour.              moted using appropriate persuasive messages. However,
    We are also aware that specific text substitutions        current materials may not do so optimally. This study
may have influenced our outcomes in unintended ways.          found that enhancing existing materials with theory-
For example, we changed the text ‘a steep climb. . . and      based persuasive messaging was effective at strengthen-
a fairly steep descent’ to ‘there is one climb and descent.   ing walking intentions among less active adults. We
These are not too difficult if you shorten your stride and    demonstrated a need for two types of recreational walk-
pace yourself—this will make it feel much easier’, with       ing brochure: (i) those appealing to ‘non-walkers’ which
additional text reading ‘climbing hills can be difficult,     attempt to increase intentions to engage in outdoor rec-
but pace yourself and you’ll find it much easier’.            reational walking in natural environments by targeting
Removing the word ‘steep’, notwithstanding other fac-         determinants such as perceived behavioural control;
tors affecting perceived steepness (Schnall et al., 2008,     and, (ii) those aimed at already-motivated ‘walkers’
2010; Taylor-Covill and Eves, 2016), may have affected        which can assume motivation, avoid the use of patroniz-
intentions, or their antecedents, measured in this study.     ing language, and focus on extrinsic features of a recrea-
However, rather than misleading readers, we were sim-         tional walking route with clear instructions, thus
ply acknowledging that individuals may find the terrain       supporting walking maintenance. Brochure authors are
difficult and that by implementing a simple strategy this     encouraged to make use of these guidelines and other
challenge could be overcome.                                  existing practical guidance on how to construct mes-
    More generally, the generalizability of our results to    sages which target evidence-based antecedents of physi-
other contexts is questionable. The materials used in our     cal activity behaviour change and to be vigilant to the
study may be culturally specific to a British population,     variability in effective communication strategies for dif-
and our analysis cannot address how likely less active        ferent target audiences. Provision of supportive natural
populations are to access such materials. Future research     environments for physical activity is necessary, but it is
could therefore focus on replication in populations with      not a sufficient means of altering community- or
different cultures of walking and qualitative explora-        population-level       physical    activity     behaviour.
tions of similar materials with target populations as part    Individualized approaches, such as those presented in
of their development. We also recognize that tailored         this article remain fundamental to altering physical ac-
communication messages are already ubiquitous in mo-          tivity behaviours.
bile health applications, but applications like these are
typically geared towards populations already motivated
to change their behaviour (Bardus et al., 2016), and in       Supplementary Data
any case we contend that there is still good evidence to      Supplementary material is available            at    Health
suggest that greenspace interventions fail to make the        Promotion International online.
best use of potentially persuasive physical activity be-
haviour change messages (Roberts et al., 2016).
    Last, our findings cannot be seen in isolation from       ETHICAL APPROVAL
the wider socio-ecological systems that influence physi-      This study was approved by the University of Exeter’s
cal activity (Sallis and Owen, 2015). If the ultimate         Sport and Health Sciences Research Ethics Committee.
Redesigning walking brochures using behaviour change theory                                                                          1137

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                                                    Bandura, A. (1977) Self-efficacy: toward a unifying theory of be-
                                                                         havioral change. Psychological Review, 84, 191–215.
We would like to thank Robert Rush at PFA Research for col-
                                                                    Bardus, M., van Beurden, S. B., Smith, J. R. and Abraham, C.
lecting the data used in this study and Devon County Council
                                                                         (2016) A review and content analysis of engagement, func-
for their kind permission to reuse images and text from one of
                                                                         tionality, aesthetics, information quality, and change techni-
their walking brochures in the appendices to this article. We
                                                                         ques in the most popular commercial apps for weight
would like to thank Dr James Grellier and Dr Jo Garrett for sta-
                                                                         management. International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition
tistical assistance. We would also like to thank the editor and
                                                                         and Physical Activity, 13: 35.
two anonymous reviewers for their constructive comments on
                                                                    Behrend, T. S., Sharek, D. J., Meade, A. W. and Wiebe, E. N.
this article.
                                                                         (2011) The viability of crowdsourcing for survey research.

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