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Mission. The Ukrainian Catholic M I S S I O N University is an open academic community living the Eastern Christian tradition and forming leaders to serve with professional excellence in Ukraine and internationally – for the glory of God, the common good, and the dignity of the human person.
Glory to Jesus Christ! Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ: This year brought many challenges to our community. We lived under quarantine for KATERYNA MOSKALYIK the year which meant that we had a signifi- cant decrease in human to human contact. It was a year of hopes for a safe vaccine and concerns for our neighbors’ health. It was a year of fatigue from screens and virtual life. But it was also a year of exchanging gifts and a time of solidarity and mutual support. I am glad that, despite the limitations of quaran- tine, we managed to return to campus to con- duct the process of education and formation. Above all, I sincerely want to thank the whole university community for its great sacrifi- cial work. Our team is strong, level-headed, creative, and focused. These qualities allowed us to survive various challenges with the un- derstanding that this difficult period was also a time of great opportunities. The pandemic also gave us a new stimulus for development. It allowed us to find out how our community should live; it showed the weaknesses that we need to correct, and so we strove to do this. In a few years we will see more clearly the results of our steps and decisions to combat Rev. Bohdan Prach, UCU Rector this crisis, but for now we are working with a view towards the long perspective. In this difficult time, it is very important to turn again to the legacy of our founder, Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky, and, once again,, with new energy and strength, pres- Despite the pandemic and our brief shut- ent and implement his teachings. The pow- down, we had opportunities to meet and erful moral character of Metropolitan Andrey interact. This is extremely important for our is a compass for us and the language by community, since our goal is to help stu- which the UCU community strives to speak dents mature into their own beings. We are of God, the human being, and the world. We proud of the successes of our students and hope that each person in our community will professors. Let’s review their activities and look on his or her work through the prism accomplishments. of Metropolitan Andrey’s views and bring his ideas into the world. All our work and activities would not have been possible without the support of the Yet another fascinating aspect of UCU’s work Senate, benefactors, and partners in Ukraine in the past year was looking closely at our pro- and around the whole world. Without the grams and revealing them anew to ourselves, countless circles of friends of UCU, who in to our students, and to the university in gener- this difficult time support our university with al. This is the reason why we have introduced understanding and pure hearts, this would the service learning approach. The worldview not have been possible! core integrated personal development, the formational program – these are key aspects May God generously bless your work and of our educational programs, and they are the sacrifice. Let us reach for the new heights of result of the combined work of our entire team. our calling, and may the Lord help us! 3
2160 U C U I N N U M B E R S 1430 STUDENTS IN BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS THEOLOGY-PHILOSOPHY FACULTY Theology 167 HUMANITIES FACULTY UNDERGRADUATE 777 History 82 Culture Studies 126 AND GRADUATE Philology 115 STUDENTS 1383 HEALTH SCIENCES FACULTY / 36% Psychology 115 Social Pedagogy 23 / 64% 11 Social Work 80 APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTY BACHELOR’S DEGREE PROGRAMS 18 Computer Sciences 184 Information Technologies and Business Analytics 135 MASTER’S DEGREE PROGRAMS 2 SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY Ethics-Politics-Economics 184 PH.D. PROGRAMS Law 96 Sociology 124 714 AVERAGE EXAM SCORES OF ENTRANTS*: STUDENTS IN MASTER’S 2 0 2 1 189,8 DEGREE PROGRAMS 2 0 2 0 189,2 THEOLOGY-PHILOSOPHY FACULTY 2 0 1 9 187,9 186,98 Theology 64 Christian Pedagogy and Organization of Leisure 29 2 0 1 8 HUMANITIES FACULTY History 15 APPLIED SCIENCES FACULTY 55,5% of UCU first-year students were Data Sciences 57 SOCIAL SCIENCES FACULTY in the TOP 5% of their high school class. Journalism 32 Media Communications 47 25,40% of entrants received UCU scholarships Human Rights 49 Public Administration 56 * out of a maximum score of 200 Non-Profit Management 55 LVIV BUSINESS SCHOOL, LVBS Business Administration 24 Innovations and Entrepreneurship 42 F I N A N C I A L D ATA Marketing Management 46 Human Resources and Organizational Development Technology Management 24 12 Donations and grants from Europe 10% 14% Donations and HEALTH SCIENCES FACULTY Clinical Psychology Based on Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy 68 Donations and grants from Canada 6% grants from Ukraine 5% 29% Psychological Consultation Based 61 on Psychodynamic Therapy Physical and Occupational Therapy 25 INCOME Endowment 16 Donations and grants from the USA STUDENTS 36% 36% Educational IN PH.D. PROGRAMS programs and Educational services THEOLOGY-PHILOSOPHY FACULTY / Theology 5 22% programs HUMANITIES FACULTY / History 11 40 Scholarly institutes and EXPENSES centers STUDENTS IN PROGRAMS RECOGNIZED BY THE CONGREGATION Academic development, FOR CATHOLIC EDUCATION (Vatican accreditation) 10% Collegium, Library, 18% and IT LICENTIATE PROGRAM IN THEOLOGY (STL) DOCTORAL PROGRAM IN THEOLOGY (STD) 23 17 Institutional support 14% Maintenance costs 4
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE GEOGRAPHY OF FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS 2 14 0 11 3 38 236 1 3 7 First-Year Students 30 12 from beyond Western Ukraine 4 0 41 5 29% 7 1 5 2021 / 4 3 2020 / 25% 3 5 2 2019 / 22% 0 2018 / 17% 0 23 I N T E R N AT I O N A L PA R T N E R S H I P S 2 0 2 0 - 2 0 2 1 ERASMUS+ partners PARTNERSHIP AGREEMENTS with active agreements for the exchange of students, 3 continents 25 countries teachers, and staff 75 institutions of higher education 3 active inter-university projects КА2 ERASMUS 19 9 256 UCU STUDENTS 104 participated in a FOREIGN virtual mobility STUDENTS studied program for foreign students at UCU, 4 on credit and did from 32 countries exchange (of which foreign students distance studies took part in 1 student in the participated through the the ONLINE virtual mobility in the ONLINE Catholic University DATA SCIENCE format: UKRAINIAN- of Manizales SUMMER USA, Great Britain, LANGUAGE (Colombia). SCHOOL Poland, and others) SUMMER SCHOOL 5
N E W A T U C U A NEW SPACE FOR FORMATION AND SERVICE Thanks to the generous support of our benefactors, we were able to build our new Collegium in two years, despite the pandemic and a difficult financial situation. Our new Collegium opened in June 2021. This “The Collegium’s formational program is our large-scale formational space for students and great achievement because the students curators (residential advisers) was designed not only live here but are formed here: they to serve as a living learning community. develop their own spirituality, personal 116 residential spaces are harmoniously joined Master of the Collegium qualities, and social skills by bringing for the benefit of students. The Collegium in- Rev. Yuriy Kozlovskyi together students, professors, priests, cludes a unique modern student space and stu- dent club, a mini movie theater, a fitness cen- religious, and persons with special needs. ter, bicycle parking, a green zone for recreation This distinguishes the UCU Collegium from and leisure, UCU offices, and guest rooms. student residences in Ukraine and the world.” “There is nothing in Ukraine Tomáš Fiala, similar to our Collegium. For UCU benefactor, us, even more important than Chief Executive Officer of the investment modern living comforts is the company Dragon Capital community. You won’t find that anywhere else, so you “I’m glad to support UCU. Seeing always want to return to UCU.” the Ukrainian Catholic University Taras Kurylko, today, we plan to double our history student contribution to its development. I thank you for the invitation.” 6
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE THE POPE WHO BROUGHT HOPE TO UKRAINE UCU celebrated the 20th anniversary of St. Pope John Paul II’s visit to Lviv. Among the events: A festive observance at the Lviv City Council with the participation of clergy, scholars, civil authorities, and those directly involved in organizing the pontiff’s RECOGNITION visit to Kyiv and Lviv. Presentation of the film “Rain Falls. The Children Grow.”: Behind the scenes of Pope John Paul II’s visit to Lviv RATED TOP 10 IN FORBES Prospect St. John Paul II is dedicated (formerly Forbes Magazine in April 2021 published a list Khutorivka Street). This is the location of UCU’s of Ukraine’s 100 best faculties. Four faculties of Faculty of Theology and Philosophy and the Holy Spirit UCU are among the top 100. Seminary. The territory of the UCU campus near Stryiskyi Park was also ceremoniously re-named Holy he Applied Sciences Faculty received the T Wisdom of God Plaza. highest rating among all Computer Science and IT faculties in Ukraine – 22 points. The leader in Humanities was the UCU Humanities Faculty – 25 points. he Faculty of Social Sciences and the Faculty T of Health Sciences in their respective areas received the most points, rating the faculty by students’ average score on standardized tests. All four faculties have the highest average score for entrants. Onward – to new victories! AMONG UKRAINE’S TOP 30 PROJECTS SINCE INDEPENDENCE “May the Lord grant you peace, people of Ukraine. For, The Ukrainian Catholic University is included with persistence and determined self-sacrifice, you in a list of the Top 30 most successful projects have finally gained your freedom again and begun to started since Ukrainian Independence, which find your true roots and made great efforts to walk are moving the country forward. on the path of reforms and give all the opportunity presented the list. The list of projects was to live and profess your own faith, your own culture, prepared by the PMI Ukraine Chapter team, and your own convictions in freedom and justice.” the official representative of the international Project Management Institute. With these words, Pope John Paul II blessed the Ukrainian people during his visit in 2001. 7
P R O F E S S O R S THE BEST PROFESSORS FOR THE BEST STUDENTS 13 professors received stipends for their achievements in research and education. To see sto- ries about the best professors, scan the “When we choose our teaching “Every person wants to see that his or her QR-code staff, we at UCU have high work was not in vain, but necessary and requirements for the professional important. I received a stipend not only as a and personal qualities of the ‘positive review,’ but as an encouragement to educators who will teach and further work on myself for the good of UCU form our students.” and our students.” UCU Rector Oleksandr Kashchuk Rev. Bohdan Prach Associate Professor of the Theology Department AN EXPRESSION OF RESPECT AND TRUST UCU HONORS “PROFESSORS OF THE YEAR” 2021 The “Professor of the Year” award, launched in 2020, is a wonderful THIS YEAR’S HONOREES: opportunity to thank professors for their masterly, inspired, systematic, Oleksandr Avramchuk, and multifaceted work with students, both inside and outside the Candidate’s Degree in Psychology, classroom. Candidates for the award can be nominated by other Associate Professor in the De- professors, staff, students, and alumni. With this award, UCU’s academic partment of Clinical Psychology, community and student body underline the importance of an appropriate UCU Faculty of Health Sciences assessment of quality university teaching and the enhancement of successful teaching practices. Inha Kozlova, Associate Professor in the Sociology Department, UCU Faculty of Social Sciences, Can- didate’s Degree in Sociology, Head of Sociology Laboratory Danylo Sudyn, Associate Professor in the Sociology Department, UCU Faculty of Social Sciences, Candidate’s Degree in Sociology 8
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE SCHOLARLY ACHIEVEMENTS: AWARD FROM Metropolitan Borys Gudziak received an honorary doctorate CABINET OF MINISTERS from St. Charles Borromeo Seminary. Khrystyna Kovtsun, lawyer, human rights defender, The first dissertation for a Doc- head of the UCU Law School tor of Philosophy was defended Legal Clinic, received an at UCU. A doctoral candidate award from the Cabinet of in the Department of Church Ministers for her significant History, Anatoliy Babynskyi, contribution to the defended his dissertation for a development of Ukraine. Ph.D. in Theology. Under Professor Kovtsun’s direction in 2020, 22 stu- Volodymyr Pylypovych received dents provided legal the honorary title Doctor assistance free of charge Honoris Causa. The award was to veterans of the Rus- presented in Przemyśl, Poland. sian-Ukrainian war from the Pylypovych has worked with the Lviv Region. Over the last UCU Institute of Church Music three years, students helped for 20 years, and he has also in more than 500 cases, taken part in the realization of including providing repre- a number of scholarly projects sentation in court. of the university. Thanks to Volodmyr Pylypovych’s close co- operation with the UCU Press, 17 publications have come to SCHOLARSHIP fruition. AND RESEARCH DEVELOPMENT UCU graduate student Rev. Andriy Sydorak defended his candidate’s degree dissertation in Theology. The UCU Scholarly Fund and UCU awarded an honorary doc- the scholarly program Believe torate to Michael Yarymovych, in Yourself are important a pioneer in the field of space instruments to develop flight research in the USA. He is scholarship at the university. These programs provide Vice-President of International grant support to professors- Technology at Boeing where researchers. he led the development of the Space Shuttle and GPS. Prior In the spring of 2021, financing to retirement, Dr. Yarymovych from the University’s Research served as Vice-President at Requests was provided for sixteen Boeing and VP of Engineering scholarly projects, with a budget for Aerospace Operations at of 2.5 million hryvnias. A large NASA where he led the develop- part of this research (12 projects) ment of the Space Shuttle, GPS, was connected to the theme of and critical systems for the the integral development of the human being. Apollo lunar missions. 9
S T U D E N T L I F E UCU BACHELOR’S STUDENTS 2021 417 189,8/200 1 55,5% UCU IS FIRST in the rating among all universities for of FIRST-YEAR STUDENTS NUMBER AVERAGE the average score on were in the top 5% of high OF BACHELOR’S STANDARDIZED entrance exams school graduates according DEGREE TEST SCORE to three standardized ENTRANTS certificates 1 out of 4 entrants * received 258 95,8% FINANCIAL SUPPORT FOR STUDIES / WOMEN * A charitable fund has been created at UCU to provide student scholarships. OF ENTRANTS, who applied 159 The fund will be supported by charitable donations from private donors in Ukraine, Australia, Germany, and other countries, and also the Ukrainian Catholic for the formational program University Foundation in the USA, the Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation in and residence in the Collegium Canada and in Great Britain. Students have three types of aid: academic-social, social, and scholarships from academic divisions. / MEN were ACCEPTED THE UNIVERSITY THAT SERVES UCU is the first university in Ukraine that is introducing Service Learning on an institutional level. Instruction, practical skills, and social benefit are the three cornerstones of this educational approach. UCU is introducing this method on the model of leading world universities as part of its Strategy 2025, The University That Serves. The Service Learning approach has now been introduced into 12 courses of study. First successes: Students of the Social Work Program created a map of 76 organizations which provide services to military “Pope Francis said that real education ‘is not combatants and their families in the Lviv Region. This only filling heads with concepts but teaching will help active and veteran military to find essential how to use three languages: of the head, heart, information and receive professional help. and hands.’ Executing such an assignment requires the courage to train and spiritually The development of the educational course “Basic Needs and Social Interaction” for UCU’s Worldview develop people who will know how to serve in Core Program in partnership with Novyi Yarichev, a their communities. The model and pedagogy geriatric institution in Lviv, and the social institution of service learning is one of the best ways Vbrani (“Clothed”). to form an educational environment in which the young person can become aware of not Students of the UCU School of Public Management only what to do in society and how to do it, but developed proposals for the development strategy of the Verkhovyna community. During professional to find an answer to the question “Why”” practicum, they determined the most important Taras Dobko, problems and needs of local residents and helped UCU Senior Vice-Rector form a development strategy. 10
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE AWARD AT MODEL UNITED NATIONS WHY DO FOREIGNERS UCU students took part CHOOSE UCU? in the Model United Nations Conference for As a child, Brian Stein attended Divine Liturgy at a the first time and received Ukrainian Greek-Catholic parish in America. When he an award for their grew up and learned that there was a Catholic university achievements. in Ukraine where one could acquire an education in Theology, he was thrilled. “I enjoy the educational A team of six students from process at UCU! It’s not often that you have access to so the UCU Ethics-Policy-Eco- “The participation of our team many works of noted Byzantine theologians like you do nomics Program (EPE) here. My classes are very interesting, and I also hope to and the National Univer- had a specific mission – to get continue to study Theology.” Brian Stein, UCU foreign sity Kyiv-Mohyla Academy Ukrainian universities involved student graduate , teacher of English at the UCU Modern represented Ukrainian uni- in NMUN, and also to let the Foreign Languages Center versities for the first time at the National Model United world conference of NMUN Yelyzaveta Mashkanova, UCU theology student from Nations (NMUN) in New know about Ukraine. Our Belarus. When Yelyzaveta began to think about college, York (USA). The resolutions team was one of the best.” her godfather recommended she consider UCU. She liked developed by the Ukrainian Halyna Protsyk, professor, the school and its location in Lviv. The spring UCU Open Political Science Department, Head House helped her finalize her decision: “Studying at UCU, I delegates were successful- of the Department of International ly adopted and reviewed by Academic Relations was able to grow not only intellectually but spiritually.” the UN committees. Colin Kubik, psychology student from the USA. Colin’s family hails from Ukraine. Colin had the opportunity to volunteer at UCU in 2012 and later became a student. “It’s cool that UCU has small class sizes, so each student WORKING AT GOOGLE receives a lot of attention and has a relationship with the AT 20 YEARS OLD! teacher,” explains Kubik. Rita Markes dos Santos, a student at the Applied Sciences Faculty from Portugal. She came to Ukraine “Studying at UCU was a with two bachelor’s degrees from the University of Lisbon – International Relations and Architecture. “Since stimulus for incredibly swift I studied architecture, I was interested in electives in development. Every month, machine learning and artificial intelligence, to improve guest lecturers came to us: the quality of our cities and buildings. I’m glad that I from programmers and the chose study at the Ukrainian Catholic University for this.” CEO of Lviv IT companies to the At 16, Tetyana Batsenko founders of startups from Sili- decided to move from con Valley. This gave me an op- Kyiv to Lviv to study at the Applied Sciences Program portunity to see the industry’s at Ukrainian Catholic headquarters. I am infinitely University. After her first grateful to the founders and year, she was chosen for an the whole team of the Applied apprenticeship program, Sciences Faculty for the quality Google Inside Look, and of education and the opportuni- was later invited to par- ticipate in an internship. ties which helped me become a Tatyana began to work at Software Engineer at Google.” Google in London in the Tetyana Batsenko, UCU alumna summer of 2020. Student Rita Markes with friends from Ukraine 11
“Going out into the world, the most import- ant thing that you bring with yourself from UCU, in addition to knowledge, is what this university is. You are young, cool, clever, wonderful. You are ready! Go! Be UCU in the world – ‘for the glory of God, the common good, and the dignity of the human person.” Larisa Galadza, Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Canadian Ambassador to Ukraine, Commencement speaker at the 2021 UCU commencement ceremony
G R A D U A T E S WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE PROFILE OF A GRADUATE – A ROADMAP FOR NEW GENERATIONS Volodymyr Khitsyak, The Profile of an UCU Graduate is an important roadmap graduate of the UCU Faculty of Theology and Philosophy, director of marketing for forming new generations in which we can take pride. company Artelogic (IT), professor at LvBS This is a summary of discussions from focus groups with UCU “The skills of a philosopher and theolo- professors, students, heads of programs, and potential employers. gian are good ‘baggage’ with which you It was approved by the UCU Rectorate and Senate. The profile can realize yourself in many areas.” underlines the common desirable characteristics for all graduates of the university, regardless of specialization. GLOBAL INVOLVEMENT PROFESSIONALISM AND ENTREPRENEURIAL HUMANITY THINKING CIVIC ACTIVITY VITALITY RESPONSIBILITY AND ADAPTABILITY AND ACCOUNTABILITY ABILITY TO MAKE ETHICAL DECISIONS Marta Didula, graduate of the Social Work Program, volunteer at Puntos Corazón, an international religious organization that helps the needy in UCU Senator Nataliya Popovych, the poorest areas of the world founder of One Philosophy Group “I became such good friends with the people “I am very impressed that, in creating the profile of in Honduras that I didn’t see interaction with a graduate, the university uses that same strategic them as volunteering but as an inseparable and farsighted approach which distinguishes it from part of my life. They became family for all others. UCU asks: What do we want to achieve me… I understood that I can do something in 10-20-30 years, and then plans its course to useful, and this made me very happy.” this point with 5-7 annual strategies. This distin- guishes UCU from many organizations, especially institutions of higher education in Ukraine that ‘go with the flow’ and don’t ask such questions.” CHARACTER: EXPERIENCE: WORLDVIEW: SKILLS: KNOWLEDGE: understanding volunteering, patriotism, active learning professional but one’s calling, life in community, Christian values, throughout life, well-rounded moral posture, international love of life and critical and visionary but leadership as cooperation people creative thinking, rooted in the service communication sources Christain and team work tradition and European culture 13
O N L I N E E D U CAT I O N HOW HAS COVID-19 AFFECTED THE EDUCATIONAL PROCESS? UCU was one of the rare universities in Ukraine which managed to successfully Every year, staff help to introduce a system of hybrid education from the beginning of the quarantine. service more than twenty As a result, students can now acquire necessary knowledge and competencies individuals who are diabet- not only in the classroom but also by studying online. ic or have cardiovascular problems which can cause The pandemic increased The Ukrainian Catholic difficulties in education or international cooperation. University is the only school limit their mobility. Professors from UCU and of higher education in Lviv abroad began to work where, as of September Despite the pandemic, together in order to make 2021, 80% of staff were vac- UCU students are de- the educational process cinated, and the vaccination veloping not only intel- more diverse. Students of students was being lectually but physically, participated in joint promoted and facilitated at playing sports and visiting international seminars a university-wide level. the modern gymnasium “International classes together with peers from the uni- (fitness center) at the new versities of Notre Dame, The university has had Collegium. Six sports sec- are an opportunity to better Dubrovnik in Croatia, De a service to support tions are offered to those understand how our peers Paul in Chicago, Bilgi students with special interested. Friends from across the ocean think.” University in Istanbul, and educational needs for the Emmaus community UCU student Sofiya Lyn others. the last four years. have a unique section. 14
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE BEYOND CURZON RESEARCH CENTER Sophia Opatska, The work of the Ukrainian-Polish-Slovak Border Re- NEW VICE-RECTORS Vice-Rector for Strategic search Center has been revived.Its task is to pursue Development, Founding Dean and Head historical research with Ukrainians of Zakerzonnia. of the Advisory Council The results of this work will be available to the wider of the Lviv Business School. public to help promote understanding and reconcilia- tion between the three ethnic communities that suf- “The UCU community has set fered in this border region during World War II. ambitious goals for itself for The theme of Lyask, Ivan Spryn, and map which will include 2025. They are already being Zakerzonnia united three Yuriy Pukivskyi. They oral history accounts and implemented through a number researchers: Vitaliy plan to create a digital visual sources. of strategic projects. We want to keep moving forward as WE ARE CREATING A CULTURE IN WHICH a university on a global level. With high quality we need to DIGNITY IS VALUED UNCONDITIONALLY use the new possibilities which the pandemic revealed, in a UCU has opened the Center for the Dignity of the Child, certain sense re-thinking the the goal of which is to create a safe environment for role of various educational children and to prevent sexual violence. instruments. Yet another of the Khrystyna Shabat, The Center was created in focuses of our work is creating Director of the response to a request of the an entrepreneurial university.” UCU Center for the Dignity of the Child Synod of Bishops and the Head of the UGCC, UCU Grand “Our global goal is to create an Chancellor His Beatitude Svia- environment where children toslav Shevchuk. The Center’s are safe , not only in a physical mission is to create a culture sense but also emotionally.” in the Church and in society where the dignity of the child Dmytro Sherengovsky, Vice-Rector for is valued unconditionally. Academic Affairs, Senior Professor, Department of Political Science. WE’RE CONTINUING THE WORK “The educational process demands at the same time OF A GREAT HISTORIAN responses to two questions: What are we doing today for The UCU Center of Religious Culture has been named scholarly seminars, inter- today, and what are we doing in honor of its founder Professor Ihor Skochylias disciplinary conferences, and memorial lectures. today for tomorrow? So my The Center of Religious priority is providing a quality Culture is an interdisci- “Professor Skochylias educational process responding plinary academic center was very persistent in his to today’s needs. We want to based on the education- research. He traveled use various opportunities to be al-research program extensively to uncover even more flexible and offer our Kyivan Christianity, whose new archival materials. initiator and inspiration We deeply miss Ihor students ways to independently was Ihor Skochylias. The Skochylias for his develop their own trajectories Center’s programs include Professor Skochylias died on December 20, 2020 thoughts, propositions, of education according to the due to complications from COVID-19. The news interdisciplinary research was a great shock for our entire university and dynamism.” profile of an UCU graduate.” projects, the publication community including colleagues and students. UCU Rector UCU is making great efforts to continue the of “Kyivan Christianity,” professor’s initiatives and projects. Rev. Bohdan Prach 15
“The greatest danger of today’s world is not war or epidemic but the loss of faith, the loss of the desire to live. UCU’s role is to remain optimistic and believe in the growth of the human being, and then this will be projected to all Ukraine and, possibly, the whole world.” UCU Senator Emeritus Krzysztof Zanussi, Director of Films, Award-winning filmmaker hon- ored at the Cannes and Venice Film Festivals.
F U N D R A I S I N G WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE STRONG DESPITE COVID-19 This year our global charitable banquets were held both online and in person. Under the motto “UCU is strong, despite COVID” benefactors from all over the world united in support. Donations for the development of UCU: Fundraising banquets in America including the East Region, Midwest Region and West Coast Region – $650,000 USD Fundraising banquet in Canada – $45,000 CAD Fundraising banquet in Kyiv – 9 873 800 hryvnias Fundraising event in Vienna – 30 000 € for the development of the UCU Kyiv Center. FRIENDS OF THE Former Ambassador of the United ARCHBISHOP Kingdom to Ukraine Robert Brinkley “The Ukrainian Catholic University The international confer- ence “Modus Vivendi UCU” is creating an ethos that forms was held on the occasion of people, and they carry the values Archbishop Borys Gudzi- with them wherever they go.” ak’s 60th birthday. Invited speakers reflected on UCU’s sources of inspiration Adrian Slywotzky, and how a university can UCU Donor and world serve society and transform business leader the world in today’s realities. “Everyone who looks at UCU Friends of the Archbishop and wants to repeat its ‘secret (“Vladyka”) donated approx- sauce’ must look deeper, at its imately $200,000 USD to the foundation and principles. This is PERELAZ FOLK CHARITY BALL Bohdan Solchanyk Schol- arship Fund in honor of the like comprehending the figure of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky: HELD IN PENNSYLVANIA Archbishop’s birthday. Solch- anyk was an UCU professor not understanding his high ef- Donations: and a Hero of the Heavenly fectiveness without deep faith.” The Perelaz Folk Ball has been gathering friends of the Hundred who was killed on Ukrainian Catholic University for 14 years. This year some the Maidan during the Revo- 67 scholarships were donated for students, 3 stipends for lution of Dignity in 2014. This VIDEO professors, a total of $260,000. fund will support the work of MODUS VIVENDI young historians-professors In total, 67 student scholarships and 3 professor stipends for many years. were created as a result of generous donations. 17
S T R A T E G Y BRINGING The community of the Ukrainian Catholic University learns how to live and serve according to the principles of Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky. One of the strategic goals of UCU-2025 is “Andrey Sheptytsky in the world’s consciousness.” ANDREY SHEPTYTSKY INTO THE WORLD’S CONSCIOUSNESS Our goal is to “translate” the person and legacy of Metropolitan Andrey COOPERATION Sheptytsky into the language of today. We plan to further develop and introduce his approaches and popularize them both in Ukraine and Ukrainians did not have great capital throughout the world. and enterprises in the early 20th Century. Andrey Sheptytsky united SERVICE it would be a love of one’s own which them in cooperatives, getting them does not lead to hatred of the foreign. accustomed to the introduction of Metropolitan Andrey was a person of business and management based deep prayer, a mystic in the authentic on Christian morality. Before the sense of the word. His home always DIGNITY First World War, almost 1,500 remained a monastic cell. He accept- cooperatives, involving more than ed the proposition of an episcopal “ca- Metropolitan Sheptytsky returns to 700,000 members of the Ukrainian reer” without enthusiasm. Neverthe- the daily use such ideas as suitable population operated on western less, after he agreed to this ministry, (“srodna”) work and human dignity. Ukrainian lands. he remained faithful to the principle of He was the first in Halychyna (West- “contemplation in action.” And so all ern Ukraine) to guarantee a “social his activities were rooted in constant package” for his workers. The goal GLOBAL ASPECT prayer and coming to know God’s will. was to help the person be him or His ministry grew with this formula. herself and to maintain dignity. He revealed the global aspect of the He recognized society’s needs and he UGCC as part of the entire Catholic sought solutions which would be in Church and the world. He hoped accord with God’s commandments to ENTREPRENEURSHIP to overcome its provincialism and help the integral development of each AND INNOVATION its focus on petty questions. To do person and society in general. this, he sent students to study in He was born a count, was very wealthy, leading educational centers across but he became a monk. Thanks to his Europe. He carried out visitations LEADERSHIP AND ETHICS longsighted vision and entrepreneurial to the Ukrainian diaspora in North aptitude, Metropolitan Andrey invested America, carried out extensive Instead of a “balance of power,” in hundreds of projects and people. correspondence, worked on Sheptytsky offers us, people of today, He helped talented students with forming the structure of the UGCC a “balance of interests.” There were scholarships, supported entrepreneurs in other countries, and brought it to few things that caused Sheptytsky to at their start, and invested in already- a new level of development, with an react more strongly than hatred. If one existing businesses, thus forming a awareness that this would influence had to briefly formulate his teachings, strong Ukrainian middle class. the Universal Church. 18
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE Andrey Sheptytsky “Do not waste one minute. For only with ceaseless effort, ceaseless sacrifices to the point of blood and the death of many generations does the nation move forward. And sometimes it is easier to shed blood in one moment of enthusiasm than to fulfill obligations for long years with labor and to bear the heat of the day and the sun and the anger of people and the hatred of enemies and a lack of trust from your own and inadequate help from neighbors, and, with such work, all the way to the end to finish your task, not waiting for laurels before victory or awards before merit!” (A word from Andrey Sheptytsky to Ukrainian youth, 1932) Новаківський Олекса. Портрет митрополита Андрея Шептицького. 1931. Папір, перо, чорнило. Зі збірки НМЛ. TRANSFORMATION their own lives to rescue more than AN ENTREPRENEURIAL UNIVERSITY 200 Jews.. This help for the Jewish He did not avoid or fear dialogue community in the most difficult hour One of the goals of UCU 2025 is to form with the culture of his day. Instead, of its history was a very important a modern management system and thanks to his philanthropy, many manifestation of this merciful love, an entrepreneurial university. UCU is artistic projects were founded. without boundaries and limitations. introducing an approach of co-financ- He acquired a building for the Recognizing Metropolitan Sheptytsky ing and co-responsibility. “All our staff establishment of the Ukrainian as “Righteous among the Nations” is a understand the business model for National Museum and donated his question of historical justice. the university’s activities. We are also private collection to the museum. explaining it to students and parents. Our task is to balance various areas of A UNIVERSITY THAT SERVES activity. For example, to create social AHEAD OF HIS TIME enterprises, like the UCU Business “We incarnate Metropolitan Andrey’s School, which financially support other, The Metropolitan thought not in years principles in our daily work at the uni- less business-oriented areas.” Sophia but decades. He understood the versity and in strategic planning,” The Opatska, Vice-Rector for Strategic challenges which his church faced Ukrainian Catholic University is a space Development. before they became evident to others. free from corruption, from disdain for During the terrible war years, when human dignity and violence against the the very idea of a Ukrainian state person, in particular against vulner- INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT was fata morgana, he wrote his letter able persons.” Natalia Klymovska, “The Ideal of our National Life,” in UCU Vice-Rector for Communication Integral human development is an- which he reflects on the future of and Development UCU. is creating a other of UCU’s strategic projects. The Ukrainian statehood. values-based university education in university offers a generous proposi- Ukraine and introducing service learn- tion of personal development for the ing. “Our goal is to build this approach community and outside. “The more RIGHTEOUS AMONG THE NATIONS into the DNA of our educational pro- we stay together, the stronger we grams and instructional courses. This will be in every matter,” Metropolitan Perhaps the most important aspect will encourage professors and students Andrey encouraged. “As a university, of Metropolitan Sheptytsky’s spiritual to become creators of social change, to we stayed together during the Maidan. legacy is the love of one’s neighbor think in categories of their contribution Every day we create our community and his all-encompassing mercy. In to civic life and their work’s influence in the name of the glory of God, the the years of the German occupation, on the common good.” UCU Senior common good, and human dignity.” he and his brother Klymentiy risked Vice-Rector Taras Dobko. Vice-Rector Myroslav Marynovych. 19
INFLUENCING SOCIETY RECOGNITION “THE UNIVERSE BEHIND BARBED WIRE” YURIY PIDLISNYI HEADS THE UGCC COMMISSION ON THE FAMILY AND THE LAITY By decree of the Father and Head of the Ukrainian Greek-Catholic Church, His Beatitude Sviatoslav, Yuriy Pidlisnyi, Director of UCU’s Ethics-Policy-Economics bachelor’s program, has become head of the newly-created Commission on the Family and the Laity. LEADERSHIP AND SACRIFICE IN ACTION The university has for the first time awarded a prize for “Leadership and Sacrifice.” The award was given to 33 staff of the university who played a leading role in ensuring the viability of the whole community during the pandemic, showing an example of Christian love and ser- vice. UCU senators created the prize fund with personal donations. SEVERAL PHYSICIANS AND A STUDENTS RECEIVE THE LIGHT OF JUSTICE AWARD FOR MORAL, SPIRITUAL, AND ETHICAL LEADERSHIP The laureates include Olha Martynenko, Head of the Infectious Diseases Department of the Central City Hospital in the city of Rubizhne and Ivan Venzhynovych, Family Doctor-Therapist from Pochaiv. The award was posthumously awarded to Dr. Venzhynovych, who died of COVID-19 in September 2020. Yuliya Bondar, a UCU School of Journalism and Communication student, also received the award.The Light of Justice Award was established by Anastasia An English translation of Myroslav Marynovych’s book Shkilnyk, a Canadian of Ukrainian descent, and Archbishop Borys was published about his ten years living in a Soviet Gudziak, in honor of Ms. Shkilnyk’s father, Dr. Mykhailo Shilnyk, a concentration camp and in exile in Kazakhstan. lawyer and civil and political activist who was active during the times of the liberation movement in Ukraine from 1917 to 1920. The Universe behind Barbed Wire. Memoirs of a Ukrainian Soviet Dissident is the English-language title of the book by UCU’s vice-rector, a human rights defender and dissident. Noted historian Timothy Snyder is the author of the foreword to this book. In his foreword, Timothy Snyder writes: “…Myroslav Marynovych was arrested in 1977 for telling the truth about his country. The crime for which he was sentenced was the distribution of bulletins about human rights abuses in Soviet Ukraine. When he was arrested at twenty-eight, he was an agnostic. When he was released a decade later, he was a Christian ethicist and political thinker. This memoir is a humble, and a humbling, account of a man maturing in hell.” UCU SENATOR EMERITUS RECEIVES ORDER OF METROPOLITAN SHEPTYTSKY UCU Senator Emeritus and benefactor Mykola Kmit This is my obligation before those brothers has received the highest honor of the Ukrainian Greek- of mine who perished in the camps or Catholic Church, presented by His Beatitude Sviatoslav who have already gone to the other Shevchuk during the national pilgrimage to Zarvanytsya. world. They can no longer themselves witness, so I hope to be their voice.” In His Beatitude Sviatoslav’s words, this award is received by Myroslav Marynovych those who continue the work of Metropolitan Andrey, look on the world with his eyes, and strive to reach the heights of his thought. 20
WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE 75TH ANNIVERSARY OF LVIV PSEUDO-SYNOD International conference “The ‘Lviv Synod’ of 1946: Historical Circumstances and Modern Assessments” held in Kyiv UCU’s Institute of Church Histo- ry and UCU’s Kyiv Center spon- sored an historic conference dedicated to the 75th anniver- sary of the Lviv Pseudo-Synod. The conference featured leading “We were able to find new sources. We experts from Ukraine, Poland, also have new opportunities to study Romania, Slovakia, and the USA history. Thanks to the work of our along with representatives of scholars, the truth has become clear, government power structures as contained in the sources. This is the and ecclesiastical structures. truth that liberates. I want to thank all At four plenary sessions, schol- those who, with scholarly methodology, ars discussed the forms and study the archives and reveal the truth.” methods of the repressive policy His Beatitude Sviatoslav, of the Soviet authorities and Father and Head of the UGCC, Grand Chancellor of UCU security services, dedicated to the liquidation of the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church. INTEGRAL HUMAN DEVELOPMENT IN THE DIGITAL AGE The UCU Applied Sciences Faculty conducted its third annual international conference “Integral Human Development in the Digital Age: Poverties, Migrations, Pandemics, and the Idea of a New Social Ethics.” Ukrainian Catholic University, Georgetown University, the University of Notre Dame, and the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas in Rome co-organized this confer- ence for the first time. “Many of today’s “When we speak of solidarity, it is worth- problems should while understanding it in the light of the be solved not on teaching of St. Pope John Paul II, not one the technological against the other, but together. Such level but on the solidarity overcomes the abyss and allows spiritual level.” us to bear one another’s burdens.” Clemens Sedmak, Sister Helen Alford, professor at the University of Notre Dame Vice-Rector of the Pontifical University of St. Thomas Aquinas 21
S E R V I C E WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE EASTER TOGETHER STUDENT CHARITY CENTER: IN KHERSON ORDINARY PEOPLE WHO DO THE EXTRAORDINARY For the 9th year in a row, UCU’s olunteerU platform which coordi- V Student Association organized nates volunteer programs in Lviv the project Easter Together. Three sites for volunteering – This event was held in Kherson, the Children’s Building Blessing, where youth from eastern and the Family Home Protection of western Ukraine gathered to the Mother of God, and the Social work on joint social projects, Center of the Sisters of St. Joseph; volunteer initiatives, and the celebration of Christ’s Students cooperate with the Resurrection. The Ukrainian Catholic University’s volunteer organizations San Egidio Community and Youth for “The great value of this project is oldest student volunteer organization, the opportunity to observe Easter the Student Charity Center, celebrated Peace and distribute lunches to homeless individuals and families. while serving others. We wanted to the 21st anniversary of its founding. create the warm atmosphere of a Students volunteer at the Ukrainian family Feast Day for those who have Students not only continue to support Society for the Blind to prepare no other opportunity like this.” the University’s founding traditions but audio-recordings of books for Tetyana Yezerska, also initiate new projects, including: people with limited vision. Student of the UCU Applied Sciences Faculty CHRISTMAS EVE CHRISTMAS IN THE EAST FOR THE HOMELESS The UCU student organization AND LONELY United Ukraine has traveled east with a Christmas pageant On Christmas Eve, staff and for the last ten years. students of UCU, following a long tradition of many years, This year students caroled on the organize the charitable event front lines of the combat zone from Hospitality in Bethlehem for Stanytsia Luhanska to Mariupol. homeless, needy, and lonely “You can send material help to the people. east by post, but this won’t bring This year over 70 people the atmosphere of Christmas and individuals participated around gratitude,” says Yuriy Muryn, the festive holiday table. Head of United Ukraine. SKOVORODA TRAVELS THROUGHOUT UKRAINE The UCU theater presented a places associated with the traveling version of Hryhoriy philosopher Hryhoriy Skovoroda. Skovoroda’s Poor Lark throughout The actors presented the play and Ukraine. conducted master classes. UCU’s theater program, On Simon’s Actors from throughout Ukraine Pillars and Pava organized the traveled from west to east to traveling theater workshop. 22
UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP WITNESS SERVE COMMUNICATE UNIVERSITY LEADERSHIP GRAND CHANCELLOR OF UCU PRESIDENT His Beatitude Sviatoslav (Shevchuk) His Excellency Borys (Gudziak) Major Archbishop of Kyiv-Halych Head of the Senate, Metropolitan Archbishop and Father and Head of the UGCC of the UGCC Philadelphia Archeparchy, USA RECTOR Lidiya Bilas Co-founder Rev. Bohdan Prach, PhD and managing partner of Creative International School VICE-RECTORS for Children Dr. Taras Dobko Lyubomyr Tarnovskyy “For me it’s a Senior Vice-Rector Vice-Rector for Administrative great honor to be and Financial Affairs a senator of UCU. Natalia Klymovska Vice-Rector for Communication Dr. Oleh Turiy I feel trust and a and Development Vice-Rector for External Affairs challenge at the same time, because Myroslav Marynovych Oleh Yaskiv it’s not easy to be in Vice-Rector for University Mission Vice-Rector for Research the middle of such a Dr. Sophia Opatska Dmytro Sherengovsky strong community. I Vice-Rector for Strategic Development Vice-Rector for Academic Affairs want to become an active part of this team.” SENATE (BOARD OF TRUSTEES) His Excellency Borys (Gudziak) Volodymyr Lavrenchuk President of UCU Head of the Board, Raiffeisen Bank Aval (2005-2019) Yaroslav Prytula Taras Szmagala, Jr. Dean of the UCU Applied Sciences Faculty Chairman of the Board, Ukrainian Catholic University Foundation (USA), Senior Vice His Excellency Bohdan (Dziurakh) President, Public and Community Affairs and Secretary of the UGCC Synod of Bishops, UGCC Corporate Communications at Eaton Industries Curial Bishop Andriy Kostiuk Michael (Mykhailo) Salo Managing Partner, KPLT, attorney Partner of the company Romexsoft, UCU Graduate Andy Hunder Kateryna Zagoriy President, American Chamber Co-founder of the His Excellency Volodymyr (Hrutsa) of Commerce in Ukraine Zagoriy Foundation Auxiliary Bishop of the Lviv UGCC Archeparchy Eugene Roman “I am glad to join in Rev. Bohdan Prach, PhD Chairman of the Board, Ukrainian Catholic helping in the area Rector of UCU Education Foundation (Canada) of fundraising, and I believe that Olena Vovk Jan Tombiński we will exceed the Head of the Supervisory Council Ambassador of the European Union to Ukraine new financial goal of Enzym Company (2012-2016), Ambassador of the European Union set for 2025. In this to the Holy See (2016-2020) way we’ll help UCU Iryna Ivanchyk become larger and Co-founder of the charitable foundation Kateryna Zagoriy stronger among Believe in Yourself Co-founder of the Zagoriy Foundation other universities.” 23
Ukrainian Catholic University Development Department, Vul. Stryiska, 29a Metropolitan Andrey Sheptytsky Center, Room 525 Lviv, 79011 tel.: +38(032) 240-99-40 e-mail: USA Ukrainian Catholic University Foundation 2247 W. Chicago Avenue Chicago, IL 60622 Phone: 773-235-8462 Fax: 773-235-8464 e-mail: Canada Ukrainian Catholic Education Foundation Suite B-02, 770 Brown’s Line, Toronto, ON M8W 3W2 Phone: 416-239-2495 Toll free (in Canada): 866-871-8007 Fax: 416-239-2496 E-mail: UCF Great Britain Ukrainian Catholic Foundation The Ukrainian Catholic Foundation London E-mail: website: ukrainiancatholicfoundation
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