Page created by Fernando Cole
ISSN 1176-9335
AUTUMN 2021   VOL. 77, NO.3

                              RRP $7.90


                                                                                                  There are also several new Approved
                                                                       We are a quarter of
                                                                                                  and Certified products as well as new
                                                                       the way through 2021
                                                                                                  Corporate members which you can read
                                                                       already! I attended
                                                                                                  about throughout this magazine. Snippets
                                                                       a Convention early in
                                                                                                  from many sources bring us up to date
                                                                       January which had as
                                                                                                  with research, reports and developments
                                                     it’s theme “Awakening Compassion
                                                                                                  in the world of food (pages 4–5), and
                                                     – Deepening the Connection”. The
                                                                                                  Briana expands on foods to boost your
                                                     theme was explored and enlarged on by
                                                                                                  immunity to help avoid disease (page 11).
                                                     the speakers so that everyone present
                                                                                                  This issue also contains several reviews
                                                     became more aware of how needful
                                                                                                  of veg~n cafes around the country which
Let’s Eat Burger Patties - P7                        the world and humanity in general is of
                                                                                                  members visited over the summer months.
                                                     compassion today. Our knowledge of
                                                                                                  Anna has again provided some delicious
Cover Articles                                       physics and the interconnectedness of not
                                                                                                  and exciting recipes on pages 8 & 9 – the
                                                     just everything on this planet Earth, but
P1 | Vegan and Vegetarian Products                                                                Rice Crackles look and sound great for
                                                     of the whole universe, was also explored
                                                                                                  lunch boxes!
P2 | Tristan’s Corner                                and expanded. It was an enlightening and
                                                     enjoyable 4 days.                            Remember, if there’s something kind,
P8–9 | Recipes
                                                                                                  compassionate and/or Veg~n related
                                                     The increasing interest in veg~n food
                                                                                                  happening in your neighbourhood that you
                                                     and way of life encourages people to
                                                                                                  think other members would be interested
                                                     think about the interconnectedness of
                                                                                                  in reading about, send a photo and
                                                     everything and helps them to become
                                                                                                  description to
                                                     aware of the need for compassion in our
                                                                                                  for our Kindness Corner or just for general
EDITORIAL TEAM                                       daily lives, not only towards animals but
Margaret Johns, Jeanette Blackburn                                                                inclusion in the magazine.
                                                     also towards our fellow human beings.
PRINTING 3A Copy & Design, Manukau Road,                                                          The Think Kind Competition for school
                                                     We are very fortunate in New Zealand that
Epsom, Auckland                                                                                   students will be run again this year – look
                                                     we can actually grow our own food and
Vegetarian Living NZ is produced and distributed                                                  out for the official launch on the website
                                                     have access to organically grown produce
by The New Zealand Vegetarian Society Inc.                                               and Facebook
                                                     in most parts of the country.
                                                                                                  (@NZVegetarianSociety) and encourage
No statements or opinions in this publication
may be construed as policy or as an official         In this issue, Maja shares some of her       students in your family, local school,
announcement by the Society unless so stated.        Christmas memories, and Tristan shares       and neighbourhood to take part in the
We are always happy to receive contributions. All                                                 competition. Taking part helps students
                                                     some of her Summer memories and
material undergoes an editing process and we
                                                     recipes (pages 2 & 3); Krishna shares        to think outside themselves, to develop
cannot guarantee publication.
                                                     some photos and facts about his wedding      compassion and to become aware of
Vegetarian Living NZ is published in Spring (Sept-   to Manika in Hydrabad just before the        the interconnectedness of everyone and
Nov), Summer (Dec-Feb), Autumn (Mar-May),                                                         everything.
Winter (Jun-Aug). Editorial copy and advertising     first major lockdown (page 10); as well as
deadlines are two months prior to publication: 1     a heart-warming story in our Kindness
July (Spring), 1 October (Summer), 15 January        Corner (page 4).                             - MARGARET
(Autumn), and 1 April (Winter),
To discuss advertising, contact the National
Vegetarian Centre 09 523 4686 or info@

NZ Vegetarian Society Inc.,
National Executive
POSTAL PO Box 26 664, Epsom, Auckland 1344
OFFICE 10 Warborough Ave, Epsom, Auckland             Vigour and Vitality have a new website,
PHONE 09 523 4686
                                                      and they're offering a 15% discount to
EMAIL                                 members when you use the coupon
                                                      code 'vegetarian' at their online store.
NZ Vegetarian Society
Wellington Centre
                                                      Their nut and seed VV Mylk
PHONE 04 478 4665
EMAIL                    concentrates can be used as            substitutes for other milks.
(Full Directory listing inside back page)


WE HAVE LOTS OF NEW VEGAN CERTIFIED AND                             Our favourite kombucha brand, Good Buzz, has
VEGETARIAN SOCIETY APPROVED PRODUCTS!                               two new Vegan Certified flavours - Blueberry Peach
                                                                    and Passionfruit Guava. I tried them at the Go Green
You might have noticed the advert for Killinchy Gold’s new Vegan
                                                                    Expo last summer. They were delicious.
Certified Dairy Free range in our last issue. Have you found them
in your supermarket yet? There are four delicious flavours - Mint   Another addition to our Vegan Certified list is Round
Chocolate, Salted Caramel & Cashew, Strawberry & Boysenberry,       Theory Wines. They’re sustainably sourced, climate
Chocolate Hokey Pokey. They’re made with Harraways Oats, so you     positive, New Zealand wines. There’s a Marlborough
know they’re going to be good.                                      Sauvignon Blanc, Pinot Gris, White Field Blend, and
                                                                    Hawke’s Bay Rosé.
Food Nation has released a range of plant-based products -
Mexican Mince, Mushroom & Hemp Mince, Beetroot Amaze Balls,         And if you’re feeling peckish, Chasers have a range
and three flavours of Happy Patties. They                           of Vegan Certified Indian snacks - Bhuja Mix (Mild
come in funky packages, and best of all,                            and Hot), Chilli & Garlic Peas, and Salted Peas. Yum!
they’re Vegan Certified!
                                                                    Finally, a special congratulations to Organic Bioactives, who placed
You may also have spied Let’s                                       in the top 10 finalists for the L’Oreal Innovation Runway 2020 for clean
Eat products in your supermarket                                    green new raw materials!
fridge. You’ll find Burger Patties,
                                                                    A full list of Vegan Certified and Vegetarian Society Approved products
Golden Nuggets, and Tasty
                                                                    can be found on the back pages of this magazine and you can stay
Tenders. They’re all Vegetarian
                                                                    up-to-date by liking our Facebook page.
Society Approved.
Pasta Vera has released a new Vegan                                 PHILIP MCKIBBIN
Basil Pesto. If you’re like me, you’ll love                         Trademark Manager
basil. If there’s a better herb, I haven’t tasted it!               E:

                         CORRECTION:                                     NEw

       In the previous issue of Vegetarian Living NZ, the
       tag 'New Vegan Certified Product' was misapplied
       to a number of advertorials. We apologise for any
       confusion. For up-to-date lists of Vegan Certified
       and Vegetarian Society Approved products, please                                                                      MADE IN NZ
       refer to the inside back & back cover.
                                                                                                                            FROM 100%


                                                                                                                              Vol. 77 No.3 | 1
TRISTAN’S                                                 Corner
     I’ve had a wonderful summer and I hope             COCONUT CURRY RECIPE
     you all have, too. We have obviously been          INGREDIENTS:
     extremely fortunate in New Zealand to have                                                    a revelation jackfruit has been! I
     had the freedom to gather with friends and         1 pumpkin                                  tried a pulled jackfruit burrito at a
     family, attend festivals and rub shoulders with    4 cm piece of ginger                       Mexican restaurant and knew I had
     people at beaches and campgrounds.                 1 medium onion                             to try to recreate it which turned out
                                                        4 cloves of garlic                         to be surprisingly easy, especially if
     For me, food is an important part of summer.       1 fresh red chilli                         you buy jackfruit in a tin. One word
     So many delicious fruits and vegetables were       A handful of curry leaves                  of caution, it’s usually tinned in brine
     in season in the summer months. Feeding my         A bunch of coriander                       so don’t add any extra salty flavours
     family gets more exciting each year as the         Oil for cooking                            to it.
     children get older and their palates expand,       1 tsp mustard seeds
     allowing me to experiment with more flavours       1 tsp turmeric                             All I did was drain the jackfruit
     and recipes.                                       1 x 400 gm tin of chopped tomatoes         from the tin, pull it apart with a
                                                        2 x 400 gm tins of light coconut milk      fork and then fry it in a tiny bit of
     I would like to take this opportunity to share a
                                                        2 x 400 gm tins of chickpeas               oil until it’s sufficiently soft and
     couple of recipes I made during the summer
                                                                                                   golden. Then I put it out on the table
     holidays, which are equally good for autumn.
                                                        METHOD:                                    with other suitable ingredients for
     The smell of these meals as I cooked them,
                                                                                                   stuffing burritos, like grated carrots,
     the taste of the food as I dined outdoors in the   Chop the pumpkin into 3cm chunks
                                                                                                   cucumber, lettuce, salsa and rice. I
     warm air, in the company of good friends and       and cut the ginger finely.
                                                                                                   gave everyone a tortilla and let them
     family, has characterised these recipes in my
                                                        Pluck off the coriander leaves and         pile in the fillings of their choice, fold
     mind as happy memories which will always
                                                        finely chop the stalks.                    it like an envelope and eat it. Again,
     remind me of the summer which has just been.
                                                        Pour some oil into a large saucepan        this meal is perfect for a summer
     I hope whoever else enjoys these recipes will
                                                        and put on a high heat. Add the ginger,    picnic or an autumn feast.
     create wonderful memories to go with them.
                                                        garlic, red chilli, onions and coriander   I will remember the end of 2020 and
     The first of my “happy memories” meals is a
                                                        stalks and reduce to medium heat.          beginning of 2021 with awe at the
     curry. The thing I find with curry is it can be
                                                        Cook until the onion browns then add       goings on in the world but equally
     a comforting cold-weather meal, yet it is also
                                                        the mustard seeds and turmeric. Add        with happy memories of mealtimes
     perfect for summer, sitting around a campfire
                                                        the tomatoes and coconut milk.             with loved ones and the taste of two
     or at an outdoor picnic table, served with rice
                                                        Bring to a simmer, then add the            favourite meals.
     in the winter or flatbread in summer.
                                                        pumpkin and chickpeas.
     This coconut curry recipe is one I made a
     couple of times over summer using chickpeas        Cover with a lid and simmer for 45         Tristan Hooker is a full-time writer
     and carrots. However, the good news is             minutes, then cook for a further 15        based in the Waikato. She’s also a
                                                                                                   card-carrying vegetarian and mother
     pumpkins are coming into season in autumn          minutes with the lid off, to thicken the
                                                                                                   to two bouncing vegetarian sons.
     so I’ve swapped the carrots for a pumpkin,         sauce. Scatter with coriander leaves
     which I think is even better, as it matches so     and serve with rice or flatbread.          You can see more of Tristan’s work
                                                                                                   at or follow her on
     well with the chickpeas. This recipe can feed      The second dish I simply must share        Facebook or Instagram.
     a family over a few days and, as curries do, it    is, “pulled jackfruit burritos.” What
     gets better when it sits for a while!

        Animals                                                       MAJA SKILLING

                                                  In the moment, I eagerly loaded my plate
                                                  and tucked into what was probably the
                                                  best Christmas dinner I had ever had.
                                                  In hindsight however, it occurred to me
                                                  that despite only a handful of my family      It is full of simple but delicious plant-based
                                                  being vegan there had only been one dish      recipes. My mum and auntie both have copies
                                                  containing animal products on the whole       and many of our delectable Christmas dishes
                                                  table.                                        came from it. The author is not vegan herself,
                                                                                                she simply wanted to write a plant-based
                                                   This was a very different picture to a few   cookbook as she felt it was the way of the
                                                  years ago when I first became vegan and       future.
                                                  had to find my one vegan dish among a
                                                  myriad of meat dishes on the table.           It has been heartening to see how my family,
                                                                                                who were once averse to eating veg~n food,
                                                  I was interested to see how my meat-          now embrace it because it really is a wonderful
                                                  eating family members felt about a            way to eat.
                                                  predominantly veg~n Christmas dinner, so
                                                  I asked my Grandma. I felt she would be       In the same way, it is heartening to see how
                                                  an interesting person to ask as she has       food writers are turning to plant based recipes
                                                  had a lifetime of eating traditional meaty    as material for their books, simply because
                                                  dishes on Christmas Day.                      they feel as though that is what people want
                                                                                                to eat.
On Christmas day a few months ago, I              She told me that she thought the food
remember sitting down to a table that was         was “fresh and filling” and that it was       It is so inspiring that the world is coming to
topped with veg~n food: mushroom and              “an enticing Christmas dinner” that she       see how amazing plant based food can be!
walnut sausage rolls; a turkey made from          “thoroughly enjoyed”. “The kind of vegan      (Supergood by Chelsea Winter is available
tofu with a herb, onion and breadcrumb            dinner we had on Christmas Day was            from the Warehouse for $35)
stuffing; roast vegetables with soy milk aioli;   completely satisfying”.                       Maja is 16 years old, became a vegan when she
vegetable sushi, as well as a whole variety of                                                  was ten and has been campaigning for animal
                                                  The beautiful veg~n spread that we            rights ever since. She writes regular articles about
salads. Then there was dessert: a decadent
                                                  had indulged in was in part thanks to a       animal activism on her blog
chocolate cake with a nutty base, strawberry
                                                  wonderful new cookbook that had just and
and banana ice cream, vegan pastries filled                                                     promotes a veg~n lifestyle on her instagram page
                                                  come on the market called “Supergood”
with fruit mince and chocolate bark.                                                            @majakir_
                                                  by Chelsea Winter.

     Are you inadvertently funding animal abuse with your KiwiSaver?
     Many KiwiSaver plans invest in unethical companies. Luckily, there is
     a good option: CareSaver! CareSaver is issued by Pathfinder, whose
     animal welfare policies are the strongest of any KiwiSaver providers.
     What’s more, despite the financial disruption from coronavirus,
     CareSaver’s Growth and Balanced funds were over 5% ahead of the
     average KiwiSaver in the first quarter of 2020.

     IT’S EASY          All you have to do is to fill out a simple online form.
     TO SWITCH          Visit where you will find a
                        copy of the CareSaver product disclosure statement
                        as well as their ‘people, planet, principles and profit’
                        approach. Please nominate the NZ Vegetarian
                        Society as your chosen charity if you switch to
                        CareSaver so we can get a donation.

                                                                                                                                   Vol. 77 No.3 | 3
                                                                                                    OF WHAT YOU'VE BEEN DOING TO MAKE

    CORNER                                                                                         THE WORLD A KINDER HEALTHIER PLACE

We were happily having our dinner one night
when we heard an insistent meow at the ranch
slider. Glancing up we thought we saw our
neighbour’s cat, known to harass our cat, so
we tried shooing him away, but he kept coming
We soon realised he wasn’t our neighbour’s cat
but must have been abandoned as his fur was
matted, his eye infected and he was sneezing.
The cat gulped down the food and water we
offered and responded with purring to being
petted, so we decided to take him to the vets
in the morning in the hope that he was micro
chipped and we could return him to his owner.
However, how to keep him safe and not let
our cat pick up infections or feel threatened?
Fortunately a kind neighbor was happy to have
him in her garage over night.                          The vet looked at him straight away and          However the vet told us not to worry, “We
                                                       to our disappointment there was no               will fix him up and find him a home,” and by
In the morning we gave him another big fussing
                                                       microchip; he was an un-neutered male.           the end of the week he had a new forever
and my Mum and I took him to the vets. I was
                                                       It was really sad to learn from the vet          home. The vet treated him and microchipped
really hoping he wouldn’t have an owner and
                                                       that sometimes people just leave their           him all for free. So there are some good
we could keep him, but Mum said “Only if the
                                                       cats behind when they move or leave the          people in the world.
cat is a female”, as our cat was male and very
                                                       country. It’s not fair that beautiful animals
nervous (an SPCA rescue animal).                                                                        ZOE C.
                                                       are treated this way.

PLANT-BASED MILK FACTORY                                  CELLULAR FOODS                                         SO WHAT ELSE IS OUT THERE?
Nine months after Otis Oat Milk launched, the             Researchers are doing some really interesting          Kiwi startup company Leaft Foods2
company has announced plans for a purpose-                and almost sci-fi stuff researching food               could be the first in the world
built factory capable of producing 25 million litres      production and its environmental impact and            to develop a leaf-based protein
a year. Oats grown for Otis Oat Milk are grown            whole new food groups are being created. In            concentrate that can be used in
in Gore, milled in Dunedin and then sent to a             New Zealand, Dr Laura Domigan of Auckland              place of a range of foods such as
factory in Sweden to be turned into milk. The             University is leading our cellular charge,             eggs and other proteins. And it has
milk product is then returned to New Zealand.             having won funding in late 2020 from a joint           already passed the complex, and
                                                          Singaporean and New Zealand fund to explore            very Kiwi, task of being whisked into
Managing director Tim Ryan said that demand
                                                          aspects of scaling cellular foods. A protein           a pavlova!
had exceeded their expectations so they are
                                                          biochemist by training, she initially had to focus
going to expand their productive capacity and                                                                    The scientifically developed process
                                                          her efforts on creating artificial corneas for eye
distribution. Their plans include building the                                                                   turns leafy crops grown in the
                                                          surgery but then she secured funding for a PhD
country's first processing facility for plant-based                                                              Canterbury plains into a protein with
                                                          student to begin developing formulations of
dairy alternatives in Dunedin.                                                                                   high nutritional value that also has
                                                          nutrient media to grow cell-based meat.
                                                                                                                 a lighter environmental footprint
“New Zealand-grown oats are especially high in
                                                          Then, in October 2020, a team led by Domigan           than either animal or grain-based
beta glucan, a natural fibre, which helps lower
                                                          won a multi-million dollar grant from the New          sources of protein.
cholesterol, improve blood sugar control, and
                                                          Zealand and Singaporean governments to
boost the immune system”, Ryan said.                                                                             The process also produces a high-
                                                          explore questions such as which cells are the
                                                                                                                 quality stock feed that has the
"The category holds enormous potential for                best starting material for cultured meat, and
                                                                                                                 potential to increase dairy and beef
New Zealand farmers who'd like to shift towards           is the nutritional profile of meat grown in a lab
                                                                                                                 performance, while reducing their
producing higher-value and more environmentally           equivalent to the real thing. “There is so much
                                                                                                                 excess nitrogen. This could provide
sustainable products."                                    research that needs to be done,” Domigan
                                                                                                                 a viable option for farmers to reduce
The company is also looking into the possibility          says. And much of it is only beginning to
                                                                                                                 their environmental footprint.3
of making other oat milk products, including ice          happen, at least in any sort of transparent way.1
cream and flavoured milks.


Anna Valentine, from The Veggie             Anna writes: Such an awesome tranquil
Tree, who provides us with the              setting for a super positive amazing festival.
delicious and adventurous recipes           With yoga, healing, massages, children’s
featured in each issue of Vegetarian        activities, eco workshops, fantastic music,
Living NZ, has had a very busy start        we served up summer pakoras, super salad
to the year after some lovely time off      and salted caramel slice which went down
over Christmas and New Year. Here           a treat. Dancing to Matiu Te Huki and a
is ‘Mr Veggie Tree’ and Anna at the         beautiful meditation circle to wrap up the
Far North Joy Fest on the 10th of           day hosted by event organiser Hari Bans was
January.                                    especially amazing.

The Executive Committee of the NZ Vegetarian Society                    “My background consists of
Inc is delighted to welcome Barbara to the Committee as                 running my own business for 25
its Treasurer, filling the gap left by Viki’s move to Rotorua.          years and I now hold an Admin
Barbara brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise with her             Manager position handling the
and when asked about her vegetarian journey, told us:                   accounts for an international
“I had been thinking of becoming vegetarian for some time
but it became a reality when I undertook a detox and found I            “I feel it is so important that
did not miss meat at all and in fact felt much better without it.       accurate information is out there
                                                                        for aspiring vegetarians and I
“Julia [current President of the NZVS] provided valuable
                                                                        would like to lend my support in
information from the Vegetarian Society that showed I could
                                                                        achieving this.”
get all the nutrition I needed from vegetables, fruit and nuts,
etc. I have now been vegetarian for about five years.

BETTER FUTURES REPORT                           THE FUTURE OF FOOD                                      on tilled fields is being lost at 100 times
                                                                                                        the rate it is being formed; about 25 to
Colmar Brunton's Better Futures report          An article by Gilbert Wong looking at the forces
                                                                                                        30 percent of food production is lost or
2020 reveals almost 50 per cent of Kiwis        shaping the future of food and how research by
                                                                                                        wasted. Meanwhile, two billion adults are
agree we need to change our diet to             the University of Auckland alumni is contributing
                                                                                                        overweight or obese and 821 million are
reduce the impact on the environment.           to this, makes very interesting reading.5 It points
                                                                                                        undernourished. The main conclusion
And with one in five Aucklanders now            out that one in ten New Zealand is going (mostly)
                                                                                                        of the report is that there is a window of
going meat-free (or plant-based) all or         meat free and that the future of food is likely to
                                                                                                        opportunity to reduce climate change by
most of the time, the idea seems to be          be driven by millenials (those born between 1981
                                                                                                        diversifying food production systems and
catching on.                                    and 1996) and then by Generation Z (those born
                                                                                                        what we eat.
                                                since 1997). According to Dr Rosie Bosworth,
You don't need to go full vegan or
                                                a University of Auckland Alumna, millenials are         More and more scientifically researched
vegetarian to improve your health and
                                                driven by health, ethics and environment where          reports are being published pointing to the
the health of the planet; having just one
                                                their food is concerned. However Generation Z           advantages of plant-based foods, and most
or two additional meat-free days a week
                                                say that “there are new ways to produce food            studies conclude that a diet rich in plant-
can have a big impact. For example, if
                                                that don’t have the environmental, ethical and          based food and with fewer animal-source
all Kiwis had one more meat-free day
                                                sustainability baggage.” So global food giants          foods confers both improved health and
a week, we could save over 700,000
                                                are “hedging their bets” and investing in the           environmental benefits.
tonnes of carbon a year, that's like
                                                production of plant-based meat alternatives just        1 Outlook 19 December 2020 [
driving from Auckland to Wellington five
                                                in case.                                                  articles/d41586-020-03448-1]
million times (in a medium sized car).
                                                The report from the Intergovernmental Panel on
A diet centred on plant foods also                                                                      3 Stuff – Katy Bluett 27 Jan 2021[
                                                Climate Change covering Food production and
lowers the risk of heart disease and                                                                      business/farming/agribusiness/124054241/]
                                                security gives somewhat mind-boggling estimates
benefits overall health according                                                                       4
                                                of environmental loss (backed up by Sir David             eating/nutrition-facts/plant-based-vegetarian-
to information from the NZ Heart
                                                Attenborough’s latest programmes on the same              vegan-diets
Foundation4, and there's a lot more
                                                topic). According to the report, agriculture utilises   5
plant-based meal inspiration these days.                                                                  future-of-food.html
                                                about 70 percent of the world’s fresh water; soil

                                                                                                                                         Vol. 77 No.3 | 5

                                                    Food Nation is an innovative new entrant
                                                    whose Magic Minces, Happy Patties and
                                                                                                        The products include
                                                    Amaze Balls are not just plant based, they
Established in 2019, Food Nation is a NZ            are jam packed full of fresh ingredients and
                                                                                                        Magic Mince:
business founded with a clear mission of            delicious goodness you can actually see.
                                                                                                        •    Mexican Corn & Capsicum
getting more plants on more plates for the          Food Nation is food for all, delivered in
health of people and the planet.                    well known formats consumers recognise              •    Mushroom & Hemp

Plants take centre stage in all the products        and love. Easy to use and designed for
                                                    omnivores, carnivores, vegans, vegetarians          Happy Patties:
where the focus is on celebrating the taste,
texture and nutrition the fresh ingredients         and flexitarians to enjoy, the range is             •    Beetroot, Kumara & Kiwi Quinoa
provide. The range uses fresh mushrooms             creating quite a stir with their on-trend
                                                                                                        •    Cauliflower, Turmeric & Ginger
and chickpeas as a base and has no added            ingredients that will tempt even the most
                                                    avid meat lover to give them a spin on the          •    Broccoli, Pea & Hemp
soy, gluten or dairy.
                                                    BBQ this summer.
Made in New Zealand with love, Food Nation                                                              Amaze Balls:
has been celebrated globally as the Winner          They are unmissable in bold, engaging
                                                    packaging, that is livening up fridges              •    Beetroot, Kumara & Kiwi Quinoa
of the best meat alternative at the October
World Plant Based Awards and domestically           across New Zealand and enticing kiwis to
by FMCG Business who recently awarded               try a more plant-powered diet.
them The FMCG Product of the Year.                                                                

                                                             and a Hawke’s Bay Rosé) the perfect
                                                             wines for helping consumers make
                                                             ecologically ethical choices.
                                                             In addition to carbon minimising
                                                                                                                                 NEW VEGAN
                                                             initiatives, Round Theory has                                       CERTIFIED
                                                             partnered with Kiwi company                                          PRODUCT
Drink Sustainably This Summer                                CarbonClick to offset at least twice
With Round Theory Wines                                      the number of emissions produced
                                                             by each bottle of wine, ensuring the
The launch of Round Theory
                                                             product that reaches consumers is
– a new range of sustainably                                                                            vineyards. The vineyards also work
                                                             actually climate positive.
sourced, climate positive,                                                                              towards independently audited reduction
vegan-friendly New Zealand                                   Through CarbonClick, Round                 initiatives, to further reduce their
wines means that consumers                                   Theory financially supports local          environmental impact.
can now make a truly good                                    and international ecology projects
                                                                                                        The increasing number of consumers
choice in the wine aisle.                                    like conservation of the Arawera
                                                                                                        adopting veganism in order to reduce
                                                             native forest in Taranaki, Yarra
 “We set out to make wine that                                                                          their carbon footprint and contribute to
                                                             Yarra’s biodiversity corridor, a clean
didn’t just taste good, but did                                                                         the fight against climate change, can
                                                             energy wind power project in India
good as well. Every aspect of                                                                           enjoy Round Theory wines knowing they
                                                             and rainforest conservation and
Round Theory is consciously                                                                             are all certified animal friendly and vegan.
                                                             agroforestry in Panama.
crafted to have a positive impact on
                                                                                                        Round Theory’s deliciously tempting,
the planet; from the sustainably grown         Round Theory’s distinctive bottle has been designed
                                                                                                        environmentally friendly wines are
grapes we select, to our bottles which         and produced with a focus on environmental
                                                                                                        designed for modern, sustainable
are specifically designed to have a            stewardship. It uses 30 percent less glass than
                                                                                                        lifestyles. They are available from leading
lower carbon footprint and an initiative       regular wine bottles (and between 7-10 percent less
                                                                                                        bottleshops and supermarkets across
that offsets at least twice the emissions      than new lightweight bottles) and the glass used has
                                                                                                        New Zealand, with an RRP of $21.99.
we generate,” says Rowan Dean, Vice            improved recyclability. Its lighter weight and shorter
President of Commercial Development            profile produce shipping efficiencies which in turn      For more information about Round
at Constellation Brands.                       generate a smaller carbon footprint.                     Theory Wines, please visit www.
                                                                                               For more
This makes Round Theory’s four                 All grapes used in Round Theory’s wines are
                                                                                                        information about how Round Theory
varietals (a Marlborough Sauvignon             sustainably grown and sourced from Sustainable
                                                                                                        offset their emissions, please visit
Blanc, Pinot Gris and White Field Blend        Winegrowing New Zealand (SWNZ) Accredited



                           With the huge growth in demand for vegetarian          Plant-based protein delivers the essential protein we
                           foods, Let’s Eat has recently launched a range of      need for healthy growth and well-being. “Increasingly,
                           wheat and pea protein frozen foods, with each          consumers are looking for food that does not require
                           serve offering at least 10-13g of protein. The range   compromise. They are seeking to be adventurous whilst
                           includes crispy golden nuggets, delicious burger       still wanting convenience and tastiness – Let’s Eat delivers
                           patties and tasty tenders, all made right here in      on all of this”, says Matt Easton, GM Marketing & Sales for
                           New Zealand. All three products are approved           Let’s Eat. Let’s Eat is currently available in the freezer aisle
                           by the NZ Vegetarian Society, are GMO-free, as         through leading supermarkets, and other selected grocery
                           well as having no artificial colours, flavours or      retailers and food service outlets.
                           preservatives.                                         For more information, visit

Established in 2001, Christchurch’s           You can find Pasta
                                                                                                                                NEW VEGAN
Pasta Vera works alongside chefs              Vera’s products through                                                           CERTIFIED
to help develop their recipes. They           your local distributor,                                                            PRODUCT
now not only supply the country’s             supermarket, at their
top eateries with fresh pasta, pesto &        factory shop in Wigram,
lasagne but are also on a mission to          Christchurch, or directly
help Kiwis achieve restaurant-quality         on their website
pasta dishes at home. Its delicious and
high-quality range now extends to a
                                              Over lockdown, Pasta Vera was
new retail range, vegan options – and
                                              extremely popular as an online
even a celebrity collaboration.
                                              delivery option, with the business
Sourcing fresh, local, premium                often being asked for recipes.
ingredients it was Pasta Vera’s               This ignited a collaboration with
aspiration to bring quality products          much-loved local celebrity chef,
to the forefront, meeting dietary             Jax Hamilton, to create high-quality
requirements that everyone can enjoy          gourmet dishes that anyone can
for all occasions.                            make in under 10 minutes. These
                                              recipes feature their vegan certified
Pasta Vera is proud to announce that
                                              Basil Pesto, for example: Vegan
their Vegan Basil Pesto is now vegan
                                              Hemp & Spinach Tagliatelle with
certified. The product uses fresh NZ
                                              Pesto, Chilli & Pumpkin. The mouth-
grown basil, adding a vibrancy in colour
                                              watering recipes can be found on
and flavour to the pesto as well as
                                              their website
pumpkin kernels to keep the product
nut free.

Keep up with the latest from Pasta Vera online at:           @pasta_vera_nz   

                                                                                                                                   Vol. 77 No.3 | 7
                                                                        Anna Valentine has generously shared some more of her
                                                                        delicious recipes with us – some warmer dishes perfect
                                                                        for Autumn. See Anna’s website
                                                                        for information about classes and more recipes.

                                             TWO PEA SOUP
                             MA ES
                                             This is a variation on pea and ham soup. It’s    1 tsp vegetable bouillon stock powder

          VEGAN &            4-6             a real winter warmer, thick and nourishing.
                                             The minted yoghurt to finish gives it a bit of
                                                                                              1 cup (200g) fresh or frozen peas
         GLUTEN-F            SE
                                  RVES       freshness and complements the pea.               8. Bring back to the boil, then take off the heat
                                                                                                 to cool slightly. Blend until smooth. Add a
                                             1. The green split peas need a good soaking         little boiling water if it has become too thick.
                                                to cut down some of the cooking time, so      9. Add:
                                                get these soaking in the morning for the
                                                                                              1 tsp salt
                                                evening meal.
                                                                                              1 tsp cracked pepper
                                             2. Soak for at least 2 hours:
                                                                                              10. Stir well and serve with minted yoghurt and
                                             1 cup green split peas
                                                                                                  a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil in each bowl.
                                             1.4 Litres water
                                             3. Gather your ingredients and prepare the       MINTED YOGHURT
                                                following vegetables:
                                                                                              You can do this in a mortar and pestle or in a
                                             1 onion, chopped
                                                                                              mini food processor.
                                             2 cloves garlic, chopped
                                             1 potato, scrubbed and diced                     1. For the food processor, just throw all the
                                                                                                 ingredients in and whizz them together.
                                             1 plant-based sausage, sliced
                                                                                              2. If using a mortar and pestle, add the
                                             1 stick celery, chopped
                                                                                                 following to the mortar bowl:
                                             4. In a large soup pot melt:
                                                                                              1 clove garlic, peeled
                                             5. ¼ cup extra virgin olive oil
                                                                                              4 sprigs fresh mint
                                             6. Add your prepared vegetables to the pot       ½ tsp rock salt
                                                and fry for 30 seconds, then add the split
                                                peas and the water they were soaked           3. Crush together, then add:
                                                in. Cover with a lid and bring to the boil;   juice of 1 lemon
                                                then simmer until the split peas are soft     4 Tbsp thick yoghurt, coconut or dairy
                                                and you can squash them between your
                                                                                              a couple of cracks of pepper
                                                                                              4. Stir through and serve.
                                             7.   Add:

                                                                                                                                                                        ISSN 1176-9335
                                                                                                                        AUTUMN 2019   VOL. 75, NO.3

   Starter Kit
    $45 $30.00                                                                                                          AN INTERVIEW WITH
                                                                                                                        SARA KIDD

                                                                                                                        IN DEBT TO
                                                                                                                                                                       RRP $7.90
                                                                                                                        AROUND & ABOUT

    A PERFECT GIFT FOR VEGETARIANS AND                                                                                  RECIPES
                                                                                                                        BY ANNA VALENTINE

    The pack includes:
    • Home Tried Favourites Recipe book – over 80 easy-to-make
      100% plant-based recipes.
    • Vegetarian Living, NZ magazine
    • Going Vegetarian Booklet – Everything you need to know
      about how to go and stay vegetarian/vegan.
    • Plant-based Nutrition Chart – a must-have in every
      vegetarian/vegan household                                                                                             GOING
    • ‘Vegetarianism doesn’t cost the earth’ Eco Shopping Bag
                                                                                                                             THE ULTIMATE GUIDE TO A PLANT BASED LIFESTYLE

Tagines are beautiful to cook         150g olives, pitted
with and to look at, but you          1 large fennel bulb, sliced into
can use any ovenproof dish            sixths
with a lid if you don’t have one.
Warming the dish up in the oven
is essential for cooking time. To     2 sticks celery, quartered
make this meal gluten-free, use       6 baby carrots
quinoa in place of couscous, but                                                                                                            VEGAN &
                                      OR                                                                                                            REE
you’ll need to cook the quinoa                                                                                                             GLUTEN-F
                                      1 capsicum, cored, deseeded and                                                                          MA ES
first instead of just leaving it to
steam. Omit eggs for a vegan
option, There are still chickpeas     3. Next, toast the following seeds
                                         together then smash them up a                                                                         SE
and almonds in there for protein.                                                                                                                   RVES
                                         little in a mortar and pestle or a
1. Heat the oven to 180°C with           spice grinder.
   the tagine or ovenproof dish       4. Add the toasted seeds to a              7. Now add:                                  ½ tsp salt
   inside.                               spice grinder or mortar and             2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil                cracked black pepper
2. Gather your ingredients.              pestle to grind up.
                                                                                 1½ cup boiling water                         10. Stir through. Carefully
   Prepare the following:             5. Bring the tagine from the                                                                crack onto the top:
                                                                                 8. Cover the bowl and leave to
1 red onion, sliced into wedges          oven and add 2 Tbsp olive oil
                                                                                    steam for at least 10 minutes.            4-6 eggs (omit for vegan
                                         along with all of the prepared
1 x 400g can chopped                                                                Fluff with a fork then add:               option)
                                         ingredients and ground spices
tomatoes, plus 1 can water               put the lid on and bake for one         ½ cup ground almonds or hemp                 11. Leave the eggs where
1 x 400g can chickpeas, drained          hour.                                   hearts                                           you placed them and
6 small flat mushrooms                6. Meanwhile, make the couscous.           2 Tbsp sesame seeds, toasted                     cook for five more
                                         You can make this in the same                                                            minutes with the lid on.
2 cloves garlic, crushed                                                         ½ tsp salt                                       Remove from the oven
                                         bowl you serve it in. Measure
1 lemon, sliced into thin rounds,        into the bowl:                          a few cracks of black pepper                     and top with:
pips removed or 1 preserved                                                                                                   1 tsp sumac
                                      1 cup couscous, wholemeal or               9. Mix these through well. Now
lemon skin, sliced
                                      regular                                       back to the tagine - after an             3 Tbsp fresh fennel flowers
6 dried apricots, figs or fresh                                                     hour, season with:
                                      pinch of saffron (optional)                                                             2 Tbsp extra virgin olive oil
figs halved

RICE CRACKLES                                       ½ cup butter
                                                                                                                      MA ES
                                                    OR ½ cup coconut oil + a pinch of salt
Not just a party treat, these yummy rice                                                                                            VEGAN &
crackles are fantastic for lunch boxes. With        1/3 cup honey, brown rice or golden syrup                         24           GLUTEN-F
the added nutritious goodies of chia, sesame        ½ cup unrefined cane sugar                                         BARS
seeds, amaranth, quinoa and/or millet they
                                                    4. On a medium high heat melt together while
are sure to please adults and children alike.
                                                       stirring gently, then bring to a steady boil for
1. Line a 30 x 20 cm slice tin.                        three minutes.
2. Gather your ingredients and measure the          5. Working quickly, pour the bubbling mix into the
   following into a large bowl:                        bowl with the puffs and mix well. Scrape into
                                                       the lined tin and press down flat as you can
3 cup rice puffs
                                                       with the back of a spatula. To get it really flat I
1 cup millet, amaranth or quinoa puffs                 like to then go over it with one of the kid’s mini
¼ cup chia seeds and sesame seeds                      rolling pins.

¾ cup desiccated coconut                            6. Leave to cool in the tin, then cut into bars
                                                       before it’s totally cold. Store in a baking tin or
3. Set aside. Measure the following                    an airtight container.
   ingredients into a pot:

THE VEGGIE TREE - Autumn & Winter Schedule:

1. Natural Self-Care Workshop - Sunday 7th             5. Greek Cooking Class and Meal - Sunday              10. Eat a Rainbow Kids Class Cauliflower
   March 2-5pm                                              30th May 1-5pm                                       Macaroni Cheese - Thursday 22nd July
2. Preserving, Fermenting & Homemade Vinegar           6. Sprouts Workshop - Sunday 6th June                     11-1pm
   Workshop - Sunday 18th April 2-5pm                       3-5pm                                            11. Specialty Cakes and Decorating
3. Eat a Rainbow Kids Class Blueberry Hotcakes         7. Pot Sticker Dumplings from Scratch -                   Workshop - Sunday 1st August 2-5pm
   - Thursday 29th April 11-1pm                             Sunday 27th June 3 - 5pm                         12. Master Pasta - Sunday 8th August
4. Winter Weeds & Sea Weeds Workshop -                 8. Sushi Skills - Sunday 4th July 3-5pm                   3-5pm
   Sunday 16th May 2-5pm                               9. Indian Thali Cooking Class and Meal -              13. Sourdough and Easy Cheese Workshop
                                                            Sunday 11th July 1-5pm                                - Sunday 29th August 3-5pm

                                                                                                                                             Vol. 77 No.3 | 9
Krishna & Manika - Hyderabad wedding
Pre-Covid-19 one of our valuable committee members               The day of the wedding is a long one with many traditional rituals and
Krishna, and his fiancée Manika, were making wedding             ceremonies being performed, leading up to the actual exchange of
plans in accordance with Hindu tradition. With a choice of 3     vows.
available dates they toyed with a July date but settled on 26    These include: Maṅgaḷa Snānaṃ purifying bath; Haldi turmeric
February 2020, proposing to return to New Zealand at the         ceremony; Aarti or Hārati application of oil; Snātakaṃ ritual; Prayers
end of March. However, the coronavirus threat resulted in        to the Goddess Gauri; Kanyādānaṃ; Paṇigrahaṇa promise to
them changing their plans, and by good fortune they arrived      live together and not part ways; Jīlakarra-Bellamu ritual signifying
back in NZ on 9th March, two weeks before the March 2020         unbreakable bond between bride and groom; Madhuparka change of
lockdown.                                                        clothes; Sumangaḷi rice and lamp symbolising abundance and light
Normally, wedding preparations start a few months before         ritual; Maṅgaḷasūtra Dhāraṇa partition between bride and groom is
the actual wedding date, but as it turned out, they ended up     removed; Akshitalu exchange of garlands of flowers; Saptapadi Bride
with 12 days to organise everything, which they managed to       and groom take oath of lifelong commitments; Sthālīpākaṃ ring ritual;
do with the help of relatives. Typically a wedding function is   Arundhati Nakshatram star ritual and finally Gr̥ uhapravēśam where
held at the bride’s home town (in this case North India), but    the bride formally leaves for her new home where she is welcomed
for a number of reasons they decided to hold it in Krishna’s     by the groom’s mother and close relatives. It was midnight by the time
South Indian home city of Hyderabad. Because there was a         they left the wedding venue.
huge language barrier between the two families this meant        The following day they had more prayers and rituals: Satyanārāyaṇa
both Krishna and Manika had to be involved with all the          (“The highest being who is an embodiment of Truth”) ; Vratam
wedding preparations.                                            (fasting); pooja (prayers for blessed married life), attended by their
As is traditional, a henna/mehendi ceremony was held             families and relatives. There were several other rituals and prayers
on the eve of the marriage ceremony with a professional          performed as well, as they broke their fast and had lunch with their
mehndi artist applying mehndi to the bride’s hands and feet.     family.
Mehendi/henna represents the bond of matrimony and is            About 100 guests attended the wedding and, of course, only
considered a shagun or sign of good luck signifying the love     vegetarian food was served with around seven dishes for dinner, 2 to 3
and affection between the couple and their families.             dishes in starters, and ending with dessert.


Many people worry that their diet will no         have different properties. The most common       A 2017 review of literature in the Journal of
longer be as tasty or as interesting when         immune booster is the Reishi mushroom,           the Royal Society of Medicine suggests that
switching to vegetarianism, but there are         also known as the Mushroom of Immortality.       a boost in Vitamin C reduces the incidence
numerous foods which are full of flavour to       It contains polysaccharides, which balance       of common cold6 in those with acute stress.
broaden your vegetarian options. Evidence         the immune system and blood sugar levels.        It also shows that pneumonia incidences
also suggests that vegetarianism could help       A 2013 study published in the Journal            were lower in males who consumed an
boost the immune system2, provided that           of Medicinal Mushrooms shows that the            adequate amount of Vitamin C, particularly
diet choices are healthy and nutritionally        polysaccharides found in these mushrooms         when combined with Vitamin E. Add some
balanced. It is thought that this is due to the   contribute to cancer cell death. Lion’s Mane     citrus fruits to your breakfast meal, or have
abundance of fruit and vegetables in the diet     mushrooms support brain health, while            as a snack throughout the day to add some
- but precisely which foods should you be         Chaga mushrooms support the body’s               sweetness to your diet.
eating more of to avoid disease?                  stress response. Add powdered medicinal
                                                  mushrooms to teas, or cook up a tasty            HEALTHY ALMONDS
LEAFY GREENS                                      risotto for dinner.
                                                                                                   Almonds are a versatile,
Leafy greens are a                                                                                 tasty nut that can be
staple ingredient                                 SWEET POTATOES                                   added to just about
in many meals,                                    A great source of                                any meal, including
but you can                                       starch, potatoes are                             nut roasts, puddings
make things more                                  a versatile food that                            and cereals. They
interesting by including                          can be used in a                                 contain healthy fats,
more flavoursome greens like peppery              range of recipes.                                magnesium, Vitamin E
spinach or rocket, earthy kale and sweet          Sweet potatoes are                               and fibre, which all have benefits to blood
cabbage. Inflammation is the immune               full of flavour and are                          sugar levels, blood pressure levels and
system’s response to harmful substances           riche immune system.                             cholesterol. Almond skins are also beneficial
or stimuli. Excessive inflammation is linked      Vitamin A has various functions, including       to the immune system, as they stimulate
to heart disease3 and type 2 diabetes.            promoting growth and development, and            the production of white blood cells which
Highly processed foods can contribute to          maintaining vision. It also plays a regulatory   fight infection and disease. A study from the
an inflammatory response: for example,            role in the immune response. Deficiency of       Institute of Food Research found that the
white bread, soft drinks and deep fried           Vitamin A has been shown to cause a defect       skin of almonds contains chemicals which
foods. However, a vegetarian diet has             in the T cell and antibody responses5 to         improve the ability of white blood cells to
been shown to prevent inflammation due            disease. These cells play a role in fighting     detect viruses, and also can help the cells
to the abundance of antioxidants in the           infections such as viruses. The vitamin          prevent viruses replicating.
foods commonly eaten. A 2015 study from           is also essential for the development of
                                                                                                   Remember to include some rich sources
Advances in Nutrition showed that people          cells called Macrophages, which produce
                                                                                                   of iron and B12 in your diet to promote the
who had a higher intake of dark green leafy       chemicals inducing the inflammatory
                                                                                                   production of red blood cells and prevent
vegetables and grains had lower levels of         response to infection. For a healthy immune
                                                                                                   anaemia. Supplements can help boost
c-reactive protein, a protein associated          system, add some sweet potato fries or a
                                                                                                   the immune system, but should not be
with increased inflammation. Additionally,        baked potato to your main veggie meal as a
                                                                                                   a substitute for a healthy, balanced diet.
consumption of green vegetables like              delicious side.
                                                                                                   If you’re looking to expand your culinary
cauliflower and broccoli has been shown to
                                                                                                   horizons, cooking with immune health in
stimulate certain immune cells called IELs4,      CITRUS FRUITS                                    mind is a great place to start.
which enables an optimal immune response.
                                                  Eating some juicy                                Article researched and contributed by
                                                  fruits can help you                              Briana B
MEDICINAL MUSHROOMS                               avoid reaching for
Mushrooms are                                     processed foods
                                                                                                   1   Better Futures report released February 2019
abundantly used in                                such as snack bars                                   (
Eastern medicine,                                 and chocolate. Mostly                                one-in-ten-new-zealanders-mostly-or-
and have many                                     sweet but also bitter, citrus fruits will make
                                                                                                   2   Evening Report NZ 07.03.2019 (https://
beneficial                                        your vegetarian diet more versatile. They  
properties. They                                  contain a source of sugar, so should also            vegetables-studies-show-plant-based-diets-are-
are richly flavoured                              help hamper cravings. Oranges are the most
and easy to prepare for                           common source of Vitamin C, but fruits               news/blogs/food-and-inflammation
those who are looking to                          like lemons, limes and grapefruit are also       4
add something new to their diet. Mushrooms        great sources. The vitamin is essential in           boosters/
are also rich in nutrients which help boost       the first immune response, and supports          5   J Clin Med. 2018 Sep; 7(9): 258 (https://www.
the immune system and fight disease such          the epithelial cell barrier function of the
                                                                                                   6   J R Soc Med. 2007 Nov; 100(11): 495–498
as cancer, heart disease and viruses such         skin. It also enhances the performance of            (
as influenza. Different kinds of mushroom         key immune cells. Vitamin C also prevents            PMC2099400/)
                                                  respiratory infections such as pneumonia.

                                                                                                                                    Vol. 77 No.3 | 11
second. Adorned with beautiful hanging            Feriza has created her own signature vegan
                                                baskets, and with the delicious smells from       dish ‘Feriza Eggplant’, grilled eggplant
                                                the kitchen, you could easily believe that you    served with capsicum, mushrooms, onion
                                                are in the Mediterranean. Feriza has always       and tomatoes and served with rice and
                                                had a focus on vegetarian and vegan food,         coconut yoghurt. Other favourites are
                                                and while they do serve meat, they find that      the Ottoman Pilaf, and my favourite, the
                                                more and more people are asking                       vegetarian Dolma, capsicums roasted to
                                                for the vegetarian and vegan                                an amazing softness and stuffed
                                                dishes they have on offer.                                      with Turkish rice, spices,
                                                Indeed, they even have                                            pinenuts and currants
                                                a completely separate                                               and served on yoghurt,
                                                menu for vegans which                                                (see photo). They offer
                                                often gets requested.                                                 a vegan mezze platter,
                                                                                                                      the traditional felafel
                                                Meral has been a
                                                                                                                      are delicious, and
                                                vegan for 7 years,
                                                                                                                     there are salads and
CONSTANTINOPLE                                  having grown up as
                                                                                                                    flavoursome vegan dips like
                                                mainly vegetarian in
RESTAURANT REVIEW                               Turkey and never needing
                                                                                                                   babaganaoush and hummus.
                                                a doctor, she attributes this                                  Feriza and Meral can see a
                                                to her now completely vegan                                growing interest in the vegetarian
Since its doors opened in August 2019,          diet. Frustrated that she could not                  and vegan food and sweets, with people
Constantinople, a wonderful Turkish             find vegan alternatives for Turkish favourites,   coming back just to buy the baklava and
restaurant situated just behind Albany          she decided to try making her own. The            Turkish Delight, as it’s not found elsewhere.
Village, has become a local favourite. Run      cabinet at Constantinople now features
                                                                                                  Constantinople is open 7 days, has a
by Feriza and her husband, and Meral in the     vegan baklava, chocolate and lemon cakes,
                                                                                                  lunch and dinner menu, and is growing in
kitchen, they serve authentic, delicious home   and vegan Turkish Delight made with
                                                                                                  popularity so it’s wise to book.
cooked food that never fails to delight.        natural fruit juices, offering a wide variety
                                                of flavours from the traditional rose, to         Constantinople Café and Restaurant
Feriza has been a chef for 14 years, since
                                                lemon, chocolate, black grape and orange.         7/28 The Avenue, Albany, Auckland
arriving in New Zealand from Northern
                                                There are no chemicals, artificial flavours       09 414 7424
Turkey. Having previously owned and run her
original restaurant in the City, she decided    or enhancers at Constantinople, all food is
to move to the space of Albany to open a        natural and cooked fresh.


                                                           For the Love of Animals

I have been a vegetarian for over 10            a favourite. The socks are made from               In the up and coming days, weeks,
years. From a young child, I chose on           organic cotton and packed in an eco-               months, years, I will be introducing
and off to be vegetarian but as I grew up       friendly recyclable box.                           more socks, sizes, colours, designs
I realized it was the right thing to do.        To celebrate the start of my tiny business,        and ideas. I hope many people will
I decided to make a sock brand as               you can use the promo code “NZVEG” to              enjoy my new socks/design ideas.
socks can be fun and a useful daily             receive a 20% discount on your first order.        VOCKSOCKS and the elephant logo
item. The elephant logo I designed as           Plus, for every sale made in NZ, I will be         symbolizes love for animals and the
I am fascinated by elephants. I love all        donating $1 to the NZ Vegetarian Society           earth as we try our best to do what we
animals, but surely most of us have             to support our community.                          can to make a difference.


We visited the vegan Kaiaroha Deli and            the south side of the building, with the white      brine in the middle. It would work better to
Eatery in December 2020 for an end-of-year        décor softened by indoor plants climbing right      slice it through and only use one half.
lunch. It is a 100% plant-based Eco-Eatery        up the two-stories-high walls.
                                                                                                      We finished off our lunch sharing a plate
in Parnell's 6 Greenstar building, ‘The Rise’,
                                                  Five of us decided to try different menu items      of delicious vegan fudge, vowing to return
specialising in aged artisan vegan nut
                                                  so we could taste and compare some of the           and try the rest of the menu next time.
cheeses and delicatessen products.
                                                  options on offer. We enjoyed the veganised
                                                                                                      - JEANETTE B
There is an extensive offering of vegan           meals such as the Field Mushroom Omellete,
options in the cabinet, including deli cheeses    Reuben Grilled Cheese Sandwich, Louisiana           Kaiaroha Vegan Deli and Eatery
and ‘meats’ which you can eat on site or          Chickun Burger and the Peace Burger with a
take home, and also an a la carte menu            mushroom pattie. However, the Fush Burger           100 Parnell Rd The Rise, Garfield street
which changes seasonally, offering fresh          with a banana blossom was not so successful.        entrance, Parnell, Auckland 105
ingredients and innovative vegan food. The        Using the whole ‘blossom’ meant it didn’t           Hours: Monday to Friday 7am – 5.30pm;
space is bright and airy, even though it’s on     cook through completely and still tasted of the     Saturday 7am – 4pm; Sunday 10am – 4pm

A story in the Timaru Herald in November last           About 80 percent of the menu is             Hours: Tuesday to Saturday
year reported the opening of The Four Leaf              vegan, the rest vegetarian, and             Lunch 12pm~2pm. Takeaway or dine-in.
Clover Vegetarian Restaurant which has it               there are gluten-free options and           Dinner 5pm~8.30pm. Takeaway or dine-in.
origins in The Vegetarian Grocery Store at 41           Danny Goh said they make sure
                                                                                                    Restaurant Buffet:
Stafford Street, Timaru.                                the ingredients in the recipes are
                                                                                                    Friday night, Saturday Lunch & Dinner
                                                        available in Timaru to show what’s
Danny Goh, a vegetarian for 25 years who moved
                                                        around. There are also frozen and dry       Reservation: 022 078 6881
to Timaru from Singapore in 1999, is the restaurant
                                                        ingredients available to purchase from      Email:
manager and said that the four families behind the
                                                        the front of the restaurant, to help
venture had been arranging cooking lessons since
                                                        people cook at home.
2001 and wanted to showcase recipes from round
the world.

Our friends wanted to take us out to
dinner during our recent visit to beautiful
Christchurch. We were delighted with their
thoughtful choice, a menu suitable for our
vegetarian dietary requirements and their
own different requirements.
Dux is located in a magnificent restored Villa
with a variety of eating spaces catering for
both small and large groups. We loved the
menu choices and mocktails that were on
offer. The service was of a high standard and
we rate it ten out of ten. Take the opportunity                                     Dux Dine (Seafood & plant-based Restaurant)
to dine there when you can.
                                                                                    28 Riccarton Road, Riccarton, Christchurch 8014
- JUDITH H                                                                          Open 7 days, 9am to late

                                                                                                                                 Vol. 77 No.3 | 13

EVENTS                                                  in your                                                CONTACT US & WE’LL HELP
                                                                                                               YOU GET ONE ORGANISED
                                                        area                                                                          .

                  Details of events and activities are                   Regular vegan potlucks which are

                  also included in the E-Newsletter                      also alcohol-free occasions. Open

                                                                                                                             Events are being planned.
                  emailed out each month to                              for all vegans, vegetarians and                     Contact Chris on chrisbrady71@
                  members and Friends of the                             those who want to learn about              to get involved
                  NZVS – contact info@vegetarian.                        this way of living. Want to know                    and to find out where to meet
         if you’d like to be added to                    when and what to bring? Contact                     everyone.
                  the email list.                                        Loretta: 0212361859 lorettainnz@
                  Active for Animals! A fun,                   
                  supportive club where veg kids
                  can feel normal and meet like

                  minded friends; enjoy games,                           Contact Steph Thompson at                           The Vegetarian Grocery Store has
                  visits from interesting speakers,                      0211677011 or stephanie.                            now been converted into the Four
                  cooking and eating! Open to

                                                                for details                      Leaf Clover Vegetarian Restaurant
                  all 8 to 13 year olds, $7 per

                                                                         of happenings in Motueka.                           at 41 Stafford Street, Timaru.
                  session for non-members, $5 for                                                                            Opened on 15 November with a
                  members.                                                                                                   fund raising buffet for the SPCA,

                                                                         Contact Donna on email                              contact them to find out more
                  Hey kids! Why not join us and
                                                                or                               information about vegetarian food
                  hang out with kids who are all
                                                                         phone 027 588 7756 for more                         and try some of their delicious
                  veg? You could also bring along a
                                                                         information                                         dishes.
                  wanna-be-veg friend, so they can
                  get a taste of veg life with us. Ask

                  your parents to give us a ring on                      Monthly veggie get togethers –
                  523 4686 and enrol you.                                contact Jace on 021 051 1666 if
                                                                                                                             Members of this group meet
                  Meeting dates: Every 1st                               you want to join in.
                                                                                                                             monthly to chat and share

                  Tuesday of the month, February
                                                                                                                             delicious veg~n food and
                  to November.
                                                                                                                             occasionally watch a movie.

                  Check the website for more                             Calling New Plymouth/Taranaki                       Are you interested in a lifestyle
                  details.                        vegetarians and vegans – let’s                      change to veg~!nism and would

                  events/youth-group-a4a                                 get together to share a meal and                    like support? Contact Eleanor.
                                                                         socialise! Contact Katrina 021 749         or 027
                                                                         552 or Tessa 021 057 4011                           3288518

                  Contact christchurch@                                  For events and local news,

         for more                             please check the Palmerston
                  details about what’s happening so                      North Vegans and Vegetarians


                  you can join in.                                       Facebook group: www.facebook.                       For information about pot luck
                                                                         com/groups/palmyveg.ns/                             dinners in Waiuku, contact Tara:
                                                                         Alternatively, email Helen:               
                                                                or ph 06
                                                                         358 9470, or text 021 065 0754
                  Interested in vegan food? For

                  information on pot luck dinners
                  and other activities etc, check the
                  Dunedin/Otepoti Vegan Society
                  website http://dovesnz.weebly.

                  Contact Donna on email

         or phone
                  027 588 7756 for information
                  about activities, or join the
                  Facebook group Hawkes Bay
                                                                        OVER 100 DISHES ON THE MENU                                    Phone orders
                                                                        (85% vegan)                                                   or reservations
                                                                                                                                        03 348 2630
                                                                        OPEN MONDAY TO SATURDAY

                                                                        12noon to 8pm                                                2 Wharenui Rd,
                                                                                                                                  (off Riccarton Rd)
                  Details of activities available at:                   Open Sunday by prior arrangement.

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