Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022 - The Stour ...

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Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022 - The Stour ...
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022 - The Stour ...
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022 - The Stour ...
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

                           AUTUMN 1                  AUTUMN 2                     SPRING 1                  SPRING 2                  SUMMER 1                  SUMMER 2
GENERAL THEMES            MY FAMILY AND ME        GROWING FOOD                       WINTER                 SUNSHINE AND          NATURE DETECTIVES          UNDER THE SEA
 These themes may          (Understanding the       (Farming in the local         WONDERLAND                   RAINBOWS            (Exploring local nature      (Exploring the local
    be adapted at           school community)            community)              (Comparing their           (Comparing their         areas and wildlife)              beach)
                        Vision: Children can      Vision: Children make       experiences and what       experiences and what     Vision: children           Vision: Children will
various points, with
                        talk about their          sense of their physical     has been read in class     has been read in class   continue to make sense     continue to understand
mini topics, to allow   families and              world through the             to the wider world)        to the wider world)    of their physical world    the world around them
    for children’s      understand that others    changing of seasons.       Vision: Children make      Vision: children          through the changing       and know that
  interests to flow     may be different to       They understand where      sense of their physical    continue to make sense    of seasons. Understand     different things need
     through the        theirs. Children          food comes from and        world through the          of their physical         how that all creatures     different things to be
      provision.        respect that              how important farming      changing seasons.          world through the         should be treated with     happy. They will show
                        others are different.     is. Children will          Children will              changing of seasons.      respect (mini              compassion to sea
                        Content: Children will    understand what kind       understand that people     Thinking about rain and   beasts). They can work     creatures by looking
                        describe their            behaviour is through       and animals that live in   the weather that make     to make                    after them and make
                        immediate environment     stories (Red Hen).         cold places have           them feel                 a minibeast happy by       homes for them in the
                        through looking at        Content: Building on       different ways of living   happy. Children will      making them a home –       classroom – fish
                        their school community.   their knowledge of         to themselves.             explore happy             caring for others.         tank etc
                        Where is their school?    their local environment    Content: They will         colours and know that     Content: Enjoying the      Content: children will
                        what is their school      children gain a sense of   experience and explore     children like             outside area, school       visit the beach and
                        like? Children navigate   the world Through,         the effect of cold         different colours.        garden/forest school,      observe the creatures
                        their indoor and          their visit to the farm    weather in their           Content: Growing          local environments such    that live on the shore.
                        outdoor school            and stories/songs /non-    environment. Then          different plants and      as woods and nature        They will explore sea
                        environment and           fiction books they will    drawing on knowledge       looking after them by     reserves depending on      creatures through
                        observe and discuss       experience the role of     from stories, non-         watering                  locality of the school.    looking after them in
                        key features.             a farmer. Children         fiction texts and their    regularly. They can       Then drawing on            the classroom and
                        providing experiences     enjoy being outside,       experiences, they will     explore the weather       knowledge from             continue to build on
                        such as planting          looking after their        be gaining an              and make sunny/rainy      stories, non-fiction       kindness and
                        produce to harvest        growing produce,           understanding of other     boxes and explore         texts and their            compassion through
                        next term and engaging    exploring the changing     places that have           their senses within       experiences children       stories – the rainbow
                        in seasonal activities    seasons                    extremely cold weather     these. Then drawing on    respond creatively.        fish.
                        outside. Learning                                    conditions.                knowledge from
                        about different                                                                 stories, non-fiction
                        cultures and families                                                           texts
                        through visitors, food,
                        songs, stories and
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

   BUILDING             - Planting produce to      - Jump in Autumn          - Build a snowman         - Splashing in puddles-   - Mini beast hunt           - Paddle in the sea
   CULTURAL             harvest                    leaves                    -Sledging                 - visit to local          -Pond dipping               - Build a sandcastle
    CAPITAL             - celebrating different    -Bake bread               - Making bird feeders     allotments and farm       -Create a mini garden       -Rock pooling
                        language and cultures in   -Climb a tree             - Making dark dens        shop                      -Observe frog spawn         - Pebble art
                        the early year’s classes   -Eat home grown fruit     - awe and wonder of       - Making rainbows         -Watching caterpillars      -trip to the beach
                        - Visit from a local       and vegetables            the Moon and darkness     - Growing plants          -Make a wormery             - visit from local
                        dentist                    - Feed the ducks          - Awe and wonder of       -Visit from local         - Make a Bug Hotel          lifeguard
                        -Harvest                   - trip to a local farm    snow and ice              fireman                   - Visit the local woods
                                                   - Baby farm animals       - Visit from local        -Easter                   - trip to Kent Wildlife
                                                   - Farmer /Tractor visit   police/paramedic                                    Trust
                                                   -Christmas, Diwali,       -Chinese New Year                                   - visit from local Vet --
                                                   Hanukah, Bonfire                                                              - Eid-al-Fitr
                                                   Night, Remembrance
Texts to enhance        Super Duper You            Little Red Hen            The Great Explorer        Jack and the Beanstalk    The Hungry Caterpillar      Rainbow Fish
experiences and         The Colour Monster         The Enormous Turnip       Polar Bear, Polar Bear    Ten Seeds                 The Very Busy Spider        Billy’s Bucket
   knowledge            goes to school             Pig in the Pond           what do you hear?         Jasper’s Beanstalk        Tad                         Hooray for Fish
                        Titch                      The Tiny Seed             Snowballs                 Elmer and the Rainbow     Pattern Bugs                A Hole in the bottom
                        We are going to the        Oliver’s Vegetables       Secrets of Winter – a     Little Cloud              Aaaarrgghh, Spider          of the Sea
                        Dentist                    A Farmer’s life for me    shine a light book
                                                                             Go to sleep Little Bear

Pie Corbett Spine       On the Way Home            Rosie’s Walk              Goodnight Moon            Handa’s Surprise          Gruffalo                    Mr Gumpy’s Outing
      Texts             SHHH!                      Farmer Duck               Whatever Next             Six Dinner Sid            Owl Babies                  Mrs Armitage on

      Poetry            My Many Coloured Days      Out and About             Zim ,Zam Zoom!            Walking with my Iguana    A First Book of Nature      Seaside Poems
 A Treasury of Songs    We’re Going on a bear      Wriggle and Roar          Mad about Dinosaurs       Walking through the       Mad about Minibeasts        Sharing a Shell
 and My Little Puffin   Hunt                                                                           Jungle                                                Commotion in the
  ) used every day                                                                                                                                           Ocean

                        The Same but               Kindness Makes me         One Day on our Blue       The Lion Inside           Fair shares                 The Perfect fit
Texts to further        Different Too              stronger                  Planet                    Rain before Rainbows      Omar the Bees and Me        Only One You
                        Shu Lin’s Grandpa          Amazing                   And Tango Makes It        Augustus and his smile    Pip and Posy the            Abdi’s Day
 social justice
                        Our Class Is A Family      Baby Goes to Market       Three                     How do you make a         Friendly Snail              What the Ladybird
                        Too                        Astro Girl                Penguin Small             Rainbow?                                              Heard at the Seaside
                        What I Like About Me!
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

PRIME AREAS                      AUTUMN 1                  AUTUMN 2                     SPRING 1                     SPRING 2                     SUMMER 1                    SUMMER 2
COMMUNICATION                The development of children’s spoken language underpins all seven areas of learning and development. Children’s back-and-forth interactions from an early
 AND LANGUAGE                age form the foundations for language and cognitive development. The number and quality of the conversations they have with adults and peers throughout
Talk to parents about what   the day in a language-rich environment is crucial. By commenting on what children are interested in or doing, and echoing back what they say with new
  language they speak at     vocabulary added, practitioners will build children's language effectively. C&L is developed throughout the year through high quality interactions during
 home, try and learn a few   Child Initiated Time, daily group discussions, PSHE times, stories/poems, singing, role play and story -telling with Pie Corbett T4W. Reading and sharing
 key words and celebrate     stories across the day builds important knowledge and extends children’s familiarity with words so that their vocabulary is enriched and widened. Subject
                             specific vocabulary is planned for and taught explicitly across all areas of learning.
Talk for Writing Texts       Goldilocks and the          The Enormous Turnip        The Gingerbread Man          The Three Little Pigs     Little Red Riding Hood   The Three Billy Goats
                             Three Bears                                                                                                                            Gruff
    PERSONAL,                Children’s personal, social and emotional development (PSED) is crucial for children to lead healthy and happy lives, and is fundamental to their cognitive
     SOCIAL,                 development. Underpinning their personal development are the important attachments that shape their social world. Strong, warm and supportive
    EMOTIONAL                relationships with adults enable children to learn how to understand their own feelings and those of others. Children should be supported to manage
                             emotions, develop a positive sense of self, set themselves simple goals, have confidence in their own abilities, to persist and wait for what they want
                             and direct attention as necessary. Through adult modelling and guidance, they will learn how to look after their bodies, including healthy eating, and
                             manage personal needs independently. Through supported interaction with other children, they learn how to make good friendships, co-operate and resolve
                             conflicts peaceably. These attributes will provide a secure platform from which children can achieve at school and in later life.

  Self – Regulation              New Beginnings         Getting on and falling         Going for Goals               Relationships                Good to be me                   Change
                               -Getting to know each             out                       -Resilience           -Understanding difficult          -Calming down           - Transition and change
          SEAL                          other                  -Co-operation             -Perseverance              feelings – jealous,            -Feeling proud                 over time
           BLP                  -Feeling welcome and     -Friendship and working    -Dealing with frustration     fair/unfair, loneliness      -Standing up for myself    - Welcome and unwelcome
      School Values               welcoming others               together               -making choices         -Dealing with hurt feelings     -Controlling my anger              changes
Learning Hero- Winnie the         -Forming a class         - Understanding and            -taking risks          -People who are important    -Agreeing and disagreeing        -Being resilient
          Pooh                        community              managing feelings      -Overcoming obstacles to       -Loss and bereavement          -Feeling excited        - Understanding individual
   6 Nurture Principles           -Self awareness        -Conflict resolution and            succeed            -Safe relationships, NSPPC                                    differences in our
   Language of Choices              -Social skills            problem solving                                           PANTS rules                                          responses to change
  (Restorative Justice)              -Motivation           -Seeing things from                                                                                               -Saying goodbye and
      Online safety                                       another point of view                                                                                                   moving on

     PHYSICAL                Physical activity is vital in children’s all-round development, enabling them to pursue happy, healthy and active lives. Gross and fine motor experiences
   DEVELOPMENT               develop incrementally throughout early childhood, starting with sensory explorations and the development of a child’s strength, co-ordination and
                             positional awareness through tummy time, crawling and play movement with both objects and adults. By creating games and providing opportunities for play
  Fine Motor and Gross       both indoors and outdoors, adults can support children to develop their core strength, stability, balance, spatial awareness, co-ordination and agility.
         Motor               Gross motor skills provide the foundation for developing healthy bodies and social and emotional well-being. Fine motor control and precision helps with
                             hand-eye co-ordination, which is later linked to early literacy. Repeated and varied opportunities to explore and play with small world activities, puzzles,
See Long Tern Plan for PE
                             arts and crafts and the practice of using small tools, with feedback and support from adults, allow children to develop proficiency, control and confidence.
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

SPECIFIC                           AUTUMN 1                  AUTUMN 2                    SPRING 1                   SPRING 2                  SUMMER 1                   SUMMER 2
       READING                 It is crucial for children to develop a life-long love of reading. Reading consists of two dimensions: language comprehension and word reading. Language
-Read simple phrases and       comprehension (necessary for both reading and writing) starts from birth. It only develops when adults talk with children about the world around them and
sentences made up of           the books (stories and non-fiction) they read with them, and enjoy rhymes, poems and songs together. Skilled word reading, taught later, involves both the
words with known letter–       speedy working out of the pronunciation of unfamiliar printed words (decoding) and the speedy recognition of familiar printed words.
sound correspondences          It’s all about books! Texts are carefully chosen to promote reading for pleasure through Pie Corbett Spine books for fiction and poetry so that high quality,
and, where necessary,          age appropriate books are shared with children every day (5 - a day diet). Texts are carefully planned for to support learning across the areas of learning in
a few exception words
                               through general topics and the Continuous Provision. This ensures that children build important knowledge and widen children’s vocabulary to support later
-Re-read these books to
                               reading comprehension thus closing the word gap.
build up their confidence
in word reading, their         It’s all about decoding! The Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised (SSP) is followed so that the progression of GPCs and tricky words are taught term-
fluency and their              by-term. Teachers match children’s secure phonic knowledge to the appropriate decodable reading books which aligns with the Little Wandle scheme.
understanding and              Phase 2                   Phase 2                    Phase 3                    Review Phase 3             Phase 4                    Phase 4
                               satp                      ff ll ss j                 ai ee igh oa               ai ee igh oa oo ar or ur   short vowels CVCC          long vowel sounds CVCC
  WORD READING                 inmd                      vwxy                       oo oo ar or                oo ow oi ear               short vowels CVCC          CCVC
- Read individual letters by
                               gock                      z zz qu                    ur ow oi ear               er air words with          CCVC                       long vowel sounds CCVC
saying the sounds
for them.                      ck e u r                  sh th ng nk                air er                     double letters             short vowels CCVCC         CCCVC CCV CCVCC
-Blend sounds into words,      hbfl                                                 dd mm tt bb rr gg pp ff    longer words               CCCVC CCCVCC longer        Phase 4 words ending –
so that they can read short                                                         Tricky words               words with two or more     words longer words         s /s/ Phase 4 words
words made up of known         Tricky words              Tricky Words               was you they               digraphs                   compound words             ending –s /z/ Phase 4
letter– sound                  is                        put pull full as           my by all                  words ending in –ing       root words ending in: –    words ending –es longer
correspondences.               I                         and has his her            are sure pure              compound words             ing, –ed /t/, –ed /id/     words
-Read some letter groups       the                       go no to into                                         words with s in the        /ed/ –est                  root word ending in: –
that each represent one                                  she push he of                                        middle /z/ s words         Tricky words               ing, –ed /t/, –ed /id/
sound and say sounds for                                 we me be                                              ending –s words with –     said so have like          /ed/, –ed /d/
                                                                                                               es at end /z/              some come love do          Phase 4 words ending
-Read a few common
                                                                                                                                          were here little says      in: –s /s/, –s /z/, –es
exception words matched
to the school’s phonic                                                                                                                    there when what one        longer words
programme.                                                                                                                                out today                  Tricky words
                                                                                                                                                                     Review all taught so far
                                                                                                                                                                     Secure spelling
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022
       WRITING                                                                                                           Handwriting
                                                                            -Develop small motor skills so that can use a range of tools competently, safely and confidently.
                                                                          -Use core muscle strength to achieve a good posture when sitting at a table or sitting on the floor.
   Writing involves                                                                                                  -develop a tripod grip
transcription (spelling                                                              - Use rhymes from phonics scheme to correctly form lower case letters (print)
                                                                                                             -Correctly form upper case letters
and handwriting) and
      composition                                                                                          -HFWs taught in sequence (see Phonics)
  (articulating ideas                                                                           -Children recall taught HFWs independently to their writing
and structuring them                                                                                -Accurate application of the spelling of taught HFWs
                                                                                          -Grapheme/phoneme correspondence taught in sequence (see Phonics)
  in speech, before
                                                                                                - Applying grapheme/phoneme correspondence to CVC words
        writing)                                                                              - Applying knowledge of taught digraphs to writing simple words
                                                                                     -Making phonetically plausible attempts when writing new words independently.
-Form lower-case and capital                                                                                             Composition
letters correctly                                                                        -Listen to and talk about stories to build familiarity and understanding.
-Spell words by identifying                               - Retell the story, once developed a deep familiarity with the text; some as exact repetition and some in their own words (T4W)
the sounds and then writing                                                                      - Orally rehearse what want to say/message want to write
the sound with letter/s.                                                   -Write simple phrases/sentences using phonic knowledge and recalling tricky words from memory.
-Write short sentences with                                                                        - Re-read what is written to check that it makes sense
words with known sound-                                             -Listen to and talk about selected non-fiction to develop a deep familiarity with new knowledge and vocabulary
letter correspondences                                                                                               Writing opportunities
-Re-read what they have        -In the continuous provision, indoors and outdoors, there are opportunities for children to choose what to write, when to write, where to write, who to write for and who to write with
written to check that                                                           -In the continuous provision there are resources that motivate children to write such as
it makes sense                                                                                                      . T4W books and props
                                                                                            . QR codes that provide information in different areas of learning
                                                                            . Provocations such as caterpillars, curiosity cubes, artefacts, role play, book area, creative play
                                                                                                                   Poetry and Performance
                                                                                                                   - Learning simple rhymes
                                                                                                 -Engage in story times when poetry and rhymes are shared
                                                                                                              - Learn rhymes, poems and songs
                                                               -Retell the poem, rhyme or song, once they have developed a deep familiarity with it - Develop storylines in pretend play
                                                                                      -Perform poetry in the book areas where QR codes provide live performances

                                                                                                               Teacher led/directed
                                                                                                            -Modelling letter formation
                                                                                                                 -T4W story Maps
                                                                                                              -Modelling oral blending
                                                                             -Modelling hearing and writing the corresponding grapheme that matches the phoneme
                                                                       - Modelling hearing and writing the corresponding digraph that matches the phoneme in simple words
                                                                                                -Model orally rehearsing a message before writing
                                                                                    -Model using Language Through Colour to compose a simple phrase/sentence
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

SPECIFIC                       AUTUMN 1                    AUTUMN 2                        SPRING 1                     SPRING 2                    SUMMER 1                    SUMMER 2
Maths                      Developing a strong grounding in number sense is essential so that all children develop the necessary building blocks to excel mathematically. To gaim number sense
White Rose                 children need to secure the 3 concepts of Nominality, Cardinality and Ordinality. Children should be able to count and subitise confidently when using number to
NCTEM progression          denote “How Many?”. Subitising (perceptual and conceptual) is an essential tool to support children’s understanding of the concepts Comparison and Composition. By
charts                     providing frequent and varied opportunities to build and apply this understanding - such as using manipulatives, including small pebbles and five/tens frames for   organising counting - children will develop a secure base of knowledge and vocabulary from which mastery of mathematics is built. In addition, it is important that the
                           curriculum includes rich opportunities for children to develop their spatial reasoning skills across all areas of mathematics including shape, space and measures.
                           Number songs and rhymes support children to develop mathematical concepts and Tom Thumbs Musical Maths and My Little Puffin are recommended books. Stories
                           are incorporated into the long term plan to promote maths skills and concepts .
       Development         -RBA Baseline and           -Representing 1,2,3 using     - Introducing zero            -Representing 9,10          -Building numbers beyond      -Doubling (using ten
         Matters           observations for            perceptual subitising and     -Comparing numbers to 5,       (using 10 frames) using    10                            frames) to show “twice
- Count objects, actions
                           Tapestry.                   fingers as tools to denote    using the tools of            perceptual subitising       - verbally counting           as many”.
and sounds
                           -Key times of the day,      “how many?”.                  perceptual subitising and     and fingers as tools to     patterns beyond 10            -sharing and grouping
                           routines and exploring      - using counting as a tool    counting                      denote “how many?”.         -spatial reasoning            mini project using the
-Link the number
                           the continuous provision    to denote “how many?”.        -Composition of 4 and 5       -Composition of 9,10        (through art and design)      story “When the
symbol (numeral) with
its cardinal number        - Matching and sorting      -comparing 1,2,3 using 5      using the tools of            using conceptual             - adding more (changing a Doorbell Rang “
value.                     skills                      frames.                       conceptual subitising and     subitising and counting     quantity of a groups)         -even and odd (using ten
-count beyond 10           -Comparing Amounts, 5       -Composition of1,2,3 using counting (5 frames and           as tools                    -taking away (the quantity frames and grouping)
-compare numbers           frames to support           conceptual subitising and     double-sided counters)        -comparing numbers to       of the group is changed)      -spatial reasoning
 -Understand the ‘one      children to subitise and    counting as tools             - Compare mass                10                          -spatial reasoning            (playing games and using
more than/one less         compare                     -Representing 4, 5 as         - Compare capacity            -Number bonds using         (combining shapes to          models to give verbal
than’ relationship         -Comparing size, Mass       above                         - Representing 6,7,8          the tools of perceptual     make new shapes)              instructions).
between consecutive        and Capacity                -Circles and Triangles         (using 10 frames) using      and conceptual                                            -patterns and
                           -making simple patterns     -Shapes with 4 sides          perceptual subitising and     subitising and counting                                   relationships project
-Explore the
                           Key Texts                   -Spatial awareness,           fingers as tools to denote    (ten frames)                                              using the text “How
composition of numbers
to 10                      -Dear Zoo                   positional language, Night    “how many?”.                  -3D shape                   Key texts                     many legs?”.
-Automatically recall      -Where’s My Teddy?          and Day                       -Composition of 6,7,8 using   -Pattern (repeating)        -1 is a snail, 10 is a crab   -spatial reasoning using
number bonds for           -We’re Going on a Bear      Key Texts                     conceptual subitising and     -Consolidation weeks        -snail trail: a journey       maps from stories
numbers 0–5 and some       Hunt                        - The Three Pigs              counting as tools             Key texts                   through modern art
to 10                      -Busy, Busy, Busy!          - Washing line                -combining 2 groups           -How do Dinosaurs           - A dozen ducks lost and      Key texts
                           Number Rhymes/songs         -Rose’s Walk                  -Length and height, Time      count to 10?                found                         -When the doorbell
                           -In and out the Dusty       -Love Triangle                Key texts                     -Make a wish Albert         -Mr Gumpy’s outing            rang
                           Bluebells                   Number Rhymes/songs           -A Squash and a Squeeze       -10 Rubber Ducks            -the shopping basket          -How many legs?
                           -Clap your hands and        -When Goldilocks went to      -Room on the Broom                                                                      -Pattern fish
                           wiggle your fingers         the house of the bears        -Who sank the boat            Number rhymes/songs         Number rhymes/songs           -Billy’s Bucket
                                                       - Three around the world      -Don’t forget the bacon       -                           -10 in the bed
                                                       -Five little ducks            Number Rhymes/Songs                                       -10 green bottles             Number Rhymes/songs
                                                       -One Elephant went out        -5 monkeys jumping on the                                 - Footsteps                   -10 fat sausages
                                                       to play                       bed
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022
SPECIFIC AREAS                          AUTUMN 1                      AUTUMN 2                        SPRING 1                      SPRING 2                     SUMMER 1                     SUMMER 2
                                    Understanding the world involves guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. The frequency and range of children’s
 UNDERSTANDNG THE                   personal experiences increases their knowledge and sense of the world around them – from visiting parks, libraries and museums to meeting important
      WORLD                         members of society such as police officers, nurses and firefighters. In addition, listening to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems
                                    will foster their understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world. As well as building important knowledge, this
                                    extends their familiarity with words that support understanding across domains. Enriching and widening children’s vocabulary will support later reading
                                    comprehension. Development Matters provides the building blocks for children to acquire sufficient knowledge and the progression documents ensure that
                                    children acquire the skills they need to for the next stage of their education. It is important that the knowledge and skills for subject domains are
                                    taught over the year to provide the building blocks for the curriculum in year 1, subject progression grids are planned from Nursery to y6. The content
                                    knowledge and skills are revisited many times over the year and tailored towards the needs and interests of the children.
      DEVELOPMENT                    MY FAMILY AND ME              GROWING FOOD                     WINTER                SUNSHINE AND                    NATURE                UNDER THE SEA
        MATTERS                                                                                 WONDERLAND                   RAINBOWS                  DETECTIVES
          Geography                 -Walk of the school,          -Create a farm                 -Talk about similarities      -Talk about similarities      -Talk about similarities     -Talk about similarities
-Talk about members of their        indoor and outdoor            environment in the outside     and differences between       and differences between       and difference between       and differences between
immediate family and community      environments                  area /small world inside.      countries children in the     countries children in the     the local community          different places- local
-Name and describe people who       - Pictorial maps/photos       - Pictorial maps/photos of     school community come         school community come         environment and the Kent     beach and school
are familiar to them                - Aerial map of school /      the local farm (after visit)   from (visits from parents,    from (visits from parents,    Wildlife Trust               -There is more sea than
-Draw information from a simple     outside area                  - Aerial map of local farm     food, multi- lingual          food, multi- lingual          - Pictorial maps/photos      land on earth. Lots of
map                                 - Name and describe the       -Name and describe the         /cultural stories             /cultural stories             of the Kent Wildlife         different things live under
-Understand that some places        roles of people in the        roles of people at the local   -Identify places on a         -Identify places on a         Trust (after visit)          the sea
are special to members of their     school community              farm                           globe/pictorial maps.         globe/pictorial maps.         - Aerial map of Kent         - Pictorial maps/photos of
community                           -Name and describe the        - Talk about different         Aerial photos /google         Aerial photos /google         Wildlife Trust               the local beach (after
-Recognise that people have         role of a dentist             celebrations and families      expedition                    expedition                    - Name and describe          visit)
different beliefs and celebrate     -Talk about different         in stories /small              - Through stories, songs      - Through stories, songs      the roles of people who      - Aerial map of local beach
special times in different ways     families in stories /small    world/school community         and VR/QR code                VR /QR code experiences       work there                   - Name and describe the
- Recognise some similarities and   world/school community                                       experiences discover that     explore deserts are dry                                    role of lifeguard and
differences between life in this                                                                 Polar regions are cold, icy   and sandy, very hot in the                                 rescue boats
country and life in                                                                              and have snow. Not many       day, Rainforests and
other countries                                                                                  plants grow there, not        Jungles are hot, humid,
                                                                                                 many live people there        wet. Lots of trees and
                                                                                                                               flowers grow there
- Comment on images of familiar
                                    -Through stories, talking     Memories of special            -Through “The Explorer”       - Recall and talk about the   -Recall the visit to Kent    -Recall the visit to the
situations in the past
                                    about family members          events and people              story, talk about the first   visit of the fireman and      Wildlife Trust               beach and talk about it
- Compare and contrast
                                    including grandparents        -farm visit                    Antarctica explorer in        compare the fire engine of    -Through listening to and    - Compare and contrast
characters from stories,
                                    -Talking about siblings who   -Through the story “Astro      history                       today to that of the past     talking about his stories,   photos of lifeboats from
including figures from the past
                                    are babies and comparing      Girl” talk about the first     -Look at black and white                                    children know about the      the past and today
(Little People, Big Dreams
                                    with their age (starting      landing on the moon            photos of expeditions in                                    author/illustrator Eric       (black and white photos)
stories introduce children to
                                    school                        -Look at black & white         the past                                                    Carle.
inspirational people from the
                                    -Photos from Nursery          photos of the landing
past. An Artist/sculptor from
                                    days and now
the past is introduced each
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

           Science               -Observing the changing     Observing the changing       -Observing the season of      -Observing the changing      - Observing the changing   -Observing the season of
- Explore the natural world      season as move from         season as move from          Winter through outdoor        season as move from          season as move from to     Summer through outdoor
                                 Summer to Autumn            Autumn to Winter through     play, environment walks,      Winter to Spring outdoor     Spring to Summer           play, environment walks,
around them.
                                 through outdoor play, QR    outdoor play, environment    QR codes. Stories and         play, environment walks,     through outdoor play,      QR codes. Stories and
- Describe what they see,
                                 codes, stories and non-     walks, QR codes. Stories     Non-fiction books.            QR codes. Stories and        environment walks, QR      Non-fiction books.
hear and feel whilst outside -   fiction books               and Non-fiction books.       -Observe the weather and      Non-fiction books.           codes. Stories and Non-    - Observe the weather and
-Understand the effect of        -Observe the weather and    -Observe the weather and     play with weather boxes       -Record rainfall and size    fiction books              play with weather boxes
changing seasons on the          play with weather boxes     play with weather boxes      outside (i.e. cold day box)   of puddles                   -Observing the features    outside (i.e. hot day box)
natural world around them        outside (i.e. sunny day     outside (i.e. windy day      - Observe and discuss the     - Animals, changes           of minibeasts and use      -Observe
                                 box…)                       box)                         darker nights. Read           and new life                 related vocabulary         minibeasts/animals/bird
                                 -Observe                    - Observe                    stories about the dark.       -Observe                            No skeleton         habitats in this season
                                 animal/minibeast/bird       animal/minibeast/bird        Opportunities to observe      animal/minibeast/bird                  wings            -Observing and exploring
                                 habitats in this season     habitats in this season      natural and artificial        habitats in this season               Antennae          features and habitats of
                                 Observe features of         -observe the features of     light.                        -Use related vocabulary to              Legs            fish and rock pool sea
                                 plants and use related      farm animals and use         -use relevant vocabulary      describe key features                 Abdomen           creatures
                                 vocabulary                  relevant vocabulary                      light                      skeleton                                       -Use related vocabulary to
                                             roots                     skeleton                     natural                        scales            -Observing life cycles     describe key features
                                             leaf                       scales                     artificial                       hair             and use related                      skeleton
                                             seeds                       hair                       shadow                          gills            vocabulary                            scales
                                             stem                        gills                        torch                      feathers            - Observing and making                 gills
                                             petal                    feathers                                                                       different habitats for
                                                                                          - Observe                     - Growing and looking        minibeasts                 -Explore how objects float
                                 -Planting seeds and         -Cooking and tasting home    animal/minibeast/bird         after plants that need       -Explore local             and sink (boats floating)
                                 seedlings to grow           grown produce                habitats in this season       water, sun, light to         environments, minibeast    and the forces of push and
                                 vegetables.                 -Observe growth of           -Observe the natural          survive.                     hunt and different         pull
                                 -Observe and harvest        produce planted at school.   process of ice melting        -Use related vocabulary to   habitats                   - Use related vocabulary
                                 produce from the school’s   - Record the temperature     -Record the temperature       describe key features        -Record the temperature    for forces
                                 “secret garden”.            outside                      outside                                  roots             outside                               Float
                                 - Tasting food from                                      ,                                        leaf                                                     Sink
                                 different cultures                                                                                seeds                                                   Push
                                                                                                                                  stem                                                      Pull
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

SPECIFIC AREAS                           AUTUMN 1                   AUTUMN 2                       SPRING 1                     SPRING 2                       SUMMER 1                      SUMMER 2
                                       The development of children’s artistic and cultural awareness supports their imagination and creativity. It is important that children have regular
                                       opportunities to engage with the arts, enabling them to explore and play with a wide range of media and materials. The quality and variety of what
                                       children see, hear and participate in is crucial for developing their understanding, self-expression, vocabulary and ability to communicate through
     AND DESIGN                        the arts. The frequency, repetition and depth of their experiences are fundamental to their progress in interpreting and appreciating what they hear,
                                       respond to and observe.
                                       Give children an insight into new musical worlds. Invite musicians in to play music to children and talk about it. Encourage children to listen attentively to
                                       music. Discuss changes and patterns as a piece of music develops. Music Express is used to provide a progressive model for the curriculum.
DEVELOPMENT MATTERS                     MY FAMILY AND             GROWING FOOD                     WINTER                 SUNSHINE AND           NATURE DETECTIVES               UNDER THE SEA
                                                ME                                             WONDERLAND                   RAINBOWS
               Art & DT                -Encourage children to notice features in the natural world. Help them to define colours, shapes, texture and smells in their own words.
-Explore, use and refine a variety     -Discuss and personally respond by using paint, wax crayons, colouring pencils, malleable materials, collage sculpture, junk modelling. Practise & rehearse
of artistic effects to express their
                                       taught techniques through the continuous provision.
ideas and feelings.
                                       -Visits from local artists /visits to art galleries/exhibitions provide inspiration and enriched experiences alongside the study of key artists.
- Return to and build on their
                                       Inspiration: Artist,    Inspiration:                Local artist visit         Inspiration; Artist,       Inspiration: Artist: Georgia Inspiration: sculptor
previous learning, refining ideas
                                       Piet Mondrian            Artist/sculptor               Inspiration: Artist Van      Kandinsky -concentric          O’Keefe- Red poppy             Tony Plant – Sand Art
and developing their ability to
                                       -Inspired to use         Goldsworthy                   Gough – Starry Night         circles                        painting                       -Inspired to make
represent them.
                                       straight lines, shape,   -Mixing colours and           painting                     - Inspired by this artwork     - Inspired to think of         patterns using concentric
-Create collaboratively, sharing
                                       primary and              matching to Autumn            -Inspired to use the         to draw, paint, collage, and   perspective (like a tiny ant   circles in sand, on the
ideas, resources and skills
                                       secondary colours        leaves/colours                texture, colours, and        print.                         on a flower nearby) and talk   beach and using paint,
                                       -Represent fruit and     -Using natural materials to   movement in this painting    -Watercolour paper and         about colour, how many         crayons, pencils.
              Music                                                                           -Adding black/white to       wax crayons
                                       vegetables by            create simple sculptures                                                                  different reds can you see     -Inspired to use previously
-Listen attentively, move to and                                                              colours to make              -Represent rainbows/sun
                                       matching the colour      outside.                                                                                  - Taking photos of flowers,    learnt techniques from
talk about music, expressing their                                                            darker/lighter shades of     using this technique and
                                       and shape                -Observe and draw                                                                         zooming in                     different artists to
feelings and responses.                                                                       blue when painting           style
                                       -Mix colours to match    Autumn leaves (matching                                                                   -Inspired by her artwork to    recreate waves in the
-Watch and talk about dance and                                                                                            - Use colours that make
                                       colour of facial         colour and shape)             -Using shades of colour to                                  paint, draw using shades of    ocean and patterns on sea
performance art, expressing their                                                                                          them feel happy
                                       features                 -Preparing and cooking        represent feeling cold or                                   colour and working on a        creatures
feelings and responses.
                                       -Clean and prepare       food (chopping, cutting)      feeling sad.                                                large scale.
-Sing in a group or on their own,
increasingly matching the pitch        vegetables (chop and
and following the melody.              use a knife properly)
-Explore and engage in music
making and dance, performing
solo or in groups.

         Music Express                  Nursery Rhymes                                            Winter songs                  Easter songs                                                     High low
                                                                     Nativity songs                                                                           Moving patterns
                                         Harvest songs               Working world              Growth and change            Growth and change
                                         Special people
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022


Progression of skills for History                                Teams channel -Teaching and learning
                                                                         Creative Curriculum
Progression of skills for Geography                              Teams channel -Teaching and learning
                                                                         Creative Curriculum
Progression of skills for Art and DT                             Teams channel -Teaching and learning
                                                                         Creative Curriculum
Progression of skills for Music                                  Teams channel -Teaching and learning
                                                                         Creative Curriculum
Progression of skills for Science                                Teams channel -Teaching and learning
PE Long Term Plan                                                Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Progression of skills for Furthering Social justice              Teams channel -Teaching and learning
                                                                         Creative Curriculum
Reception Curriculum and Assessment Guidance                     Teams channel -Teaching and learning
EYFS Policy                                                      Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Development Matters 2021                                         Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Handwriting Policy                                               Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Phonics Policy and Little Wandle Phonics Scheme                  Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Trust Reading Guidance                                           Teams channel -Teaching and learning
Subject Specific vocabulary – Tier 3                                            Below
Reception Long Term Curriculum Plan 2021-2022

                Vocabulary that is specific to each subject domain or area of learning in the Continuous Provision

History             today, yesterday, tomorrow, day, week, month, year, present, past, future, when I was little, remember, ago, old, new, then, now, same,
Geography           community, town, village, city, farm, beach, woods, desert, polar, jungle, rainforest, world, globe, earth
                    map, street, road, bridge, building, sea, river, lake, land, school, church, supermarket, house, flat
Science             experiment, investigate, predict, sort, group, record, compare, describe
                    force, magnetic, non-magnetic, freeze, melt, boil, change, sink, float, plant, grow, flower, tree, soil, roots, stem, stalk, leaves, petals, trunk,
                    branches, seed, bud, blossom, life-cycle, body parts, baby, adult, skeleton, human
                    wood, metal, plastic, glass, rock, hard, rough, smooth
Art                 paint, draw, colour, mark-make, lines, circles, squares, rectangles, shapes, colour, mix, primary, secondary, texture, form,
                    sculpt, shape, print, technique, pattern, artist, sculptor
DT                  appearance, design, make, build, model, cut, join, shape, create, decorate, tools, ingredients, recipe, chop, cut, grate, peel

Music               song, chorus, verse, tune, percussion instrument names, rhythm, loud, quiet, fast, slow, compose, dance, move, perform,

Computing is        internet, iPad, app, camera, switch, digital, website, mobile phone, computer, laptop, mouse, keyboard, click, open, close, program, type,
embedded in all     record, play, headphones, speaker, volume
areas of learning
Water Play          full, empty, more, less, same, float, sink, evaporate, liquid, puddle, droplet, drift, absorbs, heavy/light, freezing, melting, ice

Sand play           fall, fallen down, fill, full, half-full, overflow, pile, press, damp, crumbly, lumpy, gritty, solid

Block/              circle, triangle, square, shape, flat, curved, straight, round, hollow, solid, corner (point, pointed), cube, sphere, pyramid, cone
construction play   Positional language: Over, under, above, below, top, bottom, side on, in, outside, inside, behind, front, back, before, after, besides, next to,
                    join, shape, design, build, model, cut, shape, stick
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