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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

Real Estate’s 21st Century Grand Challenges: The Big
Issues and Project Management’s Role
Andrew Edkins1*, Yolande Barnes2, Andrew Grainger3, and Paul Chinowsky4

     This paper focuses on what real estate comprises, its forms of value in the 21st century and project
management’s role and potential in strategic and front-­end issues. The broad definition of real estate used
is examined through the lens of current challenges and foreseeable major change drivers. Critical realism
and engaged scholarship are employed to consider a wide range of primary data generated from multiple
practitioner engagement exercises. This process has revealed eight themes that relate to real estate in the
21st century: 1. Digital Disruption, 2. Health and Wellbeing, 3. Learning Environments, 4. Accessible and
Affordable Housing, 5. Beyond Placemaking, 6. Resilience, 7. Infrastructure Interfaces, 8. Community
Inclusion. The value proposition of this paper is to illustrate the relevance and contribution of project
management to real estate and to consider the implications from the proposed set of eight highly relevant,
cross-­cutting themes. Within the six principal implications identified, we show how project management
in the 21st century needs to be more strategically focused and front-­end orientated on issues that have been
considered beyond the domain of traditional, technocentric and execution-­orientated project management.
These six implications are presented within the context of two forms of real estatecontext: that real estate
which already exists and that real estate yet to becreated. While dominated by engagement with UK
expertise, it is anticipated that the paper will be of interest to a global audience.

Twenty first century real estate, project management's role, grand challenges, rethinking real estate, UN

  *The Bartlett Real Estate Institute, UCL, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom, ​andrew.​edkins@​ucl.​ac.​uk
(Corresponding Author)
  The Bartlett Real Estate Institute, UCL, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
  The Bartlett Real Estate Institute, UCL, London WC1E 6BT, United Kingdom
  Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO 80523, Colorado
                                   Engineering Project Organization Journal
                                 © 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

Introduction                                              governmental and international organisations
                                                          (eg, various governmental departments across
The 20th century heralded the creation of many            the US, UK, Canada, Australia, World Bank, UN
forms of specialisation within the built environment,     or EU, such as Treasury departments, defence
from the development of specialist sectors, such          departments, official audit agencies), the focus on
as data centre construction to the emergence of           project management and its essential role in project
specialist roles, such as façade engineers. This          delivery continues to grow. The world of project
was an evolutionary form of diversification               (and programme and portfolio) management and
and specialisation that arose from the industrial         the projects and programmes being overseen,
revolution and followed the observations and              continue to increase in complexity and gain greater
arguments made by the seminal economist Adam              importance to us socially, economically and
Smith (Smith, 1776). However, as this paper will          environmentally. Project management continues
outline, the nature of the challenges faced by us         to expand as a field of practice and scholarly
as a species, bound as we are to this planet we           study as an increasing number of domains engage
inhabit, requires us to find ways to learn about          project management principles and practices, for
new issues, develop new skills and work in new            example, the expansion of project management
areas if we are to both survive and thrive. As a          into information technology (IT) and information
point of departure, the paper considers the value         systems (IS) and the creative sector (Hartman and
proposition as presented by the broad area of real        Ashrafi, 2002; Marcella and Rowley, 2015). With
estate. To initialise this, reference is made to two      the development of new forms of technology in
areas of growing significance. The first is the rise      many areas, we can expect a similar evolutionary
of the concept of the ‘Grand Challenge’ and the           step in project management, for example, as we
second is the significance of the United Nations          continue to unlock the science of the genome
Sustainable Development Goals. The paper then             and move into the new area of synthetic biology
explores how these challenges and issues can be           (Linshiz et al., 2012).
considered in separable areas that allow insight and          The creation and functioning of the built
potential action. To do this, the paper introduces a      environment continue to utilise the skills and
series of eight real estate related themes that have      competences of project management to the
resulted from an extensive identification exercise.       point today where there are specialist project
These eight themes are considered as pertinent to         managers focussed on sectors such as ‘property’,
the real estate sector in the 21st century. Within        ‘construction’ and ‘infrastructure’. However, these
these eight themes, the paper then examines the           sector-­defining terms are somewhat loose in their
potential role of one of the key actors involved in       use and their precise definition is not always clear,
the creation, adaptation and removal of real estate       obvious or agreed. Specifically, property and real
– the project manager.                                    estate are words that, to many, may have similar
     Project management is considered as it               meaning and have geo-­      linguistic preferences.
provides a discrete and formalised approach for           However, a critical common link in these various
the delivery of important and specified change            terms is their connection to and association with
that is typically delivered through the creation and      land (Ellickson, 1993).
production of new services, products, artefacts and           While there may be a degree of variation as
entities. Whether we look to leaders in academe,          to the remit of the terms mentioned above, two
such as Morris (Morris, 2013), Turner (Turner,            immutable issues surround the concept of the ‘built
2016), Levitt (Scott et al., 2011), Pinto (Pinto and      environment’. First, these areas of human activity
Slevin, 1988), Winch (Winch, 2010), Söderlund             (broadly the creation and operation of many forms
(Söderlund, 2011), and Shenhar (Shenhar and               of buildings and similar outputs of the construction
Dvir, 2007), or professional bodies (eg, Project          and civil engineering sectors – typically fixed
Management Institute (PMI), Association for               within or on the land and used for at least a single
Project Management (APM)), International                  purpose) are vitally important to us; second, all
Project Management Association (IPMA) or
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                                © 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

these products that comprise what we recognise           has required immediate action and changed both
as our built environment have both existing and          priorities and perspectives and is clearly the most
new sets of forces affecting them, pressures upon        pressing of grand challenges. However, preceding
them and expectations of them. If we accept the          the Covid-19 pandemic there was a recognition of
UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)                 the concerns about the climate with the introduction
then we have more to do to be able to evaluate           of the term ‘climate emergency’ triggered by
and measure other forms of value, particularly           the IPCC report on climate change (IPCC,
social and environmental, that arise or are derived      2018). From Table 1, which is acknowledged as
from real estate. This argument is supported by          having a UK bias, one finds a diverse range of
the widespread adoption of ‘ESG’ consideration,          organisations that are concerned about such global
assessment and metrics across both sectors               and fundamental issues and concerns. Having
and forms of asset. Environmental, Social and            noted the variety and scale of the challenges as
Governance (ESG) concerns have been introduced           featured in Table 1, to tackle these challenges
into the decision-­    making and performance            will require the development of strategies and
assessment of both organisations and assets held,        policies that will bring about change. Executing
as illustrated by the plethora of methodologies and      some of these strategies and policies will involve
tools for ESG assessment (Temple-­West, 2019) and        creating individual or collections of projects and
the research of Lokuwaduge & Heenetigala that            programmes (Morgan et al., 2008). If we do seek
considered ESG issues on the extractive industries       to find the solutions and changes through the use
in Australia (Lokuwaduge and Heenetigala, 2017).         of projects and programmes, then this will create
     We have set out the overall changes and             new opportunities for those engaged in the area of
challenges acting upon real estate; the next section     project management.
will review examples of the literature relevant               The argument for the application of the
to argue the position being taken that emerging          clearly distinct management discipline of ‘project
challenges require a refocusing and redefining of        management’ has been deemed necessary for
project management within the real estate domain.        projects to be successful (Baker et al., 1997;
Following this, there will be consideration of the       Munns and Bjeirmi, 1996). This will involve the
philosophical position taken by the paper and the        combination of project managerial skillsets with a
method used. Then the findings of the research           variety of tools and techniques that together can be
will be presented and discussed, before the              expected to deliver projects more successfully than
paper concludes with the reflective assessment           any other way (Morris and Pinto, 2004; Morris
of the utility of the research undertaking and the       et al., 2012; Turner, 2016).
suggested next steps.
                                                         Defining Real Estate
                                                         Having established the range and scale of changes
Review of the Literature                                 and challenges that our species and planet face and
                                                         then recognised both the importance and relevance
The Grand Challenge Context
                                                         of project management, we now turn to the realm
This paper is about the role of project management       of the built environment and real estate. The built
within what is considered as real estate in an era       environment is a term used to identify a form of
of significant change or ‘Grand Challenges’. Many        environment that mankind has created and is thus
organisations have adopted phrasing similar to           an adaptation of the base natural environment
grand challenges as illustrated in Table 1, which        (Kaklauskas and Gudauskas, 2016). The term
shows the results of a UK-­based snapshot internet       ‘real estate’ is closely associated with the built
search of the term ‘Grand Challenge’ using the           environment and is a term more popular in some
Google search engine and carried out in the              countries than others, but is typically used to define
third quarter of 2020. The global pandemic of            discrete industrial and economic sectors. The OED
the Covid-19 Coronavirus experienced in 2020             defines real estate as:
                                 Engineering Project Organization Journal
                               © 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
Table 1 Page 1 results of internet search on "Grand Challenges" conducted in September 2020 via Google UK

                                                  position   Title and Organisation                                                                 Introductory words from the URL
                                                                                                                                                    The Industrial Strategy sets out Grand Challenges to put the UK at the forefront of the
                                                             The Grand Challenges – GOV.UK   industries of the future, ensuring that the UK takes advantage of major global changes,
                                                  1          strategy-the-grand-challenges/industrial-strategy-the-grand-challenges                 improving people’s lives and the country’s productivity.
                                                                                                                                                    Grand Challenges is a family of initiatives fostering innovation to solve key global health
                                                  2          Grand Challenges –               and development problems.
                                                                                                                                                    UCL Grand Challenges convenes and cultivates cross-­disciplinary collaborations that
                                                             UCL Grand Challenges – University College London          explore interconnected solutions in six areas related to matters of pressing societal
                                                  3          challenges/                                                                            concern.
                                                                                                                                                    Grand Challenges will be replaced by the 'Challenges Online' programme for 2020. Due
                                                                                                                                                    to COVID-19, Grand Challenges will not be able to go ahead in its usual face to face
                                                  4          Grand Challenges – University of Exeter      format.
                                                                                                                                                    From urban centres to remote corners of Earth, the depths of the oceans to space,
                                                             Grand Challenges for Engineering – http://www.               humanity has always sought to transcend barriers, overcome challenges, and create
                                                  5                                              opportunities that improve life in our part of the universe.

                                                                                                                                                    Grand Challenges are difficult but important problems set by various institutions or
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

                                                                                                                                                    professions to encourage solutions or advocate for the application of government or
                                                                                                                                                    philanthropic funds especially in the most highly developed economies and energise not
                                                                                                                                                    only the scientific and engineering community, but also students, journalists, the public,
                                                                                                                                                    and their elected representatives, to develop a sense of the possibilities, an appreciation of

  Engineering Project Organization Journal
                                                  6          Grand Challenges – Wikipedia            the risks, and an urgent commitment to accelerate progress.

© 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
                                                             The Grand Challenges –   The Grand Challenges – Our Futures programme aims to help young people develop the
                                                  7          futures                                                                                skills needed to bridge the gap between today’s learners and tomorrow’s career choices.
                                                                                                                                                    Our mission is to make transformative leaps in cancer research. By facilitating global
                                                             Cancer Grand Challenges – Cancer Research UK         collaboration and innovation we are taking on the toughest challenges that are blocking
                                                  8          funding-for-researchers/cancer-grand-challenges                                        progress against cancer.
                                                                                                                                                    A platform for end-­to-­end development of machine learning solutions in biomedical
                                                  9          Grand Challenge – grand-­                    imaging.
Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

    “Property consisting of land and the buildings                 This wealth arises from the simple premise
    on it, along with its natural resources such as           that land is capable of being owned and that this
    crops, minerals, or water”(Oxford English                 land has tradeable (ie, exchange) value. If from this
    Dictionary, 2018).                                        land you are able to derive enhanced value, maybe
                                                              through the minerals that lie under it, the crops that
Whilst many academics have used the term ‘real estate’        be produced from it, or the real estate artefacts (ie,
in books and various learnt papers, it is somewhat            buildings and similar) that you can build under,
surprising that there are so few definitions of what          on or over it, then land and land-­based items can
the term is referring to. Indeed, such is its prevalence      become highly valued financial assets. To illustrate
and widespread use, that it is assumed that the reader        this, the financial value of global real estate was
recognises real estate to be considering elements such        estimated in 2017 to be US$280.6 trillion (Savills,
as property or indeed subsets within property, such as        2017), around 3.5 times the output of the global
residential, commercial or industrial. According to an
                                                              economy – the estimated Gross Domestic Product
article by (LaDue, 2016) that references the Merriam-­
                                                              of the world in 2017 being US$87.698 trillion
Webster dictionary, real estate is property that is fixed
                                                              (World Bank, 2020).
and located to land and the term was first used in the
                                                                   The financial value of real estate is linked to
mid-­17th century. LaDue suggests this was 1666
                                                              the macro economic environment at various levels,
(the year of the Great Fire of London), but the online
version of Merriam-­Webster (accessed November                from the local/regional to the national/global that
2020) indicates the first reference was in 1642.              influence the real estate markets (Case et al., 2000).
     To make clearer the term real estate’s significance,     Case et al propose that this same real estate has
an appreciation of what comprises it is needed and in         substantial value that is less tangible but arguably
this regard the contribution on Amadeo is useful as           has impacts that span from our individual health
it identifies four ‘types’ of real estate: residential real   and wellbeing, through the future of many forms
estate, commercial real estate, industrial real estate        of organisation, to the future performance of our
and land (Amadeo, 2020).                                      planet’s ecosystem. Identifying and appraising
     Chen (2020), writing on the website                      the variety of value-­types is far from easy at the
Investopedia, follows this line, with his definition          level of the individual real estate asset (Boyd,
consisting of:                                                2006). Many commentators on the issue of real
                                                              estate value argue that the exercise of real estate
    “Real estate is the land along with any                   valuation is as much an art as a science (Crosby
    permanent improvements attached to the land,              et al., 1998; Kummerow, 2003). The question of
    whether natural or man-­        made—including            value in the context of real estate is one of value ‘to
    water, trees, minerals, buildings, homes,                 whom?’ as well as the more conventional questions
    fences, and bridges. Real estate is a form of             such as ‘over what period of time?’ and the more
    real property. It differs from personal property,         technocratic ‘at what discount rate or capitalisation
    which are things not permanently attached                 rate?’. These questions and concerns have been
    to the land, such as vehicles, boats, jewelry,            considered in various ways, from the creation of
    furniture, and farm equipment.”                           new approaches such as ‘Responsible Property
    Source: https://www.​investopedia.​com/​terms/​           Investment (RPI) (Pivo and McNamara, 2005),
    r/​realestate.​asp                                        which led to the establishment and production
                                                              of reports from dedicated working groups within
                                                              the United Nations (UNEP FI Property Working
The Value of Real Estate                                      Group, 2018). These developments can be seen as
Given this breadth of what is defined as real estate,         part of the wider spread changing of viewpoint and
it is inevitable that it is one of the most significant       behaviour related to the growing adoption of ESG
forms of economic and financial wealth, which is a            factors. All these shifts are principally aligned to
key form of value.                                            the UN’s SDGs.
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

     This varying appreciation of value is something              The value drivers that are affecting both real
that project managers have had to deal with as they         estate and project management are tightly coupled as
are tasked with delivering a ‘valuable’ project for         it is through the application or deployment of project
whomever commissions them. But in order to                  management that real estate is first developed, then
ensure that value is delivered, tools, techniques           adapted and repurposed as buildings and structures
and indeed expertise have been developed for                are periodically demolished, removed and rebuilt,
use in project management in the form of value              and as uses change. These divergent and emergent
management (Kelly and Male, 2003), value                    value drivers and domains are, this paper proposes,
engineering (Dell'Isola, 1966) and benefits                 areas where we need increased awareness and a
management (Ward and Daniel, 2006).                         new mind-­   set, along with supporting methods,
     Two examples where value that relates to both          tools and techniques if we are to deliver against
project management and real estate is already               these increasing value expectations. This paper
established as essential are reputation and health          therefore follows in the spirit and the principles of
and safety. In the latter, it was historically accepted     strategic and holistic thinking as presented by the
that in the pursuit of some forms of project – such         corpus of work that comprises the ‘Management
as major construction and civil engineering – lives         of Projects’ (MoP) as championed by Peter Morris
would be lost (see, for example, the case of the            (Morris, 2013).
Aswan High Dam in (Mossallam, 2014)). Over time
we, as civilised societies, have become increasingly
intolerant to the loss of life in the name of projects,
and now there are many laws, regulations and                Establishing the Research
standards that are enforced to ensure the health            Questions
and safety (H&S) of project operatives (Langford
et al., 2000; Lingard and Rowlinson, 2004). Thus,           Having reviewed the wider literature, there is the
the value of H&S in terms of project performance            need to develop a set of tractable research questions.
has risen and is now, for an increasing number of           To do this, reference is first made to the United
project players, immutable.1 The second example             Nations SDGs as considered within the context of
is that of the reputation of the client which may           real estate. The 17 SDGs are presented in Table 2
be judged through their projects. Clearly this then         along with both real estate related comments and
links back to the first example, but it goes well           emergent areas for real estate consideration.
beyond the health and safety performance. This                   Table 2 demonstrates how real estate can and
is especially true for governments operating in             does relate to all 17 SDGs. Within these Goals there
democracies where there is a free and independent           are two principal concerns: those relating to people
media. Here, government projects must be seen               in some form (SDGs 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,12,16,17)
to be conducted fairly and with appropriate levels          and those relating to our natural environment (2,
of transparency. This can result in many areas of           6,7,13,14,15). Further review, as shown in Table 2
value being raised for consideration and inclusion,         column three (Emergent Topics for Real Estate
such as local job creation, minimal environmental           consideration), provides a list of topics offering the
disruption and mitigation, or even compensation             opportunity for further focus on issues such as: the
for those affected by the project works – including         need for communities (formal and informal) to have
the award of contracts (Global Construction                 more of a role in the creation and operation of real
Review, 2019).                                              estate; the need for more and improved healthcare
                                                            and education; and the importance of infrastructural
                                                            services. To address all these SDGs will require
                                                            many areas of change, with an expectation that
 See, for example, the approach taken by the France-­       technological development will provide some of the
based multinational corporation Vinci with its ‘Safety      solution, suggested by the words such as ‘clean’ (SDG
                                                            6& 7) ‘innovation’ (SDG 9) and even ‘sustainable’
en/our-commitments/our-safety-policy/ (accessed
September 2020).
                                                            and ‘responsible’ (SDGs 11, 12). The UN’s SDGs
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

 Table 2 The United Nations 17 Sustainable Development Goals in the context of Real Estate

 United Nation Sustainable                                                  Emergent Topics for Real Estate
 Goal                      Real Estate related comment                      consideration
                           The poorest will have the fewest property            ƒƒ Provision of housing and its
                           or land rights, agency or control over the          affordability
                           space they occupy – hence referring to the           ƒƒ Agency voice of the poorest
 GOAL 1: No Poverty        ‘homeless’.                                         and most deprived
                                                                                ƒƒ Land is the fundamental
                                                                               unit of production and needs to
 GOAL 2: Zero Hunger       Agricultural land is real estate                    be made resilient
 GOAL 3: Good Health and   Healthcare buildings and related facilities          ƒƒ Healthcare related build-
 Well-­being               are needed                                          ings
                           Education buildings and related facilities are
 GOAL 4: Quality Education needed                                                 ƒƒ Education related buildings
                           Traditional gender roles are closely related
                           to the use and occupation of real estate (eg,       ƒƒ Engagement with all com-
 GOAL 5: Gender Equality   home-­based v public roles)                         munity voices
                           Infrastructural utilities and the land they
 GOAL 6: Clean Water and   occupy are part of real estate. Land value is        ƒƒ Buildings need to connect
 Sanitation                normally increased when these are present.          to the infrastructural utilities
                           Land-­based infrastructural utilities are part
                           of real estate. New and existing buildings           ƒƒ Looking at the various
                           will need to adopt clean energy. The absence        infrastructural services with the
 GOAL 7: Affordable and    of these utilities may devalue real estate          recognition of the need for them
 Clean Energy              holdings.                                           to adapt – to be resilient
                           Most economic activity is based on land so
                           local economies are closely bound up with
                           real estate. The cost and productivity of real       ƒƒ Need to make the places
                           estate has an impact on local economies             where work takes place decent
                           and workforces who, in turn can shape the           and inclusive for all and for
 GOAL 8: Decent Work and returns and productivity of the real estate. It       prosperity to be achieved in a
 Economic Growth           may be termed a symbiotic relationship.             sustainable and resilient way
                                                                                ƒƒ The interfaces between
                              As the majority of industry and                  buildings and infrastructural
 GOAL 9: Industry,            infrastructure is land-­based, performance       services
 Innovation and               and innovation related activities are all         ƒƒ The increasing role of digi-
 Infrastructure               closely linked to real estate                    tal technologies
 GOAL 10: Reduced             Asset control and ownership are part of           ƒƒ The need to involve more
 Inequality                   the mechanisms which create, preserve            in the process of creating and
                              or exacerbate inequality. Real estate (an        enhancing real estate, especially
                              ‘immovable asset’) is therefore be part of       in those places that many people
                              this process.                                    live in and depend upon

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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

Table 2 Continued
                                                                                                   ƒƒ The need to include the
                                                                                                  many forms of community in the
                                                                                                  creation and functioning of real
                                                                                                   ƒƒ The need for all forms of
                                     Cities are entirely formed of real estate and                real estate to be more aware of
 GOAL 11: Sustainable                the life of a city is closely linked to its real             the impacts and consequences on
 Cities and Communities              estate industry regulation and practices.                    and to the natural environment
                                                                                                   ƒƒ Better places that enhance
                                                                                                  communities can lead to enrich-
                                                                                                  ment without the need for ever-­
                                     Both have clear links to real estate. Some                   increasing levels of consumption.
 GOAL 12: Responsible                forms of communities and neighbourhoods,                     Education and communication
 Consumption and                     for example, will have better capabilities and               will permit wiser decisions and
 Production                          outcomes than others.                                        shift beliefs and behaviours
                                     Real estate contributes significantly to the                  ƒƒ Real estate needs to change
                                     production of greenhouse gases through the                   in terms of what it is required to
                                     energy consumed in its creation, use and                     do, both in the way it is created
 GOAL 13: Climate Action             disposal.                                                    and operated
                                                                                                   ƒƒ Better created and oper-
                                                                                                  ated infrastructure in terms of
                                     The design and use of real estate have an                    water and Better education can
 GOAL 14: Life Below                 impact on water quality and Pollution levels,                produce less harm to waterborne
 Water                               impacting the broader ecosystem.                             life
                                                                                                   ƒƒ The built environment
                                     Real estate is intrinsically land based and its              represents much real estate and
                                     creation and use replace natural habitats and                this has normally required the
                                     creates new ecosystems which affect all life                 sacrifice of the natural environ-
 GOAL 15: Life on Land               forms.                                                       ment. This has to change
                                                                                                   ƒƒ Allowing a wider set
                                                                                                  of voices into the real estate
                                                                                                  decision-­making will mitigate the
                                     Land sovereignty, ownership and control                      concerns that excluding them, as
 GOAL 16: Peace and                  are major components of international legal                  evidenced through history, has
 Justice Strong Institutions         systems.                                                     created
                                                                                                   ƒƒ The significant quantities of
                                     Single actors, owners, occupiers and players                 real estate present and its pro-
                                     cannot address issues of real estate alone                   found importance requires new
                                     so partnerships are the way to achieve real                  and fresh thinking that draws in
 GOAL 17: Partnerships for           estate goals as well as Broader sustainability               previously segmented and siloed
 the Goals                           goals.                                                       communities.
  Source: adapted from United Nations,, accessed August 2020.

encourage us to re-­conceptualise the forms of value                    forms of value, while ignoring or marginalising
we recognise and derive from real estate and this                       others. We see this in the creation and operation of
broad concept of value is fundamental to this paper.                    property markets and the monetisation of assets,
This paper recognises that we have developed clear                      but also in the real estate related generation of
methods for evaluating and monetising only some                         externalities, often negative or detrimental, such
                                          Engineering Project Organization Journal
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

as congestion, pollution, disenfranchisement and                    as well as changing behaviours, decisions
inequality.                                                         and actions.
    To provide coherence and focus to what is
acknowledged as a wide area of consideration, this       These three forms of change are proposed as being
paper poses the following two research questions:        recognised and non-­contentious as there is an exten-
    Research Question #1: From the body of work          sive literature base on each of them. This paper will
comprising the Grand Challenges that includes            seek to build from these three key change areas to
the United Nations 17 Sustainable Development            propose a more granular set of specific challenges.
Goals, what are the key challenges that face ‘real
    Research Question #2 What are the
implications arising from RQ#1 for those engaged         Research Methods
in project management?
    To assist in the consideration of RQ#1 and           Philosophically, this paper aligns with the
RQ#2, the paper draws on the triple bottom line          epistemological and ontological stance taken by
approach as used in modern accounting and                those post-­ positivists that are now recognised
economics (Elkington, 1998). This considers that         as critical realists (Archer et al., 2013). This
the principles of accounting can be applied to not       positioning lies at the heart of the assertion that
just aspects of the economy, but also to society         within the concept of value there is ‘intangible
and the environment. By drawing on this ‘triple’         value’, which is both latent and subjective, in all
approach and adapting it through consideration of        that is defined as being part of real estate. The
the UN’s SDGs, we propose there are three areas          critical realism rationale recognises that there is
of change that will present challenges to and of         effectively an interface between the positivistic
real estate and project management that link to          reality that leads to the laws that govern the
people, our natural environment – and in particular      natural sciences, with a more interpretist set of
mankind’s impact on the climate – and the role of        observations and perceptions that we apply. This
technology.                                              then leads to the predication of the social sciences
    Through considering the range of major               to the exploratory rather than the replicative form
changes and challenges previously outlined and           of enquiry (Tsang and Kwan, 1999). To illustrate
seeking to reduce to the fewest and grandest of          this, consider the difference in value ascribed to a
these, three challenges are proposed:                    house as a residential real estate object or artefact.
                                                         This ‘value’ may default to being the market-­based
                                                         assessment of its tradeable value and would be
    zz   Demographic and Societal Change                 measured in a recognised currency. It is therefore
         – our species numbers are increasing,           an assessment of economic or financial value.
         many developed nations are seeing               In contrast, consider the value of providing this
         their populations ageing, and there is a        house providing a home. In some cases the home
         worldwide trend of people moving and            will be a place of happiness, contentment and
         living in increasingly urban locations.         safety and in others it may be the place of upset,
    zz   Climate Change and Global Warming               fear and harm. Whilst the house is observable and
         – the evidence of climate change is             appreciable as an artefact, the value of a ‘home’
         substantial and mankind’s role in climate       is far more difficult to estimate and measure. This
         change is now substantially proven. In          then explains the high investment many residential
         addition, we have habitat and biodiversity      purchasers will make in search costs as there is the
         loss and extreme weather events                 need to evaluate both the rational factors presented
    zz   Technological Change – The range and            by the property as an artefact set in a location and
         speed of technological developments,            the emotional appeal that is determined through
         particularly in the area of digital             engagement with the property (Kain and Quigley,
         technologies, is offering new opportunities     1970). The challenge of assessing and measuring
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

such non-­  market-­based value is a dilemma for          exercise with a wide variety of real estate-­related
those seeking positivistic clarity, but the argument      actors and parties over a three-­year period. During
drawn from critical realists is that the recognition      that time, the research team had in excess of 200
of the acceptance of value as a concept that affects      ‘engagement events’, ranging from small-­         scale
our reality is, itself, important. As more evidence       meetings with one or two individuals, through to
from observation and other data-­gathering takes          major events involving an audience of circa 200.
this from a single perception of value to one that        The result of this emergence and development has
is recognised more widely and generally, so any           been the identification of a set of eight emergent
postulated propositions take on the confidence            themes and frontier issues that the world of real
of certainty. The Covid-19 pandemic in 2020 has           estate can reasonably expect to need to address.
demonstrated how our understanding of our reality             Reflecting the variety of changes and
can be challenged by a contagious virus that can          challenges to be faced and noting the inevitable
affect different individuals in different ways. There     bias that would result from the context of the
is now an established view that speculates that           research setting, the findings will next synthesise
there will be a ‘new normal’ as what we observe           the arguments and examples that help summarise
and what we know are different (Ochara, 2020).            and illustrate the nature of the grand challenge.
     The research methodology underpinning this           Following the presentation of the eight themes and
paper is principally inductive in its approach and        frontier issues will be a section commenting on the
seeks to reasonably explore and expand rather than        insights and implications that are appropriate for
theorise and explain (Gioia et al., 2013). To provide     those that are working in or interested in the field of
the necessary focus, clarity and opportunities            project management as it relates to both real estate
for action, the research sought to challenge the          and the built environment.
orthodoxy of the standard real estate thinking and
practice, following Schön’s approach in seeking to
question the ‘technical rationality’ (Schön, 2001).       Findings
This project began with research at the strategic
level to look across specialist technical silos (Fear     The creation of the academic unit allowed many
and Sandmann, 2016), whilst also following a              early and informal interactions between the
form of arrangement aligned with development of           authors and a wide range of others, including
engaged scholarship (Van de Ven, 2007). This was          academics, senior representatives from industry
conceived within an extensive team of academics           and government as well as from the third
– including the authors of this paper – who are           sector. Given the nature of the context, there
engaged with practitioners familiar with and expert       was considerable contact with international
in both real estate and project management. Two           individuals and organisations, thus creating a
significant catalytic events encouraged and enabled       more global perspective. From this range of early
this research and its approach to be adopted. The         engagement exercises an initial ‘long list’ of
first was the commencement of the creation, in            factors and drivers that could reasonably be seen
2016, of an academic institute within a university        to significantly affect the ‘world’ of real estate
setting that was seeking to investigate real estate in    was created as propositions. As conversations
the context of the 21st century and was designed to       and engagement events progressed, so the various
carry a mandate to work at the interface between          issues began to be refined and were concentrated
academics, practitioners andpolicymakers to               into a reducing number of distinctly discernible
consider a wider view of real estate. The second          themes, culminating in the emergence of eight
was the appointment in 2018 to that institute             separable themes. The objective of this stage of
of a globally recognised expert practitioner              refinement and verification activity was to ensure
with a career spent researching real estate. This         that, through formal and informal review and
combination enabled the establishment of the              reflective exercises on the content generated, the
premises as outlined in this paper and led to what        smallest number of separable, but non-­    discrete
can be best described as an emergent engagement           and indeed overlapping topic areas that could
                                  Engineering Project Organization Journal
                                © 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

be used to ‘reconsider’ and ‘rethink’ real estate.        addressed under the eight, wide ranging and
This review, involving academics, practitioners           deliberately all-­encompassing suggested headings.
and those involved in policy, critically factored
in the need to cross-­connect areas of expertise              The voting exercise served two purposes.
that have, over time, divided into professional,          First, it tested if all eight themes were seen as
sub-­sectoral and similar silos. This phase of            being reasonable. This test of reasonableness
the research, conducted over approximately a              was straightforward – if any theme did not
three-­month period, resulted in the extrusion of         receive any indication of audience interest
a propositional set of eight topics or themes that        then it could be deemed as being irrelevant or
could work both alone and in combination. This            unnecessary. The eight themes are listed below:
set was then further tested in a variety of settings,
culminating in a validation exercise that was                 The second test was for relative popularity,
part of a major presentation at the launch event          or strength of interest, of each theme and this was
for the academic unit. Here, an invited audience          achieved through a simple count of votes. The results
comprising those familiar with and, often, in senior      of the second test are shown in Figure 1 below.
positions in the built environment, real estate,
property and infrastructure sectors were presented          1. Infrastructure           5. Resilience
with the eight 'themes' as they were termed.                 Interface                   6. Digital Disruption
This audience (n=180) comprised academics                   2. Beyond Placemaking       7. Learning/Creative
with differing expertise in the built environment,          3. Health and Wellbeing      Environments
industry practitioners, representatives from the            4. Housing Accessibility    8. Community Inclusion
public sector and the third sector. The event had             As can be seen from Figure 1, the first test,
significant representation from senior leadership         that of the acceptability or reasonableness of the
levels, including those at Chief Executive or             eight proposed themes, was passed as all themes
Founder level.                                            received above 5% of the overall vote and with
     Within the event, there was the opportunity          10% of those voting indicating their interest in
for the audience to indicate their interest inthe         more than one theme – the two lowest scoring
active pursuit of one or more of the eight proposed       themes each receiving 8.9%. The second test of
themes. This was done through a simple voting             interest/popularity is of some interest as it indicates
exercise with audience members indicating their           the particular audience member’s interest at that
interest in any of the eight themes. This was a           time – the two highest scoring themes being, first,
voluntary vote and individuals could vote more            ‘Infrastructure Interface’ (20.3%) and second,
than once. A vote indicated a desire to be actively       ‘Beyond Placemaking’ (16.5%). Subsequent to
involved in further research, events, discussion          this major event, these eight themes have been
and other types of engagement in relation to that         presented and discussed and, to date, they have
theme. Each vote therefore meant more than just a         continued to prove to be both sufficient and
passing interest in a theme and participants knew         appropriate to cover the range of issues that real
it would result in further contact and potential          estate is tackling and will face in the future. It is
action. Circa 43% of those attending elected to           recognised that in different jurisdictions and over
vote, with circa 10% of those voting more than            time these themes may well change, but at this time
once. The voting exercise was an overt way of             and in this context, these eight themes are presented
testing the voracity and credibility of the proposed      with a solid provenance.
themes, but to ensure that the proposed themes                This paper will next outline seven of these
were both reasonable and adequate, additional             themes with one, community inclusion, being
informal feedback from attendees was gathered             explored in a little more detail as it captures the
and this indicated neither dissent from the themes        results of a subsequent ‘deeper dive’ specialist
identified nor suggestions of important themes            engagement activity. This deeper dive took the
relevant to global real estate which had not been         form of a half-­  day interactive presentation and
                                  Engineering Project Organization Journal
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Figure 1 Votes cast to show interest in the eight themes

discussion event with an invited audience of circa       management are then presented in a focussed section
30 individuals actively involved or engaged with         that follows the discussion of all eight themes.
community inclusion. Again, the audience was
composed of academics, industry practitioners,
representatives from the public sector and those         Infrastructure Interface
working in the third sector. These participants can
be considered as expert in or familiar with this         Whilst technically all forms of infrastructure
theme and the purpose was to look at the current         fixed to and, indeed, including useable land
challenges and future directions for this theme.         can be classed as real estate, in reality there
    The findings of this research are presented          are distinctions made in real estate to separate
presented in a structured way that considers each        categories such as mining and quarrying from both
theme as a set of factors that are germane to real       agriculture and buildings and from all the variety
estate and which have clear implications for the         of built elements that comprises ‘infrastructure’. It
project managers involved in the delivery of real        is therefore reasonable to state that real estate and
estate. The principal implications for project           infrastructure are inextricably linked and both are
                                 Engineering Project Organization Journal
                               © 2021 Engineering Project Organization Society
Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

manifestations of our built environment. Indeed,                 Whether put in ahead or as a result, real estate and
the modern urban world we have created makes the            infrastructure have very many links and interfaces
two fundamentally interwoven and interconnected.            and these are set to exist as we move into new
Whilst the definition of infrastructure would               areas of infrastructure such as green infrastructure
suggest that it needs to be in place first so that it can   (Benedict and McMahon, 2002) and blue-­green
offer the necessary utility and service provision that      infrastructure (Wagner et al., 2013). This raises the
is required of it,2 this is not always straightforward,     need to consider the players and objectives involved
easy or low cost as these infrastructural services and      in real estate and infrastructure – considered at both
utilities need constant maintenance and upgrading.          policy and market levels – as they are not treated
     Two forms of example of the challenge and              as being synonymous and often aren’t aligned. If
role of infrastructure interfaces are offered. The          we take the national level, infrastructure here is
first is the poor or absent infrastructure found in         generally the domain of the centralised or federal
the informal settlements that can be found all over         government as many infrastructural services
the world, including the favelas in South America,          display key attributes of natural monopoly and the
the shanty towns in southern Africa, and informal           risk of market domination and exploitation. Even
refugee and migrant camps now found in a variety of         if it does not always provide it directly, the state
places such as Libya, Syria and the northern coast of       and public sector will be expected to have the most
France. In these cases, the infrastructure to provide       powerful voice at the decision-­making table. At the
sanitation (clean water and waste treatment) and            more regional, and now often city, level there will
power (principally in the form of stable electricity)       be those who increasingly recognise that optimal
has not been provided in a planned and structured           city functioning and performance is provided when
way and in some cases is simply not present at all.         the city functions as a total system, with the real
The consequences are obvious to see, poor health            estate and infrastructure working harmoniously,
and environmental degradation. The second case              resulting in smooth flows of people, freight,
occurs in formalised built environment regimes and          money, data, energy and waste. Such optimality
is where the real estate and infrastructure are out of      is not easy when there are distinct business
balance. There are many examples of this, such as           models used, fragmentation of players and forms
overloaded infrastructure as found with brownouts           of ownership and different time horizons. In
and blackouts in electricity supply, as well as             addition to this set of existing challenges there are
chronic congestion on roads and overcrowding on             potentially dramatic changes that can be feasibly
trains. In other cases, existing real estate was only       considered in our near to mid-­       term future. A
made viable by infrastructure (the case of Canary           selection of these are the changes driven by shifts
Wharf in London that was created through private            in focus within economics and finance – partially
investment, but which only succeeded as a viable            as a result of the Global Financial Crisis of 2008–9,
commercial area when the Jubilee Line (part of the
                                                            the development and adoption of new forms of
London public transport ‘underground’ system)
                                                            technology, the appreciation of the need for wider
was extended). An example of the reverse issue can
                                                            and better stakeholder involvement or the interest
be found in centrally planned economies, such as
                                                            of those with increasing power such as politicians,
China, where its key infrastructure – such as main
                                                            regulators and even entire states and nations that
roads and railways – are installed well ahead of
                                                            recognise the importance and cost – in financial
the anticipated real estate that is planned to follow,
                                                            and political capital – of having cities that function
sometimes many years ahead.
                                                            optimally, in both effectiveness and efficiency
                                                            terms. The current coronavirus pandemic has
                                                            had a major impact on major cities as many city
2                                                           office workers have stayed away from city centres,
 See for example the definition of infrastructure
provided by the website Investopedia: https://www.
                                                            with dramatic impact on the levels of economic (accessed       activity that are reliant on the daily influx of office
December 2019).                                             workers. As a result, there is much speculation as
                                    Engineering Project Organization Journal
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

to what the ‘new normal’ will be for these cities         such as air and rail travel. The popularity of the
and associated consideration of the consequences          automobile has been global and car use increases
for the infrastructural provisioning for these cities     with economic prosperity (Cervero, 2013). This
(Sandbu, 2020).                                           then introduces the role of the road (here this word
                                                          is selected to prioritise car and similar vehicle use)
Beyond Placemaking                                        compared with that of the street (which is used
                                                          to focus on the role of individual). This can be
The word ‘placemaking’ can be understood from             illustrated best through reference to specific places
the following quote from Aravot:                          such as Los Angeles and other ‘car dominated’
                                                          metropolitan areas, versus Rome or Florence, where
    “Sense of place, which is the desired result          streets are for the flow of people. Where we have
    of placemaking, was regarded as a human               lots of people and lots of motorised vehicles we are
    need, essential for wellbeing and feelings            increasingly finding conflict, whether this be on the
    of safety, security and orientation, and a            grounds of safety, environmental consequences or
    remedy against feelings of alienation and             simply reduction in overall appeal.
    estrangement.” (Aravot, 2002)                              There will always be a plethora of types of place,
                                                          but when considering ‘beyond placemaking’ we
Places were and are made from the buildings and           need to understand the challenges and opportunities
other structures we create. From the smallest of          that prevail and are present for each place and seek
hamlets to the largest of global mega-­cities, places     to limit the negative factors that impair a place and
play an important positive or negative role as the        promote those that enhance them. As an example
quote above makes clear. But how to do this well          of this concern, proposed changes to the UK
is far from clear and far from easy. Urban design         planning laws in mid-2020 include the need for
has sought to be the focal point of expertise and         those proposing new construction of buildings to
urban designers study what makes a good, thriving         duly acknowledge and appreciate the importance
and appreciated ‘place’ and what does the opposite.       of the vernacular design of the area. As noted in the
Moving to ‘beyond placemaking’ is a recognition           consultation document:
that placemaking is a necessary objective, but a
place is something that isn’t just made, it needs              “We are cutting red tape, but not standards.
ongoing care and attention – for reasons aligned               This government doesn’t want to just build
to the forces and changes that have been outlined              houses. We want a society that has re-­
in the previous sections. In moving to the agenda              established powerful links between identity
of ‘beyond placemaking’ (alternatively this may                and place, between our unmatchable
be described as ‘place-­curating’), this emerging,             architectural heritage and the future,
or rather re-­emerging, area of real estate practice           between community and purpose. Our
and value creation is argued as a critical area for            reformed system places a higher regard on
attention and study by those focussed on project,              quality, design and local vernacular than
programme and portfolio management, be they                    ever before, and draws inspiration from
academics, or practitioners focussed on policy.                the idea of design codes and pattern books
There is the need to recognise the multiple forces             that built Bath, Belgravia and Bournville.
that will affect these places and push, pull and               Our guiding principle will be as Clough
drive them in different and sometimes opposing                 Williams-­Ellis said, to cherish the past,
directions. Take, for example, transport. Here, we             adorn the present and build for the future.”
need to consider getting to and from a place and
moving around within it. This can lead to many
interventions and in the 20th century this would          Source: Foreword from the Secretary of State,
have been increasingly dominated by using road-­          https://www. ​ g ov. ​ u k/ ​ g overnment/ ​ c onsultations/​
based vehicles powered by internal combustion             planning-​for-​the-​future/​planning-​for-​the-​future,
engines, together with other key types of transport       accessed August 2020
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Engineering Project Organization Journal (January 2021) Volume 10

Health and Wellbeing                                      property rights have become important factors in
                                                          the provision of housing, and our inherent need for
The interplay between real estate in all its forms        housing, coupled with complex supply solutions,
and our health and wellbeing, both individually           has led to some nations experiencing housing as
and collectively, is well documented with                 a focus of financial investment, in extreme cases
many organisations such as Deloitte, UKGBC,               acting solely as a store of value. Like many other
International Well Building Institute, M&G and            globally recognised places, London, UK is such a
the publication Property Week having recorded             case where new residential real estate is not always
activity in this area. Whilst these organisations         provided for those with the greatest fundamental
and journal convey generalities of real estate’s          need. This includes not just the vulnerable,
role and influence on our general health and              designated as ‘homeless’, but also keyworkers
wellbeing, there is also the vital and specific role      on lower levels of pay who are priced out of the
played by healthcare facilities – those specialist        accommodation market. For the most vulnerable
and dedicated forms of real estate we know as our         the problem can be both acute and then chronic,
hospitals, specialist clinics and medical facilities,     as there may be few providers of new housing and
general practitioner and dental surgeries and the         a chronic under-­supply. As urbanisation continues,
increasing number of other primary or similar             so the demand for housing in urban areas will
first point of contact healthcare facilities that are     increase. If demand continues to outstrip supply
embedded in our retail and community areas,               then crises result. As we look to the future, we
such as pharmacies, opticians and audiologists.           see that housing is likely to present new sets of
As concerns about health increasingly extend to           challenges as at least three factors start to impact
include considerations about wellbeing, so we are         significantly. These are:
observing a wider remit for the role of real estate
in both health and wellbeing, including the design
of workplaces as well as important roles for gyms,            zz    Climate change: affecting internal heating
leisure centres and community halls, playing fields,                and cooling (Mavrogianni et al., 2010)
parks, gardens and recreational grounds. These                      as well as coping with extreme weather
different forms of real estate offer a wide variety of              events (Hales et al., 2007).
services that assist the pursuit of good health and           zz    Coping with changing demographics,
fitness and can play a remarkably important role in                 especially a rise in the proportion of the
our physical, mental and social health.                             population who are variously described
     This range and diversity demonstrates                          as seniors or the elderly who will present
how our need for healthcare and wellbeing is                        a wide variety of needs from their homes
expanding and increasing and this is mirrored                       (Agile Ageing Alliance, 2019).
in the variety of types of real estate that address           zz    The costs of maintenance and facility
these needs, everything from the highly expensive                   management in large and often tall multi-­
and complicated leading hospitals and medical                       occupancy residential blocks. Here, the
campuses, through community embedded medical                        high cost of land and proven technology
clinics and associated retail-­based healthcare, to                 have allowed us to ‘stack’ in the form of
the wide variety of real estate offering wellbeing,                 tall towers of apartments. This is extremely
including going outside to walk, to play or relax                   land efficient, but it will raise the challenge
for example.                                                        in the future when large-­scale repair and
                                                                    improvement works will be required.

Housing Affordability
Housing is vital as it solves a fundamental need
for shelter and safety. From this basic set of needs      As noted in the earlier section on Beyond
has evolved a wide variety of housing solutions. As       Placemaking, there is a need for constant
housing is anchored to land, so land ownership and        monitoring and updating of the places that
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