Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea

Page created by Carlos Harmon
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
SV2T, 2021-03-17

Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype
WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
                 and Adriatic Sea

                                   by Kevin Ruddick1,
Quinten Vanhellemont 1, Dieter Vansteenwegen2, Matthew Beck1, Vittorio Brando3, André
                   Cattrijsse2 ,Javier Concha3, Clémence Goyens1

                   1. Royal Belgian Institute for Natural Sciences (RBINS), Belgium
                             2. Flanders Marine Institute (VLIZ), Belgium
                              3. Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
Intense near-shore bloom observed by Sentinel-2A/MSI in Belgian waters
 (red-edge Chl-a absorption – see Vanhellemont & Ruddick 2017)

               Sentinel-2 sees many new processes
        e.g. for EU Water Framework Directive monitoring

        But the quality and usability of all these products
        depends on "level 2" water reflectance validation

Chlorophyll a (µg/l)

0                 100
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
WATERHYPERNET measurement systems
Existing TRIOS radiometer (2000)                New radiometer (2020-22)
New "PANTHYR" system (2018)
                                                New system (2020-22)
                                              Multiplexed multi-head foreoptics
                                              (radiance, irradiance, optional polarized
                                              radiance, etc) + Camera
                                                                 Fiber optic
                                               < WATERHYPERNET
                                               equipment #1 etc.

                                             Radiometer                  monitoring LED
                                                                         + camera

[D. Vansteenwegen et al, "The pan-and-tilt       Pan & Tilt
hyperspectral radiometer system (PANTHYR) for
autonomous satellite validation measurements –
prototype design and testing", Remote Sensing, [H2020/HYPERNETS consortium: RBINS,
2009]                                          TARTU, LOV, GFZ, CNR, NPL, CONICET]
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
WATER reflectance acquisition protocol

      PARK     3*Ed         3*Ld      11*Lu            3*Ld   3*Ed         PARK
                      Ld                        Ld             Ed
                           40°                       40°

       20°                           Lu   40°                              20°

side view
 g                                     QC
                                 temporal stability

                    PANTHYR geometry
 (E=irradiance and L=radiance fixed by metal bracket at 40°)
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
PANTHYR in action
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
SV2T, 2021-03-17
                WATERHYPERNET/PANTHYR Site 1/3
 Aqua Alta since 2019-09-25 (still running) with CNR collaboration
      CNR site manager
      Moderately turbid waters

 PRISMA image 2020-02-08

                           • Robust 18-months functioning
                           • 1st maintenance visit after 13 months
                             (radiometer swap)
                           • Used for validation of S2, S3, L8, Doves,
                             PRISMA (so far)
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
 Blue Accelerator Platform outside Oostende harbour (2019-11-14 to
  2020-08 = 9 months)
    – VLIZ/POM collaboration for installation and operation
    – Turbid, tidal, eutrophic, port outflow
Planetscope 2020-05-05 10:31UTC

                        • Robust 9-months functioning
                        • Used for validation of S2, S3, L8, Doves
                        • Awaiting redeployment
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
 Blankaart drinking water reservoir
   –   De Watergroep site manager
   –   Very strong adjacency effects => useful target for atmospheric correction
   –   Short deployments in 2019, longer deployment end-May 2020 w camera
   –   Cannot yet deploy in reservoir centre - pending construction of safety rail
               Maintenance visit 2020-08 (3 months)
               • Water ingress problem ...
               • Pending redeployment

                                    ~800m diameter, drinking water reservoir
                                    De Watergroep
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
A slide on measurement uncertainties
           [Ruddick et al. "A Review of Protocols for ... Water-
           Leaving Radiance". Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 2198.

[Banks et al. "Fiducial Reference Measurements for
Satellite Ocean Colour (FRM4SOC)". Remote Sens. 2020,
12, 1322.

         [Ruddick et al. A Review of Protocols for ...
         Downwelling Irradiance. Remote Sens. 2019, 11, 1742.]
                 (also relevant for land)
Radiometric validation of Sentinel-2AB by prototype WATERHYPERNET deployments in the North Sea
Validation results
  S2A/B matchups until 2020-07-15 from Aqua Alta (blue) and
   Oostende (orange) WATERHYPERNET sites using new (20210114)
   version of ACOLITE/DSF software:
S2/ACOLITE water refl.

                         443nm                   560nm                               704nm

                         In situ water refl.     In situ water refl.                In situ water refl.

[Vanhellemont Q. Sensitivity analysis of the dark spectrum fitting atmospheric correction for metre- and decametre-
scale satellite imagery using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry (2020) Optics Express, Vol. 28 p397456. DOI:; WATERHYPERNET sites run by VLIZ/POM and CNR]
Validation results
  S2A/B matchups until 2020-07-15 from Aqua Alta (blue) and
   Oostende (orange) WATERHYPERNET sites using new (20210114)
   "DSF" version of ACOLITE software:
                           Results improved when SWIR bands excluded

       RMSDifference water refl
        S2/ACOLITE - in situ
        (30A+28B matchups)

            Different A/C variants

[Vanhellemont Q. Sensitivity analysis of the dark spectrum fitting atmospheric correction for metre- and decametre-
scale satellite imagery using autonomous hyperspectral radiometry (2020) Optics Express, Vol. 28 p397456. DOI:; WATERHYPERNET sites run by VLIZ/POM and CNR]
 WATERHYPERNET network of automatically pointed hyperspectral
  radiometers is ideal for S2 water reflectance validation:
   – Many matchups/year for each site (one image => one matchup)
   – All VIS/NIR bands without "band-shifting" uncertainties
   – Economy of scale (used also for S3, L8, PlanetDoves, VIIRS, etc. etc.)
 First 2 WATERHYPERNET sites (Aqua Alta, Oostende) successfully
  operating for many months:
   – very robust system design, mature radiometer
   – Deployment of more systems (target 10 sites in 2022)
   – Measurement uncertainty analysis (cf. FRM4SOC-2 project)
   – Exploitation of multi-azimuth and multi-zenith pointing capability
 Feedback to S2 mission:
   – ACOLITE/DSF atmospheric correction functioning well
   – SWIR band calibration needs improvement?
   – Impact of reference F0 for SWIR?
   Vanhellemont Q. Sensitivity analysis of the dark spectrum fitting atmospheric
    correction for metre- and decametre-scale satellite imagery using autonomous
    hyperspectral radiometry (2020) Optics Express, Vol. 28 p397456. DOI:
   Vansteenwegen D. & Ruddick K. & Cattrijsse A. & Vanhellemont Q. & Beck M.
    The Pan-and-Tilt Hyperspectral Radiometer System (PANTHYR) for Autonomous
    Satellite Validation Measurements—Prototype Design and Testing (2019)
    Remote Sensing , Vol. 11(11) p. 1360. DOI:
   WATERHYPERNET/AAOT site run by CNR (V.Brando)
   WATERHYPERNET/Oostende site run by VLIZ/POM (D. Vansteenwegen)
   S2 ACOLITE atmospheric correction software
   ACOLITE forum:
   In situ dataset (S2 matchups) available at

   Funded by BELSPO and ESA
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