Radio interferometry applied to the observation of cosmic-ray induced extensive air showers.
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Eur. Phys. J. C manuscript No. (will be inserted by the editor) Radio interferometry applied to the observation of cosmic-ray induced extensive air showers. a,1,3,4 Harm Schoorlemmer , Washington R. Carvalho Jr.2,3,4 1 Max-Planck-Institut für Kernphysik, Saupfercheckweg 1, 69117, Heidelberg, Germany 2 Physics Institute, University of São Paulo, Rua do Matão 1371, São Paulo, Brazil 3 IMAPP, Radboud University Nijmegen, Nijmegen, The Netherlands 4 Nationaal Instituut voor Kernfysica en Hoge Energie Fysica (NIKHEF), Science Park, Amsterdam, The Netherlands arXiv:2006.10348v2 [astro-ph.HE] 10 Jan 2022 Received: date / Accepted: date Abstract We developed a radio interferometric tech- or at ground level, the energy, incoming direction and nique for the observation of extensive air showers initi- composition of the cosmic particles can be derived. Clas- ated by cosmic particles. In this proof-of-principle study sically, the characteristics of an EAS can be observed by we show that properties of extensive air showers can be recording the flash of faint fluorescence and/or Cherenkov derived with high accuracy in a straightforward man- light emitted during its propagation through the atmo- ner. When time synchronisation below ∼1 ns between sphere and/or by sampling the footprint of the EAS us- different receivers can be achieved, direction reconstruc- ing particle detectors at ground level. However, when an tion resolution of < 0.2◦ and resolution on the depth EAS propagates through the atmosphere it also emits of shower maximum of < 10 g/cm2 are obtained over radio-waves which can be observed by an array of anten- the full parameter range studied, with even higher ac- nas. For recent reviews on the radio detection of cosmic curacy for inclined incoming directions. In addition, by ray induced air shower see [1, 2]. From a macroscopic applying the developed method to dense arrays of radio point of view, the emission can be understood as the antennas, the energy threshold for the radio detection of sum of two major contributions, one arising from the extensive air showers can be significantly lowered. The deflection of the secondary electrons and positrons in proposed method can be incorporated in operational the geomagnetic field and the other arising from nega- and future cosmic particle observatories and with its tive charge build-up in the shower front [3, 4]. Radiation high accuracy it has the potential to play a crucial role emitted from different regions in the EAS development in unravelling the composition of the ultra-high-energy will add up coherently when the differences in arrival cosmic-particle flux. time at the receiver are smaller than a quarter of the wavelength. The power of radiation that is received co- Keywords Cosmic Rays · Radio Detection · Recon- herently depends on the location of the observation. struction algorithms As the relativistic moving emitter propagates through the refractive atmosphere it leads to a Cherenkov-cone feature in the radiation pattern where the received ra- 1 Introduction diation is maximally coherent [5, 6]. Although radio interferometry is widely used in radio Interferometry is a method to expose coherence proper- astronomy, the properties of signals from radio emission ties in wave phenomena and is applied in many branches from EAS mandate a different approach. A key differ- of physics. In this study we show how interferometry ence is that the emitting region is typically not in the can be used to derive properties of a relativistic cas- far-field where the wavefront can be approximated by a cade of particles initiated by an (ultra-) high-energy plane. As will be shown, this difference will actually en- cosmic particle in the atmosphere, a so-called extensive able three dimensional reconstruction of the EAS prop- air shower (EAS). erties. Another difference is that the signal is impulsive By observing properties of EASs, like the primary axis (with a typical duration in the order of nano-seconds), of propagation and the particle density along that axis which has the benefit that aliasing features occurring a at time differences that are multiples of the wavelength e-mail:
2 are suppressed in comparison to continuous emitting a) y=0 b) z=7 km sources. The final difference is that the polarisation of the negative charge build-up emission depends on the y (m) location of the receiver. We choose not to address this issue for now as it is typically the sub-dominant contri- bution to the overall emission, but we recognise that a proper treatment could be implemented as an improve- c) z=5.25 km ment to the proof-of-principle study presented here. y (m) b) 2 Methodology c) d) z=3.5 km In our method, waveforms Si (t) measured with receivers d) at different locations i = (1, .., n) are added in the fol- y (m) lowing way n X Sj (t) = Si (t − ∆i,j ), (1) i x (m) 23 with ∆i,j the light-propagation time from location j Fig. 1 The Radio interferometric technique applied to a to i. Sj (t) present the coherent waveform at location j simulation of a cosmic-ray induced air shower initiated by a 1017 eV proton with an incoming direction one degree from and is the key quantity in the interferometric method. zenith. Panel a) shows the normalised power of Sj (t) in Eq. 1 Since we are interested in impulsive signals, we need mapped onto the vertical plane that contains the shower axis the actual travel time of the light ∆i,j , rather than the (chosen to be at y=0), while b), c) and d) show horizontal geometrical phase difference which is sufficient for con- planes at different heights. As receivers (measuring each Si (t) in Eq. 1) we used an array of 25 antennas on a grid with equal tinuously emitting source in the far-field and commonly spacing of 100 m. In b), c) and d) the orange dot marks the used in radio astronomy. By evaluating the power in Sj location of the true shower axis, while the blue dot marks the at different locations j a three-dimensional measure of maximum in the map. the coherence is obtained. The light travel time ∆i,j from each antenna location i to location j is approxi- travel time from emitter to receiver that takes into ac- mated by count the varying atmospheric refractive index, which di,j n̄i,j is a crucial part of the method described in this work. ∆i,j ≈ , (2) c with c the speed of light in vacuum, di,j the distance be- tween location i and j, and n̄ the average atmospheric 3 Application to air shower reconstruction refractive index along the path from i to j, assuming that the light travels in straight paths between i and To study the spatial distribution of Sj , we used the j. This is a valid approximation for the calculations of ZHAireS simulation code [11] to calculate the radio radio emission from air showers (see appendix A of [7]). emission from air showers simulated by the Aires pack- The atmospheric refractive index can be parametrised age. The ZHAireS calculations provides us with a time- as an exponential function of altitude z, n = 1 + ae−bz , dependent electric field vector at a specified antenna and for simplicity in the remainder of the paper all the position. To obtain signal traces Si (t), a 30–80 MHz calculations are performed using a = 325 × 10−6 and bandpass filter has been applied to mimic roughly the b = 0.1218 km−1 . However, it has been tested that the frequency response of currently operational arrays like method is robust against (small) deviations from the LOFAR [12], AERA [3], Tunka-REX [13], and OVRO- assumed refractive index model that can occur during LWA [14]. For simplicity, we decided to evaluate the regular atmospheric conditions. component of the electric-field in the direction perpen- We note here that interferometric approaches have dicular to the geomagnetic field orientation and to the been tried before, especially the early work by [8] comes direction of propagation of the particle shower. This very close to the approach presented here. In [8], and corresponds to the axis of polarisation of the geomag- also [9, 10], the arrival times of the signals are approxi- netic emission, which is the dominant contribution for mated to follow a parametrised ”radio wavefront”. Miss- most EASs. ing in these approaches is an exact calculation of the In Figure 1, we show the mapping of the power of Sj
3 integrated in the frequency band in several planes for a We randomised the impact point of the shower-axis simulated 1017 eV proton entering the atmosphere one uniformly within the central rectangular grid unit. The degree from zenith (we normalised the map to have reconstruction approach has been applied to this simu- maximum at 1). The mapping in the xz-plane (panel lated set of air showers and the main results are sum- a) shows clearly the coherent power being mapped near marised in Figure 2. the shower axis and it reaches a maximum along the In the right panel of Figure 2 the direction of the re- shower-axis. The horizontal slices (panels b, c, d) show constructed axis is compared to the location of the true that the location of maximum power in these maps shower axis. The obtainable angular resolution is indi- only deviate a few metres from the true position of the cated by the 68% containment level δ68% . For both the shower axis. direction and Xmax reconstruction we observed that We are going to use the observation that the power the accuracy improves with increasing zenith angle (and mapping strongly correlates with the air shower axis to increasing depth of shower maximum), i.e. when the reconstruct air shower properties. We applied the fol- shower is physically closer to the receivers the method lowing reconstruction approach to identify an axis in works poorer. This is not yet fully understood and in- the power mapped space: vestigating this trade-off in more detail will be part of a follow-up study. One plausible reason might be that 1. A horizontal plane is defined at an altitude corre- coherence in the received radiation is not achieved over sponding to the average depth of shower maximum large scales of the emitting air shower when it is too for a reference energy of the primary particle. In nearby. this plane an iterative search for the position of the The result of evaluating the power along the recon- maximum power is conducted. In each iteration the structed axis for four simulated air showers that reach resolution is adjusted to zoom in on the ”hottest” shower maximum at depths that increase in steps of pixel. roughly 100 g/cm2 is shown in the left panel in Fig- 2. Based on the location of the maximum in step 1, ure 2. The distribution of the observed power along the multiple horizontal planes (like in figure 2) are de- reconstructed axis depends clearly on the longitudinal fined and in each plane we search again for the lo- development of the air shower. In the middle panel of cation of the maximum. We fit a track to the loca- Figure 2 the comparison is shown between the depth tions of the set of maxima in the horizontal planes, XRIT of the maximum power along the reconstructed what gives the first estimate of the parameters of axis (now expressed as slant-depth in units of g/cm2 ) the shower axis: the impact point at ground level and the true depth Xmax where the air showers reach x0 , y0 , z = 0 and an azimuth φ and zenith θ angle. their maximum electron density. Xmax is one of the 3. In a final step, the estimated parameters from step key observables in characterising the composition of 2 are used as starting point to maximise the inte- the cosmic particle flux. The relation between XRIT grated power along a track of predefined length by and Xmax at a specific angle can be described by a varying the four axis parameters. simple first order polynomial. We used this fit to es- We calculated with ZHAireS the radio emission of sets timate an Xmax value for each shower. This estimate of proton and iron induced air showers at different zenith was then compared to the true shower maximum to angles. A rectangular array of antennas was used in obtain a distribution of the deviations. We then took which we increased the grid-spacing of the grid unit the RMS of this distribution as the scatter σ, which as a function of the zenith angle of the shower (See represents a measure of the resolution that is achiev- Table 1). In this way, the number of antennas in the able by the method. The obtained overall resolution is radio-footprint on the ground was kept roughly con- encouraging, with σ < 10 g cm−2 and decreasing sig- stant (typically between 25-40) in the different zenith nificantly with zenith angle. For comparison, the res- angle sets. olution of the fluorescence detection technique by the Pierre Auger Observatory [15] ranges from 25 g cm−2 at 1017.8 eV to 15 g cm−2 towards the highest energies Table 1 Array properties. (> 1019 eV), while the Low Frequency Array (LOFAR), using radio measurements and a reconstruction method zenith angle Antenna density (km−2 ) based on full Monte-Carlo simulations, reported a mean 0◦ 400 uncertainty of 16 g cm−2 in the energy range from 1017 30◦ 204 to 1017.5 eV [16]. 60◦ 22 75◦ 2.7
4 power (normalized) entries / 0.02° XRIT (g/cm2) 1 θ = 0∘ δ68% = 0.182∘ 850 proton + iron = 0 ∘, σ = 9.3g/cm 2 θ = 30∘ δ68% = 0.089 0.9 800 θ ∘ θ = 30∘, σ = 9.0g/cm 2 0.8 750 θ = 60∘, σ = 7.0g/cm 2 40 θ = 60∘ δ68% = 0.042∘ θ = 75∘, σ = 2.9g/cm 2 0.7 700 θ = 75∘ δ68% = 0.037∘ 0.6 650 0.5 600 20 0.4 550 Xmax = 537 g/cm2 0.3 Xmax = 638 g/cm2 500 Xmax = 737 g/cm2 0.2 450 Xmax = 834 g/cm2 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 16000 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 0 d (m) 2 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 Xmax (g/cm ) δ (°) Fig. 2 Air shower development traced by the radio-interferometric-technique (RIT). Left panel, examples of the power evalu- ated at distance d measured from the ground along the shower axis. Four simulated proton induced air showers with a zenith angle of θ = 30◦ are shown. Middle panel, correlation between Xmax and the slant-depth XRIT of the on-axis maximum of the power obtained by the reconstruction for four simulation sets at different 24 zenith angles. Each set consists26of 30 iron and 100 proton induced air showers. Right panel, angular deviation δ between reconstructed and true direction for the same four sets of simulations as in the middle panel. 3.1 Adding background and timing uncertainties. Since this method both utilises the amplitude and timing information in the signal, it is expected that The results presented in Figure 2 were obtained in the synchronisation error from station to station will de- absence of any background radio signals and should teriorate the performance. A simple constrain on syn- therefore be regarded as the case where the influence of chronisation comes from the coherence condition, which background is negligible. However, especially in the fre- implies that the timing uncertainty ∆t and position un- quency range between 30–80 MHz the Milky Way is pro- certainty ∆x of each receiver needs to be known to an viding an omnipresent background contribution, which accuracy of smaller than quarter pof the wavelength. For results in a typical ∼ 25 µV/m (RMS) noise level in a signal at 50 MHz this yields ∆2t + (∆x /c)2 < 5 ns. this frequency band. In Figure 3 (top) we added this We verified that synchronisation uncertainties beyond noise level to the simulations and reconstructed the lo- this limit will destroy the coherence mapping. However, cation of XRIT and estimated the resulting resolution timing jitter on individual stations already impacts the Xmax . The strength of the electric field of the radio achievable resolution on reconstructed air shower pa- signal scales linearly with the energy of the primary rameters at smaller values. We illustrate this in Fig- particle, we apply this scaling to the reference energy ure 3 (bottom) where we added Gaussian distributed of 1017 eV to mimic other energies. Here we warn the random timing jitter to each simulation and obtained reader that the results in Figure 3 are meant as to illus- the resolution on Xmax . One can observe above 1 ns trate to first order the effect. In general the expected timing jitter, a linear degradation of the resolution of performance will depend on the antenna density (given shower maximum. We note here that this result is valid Table 1, also see section 4), the location of the obser- for the specific simulation setup used here, but can be vatory, the event geometry, and observing conditions. taken as an indication of the right scale. The timing ac- We see that the performance converges to the most ac- curacy needed to get competitive results (below 2 ns) curate resolution with increasing energy, the energy at is beyond the achievable accuracy of individual GPS which this happens depends on the configuration of the receivers. Therefore, this method either needs cabled simulations that were used in this paper. In addition, setups and/or the use of external synchronisation sig- the presence of background mandates a search strategy nals. We note here that made a pragmatic choice to use for the signal in the summed waveform (Sj ). Here we a Gaussian distribution to sample the time uncertainty, have chosen a pragmatic search window of 200 ns based which might not reflect realistic time uncertainty mod- on the event geometry, which in a real experiment can els. be tested from either from the radio signal or an exter- Dedicated studies of simulated showers including full in- nal trigger. For implementation in specific experiments strumental response and array configurations are needed this search window should be optimised and can either to estimate the performance of this method in the dif- improve or degrade the obtainable resolution at given ferent operational and planned experiments. However, energy. the results from the relatively simple reconstruction ap-
5 ple the relevant dimensions of the emission region suf- 50 ficiently. However, having prior knowledge of the ex- σ (g/cm2) θ = 0° pected emission region (which we have through MC θ = 30° simulations), can be used in a fitting approach to par- 40 θ = 60° tially compensate for the lack of baselines in some ob- θ = 75° servations. This idea will be explored in future work for specific implementation of radio antenna arrays. 30 This radio interferometric technique provides a straight- forward way of reconstructing EAS parameters, with 20 the only assumption being the atmospheric refractive index model. As shown, the mapping of the power in Sj gives access to shower parameters like the primary 10 axis and longitudinal development parameters. How- ever, this interferometric method also has its limita- tions and artefacts. For example, one artefact shows up 0 1017 10 18 10 19 in the left panel of Figure 2, where there is a long tail in energy scale (eV) the power of Sj that remains even in the region of large distances along the shower axis, where the number of 50 particles from air shower development vanishes. This is σ (g/cm2) θ = 0° caused by the fact that the gradient of arrival times 45 reduces to zero for antennas in the array for large dis- θ = 30° 40 θ = 60° tances d along the shower axis. Therefore there is some θ = 75° remainder power, which corresponds to the power of Sj 35 under a plane wave approximation. 30 The radio interferometric technique has the appearance of being a tomographic method as it can be applied in 25 three dimensions. However, one should use this term 20 with some caution, since the mapping of the power in Sj (t) is not a direct representation of the emitted radi- 15 ation, the spatial data points are correlated over scales 10 set by coherence condition for a given wavelength. Ap- 5 plying the method at higher frequencies than used in this study will shorten the coherence length and there- 0 fore will give a more direct mapping of the emitting 0 1 2 3 4 5 time resolution (ns) regions of the EAS. In addition, it might be possible to expand the method with deconvolution techniques in Fig. 3 Top: Resolution on Xmax (σ) as a function of the energy scale of the primary particle for the four zenith angle order to map the emission directly. sets and their corresponding antenna densities from Table 1. A typical background noise level in the frequency band from 30-80 MHz is considered. Bottom: Resolution on Xmax (σ) as 4 Application to air shower detection threshold a function of receiver-to-receiver time synchronisation resolu- tion (Gaussian width) for individual receivers. No background noise was added. One important aspect of interferometric methods is that signal-to-noise ratio scales as the square-root of the proach given here yield a promising starting point for number of receiving elements. This means that the de- more elaborate approaches including more realistic in- tection threshold of the radio-detection technique can strument modelling. An example of such a study can be lowered by increasing the antenna density in the ar- already be found in [17]. ray accordingly. This behaviour is illustrated in Figure In the study presented here, we used regular grid ar- 4 in which we vary the antenna array density for a 60◦ rays. However, for highly irregular grids, or very sparse simulated air shower. At each receiver, we simulate a arrays, the simple linear relation for a given zenith random white noise realisation resulting in an average angle will no longer hold. Like in traditional radio- root mean square of 14 µV/m. In the left panel of Figure astronomy, you need to have enough baselines to sam- 4 the summed waveform Sj,max at XRIT is evaluated
(mV m-1) 10 6 amplitude 0.06 m-1) 10 amplitude (mV m-1) amplitude (mV m-1) Antenna with largest signal 1.5 Summed Waveform amplitude (mV signal + noise at location of maximum 0.04 signal 1 1 signal, peak 0.02 0.5 1 ~ρ 0 0 −1 10 −0.02 −0.5 noise, rms 2 10 10 ~ρ0.5 density ρ (km-2) −0.04 −1 10−1 10 102 −600 −500 −400 −300 −200 −100 0 100 200 density ρ (km-2) time (ns) time (ns) 102 density ρ (km-2) Fig. 4 Properties of the summed waveform Sj,max with the maximum power along the shower axis for a 1017 eV proton induced air shower 60◦ from zenith. At the location of each antenna 29 a waveform with white-noise is simulated with a root 28 mean square of 14 µV/m. Left panel, dependency of the amplitude of Sj at XRIT on the antenna density of 30the array. Middle panel, the waveform of the location on the ground that received the maximum signal from the air shower. Right panel, the summed waveform Sj,max for an array density of 22 antennas per km2 . as a function of receiver density in the array. We show 5 Discussion two cases, once simulating noise and once only simu- lating signal. As expected for the coherent signal, the Several upcoming experiments are focusing on radio ob- peak amplitude of Sj,max scales linearly with the den- servation of inclined air showers, where the interfero- sity of the receivers while the incoherent noise level in- metric method is showing its best performance. The creases as the square-root of the receiver density. As an Pierre Auger Observatory is currently being upgraded example of how this could lower the energy threshold which includes a radio-antenna on each water-Cherenkov for estimating air shower parameters, we show in the tank of the surface detector in order to observe the middle panel the waveform of the antenna that receives radio emission of inclined events [19]. The determina- the strongest signal in the array. As is visible, when tion of shower maximum with the method developed the noise is added to the signal (black line) it is hard here will enable accurate hybrid measurements of in- to identify the presence of any signal at all. However, clined air showers to be used in composition studies. a clear signal can be seen in the coherent sum, when Another project is the Giant Radio Array for Neutrino all the antennas in the array are combined to obtain Detection [20], where the radio interferometric method Sj,max , as shown in the right panel. There are exist- might both help with air shower reconstruction and ing high-density arrays that are capable of measuring with the identification of air showers among other im- EAS, like the LOFAR detector where this method can pulsive events. Since both these arrays are deployed be directly tested. New facilities, like the square kilo- over large areas, the challenge will be to obtain syn- metre array, might have a density of 60000 antennas chronisation between the individual stations accurately per km2 [18]. For such arrays, this analysis technique enough to satisfy the coherence conditions. This might will enable the study of air shower parameters over a for example be achieved with the use of external con- significantly larger range of energies, provided an exter- tinuous narrow-band transmitters [21, 22]. In addition, nal trigger is obtained from a simple array of particle the spacing of the antenna grid for these large arrays is detectors. It is unlikely that this method can be used to in the km scale, resulting in the order of 10 antennas trigger on radio signal from cosmic ray events as unbi- sampling the radio footprint. We tested our method on ased scanning of three dimensional space requires inten- a square grid with 1 km spacing at a zenith angle of 75◦ sive computing. However, this method might be used to which resulted in some degradation in the resolution on identify the location of noise source offline. Events from Xmax (σ ≈ 10 g cm−2 ), which is still pretty compelling stationary noise sources will result in fixed time offsets for these very low-density arrays. The reason for this between receivers, which could be used to veto events degradation is that below a certain antenna density, or these events in an online trigger (or offline analysis). very asymmetric sampling of the radio footprint, not the full information of the shower development is sam- pled with the baselines contained in the array. This will cause distortions in the three dimensional mapping of the coherent power, hence the straightforward linear
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At lower energy (1016 −1018 eV) it is the V. de Souza, F. di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Fal- high-density of antennas in radio telescopes that might cke, H. Gemmeke, P.L. Ghia, R. Glasstetter, C. Gru- pen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Hornef- provide very accurate composition measurements in the fer, T. Huege, P.G. Isar, K.H. Kampert, D. Kickel- energy regime where the cosmic-ray flux is expected to bick, Y. Kolotaev, O. Krömer, J. Kuijpers, S. Lafebre, transition from mainly galactic to extra-galactic origin. P. Luczak, M. Manewald, H.J. Mathes, H.J. Mayer, We would like to remark that the presented method C. Meurer, B. Mitrica, C. Morello, G. Navarra, S. Nehls, J. Oehlschläger, S. Ostapchenko, S. Over, M. Petcu, here is generic and is applicable to a wider range of ob- T. Pierog, J. Rautenberg, H. Rebel, M. Roth, A. Saftoiu, servations. A similar method has already been applied H. Schieler, A. Schmidt, F. Schröder, O. Sima, K. Singh, to the observation of lightning [23], revealing substruc- M. Stümpert, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, H. Ulrich, J. van tures with unprecedented resolution. Another obvious Buren, W. Walkowiak, A. Weindl, J. Wochele, J. Za- bierowski, J.A. Zensus, A&A487(2), 781 (2008). DOI candidate to apply the radio interferometric technique 10.1051/0004-6361:20079218 are the in-ice radio antenna arrays deployed for neu- 9. W.D. Apel, J.C. Arteaga-Velázquez, L. Bähren, K. Bekk, trino observations [2]. In this case, the method might M. Bertaina, P.L. Biermann, J. Blümer, H. Bozdog, need to be complemented by ray-tracing algorithms in I.M. Brancus, E. Cantoni, A. Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, F. Di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Falcke, order to determine the light travel time to sufficient ac- B. Fuchs, H. Gemmeke, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, curacy. J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, D. Huber, T. Huege, P.G. To conclude, the method presented here provides a whole Isar, K.H. Kampert, D. 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Chiavassa, K. Daumiller, V. de Souza, sightful comments. W.R.C. thanks grant 2015/15735-1, São F. di Pierro, P. Doll, R. Engel, H. Falcke, B. Fuchs, Paulo Research Foundation (FAPESP). H. Gemmeke, C. Grupen, A. Haungs, D. Heck, J.R. Hörandel, A. Horneffer, D. Huber, T. Huege, P.G. Isar, K.H. Kampert, D. Kang, O. Krömer, J. Kuijpers, K. Link, P. Luczak, M. Ludwig, H.J. Mathes, M. Melis- References sas, C. Morello, S. Nehls, J. Oehlschläger, N. Palmieri, T. Pierog, J. Rautenberg, H. Rebel, M. Roth, C. Rühle, 1. T. Huege, Physics Reports 620, 1 (2016). DOI https: A. Saftoiu, H. Schieler, A. Schmidt, S. Schoo, F.G. // Schröder, O. Sima, G. Toma, G.C. Trinchero, A. Weindl, 2. F.G. Schröder, Progress in Particle and Nuclear Physics J. Wochele, J. Zabierowski, J.A. Zensus, Lopes Collabo- 93, 1 (2017). DOI ration, European Physical Journal C 81(2), 176 (2021). 12.002 DOI 10.1140/epjc/s10052-021-08912-4
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