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GRAYS HARBOR                 SPRING 2021
                            March • April • May

               PROMOTING HEALING
               QUINAULT ARTIST
               EZEKIEL SERRANO
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Photo courtesy of Ezekiel Serrano
                                                                                                                                                       Volume 3 • Issue 1 • Spring 2021
                                                                                                                                                 Published Quarterly: Winter, Spring, Summer, Fall

                                                                                                                                             Coastal Currents Magazine is mailed to 35,651
                                                                                                                                                       Grays Harbor households.
                                                                                                                                               Grays Harbor Coastal Currents is a quarterly
                                                                                                                                             publication featuring original stories from Grays
                                                                                                                                             Harbor County and a resource guide of local art,
    Ezekiel Serrano with his Eagle Song Carrier carving in the Tribal Council Chambers in Taholah.
                                                                                                                                                    music, theater, food and festivals.
                                                                                                                                                                  Stan Woody
                                                                                                                                                             CREATIVE DIRECTOR
                                                                                                                                                                Amy Ostwald
    G R AY S H A R B O R •                                                                                                                                       COPY EDITOR
                                                                                                                                                            Gail Greenwood Ayres
      6        Quinault Artist Ezekiel Serrano Brings Healing                                                                                    Gail Greenwood Ayres • gailbird@olynet.com
                                                                                                                                               Marguerite Garth • margueritegarth@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                             Christine Vincent • st.hildegardsscriptorium@gmail.com
    10         Musical Duo Adds to Cultural Life – Ken Albert, Christine Hill                                                                     Juliana Wallace • jbdajkwallace@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                             Gregory E. Zschomler • gregory.zschomler@gmail.com

                                                                                                                                                             GRAPHIC DESIGN
               Taqueria San Jose Offers Tasty Tacos, Sense of Community                                                                             Amy Ostwald, Ostwald Graphic Design
                                                                                                                                                  ostwald@olynet.com or ccads19@gmail.com
                                                                                                                                                          WEB & SOCIAL MEDIA
    20         When Love and Creativity Meet – Robin and John Gumaelius                                                                        Paul Woody • socialmedia@coastal-currents.com
                                                                                                                                             Stan Woody • stan@coastal-currents.com (830) 265-0190
    24         Restauranteur Ralph Larson Promotes Harbor History                                                                                               PRINTING
                                                                                                                                                         JG Commercial Printers, Inc

    27         A Theatrical Fleury – Julayne Fleury                                                                                                             DISTRIBUTION
                                                                                                                                                      P. O. Box 261, Grayland, WA 98547
                                                                                                                                                  info@coastal-currents.com (830) 265-0190

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                                                                                                                                                                                         Photo by Michael Bruce

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                                              Quinault Artist
                                              Ezekiel Serrano
                                              Brings Healing
Ezekiel Serrano carving with an adze
                                                                                                                            Eagle feather
BY CHRISTINE VINCENT                          While teaching them, Serrano is
                                              learning a wealth of knowledge about         While attending Hoquiam schools,
       or the Pacific Northwest indigenous    the history of his people.                   Serrano discovered his love for art,
    people, art is a carrier of culture, of                                                taking art classes throughout middle
                                              “I could quit my job and be a full-time
tribal legend and history. Art is created                                                  School and high school, and even in
                                              artist, but my work in the clinic goes
in families and connects the community.                                                    college. After earning his bachelor’s
                                              hand in hand with my art,” he explains.
Most importantly, art is a way of                                                          degree in biology from Eastern
                                              ”In order to create good art, one needs
healing, of recovering spiritual roots.                                                    Washington University, he parked cars
                                              inner balance. My work helps me keep
                                                                                           for a year at the Quinault Casino before
For Taholah artist Ezekiel Serrano, 36,       my spiritual infrastructure in place.”
                                                                                           landing his current position at the
healing is a vocation expressed both in
                                              Born to a Quinault mother and a Filipino     Taholah Clinic.
his work as a certified group trainer at
                                              father, Serrano lived only the first four
the Taholah Indian Health Clinic and in                                                    Serrano says he deeply enjoys his work
                                              years of his life in Taholah. His family’s
his deeply spiritual art.                                                                  with the elders.      “Gathering camas
                                              move to Hoquiam placed a significant
Serrano’s work at the clinic includes         distance between the boy and his
teaching traditional skills such as                            Quinault roots.
gathering and preparing medicinal
herbs and living off the land. Many                                                                                         Eagle Song Carrier
elders struggle with diabetes                                                                                               carving
and benefit from a return
to a traditional diet,
Serrano says.

root and cooking stinging nettles

                                                                                       All photos courtesy of Ezekiel Serrano
brought me back to the land,” he says.
“I was back from the fraternities and
clubs. I got re-rooted.”
                                            “People stop by
In Northwest Coastal art, traditional
geometric shapes and stylized
                                         to talk and to pray,”
figures constitute a language in         says Serrano. “I have
which the artist tells the spiritual
history of his tribe. The shapes are       everybody take a
intricately connected reflecting
the connection of the human
                                         knife and cut. This is
community with their natural and          community work.”
supernatural environment, Serrano
explains. He had studied legends and
tribal history online and in books to
enlarge his artistic vocabulary before      to the physical. He is featured in a
the Quinault elders helped him learn art    beautiful, brightly painted ceremonial
the indigenous way.                         mask. Other masks represents Raven,
The artist’s immersion in tribal culture    crafty and creative, who gets into a lot
has resulted in a stunning array of         of trouble but is also smart and wise;
traditional Quinault art, including         and Wolf, the protector, who is delicate
ceremonial masks, paddles, drums            and calm but at the same time a
and figurines. At the same time, he has     fierce leader.
been exploring new ways of using tribal     Carvings of two wooden feathers tell of
motifs in paintings, vector designs and,    the mythical Eagle with large feathers
most recently, silk screening.              that pulled off the top of a cedar tree.
Many mythological characters inhabit        He carried it to the top of a mountain
Serrano’s art, including Thunderbird,       and all sorts of birds dwelt in the
                    the supernatural        tree. Serrano’s 6-by-3-foot Eagle Song
                      messenger from the    Carrier carving has a place of honor
                          spiritual realm   as a backdrop in the Taholah Tribal
                                            Council Chambers. Eagle is a knowledge
                                            keeper. A carving of Eagle’s image was
                                            traditionally carried in ceremonies.
                                                                                                                                Guardian medicine figure
                                               The wood carving Salmon Run is a
                                                         5-foot-diameter circular                                               Quinault culture and imbued with
                                                                  relief depicting                                              spiritual significance. Each shape,
                                                                  the life cycle of                                             each figure has a name and a story
                                                                 the salmon with                                                connecting everyday objects with the
                                                                a creator mask in                                               spiritual world, Serrano says.
                                                                the center. This
                                                                 carving depicts a                                              “Art is sacred,” declares Serrano. As
                                                                 magnified version                                              a Christian, he is trying to show the
                                                                  of a spindle.                                                 tribe how Christianity and indigenous
                                                                  Traditionally                                                 beliefs come together. “God spoke to
                                                                  everyday objects                                              us in different ways in the early times,”
                                                                  such as spindles,                                             he explains. “He spoke in legends.” Not
                                                                  baskets, boxes,                                               everybody in the tribe agrees with him,
                                                                  combs, spoons,                                                but they respect his beliefs.
                                                                  and paddles                                                   Serrano has been prolific in his art
                                                                 were beautifully                                               since he returned to Taholah.
                                                                 decorated in
                                                                                                                                                           (Continued on page 9)
    www.Coastal-Currents.com                                       Spring 2021                                                       Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                     7
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8          Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                                                         Spring 2021                                                                         www.Coastal-Currents.com
Quinault Artist (Continued)
His work has been recognized at home
and beyond. A selection is on exhibit
in the Quinault Cultural Center, 807
5th Ave., in Taholah. From his strong
foundation in traditional design,
Serrano has taken his art into the
modern world, creating promotional
designs for events and organizations.         All
In 2018, he won a contest designing a                          rte
logo for the Food Sovereignty Coalition,                                    Eze
a group of 43 tribes promoting                                                         Se
traditional foods. In the same year,                                                                           mentors, cousins Titus and Guy
Serrano was proud to collaborate                 Above: bent cedar boxes                                       Capoeman, are collaborating on this
                                                 Below: wolf mask
with another Quinault tribal member                                                                            project. A large cedar log is housed
on a commission for the Tribal Tales                                                                           under a lean-to of the veterans’ building.
                                                 The Taholah community is in the
Exhibition at the Seattle Children’s                                                                           The site right on the river is ideal.
                                                 process of raising the village above
Museum. He illustrated a story written
                                                 the tsunami line where the new                                “People stop by to talk and to pray,” says
by storyteller
                                                 Generations Building will house Head                          Serrano. “I have everybody take a knife
Harvest Moon,
                                                 Start and Senior Services, the young                          and cut. This is community work.” He
titled “Dog
                                                 and the old. Serrano’s steel totems                           is using handmade tools in his work,
                                                 are to be mounted on the entrance                             among them an adze.
                                                 columns. The order of the figures from
a giant                                                                                                        While using his adze to carve his
                                                 top to bottom shows how Quinault
single-page                                                                                                    healing statue, Serrano was inspired to
                                                 society views age. Oliver created the
vector graphic                                                                                                 create his own version of the power fist
                                                 two elders at the bottom, sitting
cartoon.                                                                                                       symbol. A black and white computer
                                                            in prayer positions
                                                                                                               graphic of a fist pulling an
                                                                                                               adze conveys this healer’s
                                                                                                               take on the symbol: “The
                                                                                                               fist should be used for
                                                                                                               work, for creating!”
                                                                                                               At press time, Taholah, as part of the Quinault
                                                                                                               Reservation, is closed to visitors due to the coronavirus.
                                                                        with hands raised.                     Check ahead for future opening before visiting.
                                                           They hold up the families with
                                                 their wisdom and knowledge, teaching                          Pillars of Wellness design, freshly silk screened and drying.
The story was hung in a case of Plexiglas        the younger generation what they
for children to read and touch.                  need to know. The adults take refuge
                                                 under the wings of the double-headed
In the same year, Marvin Oliver, a
                                                 eagle, the knowledge keeper. On top,
Quinault/Alaskan elder and professor
                                                 Chithwin, the bear, represents the youth.
of art at Washington State University,
came to introduce Taholah artists to             Serrano is currently working on another
new techniques and media. He inspired            large commission for the tribe, a
Serrano to learn silk screening, which           project close to his heart as a healer.
has become a favorite technique to               The Quinault Museum has recently
create multiple copies of his artwork.           recovered The Guardian, an 18-inch
Under Oliver’s mentorship, Serrano               healing statue from a museum in
enthusiastically embarked on a project           Chicago. Serrano was commissioned
of great significance for the tribe, a pair      by the tribe to carve a 17-foot version
of totems cut out from sheets of steel           of The Guardian to be mounted on a
with decorative oxidized shadings.               hillside in Taholah. His knowledgeable
www.Coastal-Currents.com                                                                         Spring 2021                                                                9

Musical Duo Adds to the Rich                                                                                                                    productions at the Bishop
                                                                                                                                                Center and with the

Cultural Life of the Harbor
                                                                                                                                                Driftwood Players. In fact,
                                                                                                                                                Hill and her husband,
                                                                                                                                                Shawn, appeared on
                                                                                                                                                stage together in leading
                                                                                                                                                roles in a Bishop Center
BY JULIANA WALLACE                                                                                                                              production of “The Sound
                                                                                                                                                of Music.” And for years,
                                                                                                                                                Hill worked behind the
         welve years ago,                                                                                                                       scenes as vocal director for
         mezzo-soprano                                                                                                                          the Grays Harbor College
Christine Hill sat in a                                                                                                                         spring musicals. She and
rehearsal for the annual                                                                                                                        Albert both emphasize
Christmas Cantata at                                                                                                                            the significant role music
the Montesano United                                                                                                                            and theater play in the
Methodist Church, a family                                                                                                                      community.
holiday tradition. “All of
a sudden, this amazing,                                                                                                                         “One of the things I love
glorious voice came out                                                                                                                         about musical theater is
(of the bass section),” she                                                                                                                     that people come together
remembers. “I wondered,                                                                                                                         for a common goal,”
‘who in the world is that,                                                                                                                      explains Hill. “Everybody
and how did they get him?’ ”                                                                                                                    works together: the crew,
                                                                                                                                                the pit orchestra, the
The voice belonged to Ken                                                                                                                       actors and musicians. It’s a
Albert, newly arrived in                                                                                                                        wonderful thing to do that.”
Montesano with his family.

                                                                                                                         Photo by Juli Bonell
Within days, he called                                                                                                               Like other performers in
Christine to request voice                                                                                                           the area, Hill and Albert
lessons. They shared similar                                                                                                         have had to adapt to the
tastes in music and quickly       Vocalists Ken Albert and Christine Hill recently released their third album titled “Temptation.”   new normal this year.
discovered that their                                                                                                                They record music for
voices blended well together. Once                  School before earning degrees in music                           church services and YouTube and hope
they built up a repertoire, they began              at Western Washington University.                                to do live concerts over Zoom soon.
performing and recording together. The              In the past 30 years she has taught                              Albert and his wife, Donna (also an
duo recently released their third album,            hundreds of local students, both in                              accomplished musician) have kept busy
titled “Temptation.”                                her private studio and at Grays Harbor                           writing and recording original music
                                                    College. Many of her students continue                           at home.
The two vocalists sing a range of styles,           to delight audiences. One of her students,
from jazz standards to pop songs of                                                                                  Meanwhile, Hill and Albert’s new album,
                                                    Aberdeen’s Ben Fagerstedt, wowed
various decades and tunes from the                                                                                   “Temptation,” is available at Spotify,
                                                    crowds when he was handed the mic
likes of Elvis and Lionel Richie. Though                                                                             Apple Music, iTunes, Amazon, Pandora
                                                    at a Michael Buble’ concert he was
trained in opera, Hill’s deliciously                                                                                 and Deezer. Listeners can sit back
                                                    attending at The Tacoma Dome in 2019.
smooth voice seems built for jazz and                                                                                and enjoy classic love songs through
provides the perfect balance to Albert’s            Albert moved to Montesano in 2008                                the decades including the title track
rich bass. In normal times, they sing at            and quickly immersed himself in local                            “Temptation,” as well as “The Nearness
venues throughout the Harbor, from                  life. He currently serves as the Grays                           of You” and “We’ve Got Tonight.”
festivals to coffee shops and everything            Harbor     County      Treasurer     but   says   music
                                                                                                                     And someday soon, when life begins to
in between.                                         is “in my DNA.” Years ago, as a young
                                                                                                                     open up, Albert recommends spending
                                                    man in the military, Albert auditioned
Hill’s name rings familiar to local music                                                                            an evening rediscovering the area’s music
                                                    for a talent show. He took home first
and theater aficionados. A classically                                                                               scene. “Grays Harbor is rich in talent,” he
                                                    prize and has been singing ever since.
trained musician, she grew up in Grays                                                                               says. “Anytime there is live music in the
Harbor, attending Aberdeen High                     Hill  and   Albert     have    appeared      in                  area, go see what’s there. In almost every
                                                    numerous local musical theater                                   case, it’s very, very good.”
10           Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                                       Spring 2021                                                               www.Coastal-Currents.com
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Popular Taqueria San Jose Offers
Tasty Tacos, Sense of Community

                                                                                                                              and his location, which provides plenty
                                                                                                                              of parking and quick access to the
                                                                                                                              restaurant to pick up food.
                                                                                                                              The restaurant’s reputation includes
                                                                                                                              glowing reviews online: “Hands down
                                                                                                                              best tacos ever. … Try their hot salsa. I
                                                                                                                              will make a special trip all the way just

                                                                                                        Photo by Gail Ayres
                                                                                                                              for this place. They love what they do
                                                                                                                              and it shows,” says one Yelp reviewer
                                                                                                                              from Spokane.
Taqueria San Jose’s owner, Alberto Fonseca, enjoys working with nephews, Manuel, Eduardo and Antonio.                         For a small restaurant, the menu is
                                                          customers, including PUD workers, Grays                             extensive, but their burritos and tacos
                                                          Harbor College students, teachers, prison                           are the most popular. Recently, Alberto
                                                          workers, tourists, and families enjoying a                          added a new creation to the menu –
       asty, authentic Mexican food,                      burrito or tacos before or after a movie.                           asada fries, nachos made with French
       served quickly for a reasonable                                                                                        fries instead of tortilla chips.
price are the trio of reasons why Grays                   With the Covid-19 shutdowns and
                                                          the temporary closing of the theater,                               The food tastes authentic and fresh, he
Harborites – as well as those passing
                                                          Alberto says he’s glad for a good                                   says, because they make everything
through – can’t say enough about
                                                          reputation, a healthy take-out clientele                                                      (Continued on page 14)
Taqueria San Jose in South Aberdeen.
And, it’s what keeps them coming back.
But the secret ingredient – the salsa
on top – is the warmth and friendliness
of owner Alberto Fonseca, who talks
and teases with customers in English
and Spanish. His employees, nephews
Antonio, Eduardo and Manuel Fonseca,
also clearly enjoy interacting with people
as they quickly cook and plate hot meals.
“We love the touch of the people, it
                                                                                                                                                                                 Photo by Gail Ayres

makes a big difference,” says Alberto, 48.
“I don’t want to just make good food,
but also give friendly cheer, to stop and
talk. We are also providing a sense of
The restaurant’s location in the
food court across from the movie
theater at The Shoppes at Riverside
Mall is perfectly situated to chat with
www.Coastal-Currents.com                                                   Spring 2021                                           Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                 13
Taqueria San Jose
                                                                                               Taqueria San Jose is a name that honors
                                                                                               his hometown in Mexico. San Jose de
right there. While meals are quickly                                                           Gracia, with a population of about 5,000
put together, it is anything but typical                                                       people, is in the Jalisco state of Mexico,
fast food. The tacos – served open face                                                        near Guadalajara.
on small corn tortillas with a choice of                                                       That’s where his father and mother,
meat – come perfectly seasoned and                                                             Antonio and Carmen, now both gone,
beautifully garnished. The burritos are                                                        began selling food. His father invented
generous in size and bursting with flavor.          “I don’t want to just                      a new dish with mashed potato filled
“We cook from scratch. We make the                  make good food, but                        tacos, fried with cabbage and red
chicken and beef here, the rice, fresh                also give friendly                       sauce on top. He tried out his creation,
                                                                                               dubbed “tacos dorados” at a carnival.
guacamole and the salsa Mexicana,” he                cheer, to stop and                        It was such a hit, that he continued to
said. In fact, the salsa Mexicana, also called        talk. We are also
pico de gallo, is sold in area markets and                                                     sell it on the neighborhood streets, and
farmstands, including Jay’s Farmstand
                                                    providing a sense of                       eventually turned a portion of their
in Hoquiam, J’s Farmstand in Aberdeen,                  community.”                            home into a small restaurant.
Thriftway Pickrite in Montesano and the                 – Alberto Fonseca                      Alberto, who only attended school
Front Street Market at Seabrook.                                                               through sixth grade, fondly remembers
To accompany a meal, in addition to                                                            peddling his father’s homemade ice
                                                 and his brother Ignacio opened the            cream with a cart in the afternoons and
typical soft drinks, diners can order
                                                 Aberdeen restaurant in 2001 with another      helping sell tacos at dinner time.
authentic Mexican fare including
                                                 partner. Then it was called Los Gallos (The
horchata, jarritos and varying fresh                                                           Now with his own successful business,
                                                 Roosters). In 2005, he and Ignacio bought
juices including carrot, cantaloupe,                                                           he is grateful for the opportunity to
                                                 out their partner. Then in 2018, when
pineapple, strawberry and hibiscus.                                                            learn responsibility early. And, noting
                                                 Ignacio decided to retire, Alberto bought
The youngest of eight brothers, Alberto          the restaurant and changed its name.          his lack of formal education, he wants to
                                                                                                                         (Continued on page 18)

14          Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                              Spring 2021                                     www.Coastal-Currents.com
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Taqueria San Jose (Continued)
encourage others: “Never stop believing in yourself. You can go
as far as you want.”

While Alberto honors his birthplace by naming his restaurant
after it, he and his wife, Maria, have clearly made Aberdeen their
home. This is where they’ve raised their four sons, Alberto Jr., 22;
Osbaldo, 19; Estevan, 15; and Imanol, 10. Of them, he said, Estevan,
in particular, seems to have an interest and a knack for cooking.
While being in the restaurant business during a pandemic
hasn’t been easy, Alberto says he is grateful for all the support
the community has given the restaurant this last year as well
as the past 19 years.
Taqueria San Jose is currently open from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Monday through Friday and 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Saturday and
Sunday. Check Facebook page for updates or (360) 538-4855.

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                                                                                      The Gumaelius’ artistic collaboration
                                                                                      is both intuitive and instinctual. “John
                                                                                      and I have a fluid working relationship,”
                                                                                      Robin says. “We trade roles constantly
John Gumaelius reminisces how he           15 acres, and highly valued artistic
                                                                                      in our artwork and in our home
wooed Robin years ago when they            creations, including 12 whimsical
were both students enrolled in the         critters stationed on corners in
fine art department of Brigham Young       downtown Aberdeen.                         The Gumaeliuses both sculpt in clay.
University. “She made these giant                                                     John usually creates the birdlike figures
                                           The Gumaelius’ compound is located
sculptures but somehow they always                                                    whereas Robin does the animals and
                                           off a long and winding road between
tilted to one side or another,” he says.
                                           Raymond and Montesano on the
“I made her a wood stand with a metal
                                           North River. Upon entering the cleared
pole to hold them straight.”
                                           expanse there is an instant realization
And so began an enduring love,
marriage and artistic collaboration
                                           of encountering something unusual.
                                           Everywhere the eye rests, a beguiling
                                                                                         “Radio stories, history books,
that has produced four lovely children,    object engages. Faces peer out of walls,      hiking adventures, neighbors
a hand-built house and art studio on       colorful bird-like figures flash in the
                                           daylight, gates glow with intricate           spied and strangers watched
                                           metal designs. It is like walking into       in stores jangle together in our
                                           a fairytale world.
                                                                                          heads and come so freely to
                                                                                         our fingers that when we see
                                                                                             the finished pieces we
                                                                                              are often delighted.”
                                                                                                        – Robin Gumaelius
20         Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                         Spring 2021
The couple’s home, studio and gardens
face characters, but not always. John                                                              feature creativity and artistic expression
also does the metal and woodwork that                                                              everywhere you look.
embellish their sculptures.
                                            John explains it differently. “I am driven
 “Although many of our skills are           to make objects I find beautiful. Instead
interchangeable, there are some areas       of thinking my art in existence, I feel
each feels more comfortable leaving to      it into existence. Like breathing, it
the other,” Robin explains.                 happens on its own.”
But where do the ideas for their highly     Robin enumerates some of the things
unusual and innovative creations            that inspire the pair: “Radio stories,
come from?                                  history books, hiking adventures,
“Some images come from a secret             neighbors spied and strangers watched
storage place inside. We don’t usually      in stores jangle together in our heads
have a specific story in mind as we         and come so freely to our fingers that
begin; rather the story unfolds itself as   when we see the finished pieces we are
we work on the sculpture,” Robin says.      often delighted.”

                                            As for the large head sculptures that
                                            have an almost Asian appearance, John
                                            explains, “We want to create a pleasant
                                            face for people to be around. A face
                                            with a peaceful expression.”
                                                                       (Continued on page 23)

                                                         Spring 2021                            Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                       21

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22     Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                  Spring 2021                               www.Coastal-Currents.com
Gumaelius                                (Continued)                     The Critters
                                                                         Whimsical, downright distinctive and
                                                                         eye catching, the public art installment
                                                                         “Critters” is an important landmark
                                                                         and tourist attraction for Aberdeen.
                                                                         The 12 quirky metal sculptures created
                                                                         by Robin and John Gumaelius can
                                                                         be found on street corners in the
                                                                         downtown area.
                                                                         Commissioned in 1998, the critters
                              Left: Robin Gumaelius                      attract so much public interest that
                              inside their home.
                              Right: “Critters,”
                                                                         the city of Aberdeen has established a
                              originally created                         walking tour for people to explore and
                              by Robin and John                          learn about them.
                              Gumaelius, can be seen
                              on the sidewalks in                        Spearheaded by Michael and Sylvia
                              downtown Aberdeen.
                                                                         Dickerson from the group Our
The Gumaeliuses also bring incredible                                    Aberdeen, the city hired talented artist
technical skills to their creations. Robin                               Douglas Orr to repaint and restore the
explains that when the clay forms are                                    critters as the years have taken their
leather hard, she paints them a solid navy                               toll. He, in turn, involved local auto
blue or red underglaze.                                                  dealer Five Star Motors, to spray a hard,
“Then I do a quick brush sketch in black                                 clear protective coat on the sculptures
before I paint the colors. Sometimes I use                               to extend their life.
a stylus to scrape through layers of paint
or all the way back through to the white
clay,” she says. There are multiple kilns,
welding equipment, and a wood mill
on their property to facilitate their
intricate handiworks.

In addition to the downtown
Aberdeen art installation, “Critters,”
(see sidebar), the Gumaeliuses’
creations can also be seen in Grays
Harbor at the Tokeland Hotel.
                                                                         Michael and Sylvia Dickerson, left, and Douglas
Outside of the county, their work                                        Orr, played a role in restoring “Critters.”
is carried in these galleries:

Childhood’s End Gallery,
Olympia, Wash.                                                            To view and learn about each
Patricia Rovzar Gallery,                                                 of the critters, the walking tour
Seattle, Wash.                                                                 can be accessed at:
WaterWorks Gallery,                                                       www.crittersonthemap.com
Friday Harbor, Wash.
Museo Gallery, Langley, Wash.
23 Sandy Gallery, Portland, Ore.
Hanson Howard Gallery, Ashland, Ore.
L Ross Gallery, Memphis, Tenn.

www.Coastal-Currents.com                               Spring 2021   Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                     23
Photo by Gail Ayres

                      Restauranteur Ralph Larson Promotes Harbor History
                      BY GAIL GREENWOOD AYRES                     business in about 1990, he jumped at            Grayland Hardware and Forks Outfitters.
                                                                  the opportunity.
                                                                                                                  The books include those about lumber
                      For third-generation Grays Harbor
                                                                  So now in addition to running his               mills and logging camps, as well as the
                      resident Ralph Larson, history has
                                                                  popular restaurant, he owns Duffy’s             early years working at the port and
                      always been a passion. And, just like his
                                                                  Wholesale Books, which supplies                 fishing in the ocean. There are also
                      passion for good food and conversation,
                                                                  history and local interest books to             stories of legends and historic figures
                      the owner of Duffy’s Restaurant in
                                                                  some 25 small stores primarily from the         as varied as Bigfoot, serial killer Billy
                      Aberdeen, relishes sharing Grays
                                                                  Columbia River to Forks, as well as at          Gohl, hunted outlaw John Tornow, and
                      Harbor’s fascinating history with others.
                                                                  Duffy’s Restaurant.                             Kurt Cobain, lead singer and songwriter
                      “My grandfather came here about 1910.                                                       of the grunge band Nirvana. Other
                                                                  In fact, right after getting a whiff of
                      My Dad was born in Aberdeen in 1915.                                                        books include recipe books using local
                                                                  freshly baked pies, visitors to Duffy’s first
                      I listened to stories of old Aberdeen all                                                   ingredients, information on mushroom
                                                                  notice rows of rare local historic books
                      the time and was always fascinated,”                                                        hunting, smoking salmon, tying knots,
                                                                  displayed behind glass shelves in the
                      says Larson, 79.                                                                            razor clam digging, beachcombing and
                                                                  restaurant’s lobby. They are available
                                                                                                                  much more.
                      After the Wishkah Cookhouse                 for purchase as are the more recently
                      Restaurant in Aberdeen closed decades       published local interest and history            About once a month Larson leaves the
                      ago, Larson bought a box of local           books in racks near the cashier.                restaurant and travels up and down the
                      interest books for $10 at an auction. He                                                    coast to talk to other business owners,
                                                                  Other outlets in Grays Harbor include
                      put them up for sale in the Hoquiam                                                         swap stories and fill their book racks
                                                                  each of the Dennis Company stores,
                      Duffy’s Restaurant (which was sold                                                          with the fascinating stories of Grays
                                                                  Valu Drug and Pick Rite Thriftway in
                      years ago) and was surprised by the                                                         Harbor’s rich past.
                                                                  Montesano, Elma Pharmacy and East
                      response. So, when the opportunity                                                                                    (Continued on page 25)
                                                                  County Thriftway in Elma; Shop ‘n Kart
                      came to buy a small book distributing
                                                                  and Twin Harbor Drug in Westport;

                      24         Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                           Spring 2021                                      www.Coastal-Currents.com
Harbor History                  (Continued)

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    Tornow accused murderer of six
    men” by Michael Fredson (2002)
    “Port of Missing Men Billy Gohl,          Spring into Summer – Ready for the Hot Days
    Labor and Brutal Times in the
    Pacific Northwest” by Aaron
    Goings (2020)
    “On the Harbor: From Black
    Friday to Nirvana” by John
    C. Hughes and Ryan Teague
    Beckwith (2010)
    “Logging in Grays Harbor”
    by Brian Woodwick and Gene
    Woodwick (2014)
    “Clamming The Pacific Northwest
    Coast” by Ken Axt (2016)
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26                     Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                                       Spring 2021                                              www.Coastal-Currents.com

                         BY GREGORY E. ZSCHOMLER
                         Julayne Fleury, 32, is one of Grays       Hoquiam High School productions and

                                                                                                                                       Photo by Keith Krueger
                         Harbor’s rare, native-born (her family    then, while attending Grays Harbor
                         has been here since the 1800s),           College, she continue acting, under the
                         consummate actresses. Always a            direction of Brad Duffy.
                         performer, the talented thespian says,
                                                                   From GHC she went on to earn
                         “Theater is life.”
                                                                   her bachelor’s degree in theatrical
                         “Julayne is arguably the most talented,   performance from Western Washington
                         creative and hardworking person I         University before returning to Grays
                         know,” says frequent collaborator Alex    Harbor in 2015, to practice the craft,
                         Eddy. “Our theater community, and         performing in six shows that year.
                         frankly our community in general, are     Since then, she has “trod the boards”
                         better because she is a part of it.”      (theater parlance for acting) in many a
                                                                   production, as well as designing sets
                                                                   and/or directing quite a few.
                            “Theater is life.”
                                 – Julayne Fleury                  Casey Bronson, Chaela Watkins and Julayne Fleury in
                                                                   “Still Life With Iris,” Driftwood Players, 2017.

                         Growing up and attending school
                         in Hoquiam, Julayne and her friend,                                                                                                                           Julayne and Justyce Brook in “Billy Elliott”
                         Christy, performed shows at her home,                                                                                                                         at the Bishop Center, 2018.
                         charging admission to anyone who
                         would come. “My dad would never pay
                                                                                                                                                                                       Julayne as Sally Bowels in The Driftwood
                                                                                                                                Photo by Keith Krueger

                         because he said he owned the house,”                                                                                                                          Players’ 2018 production of “Cabaret.”
                         she recalls, laughing.

                         During middle school, Julayne
                         performed in her first real show, “Guys
                         and Dolls.” She went on to perform in

                                                                     Julayne as Roxie Hart in “Chicago.” Bishop Center, 2014.
Photo by Keith Krueger

                                                                                                                                                                Photo by Bri Bonell

                         www.Coastal-Currents.com                                    Spring 2021                                                                                      Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                       27
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                                                          Mention you saw the ad in Coastal Currents Magazine!
Julayne directs Christian Gleason in 7th Street
                                                                        Kids’ 2019 production of “Matilda.” Maija
Julayne Fleury (Continued)                                              Nordin, choreographer, is at left.

Hi Diddly Dee, an Actor’s Life for Me
“I’m pretty down if I’m not in a show,”
says the actress who typically acts in
two to three plays or musicals, directs
another and designs sets for five to
seven productions per year.
Her last stage design, for Driftwood
Theater’s “The Gin Game,” was live-

                                            Photo by Beth Barene
streamed this past November and
December. Her latest performance
was as Mary Ann in “Constellations,”
which was also live-streamed from
                                                                   Not only was Julayne’s theater passion                 theater camp experience in the middle
Driftwood Theater because of the state’s
                                                                   affected by the pandemic, but even the                 of the pandemic.
Covid-19 mandates. Julayne says that
                                                                   actor’s stereotypical day job as a server
acting without an audience simply                                                                                         The artist’s attainment is likely due to
                                                                   at Rediviva restaurant in downtown
isn’t the same. “There were unforeseen                                                                                    her professionalism and dedication to
                                                                   Aberdeen has been put on hold due
challenges and successes. … We had to                                                                                     performing. “You have to throw yourself
                                                                   to the times.
adjust as we went.”                                                                                                       into the role,” she says. If not, “then why are
                                                                   “I really love it there,” she says of the              you doing it? Acting is about committing.”
“Constellations” was the first show she’d
                                                                   job she’s held for five years. “I love the             But, she says, the roles she plays are
done since March when venues across
                                                                   lifestyle and our clientele there is really            probably expressed as “fifty percent
the nation shut down. The entertainment
                                                                   great.” She’s itching to get back to                   Julayne and 50 percent the character.”
and events industries—both here and
                                                                   work—both onstage and off.
world-wide—were the first to shutter and                                                                                  Opening Soon at a Theater Near You
will likely be among the last to reopen.                           “Doing something with people as a                      Her new project is bigger than any
                                                                   team with a goal,” is part of the allure               she’s tackled before. In February, she
                                                                   of theater for Julayne, who describes                  and fellow theatrical and musical artist,
                                                                   herself as a people person. Having to                  Alex Eddy, launched the all-new Plank
                                                                   work together as a team brings people                  Island Theatre Co. The first project is a
                                                                   close—like a family—she says. When on                  no-cost monologue project, “Writing
                                                                   stage, “You have to be thinking about                  Wrongs.” Auditions are set for April,
                                                                   what the other performer is saying and                 with performances planned for June.
                                                                   what’s going on around you.” That’s why
                                                                                                                          Julayne says Plank Island Theatre
                                                                   she loves improvisation, too: “You have
                                                                                                                          Company will be “filling a void for
                                                                   to react to what you’re given.”
                                                                                                                          theater we don’t do around the Harbor.”
                                                                   The now Aberdeen resident’s favorite                   The company, she says, is being
                                                                   roles have been as the aspiring                        implemented, not to compete with the
                                                                   vaudevillian, Roxie Hart, in “Chicago”                 wide variety of theater in the area but to
                                                                   and as the washed up dance instructor,                 fill in some of the holes – offering an even
                                                                   Mrs. Wilkinson, in “Billy Elliott.”                    wider array of choices in the county.
                                                                   The Show Must Go On                                    The duo plans to do monologue projects
                                                                   For the past eight years, Julayne has                  and school tours, offer more children’s
                                                                   also been the director of the 30-year-old              shows and create a company that will
                                                                   7th Street Kids. The theater group had                 showcase new work – especially by local
                                                                   planned to produce Sondheim’s musical                  playwrights – at various venues in the
                                                                   “Into the Woods” in the summer of                      area. They’ll workshop material and stage
                                                                   2020. That production has been Covid-                  the new works, including their own.
                                                                   delayed until, hopefully, sometime this
                                                                                                                          Though the troupe’s productions will
                                                                   year. Under the direction of Julayne,
                                                                                                                          offer a mix for adults and children,
                                                                   the 7th St. Kids were, however, still able
                                                                                                                          Julayne, who has a special heart for
                                                                   to pull off a successful virtual summer
                                                                                                                                                  (Continued on page 31)
www.Coastal-Currents.com                                                           Spring 2021                               Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                     29
105 Chance a la Mer Ocean Shores 360 289-2847 2581 Westhaven Dr Westport 360 268-7380
                               OPEN DAILY at 11:00 am
Julayne Fleury (Continued)
kids, says she hopes Plank Island Theater Co., will be able to
offer free theater to kids as well as provide a creative outlet
for them. She notes that there is a goodly talent base of
more than 50 youth in the area who are itching to do more
theater. The 7th St. Kids and Driftwood, which produces but
one children’s show a year, are not doing enough for younger
players and audiences, she says.
Julayne’s talents include writing. She’s written a short work
of fiction called “Smells like Teen Spirit” based on the 2002
burning of the Weatherwax Building at Aberdeen High School.
She intends to adapt that into a stage play. Alex has nearly                      Property Clean-Up Services
completed a full-length musical theater piece on historic                   Free estimates, fair
Aberdeen serial killer Billy Ghol that they also plan to workshop.
                                                                                                                   Services we Provide
                                                                            competitive prices,                    • Estate Clean-Up • Junk Removal
Both will likely be produced by their new theater group.                    and attention detailed                 • Hot Tub Removal • Light Demolition
“Plank Island is a huge, exciting undertaking,” says Alex, “and I           friendly customer service.             • Job-Site Clean-Up
can’t imagine having a better partner by my side than Julayne as            Contact us for a quote today!          • Garage, Shed, Small Barn &
we tackle it together.”                                                                                              Mobile Home Demolition

The illustrious Julayne Fleury is enthusiastically looking forward
                                                                            360-878-1195                           • Seasonal Maintenance
                                                                                                                   • Brush Clearing & Removal
to this new chapter in her theater life. Meanwhile, she just wants
                                                                                                                   • Property Storm Clean-Up
another show. That, as well as “family, fun and an old fashioned.”          wagoodandgone.com                      • Small Tree/ Branch Removal
                                                                                                                   • Gravel Delivery, Laying, & Grading
To learn more about Plank Island Theatre Co., visit the                     Licensed, Bonded & Insured
                                                                            # BEAURCR801P7
                                                                                                                   ... AND MORE!
website at www.plankislandtheatrecompany.com. Follow
Julayne on Facebook and Instagram at julayne_fleury.

www.Coastal-Currents.com                                      Spring 2021                                Coastal Currents MAGAZINE                    31
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