Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney

Page created by Alma Mccarthy
Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Sydney Medical Alumni Association and the University of Sydney School of Medicine magazine Autumn 2019


       Medical education for rural,
       regional and remote communities 04

Blackburn commemoration                  Working with                  Lambie Dew                Reunion
  continues on campus                   philanthropists                  oration                 recaps
           08                                  10                           12                      26
Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
This edition


Medical education for rural,
regional and remote communities
The University of Sydney has
welcomed federal government
funding to give medical students their
full training in regional Australia.

Blackburn commemoration
                                             The Edward Ford Building, one of the University’s medicine
continues on campus                          teaching and research spaces
The University’s No. 1 Oval
was recently renamed the
Blackburn Oval.

                                             16                                           22
10                                           Needle-free device could                     Where are they now?
How the University                           improve vaccine delivery                     We report on Associate
works with philanthropists                   Pain-free injections are on                  Professor Payal Mukherjee,
To ensure donors have the best               the horizon.                                 ENT surgeon; and Dr John Affleck,
experience of giving, the University                                                      aerospace medicine specialist.
has a dedicated professional team.
                                             Statin therapy found safe and                26
12                                           effective for people over 75 years           Reunion recaps
The 2019 Lambie Dew Oration                  Statins reduce risk of major                 For the classes of 1961,
The Sydney University Medical                cardiovascular events                        1978 (OBL) and 1983.
Society invites readers to the next          irrespective of age.
oration on 10 October 2019.
                                             20                                           Upcoming reunions
14                                           Weight gain in early childhood               For the classes of 1954, 1955,
Increased physical activity                  affects teenage heart health                 1957, 1964, 1969 and 1999.
linked to better mood                        Early weight gain can set up
Resetting body clocks could help             teenagers for poor health outcomes.
bipolar and depression disorders.

For Sydney Medical School alumni news        Radius was produced and printed in           Edited by Michael Frommer, Office of
and enquiries, contact Sally Forbes          partnership with the University of Sydney    the Executive Dean, and Kristen Barnes,
Email:            and Publish Partner, February 2019.          Marketing and Communications,
Website:       © 2019 The University of Sydney 19/7960      Faculty of Medicine and Health

Cover: A student and medical practitioner walk down a hallway in the School of Rural Health in Dubbo.

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Head of School and Dean’s message


                              Welcome to the Autumn issue of Radius

The 2019 academic year represents           campuses in Dubbo and Orange),          Within the Murray-Darling Medical
the first full year of the new Faculty of   the University Centre for Rural         Schools Network, the University of
Medicine and Health. Many changes           Health in Lismore and the Broken        Sydney was awarded funds to set up
have taken place in the University          Hill University Department of           and operate a full four-year graduate-
of Sydney School of Medicine                Rural Health.                           entry medical program in Dubbo.
and throughout the University of                                                    Once Australian Medical Council
Sydney, and we look forward to              In parallel with these changes,         accreditation is achieved, these
their consolidation.                        the Australian Government is            students will undertake and graduate
                                            implementing policies to strengthen     with the University of Sydney Doctor
The former faculties of medicine,           the rural medical workforce by          of Medicine degree.
dentistry, pharmacy, and nursing and        investing in rural medical education.
midwifery have been re-established          In December 2018, the Australian        Funds were also awarded to
as schools within the Faculty of            Government announced the award          Charles Sturt University, in
Medicine and Health, to be joined           of funding to seven universities        collaboration with Western Sydney
in 2020 by the Faculty of Health            for the establishment of six            University, to set up a five-year
Sciences. The University of Sydney          standalone rural medical programs       undergraduate medical program in
School of Public Health and the             in New South Wales and Victoria,        Orange and Bathurst.
School of Medical Sciences, both            forming the Murray-Darling
previously part of the Faculty of           Medical Schools Network.                The University of Sydney will
Medicine, now stand separate from                                                   continue to offer Sydney-based
Sydney Medical School within the            The rationale is to attract rural       students extended rural placements
Faculty of Medicine and Health.             residents and others to study           in Dubbo, Orange, Lismore and
The University of Sydney School             medicine in rural settings; evidence    Broken Hill, and will collaborate with
of Medicine now comprises seven             shows this leads to more graduates      Charles Sturt and Western Sydney
metropolitan clinical schools, as well      seeking to live and practice            in Orange (see page 4 of this issue of
as the School of Rural Health (with         medicine in the bush.                   Radius for further information).

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
This edition


Rural landscape in Dubbo

At the same time as we are planning     our highly successful Critical Care      Medical School to recognise major
to introduce the full medical           program). I am particularly pleased to   achievements in clinical research.
program in Dubbo, our work on           announce the launch of our Genomics
significant changes to the four-year    in Clinical Practice unit, which has     Much of our work takes place at
curriculum is at an advanced stage.     been accredited by the Specialist        the interface of medicine and the
In 2019, the proposed changes will      Advisory Committee in Clinical           various domains of science. Late last
be submitted to the University’s        Genetics of the Royal Australasian       year I was delighted to observe the
Academic Board for approval, and        College of Physicians for College        creative energies of our students at
the Australian Medical Council will     Fellowship trainees.                     the interface of medicine and the
then consider the new curriculum for                                             arts and humanities, supported by
reaccreditation. A description of theAlumni who visit the Camperdown/            the Harris Student Fellowship. One
new curriculum will appear in the    Darlington Campus will notice               of the successful Harris Fellows,
Spring 2019 issue of Radius.         the changing landscape as new               Dr Isabel Hanson (now a graduate),
                                     buildings become prominent on               used her prize to engage a cartoonist,
Major developments are continuing    the skyline. The demolition of the          Safdar Ahmed, to capture her ideas
in our postgraduate medical          Blackburn Building, to make way             in images. The resulting work has
coursework program in 2019,          for an ambitious new building               just been published in the Guardian
including the launch of our new      program in the new health precinct,         Australia. As we know, the roots of
Master of Medicine/Master of         was a source of some heartache              medicine run deep, and some draw
Science in Medicine (General         for many of us. The Blackburn               nourishment from the arts.
Practice and Primary Health Care)    family graciously consented for the
courses. These programs are designed Blackburn name to be attached to the        Professor Arthur Conigrave
for both new and experienced         adjacent No. 1 Oval, and this took          BSc(Med) ’79 MBBS ’82 MSc ’83
practitioners. We continue to add    place in a ceremony on 25 October           PhD ’92 MD ’08
coursework to existing programs      (described on page 8). We are also          Head of School and Dean of
(such as mechanical ventilation      proposing to introduce the ‘Ruthven         Sydney Medical School
and extracorporeal life support to   Blackburn Medal’ to allow the Sydney

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Rural health


  Medical education
for rural, regional and
 remote communities
         The University of Sydney has
 welcomed federal government funding
     to give medical students their full
        training in regional Australia.
                 Written by Michael Frommer
                       and Dan Gaffney

In December 2018, the Australian Government announced the
establishment of the Murray-Darling Medical Schools Network
with funding earmarked in the May 2018 federal budget. This
multi-university network is designed to address rural and
regional doctor shortages by increasing the numbers of
medical students who undertake their entire medical studies
full time in rural, regional and remote communities.

The new funding allows the University of Sydney to build on
the significant contribution it makes to health professional
education, research and health care in rural, regional and
remote New South Wales (NSW). The University will convert
the School of Rural Health campus in Dubbo to deliver the full
four-year Sydney Doctor of Medicine (MD) program, enrolling
24 students in each cohort, beginning in 2021.

“The University of Sydney is delighted with these federal
 funding outcomes, which will allow us to build on the already
 significant contribution we make to health professional
 education, research and care delivery in rural, regional and
 remote NSW,” says Professor Stephen Garton, Provost and
 Deputy Vice-Chancellor.

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Rural health


    Top left: Leafy
       surrounds at
      the School of
      Rural Health,
       Dubbo Campus

    Right: Students
   and staff gather
        outside the
    clinical school

“We look forward to working with        other health disciplines from the       and also to the local economy,”
 our partners in the Murray-Darling     University of Sydney and other          says Professor Garton.
 Medical Schools Network: the           universities to complete short and
 University of New South Wales,         longer-term clinical placements         “We will be pursuing targeted
 Charles Sturt University and Western   in rural sites throughout Australia.     recruitment strategies to maximise
 Sydney University in NSW, and the      University of Sydney students may        the number of students accepting
 University of Melbourne, Monash        undertake placements in Orange,          places for the Dubbo medical program
 University and La Trobe University     Dubbo, Broken Hill, Lismore and          who are drawn from the region and
 in Victoria.”                          surrounding communities.                 from other rural, regional and remote
                                                                                 communities. This will include an
The funding consists of $7.65 million   “From an enhanced base at Dubbo,         emphasis on prospective Indigenous
to extend medical training facilities    our end-to-end rural medical            and low SES student recruitment.”
on the existing School of Rural          program will be delivered in close
Health campus in Dubbo. The site         collaboration with the Western NSW     Students who undertake the Dubbo
is adjacent to Dubbo Base Hospital,      and Far West Local Health Districts,   medical program will graduate with
where a major redevelopment              the Western NSW Primary Care           an MD degree from the University of
project is nearing completion.           Network, Aboriginal health services,   Sydney. They will have opportunities
Teaching will be supported through       the Royal Flying Doctor Service and    to undertake placements at rural sites
the Australian Government’s Rural        local councils. Once operating at      outside Dubbo and at remote sites
Health Multidisciplinary Training        full capacity, 96 medical students     in far-western NSW. They will also be
(RHMT) program.                          will be based full time in Dubbo       able to undertake short placements in
                                         and surrounding communities. This      Sydney if they wish.
The longstanding RHMT program            will provide a tremendous boost to
provides opportunities for               health care in Dubbo and the region,   The Dubbo plan provides for the
students in medicine and many                                                   recruitment of new teaching staff who

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Rural health


                                                                                        Left and far left:
                                                                                        Images of Dubbo

                                                                                        Below: Medical students
                                                                                        practise delivering
                                                                                        procedures on a
                                                                                        training manikin

                                   will be based in Dubbo and will join the   be possible for Year 4 University of
                                   staff and affiliates who currently teach   Sydney students in Lismore.
                                   Sydney-based students undertaking
                                   extended rural placements in Dubbo         Detailed planning for the Dubbo site
                                   in Year 3 or Year 4 of the MD program.     has begun. The intention is to build
                                   The Doctor of Medicine program’s           an extension to the existing clinical
                                   online teaching materials and              school building, forming an L-shaped
                                   assessment systems will be used, and       structure with direct access to
                                   Dubbo students will have access to         Dubbo Base Hospital. The extension
                                   the full range of resources available      will accommodate an anatomy
                                   at the University of Sydney, including     teaching facility, other ‘wet’ and ‘dry’
                                   online library access.                     laboratories, a clinical simulation
                                                                              laboratory, and other learning and
                                   In order to accommodate the Dubbo          teaching spaces, as well as staff offices
                                   medical program and Charles Sturt          and amenities.
                                   and Western Sydney Universities’
                                   new undergraduate medical school           Future issues of Radius will report
                                   in Orange and Bathurst, the number         on progress at the Dubbo site and
                                   of Sydney students undertaking             on related developments in Orange,
                                   extended rural placements in Orange        Lismore and Broken Hill.
                                   and Dubbo will be reduced.

                                   It is hoped that a compensatory
                                   increase in extended placements will
Medical student uses stethoscope
on newborn patient

Medical education for rural, regional and remote communities 04 - Blackburn commemoration - The University of Sydney
Medical School news


Professor Ruthven Blackburn’s sons: Dr Simon Blackburn and Angus Blackburn, next to the plaque at the entrance to the oval

Blackburn commemoration
continues on campus
Written by Michael Frommer

Built for the Faculty of Medicine           Reflecting its design concept, the           In 2018, it was demolished to make
in 1933, the Blackburn Building             building, funded by the Rockefeller          way for new buildings in the health
was designed to bring a university,         Foundation, was often referred               precinct. Sydney Medical School
clinical environment and research           to as ‘the New Medical School’.              Historian, Associate Professor
laboratories into close proximity.          This name stuck for many years               Catherine Storey OAM, commented
The goal was to enable ‘science             even after the Blackburn name                on the building in a recent article1 in
learned in the laboratory’ to feed          was attached to it in 1960.                  the Medical Journal of Australia:
into medical practice and education.

Medical School news


“The building has struggled to              to be transferred to the adjacent No. 1     address in reply to Dr Spence. He
 cope with the ever-increasing              Oval. This took place on 25 October         acknowledged the University’s
 demands placed upon it by a very           2018 in a ceremony hosted by the            continued recognition of his father’s
 different medical community to             Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael Spence          and grandfather’s contributions.
 its original occupants. Its architect      AC, at the oval’s grandstand. In his
 had designed … spaces for the              address, Dr Spence commemorated             At the conclusion of the ceremony,
 isolated researcher, his test-tubes        the father and son for whom the             members of the Blackburn family
 and fume cabinets, notebooks and           oval is now named – Professor Sir           were presented with small pieces
 journals. The model did not readily        Charles Bickerton Blackburn and             of masonry collected during the
 promote collegiality. The numbers of       Professor Charles Ruthven Bickerton         Blackburn Building’s demolition.
 researchers have grown exponentially,      Blackburn – and highlighted                 A plaque outlining the careers of
 and they now work in teams,                the immense importance of the               Sir Charles Blackburn and Professor
 connected with a complex technology        commitment to academic medicine             Ruthven Blackburn stands at the
 infrastructure for which our original      that they exemplified.                      entrance to the oval.
 building was not designed.”                                                            1
                                                                                          Storey CE. Vale New Medical School
                                            Members of the Blackburn family             (the Blackburn Building), University of
                                                                                        Sydney. Medical Journal of Australia,
The Blackburn family accepted the           were present at the ceremony. Dr            2018; 209 (5): 199-201e1.
need for the eponymous building             Simon Blackburn, one of Professor
to be replaced, and graciously              Ruthven Blackburn’s sons and a
consented for the Blackburn name            distinguished engineer, gave an

Top: Vice-Chancellor Dr Michael Spence                                                Dr Simon Blackburn, Professor Matthew Vadas AO
Left: Professor Arthur Conigrave addresses the crowd                                  and Michael Spence at the naming ceremony



How the University
works with philanthropists
Medical research inspires more people to donate to the University than any
other activity. Philanthropy has brought new buildings, equipment, research
and scholarships. To ensure donors have the best possible experience of
giving, the University has put together a dedicated professional team.

It was a first for Australian universities   motivates donors. “It often comes        In philanthropy, there are three main
when Vice-Chancellor, Dr Michael             from a personal experience, or the       types of giving: donations spent as
Spence AC, announced in January              experience of a family member,” he       the donor directs; endowments held
that the University’s INSPIRED               says. “The experience of illness is a    in perpetuity that generate interest;
campaign had reached its target of           strong motivator, but it can also come   and bequests, where the gift is made
$1 billion.                                  from their educational background,       through a provision in a will.
                                             or a general interest in a field of
Almost half that figure was directed by      medicine and health.”                    The gift, or pledge of a gift, is not
donors to go to initiatives in medicine                                               necessarily the end of the relationship.
and health. Gifts ranged from a              The offices of the Division of Alumni
few dollars to a single gift of $35          and Development are busy, and no       “Where a gift has supported research,
million in support of the University’s       less busy now the INSPIRED campaign we regularly update the donor on
new health precinct, currently               has ended. The Development              progress and research outcomes,”
under construction.                          Officers divide their time between      Mr Smith says. “We try to get the
                                             donor-related activities and building   donor or the donor’s family to
Every dollar given is gratefully             relationships with researchers          meet the academic staff whose
received, and for donors who want to         and academics.                          work benefits from their gifts, or to
make a meaningful gift, the University                                               meet scholarship holders whose
has a team of people who make the            Charly Brown is the Associate Director scholarships they have funded.”
process of giving as easy as possible.       for Mental Health and Neuroscience
These Development Officers are               in the Development Office, “My job is   Rachel Love is an Associate Director
part of the Division of Alumni and           to understand what is important to      of Development. She spends a lot
Development and they come from               people, what they’re passionate about. of her time with researchers at the
diverse fields including psychology,         I work with them to find a University   University’s Save Sight Institute and
science, economics and commerce.             program, often research-based, that     talking with donors interested in
                                             they find meaningful.”                  that area.
As well as helping with the technical
aspects of making a gift, they also    To do this effectively, it is also   “The gift is just the beginning of
help donors connect with work that     important for Development Officers    what we hope will be a continuing
reflects their passions.               to know what research and other work relationship. We want supporters to
                                       is being done on campus, and where    know they’ve made a difference and
Joel Smith, Senior Director of         gifts can have the greatest impact.   that they’re an important part of the
Development for Medicine and Health,                                         research process itself. This gives
has a particular understanding of what                                       something back to them,” she says.



Ms Love gives the example of a          and succinct information. They are       To find out more about the Division
donor who at the age of 12 years        also available for broader discussions   of Alumni and Development, or if you
was diagnosed with keratoconus, an      with supporters.                         have questions about philanthropy
eye disorder affecting one in 2000                                               at the University of Sydney,
people that distorts vision by changing They connect potential donors with       please contact Joel Smith.
the shape of the cornea. The donor      University people who can use that
wanted to help other people with        gift in a way that will have the most    Phone: +61 2 9351 3574
the condition.                          beneficial impact.                       Email:

“His initial gift led to a world first – it
 helped establish the Save Sight
 Keratoconus Registry, an online
 database to collect information from
 patients and clinicians about the
 outcomes of keratoconus treatment.
 It’s a very valuable clinical resource.

“Later the supporter went on to
 make another gift, funding a new
 research position at the Save Sight
 Institute to analyse the registry’s
 data and expand its reach nationally
 and internationally.”

“Making a meaningful donation can be
 powerful and even therapeutic for
 people who have confronted a health
 crisis, but many of them don’t know
 how to go about it,” says Mr Smith.
“The first person they talk to is often
 their clinician.

“It’s not about clinicians asking anyone
 to give. The best way clinicians can
 support people who want to give is
 by putting them in contact with the
 Development Office.”

Development Officers are always on
standby for advice and assistance.
They are a resource to help donors
along the path of giving and for
academics to pass along relevant

Right: Many organisations fundraise
for medical research, but most
of the actual research is done
through universities

School events

The 2019 Lambie Dew Oration
Readers of Radius are cordially invited to the 2019 Lambie Dew Oration,
to be delivered by Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld AC OBE KStJ, senior
neurosurgeon at the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne and Director of the
Monash Institute of Medical Engineering. Professor Rosenfeld will speak on
‘Medicine at the extremes, from the battle for Mosul to the bionic eye’.

Each year, our student society Sydney    For each year’s Lambie Dew Oration,     Professor Jeffrey Rosenfeld AC OBE
University Medical Society (SUMS)        SUMS invites a distinguished            KStJ has agreed to give the 61st
convenes the Lambie Dew Oration,         speaker to address a medical or         Lambie Dew Oration, taking place
held in honour of Charles Lambie,        social topic of their choice.           on Thursday 10 October 2019.
the inaugural Bosch Professor of
Medicine at the University of Sydney,    The 60th Lambie Dew Oration was         Professor Rosenfeld is a Professor
and Harold Dew, the inaugural Bosch      delivered on 12 October 2018 by         of Surgery at Monash University,
Professor of Surgery.                    Associate Professor Kelvin Kong, a      Senior Neurosurgeon in the
                                         Worimi man from the Port Stephens       Department of Neurosurgery at
When Lambie and Dew took up              area. In addition to his roles as       the Alfred Hospital in Melbourne,
their appointments in 1930 and           an otolaryngologist and surgeon,        Director of the Monash Institute
1931 respectively, they were the first   and his work with the University        of Medical Engineering, and Major
full-time professors of medicine and     of Newcastle and the John Hunter        General in the Australian Defence
surgery in Australia. The medical        Hospital, he frequently conducts        Force – Reserves. He has been
curriculum they developed in the         clinics in remote parts of Australia,   extensively involved in military
1930s became the foundation for          and has been a prominent advocate       medicine, and his research focuses on
undergraduate medical education in       for Indigenous health and Indigenous    traumatic brain injury and restoring
the University of Sydney.                doctors. Associate Professor Kong       sight to individuals with severe
                                         has chaired the RACS Indigenous         vision impairment using bionic
The undergraduate program they           Health Committee, and been a            vision technology.
introduced was delivered (with many      board member of the National
updates and modifications) until the     Centre of Indigenous Excellence         Lambie Dew Oration:
introduction of the graduate-entry       and the Australian Indigenous           Thursday 10 October 2019, 6 pm,
medical program in 1997.                 Doctors’ Association.                   Great Hall, University of Sydney


Lambie Dew Oration previous speakers

Speaker                                                    Date

Associate Professor Kelvin Kong, otolaryngologist          2018
and head and neck surgeon from the University of
Newcastle, Australia’s first Indigenous surgeon, and
the first Indigenous Fellow of the Royal Australasian
College of Surgeons

Professor Fiona Wood AM, Director of the Western       2017
Australian Burns Service, Consultant Plastic Surgeon
at Fiona Stanley Hospital and Princess Margaret
Hospital for Children in Perth, and Winthrop Professor
of Surgery at the University of Western Australia

Professor Gordian Fulde AO, Director of the                2016
Emergency Departments at St Vincent’s and
Sydney Hospitals, and Senior Australian of the Year

Professor Frances Baum AO, Matthew Flinders                2015
Distinguished Professor of Public Health at
Flinders University of South Australia and
Commissioner on the United Nations Commission
on the Social Determinants of Health

Professor John Yu AC, former Chief Executive               2014
Officer of the Children’s Hospital at Westmead,
former Chancellor of the Australian National
University, and Australian of the Year

Ms Helen Clark ONZ, former Prime Minister of               2013
New Zealand and former Administrator of the
United Nations Development Programme

Enquiries about the event: or +61 2 8627 1905

Right: Guests of the 2018 Lambie Dew oration
given by Associate Professor Kelvin Kong



linked to
better mood
Written by Dan Gaffney

A new study published in JAMA Psychiatry1 reveals that
increasing physical activity may be an effective way to boost
mood, especially in people with bipolar disorder.

The finding suggests that physical activity may play an
influential role in regulating mood and could therefore be a
viable target for clinical intervention – a positive finding as
physical activity is more easily changed than mood states.

Researchers from the University of Sydney and leading
institutions in the United States, France, Hong Kong and
the Netherlands reported that increases in physical activity
tended to be followed by improvements in mood and perceived
energy levels. This beneficial effect was even more pronounced
in a subset of the study – subjects with bipolar disorder.

The findings challenge prevailing theories of depression,
proposing that sleep problems, low energy, and low activity
levels are the result of depressed mood.



 The study, which examined                “Systems regulating sleep,                 disturbed body clocks are the basic
 interactions among these factors,         motor activity and mood                   cause of these disorders, and that
 suggests the opposite may be true –                                                 treatments such as physical exercise,
                                           have typically been studied
 that instability in activity and sleep                                              light exposure and melatonin-based
 systems could lead to mood changes.       independently. This work                  medicines need to be much more
                                           demonstrates the importance               specifically focused on stabilising the
“Treatments that disrupt the body          of examining these                        daily body clock.
 clock may be more likely to cause
                                           systems jointly rather than
 harm in patients,” says study co-                                                  “Treatments that disrupt the body
 author, Professor Ian Hickie AM,          in isolation.”                            clock, like some of the commonly
 of the University of Sydney’s Brain       Dr Vadim Zipunnikov                       prescribed serotonin-based
 and Mind Centre.                          Johns Hopkins University                  antidepressants may be more likely
                                                                                     to cause harm in these patients.
 Other key findings                       “This study exemplifies the potential
−−   The researchers found                 for combining the use of physical      “This study highlights the way our
     bidirectional relationships           activity trackers  and  electronic      international consortium with
     between physical activity and         diaries to better  understand  the      nodes   in the United States, Europe,
     subjective energy, and between        complex, dynamic interrelationships Australia, Canada, China and Hong
     physical activity and sleep duration. among multiple systems in a real-       Kong is using highly informative
                                           time and real-life context,” says       case data to transform the diagnosis
−−   On average, a higher activity level
                                           senior author Dr Vadim Zipunnikov       and treatment of the major
     at one timepoint was associated
                                           of Johns Hopkins University.            mood disorders.”
     with improved mood and
                                          “Systems regulating sleep, motor
     increased perceived energy at the
                                           activity and mood have typically        Study details
     next timepoint during the day.
                                           been studied independently. This        Researchers used activity trackers
−−   Likewise, increased energy at         work demonstrates the importance        and electronic diaries over a two-
     one timepoint was associated          of examining these systems jointly      week period to collect data on
     with increased activity at the        rather than in isolation.”              physical activity, sleep duration,
     next timepoint. Importantly,                                                  subjective mood and energy levels
     these associations controlled the    “Modern psychiatry is rapidly            from study participants with
     current levels of mood, energy        abandoning its traditional categories, bipolar I disorder, bipolar II disorder,
     and activity respectively.            such as major depression and bipolar    major depressive disorder, or none of
−−   Activity was inversely associated     disorder, in favour of personalised     these three disorders.
     with sleep duration – more            and more objective modes of
     activity tended to be followed        assessment,” says Professor Hickie.     The participants comprised
     by less sleep that night, and                                                 242 adults (150 women and 92 men),
     more sleep tended to be followed     “These new modes of assessment then aged 15 to 84, including 54 people
     by less activity the next day.        form the basis for more accurate        with bipolar disorder and 91 with
−−   Tracking sleep, activity, mood        predictions  of illness course and,     major depressive disorder.
     and energy concurrently was           most  importantly,   choosing  the
     particularly important in people      most relevant treatments. They are        Choi KW, Chen C, Stein MB, et al.

                                                                                   Assessment of Bidirectional Relationships
     with bipolar disorder because the     also providing unique insights into     Between Physical Activity and Depression
     changes in internal psychological     probable underlying mechanisms.         Among Adults: A 2-Sample Mendelian
                                                                                     Randomization Study. JAMA Psychiatry.
     states were strongly influenced by                                              Published online January 23, 2019.

     both sleep and physical activity.    “For bipolar disorder and atypical         doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2018.4175

                                           depression, they strongly support
                                           our working proposition that



                  Needle-free device
            could improve vaccine delivery
                                                    Written by Dan Gaffney

       University of Sydney scholars are testing a device that could eliminate
           needles and end the need for cold chain storage of vaccines.

The device, a microprojection array patch, or ‘MAP’,                 The device could also boost immunisation rates – at
is a one square centimetre of biomedical polymer –                   least 10 percent of people have been reported to
smaller than a postage stamp – embedded with 5000                    avoid influenza vaccination due to fear of needles.
vaccine‑coated microprojections that pass through                    Furthermore, the World Health Organization (WHO)
the skin’s outer layer to deliver a vaccine directly to              estimates there are 1.3 million deaths each year due to
thousands of immune-rich cells in the skin.                          needlestick injuries and cross contamination.

The result is more efficient immunisation that does not              Usability testing
require refrigeration like ‘current vaccines that use a              The MAP device is applied to the skin using a
needle and syringe.                                                  disposable applicator that contains the product
                                                                     and ensures reliable delivery.
The device is being commercialised by Australian biotech
company Vaxxas, with manufacturing research being                    In 2015, Vaxxas conducted a WHO-funded study testing
done by the University of Sydney and the Innovative                  the usability and acceptability of the applicator for polio
Manufacturing Cooperative Research Centre (IMCRC).                   vaccinations in Benin, Nepal and Vietnam. Cristyn Davies
                                                                     believes the study provided valuable information and
“Delivering vaccines with this technology will be cheaper            suggested great potential for the Vaxxas product.
 and easier than liquid vaccines delivered by needles
 because they don’t need to be refrigerated,” says Cristyn       “With Vaxxas planning to develop and commercialise the
 Davies from the University of Sydney. “This would offer          device in Australia, our research will focus on how the
 a significant advantage in remote locations, including in        applicator is perceived by patients and administrators,”
 developing countries where refrigeration to keep vaccines        she says.
 viable is a major challenge.”
                                                                     Professor Rachel Skinner comments that Australia has
Cristyn Davies is evaluating the device with her University          mature, well-developed vaccination services. “What
of Sydney colleagues Professor Rachel Skinner and                    immunisation providers expect in using the device,
Professor Robert Booy from the School of Medicine and                and its acceptance by immunisation providers and
Professor Behnam Fahimnia from the Business School.                  recipients, may differ dramatically from those in
                                                                     developing countries,” says Professor Skinner.
Together, they will test the utility and acceptability of the
device among patients and clinicians and assess its cost-        “We will be testing the application in several settings and
effectiveness compared to conventional immunisations.             across different age groups in the workplace and with GPs,”
                                                                  says Professor Booy.



The findings will be compared with results from the
earlier WHO utility study to determine requirements in
different markets.

“We are at an important stage of the product development
 process,” says Charles Ross, Head of Clinical Operations at
 Vaxxas. “Before investing in manufacturing the applicator
 at pilot scale, we want to be confident the device satisfies
 design, end-user and logistical requirements for its
 intended markets.”

“Vaxxas is a great example of manufacturing
 innovation in Australia,” says David Chuter,
 CEO and Managing Director at IMCRC.

“This research will give Vaxxas end-user and
 distribution information that decreases risks
 and accelerates the path to market and
 identifies product and design parameters
 required for subsequent pilot scale
 manufacture in Australia.”

The MAP vaccine delivery system was
invented at the University of Queensland.
Development is continuing at the Translational
Research Institute.

Fast facts
−− Data from preclinical studies          −− The MAP-delivered vaccines         −− The device eliminates the risk
   suggests the device will not only         tested to date do not need to         of needlestick injuries.
   enhance the immune response               be refrigerated, reducing costs    −− In addition, it will reduce the
   generated by a vaccine compared           and alleviating transportation        burden on patients suffering
   to traditional delivery methods,          issues, particularly to parts of      from needle phobia.
   but potentially do this at a              the world where cold chain
   fraction of a full vaccine dose.          infrastructure is unreliable.



Statin therapy
                                                  Published in The Lancet1, the study
                                                  compared the effects of statin therapy

found safe and
                                                  (cholesterol-lowering medication)
                                                  in nearly 187,000 people who had
                                                  taken part in 28 large clinical trials.

effective for people
                                                  Participants were divided into six
                                                  different age groups, ranging from

aged over 75 years
                                                  under 55 to over 75 years, to assess
                                                  the effects of statins on major vascular
                                                  events (myocardial infarcts and
                                                  strokes), coronary revascularisation
                                                  procedure rates, cancer incidence
Written by Kobi Print                             and deaths.

                                                  Statins lower the level of low-density
                                                  lipoprotein (LDL) cholesterol in the
Statin therapy is safe and effective in           blood and are prescribed to millions
                                                  of people around the world. Having a
people aged over 75 years and reduces             high level of LDL cholesterol can lead
                                                  to hardening and narrowing of the
major cardiovascular events such as               arteries and cardiovascular disease.

heart attacks and strokes, according to          “Statin therapy has been shown to
                                                  prevent cardiovascular disease in a
new research at the University of Sydney          wide range of people, but there has
                                                  been uncertainty about its efficacy
and the University of Oxford.


and safety among people aged over          trials are now studying the effects of      Dr Fulcher added: “Fewer healthy
75 years,” says lead investigator,         statins in more depth in apparently         older people were represented
Professor Anthony Keech, Deputy            healthy older people.                       in these clinical trials, so more
Director of the NHMRC Clinical                                                         information in this group of people
Trials Centre at the University           “Our analysis found that                     would help confirm the same benefits
of Sydney.                                                                             that we see in our overall trials
                                           statin therapy appears to
                                                                                       population. A new randomised
“Our study summarised all the              be just as effective in people              trial in Australia, called STAREE,
 available evidence from major trials      aged over 75 years as it is                 is specifically exploring whether
 to help clarify this issue, and found     in younger people. We now                   statin treatment can prolong
 there were significant reductions in                                                  survival free of disability in a healthy
                                           have definitive evidence that
 major vascular events in each of the                                                  elderly population.”
 six age groups considered, including      statins benefit older people
 in patients aged over 75 years at the     who have suffered a heart                   The study was conducted by the
 start of treatment.”                      attack or stroke.”                          Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’
                                                                                       Collaboration, a joint initiative
 Most previous statin trials defined       Co-investigator,                            coordinated between the National
                                           Dr Jordan Fulcher, Sydney Medical School,
‘elderly’ people as those over 65 years    the University of Sydney                    Health and Medical Research Council
 of age. Due to advances in medicine,                                                  Clinical Trials Centre, University of
 including the development of                                                          Sydney, Australia; and the Clinical
                                          “This study will provide guidance and
 pivotal treatments such as statins,                                                   Trial Service Unit & Epidemiological
                                           reassurance for doctors and patients
 life expectancies are now much                                                        Studies Unit, Nuffield Department
                                           that people are not automatically
 greater. As a consequence, questions                                                  of Population Health, University
                                          ‘too old’ for treatments like statins
 of the effectiveness of treatments                                                    of Oxford, on behalf of academic
                                           to be effective.”
 in the elderly have focused on                                                        researchers representing major statin
 older age groups.                                                                     trials worldwide.
                                          Co-investigator Professor Colin
                                          Baigent, Director of the Medical
 Study results                                                                         The work was funded by the UK
                                          Research Council Population Health
                                                                                       Medical Research Council; the
The researchers found that statin         Research Unit at the University
                                                                                       Australian National Health and
treatment reduced the risk of a major     of Oxford, added: “The risk of
                                                                                       Medical Research Council; and the
vascular event by about 25 percent for    heart attacks and strokes increases
                                                                                       British Heart Foundation.
each millimole per litre reduction in     markedly with age, and yet statins
LDL cholesterol, with similar benefits    are not prescribed as widely for older
across all ages – even those over 75.     people as they should be.
They also found that statin therapy
did not increase the risk of deaths      “Since the risk of heart attack and
from non-cardiovascular disease, or       stroke increases with age, the
the risk of cancer, at any age.           potential benefits are likely to be
                                          even greater for older people.
Cardiovascular risk reductions
were observed irrespective of age,       “Therefore, there is a need to ensure
in people with or without known           that patients at risk of cardiovascular
vascular disease at the start of the      disease due to their age are offered
trials. The evidence was less definitive statin therapy when there is good
among people aged over 75 without         reason to believe that it will be
pre-existing vascular disease (those      beneficial. Anyone with concerns             1
                                                                                         Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’
                                                                                       Collaboration. Efficacy and safety of
who were prescribed statin therapy        about whether statin therapy is              statin therapy in older people: a meta-
                                                                                       analysis of individual participant data
for the ‘primary prevention’ of heart     suitable for them should discuss             from 28 randomised controlled trials.
attacks and strokes). New randomised this with their GP.”                              The Lancet, 2019; 393(10170): 407-415



            Weight gain in early childhood
            affects teenage heart health
                                                  Written by Kobi Print

                Obesity and cardiovascular risk factors in childhood and
          adolescence are associated with increased risk of cardiovascular
             disease in adulthood, the leading cause of death in Australia.

New research from the University        development and subsequent effects          How the research was conducted
of Sydney has found that excessive      have not been well researched. This
                                                                                    The study assessed a group of
weight gain in children aged under      is the first study to investigate the
                                                                                    410 Australian children from birth
two years can lead to elevated          consequences of weight gain at two
                                                                                    throughout childhood to the age
cardiovascular and metabolic            different stages of early childhood
                                                                                    of 14. Their weight, height, and
risk factor levels in teenage years     and the subsequent occurrence of
                                                                                    waist circumference were recorded.
including increased cholesterol,        cardiovascular disease in adults.
                                                                                    For 190 of those children, detailed
being overweight and having
                                                                                    measurements were also taken of
increased abdominal (central) fat.      “Our study found there are two main
                                                                                    their cholesterol, blood pressure and
                                         pathways to obesity as a teenager:
                                                                                    central fat at the age of 14 years.
Obesity and elevated cardiovascular      rapid weight gain in the first two years
risk factor levels in childhood and      of life (early weight gain), or rapid
                                                                                    Three groups were identified in the
adolescence are associated – in          weight gain between ages two and five
                                                                                    study: normal BMI, “early rising”
adulthood – with increased risk of       years of age (later weight gain),” says
                                                                                    excess BMI from the age of two years,
cardiovascular disease, the leading      the study’s senior author Professor
                                                                                    and “late rising” excess BMI from the
cause of death in Australia.             David Celermajer AO, Scandrett
                                                                                    age of five years.
                                         Professor of Cardiology at Sydney
Published in The Journal of              Medical School, the Charles Perkins
                                                                                    Lead author Dr Jennifer Barraclough,
Pediatrics1, the study tracked the       Centre and the Heart Research
                                                                                    a cardiologist and PhD student at the
Body Mass Index (BMI) of children        Institute, and a senior cardiologist at
                                                                                    University of Sydney and the Heart
from birth to 14 years of age and        Royal Prince Alfred Hospital.
                                                                                    Research Institute says, “The early
found that earlier development of
                                                                                    weight gain group have more centrally
high BMI (in children aged under two    “The data show that the timing
                                                                                    placed or unhealthy fat than the
years) resulted in higher cholesterol    of the development of excess
                                                                                    later weight gain group. Fat around
levels, higher blood pressure, and       BMI in early childhood is an
                                                                                    the middle is a key risk factor for
more central fat in adolescence,         important determinant. Earlier
                                                                                    cardiovascular disease in adulthood.
compared with onset of high BMI in       increases in BMI that persisted
children aged three to five years.       through childhood results in greater
                                                                                    “The early weight gain group also had
                                         central fat and higher cholesterol
                                                                                     significantly higher cholesterol levels
Teenage obesity is a major health        in teenagers, independent of their
                                                                                     compared to a group of teenagers
problem in Australia, but its            BMI at 14 years.”
                                                                                     with weights in the healthy range.



“Our study showed that the earlier the    eating and activity are supported          weight gain in the young child.
 onset of excess fat before five years    from a very young age.                     General practitioners and early
 of age, the more likely the individual                                              childhood nurses can also help to
 is to have fat around the middle         “These findings may provide an             monitor weight gain in this critical
 by adolescence.                           opportunity to identify ‘high risk’       period of life.”
                                           young children and trial interventions
“The study also found that both early      at an early age, prior to the             1
                                                                                       Barraclough JY, Garden FL, Toelle BG,
 and late weight gain groups were          development of high cholesterol and       Marks GB, Baur LA, Ayer JG, Celermajer DS.
                                                                                     Weight Gain Trajectories from Birth to
 more likely to have overweight or         centrally placed fat which becomes        Adolescence and Cardiometabolic Status in
 obese mothers.”                           evident in adolescence and increases      Adolescence. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2019;
                                           the risk of heart disease as an adult.”
Starting healthy habits early
                                          Professor Baur highlighted the
Co-author Professor Louise Baur AM,
                                          importance of healthy infant feeding.
Head of Child and Adolescent Health
                                         “Breastfeeding should be supported
at Sydney Medical School and Head of
                                          where possible until at least 12 months,
the Clinical School in the Children’s
                                          with solids introduced from around six
Hospital at Westmead, says: “This
                                          months,” she says.
study has shown that it is important
for families and the community to
                                         “Healthy eating and physical activity
understand the risks of excess weight
                                          for all family members are also
gain in early life and to ensure healthy
                                          important factors promoting healthy



                        Where are they now?
         In every edition, we profile Sydney Medical School graduates
    to see where their studies have taken them. This time we report on
           Associate Professor Payal Mukherjee and Dr John Affleck.

                                       Associate Professor Payal Mukherjee
                                                 Master of Surgery

After falling in love with the study      medical applications of augmented     “I’m very proud to work with a
of anatomy as a medical student,          reality (AR), virtual reality (VR),    diverse group of professionals,
Payal Mukherjee knew she wanted           3D printing and bioprinting.           both in cultural background and
to pursue a career in ear, nose and                                              in specialisation. The nature of my
throat surgery.                           Her PhD research, supported by a       work is extremely multidisciplinary,
                                          series of grants and collaborative     spanning engineering, medicine,
She loved how dynamic and                 partnerships from the University       science, psychology and information
technical the speciality was. What        of Sydney and the University of        technology,” she says.
she did not realise at the time was       Wollongong, is now in test phase
how technology-dependent the field        and could provide a groundbreaking    Associate Professor Mukherjee
would be, and how much she would          solution for people diagnosed         is committed to her role as an
love finding solutions for severe         with microtia.                        influential educator. “Everything
ear disorders and deformities using                                             I do should be complementing my
new techniques.                           Using a 3D printer, the team is       teaching work.”
                                          constructing new ears for patients
While completing her training at          whose own auricles are deformed.      From her bases at the University’s
the Royal Price Alfred Hospital in        By infusing the printed ear with      Central Clinical School, Sydney
Camperdown, she gained exposure           stem cells, they are creating         Adventist Hospital Clinical School,
to a number of surgical academic          living cartilage that should allow    and her private practice, she
and research staff who inspired her       for normal ear function without       strongly supports Sydney Doctor
to pursue an academic pathway. As         difficult surgery.                    of Medicine students undertaking
a result, she completed a Master                                                MD research.
of Surgery degree at the University       These types of advancements
of Sydney in 2010, and shortly after,     are changing worldwide                She is also using virtual reality to
took up a fellowship at Oxford.           perceptions of medical devices and    help students learn more about
                                          their uses. While new technology      anatomy through visualisation,
On return to Australia, a healthy         will always raise questions of        and she hopes technologies
mix of curiosity, passion and             commercialisation, ethics and         like this will become the norm
encouragement led her to                  regulation, the answer lies           at both undergraduate and
commence a PhD in disruptive              in collaboration.                     postgraduate levels.
technologies, specialising in the



“AR, VR and 3D printing are crucial
 in understanding anatomy and for
 designing reconstructive options for
 the face, and there’s been significant
 growth in this area recently,” she says.

“My goal for 2019 is to create a suite of
 VR materials that are available online
 for students to access.”

Associate Professor Mukherjee
doesn’t just educate clinical school
students. She also teaches primary
and high school age kids about
disruptive technologies and careers
in STEMM (science, technology,
engineering, mathematics
and medicine).

“I do a lot of work with students who
 visit the hospital or come to our
 virtual reality labs on campus at the
 University of Sydney,” she explains.
“My colleagues and I familiarise
 them with the technology and talk
 to them about their future and
 career opportunities.

“Surgery is a male-dominated                Associate Professor Payal Mukherjee (right) and colleague Professor Gordon Wallace
                                            show the 3D bio‑printed ears they have been working on
 industry and I want to lead change in
 this area. I want to be a role model
 and show that a career in this field       patients and students – I want to          Changing the world in more ways
 is female-friendly. Girls need to stay     improve gender equity more widely.”        than one, Associate Professor
 engaged in STEMM education and                                                        Mukherjee was recently nominated
 stop holding back.                         Through advocacy work with younger         as a finalist in the NSW Premier’s
                                            generations, Associate Professor           Women of the Year Awards. She is
“We all have a role as humans to            Mukherjee hopes to create new jobs         widely respected for her exemplary
 improve our community, and for             and new areas of specialisation to         work in adult and paediatric ENT
 me, I believe it’s really important        advance the future even more.              surgery as well as in education
 to benefit even more people than                                                      and gender equity advocacy.



                         Where are they now?
                                            Dr John Affleck
                                Master of Medicine (Critical Care Medicine)

Dr John Affleck is one of Australia’s     He became a designated aviation         As well as examining pilots, Dr Affleck
most respected aerospace medicine         medical examiner for the Civil          became Medical Consultant for
specialists. At the age of 70, he         Aviation Safety Authority, certifying   Wingaway, overseeing patient air
has just added another impressive         pilots to fly. He undertook training    transfers in NSW – a role he has held
achievement to his distinguished          in aviation medicine at the Royal Air   for 14 years.
career: completing a Master of            Force Institute of Aviation Medicine
Medicine (Critical Care Medicine)         and is a Fellow of the Australasian     In 2016, Dr Affleck took on another
degree at the University of Sydney        College of Aerospace Medicine.          appointment as Medical Director of
School of Medicine.                                                               Medevac Flights, which undertakes
                                                                                  international retrieval of sick and
“Because my job puts me in isolation,                                             injured people.
 I wanted something to bring me
 right up-to-date and keep my mind                                                On top of that, he has continued
 focused on problem-solving and                                                   doing locum ED work. From 2013 to
 clinical evidence, to achieve the best                                           2017, he worked weekends as the sole
 outcome for the lives I still hope to                                            doctor in the ED at Cowra Hospital
 save,” he says.                                                                  in central west NSW, dealing with
                                                                                  everything from heart attacks and
Dr Affleck started work as a GP,                                                  asthma to burns, head injuries and
before spending six years as Chief                                                other significant trauma.
Medical Officer of the Royal Flying
Doctor Service in Broken Hill –                                                   “I have 40 years of experience
starting a long career in the aviation                                             working in the field and I think I am
medicine field.                                                                    reasonably competent at what I do,
                                                                                   but there is always something to
“I had always had an interest in                                                   learn,” he says.
 aviation. I had learned to fly and
 owned my own plane at the time,”
 he says.

                                          Dr Affleck stands with Sandy Swanton,
                                          Wingaway’s Chief Flight Nurse



Dr Affleck says he was concerned          unsure about, such as clinical
that, despite past experience, he         reasoning and communication,
might now only perform some               were enjoyable and very rewarding.
procedures a couple of times a year.
To maintain his skills, he offered to    “The subjects I studied in critical
work part time in the emergency           care medicine were well-produced
department of a major Sydney              and the modules for learning online
hospital, but he wasn’t able to do        were well-constructed,” he says.
so, even on a voluntary basis, as the
hospitals’ priority was the training      Dr Affleck says the degree not only
of registrars, not the maintenance        reinforced his decision to continue
of skills of other doctors.               practising, but demonstrates to his        Dr John Affleck stands in front of
                                                                                     a medical retrieval aircraft.
                                          insurer and the Australian Health
“My scope of practice is to assess        Practitioner Regulation Agency
 and manage emergency situations          (AHPRA) that he is actively engaged        He thinks engaging in academic
 working alone. I found that for an       in continuing medical education.           activity is a good idea for older
 ageing doctor, it is challenging to                                                 doctors – whether that is within
 maintain exposure to and practise       “It is really good to have put              medicine, or another field such as
 the skills required in the rural         yourself through that intellectual         learning a new language.
 setting where a specialist cannot        rigour of different clinical situations,
 attend immediately.”                     then, when you face the situation in       “The degree was useful for me as
                                          real life, you have already rehearsed       I don’t intend to retire in the next
In 2017, he enrolled in a Master of       it in your mind, and you are ready,”        few years,” he says. “If there are
Medicine (Critical Care Medicine)         he says.                                    doctors of advancing age who might
and completed the largely online                                                      be feeling the way I did, the Master
course in two years, while continuing “I acquired a lot of knowledge, and             of Medicine is available in a lot of
to work full time.                     had a lot more knowledge updated               different flavours – I did critical
                                       and reinforced. I’m pleased I did              care but other doctors might be
He admits he found some subjects       the degree.”                                   interested in other streams.”
hard work, such as cardiology, but
other subjects that he was initially

                                                                                     Pursue your interests and upskill
                                                                                     with a unit of study or a full
                                                                                     postgraduate degree in a broad
                                                                                     spectrum of specialty areas
                                                                                     including general practice and
                                                                                     internal medicine.


Dr Affleck cares for an infant patient



                                    Reunion recaps

Class of 1961                                                    Class of 1978 (OBL*)
57-year reunion                                                  40-year reunion
Dr Bill Molloy RFD ED KLJ                                        Dr Philip Hung MBBS, FRANZCR

A get-together of the 1961 year, some 57 years after             On 22 of September 2018, 131 alumni and partners gathered
graduation, was arranged by Dr Ruth McMahon and                  at the Refectory in the Holme Building at the University
Dr Bob McGuinness and held at the Women’s College                of Sydney to celebrate 40 years since our graduation. We
on 23 September 2018.                                            were privileged to have 84 alumni and 47 partners join us.

The reunion was a very successful event. As it was a             After drinks and canapés on the lawn, we made our way
bright sunny Sunday, we were able to use the courtyard           into the Refectory where I gave the welcoming speech.
next to the Menzies Common Room for pre-lunch drinks             I spoke of the many changes which had occurred in society
and meeting up again to reminisce about “old times”              and in medicine since the time of our graduation.
and reconnect with the University.                               Following the main course, our surprise guest MC Molly
73 guests attended, with 50 of them from the Class               Meldrum, aka Ian Butcher, introduced our entertainers:
of 1961. We had the privilege of having Professor                soloists Mary-Anne Hockings, David Mawter, Jan Orman;
the Hon. Dame Marie Bashir AD CVO, herself a medical             air guitarists Andrew and Dave McDonald; and the Village
graduate, to address us most warmly on this occasion.            People Chris Ingall, Philip Graham, Lyn March, Mat Swann,
                                                                 Steve Williams and Andrew McDonald, who had us
After the luncheon and very good speeches, some                  alternately mesmerised by their voices, and in stitches
guests attended a tour of the new Sibyl Centre at the            at their on-stage antics.
Women’s College.
                                                                 Unfortunately, the night’s festivities seemed to come to
In all, a very successful function and congratulations           an end far too early. However, the evening proved to be a
to our organising committee. We look forward to our              wonderful opportunity to remind ourselves of the fun and
60‑year reunion in 2021.                                         camaraderie which we enjoyed during those formative
                                                                 years and I believe that many bonds were reforged during
                                                                 a lovely night of celebration.

                                                                 Finally, I announced that after 30 years and five reunions,
                                                                 I was retiring as convenor of the Reunion Committee.
                                                                 Most fortunately, Andrew and David McDonald have already
                                                                 announced their preparedness to take on planning for the
                                                                 next reunion, our 45th, in 2023. So, please watch out for
                                                                 a Save the Date notice in 2022.

                                                              O BL stands for “Old By Laws”. When the University transitioned
                                                              from a six-year to a five-year curriculum in 1973, it became
                                                              necessary to distinguish between the graduates who commenced in
                                                              1972 and those who started in 1973 – as both cohorts finished in
                                                              1978. The 1972 cohort was designated as the Class of 1978 (OBL)
                                                              and the 1973 cohort as the Class of 1978 (NBL) (“New By Laws”).

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