Queued Up But in Need of Transmission - Department of ...

Page created by Mitchell Payne
Queued Up But in Need of Transmission - Department of ...
Queued Up…
But in Need
of Transmission                                            the growing gridlock, transmission                        benefts of new transmission. An all-of-

Unleashing the                                             planning and interconnection processes                    government and all-of-society approach
                                                           need reform. Permitting and allocating                    is crucial to fully realize the benefts of a
Benefits of Clean                                          costs for transmission also pose barriers,                modernized grid and move the nation

Power with Grid                                            both for generator interconnection
                                                           and regional and inter-regional grid
                                                                                                                     forward to a more secure and equitable
                                                                                                                     clean energy future for all Americans.
Infrastructure                                             infrastructure.

Te nation needs transmission                               Te Bipartisan Infrastructure Law contains                 Queued-Up
infrastructure to unlock the enormous                      important economic programs and                           Te total amount of new electric
benefts and opportunities that the clean                   authorities to help kick-start transmission               generation capacity needed to meet
energy transition presents from spurring                   investments. Te proposed climate                          ambitious 2030 clean energy goals is
economic growth, to revitalizing domestic                  and clean energy incentives package                       already in the early development pipeline.
manufacturing, to creating millions                        in Congress would go much further
of good jobs for American workers.                                                                                   More than 930 gigawatts (GW) of
                                                           in supporting large-scale transmission
Moreover, studies ofen fnd that the                                                                                  solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal,
                                                           investment, including through a 30%
benefts of transmission exceed the costs,                                                                            and nuclear capacity are currently
                                                           investment tax credit.
by enabling access to low-cost generation,                                                                           sitting in interconnection queues
helping to maintain reliability and avoid                  Beyond these two Acts—one a law                           seeking transmission access, along
power outages, and supporting clean                        and one a proposed law—the U.S.                           with over 420 GW of energy storage
energy supply.                                             Department of Energy is working to                        (Figure 1).1 Tis is roughly the same
                                                           support transmission investment through                   amount of clean capacity needed to
Yet, a large amount of potential clean                     the ‘Building a Better Grid’ Initiative.                  hit an 80% clean electricity share in
power capacity is struggling with the                      Actions by the Federal Energy Regulatory                  2030. It is also a large step towards the
wait times and costs of connecting to the                  Commission (FERC), regional planning                      capacity needed to reach 100% clean
transmission grid, and the construction of                 organizations, grid operators, states,                    electricity in 2035 under accelerated
new high-voltage transmission lines has                    utilities, and others will also play critical             electrifcation, consistent with the
declined over the last decade. To alleviate                roles in facilitating and maximizing the                  nation’s decarbonization commitments.2

    Rand et al. 2022. “Queued Up: Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2021.” Berkeley Lab.
    An 80% clean electricity scenario for 2030 estimates the need for ~950 GW of new clean power capacity and ~225 GW of storage (Abhyankar et al. 2021. “2030
    Report: Powering America’s Clean Economy.” UC Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy.). A separate study from the U.S. Department of Energy assesses a scenario
    that reaches ~70% clean by 2030, envisioning ~510 GW of additional clean power capacity and 60 GW of storage by 2030 (DOE. 2021. “Solar Futures Study.” U.S.
    Department of Energy.). Finally, the Long-Term Strategy of the United States establishes a pathway to net-zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, inclusive of a 100%
    clean electricity share by 2035; it requires 1,680-1,800 GW of new clean power capacity by 2035 as well as 130-150 GW of battery storage (United States Executive
    Offce of the President. 2021. “The Long-Term Strategy of the United States: Pathways to Net-Zero Greenhouse Gas Emissions by 2050.” Washington, D.C.).

Queued Up But in Need of Transmission - Department of ...

Tese prospective projects are spread                        Figure 1. Power Plants Seeking Transmission Connection by Type (left) and Mapped to Region (right)
widely across the nation. At a minimum,
this demonstrates that developers are                            700
interested in building-out clean power                           600            Standalone
projects in all regions of the country,                          500            Hybrid
with signifcant potential infrastructure                         400

investment and related benefts such as job
creation and economic growth—but these
benefts are only realized if developers can
get their projects over the fnish line.

             What Are
     Interconnection Queues?                                Notes: (1) Hybrid plants are those paired with one or more other type of generation or storage. (2) Data for
    Grid operators require projects                         Alaska and Hawaii were not collected. Represents queues as of the end of 2021.

    seeking to connect to the grid
                                                            Among a subset of queues for which                           developers ofen incur costs not only to
    to undergo a series of impact
                                                            data are available, less than one-quarter                    connect to the existing transmission
    studies, to insure the grid will
    remain safe, stable, and reliable                       of the projects that sought connection                       system, but also costs needed to upgrade
    when new generators plug in.                            from 2000 to 2016 have been built (see                       the broader, high-voltage transmission
    This process establishes what new                       Figure 2). Importantly, completion                           grid.4 Tese latter upgrade costs can
    transmission upgrades are needed                        percentages appear to be declining in                        be signifcant,5 are hard to predict
    before a project can connect to                         recent years (since 2013) and are lower                      in advance, and can provide system-
    the system, and then estimates
                                                            for wind (20%) and solar (16%) than                          wide benefts that extend beyond the
    and assigns the costs of those
    upgrades to the project and/or                          for natural gas (33%). Wait times are                        interconnecting generator.6 Larger
    transmission owner. Projects in                         also on the rise: in four independent                        transmission upgrades and investments
    this process are known to be in                         system operators (ISO), the typical                          of this nature may beneft from a more
    the interconnection queue.                              duration from interconnection request                        planned and coordinated process
                                                            to commercial operation for all project                      than can be achieved when processing
                                                            types increased from ~2.1 years for                          individual generator interconnection
Gridlocked                                                  projects built in 2000-2010 to ~3.7 years                    requests one-by-one, and build-out of
Many of these prospective clean power                       for those built in 2011-2021.3                               the higher-voltage grid can ease the
projects are struggling to connect with                                                                                  interconnection process.7
the transmission grid. Failure rates and                    Tese trends partly refect strong
wait times in the queues suggest growing                    growth in interconnection requests and                       While lack of access to transmission is a
interconnection and transmission                            other factors, but they are also driven                      major barrier, there are many potential
challenges. Tese challenges present an                      by transmission upgrade costs that,                          reasons that proposed power plants do
opportunity to improve institutional                        in many cases, the interconnecting                           not always move to the construction
processes.                                                  generator must bear. Specifcally,                            phase. Some projects in the queues are

  Rand et al. 2022. “Queued Up: Characteristics of Power Plants Seeking Transmission Interconnection As of the End of 2021.” Berkeley Lab.
  Caspary et al. 2021. “Disconnected: The Need for a New Generator Interconnection Policy.” Americans for a Clean Energy Grid.
  Gorman et al. 2019. “Improving estimates of transmission capital costs for utility-scale wind and solar projects to inform renewable energy policy.” Energy Policy 135: 110994.
  ICF. 2021. “Just & Reasonable? Transmission Upgrades Charged to Interconnecting Generators Are Delivering System-Wide Benefts.” Prepared for the American Council of
  Renewable Energy.
  Caspary et al. 2021. “Disconnected: The Need for a New Generator Interconnection Policy.” Americans for a Clean Energy Grid.


Figure 2. Indicators of the Challenges Facing Transmission Interconnection, Planning, and Construction
 Outcome of Interconnection                        Average Time from Interconnection                            Miles of New High-Voltage (345 kV+)
Requests (submitted 2000-2016)                     Request to Plant Operation (years)                              Transmission Lines Completed
                                                                            3.7 yr
                 Operational                                                                          3,000
                               Active55%                   2.1 yr                                     2,000
           72%                                                                                        1,000

                                                         2000-2010        2011-2021                        2012        2014       2016        2018        2020 2021

more exploratory in nature, in part                     and solar resources are not located near                  and our communities healthier.10 By its
driven by uncertainty in the scope and                  existing transmission infrastructure; new                 very nature, the interconnection process
cost of necessary transmission upgrades                 transmission lines would be needed to                     as currently designed is an inefcient
and the extended timelines associated                   access these areas. Despite this reality,                 means of building out this transmission
with the current interconnection                        and despite signifcant expenditure on                     infrastructure; indeed, current queue
process. Other challenges include                       transmission upgrades in recent years,                    backlogs are to a degree a symptom
securing land, permits, community                       the number of miles of newly built high-                  of the need for a more planned and
support, power purchasers and                           voltage transmission has declined over                    coordinated process for large-scale
fnancing, as well as unanticipated                      the last decade from an annual average                    transmission investment.
changes to project economics and                        of 2,000 miles from 2012-2016 to an
                                                                                                                  Studies difer in their estimates of the
available policy incentives. Regardless,                average of just 700 miles from 2017-
                                                                                                                  optimal amount of new transmission, in
there is growing recognition that the                   2021 (Figure 2).8
                                                                                                                  part due to diferent input assumptions
interconnection process needs to be
                                                        Studies ofen fnd that the benefts of                      and modeling approaches. Many
reformed, and that current backlogs in
                                                        transmission infrastructure exceed                        topologies deserve consideration, and
the queues are an indicator of the need
                                                        the costs—by enabling access to low-                      growth in storage may reduce the need
for improved transmission planning and
                                                        cost generation and sharing resources                     for new transmission to some degree—at
enhanced transmission investment.
                                                        over broader geographic regions and                       least relative to cases without storage.11
                                                        in helping to maintain reliability and                    Variations in estimated transmission
Transmission Needed                                     avoid power outages.9 What’s more,                        build and investment across studies
Tere is a need to refresh the nation’s                  transmission investment can enable                        is also partly defnitional: some only
approach to larger-scale, regional                      clean energy growth and its associated                    report large-scale inter-regional
and inter-regional transmission                         benefts, helping the nation meet its                      transmission, whereas others report all
infrastructure, tackling challenges                     climate goals, growing the economy,                       transmission including high-voltage
related to permitting, planning, and                    creating jobs for American workers,                       lines, transmission upgrades, and the
cost allocation. Many of the best wind                  and making the air we breathe cleaner                     lines needed to connect generators

  FERC. 2022. “Energy Infrastructure Update.” Federal Energy Regulatory Commission (and earlier editions).
  For example: (1) FERC. 2020. “Report on Barriers and Opportunities for High Voltage Transmission.” Prepared by staff of the Federal Energy Regulatory Commission.
  (2) SPP. 2016. “The Value of Transmission.” (3) PJM. 2019. “The Benefts of the PJM Transmission System.” (4) MISO. 2017. “MTEP17 MVP Triennial Review.” (5)
  Brinkman et al. 2020. “Interconnections Seam Study.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. (5) MISO. 2022. “LRTP Tranche 1 Portfolio Detailed Business Case.”
   ESIG. 2021. “Transmission Planning for 100% Clean Electricity.” Energy Systems Integration Group.
   See: (1) Jayadev et al. 2020. “U.S. electricity infrastructure of the future: Generation and transmission pathways through 2050.” Applied Energy 260: 114267. (2)
  Abhyankar et al. 2021. “2030 Report: Powering America’s Clean Economy.” UC Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy.


to the nearest substation or load                       Figure 3. Transmission Investment with Growing Clean Energy Shares
center. Regardless, numerous studies                     Billion $
demonstrate that signifcant grid                            $1,500
investment is needed to reach high clean
energy shares (see Figure 312).
Many studies also show that investing
in the power grid provides benefts in                         $500
excess of costs. Focusing on national-
scale studies, one assessment fnds that
investing in large-scale transmission                           $0
                                                                     40%          50%            60%             70%            80%            80%            100%
could save the nation $1 trillion under
                                                                                                   Clean Energy Percentage
a 95% clean energy future, relative to
the same scenario but without those grid                (relative to wind heavy systems), though                 vital role in facilitating and maximizing
investments.13 Another study concluded                  even in this case signifcant transmission                the benefts of new transmission.
that inter-state coordination and                       would still be necessary.16                              Permitting, planning, and paying for
transmission expansion would reduce the                                                                          transmission all pose barriers, both
system cost of a 100% clean power system
by 46% compared with a hypothetical
                                                        Expanding the                                            for generator interconnection and
                                                                                                                 for higher-voltage regional and inter-
state-by-state approach.14 A study                      Transmission Grid                                        regional grid infrastructure.17
from the National Renewable Energy                      Te nation needs transmission
                                                                                                                 The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law—enacted
Laboratory estimated beneft-to-cost                     infrastructure to achieve high shares
                                                                                                                 in November 2021—contains fnancing
ratios of around 2-to-1 for large-scale                 of clean energy, and that infrastructure
                                                                                                                 programs and authorities to help
inter-regional transmission expansion                   provides numerous benefts beyond
                                                                                                                 kick-start transmission investments,
under high clean power futures.15 Other                 its contribution to power-sector
                                                                                                                 a subset of which are listed in Table 1.
studies have found that inter-regional                  decarbonization. Backlogs in the
                                                                                                                 Notably, these include a $2.5 billion
transmission infrastructure may be                      generator interconnection process
                                                                                                                 transmission facilitation program and
somewhat less crucial in achieving                      and recent studies focused on national
                                                                                                                 revised authorities for the designation of
high levels of clean power supply when                  transmission needs both point to a
                                                                                                                 national electric transmission corridors.
low-cost storage and solar are available                common conclusion—policy will play a

   The fgure summarizes cumulative (undiscounted) transmission investment costs at varying clean energy percentages—also with varying time-periods. Sources: (1)
   Larson et al. 2021. “Net-Zero America.” Princeton University. [E+ scenario]. (2) Brinkman et al. 2020. “Interconnections Seam Study.” National Renewable Energy
   Laboratory. (3) Brown and Botterud. 2021. “The Value of Inter-Regional Coordination and Transmission in Decarbonizing the US Electricity System.” Joule 5(1):
   115-134. (4) Clack. 2021. “The role of transmission in deep decarbonization.” Energy Systems Integration Group Webinar. (5) Abhyankar et al. 2021. “2030 Report:
   Powering America’s Clean Economy.” UC Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy. (6) Cole et al. 2021. “Quantifying the Challenge of Reaching a 100% Renewable
   Energy Power System for the United States.” Joule, doi.org/10.1016/j.joule.2021.05.011. (7) Cole and Craig. 2021. “2021 Standard Scenarios Report:
   A U.S. Electricity Sector Outlook.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory. Only a subset of published scenarios are included in the fgure. Note also that the y-axis
   scale in the fgure is curtailed; Larson et al.’s transmission investment estimates extend above this scale at clean energy shares above 95% under an economy-wide
   zero-carbon pathway, reaching $2,210 billion with a 98% clean energy share in 2050.
   Clack. 2021. “The role of transmission in deep decarbonization.” Energy Systems Integration Group Webinar.
   Brown and Botterud. 2021. “The Value of Inter-Regional Coordination and Transmission in Decarbonizing the US Electricity System.” Joule 5(1): 115-134.
   Brinkman et al. 2020. “Interconnections Seam Study.” National Renewable Energy Laboratory.
   See: (1) Abhyankar et al. 2021. “2030 Report: Powering America’s Clean Economy.” UC Berkeley, Goldman School of Public Policy. (2) Jayadev et al. 2020. “U.S.
   electricity infrastructure of the future: Generation and transmission pathways through 2050.” Applied Energy 260: 114267.
   See, e.g.: (1) Joskow. 2021. “Facilitating Transmission Expansion to Support Effcient Decarbonization of the Electricity Sector.” MIT Center for Energy and
   Environmental Policy Research. (2) Pfeifenberger et al. 2021. “Transmission Planning for the 21st Century: Proven Practices that Increase Value and Reduce Costs.”
   Brattle and Grid Strategies.


Table 1. Bipartisan Infrastructure Law: Subset of Transmission-Related Provisions Now Being Implemented*

                                                     $2.5 billion revolving fund for DOE to facilitate the construction of large-scale transmission via
     Transmission facilitation program
                                                     capacity reservation contracts, loans, and public-private partnerships

     Designation of National Interest                Enables FERC to issue a federal permit in a DOE-designated corridor when a state rejects the
     Electric Transmission Corridors                 project; establishes that DOE is to look at future capacity constraints when designating corridors

     Preventing outages and enhancing
                                                     $5 billion for DOE grants to states, tribes, and utilities to reduce the likelihood and consequences
     the resilience of
                                                     of disruptive events on the power grid, including hardening transmission
     the electric grid

     Energy infrastructure federal                   $5 billion for DOE grants to demonstrate innovative approaches to transmission, storage, and
     fnancial assistance program                     distribution infrastructure, and new approaches to enhance regional grid resilience

                                                     $3 billion for DOE grants to enhance grid fexibility, including advanced transmission technologies
     Deployment of technologies to
                                                     such as dynamic line rating, fow control devices, advanced conductors, and network topology
     enhance grid fexibility

* Additional transmission related programs are briefly described in DOE’s ‘Building a Better Grid’ Notice of Intent18

The proposed climate and clean energy                   fnancing mechanisms, coordinated                     varying ways in planning, regulating,
incentives package legislation would go                 permitting, and continued research and               and implementing interconnection
much further—as an engine of clean                      development. Te Department’s Notice                  procedures and transmission expansion.
power growth and in supporting grid                     of Intent19 describes these coordinated              Finally, government bodies at all levels
investment, including through a 30%                     activities in further detail.                        will dictate the structure and pace of the
investment tax credit and a variety of                                                                       transmission permitting process, as will
                                                        Beyond these steps, FERC has a
grant and loan programs focused on                                                                           impacted communities.
                                                        leading role to play in establishing
transmission infrastructure.
                                                        and reviewing the rules implemented                  Te benefts of a modernized grid will
In addition to implementing provisions                  by grid operators and utilities for                  be fully realized only with an all-of-
in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the               interconnection, transmission planning,              government and all-of-society approach.
Department of Energy is also acting                     and cost allocation. FERC’s ongoing
within pre-existing authorities to catalyze             rulemaking ‘Building for the Future
nationwide development of new and                       through Electric Regional Transmission
upgraded high-capacity transmission                     Planning and Cost Allocation and
lines through its ‘Building a Better                    Generator Interconnection’ is tackling
Grid’ initiative. Under this initiative,                these critical issues.20 Active engagement
DOE will identify critical national                     by regional planning organizations,
transmission needs and support the                      grid operators, utilities, states, non-
buildout of transmission facilities that                governmental organizations, and the
meet those needs through collaborative                  private sector will also be important, as
transmission planning, innovative                       these stakeholders are each engaged in

   electric-regional                                                                                              energy.gov/policy • DOE/OP-0015 • April 2022
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