Current Status and Future View of EV/PHEV with Charging Infrastructure in Japan by Tatsuo Teratani Toyota Motor Corporation - OECD
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Current Status and Future View of EV/PHEV with Charging Infrastructure in Japan by Tatsuo Teratani Toyota Motor Corporation Background paper for the IFP/IEA/ITF Workshop on “Developing infrastructure for alternative transport fuels and power-trains to 2020/2030/2050: A cross country assessment of early stages of implementation” OECD, 30th November 2012
1. Environmental Change around Automobiles Automotive environment today is about to go through a large change. There are “5 automotive major environments”, two of which have newly emerged: “energy issue” created by new rising powers and their dramatic market change followed by young generation’s new life-style and values, and “natural resource issue” such as in rare earths, water and food (Fig.1). Also rapidly evolving factors are “increased use of electronics”, “electrification” and “system integration”. In the history of 126 years of automobiles, the last 40 years have seen a remarkable development of electronics, and the major focus of interest today is on the EV and PHEV. 1. Environmental Change around Automobiles 1 Environment Environment Natural Energy resource s Safety Safety Market Market TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 3 Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig. 1 Environmental change around automobiles 2. Environmental and energy issue over automobiles The most important environmental and energy issue of automobiles for sustainable societies are, respectively, reduction of carbon dioxide that leads to less global warming and shift to new energy resource for less dependence on oil (Fig.2). The majority of energy resources that we use today come from the solar energy stored in the earth’s history of 46 billion years. We must again come back to the first principle and consider the energy use for cyclical energy society. One of the
candidates for realistic solutions will be EV/PHEV where electrical energy from power stations with low carbon dioxide emission will be used as a secondary destination. The spread of EV/PHEV will depend upon the development of infrastructure and high-capacity, low-cost batteries (Fig.3). Diversification of Automotive Fuels and Powertrains Primary Energy Automotive fuel Powertrain Internal Core technology combustion Gasoline Save oil engine Oil Diesel Conventional vehicle & Natural gas Gas fuels HV Alternatives to oil Coal Synthetic liquid fuels Next-generation PHV technology Plant Bio-fuel Uranium Electricity EV Hydro, solar, geothermal Hydrogen FCV power 35 Fig.2 Diversification of fuels and powertrains 10 Total Energy Management (TEM) Emission energy toward the earth ; 1.4kW/m2 in Japan 1/ 2.2 billionth (1.8x1017kW); Power generation cost;Energy cost of 1kWh (Yen/ kWh) ・Water G. ;13.6 ・Solar for house ;44~66 ・Oil G. ;10.2 for non-house ;73 ・LNG G. ; 6.2 ・Wind P.L -size ;10~14 ・Coal G. ;6.5 M&S-size ;18~24 Sun (Nuclear fusion) ・Nuclear G. ; 5.9 ・House ;Day (24)、Night (12) ・Geothermal G.;13~16 ・Vehicle(Gasoline);40〜〜120 Recycled energy resource ・Solar energy ・Wind power energy ・Ocean energy ・Geothermal energy ・Waterpower energy Non-‐‐‐recycled energy resource ・Fossil fuel (Oil 、Coal 、Natural gas) → P ossible life of mining ( Oil;40 years 、 Coal; 230years 、 Natural gas ;62years) ・Nuclear fuel (Low speed nuclear fission) ・Heavy hydrogen (Nuclear fusion) T he earth(4.6 billion years、6.5 billion people 900 million vehicle s, 65 million vehicles/year Total Energy Management 6 Fig.3 Total energy management In selecting automotive fuels, it is one of important things to select the fuels with high energy density. This figure shows energy density per unit volume of typical fuels compared with gasoline 10. Ethanol is 6. Gaseous fuel is 1 to 3. Batteries and Li-ion battery is about 0.2 (Fig.4). That is to say, energy density of Li-ion battery is 1/50 compared to gasoline. For gaseous fuels and batteries, we have to install the huge fuel tank and batteries, and so there will be no space and car becomes too heavy.
Liquid fuels have still remained the advantage about energy density in automobiles. Energy Density Diesel Volumetric energy density (Gasoline=10) fuel Gasoline 10 Batteries Gaseous fuels Liquid fuels Ethanol Hydrogen absorbing 5 alloy(2wt%) CNG (20Mpa) High-pressure Lithium-ion hydrogen battery (35MPa) 0 Energy density of Li-ion battery is 1/50 compared to gasoline.. Toyota estimate TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 7 Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig.4 Energy density of automotive fuels 3. Connection of EV/PHEV to national grid Automotive OEMs are seriously planning mass-production of EV and PHEV from 2012 and therefore they will need to consider electrical power infrastructure in their mind because their vehicles will be connected to the national grid (Fig.5). Consequently, we will need to develop “total energy management” as shown in Fig.6, where “energy supply” and “energy store” are newly added to the conventional “vehicle energy management”.
History of Electric Propulsion Vehicles 1870 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 1st EV 2nd EV Mass. EV Utility EV 3rd EV Rav4-EV(Pb) EV i-MiEV e-com(Ni-MH) Leaf(Li) i-REAL Mass. HEV Prius HEV Civic HV Mass. PHEV PHEV Prius PHV Volt Limited Sale FCEV FCEV FCHV FCX TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 4 Fig.5 History of electric propulsion vehicles in Japan 8 “Vehicles of the 21st Century aim Sustainable Mobility !” Energy Management Energy Supply Energy Storage Total Energy Management with Infrastructure TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 8 Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig.6 Total energy management with infrastructure
4. PHEV ( Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle) in Japan Since 2009, Toyota has been testing of Prius PHV (Plug-in Hybrid Vehicle) used by 600 vehicles and fleet-users worldwide with many field data results. And since 2012, mass-production PHVs have been launched to the market. Figure 7 shows the concept of plug-in hybrid vehicle. PHV will run as an electric vehicle on the charged electricity for short trips and as a conventional hybrid vehicle for long trips. The best advantage is there is no drive distance limitation (Fig.8). Plug-in Hybrid Vehicles (Concept) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 13 Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig.7 The concept of Prius Plug-in Hybrid AC Normal Charging of Prius-PHV Civic Center Home Home In France Super Convenience Store In China 18 Fig.8 AC normal charging of Prius PHV
2012 marked an increased activity of international standardization of electric vehicles followed by launch of Prius PHEV and certification of AC normal charging by JARI (Japan Automobile Research Institute), kicking off social design that secures “safety/assurance” and “compatibility” for customers (Fig.9). Japan’s proposal and contribution is expected for international standardization meeting such as IEC/ISO. It is also important that Japan, US, EU and China cooperate together to enhance spread of EV/PHEV to meet their regional infrastructure development situations and needs. Fig.9 Standardization for AC normal charge Work done for domestic spread of charging system in Japan Japan is working on equipping infrastructure for charging as a national policy. “Next generation automobile strategy 2010”, which was formulated in 2010 by joint effort s of government and industry, states the target volume of 5000 quick-charge and 2 million normal charge machines by 2020 (Fig.10). There are about 1300 quick-charge machines installed right now on all over Japan from Hokkaido to Okinawa. Electric outlets at homes also count as normal charging machines and therefore it is difficult to estimate the number of normal charging machines but there believed to be around a couple of hundred thousand.
This is thanks to the introduction of EV and PHEVs in various models and the financial aid by the government through the purchase promotion system, and also the certification system that provides measures to assure compatibility and safety of the charging equipment. Keep the safety and rest for AC charging ・AC charging stands are increasing with mass-production PHEV・EV in Japan. (METI Target: 2 millions AC chargers until 2020) ・For expand of PHEV・EV, its important to guarantee safety and compatibility between charging stand・ cable and PHEV・EV. Saneisha Toyota Auto. Japan System GE Panasonic Hasetec Bank Naigai –Elec. etc It is needed to keep and proof safety and compatibility between AC charging stands and vehicles Toyota Mitsubishi Nissan Honda ≪Prius-PHV≫ ≪i-MiEV≫ ≪Leaf≫ ≪Fit-EV≫ etc 20 Fig.10 Certification of AC normal charging by JARI Meanwhile, energy-saving technologies for conventional vehicles are also advancing as seen in direct-injection, down-sizing, turbo-charging, idle-stop and lowered power consumption of onboard systems. Even so, the European carbon dioxide regulation for 2020 is another step stricter and further electrification of vehicles is inevitable. We therefore expect steady spread of electric vehicles. 5. EV (Electric Vehicle) in Japan Purchase promotion system The government or local authorities will provide financial support when purchasing EV and the charging equipment if a set condition is met. The government support provides up to 1 million yen through Next Generation Vehicle Promotion Center for
vehicle purchase. They will also pay half the equipment price for DC quick charging and AC normal charging stand with fixed charging cable (Mode III) with upper limit. Refer to the center’s webpage for details. Local authorities have their own systems and need to consultation for details (Fig.11, Fig.12). Short time charging is possible. S p ecif ica tio n ・ S w . ; o n sta n t C o u r. P w er. ・ In p u ht: 3 P a se 2 0 0 V ・ M a x. o u tp u t: 5 0 k W ・ M a x. o u tp u t V o l. 5 0 0 V ・ M a x. o u tp u t C u r.: 1 0 0 A 4 0 k m/5 M in . 6 0 k m/1 0 M in . D riv in g R a n g e w ith S O C 8 C 0% . IEEJ Symposium (09.3; Tokyo Power Company) TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION 26 Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig.11 DC quick charging stand at Shopping-center Rent- a- car in Okinawa ( Photo by Teratani 2011.9.9 ) Nissan Leaf Quick Charging ; 25min. ( ・80% Charge; 130km ・IC card; Rent fee 20 € ・In Conv. Store; 5 €/ 1) High-way SA; Free fee 27 Fig.12 Nissan Leaf of Rent-a-car in Okinawa
Standardization for DC conductive charge Configuration C Configuration C Configuration A Configuration B Type 1 Combo. Type 2 Combo. Proposal C. Japan(CHAdeMO) China USA Germany N. Voltage 600 V 750 V 600 V 850 V N. Current 150 A 250 A 200 A 200 A Inlet:9 Pin 9 9 7 Connecter:5 Charging PLC(Power Line or CPLT Line) CAN CAN Signal (Common Spec. according with ISO 15118) Charging special special CPLT(Common Spec.) Protocol Compatibility CHAdeMO China (GB/T) SAE J1772 ― Shape DC Charging Terminal DC Charging Terminal For Low Power; AC For Low Power; AC Memo. ― ― Coupler(Type 2)used 28 Coupler(Type 1)used Fig.13 Standardization for DC conductive charge Certification system for charging equipment The importance of infrastructure for charging has already been explained earlier and the certification system will assure the compatibility and safety. As for the DC quick charging (Fig.13), CHAdeMO committee reviewed the design but there was no similar body for AC normal charging. Accordingly, Japan Automobile Research Institute (JARI), Registration Body has started product certification since April 2012. The AC normal charging product certification is given to cable type with charging communication function (Mode II) and to stand type (Mode III). This certification consists of plant and product certification and covers various development stages from product design up to final product function check and is world-first, full-scale certification of charging equipment. This certification is conducted by third party organization and does not have law enforcement power but it does assure the safety and communication of various combinations of different EV and PHEVs and is therefore very valuable in reality. Refer to the details in the webpage of JARI. 6. Current Status and Future Target of EV/PHEV/HV in Japan There are already many mass-production HVs in Japanese market, and PHEVs and EVs in use have been launched to the market as Fig.14.
Figure 15 shows the roadmap targets of electric vehicles(EV) in Japan. For increasing of PHEVs and EVs, charge points of electric vehicles(EV) are planned for 2020 in Japan (Fig.16). Electric vehicles (EV) in use 2012 Battery electric vehicles (BEV) 28,000 Plug-in hybrid electric vehicles (PHEV) 9,000 Hybrid electric vehicles (HEV) 1,500,000 Fig. 14 Current number in use of electric vehicles(EV) in Japan Roadmap targets 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 BEV 15-20 20-30% PHEV % 20-30 HEV 30-40% % Fig. 15 Roadmap targets of electric vehicles(EV) in Japan Charge points 2015 2020 2025 2030 2035 2040 2045 2050 Slow charge 20 thousand Fast charge Rapid charge 5000 Fig. 16 Charge points of electric vehicles(EV) in Japan
7. Wireless Charging Method Wireless charging method (the mat type) is being reviewed for wireless charging standardization. Electrical power will be transmitted through an air gap of more than 100mm. Magnetic resonance type is promoted (Fig.17). The standard is the only one (ISO-IEC61980-1) where the standardization work has started. The wireless charging is still in the phase of research and development and has many issues to be solved and therefore we believe we will need more time until commercialization. 31 Fig.17 Wireless charging system (R&D Phase) of Prius PHV ( Nov. 2012 ; TBS-TV on air in Japan) 8. Future Vision for Sustainable Mobility Society In Japan today, the electrification of automobiles, i.e. HEV, EV, PHEV, FCEV has advanced and the development has come to mass-production phase. The development of cooperative infrastructure and low-cost technologies will play a key role for spread of EV/PHEV. The contribution of HEV and EV in the aftermath of
Great East Japan Earth quake became the evening news’ spotlight and boosted the development of emergency power supply and future V2H (Fig.18). Energy Management (V2H) :Green Electric Power Renewable Energy ; Each Electric P.(On-board Battery, Battery for Home, Grid ,Solar Generation)is visible for Green Electric P. and decided timing and volume of V2H. Green Electric P. : Solar Generation Electric Data : Green P. Control S. : Electric P. Grid (Reflection of Panel AC HEMS Surplus Solar EV・PHV Charge Generation in Discharge Community) EDMS Green Electric P. Charging Battery Stand Green Electric Power for Home =Renewable Energy ØReduction of Carbon Use ØPeak Shift, Peak Cut ØSaving-Electric Power (Case of Time Sharing Contract)) On-board Battery 37 Fig.18 Future image of V2H in Japan In Japan, since last year 3.11, namely “ East Japan Disaster” electric power problem has been treated with close-up. In Tohoku with the disaster, EV and HV have contributed to supply electricity from on-board battery to home electric-loads, for example, light, water, refrigerator, air-conditioner, TV and so on. For this power supply, we call V2L and V2H. This slide shows the future energy management, V2H. Now, for near future, V2H and HEMS are investigated in Japan. and for them Toyota has started the verification test in Toyota city. It is important to be visible for green electric power in future. Figure19 shows Toyota's expected portfolio for future mobility products, in the post-oil age. EVs will first be used for short-distance travel and FCVs for middle-to-long-distance, while HVs or PHVs will come to replace most of today’s vehicles. Of course, electric propulsion vehicles ( HEV, PHEV, EV and FCEV ) have been
continuously developed in the world, but its developing speed depends on the performance of battery and infrastructure for them. Image of Future Mobility Portfolio FCVs Vehicle HD Truck size HVs & PHVs Route bus EVs Passenger Car FCV (BUS) Delivery Short truck Delivery car commuter HV EV FCV PHV i-REAL Winglet Motorcycle Driving distance Oil, Bio-fuel, CNG, Fuel Electricity Synthetic fuel, etc. Hydrogen EV: Short-distance, HV & PHV: Wide-use, FCV: Medium-to-long distance 39 Fig.19 Image of future mobility portfolio by Toyota In the sales of mass-production EV/PHEV, we have recognized strongly that it is important to think about three view points (1. Future view, 2. User’s view, 3. Maker’s view ) for expansion of EVs. Especially, User’s view and User’s acceptance for EV/PHEV is the most important in the market (Fig.20).
44 Three View Points for Expansion of EVs View Point toward Future ・Environment ・Energy Security User’s View Point ・Life Style ・Convenience ・Safety, Security ・Maintenance Cost Maker’s View Point ・Performance, Reliability, Durability ・ Attention and Cost of Vehicles TOYOTA MOTOR CORPORATION Copyright (C)2005,TOYOTA MOTOR CORP. All Rights Reserved. Fig.20 Three view points for expansion of EVs 9. Conclusion The Great East Japan Earthquake shocked us deeply and gave impact on our fundamental value on energy. We were faced with lack of risk management against natural disasters, collapse of our “100% safe” myth of nuclear power, shortages and distribution issue that became apparent in planned power cut, and finally the supply-chain weakness that hit manufacturing industry. With this experience in mind, our direction now is clear; we need to look outwards than inwards with brave mind for change and open mind for cross-industrial information sharing. We will change a crisis into a chance. Technological innovations to focus on for electrification of vehicles are battery (increased performance, lower cost of Li ion and post-Li material), power semiconductors (commercialization of SiC and GaN) and power network (realization of smart grid).
Summary 1. Environmental Change ; 「5 Trends 」 → ・Environment , Safety, Market+Energy, Resource 2. Total Energy Management Era is coming with Infra. → ・”Post Oil”; Alternative Fuel, Electricity, Hydrogen ・PHV(Plug-in Hybrid )is one of the realistic solutions. 3.Wireless Charging System ; R&D Phase in Japan → ・Since 2012, Start of certification for AC normal charger (METI Target: 2 millions AC chargers until 2020) ・DC quick chargers over 1300 have located in Japan. (METI Target: 5000 DC chargers until 2020) 4. HV,PHV,EV,FCV become very attractive. → ・Short;EV,Short/ middle/ long;PHV,HV,Long;FCV 29
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