QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

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QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association
CBA                                   Third Quarter 2020

     The Official Magazine of the Connecticut Bankers Association


                                             IN THIS ISSUE:
                                               From Survive to Thrive
                 Planning for the Future — Is it Laughable?
                Looking Past the COVID-19 Economic Crisis
QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association
"When I look at our GSB team, I see heroes of a different kind. I see
 essential employees who have gone above and beyond to help our
 customers know they are not alone as they navigate what this “new
 normal” will mean for them. I am proud and appreciative of our
 team members and their devotion to our community."
QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

                                                        Table of Contents
                                                      F E AT U R ES
    The mission of the Connecticut Bankers
    Association is to represent the financial
                                                       7    From Survive to Thrive
                                                            Thomas J. Long, Founder and Principal, The Long Group
     institutions in the state of Connecticut
    and to serve as the voice of its members
                                                            Collaboration Strengthens Banks —
      in matters of their common interest.

    The Connecticut Bankers Association shall
                                                       8    and Resiliency Amid COVID-19
                                                            Philipp von Girsewald, CEO US, Deposit Solutions LLC
 support and promote legislative and regulatory
actions at the state and federal level that benefit
 the general welfare of its member institutions,
     the banking industry and the people of
                                                       9    Planning for the Future — Is It Laughable?
                                                            Ashley Fischer, Esq. Compliance Counsel & Business Strategist, CATIC

             the state of Connecticut.

   The Connecticut Bankers Association shall
                                                            Navigating Uncertainty: Creating a Path Forward
  encourage and facilitate the interchange of               Dr. Sean Payant, Chief Consulting Officer, Haberfield
  information and ideas among its members.
The Association shall serve the collective needs
     of its members through development
                                                      12    Changing Communication in Challenging Times
                                                            Tom Larkin, President, Communico, Ltd.
    of educational programs and providing
             cost-effective services.

                                                      14    Learning by Doing
                                                            GSB Helps Hundreds of Customers Secure PPP Loans
                                                            Abigail Albair, GSB Public Relations
                    Contact Us
          Connecticut Bankers Association
            10 Waterside Drive, Suite 300
             Farmington, CT 06032-3083
                                                      15    Is Your Tank Empty?
                                                            What a Pandemic Can Teach Us About How to ‘Re-fuel’, and More
                                                            Sara Tarca, Wellbeing Strategy Consultant, OneDigital
    Telephone: 860-677-5060 | Fax: 860-677-5066
         cba@ctbank.com | www.ctbank.com

            CBA Quarterly Editor &
                                                      16    Virtual Onboarding Guide
                                                            Smith & Wilkinson
          Member Services Coordinator
               Karen A. Horanzy
                                                      18    Collaborating with Bankers to Design the Post-COVID Branch
                                                            Mark Charette, CEO, Solidus
                   CBA Quarterly
                                                            Communication Is More Important
           is an official publication of the
          Connecticut Bankers Association
            and is published quarterly by
                                                      20    Than Ever During COVID-19 Outbreak
                                                            Martin Morgado, President & CEO, Savings Bank of Danbury

                                                      22    Looking Past the COVID-19 Economic Crisis
                                                            Chris Ball, Ph.D.

                                                                                           4. From the President’s Desk
           NFR Communications, Inc.                                                        5. CBA Counsel’s Corner
       945 Winnetka Avenue North, Suite 145
             Golden Valley, MN 55427
       Ph: 952-835-2275 | Fax: 952-835-2295
                                                      IN                                   6. Chair’s Note
                                                      EVERY                              25. CBA Calendar of Events
        For advertising information, contact
                                                                                         26. Bankers on the Move
              Valerie Fischer, Sales
               Valerie@NFRcom.com                                                        27. Associate Member Notes
                                                                                         28. Community Corner
QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association
2019-2020 CBA Executive Committee:

         Cynthia C. Merkle
          President & CEO
        Union Savings Bank

         First Vice Chair
         Michael J. LaBella
   Market President, Connecticut,

                                     From the
           TD Bank N.A.

        Second Vice Chair
         Timothy P. Geelan

                                     President's Desk
          President & CEO
       Guilford Savings Bank

         President & CEO

       Thomas S. Mongellow
                                              esiliency has become something of a business      keep the economy going. In the article entitled,
 Vice President & General Counsel             catchword in recent years, but what does it       “Navigating Uncertainty-Creating a Path Forward,”
           Arthur T. Corey                    actually mean? In a recent Forbes magazine        David Carlson and Sean Payant of Haberfield
                                     article, Brent Gleeson wrote that businesses “with         offer strategies to accelerate customer growth.
    AVP, Director of Education       a desire to grow, remain competitive, adapt to             In “Changing Communication in Challenging
         Kimberly M. Tuttle
                                     emerging technologies, and find new ways to                Times,” Tom Larkin of Communico provides timely
  Legislative Committee Co-chair     manage multi-generational workforces, must all             information on how banks can utilize technology
          Maureen A. Frank           discover new ways to build resiliency into the             to deliver personalized service to customers. Smith
           President & CEO           culture.” Among the pillars of resiliency he cites         & Wilkinson’s “Virtual Onboarding Guide” will be
          New Haven Bank             are creating a focused sense of urgency, anticipating      useful for HR professionals in addressing situations
                                     change, developing the capacity to tackle challenges       where new employees have to work remotely. In
  Legislative Committee Co-chair     head on and to bounce back from adversity, and             “Collaboration Strengthens Banks — and Resiliency
           Martin J. Geitz
                                     fostering the ability to operate in a constant state of    Amid COVID-19,” Philipp von Grisewald, CEO
     Executive Regional Director
            Liberty Bank             transformation. Based on these pillars, it is clear that   of Deposit Solutions, advises banks to consider
                                     our member banks have showcased their resiliency           deploying multi-channel banking capabilities to
            Past Chair               during these trying past several months.                   meet the rapidly growing demand for online and
         Stephen L. Lewis               Life has changed for everyone during this               mobile banking services.
         President & CEO             COVID-19 pandemic. Routines that our banks were               In the CBA’s effort to thrive in uncertain times,
      Thomaston Savings Bank         accustomed to, like the simple act of a customer           team members continue to operate in a constant state
                                     walking into a branch office or bank staff gathering       of transformation. In June, the CBA conducted its
                                     for a collegial meeting around a conference table          first major virtual program, the 2020 Directors &
           John E. Janco
          President & CEO            seemingly vanished overnight. Connecticut banks,           Senior Officers Symposium. The event, traditionally
      Torrington Savings Bank        however, have risen to the occasion with a sense           a half-day live event held at the Aquaturf, was
                                     of urgency and discovered new ways to serve their          converted to an online morning program with more
          Susan L. Shields           customers and communities. Banks have contributed          than 220 attendees. Additionally, the Connecticut
          President & CEO            literally hundreds of thousands of dollars to food         School of Finance and Management held a virtual
          The Milford Bank           banks and other charitable causes and continue to          Bank Simulation in early September followed by
                                     deliver assistance to customers through programs           the CSFM Class of 2020 Graduation. Our thanks
            Daniel L. Berta
                                     such as the Small Business Administration’s                and appreciation go to Kim Tuttle, assistant vice
        Fairfield County Bank        Paycheck Protection Program and other initiatives.         president and director of education, and Kim
                                        The CBA team has been heartened by the                  Fenton, digital manager, who adeptly managed this
          Steven T. Cornell          response to this crisis. Connecticut banks have            new approach to delivering meetings and events.
             President               stepped up boldly in the face of adversity to find new        On the topic of virtual events, recent COVID-19
         National Iron Bank          and innovative ways to serve customers, care for           data from Florida and consultation with CBA board
                                     the more than 17,000 banking team members that             leadership led us to make the difficult decision to
           Frank J. Gaudio
                                     comprise our industry, and help our state stabilize its    cancel the in-person 121st Annual Meeting, which
          President & CEO
      First Bank of Greenwich        economy. This is true resiliency.                          had been scheduled for Oct. 22-25, in Ponte Vedra.
                                        We chose “Thriving in Uncertain Times” as the           We will instead be scheduling a one-day virtual
            Lisa H. Griffin          theme of this issue of the CBA Quarterly because                     From the President, continued on page 17
           President & CEO           thriving in the midst of a global pandemic requires
  Eastern Connecticut Savings Bank   a heavy dosage of resiliency. Several articles,
                                     therefore, focus on what banks are doing — or
          Kent S. McClun             should consider doing — to emerge stronger while
      Regional Bank President
                                     continuing to rebuild the economy.
            Wells Fargo
                                        Board Chair Cindy Merkle’s inspiring column
           Gary J. Roman             reminds us of the pride Connecticut bankers                Thomas S. Mongellow
                                                                                                President & CEO
          President & CEO            should feel in representing a profession that has          Connecticut Bankers Association
          Collinsville Bank          risen to the occasion during these difficult times
                                     to help its customers, support the community and

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association
                                                                                                    C BA CO U N S E L’S CO R N E R

Federal Regulators Push
Advances in Bank Tech
through Innovation Programs
                                                                                                                       Art Corey
                                                                                                                       Vice President & General Counsel
                                                                                                                       Connecticut Bankers Association

P                                                                                                    OCC Innovation Program
       rior to the pandemic, the adoption of          FDIC Chair Jelena McWilliams is leading
       technology by financial institutions and    the charge, signaling her keen interest           and Resources
       their customers proceeded in a cautious     in bank tech innovation in an October 4,             Among the federal bank regulators, the
and measured way. As we have all experienced,      2019 op-ed in American Banker-Online,             OCC may have been the first out of the gates
the pandemic has upended that approach,            which you can read at www.fdic.gov/news/          on tech innovation. It opened its Office of
forcing financial institutions to digitize their   letters/innovation.html. In that piece she        Innovation in January 2017. In that same
operations at a much quicker pace.                 declares “I am on a mission to change how         year it also announced that it would offer an
    Steve McLaughlin, founder and CEO of FT        the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp., views        ongoing series of technology “office hours”
Partners, a leading fintech-focused investment     innovation, and I need some help.” On the         that would allow banks to have one-on-one
bank, observed in an August video conference       FDiTech website, she also states: “It is my       conversations with OCC staff on technology
sponsored by his company that “by now              goal that the FDIC lay the foundation for         matters.
it’s pretty clear the move to digitization in      the next chapter of banking by encouraging           The OCC’s announcement described the
financial services is faster than it’s ever been   innovation that meets consumer demand,            office hours as “an opportunity to have a
before. We’ve sort of taken three years and        promotes community banking, reduces               candid discussion with OCC staff regarding
crammed it into three months.”                     compliance burdens, and modernizes                financial technology, new products or
Regulators Out in Front                                                                              services, partnering with a bank or fintech,
                                                      And when she said, “I need your help,”         or any other matter related to financial
   While the pandemic left consumers
                                                   it appears McWilliams meant it. On June           innovation.” It appears the OCC intends to
and banks with no choice but to more
fully embrace technology, the federal              30, the FDIC announced on its FDiTech             periodically offer innovation office hours on
banking regulators had already done                website “a rapid prototyping competition          a regional basis going forward and we will let
just that. The Federal Deposit Insurance           to help develop a new and innovative              you know the next time they are offered close
Corporation, Federal Reserve Board, Office         approach to financial reporting, particularly     to Connecticut.
of the Comptroller of the Currency, and the        for community banks.” Through the
                                                   invitation-only competition the FDIC is           Fed Innovation Program
Consumer Financial Protection Bureau all
started technology innovation programs             asking 20 technology firms to develop             and Resources
in the years prior to the pandemic. These          ideas “that will make financial reporting            In December of 2019, the Fed launched
programs were designed to encourage banks          seamless and less burdensome for banks,           a web page that serves as a clearing house
and technology companies to engage in              provide more timely and granular data to          for technology innovation developments.
“responsible” innovation.                          the FDIC on industry health, and promote          The Fed’s website offers an extensive library
                                                   more efficient supervision of individual          of articles and other resources on tech
FDIC Innovation Program                            banks.”                                           innovation.
and Resources                                         Another FDiTech initiative seeks input            Like the OCC, the Fed also offers
   One could say that the FDIC is perhaps the      from banks and other industry stakeholders        technology “office hours” at Federal Reserve
most excited about pushing financial services      on the potential for developing a voluntary       Banks. The most recent were offered in
technology innovation. It recently launched a      certification program for new technology          Cleveland in early September. No additional
sleek and modern website under its “FDiTech”       vendors that would be designed to reduce          office hours had been announced as of the
initiative, which you can access at www.fdic.      the vendor due diligence efforts a bank must      writing of this article, but again, we will alert
gov/fditech. Once the site fully loads, visitors   currently expend when vetting a new vendor.       you to any that may be offered close by.
are treated to an introductory video with, of      You can read about this proposal at the              With the Federal Reserve Bank of Boston
all things, a rock guitar soundtrack. A mission    FDiTech website address referenced above.         leading the charge, the Fed is also pressing
statement, of sorts, on the site declares: “We     This is a tantalizing proposal, but it is also    on with the development of FedNow,
are on a mission to promote the adoption of        fraught with possible downsides, such as          which promises to offer a new nationwide
innovative technologies across the financial       the potential to make bankers feel pressured      infrastructure for instant payments. On
services sector.” Needless to say, this isn’t      to only use vendors certified through the         August 6 it announced the service’s features
your typical bank regulator website.               program.                                               Counsel’s Corner, continued on page 21

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

                                        I’m Proud to Be a
                                        Connecticut Banker
                                    “          obody told me there’d be            And there are signs that business is getting better.
                                               days like these. Strange            As of this writing, low mortgage rates are helping to stimulate
                                               days indeed.”                    the residential mortgage market in Connecticut. Though inventory
    Cynthia (Cindy) Merkle                John Lennon’s hit song                is sparse, the sales activity appears to be picking up and predictions
    Chair, Board of Directors
    Connecticut Bankers Association
                                        “Nobody Told Me” could be               that I’ve seen are that the second half of the year will see a
    President & CEO, Union Savings Bank somewhat of an anthem for these         turnaround that could lead to a promising housing market in 2021.
                                        pandemic times. I’m proud to say,       Here’s hoping.
   however, that we Connecticut bankers haven’t allowed COVID-19                   When I wrote my Chair’s Note for the previous edition of CBA
   to deter us from what we do best: Serve our customers.                       Quarterly, I never dreamed that we’d still be dealing with the
      This has been evident in the way that our membership acted                pandemic on a daily basis. It’s obviously a force to continue to
   immediately to offer consumers and businesses safe access to their           reckon with; we cannot let our guards down. That said, I remain
   money and needed banking services, and have been in lockstep                 optimistic for a number of reasons:
   with the state’s reopening strategy. We’ve demonstrated our                     • Despite the partisan debates that dominate the news, in
   empathy by relaxing loan payment terms and moving expeditiously              general, people are working together to remain safe.
   to provide access to federal programs. And we’ve donated to                     • We are seeing additional bank lobbies opening for more in-
   those on the front line assisting our neighbors stricken by this             person banking, while continuing to follow strict safety measures.
   debilitating virus.                                                             • As an industry, banks have remained open minded and
      If there has been an element of normalcy throughout these past            determined, demonstrating a resiliency and common sense that is
   months, it has come from the banking industry. Not that we saw this          exemplary.
   coming, but we were already in a good place due to the investments              • And creativity abounds all around us. Whether it’s mobile
   that we’ve made with secure, diverse delivery systems that provide           graduation ceremonies, curbside pick-ups, or virtual concerts…we
   multiple access points for our customers. This same delivery system          as a community are finding ways to continue to live.
   helped to protect our employees from the virus, albeit with some                It’s been quite a year to be your chair…strange days indeed…one
   additional, strict safety measures, some of which will serve us well         that I’ll never forget. And I’ve never been prouder to call myself a
   in post pandemic times.                                                      Connecticut banker! e

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

From Survive to Thrive
By Thomas J. Long, Founder and Principal, The Long Group

         mazon represents an emblematic image of the new                       There is a prescriptive path to
         economy. The brilliance of the Amazon business model is            creating the smart data advantage
         that it can be reduced to a simple statement. The genius           and closing the knowledge gap.
of which is to improve the customer experience as a gateway                 Operationalizing the Amazon business      Tom
to driving revenue. Similarly, every forward-thinking financial             model is a quantitative exercise. The
institution endeavors to do the same.                                       outcome of this analysis is to gain
Recognizing competitive advantage                                           the customer and market intelligence
   The source of Amazon’s competitive advantage is actually very            required to prospect more skillfully.
simple. The essence of what makes Amazon unique is that the                    The physical address is the gateway
brand possesses a name and address on every client relationship.            to success. It will:
The preponderance of any other retailer’s clients is innocuously               • Identify the geography that each
walking in and out of their doors. As a result, while Amazon                branch competes within for business.
thrives, its competition is attempting to survive.                             • Reveal the number of households and businesses available.
   In reality, there is only one other business sector that naturally          • Define product line demand among consumers and
possesses the source of Amazon’s competitive advantage. Due to              businesses.
the fiduciary relationship that each financial institution maintains           • Establish penetration benchmarks.
with clients, the financial sector exclusively shares the source               • Delineate incremental opportunities.
of Amazon’s strength. Furthermore, every financial institution                 • Determine product line purchase intent to prospect more
recognizes the benefits of improving the customer experience as             intelligently.
a gateway to driving revenue. Executing with clarity, however,
remains a challenge.                                                        Plan to thrive
                                                                               The architecture for success is present at every financial
Creating smart data
   The Amazon business model is operationalized with ease.                  institution. Recognizing data as an asset requires rethinking the
Simply put, Amazon utilizes the physical address provided by                business model. Broadening existing customer relationships and
every customer to leverage its understanding of each individual             prospecting more intelligently begins with the physical address.
client. Insight is created by appending, mining and analyzing               Smart data offers the market and customer insight to build
its client file to enrich the organization’s perception of each             competitive advantage. Improving the customer experience is
customer to personalize the purchase experience.                            the gateway to driving revenue. It is time to get personal. Plan to
   In the smart data economy, the financial institution with the            thrive.
most actionable, local knowledge claims victory. The competitor
that best knows its markets and its clients is well-positioned                The Long Group LLC’s proprietary consumer and business
to adeptly anticipate needs, creating a competitive advantage.              database describes financial service demand, journey and
Becoming a more efficient organization requires greater customer            purchase intent to define growth strategies within existing
and market intelligence to prospect more effectively.                       markets. Tom Long is the Founding Manager.

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

Collaboration Strengthens Banks —
and Resiliency Amid COVID-19
Philipp von Girsewald, CEO US, Deposit Solutions LLC

         s the country braces for an imminent recession following             As they review the competitive landscape and explore
         the coronavirus, banks of all sizes have had to adapt             opportunities to invest and innovate, banks should consider
         quickly to usher in stability and liquidity to the markets,       deploying multichannel banking capabilities – to meet consumer
to communities and for the entire economy. Banks went into                 demand for online and mobile banking experiences – and seek
crisis management mode, which evolved into business continuity             new opportunities to grow deposits. Developing these capabilities
management, to continue to serve their customers. Community                in-house may be quite time consuming and potentially prohibitively
banks, in particular, have shown their colors in recent weeks,             expensive for some banks. Other banks that have pre-existing
triaging inbound requests, communicating with businesses, and              capabilities may not be able to achieve the same efficiencies and
working tirelessly to help companies navigate the Paycheck                 success as they would by working with service providers that focus
Protection Program and related stimulus packages.                          on specific competencies. Rather than looking in-house, these banks
   Now, banks should transition to adapting their business model to        should look to ‘in-source’ to maximize their market opportunities.
the new normal. Firms will continue focusing on protecting their              Now more than ever, banks should leverage collaborative fintech
franchise and sustaining their hard-earned market share. Focus             partnerships to help bridge gaps between desired and existing
should then move toward operational changes and gaining market             capabilities. Through such collaboration, banks can, for example,
share. Even as some states begin to “open” back up, customer use           provide access to products with multichannel experiences consumers
of physical branches is expected to remain low. To attract customers       crave without themselves having to develop that digital experience
in such an environment, smaller banks especially should review and         and market to the customer. One such way that banks can leverage
potentially improve their business models.                                                    Resiliency amid COVID-19, continued on page 13

                                                 Build Market Share and Earnings.
                                                 Drive Revenue. Control Costs.
                                                 Improve Performance.

                     Business intelligence to think strategically and act tactically.

                                                 • Strategic Planning
                                                 • Branch Rationalization and Expansion
                                                 • Staffing Analysis
                                                 • Survey and Focus Group Research
                                                 • Marketing and Customer Engagement

              longgrouponline.com | 603.424.5664 | tomlong@longgrouponline.com

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

Planning                                  T
                                                   here is an old Yiddish proverb      technology many of them already had
                                                   that translates to, “Man plans,     in their pocket — a phone. Under
                                                   and God laughs.” This seems         RIN, the signer and notary connect

for the
                                          to be the perfect analogy for 2020.          via video conference to allow the
                                          We came into this new decade with a          notary to observe the signer execute
                                          fresh perspective and goals to bring         a paper document. That document
                                          us through the year. However, in             is then transferred to the notary for

Future —
                                          March, all of us had to adjust those         completion.
                                          plans to accommodate the unforeseen             To combat the COVID-19 crisis, all
                                          global interruption — COVID-19. The          but two states implemented some form

Is It
                                          real estate industry was certainly not       of remote notarization. Use of remote
                                          immune to the effects and uncertainty        notarization measures soared with a
                                          of the pandemic. As an industry              reported 40 percent increase from April
                                          established on in-person interactions,       to May of this year. Though many of

                                          from home showings to the closing            these measures are set to expire as
                                          table, real estate professionals were        the country returns to “normal,” the
                                          forced to get creative. Deals had to         bell has rung for remote notarization
                                          close, and industry professionals            and it’s expected that many states will
                                          devised safe and compliant methods to        enact permanent solutions.
By Ashley Fischer, Esq. Compliance        serve their clients.                            As we begin to explore what the
Counsel & Business Strategist, CATIC         One such method that received the         future state of the closing process
                                          most attention was the introduction          could look like, it’s important to
                                          of remote notarization processes.            keep in mind the demands of all
                                           It was clear that the closing table         industry players, from the consumer
                   "We must aim              could exist anywhere, but getting
                                              paperwork properly executed and
                                                                                       to secondary market investors.
                                                                                       A successful process will serve
                    to create a                acknowledged in an era of social
                                               distancing posed a unique problem.
                                                                                       each of these stakeholders without
                                                                                       compromising the integrity of the
                                               As of March 2020, at the outset
                  process that is             of the COVID-19 pandemic, there
                                                                                       transaction. We must aim to create
                                                                                       a process that is secure, trustworthy
                                                    were 23 states that had passed     and flexible to accommodate various
                                                       legislation to permit remote    stakeholder requirements.
                                                         online notarizations,            Earlier this year, Connecticut
                                                          or “RON.” RON is a           introduced RON legislation, but there
                                       secure,            process of notarizing a
                                                          document in an online
                                                          platform using electronic
                                                                                       was little interest in the concept at
                                                                                       the time. The past few months have
                                                                                       created the ideal environment for RON
                                                         documents and signatures      to take off here in the Constitution
                                                       while the notary and the        State. Well-thought-out RON
                                                    signer are in different physical   legislation would provide the security

                                             locations.                                and reliability that industry players
                                              RON seemed like an ideal solution        require to fund and insure transactions.

                                                   to enable the real estate           Moreover, the implementation of
                                                       industry to continue to
                                                                                       RON would not require closings to
                                                         operate. A major problem,
                                                                                       be conducted remotely, but rather it
                                                           however, was that
                                                                                       would provide the option should a
                                                            RON required the use
                                                                                       remote closing be desired or required.
                                                            of special software,
                                                                                       RON would just be another tool in the
                                                            training, and enabling
                                                                                       toolbox, to be used for the appropriate
                                                           laws to permit a notary
                                                          to conduct a notarization
                                                                                          The pandemic has taught us all how
                                                        in this new way. States
                                                                                       to be more comfortable with operating
                                                     simply didn’t have the time
                                                                                       remotely, and we’re recognizing the
             to accommodate                      to onboard a RON solution, and
                                              so the concept of remote ink-
                                                                                       value in having flexible processes to
                                                                                       accommodate consumer and industry
                                               signed notarization, or “RIN,”
           various stakeholder                 was conceived. Like RON, RIN
                                                                                       partners’ demands. Though we may
                                                                                       not have planned to implement remote
                                              enables a notary in a separate
              requirements."                  physical location from a signer
                                                                                       notarization processes, it’s time
                                                                                       to embrace the opportunities RON
                                            to take an acknowledgment and
                                                                                       provides and create a closing process
                                          notarize a document. However, RIN
                                                                                       that can weather any storm — global
                                          enables notaries and signers to use
                                                                                       pandemic or otherwise. e

QUARTERLY CBACBA - Connecticut Bankers Association

Navigating Uncertainty:
Creating a Path Forward
By Dr. Sean Payant, Chief Consulting Officer, Haberfield

I                                                                                             Keys to accelerating
     n times of uncertainty, organizations       While nothing can completely insulate
     have a tendency to put the brakes on,     your bank from worsening financial             customer growth
     losing sight of long-term strategic       performance during an economic                    Get the product right: People hate
initiatives and established growth goals.      downturn, the data illustrates that having     fees. Compressed margins and decreased
However, history has taught us the             more customers certainly helps.                profitability can lead to the discussion
decisions your bank makes today will
                                               How do customers                               of increasing monthly service fees or
have lasting implications for tomorrow.
                                                                                              adding minimum balance requirements.
Business as usual will return and our          “cushion” profitability?
                                                  Non-Interest Income: Banks executing        Chart 3 shows recent research on the
strategic initiatives and growth goals will
                                               a growth strategy simply have more             criteria consumers use when selecting a
still be there. The key is to stay focused
                                               non-interest income. As the customer-          banking provider. Interestingly, comparing
on growing core customers, regardless of
                                               base increases, non-interest income            consumers of all ages with consumers
the economic environment. Here’s why.
                                               also increases — not because of regular        under 40 years of age produces very little
More customers                                 service charges, but instead through more      difference as it relates to what people
cushion profitability                          customers utilizing income producing           desire.
   Having more customers is one of the         services, such as interchange income              Compression in bank earnings will have
best ways to guarantee strong performance      (average of $60 p/a/p/y) and valuing           little impact on what consumers want
in all economies. Banks executing a            overdraft services (average of $90             from their banking partner. Your retail and
growth strategy consistently have up           p/a/p/y).                                      business products must be compelling if
to two times the number of customers              The accompanying charts illustrate the      you want to have the greatest opportunity
per branch when compared to industry           impact that focusing on growth and having      to grow core customers.
averages.                                      significantly more customers has on non-          Invest in training your team: Too often
   To get a picture of how customers impact    interest income. (See chart 2)                 our industry treats training as an event
bank performance, we need to turn to data         More low-cost funding: 70 percent           rather than a way of life. Employees who
compiled during the Great Recession of         of the time, the first product purchased       do not understand your products and
2008. For context, the average bank has        at a bank by a consumer household is a         services will never be able to recognize
approximately 1,100 retail and business        checking account. It’s 55 percent of the       opportunities with customers, let alone
checking customers per branch. Banks           time for businesses. Checking deposits         speak in terms of benefits. It is crucial
consistently executing a growth strategy       are the lowest cost funding available,         your institution commit to on-going
have approximately 2,200 retail and            with business checking deposits having         training initiatives regarding all of your
business checking customers per branch.        a cost of funds less than .01 percent; this    products and services.
   An analysis of the data illustrates the     translates into improved NIM.
impact core customers have on return              Relational intensity: Checking              Marketing to grow: Increase
on assets and return on equity. What we        customers buy additional products and          spending on strategic marketing
learned from the Great Recession was           services. Growing retail and business            Proactive: According to Novantas,
banks that stayed focused on growth            checking customers affords your bank           65 percent of consumers only consider
remained stronger. While everyone was          first right of refusal on other products and   two options when they go to move their
challenged, growth-oriented banks fared        services 73 percent of the time, averaging     checking account, meaning 65 percent
much better. ROA declined less than the        5.64 retail and 5.86 business product and      of your current customers already know
industry average (26 percent for growth        service relationships.                         where they would bank if they didn’t
focused vs. 56 percent for the industry),         Loans from local markets: Having            bank with you. You must be top-of-mind
and ROE followed the same trend. Just          more customers also allows your bank to        before consumers and businesses know
as important, those banks that stayed the      lend more money to more people in your         they want to switch. Your marketing must
course through the crisis also came back       local communities. These loans tend to         create the opportunity for them to pick
stronger on the recovery side. (See chart 1)   have less risk.                                you.




   Targeted: You need to use data and
analytics to help you understand where to
market before you market. Your marketing
resources must be allocated to target
consumers and businesses who haven’t
chosen your bank yet, but could and should.
   ROI Focused: You must define what
and how you will measure success before
you market, not after. Make sure your
marketing investment is working to create
tangible, measurable results.
   The past informs the present – banks
that stay focused on growth reap the
greatest rewards. While it may not be
intuitive, now is the perfect time to make
sure you have all of the right strategies
in place to capitalize on the growth
opportunities that present themselves in
any economic environment. e

   Dr. Sean Payant serves as the chief
consulting officer at Haberfeld, a data-
driven consulting firm specializing in core
relationships and profitability growth for
community-based financial institutions.
Payant can be reached at 402-323-3614 or


Changing Communication
in Challenging Times
By Tom Larkin, President, Communico, Ltd.

        he digitization of our experience as consumers is no longer           of COVID-19, superior customer experience means clarity and
        “news.” However, the pace at which the COVID-19 crisis                transparency, support for digital tools with which many customers
        has forced bankers, companies, employees and customers to             are still unfamiliar, and new products and services for customers in
adapt is. Many of us, sequestered in our homes are figuring things            distress.”
out – everything from how to keep the family at bay while we try to               Creating that superior customer experience goes beyond providing
get our work done, to learning how many days in advance we really             high-touch, skilled support for using digital tools. Employees will
need to place our grocery order and keep our cupboards stocked.               also need to know how to relate with and help a customer who
For those employees still on the face-to-face frontline, the challenge        may be asking about something deeply personal, like lowering an
of staying safe, providing great service and responding to changing           interest rate, pausing a loan payment, restructuring an existing loan,
needs and demands is incalculable. And, how to create deep                    or something else related to the most fundamental pursuit of all:
community is a real opportunity in the community banking.                     Survival. The human piece has never been more important and it is
   The good news is that we are adapting because the shift to                 what your customers will remember about their experience with you.
digital was well under way long before the pandemic. Early                        In a recent email to its customer base, Prudential broadcasted
adopters embraced the access and the sometime-ease, others                    that human piece, saying: “…you can continue to count on us for
adapted stoically, and still others did so kicking and screaming.             the support and stability you need. We stand strong and remain as
With repeated use, trial and error, going digital got easier for              focused as ever on your safety and wellbeing, as well as that of our
most of us. But something else happened at the same time: We                  financial industry partners, our employees, and the communities
became increasingly aware of what was missing in our one-sided-               we serve. We recognize the financial challenges you may be faced
human transactions: the confidence that comes with knowing that               with during these uncertain times and have taken specific actions to
“Meredith,” a real person, heard and understood our concerns and              help.”
knew how to act on our needs. As much as we want to trust that                    The email went on to detail those actions, stressing ease of access,
the digitized voice on the other end of the line can do the same, we          constancy of connection, and increased commitment to being
remain wary. I suggest the community banker relationship is poised            accountable to customers in ways that matter to them. The trust-
for deeper, more loyal relationships. The local community bank is in          building was reinforced further: “We're here for you, no matter what.
a position to be a facilitator or real community developer.                   We have maintained extensive capabilities and have fully mobilized
   While social distancing has increased our safety by helping to             our workforce, both for the safety of our employees and to ensure
keep the coronavirus at bay, it has also increased our awareness of           business continuity. Our employees have the remote support they
our shared humanity. How often do you hear, “We are all in this               need to continue to serve your needs.”
together,” or similar statements of heart and determination that                  McKinsey also points out the importance of the employee
are rooted in our shared, boundaryless experience? In a beautiful             experience in determining the customer experience: “Engage with
irony, “united apart” is bringing us closer together as neighbors,            radical empathy…provide complete transparency.” Companies that
communities, nations and continents. There is no business as usual            embrace this approach to communication amidst the current crisis
any more than there is life as usual. Companies in all industries             make a huge deposit in the “trust account” of both employees and
continue to adapt and, as they do so, are increasingly focused on             customers. As you consider how to communicate with your teams
how to communicate and engage with their customers to build and               and with your customers in the very personal world of banking, keep
sustain their trust. Doing so right now is a non-negotiable and a             these key points in mind:
distinct competitive advantage. Consider this excerpt from an April               High tech without high touch translates as tone-deaf.
2020 McKinsey article:                                                        Employees and customers are not impressed with technology that
   “In normal times, customer experience in banking is about                  bypasses the human touch. Being merely transactional won’t cut
making customers happy—with the result that they are more                     it, especially now. Yes, we’re happy with our ATM, but that’s not
loyal, use products more, and cost less to serve. In the context              differentiating you very much.


   Personalization is the bridge to trust. You may be in the business    demonstrated through words and actions that communicate in
of dollars and cents, but so is every other bank. Engage with your       a real way: “Pat, thanks for hanging in there on that long line, I
customer as a person first, and always. Start by committing to using     appreciate your patience and I’ll complete these deposits for you
the customer’s name, remembering things about your customer, and         quickly.”
demonstrating genuine respect.                                              Accountability translates as security. Be impeccably precise
   Empathy is a skill, not a therapy business. Banking is about          about what you will do and by when. Don’t leave your customer
relationships – developing, long-term relationships that build           wondering or having to ask you what will happen next. The
mutual value. Remember that relationships aren’t self-sustaining.        language of accountability creates security. The actions that follow
They require a continuous renewal of understanding that is               build trust. e

Resiliency amid COVID-19, continued from page 8
these relationships efficiently is by         for their products digitally. It’s a modern        and organizations encouraging: the
embracing open architecture technology.       approach to deposit gathering: the deposits        government and business communities
   Popularized in Europe over the past        sourced through such platforms require no          working together to preserve the country
decade, open architecture technology          more effort by a deposit-taking bank than as       and the overall economy. Banks, and their
— the use of third-party vendors to in-       if they were wholesale brokered deposits, but      trade associations, have worked diligently
source products and services — promotes       are inherently stickier and more “retail” in       to maintain the availability of banking
collaboration within the financial services   nature. Such new funding sources mean that         services and help guide customers through
community and can help banks adapt            banks can focus their efforts on serving their     the stimulus application process. Such
quickly and thrive, long-term. It is          communities and customers locally. By taking       collaboration helps strengthen our resiliency.
perhaps one of the best ways for banks to     advantage of open architecture, community             Partnering with fintech firms, banks can
position for stability, even growth, in this  banks can unlock the additional liquidity they     now in-source innovations in customer
unpredictable time.                           seek, which is especially important in this        service, artificial intelligence, payments and
   When seeking a provider who offers an      challenging business environment.                  more to better serve their customers. To stay
open-architecture platform specifically for       No one knows how long this pandemic            competitive in a time of uncertainty, banks
deposit products, it is prudent to look for a — and its economic aftershock —                    should look to collaborate and in-source
company that can benefit a bank by getting    will last. However, I find the evident             similar innovations whenever possible and
access to a national audience of depositors   collaboration among tangential industries          relevant. e






Learning By Doing
GSB helps hundreds of customers secure PPP loans
By Abigail Albair, GSB Community Relations

          ictoria Magin, facilities and vendor   our community were in need,” she said. “I           Through many late nights and round the
          manager at Guilford Savings Bank,      had no problem working 16 hours a day and        clock weekend work, the lending team was
          had just returned from vacation        emailing customers endlessly back and forth      able to process 160 loans totaling almost
at the start of the state shutdown resulting     gathering information because, at the end of     $30 million before the funding ran out.
from COVID-19. She spent two weeks               the day, these small business owners were,          Reverse Mortgage Specialist Kathy
quarantined and working on her laptop before     and are, struggling and we are able to help.”    Duncan served as Magin’s counterpart as
she was cleared to return to her branch of the      Magin’s usual role in facilities became       a second team leader on the project. She
145-year-old bank headquartered in Guilford,     limited as a result of COVID-19, although        was working from her house with two of
Conn. She gathered her desktop computer          she was tasked with helping to make              her three children – both college students –
and returned home.                               changes within the branches to maximize          wrapping up their semesters at home.
   Shortly after, funds were released under      safety, much of her other responsibilities          She worked long hours – eventually
the $349 billion Paycheck Protection             could not be carried out.                        relocating to her usual branch that was,
Program to benefit small businesses hit hard        She offered her time to help in other areas   at the time, closed to lobby traffic, so she
by the virus, and that meant long days for       and became a team leader on the PPP project.     would have a quieter work environment – to
Magin in an area where she typically does           Chief Lending Officer Lyle Fulton was in      help push loans through. She would leave
not focus.                                       charge of the entire process.                    the office some evenings as late as 9 p.m.
   “There were a lot of late nights, but it         “It was a chaotic roll out for round one,”    and continue working until after midnight
was worth it because I know these people in      Fulton said. “It was learning by doing.”             Learning by doing, continued on page 24

     Difficult conversations are the
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     your organization’s journey to a more inclusive workplace.


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Is Your Tank Empty?
What a pandemic can teach us about how to ‘re-fuel,’ build resilience
and stay positive.
By Sara Tarca, Wellbeing Strategy Consultant, OneDigital

W                                                                        Steps to support employees
             e’ve all heard, “Where do you see yourself in five
             years?” It’s fair to say that in 2015, none of us would     and the organization
             have been correct in our future vision. The overnight
                                                                            Provide Resiliency Tools. Skills that promote resiliency
course correction due to the global pandemic has triggered an
                                                                         can help employees to thrive in this environment, which will
unprecedented tidal wave of personal and professional stress. One
                                                                         improve morale, promote cultural positivity, and organizational
positive aspect? This is a collective experience, which allows us
to learn from the crisis. This crisis has forced companies of all
                                                                            Provide managers and employees alike with opportunities to build
sizes and industries to adopt new practices, pivot from traditional
                                                                         skills, understand and identify support systems, re-introduce and
methods, and even produce entire new product lines. The banking
                                                                         communicate EAP benefits (still a highly underutilized resource,
industry has not been immune, but what does all this mean for
                                                                         often showing less than 10 percent engagement), and introduce

banking employees and management?
                                                                                 virtual tools.
   The pandemic-era challenge for banks is a balancing
                                                                                             Offer manager training to recognize behaviors
act between employee needs and business
                                                                                                that display signs of trouble. With remote
obligations, and it is one that will require
enduring commitment by the board,                                                                   workers out of sight, many managers
executive team and HR. At its most basic
                                                         With      more       than                     struggle with how to gauge employee
level, the challenge is to provide great          six    million        Americans                        mental health or other concerns.
service to anxious customers while                                                                         Changes in performance, verbal cues
balancing psychological well-being
                                                employed             in the       finance                   and reduced offers to take on tasks
of both remote and contact-center             and insurance industries,                                       or projects are a few examples that
employees.                                                                                                    an employee may be struggling.
   As financial leaders deploy
                                                  banking            leaders           now                       Provide simple awareness
new business methodologies and                      face organizational                                        building opportunities via online
tactics to keep the doors open                                                                                 quizzes or departmental challenges.
and the lights on, developing a
                                               opportunities               to     provide                     Try  a short Resiliency Quiz;
long-term strategy to promote               resources            to   empower                their            employees    can learn how to use
employee well-being (and the ripple                                                                          resiliency  as a solution and feel in
effect on culture, performance and
                                                employees to perform at                                    control.
productivity) is equally important.              their best, in fresh and
                                                                    “                                        Communicate Shared Leadership
Recognize that employees are tired, plain                                                               Vision. In this changed working
and simple. Their tanks are empty after
                                                       innovative ways.                              environment, financial leaders must
months of COVID living. The undercurrent of                                                       communicate their vision with empathy,
anxiety, coupled with uncertainty about the future,                                         compassion and transparency. What might this look
has depleted individual energy reserves and will impact the                          like at your bank?
banking culture if not addressed.                                           Leadership teams can create a rotation for conducting quick
   Already a growing concern before the pandemic, employee               check-ins via phone or web, demonstrating care and support, while
mental health and impact to the workforce now has additional             not burning out any one team member. Sharing a personal story
stressors:                                                               shows that everyone is dealing with stresses of the pandemic.
   • Balancing work/family life                                             Create a leadership video check-in, a tool that can be
   • Job stability/financial stress                                      implemented for the long-term. Employees feel culturally
   • Juggling child care/elder care                                      connected, reinforcing that physical distancing doesn’t have to
   • Remote technology                                                   mean social distancing (cue the Zoom trivia contests and happy
   • Returning to work/safety concerns                                   hours).
   This is truly a “glass half full or empty” situation. With more          Communicate with authenticity and transparency. Leaders can
than six million Americans employed in the finance and insurance         reduce employee stress and anxiety by using simple, honest and
industries, banking leaders now face organizational opportunities to     frequent communications. Studies show that employees would like
provide resources to empower their employees to perform at their         more feedback and “straight talk,” helping to reduce stress. e
best, in fresh and innovative ways. With an unknown end date to the
pandemic, forward thinking leadership teams must learn from this            For more resources on supporting your employee's wellbeing,
challenge, offer resources and a plan to develop resiliency skills, and please reach out to Sara Tarca at starca@onedigital.com or visit
stabilize their culture, while promoting positivity and growth amidst    www.onedigital.com to view a suite of on-demand advisory sessions
the uncertainty.                                                         and articles related to this topic.


Virtual Onboarding Guide
Submitted by Smith & Wilkinson

       ocial distancing and remote working arrangements are                 hires the comfort of clear expectations absent normal social and
       the new normal and companies across the country are                  visual clues.
       faced with the prospect of onboarding new employees
virtually. Successful virtual onboarding is dependent on both               Sample weekly candidate activities
more planning and more structure than usual, to make up for the                • Two video conferences with supervisor — the first call focused
absence of situational or on-the-job learning opportunities. With           on agenda for the week and the second call focused on feedback and
forethought and intentionality, companies can ensure a smooth               learning opportunities;
and efficient onboarding process that minimizes anxiety and                    • Video conference coffee with mentor: talk, vent, ask questions, etc.;
maximizes social connectivity and business productivity in a                   • Video conference with human resources: Continue to instill
virtual environment.                                                        the culture and be able to offer assistance;
                                                                               • Video conference with IT (as needed following first few
Pre-hire checklist                                                          weeks) to troubleshoot issues;
  •   30-day action plan and weekly schedule;                                  • Video conference coffee with colleagues in adjacent
  •   Hardware and software;                                                departments, and
  •   Mentor assignment;                                                       • Weekly wrap up video conference coffee manager and team.
  •   Org chart with contact information;
  •   HR welcome and paperwork, and                                         Hardware and software
  •   Up to date employee manual (edited with remote instructions).            • Ship laptop, phone, parking pass, key fob, etc., to arrive at
                                                                            least two days before start date.
30-day action plan                                                             • Make sure all programs are pre-loaded and functional.
  Assume the first 30 days will be completely remote, then reassess            • Include a cheat sheet for usernames and passwords.
each week. Estimate that new hires will operate at 60-80 percent               • Extra points for a handwritten note or piece of company swag!
normal level of productivity.
                                                                            Mentor assignment
Establish written 30-day goals:                                                Mentors provide insight and guidance into the culture, norms and
  • Job-specific goals;                                                     politics of an organization. While normally this type of relationship
  • Operational onboarding and systems familiarity goals, and               forms organically over time, virtual onboarding calls for a mentor to
  • Social goals for internal relationship building.                        be nominated.
  The weekly schedule should include time-blocks and scheduled                 • Mentors should not be a supervisor or direct report. Ideally
video conferences with the manager, a mentor, peers, direct reports,        they would be an experienced peer level colleague with institutional
and other important contacts within the organization. This level of         knowledge and relationships. Mentors must keep contents of
scheduling will feel like micromanagement, but will provide new             discussion confidential.


  •   No goals, no agenda. Mentors are simply a friendly resource.       • Follow up video conferences scheduled for second, third and
  •   Mentors should reach out on the new candidate’s first day.       fourth weeks as well — this can be kept brief.

Organizational chart with contact information                          Employee manual with remote instructions
   An organizational chart helps new employees visualize the              • Standard employee manuals should be carefully reviewed
organizational structure.                                              in light of virtual onboarding and remote work. Some policies and
   Organizational chart should be updated to include contact           procedures may have to be tweaked.
information for all relevant company executives, peers and direct         • Special attention should be paid to providing detailed
reports.                                                               instructions and guidance on all company systems that the new hire
   Organizational chart should align with monthly videoconferencing    will need to utilize.
schedule.                                                                 • Easy access to relevant files, policies and procedures, payroll
                                                                       and benefits information, etc., can make the difference between a
HR welcome and paperwork                                               productive and frustrating day.
  • Just like a normal HR intake, except delivered via video.             Virtual onboarding may be unfamiliar, but necessity is the mother
  • Video conference with HR representative for welcome and            of invention. With careful planning and an emphasis on frequent,
onboarding review.                                                     scheduled video conferences and phone calls, new hires can build
  • Paperwork presented and completed digitally or mailed as           meaningful relationships, become indoctrinated into company norms
necessary.                                                             and culture, and achieve strong productivity from the comfort of
  • I-9 requirements adjusted for social distance.                     their own home. e

From the President, continued from page 4      and are confident that we reached the best       It is comforting, however, to know that
Annual Meeting in early November and plan      decision to protect the health and safety of     our members, associate members and
                                               members, associate members and guests.           other stakeholders are jointly focused —
to present key educational and informational
                                               As we head into the fall, we will continue to    and making headway — on moving our
sessions along with holding the Annual         deliver high quality virtual program offerings   state toward a better future. This sense of
Meeting in compliance with CBA bylaws.         as the health and safety of our members          collaboration and resolve can certainly help
We thank our members and sponsors for          remains paramount.                               each of us feel a little more comfortable
their patience as we navigated the issues        In challenging times such as these, it is      with being uncomfortable. That, to me, is
surrounding the 2020 Annual Meeting            natural for us to feel a little uncomfortable.   resiliency in a nutshell. e

                                                                                                                     Ion Bank in Meriden, CT


Collaborating with Bankers to
Design the Post-COVID Branch
By Mark Charette, CEO, Solidus

        here is no question that we are entering a new and relatively     mandated employee safety and security measures specifically
        unknown era in branch banking. The coronavirus pandemic           for COVID-19. Social distancing protocols are being drilled
        has possibly disrupted the past decade’s trends in branch         into bankers’ minds lest they grow complacent around in-branch
design, and right now the future is uncertain to say the least. We        activities. Financial institutions have been ordered to keep records
have seen some bold predictions about the subject via blog posts,         for each employee trained in this regard. Banks and credit unions
social media and webinars, but whether these viewpoints are               are obliged to produce separate employee and customer security and
objective or just wishful thinking is difficult to say. We at Solidus     safety procedures. Employees are required to know what is expected
believe the best way to anticipate and deliver on future branch trends    of them, what the policy and procedure is, and how to enforce it in
is by the banks themselves collaborating with us to develop custom,       branches. Customers will require some training on novel in-branch
workable solutions on a branch-by-branch basis.                           conventions which will further tap into resources and distract from
                                                                          ongoing projects in transformed branches on how to use video teller
The post-COVID branch poses questions for                                 machines and other new technology.
designers, but common-sense should prevail
   For the past three months, banking executives have been                Will new branch modifications
inundated with issues ranging from new security policies and              affect sociability and interaction?
procedures, to individual branch strategies and marketing, as they           Branch modifications to prevent the spread of COVID-19 are
strive to best deal with unprecedented circumstances. OSHA has            already being universally applied across the industry to protect

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