Quantum Algorithms Equations via Classical Integration Methods
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Quantum Algorithms for Solving Ordinary Differential Equations via Classical Integration Methods Benjamin Zanger1 , Christian B. Mendl1,2 , Martin Schulz1,3 , and Martin Schreiber1 1 Technical University of Munich, Department of Informatics, Boltzmannstraße 3, 85748 Garching, Germany 2 TUM Institute for Advanced Study, Lichtenbergstraße 2a, 85748 Garching, Germany 3 Leibniz Supercomputing Centre, Boltzmannstraße 1, 85748 Garching, Germany Identifying computational tasks suitable for state of the differential equation, and mimicking arith- (future) quantum computers is an active field metic operations of classical algorithms on a digital of research. Here we explore utilizing quantum quantum computer (Section 3); and (ii) reformulating computers for the purpose of solving differen- the time integration as a quantum annealing problem tial equations. We consider two approaches: (Section 4). arXiv:2012.09469v2 [quant-ph] 12 Jul 2021 (i) basis encoding and fixed-point arithmetic To realize (i), we will first design quantum circuits on a digital quantum computer, and (ii) rep- for arithmetic operations in numerical fixed-point rep- resenting and solving high-order Runge-Kutta resentation, and then apply these to solve linear ordi- methods as optimization problems on quan- nary differential equations (ODEs) in two dimensions. tum annealers. As realizations applied to two- dimensional linear ordinary differential equa- Our second approach (ii) reformulates Runge-Kutta tions, we devise and simulate corresponding integration methods (both explicit and implicit) as digital quantum circuits. We also implement minimization problems suitable for a quantum an- and run a 6th order Gauss-Legendre collo- nealing framework. We additionally design a flexible cation method on a D-Wave 2000Q system, number representation to reach high accuracy. We showing good agreement with the reference then run the annealing task (based on a method of solution. We find that the quantum anneal- order six) on a D-Wave 2000Q system, and are able ing approach exhibits the largest potential for to demonstrate a good agreement with the reference high-order implicit integration methods. As solution obtained on a classical computer. promising future scenario, the digital arith- Related work includes proposals for quantum algo- metic method could be employed as an “ora- rithms that are capable of solving both linear partial cle” within quantum search algorithms for in- differential equations (PDEs) [7, 18, 39] and nonlin- verse problems. ear PDEs [22, 25, 26]. While for linear differential equations an exponential advantage in the resources is known for some time, exponential advantages for 1 Introduction nonlinear differential equations has only been found recently. Both algorithms, for the linear and nonlin- Solving differential equations (DEs) is a ubiquitous ear case, assume that the state of the PDE is ampli- task in the scientific and engineering community. Tra- tude encoded (i.e., via the amplitudes of the quantum ditional numerical algorithms need to integrate the wavefunction), which allows a logarithmic scaling of time steps sequentially due to their interdependence, quantum resources for an increase in the dimension which is at odds with the trend towards parallelization of the state space. However, this also requires state in modern highly-parallel high-performance comput- preparation for the input and quantum state tomog- ing (HPC) architectures. This trend already moti- raphy for measuring the output, which is imposing vated research in various directions, such as parallel- scaling issues. There have been efforts to improve in-time algorithms [13]. An alternative route could these scaling for certain PDEs, e.g. for the wave equa- emerge from quantum computers, where we could tion in [7]. Liu et al. [22] approached this problem by benefit from better asymptotic scaling properties embedding the initial state of nonlinear PDEs into compared to classical computers when applied to cer- a higher dimensional state and to derive a measure- tain tasks [2, 15, 31, 33]. Here we explore approaches ment success probability of their algorithm, enabling of utilizing quantum computers for the purpose of a better scaling for the readout with the use of am- solving DEs: (i) using basis encoding to describe the plitude amplification. Unfortunately, their algorithm Benjamin Zanger: benjamin.zanger@tum.de only works for dissipative differential equations. To Christian B. Mendl: christian.mendl@tum.de our knowledge, there currently does not exist any al- Martin Schulz: schulzm@in.tum.de gorithm which solves the state preparation and read- Martin Schreiber: martin.schreiber@tum.de out problem for general PDEs. Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 1
In contrast, our work does not provide a logarith- dependencies in these equations. To provide one ex- mic scaling of quantum resources with the state space ample, a class of prominent solvers are based on spec- but does not obey the state preparation and readout tral deferred corrections [10], which avoid the implicit problem. For our second approach (ii), the time com- dependency of multiple stages. Here, the underlying plexity for a single time step in our algorithm does idea is to iteratively correct an approximation of the not scale with the state space. Potential applications solution, while each correction only requires evaluat- include all kind of linear and nonlinear ODEs which ing forward and backward Euler time steps. However, are expressible with low order polynomial terms, in- the underlying procedure is still iterative, requiring cluding problems from biology and fluid dynamics. multiple iterations to gain higher-order accuracy, and hence is computationally demanding. Quantum com- puters could provide a new approach to solve such 2 Classical Time Integration Methods problems efficiently as a combinatorial problem, as we will elaborate in Section 4. This section recapitulates the numerical time inte- gration schemes that are used in the quantum algo- rithms discussed later. Specifically, we will discuss the 3 Digital Quantum Circuit Time Inte- Runge-Kutta methods and how they can be phrased as optimization problems. Since we can only cover gration a few aspects of time integration, we solely target In this section, we investigate time integration by single-step methods and refer interested readers to utilizing qubit-based arithmetic operations on dig- Durran [9], Hairer et al. [16, 17] and Shu and Os- ital quantum computers. Realizing integer opera- her [32]. tions via quantum circuits is well-known in the lit- Concretely, we consider a system of ordinary differ- erature [8, 36]. Our contribution is a generalization ential equations written as to fixed-point number representations. d u(t) = f (u(t), t) (1) dt 3.1 Arithmetic on Digital Quantum Computers with u(t) ∈ RN for all t ≥ 0 and the initial condition Guiding principles for the following identities can be u(0) = u0 . gleaned from analogies to continuous variable quan- The Runge-Kutta (RK) formulation unifies vari- tum computing [3, 24, 38]. In this framework, a quan- ous kinds of explicit and implicit time integration tum register |xi stores a real number x ∈ R. This reg- schemes. Each particular RK method can be de- ister is acted on by the position operator X̂ , formally scribed by a Butcher table, consisting of a matrix defined as Z A ∈ Rs×s and two vectors, b, c ∈ Rs , where s is X̂ = x |xihx| dx, (4) called the number of stages of the method [4]. The R RK formulation for a time step ∆t is then given by and its conjugate momentum operator P̂. They obey the equations (i ∈ {1, . . . , s}) the canonical commutation relations [X̂ , P̂] = i~ and s X are related via P̂ = F̂ † X̂ F̂, where F̂ is the Fourier ki = f ũ(t) + ∆t Aij kj , t + ∆tci (2) transformation. j=1 The conjugated variables can be used to realize ad- dition and subtraction [23]. Applying the Hamilto- and nian Ĥ = P̂ for a time c leads to a shift in the variable s X ũ(t + ∆t) = ũ(t) + ∆t bi k i , (3) by c, since (setting ~ = 1) i=1 d with ũ(t+∆t) being the approximated solution at the X̂ = −i X̂ , P̂ = 1, (5) dt next time step. X̂ → X̂ + c. (6) Explicit methods correspond to a strictly lower- diagonal matrix A, hence avoiding any implicit de- Thus the addition can be expressed as time evolution. pendencies. Otherwise, the method is implicit, with Given a continuous variable quantum state |ai, a ∈ R, coefficients, e.g., given by the collocation method [17] we get that leads to a dense matrix A. Details are skipped e−icP̂ |ai = |a + ci . (7) here for sake of brevity, but we point out the large challenge to cope with multiple stages depending im- Our goal is to approximate this system using n plicitly on each other and various associated iterative qubits, i.e., 2n available states. As a first step, we algorithms [10, 11, 28]. describe integer arithmetic and then investigate the Given the RK formulation and the demand for required modifications for a fixed-point representa- higher-order implicit time integration methods, effi- tion. Given a ∈ {0, . . . , 2n − 1}, the quantum register cient solvers are required to cope with the implicit state |ai is canonically identified by the corresponding Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 2
tensor product of single qubit states based on the bi- |ai combined with (11) can be used to increment the nary representation of a, i.e., |ai = |an−1 i · · · |a1 i |a0 i second register by a: for a = an−1 · · · a1 a0 . We will encounter the discrete n Fourier transform at several occasions, for which we e−2πiX̂⊗P̂ /2 |a, bi = |a, a + b mod 2n i . (15) use the convention 2 −1 n We can decompose the operator on the left as 1 X −2πijk/2n n F̂ |ji = √ e |ki ∀j = 0, . . . , 2 − 1. n n e−2πiX̂⊗P̂ /2 = I ⊗ F̂ † e−2πiX̂⊗X̂/2 I ⊗ F̂ , (16) 2n k=0 (8) F̂ and F̂ † can be efficiently implemented using the and rewrite the inner operator as quantum Fourier transform (QFT) algorithm. n With these preparations, we define a discretized po- e−2πiX̂⊗X̂/2 = sition operator by n n 2X −1 2X Y n−1−j −1 n−1 Y j+k n n 2X −1 e−2πiaj bk 2 /2 |a, bi ha, b| . a=0 b=0 j=0 k=0 X̂ = j |ji hj| . (9) j=0 (17) The discrete momentum operator is related to X̂ by From this representation, one observes that Rm gates controlled by |ai and applied to the |bi register in P̂ = F̂ † X̂ F̂ , (10) case aj 6= 0, bk 6= 0 are sufficient; see Fig. 1 for an illustration. analogous to the continuous variable case. Eq. (7) holds analogously for discrete registers [37]: a1 given integers a and c, n a0 e−2πicP̂ /2 |ai = |a + c mod 2n i . (11) b1 R1† To realize this operation on a digital quantum com- F̂ F̂ † puter, first note that, based on Eq. (10), b0 R1† R2† n n e−2πicP̂ /2 = F̂ † e−2πicX̂/2 F̂ . (12) Figure 1: An addition circuit for two quantum registers with −2πicX̂/2n n = 2, implementing Eq. (15); also compare with [8]. e can be evaluated as follows, using that X̂ is a diagonal matrix with respect to the computational basis: For general n, the operator in Eq. (17) requires 1 n 2 n(n + 1) controlled-Rm gates. Since the number e−2πicX̂/2 of gates for the quantum Fourier transform has an n 2X −1 O(n2 ) scaling as well, the overall cost for the addition = n e−2πica/2 |ai ha| in Eq. (15) is O(n2 ) two-qubit gates (controlled phase a=0 rotations). n 2X −1 n−1 ! Analogous to the addition circuits, subtraction can −2πicak 2k /2n (13) be realized by letting c → −c mod 2n , and noting Y = e |ai ha| a=0 k=0 that n−1 n−k n e2πiX̂⊗P̂ /2 |a, bi = |a, a − b mod 2n i O X = e−2πicak /2 |ak i hak | . (18) k=0 ak ∈{0,1} similar to Eq. (15). Thus it suffices to take the adjoint The unitary matrix (qubit gate) representation of the of Eqs. (16) and (17) to implement subtraction. inner operation is Rn−k (c)† , with the definition As a remark, the principle behind (15) can be gen- eralized as follows: given a map g : {0, . . . , 2n − 1} → 1 0 {0, . . . , 2n − 1}, set Rm (ϑ) = m (14) 0 e2πiϑ/2 n 2X −1 for any integer m ≥ 0 and ϑ ∈ R. In the following, Ŷg = g(j) |ji hj| . (19) we will abbreviate Rm (1) by Rm . j=0 Assume we want to add two integers a, b ∈ {0, . . . , 2n − 1}, which are both stored in quantum Then registers, i.e., the initial state is |a, bi: according to n Verdon et al. [37], a “von Neumann measurement” of e−2πiŶg ⊗P̂ /2 |a, bi = |a, g(a) + b mod 2n i . (20) Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 3
The final operation we discuss here is multiplica- on the logical level. The representable numbers are tion: given a, b, c ∈ {0, . . . , 2n − 1}, it holds that thus n−1 n −2n−1 + 1 2n−1 − 1 e−2πiX̂⊗X̂⊗P̂ /2 |a, b, ci = |a, b, ab + c mod 2n i , −2 Dn,q = , ,..., , (26) (21) 2q 2q 2q again analogous to Eq. (15). We can decompose and the arithmetic operations are understood modulo e −2πiX̂⊗X̂⊗P̂ /2n 2n−q . It is important to note that the operators and n (22) circuits for addition and subtraction derived so far = I ⊗ I ⊗ F̂ † e−2πiX̂⊗X̂⊗X̂/2 I ⊗ I ⊗ F̂ , remain exactly the same. and represent the inner operator as Concerning multiplication, the exact product of two numbers from Dn,q requires (in general) 2q digits af- n e−2πiX̂⊗X̂⊗X̂/2 = ter the dot in binary format. To cast this back into an n 2X −1 n 2Y −1 element of Dn,q , one disregards the trailing q digits, j+k+` /2n i.e., rounds the number. In binary representation, a e−2πiaj bk c` 2 |a, b, ci ha, b, c| . a,b,c=0 j,k,`=0 bit shift to the right by q places realizes this operation (23) for non-negative numbers. To implement this proce- dure using quantum circuits, we first introduce the All the exponential functions with j + k + ` ≥ n, following operator (acting on two n-qubit registers) aj = 0, bk = 0, or c` = 0 evaluate to 1 and need n not be taken into account explicitly. It suffices to act 2X −1 with Rm gates defined in Eq. (14) on the |ci register, Mq = (ab q) |a, bi ha, b| , (27) controlled by both |ai and |bi; Fig. 2 illustrates this a,b=0 procedure for n = 2. where denotes the (logical) right bit shift. Then a1 n e−2πiMq ⊗P̂ /2 |a, b, ci = |a, b, (ab q) + c mod 2n i . (28) a0 As before, we can diagonalize the operator by Fourier transformation applied to the |ci register. The re- b1 sulting diagonal operator then reads (compare with b0 Eq. (23)): n c1 R1† e−2πiMq ⊗X̂/2 = F̂ F̂ † n 2X −1 n 2Y −1 j+k−q+` c0 /2n R2† R1† R1† e−2πiaj bk c` 2 |a, b, ci ha, b, c| . a,b,c=0 j,k,`=0 j+k≥q Figure 2: An circuit for multiplying two integers (n = 2 digits), basis-encoded in states |ai and |bi, and adding the (29) result to a third qubit register |ci; see Eq. (21). The bit shift corresponds to the 2−q factor in the ex- ponent, and the rounding to the condition j + k ≥ q. The overall number of doubly-controlled Rm gates Finally, we describe how integer division by 2 and is 16 n(2+3n+n2 ), when taking the condition j+k+` < subsequent rounding towards −∞ is achievable as n into account. This O(n3 ) scaling, together with quantum circuit using the two’s complement repre- the required doubly-controlled gates, which have to sentation. First note that be emulated by single and two qubit gates on cur- rent digital quantum computers, pose a considerable 1 −2n−1 an−1 + 2n−2 an−2 + · · · + a0 practical limitation on the present approach. 2 The advertised fixed-point representation with scal- = −2n−1 an−1 + 2n−2 an−1 + 2n−3 an−2 + · · · + 2−1 a0 . ing factor 2−q for an integer q ≥ 0 amounts to re- (30) interpreting a quantum state |ai as representing the number 2−q a, written in binary representation as an−1 now appears twice, and rounding corresponds to dropping the term 2−1 a0 . The quantum circuit shown 2−q a = an−1 · · · aq . aq−1 · · · a0 (24) in Fig. 3 realizes this procedure, illustrated for n = 4. (q digits after the dot). The two’s complement of bi- nary numbers is suitable for including negative num- bers as well. Then the quantum state |ai for a ∈ 3.2 Demonstration and Results {0, . . . , 2n − 1} represents We employ the explicit Euler scheme as a demonstra- 2−q −2n−1 an−1 + 2n−2 an−2 + · · · + a0 (25) tion for digital quantum circuit time integration. In Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 4
a3 simulations[34], and therefore are included here as proof-of-concept. Indeed the DQC solution remains a2 constant as well, as expected. Next, we simulate the same differential equation, a1 but using initial values u0 = (0, −1); the results are visualized in Fig. 6b. The simulated solution ampli- a0 |0i fies the real one, as expected for the explicit Euler scheme [9]: since the digital quantum computer mim- Figure 3: A circuit for dividing a basis encoded number in ics the operations of a classical solver, the achievable two’s complement format by two and rounding towards −∞. accuracy is likewise bounded by the numerical errors of the classical method. Our demonstrations mainly serve as proof-of-principle. principle, the approach also works for other higher- order explicit Runge-Kutta schemes since solely ele- mentary arithmetic operations are required, and these 4 Quantum Annealing Time Integra- operations can be directly mapped to quantum gates. Specifically, we consider the coupled linear differen- tion tial equations (N = 2 dimensions) Annealing is a method for solving optimization prob- d u1 (t) lems. The solution of a problem is encoded into u2 (t) = f (u(t)) := , (31) the global minimum (“ground state”) of an energy dt u2 (t) −u1 (t) function. One possible encoding, relevant for com- with t ≥ 0, u0 = (x1 , x2 ). We use this system as binatorial optimization problems, is quadratic un- a representation of a semi-discrete hyperbolic PDE. constrained binary optimization (QUBO), see, e.g., The analytical solution of this equation is given by Glover et al. [14]. In this formulation, the goal is to minimize the binary variables σi ∈ {0, 1} of the en- cos(t) sin(t) u1 (0) ergy function (Ising-type Hamiltonian) u(t) = . (32) − sin(t) cos(t) u2 (0) X X Ĥ = − Jij σi σj − h σi , (33) To implement Eq. (31), we need a circuit with quan- i,j i tum registers initialized to ũ1 (t) and ũ2 (t). The out- put of the circuit are registers storing ũ1 (t + ∆t) and for given parameters Ji,j , hi ∈ R. While thermal an- ũ2 (t + ∆t). We also need two “ancilla” temporary nealing uses thermal fluctuations to overcome local registers for evaluating f (ũ(t)). The overall circuit minima of the target function, quantum annealing is depicted in Fig. 4. Note that applying a sequence uses quantum tunneling effects for that purpose, po- of time steps requires a reinitialization of the ancilla tentially exhibiting a faster convergence [20]. Never- registers to |0i; alternatively, this could be achieved theless, neither thermal nor quantum annealing are by “uncomputing” them. guaranteed to find the ground state of the optimiza- To implement the circuit, ∆t has to be a power of 12 , tion problem. which allows us to save qubits during the simulation. This is solely for efficiency reasons and other ∆t values 4.1 Time Integration as an Optimization Prob- could be realized as well. Instead of multiplying by lem ∆t, we can divide multiple times by 2. Note, that ∆t does not need to be stored in a quantum register. In the following, we consider a system of autonomous Fig. 5 shows the circuits implementing the right side linear differential equations f (u) of the differential equation (31). M We simulate the quantum circuits using Qiskit [1], d X u(t) = f (u(t)) := L(i) u(t)⊗(i−1) (34) without noise or decoherence. The time step is chosen dt i=1 as ∆t = 12 . Each number register consists of 4 qubits, ⊗i and the fixed-point arithmetic scaling factor is set to with u(t) ∈ RN for t ≥ 0, u(0) = u0 , L(i) ∈ RN , q = 1. and M is the highest polynomial degree of the dif- As verification, we implement an explicit Euler also ferential equation. An extension to other nonlinear on a classical computer and compare the results. In equations is possible with our framework, as well, as all cases, the results match in a numerical sense, as long as the action of f can be formulated as part of a expected. QUBO problem. We first study the stationary case (du/dt = 0) A time step of collocation-based implicit Runge- at the equilibrium point u(t) = (0, 0), see Fig. 6a. Kutta time integration [17] can be represented in the Although this seems to be trivial, such stationary form of cases play an important role for, e.g., more com- plex cases like geostrophic balance in atmospheric ũ(t + ∆t) = ũ(t) + ∆tSf ũ(t + ∆t) (35) Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 5
calculate f1 (ũ) calculate f2 (ũ) n ũ1 (t) Add ũ1 (t + ∆t) n ũ2 (t) f1 (ũ) Add ũ2 (t + ∆t) f2 (ũ) n |0i Mul ∆t |∆tf1 (ũ(t))i n |0i Mul ∆t |∆tf2 (ũ(t))i Figure 4: Circuit implementation of the explicit Euler scheme for Eq. (31). The input of the circuit are two quantum registers, initialized with the values of ũ1 (t) and ũ2 (t) in fixed-point arithmetic. The circuit calculates one iteration of the explicit Euler scheme and outputs ũ1 (t + ∆t) and ũ2 (t + ∆t). The green region marks ancilla registers. u2 u2 simulated u1 0.04 simulated u2 |0i F Add F† f1 (u) analytical u1 0.02 analytical u2 (a) f1 (u) = u2 u(t) 0.00 u1 u1 −0.02 |0i F Sub F† f2 (u) −0.04 (b) f2 (u) = −u1 0 2 4 6 time t Figure 5: Quantum circuits implementing f (u) for the model problem in Eq. (31). (a) stationary equilibrium point u(t) = (0, 0) with ũ(0) a suitably chosen vector with the initial con- ditions, and S the spectral integration matrix given by the particular quadrature method used in the col- location formulation. In this formulation, the vector ũ also stores all intermediate state solutions at the quadrature points. We can interpret (35) as an opti- mization problem (see, e.g., [11]) of the form ũ(t + ∆t) = arg minkv − ∆tSf (v) − ũ(t)k. (36) v∈RN (b) initial value u0 = (0, −1) Figure 6: Explicit Euler method for the linear ODEs (31), In the following, we will phrase this optimization implemented on a digital quantum computer. The simulated problem in the context of a quantum annealer, to ob- solution is represented by dashed lines, and the analytical tain ũ(t + ∆t) for a given ũ(t). A similar approach for solution by solid lines. The large error originates from the solving linear systems of equations has already been low-order time integration method and large time step size. introduced by O’Malley and Vesselinov in [29]. Our approach for the extension to polynomial equations is mostly inspired by Cheng Chang et al [6]. Based on M the Runge-Kutta methods (see Eqs. (2) and (3)) and Koj = X (i) Ljk1 ...ki ũk1 (t)...ũki (t)+ using Eq. (34), we derive i=1 k1 ,...,ki ∈[N ] s M (i) X X s X ∆t Aoe Ljk1 ...ki Kek1 ...Keki , (38) ũj (t + ∆t) = ũj (t) + ∆t bo Koj , (37) e=1 i=1 o=1 k1 ,...,ki ∈[N ] Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 6
with K ∈ Rs×N and [N ] = {1, ..., N }. In order to then reformulate that as a QUBO. First, taking the solve this equation on a quantum annealer, we rewrite squared difference of Eq. (37) and Eq. (38) leads to the it as an optimization problem with real variables and minimization problem (for time points tm = m ∆t): s !2 X ũj (tm+1 ) = arg min min ũj (tm+1 ) − ũj (tm ) − ∆t bo Koj ũj (tm+1 ) K1 ,...,Ks o=1 2 s M s M (i) (i) X X X X + Koj − Ljk1 ...ki ũk1 (tm )...ũki (tm ) − ∆t Aoe Ljk1 ...ki Kek1 ...Keki o=1 i=1 e=1 i=1 k1 ,...,ki ∈[N ] k1 ,...,ki ∈[N ] (39) The variables to optimize are ũj (tm+1 ) and Koj for is only guaranteed in the convex case, which in general o = 1, . . . , s, j = 1, . . . , N . The vector ũj (tm ) remains is only satisfied for linear actions f . constant in Eq. (39) and, therefore, is not part of the In the following, we analyze the number of qubits optimization. Unfortunately, we cannot directly map and connectivity required by our algorithm to achieve this equation to the Ising model because the param- a given numerical accuracy. Subsequently, we intro- eters to optimize are real. To overcome this issue, duce a variational formulation. we develop (another) tailored approximation using bi- nary variables, as shown below. 4.3.1 Numerical Accuracy and Qubit Connectivity 4.2 Binary Number Representation We assume that n qubits are sufficient to approximate the range of values needed to represent an entry of Different from the fixed-point representation de- the solution vector. By choosing k = n and d = 0 in scribed in Section 3.1, here our goal is an adaptive Eq. (40), this interval is [0, 1], and the accuracy for version (similar to the floating-point format). We ap- each simulated number is given by 2−n . Furthermore, proximate a real number g ∈ R by we assume that the solution of the DEQ remains in this interval. g ≈ Φkd (σ) = 2n−1−k σn−1 + · · · + 20−k σ0 + d The overall number of required qubits for s stages (40) = 2−k σ + d, in the Runge-Kutta method is n(s + 1), since an ad- ditional n qubits store the result ũj (t + ∆t) at the where d, k ∈ R are parameters and σi (for i = next time step. Additionally, auxiliary qubits are 0, . . . , n − 1) the available binary variables. During needed to reduce cubic and higher terms to quadratic an optimization step on a quantum computer, only ones. To achieve this, we use reduction by substi- the binary variables (σi ) are modified. The detailed tution which was first presented by Rosenberg [30]. procedure will be described below. For this method, one auxiliary qubit per reduction is used. The amount of auxiliary qubits rises exponen- tially with the order M , but is also limited by the 4.3 Variational Approach number of stages s and the system size of the DEQ. One limitation of current quantum annealers is the For the remainder of this analysis, we will only assume connectivity between qubits available in hardware. In linear DEQ (M = 1) for which no auxiliary qubits are order to use arbitrary couplings in the QUBO model, needed. embeddings have to be used. An embedding maps a Next, we determine the required connectivity be- QUBO problem onto a slightly different one. This tween qubits. According to Eq. (39), a multiplica- new model solves the same task using fewer con- tion between two registers requires n connections be- nections per qubit, but a larger overall number of tween the qubits and a multiplication with itself n − 1 qubits [21]. Thus, in general, an important goal is qubits. Eq. (39) also shows that the connectivity de- the design of algorithms with sparse connectivity and pends both on the density of the Runge-Kutta table small qubit counts. Typically, one chooses a varia- A, as well as the DEQ matrix L. For our analysis, we tional approach to achieve this [27]. The key idea is to consider the worst-case scenario of dense matrices. only run a part of the problem on the quantum device There are three sets of terms in Eq. (39) in which and perform post-processing on a classical computer two different registers are multiplied. The first term to optimize parameters. This procedure is repeated is the multiplication of ũj (tm+1 ) with itself (directly until the output converges to the final solution. How- after the second equal sign in (39)), for which n − 1 ever, convergence using the post-processing technique connections are needed. In the second set of terms, Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 7
the entries of K are multiplied with each other (sev- time-dependent Hamiltonian where the solution is en- eral occasions after the second equal sign). Since there coded into the ground state of the final Hamiltonian. are sN of these entries, where N is the system size, The system is first initialized to the ground state of an we count sN (sN −1)/2 multiplications in total. How- initial Hamiltonian. If the evolution is slow enough, ever, sN of these multiplications are with the same at the end of the evolution the system will remain in registers. Therefore, there are sN (sN − 1)/2 − sN = the state of the desired solution. The time the evo- s2 N 2 /2 − 3sN/2 multiplications with other and sN lution takes scales with T = O g21 , where gmin is min multiplications with the same register. As a conse- the smallest energy gap between the ground state and quence, the total number of connections needed for another state during the evolution process [12]. the second scenario is s2 N 2 n/2 − 3sN n/2 + sN (n − We choose an initial Hamiltonian Hinit with a suf- 1) = s2 N 2 n/2 − sN n/2 − sN . In the third set of ficient high energy gap, so that it does not limit terms, all entries of K are multiplied with the entries the time complexity of our algorithm. The time- of ũj (tm+1 ). In total, these are sN multiplications, dependent Hamiltonian we use is given by accounting for sN n connections. All of the three sets of terms create new connections, and therefore the t t Ĥ(t) = 1 − Ĥinit + ĤQUBO , (44) connection counts must be summed up, leading to a T T total number of connections required for this algo- rithm (in the worst case) of where ĤQUBO is given by the QUBO Hamiltonian of our minimization function. Although the real mini- ](connect.) = n − 1 + s2 N 2 n/2 + sN n/2 − sN. (41) mal gap energy gap gmin is found by determining the energy difference of the ground and first excited state 4.3.2 Variational Adaptive Number Representation for all Ĥ(t) ∀t, we determine this gap for the QUBO Hamiltonian ĤQUBO in order to get an idea how this According to the s2 N 2 n/2 term in Eq. (41), increas- gap changes with parameters we chose in the algo- ing the number of qubits n for approximating a real rithm. Afterwards, we compare our findings with nu- number will demand a much higher connectivity on merical results of the minimal gap in Ĥ(t). the quantum device. To mitigate this issue, we switch For linear ODEs the QUBO Hamiltonian is strictly to an adaptive number representation, as already an- convex. This makes it possible to calculate boundaries ticipated in Eq. (40). Specifically, for each individual on the energy gap under the assumption that the low- number g appearing in the algorithm, we iteratively est energy is 0. We first show the calculation in detail refine k and d in Eq. (40), denoted gi , ki and di for for the explicit Euler of a one dimensional ODE and the ith iteration. As update step, we set later deal with the generalized Runge-Kutta case of linear ODEs. For the explicit Euler of a linear ODE ki+1 = ki + c, (42) with L(2) = Λ, a time step is given as n−ki+1 −1 di+1 = gi − 2 (43) u(t + ∆t) = u(t) + ∆tΛu(t). (45) with a fixed constant c > 0. The idea, reminiscent In our Hamiltonian, u(t) is exactly represented, while of nested intervals, is to shrink the range of values u(t + ∆t) is discretized and represented by differ- covered by 2−k σ (which is optimized by the quantum ent quantum states. Therefore, we use the notation computer) in Eq. (40), while absorbing the best can- u(t + ∆t) = un+1 ∆x, where un+1 ∈ Z and ∆x is didate for g into the classical offset parameter d. The the smallest number resolution in our algorithm. The shift by 2n−ki+1 −1 in Eq. (43) ensures that both posi- solution for un+1 which minimizes Eq. (39) is given tive and negative corrections are possible. We remark by that, as our experiments in the next section shows, c must not be chosen too large on real quantum anneal- u(t) + ∆tΛu(t) u∗n+1 = . (46) ers, and should ideally correspond to the convergence ∆x rate of the iteration. We assume that u∗n+1 ∈ Z, which means that a state for the energy of 0 exists. Because of the construction, 4.3.3 Time Complexity we know that this is the lowest energy state and that the minimization function is symmetric. Therefore, In the following, we analyze the time complexity of the second lowest energy level is given by our algorithm. Since, to our knowledge, there is nei- ther any evidence that quantum annealers have an ad- un+1 = u∗n+1 ± 1. (47) vantage compared to classical computers, nor we are aware of any method to determine the time complex- To find the energy gap gmin , we can simply subtract ity of an algorithm on a quantum annealer, we study the energy of un+1 by the energy of u∗n+1 . Our finding the time complexity of the algorithm on an adiabatic is that quantum computer. In this type of quantum comput- ing, the solution of a problem is found by evolving a gmin = ∆x2 . (48) Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 8
Ps Next, we compare this result to the scaling of the min- where ∆un+1 + o=1 ∆Ko,n ≥ 1. First, note that imal gap in Ĥ(t), which we computed numerically us- ∆un+1 , ∆K1,n , ..., ∆Ks,n ∈ {0, 1} in order to mini- ing and initial state of Ĥinit = −0.5 (1 − σx ) ⊗ ... ⊗ mize Eq. (50). In the following, we want to give a 0.5 (1 − σx ). The comparison is depicted in Fig. 7. lower bound on the energy gap using only the first term of Eq. (50). Under the assumption, that ∆t < 1, this term is either minimized if all variables deviate or only a single of the stages. Therefore, numerically determined n o 2 10 −2 expected gQUBO ≥ min ∆x2 (1 − ∆t) , ∆t2 ∆x2 b2 , (51) where b = min{bi for 1 ≤ i ≤ s}. We verify that the 10−4 bound also holds for Ĥ(t) by evaluating the minimal gmin gap numerically. As a Runge-Kutta scheme, we use 10−6 Crank-Nicolson. The scaling in ∆x for ∆t = 0.1 and 10−8 10−1 10−1 10−2 10−3 10−4 ∆x 10−4 Figure 7: Comparison of the scaling of the energy gap 10−7 between the ground and first excited state for the adia- gmin batic Hamiltonian for the explicit Euler. For sufficient small 10−10 ∆x, the expected scaling and numerical determined scaling match. 10−13 ∆t = 10−1 ∆t = 10−6 For sufficient small ∆x our previously determined 10−16 ∆x2 scaling and numerical results perfectly match. An- ∆x other important parameter to choose is ∆t. According 100 10−2 10−4 10−6 10−8 to our derivation for ĤQUBO , a change in ∆t should ∆x not have any influence in gmin . The comparison of the Figure 8: Comparison of the scaling of the energy gap be- numerical and expected results confirms that changes tween the ground and first excited state for the adiabatic in ∆t do not have an influence on gmin . Our assump- Hamiltonian for the Crank-Nicolson scheme with changing tion that the scaling of the energy gap of the ground ∆x. It can be seen that gmin is proportional to ∆x and and first excited state of ĤQUBO is comparable to the higher time steps result in a lower energy gap. overall minimal energy gap gmin agrees with numer- ical results. Therefore, we conclude that the time ∆t = 10−6 is depicted in Fig. 8. For this specific complexity of the explicit Euler using our algorithm case, it can be seen that the minimal gap has a better approximately is scaling, gmin ∝ O (∆x), compared to the lower bound on gQUBO we found. For our concrete example, we 1 T ≈O . (49) can also see that higher time steps result in a lower ∆x4 energy gap. Next, we determine the complexity of a generalized To get a scaling including the amount of stages, Runge-Kutta method. In this case, we have to dis- we limit the Runge-Kutta scheme on the collocation cretize the stages as well, Ko = Ko,n ∆x, where Ko,n ∈ method using Chebyshev-Gauss quadrature in the fol- Z. We refer to the minimizer of Eq. (39) using the lowing. This allows b = 1/s for increasing amount ∗ symbol and assume that these are contained in Z. of stages. From the boundary we found in Eq. (51), Let us define the deviation from a solution Ko,n and we conclude that the time complexity of the Runge- ∗ un+1 to these minimizers as ∆Ko,n = Ko,n − Ko,n Kutta method, using Chebyshev-Gauss collocation, is ∗ and ∆un+1 = un+1 − un+1 . With these definitions, approximately better than the minimal energy gap in the QUBO Hamiltonian is ( )! calculated by s4 1 T . O max , . (52) Xs !2 ∆x4 ∆t4 ∆x4 (1 − ∆t)4 gQUBO = min ∆un+1 ∆x − ∆t bo ∆Ko,n ∆x o=1 For both the explicit Euler case, as well as the gen- s X s X !2 eralized Runge-Kutta case, it is possible to generalize + ∆Ko,n ∆x − ∆t Aoe Λ∆Ke,n ∆x , the results to systems of equations of arbitrary sizes. o=1 e=1 This is since the term we used in the minimization (50) function is independent of any mutual interference for Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 9
other variables in a system of equations. Compared to per timestep, starting with k0 = 1 and c = 0.5. The a classical computer, where so far no parallel process- numerical result obtained on a digital computer, using ing without an additional time scaling is known, we the same numerical method as for the annealing re- don’t have that in this quantum algorithm. Instead, sult, is visually indistinguishable from the exact solu- a larger system of equations only allocates more hard- tion. Therefore, the solution of the quantum annealer ware/qubit resources. does not perfectly match the numerical solution of a classical computer. This is both due to errors in the 4.4 Results of the QA Time Integration quantum hardware as well as not enough iterations per timestep in our algorithm. We expect that the er- We perform the quantum annealing task on the D- rors of future quantum annealers will be significantly Wave 2000Q system, which features 2041 qubits. To lower. encode the QUBO model onto the annealer, the val- Next, we analyze the convergence of our variational ues of the J matrix and the h vector are first nor- approach by performing a single Runge-Kutta step on malized to be within the interval [−2, 1] for the J a quantum annealer and compare it to numerical re- matrix and [−2, 2] for the h vector. For our problem, sults using the same Runge-Kutta method. Fig. 10 we directly map the values of J and h onto the in- terval [−1, 1]. Furthermore, as arbitrary connectivity between all qubits is not possible, the concrete con- 10−1 nections available on the target annealing hardware have to be taken into account and the QUBO model 10−2 has to be adapted to those hardware characteristics. If the QUBO problem needs more connections than L2 error 10−3 the hardware provides, an additional embedding has to be found. We solve both of these tasks using the li- 10−4 brary minorminer, which uses a method given by Cai simulated c = 0.3 et al. [5]. We perform 100 reads on the annealer per D-Wave c = 0.3 10−5 iteration. For the last example, we additionally used simulated c = 0.8 D-Wave c = 0.8 the library PyQUBO [35] which maps higher order 10−6 polynomials to quadratic ones using the reduction by 0 5 10 15 20 25 substitution method. iterations Figure 10: Error of the annealed Gauss-Legendre 6th order Runge-Kutta step using our variational approach, compared to a numerical evaluation of the same Runge-Kutta step. The dashed lines are obtained on a D-Wave quantum annealer, and the solid lines show an exact annealing reference solution calculated on a classical computer. The parameter c is the exponent shift of the variational approach in Eq. (42). For all cases, two qubits per number register are used. shows these errors for the Gauss-Legendre collocation method of order 6. The dashed line results are ob- tained on the D-Wave 2000Q system, while the solid lines are simulated on a digital computer by an exact solver, which finds the exact minimum of the combi- natorial optimization function. We use two different Figure 9: Comparison of the analytical (exact) and annealed exponent shift constants, given in Eq. (42), for the result of Eq. (31) using the 6th order Gauss-Legendre collo- variational approach: The blue lines use c = 0.3, the cation method with a timestep ∆t = 0.5. The numerical green lines use c = 0.8. For the higher exponent shift, result is visually indistinguishable from the analytical (exact) c = 0.8, first, the annealing solution follows the exact solution. solution closely and converges faster than the lower convergence case. Nevertheless, after an error spike Fig. 9 shows the analytical and annealed result at the tenth iteration, the convergence stops and the of the linear coupled differential equation given in error of the annealing solution is not further reduced. Eq. (31) with the initial conditions u1 (0) = 1 and For c = 0.3, the results of the quantum annealer fol- u2 (0) = 0. As a specific integration method, we lows the exact solver over all iterations, except of some choose the Gauss-Legendre collocation method of or- spikes, which are caused by errors in the computing der 6 with a timestep of ∆t = 0.5. For every grid hardware. However, due to the lower exponent shift, point, 3 qubits are used. We perform 15 iterations the variational approach is still able to recover the Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 10
same result even with errors present. only having a single global minimum, we believe that Last, we solve a Ricatti equation, given by our annealing algorithm is superior to the Newton’s method. Namely, Newton’s method is likely prone to d u(t) = u(t) − u(t)2 (53) local minima if the initial estimate for the method is dt not chosen correctly. A sufficient amount of qubits in using our algorithm. This DEQ has two equilibrium our annealing algorithm ensures that a configuration points, an unstable one at u = 0 and a stable one at close to the global minimum is a better minimizer to u = 1. As the integration method we used the Crank- Eq. (39) compared to any other configuration close to Nicolson method with 2 qubits per register. For this a local minimum. However, this assumes hardware case, only two auxiliary qubits are needed, making which is free of noise and a large amount of qubits. it 8 qubits in total, excluding those qubits which are Our findings serve as proof-of-concept and demon- needed for the embedding on a quantum annealer. Al- strates the feasibility of our algorithm on current though the variational approach is not guaranteed to quantum annealers. The second example demon- converge, we try the variational approach with c = 0.8 strates that the exponent shift parameter has to be and 10 iterations. For this nonlinear case, we only chosen wisely, dependent on the error of the quantum present the results from an annealing simulator, not hardware. Finding best suitable exponent shifts for on the actual D-Wave 2000Q system. This is because specific hardware is not covered in this paper and ad- of the non convex structure of the problem and high ditional research is needed. The third example shows noise on the D-Wave system the results are hard to that with our algorithm the Runge-Kutta method can interpret. First, we tested the unstable equilibrium also be applied to nonlinear ODEs. However, for the point and verified that the solution stays at the un- nonlinear example studied, the annealed results do stable equilibrium point, u = 0. Due to the high not match the expected results. A discussion about noise on current quantum annealers, this result is not conditions, which we believe are necessary for nonlin- achieved on a physical device. However, it shows that ear ODEs, is provided. our algorithm is able to evaluate such solutions cor- rectly. Next, we evaluate a dynamic case, starting at 5 Discussion and Outlook 1.0 We have explored the usage of quantum computers for the task of solving differential equations, a ubiquitous 0.8 problem in engineering and scientific computing. Our focus lies on the technique instead of a benchmark comparison, as the latter is not (yet) reasonable given 0.6 u(t) the small problem size that had to studied here. Concerning the time integration based on arith- 0.4 metic operations on a digital quantum computer (Sec- RK 4 tion 3), one might ask how this could possibly provide annealed an advantage, given that the operations of a classi- 0.2 Newton’s method cal computer are directly mimicked. As scenario for 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 exploiting the inherent parallelism of quantum com- time t puters, the circuits developed here could be used as building blocks within encompassing quantum algo- Figure 11: Comparison of the simulated annealed, analyt- rithms, e.g., as an “oracle” within a quantum search ical, and Newton method for u(0) = 0.1. The analytical method. Specifically, in the context of ordinary dif- solution was obtained by using the 4th Runge-Kutta method ferential equations, this approach could solve inverse with much smaller time step sizes. The simulated annealed problems directly, like finding initial conditions given solution does not match the result of the Newton method. a desired state at the final time. From a broader per- spective, we imagine that quantum computers could u(0) = 0.1. In this case, the solution is expected to serve as parallel accelerators of subroutines within converge to the stable point u(∞) = 1. The results classical algorithms (like time integration). of the exact annealing are depicted in Fig. 11. Using Looking at the quantum annealing approach (Sec- the same integration method and time step, the an- tion 4), we see the largest potential for high-order nealed solution does not match the Newton method. implicit time integration methods, as the associated We verified that the results by the Newton’s algo- computational costs scales more favorably with inte- rithm are global minima of Eq. (39). The variational gration order when using quantum annealing (com- approach does not guarantee to converge to a global pared to classical computers). In addition, we were minima for non convex problems. Without the vari- able to decouple the number of required qubits from ational approach, with a sufficient amount of qubits the accuracy of the number representation for the for each register, and Eq. (39) being continuous and quantum annealing approach, and the arithmetic Accepted in Quantum 2021-07-10, click title to verify. Published under CC-BY 4.0. 11
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