Page created by Marion Wolfe
PEOPLE STRATEGY – 2018 to 2021

                                 FEBRUARY 2018
           Overview             3

           Context              4

           Our areas of focus   5

           Building our
           capability           8

           Wellbeing            11

           A bilingual
           organisation         13

           Culture and values   14

           Our challenges       17

           Our measures         23

Our employees, our people, have been at the               This plan seeks to encompass our approach
core of the business since the establishment              to workforce planning and learning and
of our organisation in September 2015. This               development over the next three years. We
strategy outlines our approach to building,               have identified five areas of focus and four
developing and enhancing our organisational               challenges that we anticipate facing during
capability to deliver our principal aims and              this timeframe.
strategic priorities.



    Qualifications Wales has been established                   We strive to be an employer of choice. We
    for two and a half years. The structure that                are a public-sector body but seek to compete
    was designed and developed prior to our                     with the wider market, demonstrating the
    establishment in September 2015 is largely                  benefits we offer such as flexible working
    unchanged and we do not anticipate any                      and an attractive reward package comprising
    significant change to this over the next three              of competitive public sector pay, access
    years. We invested in higher band posts early               to the Civil Service Pension Scheme and a
    on with the aim of building a knowledge                     generous annual leave allowance. Our office
    based organisation with the ambition                        space reflects the organisation’s spirit and
4   to be an organisation that invests in its                   values, having created a bright, collaborative,
    employees at all levels. A large proportion                 engaging working environment we are proud
    of our organisation has been recruited from                 to share this with visitors and potential
    professions, e.g. educationalists, teaching,                employees on our online recruitment pages.
    policy, researchers, HR, Finance, Procurement               We are focused on creating an inclusive
    and IT. We sought to build a culture that was               organisation and are ambitious and we will
    familial, with values developed around our                  support our employees so that they are able
    commitment to deliver, respect for each other               to deliver.
    and an ability to work together and with
    our partners/stakeholders. This is our first
    people strategy.

Our areas of focus

                 Shaping the
       A bilingual
                                   Wellbeing   5

            Culture           our
           and values      capability/

Shaping the workforce

    Our Corporate Capability Strategic plan                    We sought to build flexibility into the
    identifies ‘enabling our regulatory work’ and              organisation at the outset and within
    ‘Maintaining and using professional skills’                Development and Commissioning, Recognition
    as areas of focus and these are critical when              and Approval, Monitoring and Compliance and
    considering how we manage and shape our                    General and Vocational Qualifications teams
    workforce over the next three years.                       we identified ‘deployment’ roles which would
                                                               enable us to move Qualifications Assistants,
    Our primary aim is to fulfil, maintain and                 Officers and Managers between teams based
    manage the agreed structure, ensuring that                 on employees’ existing skills and business
6   the employees in post are engaged in the work              need but also longer-term succession planning
    they do, that our performance management                   which can be individual or business led. This
    supports their development and that they                   model has been built into our performance
    receive the training required for them to                  management process and we will engage
    fulfil their role and to develop as potential              with employees and managers annually on
    successors. We want to ensure that our                     preferences and consider these alongside
    managers are effective and able to manage                  our business planning activity. Employee
    workload and engage their teams to deliver                 development sits at the heart of this model
    our operational priorities.                                and the intention is to enable employees
                                                               with career goals in the regulation of
                                                               qualifications to experience all aspects of
                                                               the qualifications cycle.

Within the organisation we have                                                  priorities. To deliver we will
teams that require professional                                                  utilise flexible contracts
skills, for example Finance,                      Deployment                     where appropriate, e.g. fixed
Procurement, Statistics and                                                      term, secondment, interns
Research. We will support                                                        and apprenticeships based
employees in their continuous                                                    on the role, the need and
professional development                Manager              Individual          the appropriateness of the
through the achievement of             Identified          Development           contract type.
appropriate qualifications                (PMR)                 (PMR)
and the maintenance of that                                                      Our Strategic Equality Plan      7
professional knowledge through training and                    outlines our objectives at establishment
development. We will also be active in local                   and in terms of our workforce focussed on
professional groups and work with Welsh                        ensuring our recruitment processes did
Government, Civil Service bodies and Welsh                     not create barriers for applicants and the
Government Sponsored Bodies to share skills                    provision of our initial Equality and Diversity
and expertise, to work collaboratively and to                  training for our employees and Board. We
build relationships that enable an interchange                 will continue to review our approach and
of employees through secondment agreements                     work with representative groups to consider
when they support employee development.                        how we can best engage and attract skilled
                                                               applicants from diverse backgrounds
Our agreed structure comprises 83 FTE posts                    recognising that a range of experience
which are permanent roles, and whilst we                       will build strength and insight into our
don’t envisage significant growth over the                     core business and that an inclusive
next three years we know there are challenges                  organisation is ultimately a strong one.
on the horizon, e.g. curriculum reform which                   Our equality objectives will be refreshed
require flexibility to respond to changing                     in autumn 2018.

Building our capability

    We will invest in our employees through our                  Areas of focus for all employees will include:
    approach to learning and development to build                ▶ Leadership and management
    and enhance our capability. We will respond
    to individual development needs as identified                ▶ Regulatory skills
    by the employee or the manager alongside                     ▶ Project management
    corporately driven learning needs identified                 ▶ Audit and complaint handling skills
    by the organisation. We will measure the
    impact and value of training and development                 ▶ Welsh language skills
    opportunities for individuals and the                        ▶ Digital capability
8   organisation. We will also invest in the skills              ▶ Writing skills/tone of voice
    of our Board members; our approach will be
    outlined in our Corporate Governance Strategy.

We are also committed to supporting the                     We recognise that some employees will
professional development and the ongoing                    choose to specialise in regulation and
CPD for those within designated professions                 assessment and will consider requests for
by funding professional membership fees                     further and higher education where personal
(where the membership is a requirement                      development supports building the knowledge
for the role held) and supporting ongoing                   base within the organisation.
continuous professional development through
attendance at peer networks and training.                   In line with our commitment to partnership
                                                            working we will support our Union Committee
Our intention at the outset was to build an                 members in training to help them fulfil       9
organisation where all employees understood                 their role.
the business. This commenced during the
initial phase of induction with training for
all employees (regardless of function) on
assessment and regulation. We will continue
with this model as the organisation grows
through formal training which will be open to
all and internal peer led sessions which will
provide insight into the work of the different
teams and directorates.


We recognise that supporting our employees’                  Wellbeing is not just about supporting
physical and emotional wellbeing is                          employees who are absent due to sickness
central to them feeling engaged with the                     back into work, but also about preventing
organisation and being able to deliver at work               absences by promoting healthy and positive
is fundamental to their ability to maintain a                lifestyles. We have contractual arrangements
work-life balance.                                           in place for Occupational Health services
                                                             to support us in doing this and have also
We have considered employee wellbeing                        delivered one-to-one lifestyle sessions to
during policy development, seeking to ensure                 identify where employees can make personal
that policies are inclusive. We have sought                  choices to make health improvements.              11
to go above the statutory minimum in terms
of entitlements and to provide flexibility to                Employees also have access to free eye tests
take account of individual circumstances and                 and an Employee Assistance Programme which
situations. For example, our approach to our                 provides confidential, independent advice on
family friendly policies (maternity, paternity,              a wide range of issues via an initial telephone
shared parental leave, special leave) but also               service as well as online provision.
the policies that cover situations where things
go wrong, e.g. discipline and grievance.                     We are committed to learning and
                                                             development on issues that relate to wellbeing
                                                             such as Mental Health awareness, Resilience,
                                                             Emotional Intelligence and Equality and
                                                             Diversity. Training of this type is important
                                                             for self-awareness but also in supporting each
                                                             other and recognising when colleagues may be
                                                             experiencing challenges and need support.

We will also take time to support smaller                  Our IT provides employees with choice and
     initiatives in and around the workplace such               gives them control of how and where they
     as running clubs and walking groups and                    work, either in the office or at home. We are
     volunteering and charity based activities.                 supportive of employee requests to work from
                                                                home where it fits with business and employee
     We have established a Wellbeing and Inclusion              needs. Our office environment provides space
     group that considers how we can build upon                 for employees to choose where they work and
     where we are now and continuously improve.                 encourages interaction through communal
     We will work towards achieving a minimum                   space for lunch. We recognise that a flexible
     of the bronze Corporate Health Standard and                approach makes our people happy and enables
     reflect on how we can maintain our inclusive               them to be the best that they can be.
     culture, valuing diversity and the insight
     that different backgrounds and experiences                 Through these actions we are creating a
     can bring.                                                 supportive culture that nurtures our people,
                                                                ensures that they are informed about life
                                                                and work challenges, promotes an open
                                                                culture/space to talk and by doing so ensures
                                                                that our people are productive and that our
                                                                absence rates consistently fall below the
                                                                public-sector average.

A bilingual organisation

Whilst the Welsh Language Standards are                     ▶ We encourage and support those who want to
not yet applicable to our organisation we will                learn and improve their Welsh language skills;
continue to work towards preparing for their
application, promoting and embedding the                    ▶ Learning Welsh is encouraged and offered
Welsh language.                                               to all;
The Welsh language is part of our culture and
is spoken by a number across the office, with
                                                            ▶ Our approach to learning will respond to
                                                              individual need and consider personal
fluent speakers supporting and helping others
                                                              interest balanced with the need to develop
to develop skills.
                                                              language skills based on specific roles and        13
                                                              business needs.
                                                            We strive to provide a HR service that is
                                                            responsive to Welsh speakers, providing access
                                                            to policies and the related processes bilingually.

Culture and values

                     We involved our employees in shaping                         We have responded to feedback and have re-
                     and establishing our culture and values in                   focussed and re-worded our values in a way
                     the initial induction phase in September                     that resonates better with employees. Our
                     2015. Our values were embedded within                        values are:
                     our performance management process to
                     encourage modelling of the associated                        Collaborative in the way that we work
                     behaviours. We set out to create a culture that              Thoughtful in the approaches we take
                     was a fit for our small organisation, familial
                     in nature, flexible in approach and without                  Positive in our outlook
14                   hierarchy in terms of how we live in our office              Learning from experience and others
                     space – the ‘sweep the sheds’ approach. Our
                     office environment was designed to encourage                 Our Board are committed to these values
                     collaboration and integration with colleagues                and live them through their work and their
                     across teams and Directorates and our IT                     engagement with our employees. We also
                     supports this too.                                           engage with the Board on issues relating
                                                                                  to people, e.g. our policies, wellbeing and
                                                                                  development and they have had the opportunity
                                                                                  to be part of the shaping of this strategy.


We have re-launched these with a colourful                 We engage with all employees more generally
and engaging campaign, we will establish                   via monthly Town Hall gatherings which
a framework of behaviours that underpin                    enable colleagues to update on work or share
our values and these will be built into our                information and successes with peers. These
performance management system and our                      sessions also invite colleagues to share their
recruitment process.                                       views and ask questions. We encourage
                                                           employee consultation and collaboration
As an employer, we are committed to working                across teams by holding internal ‘Lite-bites’
in partnership with our employees. During our              on key pieces of work which are open to all to
September 2015 induction phase, employees                  attend regardless of role and Board de-brief     15
voted to be represented by a Trade Union                   sessions which keep all informed. We measure
and we have worked with them to help them                  our employee engagement using an annual
establish their own branch. We hold quarterly              people survey and act at a corporate and
Partnership Forums during which the CEO,                   directorate level sharing actions and impact
Executive Director of Finance and Corporate                through our internal communications channels
Services and the Head of HR and Chair and                  and at our annual employee development day.
Secretary of the branch meet and consider
matters relevant to employees. We have a
Partnership Agreement that outlines how both
parties will engage and work together.

Our challenges

Resilience                                                   Regulatory

As a small organisation with an agreed                       We will use our deployment model as the basis
structure of fewer than 100 posts, our                       for building resilience with the regulatory
resilience can be challenged in terms of                     aspects of our business. This model will
knowledge as well as resources. Periods of                   ensure that we develop the skills of the
absence or employee turnover can have an                     employees to enable us to allocate people to
immediate impact, and redeploying within the                 planned priorities while responding to new
organisation can result in reduced resources                 demands.                                           17
in other areas. Whilst we aim to be flexible to
respond to changing needs, the knowledge                     We recognise that curriculum reform will bring
based aspect of the large proportion of our                  challenges. Short-medium term resourcing
roles means that recruitment can take time to                changes may be required and we will need to
get right and that the market may not always                 respond to quickly and seek to build flexibility
be able to deliver the people we need when we                into our structure to deliver, this may involve
need them. This is particularly the case when                fixed term appointments, further secondments
we draw from the teaching profession and                     and temporary contracts.
notice periods are based around term times.
We will use our performance management
process and outcomes to inform succession
planning alongside business planning and
bi-annual engagement with Executive and
Associate Directors regarding their teams.

Corporate Services/                                            secondments in this directorate and there are
                                                                    relationships in place with other bodies, for
     Policy and Research                                            example engagement with Welsh Government
                                                                    in the context of the Government Statistical
     Within Corporate Services, we have recruited                   and Research professions to share best
     professional ability at all levels and our skills              practice and knowledge.
     and knowledge base is strong; the challenge
     lies within the structure where the head of

     the team is a couple of bands higher than the                  Diversity
     colleague(s), which does not allow for easy
     succession planning.
                                                                    Our organisation has good gender balance
     We will continue to build relationships with                   across roles and a good age distribution;
     similar bodies and explore opportunities for                   however, we recognise that there are other
     secondments outwards and inwards to enable                     challenges to ensuring that our organisation
     our employees to build their skills outside the                is truly inclusive. We understand that our role
     organisation whilst enabling the movement                      as a public-sector regulator may be a barrier
     back in to offer a long-term career path where                 to applicants from minority groups. We will
     possible.                                                      work with bodies representing these groups
     In Policy and Research the position is similar:                to ensure that we minimise any physical
     employees have been appointed based on                         or perceived barriers to applications for
     their skills and with a view to developing                     employment or engagement with us through
     knowledge of our regulatory role and the                       our stakeholder activity. We will provide
     education sector. There are clearer succession                 training for staff on equality issues.
     routes in both teams, but we anticipate using

Maturity                                                      Regulatory/
                                                              Policy and Research
As an organisation that has been in
existence for two years, we can no longer
                                                              Our redeployment model is in place to build
be considered ‘new’, but aspects of our
                                                              resilience and capability but it will also be
organisation do not have the maturity of an
                                                              a challenge to ensure that we do not de-
established organisation. Most roles within
                                                              stabilise effective teams but that conversely
the organisation have now settled into the
                                                              concerns about this do not hold us back from
structure, but we also need to ensure that we                                                                 19
                                                              building the broader knowledge base of
build flexibility into our policies to enable us
                                                              some colleagues. We need to ensure balance
to effectively manage change that could affect
                                                              between allowing employees to specialise and
structure or roles and work in partnership
                                                              managing expectations regarding long-term
with our Union to manage these changes
                                                              career development.
appropriately and without negative impact
on employees.                                                 We will measure the maturity of the
                                                              organisation and the workforce through public
                                                              confidence in our ability to deliver and the
                                                              impact of our published work.

Corporate Services                                          Financial

     During the first two years, the Finance and                 Successfully managing the organisational
     Corporate Services Directorate have focused                 structure and turnover will be a challenge
     on building and establishing the policies and               when budgets are set annually. Whilst we
     processes that the organisation needs to                    have a reasonable indication of our funding
     function effectively and appropriately. The                 and model to maximise spend of the pay
     development of individual teams’ maturity                   budget, turnover and absences can have a
20   is measured within the organisation’s                       greater impact in a small organisation. When
     operational plan.                                           we commit to exploring flexible contract
                                                                 options (fixed term contracts, secondments),
     The ‘newness’ of the organisation can bring                 these need to be balanced with permanent
     benefits, in that our ‘way of doing things’ is              appointments to avoid succession difficulties
     not too ingrained and our people are generally              in the future. We also need to balance the
     flexible and open to change when it is                      cost elements of secondments, given that
     recognised that our internal processes can be               they attract VAT as an additional cost and
     adapted to be more effective.                               balance that with managing public money
                                                                 appropriately and in the most effective way.
                                                                 We have learnt that our sectoral approach
                                                                 to reviewing vocational qualifications has
                                                                 the potential to identify work beyond the
                                                                 initial scope which can have an impact on
                                                                 our resources. We will manage this through
                                                                 business planning and reviews of our
                                                                 operational plan.

Our approach to pay seeks to recognise                   We will commit to an annual survey of our
the importance of managing pay fairly                    employees’ views and will undertake exit
and consistently in a way that motivates                 interviews with employees who decide to
employees to make a positive contribution,               leave our organisation to evaluate where we
and is affordable. The decisions we take                 can make positive changes and demonstrate a
regarding pay are crucial to maintaining                 commitment to continuous improvement.
equality across the organisation.
                                                         We will work in partnership with our Union to
                                                         maximise our employee engagement and work
                                                         together to manage change successfully and
Sustaining engagement                                    resolve employee concerns effectively.
                                                         In Corporate Services, we will also seek
At establishment in 2015, engagement was                 to evaluate the service we provide to the
high, and our people were highly motivated               organisation through feedback from peers.
and excited by the challenge of being part
of a new organisation and passionate about               We will look outwards and benchmark with
making it work. One year later we measured               similar organisations (public sector and
our employee engagement in our first annual              regulators) to make sure we learn from others
People Survey and achieved an engagement                 and are competitive in terms of what we offer
indicator of 76%, which was amongst the                  and that our organisation is recognised as an
highest within the public sector in Wales.               employer of choice.

Our measures

We will measure the success and impact of our                to the results annually by engaging with our
People Strategy by:                                          employees and seeking to make improvements
                                                             where needed.
Recruitment – We will measure the impact
of our recruitment processes in terms of our                 Learning and development – Our people
ability to attract applicants from a diverse                 survey will be one measure of the impact of
range of backgrounds with the appropriate                    our L&D, but we will also seek to measure
skills and track the progression of our                      impact post training ensuring that employees
employees and the effectiveness of our                       use the investment made, but also to ensure
succession planning. We will consider how                    that the suppliers we use are relevant and       23
our organisation is perceived externally and                 deliver to meet our organisational need.
the impact of our online presence in attracting
future employees, using soft measures as well                Operational priorities – We will measure the
as data.                                                     impact of the strategy in terms of the ability
                                                             and flexibility of our workforce to deliver
Exit interviews – When our employees choose                  our annual business plans and achieve the
to leave us, our aim is that they do so having               operational priorities.
had a positive experience, and that they have
developed during their time with us, and that                Accreditation – We will measure the impact
Qualifications Wales added value to their                    of specific pieces of work via external
career path.                                                 accreditations and awards such as the
                                                             Corporate Health Standard.
People Survey – We will strive to maintain
or improve our initial engagement index of                   Organisational key performance indicators –
76% and build upon the positive outcomes                     e.g. tracking absence, vacancy rate, Internal
from our first two surveys. We will respond                  churn – positive and negative.

Q2 Building,
  Pencarn Lane,
  Imperial Park,
Newport NP10 8AR
  01633 373 222

                              © 2018 Qualifications Wales

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