Qualifications General Certificate in Cider Making Examination Syllabus 2021 - Institute of Brewing and Distilling 2021

Page created by Ruth Carr

General Certificate in Cider

Examination Syllabus 2021

   © Institute of Brewing and Distilling 2021
Unit 1: Cider Styles and Introduction
Lesson: Introduction to the General Certificate in Cider Making

Topic               Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                    describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Cider making          •    Overview of the cider production process from raw materials
process from              intake to packaging.
fruit to finished

Lesson: Definition of Cider and the Main Cider Styles

Topic               Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                    describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Definition of         •   A simple review of the legal definitions of cider and perry
cider and main            (pear cider) in the principle cider markets.
cider styles          •   Cider styles.

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Unit 2: Raw Materials
      Lesson: Apple Pomology and Pears

       Topic                    Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Apple pomology                 •   Main types of apple and pears.
       & pears                        •   Primary constituents of the fruit.
                                      •   Breeding and nurseries.

      Lesson: Sugars, Syrups and Other Raw Materials

       Topic                    Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Sugars, syrups                 •   Reasons for the use of syrups.
       and other raw                  •   Types of syrup.
       materials                      •   Types of acid
                                      •   Use of sulphur dioxide

      Lesson: Cider Yeast

       Topic                    Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Cider yeast                    •   The major components of the yeast cell and how they
                                      •   The process by which yeast cells grow and multiply.
                                      •   The main sources of cider yeasts – wine yeasts.
                                      •   The reasons for the selection of these yeasts.
                                      •   The nutrients in apple juice used by yeast and the additional
                                          nutrients added in fermentation make up to supplement these

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Unit 3: Milling Process
Lesson: Orcharding and Harvesting

Topics              Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                    describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Overview              •   Pre-harvest orchard management.

Process               •   Harvesting.
                      •   Harvesting process and key requirements.

Technology            •   Harvesting technology.
                      •   Hand vs. machine harvesting.

Lesson: Fruit Intake and Pre-milling

Topics              Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                    describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Overview              •   The purpose of the intake and pre-mill process.

Process               •   Delivery, intake and storage of fruit (if relevant).
                      •   Sorting and washing.
                      •   Uses of waste matter.

Technology            •   Intake and pre-Mill technology.

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Lesson: Milling and Pressing

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Fruit milling                  •   The theory of why fruit is milled.

       Fruit milling                  •   The importance of mash stand times and temperatures.
       process                        •   How fruit cells break down.
                                      •   Enzyme additions and their purpose in preparing the mash
                                          for pressing
       Fruit milling                  •   The operating principles of a fruit mill.

       Fruit pressing                 •   The theory and purpose of the fruit press.

       Fruit pressing                 •   Methods for the assessment of juice strength/clarity/solids
       process                            content.
                                      •   Use of pomace as a co-product.

       Fruit pressing                 •   The operating principles and diagrammatic representation
       technology                         of a juice press.
                                      •   Typical cycle times for a press operation.

General Certificate in Cider Making                                                                     5
Lesson: Juice Clarification and Concentrate Storage

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Juice                •   Reasons for juice clarification.

Juice                •   Typical cycle times for a clarification operation.
clarification        •   Methods for the assessment of juice strength/clarity / solids
process                  content.

Juice                •   The operating principles and layout of juice clarification
clarification            processes (by filtration or centrifugation).

Concentrate          •   Reasons for concentrating juice and the theory of
production and           evaporation.
storage              •   Storage conditions for fresh juice and concentrate.
Concentrate          •   Typical process times and process values of an
production and           evaporator.
storage process      •   Methods for the assessment of juice strength/clarity / solids
                     •   Quality measures to prevent spoilage in storage: the
                         prevention of infection, colour pick up or flavour taints.
                     •   How long fresh juice and concentrate can remain in
Concentrate          •   The operating principles and diagrammatic representation
production and           of concentrate production processes (evaporative
storage                  condensers).

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Unit 4: Fermentation
      Lesson: Fermentation Preparation

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Fermentation                   •   Purpose of fermentation preparation
       preparation                    •   Reconstitution of juice content from concentrate.

       Fermentation                   •   Nutrient addition to support yeast growth and fermentation.
       preparation                    •   The use of sulphur dioxide and/or pasteurisation to sanitise
       process                            the juice prior to fermentation.

       Fermentation                   •   Benefits of sanitisation for standard fermentations.
       preparation                    •   Yeast addition methods (dry yeast rehydration) and the
       technology                         typical addition rate per hL.

      Lesson: Fermentation Process and Technology

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Fermentation                   •   The principles of alcoholic fermentation and key outputs.
       overview                       •   Typical stages of fermentation.

       Fermentation                   •   Key flavour compounds produced by yeast.
       process                        •   The main phases and events of cider fermentations.
                                      •   The role of dissolved oxygen.
                                      •   Other factors affecting the phases of fermentations.
                                      •   Other factors affecting the speed of fermentations.
       Fermentation                   •   The basic requirements of cider fermentation vessels.
       technology                     •   The operating principles and diagram of fermentation
                                          vessels; the reasons for their choice and advantages and
                                      •   Reasons for temperature control.
                                      •   Procedures for the temperature control of fermentations

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Unit 5: Maturation and Clarification
Lesson: Maturation

Topics               Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                     describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Maturation            •   Why cider is matured?
overview              •   The purpose of warm maturation.

Maturation            •   The impact of malolactic conversion on cider flavour.
process               •   Typical changes affecting cider flavour.
                      •   Typical times and temperatures appropriate to cider.

Maturation            •   Novel maturation processes, bottle maturation and keeving

Lesson: Cider Clarification

Topics               Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                     describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Clarification         •   The purpose of cider filtration and clarification

Clarification         •   Purpose of cider clarification; nature of particles removed
process               •   Checks on clarity or particle count including typical values
                          pre and post filtration.

Clarification         •   An understanding of the cider filtration process using
technology                microfiltration or depth filtration.
                      •   Other potential methods of clarification: centrifugation and

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Unit 6: Blending and Stabilisation
      Lesson: Blending

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Blending                       •   The purpose of blending.

       Blending                       •   The principle additions to adjust acidity, sweetness, colour
       process                            and strength.
                                      •   Flavoured ciders – awareness of the issues associated with
                                          adding flavouring juices and materials.
       Blending                       •   Blending options - manual and automated.

      Lesson: Secondary Filtration

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Secondary                      •   Why do we secondary filter cider?

       Secondary                      •   The process of secondary filtration.
       filtration process             •   Particles removed in the process.

       Secondary                      •   The operating principles and diagrammatic representation of
       filtration                         a secondary filter (cartridge or sheet filter).
       technology                     •   Typical temperatures and porosities.

General Certificate in Cider Making                                                               9
Lesson: Pre-package Preparation

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Carbonation         •   Typical dissolved CO2 levels for different cider types.
process and         •   Carbonation point locations.
technology          •   The operating principles and layout of a carbonator..

Pre-package         •   In-line pasteurisation prior to packaging process.
preparation         •   In-line pasteurisation technology
process and         •   Sterile filtration prior to package process.
technology          •   Sterile filtration technology
Preparation of      •   Controlling cider clarity by managing yeast level.
unfiltered cider
for packaging

Specific pre-       •   Bottled conditioned cider process and technology
treatments for
special ciders

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Unit 7: Cider Quality
      Lesson: Process Control

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Process and                    •   Variation and variability in cider.
       product                        •   The purpose of a specification.
       consistency                    •   The concept of tolerance for specification ranges.
                                      •   Simple statistical quality control procedures.
                                      •   Simple methods for recording, reporting and the
                                          interpretation of data.
                                      •   The key cider measurable parameters and their influence on
                                      •   The principles of monitoring and adjustment to achieve
                                          product consistency.
                                      •   Typical applications for in-line and on-line instrumental
                                          process control.

      Lesson: Quality Management

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Features of a                  •   The definition and benefits of a quality management system.
       quality system                 •   The processes to implement a quality management system.
                                      •   Examples of quality management systems and their key
       Food safety                    •   The typical steps in implementing a HACCP system

General Certificate in Cider Making                                                             11
Lesson: Sensory Assessment

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Terminology,         •   Flavour: What is it and where does it come from?
evaluation and       •   Importance of flavour control.
tasting during       •   Role of sensory evaluation in controlling flavour.
cider making         •   The sensory assessor.
                     •   Preparing samples for sensory testing.
                     •   Sensory test room conditions.
                     •   Types of sensory tests and when to use them
                               o Sample screening
                               o Difference testing
                               o Descriptive analysis
                               o Flavour wheels
                               o Flavour profiling.

Lesson: Analytical Parameters

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

The spoilage of      •   Oxygen as a constituent of air.
cider by oxygen      •   Sensitivity of cider to small amounts of oxygen – typical
                         levels causing spoilage.
                     •   Oxidation reactions to form flavour compounds.
                     •   Typical flavour descriptors for oxidation effects.
                     •   Typical points of exposure of cider to air.
                     •   Typical specified maximum levels.
                     •   Good practices to avoid oxygen pick-up.
                     •   The use of sulphur dioxide, ascorbic acid and potassium
                         meta-bisulphite (KMS)..
Other key            •   The significance of sugar analysis and the relationship to
analytical               specific gravity.
parameters           •   Sugar/acidity balance in flavour balance.
                     •   Tannin, salt and juice content and the impact on flavour.
                     •   Alcohol measurement and alcohol impact on flavour

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Unit 8: Hygiene
      Lesson: Microbiological contamination and control

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Microbiological                •   Definition of bacteria and fungi and examples of those
       contamination                      commonly found in cider mills
                                      •   Methods for detecting microbiological contaminants.

       Microbiological                •   The principle ways to achieve microbiological control in a
       control                            cider mill.
                                      •   The types of chemical, light and heat sanitisers used.

      Lesson: Plant Cleaning

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       CIP systems                    •   Four key factors for efficient plant cleaning.
                                      •   The different types of detergents used and the reasons for
                                          their choice
                                      •   The types of cleaning head used and reasons for their
                                      •   Differences between single use and recovery systems
                                      •   The operating principles of CIP systems.
       CIP cleaning                   •   Typical cleaning programs and cycle times.
       cycles                         •   The function of each of the cleaning cycle stages.

       CIP plant design               •   Design features that minimise dirt accumulation in vessels
                                          and pipelines and encourage efficient cleaning
                                      •   Design features which promote a hygienic working

General Certificate in Cider Making                                                                13
Unit 9: Engineering and the Environment
Lesson: Engineering and Maintenance

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Cider plant          •   The key business reasons for an effective maintenance
maintenance              system.
                     •   The features, advantages, disadvantages and applications of
                         maintenance systems.
                     •   The contribution of maintenance tasks to plant safety,
                         reliability, quality, economics and environmental impact.
                     •   Familiarity with key maintenance tasks:
Performance          •   The key features of the following performance improvement
improvement              systems: - Reliability Centred Maintenance (RCM) - Total
                         Productive Maintenance (TPM) - Workplace Organisation

Lesson: Environment and Utilities

Topics             Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                   describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

Sustainability       •   Principal energy consuming activities in a cider mill.
and climate          •   Typical energy reduction strategies.
change               •   Sustainable agriculture.
                     •   The role of carbon dioxide – the carbon cycle.
                     •   Sources of carbon dioxide emissions and CO2 recovery.
Water sources        •   Characteristics and quality of an ideal cider mill water supply.
and treatments       •   Sources of water for a cider mill.
                     •   The basic principles and layout of treatment plants for: -
                         water filtration - water sterilisation - water softening /
                         deionisation - water de-aeration
Water types and      •   Differentiation and typical uses of: - de-aerated water -
uses                     process water - service water.
                     •   Prevention of Legionella in water systems.
                     •   Points at which water is introduced into the process and the
                         special water quality needed at these points.
                     •   Typical water conservation strategies.
Process gases        •   The essential properties and quality of compressed air and
                         oxygen for use as process gases.
                     •   The essential properties of carbon dioxide and nitrogen for
                         use as process gases.
                     •   The significance of inertness.

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•   Typical uses for process gases.
                                      •   The economic importance of leak prevention.
                                      •   Safe handling and storage of compressed gas cylinders.
                                      •   Safety hazards associated with storage of liquid gases and
                                          their distribution in high-pressure mains.

      Lesson: Effluent and Co-products

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       Sources of                     •
                              The nature and characteristics of effluent from principal cider
       effluent and its       operations.
       measurement         • The components of effluent quality: - volume - suspended
                              solids (SS) - chemical oxygen demand (COD) - biological
                              oxygen demand (BOD) - pH – temperature.
      Co-products          • The definition of a co-product.
                           • The potential value of a co-product to a cidermaker.
                           • Recovery and reuse of pomace form the milling operation.
                           • Waste yeast and lees disposal and reuse
      Lesson: Health and Safety

       Topics                   Candidates should understand and be able to explain and
                                describe in simple terms, or demonstrate familiarity with:

       General health                 •   The essential precautions needed in the cider mill in order to
       and safety                         make it a safe working environment.

       Carbon dioxide                 •   The evolution of carbon dioxide from fermentations.
       safety                         •   The hazards associated with carbon dioxide.
                                      •   The monitoring / checking of atmospheres for safe working
                                          including a quantitative knowledge of exposure limits.
                                      •   Safe working practices for fermenting room operations.
       Chemical safety                •   The hazards associated with chemical cleaning and
                                          sterilising agents.
                                      •   Good practices for the storage of chemicals.
                                      •   Use of personal protective clothing.
                                      •   Procedures in case of accidental spillage or discharge of

General Certificate in Cider Making                                                               15
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