QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption

QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
 Hwanhee Lee1 , Thomas Scialom2,3 , Seunghyun Yoon4 , Franck Dernoncourt4 , Kyomin Jung1
 Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Seoul National University, Seoul, Korea
 Sorbonne Université, CNRS, LIP6, F-75005 Paris, France
 reciTAL, Paris, France, 4 Adobe Research, San Jose, CA, USA
 {wanted1007, kjung},
 {syoon, franck.dernoncourt}

 Abstract answers are consistent w.r.t. either the reference or
 the source image. We depict QACE in Figure 1.
 In this paper, we propose QACE, a new met- Specifically, we propose two variants of QACE,
 ric based on Question Answering for Caption depending on what content the evaluated caption is
arXiv:2108.12560v1 [cs.CL] 28 Aug 2021

 Evaluation. QACE generates questions on the
 compared to: QACERef when it is compared to the
 evaluated caption and checks its content by
 asking the questions on either the reference reference, and QACEImg when it is compared to
 caption or the source image. We first develop the source image. QACEImg has the desired feature
 QACERef that compares the answers of the to be reference-less, i.e., the score can be computed
 evaluated caption to its reference, and report without requiring a gold reference.
 competitive results with the state-of-the-art In this reference-less setup, a Visual Ques-
 metrics. To go further, we propose QACEImg , tion Answering (VQA) system is required to an-
 which asks the questions directly on the im-
 swer those questions. However, in the VQA litera-
 age, instead of reference. A Visual-QA system
 is necessary for QACEImg . Unfortunately, the ture (Antol et al., 2015), the task is usually seen as a
 standard VQA models are framed as a classifi- classification task on 3k pre-defined answer choices
 cation among only a few thousand categories. (e.g., blue, sea, or banana). Therefore, these VQA
 Instead, we propose Visual-T5, an abstractive models are not general QA systems; their usage
 VQA system. The resulting metric, QACEImg off-the-shelf for QACEImg would limit the com-
 is multi-modal, reference-less, and explain- parison to these very few pre-defined categories,
 able. Our experiments show that QACEImg which is not satisfying. To solve this issue, we also
 compares favorably w.r.t. other reference-less
 propose an abstractive VQA system Visual-T5 as
 metrics. We will release the pre-trained mod-
 els to compute QACE.1 a new module for QACEImg that can generate free-
 form abstractive answers given a textual question
 1 Introduction and an image. We conduct a human evaluation of
 Visual-T5 and show that it is capable of generat-
 Image captioning is a task that aims to generate ing accurate abstractive answers. Using Visual-T5,
 a description containing the main content of a we are now able to compare the answers of the
 given image. The field of caption generation is pro- candidate caption directly with the answers of the
 lific (Vinyals et al., 2015; Anderson et al., 2018), corresponding image.
 and it is, therefore, important to provide reliable Experimental results show that our proposed
 evaluation metrics to compare the systems. Most QACERef and QACEImg show promising re-
 of the prior works still report n-gram similarity sults compared to other reference and reference-
 metrics such as BLEU (Papineni et al., 2002) or less metrics on three benchmark datasets: Pas-
 CIDEr (Vedantam et al., 2015). However, these n- cal50s (Vedantam et al., 2015), Composite (Aditya
 gram similarity metrics often fail to capture the se- et al., 2015) and Flickr8k (Hodosh et al., 2013).
 mantic errors in the generated captions (Novikova Also, as shown in Figure 1, QACE has a natural
 et al., 2017). form of interpretability through the visualization of
 To overcome this limitation, we propose QACE, the questions and the answers.
 a radically different evaluation framework from
 n-gram metrics. QACE first generates questions 2 Related Work
 about the candidate caption, and then checks if the
 Image Captioning Metrics Similar to other text
 1 generation tasks such as machine translation and
QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
 Candidate Reference 
 a man riding a 1)wave on 2)top of a 3)surfboard a man in a wet suit riding a surfboard on a wave
 Generating Questions

 Q1: What is a man riding on top of a surfboard?
 Q2: What part of a surfboard is a man riding a wave on?
 Visual QA Q3: What is a man riding a wave on top of? Textual QA

 A1: wave A2: top A3: surfboard A1: wave A2: top A3: surfboard A1: wave A2: wet suit A3: surfboard

Figure 1: The overall flow of QACE. QACE extracts possible answer spans and generates answer-aware questions
for a given candidate caption x. The VQA and TQA answer these questions given the image and reference captions,
respectively. The correctness of the candidate caption is evaluated by comparing the answers.

summarization, n-gram similarity metrics such as
BLEU, METEOR (Banerjee and Lavie, 2005) and
ROUGE (Lin, 2004) are arguably the standard
in automatic evaluation. Among them, the most
widely used metric is CIDEr (Vedantam et al.,
2015) which uses TF-IDF based weighted n-gram
 What type of bus is driving down a street? …
similarity. SPICE (Anderson et al., 2016) met-
 Textual Embedding Visual Embedding
ric is based on scene graph, while more recently, Encoder‐Decoder
BERTScore (Zhang et al., 2019) compute the simi-
 red double decker bus
larity of the contextualized embeddings. Different
from prior works, we are the first to use Question Figure 2: The overview of Visual-T5, an abstractive
Generation (QG) and Question Answering (QA) to VQA model. We embed questions with additional spe-
evaluate the image captions. cial separation token and concatenate the visual embed-
 dings to make inputs for T5.
Question and Answering for Evaluation Fisch
et al. (2020) proposes a new method to gener- didate caption. Our QG model is a text-to-text
ate informal captions that can answer the visual generation model (i.e., T5 (Raffel et al., 2020)),
questions. In our work, we focus on caption eval- fine-tuned on SQuAD v2 (Rajpurkar et al., 2018)
uation using the QA systems, not on generating to generate answer-aware questions. Given a cap-
the captions. Several QA-based evaluation met- tion, we extract possible answer span; in partic-
rics (Scialom et al., 2019; Wang et al., 2020) are ular, we focus on extracting noun phrases since
recently proposed to evaluate abstractive summa- they mostly contain salient information and can
rization. However, all those prior works are limited be easily foiled (Shekhar et al., 2017). We argue
to text-to-text evaluation, while our work develops that questions generated on this salient information
a multi-modal metric. should be answered similarly from the image or the
 captions if they share the same information.
 3.2 Question Answering
We propose QACE, which is a QG- and QA-based
framework for evaluating an image caption. As For QACERef , we use a TQA model. We train
shown in Figure 1, QACE first extracts answer can- T5 to answer the generated questions (see 3.1)
didates (i.e., 1) wave, 2) top, 3) surfboard) from with the reference captions as context. Conversely,
a candidate caption and generates corresponding QACEImg requires a VQA model. We propose a
questions. With these questions, visual-QA (VQA) new architecture, Visual-T5, that can generate ab-
and textual-QA (TQA) models answers given their stractive answers given an image and a question, as
context (i.e., image and reference x̂). By compar- opposed to the standard multiple-choice VQA.
ing the answers from each source, we can directly
 3.3 Abstractive Visual Question Answering
judge the correctness of the candidate caption.
 When no reference captions are available, one of
3.1 Question Generation the most important parts of QACE is the VQA
The goal of this component is to generate ques- model that can produce correct answers. To move
tions that ask the primary information of the can- beyond VQA as a classification task, we are the
QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
first, to the best of our knowledge, to develop an 4 Synthetic Data Generation for VQA
abstractive VQA model that can generate free-form
answers. Specifically, we enable multimodal en- As discussed in 3.3, relying on a VQA dataset such
coding for T5, inspired by the previous works on as VQA v2 (Goyal et al., 2017) limits possible
adapting pre-trained language models for multi- answers to a small size of pre-defined categories.
modal tasks (Scialom et al., 2020). We illustrate To train a general and abstractive VQA model, we
our proposed Visual-T5 in Figure 2. Based on de- create synthetic abstractive VQA datasets. We gen-
fault T5 architecture, Visual-T5 has an additional erate Questions/Answers pairs using the captions
visual embedding layer that encodes regional fea- in the training set of MS-COCO (Lin et al., 2014).
tures of the image from Faster RCNN (Ren et al., Specifically, we extract noun phrases from a refer-
2015). This linear layer maps detection features ence caption and generate an answer-aware ques-
to 768 dimensions, same as the dimension of tex- tion using our QG model. To increase the validity
tual embedding. This 768d features are therefore of these synthetic questions, we apply the round
considered as a standard token in Visual-T5, which trip consistency (Alberti et al., 2019), filtering out
can encode an image and a question together. We the questions for which the QA model predicts a
provide more details in Appendix. different answer than the extracted noun phrase.
 We convert these synthetic QA dataset to create
3.4 QACE Metric {question, answer, image} triples by concatenating
For a given candidate caption x, We use QG to the corresponding images to these captions.
generate questions Q = (q1 , ..., qM ) for all of M In addition, we randomly add 20% of unanswer-
noun phrases of x. Then, we compare the answers able questions3 to the synthetic training set, so that
for each question in Q on x with the answers on the model learns to judge the answerability of a
the reference source. We introduce two QACE vari- given question. Through this, if a candidate cap-
ants, QACERef for which the reference caption is tion contains any hallucinating content that is not
compared, and QACEImg for which the source im- included in the image, questions about it can be
age is compared. Using QG and QA, we compute marked as unanswerable by our VQA model, as
QACERef and QACEImg as follows: shown in the second example of Figure 3. This
 synthetic dataset enables the training of the abstrac-
 i=1 f (QA(qi , x), QA(qi , ctx)) (1)
 tive VQA model. We report the performance of the
 QACE = , model through a human evaluation in Section 5.2.
where ctx corresponds to the image for QACEImg 5 Experiments
and the gold reference for QACERef , f (A1 , A2 ) is
the function that measures the similarity between 5.1 Benchmark Dataset
two answers A1 and A2 . The standard metric in QA We evaluate our proposed metric on three bench-
is the F1, as introduced by Rajpurkar et al. (2016). mark datasets (i.e. human annotations), PASCAL-
However, two abstractive answers can be similar 50S, Composite and Flickr8k.
but written in two different ways, limiting the ef- PASCAL-50S provides 4k caption triplet , where ”A" is composed of 50 reference cap-
the F1, we propose to use the BERTScore. Finally, tions(A) and two candidate captions(B, C) for the
we also complete the similarity metrics using the given image. There are human judgments as to
answerability of the questions for function f , in or- which “B" or “C" is more appropriate caption for a
der to measure whether the question is answerable. given image compared to “A".
The answerability corresponds to 1−Punanswerable , Composite is composed of 11,985 human judg-
where Punanswerable is the probability attributed by ments scores range from 1 to 5 depending on the
the model to the token unanswerable.2 To consider relevance between each candidate caption-image
all the different aspects, we use the average of three pair with 5 reference captions.
values computed using each function as the default Flickr8k provides three human-expert judgments
value of QACE. for 5,822 candidate caption-image pairs. The scores
 SQuAD v2 contains unanswerable questions, for which are from 1 to 4, depending on the relevance of each
we associate the token unanswerable as the correct answer
during training. Therefore, our QA model associates this token We consider an image and a question that are not paired
with the probability that the question is not answerable. to be unanswerable, and do negative sampling.
QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
Candidate: a is standing on a (Human: 1.0)
 Ref? Pascal50s Composite Flickr8k Reference: a man walks down the beach near the ocean
 Q1: What is standing on a sunny beach?
 BLEU-4 3 65.2 45.7 28.6
 ROUGE-L 3 67.7 47.7 30.0
 Q2: What is a man standing on?
 Ref A1:man A2:beach : 0.88
 METEOR 3 80.5 46.6 40.3 : 0.79
 Img A1:man A2:sand
 CIDEr 3 77.8 47.4 41.9
 Candidate: a is standing in a of (Human: 0.2)
 SPICE 3 76.1 48.6 45.7 Reference: a dog with a frisbee standing in the grass
 BERTScore 3 72.0 45.6 30.5 Q1: What animal is standing in a field of grass?
 QACE-Ref (ours) 3 75.1 49.3 40.5 Q2: What is a cow standing in?
 Q3: What type of field is a cow standing in?
 F1 3 57.5 55.1 9.2
 Ref A1:dog A2:grass A3:grass : 0.60
 BERTScore 3 76.4 46.0 30.9
 Answerability 3 71.6 47.3 39.0 Img A1:dog A2:unanswerable A3:grassy field : 0.47

 -Perplexity 7 46.8 1.7* 10.1
 VIFIDEL 7 69.0 13.1 33.6 Figure 3: Case study on QACE metric. Human judg-
 QACE-Img (ours) 7 70.0 19.1 29.1
 F1 7 62.0 12.5 27.3
 ments are normalized to between 0 and 1.
 BERTScore 7 65.9 12.8 27.1
 Ref : 0.78
 Answerability 7 74.5 15.7 27.8 in A1:yellow
 computing car A2:parking lot A3:fire hydrant
 QACE and present 
 : 0.67
 results in Ta-
 Img A1:car A2:parking lot A3:fire hydrant 

 ble 1 (note that default QACE-Img uses the mean
Table 1: First column represents the accuracy of ofRef‐F1, BERTScore and answerability). The table
matches between human judgments in PASCAL50s. A1: A2: disc A3: | : 0.5
 Img‐ A1:that each
 A2: frisbee similarity
 A3:man | function
 : 0.5 has a different
Columns 2 to 3 show the Kendall Correlation between
human judgments and various metrics. All p-values in aspect, and averaging three results suggests the best
the results are < 0.05 except for *. performance for two of three datasets.
caption-image pair. VQA Model Performance Visual-T5 is one of
 the main components of QACEImg . Since it can gen-
5.2 Results and Discussions erate free-form answers, its automatic evaluation is
Computation Details For all of the results on challenging. We therefore conduct a human evalua-
reference based metrics we reported in the paper, tion on 200 examples randomly sampled from the
we compute the average of each metric score with test set. We hire three annotators to judge whether
each reference for all of the references on each the generated answer is correct or not given the
dataset. image. On the majority vote from three annota-
 tors, VQA model correctly answers for the average
QACE Performance We compare our proposed 69% of the examples. Among these 69% correct
method with the following widely used metrics: answers, half of them were written differently from
BLEU-4, ROUGE-L , METEOR, CIDEr, SPICE, the original answer, showing that our model can
and the BERTScore. We present the experimen- generate abstractive answers.
tal results for all three datasets in Table 1. For the
reference-aware metrics, QACERef shows best re- Case study Different from the previous metrics,
sults on Composite and comparable to the best QACE can be easily interpreted through the visual-
metrics for Pascal50s and Flickr8k, indicating the ization of the generated questions and the following
relevance of a QA based metric to evaluate image answers as shown in Figure 3. In the first example,
captioning. we observe that the second question is answered
 For the reference-less metrics, all the correla- differently by the VQA model (sand VS beach).
tions are lower this time, showing the difficulty of Despite, the answer itself being correct - it is true
evaluating the captions without reference. Nonethe- that the man is standing on the sand - it results in
less, among these metrics, QACEImg shows the best a lower score for QACEImg compared to QACERef .
results for Pascal50s and Composite and compa- This emphasizes the importance to use other simi-
rable results in Flickr8k. For Flickr8k, we found larity metrics than the F1 when comparing two an-
that more than half of the human judgments of the swers (see Section 3.4). For instance, BERTScore
candidate captions are less than 0.2 as 0 to 1 scale. should be able to consider closer sand and beach
In other words, most of the captions in this dataset than sand and a random word.
are totally not related to the image. For this reason, The second example is very illustrative: for the
most of the generated questions are unanswerable first question, both TQA and VQA answer dog,
for an image and we explain that this leads to rela- hence detecting an error in the candidate caption
tively lower performance of QACEImg in Flickr8k that talks about a cow. The second question refers
compared to other metrics. to the cow, which makes it ambiguous. The VQA
 Furthermore, We investigate the independent model considers it as unanswerable, while the
contribution of each answer similarity function, f , TQA model correctly answers grass. Following
QACE: Asking Questions to Evaluate an Image Caption
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A Experimental Details Question: What does a child sleep
 in a bed with?
A.1 Reproducibility Checklist
 Prediction: stuffed animals
Source Code We attach the source for comput-
 Ground‐Truth : stuffed toys
ing QACE and training Visual-T5. In the question
generation components, we use the Noun Chunks
 Question: What day are people
extractor from spaCy.4 out on their snow boards?

Computing Infrastructure We use AMD Prediction: sunny day
Ryzen Threadripper 2950X (3.50 GHz) with Ground‐Truth : clear blue day
GeForce RTX 2080 Ti for the experiments. The
software environments are Python 3.6.6 and Question: What vegetable is a
 small child holding?
PyTorch 1.3.1.
 Prediction: unanswerable
Average runtime for each approach It takes av- Ground‐Truth : unanswerable
erage one second to generate all questions for a
given candidate caption using a pre-trained ques- Figure 4: Various output examples on the evaluation set
tion generation model. And it takes average about of abstractive VQA model, Visual-T5.
0.1 seconds to compute visual and textual answers,
and comparing the answers. For training VQA
model, Visual-T5, each epoch takes 40 minutes VQA model, Visual-T5 in this section.
using a single RTX 2080 Ti GPU.
 B.1 Visual Embedding
Hyperparameters We use the pre-trained t5-
base for question generation and TQA model in We extract the regional features for each object us-
the model repository5 of huggingface (Wolf et al., ing Faster RCNN (Ren et al., 2015). We fixed the
2020). We use t5-small to fine-tune our VQA number of boxes to 36 and each regional feature
model. Based on t5-small, we added single lin- consists of dimension 2048 and 6 additional dimen-
ear layer to encode visual features and then train sions consists of the location and the size of each
the model for 5 epochs with batch size of 128. The box. We concatenate this additional dimensions to
number of the synthetic training set is 1 million and make dimension of 2054 for each regional feature.
we split the dataset into 9:1 proportion for training And single linear layer maps these 2054d features
and validation. For the max sequence length, we to 768d to be considered as a token in T5.
set 64 to the input sequence including the visual
tokens, and set 32 to output sequence. B.2 Answer Examples
 We provide more examples of our abstractive VQA
Number of Model Parameters The number of
 models in Figure 4. We observe that many predicted
parameters for QG is 222.9M, TQA is 222.9M and
 answers are correct, but expressed in a different
VQA is 61.6M.
 form as in the first and the second example. Also,
A.2 Significance Test model outputs unanswerable to the questions that
We conduct a standard way to test the significance are unanswerable for a given image like the third
of the correlation coefficient for all of the reported example.
correlation coefficients in the paper. We use a t-test
 B.3 Answerability
that uses a null hypothesis, which is an absence of
association, and report the p-value for each coeffi- We make unanswerable visual questions by ran-
cient. domly sampling the questions from the different
 images to the given image. We mixed 20% of these
B Abstractive Visual Question unanswerable questions similar to the third exam-
 Answering ple in Figure 4 to train VQA model.
We provide the training details including the addi-
tional output examples of our proposed abstractive B.4 Human Evaluation
 4 We hire the workers whose locations in one of the
 5 US, UK, CA, NZ, AU to guarantee the fluency
In this task, you are supposed to evaluate the quality of the candidate answer for
 the given image. Please read the image, questions, and answers carefully and
 decide whether the candidate answer is correct or not

Figure 5: Full instructions and interface to workers for
evaluating the answers of VQA model.

in English. We restrict the workers whose HIT ap-
proval rates are higher than 95%, and minimum hits
are over 500. We pay workers more than USD $10
in an hour through several preliminary experiments
on the compensation. We provide the full instruc-
tions and the interface in Figure 5. We compute the
annotator agreement using Krippendorff’s α (Krip-
pendorff, 1970). We observe that Krippendorff’s α
is 0.56 that indicates a “moderate“ agreement ac-
cording to one of the referenced guidelines (Landis
and Koch, 1977) for kappa-like measures.
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