PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai

Page created by Nancy Haynes
PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
          MY PROCESS

Name: Ritwik Kothuri

Grade: PYP5            Div: Aster
PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
Sr. No.                             Particulars                   Page No.
  1       Requirements of the Exhibition                             2
  2       What happens during the Exhibition                         3
  3       Essential Agreements Exhibition Journal                    4
  4       Responsibilities                                           5-6
  5       Plan                                                       7-8
  6       Organizing the Inquiry                                     9
  7       Organize                                                  10-11
  8       My Timeline                                                12
  9       Concepts                                                   13
  10      De Bono;s Thinking Hats                                   14-15
  11      My personal SDG                                            16
  12      Considering your issue/opportunity                         17
  13      Gather                                                     18
  14      Resource Organizer                                         19
  15      Brainstorm possible resources                              20
  16      Sorting out and doing further                              21
  17      Artistic representation of my understanding               22-23
  18      Real life problems associated with this issue              24
  19      Reflecting and taking action                              25-26
  20      Action                                                     27
  21      Exhibition product list                                    28
  22      Weekly Diary                                              29-41
  23      Vocabulary                                                 42
  24      My understanding from the vocabulary used in the unit      43
  25      My final display looks like                                44
  26      Photo gallery                                             45-47
  27      Self Assessment                                            48
  28      Self-Assessment IB Learner Profile                        49-51
  29      Head, Hand & Heart Reflection                              52
  30      Possible Learning outcome and my success criteria         53-56
  31      Bibliography                                               57
  32      General Feedback                                          58-60

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
Requirements of the

During the exhibition we will:

  ● show others that we are knowledgeable, inquirers, caring, thinkers,
     principled, balanced, risk-takers, communicators, reflective, and
  ● collaborate and cooperate with others on our team
  ● kindly, but honestly, give feedback to our peers
  ● identify, investigate, and offer solutions to an issue opportunity
  ● construct our own understanding of our issue or opportunity
  ● explore multiple perspectives from a variety of resources
  ● be academically honest
  ● use technology effectively and responsibly
  ● carefully plan our research
  ● become experts
  ● responsibly and independently carry out research
  ● reflect on what we’ve learned
  ● carry out meaningful action
  ● effectively and creatively communicate our learning to our
     classmates, our families, and to the school community
  ● celebrate.

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
What happens during the exhibition?

Getting ready! We will:
        ● learn about what the exhibition is
        ● learn how we will develop expectations
        ● create an essential agreement
        ● agree to the responsibilities of the exhibition.

Plan! We will:
       ● identify an issue/opportunity
        ● recall what we think we know about our issue/opportunity
        ● explore our issue/opportunity
        ● narrow down our issue/opportunity
        ● formulate and sort questions about our issue/opportunity.

Gather! We will:
        ● brainstorm possible resources
        ● identify key vocabulary that will help us search
        ● collect data and information by:

           – searching for resources
           – evaluating the credibility and usefulness of those resources
           – recording which resources we used
           – recording what we learned from them.
Organize! We will:
       ● sort our information
        ● write a central idea
        ● identify lines of inquiry.

Act! We will:
       ● reflect on what we have learned
        ● brainstorm what we could do in reaction to our learning
        ● choose an action
        ● act
        ● share our learning.
PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
                     EXHIBITION JOURNAL

1. Cite all your sources
2. Use trusted sources
3. Don’t copy
4. Use your own words
5. Be safe on the internet
6. Reflect a the end of the day for more ideas

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai

Note: Teachers and students will co-create exhibition expectations.
Here is one example:

  We, as students, promise to:           We, as adults, promise to:

   ● work cooperatively
                                         ● remind students how to work

                                         ● ensure everyone is

   ● follow the entire research
     process including present our       ● guide students through the
     research findings/learning            entire research process

                                         ● help students access
                                           information and resources

                                         ● ask questions, suggest
                                           resources, help interpret
                                           information and facilitate
                                           interviews, if needed

   ● develop and demonstrate the         ● model the IB learner profile
     IB learner profile                    for the students

   ● record all resources we use         ● ensure that students know
                                           how to record resources they

   ● be responsible for knowing          ● co-construct systems with
     and keeping all due dates             students so they can stay
   ● set up extra work time when
     we need it
                                         ● check deadlines
   ● be responsible for keeping
PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai
track of materials and

● consider meaningful action in       ● approve and support action
  reaction to the learning we           plan
  have done

● ask for help from our               ● communicate regularly with
  families, our mentor, and our         students, families, mentors,
  teachers when we need it              and other teachers

● reflect on our action and how       ● provide feedback to students
  well we completed the                 at every step along the way
  research process.                     and reflect on students’
                                        efforts at the completion of
                                        the exhibition.

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai

Identify an issue/opportunity/passion

What are we interested in learning more about and working to help solve?

I want to learn more about magic so that I can teach the poor
magic so they can get jobs. This will reduce unemployment.

Testing your issue/opportunity/passion

Is your issue/opportunity/passion significant, relevant, local, global?

Unemployment is very high and this means that many people don’t have
enough money to put food on their table. I want to change that.


What do we think we already know?

Unemployment is very high so to reduce it more jobs are required and
since there are less magicians in India many people can become


What is the form, function, and cause of our issue/opportunity/passion?

Unemployment is there because there are not enough jobs.

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai

What specific issue/opportunity/Passion do we want to research?

I want to do research on illusion.

Formulate questions

What do we want to know?

What are the types of illusions?
How to create an illusion?
What are techniques to create an illusion?

Sort questions by key concepts

Which key concepts are helping us understand our issue/opportunity?

causation is helping us understand why unemployment exists

PYP EXHIBITION MY PROCESS 2020-21 - Name: Ritwik Kothuri - Mumbai

       Transdisciplinary Theme
        How we express ourselves

               Central Idea
 Illusion is created to express ideas and
             feelings around us.

                Inquiry Into
The ways in which we discover and express ideas,
feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values;
The ways in which we reflect on and enjoy our

             Lines of Inquiry
 1.    The different types of illusions
 2.    Creation of an illusion
 3.    Growth of magic over a period
 4.    The art of magic


Record resources used

   ●   Title/Name
   ● Author/Creator/Owner
   ● Where we found i

Write the central idea

We will use our lines of inquiry to identify the big ideas of our exhibition.
These are called our concepts. They can only be one word and have to be
true throughout time, across culture and across situation.

                       ● The different types of illusions
                          ● Creation of an illusion
                       ● Growth of magic over a period
                             ● The art of magic

Below, we will use these concepts to make a true statement that sums up
all the learning we’ve done in one sentence.

After writing our central idea, we will get it approved by our mentor.

Our mentor will initial each box below.

   ✔      Is it worth knowing?

   ✔      Does it inspire action?

   ✔      Is it neutral/value-free?

   ✔      Does it make sense in different contexts?

   ✔      Has this been true throughout time?

   ✔      Is this true in other culture?

   ✔      Is this true in other situation?

Identify lines of inquiry

  ●   The different types of illusions
  ●   Creation of an illusion
  ●   Growth of magic over a period
  ●   The art of magic


  Date                       Learning Engagement

5/9/2020    Choosing of topic for exhibition

1/10/2020   Conceptual questions

1/12/2020   Conceptual question answers

1/2/2021    Unit details-Passion project details

5/3/2021    Making of FAs

5/3/2021    Making of learning engagements

25/3/2021   Completion of learning engagements

27/3/2021   Completion of FAs

30/3/2021   Completion of process journal

1/4/2021    Making of 5 min video

9/4/2021    Final exhibition day


               Form                                   Function
            What is it like?                       How does it work?

            Causation                                  Change
          Why is it like it is?                   How is it changing?

                                            What are the different points of
 How is it connected to other things?

                           What is our responsibility?

  ● Colour the boxes that contain the focus of your exhibition inquiry.

Make a note of questions that came up during your inquiry process.

  ●   What is an illusion?
  ●   How many different types of illusion are there? What are they
  ●   When did magic start?
  ●   What are the different magic performances
  ●   Who were some of the greatest illusionists of all time?
  ●   How does illusion help with everyday life?
  ●   How did illusion start (what did they use to perform it)?
  ●   How do you create an illusion?
  ●   How is magic performed?
  ●   How has illusion/magic advanced over time?
  ●   Magicians have a responsibility towards their audience. Comment
  ●   What is your opinion on magicians

De Bono’s Thinking Hats

Express your understanding on the basis of
        De Bono’s Thinking Hats

            1. Illusions trick your senses
            2. Illusions use light, sound, colour, weight,
               shapes and other things to trick your brain
            3. A magic trick is just many illusions in a row
            4. A magician uses words to make the magic
               trick work even better
            5. Illusions are used in art

            1. Illusions help an artist express themselves
            2. Illusions can be used to entertain
            3. Some illusions make people happy

            ❏ Illusions can make you see things that are
              not there
            ❏ This can be very dangerous

            ★ I think that SDG 8 economic growth will
              support my action which will reduce

            ➔ I want to reduce unemployment by teaching
              magic to the people who don’t have jobs
            ➔ this way they can get a job as a magician

            1) My topic is illusion
            2) I chose this topic because it is my hobby
            3) I will help people without jobs by teaching
               them magic

Indicators: White: Knowledge             Red: Feelings
                 Yellow: Positive             Green: Creative
                 Black: Negative              Blue: Understanding

My personal SDG is

Goal 8: Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full
            and productive employment and decent work for all

        My   main purpose
                             is to (FUNCTION)
                      • Inform        • Persuade

    •   Entertain           •   Instruct              •   Any Other

              Function                           Explanation

               Express                I can express my ideas and
                                      feelings through magic. It will give
                                      me another form of
               Entertain              I will be able to entertain any
                                      audience such as my friends and

Considering your issue/opportunity

Is your issue/opportunity significant?

How is the issue/opportunity important to the world?

It will reduce unemployment

Is your issue/opportunity relevant?

How is the issue/opportunity connected to your life?

Whenever I go outside there are always people asking for money and they
don't have jobs. That is why i want to teach them magic

Is your issue/opportunity local?

How are people around here affected by your issue/opportunity?

Yes, with some help from my friends i can teach many people magic.

Is your issue/opportunity global?

How are people in other parts of the world affected by the

No, but if I go for a vacation I can do the same.

Brainstorm possible resources

Where can we go to answer our questions?

I can read books and search the web.

Identify key vocabulary

What words do I need to search with to find the right information?

Illusion, Magic, Optical and Auditory olfactory

Collect data: search and evaluate then record resources used

Which people, print, and digital sources can give useful information?

Google has many websites I can use
Many magicians make books on magic

Record data

What is the author/interviewee        There are many ways to do one
telling me?                           magic trick

What am I learning?                   That there is not only one way to
                                      do a magic trick

What is important here?               to understand the different magic

Am I using my own words?              Yes

Resource Organizer
Inquiry into:

Use your best detective skills, and don’t forget to note all the details of each
resource once you have discovered it.

        Places                         People

           Where                     Who would you
                                   interview? List two           What would you read
    Would you go to find                                         to find out more? List
                                 people & include contact
    out? List two places             details for them             three publications.

       Internet                      Artworks                        Other

                                       What artworks                Locate another
       How would the
                                   have been created? They
    internet help you find                                       resources that would
                                     could be sculptures,
      out more? List two          symbols, painting, photos,
                                                                  be useful in helping
       useful websites.                   cartoons.              you to discover more.

Specify by illustrating any 3.

           Internet                       Books                      Places

    1. https://magictric         1. Behind the                 1. Magicum-Berlin-               illusions:unlockin            Germany
    2. Youtube                      g the nine types           2. American
                                    of illusions By               museum of
                                    Darcy Oak                     magic-Michigan-
                                 2. The expert at                 America
                                    the card table
                                    By S.W. Erdnase

Brainstorm possible resources

Where can I go to answer our questions about magic.?

Whenever considering what sources to use, we will always ask:

  ● Is this source credible?
  ● Is it believable?
  ● Should I trust it?
  ● Does it answer my questions?

What people can I interview and learn from?

Consider experts and people with experience


What print resources can I learn from?

Books Newspapers on magic

What digital sources can I learn from?

I can learn from websites videos and articles


                What have I learnt so far?

I have understood that illusions can be a great thing and a very dangerous
thing. i Have learnt about the history of magic and some magic tricks.

    The best ways to explain my understanding

I think the best way to explain my understanding is to create some
illusions and magic tricks to show you

               What do I still need to find out?

I want to know the perspective on magic of the audience. i also want to
learn more magic


Mathematical Representation (Graphs, Maps, Venn
                   Diagrams etc.)

Y Axis-Number of people
X Axis-Responses


I am focused on unemployment. Unemployment is when there are less
jobs and many people. This is why many people don’t get a job. I want
to reduce unemployment by teaching magic to the people without jobs
so that they can get a job.


         The most striking feature of my learning



What skills have we developed over this experience? What big ideas do I
understand better now?

I think I have developed my research skills because I had to do a lot of
research throughout this process. I understand magic and illusion much
better now.

What are the ways I could put that learning into action?

I can teach the needy magic so they can get jobs.

What idea will I choose to act on?

The one that i put down

What do I need to plan to put my ideas into action?

I need to plan how to teach them and where to get the equipment from

What are the next steps that I could take in the future to take this action

I can go and teach once a month.

Share the exhibition

How will we share our learning? What do we need to do to get ready?

I can show my understanding of illusions by show magic and making a
few illusions


Brainstorm: What are all the ways we could put our learning into action?


     Doing: Done           Thinking: Thought       Feeling: Have you
  something? Given?       differently? Changed   empathized? Have you
  Helped? Turned off?    your mind? Wondered        felt differently?

 Having: Do you have     Saying: Have you said   Being: Have you been
 more of something?      something? Informed      a different person?
 More respect? More       someone? Informed?      Changed behavior?
   determination?        Discussed? Debated?     Been more respectful?
                                                  Been more patient?

Exhibition Product List

➔ Book on magic & illusion
➔ Timeline on the history of magic


                                       Learning            Learning
Day/Date       Objective
                                     Engagement            Outcome

            To understand the   Quick review of all   I think I used my
            SDGs                17 SDG                research skills to
30/7/2020                                             research about the
                                                      17 SDG goals

            Reflect on the      Understanding and     I think I used my
            speech by Severn    reflecting on the     listening skills to
4/8/2020    Suzuki              speech by             understand the
                                Severn Suzuki

            To understand the   Understanding the     I think I learnt
            1st and 2nd SDG     1st SDG Goal          how to understand
                                                      different pieces of
                                                      information and
                                                      put it together. I
                                                      also learned how
                                Video 2               to use my thinking
23/1/2021                             Understanding
                                                      skills because I
                                2nd SDG Goal
                                                      had to think which
                                                      points to put
                                                      down. I also
                                                      wonder sometimes
                                                      how I can help for
                                                      this cause

            To acquire          Mrs. Resham lalwani   i was being a
            information from    - production and      communicator
13/8/2020   Resource            design                because i asked
            personnel                                 questions

To acquire          Mr. Asif Shahbazker    I LOVED listening
             information from    talking about global   to the solutions.
             Resource            warming                The action i will
             personnel                                  take is that i will
                                                        plant more plants
                                                        in my balcony

                                 Neveea’s mom -
                                 throwball passion

             To understand the   Understanding the      I think I
             3rd and 4th SDG     3rd and 4th SDG        understood the
                                 Goal –                 third and fourth
15/1 /2021
                                                        SDG well. I think I
                                                        should start taking
                                                        action locally.

             To help             Conceptual Question    I think I used my
             understand the      Explanation by Ms.     media literacy
             task                Bushra’                skills to make sure
                                                        that I could access
                                                        this document at
                                                        all times

             To decide your      Narrowing down to 2 Finding my two
             exhibition topic    Passion Project for options was not
                                 research            very challenging.
                                                     The questions i
                                                     had to write were
                                                     very challenging
                                                     and took a lot of

             To plan you        My plan                 I think I used my
             purpose, end       (purpose,end            thinking skills to
14/1/2021    product and action product and action)     write my purpose
                                                        and product and

to show your         Passion project - my   I think I use my
            understanding on      understanding (Ms      listening skills to
            passion project       Chandrani’s            listen to the
             Task- show your                             presentation
            understanding on                             effectively
            miss chandrani’s
            presentation on
            passion project

            To be able to refer   ATL PYP resource       I think I used my
            to important                                 Media literacy
            information at an                            skills to put the
            all times                                    information in my

                                  KEY CONCEPTS
                                       PYP resource

                                  Y THEMES PYP
14/1/2021                         resource

                                  IB LEARNER
                                  PROFILES PYP

                                  ACTION     PYP

To find which SDG     Action match with      I think I use my
            l matches your        sdg goal - Explain     thinking skills to find
15/1/2021   action
                                                         the right SDG

            To make sure that     Importance of            I think I use my
            you are               bibliography and         listening skills to
            academically          citation ( Since sir     listen to Since
15/1/2021   honest during the     and miss Sidhi)
                                                           explain about
                                                           bibliography and

            To understand         Match action with Ib     I think I used my
            which IB action       Action component.        thinking skills to
19/1/2021   component                                      match the IB
            matches with your
                                                           action component
                                                           to my action

            To be able to refer   SDG PYP resource         I think I used my
            to important                                   Media literacy
14/1/2021   information at an                              skills to put the
            all times                                      information in my

            To get wonder         Conceptual               I think I use my
            question for each     Questions Make a         thinking skills to
20/9/2020   key concept           set of questions         write questions for
                                  under each key           each key concept

            To get an idea of     Scope of learning        I think I used my
            what tasks you        mapping-topic            thinking skills to
27/1/2021   need to do for the                             different task to
            exhibition                                     do in the

            To understand         Subject focus            I think I use my
            what you can          mapping                  creative thinking
            study in each                                  skills to write
            subject                                        down what you
                                                           can study in each

To get more                Video graphic    I think I used my
             information on       organizers Watch 5    listening skills
 6/1/2021    your topic using     videos connected to   listen to the video
             videos as a          your topic            and write down
             resource                                   the information

             Get more             read 5 books also      I think I use my
             information on       connected to your     literacy skills to
             your topic using     topic. 5 book         read the books in
             books as a           reviews for each      a way that I can
             resource             book                  make a book
                                                        review properly

             To show you          Explain the SDG goal I think I used my
             understanding on     in your own words.   thinking skills to
30/3/2021    the SDGs                                  write my
                                                       understanding on
                                                       the SDGs

             To get information   Subject meeting        I think I used my
             from an expert on    with expert           communication
21/1/2021    the topic                                  skills and
                                                        information with
                                                        the expert

             To help guide your LOI concepts and         I think I is my
             inquiry            related concepts        thinking skills
                                                        while making
                                                        these lines of
                                                        inquiry because I
                                                        had to make sure
                                                        I cover a lot of

             To reflect on your   Self reflection on    I think I used my
             profile              Profile               reflection skills to
11/11/2021                                              reflect on my

             Reflect on your      Self reflection on    I think I used my
             ATL                  ATL                   reflection skills to
26/11/2021                                              reflect on my ATL

To which theme       Theme and theme        I think I use my
            your inquiry falls   descriptor             thinking skills to
16/1/2021   under                                       write down which
                                                        theme my Inquiry
                                                        falls under

            To have a main       central idea            I think I used my
            topic of research                           thinking skills to
                                                        think of an
                                                        Central idea for
                                                        my topic

            To help              Scope of learning      I think I use my
            understand the       mapping-central        thinking skills to
9/1/2021    Central idea         idea                   understand the
                                                        central Idea well

            To help              Mapping on             I think I used my
            understand what      engagements            thinking skills to
23/1/2021   you can study in     connected to unit      think of which
            each topic                                  subjects I can
                                                        study in my topic

            To help guide        Personal Inquiry       I think to make
            inquiry              cycle with             this inquiry cycle
2/2/2021                         explanation of steps

            To answer your       Conceptual             I think I used my
            wonder questions     Questions Answers      research skills to
29/9/2020                                               find the right

            To understand the    Biography on any       I think I lose my
            life of a magician   one personality        research skills find
19/1/2021                                               the right

To show what you    Self assessment -     I think I used my
             think of your       Learner Profile       thinking skills to
17/3/2021    Learner profiles    (Process journal)     write what i think
                                                       of my learner

             To show what you    Self Assessments      I think I used my
             think of your ATL   (Process journal)     thinking skills to
17/3/2021    skills                                    write what i think
                                                       of my learner

             to have rules to    Essential             I think I used my
             follow during the   Agreements            thinking skills to
13/11/2020   process of                                write down my
             exhibition                                rules for exhibition

             To help guide our   LOI Framing using 4   I think I used my
             inquiry             key concepts.         thinking skills to
30/1/2021                                              write down good

             To help             Understanding         I think I used my
             understand our      Central idea (key     thinking skills to
31/1/2021    central idea        words,paraphrase,en   write down my
                                 during                understanding

             To have all unit    Passion project       I think I used my
             information         details               media literacy
30/1/2021    organized                                 skills to put the
                                                       unit information
                                                       on the document

             to have a guide     Create your own       I think I used my
             for you inquiry     Inquiry cycle         thinking skills to
 2/2/2021                                              make my inquiry
                                                       cycle steps

To make             Objectives for         I think I used my
            objectives for your inquiry cycle          thinking skills to
12/2/2021   tasks               (Possible Learning     write down new
                                outcomes)              objectives

            To help you plan    Create Learning        It think I used my
            your learning       Engagements for 3      thinking skills toi
2/3/2021    engagements         column (as per         write down
                                inquiry cycle)         different tasks i
                                                       can do

            To show your        Create FA tasks        I think I used my
            understanding on                           thinking skills to
4/3/2021    each line of                               make my FA tasks

            To help make        Strategies for         I think I use my
            learning            integrated inquiry’s   thinking skills to
4/3/2021    engagements                                make my learning

            To help organize    Personal checklist on I think I used my
            your learning       learning              self management
8/3/2021    engagements         engagement            skills to organise
                                                      my work


            To test your        FA1                     I think I used my
            knowledge on the                           thinking skill to
            1st LOI                                    gather all the
                                                       information that i
                                                       have learnt and
                                                       put it down

To test your         FA2                     I think I used my
            knowledge on the                             thinking to think of
26/3/2021   2nd LOI                                      an illusion to write

            To test your         FA3                      I think I used my
            knowledge on the                             research skills to
26/3/2021   3rd LOI                                      find the

            To test your         FA4                      I think I used my
            knowledge on the                             communication
26/3/2021   4th LOI                                      skills to write the
                                                         right questions

            To know what         Plan learning           I think I used my
            tasks you need to    engagements asper       thinking skills to
3/3/2021    do in the            inquiry cycle           help me work
            exhibition process                           efficiently

            To check what you Plan formative             I think I used my
            have learnt       assessments                thinking skills to
4/3/2021                                                 make FA tasks

            To show what you     Make a KWL chart to     I think I used my
            know and want to     show what you           thinking skills to
            know                 know, what you          write what I know
                                 want to know and        and want to know
                                 what you have

            Understand about     Read articles related   I think I developed
            the different        to the types of         my research skills
            illusions in the     illusions and reflect   while searching for
10/3/2021                        on the same.
            world                                        an appropriate site
                                                         while being safe

Understand about      Watch videos on          I think I used my
            the different types   magic and express        listening skills to
            of illusions in the   your understanding       listen to the video
            world                 through connect          carefully.
                                  extend challenge
                                  thro all links.

            Understand about      Use the reporter's       I think I used my
            the different         notebook strategy to     thinking skills to
 13/3/21    illusions in the      show which facts are     reflect on my
            world.                clear and unclear.       knowledge of

            Analyze the           Look at different        I think I used my
            growth of magic.      timelines and take       research skill to
 14/3/21                          notes on the             find a site safely

            To answer your        Note taking and          I think I used my
            wonder questions      record keeping of        research skills to
29/9/2020                         the research done        find the right

            Analyze the           Watch videos on the      I think I used my
            growth of magic.      different illusions      research skills to
                                  and how they have        find the right
                                  grown over a period
                                  and create a

            Analyze the           Read many books on       I think I used my
            growth of magic       the different types of   Literacy skills to
                                  illusions and explain    read and
                                  your understanding       understand the
                                  through a book           book

            Understand how        Interview a magician It was very
            to create an          on what skills he    interesting to get
            illusions             uses                 the perspective of
                                                       a magician. I think
                                                       I used my

skills to conduct
                                                       the interview.

            Create illusions   Create an illusion      I think that I used
            using techniques   using historic          my thinking skills
            in the past.       techniques.             to think of a way
                                                       to escape like

            Create illusions   Write procedural        I think I used my
            using techniques   writing for different   communication
18/3/2021   in the past        historic illusions      skills to explain
                                                       this magic trick

            Create illusions   Write a report on       I think I used my
            using techniques   how math is used in     thinking skills to
21/3/2021   in the past.       illusions               think how math
                                                       can be used in

            Evaluate on others Conduct a survey on     I think I used my
            perspective of     people’s perspective    communication
            illusion.          on illusion. Then       skills to
                               evaluate their
                                                       communicate the
21/3/2021                      perspective. Use a
                               graphic organizer to    information the
                               show your               survey effectively
                               understanding of the

            Evaluate on others Use the fishbone        I think I used my
            perspective of     strategy for cause      communication
            illusion.          and effect on the       skills to do the
                               impact of my            magic trick.
                               performance on the

Evaluate on others Make a venn             I think I used my
            perspective of     diagram on the          thinking skills to
            illusion.          differences and         fill the Venn-
                               similarities on what
21/3/2021                                              diagram
                               magicians think and
                               see and what the
                               audience think and

            Evaluate on others Revisit earlier work    I think I used my
            perspective of     and answer              research skills to
            illusion           individual mini         get to know the
                               inquiry (answer all
22/3/2021                                              information. I
                               previous questions)
                                                       think I have learnt
                                                       a lot while doing
                                                       my previous tasks

            To show your        Make a musical         I think I used my
            understanding       composition on the     thinking skills to
22/3/2021   through a musical   world of magic         make good lyrics

            Putting all         Create a magic trick   I think I used my
            information         with historic and      thinking skills to
            together            newer techniques       think of which
                                                       magic tricks to
                                                       take inspiration

            Putting all         Teach the needy        I think I used my
            information         magic which will       communication
 24/3/21    together            help them get a job    skills skills to
                                as a magician
                                                       teach magic

            Putting all         Action                 I think I used my
            information                                communication
 24/3/21    together                                   skills skills to
                                                       teach magic

To check how you   Revist ATL and   I think I used my
            have improved      profile          thinking skills to
24/3/2021                                       revisit

            To have a photo to Logo making      i think I used my
            remind people of                    thinking skills to
30/1/2021   your project                        make my logo


           Word                      Meaning

Illusion          Something that tricks your senses
Magic             When you make something disappear etc
Creation          When something is created
Art               When something is created using creativity
Growth            when something is growing
Express           when you show you ideas feelings etc
Unemployment      when there are less jobs so less people have
Senses            Your 5 senses touch feel taste hear and see
Trick             something that confuses you
Perspective       The way you see or think

                         VOCABULARY USED IN THE UNIT

                             Word Splash

The art of magic is very difficult because you need to trick your audience.
To do this you need to use many different types of illusions. These
illusions help trick your senses.



                                 Art                        Senses



Magic show and Power point presentation


● The following pages are for you to record what you do throughout the
● You can use photos, speech bubbles, journal writing, stickers and
  items from your exhibition process or any other interesting


                                                Ms Bushra


Vivaan            Aneria


Self Assessment
                       Approaches to Learning

THINKING SKILLS:                        Yes     May be   No
Critical-thinking skills           ✔
Creative-thinking skills                      ✔
Transfer skills                               ✔
Reflection/ metacognitive skills   ✔

SOCIAL SKILLS:                          Yes    May be    No
Developing positive interpersonal             ✔
relationship and collaboration
Developing social-emotional       ✔

COMMUNICATION SKILLS:                   Yes     May be   No
Exchanging-information skills      ✔
Literacy skills                    ✔
ICT skills                         ✔

SELF-MANAGEMENT SKILLS:                 Yes    May be    No
Organization skills                           ✔
States of mind                     ✔

RESEARCH SKILLS:                        Yes     May be   No
Information-literacy skills        ✔
Media-literacy skills              ✔
Ethical use of media/information   ✔

                        LEARNER PROFILE

Am I an        I am not        I            I ask         I carefully
Inquirer?      curious so I   sometimes     questions     think about
               do not ask     ask           that help me  how I should
               any            questions     to learn more form a
               questions.     but they do   about the     question to
                              not always    topic I am    receive an
                              have to do    working on. I informative
                              with what I   enjoy         answer. I
                              am            learning new  want to
                              studying.     things.       learn about
                                                          lots of
Am I           I know a      I have some I know quite     I have a
Knowledgeabl   few things    knowledge     a few things. good
e?             that interest of the things I enjoy        knowledge
               me.           that interest different      of many
                             me, but I     subjects and things. I am
                             believe       I am eager to interested in
                             there are     learn.         a wide range
                             more things                  of subjects
                             I could                      and I cannot
                             learn.                       wait to find
                                                          out more
                                                          about them.
Am I a         When I do     I usually try I try to solve I always
thinker?       not know      to find a     problems on    think
               what I        solution to a my own. I      carefully
               should do, I problem on     can make       about what I
               always ask    my own. I     decisions.     have to do
               the teacher   ask the                      to solve a
               right away.   teacher to                   task. I look
                             make sure I                  for different
                             have the                     solutions
                             right answer                 and make
                             to the                       suggestions.
Am I a         I find it     I try to talk When I talk    I can follow
Communicator   difficult to  to people, I others          instructions
?              explain what sometimes      understand     and
               I mean,       use the       what I mean. understand
               when I talk. wrong                         descriptions
                             words.                       without
Am I           I often have    I know how      I behave in      I always try
Principled?    arguments       I should        an               to do the
               with my         behave and      appropriate      right things,
               friends.        what the        manner           even when
               Adults at       school rules    during both      there are no
               school often    are, but        lessons and      adults
               have to         sometimes I     breaks. I        watching
               remind me       have to be      rarely have      me.
               the rules       reminded.       disagreement
                                               s with my
Am I Open-     Everyone        I know that     I understand     I am
Minded         should          not             that people      interested in
               agree with      everyone        think and        trying to
               me and do       thinks the      believe in       understand
               as I say.       same way        different        how
                               as I do.        things. I do     someone,
                                               not think that   whose
                                               people are       opinion
                                               wrong            differs from
                                               because they     mine, thinks.
                                               do not agree
                                               with me.
A I Caring?    I expect        I help          I try to be      I think it is
               others to       others when     considerate      important
               help me.        asked.          of others and    that
                                               help my          everyone
                                               friends. I try   feels good. I
                                               to make          care about
                                               others           others and
                                               happy.           always try to
                                                                help them.
Am I a Risk-   I do not like   Sometimes I     I enjoy trying   I love trying
Taker?         to do things    try a new       new              new
               I have not      experience      experiences      experiences.
               tried before.   or activity,    and              They
                               but I usually   activities. I    challenge
                               want a          think of ways    me. I have
                               friend to try   to change        the courage
                               it before I     things and       to defend
                               do.             make them        my opinions
                                               different and    when they
                                               new.             differ from
                                                                my friends.

Am I        I only want    I                I like doing   I have many
Balanced?   to do the      understand       different      interests and
            things I like. that I have      things at      I am
                           to do            school. It     completely
                           different        makes me       focused. I
                           things at        feel good. I   try to vary
                           school, but I    think that     my activities
                           would rather     learning       and do
                           only do the      different      different
                           things I like.   things makes   things.
                                            me grow as a


      I think that the exhibition was an
      interesting journey. I learnt a lot
      and am excited to apply my

      I think that my parents and mentor
      helped me understand my tasks and
      finish them on time

      I’ve had a lot of fun learning about
      my passion

                     AND MY SUCCESS CRITERIA

LOI 1-I will understand the different types of illusions

LOI 2-I will understand how to create an illusion

LOI 3-I will analyze the growth of magic

LOI 3-I will create illusions using techniques in the past

LOI 1 & 2-I will evaluate my understanding of illusions

LOI 3-I will evaluate my understanding of the growth of magic

LOI 4-I will evaluate on others perspectives

LOI 1 & 2-I will apply my knowledge of illusion by creating a magic

LOI 3-I will apply my understanding of the growth of magic

LOI 4-I will apply my understanding of others perspectives

I will assess my learning in the following ways:
Formative Assessment:
FA 1-
The different types of illusions-Form-Pattern

Task-Show your understanding of different types of illusions by creating
a short video.

Strategy-Performance assessment

FA 2-
Creation of an illusion-Function-Pattern

Task-Use various techniques to create an illusion for your audience.
Write down the process using procedural writing.

Strategy-Process focused assessment

FA 3-
Growth of magic over a period-Change-Growth

Task-Create a timeline on the growth of magic.

Strategy-Open ended task

FA 4-
The art of magic-Perspective-opinion

Task-Conduct a survey on what people think about magic and

Strategy-Performance Assessment

FA 1
Strategy-Performance assessment

        2               4                  6            8         1
 1              3                5              7             9

Where were you at the start-
Where are you now-

FA 2
Strategy-Process focused assessment

     Criteria       Developing       Consolidatin        Secure

 Vocabulary            Used               Used        Used perfect
                    improving          appropriate     vocabulary
                    vocabulary         vocabulary

 Description        Was hard to        Was not very   Was easy to
                    understand           hard to      understand

 Information        Information           Not all           All
                     was wrong         information    information is
                                        was right          right

FA 3
Strategy-Open ended task

FA 4
Strategy-Performance Assessment

   Criteria    Developing      Consolidatin         Secure

Communicat       Questions           Questions      Questions
 ion skills    communicate         communicate    communicate
                  d badly             d well       d perfectly

 Responses     Received the          Received     Received all
                  wrong            some correct      correct
                responses           responses      responses


I will assess my learning in the following ways:






Mother: Ritwik has been quite diligent and sincere with his
exhibition work.
He's been passionate about learning the subject which is the
force that kept him dedicated to his task.
However Ritwik is often very independent which prevents him
from taking feedback sometimes.
His exhibition has not only increased his knowledge but also his
capabilities as an IB student.

Father: Working on the exhibition has given Ritwik a reason to
learn more about magic – a hobby that he is passionate about.
The process of putting things together is turning out to be a great
learning experience. Not only is he pursuing an outcome but the
process of researching, compiling and presenting things has
honed his skills in those areas. I’m sure that after this rite of
passage, Ritwik will be ready to handle the rigours of MYP.

Home Room Teacher:

You have shown a great understanding through your inquiry. You

have   been   an   inquirer   and    a   risk-taker.   Your   thinking,

communication and self management skills are very well noted

throughout the inquiry process. You have come a long way. Very

well done


Mentor: Ritwik, you have been a risk taker for taking up such a challenging
passion project. Being a thinker you initiated the application of critical thinking
and applied in your research. This makes you an ardent thinker.Your process
journey demonstrated your love for an active participation in the inquiry process
and your love for learning.
Thinking skills have been evident in your work where you have carefully recognised
the problems. You were able to take knowledge or ideas apart by separating them
in component parts. Evaluating your evidence you have identified obstacles and
I wish you all the best for the day of Celebration.

                                                                 Ms Bushra Khan
                                                                 PYP Coordinator
                                                                PYP Section Head


Ritwik you have been principled and open-minded during the

process of the exhibition. There have been times when you were

delayed in your submissions but you caught up very well later on.

All the best for your exhibition and I wait for some magic to




I think I was a communicator as I had to make everything on my

own and as this was new to me I had to to ask my peers if I was



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