PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News

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PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
INSIDE: Uber license renewal • Taxi APPG – LEVC opens TX order book

                    Autumn 2017 The magazine for taxi drivers

Where are the
charging points?
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
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PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
                                                                                   for new
    Autumn 2017 The magazine for taxi drivers                                      Dear Colleagues

                                                                                 For some time I have

Contents                                                                         been writing about the
                                                                                 need for new legislation
                                                                                 to tackle the increasing
3     National Officer’s Introduction.          abuses taking place with the taxi and private hire trades.
                                                This is affecting passenger safety so much that Neil
4     General Secretary’s Introduction          Billary, Head of the Metropolitan Police's taxi and
                                                private hire unit, has written to Transport for London
5     Respect: reckless cyclist at Silicon      accusing Uber of failing to report serious crimes
      roundabout                                committed by their drivers.
8     Losing friends fast                       This is on top of their surge pricing and their
                                                increasingly aggressive stance against their workers. We
9     Unite welcomes APPG report                now have the opportunity for the change that is
                                                required. Daniel Zeichner MP has said that he will use
10 Electric cabs: charging concerns
                                                a Private Member's Bill to bring in new taxi and private
12 Uber licence renewal                         hire legislation and bring the law up to date and fit for
                                                an age of smartphones and hailing apps. We welcome
14 Taxi legislation needs updating...           this and will work tirelessly with Daniel and all other
                                                interested parties to ensure that we get a law fit for
16 Brighton & Hove report                       purpose and puts passenger safety at the heart of new
18 Southampton safety concerns
                                                We call on the government to get behind Daniel's Bill
21 Order your taxi now                          to ensure that it gets the parliamentary time necessary
                                                to ensure its progress through parliament. By working
22 Unite Taxi education                         with Daniel the government can stop the flagrant
                                                abuses taking place.
23 Nottingham report
                                                Unite is also calling on Mayor Khan to refuse Uber's
26 Letter from Edinburgh                        licence to operate in London. This would send a clear
                                                signal that the law needs tackling.
27 Postcard from Southend
                                                Unite will be working with Daniel Zeichner MP and
28 Heathrow flyer                               the Mayor to ensure that passengers and taxi drivers are
                                                protected, standards are improved and we have a
30 Leeds dispatch
                                                licensing system fit for purpose.
31 Glasgow circular
32 Mark’s Missive
34 Online training for taxi drivers
                                                Bobby Morton
                                                National Officer, Passenger Services

www.cabtradenews.org                                  Cab Trade News Published quarterly by Unite the union,
                                                      128 Theobalds Road, London, WC1X 8TN. Phone 020 7611 2500.
facebook.com/cabtradenews                             Editor – Peter Rose peterjrose@cabtradenews.org
                                                      Phone 07903 525 520.
                                                      Magazine enquiries and letters to the editor, by post, phone, or email
@cabtradenews                                         www.cabtradenews.org
                                                      Distribution enquiries contact your regional office

                                  3             Autumn 2017
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
CAB TRADE NEWS Comment                                                     www.cabtradenews.org                facebook.com/cabtradenews

                                                                        'Due regard for the
                                                                        feelings, wishes, or rights
A new vision of hope has spread across the country as the
people found their voice with their votes and told the Tories           of others'
that they are tired of their lies, of austerity, of cruel cuts, fear
and despair.
                                                                       -Any taxi driver would be aware of the reckless nature of a
Credit for this hope must go to Labour, led by JEREMY                  minority of cyclists near “Silicon roundabout” in Shoreditch.
CORBYN, which has pulled off the biggest political                     It was perhaps inevitable that the death of a pedestrian in
reawakening of the century.                                            February would occur in this location. For the last five years
                                                                       some cyclists in this area have developed a wanton disrespect
Corbyn connected with people in a way that May and her                 for other road users, the law and basic road safety.
‘strong and stable’ message simply couldn’t match. He has
shown people that politics can work to make people’s lives             Why this area has evolved this dangerous habit is puzzling.
better.                                                                But every morning between 8am and 9.30am the roads
                                                                       emanating from Old Street roundabout resemble the wild west.
His campaign, built on honesty and taken to the public’s front         Bus lanes are unusable for either buses or taxis, bus drivers
doors by real people, spoke stronger than an empty manifesto           attempting to stop at designated stops need nerves of steel as
and campaign with hundreds of thousands of pounds thrown               do taxi drivers stopping to pick up or drop off or simply make
at it by City donors.                                                  a left turn. Red lights are ignored as are one-way streets.
Cab members have felt the brunt of Tory economics for too
                                                                       I can think of at least two incidents in the last twelve months
long. When people don’t have money in their pockets they
                                                                       when cyclists have been victims, so this is not about taking
don’t take cabs, it is simple as that. And with this government
                                                                       the moral high ground, but the lack of common sense
determined to turn the streets into cut-throat chaos by
unleashing thousands of Uber licences, things will get tougher         displayed by some cyclists is frightening. If this behavior
for taxis under this government.                                       scares and appalls me, encased in a ton of steel protection,
                                                                       surely a cyclist must be aware of the dangerous manoeuvres
With Labour we have a government in waiting that will work             they are employing?
for the many, not the few.
                                                                       Clearly cyclists are not always in the wrong, but it seems
Times are still uncertain. But with May desperate for a deal           that many often stick with the herd mentality and as soon
with a minority party to form a government, and with the UK            as they see another cyclist doing something dangerous and
looking ill-prepared for imminent Brexit talks, the Tories have        getting away with it, they all follow in a sheep like fashion.
shown themselves unfit for office.
                                                                       Other than the Old Street area, I believe most taxi drivers
May can only cling to power for so long while the rest of her          awareness of cyclists has increased and vice versa.
party sharpen their knives.                                            Certainly, in Zones 1 & 2 I have seen a more accepting, if
                                                                       sometimes grudging, respect that motorists must share
We must now demand action from the Tories on the ‘gig’                 road space with cyclists.
economy and continue our fight against the lowering of our
living standards. But we do so renewed, fired up by the hope           Charlie Allison’s actions and his comments on social media
that another way really is possible.                                   immediately after should make cyclists wake up to the fact
                                                                       that they are not morally superior to other road users; that
                                                                       traffic regulations are not created simply to be disrespected.
                                                                       We all need to make our roads safer, but this should be
                                                                       backed up with just laws as well.
Len McCluskey, general secretary
                                                       4               Autumn 2017
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
@cabtradenews                                                                                                   BY MIKE HEDGES

       Charlie Alliston faces eighteen months in prision because he           who made an admittedly, naive and silly decision to instruct a
       couldn’t care less about other road users, a young woman with a        taxi driver to remove a copy of Taxi newspaper from the front of
       loving family has been needlessly killed. Surely our laws now          his cab. Most comments are anonymous.Worse still, some
       need updating and just as important, enforcing.                        comments are reportedly sexually denigrating the women. This
                                                                              is wrong and if it’s taxi drivers writing these comments they let
       Pedicabs                                                               the London trade down.
       On the theme of Safety and common sense, I saw two separate
       cases recently where tourists hired a pedicab outside Hamleys,         A recent example of a hospital refusing monies from a fundraiser
       with their children. The children, in both cases, seemed under         where men dressed as highly sexualised nurses shows how times
       five years old. The fathers both seemed happy to bounce their          are changing. I am sure many men will argue that this is PC
       young children on their laps; no child restraints; no protection       gone mad. But female nurses deserve our respect for the tough,
       in a crash. Why is this dangerous & unregulated exploitation           underpaid jobs they do caring for our community 24/7, and
       still being allowed to flourish openly outside all our major tourist   shouldn’t be portrayed as sexual objects.
       attractions? As in the case of Kim Briggs, will it take an
       avoidable tragedy before anything gets done.                           About women doing tough jobs; it’s interesting how many
                                                                              leading positions at Taxi & Private Hire are at present being
       Respect                                                                undertaken by women. This is a long way from the male ex Met
       As a taxi trade, we are rightly proud of our high standards of         police types who formerly got tucked up into these positions,
       safety offered to the traveling public. The recent -allegation that    allegedly with the help of certain funny handshakes, or indeed,
       Uber has been concealing sexual assault cases amongst its drivers      previous holders of high office within TPH who were reportedly
       would not come as a shock to many London drivers who have              happy to challenge taxi reps to fight outside The Ring in
       campaigned relentlessly for better safety for women traveling in       Blackfriars Road.
       minicabs, minicabs licensed by TfL. Clearly regulations on
       private hire operators and drivers are not rigorous enough.            Whilst disagreeing with many issues being raised by Taxi &
       Women, especially women traveling alone, need the highest              Private Hire recently and often feeling like we are walking
       levels of regulation and enforcement when using minicabs.              through treacle on simple issues, the level of consultation and
                                                                              response on many other issues affecting working taxi drivers is
       Therefore, it’s disappointing to hear of the number of comments        far better than in the past.
       on social media denigrating the women TfL compliance officers

                                                           5                    Autumn 2017
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
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PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
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PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
HEADER Goeshere                            facebook.com/cabtradenews                     @cabtradenews                     BY JIM KELLY

LOSING                                                                                                parliamentary time to allow the passage of the
                                                                                                      Bill through parliament. This is a golden
                                                                                                      opportunity to put in place robust legislation
                                                                                                      that is fit for an age of apps and smartphones.

                                                                                                      That can ensure progress in a way that
                                                                                                      continues to protect the public.

                                                                                                      Unite Cab Section have a good relationship
                                                                                                      with Daniel, and we have met and discussed
                                                                                                      many of these issues with Daniel, and we are

                                                                                                      convinced that the main issues can be tackled
                                                                                                      with a focus on keeping licensing local and
                                                                                                      simple. These include:

                                                                                                        Unite has always been clear. The way to end
                                                                                                        cross-border hiring is for all private hire
                                                                                                        bookings “to begin or end in the licensing
Over the last few months there has been an        They oppose any increase in safety standards,         authority where the licence was issued”.
increasing number of negative news stories        there accept and disregard sexual and verbal          This is simple to check and would stop the
and revelations about Uber and the way they       assaults by their drivers towards passengers,         blatant abuses taking place at the moment,
are operating. From the threat of not having      aim to destroy local licensing conditions, which      such as a London licensed vehicle doing all
their licence renewed in London to the            are there to protect passenger safety and force       of its work in Brighton with a London
exposure by Neil Billany, Head of the             driver's to work excessive hours, in many cases       licensed Brighton driver.
Metropolitan police's taxi and private hire       drivers are forced to sleep in their cars as they
unit, of Uber failing to report serious crimes    are so exhausted. Is that a company that should       The Deregulation Act should be scrapped
committed by their drivers.                       be protected by the state at the expense of law-      immediately. This gives operators another
                                                  abiding companies and legitimate taxi drivers.        way to undertake cross-border bookings.
This comes on top of the recent All Party
Parliamentary Group report into taxis and         It is clearly time for the government to act and      A cap on private hire numbers.
private hire which had a series of                bring in new legislation to tackle the licensing
recommendations aimed at stopping cross-          problems that exist. If the Mayor refuses Uber        One high minimum standard of driver,
border hiring and raising minimum driver          a licence this will send a strong message to          vehicle and operator. For drivers this should
standards, ensuring plying for hire is only       government and other authorities that Uber            include a driving test, English language
allowed by taxis and allowing private hire        can be tackled and beaten. They refuse to say         test and a topographical test.
numbers to be capped.                             how their App works and whether it conforms
                                                  to existing legislation requiring all private         Increased enforcement powers for
The Uber model, like all gig economy focused      hire bookings to go through the operator              licensing/enforcement officers to be able to
businesses, relies on an oversupply of labour,    before the driver. It is clear that Uber send the     inspect out-of-town vehicles.
in this case drivers, to push down wages and      booking straight to the driver before the             A standardised DBS to stop drivers and
conditions. Therefore, Uber floods the market     booking goes to them. That is dangerous and           operators moving around licensing
with unskilled drivers, working at or below,      illegal and must be stopped. If Uber's London         authorities.
the minimum wage under increasingly               licence is refused then all licensing authorities
exploitative conditions. Uber have increased      should immediately follow suit and withdraw           A review of 'plying for hire' to stop apps
the commission for many of its drivers to         Uber's licence to operate. In itself, this is not     displaying vehicle availability.
exploit them even more.                           the solution, but it will send the strongest
                                                  message possible that the law needs changing.       Together with all the other pressures facing
So anything that threatens their exploitative                                                         Uber, such as the Employment Tribunal's
model is a threat to Uber. The Mayor of           Daniel Zeichner MP for Cambridge, has said          decisions, the government reviewing the gig
London refusing to relicense Uber would be        that he will use his Private Member's Bill to       economy and Uber's refusal to pay taxes,
the strongest signal yet that Uber is not a fit   tackle many of the problems with taxi and           means that now is the time to put an end to
and proper company to operate minicabs in         private hire legislation. The government            Uber's disgusting behaviour and bring in laws
this country. Their record is abysmal and no      needs to use this opportunity to back Daniel        that protect all concerned; passengers and
other company would operate in this way.          Zeichner and ensure the Bill gets the necessary     drivers.

                                                   8                          Autumn 2017
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
HEADER Goeshere                                                                                                     BY MIKE  HEDGES
                                                                                                                        BY JIM KELLY

Unite Cab Section
Welcomes APPG
Unite Cab Section welcomed the report of the         request it, the power to cap the number of        minimum requirement for all drivers. In
All Party Parliamentary Group (APPG)                 PHVs                                              addition local authorities should be free to set
Lessons from London: The future of the UK                                                              local requirements, such as environmental
Taxi Trade. This was a three month                   Create a statutory definition of cross border     standards, vehicle colour and safeguarding
investigation which received evidence from           hiring whereby a journey must “begin or           education.
many sources, including Unite’s Cab Section.         end in the licensing authority where the
It comes at a time which is very much a              licence was issued”                               All of these requirements should be dealt with
crossroads for the taxi industry in the UK.                                                            in consultation with the taxi trade to ensure
                                                     Consult on statutory guidance for taxi and        that the requirements are robust and put
With so much uncertainty and changes                 PHV licensing and set out a robust set of         safety at the heart of licensing.
confronting the taxi trade this report is very       minimum licensing standards for all
welcome, particularly if it can kick-start a new     licensing authorities.                            Mayors should be given increased powers in
attitude from the government towards                                                                   the ways that the APPG recommends to
bringing in legislation that will put an end to    The simplest way to end cross-border hiring         tackle serious problems. If the Mayor of
the escalating abuse of the licensing              is to place a restriction on private hire drivers   London had the power to cap numbers then
legislation that is abundant around the            whereby a journey must “begin or end in the         London would have been able to tackle the
country. Local authorities are becoming            licensing authority where the licence was           explosion in private hire numbers that has
increasingly frustrated at their lack of powers    issued". This would instantly stop a driver         taken place, to the detriment of the drivers
to stop the flaunting of licensing conditions      being licensed in one authority and working         themselves, London's road network and to the
that they have imposed in the interests of their   exclusively or partially in another authority.      environment.
local electorates safety. Safety is being          This is almost always done to avoid licensing
compromised and the government must act            restrictions that have been brought in to           The Deregulation Act should be scrapped as
before it is too late.                             address particular safety issues, such as           a lot of operators use this as a means of cross-
                                                   safeguarding education in a number of               border operation. Increased enforcement
The APPG have addressed these issues in a          authorities. Taxis can only ply for hire in their   powers for licensing/enforcement officers to
wide ranging report. Unite Cab Section is very     licensing area so the same should be the case       be able to inspect out of town vehicles would
pleased to report that many of the solutions       for private hire. The case for this is              also help stop cross border hiring and improve
that we have advocated as required in              overwhelming.                                       safety. The use of private hire Apps showing
legislation have been recommended by the                                                               the availability of vehicles should also be
APPG. In keeping with Unite's view the             Creating a set of high national minimum             stopped as this is clearly 'plying for hire' as
essence of the report has been to keep             standards is essential to ensuring the best         these vehicles are exhibiting themselves for
licensing local and simple.                        possible safety criteria for passengers. The        hire, which is clearly illegal and dangerous.
                                                   minimum standards should include a
These include:                                     standardised DBS check, a medical group 2           Unite fully endorses the APPG report and we
                                                   assessment, a local topographical test, a           look forward to continuing to work with the
  Grant the Mayor of London and any other          driving test, an English language test and a        APPG to bring their recommendations into
  Mayors or combined authorities who               disability awareness course. This should be the     law.

                                                       9                         Autumn 2017
PUMP UP THE VOLUME Where are the charging points? - INSIDE: Uber license renewal Taxi APPG - LEVC opens TX order book - Cab Trade News
ww.cabtradenews.org                facebook.com/cabtradenews                @cabtradenews                BY PETER ROSE

               Charging is the
               current main
               If you have looked at buying an electric       cab will need to be ‘topped up’ mid-shift.    pass the Dynamo version of the all
               car, the most common expression you’ll         And it’s here, if the Mayor and Transport     electric NV200 taxi.
               come across is ‘range anxiety’. However,       for London fails to act quickly, that the
               for the taxi trade it isn’t ‘range anxiety’    problems will arise. London simply            So, with a four-year lead in time, and
               that’s the biggest worry, its ‘charge          doesn’t currently have any dedicated          with being charged with the task, you
               anxiety’!                                      charging points for electric cabs.            would have thought that TfL would have
                                                                                                            been busy with a plan of implementation.
               We all probably know by now that the           In January, it will four years since former   After all during the same period TfL’s
Craig Doogan

               new TX taxi on offer from the London           Mayor of London Boris Johnson, marched        Road Space Management team managed
               Electric Vehicle Company (LEVC)                into a marquee on the lawn of City Hall       to introduce an extensive Cycle
               formerly the London Taxi Company has           and announced that he wanted all new          Superhighway network, spending
               a small onboard motor to maintain the          taxis to be Zero Emission Capable (ZEC)       millions in the process. One might be
               batteries. So from a standing start with       from January 1st 2018. At that event the      forgiven for thinking that they would do
               batteries fully charged and a full tank of     trade was looking forward to what looked      the same for the charging network
               fuel, taxi drivers will have an overall        to be a serious vehicle choice. LTC, New      needed to run London’s taxi fleet from
               range in excess of four hundred miles.         Metrocab, Karsan all on display, with         2018. Unfortunately nothing could be
               This should more than eliminate the            Nissan joining the party a little later.      further from the truth.
               range anxiety issue.                           Four years down the power-line and with
                                                              no fault of the surviving manufacturer, it    The fact is, TfL have been static on the
               However, to run the new cab at optimum         looks like only one vehicle remains.          need for charging points. Often talking
               efficiency, and to make the most of much       Metrocab and Karsan seemingly                 about them, but never actually getting in
               vaunted fuel savings, as well as starting      disappearing up their own battery             off the ground and installing them. Why
               your shift with fully charged batteries, the   terminals. We’ve yet to see if TfL will       is this? Lack of funds? No, the fact is, TfL

                                                                10                      Autumn 2017
are going to outsource the charging            only three months to go, seventy-five         ranks, none of them want to have the
             points needed to run London’s fleet of         points looks to be no more than a pipe-       large fridge sized charging stations
             electric taxis. This means taxi drivers will   dream. So why the delay?                      needed to run them on their pavements.
             be paying commercial rates for power                                                         Too big and too ugly for most councils,
             every time we top up mid shift. Worse          it has come to light that the charging        preferring to wait for advances in
             still there will be no standardised rate.      companies are reluctant to bid for ‘taxi      technology to make them smaller, neater,
             Costs will differ from one charging point      only’ charging points. Probably because       more powerful or non-visible (Wireless).
             to the next. Taxi drivers will need a          they are being asked to bid and maintain
             smartphone app to find the lowest price        locations without a single electric cab       Because of this TfL are having to resort to
             for charging. That is assuming you will        being on the road. To see some guaranteed     bribery, releasing £4.5 million to twenty-
             be able to find a vacant point. Even more      use and profit, they want the sites to be     five boroughs, encouraging them to
             worrying is that TfL don’t know how            open to all electric vehicles. An             install the rapid charging points, as
             many we will need in total. There is no        understandable position perhaps, given        drivers and the manufacturers need to
             cabs to charging points ratio.                 that until it actually goes on sale, no one   make these vehicles successful. Whether
                                                            really knows how fast the take up of zero     or not this will do the trick, and this
             Dedicated charging                             emission capable cabs will be? And            unplugs the stopgap facing the electric
             By the end of the year the trade has been      without       a    sufficient    dedicated    cabs, we can only wait and see. If it doesn’t
             promised by TfL that as a start it will        infrastructure, potential owners of the new   then the likelihood is that zero emission
             have seventy-five dedicated taxi rapid         cab could well be put off from buying.        cabs sales will falter, trade confidence will
             charging points, with another seventy-                                                       fall and the green cab ideal will fail. TfL
             five coming in 2018. That is, points with      Another reason is, that although London’s     and the London boroughs need to get
             enough power to see a cab up and               boroughs want the all new, all green cabs,    their acts together, and they need get
             running again within half an hour. With        even proposing new electric only cab          them together – yesterday!

                                                              11                      Autumn 2017
www.cabtradenews.org                 facebook.com/cabtradenews               @cabtradenews         BY HAJERA BLAGG


  Police have slammed the ride-sharing app      Delays                                        the profit motive,” he said. “Uber is
  Uber in London for failing to report          Billany noted that the MPS was made           driving this race to the bottom in the
  sexual assaults by its drivers, among other   aware of six sexual assaults, two public      private hire market — where the safety
  serious crimes, leading Unite to call for     order offences and one assault in 2016        of its passengers does not even register as
  an end to Uber’s operating licence in the     which were first reported to Uber and         a priority — and it must stop.”
  capital.                                      subsequently reported to TfL but were
                                                      initially kept from police.             Kelly explained that the incidents

                                                                                              highlighted in Billany’s letter also expose
                                                                                              a loophole in private hire legislation:
From the way it treats its                            This caused a delay in police
                                                      being informed from anywhere
passengers with wanton disregard                      between a few weeks to seven            “We at Unite argue that all
to the way it sees its workers as                     months. Because of this delay,          complaints against private hire drivers
                                                                                              should be directed straight to TfL and
expendable robots with virtually no                   some cases, like the two public
                                                      order offences, could not be            not to the operator,” Kelly noted.
employment rights or protections,                     pursued “despite both having            “This is so that all passengers, no
Uber has shown itself to be a                         clear evidence of an offence            matter what mode of transport they
                                                                                              take or which company the operator
company that does not deserve to                      taking place” because a six-
                                                      month prosecution time limit            is, are in a position where their safety
operate on the streets of London,                     had passed.                             comes first and complaints are dealt
                                                                                              with in a streamlined way.”
                                                       Uber has itself admitted that it
  In a damning letter obtained by the           reports incidents to TfL as per               Licence
  Sunday Times from Inspector Neil              regulations but it is not a matter of its     Kelly added that the latest news
  Billany, head of the Metropolitan police’s    policy to inform the police. Billany          revealing Uber’s failure to protect
  (MPS) taxi and private hire unit, Uber        claimed that in one alleged road rage         passengers adds to the reasons why Uber’s
  was accused of “deciding what crimes to       incident involving a driver using             licence in London should not be renewed
  report” – those that would “be less           pepper spray, which is technically            in September.
  damaging to [its] reputation” – and           classified as a firearm, Uber refused to
  failing to tell police about more serious     give information to the police unless         “From the way it treats its passengers
  crimes. The letter, sent to Helen             they submitted a formal request under         with wanton disregard to the way it sees
  Chapman, head of taxis and private hire       the Data Protection Act                       its workers as expendable robots with
  at TfL, highlighted several incidents in                                                    virtually no employment rights or
  which Uber failed to report to police.        Passenger safety                              protections, Uber has shown itself to be
                                                Unite’s London Cab Section chair Jim          a company that does not deserve to
  TfL said Uber’s failure to communicate        Kelly slammed Uber’s refusal to               operate on the streets of London,” he said.
  with police was “totally unacceptable”        cooperate with police.
  and would form “part of the                                                                 “We at Unite urge the Mayor of London
  consideration” as it decides Uber’s long-     “Their behaviour demonstrates what we         and TfL to not renew Uber’s operating
  term licence renewal in London in             have known for some time — that Uber          licence when it comes up for review later
  September.                                    sacrifices passenger safety at the altar of   this month.”

                                                  12                      Autumn 2017
HEADER Goeshere             facebook.com/cabtradenews   @cabtradenews                     OD
                                                                                 BY JIM KELLY

                UNITE CAB
     Are you thinking of
     buying a new Taxi?

                                            CREDIT UNION LTD

Plane Saver Credit Union                           Who are Plane Saver?
Plane Saver Credit Union have been                 Plane Saver Credit Union are not-for-profit
working closely with Unite the Union to            financial co-operative for the airline and
develop a low cost secured Taxi Loan               transportation sector.
product, aimed at helping our members
purchase a brand new Taxi.                         Founded in 1993, Plane Saver is currently
                                                   one of the largest Credit Unions in the UK,
With the product now developed they are            now serving over 10,000 members and
actively seeking example cases before an           having lent over £100 million to date.
official launch, looking for individuals who are
serious about buying a brand new Black Taxi.       Offering a range of ethical savings and loan
                                                   products, it is one of the success stories of
If you are interested and would like to be         the credit union movement.
contacted as to taking part and learning
more about the product please send your            As a Taxi Driver you can join today for free at
details to: robertlovesey@planesaver.co.uk         www.planesavercu.co.uk

                                    13              Spring 2017
                                                    Autumn  2017
ww.cabtradenews.org                 facebook.com/cabtradenews                @cabtradenews              PRESS RELEASE

Taxi legislation needs
updating to safeguard
passengers says LGA
“The need for reform is now urgent.                                                          involved taxi and PHV holders abusing
Councils are doing what they can to                                                          the trust that has been placed in them, so
strengthen licensing processes, such as                                                      there are strong safeguarding reasons for
commissioning an LGA national register,                                                      strengthening current legislation.
but we have always said that the best way
to strengthen safeguarding is to update                                                      “The onset of mobile phone booking apps
legislation, which only government can                                                       for PHVs is causing concern about
do.”                                                                                         whether drivers are able to compete on a
                                                                                             level playing field and has led to
Taxi laws need urgently updating to             It is urging government to support new       numerous and costly legal challenges
reflect new technology, help reduce the         taxi legislation on taxi and private hire    which local licensing authorities are
risk of child sexual exploitation and           vehicles in order to modernise the           being forced to spend public money on.
create a level playing field for drivers, the   licensing system for taxis and PHVs,
Local Government Association (LGA)              improve passenger safety and create a        “Local licensing authorities are trying to
said today.                                     level playing field for drivers.             work out how new models fit within a
                                                                                             legislative framework drafted before
The LGA, which represents more than             The LGA has recently commissioned the        mobile phones were even invented, when
370 councils in England and Wales, says         development of a national register of taxi   what is really needed is clarity on a new
taxi and private hire legislation – some of     and PHV licences which have been             legislative framework that allows for a
which dates back to 1847 and horse-             refused or revoked so councils can check     21st century way of doing things fairly
drawn hackney carriages – needs                 new applicants against the database and      for passengers, councils and drivers.
strengthening to improve passenger              update with their own information.
safety in light of the proliferation of app-                                                 “The need for reform is now urgent.
based taxi and private hire vehicle (PHV)       But the LGA says the best way to             Councils are doing what they can to
companies and increased cross-border            strengthen safeguarding measures is for      strengthen licensing processes, such as
hiring.                                         government to update taxi laws.              commissioning an LGA national
                                                                                             register, but we have always said that the
Councils cannot take enforcement action         Cllr Clive Woodbridge, Deputy Chair of       best way to strengthen safeguarding is to
against the rising numbers of taxi drivers      the LGA’s Safer and Stronger                 update legislation, which only
licensed by other authorities operating in      Communities Board, said:                     government can do.
their area. This is causing huge
frustration to councils and local drivers       “Councils have long argued that there is     “It’s encouraging that the Government
who, depending on what the local rules          a need for the existing outdated taxi laws   has recognised the need to look at this
are, may have had to comply with more           to be updated.                               issue as a matter of urgency, following
rigorous licensing standards.                                                                Minister John Hayes’ announcement of a
                                                “The legislation governing aspects of        working group to look at this over
The Government has set up a working             taxis and private hire vehicles pre-dates    autumn and report back to him. The
group to look at the issue over the             the motor car and is simply not fit for      LGA looks forward to being part of the
autumn. The LGA wants the group to              purpose in an era when mobile phone          working group and is urging government
look at the issue of national minimum           technology is significantly changing the     to follow it up by supporting or bringing
licensing standards for drivers of taxis and    way people access private hire vehicles.     forward new taxi licensing legislation
PHVs, a national database of all licensed                                                    which benefits passengers, councils and
taxi and PHV drivers, and cross border          “In recent years, we’ve seen a number of     drivers as it is brought before
hiring.                                         child sexual exploitation cases that have    Parliament.”

                                                  14                      Autumn 2017
Working people need a 3rd runway

     Unite backs
Heathrow expansion for
           • JOBS

              Join us
    Support the campaign – go to
       to pledge your support
    @Unite4Heathrow                 Unite4Heathrow

                 15   Spring 2017
Brighton & H
   www.cabtradenews.org                 facebook.com/cabtradenews               @cabtradenews

Plying for hire
On Monday 8th of August 2017 around            As said, the law makes ‘hailing’ unlawful    their mobile and requested a taxi, or a
twenty-five metropolitan London Taxis          for private hire vehicles.                   ‘ride’ as Uber so quaintly puts it. Then if
visited Brighton & Hove, teaming up                                                         one of those metropolitan London taxis
with the local trade to challenge the inner    Apps in use by the local Brighton &          accepted that request, then the respective
workings of the Uber app.                      Hove taxi and private hire companies do      metropolitan London driver has acted
                                               not use a system of direct street hailing,   illegally and rendered themselves liable
The Uber app has been shrouded in              which simply connects the customer to        to revocation of their hackney carriage
mystery, with Uber refusing to fully reveal    the driver. These apps accept the booking    licence.
how it functions, even when directly           from the customer into the operator's
questioned at the Brighton & Hove Taxi         booking system and correctly records and     So they duly made a metropolitan, TfL
Trade Forum meetings. At the last meeting      documents the details of the booking to      licensed London cab available for hire on
held in July, questions from the trade were    the operator's booking records, before       their app in Brighton, just as Uber does
again put to Fred Jones of Uber, about how     offering or dispatching the job to the       with its TfL licensed minicabs on a daily
the app functioned, but he again refused to    nearest or most appropriate vehicle.         basis). We requested a ‘cab’ and the
discuss the matter. However, the reps from                                                  request was immediately sent to ’our’
Brighton & Hove Streamline Taxis, City         The purpose of the visit by the              London cab. It was then open to the
Cabs and Brighton & Hove Radio Cabs            metropolitan London cabs was to              driver to accept that request, just as many
were willing to discuss their apps and         demonstrate a specific app that they use     TfL Uber drivers do each and every day
booking systems in detail.                     in London would also work for them           in Brighton & Hove.
                                               outside of London, including Brighton &
Unite and the local trade merely wonder,       Hove. The app used was a direct hailing      The intention of the demo was to ‘alert’
If Uber's app is fully compliant with all      one, which for London hackney carriages      Brighton & Hove City Council to this
legislation, then why all the secrecy? It is   whilst working in London is perfectly        ‘plying for hire’ of out-of-town vehicles
this compliance (or otherwise) with the        legal. However, these metropolitan           in the city which is illegal and to see what
legislation that we sought to test. Uber       London taxis are legally only allowed to     reaction the council would have to this.
supposedly only uses private hire vehicles     use this type of app when they are within    Of course, it was never the intention for
and not hackney carriages. This itself is      TfL’s licensing area. They are not allowed   any of these visiting London cabbies to
questionable, as they use hackney              to use them to ply for hire outside of       ply for hire in the city, as this was merely
carriages from outside their respective        London. This is the same rule for any        a test conducted under 'test conditions'.
taxi licensing areas to work as private hire   hackney carriages nationally, which          In effect, a staged event of what may
in other areas.                                are limited to legally plying for hire       happen in theory with such 'apps' in use
                                               only within their respective licensing       by vehicles and drivers not licensed by
The law states that as such, private hire      authority areas.                             Brighton & Hove, but operating without
cars are not allowed to be ‘hailed’ or to                                                   hindrance in the city.
'ply for hire' in the street, including        We sought to challenge Brighton &
hackney carriages that are not within          Hove Council on how the Uber system          Just when we may have been confused
their own licensing authority area. From       works. If one of these metropolitan          (we weren’t, but we may have been), TfL
reports available, it is widely believed       London taxis makes themselves available      came to the rescue (when did you ever
that the Uber app simply connects the          on their app in Brighton & Hove (outside     think you’d hear those words) with a
customer to the nearest available driver,      of their Licensed area), and if a member     couple of tweets, confirming that a TfL
which is effectively a 'direct street hail'.   of the public had the customer app on        taxi MUST be: ‘physically located

                                                 16                      Autumn 2017
Hove Report
                                                                                                        BY SEAN RIDLEY

                                                           explain in detail just how       road signs and signals. In one example an
                                                           it works and a correction        Uber vehicle being driven the wrong way
                                                           will certainly be made.          along Kings Road Brighton against the
                                                                                            flow of traffic. Unlawful unauthorised
                                                            We believe that we have         ranks of Uber cars plying for hire and
                                                            achieved our ultimate aim of    even parking up on local taxi ranks.
                                                            clarifying what is a 'booking   Vehicles without any distinguishing
                                                            app' and what is a 'direct      safety markings or even evidence of
                                                            hailing app'. It would appear   licence plates.
                                                            in essence that the Uber app
                                                            fails to comply with both the   Interestingly enough, the Brighton
                                                            ‘London Private Hire Act        Argus newspaper covered a story recently
                                                            1998, and the ‘Local            of an Uber (TfL licensed) minicab seized
                                                            Government Miscellaneous        by Sussex Police for having no insurance
                                                            Act 1976, by allowing the       - this alone breaches the primary purpose
                                                            driver to directly accept       of Licensing - Public Safety!
 within your licensed area to legally                   bookings from the passenger.
 accept a job’ and; 'with pre-booked jobs,      This is one of the reasons why we believe   It was very clear that whilst London and
 you still must be in your licensed area        TfL should refuse to re-license Uber in     Brighton & Hove face different issues,
 when you accept the job’. That                 London.                                     there is one common factor that affects
 clarification came directly from the                                                       the whole of the country and that is the
 regulator - TfL!!!                             Safety First                                question on the legality of the Uber app
                                                There are of course major issues that       connecting the customer directly with
 Of course, this applies to taxis licensed in   both London and the City of Brighton        the driver and until there is a clear
 London and not to private hire vehicles        & Hove and indeed other licensing           definition of this then it remains smoke
 that comply with the three licence             authorities face with Uber such as, Uber    and mirrors. We have of course called for
 requirements of a licensed operator            TfL drivers sleeping in their cars          action by Brighton & Hove City Council
 dispatching jobs to vehicles and drivers       (evidence available). Out of town private   but as usual the silence is deafening!
 licensed by the same authority.                hire vehicles from as far as Edinburgh,
                                                Leeds, Sefton, Birmingham, Portsmouth,      We now require immediate enforcement
 Now perhaps TfL Taxi & Private Hire            Southampton and Reigate to name just a      action from both TfL & Brighton &
 could explain why TfL licensed Uber            few 'alien' vehicles working in Brighton    Hove City Council on vehicles licensed
 minicabs are allowed to wait for and           & Hove without the need to have             by TfL, not physically located within
 accept app work in Brighton & Hove             expensive CCTV installed as insisted by     their licensed area and illegally
 (outside of their licensed area), but also     the Council. Also, enforcement of these     accepting jobs’ and/or; ‘accepting
 in many other towns and cities across the      out of town vehicles is almost a physical   pre-booked jobs, whilst not located
 length and breadth of the Country?             impossibility with them being left to run   in their licensed area when they
 When the driver is directly accepting          amok with scant chance of being             accept the job.
 bookings from the passenger and not            apprehended.
 having the booking despatched first by
 Uber London.                                   This together with a
                                                catalogue of legal
 At this point we state publicly that if        infractions building,
 Uber Britannia Limited disagrees               such as Uber drivers
 with how the consensus of the actual           from TfL and other areas
 workings of their app is generally             driving the wrong way
 perceived by the national taxi trade           in one way streets,
 and others is incorrect... Then kindly         failing to comply with

                                                  17                       Autumn 2017
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Southampton saf
over our ‘Out of To
Council leader echoes Unite call for private hire
journesy to start or finish in the area they are
licensed for.
Councillor Simon Letts, Labour leader           Mayor of London Taxi and Private          Unite the union says people are becoming
of Southampton Council has written to           Hire Action Plan. It was also amongst     used to getting into unmarked cars
John Hayes CBE MP, the government               Labour's Wes Streeting's proposals for    because of all the TfL licensed Uber
minister in charge of taxis and private         the taxi trade in his All Party           vehicles that are “flooding” into
hire at the Department of Transport, to         Parliamentary Group (APPG), Lessons       Southampton.
complain about the number of non                from London report on the future of
Southampton licensed private hire               taxi and private hire services in         Perry McMillan, chairman of the
drivers and vehicles working in the city.       England and Wales. Unite cab section      Southampton cab section of Unite, told
                                                adopted the private hire journey          Southampton’s Daily Echo:
In his letter, Councillor Letts raises a        policy at its annual taxi trade
number of safety concerns with the large        conference in March.                      “Uber vehicles licensed by Southampton
numbers of private hire drivers working                                                   City Council had to carry clear markings
cross border. And closes his letter by          Unite's concerns for                      but those from other areas often displayed
saying that the government should               unmarked private hire                     nothing but a small disc in the back
change “current legislation so that all         Earlier this month, Southampton's Daily   windscreen”.
journeys must start or end in the area that     Echo reported an incident in which a
has registered the vehicle for private hire”.   woman is alleged to have been sexually    Councillor Letts's letter is reproduced
                                                assaulted and dumped near the M27         opposite…
The ’licensed area' policy has already          motorway after getting into an unmarked
been outlined by Sadiq Khan in his              car which she thought was a taxi.

                                                  18                    Autumn 2017

fety concerns
Town Private Hire’
   Dear Mr Hayes,

    I am writing to you to raise the issue of public safety with regards the licensing of hackney carriages, private
   hire vehicles and minicabs.

   In Southampton we have adopted a strategy to protect the public, our vehicles are clearly marked
   differentiating between Hackney Carriages and Private Hire vehicles. Both sets of vehicles have to have a
   livery that tells them apart from a private motor vehicle as well. We feel this is important in preventing rogue,
   bogus drivers trying to take advantage of the vulnerable. Additionally in Southampton we require our vehicles
   to have an on board taxi camera fitted.

   Over the last two years we have seen a new phenomenon with a number of private hire vehicles or minicabs
   licensed by authorities other than Southampton City Council predominantly working in Southampton.
   Southampton presently licences 283 hackney carriages and around 650 private hire vehicles. We have seen a
   rapid growth in these vehicles working in the city. The local trade estimate there to be in excess of 120 such
   cars, the vast majority of which are licensed by Transport for London, other areas include New Forest District
   Council, Havant, Fareham and Chichester.

   None of these authority areas require cameras to be fitted and the Transport for London (TfL) vehicles are only
   identifiable by small stickers in the front and rear windscreens. This has caused confusion as these TfL vehicles
   often look just like a private vehicle. Earlier this month a local man took advantage of this confusion and used
   his private vehicle to lure a vulnerable victim into his car on the pretence he was a licensed private hire vehicle,
   he then seriously sexually assaulted her. Officers and the local trade believe this only occurred because of the
   recent influx of TfL cars in Southampton.

   The whole regime of taxi and private hire licensing has been undermined over the last two years and local
   authorities are no longer able to properly protect the public with appropriate measures to address local
   problems as the local measures are easily circumvented by getting licensed in an ‘easier’ area. Previously the
   government has suggested it is within the power of the local authorities to address the problem by attaching
   conditions to vehicles to predominantly work in the area it is licensed. This is reliant on all the authorities
   agreeing and it being supported in the courts as to date it has not been properly tested. Clearly authorities are
   not prepared to apply these conditions with a lack of proper support in legislation.

   An easy solution is for you as the Minister to amend current legislation so that all journeys must start or end
   in the area that has registered the vehicle for private hire. Otherwise the next time we have a serious incident
   in Southampton I will be directing the media interest to your door.

   Best Wishes

   Cllr Simon Letts
   (Leader of Southampton City Council)

                                               19                       Autumn 2017
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LEVC opens order book for all new TX, the most
advanced green taxi in the world

                                              running costs for the all-new TX model.        As well as offering complete range
  LEVC – the London EV Company –              The launch finance package – through           assurance and flexibility, the TX with its
  formerly London Taxi Company,               which more than 90% of drivers are             eCity technology will also significantly
  confirms costs and prices for all new       expected to buy the new TX – is                reduce costs for taxi drivers. Currently, a
  TX with eCity technology:                   confirmed at £177 per week, including the      taxi driver using the outgoing TX4 Euro
                                              battery over five years. The outgoing TX4      6 model with its 2.7-litre diesel engine,
  Finance package, at £177 weekly             model was priced at £167 per week over         and driving an average of 115 miles per
  equivalent price, inclusive of the          four years.                                    day, will spend around £150 per week on
  battery over 5 years.                                                                      fuel. A taxi driver operating the same cycle
                                              LEVC’s Commercial Director, Richard            in a new TX is estimated to save £100 per
  Typical fuel saving for average driver      Gordon, said: “I am delighted to announce      week on fuel.
  of a £100 per week over current             such a competitive package for the new
  model.                                      electric TX. Market leading in every way,      Commenting on the fuel savings drivers
                                              this is a truly outstanding new vehicle that   will benefit from, LEVC’s Commercial
  Full retail price for the new TX is         will revolutionise the taxi trade in London    Director, Richard Gordon, commented:
  £55,599 OTR inclusive of battery.           from an emissions perspective, for             “Taking in to consideration the fuel costs
                                              passenger comfort, experience and              of the TX, over the course of a week, it
  Compelling UK launch offer on               enjoyment, and importantly for the             represents a really impressive savings of
  warranty and servicing with                 drivers.”                                      £100. We look forward to welcoming
  roadside assistance programme all                                                          customers old and new in to our
  inclusive:                                  The all new electric TX is based on eCity      showroom as of this week with our order
                                              technology comprising a battery electric       book now open.”
  Five years full unlimited mileage           power train with range extender providing
  battery warranty – industry leading         over 400 miles range between charges           Servicing of the TX will be easier and
  for commercial EVs; Three                   including well in excess of 70 miles with      more reassured than ever, with LEVC’s
  years/90k miles free servicing; Three       zero emissions.                                UK launch offering of three years free
  years/120k miles full vehicle                                                              servicing or 90,000 miles on the all new
  warranty to include roadside                The technology is purposefully designed        electric TX, as well as a full five-year
  assistance programme.                       for commercial operators that face             unlimited mileage battery warranty and
                                              demanding and unpredictable duty cycles        a full three year, 120,000 miles vehicle
Ahead of taking deposits for the first time   which require complete range assurance,        warranty. LEVC’s battery warranty is
and opening the order book, LEVC              but also significant zero emissions            industry leading for commercial
confirms final pricing and indicative         capability for city centre operations.         vehicles.

                                                21                       Autumn 2017
   www.cabtradenews.org              facebook.com/cabtradenews             @cabtradenews

                                                                                        and don’ts for the Hackney or private
                                                                                        hire driver / operator.

                                                                                        The project has evolved from a basic
                                                                                        delivery model to an enhanced delivery
                                                                                        model that has earned us the
                                                                                        accreditation of Pearson EDI’s top
                                                                                        centre in this field. By using our
                                                                                        purpose built Training Cab for
                                                                                        assistance and CCTV cameras for
                                                                                        observation as well as many other
                                                                                        assessment methods we can get the best
                                                                                        out of the candidates and at the same
                                                                                        time achieve the highest possible level
                                                                                        of Education.

                                                                                        Our Education Centre at Bute Street,
                                                                                        Liverpool has three computer suites /
                                                                                        classrooms and a classroom for delivery
                                                                                        only. We also have the main office and
Unite Taxi Education has been               course delivers all the information a       a Library where we can conduct Guided
delivering both the VRQ in the              driver needs to protect themselves and      Discussions in private.
Introduction to Taxi and Private Hire       their passengers. The course structure
Industry (QCF) and the Road Passenger       is set out so it best suits the driver by   All our assessors have A1 awards in
Vehicle Driving Taxi and Private Hire       trying not to impact on his daily           Assessing Candidates and PTTLE’s. We
(QCF) qualifications for the past nine      routine. The course covers health and       have 5 Onsite IQA’s and all our policies
years. Originally it was a three month      safety, road safety, customer services,     and procedures are in place.
trial but we are still going as strong as   vehicle maintenance, routes and fares,
ever almost ten years later. The delivery   transporting parcels and luggage,           As part of the education structure of Unite
of these courses has benefited drivers      transporting children including             the union we strive to deliver the best
throughout the country.                     safeguarding, transporting passengers       education package as possible so that
                                            who need assistance including               everyone who learns with us leaves with the
In this period we have completed over       wheelchair accessibility and finally        ability to competently carry out their duties
9,000 VRQ, NVQ’s (QCF’s) and our            regulations which cover all the do’s        in whatever field they are employed in.

                                              22                     Autumn 2017
   www.cabtradenews.org              facebook.com/cabtradenews                @cabtradenews

      FR  OM
   O TT IN
                   By Imran Hussain
                   Branch Committee Unite
                   Nottingham Taxis
A new taxi strategy has been presented to    2020 (1st Jan)
the trade by Nottingham City Council         All taxis & PHV to be a minimum of
(NCC) after Unite the union presented a      Euro 6 (for diesel)
fair argument on its offer. We researched    All vehicles will have any age limit of 10
and put forward a detailed argument          years (ULEV 14 years)                           To be confirmed but hopefully £3k NCC
against the former proposal set out by the   There will be no exceptional vehicle            allowance (£5k for vehicles scrapped by
City, and have now renegotiated, what we     checks                                          NCC), on top of the £7,500 government
believe is a fairer, more realistic          NO VEHICLE other than Euro 6 or                 allowance (TBC)
compromise regarding taxi strategy.          ULEV will be allowed from this date.            FREE home charging kit for the first 100
                                             There will be NO EXCEPTIONS.                    vehicles converting to ZEC ULEV
This now gives a clearer guideline for       Allowance has been made for Euro 6 with
everyone to follow and help move the         a number of vehicles due to be approved         New vehicles awaiting
trade forward without any uncertainty.       (see below)                                     committee approval:
Nottingham City Council has written to
Unite and will be writing to all hackney     2025 (1st Jan)                                  Nissan NV200 Hackney (ULEV)
carriage owners.                             All vehicles licensed for the first time will   LTC (ULEV)
                                             need to be ZEC ULEV                             Metrocab (TBC) (ULEV)
The new taxi age limits and emissions        ZEC ULEV age to reduce to max of 12             Mercedes Vito Hackney (Euro 6)
policy will be along the following lines:    years                                           Ford Torneo Hackney (Euro 6)
                                                                                             Vauxhall Vivaro VX8 Hackney (Euro 6)
2018 (TBC)                                   2030 (1st Jan)                                  LTC TX4 (Euro 6)
Exploring if we can award the first 100      All vehicles will need to be ZEC ULEV
Taxis £3,000 NCC allowance (£5,000 if        Zero Emission Capable ULEVs ONLY                Hopefully this information (all subject to
vehicle handed to NCC for scrappage)         ZEC ULEVs will have priority charging           NCC committee approval) is useful and
towards a new Zero Emission Capable          points throughout the city                      will allow drivers to think about their
(ZEC) ULEV vehicle.                          Dedicated ZEC ULEV ranks phased in              new vehicles & timescales. Branch advice
*This is on top of the government's          (starting with Melville Street rank)            would be for any driver thinking of
allowance (£7,500 TBC).                      Access to priority lanes (i.e. 9km              changing their vehicle to speak to a NCC
A free home charging kit will also be        Daleside Rd) for ZEC ULEV                       Licensing colleague (John Davis). The
provided for the first 100. This is a        ZEC ULEVs to have increased vehicle             City Council will of course share any
proposal to central government and we        licence of 14 years (10 for all other           consultation or policy changes with each
are awaiting the answer.                     vehicles)                                       and every driver.

                                               23                        Autumn 2017
You can also read