Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center

Page created by Ronald Aguilar
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
Spring 2023
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
Getty Publications     1
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spring 2023

                                                                                                                                                 Join Peter Brathwaite
                                                                                                                                                 on an extraordinary
                                                                                                                                                 journey through
                                                                                                                                                 representations of
                                                                                                                                                 Black subjects in
                                                                                                                                                 Western art, from
                                                                                                                                                 medieval Europe
                                                                                                                                                 through the present

                                                  J. Paul Getty Museum                                                                                                             Rediscovering Black Portraiture
                                                  Getty Research Institute                                                                                                         Peter Brathwaite, with contributions by Cheryl Finley,
                                                                                                                                                                                   Temi Odumosu, and Mark Sealy
                                                  Getty Conservation Institute
                                                  Getty Publications                                                                                                                  “These mirror images with their uncanny resemblances traverse space and time,
                                                                                                                                                                                       spotlighting the black lives that have been silenced by the canon of western
                                                                                                                                                                                       art, while also inviting us to interrogate the present.” —Times (UK)

                                                  To Order                                    Connect with Us                                    PE TE R B R ATH WAITE is          Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, Peter Brathwaite has thoughtfully
                                                                                                                                                 an acclaimed baritone who
                                                  INDIVIDUALS                                                                                      researched and reimagined more than one hundred artworks featuring portraits
                                                                                                                                                 performs in operas and
                                                  Visit your local bookstore or call:                                                            concerts throughout Europe.       of Black sitters—all posted to social media with the caption “Rediscovering
                                                  800 223-3431 (North America)                                                                   He is a presenter on BBC          #blackportraiture through #gettymuseumchallenge.”
                                                                                                                                                 Radio 3 and has been short-            Rediscovering Black Portraiture collects more than fifty of Brathwaite’s most
                                                  310 440-7059 (International)                For information about Getty Publications
                                                                                                                                                 listed for a Royal Philharmonic
                                                                      and future titles, sign up for Publication News,
                                                                                                                                                 Society Award.
                                                                                                                                                                                   intriguing re-creations. Introduced by the author and framed by contributions
                                                                  our monthly e-newsletter:                                                            from experts in art history and visual culture, this fascinating book offers a
                                                                                                                                                  nuanced look at the complexities and challenges of building identity within the
                                                  US and Canada                                                                                                                    African diaspora and how such forces have informed Black portraits over time.
                                                                                                                                                 Bristol Museum
                                                  800 621-2736                                                                                   & Art Gallery                     Artworks featured include The Adoration of the Magi by Georges Trubert, Portrait
                                                                                                              Bristol, UK                       of an Unknown Man by Jan Mostaert, Rice n Peas by Sonia Boyce, Barack Obama by
                                                  UK and Europe                                                                                  April 1–June 25, 2023             Kehinde Wiley, and many more. This volume also invites readers behind the scenes,
                                                  (44) 020 7079 4900                                                                                                               offering a glimpse of the elegant artifice of Brathwaite’s props, setup, and process.
                                                                                                                                                            An urgent and compelling exploration of embodiment, representation, and
Cover: Rodney Smith, Don Jumping
over Hay Roll No. 1, Monkton, Maryland                                                                                                                                             agency, Rediscovering Black Portraiture serves to remind us that Black subjects
(detail), 1999. © Rodney Smith. From
                                                  AREA SALES RESTRICTIONS                                                                                                          have been portrayed in art for nearly a millennium and that their stories demand
Rodney Smith: A Leap of Faith by Paul
Martineau, see p. 2
                                                  OB E                                  USA
                                                                                                                                                                                   to be told.
Inside front cover: Peter Brathwaite,             World rights except United Kingdom    For sale in the United States and its
re-creation of Georges Trubert, The
Adoration of the Magi (detail), in a book
                                                  and Commonwealth                      dependencies only                                                                          GETTY PUBLICATIONS                                        Related Title
                                                                                        NAO                                                                                        168 pages, 71/2 × 93/8 inches
of hours, ca. 1480–90. Tempera, gold              C OB E
                                                                                                                                                                                   155 color illustrations                                   Off the Walls
leaf, gold and silver paint, and ink,             Not for sale in Commonwealth except   For sale in North America only
                                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-816-8, hardcover                         ISBN 978-1-60606-684-3, PA
11.4 × 8.6 cm (4 1/2 × 3 3/8 in.). Los Angeles,   Canada                                                                                                                                                                                     US $14.00 Trade, UK £10.99,
J. Paul Getty Museum, Ms. 48, fol. 59.
                                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-844-1, e-book (PDF)
                                                  C OB E E                                                                                                                         US $40.00 / UK £35.00 Trade                               2020
Photo at left © Peter Brathwaite.
From Rediscovering Black Portraiture              Not for sale in Commonwealth and
by Peter Brathwaite, see p. 1                     Europe except Canada                                                                                                             MAY

                                                                                                                                                                                   Art History
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
2   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Getty Publications    3
    Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Spring 2023

    Elegant, charming, and                                                                                                      A firsthand account of
    stunningly beautiful,                                                                                                       the life and work of
    Rodney Smith’s fashion                                                                                                      Barbara T. Smith, one
    photography is a                                                                                                            of the most important
    delightful revelation                                                                                                       yet underrecognized
                                                                                                                                performance artists in
                                                                                                                                the United States

                                    Rodney Smith                                                                                                                   The Way to Be
                                    A Leap of Faith                                                                                                                A Memoir
                                    Paul Martineau, with contributions by Rebecca A. Senf and Leslie Smolan,                                                       Barbara T. Smith
                                    and an introduction by Graydon Carter
                                                                                                                                BAR BAR A T. S M ITH is an         For over fifty years, Barbara T. Smith has been at the forefront of artistic move-
                                                                                                                                American artist who has
                                          “I would hope that I am one of a kind.” —Rodney Smith                                                                    ments in California. Her work across many mediums explores concepts that strike
                                                                                                                                worked in the varied forms of
                                                                                                                                painting, drawing, installation,   at the core of human nature, including sexuality, physical and spiritual suste-
    PAUL MARTINEAU is curator in    Mystery and manners, romance and fun—the sophisticated compositions and                     video, performance, and            nance, technology, and death. In this memoir, Smith weaves together descriptive
    the Department of Photographs                                                                                               artist’s books, and often
                                    stylish characters in the extraordinary pictures of fashion photographer Rodney                                                accounts of her pioneering performances with an intimate narrative of her life.
    at the J. Paul Getty Museum.                                                                                                involves her own body as a
                                    Smith (1947–2016) exist in a timeless world of his imagination. Born in New York            vehicle for her productions.
                                                                                                                                                                        The Way to Be covers the years 1931 to 1981, up to the artist’s fiftieth birthday,
                                    City, Smith started out as a photo-essayist, turned to portrait photography,                                                   resulting in an exhaustive catalogue of her early work. It reveals the personal
                                    and found his niche, and greatest success, in fashion photography. Inspired by                                                 stories and events behind her pieces and the challenges she faced in an art world
                                    W. Eugene Smith, taught by Walker Evans, and devoted to the techniques of Ansel                                                dominated by sexism and machismo. Drawing on Smith’s archive at the Getty
                                                                                                                                Getty Research Institute
                                    Adams, Smith was driven by the dual ideals of technical mastery and pure beauty.            Getty Center                       Research Institute, this enthralling book presents previously unpublished notes,
                                         This lavish volume features nearly two hundred reproductions of Smith’s                February 28–July 16, 2023          documents, photographs, and firsthand accounts of her life and practice, as well
                                    images—many that have never before been published—and weaves together a                                                        as her more recent reflections on the past. The Way to Be demonstrates Smith’s
                                    biocritical essay by Getty Museum curator Paul Martineau and a technical assess-                                               lasting contributions to the field of contemporary art and provides an engaging
                                    ment of Smith’s production by the Center for Creative Photography’s chief curator,                                             commentary on a recent period of great cultural and political change.
                                    Rebecca A. Senf. It maps Smith’s creative trajectory—including his introduction
                                    to photography, early personal projects, teaching, commissioned pieces, and
                                                                                                                                                                   GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE                                     Related Title
                                                                                                                                                                   288 pages, 6 × 9 inches
                                    career in fashion—and provides insight into his personal life and character, con-                                              18 color and 63 b/w illustrations                            Out of Bounds
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-821-2, paperback
                                    textualizing his work and creative tendencies within his privileged but lonely                                                                                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-596-9, PA
                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-822-9, e-book (EPUB)                        US $40.00 Academic Trade,
                                    upbringing and complex emotional and psychological makeup. Rodney Smith is                                                     ISBN 978-1-60606-823-6, e-book (PDF)                         UK £30.00, 2019
                                    the definitive record of the life’s work and worldview of a truly original artist.                                             US $40.00 / UK £35.00 Academic Trade

                                    J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM                                     Related Title
                                    248 pages, 9½ × 11½ inches
                                    224 color illustrations                                  Herb Ritts                                                            Art History
                                    ISBN 978-1-60606-846-5, hardcover                        ISBN 978-1-60606-100-8, HC
                                    US $65.00 / UK £55.00 Trade                              US $64.95 Trade, UK £50.00, 2012


Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
4   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                       Getty Publications    5
    Spring 2023
           2021                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Spring 2023

    A thoughtful look at                                                                                                        This lavishly illustrated
    representations of                                                                                                          volume examines the
    people experiencing                                                                                                         work of the Venezuelan
    poverty in early                                                                                                            photographer and
    modern Europe                                                                                                               art historian Alfredo
                                                                                                                                Boulton, one of
                                                                                                                                the main intellectuals
                                                                                                                                of Latin American

                                        Giacomo Ceruti                                                                                                      Alfredo Boulton
                                        A Compassionate Eye                                                                                                 Looking at Venezuela, 1928–1978
                                        Edited by Davide Gasparotto                                                                                         Edited by Idurre Alonso

    DAVIDE GASPAROTTO is                The northern Italian artist Giacomo Ceruti (1698–1767) was born in Milan and active     IDURRE ALONSO is            Alfredo Boulton (1908–1995) is considered one of the most important champions
    senior curator of paintings and                                                                                             curator of Latin American
                                        in Brescia and Bergamo. For his distinctive, large-scale paintings of low-income                                    of modern art in Venezuela and a key intellectual of twentieth-century modernism.
    chair, curatorial affairs, at the                                                                                           collections at the
    J. Paul Getty Museum.               tradespeople and individuals experiencing homelessness, whom he portrayed with          Getty Research Institute.   He was a pioneer of modern photography, an art critic, a researcher and historian
                                        dignity and sympathy, Ceruti came to be known as Il Pitocchetto (the little beggar).                                of Venezuelan art, a friend to many of the great artists and architects of the
                                             Accompanying the first US exhibition to focus solely on Ceruti, this publication                               twentieth century, and an expert on the imagery of the heroes of his country’s
    EXHIBITION                                                                                                                  EXHIBITION
    J. Paul Getty Museum                explores relationships between art, patronage, and economic inequality in early         Getty Research Institute
    Getty Center                        modern Europe, considering why these paintings were commissioned and by                 Getty Center                    Yet, Boulton is shockingly underrecognized outside of his native land. The few
    July 18–October 29, 2023            whom, where such works were exhibited, and what they signified to contemporary          August 29, 2023–            exhibitions related to his work have focused exclusively on his photographic
                                                                                                                                January 21, 2024
                                        audiences. Essays and a generous plate section contextualize and closely examine                                    production; never has there been a project that looks at the full range of Boulton’s
                                        Ceruti’s pictures of laborers and the unhoused, whom he presented as protago-                                       efforts, foregrounding his influence on the shaping of Venezuelan art. This volume
                                        nists with distinct stories rather than as generic types. Topics include depictions                                 addresses these lacunae by analyzing Boulton’s groundbreaking photographic
                                        of marginalized subjects in the history of early modern European art, the career                                    practice, his central role in the construction of a modern national artistic canon,
                                        of the artist and his significance in the history of European painting, and period                                  and his influence in formalizing and developing art history and criticism in
                                        discourses around poverty and social support. A detailed exhibition checklist,                                      Venezuela. Based on the extensive materials held in Boulton’s archive at the Getty
                                        complete with provenance, exhibition history, and bibliography, provides infor-                                     Research Institute, Alfredo Boulton brings together essays by leading scholars in
                                        mation critical for the further understanding of Ceruti’s oeuvre.                                                   the field to offer a commanding, original perspective on his contributions to the
                                                                                                                                                            formation of a distinctive modernity at home and beyond.
                                        J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM                                      Related Title
                                        128 pages, 8 × 10 inches
                                        55 color illustrations                                    Holbein                                                   GETT Y RESEARCH INSTITUTE                                 Related Title
                                                                                                                                                            288 pages, 8½ × 10¾ inches
                                        ISBN 978-1-60606-836-6, paperback                         ISBN 978-1-60606-747-5, HC                                                                                          The Metropolis in Latin
                                                                                                                                                            164 color and 19 b/w illustrations
                                        ISBN 978-1-60606-838-0, e-book (EPUB)                     US $55.00 Academic Trade,                                                                                           America, 1830–1930
                                                                                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-60606-819-9, hardcover
                                        ISBN 978-1-60606-837-3, e-book (PDF)                      UK £45.00, 2021
                                                                                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-60606-820-5, e-book (PDF)                      ISBN 978-1-60606-694-2, HC
                                        US $27.95 / UK £24.95 Academic Trade
                                                                                                                                                            US $60.00 / UK £50.00                                     US $70.00 Academic Trade,
                                        JULY                                                                                                                Academic Trade                                            UK £55.00, 2021

                                                                                                                                                            Photography /
                                                                                                                                                            Art History
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
6   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Getty Publications   7
    Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Spring 2023

    Illuminating Women                                                                                                       This groundbreaking series showcases the life and work of female artists
                                                                                                                             who were well known and sought after in their own time, but whose names

    Artists                                                                                                                  and works have not been passed down continuously in the history of art

    This stunning new                                                                                                        This insightful volume
    volume is the first                                                                                                      is the first English-
    accessibly written,                                                                                                      language book to
    illustrated, English-                                                                                                    explore the life and
    language biography of                                                                                                    legacy of Elisabetta
    Rosalba Carriera, one                                                                                                    Sirani, one of the most
    of the most famous                                                                                                       celebrated women
    women artists in                                                                                                         artists of seventeenth-
    eighteenth-century                                                                                                       century Italy

                                     Rosalba Carriera                                                                                                   Elisabetta Sirani
                                     Angela Oberer                                                                                                      Adelina Modesti

    ANGELA OBERER is a lecturer      Born in Venice in 1673 to a lawyer and a lace maker, Rosalba Carriera began her         ADELINA MODESTI is an      Elisabetta Sirani (1638–1665)—painter, printmaker, and teacher—was one of the
    in art history with a PhD from                                                                                           honorary senior fellow
                                     career painting decorative objects and rose to international renown as a portraitist                               most innovative and prolific artists of the Bolognese school. The daughter of
    the Technische Universität                                                                                               in the School of Culture
    Berlin. She has written and      in Italy, Germany, France, and England. In 1757 she died nearly blind from cataracts,   and Communication at the   a painter, she hailed from a city whose university had educated women since the
    lectured extensively on          a tragic end for a painter acclaimed for exquisite miniatures and innovative pastels.   University of Melbourne,   Middle Ages and that celebrated the cult of Saint Catherine of Bologna, who
    the work of Rosalba Carriera.    During the 1700s she was deemed “the most talented female artist of our century,”       Australia.                 was known for her skill as a painter and illuminator—ideal conditions to encourage
                                     so famous that she was referred to by her first name only. Today, however, she is                                  the training and patronage of skilled women artists.
                                     little known outside Venice, despite the attribution to her of more than seven hun-                                     Drawing on extensive archival documentation and primary sources, including
                                     dred surviving artworks.                                                                                           inventories, sale catalogues, and Sirani’s work diary, this book provides an over-
                                           This accessibly written, gorgeously illustrated biography surveys Carriera’s                                 view of the brief life, fascinating oeuvre, critical fortune, and cultural legacy of this
                                     career, considering her miniatures alongside better-known works of larger scale.                                   successful Renaissance painter. Art historian Adelina Modesti vividly describes
                                     Interpreting her oeuvre against the historical context of her experience as a single                               the society that both inhibited and supported Sirani, examining her influence on
                                     woman in Venice, the book takes readers through the full arc of her life, including                                students at Bologna’s school for professional women artists as well as her signi-
                                     the people she met, her clients, and her artistic approach. Author Angela Oberer’s                                 ficance in the professionalization of women’s artistic practice during the seven-
                                     original iconographic analysis of some of Carriera’s work reveals that she was an                                  teenth century.
                                     erudite painter who drew on antiquity as well as Renaissance precedents such                                            Gorgeously illustrated throughout, this book focuses on women’s agency.
                                     as Leonardo da Vinci and Paolo Veronese. Published in conjunction with the 350th                                   More specifically, it explores Sirani’s identity as both a woman and an artist,
                                     anniversary of her birth, this book is a long overdue tribute to an important and                                  including her professional ambition, self-fashioning, and literary construction as
                                     prolific artist.                                                                                                   Bologna’s preeminent cultural heroine.

                                     GETT Y PUBLICATIONS                                       Related Title                                            GETT Y PUBLICATIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Related Title
                                     Illuminating Women Artists series                                                                                  Illuminating Women Artists series
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             ILLUMINATING WOMEN ARTISTS

                                                                                               Luisa Roldán                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Artemisia Gentileschi
                                                                                                                                                                  sheila barker is an art historian and writer. She is the   This volume in the groundbreaking                                                                                                                             The life of Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–after 1654) was

                                     144 pages, 7½ × 9⅞ inches                                                                                          144 pages, 7½ × 9⅞ inches
                                                                                                                                                                  founding director of the Jane Fortune Research Program     Illuminating Women Artists series                                                                                                                             as exceptional as her paintings. She was a child prodigy,
                                                                                                                                                                  on Women Artists at the Medici Archive Project. Her        delves into the stirring life and work                                                                                                                        raised without a mother by her artist father, a follower
                                                                                                                                                                  publications include the exhibition catalogue The                                                                                                                                                                        of Caravaggio. Although she learned to paint under her
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of the Baroque painter Artemisia
                                                                                                                                                                  Immensity of the Universe in the Art of Giovanna Garzoni                                                                                                                                                                 father, she became an artist against his wishes. Later,
                                                                                                                                                                  as well as the edited volumes Artemisia Gentileschi in a                                                                                                                                                                 as she moved between Florence, Rome, Venice, Naples,

                                     65 color illustrations                                    ISBN 978-1-60606-732-1, HC                               76 color illustrations                                                                                                                                                                                                                         ISBN 978-1-60606-733-8, HC
                                                                                                                                                                  Changing Light, Women Artists in Early Modern Italy and                                                                                                                                                                  and London, her artistic style evolved, but throughout
                                                                                                                                                                  Artiste nel chiostro (coedited with Luciano Cinelli).      “Over the last thirty years Artemisia Gentileschi                                                                                                             her career she specialized in large-scale, powerful,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Artemisia Gentileschi
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             has received a good deal of attention, to which                                                                                                               nuanced portrayals of women. This book highlights
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Sheila Barker’s beautifully illustrated monograph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gentileschi’s enterprising and original engagement with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             is an outstanding contribution, brimming over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           emerging feminist notions of the value and dignity of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             with fresh insights and revelatory comparisons

                                     ISBN 978-1-60606-860-1, hardcover                         US $40.00 Trade, NAO, 2021                               ISBN 978-1-60606-817-5, hardcover                                                                                                                                                                                                              US $40.00 Trade, NAO, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             on nearly every page . . . essential reading for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             everyone who has studied this artist, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             anyone who wishes to begin to know her.”                                                                                                                      Sheila Barker’s cutting-edge scholarship in Artemisia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Gentileschi clears a pathway for all audiences to appre-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             John T. Spike, author of Young Michelangelo:
                                                                                                                                                                  Also from Getty Publications                               The Path to the Sistine and Caravaggio:                                                                                                                       ciate the artist’s pictorial intelligence, as well as her

                                     US $45.00 Trade                                                                                                    US $45.00 Trade
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Catalogue of Paintings                                                                                                                                        achievement of a remarkably lucrative and high-profile
                                                                                                                                                                  Lives of Artemisia Gentileschi                                                                                                                                                                                           career at a time when few women were artists. Bringing
                                                                                                                                                                  Artemisia Gentileschi et al.                               “Sheila Barker paints a rich portrait of Artemisia’s                                                                                                          to light newly attributed paintings and archival dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             early career . . . providing details of the artist’s life                                                                                                     coveries, this is the first biography to be written by an
                                                                                                                                                                  Luisa Roldán                                               as well as the personalities she encountered. All                                                                                                             authority on Gentileschi since 1999.

                                     NAO                                                                                                                NAO
                                                                                                                                                                  Catherine Hall-van den Elsen                               in all, a major contribution to our understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             of Artemisia’s life and work.”                                                                                                                                The volume is beautifully illustrated, and Barker
                                                                                                                                                                  Adélaïde Labille-Guiard: Artist in the Age of Revolution   Judith W. Mann, Curator, European Art to 1800,                                                                                                                weaves this extraordinary story with in-depth dis-
                                                                                                                                                                  Laura Auricchio                                            Saint Louis Art Museum                                                                                                                                        cussions of key artworks, such as Susanna and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Elders (1610), Judith Beheading Holofernes (c.1619–20),
                                                                                                                                                                  Maria Sibylla Merian: Artist, Scientist, Adventurer        “Sheila Barker’s book provides a compelling and                                                                                                               and Lot and His Daughters (1640–45). Also included is
                                                                                                                                                                  Sarah B. Pomeroy and Jeyaraney Kathirithamby               lively introduction to this endlessly fascinating,                                                                                                            the J. Paul Getty Museum’s recent acquisition, Lucretia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             complex, and essential painter whose ambitious                                                                                                                (c.1635–45). Through such works, Barker explores
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             work challenged the gender-restricting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           the evolution of Gentileschi’s expressive goals and

                                     JUNE                                                                                                               JUNE
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             conventions of her day by asserting her claim

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to be the equal of her male colleagues.”
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Keith Christiansen, Curator Emeritus, The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

                                     Art History                                                                                                        Art History
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Getty Publications

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   SHEILA BARKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Printed in China
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
8   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                            Getty Publications      9
    Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Spring 2023

    An abundantly                                                                                                                A groundbreaking
    illustrated narrative                                                                                                        ecocritical study that
    that draws from                                                                                                              examines how ideas
    the history of art,                                                                                                          about the natural and
    science, technology,                                                                                                         built environment
    artificial intelligence,                                                                                                     informed architectural
    psychology, religion,                                                                                                        and decorative trends
    and conservation in                                                                                                          of the Roman Late
    telling the extraordinary                                                                                                    Republican and Early
    story of a Renaissance                                                                                                       Imperial periods
    robot that prays

                                       Miracles and Machines                                                                                                    Shaping Roman Landscape
                                       A Sixteenth-Century Automaton                                                                                            Ecocritical Approaches to Architecture
                                       and Its Legend                                                                                                           and Wall Painting in Early Imperial Italy
                                       Elizabeth King and W. David Todd, with photographs by Rosamond Purcell                                                   Mantha Zarmakoupi

    ELIZABETH KING, a sculptor         This volume tells the singular story of an uncanny, rare object at the cusp of art        MANTHA ZARMAKOUPI is           Landscape emerged as a significant theme in the Roman Late Republican and Early
    and writer, is professor emerita                                                                                             Morris Russell and Josephine
                                       and science: a 450-year-old automaton known as “the monk.” The walking,                                                  Imperial periods. Writers described landscape in texts and treatises, its qualities
    of sculpture and extended                                                                                                    Chidsey Williams Assistant
    media at Virginia Common-          gesticulating figure of a friar, in the collection of the Smithsonian Institution’s       Professor of Roman Archi-      were praised and sought out in everyday life, and contemporary perceptions of
    wealth University School of the    National Museum of American History, is among the earliest extant ancestors of            tecture at the University of   the natural and built environment, as well as ideas about nature and art, were inter-
    Arts in Richmond.                                                                                                            Pennsylvania.
                                       the self-propelled robot. According to lore from the court of Philip II of Spain, the                                    twined with architectural and decorative trends.
    W. DAVID TODD is emeritus          monk represents a portrait of Diego de Alcalá, a humble Franciscan lay brother                                                This illustrated volume examines how representations of real and depicted
    conservator of timekeeping
                                       whose holy corpse was said to be agent to the miraculous cure of Spain’s crown                                           landscapes, and the merging of both in visual space, contributed to the creation
    at the National Museum of
    American History, Smithsonian      prince as he lay dying in 1562.                                                                                          of novel languages of art and architecture. Drawing on a diverse body of archae-
    Institution, Washington, DC.             In tracking the origins of the monk and its legend, the authors visited archives,                                  ological, art historical, and literary evidence, this study applies an ecocritical lens
                                       libraries, and museums across the United States and Europe, probing the paradox                                          that moves beyond the limits of traditional iconography. Chapters consider, for
                                       of a mechanical object performing an apparently spiritual act. They identified                                           example, how garden designs and paintings appropriated the cultures and eco-
                                       seven kindred automata from the same period, which, they argue, form a paradig-                                          systems brought under Roman control and the ways miniature landscape paintings
                                       matic class of walking “prime movers,” unprecedented in their combination of                                             chronicled the transformation of the Italian shoreline with colonnaded villas, point-
                                       visual and functional realism. While most of the literature on automata focuses on                                       ing to the changing relationship of humans with nature. Making a timely and origi-
                                       the Enlightenment, this enthralling narrative journeys back to the late Renaissance,                                     nal contribution to current discourses on ecology and art and architectural history,
                                       when clockwork machinery was entirely new, foretelling the evolution of artificial                                       Shaping Roman Landscape reveals how Roman ideas of landscape, and the deco-
                                       life to come.                                                                                                            rative strategies at imperial domus and villa complexes that gave these
                                                                                                                                                                ideas shape, were richly embedded with meanings of nature, culture, and labor.
                                       GETT Y PUBLICATIONS                                         Related Title
                                       256 pages, 8 × 10 inches
                                       74 color and 67 b/w illustrations                           Flesh and Bones                                              J. PAUL GETT Y MUSEUM                                      Related Title
                                                                                                                                                                224 pages, 7 × 10 inches
                                       ISBN 978-1-60606-839-7, hardcover                           ISBN 978-1-60606-769-7, HC                                                                                              Buried by Vesuvius
                                                                                                                                                                78 color and 8 b/w illustrations,
                                       ISBN 978-1-60606-840-3, e-book (PDF)                        US $50.00 Academic Trade,
                                                                                                                                                                24 maps and plans                                          ISBN 978-1-60606-592-1, HC
                                       US $45.00 / UK £40.00 Trade                                 UK £40.00, 2022
                                                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-1-60606-848-9, hardcover                          US $65.00 Academic Trade,
                                       AUGUST                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-850-2, e-book (EPUB)                      UK £50.00, 2019
                                                                                                                                                                ISBN 978-1-60606-849-6, e-book (PDF)
                                                                                                                                                                US $65.00 / UK £55.00 Short
                                       Art History                                                                                                              AUGUST

                                                                                                                                                                Antiquities / Art History
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
10 Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Getty Publications    11
   Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Spring 2023

    The Artist’s Materials                                                                                                                         This groundbreaking series examines the lives, materials, and techniques
                                                                                                                                                   of influential modern artists and presents issues in the preservation and
                                                                                                                                                   conservation of their works

                                                                   René Magritte                                                                                                                                  Roy Lichtenstein
                                                                   Catherine Defeyt and Francisca Vandepitte,                                                                                                     Outdoor Painted Sculpture
                                                                   with contributions by David Strivay, Elodie Herens,
                                                                   and Joy Mazurek                                                                                                                                Julie Wolfe, with contributions by Clare Bell and technical
                                                                                                                                                                                                                  analysis by Alan Phenix and Rachel Rivenc
                                                                   René Magritte (1898–1967) is the most famous Belgian artist
                                                                   of the twentieth century and a celebrated representative                                                                                       Vibrant color was essential to the paintings of the American
                                                                   of the Surrealist movement. Much has been written about                                                                                        pop artist Roy Lichtenstein (1923–1997), and when he began
                                                                   his practices, artistic community, and significance within                                                                                     exploring the creation of outdoor sculpture in the late
                                                                   the history of modernism, but little has been documented                                                                                       1970s, vivid hues remained an important part of his artistic
                                                                   regarding his process.                                                                                                                         vocabulary. Today, preserving these remarkable works
                                                                      This volume examines fifty oil paintings made by Magritte                                                                                   after they have endured decades in outdoor environments
                                                                   between 1921 and 1967, now held at the Royal Museums of                                                                                        around the world is an issue of pressing concern.
                                                                   Fine Arts of Belgium. This technical study of his works using                                                                                     This abundantly illustrated volume is based on extensive
                                                                   noninvasive scientific imaging and chemical analysis reveals                                                                                   archival research of Lichtenstein’s studio materials, inter-
                                                                   the artist’s painting materials, his habit of overpainting                                                                                     views with his assistants, and a thorough technical analysis
                                                                   previous compositions, and the origins and mechanisms                                                                                          of the sculpture Three Brushstrokes. The book concludes
                                                                   of surface and pigment degradation. Of interest to conser-                                                                                     with a chapter showing various options for the care, conser-
                                                                   vators, scientists, curators, and enthusiasts of twentieth-                                                                                    vation, and restoration of his sculptural works, making this
                                                                   century art, this book expands our understanding of                                                                                            an essential resource for conservators, curators, and others
                                                                   Magritte the artist and provides new and useful findings                                                                                       interested both in the iconic artist and modern sculpture
                                                                   that will inform strategies for the future care of his works.                                                                                  in general.

    CATHERINE DEFEYT is senior researcher at the University        GETT Y CONSERVATION INSTITUTE                                                   JULIE WOLFE is conservator of decorative arts and              GETT Y CONSERVATION INSTITUTE
    of Liège and the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium,        120 pages, 7½ x 10 inches                                                       sculpture at the J. Paul Getty Museum.                         168 pages, 7½ × 10 inches
    Brussels.                                                      85 color and 30 b/w illustrations, 1 table                                                                                                     139 color and 10 b/w illustrations, 13 tables
                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-800-7, paperback                                                                                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-669-0, paperback
    FRANCISCA VANDEPITTE is senior curator of modern art           ISBN 978-1-60606-802-1, e-book (EPUB)                                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-60606-804-5, e-book (EPUB)
    at the Royal Museums of Fine Arts of Belgium, Brussels.        ISBN 978-1-60606-801-4, e-book (PDF)                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-60606-803-8, e-book (PDF)
                                                                   US $40.00 / UK £35.00 Academic Trade                                                                                                           US $40.00 / UK £35.00 Academic Trade

                                                                   AUGUST                                                                                                                                         MAY

    Additional Books                                               Conservation                                                                                                                                   Conservation
    in the Series

    Clyfford Still                    Franz Kline                          Hans Hofmann                         Jean Paul Riopelle                 Lucio Fontana                     Sam Francis                          Sidney Nolan                            Willem de Kooning
    Susan F. Lake and                 Corina E. Rogge with                 Dawn V. Rogala                       Marie-Claude Corbeil,              Pia Gottschaller                  Debra Burchett-Lere                  Paula Dredge                            Susan F. Lake
    Barbara A. Ramsay                 Zahira Véliz Bomford                                                      Kate Helwig, and Jennifer Poulin                                     and Aneta Zebala
                                                                           ISBN 978-1-60606-487-0, PA                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-114-5, PA                                             ISBN 978-1-60606-594-5, PA              ISBN 978-1-60606-021-6, PA
    ISBN 978-1-60606-695-9, PA        ISBN 978-1-60606-764-2, PA           US $40.00 Academic Trade,            ISBN 978-1-60606-086-5, PA         US $50.00 Academic Trade,         ISBN 978-1-60606-583-9, PA           US $40.00 Academic Trade,               US $40.00 Academic Trade,
    US $40.00 Academic Trade,         US $40.00 Academic Trade,            UK £30.00, 2016                      US $40.00 Academic Trade,          UK £40.00, 2012                   US $40.00 Academic Trade,            UK £30.00, 2020                         UK £30.00, 2010
    UK £30.00, 2022                   UK £30.00, 2022                                                           UK £30.00, 2011                                                      UK £30.00, 2019
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
12   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Getty Publications          13
     Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Spring 2023

     Political and cultural                                                                                                            An illuminating
     history and the                                                                                                                   intellectual biography
     arts combine in this                                                                                                              of a pioneering and
     engaging account                                                                                                                  singular figure in
     of 1790s France                                                                                                                   American art history

                                       Hersilia’s Sisters                                                                                                                 George A. Kubler and the
                                       Jacques-Louis David, Women,                                                                                                        Shape of Art History
                                       and the Emergence of Civil Society                                                                                                 Thomas F. Reese

                                       in Post-Revolution France                                                                       TH O MAS F. R E E S E is           Art historian George A. Kubler (1912–1996) was a foundational scholar of ancient
                                                                                                                                       professor of art history at
                                       Norman Bryson                                                                                                                      American art and archaeology as well as Spanish and Portuguese architecture.
                                                                                                                                       Tulane University. He is a
                                                                                                                                       specialist in eighteenth-century   During over five decades at Yale University, he published seventeen books that
     NORMAN BRYSON is a                In 1799, when the French artist Jacques-Louis David (1748–1825) exhibited his                   Spanish art and politics and       included innovative monographs, major works of synthesis, and an influential
     professor of art history at the                                                                                                   Latin American architecture
                                       Intervention of the Sabines, a history painting featuring the ancient heroine Hersilia,                                            theoretical treatise. In this biography, Thomas F. Reese analyzes the early forma-
     University of California, San                                                                                                     and urbanism.
     Diego. He has published widely    he added portraits of two contemporary women on either side of her—Henriette                                                       tion, broad career, and writings of Kubler, casting nuanced light on the origins
     in the areas of eighteenth-       de Verninac, daughter of Charles-François Delacroix, minister of foreign affairs,                                                  and development of his thinking.
     century art history, critical                                                                                                                                              Notable in Reese’s discussion and contextualization of Kubler’s writings
                                       and Juliette Récamier, a well-known and admired socialite. Drawing on many disci-
     theory, and contemporary art.
                                       plines, Norman Bryson explains how such a combination of paintings could reveal                                                    is a revealing history and analysis of his Shape of Time—a book so influential to
                                       the underlying nature of the Directoire, the period between the vicious and near-                                                  students, scholars, artists, and curious readers in multiple disciplines that it
                                       dictatorial Reign of Terror (1793–94) and the coup in 1799 that brought Napoleon                                                   has been continuously in print since 1962. Reese reveals how pivotal its ideas
                                       to power.                                                                                                                          were in Kubler’s own thinking: rather than focusing on problems of form as an
                                            Hersilia’s Sisters illuminates ways that cultural life and civil society were rebuilt                                         ordering principle, he increasingly came to sequence works by how they com-
                                       during these years through an extraordinary efflorescence of women pioneers in                                                     municate meaning. The author demonstrates how Kubler, who professed to have
                                       every cultural domain—literature, the stage, opera, moral philosophy, political                                                    little interest in theory, devoted himself to the craft of art history, discovering
                                       theory, painting, popular journalism, and fashion. Through a close examination of                                                  and charting the rules that guided the propagation of structure and significance
                                       David’s work between The Intervention of the Sabines (begun in 1796) and                                                           through time.
                                       Bonaparte Crossing the Alps (begun in 1800), Bryson explores how the flowering
                                       of women’s culture under the Directoire became a decisive influence on David’s
                                                                                                                                                                          GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE                                  Related Title
                                                                                                                                                                          272 pages, 7 × 10 inches
                                       art. With more than 150 illustrations, this book provides new and brilliant insight                                                2 b/w illustrations                                       Lawrence Alloway
                                                                                                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-60606-832-8, paperback                         ISBN 978-1-60606-442-9, PA
                                       into this period that will captivate readers.                                                                                      ISBN 978-1-60606-834-2, e-book (EPUB)                     US $40.00 Short, UK £30.00, 2015
                                                                                                                                                                          ISBN 978-1-60606-833-5, e-book (PDF)
                                       GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE                                     Related Title                                                         US $60.00 / UK £50.00 Short
                                       352 pages, 7½ × 10½ inches
                                       168 color illustrations                                      The Académie Royale                                                   JUNE
                                       ISBN 978-1-60606-771-0, hardcover                            de Peinture et de Sculpture
                                       ISBN 978-1-60606-772-7, e-book (PDF)
                                       US $75.00 / UK £65.00 Short
                                                                                                    ISBN 978-1-60606-535-8, PA
                                                                                                    US $75.00 Short, UK £60.00, 2018
                                                                                                                                                                          Art History

                                       Art History
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
14   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                   Getty Publications     15
     Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Spring 2023

                                                                                                                  The most authoritative
                                                                                                                  publication in nearly
                                                                                                                  fifty years on the
                                                                                                                  subject of conserving
                                                                                                                  paintings on canvas

                          Getty Research Journal, No. 17                                                                                            Conserving Canvas
                                                                                                                                                    Edited by Cynthia Schwarz, Ian McClure, and Jim Coddington
                          The Getty Research Journal presents peer-reviewed articles on the visual arts of all
                          cultures, regions, and time periods. Topics relate to Getty collections, initiatives,
                                                                                                                  CYNTHIA SCHWARZ is                In 2019, Yale University, with the support of the Getty Foundation, held an interna-
                          and broad research interests. The journal welcomes a diversity of perspectives and      senior associate conservator,
                                                                                                                                                    tional conference, where nearly four hundred attendees from more than twenty
                          methodological approaches, and seeks to include work that expands narratives on         Yale University Art Gallery.
                                                                                                                                                    countries gathered to discuss a vital topic: how best to conserve paintings on
                          global culture.                                                                         IAN MCCLURE was senior
                                                                                                                                                    canvas. It was the first major symposium on the subject since 1974, when wax-resin
                              This issue features essays on a method for using computational programs to          director of the Institute for
                                                                                                                  the Preservation of Cultural      and glue-paste lining reigned as the predominant conservation techniques. Over
                          enhance, measure, compare, and match historical papers; the Belgian Gallery, a
                                                                                                                  Heritage and the Susan            the past fifty years, such methods, which were often destructive to artworks, have
                          commercial art gallery established in New York City in 1852 by painter Ferdinand        Morse Hilles Chief Conservator,   become less widely used in favor of more minimalist approaches to intervention.
                          de Braekeleer the Younger; the crossing of Spanish Republican refugees on the           Yale University Art Gallery.
                                                                                                                                                    More recent decades have witnessed the reevaluation of traditional practices as
                          ocean liner SS Sinaia to Mexico in 1939; anthropologist Claude Lévi-Strauss’s           JIM CODDINGTON is retired
                                                                                                                                                    well as focused research supporting significant new methodologies, procedures,
                          writings on the Indian subcontinent’s emergence and demographic configuration           chief conservator, Museum of
                                                                                                                  Modern Art, New York.
                                                                                                                                                    and synthetic materials for the care and conservation of paintings on fabric
                          as a region in the 1950s; and the genealogy of antimonuments in South Korean
                          contemporary art through the works of Bahc Mo (aka Bahc Yiso), Suh Do Ho,
                                                                                                                                                        Conserving Canvas compiles the proceedings of the conference, presenting
                          and Oh Inhwan. Shorter notices include texts on Judy Chicago’s 1966 lipstick
                                                                                                                                                    a wide array of papers and posters that provide important global perspectives
                          sculptures at the Rolf Nelson Gallery and architecture critic Ada-Louise Huxtable’s
                                                                                                                                                    on the history, current state, and future needs of the field. Featuring an expansive
                          1967 journey to the USSR and subsequent writings on Soviet architecture and its
                                                                                                                                                    glossary of terms that will be an invaluable resource for conservators, this publica-
                                                                                                                                                    tion promises to become a standard reference for the international conservation
                          GETTY RESEARCH INSTITUTE
                          192 pages, 7 × 10 inches
                          88 color illustrations
                          ISBN 978-1-60606-835-9, paperback

                          For more information, please contact:
                                                                                                                                                    GETTY CONSERVATION INSTITUTE
                                                                                                                                                    ONLINE                         E-BOOK                          PRINT
                          MARCH                                                                                                                     373 color illustrations        373 color illustrations         640 pages, 8½ × 11 inches
                                                                                                                                                    ISBN 978-1-60606-825-0         ISBN 978-1-60606-827-4 (EPUB)   373 color illustrations

                          Art History                                                                                                               FREE                           ISBN 978-1-60606-826-7 (PDF)    ISBN 978-1-60606-824-3,
                                                                                                                                                                                   FREE                            paperback
                                                                                                                                   Created                                                                         US $95.00 / UK £80.00 Short
Publications Spring 2023 - Getty Center
16   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Getty Publications           17
     Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           Spring 2023

     Vividly illustrated, this                                                                                                                            The essential reference
     is the first compre-                                                                                                                                 for anyone engaged
     hensive catalogue of                                                                                                                                 in the material study of
     the J. Paul Getty                                                                                                                                    cast bronze sculpture
     Museum’s celebrated
     collection of
     seventeenth- and
     French silver

                                     French Silver in the                                                                                                                                   Guidelines for the Technical
                                     J. Paul Getty Museum                                                                                                                                   Examination of Bronze Sculpture
                                     Charissa Bremer-David, with contributions by                                                                                                           Edited by David Bourgarit, Jane Bassett, Francesca Bewer,
                                     Jessica Chasen, Arlen Heginbotham, and Julie Wolfe                                                                                                     Arlen Heginbotham, Andrew Lacey, and Peta Motture

     CHARISSA BREMER-DAVID           The collection of seventeenth- and eighteenth-century French silver at the J. Paul                                   DAVID BOURGARIT is an             Since the fourth millennium BCE, bronze has been the preferred medium for some
     retired in 2020 from her role                                                                                                                        archaeometallurgist at the
     as curator in the Department
                                     Getty Museum is of exceptional quality and state of preservation. Each piece is                                      Centre for Research and
                                                                                                                                                                                            of the most prestigious and sacred works of art. But only through interdisciplinary
     of Sculpture and Decorative     remarkable for its beauty, inventive form, skillful execution, illustrious provenance,                               Restoration of the Museums        research can the fabrication of these extraordinary objects be properly investi-
     Arts at the J. Paul Getty       and the renown of its maker. This volume is the first complete study of these exqui-                                 of France.                        gated, interpreted, and documented. This innovative publication bridges the
                                     site objects, with more than 250 color photographs bringing into focus extraordi-                                    JANE BASSETT is senior            expertise of myriad art-technological specialists to create a new framework for
                                     nary details such as minuscule makers’ marks, inscriptions, and heraldic armorials.                                  conservator of decorative arts    advancing the understanding of bronze sculpture.
                                                                                                                                                          and sculpture at the J. Paul
                                          The publication details the formation of the Museum’s collection of French                                                                              Essential reading for curators, conservators, scientists, archaeologists, sculp-
                                                                                                                                                          Getty Museum.
                                     silver, several pieces of which were selected by J. Paul Getty himself, and discusses                                                                  tors, metallurgists, founders, dealers, collectors, and anyone interested in the
                                                                                                                                                          FRANCESCA BEWER is a
                                     the regulations of the historic Parisian guild of gold- and silversmiths that set                                    research curator at the Harvard
                                                                                                                                                                                            life cycle of a bronze, this volume explains how to identify the evidence of process
                                     quality controls and consumer protections. Comprehensive entries catalogue a                                         Art Museums.                      steps, metals used, casting defects, and surface work and alterations before
                                     total of thirty-three pieces with descriptions, provenance, exhibition history, and                                  ARLEN HEGINBOTHAM is
                                                                                                                                                                                            moving on to address analytical techniques ranging from visual exams to imaging,
                                     technical information. The related commentaries shed light on the function                                           conservator of decorative arts    material analyses, and dating. The guidelines are accompanied by detailed illustra-
                                     of these objects and the roles they played in the daily lives of their prosperous                                    at the J. Paul Getty Museum.      tions, including videos, charts, and animations; a robust vocabulary, ensuring
                                     owners. The book also includes maker biographies and a full bibliography.                                            ANDREW LACEY is an artist,        precision across English, German, French, Italian, and Chinese; a diverse selection
                                                                                                                                                          archaeometallurgist,              of case studies; and a comprehensive bibliography.
                                                                                                        and independent scholar.

                                                                                                                                                          PETA MOTTURE is senior
                                                                                                                                                          curator of sculpture at the
                                     J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM
                                                                                                                                                          Victoria and Albert Museum
                                     ONLINE                                 E-BOOK                                 PRINT                                  in London.                        J. PAUL GETTY MUSEUM
                                     279 color illustrations and 2 tables   279 color illustrations and 2 tables   182 pages, 8½ × 11 inches
                                     ISBN 978-1-60606-830-4                 ISBN 978-1-60606-829-8 (EPUB)          279 color illustrations and 2 tables                                     ONLINE                       E-BOOK                              PRINT
                                     FREE                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-831-1 (PDF)           ISBN 978-1-60606-828-1,                                                  468 color illustrations,     468 color illustrations,            518 pages, 8½ × 11 inches
                                                                            FREE                                   paperback                                                                80 charts and diagrams,      80 charts and diagrams, 15 tables   468 color illustrations,
                       Created                                                                                     US $55.00 / UK £50.00 Short                                              15 tables, 15 videos         ISBN 978-1-60606-691-1 (EPUB)       80 charts and diagrams, 15 tables
                                     APRIL                                                                                                                                                  ISBN 978-1-60606-692-8
                       with                                                                                                                                                                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-761-1 (PDF)        ISBN 978-1-60606-690-4,
                       Quire                                                                                                                                               Created          FREE                         FREE                                paperback
                                     Decorative Arts                                                                                                                       Quire
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             US $85.00 / UK £75.00 Short


18   Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         Getty Publications       19
     Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Spring 2023

     Open Access
     Print and Digital Editions
     Available for free online, these open access editions
     feature high-resolution zoomable images, interactive
     maps, linked notes and glossaries, and 360-degree
     views of select objects. These publications are also                          Created with Quire, a free multiformat
     available for free download in PDF, EPUB, and                                 publishing tool from Getty.
     MOBI/Kindle formats. Printed reference editions are
     available for purchase.                                                       Learn more at

     Collections of the J. Paul Getty Museum                                                                                                             Anthologies and Proceedings

     French Rococo                Ancient Carved               Ancient Lamps                Ancient                         Roman Mosaics
     Ébénisterie in               Ambers in the                in the J. Paul               Terracottas from                in the J. Paul
     the J. Paul Getty            J. Paul Getty                Getty Museum                 South Italy                     Getty Museum
     Museum                       Museum                       Jean Bussière and            and Sicily in the               Alexis Belis                 Cultural Heritage                    Egypt and the                        Living Matter                        Mummy Portraits
     Gillian Wilson and                                        Birgitta Lindros Wohl        J. Paul Getty                                                and Mass Atrocities                                                                                            of Roman Egypt
                                  Faya Causey                                                                                                                          Classical World                      The Preservation
     Arlen Heginbotham                                                                      Museum
                                                                                                     /publications                Edited by James Cuno                 Cross-Cultural Encounters            of Biological Materials in           Emerging Research from
     Edited and with                                                 Maria Lucia Ferruzza
                                                               /publications                                                /romanmosaics                and Thomas G. Weiss                  in Antiquity                         Contemporary Art                     the APPEAR Project
     an introduction by           /publications/ambers                                      With Claire L. Lyons
     Anne-Lise Desmas                                          /ancientlamps                                                                                                                  Edited by Jeffrey Spier              Edited by Rachel Rivenc              Edited by Marie Svoboda
                                                                                                                            ONLINE                                                                                                  and Caroline Cartwright
                                                                                                                            93 color and 5 b/w                                                and Sara E. Cole                     and Kendra Roth                157 color illustrations,
                                                                                            /publications                                                /cultural-heritage-mass
                                                               1,893 color illustrations,                                   illustrations,                                                                                                                    
     /publications/rococo         10 charts                                                 /terracottas                                                 -atrocities                 
                                                               56 line drawings,                                            4 interactive maps
                                  ISBN 978-1-60606-051-3                                                                                                                                      /egypt-classical-world               /living-matter                       /mummyportraits
                                                               interactive map                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-499-3
     ONLINE                                                                                                                                              ONLINE
                                  PRINT / E-BOOK               ISBN 978-1-60606-515-0       ONLINE                                                                                                                                                                      ONLINE
     389 color and 21 b/w                                                                                                   PRINT / E-BOOK               61 color and 14 b/w illustrations,                                        Symposium Proceedings series
                                  306 pages, 8½ × 11 inches                                 240 color illustrations,                                                                          ONLINE                                                                    196 color illustrations,
     illustrations                                             PRINT / E-BOOK                                               72 pages, 8½ × 11 inches     7 maps, 2 tables
                                  124 color illustrations,                                  interactive map                                                                                   62 color and 24 b/w illustrations,   ONLINE                               26 diagrams and tables
     ISBN 978-1-60606-631-7                                    510 pages, 8½ × 11 inches                                    29 color and 4 b/w           ISBN 978-1-60606-810-6
                                  10 charts                                                 ISBN 978-1-60606-123-7                                                                            1 map                                260 pages, 8½ × 11 inches            ISBN 978-1-60606-652-2
                                                               632 color illustrations,                                     illustrations, 5 maps
     PRINT / E-BOOK               ISBN 978-1-60606-634-8, PA                                                                                             PRINT / E-BOOK                       ISBN 978-1-60606-738-3               236 color and 6 b/w illustrations,
                                                               56 line drawings, 1 map      PRINT / E-BOOK                  ISBN 978-1-60606-497-9, PA                                                                                                                  PRINT / E-BOOK
     320 pages, 8½ × 11 inches    US $75.00 Short,                                                                                                       636 pages, 7 × 10 inches                                                  4 videos, 3 tables
                                                               ISBN 978-1-60606-513-6, PA   250 pages, 8½ × 11 inches       US $45.00 Short,                                                  PRINT / E-BOOK                                                            228 pages, 8½ × 11 inches
     389 color and 21 b/w         UK £60.00                                                                                                              61 color and 14 b/w illustrations,                                        ISBN 978-1-60606-689-8
                                                               US $130.00 Short,            72 color illustrations, 1 map   UK £40.00                                                         202 pages, 8½ × 11 inches                                                 169 color illustrations,
     illustrations                ISBN 978-1-60606-635-5,                                                                                                7 maps, 2 tables
                                                               UK £115.00                   ISBN 978-1-60606-486-3, PA      ISBN 978-1-60606-498-6,                                           62 color and 24 b/w illustrations,   PRINT / E-BOOK                       26 diagrams and tables
     ISBN 978-1-60606-630-0, PA   e-book                                                                                                                 ISBN 978-1-60606-807-6, PA
                                                               ISBN 978-1-60606-514-3,      US $70.00 Short,                e-book                                                            1 map                                260 pages, 8½ × 11 inches            ISBN 978-1-60606-654-6, PA
     US $75.00 Short,             2020                                                                                                                   US $85.00 Short / UK £65.00
                                                               e-book                       UK £65.00                       2016                                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-737-6, PA           236 color and 6 b/w illustrations,   US $60.00 Short, UK £45.00
     UK £60.00                                                                                                                                           ISBN 978-1-60606-808-3 (EPUB)
                                                               2017                         ISBN 978-1-60606-485-6,                                                                           US $50.00 Short, UK £40.00           3 tables                             ISBN 978-1-60606-653-9, e-book
     ISBN 978-1-60606-632-4,                                                                                                                             ISBN 978-1-60606-809-0 (MOBI)
                                                                                            e-book                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-60606-739-0 (EPUB)        ISBN 978-1-60606-687-4, PA           2020
     e-book                                                                                                                                              2022
                                                                                            2016                                                                                              ISBN 978-1-60606-757-4 (MOBI)        US $70.00 Short, UK £55.00
     2021                                                                                                                                                                                     2022                                 ISBN 978-1-60606-767-3 (EPUB)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ISBN 978-1-60606-688-1 (MOBI)

     Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum
                                  Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum, Fascicule 10
                                  Athenian Red-Figure Column and Volute Kraters
                                  Despoina Tsiafakis

                                  Corpus Vasorum Antiquorum series

                                  ONLINE                                  PRINT / E-BOOK
                                  164 color illustrations,                162 pages, 8½ × 11 inches               US $130.00 Short, UK £100.00
                                  30 line drawings                        164 color illustrations,                ISBN 978-1-60606-602-7, e-book
                                  ISBN 978-1-60606-603-4                  30 line drawings                        2019
                                                                          ISBN 978-1-60606-601-0, HC
20 Getty Publications                                                                                                                                                                                                                Getty Publications   21
   Spring 2023                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Spring 2023

   Open Access                                                                                                                           Focus on Photography
   Print and Digital Editions

   Anthologies and Proceedings                                                                              Additional
                                                                                                            Open Access
                                                                                                            in Postwar Sculpture,
                                                                                                            Edited by Rebecca Peabody
                                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-60606-069-8

                                                                                                            Cult Statue of a
                                                                                                            Goddess                      978-1-60606-783-3, HC        978-1-60606-675-1, HC                       978-1-60606-469-6, HC
    Values in Heritage               Keep It Moving?                  Artistry in Bronze                    Edited by Karol Wight        US $40.00 Trade, UK £30.00   US $55.00 Trade, UK £45.00                  US $69.95 Trade, UK £55.00
    Management                       Conserving Kinetic Art           The Greeks and                        ISBN 978-0-89236-928-7
    Emerging Approaches              Edited by Rachel Rivenc          Their Legacy                
    and Research Directions          and Reinhard Bek                                                       /research
                                                                      Edited by Jens M. Daehner,
    Edited by Erica Avrami,                                           Kenneth Lapatin,
                                                                        Introduction to
    Susan Macdonald, Randall                                          and Ambra Spinelli
    Mason, and David Myers           /keepitmoving                                                          Metadata
                                                                        Third Edition
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                                                                      ONLINE                                ISBN 978-1-60606-500-6
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                                                                                                            Edited by Murtha Baca
                                                                                                            and Nuria Rodríguez Ortega
                                                                                                            ISBN 978-1-60606-161-9

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                                                                                                                                                                                            ILLUMINATING WOMEN ARTISTS

                                                                                                                                 sheila barker is an art historian and writer. She is the   This volume in the groundbreaking                                                                                                                                        The life of Artemisia Gentileschi (1593–after 1654) was

                                                                                                                                 founding director of the Jane Fortune Research Program     Illuminating Women Artists series                                                                                                                                        as exceptional as her paintings. She was a child prodigy,
                                                                                                                                 on Women Artists at the Medici Archive Project. Her        delves into the stirring life and work                                                                                                                                   raised without a mother by her artist father, a follower
                                                                                                                                 publications include the exhibition catalogue The                                                                                                                                                                                   of Caravaggio. Although she learned to paint under her
                                                                                                                                                                                            of the Baroque painter Artemisia
                                                                                                                                 Immensity of the Universe in the Art of Giovanna Garzoni                                                                                                                                                                            father, she became an artist against his wishes. Later,
                                                                                                                                 as well as the edited volumes Artemisia Gentileschi in a                                                                                                                                                                            as she moved between Florence, Rome, Venice, Naples,
                                                                                                                                 Changing Light, Women Artists in Early Modern Italy and                                                                                                                                                                             and London, her artistic style evolved, but throughout
                                                                                                                                 Artiste nel chiostro (coedited with Luciano Cinelli).      “Over the last thirty years Artemisia Gentileschi                                                                                                                        her career she specialized in large-scale, powerful,

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Artemisia Gentileschi
                                                                                                                                                                                            has received a good deal of attention, to which                                                                                                                          nuanced portrayals of women. This book highlights
                                                                                                                                                                                            Sheila Barker’s beautifully illustrated monograph
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Gentileschi’s enterprising and original engagement with
                                                                                                                                                                                            is an outstanding contribution, brimming over
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     emerging feminist notions of the value and dignity of
                                                                                                                                                                                            with fresh insights and revelatory comparisons

                                                                                                                                                                                            on nearly every page . . . essential reading for
                                                                                                                                                                                            everyone who has studied this artist, as well as
                                                                                                                                                                                            anyone who wishes to begin to know her.”                                                                                                                                 Sheila Barker’s cutting-edge scholarship in Artemisia
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Gentileschi clears a pathway for all audiences to appre-
                                                                                                                                                                                            John T. Spike, author of Young Michelangelo:
                                                                                                                                 Also from Getty Publications                               The Path to the Sistine and Caravaggio:                                                                                                                                  ciate the artist’s pictorial intelligence, as well as her
                                                                                                                                                                                            Catalogue of Paintings                                                                                                                                                   achievement of a remarkably lucrative and high-profile
                                                                                                                                 Lives of Artemisia Gentileschi                                                                                                                                                                                                      career at a time when few women were artists. Bringing
                                                                                                                                 Artemisia Gentileschi et al.                               “Sheila Barker paints a rich portrait of Artemisia’s                                                                                                                     to light newly attributed paintings and archival dis-
                                                                                                                                                                                            early career . . . providing details of the artist’s life                                                                                                                coveries, this is the first biography to be written by an
                                                                                                                                 Luisa Roldán                                               as well as the personalities she encountered. All                                                                                                                        authority on Gentileschi since 1999.
                                                                                                                                 Catherine Hall-van den Elsen                               in all, a major contribution to our understanding
                                                                                                                                                                                            of Artemisia’s life and work.”                                                                                                                                           The volume is beautifully illustrated, and Barker
                                                                                                                                 Adélaïde Labille-Guiard: Artist in the Age of Revolution   Judith W. Mann, Curator, European Art to 1800,                                                                                                                           weaves this extraordinary story with in-depth dis-
                                                                                                                                 Laura Auricchio                                            Saint Louis Art Museum                                                                                                                                                   cussions of key artworks, such as Susanna and the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Elders (1610), Judith Beheading Holofernes (c.1619–20),
                                                                                                                                 Maria Sibylla Merian: Artist, Scientist, Adventurer        “Sheila Barker’s book provides a compelling and                                                                                                                          and Lot and His Daughters (1640–45). Also included is
                                                                                                                                 Sarah B. Pomeroy and Jeyaraney Kathirithamby               lively introduction to this endlessly fascinating,                                                                                                                       the J. Paul Getty Museum’s recent acquisition, Lucretia
                                                                                                                                                                                            complex, and essential painter whose ambitious                                                                                                                           (c.1635–45). Through such works, Barker explores
                                                                                                                                                                                            work challenged the gender-restricting
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the evolution of Gentileschi’s expressive goals and
                                                                                                                                                                                            conventions of her day by asserting her claim

                                                                                                                                                                                            to be the equal of her male colleagues.”
                                                                                                                                                                                            Keith Christiansen, Curator Emeritus, The
                                                                                                                                                                                            Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Getty Publications

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             SHEILA BARKER
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Printed in China

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