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PUBLIC MINUTES ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 19TH APRIL 2022 1 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
I hereby give notice that an Ordinary Meeting of Council was held on: Date: 19th April 2022 Time: 4.00pm Location: Council Chambers 22 Cameron Road, Batchelor NT 0845 Any member of Council who may have a conflict of interest, or perceived conflict of interest regarding any item of business to be discussed at a Council meeting should declare that conflict of interest to enable Council to manage the conflict and resolve it in accordance with its obligations under the Local Government Act 2019. The Ordinary Meetings of Council was open to the public and they adhered to the COVID Safety Plan requirements, including optional wearing of a mask, appropriate physical distancing, health, and hygiene requirements. The meeting was recorded for minuting purposes only. RESOLUTION 2022/05/17/003 That the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on 19th April 2022 be confirmed by Council as a true and correct record of the meeting. Moved: Clr. Noble Seconded: Vice President McClymont Carried President Sharon Beswick 2 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Contents 1. PERSONS PRESENT ................................................................................................................... 5 2. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE ........................................................................................ 6 3. ELECTRONIC MEETING ATTENDANCE ........................................................................................ 7 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST OF MEMBERS OR STAFF ................................................................. 7 5. PETITIONS, DEPUTATIONS AND QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE ........................................................ 8 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES ................................................................................................... 9 6.1 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 15th MARCH 2022 ....................................................................... 9 7. PRESIDENTS REPORT .............................................................................................................. 10 8. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS’ REPORT....................................................................................... 13 8.1 INCOMING AND OUTGOING MAIL......................................................................................... 13 8.2 ACTION ITEMS LIST ............................................................................................................... 18 8.3 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT ....................................................................................... 18 9. REPORTS REQUIRING DECISIONS FROM COUNCIL.................................................................... 21 9.1 POLICY REVIEW – 1.7 COUNCILLOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXTRA MEETING ALLOWANCE. ........................................................................................... 21 9.2 WaRM GRANT ROUND 2 – UPDATE ....................................................................................... 23 9.3 APPOINTMENT AND REVOCATION OF AN AUTHORISED OFFICER ........................................... 28 9.4 BATCHELOR SOLAR FARM ACCREDITED POWER STATION APPLICATION ................................. 30 9.5 INCORPORATION OF UNINCORPORATED LANDS IN THE COX-DALY AND MARRAKAI-DOUGLAS DALY REGIONS ........................................................................................................................... 31 9.6 2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION REVIEW.......................................................... 35 10. REPORTS FOR RECEIVING AND NOTING ................................................................................. 38 10.1 COMMUNITY SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT....................................................................... 38 10.2 WORKS AND SERVICES QUARTERLY REPORT........................................................................ 44 11. FINANCE REPORTS ................................................................................................................ 47 11.1 MONTHLY FINANCE REPORT ............................................................................................... 47 12. CORRESPONDENCE ............................................................................................................... 59 12.1 CORRESPONDENCE – BATCHELOR RESIDENT REGARDING FIXED CCTV .................................. 59 12.2 CORRESPONDENCE – SUN CABLE PROJECT LEGISLATION ...................................................... 61 12.3 CORRESPONDENCE – PASSAGE OF THE LOCAL GOVERNMENT LEGISLATION AMENDMENT (RENUMERATION) BILL 2022 ...................................................................................................... 63 13. COUNCILLOR REPORTS ......................................................................................................... 65 13.1 LGANT CONFERENCE & GENERAL MEETING – PRESIDENT BESWICK ...................................... 65 13.2 MINUTES WASTE ADVISORY COMMITTEE – CLR FREEMAN................................................... 65 14. USE OF COMMON SEAL ........................................................................................................ 66 14.1 FORM 48 – DISCHARGE OF OVERRIDING STATUTORY CHARGE ............................................. 66 3 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
15. LATE ITEMS .......................................................................................................................... 68 16. GENERAL BUSINESS .............................................................................................................. 68 17. CONFIDENTIAL ITEMS ........................................................................................................... 68 18. DECISIONS ARISING FROM CONFIDENTIAL ............................................................................ 69 19. NEXT MEETING ..................................................................................................................... 70 20. MEETING CLOSED ................................................................................................................. 70 4 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
PUBLIC MINUTES ORDINARY GENERAL COUNCIL MEETING WAS HELD IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBERS, 22 CAMERON RD BATCHELOR ON 19TH APRIL 2022 The President of the Shire, Clr Sharon Beswick, declared the meeting open at 2:50pm and welcomed all in attendance. 1. PERSONS PRESENT ELECTED MEMBERS PRESENT Councillor President Sharon Beswick Councillor Vice President Angus McClymont Councillor Colin Freeman Councillor Stephen Noble Councillor Sue Bulmer Councillor Richard Luxton STAFF PRESENT Chief Executive Officer Anna Malgorzewicz Executive Officer Trudy Court Manager Finance, Audit & Risk Natasha Chapman VISITORS PRESENT MR EVAN TYRELL, DIRECTOR FACILITATED PROJECTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TOURISM. MR TREVOR DURLING, SENIOR HEADWORKS PLANNING ENGINEER, POWER AND WATER CORPORATION. MS GILLIAN HUNTER, BATCHELOR RESIDENT 5 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
2. APOLOGIES AND LEAVE OF ABSENCE Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil PURPOSE This report is to table for Council’s record any apologies and requests for leave of absence received from Elected Members for the Ordinary General Meeting held on 19th April 2022 COMMENT Council can choose to accept the apologies or requests for leave of absence as presented, or not accept them. Apologies or requests for leave of absence that are not accepted by Council will be recorded as absence without notice. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Section 95 Local Government Act 2019 1.12 Meetings of Council FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil NIL 6 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
3. ELECTRONIC MEETING ATTENDANCE Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil PURPOSE This report is to table, for Council’s record, any requests and permissions for Electronic Attendance. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Nil COMMENT The Local Government Act 2019 provides for a member who is not physically present at a meeting is taken to be present at the meeting if: (a) the member's attendance at the meeting by means of an audio or audio-visual conferencing system is authorised in accordance with a council resolution establishing a policy for attendance in such a manner. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Section 95 Local Government Act 2019 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil NIL 4. DECLARATION OF INTEREST OF MEMBERS OR STAFF Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil PURPOSE To ensure proper treatment and review of confidential information after consideration of confidential business at a council meeting. To promote transparency and public confidence, Council will cease the application of confidentiality to information when it is no longer necessary or appropriate. STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Sections 114 and 119 Local Government Act 2019 Conflict of Interest – Code of Conduct FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil 7 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/001 That Council received NIL declarations of interest as listed for the Ordinary General Meeting held 19th April 2022 Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Noble RESOLUTION: CONF2202/04/19/002 That Council close the meeting to the general public at 2.58pm in accordance with Regulation 51 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2021; (a) information about the employment of a particular individual as a member of staff or possible member of the staff of the Council that could, if publicly disclosed, cause prejudice to the individual; (b) information about the personal circumstances of a resident or ratepayer; (c) information that would, if publicly disclosed, be likely to: (i) cause commercial prejudice to, or confer an unfair commercial advantage on, any person; or (ii) prejudice the maintenance or administration of the law; or (iii) prejudice the security of the council, its members or staff; or (iv) subject to subregulation (3) – prejudice the interests of the council or some other person; (d) information subject to an obligation of confidentiality at law, or in equity; (e) subject to subregulation (3) – information provided to the council on condition that it be kept confidential and would, if publicly disclosed, be likely to be contrary to the public interest; (f) subject to subregulation (2) – information in relation to a complaint of a contravention of the code of conduct. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Noble 5. PETITIONS, DEPUTATIONS AND QUESTIONS WITH NOTICE AROWS PROJECT- PRESENTATION/DISCUSSION MR EVAN TYRRELL, DIRECTOR FACILITATED PROJECTS AND INFRASTRUCTURE, DEPARTMENT OF INDUSTRY, TRADE AND TOURISM. MR TREVOR DURLING, SENIOR HEADWORKS PLANNING ENGINEER, POWER AND WATER CORPORATION. MS HUNTER, BATCHELOR RESIDENT – COMMUNITY SAFETY AND CCTV’S. 8 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/003 That Council re-opens the meeting to the general public in accordance with Regulation 51 of the Local Government (General) Regulations 2021 Moved: Clr Freeman Seconded: Vice President McClymont Carried Meeting re-opened to the Public at 4.50pm 6. CONFIRMATION OF MINUTES 6.1 MINUTES OF MEETING HELD 15th MARCH 2022 Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil PURPOSE Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on 15th March 2022 are submitted to Council for confirmation that those Minutes are a true and correct record of the meeting. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Nil COMMENT Nil STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Section 101 Local Government Act FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/004 That the Minutes of the Ordinary General Meeting held on 15th March 2022 are confirmed by Council as a true and correct record of the meeting. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Noble 9 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
7. PRESIDENTS REPORT Date: 19th April 2022 Author: President Sharon Beswick Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Nil PURPOSE To update Council on the activities of the President since the last meeting. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 2022/03/15/003 That Council receives and notes the Presidents Report as submitted to the March 2022 Ordinary General Meeting. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Vice President. McClymont Carried COMMENT To ensure Council is kept informed of the activities, meetings and advocacy efforts of the President, a monthly report will be included in the regular Ordinary General Meeting agenda. This is to improve communication within Council and provide increased accountability and transparency. April and May are traditionally busy months for all councils each year as we prepare our respective budgets, rates settings and forward plans for the coming financial year. However, this past month has been incredibly busy as the Northern Territory Government also announced the commencement of the consultation process for incorporating unincorporated areas. This will have immediate impact on Council and during the month I met with fellow Mayors and Presidents to discuss their views and aspirations and to outline the previous work Council had undertaken with Belyuen Community Government Council. Submissions are due by the end of May 2022 and Council will be developing a joint submission with Belyuen CGC and hopefully, Wagait Shire Council agrees to participate in this submission also. The work of the Waste Advisory Committee continues on track and I attended one of the community consultation sessions during the month. Clr. Freeman is driving this process as Chair of the Committee and provides regular updates to Council. I also attended with the Chief Executive Officer the Cross Government Workshop. Part of the 2030 Strategy the workshop sought to develop the principles that all three tiers of government will abide by in future collaborations. The Workshop was followed by two days of the LGANT Forum and General Meeting. It is always beneficial to meet with colleagues across the sector and learn from and share challenges and successes. Key issues that were discussed included the impacts of the SunCable Major Project on Councils and property owners, the incorporation of unincorporated areas, and key strategies that the Executive will take to the national ALGA Assembly in Canberra in June. 10 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
During the month, correspondence was sent to the following: Recipient Purpose President Belyuen Community Government Request meeting to discuss incorporation of Council unincorporated lands President Wagait Shire Council Joint correspondence with President Belyuen Community Government Council regarding incorporation of unincorporated lands President Dundee Progress Association Request meeting to discuss incorporation of unincorporated lands Member for Daly, Mr Dehran Young MLA Request meeting to discuss incorporation of unincorporated lands I attended the following meetings during the month: Meeting/Attendees Purpose Ordinary General Meeting 15th March 2022 Coomalie Bush Cemetery Board Meeting Waste Advisory Committee (WAC) Community The WAC is working with the community and Consultation Sessions consultants in the development of the Coomalie Waste Management Strategy. Public consultation sessions were held in Adelaide River. True North Strategic Communications With Clrs. Freeman and Bulmer to discuss the community consultation plan. Country Liberals Leadership Team Informal meeting with the Leader of the Opposition and the CLP Leadership Team regarding general and strategic issues. Senator Susan McDonald, Special Envoy for To discuss Commonwealth Government Northern Australia strategy for developing and investing in Northern Australia. Mayor, Litchfield Council To discuss incorporation of unincorporated lands. President, Belyuen Community Government To discuss incorporation of unincorporated Council lands. Presidents Belyuen Community Government To discuss incorporation of unincorporated Council and Wagait Shire Council lands. 11 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Mayor, Palmerston City Council To discuss the future of TOPROC, incorporation of unincorporated lands and general sector matters. Rates and Budget Workshop Workshop included presentation by a consultant of budgeting and rates setting and compliance with legislation. Cross Government Workshop Workshop included local government sector and Northern Territory Government agencies seeking to develop principles for future co- operation and co-design and collaborative working methodologies. Government House Reception Welcome reception hosted by Her Honour to welcome Mayors and Presidents prior to the LGANT General Meeting. Mayors and Presidents Forum LGANT forum for Mayors and Presidents to discuss strategic matters. Regional and Shires Forum LGANT forum for sector participants LGANT Conference and General Meeting LGANT General Meeting – theme was Economic Development Elected Member Workshop and Asset Tour Workshop to finalise 2022 – 23 Budget and Rates Setting and tour of northern assets. Briefing with Department of the Chief Minister Meeting with Officers from the Local and Cabinet Government Unit, DCMC to discuss incorporation of unincorporated lands. Briefing with Department of Industry, Tourism Meeting with Officers and consultant regarding and Trade planning for the Rum Jungle Rehabilitation Project. 12 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
CONSULTATION Nil STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Council Policy 1.12 Meetings of Council Local Government Act 2019 Local Government (General) Regulations 2019 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/005 That Council received and noted the Presidents Report as submitted to the 19th April 2022 Ordinary General Meeting. Moved: Clr. Noble Seconded: Vice President McClymont Carried 8. CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICERS’ REPORT 8.1 INCOMING AND OUTGOING MAIL Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachments: Nil PURPOSE Council is provided with items of correspondence both received and sent during the month of March / April 2022. BACKROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Hard copies are available to Council on the Day of each Ordinary Council meeting for perusal, with additional copies available on request to individual members. COMMENT The correspondence inwards and outwards will be tabled at every meeting or included in agenda items as part of the background information for that issue. 13 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Incoming Correspondence April 19th 2022 OGM Utilities Commission - NT 11/04/2022 2022-261 CEO LGANT Electricity Licensing Review Cultural Significance - Local 11/04/2022 2022-260 CEO PFES Plans NT Grants 11/04/2022 2022-259 Mail Commission Early Payment 2022-23 Top End 10/04/2022 2022-258 Mail Helicopters Road Permit Relationships Working with Dads in NT 6/04/2022 2022-257 CEO Australia Councils 6/04/2022 2022-256 CEO ICT Security NTG ICT Security Questions on Crime in 7/04/2022 2022-255 CEO Resident Batchelor 7/04/2022 2022-254 CEO Opposition Leader Media Release 7/04/2022 2022-253 CEO Mt Bundy Cheeky Bull Buster Rodeo 7/04/2022 2022-252 CEO DITT Japanese encephalitis 7/04/2022 2022-251 CEO HWLE Legal Advice - Draft MOU 7/04/2022 2022-250 Project; mail Crown Land - DIPL Lot 320 Works 6/04/2022 2022-249 CEO Resident Road Damage Outstanding Claims 6/04/2022 2022-248 CEO JLT Snapshot Lake Bennett 5/04/2022 2022-247 Admin Resident Notification 5/04/2022 2022-246 CEO Litchfield Tourism Signage bays in Batchelor Major Grants Letter from NT Grants 5/04/2022 2022-245 CEO Program Commission Tracks Dance Company in 4/04/2022 2022-244 CEO Tracks Dance Coomalie 4/04/2022 2022-243 CEO EcOz Consultation next steps Weeds Management 1/04/2022 2022-242 CEO Branch Final Gamba ID Booklet Feedback on excluded 1/04/2022 2022-241 CEO LGANT community arrangements 1/04/2022 2022-240 Mail; CEO Litchfield Council Wirrai Dam 1/04/2022 2022-239 Mail CER Powerstations Batchelor Solar Farm RFT22 Collection, Compaction and Disposal 1/04/2022 2022-238 CEO NTRS of Waste Power Supply to section 885 (111) Milton Road 31/03/2022 2022-237 Mail AGA Consulting Stapleton Finance; 1/04/2022 2022-236 Admin CEO LGANT Media Release Miles/Old Coach/Perreau 31/03/2022 2022-235 CEO Eva Valley Meats Rd Maintenance 14 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RFT22 Cleanaway 31/03/2022 2022-234 Mail Cleanaway Submission Contract RFT22 Request for 31/03/2022 2022-233 Mail; Project Veolia Tender Land Tenure - Waste Management Facilities - 31/03/2022 2022-232 CEO DIPL Adelaide River & Batchelor Mail; Projects; 31/03/2022 2022-231 CEO VTG Waste & Recycling - RFT-22 Executive Volunteer Market 31/03/2022 2022-230 Officer Batchelor Markets coordinator Power Supply to Section AGA Consulting 885 (111) Milton Road 31/03/2022 2022-229 Mail Engineers Stapleton Media Release - LGANT welcomes Financial Assistance Grant 30/03/2022 2022-228 CEO LGANT continuation Territory Families, CCGC RSVS00029 Housing and Agreement Remote Sport 30/03/2022 2022-227 CEO Communities Voucher Scheme 2021-22 30/03/2022 2022-226 CEO DITT Greater Darwin DMP 30/03/2022 2022-225 CEO LGANT 2022-23 Federal Budget 30/03/2022 2022-224 CEO LGANT Federal Budget 17/03/2022 2022-223 CEO DITT Greater Darwin DMP 29/03/2022 2022-222 Projects PowerWater Inquiry on Chinner Road 29/03/2022 2022-221 Mail Don Dale Community Work Program Chief Minister & Bringing Local Government 24/03/2022 2022-220 CEO Cabinet to the Cox-Daly Letter - Minister for Local 29/03/2022 2022-219 CEO Councillor Government Dundee Progress Dundee Progress 29/03/2022 2022-218 CEO Association Association 29/03/2022 2022-217 Mail Resident Complaint Chief Minister & 23/03/2022 2022-216 CEO Cabinet Incorporation 28/03/2022 2022-215 Mail Toyota Vehicle Recall Applicant Mechanical Request for 28/03/2022 2022-214 Mail Services Documentation 28/03/2022 2022-213 Mail Downer Group Application for Permit 28/03/2022 2022-212 CEO President Animals Chief Minister & Passage of the LG 28/03/2022 2022-211 CEO cabinet Legislation Amendment 2022 Local Government 28/03/2022 2022-210 CEO NTEC Representation Reviews 15 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Local Government 25/03/2022 2022-209 CEO Opposition Leader Legislation Amendment 29/03/2022 2022-208 Mail Resident Complaint Tracks Dance Company in 25/03/2022 2022-207 CEO Co-ordinator Coomalie Public and Environmental Health Legislation 25/03/2022 2022-206 CEO Opposition Leader Amendment Bill 2022 30/03/2022 2022-205 CEO DITT Greater Darwin DMP 28/03/2022 2022-204 Mail Business Road Permit 25/03/2022 2022-203 Mail Rate Payer Rates 25/03/2022 2022-202 Mail Downer Group Scott Road Load Limit Applicant - Mechanical Supply of Mechanical 25/03/2022 2022-201 Mail Services Services 25/03/2022 2022-200 CEO Cleanaway RFT22 Addendum 2 Darwin Legal Darwin Community Legal 25/03/2022 2022-199 Mail Services Services Information Area surrounding their 23/03/2022 2022-198 CEO Resident property Permission to park on 23/03/2022 2022-197 Mail Top End Group council land Permit to park on Council 23/03/2022 2022-196 Mail Top End Group Land Chief Minister & 23/03/2022 2022-195 CEO Cabinet Incorporation Volatile Substance Alcohol and Other Community Management 23/03/2022 2022-194 CEO Drugs Plans Questions on Crime in 23/03/2022 2022-193 CRDO CEO Batchelor First Nations Broadcasting Australia Promotion for 23/03/2022 2022-192 Mail FNB Media ANZAC Day Minister for Water Securing Darwin's Water 22/03/2022 2022-191 CEO Security Supply Chief Minister & 22/03/2022 2022-190 CEO Cabinet Incorporation 22/03/2022 2022-189 Mail Rate payer Rates 22/03/2022 2022-188 CEO Belyuen Council Letter for the President 21/03/2022 2022-187 CEO DITT Draft MOU 18/03/2022 2022-186 CEO DITT Draft MOU Project 21/03/2022 2022-185 Officer Resident Lot 10 Acquisition Correspondence AROWS 17/03/2022 2022-184 CEO DITT Project Invitation to support 2022 Young Territory Author 16/03/2022 2022-183 Mail Darwin City Library Awards 16 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Elected Letter - Minister for Local 17/03/2022 2022-182 Members CEO Government NT Portion 3283 Hundred 15/03/2022 2022-181 CEO NT Land Corp of Cavenagh 15/03/2022 2022-180 Mail Business Road Permit Works and Services 14/03/2022 2022-179 Admin Applicant Manager Application RFT22 Collection, NT Recycling Compaction & Disposal of 14/03/2022 2022-178 Mail Solutions Waste Services Planting Trees for the 11/03/2022 2022-177 CEO Federal Member Queens Jubilee 12/03/2022 2022-176 Councillors President March 15 OGM 11/03/2022 2022-175 Mail Power Water Notice of Works Notice of Works - 11/03/2022 2022-174 Mail Power Water Vegetation Urgent request for assistance to support the 11/03/2022 2022-173 CEO LGANT flood clean-up in Brisbane Progress with Consultant 11/03/2022 2022-172 Councillor President public meetings Investment Letter to Barkly CGC - Sun 11/03/2022 2022-171 CEO Territory Cable Project Legislation Council 11/03/2022 2022-170 Member President Consultation meeting Collection, Compaction & 11/03/2022 2022-169 Mail Veolia Disposal of Waste Services Project Major Community Benefit 10/03/2022 2022-168 Officer Licensing NT Fund Financial Assistance Grants 10/03/2022 2022-167 CEO ALGA Board Research Project Outstanding Claims 9/03/2022 2022-166 CEO JLTA Snapshot 9/03/2022 2022-165 Mail Power Water CCGC Drawing Acceptance Citizenship 9/03/2022 2022-164 Mail President Ceremony RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/006 That Council received and noted the items of incoming and outgoing correspondence a tabled for the March / April 2022 period. Moved: Clr. Noble Seconded: Vice President McClymont Carried 17 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
8.2 ACTION ITEMS LIST Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz Attachments: Actions Item List to April 2022 RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/007 That Council received and noted the Action Items List to April 2022 Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried 8.3 CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER REPORT Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Nil PURPOSE To brief Council on the monthly activities of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) and key operational information. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 2022/03/15/006 That Council receives and notes the Chief Executive Officer Report for the period February to March 2022. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried COMMENT A key focus of the reporting period was providing support and guidance to the Elected Member group regarding preparations for the Rates and Budget process. Also supported the President and Council in discussions regarding Council’s submission to the Incorporation of Unincorporated Lands process. Meetings and activities at which the Chief Executive Officer participated in for the period included the following: 18 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Week commencing 14th March 2022 Meetings • Weekly Senior Managers Meeting • Regular catch-up President Beswick • Waste Consultation Planning with True North Strategic Communications and Clrs. Beswick, Bulmer and Freeman • Monthly General Staff Meeting • Chief Executive Officer Belyuen Community Government Council Other • Ordinary General Meeting • Coomalie Bush Cemetery Board Meeting Week commencing 21st March 2022 Meetings • Meet and greet Country Liberal Party Leadership Team • Weekly Senior Managers Meeting • Regular catch-up President Beswick • Interviews Manager, Works & Services • Senator Susan McDonald, with President Beswick re Northern Development • Internal Anzac Day Planning meeting • Waste Strategy Community Consultation Batchelor General Store • Rates and Budget Workshop Planning Meeting #01 Other • N/A Week commencing 28th March 2022 Meetings • Weekly Senior Managers Meeting • Rates and Budget Workshop Planning Meeting #02 • Chief Executive Officer Litchfield Council, re unincorporated areas • NT EPA with True North Strategic Communications re Waste Management Strategy • President and Chief Executive Officer, Belyuen Community Government Council with President Beswick re unincorporated areas • Mayor, Litchfield Council with President Beswick re unincorporated areas • Infrastructure NT re Council’s priorities for the Infrastructure Program Other • Rates and Budget Workshop 19 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
Week commencing 4th April 2022 Meetings • Monthly Regional Co-ordination meeting, Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet • Weekly Senior Managers Meeting • Waste Advisory Committee meeting – abandoned due to lack of quorum but informal planning discussion took place • Legal Counsel re advice regarding Memorandum of Understanding • Other • Cross Government Workshop • LGANT CEO’s Forum • LGANT Regional and Shires Forum • LGANT Conference and General Meeting Week commencing 11th April 2022 Meetings • Weekly meeting with Team Leader/Ranger • Weekly Senior Managers Meeting • Waste Management Facility Team Members Other • Elected Member Budget, Rates and Unincorporated Areas Workshop CONSULTATION Nil STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Nil FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/008 That Council received and noted the Chief Executive Officer Report for the period March to April 2022. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: President Beswick. Carried 20 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
9. REPORTS REQUIRING DECISIONS FROM COUNCIL 9.1 POLICY REVIEW – 1.7 COUNCILLOR CONFERENCE ATTENDANCE, PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT AND EXTRA MEETING ALLOWANCE. Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Council Policy 1.7 Councillor Attendance to Conferences, Training and Development (Current with Track Changes) PURPOSE To present for Council endorsement the revised Policy 1.7 Councillor Conference Attendance, Professional Development and Extra Meeting Allowance. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 2021/04/20/012 That Council; a) endorses and adopts the revised Policy 1.7 Councillor Conference Attendance, Professional Development and Extra Meeting Allowance; and b) agrees no extra meeting allowance is payable for the 2021/2022 financial year. Moved: Clr. Moyle Seconded: Clr. Bulmer Carried RESOLUTION 16/08/2016/009 That Council adopt the amended versions of Policy 1.5 Publications, Regalia & Equipment- issue to Councillors and Policy 1.7 conferences, training & development expenses – members. That Council rescind Policy 1.8 Policy Development & Adoption. That Council defer the adoption of the amended Policy 1.3 Complaint Handling to the September OGM to allow further time for review and feedback. Moved: Clr. Turner Seconded: Clr. Gray 5/5 21 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
COMMENT Council Policy 1.7 was revised during 2021 to be consistent with Regulation 66(6) and 67(2) of the Local Government Regulations 2021. At a Rates and Budget Workshop Council requested the policy be reviewed to allow for the payment of professional development allowances and extra meeting allowances in future financial years. Professional Development Allowances are currently determined through Ministerial Guidelines and will be determined as part of the budget process for the 2022 – 23 financial year. The attached Draft Policy 1.7 Councillor Attendance to Conferences, Training and Development recommends a total value of $150.00 per extra meeting to be payable from the 2022-23 financial year. In accordance with the Policy 1.7, extra meeting allowances will only be payable to Ordinary Council Members and will be payable until the cap amount for any given financial year is exhausted. CONSULTATION Manager Finance Audit & Risk STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Regulation 66(6) and 67(2) Local Government Regulations 2021 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/009 That Council; a) endorses and adopts the revised Policy 1.7 Councillor Conference Attendance, Professional Development and Extra Meeting Allowance; b) nominates an amount of $150.00 per extra meeting payable until the allocation cap has been exhausted; and c) agrees extra meeting allowances will be payable from the commencement of the 2022 – 23 financial year. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Freeman Carried 22 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
9.2 WaRM GRANT ROUND 2 – UPDATE Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Carol Gaulke Projects Manager Attachment: Baler brochures and quotes Quote for new backhoe including trade-in of old backhoe Please note that all costs quoted in this report are GST free. PURPOSE To update Council on the progress of the projects. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 2022/03/15/018 That Council; a) agrees to proceed with the acquisition of a Baler; and b) requests a further report on additional costs and requirements be presented to Council at the April OGM. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Clr. McClymont Carried RESOLUTION 2021/10/19/016 That Council; a) accepts the offer of $104,500 through the Waste and Resource Management (WaRM) Phase 2 Grant Program. b) resolves to nominate the following projects that are consistent with the WaRM Funding Guidelines (1) Purchase of a baler. (2) Upgrade of the backhoe and/or the acquisition of a further backhoe, front end loader or suitable plant; and (3) additional recycling infrastructure as required. c) directs the Chief Executive Officer to complete and forward the acceptance form to the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet: and d) notes the update regarding the WaRM Grant Phase 1. Moved: Vice Pres. McClymont Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried 23 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RESOLUTION 15/06/2021/016 That Council; a) accepts the offer of $104,500 through the Waste and Resource Management (WaRM) Grant Program; b) resolves to nominate the following projects that are consistent with the WaRM Funding Guidelines (1) Engagement of a consultant to prepare a comprehensive Waste Management Strategy, including an environmental risk assessment for the Batchelor Waste Management Facility; (2) Infrastructure development at the Waste Management Facilities including segregation bays to separate waste streams and cages for the aggregation of recyclable materials; (3) Establishment of receiving areas; and (4) Installation of cctv cameras at both facilities. c) directs the Chief Executive Officer to complete and forward the acceptance form to the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet. Moved: Clr. Moyle Seconded: Clr. Corliss Carried COMMENT Balers: Council Officers have obtained quotes for the acquisition of a suitable Baler. Quotes have been obtained from two suppliers (for 3 different balers) and the quotes range from $9,990.00 to $112,950.00. SMARTWASTE V5 The cost for the Baler is $9,990.00 The baler is capable of compacting cardboard, and plastic bottles. The baler operates on a normal 10A power point. It requires an operator while compacting material. Smartwaste V5HD The cost for the Baler is $10,990.00 The baler is capable of compacting cans, plastic bottles and all soft waste. The baler operates on a normal 10A power point. It requires an operator while compacting material. 24 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RAMCAN BALER The cost for the Baler is $86,750.00 (supply and delivery) A sorting table is $3,250.00. The baler is capable of compacting cans. The baler is powered by an inbuilt petrol motor. It requires an operator while compacting material. Some issues to be considered by Council prior to purchasing the Baler are: • To operate the baler would require another person at the waste management facility, the frequency would depend on the number of plastic bottles, cans and cardboard that our residents recycle. • The bales could weigh up to 100 kg thus requiring the use of a telehandler or Council’s tractor with forks to lift the bales onto a truck. • The cost of transporting and the recycler’s fees for the disposal of the waste would have to be considered. • Alternatively, the compacted materials could be disposed of in the landfill. • If Council was to pursue a scheme for redeeming the 10c deposit on cans and bottles, the cans and plastic bottles cannot be crushed. Council will need to resolve if it wishes to proceed with the acquisition of a baler and if so, what level of investment it wishes to make. Machinery for management of waste sites. 1. The best practice machine for the Waste Management Facilities (WMFs) is a front-end loader. The price quoted for a new CAT 938 front end loader with a quick hitch, crane and forks is $405,000.00. Currently there are no second-hand machines available. 2. Council has a backhoe which is used at the WMFs along with other Council tasks. Since the backhoe is not designed for the work at the WMF’s it has sustained significant damage over the years. 3. The current backhoe is a Komatsu backhoe. It was purchased in 2014 for a price of $146,000.00. It currently has 2335 hrs on the odometer. As at the 30 June 2021, the depreciated value of the backhoe was $82,217.50 4. The purchase price for a new backhoe (same model as existing backhoe) is $202,145.00. The trade-in offer for the existing backhoe is $35,000.00. 5. If the backhoe was disposed of as part of this process an excavator would be required to undertake the other tasks that the backhoe does away from the WMFs. The cost of a new 3 tonne excavator is $83,500.00. 6. Alternatively, Council can hire a front-end loader from Council’s road contractor to undertake the push up of the waste at the WMFs for one day per week. The estimated costs 25 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
would be $1,520.00 per week ($79,040.00 per year). This cost also includes the cost of an operator. The WaRM funds then need to be reassigned to another project. Other projects: Council may choose to utilise the funds for other projects but will be required to seek a variation approval from the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet. Eligible use of funds include; • Establishment of a Waste Data Management System to enable the collection, monitoring and reporting of data related to waste transfer stations and landfills managed by council. • Expenditure related to lease negotiations relevant to use of land for waste management sites; including the negotiation of section 19 leases for waste management sites. • Infrastructure development as appropriate at waste management sites such as construction of access gatehouses, segregation bays, cages for aggregation of recyclable material, concreting receiving areas and fencing etc. • Plant and machinery acquisition for use in the collection, sorting and management of waste at established waste management sites in regional and remote communities. • To address waste management requirements and/or issues raised with councils by the Northern Territory Environment Protection Authority (NT EPA). This includes remedial actions and waste and contaminant related requirements specified in instruments issued by the NT EPA or its officers under the Waste Management and Pollution Control Act 1998 including but not limited to Environmental Audit Programs (section 48), Performance Agreements (section 66), Authorised Officer Directions (section 72), and Pollution Abatement Notices (sections 77 and 78). • Engaging a consultant to prepare a Waste Management Strategy; or revise an existing Waste Management Strategy for council. A content example is provided at Attachment 1 to this funding guideline. • Undertaking any action(s) identified in an existing Waste Management Strategy adopted by resolution of Council. Under the Warm Phase 1 Grant funds are being utilised to construct a shed which consists of 6m long x 3m wide modules with a roller door entrance. The remaining funds under Warm Phase 1 will construct at a maximum 3 modules. CONSULTATION Acting Works and Services Manager Chief Executive Officer Manager Finance Audit & Risk 26 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS WaRM Phase 2 Grant Conditions. Council must provide a partial acquittal of the grant as at 30 June 2022 by 31st August 2022 and fully expend grant funds by 30th June 2023. Any and all variations to the original purpose of the grant must be submitted and approved by the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet. FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Council may need to fund the additional costs from Reserve funds RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/010 That Council; a) does not agree to proceed with the acquisition of a Baler; b) does not agree to proceed with the acquisition of a replacement Backhoe; and c) agrees to proceed with the acquisition of a new front end loader and requests the CEO to arrange appropriate tender documentation. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried 27 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
9.3 APPOINTMENT AND REVOCATION OF AN AUTHORISED OFFICER Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Nil PURPOSE To seek Council’s approval to appoint a person as an Authorised Officer and to revoke a previous appointment, pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2019. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS RESOLUTION:2022/01/18/12 That Council; a) appoints Mr Glenn Galvin as an Authorised Person pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2019 from his commencement in March 2022 for a period of three (3) years and be issued with the appropriate identity card; b) appoints Mr Robert Davis as an Authorised Person pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2019 from 19th January 2022 for a period of one (1) year and be issued with the appropriate identity card; c) appoints Mr Andrew Roberts as an Authorised Person pursuant to Section 183 of the Local Government Act 2019 from 19th January 2022 to 31st March 2022 and be issued with the appropriate identity card; and d) that the current identity card for Anna Malgorzewicz be re-issued to ensure it complies with the provisions of the Local Government Act 2019. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried COMMENT Mr Robert Davis nominated to discontinue duties as the Team Leader/Council Ranger. As a result, Council is required to revoke his appointment as an Authorised Officer, pursuant to Section 183(2)(b) of the Local Government Act 2019. Mr Andrew Hewitt has been appointed in the role of Acting Team Leader/Council Ranger and requires to be an Authorised Officer in order to fulfil the responsibilities of his role. 183 Appointment of authorised persons (1) A council may, in writing, appoint a person (other than a member of the council) to be an authorised person. 28 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
(2) The council may, by written notice to the authorised person: (a) add to, or vary, any limitations and conditions of appointment; or (b) revoke the appointment. 184 Powers of authorised persons An authorised person is, subject to any limitations and conditions of appointment, authorised to exercise the powers conferred on an authorised person by or under this Act. 185 Identity card (1) The council must give an authorised person an identity card stating the person's name and that the person is an authorised person. (2) The identity card must: (a) display a recent photograph of the authorised person; and (b) state the card's date of issue and expiry; and (c) be signed by the authorised person. (3) This section does not prevent the issue of a single identity card to a person for this and another Act. CONSULTATION N/A STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 2019 Section 183 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/011 That Council; a) appoints Mr Andrew Hewitt as an Authorised Person pursuant to Section 183(1) of the Local Government Act 2019 from 20th April 2022 for a period of one (1) year; b) directs the Chief Executive Officer to issue Mr Hewitt with the appropriate identity card; and c) revokes the appointment of Mr Robert Davis as an Authorised Officer, effective immediately. Moved: Clr. Freeman Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried 29 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
9.4 BATCHELOR SOLAR FARM ACCREDITED POWER STATION APPLICATION Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Email Correspondence PURPOSE To seek Council’s comment on an application for accreditation as a power station by the Batchelor Solar Farm. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions Nil COMMENT Council received correspondence from the Clean Energy Regulator (Refer Attached) regarding an application for the Batchelor Solar Farm, located at Lot 2937 923 Batchelor Road, Batchelor NT 0845 as an accredited power station. The application has been lodged by BSF Co Pty Ltd as The Trustee for BSF Unit Trust to accredit the Batchelor Solar Farm - Solar - NT as an accredited power station of a capacity of 12.5 MW under the Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 and supporting regulations. The Clean Energy Regulator needs to be satisfied that the facility can be operated in accordance with any relevant Commonwealth, State, Territory or local government planning and approval requirements as part of its accreditation assessment process. The Regulator is seeking Council’s response regarding the following; 1. Whether you believe this power station has all necessary state, territory and local government approvals to ensure that it will operate lawfully; 2. If the power station does not currently have all necessary approvals, when those approval applications might be finalised; and 3. Whether you are aware of any information that may suggest this power station may not be able to operate lawfully. The Regulator has acknowledged that Council is meeting on 19th April 2022 and has agreed to receive Council’s response following its meeting. CONSULTATION Clean Energy Regulator STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Renewable Energy (Electricity) Act 2000 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil 30 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/012 That Council; a) receives and notes the report entitled Batchelor Solar Farm Accredited Power Station Application; b) does support the application subject to the following concerns and issues being resolved; 1) Isolation switches are to be installed at the end of each row for safety for Fire and Emergency Services; 2) Existing fire hazard to be reduced to the satisfaction of Police, Fire and Emergency requirements; 3) Compliance with the Weeds Management Act 2011; 4) Compliance with the Regulatory Licence for Power Station Operations; and c) directs the Chief Executive Officer to write to the Clean Energy Regulator advising of Council’s decision and concerns. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Noble Carried 9.5 INCORPORATION OF UNINCORPORATED LANDS IN THE COX-DALY AND MARRAKAI- DOUGLAS DALY REGIONS Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Consultation Discussion Paper and Plans PURPOSE To seek Council’s endorsement for the development of a joint submission to the Bringing Local Government to the Cox-Daly and Marrakai-Douglas Daly Areas consultation process. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 21/04/2020/018 That Council approves the Acquittal for the One-Off Grant to finalise the merger proposal to join the Belyuen Community Government Council and Litchfield National Park of $60,810. Moved: Clr. Bulmer Seconded: Clr. Corliss Carried 31 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
RESOLUTION 15/10/2019/009 That Council meet with Maree De Lacy, Executive Director DLGHCD to discuss the status of the merger proposal and the support Coomalie requires to continue its participation in local government reform. Moved: Clr. Turner Seconded: Clr. Beswick CARRIED NOTED Coomalie Council will meet with Belyuen Council on 1st November 2019. RESOLUTION 23/01/2018/008 That Council note and consider the individual four documents; 1 – Draft Minutes of the Councils Working Group meeting held on Friday 19th January 2018 2 – Draft letter of invitation to the Minister of Housing and Community Development to meet with the Belyuen and Coomalie Council Working Group to meet on 23rd February 2018 – endorsed as amended 3 – Possible FAQ’s draft for consideration by Coomalie with further questions to be added – suggest further changes 4 – Belyuen and Coomalie combined Working Group endorsed terms of reference and membership Moved: Clr.Turner Seconded: Clr.Corliss CARRIED RESOLUTION 21/11/2017/009 That Council appoint Clrs Bulmer and Moyle to the Belyuen Community Government Council, Litchfield National Park and Coomalie Community Government working group, with Clr Beswick to be a proxy member. Moved: Clr. Turner Seconded: Clr. Beswick CARRIED RESOLUTION 17/10/2017/012 That the Coomalie Community Government Council confirms its commitment to 1. pursue the building of a stronger rural local government model in the region; and 2. to work cooperatively with Councils in developing options that allows for a stronger rural local government model to be established in the region; with the following process being put forward to the Belyuen Community Government Council for its consideration. 32 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
• That terms of reference for a working group will be developed focusing on Belyuen Shire Council, Litchfield National Park and Coomalie Shire Council. • Terms of reference should contain a timeframe that allows for sufficient consultation with all Councillors. • The membership of the working group will be made up of; 1. The President and up to two elected members of each Council 2. The CEO of each Council 3. NTG representative from Dept of Housing and Community Development (Rolf Nilsson) 4. NTG representative providing secretariat services and support (Charlie Fuller) 5. Chair to be shared between: a. President Coomalie Community Government Council/President Belyuen Community Council or in the absence of either of the above the; b. With the support of the Executive Director (Local Government Branch DHCD) 6. Second staff as may be required at the determination of the Working Group. • That the intention is, subject to agreement of the Belyuen Community Council and Northern Territory Government to proceed with consultations by the end of 2017 so that options for local government can be considered by the Councils early in 2018 or another date as suitable to the Councils. • That Coomalie Council pursue an appropriate consultation process with electors/ratepayers to ensure they remain informed on progress and a final position. • If there is agreement to proceed, the proposed date for any new model is suggested as at 1st July, 2018 or another date as suitable to the Councils. • That the Council write to the Minister seeking support for the proposal and an agreement to fund the process sufficiently, so that there is no financial liability incurred by Coomalie ratepayers in relation to the creation of a larger, expanded Council. (The range of costs to be considered include but are not limited to staffing, vehicles, consultation, travel and related expenses, new corporate, strategic or operational and financial staff and systems, defraying unanticipated costs of the merger.) Moved: Clr. Turner Seconded: Clr. McElwee CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY RESOLUTION 18/7/2014/006 That Council write to the Department of Local Government supporting Belyuen Council’s request for the Minister of Local Government to form a Transition Committee made up of representatives from both Councils and the Department of Local Government with the aim of 33 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
creating expanded Local Government areas that suit both Belyuen Council and Coomalie Community Government Council’s objectives. Moved: Clr. Turner Seconded: Clr. Crook 6/6 RESOLUTION 18/02/2014/010 That Council advise the Minister for Local Government and the Department of Local Government that it is prepared to include the unincorporated land referred to in the document name Boundary Expansion 2013-2014 as Dorat Road and Litchfield National Park into the Coomalie Community Government Council are subject to ongoing financial support and professional assistance. Moved: Clr. Gray Seconded: Clr. Turner 5/5 COMMENT The Northern Territory Government commenced a consultation process in mid-March 2022 regarding the incorporation of unincorporated areas. Coomalie Community Government Council has been invited to participate in the process and make a submission. Submissions are due through the Have Your Say website or directly to the Department of the Chief Minister and Cabinet by Friday 20th May 2022. Attached for Council’s information is the relevant Discussion Paper and further information can be obtained through the Have Your Say website. douglas-daly Council was involved in a comprehensive process with Belyuen Community Government Council (BCGC), with the assistance of the Northern Territory Government, to amalgamate with BCGC and include adjacent unincorporated areas. After many years of consultation a proposal was submitted to the former Minister for Local Government, however the amalgamation option was not progressed. Since the March 2022 announcement, the President and Chief Executive Officer have held preliminary discussions with BCGC and Wagait Shire Council regarding progressing a joint submission that will also include adjacent unincorporated areas. BCGC has agreed to partner with Council and Wagait Shire Council are as yet to consider the invitation and respond. Council will also wish to engage with and consult its community regarding a proposal to expand its boundaries or amalgamate with other council areas or unincorporated areas. Timelines for submissions are very tight and strict and at this stage the Northern Territory Government has requested a principle based submission only. There is no requirement to complete comprehensive feasibility studies or business cases. 34 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
CONSULTATION Belyuen Community Government Council STATUTORY ENVIRONMENT/POLICY IMPLICATIONS Local Government Act 2019 FINANCIAL IMPLICATIONS Nil RESOLUTION:2022/04/19/013 That Council; a) received and noted the report entitled Incorporation of Unincorporated Lands Cox-Daly and Marrakai-Douglas Daly Regions; b) endorses the development of a joint submission with Belyuen Community Government Council and Wagait Shire Council and to include adjacent unincorporated areas; and c) requests a further report be presented to Council at its May 2022 OGM. Moved: Vice President McClymont. Seconded: Clr. Freeman Carried 9.6 2022 LOCAL GOVERNMENT REPRESENTATION REVIEW Date: 19th April 2022 Author: Anna Malgorzewicz, Chief Executive Officer Attachment: Correspondence Representation Review Information Guide PURPOSE To brief Council on the current status of the 2022 Local Government Representation Review. BACKGROUND AND PREVIOUS DECISIONS Previous Decisions RESOLUTION 21/07/2020/010 That Council; a) resolves that present constitutional arrangements for the Coomalie Community Government Council are adequate and the status quo should remain; and b) endorses the attached Reporting Table, noting that no changes are recommended to the constitutional arrangements for Council’s electoral representation. Moved: Clr. Beswick Seconded: Clr. Moyle Carried 35 Coomalie Community Goverenment Council OGM 19th April 2022
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