PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University

Page created by Steve Hanson
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University
Located in the heart of one of Australia’s fastest growing economic
regions, Western Sydney University offers unlimited potential to
students with the talent, drive and ambition to succeed.
Western Sydney is an exciting place to be. As the nation’s third
largest economy, and one of the fastest growing population and
employment centres, it is an increasingly important, dynamic
and culturally diverse hub of business, industry and innovation.
With a large multicultural population of more than two million
people from 170 nations, Western Sydney’s global links are
creating unlimited opportunities for international business,
investment, education and cultural exchange.
Ranked amongst the top two per cent of universities in the
world, Western Sydney University values academic excellence,
integrity and the pursuit of knowledge. We are globally focused,
research led and committed to making a positive impact on the
communities we engage with.
Your success starts here.
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University

4                 Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018                 5
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University

6                 Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018 - Western Sydney University

                       ≥	MAKE SENSE OF                                   ≥	GAIN FULL ACCREDITATION
                         WHO WE ARE                                       	Our Psychology degrees are fully accredited
                       	Psychology at Western will open your mind          and provide clear pathways from an
                         to a world of possibilities. Because Western       undergraduate level to a professional career
                         ranks among the world’s top universities           in psychology. They offer professional
                         for Psychology, you’ll learn from respected        recognition, industry-based projects and
                         experts in the field. Study in Bankstown,          placements (at the postgraduate level),
                         Penrith, or from 2017, at our brand new,           broad unit choices, full-time or part-time
                         state of the art facilities in Parramatta. Our     study, exciting career options, a balance of
                         Psychology courses emphasise community             theory and practical applications, local and
                         needs, equipping you to make a positive            international work experience opportunities,
                         difference to health, work, education,             research projects and scholarships.
                         relationships and family life. Career options
                         can include clinical psychology, forensic
                         psychology, policy development, human            ≥	OUR RESEARCH HAS
                         resources, community services, youth               GLOBAL IMPACT
                         work and more. Wherever your future              	We see learning and research as connected
                         takes you, you’ll gain deep understanding          aspects of the student experience.
                         about how we perceive and make                     Our research ethos is underpinned by
                                                                            a commitment to make positive change
                                                                            in the world, putting you close to world-
                       ≥	PROTECT THE NET                                   leading research that is changing
                       	Get skills to manage and mitigate cyber-           lives in the communities we serve.
                         related security issues. Discover careers
                         in cyber security and intelligence,
                         cybercrime and social engineering.               ≥	ENJOY GREAT
                                                                            CAMPUS FACILITIES
                       ≥	PREPARE FOR A BROAD                             	Each University campus is directly linked
                                                                            to the Western Sydney community and
                         RANGE OF CAREERS                                   reflects the cultural diversity, energy and
                       	If you are fascinated by the human                 growth of the region. Facilities include
                         psyche and excited by the prospects                libraries, gyms, computer laboratories,
                         of positively impacting human health,              wireless internet, cafes, bars, tennis courts,
                         work, education, relationships and family          swimming pools and open space. Psychology
                         life, consider Psychology. A Western               degrees are offered on our Bankstown,
                         Sydney University Psychology degree                Parramatta and Penrith campuses.
                         opens doors to numerous professional
                         careers, including clinical psychology,
                         forensic psychology, policy development,         ≥	GAIN FURTHER
                         human resource consultancy, vocational             PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE
                         assessment, juvenile justice, family and
                                                                          	Through our brand-new partnership with
                         community services, and youth work.
                                                                            Wesley Mission, a major provider of health
                                                                            and other services in our region, you have
                       ≥	FLEXIBLE LEARNING                                 the opportunity to complete certificated
                                                                            mental health workforce training alongside
                         ENVIRONMENT                                        your Psychology degree. This will allow you
                       	Led by internationally recognised                  to gain additional job ready skills at a time
                         psychology academics and practitioners,            you choose in a way that complements your
                         the University’s Psychology program                training in the science of psychology.
                         combines biological, cognitive,
                         neurological, social, developmental and
                         personality theories in a flexible learning      ≥ FREE DIGITAL TEXTBOOKS
                         environment. This is complemented by             	Western was the first university to
                         research expertise and a solid grounding           provide all the digital textbooks for your
                         in foundations for practical experience            first year units for free. We are pleased
                         during postgraduate programs.                      to be offering the benefit of free digital
                                                                            textbooks for first year units to students
                                                                            once again in 2018! That’s up to $800 in
                                                                            value. Why? Because money shouldn’t
                                                                            stand between you and opportunity.
                                                                            Discover more about free digital textbooks
                                                                            at                                                                                                         7

Future thinking.
Unlimited possibilities.
The Academy at Western
Sydney University.

Success is not just about    The Academy at Western Sydney        ≥ unprecedented opportunities for
                             University offers advanced              industry and real life experience
getting a degree, but        degrees that prepare you to thrive
developing the critical      in the face of change and seize      ≥ world-class research,
                                                                    researchers, teachers,
thinking and leadership      success at every opportunity.
                                                                    experts and innovation labs
                             Whether your dream is to achieve
skills to support a          as a professional, an entrepreneur   ≥ travel to national and
successful career.           or an academic, you will learn to      international leadership
                             think differently and creatively        experiences and conferences
It’s about learning skills   in whatever you do.
for your chosen life, not    The Academy offers high-
                                                                  ≥ a range of professional
                                                                    and personal development
just a job.                  achieving students a unique,           workshops
                             hands-on approach to learning in
                             an interdisciplinary environment.    ≥ internship, service learning and
                             Led by Associate Professor             volunteering opportunities
                             Jonathon Allen, The Academy
                             draws on the unique experience       ≥ personalised career planning
                             of leading thinkers, social change
                                                                  ≥ applied leadership experience in
                             agents, community leaders, and
                                                                    student-led, community-focused
                             high-achieving students both
                             past and present.
                             With a focus on ethical leadership
                                                                  theacademy for more information.
                             and critical thinking, built on
                             the pillars of academic rigour,
                             community engagement, and
                             professional and personal
                             development, The Academy
                             offers students access to:

          The Academy

8                                                                                    Western Sydney University

BIG                 9

10                Western Sydney University
PSYCHOLOGY 2018                11

Bachelor of       COURSE                      UAC
                                                                          INTAKE          LOCATION       DURATION ATAR

Psychology        B Psychology (Honours)      727500     041143A     1865     March/July Bankstown       4F/8P         89.30

(Honours)                                     727502



                                                                              March/July Parramatta

                                                                              March/July Penrith



                  Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                  Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                  Our Bachelor of Psychology (Honours) degree               Students who have successfully completed
                  is your opportunity to understand all the                 the first three years, but who do not
                  things that influence human behaviour. Topics             achieve this standard, will graduate with
                  covered in this degree include: the way the               the Bachelor of Psychological Studies.
                  brain works, how we learn, what our emotions
                  are about, how we process information to                  CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                  make decisions, why no two people are the
                  same in the ways they think, feel and act, how            To graduate with a Bachelor of Psychology
                  we develop across the lifespan, and the broad             (Honours), you will be required to complete
                  spectrum of mental health issues that affect              24 units, followed by an Honours year. Some
                  our lives.                                                of the core units you may study in this degree
                                                                            include: Brain and Behaviour; Perception;
                  At Western Sydney University, we give our                 Cognitive Processes; and Developmental
                  students a thorough grounding in the core                 Psychology.
                  areas of psychology so they are equipped for
                  a range of career options after graduation,               The Bachelor of Psychology (Honours)
                  including going on to become a practising                 includes a choice of additional psychology
                  psychologist. You will also learn how to do               units to study as part of a Psychology
                  the research needed to discover more about                extension sub-major and eight open elective
                  human behaviour and answer questions about                units that can be chosen from other courses
                  things we don’t yet understand. In addition to            offered by the University.
                  the core units, you will also have the choice of
                                                                            For detailed information about the
                  electives in areas of research excellence.
                                                                            course structure and units, visit
                  As a four-year degree, the Bachelor             
                  of Psychology (Honours) gives you a
                  thorough scientific understanding of                      INDIGENOUS AUSTRALIAN STUDIES
                  psychology. Importantly, it is strongly
                                                                            Enrolment in the Indigenous Australian
                  vocational, equipping you with the specialist
                                                                            Studies (IAS) major, sub-major or units is
                  psychological and research skills you will
                                                                            available to all Western Sydney undergraduate
                  need to enter the workforce as a provisionally
                                                                            students who have open electives. Find out
                  registered psychologist or to proceed to
                                                                            more at
                  advanced study.

                                                                            CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                            As a graduate of Psychology, you will enjoy a
                  Completion of the Bachelor of Psychology
                                                                            range of career possibilities, including roles in:
                  (Honours) will fulfil the Australian Psychology
                                                                            ≥≥ psychology or research positions in
                  Accreditation Council requirements for a
                                                                               both government departments and the
                  four-year sequence in psychology. The course
                                                                               private sector in clinical, industrial and
                  satisfies the educational requirements for
                                                                               organisational psychology
                  provisional registration as a psychologist
                                                                            ≥≥ counselling psychology
                  with the Psychology Board of Australia. The
                                                                            ≥≥ vocational psychology
                  course also meets the associate membership
                                                                            ≥≥ clinical psychology
                  requirements of the Australian Psychological
                                                                            ≥≥ disability services
                  Society. A minimum of two years further
                                                                            ≥≥ educational and developmental psychology
                  study and/or supervised experience as a
                                                                            ≥≥ psychology and the law
                  psychologist is required before full registration
                                                                            ≥≥ media
                  of provisionally registered psychologists.
                                                                            ≥≥ human resources
                                                                            ≥≥ community psychology
                  Entry into any fourth year program is
                                                                            ≥≥ forensic psychology
                  competitive, and has a minimum entry
                                                                            ≥≥ organisational psychology
                  standard of an average admission mark
                                                                            ≥≥ sports psychology.
                  of 70+ in second and third year units,
                  including an average admission mark of
                  70+ in the majority of Psychology units.

12                                                                                                    Western Sydney University

Bachelor of                                       COURSE                      UAC
                                                                                                          INTAKE          LOCATION     DURATION ATAR

Social Science                                    B Social Science            727600 082919G         1711     March       Bankstown    3F/6P        77.25

                                                                              727601     082919G     1711     March       Parramatta   3F/6P        77.25

                                                                              727605     082919G     1711     March       Penrith      3F/6P        76.15

                                                  Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                                  Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                                  The Bachelor of Social Science (Psychology)               CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                                  combines a broadly based, interdisciplinary
                                                                                                            To graduate with a Bachelor of Social Science
                                                  social sciences three-year program with
                                                                                                            (Psychology), you will be required to complete
                                                  an undergraduate accredited sequence in
                                                                                                            24 units. While the major study is Psychology,
                                                  Psychology that is a foundation for anyone
                                                                                                            required sub-majors include: Child and
                                                  wishing to go on to further study to become
                                                                                                            Community; Criminology and Criminal Justice;
                                                  a psychologist.
                                                                                                            Geography and Urban Studies; Heritage and
                                                                                                            Tourism; Peace and Development Studies;
                                                  Psychology uses scientific techniques and
                                                                                                            Social Sciences; and Sociology.
                                                  methods to understand human cognition,
                                                  affect and behaviour. This combination
                                                                                                            For detailed information about the
                                                  provides interdisciplinary and specialist
                                                                                                            course structure and units, visit
                                                  knowledge that will mesh with a broad
                                                  spectrum of career opportunities.

                                                  Opportunities to progress to Honours and                  CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                  postgraduate awards make this degree                      Psychological knowledge and skills are
                                                  distinct and attractive. There is a high                  welcomed across professional destinations.
                                                  demand for graduates in the mental health                 When combined with the social sciences,
                                                  workforce, as well as in related disciplines.             opportunities are available in the areas of
                                                                                                            tourism, sociology, peace and development,
                                                  PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                                  policing, and counselling in both government
                                                                                                            and private sectors.
                                                  Completion of the program will fulfil the
                                                  Australian Psychology Accreditation
                                                                                                            The Psychology sequence leads to further
                                                  Council three-year sequence in psychology
                                                                                                            study and supervision to achieve registration
                                                  requirements. Completion of an accredited
                                                                                                            as a psychologist with the Psychology Board
                                                  fourth year will satisfy the educational
                                                                                                            of Australia (PsyBA).
                                                  requirements for provisional registration as
                                                  a psychologist with the Psychology Board                  Entry to specialist endorsed psychology fields
                                                  of Australia and the associate membership                 (clinical, health, forensic, community, sports,
                                                  requirements of the Australian Psychological              counselling, educational and developmental
                                                  Society. A minimum of two years further                   psychology) begins with the Psychology
                                                  study and/or supervised experience as a                   sequence offered in the Bachelor of Social
                                                  psychologist is required before full registration         Science (Psychology).
                                                  of provisionally registered psychologists.

                                                  FURTHER STUDIES
                                                  With the accredited sequence in Psychology,
                                                  an additional Honours year is available to
                                                  high-achieving students. The application and
                                                  proposal need to be provided to the relevant
                                                  academic in the final year of your Bachelor
                                                  degree. Information about Honours options
                                                  will be provided to you as you progress
                                                  through your Bachelor degree, or you can find
                                                  out more at

Aimee Chugg
“The campus at Bankstown is spacious and
 aesthetically constructed, with plenty of
 garden areas just to sit and rest. Research is
 probably my favourite part of my studies at
 Western.”                                                                                                                                        13

Bachelor of Arts                              COURSE                      UAC
                                                                                                      INTAKE          LOCATION       DURATION ATAR

(with a Key                                   B Arts (with a Key          720510    040992A      1706     March/July Bankstown       3F/6P         70.00

Program in
                                              Program in Psychology)
                                                                          720515    040992A      1706     March/July Parramatta      3F/6P         72.85

                                                                          720518    040992A      1706     March/July Penrith         3F/6P         70.00

Psychology)                                   Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                              Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                              If your interest in psychology is fuelled by a            CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                              desire to understand its applications across
                                                                                                        To graduate with a Bachelor of Arts (with a Key
                                              the broad base of human endeavours, consider
                                                                                                        Program in Psychology), you will be required
                                              a Western Sydney University Bachelor of
                                                                                                        to complete 24 units. The core units you may
                                              Arts, with a key program in Psychology.
                                                                                                        study in this degree include: Psychology:
                                                                                                        Human Behaviour; Psychology: Behavioural
                                              This degree offers a 12-unit accredited
                                                                                                        Science; Brain and Behaviour; Motivation and
                                              Psychology key program. As this sequence
                                                                                                        Emotion; Perception; and Social Psychology.
                                              is accredited by the Australian Psychology
                                              Accreditation Council, it allows you to go on to
                                                                                                        There are up to eight electives within the
                                              apply for postgraduate study in psychology, the
                                                                                                        Bachelor of Arts (with a Key Program in
                                              next step to becoming a practising psychologist.
                                                                                                        Psychology). The elective component of
                                                                                                        the degree may be structured around other
                                              While covering the core areas in psychology,
                                                                                                        Arts specialisations including: International
                                              this course develops your communication
                                                                                                        Relations and Asian Studies; Cultural and Social
                                              and personal skills, as well as your creativity,
                                                                                                        Analysis; English; History and Political Thought;
                                              capacity for independent thought,
                                                                                                        Languages; Education; or Social Ecology.
                                              adaptability to new situations and problem-
                                              solving skills. Your electives can come from
                                                                                                        For detailed information about the
                                              many other degree programs taught across
                                                                                                        course structure and units, visit
                                              the University – broadening your abilities in
                                              cultural, historical and/or social analysis.

                                              Psychological literacies are in demand so                 FURTHER STUDIES
                                              students may have an interest in psychology               With the accredited sequence in Psychology,
                                              without wanting to become a psychologist. By              an additional Honours year is available to
                                              completing a Bachelor of Arts with just the eight         high-achieving students. The application and
                                              unit psychological studies major (that is not             proposal need to be provided to the relevant
                                              accredited), you can broaden your knowledge,              academic in the final year of your Bachelor
                                              making possible a wider range of more general             degree. Information about Honours will be
                                              career outcomes outside of ‘pure psychology’.             provided to you as you progress through your
                                                                                                        Bachelor degree, or you can find out more at
                                              PROFESSIONAL RECOGNITION                        
                                              Completion of the Psychology key program,
                                              including 12 specified Psychology units, will             CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                              fulfil the Australian Psychology Accreditation            With an accredited Psychology sequence in
                                              Council (APAC) three-year sequence in                     the Bachelor of Arts, you can pursue many of
                                              psychology requirements. Completion of                    the same career options made available by the
                                              an accredited fourth year will satisfy the                Bachelor of Psychology, including roles in:
                                              educational requirements for provisional                  ≥≥ psychology or research positions in
                                              registration as a psychologist with the                      both government departments and the
                                              Psychology Board of Australia and the                        private sector in clinical, industrial and
                                              associate membership requirements of the                     organisational psychology
                                              Australian Psychological Society. A minimum               ≥≥ counselling psychology
Mark Lathouwers                               of two years further study and/or supervised
                                              experience as a psychologist is required before
                                                                                                        ≥≥ vocational psychology
                                                                                                        ≥≥ clinical psychology
THE COLLEGE, FAST TRACK (ARTS),               full registration of provisionally registered             ≥≥ educational and developmental psychology
BA (PSYCHOLOGY KEY PROGRAM)                   psychologists. The psychological studies                  ≥≥ psychology and the law
                                              major does not meet APAC requirements                     ≥≥ marketing and media
“The facilities are very good, and the labs
                                              for an accredited sequence in psychology.                 ≥≥ human resources
 are state of the art. After this course, I
 hope to go on to my Honours, my Masters,                                                               ≥≥ community psychology
                                              Entry into any fourth year program is
 and eventually complete my PhD. The                                                                    ≥≥ forensic psychology
                                              competitive, and has a minimum entry standard
 opportunities to do further studies after                                                              ≥≥ sport psychology.
                                              of an average admission mark of 70+ in second
 graduation are very exciting.”               and third year units, including an average                The Bachelor of Arts (with a Key Program in
                                              admission mark of 70+ in Psychology units.                Psychology) degree opens doors to careers in
                                                                                                        diverse fields, such as:
                                                                                                        ≥≥ politics and policy development
                                                                                                        ≥≥ human resource consultancy
                                                                                                        ≥≥ writing and communication
                                                                                                        ≥≥ vocational assessment.

14                                                                                                                                Western Sydney University

Bachelor of Cyber                COURSE                      UAC
                                                                                         INTAKE          LOCATION      DURATION ATAR

Security and                     B Cyber Security and        727052     094541D     1837     March/July Parramatta     3F/6P         79.00


                                 Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                                 Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                                 As cyber threats become more sophisticated                CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                                 and damaging across all types of
                                                                                           To graduate with a Bachelor of Cyber
                                 organisations, cyber security has become
                                                                                           Security and Behaviour, you will be required
                                 one of the nation’s top priorities. The
                                                                                           to complete 240 credit points, including the
                                 Bachelor of Cyber Security and Behaviour
                                                                                           opportunity to complete work experience.
                                 meets the pressing need for the application
                                 of psychological theory and research                      The core units you may study in this degree
                                 to understand cyber security issues in                    include: Social Science and Computer
                                 the context of decision-making, human                     Science units plus specialised web based
                                 errors, social influence, organisational                  units, including Living & Working on
                                 cultures and vulnerable populations.                      the Web, Cyber Crime & Cyber Safety
                                                                                           and Policing & Terror Informatics.
                                 You will also gain a solid grounding in
                                 conventional computer and network                         There are eight electives within the Bachelor
                                 security concepts and skills.                             Cyber Security and Behaviour. Electives
                                                                                           may be chosen from other Western Sydney
                                 PRACTICAL EXPERIENCE                                      University programs or from other Social
                                                                                           Science or Computer Science related
                                 In their final year of the degree
                                                                                           programs, allowing students flexibility.
                                 program, our students can chose to
                                 complete either a specialised industry
                                 placement or a research project.                          CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                           This degree leads to a range of rewarding
                                                                                           career options for graduates. Examples
                                                                                           include cyber safety officer, data security,
                                                                                           security analyst, risk analytics, cyber
                                                                                           policing, cyber intelligence, intelligence
                                                                                           analytics and terror-informatics.

                                                                                           For more information, visit

                       FROM ALL AROUND THE GLOBE
 500 MILLION                                                                                                     19,000 EMAILS
   Yahoo accounts                                                                                                   leaked from
    hacked (2016)                                                                                                 Democratic Party
                                                                                                                    (US) (2016)

    WENDY’S                                                                                                CYBER ATTACKS IN
      FAST-FOOD                                                                                              AUSTRALIA IN
      LOCATIONS                                                                                               2015–2016

 EXPOSED TO                                                           SYDNEY RANKED                                  95%
 $16 billion               88% OF COMPANIES                           12TH CITY                                      OF INFORMATION
                           FEAR CYBER ATTACKS,
                          WHICH CAN COST BUSINESS
                            BILLIONS ANNUALLY
                                                                      AT RISK OF
                                                                      CYBER ATTACK
                                                                                                                     INVOLVE HUMAN
                                                                                                                     ERROR (2014 IBM)                                                                                                                       15

Bachelor of         When you enrol in an advanced degree at
                    Western Sydney University, you also qualify
                                                                        Note: The Bachelor of Applied Leadership and
                                                                        Critical Thinking is not a stand-alone degree.

                    for the Bachelor of Applied Leadership and          It can only be taken in combination with an
                    Critical Thinking. This degree is designed          existing Bachelor degree. Students enrolled in

Leadership and
                    to be undertaken in combination with                a degree linked with the Bachelor of Applied
                    any Bachelor degree. It focuses on ethical          Leadership and Critical Thinking will gain

Critical Thinking
                    leadership, creativity and innovation, the          entry into The Academy. A minimum ATAR of
                    capacity to deal with complex issues,               85.00 is required for the combined degree.
                    relationships and critical thinking skills. You
                    will learn to think from multiple perspectives,     For more detailed information about the
                    see and create opportunities, and bring             course structure and units, visit
                    creative, cooperative, and ethical leadership
                    to your future role in the workplace –
                    even if that role is, as yet, unimagined.

                      A ONE OF A
                  KIND DEGREE IN
                    DATA SCIENCE.
                                              In the world of tomorrow, data skills will be essential – no
                                              matter what other qualifications you may have. Western’s
                                              new Bachelor of Data Science is a one of a kind. It’s
                                              unique because it can only be studied in conjunction with
                                              another degree. This is a real advantage in a competitive
                                              environment. Graduates who understand the intricacies
                                              of extracting information and knowledge from data
                                              are highly sought after, whatever their discipline.

                                              Blend Data Science with courses like Marketing,
                                              Engineering, Information and Communications Technology,
                                              Science or Psychology to graduate with a combined degree.

                                              It will all add up to an unstoppable future. Find out more
                                              about what our Bachelor of Data Science degree can offer.


16                                                                                               Western Sydney University

Combined               COURSE                             UAC
                                                                                                LOCATION     DURATION ATAR

degrees                B Arts (Key Program
                       Psychology)/ B Laws
                                                          725011       041113G     2537         Campbelltown 5F/10P       98.30

                                                          725013       041113G     2537         Parramatta   5F/10P       97.85

                       Key: B = Bachelor of; F = Full-time; P = Part-time.
                       Note: Part-time refers to study load, not to timetabling of evening classes.

                       The Arts/Law combined degree program                      You are eligible to graduate in the associated
                       with a key program in Psychology permits                  degree at the end of three years of full-time
                       students to undertake multi-skilling and                  study, only when you have completed all non-
                       offers diverse career paths providing high                law units plus the eight law units specified in
                       marketability in multiple areas of expertise.             the study sequence as being in the first three
                       The Law element provides our students                     years of the relevant double degree.
                       with professional legal skills including
                       the ability to analyse legal material and                 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES
                       understand fundamental legal principles; an
                       understanding of the relationship between                 After graduating from the Bachelor of Arts
                       law and society; the skills to analyse and                (key program in Psychology/ Bachelor of
                       solve non-legal problems and specialised                  Laws program, you will be qualified for a
                       study into the Australian legal system.                   variety of careers in psychology and law

                       The Psychology element provides our                       For more more detailed information
                       students with skills in the areas of human                about the course structure and units,
                       behaviour and behavioural science.                        visit

                       CORE UNITS AND ELECTIVES
                       Qualification for a double degree in law
                       requires the successful completion of 400
                       credit points (40 units), including the units
                       listed in the recommended study sequences
                       for the relevant double degree programs.

                            FREE DIGITAL
                                  Western was the first university to provide all the
                                  digital textbooks for your first year units for free.
                                  We are pleased to be offering the benefit of free
                                  digital textbooks for first year units to students
                                  once again in 2018! That’s up to $800 in value.
                                  Why? Because money shouldn’t stand between
                                  you and opportunity.
                                  Discover more about free digital textbooks at

THE COLLEGE                                     provide additional teaching support over a
                                                longer time frame. Successful completion also
Western Sydney University The College
                                                guarantees direct entry into the second year
(The College) provides a range of pathway
                                                of the corresponding undergraduate degree.
options and support services to help you
on your journey to university. Through
                                                The College provides pathways in the
its comprehensive range of University
                                                following fields:
Foundation Studies and Diploma programs
                                                ≥ Arts (for students wishing to study Arts,
featuring small class sizes and individual
                                                   Education, Humanities, Law, Psychology
attention from academic staff, The College
                                                   and Social Sciences)
provides a well-supported environment for
                                                ≥ Building Design Management
you to succeed in your tertiary studies.
                                                ≥ Business
                                                ≥ Communication
DIRECT ENTRY ADVANTAGE                          ≥ Construction Management
After successfully completing the University    ≥ Criminology
Foundation Studies program and meeting          ≥ Design
the entry requirements, you will be             ≥ Engineering
guaranteed direct entry into first year of the   ≥ Health Science
corresponding undergraduate degree at           ≥ ICT Health Informatics
Western Sydney University.                      ≥ Information and Communications
Alternatively, successful completion of         ≥ Nursing
a Diploma program will guarantee you            ≥ Policing
direct entry into the second year of the        ≥ Science
corresponding undergraduate degree.             ≥ Social Science

Extended Diplomas offered by The College         HECS-HELP loans are available to eligible
are open access programs which have             students. For more information, visit
alternative entry requirements. These courses


                                                TALK TO US
                                                                                                APPLY TO US
≥ Read the information within this Guide        ≥ Attend Western Sydney University              ≥ Apply through UAC, visit
                                                  events – find out more at                        or apply direct to Western at
≥ Talk with careers advisors, your parents           
  and teachers/mentors
                                                ≥ Call the Course Information                   ≥ Place your Western Sydney University
≥ Refer to the Future Students site, visit        Centre on 1300 897 669 or email                 preferences  
                                                                                                ≥ Check your eligibility and submit a
                                                ≥ Get the inside information on Alternative       scholarship application, visit
                                                  Entry Pathways, Advantage Entry       
                                                  programs, Bonus Points and scholarships

18                                                                                                                    Western Sydney University

INTERNATIONAL STUDENTS                                               ADVANTAGE ENTRY                                                      PROVIDING OPPORTUNITIES
If you are an international student completing                       PROGRAMS                                                             THROUGH SCHOLARSHIPS
one of the following qualifications in 2017, you                     Western Sydney University provides the                               Western Sydney University is not only about
must apply through UAC International:                                following Advantage Entry programs*:                                 obtaining an education. We also challenge
≥ an Australian Year 12 in or outside Australia                                                                                           ourselves to engage students who will
                                                                     BEFORE THE ATAR                                                      get involved and make a difference to the
≥ an International Baccalaureate
                                                                     ≥ Schools Recommendation Schemes (SRS)                               University and wider communities. The
≥ a New Zealand National Certificate of                                                                                                   University has a unique set of scholarships
  Educational Achievement (NCEA) Level 3.                              If you apply to the SRS through UAC, you
                                                                       may be eligible for a guaranteed offer                             on offer, reflecting our strong commitment
                                                                       even before your ATAR is released. Apply                           to academic excellence and opportunity
You can lodge your application online at
                                                                       through UAC by 30 September 2017.                                  for Western Sydney students. Our
                                                                                                                                          scholarships support students who have
All other international students must                                                                                                     diverse interests and skills, and who make
apply direct to Western Sydney University.                           WESTERN’S EXCITING NEW                                               an active contribution to the community.
Western Sydney University international                              EARLY OFFER PROGRAM –                                                The University works closely with business,
application forms, 2018 international tuition                        COMING SOON                                                          industry and the community to ensure we
fees and further information about studying
                                                                     At Western, we do things differently.                                offer scholarships that meet the needs of
and living in Australia can be found at
                                                                     In 2017 we are giving HSC students the                               our students. Our scholarships provide
                                                                     opportunity to plan their futures early                              our students with support and give them
If you have any questions about applying                             because we believe your hard work matters.                           the opportunity to establish professional
as an international student, call                                                                                                         relationships while they study.
02 9852 5499 or email                                                Register now to receive information from
                                                                     Western Sydney University about our                                  Take the time to examine our scholarships
                                                                     exciting, new early offer program                                    and make the most of your opportunities for
                                                                                                  success. For details on scholarships, including
                                                                                                                                          the eligibility criteria and how to apply, refer
                                                                     * Conditions apply. For more information, visit                      to
                                                                                                  or call 1300 897 669.

IMPORTANT DATES                                                                                                                               GET CONNECTED

2017                                                                 2018
                                                                                                                                              Future students

August                                                               May                                                                      Events
Open Day                                                             Mid-Year Expo                                                  
27 Parramatta campus, 10am-3pm
                                                                     July                                                                     Facebook
September                                                            Parent Information Sessions                                    
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander
Future Students Information Evenings                                 August
12 Campbelltown campus                                               Open Day
14 Penrith campus
                                                                     More information:
November                                                                                                 Instagram
Western U Days                                                                                                                                #westernsydneyu
16 Campbelltown campus, 9.30am–2pm
17 Bankstown campus, 9.30am–2pm                                                                                                               Call
                                                                                                                                              1300 897 669


Western Sydney University reserves the right at all times to withdraw or vary courses listed within this publication. Variations may include but
are not limited to location of its courses on the University’s campuses or other locations. In the event that a course within this publication is to
be changed or withdrawn, applicants will be advised by mail to the address specified by them on their UAC application before the last date for
the change of preferences for the main round. In respect of course location change, students should be aware of the need to accommodate
such changes for the whole or part of courses for which they enrol. The University also reserves the right to update, amend or replace online
versions of this publication without notice.
Published 2017. CRICOS Provider Number 00917K. From Sustainably Managed Forests:                                                                                                                                                                     19

                        Contact information
                           1300 897 669

                     Western Sydney University
                          Locked Bag 1797
                     Penrith NSW 2751 Australia


20                                                Western Sydney University
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