Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for studies of pregnant women with pre-existing multimorbidity
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Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for studies of pregnant women with pre-existing multimorbidity Lee, S. I., Eastwood, K-A., Moss, N., Azcoaga-Lorenzo, A., Subramanian, A., Anand, A., Taylor, B., Nelson- Piercy, C., Yau, C., McCowan, C., O'Reilly, D., Hope, H., Kennedy, J. I., Abel, K. M., Locock, L., Brocklehurst, P., Plachcinski, R., Brophy, S., Agrawal, U., ... Black, M. (2021). Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for studies of pregnant women with pre-existing multimorbidity. BMJ Open, 11(10), [e044919]. Published in: BMJ Open Document Version: Publisher's PDF, also known as Version of record Queen's University Belfast - Research Portal: Link to publication record in Queen's University Belfast Research Portal Publisher rights © 2021 The Authors. This is an open access article published under a Creative Commons Attribution License (, which permits unrestricted use, distribution and reproduction in any medium, provided the author and source are cited. General rights Copyright for the publications made accessible via the Queen's University Belfast Research Portal is retained by the author(s) and / or other copyright owners and it is a condition of accessing these publications that users recognise and abide by the legal requirements associated with these rights. Take down policy The Research Portal is Queen's institutional repository that provides access to Queen's research output. Every effort has been made to ensure that content in the Research Portal does not infringe any person's rights, or applicable UK laws. If you discover content in the Research Portal that you believe breaches copyright or violates any law, please contact Download date:23. Jan. 2022
Open access Protocol BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Protocol for the development of a core outcome set for studies of pregnant women with pre- existing multimorbidity Siang Ing Lee ,1 Kelly-Ann Eastwood ,2,3 Ngawai Moss ,4 Amaya Azcoaga-Lorenzo ,5 Anuradhaa Subramanian ,1 Astha Anand ,1 Beck Taylor ,1 Catherine Nelson-Piercy ,6 Christopher Yau ,7 Colin McCowan ,5 Dermot O'Reilly ,2 Holly Hope ,8 Jonathan Ian Kennedy ,9 Kathryn Mary Abel ,8,10 Louise Locock ,11 Peter Brocklehurst ,1 Rachel Plachcinski ,4 Sinead Brophy ,9 Utkarsh Agrawal ,5 Shakila Thangaratinam ,12,13 Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar ,1 Mairead Black 14 To cite: Lee SI, Eastwood K-A, ABSTRACT Moss N, et al. Protocol for the Strengths and limitations of this study Introduction Increasingly more pregnant women are development of a core outcome living with pre-existing multimorbidity (≥two long-term set for studies of pregnant ►► Core outcome set (COS) development in accordance physical or mental health conditions). This may adversely women with pre-existing to the COS standards for development. affect maternal and offspring outcomes. This study aims multimorbidity. BMJ Open ►► Extensive patient, public and stakeholder involve- 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/ to develop a core outcome set (COS) for maternal and ment at each stage. bmjopen-2020-044919 offspring outcomes in pregnant women with pre-existing ►► Pragmatic design to make the COS development multimorbidity. It is intended for use in observational and ►► Prepublication history and feasible in the context of multimorbidity. interventional studies in all pregnancy settings. additional supplemental material ►► The applicability of the COS may be limited to high- Methods and analysis We propose a four stage study for this paper are available income countries. design: (1) systematic literature search, (2) focus groups, online. To view these files, ►► Responder bias may influence the types of out- please visit the journal online (3) Delphi surveys and (4) consensus group meeting. The comes included in the final COS. ( study will be conducted from June 2021 to August 2022. bmjopen-2020-044919). First, an initial list of outcomes will be identified through a systematic literature search of reported outcomes in K-AE, NM, ST, KN and MB studies of pregnant women with multimorbidity. We will BACKGROUND contributed equally. search the Cochrane library, Medline, EMBASE and CINAHL. Multimorbidity is a state of having two or This will be supplemented with relevant outcomes from more long- term physical or mental health Received 19 September 2020 published COS for pregnancies and childbirth in general, Accepted 18 August 2021 conditions.1 Despite an increase in multi- and multimorbidity. Second, focus groups will be conducted morbidity within the general population,2 among (1) women with lived experience of managing pre- existing multimorbidity in pregnancy (and/or their partners) there is sparse literature for pregnant women and (2) their healthcare/social care professionals to identify with multimorbidity. Studies in the USA outcomes important to them. Third, these initial lists of have reported that between 0.8% and 13.9% outcomes will be prioritised through a three-round online of hospital births were from women with Delphi survey using predefined score criteria for consensus. multiple chronic conditions.3 4 Using a list of Participants will be invited to suggest additional outcomes 79 chronic conditions, our preliminary study that were not included in the initial list. Finally, a consensus found that one in four pregnant women in the meeting using the nominal group technique will be held UK had active multimorbidity at conception.5 © Author(s) (or their to agree on the final COS. The stakeholders will include Studies have shown that multimorbidity employer(s)) 2021. Re-use (1) women (and/or their partners) with lived experience of permitted under CC BY. is associated with increased risk of adverse managing multimorbidity in pregnancy, (2) healthcare/social Published by BMJ. obstetric outcomes (eg, preterm birth) care professionals involved in their care and (3) researchers For numbered affiliations see in this field. and severe maternal morbidities as a conse- end of article. Ethics and dissemination This study has been quence of childbirth (eg, hysterectomy and approved by the University of Birmingham’s ethical review eclampsia).3 4 The 2020 UK national maternal Correspondence to Professor Krishnarajah committee. The final COS will be disseminated through mortality review reported that 90% of women Nirantharakumar; peer-reviewed publication and conferences and to all who died within a year of pregnancy had k stakeholders. multiple health and social problems.6 The Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 1
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. currently no COS for multimorbidity in pregnancy. We propose a pragmatic study design to develop a COS for observational and interventional studies, for pregnant women with pre-existing multimorbidity, covering obstet- rics and maternal and offspring outcomes. METHODS This study is designed in accordance with the COS stan- dards for development Core Outcome Set-STAndardised Protocol (COS-STAD) recommendations and the protocol follows the COS-STAP statement (online supplemental appendix 1); study findings will be reported following the COS standards for reporting.17–19 The planned start and end dates for the study are June 2021 and August 2022, respectively. The study is registered on the COMET database.20 The study will consist of four stages: (1) systematic liter- ature search for reported outcomes for mother and child in studies of pregnant women with multimorbidity; (2) focus groups of women with lived experience of managing pre-existing multimorbidity in pregnancy and/or their Figure 1 Flowchart of a core outcome set development method. partners, and their healthcare/social care professionals; (3) Delphi surveys among stakeholders to prioritise the core outcomes and (4) a consensus meeting to agree on leading direct cause of maternal death included throm- the final COS (figure 1). bosis, thromboembolism and maternal suicide; leading indirect cause of death included cardiac diseases, epilepsy Scope of the COS and stroke.6 In addition to acute complications (eg, The population is pregnant women; the exposure is pre- eclampsia) and chronic complications (progression from existing multimorbidity, defined as having two or more gestational diabetes to type II diabetes) for the mother, long-term physical or mental health conditions at concep- evidence suggests that pre-existing maternal morbidities tion.1 This does not include pregnancy-related morbidi- and medications taken for these morbidities can lead ties (eg, gestational diabetes), which will be considered as to offspring complications such as neurodevelopmental pregnancy outcomes. The morbidities do not have to be disorders and congenital anomalies.4 7–10 Current obser- independent of each other. For instance, if a morbidity vational evidence and interventions focus on single is a consequence of another morbidity (eg, diabetic eye morbidities. There is an urgent need for further under- disease and diabetes), these will be classed as two separate standing of the consequence of pre- existing maternal morbidities. The COS will be applicable principally to multimorbidity and development of interventions to observational studies but will also inform interventional improve maternity care for these women.11 12 studies for pregnancy in all settings. To facilitate future research studies, a core outcome Maternal outcomes will include the antenatal, intra- set (COS) is required. This will standardise the outcomes partum and postpartum period. Offspring outcomes will being reported, allow for evidence synthesis and ensure include the neonatal (first 1 month), infant (first 1 year), outcomes important to women, their families, carers and prepubertal (2–11 years old), pubertal period (12–18 health and social care professionals are captured.13 The years old) and adulthood.21 We have included outcomes importance of COS in women’s health is endorsed by across the lifespan of the offspring to inform observa- the Core Outcomes in Women’s Health initiative.14 The tional studies that take a life-course approach.22 Evidence Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trial (COMET) is emerging that pre-existing maternal morbidities can initiative collates resources for COS development and impact on offspring long- term health in early adult- maintains a COS database.15 hood.23 Pregnancy outcomes in the rest of this protocol A recent scoping review identified 26 COSs relevant to will refer to both maternal and offspring outcomes. maternity service users, of which 3 were related to pre- existing maternal morbidities in pregnancy (diabetes, Patient and public involvement epilepsy and infertility).16 A search for COS in pregnancy This protocol has been shaped by extensive patient and on the COMET database further identified two published public involvement (PPI). PPI for this study will be three- COS (depression and rheumatological conditions) and tiered: (1) patient representatives in the scientific advi- three in progress (cardiac disease, venous thrombo- sory group (SAG), (2) PPI advisory group and (3) patient embolism and immune thrombocytopenia).15 There is and public stakeholders as research participants. 2 Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Figure 2 Description of patient and public involvement in the core outcome set development. The SAG consists of clinicians (specialists in maternal studies reporting pregnancy, maternal and offspring and fetal medicine, obstetrics, perinatal mental health, outcomes; and studies of pregnant women with multi- general practice and public health), researchers and morbidity. The exclusion criteria are ongoing studies with women representatives collaborating on a larger project no published outcomes, editorials, commentaries, narra- studying pregnant women with multimorbidity (MuM- tive reviews, case reports, case series, diagnostic accuracy PreDiCT).24 NM, a women representative from the SAG, studies, laboratory studies and animal studies. No time or has advised on the study design, co-authored this protocol language limits will be applied. Full text screening will be and created figure 2 that illustrates the PPI in the COS conducted by two independent reviewers. development.25 Two reviewers will extract the following data from included studies: author, year of publication, study Stage 1: systematic literature search design, PROM domains, types of outcomes, definition of A pragmatic approach to identifying a list of initial and measurement tools for the outcomes. Any discrep- outcomes will be adopted given the wide range of poten- ancy between the two independent reviewers for study tial multimorbidities. We will first identify outcomes selection and data extraction will be resolved with a third from published COS for pregnancy and childbirth and reviewer. published COS for multimorbidity from the COMET database.26–29 We will then conduct a systematic literature Stage 2: focus groups search for reported outcomes in published studies of Outcomes identified in the published literature may repre- pregnant women with multimorbidity. sent outcomes considered as important to researchers.13 Search strategy Therefore, focus groups will be conducted to ensure the The following databases will be searched: Cochrane capture of outcomes considered as important to women library, Medline, EMBASE and CINAHL. Relevant key with lived experience of managing pre-existing multimor- search terms will include pregnancy (population and bidity in pregnancy and/or their carers/partners (two maternal outcomes), multimorbidity (exposure) and focus groups), and healthcare/social care professionals offspring (offspring outcomes) derived from previous involved in their care (one focus group). The syner- literature.28 30 31 gistic discussion in focus groups will allow participants to consider outcomes which are important to others and Study selection and data extraction stimulate in-depth discussions.32 The inclusion criteria are: systematic reviews, interven- We will aim to include six–eight participants per focus tional studies, observational studies, qualitative studies group. Sampling will be purposive and guided by the and patient-reported outcome measures (PROM) studies; sampling matrix to provide a broad representation of Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 3
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Table 1 Sampling matrix for the focus groups, Delphi surveys and consensus meeting Target/minimum numbers* Focus Delphi Consensus Characteristics groups surveys47 meeting (1) Women with lived experience of managing pre-existing multimorbidity (two 12–16 50 5 or more long-term conditions) in pregnancy Physical health conditions 6 8–10 1 Mental health conditions 3–6 8–10 1 Ethnic minority 3–6 8–10 2 Socioeconomically disadvantaged/marginalised groups 3–6 8–10 1 (eg, homeless, refugee, asylum seeker, drug and alcohol service users, disabled people or victims of domestic abuse)6 (2) Healthcare/social care professionals 6–8 50 5 Obstetric medicine/maternal medicine 1–2 8–10 1 Obstetric 1–2 8–10 1 Midwifery/antenatal practitioner 1–2 8–10 1 Perinatal mental health 1–2 8–10 1 Other: for example, primary care, public health, neonatologist, paediatrician, 2 8–10 1 health visitor, commissioner, maternity service provider, social worker, drug and alcohol service provider and maternity advocate/educator (3) Researchers – 5–10 2 Academics, triallist and journal editors (as future implementers) *NB: Target/minimum numbers are estimates. Due to the overlap of characteristics between participants (eg, physical and mental health conditions, healthcare/social care professionals and researchers), we will continuously review the characteristics of participants so that we can identify any underrepresented groups and target recruitment efforts in these areas. stakeholders and characteristics (table 1). Recruitment life impact/functioning, resource use and adverse events/ channels are listed in table 2. Involvement of the under- effects).37 served population will be guided by our PPI advisory group and the MuM-PreDiCT group’s strategy for diverse Stage 3: Delphi surveys representation.5 The Delphi technique collates stakeholder opinions using Based on the advice of our PPI advisory group, the focus sequential surveys. The response is summarised and fed groups will be held virtually. Participants will be sent partic- back to stakeholders anonymously in subsequent rounds. ipant information sheets in advance of the meeting and Stakeholders consider the collective views before re-rating consent will be taken 24 hours later either in electronic the outcomes. This provides a mechanism to reconcile form or verbally. The focus group will last for 90 min or different opinions to reach a consensus.13 This study will until no further new ideas are forthcoming. A topic guide employ a three-round Delphi survey, which is generally will be developed based on previous literature, and with sufficient to reach consensus (figure 1).38 Participants will the guidance of qualitative experts and patient represen- have the opportunity to suggest additional outcomes that tatives in the SAG and our PPI advisory group.33 34 The were not included in the initial list. focus group will be facilitated by a researcher with quali- The surveys will be hosted on a secure platform online. tative methodology training. The focus group discussion The three groups of stakeholders that will be invited to will be recorded using the virtual meeting platform, the participate and the recruitment channels are outlined recordings will be transcribed and imported to NVivo. in table 2. There is no recommended sample size for Data analysis will be inductive, following a structured, Delphi surveys; instead of basing the sample size on statis- multistage approach to thematic analysis.35 tical power, this is often a pragmatic choice.13 Previous obstetric COS has achieved sample size of around Initial list of outcomes 20–40 for patients and 50–100 for healthcare profes- The initial list of outcomes generated from stages 1 and 2 sionals.36 39–41 To reach the target sample size, snowballing will be reviewed and refined by the SAG and PPI advisory recruitment will be encouraged. To check for represen- group to combine outcomes that are clinically and patho- tation, the survey will ask for participant characteristics, physiologically similar to avoid redundancy.13 36 Preg- including types of long- term conditions constituting nancy outcomes will be categorised by: (1) maternal or multimorbidity, age, ethnicity, education level and socio- offspring outcomes and (2) by an established taxonomy economic status (patient representatives, as outlined in of outcomes (mortality/survival, physiological/clinical, table 1), specialty and job roles (healthcare professionals 4 Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. Table 2 Stakeholders and recruitment channels Stakeholder group Potential recruitment channels48 49 (1) Patient representatives ►► Service user associations/groups: for example, Maternity Voice Partnership Women with lived experience of managing ►► Parent support networks: for example, National Childbirth Trust pre-existing multimorbidity (two or more ►► Community groups: local maternity groups, baby/toddler groups, local authority long-term physical or mental health baby class, nursery, health visitor society, faith group and baby groups by conditions) in pregnancy and/or their church partners/carers ►► Social media: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Linkedin ►► Parent-oriented social media: home schooling, weaning, budget family menu sites, breast feeding, outdoor activities for family, local outdoor groups, Mumsnet and Gingerbread (single parents) ►► Patient support groups/charities for specific conditions: Tommy’s, Epilepsy Action, Association of Medical Research UK member charities and National Council for Voluntary Organisations ►► Royal Colleges women’s networks: Royal College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology Women’s Voices Involvement Panel, and Royal College of Midwifery Maternity Voices Network ►► Victims of domestic abuse: Refuge, Women’s Aid, WE:ARE (Women’s Empowerment and Recovery Educators) ►► People with disability: Disabled Parents Network, disabled parents Facebook groups ►► Drug and alcohol: Drug and Alcohol Abuse Support for Women ►► Refugee: Refugee Council, Refugee Survival Trust ►► LGBT: LGBT Mummies Tribe, Stonewall, Facebook groups for transgender men or lesbian women experiencing pregnancy (2) Healthcare/social care professionals ►► Personal, professional and clinical network of the researchers Any healthcare/social care professionals ►► Royal Colleges involved in providing multidisciplinary team ►► Societies (eg, McDonald Obstetric Medicine Society, European Board and care for pregnant women: for example, College of Obstetrics and Gynaecology) obstetric physicians, obstetricians, ►► Maternity charities (eg, Ammalife and Elly) physicians, paediatricians, neonatologists, ►► Social media for professional groups (eg, Twitter and Facebook). psychiatrists, primary care clinicians, public health professionals, clinicians of established joint antenatal clinics, perinatal mental health team, drug and alcohol services, social services, midwives, health visitors, dieticians, policy-makers and commissioners (3) Researchers The SAG’s personal network, social media (Twitter), the COMET and Core Academics, triallist and journal editors (as Outcomes in Women’s Health (CROWN) network, the Cochrane Pregnancy and future implementers) Childbirth group, and peer-reviewed journals of obstetric medicine and obstetrics COMET, Core Outcome Measures in Effectiveness Trial; SAG, scientific advisory group. and researchers). Participant’s name and email contact Each outcome will be rated on a 9-point Likert scale: will be included to avoid duplicate entry, for sending up 1–3 (not important), 4–6 (important but not critical) and to 2 personalised reminders (1 week apart) and following 7–9 (critically important). An ‘unable to score’ option will up on incomplete response. This information will be be provided to allow for participants who may not have kept securely, confidentially and separate from the survey the expertise to score certain outcomes.13 The 9-point responses. Likert scale is commonly used in COS studies and recom- Care will be taken in explaining the concept of COS mended by the Grading of Recommendations Assess- to lay participants, using supporting materials from the ment, Development and Evaluation Working Group.13 43 COMET website.15 The wording of the survey will be developed using appropriate language commonly used Score criteria for consensus by representatives in the focus groups. The SAG and PPI ►► Consensus in is when ≥70% of all participants rated advisory group will also ensure that plain language is used 7–9 (critically important) for an outcome. to describe the outcomes of interest. Outcomes will be ►► Consensus out is when≥70% of all participants rated presented in alphabetical order to avoid any response 1–3 (not important) for an outcome. effects related to the order of survey items.13 42 ►► No consensus is for any other scores. Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 5
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. ►► For further discussion is when: (1) ≥70% of all partic- presented for outcomes that met the ‘for further discus- ipants rated 4–6 (important but not critical) for an sion’ criteria. Nominal group technique will be used to outcome, or (2) when ≥70% of patient representatives discuss these outcomes.44 45 Participants will be asked have rated 7–9 for an outcome but consensus in is not to contemplate independently whether these outcomes reached.44 should be included. Each participant will be invited to voice their reasoning in turn using a round-robin format Pilot study to avoid domination of the discussion by selected few. This The survey will be piloted before the Delphi rounds to will be followed by an open discussion, after which a final check face validity. It will also inform the time frame anonymous binary vote of yes/no will be conducted for required for completion of each Delphi round. each of these outcomes. Outcomes that received ≥70% yes votes will be included in the final COS. First Delphi Participants will be sent a participant information sheet explaining the objectives of the COS study. Completion of the online survey assumes implied consent. Participants DISCUSSION will be informed that they can withdraw their response The proposed COS will be applicable for observational from the study within 1 week of submitting the survey. and interventional studies for pregnant women with pre- Once the name and contact details are separated from existing multimorbidity. Further interventional studies the survey response, it will not be possible to withdraw are urgently needed to tackle multimorbidity in preg- their survey response. nancy and reduce the associated adverse outcomes. It is, At the end of the survey, an open question will invite therefore, important to have a predefined COS to inform participants to suggest a maximum of two additional future research studies to enable valid comparisons outcomes. If a new outcome is suggested by two or more between study findings. participants, it will then be added to the second Delphi Strength round. Depending on how many new outcomes that will There is currently no COS for studies of pregnant women be presented, this criterion may be modified on a prag- with multimorbidity. As multimorbidity covers a wide matic basis. range of diseases, this presents a unique methodological Secound Delphi challenge to the COS development. This study aims to Participants who responded to the first Delphi round will adopt a pragmatic approach to make the task manageable be invited to participate in the second Delphi. A summary while still following the COS-STAD minimum standards. response from the first Delphi stratified by stakeholder Inclusion of observational studies in generating the initial groups will be presented for all outcomes. list of outcomes may detect rare but important clinical outcomes especially for offspring.46 Third Delphi The Delphi surveys, nominal group technique and anon- Participants who responded to the second Delphi ymous final vote in the consensus meeting will encourage round will be invited to participate in the third Delphi. participation of all stakeholders and avoid dominance of Outcomes that reached no consensus will be included as selected figures. As outlined in figure 2, PPI will have a options in the third Delphi survey. A summary response meaningful role throughout the COS development to from the second Delphi round stratified by stakeholder ensure accessibility and relevance to patient stakeholder groups will also be presented. Attrition rate will be calcu- groups and that patient perspectives are represented in lated for each subsequent rounds. the governance of the COS development.25 To widen its applicability, the proposed COS will include Stage 4: consensus meeting both maternal and offspring outcomes and will include At the time of writing, the UK is undergoing social outcomes that are common to all pregnant women with distancing due to the COVID-19 pandemic. In addition, multimorbidity. Finally, by creating this COS, we hope to our SAG patient representative has advised that travel- encourage and facilitate urgently needed research for ling to meetings may not be convenient for mothers with pregnant women with multimorbidity. childcare needs. Therefore, the consensus meeting will be conducted through a virtual platform online. Limitation The consensus meeting panel will be purposefully The focus groups, Delphi survey and consensus meeting selected from the SAG, PPI advisory group and Delphi will be conducted in English. Although efforts will be survey respondents to ensure representation of a range of made to encourage international participation, this may backgrounds. In the third Delphi survey, participants will limit the generalisability of the findings to high-income be asked about their willingness to attend the consensus countries. The use of online platforms may lead to under- meeting. For meaningful engagement in the consensus representation of the digitally disadvantaged groups. meeting, we will aim for 10–15 participants.13 25 42 Similarly, responder bias may influence the types of An experienced facilitator will be the non-voting chair. outcomes included in the final COS. To ensure repre- Summary scores stratified by stakeholder groups will be sentation of the socially disadvantaged/marginalised 6 Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919
Open access BMJ Open: first published as 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 on 29 October 2021. Downloaded from on November 8, 2021 by guest. Protected by copyright. group and healthcare/social care professionals with busy includes any translated material, BMJ does not warrant the accuracy and reliability work schedules, our approach will be flexible and where of the translations (including but not limited to local regulations, clinical guidelines, terminology, drug names and drug dosages), and is not responsible for any error necessary/preferred by the participants, we will offer the and/or omissions arising from translation and adaptation or otherwise. option of one-to-one interviews instead of focus groups. Open access This is an open access article distributed in accordance with the As further epidemiological knowledge is gained in Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 Unported (CC BY 4.0) license, which permits identifying common morbidity clusters in pregnant others to copy, redistribute, remix, transform and build upon this work for any women, the COS may need to be updated to incorporate purpose, provided the original work is properly cited, a link to the licence is given, and indication of whether changes were made. See: outcomes specific to these clusters. licenses/by/4.0/. ORCID iDs DISSEMINATION Siang Ing Lee Kelly-Ann Eastwood The final COS will be fed back to all stakeholders. Patient Ngawai Moss and public representatives will be encouraged and Amaya Azcoaga-Lorenzo supported to share the difference they have made. With Anuradhaa Subramanian the guidance of the SAG and the PPI advisory group, a Astha Anand Beck Taylor collaborative dissemination plan will be formulated. This Catherine Nelson-Piercy will include submitting the findings for publication in a Christopher Yau peer-reviewed journal, dissemination at conferences and Colin McCowan registering the study on the COMET database. Dermot O'Reilly Holly Hope Jonathan Ian Kennedy Author affiliations 1 Kathryn Mary Abel Institute of Applied Health Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK 2 Louise Locock Centre for Public Health, Queen's University Belfast, Belfast, UK 3 Peter Brocklehurst St Michael’s Hospital, University Hospitals Bristol and Weston NHS Foundation Rachel Plachcinski Trust, Bristol, UK Sinead Brophy 4 Patient and Public Representative, London, UK Utkarsh Agrawal 5 School of Medicine, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, UK Shakila Thangaratinam 6 Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, London, UK Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar 7 Division of Informatics, Imaging and Data Sciences, Faculty of Biology, Medicine Mairead Black and Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK 8 Division of Psychology and Mental Health, Faculty of Biology Medicine and Health, Centre for Women's Mental Health, The University of Manchester, Manchester, UK 9 Data Science, Medical School, University of Swansea, Swansea, UK 10 Greater Manchester Mental Health NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, UK REFERENCES 11 Health Service Research Unit, University of Aberdeen, Aberdeen, UK 1 The Academy of Medical Sciences. Multimorbidity: a prority for 12 WHO Collaborating Centre for Global Women's Health, Institute of Metabolism and global health research, 2018. Available: Systems Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, UK download/99630838 13 Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Birmingham Women's and Children's 2 Whitty CJM, MacEwen C, Goddard A, et al. Rising to the challenge of multimorbidity. BMJ 2020;368:l6964. NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, UK 14 3 Admon LK, Winkelman TNA, Heisler M, et al. Obstetric outcomes School of Medicine, Medical Science and Nutrition, University of Aberdeen, and delivery-related health care utilization and costs among Aberdeen, UK pregnant women with multiple chronic conditions. Prev Chronic Dis 2018;15:E21. Twitter Siang Ing Lee @IngLee17, Ngawai Moss @ngawai_n, Sinead Brophy @ 4 Brown CC, Adams CE, George KE, et al. Associations between comorbidities and severe maternal morbidity. Obstet Gynecol SineadBr, Krishnarajah Nirantharakumar @nirantharakumar and Mairead Black @ 2020;136:892–901. maireadblack 5 MuM-PreDiCT. MuM-PreDiCT resources: research documents, 2021. Contributors Our authors list includes PPI co-investigators NM and RP. SIL, K-AE, Available: NM, AA-L, AS, AA, BT, CN-P, CY, CM, DOR, HH, JK, KMA, LL, PB, RP, SB, UA, ST, KN 6 Knight M, Bunch K, Tuffnell D. Saving lives, improving mothers’ care - lessons learned to inform maternity care from the uk and ireland and MB conceived the study, contributed to the study design, critically reviewed and confidential enquiries into maternal deaths and morbidity 2016-18. revised the protocol drafts, agreed on the final draft manuscript for submission and Oxford: National Perinatal Epidemiology Unit, University of Oxford, are accountable for all aspects of the work. SIL led the development of the protocol 2020. and drafted the initial manuscript with contribution and supervision from KN, ST, 7 Chen S, Zhao S, Dalman C, et al. Association of maternal diabetes MB, K-AE. LL, BT and MB contributed to the qualitative element of the study design with neurodevelopmental disorders: autism spectrum disorders, and, together with NM, RP, SB and KMA, advised on the recruitment channels; PPI attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and intellectual disability. Int J co-investigator NM designed figure 2. Epidemiol 2021;50:459–74. 8 Han VX, Patel S, Jones HF, et al. Maternal acute and chronic Funding This work was supported by Medical Research Council consolidator grant inflammation in pregnancy is associated with common (grant number: MR/V005243/1). neurodevelopmental disorders: a systematic review. Transl Psychiatry 2021;11:71. Competing interests None declared. 9 Tomson T, Battino D, Bonizzoni E, et al. Comparative risk of major Patient consent for publication Not required. congenital malformations with eight different antiepileptic drugs: a prospective cohort study of the EURAP registry. Lancet Neurol Provenance and peer review Not commissioned; externally peer reviewed. 2018;17:530–8. 10 Vounzoulaki E, Khunti K, Abner SC, et al. Progression to type 2 Supplemental material This content has been supplied by the author(s). It has diabetes in women with a known history of gestational diabetes: not been vetted by BMJ Publishing Group Limited (BMJ) and may not have been systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ 2020;369:m1361. peer-reviewed. Any opinions or recommendations discussed are solely those 11 Beeson JG, Homer CSE, Morgan C, et al. Multiple morbidities in of the author(s) and are not endorsed by BMJ. BMJ disclaims all liability and pregnancy: time for research, innovation, and action. PLoS Med responsibility arising from any reliance placed on the content. Where the content 2018;15:e1002665. Lee SI, et al. BMJ Open 2021;11:e044919. doi:10.1136/bmjopen-2020-044919 7
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