Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, a Case Control Study - IJCMR

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                                                                                                                                            Section: Pathology

Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
(APTT) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, a Case Control Study
Shaffy Thukral1, Saleem Hussain2, Shuaeb Bhat3, Navleen Kaur4, Asritha Reddy5

                                                                    dysfunction are responsible for the generation of hyper-
  ABSTRACT                                                          coagulable state in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus individuals.
  Introduction: Diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterized by          Coagulation tests like prothrombin time (PT) and the
  hyperglycemia accompanied with the biochemical alterations        activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) are global
  in carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism. Diabetics have     tests use to assess the coagulation system in a clinical
  been shown to be in procoagulant state due to abnormalities       settings.5 Coagulation abnormalities with decreased level of
  in several plasma proteins in blood coagulation.Measurement       antithrombin III, protein C and protein S has been reported
  of prothrombin time (PT), activated partial thromboplastin
                                                                    in DM with elevated clotting factors VII.6 Moreover, there
  time (APTT), bleeding time and clotting factor concentration
                                                                    is also an increase in plasminogen activator inhibitor type 1
  are usually done in patients with a suspected abnormal
  coagulation. The present study was planned to assess and
                                                                    which decreases fibrinolysis. Together they contribute to a
  compare the coagulation tests in patients with T2DM and           hypercoagulable state in DM. Hypercoagulability in diabetes
  healthy individuals.                                              may accelerate atherosclerosis and acts as a risk factor for
  Material and methods: In this prospective case control study      the development of cardiovascular diseases(CVD)7
  50 diabetic patients and 50 healthy non-diabetic individuals      Measurement of prothrombin time (PT), activated partial
  were were subjected to Prothrombin time(PT), Activated            thromboplastin time (APTT), bleeding time and clotting
  partial thromboplastin time(APTT) and D-Dimer assay               factor concentration are usually done in patients with a
  patients in the department of Pathology at Adesh Institute of     suspected abnormal coagulation. PT and APTT are the
  Medical Sciences and Research, Bathinda from 1st January          markers for activation of extrinsic and intrinsic pathway
  2016 to 30TH June 2017.                                           respectively.8 D-Dimer is a direct marker of fibrinolytic
  Results: A stastically significant increase in Mean Prothrombin
                                                                    activity and a conventional clinical screening marker of
  time (PT) levels of 17.48 in cases vs 14.52 in controls with a
                                                                    preceding coagulation activity. Increased plasma D-dimer
  P value was 0.012. The Mean aPTT levels in cases was 48.12
  and in controls was 30.56 with a P value was 0.001. However,      levels have been reported in type 2 diabetes mellitus.9 Since
  in case of Mean D-Dimer levels, there was no significant          Diabetes mellitus worsens various biological processes
  difference between cases and controls with a P value of 1.000.    like coagulation and fibrinolytic system, the present study
  Conclusion: The present study observed a significant              was planned to assess and compare the coagulation tests in
  association between Type 2 Diabetes mellitus and coagulation      patients with T2DM and healthy individuals.
  parameters. Increased plasma levels of PT and APTT were
                                                                    MATERIAL AND METHODS
  observed which are consistent with abnormal coagulation
  mechanisms and may be interpreted as a tendency for bleeding      This prospective case control study was conducted in the
  and cardiovascular disorders. It would also be helpful to         department of Pathology, AIMSR, Bathinda over a period of
  incorporate coagulation screening as a routine investigations     one and a half year from 1st January 2016 to 30TH June 2017.
  for the better management of diabetic patients.                   50 diabetic patients who were attending out-patient and in-
                                                                    patient departments and 50 healthy non-diabetic individuals
  Keywords: Diebetes Mellitus; PT; APTT; D-Dimer;
                                                                    were included in the study.
  Coagulation; Bleeding
                                                                    1. Already diagnosed Type 2 Diabetes mellitus individuals of

INTRODUCTION                                                        1
                                                                     Assistant Professor, Adesh Medical College, Bathinda, Punjab,
Diabetes mellitus (DM) is characterized by hyperglycemia
                                                                     Senior resident, SKIMS, Srinagar, J&K, 3Senior Resident, SKIMS,
                                                                    Srinagar, J&K, 4Post Graduate, Adesh Medical College, Bathinda,
accompanied with the biochemical alterations in
                                                                    Punjab, 5Senior Resident, Osmania General Hospital, Telangana,
carbohydrate, protein and lipid metabolism.1 Type 2 DM
                                                                    Hyderabad, India
accounts for about 80% of DM2 In patients with DM,
cardiovascular disease (CVD) remains the main cause of              Corresponding author: Dr Saleem Hussain, Senior Resident,
morbidity and mortality and approximately 80% of patients           SKIMS, Srinagar, J&K, India,
die as a result of cardiovascular complications. Apart from
                                                                    How to cite this article: Shaffy Thukral, Saleem Hussain, Shuaeb
the accelerated development of atherosclerosis in patients
                                                                    Bhat, Navleen Kaur, Asritha Reddy. Prothrombin time (PT) and
with diabetes, these patients are also at an increased risk
                                                                    activated partial thromboplastin time (APTT) in Type 2 diabetes
of thrombotic events. These individual have been shown              mellitus, a case control study. International Journal of Contemporary
to be in procoagulant state.3 This procoagulant state is            Medical Research 2018;5(8):H5-H9.
due to abnormalities in several plasma proteins in blood
coagulation.4 The hemostatic abnormality and endothelial            DOI:

     International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research                                                                          H5
     ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379 | ICV: 77.83 |                        Volume 5 | Issue 8 | August 2018
Thukral, et al.                        Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Section: Pathology

                     either sex (male and female) between the age group of 40-65           minutes.
                     years were taken as cases in the study.                               The kit used for PT determination-Diagnos Thrombo 1.0
                     2.Healthy individuals of either sex (male and female)                 Diagnos Thrombo reagent is a rabbit brain thromboplastin
                     between the age group of 40-60 years were taken as controls.          reagent supplied as liquid thromboplastin reagent with an
                     Exclusion criteria                                                    activator containing calcium, used in the in vitro testing
                     Patients with the following diseases/conditions were                  of prothrombin time by photo-optical or mechanical clot
                     excluded from the study:                                              detection systems.
                     i) Type I Diabetes mellitus                                           T kit used for APTT determination-Diagnos APTT.
                     ii) History of thromboembolism.                                       Diagnos APTT is a ready to use activated cephaloplastin
                     iii) On Anticoagulant therapy and anti-platelet drugs.                reagent activated with Ellajic acid used for in vitro testing
                     iv) Known inherited coagulation disorder.                             of activated partial thromboplastin time by mechanical clot
                     v) Female patients who were pregnant.                                 detection system.
                     vi) Recently undergone surgery.
                                                                                           D-Dimer Assay- Quantia D- Dimer Kit was used.
                     vii) Known liver disease.                                             D-Dimer is a turbidimetric immunoassay for the determination
                     viii) Hemoglobin levels
Thukral, et al.                        Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus

                                                                                                                                            Section: Pathology
 FBG (mg/dl)             N             Mean              SD            Std. Error Mean            t-test        p value        Sig.
 Case Group              50            202.20          58.87                 8.33                12.269          0.001         HS
 Control Group           50             98.62           9.93                 1.41
                                      Table-3: Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) of cases and controls

 PT (sec)                N              Mean            SD        Std. Error Mean          t-test           p value           Sig.
 Case Group              50             17.48           8.13             1.15              2.552             0.012             S
 Control Group           50             14.52           1.09             0.16
                                         Table-4: Prothrombin Time (PT) of cases and controls

 aPTT (sec)              N            Mean              SD       Std. Error Mean         t-test         p value               Sig.
 Case Group              50           48.12            22.32             3.16            5.535           0.001                HS
 Control Group           50           30.56             2.22             0.31
                          Table 5: Mean Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) of cases and controls

of Pathology at Adesh Institute of Medical Sciences and               significant difference between the gender wise distribution
Research, Bathinda for a period of one and half year, i.e.            of cases and controls.
from 1st January 2016 to 30TH June 2017, 50 cases and 50              Mean FBS levels in cases was 202.20 and in controls was
controls were included.                                               98.62 and p value was 0.001 which was less than 0.05. A
Age distribution of cases and controls is shown in table 1.           significant difference was seen among cases and controls.
Mean age of the cases was 53.98±7.81 and of controls was              Mean prothrombin time levels in cases was 17.48 and
52.78±8.07. P value was 0.452 which is more than 0.005.               in controls was 14.52 and p value was 0.012(< 0.05). A
There was no significant difference between the age of cases          significant difference was seen among cases and controls.
and controls.                                                         Our study was in concordance with the study conducted by
Table 2 shows gender-wise distribution of cases and controls.         AbdulRahman et al,10 Alao O et al,11 Sauls D.L et al12 and
Of the total 100 cases studied, equal sex distribution was            P.Krishna Chaitanya et al.13 However studies by Madan R et
taken and p value was 0.218 which is more than 0.005.                 al4 and Obeague E et al,14 found that there was no significant
There was no significant difference between the gender wise           change in PT. And studies conducted by Fayeza et al15 and
distribution of cases and controls.                                   Sunita Dhule et al6 concluded that PT was shortened in
Mean Fasting Blood Glucose (FBG) levels in cases was                  diabetic patients.
202.20 and in controls was 98.62 (Table 3). P value was               The Mean APTT levels in cases was 48.12 and in controls
0.001 which is < 0.005. A significant difference was seen             was 30.56. P value was 0.001 which was less than 0.05. A
among cases and controls.                                             significant difference was seen among cases and controls.
Mean Prothrombin time (PT) levels in cases was 17.48                  Alao O et al,11 Obeagu Emmanuel Ifanyi et al,14 Hassan et
and in controls was 14.52 (Table 4). P value was 0.012. A             al16 and Mayasam et al.17
significant difference was seen among cases and controls. In          also observed that there was significant prolongation of APTT
our study, PT was seen increased i.e. p value was statistically
                                                                      in diabetics when compared with the non-diabetic controls.
                                                                      Madan R et al.4 Erem et al18 and Collier et al19 reported no
The Mean aPTT levels in cases was 48.12 and in controls was
                                                                      significant change in APTT. The study conducted by Acang
30.56 (Table 5). P value was 0.001. A significant difference
                                                                      and Jalil20 decreased APTT which is in discordance with our
was seen among cases and controls. Mean D-Dimer levels
show P value of 1.000. There was no significant difference
                                                                      Dallatu et al21 and Selvin et al22 studied the effect of
seen among cases and controls.
                                                                      hyperglycemia on haemostasis and revealed that prolonged
DISCUSSION                                                            exposure of the blood cells to high glucose concentration
The present study was conducted in AIMSR, Bathinda in the             causes glycation of haemoglobin and decrease in synthesis of
department of Pathology for a period of one and half year. A          clotting factors. According to Lippi et al,23 high glucose level
total of 100 cases were analyzed, out of which 50 diabetic            causes incomplete activation of the coagulation cascades of
cases and 50 healthy individuals who served as controls were          extrinsic and intrinsic pathway. As explained by Laffan et
taken up for the study. Evaluation of the coagulation profile         al,24 the prolongation time of APTT may be due to in-vitro
and few platelet parameters were performed on all the 100             interference of fibrin clot formation by inhibitors. This
cases included in the study.                                          prolonged APTT may also occur as a result of damage to the
Mean age of the cases was 53.98±7.81 and of controls was              liver where most of the coagulation factors are synthesized.
52.78±8.07 and p value was 0.452 (>0.05). There was no                Thus, increased levels of PT and APTT are consistent with
significant difference between the age of cases and controls.         abnormal coagulation mechanisms and can be interpreted
Of the total 100 cases studied, equal sex distribution was            as a tendency for bleeding and cardiovascular disorders
done and p value was 0.218 (p value> 0.05) There was no               (Hassan 2009).16 The prolongation of these parameters in

      International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research                                                                          H7
      ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379 | ICV: 77.83 |                         Volume 5 | Issue 8 | August 2018
Thukral, et al.                        Prothrombin Time (PT) and Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time (APTT) in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
Section: Pathology

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  Source of Support: Nil; Conflict of Interest: None
  Submitted: 06-07-2018; Accepted: 08-08-2018; Published: 19-08-2018

      International Journal of Contemporary Medical Research                                                                           H9
      ISSN (Online): 2393-915X; (Print): 2454-7379 | ICV: 77.83 |                           Volume 5 | Issue 8 | August 2018
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