Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -

Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
Academy   Prospectus 2020-2021

Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -

                Tollbar Family of Academies
        September 2020 is an exciting time for your child to be         that, whilst students have experienced a difficult period in
        joining Louth Academy. Here we have developed a thriving        relation to Covid-19, every child continues to be given the
        school, where every child can flourish in an environment        opportunities and guidance necessary to achieve their full
        which encourages self-belief and celebrates aspiration.         potential.
        At Louth Academy, we truly believe that our ethos of
        challenge and ambition is resulting in a comprehensive          I hope you will find all of the information you need within
        school that all students, staff and our local community can     this prospectus and it gives you an indication of the
        be proud of.                                                    educational philosophy we represent.

        Tollbar Multi Academy Trust has invested in, and overseen,      I look forward to welcoming your child to Louth Academy
        incredible progress at Louth Academy since its inception        in September.
        in September 2017. Not only have rapid improvements
        been made in the quality of Teaching and Learning and           Philip Dickinson, BA (Hons), MA
        examination results are on an upward trajectory, huge           Principal
        alterations to the Upper and Lower Campuses have
        transformed the facilities, prompting great praise from
        our students and their parents. This year, refurbishment
        has focused upon the building of a brand-new music
        suite at the lower site, along with a fully revamped theatre,
        recording studio and dance studio at the upper site for
        the use of all of our students. It is a privilege to welcome
        your child into such a well-resourced Academy, featuring
        outstanding facilities.

        Our dedicated staff are committed to achieving the very
        best for Louth Academy and are determined to ensure

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Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
Louth Academy will:

• Enable students to experience an exciting and creative climate   • Promote an international business and enterprise culture and
  and we create opportunities for every individual to achieve        ethic, alongside the goal of general academic excellence.
  their maximum potential.
                                                                   • Focus our determination to maintain the Academy at the
• Prepare students for active local, national and global             leading edge of educational innovation.
                                                                   • Reinforce and extend the links the Academy has with its
• Provide a secure, caring environment for each individual           partners and the local, national and worldwide community.
                                                                   • Raise the overall standard of teaching and learning.
• Encourage students to follow a healthy lifestyle.
                                                                   • Accept that our first responsibility is to our students, to meet
• Promote an international understanding through a rich and          their needs and provide outstanding service.
  extended curriculum.
                                                                   • Adopt a philosophy of continuous improvement in every
                                                                     aspect of the Academy’s work and life.

We are committed to honesty and responsibility in all relationships, respecting the legitimate
rights of individuals and stressing the importance of social awareness and sensitivity.

                                                                                                                 Louth Academy | 3
Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
Admissions and Induction
  Transition Arrangements
  Parents can apply for a place at a
                                                 In June, Year 6 students transferring
                                                 to the Academy receive a visit from a
                                                                                                   At Louth Academy,
  secondary school from 7th September
  2020 for the Year 7 September 2021
                                                 Louth Academy teacher who collects
                                                 information about friendship groups and           we recognise that
                                                 siblings. This teacher also addresses
  intake. The admission booklets “Going
  to secondary school in Lincolnshire” and       concerns and answers any questions                transferring to a new
  “The Lincolnshire School Admissions            that students may have.
  Guide” are available to download at:           High priority is given to keeping family
                                                                                                   school is a major step
                                                 groupings, siblings and friendship
                                                 groups together as far as possible. If            in the life of a young
                                                 there are concerns or special requests,
  The preferred method for applying for a
  Year 7 place is online. You can also apply     parents should telephone the Academy              person.
  by telephoning the Customer Service            and we will do our best to comply with
  Centre on: 01522 782030. Alternatively,        your requests.
  you can request a paper application
  using the same telephone number. If you        Open Evening                                      For this reason,
  have queries or problems applying for a
  place at Louth Academy, please contact
  us on 01507 606349.
                                                 The Open Evening in September is our
                                                 main event where parents and students
                                                                                                   in addition to the
  All parents are informed of their
                                                 can visit all areas of the Academy and
                                                 meet students and staff. If parents               standard procedures
  allocation on 1st March 2021.                  cannot attend our Open Evening,
  You will receive a single offer of a place.    individual appointments to visit during           that have to be
                                                 the Academy day can be made by
  You must officially accept a place that is     telephoning 01507 606349.                         followed, we have
  offered at Louth Academy by 12th March
  2021.                                          Induction Days to Enjoy
                                                                                                   our own co-ordinated
  If you are unsuccessful at this stage, you     The next step is the Primary Induction
  will be offered the right of an appeal. If     Days that will take place during July. All
                                                 students transferring to Louth Academy
                                                                                                   scheme for Year 6 to
  you wish to appeal for a place at Louth
  Academy, contact Admissions at the
  Academy and request an Appeals Form.
                                                 will take part in three full days of activities
                                                 involving a wide range of subjects.
                                                                                                   Year 7 transfer.
  Please return the completed form to the        The induction days also acquaint new
  Academy. All appeals are heard by an           starters with the Academy surroundings
  independent appeals panel.                     and provide an opportunity to meet staff
                                                 and other students.
  ‘Casual’ transfers relate to transfers other
  than from Year 6 to Year 7. If you would
  like your child to change secondary
  schools, you should initially discuss the
  matter with your child’s current school. If
  you still wish to proceed, please contact
  the Academy to request a Transfer
  Application Form.

  Making the Transition to
  Louth Academy
  Our co-ordinated scheme for Year 6
  to Year 7 transfer minimises problems
  and concerns and ensures that
  students making the transition from
  Primary School to Louth Academy with

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Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
New Intake Parents’ Evening
Parents of our September intake students are invited to a parents’ evening where they are given all of the information needed for their
child’s transition to the Academy. They will also have an opportunity to meet pastoral staff who will be able to answer any individual

Special Needs
For students with Special Educational Needs, our SEND Co-ordinator will be available to attend reviews from Year 5 onwards.

Banding and Setting Arrangements
Your child will be placed in an ability band within the year group. This is determined by your child’s Key Stage 2 results.

                                                                                                                          Louth Academy | 5
Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
  Louth Academy students enjoy a broad and balanced
  curriculum that prepares them for adult life.
  • Our curriculum is designed to be flexible to allow for personalised learning.
  • All students in Key Stage 3 follow a curriculum which prepares them for
     GCSE studies in Key Stage 4.

  Students in Year 7 are arranged in four bands with two classes
  in each band. There are opportunities throughout the year for
  movement between the bands.
  Class Sizes
  Class sizes are kept as small as possible. The current Year 7
  have an average class size of 21.
  Equipment Required
  All students are required to have their own basic items each
  day. These include pen, pencil, ruler, eraser, basic small set
  of colouring pencils, protractor and a scientific calculator.
  Students are advised to own a small dictionary, a thesaurus
  and a small French and/or Spanish dictionary.

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Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
Music Tuition at Louth
Our music staff offer a wide range of extra-curricular music groups. In
addition to our music staff, we also employ highly qualified and respected
music teachers (music service accredited) for instrumental and singing
Music tuition takes place during the Academy day on a rotating programme
so that students do not miss the same curriculum lesson each week. There
are opportunities to perform throughout the year and all students taking
lessons within the Academy are expected to belong to one of the ensemble
groups and choirs.

                          The Academy Day

         08:50			Warning Bell
         08:55			Registration
         09:15			Period 1
         10:05			Period 2
         10:55			Break (15 minutes)
         11:10			Period 3
         12:00			Period 4
         12:50			Lunch (40 minutes)
         13:30			Period 5
         14:25			Period 6
         15:15			End of Day

Extra-Curricular Activities commence from 15.15pm onwards.

                                                                             Louth Academy | 7
Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
  Target Setting
  Students are set targets which are challenging yet
  realistic and attainable. They are discussed with
  students and reviewed regularly.

  It has been proved that effective target setting
  significantly raises the attainment of students.

  Assessment and Monitoring
  Louth Academy students are regularly assessed to
  ensure that their progress is monitored. Individual
  guidance and support is given in order to keep students
  on track.

                                                            Assessment in the Academy consists of:
                                                            • NFER tests in reading, spelling and maths
                                                            • CAT tests
                                                            • Internal examinations
                                                            • On-going teacher assessment of work
                                                            • Progress Point Assessments (PPs)
                                                            Internal assessments are utilised to measure each
                                                            child’s progress based upon their KS2 starting point.
                                                            Louth Academy students are set individual targets
                                                            that challenge and motivate them to achieve their full

                                                            Reporting Progress to Parents
                                                            Regular communication is maintained with parents
                                                            who receive an annual written report on progress. In
                                                            addition, the Academy issues a termly assessment
                                                            report that shows baseline information and internal
                                                            data showing your child’s progress. A meeting is held
                                                            for parents before the first report is issued to explain
  Louth Academy students                                    in detail what the various information means. Parents’
                                                            evenings provide the opportunity for staff and parents
                                                            to discuss any concerns - and for staff to highlight
  are set individual targets                                particular achievements.

  that challenge and motivate
  them to achieve their full

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Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -

Students at Louth Academy celebrated a very well deserved and improved set of
GCSE results, following three full years (the whole of their Key Stage 4) as a member
of Tollbar Multi Academy Trust.
As students did not sit exams due to the Coronavirus situation the Academy used
our robust and rigorous assessment processes to ensure that these results are a true
reflection of the grades students were expected to achieve had exams taken place.
The results at Louth Academy have seen an increase on last summer, with 63% of
students achieving a standard pass (grades 4-9) in Maths and English; and 32%
achieving a strong pass (grades 5-9).
The Academy’s Attainment 8 figure has also seen a rise to 43.27. Attainment 8
measures the achievement of a student across eight subjects, including English and
We are very proud of the progress our students have made and the grades they
received are a result of their hard work and commitment to their studies.

                                                                           Louth Academy | 9
Prospectus 2020-2021 Louth Academy -
  Our induction days start the process of acquainting students with their new
  surroundings and this continues on the first day at Louth Academy.
  Staff and other students do their best to help our new starters to settle in and to
  address any worries they may have about moving to their new school.

  House Groups                                     House Structure                                   Student Planner
  Louth Academy is divided into four houses:       Each House is led by a Pastoral Manager           The Academy Planner is an important
  Aquila, Lyra, Perseus and Vela - each of         who is responsible for student guidance.          means of communication between parents/
  which have tutor groups.                         An Assistant Principal is responsible for         carers and the Academy.
                                                   transition from Year 6 to Year 7 and for giving
  The First Day for New Year 7 students            continued support to the new year group           Each student is issued with a Planner which
                                                   throughout the year. An Assistant Principal       helps students to organise their work and
  On arrival at Louth Academy, new students                                                          take responsibility for their own learning.
  assemble in the hall to be greeted by senior     has overall responsibility for the pastoral
                                                   system.                                           It features the Behaviour Policy, helpful
  staff.                                                                                             sections on Literacy and Numeracy and
  A tutor period follows which lasts until         In addition, new students who need it have        other information designed to help students
  morning break and provides the opportunity       the support of the Special Educational Need       settle into Academy life. There are pages for
  for Year 7 students to get to know the rest of   Co-ordinator during the transition period.        students to record merits and to write down
  the tutor group.                                                                                   their homework. Much of the homework
                                                   Assemblies                                        is set on the Academy’s online platform –
  New students are given their timetable. They     Assemblies are held in House groups or            Frog. All students will be trained on how to
  also have discussion with their House tutor      in year groups and are led by Pastoral            access homework using this facility.
  when they can talk about any concerns they       Managers, Curriculum Leaders or a senior
  may have.                                                                                          Every Louth Academy student is treated as
                                                   member of staff.                                  an individual. We believe that success is
  The tutor will go through all Academy            Learning Support                                  achieved by recognising and responding
  procedures, including standards of                                                                 positively to each student’s particular skills,
  behaviour and what will be needed for            Literacy and Numeracy support is provided         talents and needs.
  lessons.                                         with a personalised programme meeting
                                                   the needs of individual students, where
  When lessons start, staff will always ensure     required.
  that students know where they should go for
  their next period so that new entrants have
  fewer worries about getting lost.

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Positive Reward System                                                 Student Council
We insist on high standards of work, behaviour and dress at all        The Academy actively seeks the views of the students. Students
times.                                                                 have the opportunity to be a member of their House Student
                                                                       Council and the Academy Student Council. All students can put
We value our students and believe in recognising their                 forward ideas to be debated.
achievements, not only with praise but with merits.
Year 7 and 8 earn merits for exceptional work, outstanding effort,
very good attendance, involvement in extra-curricular activities and   Louth Academy offers a large number of clubs and societies which
service to the community.                                              take place at lunchtime and after school, ranging from sport to
                                                                       music, drama and art.
Certificates are awarded at various levels, together with gift
vouchers for those collecting high numbers of merits.                  Medical
Homework                                                               If a student is absent through illness, parents should notify the
                                                                       Academy immediately by telephone and provide a note on their
All students are expected to spend between 7 to 10 hours a week        child’s return.
on homework.
                                                                       For a student on regular medication, parents are asked to complete
The planner gives clear advice on how to organise homework and         the relevant medical form. All medication is lodged in the Medical
where to access helpful information.                                   Room.
Homework Club                                                          Should a student become ill during the day, staff will issue a
For any student needing help, or who would like access to a            medical note and send the student to the Medical Room. If it is felt
computer, Homework Club is available after school on a daily basis.    necessary, parents will be notified to collect their child.
Uniform                                                                Transport Arrangements
Louth Academy is proud of its high standard of uniform. This makes     At the end of the Academy day, all students catching a bus are
the Academy stand out and gives our students a real feeling of         supervised on-site until they are told to board a bus by a member of
identity.                                                              staff. Parents need to apply to Lincolnshire County Council for a bus
                                                                       pass if their child will be travelling on a Lincolnshire County Council
All students must wear the Academy blazer, black trousers, a white     bus. If you have any queries regarding transport, please contact the
shirt, the Academy tie and black shoes. Trainers and boots are         office at Louth Academy.
not allowed. Plain coats and jackets should be worn. Sportswear,
blazers and ties are available from Uniform Direct. This ensures       Student Support and Safety
good quality garments at a reasonable price.                           Louth Academy staff are well aware that most students feel
Our high standards also extend to personal appearance - for            apprehensive when moving schools. If children have any worries,
example, we do not allow extreme hair styles, such as Mohicans,        they must not keep these to themselves but should let someone
and vivid or two tone hair colour is not acceptable. All hair styles   help them. Students can talk to their House tutor, Pastoral Manager
should be blended.                                                     or a senior member of staff. There is also a counsellor available if
Home-Academy Agreement
                                                                       In order to ensure that students are safe in the Academy, there is
Parents and students are required to sign an agreement to uphold       CCTV coverage around the site.
the high standards set by the Academy in terms of dress and

                                                                                                                      Louth Academy | 11
Louth Academy

Philip Dickinson, BA (Hons), MA

Louth Academy Lower Campus                                            Louth Academy Upper Campus
North Holme Road,                                                     Monks’ Dyke Road,
Louth,                                                                Louth,
Lincolnshire,                                                         Lincolnshire,
LN11 0HG                                                              LN11 9AW

Tel: 01507 606349

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