Project title: 5-Year Action Plan for Improving - Presentation Morocco Project V2 ...

Page created by Leroy Gonzalez
0. Introduction

  Project title: 5-Year Action Plan for Improving
              Road Safety (2017-2021)

Name/s of the involved institution/s: Temara Municipality
(Morocco) in cooperation with General Directorate for Local
Governments-DGCL (Min. of Interior) & GIZ
  Other stakeholders : Local and Provincial authorities; Police;
Project description: Improve technical capacities of staff in
charge of mobility and integrate traffic management and road
safety measures in resource planning at municipal level.
1. Institutional setting: Motivations

• The rapid development of Temara (225.000 inhab-2004, 313.000 inhab-2014) is
  associated with the expansion of urban mobility problems:
    o The main road network is insufficient: Parking organization? Traffic
      management? Public Transport?, VR Users...;
    o Road Safety : In 2014, the city recorded 775 bodily collisions, 9 of which were
      fatal. The victim balance was heavy, with 9 deaths, 3 seriously injured and
      1016 lightly injured. Road collisions are increasing
• Potential contribution from many NGOs able to contribute and firm commitment
  of the municipality;
• Morocco's National Road Safety Strategy encouraging cities to develop their
  own road safety action plans to meet the national target by 2021 (-25% of deaths);
• This project will make Temara the first city in Morocco to have a road safety
  action plan!
2. Starting point
How to proceed for a better data collection during the diagnosis

                                      Junctions DB

        Road Collision DB

                                   Road segments DB

                               Road infrastructure Data Base

                                   Road risk-mapping for the city, road safety
                                   inspections, issues, countermeasures, action plan…
3 Approach:

                                        P2. TMC                P4.
                     P1. Diagnostic     trainings        Countermeasures       Ph5. 5-yrs
   Project                                                                     RS Action
   Launch                                                                        Plan
                                         P3. TA for
                                        local NGOs
     Technical and
       follow-up                                                                Project
      committees                                                                closure
  Supporting the diagnostic phase of the main road network and safety, RDB
       Providing training on traffic control tools for signalized junctions,
             Integrating countermeasures for pedestrian safety,
       Sustaining the development of TORs for adopted countermeasures;
  Assisting in the elaboration of the five-year action plan development.
4. Outputs
  Developing a road information data-base covering all major and
  medium urban roads of Temara city: Sections and intersections ;
  Providing training on road safety inspection (standards);
  Providing training on road traffic control tools and junction
  Road safety and road traffic diagnosis, with field visits for
  principal road segments and intersections (as a first list);
  Developing actions over a 5-year period to improve road safety
  & traffic management;

  Strenghthening coordination.
5. Lessons learnt:
  Implementation is ongoing: 50%

  Non compatibility between required and available data: process in place
  for tracking changes in scope; decisions should be taken in phases.

  Project involves coordinating various aspects in order to bring forth a
  positive result. This coordination includes elements such as personnel,
  materials, procedures and facilities to address the problem and solutions.

        Piloting              Technical               Working
       Committee             Committee                 group

  In order for project controls to be effective, the project team has regularly
  scheduled update meetings (with a consistent structure) and standardized
  reporting format.
6. Follow-up questions

Delay in data collection :

    ●   Data on road accidents are not provided by Police;
    ●   The municipality of Temara did not have a data base related to urban
        road infrastructure information (digital data);
  The main tool we planned to develop is a road risk-mapping for Temara’s
  road network but there is no collision database with accurate
  geolocalisation (major issue in all Moroccan cities);

Question: how to help cities to develop their road risk-mapping as a strong
tool to guide their investment in improving road safety infrastructure?

Potential solution: This could be accomplished through training courses and
twinning activities between “learning” municipalities …
0. Introduction

  Project title: Construction of a bike lane (2 km) in
              central Oujda (pilot project)
Name/s of the involved institution/s: Oujda Municipality (Morocco)
in cooperation with General Directorate for Local Governments-DGCL
(Min. of Interior) & GIZ
  Other stakeholders : Local and provincial authorities; Police; NGOs.
Project description: Conducting preliminary studies for the
construction of the first safe bike lane (2 km) in the city center of
Oujda (pilot project), including traffic control management.
1. Institutional setting: Motivations

• The city of Oujda has a modest share of bicycle use (2%, Ref: EMD Oujda 2012),
    • Lack of urban infrastructures dedicated to bikers;
    • Strong involvement of non-motorized 2-wheels in road collisions;
    • This project falls within the UMP’s actions to increase the modal share of
      cycling to 2.5% by 2030 (UMP plans to build 45 km of bike lanes by 2025).
• The diagnostic phase was completed and the scenario containing the network of
  cycle paths was approved by the municipal council in Oct 2013.
• Potential contribution of many NGOs and firm commitment of the municipality;
• Morocco's National Road Safety Strategy encourages cities to protect vulnerable
  road users;
• This exemplary project could encourage cities to gradually expand their network
  of safe and friendly bike lanes to protect the environment, improve people's
  health and reduce injury collisions.
2. Starting point / Main challenge
How to decide on the best scenario for the bike lane configuration?

                            Good Data?,
                           Social & Envir

3. Approach: methods & tools applied to address the challenge
It is based on Technical Assistance for :

                                                 Ph4. Detailed
     TdRs                                                        Ph5. Tender
                        Ph1.                                     documents
                       Study       Ph3. TMC
     Project                       trainings
                                                                  P6. Works

     Technical and                                                 Project
      committees                                                   closure
4. Outputs

  Constructing 2 km of safe bike lanes, involving municipal
  technical services;
  Providing necessary training on road traffic control tools and
  junction design;
  Improving and integrating intelligent traffic control on 5
  signalized intersections crossed by the bike lanes ;
  Reducing traffic accidents;
  Capacity building of municipal technical services to continue
  developing the remaining 43 km of bike lanes network;
  Strengthening coordination;
5. Lessons learnt
Implementation is ongoing 60%.

  Importance of the project organisation and involvement of
  municipality staff to learn through the project;
  Reinforcing coordination at several levels and involving local
  stakeholders : NGOs; Police; Civil Protection, local authority,
  technical services, Urban Agency.
  Practicing traffic control management on all signalised junctions
  crossed by the bike lane and ensuring total safety for all road
  users: key success for sustainable use of the lane by bikers
6. Follow up questions

 Delay in data collection :

   Necessity of standards and codes, which are lacking at national level and
   need to be developed ad hoc;
   Lack of tools and instruments to monitor and evaluate sustainable
   transport projects like non-motorised road users infrastructure;

 Question: how to help cities develop their own appropriate tools to monitor
 and evaluate sustainable transport projects? How to build their capacities in
 order to be qualified and familiar with best practices in the field?

 This could be accomplished through training courses and twinning activities
 between “learning” municipalities ?
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