Project Proposals 2018-2019 - 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects - Association of Fish & Wildlife Agencies
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Contents Protection of Wintering and Stop-Over sites in Guatemala ....................................................................... 4 Protection of Migratory Bird Habitat of Desert Grasslands in the El Tokio Grassland Priority Conservation Area (in the Saltillo BirdScape) ............................................................................................. 9 A Sustainable Grazing Network to Protect and Restore Grasslands on Private and Communal Lands in Mexico’s Chihuahuan Desert ..................................................................................................................... 13 Protecting stopover and wintering habitat for key priority species of shorebirds and waterbirds at Laguna Madre, Mexico ............................................................................................................................. 16 Migratory Bird Wintering Grounds Conservation in Nicaragua ............................................................... 19 Conserving Critical Piping Plover and other Shorebirds Wintering Sites in the Bahamas ....................... 23 Conserving Thick-billed Parrots and Neotropical Migrants in old-growth forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico – Phase II ................................................................................................................... 27 Golden Eagle Conservation in Mexico ...................................................................................................... 31 Status of Western Yellow-billed Cuckoos in Sonora, Mexico ................................................................... 34 Protecting Key Wintering Sites for the Endangered Red Knot in NE Brazil .............................................. 37 Wood Thrush Conservation in Central America ....................................................................................... 40 Neotropical Flyway Project: 2018/2019 Season ....................................................................................... 46 The Pacific Flyway Shorebird Survey: Identifying Threats and Conservation Hotspots in Northwest Mexico ....................................................................................................................................................... 52 Protecting Winter Habitat for Cerulean Warblers in the Andes .............................................................. 56 Conservation in Costa Rica’s Guanacaste National Park .......................................................................... 58 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 2
Protection of Wintering and Stop-Over sites in Guatemala Partners: Fundacion para el EcoDesarollo y La Conservacion (FUNDAECO), American Bird Conservancy (ABC) States that have participated to date: Missouri, Tennessee, Arkansas, Iowa, Texas Overview: The coastal Caribbean region of Guatemala lies between Belize and Honduras in the province of Izabal. This region includes a number of unique and isolated massifs rising from sea level up to 1,200 meters, low-land rainforest, large mangrove and natural beach systems and a Ramsar Wetland. The region is bathed in moisture-laden Caribbean trade winds and supports a unique transitional ecosystem from the shoreline to wet rainforests and pine-oak forests on south-facing rain- shadow slopes. The unique combination of topographical and climatic conditions creates important stop over and wintering habitat for at least 153 species of neotropical migrants. ABC considers the región a high priority BirdScape called the Conservation Coast. ABC began implementing its BirdScape Initiative to scale up habitat protection and management in key landscapes for migratory birds. FUNDAECO is ensuring the conservation of these sites by purchasing and managing core habitat in areas identified for national protection by the Guatemalan government, who lacks the funds to purchase or manage land. ABC, FUNDAECO and other partners support bird friendly agroforestry programs that improve habitat conditions for migratory birds and replace cattle pastures. Threats: Cattle ranching, African oil palm, logging, and slash-and-burn and industrial agriculture in the area continue to threaten forest resources. Birds: At least 153 neotropical migrants have been identified in the Izabal region of Guatemala, which includes Wood Thrush, Kentucky Warbler, Worm-eating Warbler, Hooded Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler and Painted Bunting. ABC-funded research identified the region’s caribbean mountain tops as important spring stopover sites for the Cerulean Warbler—a priority Watchlist bird. Other Watchlist species in the area include Golden-winged Warbler, Canada Warbler and Olive-sided Flycatchers. The coastline of Punta de Manabique has been used by Buff-breasted Sandpiper, Sanderling, Stilt Sandpiper, Western Sandpiper, Red Knot and Wilson’s Plover during the winter migration. Other migrants in the region include Swainson’s Hawk, Blue-winged Warbler, Tennessee Warbler, Magnolia Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Baltimore Oriole, and Indigo Bunting. Overall project goal: Secure the protection of core migratory bird habitat through land acquisition, management and monitoring in the Izabal Region of Guatemala. Improve and scale up the management of lands in buffer zones of protected areas in ways that are beneficial for birds. Previous Southern Wings Successes: In 2012, during Phase I of the project, FUNDAECO acquired two properties to create the 5,682-acre Sierra Caral Amphibian Conservation Reserve in the Sierra Caral Mountains of eastern Guatemala. On May 13, 2014, the Guatemala Government established Sierra 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 4
Caral as a National Protected Area. Sierra Caral was the first protected area designated by congress in Guatemala in nine years. In Phase II of this project (2013) Southern Wings contributed to the purchase of 1,668 acres to create Punta Manabique, protecting key mangroves and reducing access to some of the most critical habitats on the Manabique peninsula that jut out into the Bay of Honduras. Southern Wings has also provided some of the funding for the management of these properties including park guard salary support. Phase III of the project expanded the Cerro San Gil Reserve through the purchase of the Finca Alejandra property (3,202 acres). Southern Wings provided funding for this acquisition. FUNDAECO has successfully taken over management of this property for conservation, and have patrols, community engagement, camera traps, and agroforestry activities underway. In Phase IV Southern Wings supported the acquisition of the 1,672-acre Tapon Creek Nature Reserve, which was completed September 2015. The Reserve provides for the conservation and protection of a vital habitat within the Río Sarstún Multiple Use Protected Area, complementing ongoing efforts in the Laguna Grande Nature Reserve. This Reserve supports the preservation and sustainable management of an important part of the single largest remnant of lowland tropical rainforest in Caribbean Guatemala. The establishment of this important reserve allows for increased surveillance and improved control of illegal activities in the area to ensure the conservation of habitat for migratory birds. Phase V included the purchase of a property called Finca Ana Perdoma, which will serve to create a core conservation area in the Sierra Santa Cruz Protected Area. This 556-acre property of humid tropical forest is a critical spring stopover site for Cerulean Warbler, and is located in the center of one of the most important Golden-winged Warbler focal areas in Guatemala. Also important to note is that ownership of this property will allow FUNDAECO to block access to an illegally built road, which has encouraged illegal logging, illegal hunting and agricultural expansion into pristine forests. Patrolling of this road has led to the confiscation of illegally harvested wood. Experience from other places shows that such patrolling activities are effective in deterring illegal harvesting. FUNDAECO’s long-term plan is to buy an adjacent private property that abuts a government owned parcel of land to create a 3,350-acre contiguous block of pristine protected forest. Now in Phase VI, we are expanding from formal protected areas to acquire lands for demonstrating agroforestry production. These smaller reserves called BioCenters are properties that will act as training grounds for communities to learn about production methods for products that can be produced in a way that is more environmentally sound. These areas will have test pilot production areas where adjustments to production management can be studied, providing living classrooms to experiment in, improve methods and educate local producers. Additionally, the products resulting will be sold on local or international markets, and the return from these sales will go into sustaining the BioCenters and also supporting the sustainability of the reserves that ABC, FUNDAECO, Southern Wings and others have helped to create. Southern Wings funding has helped to make payments on the Guaytan BioCenter and to begin its management of agroforestry systems including black pepper, cardamom, cinnamon, xate, cacao and rubber. With matching funds ABC supported a GIS study that helped to identify privately owned lands appropriate for scaling up agroforestry production. Fifteen properties representing about 1000 ha (2,400 acres) have been identified as having the potential for agroforestry expansion. The next step will be engaging the landowners. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 5
In total ABC and FUNDAECO has secured over 8,300 acres of land for conservation through the creation of multiple new reserves and the expansion of one reserve. This work has helped to secure the protection of the core areas of the most important remaining wildlife habitat in Caribbean Guatemala. New Activities: To advance Phase VI, funding is needed to complete payments on the Guaytan BioCenter. In addition to Guaytan, FUNDAECO maintains five other BioCenters and there is a need for native plant material to put these lands into agroforestry production. Secondly, now that 15 properties have been identified that have potential for agroforestry we need to meet with these landowners and encourage their participation in the program. Our hope is to develop cooperative management agreements with these landowners to shift production to agroforestry products that are more friendly to birds. To expand our network of bird friendly producers we need an outreach coordinator and need to establish training programs for landowners. Monitoring of reserves is also necessary, both for bird surveys and patrols to prevent incursions. In the Conservation Coast BirdScape ABC would like to expand the monitoring program to include MOTUS towers to add to this hemispheric, coordinated monitoring program. FUNDAECO’s reserves are prime locations for these towers and they have an established and trained avian monitoring team that is available to set up and monitor tower use. Similarly, reserve protection through guard support is needed. Also, a drone would provide a great tool to help locate incursions in difficult to access areas as well as provide photographs of areas over time to monitor the restoration in degraded areas. Budget (matching funds: Guard salaries, market studies, monitoring staff/equipment, REDD+ funding and travel, acquisition match.): Total budget request is $213,000. For a more detailed budget contact Deb Hahn. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 6
Figure 2. Map of Guaytan Property and distribution of agroforestry production 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 8
Protection of Migratory Bird Habitat of Desert Grasslands in the El Tokio Grassland Priority Conservation Area (in the Saltillo BirdScape) Partners: Pronatura Noreste A.C., Universidad Autonomo de Nuevo Leon, National Forestry Commission (CONAFOR), American Bird Conservancy (ABC) States that have participated to date: Oklahoma, South Dakota, Nebraska, Iowa, Texas, Kansas Overview: The desert grasslands, located south of the town of Saltillo in northern Mexico, are fairly high elevation (6,000 to 7,000 feet) grasslands and are important to numerous wintering migratory birds as well as threatened resident bird species and a threatened mammal, the Mexican prairie dog. ProNatura Noreste’s (PNE) Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands program goals are to ensure the protection and management of 2,400,000 acres of grassland habitat. ABC is working in partnership with PNE for the improved protection, management, and restoration of grasslands within the El Tokio Grassland Priority Conservation Area (GPCA). Within this GPCA the goal is to ensure habitat sufficient to support 30% of the global Long-billed Curlew population, 12% of the Mountain Plover global population and increase the population of the globally endangered Worthen’s Sparrow by 30 individuals by 2020. In 2017, ABC’s Migratory Bird Program launched our BirdScape Initiative. The Saltillo BirdScape includes the region of El Tokio. Within this area, PNE and ABC have supported conservation efforts on more than 150,000 acres of habitat through the creation of private reserves, ejido (community-based) reserves and conservation agreements that restrict cattle ranching and agriculture practices; and through the installation of erosion control measures and ranching best management practices. The ejidos involved include: La Hediondilla, Matehuapil, Tanque Nuevo, Puerto Mexico, El Cercado, La India, Los Arrieros, and San Jose de los Alamitos amongst others. PNE and ABC also directly manage two properties, Cuatro Gorriones y Loma del Gorrion, which are now being restored. Each of these properties has unique needs and present different opportunities for conservation for migratory grassland birds. Furthermore, additional ejidos in key areas of both Nuevo Leon and San Luis Potosi states are being targeted for future work. This includes ejido Las Esperanzas. Funding is needed to expand conservation actions to new properties in the region and to conduct habitat improvement activities on properties with whom PNE already has conservation agreements. Specific activities include creation of management plans and grazing recommendations, installation of erosion control systems to help restore grasslands, restoration and creation of water sources, and installation of fencing for livestock control. Threats: Overgrazing by both cattle and goats on these naturally arid lands has exacerbated drought conditions resulting in poor grassland conditions and loss of the vegetative cover upon which the native and migrant bird species depend. There has also been more rapid conversion of the land to agriculture across the Chihuahuan Desert Grasslands. In El Tokio, potato production is a product that threatens the conversion of grasslands to agriculture. The expansion of the city of Saltillo (population of approximately 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 9
700,000) is also beginning to drive land use change away from grassland habitat, threatening grassland bird populations. Birds: More than 250 bird species are found in El Tokio. Here, high concentrations of grassland wintering birds occur, including significant numbers of Long-billed Curlews (LBCU) (up to 2,000 individuals have been seen in a single flock). This region is also one of the most important wintering areas for Mountain Plovers and Sprague’s Pipit. Other Species of Conservation Concern include: Loggerhead Shrike, Lark Bunting, Brewer’s and Baird’s Sparrow and Ferruginous Hawk. Also wintering in the area are Grasshopper, Lark, and Vesper sparrows. Passage migrants include the Upland Sandpiper and Swainson’s Hawk. The endemic Worthen’s Sparrow is IUCN Endangered and considered and Alliance for Zero Extinction (AZE) species, only being found in this region. Project goals: The goals for this project include grassland restoration through improved grassland management and erosion control on over 370,000 acres. An 80 Km corridor that would connect approximately 15 ejidos and ensure that each has at least a portion of their ejido dedicated to conservation via ejido reserves has been proposed to combat poor land use practices. With ABC’s BirdScape approach we are looking to scale up implementation of sustainable land use management for grassland birds throughout the 2.5 million-acre region. The program also has a goal of evaluating conservation actions on bird populations including migratory birds as well as Worthen’s Sparrow. Previous Southern Wings Successes: PNE has conducted restoration on nearly a dozen properties in El Tokio. This includes the protection and management of two PNE owned reserves: Loma del Gorrion and Cuatro Gorriones. With Southern Wings funding erosion control devices have been installed, reforestation with local junipers has occurred, and prescribed fires have been conducted leading to extremely successful restoration of habitat. Southern Wings has also been key in maintaining a guard for these two properties which has been crucial to patrolling and performing repairs to the fences that keep goats out from neighboring properties. With Southern Wings funding, PNE has also worked with the following ejidos; La Hediondilla, Tanque Nuevo, Matehuapil, San Jose de los Alamitos, Puerto Mexico, and Las Carboneras. ABC has provided match funding for working in other ejidos like La India. PNE works to develop conservation agreements on these properties and implement management activities that help protect and restore portions of these ejidos. A key success at La Hediondilla was the protection of a pond where thousands of Long-billed Curlews congregate each year. A water management plan which manages the use of water from this pond was implemented, and the pond itself was fenced off for protection. Goat management recommendations for the San Jose de los Alamitos ejido were developed and a 1 ha pond was dredged here as well. Monitoring has been conducted across multiple ejidos to better understand the distribution of migratory birds and their presence and abundance on different properties.Worthen’s Sparrows were monitored in 2017. This monitoring found 33 Worthen’s Sparrow nests and 256 individuals were observed, however, only 8 nests were successful. Some In 2016, the monitoring program did not focus on Worthen’s Sparrow but only 62 individuals were observed. Overall results from migratory bird monitoring in 2016-2017 recorded a total of 2,418 individuals. Across seven properties surveyed, Horned Lark was the 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 10
most abundant species (1,469), while other important species were found in the following numbers; Sprague’s Pipit (28), Mountain Plover (17), Long-billed Curlew (33), and Savannah Sparrow (62). New Project Activities: Management is urgently needed at additional ejidos including Las Esperanzas. Now that San Luis Potosi has become safe for conservation work, there is a need to establish ejido reserves, or conservation agreements with private landowners signed to protect against expected urban sprawl. This area has a particularly high presence of Mountain Plover and Worthen’s Sparrow. Now that the La India has been designated a state protected area, the reserve needs a management plan. Additionally, we will continue to develop the campaign to acquire the reserve over the next 5 years. There continues to be monitoring needs. However, capacity to conduct monitoring across all of the properties where conservation is underway is posing a great challenge. More trained monitoring personnel are needed. Finally, CONANP (Natural Protected Area agency) does not currently have the capacity or infrastructure to properly manage the Llano de Soledad Protected Area which is made up of multiple ejido reserves with whom PNE has conservation agreements. Thus, there is a need to ensure regular, onsite supervision of these areas to deter land speculation. As such we seek support for a Protected Area Administrator. Budget: Total budget request is $76,250. For a more detailed budget contact Deb Hahn. Matching Funds – American Bird Conservancy and Pronatura Noreste have secured multiple grants for work in the Chihuahuan Grasslands work including funding from NMBCA, the Rio Grande Joint Venture, and CONAFOR. Other organizations like the University of Nuevo Leon are providing in-kind investment in to this project including providing support for monitoring. Ejidos are contributing in-kind match for installation of infrastructure. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 11
Map – Saltillo BirdScape including location of BirdScape Boundary (green), El Tokio GPCA (red) and location of properties PNE is involved with (yellow), and Llano de Soledad Protected Area (blue) 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 12
A Sustainable Grazing Network to Protect and Restore Grasslands on Private and Communal Lands in Mexico’s Chihuahuan Desert Partners: States that have participated to date: Arizona, Colorado, Montana, New Mexico States with strong biological connections: Seven to 28 species of greatest conservation need in each WAFWA state have a biological connection to the species in the Chihuahuan Desert. Overview: Grassland birds that overwinter in the Chihuahuan Desert are declining twice as fast as other North American grassland birds, having lost 70% of their global populations since 1970. The Chihuahuan Desert, more than two-thirds of which lies in Mexico, is a continentally-important wintering area for grassland birds. It supports 90% of migratory species breeding in the western Great Plains, including 27 species recognized as high priorities for conservation, such as Baird’s Sparrow and Chestnut-collared Longspur, which winter nowhere else. These birds are sentinels for unsustainable practices that are degrading grasslands and aquifers across the continent, especially in Mexico. Conservation and restoration of winter habitat in northern Mexico is needed to stabilize and recover grassland bird populations and prevent the need for additional listings under the Endangered Species Act. Our collaborative, non- regulatory approach to conserving grassland birds addresses the root cause of habitat loss in northern Mexico – desertification due to unsustainable grazing practices. Using scientific guidance from our peer- reviewed research, we collaborate with landowners to foster planned grazing and grassland restoration to protect and improve habitat for grassland birds while at the same time making each ranch more productive, resilient and resistant to land use change. Less farming conserves aquifers that are being depleted, jeopardizing pastoral economies, rural communities, a shared cultural heritage and way of life spanning generations and nations. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 13
Birds: The Valles Centrales and Janos regions support a diverse community of grassland birds. Species found here include Chestnut-collared Longspur, Vesper Sparrow, Brewer’s Sparrow, Savannah Sparrow, Horned Lark, Grasshopper Sparrow, Lark Bunting, Chipping Sparrow, Mourning Dove, Clay-colored Sparrow, Baird’s Sparrow, Eastern Meadowlark, Scaled Quail, Cassin’s Sparrow, Sprague’s Pipit, Loggerhead Shrike, Say’s Phoebe, Short-eared Owl, Northern Harrier, Chihuahuan Raven, Western Meadowlark, Red-tailed Hawk, American Kestrel, Mountain Bluebird, Burrowing Owl, Long-billed curlew, Aplomado Falcon, White-tailed Kite, Ferruginous Hawk, Prairie Falcon and Golden Eagle. Threats: Intensive cropland agriculture is rapidly expanding in Janos and the Valles Centrales, threatening to eliminate remaining native valley-bottom grasslands by 2025. Between 2006 and 2011, croplands in Valles Centrales expanded by 34%, destroying 170,000 acres of grasslands and displacing 355,000 grassland birds, including 133,000 wintering Chestnut-collared Longspurs. Land use change has continued since then, and croplands now occupy more than 63% of former low-slope grasslands in the Valles Centrales. Long-term unsustainable grazing along with increased aridity/drought have reduced rangeland productivity and increased financial strain on ranchers, driving many to sell their land for farming. This phenomenon is also happening in Janos and across the desert grasslands of northern Mexico. Success to Date: Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and its partners have conducted coordinated bird monitoring across the region since 2007 and have forged working relationships with many landowners that have provided opportunities for collaborative conservation of grassland birds. Together, we are creating a Sustainable Grazing Network focused on engaging ranchers in grasslands conservation and management, working collaboratively to support their transition to more efficient and sustainable production practices, and enhancing habitat for birds. Since 2013, we have enrolled 15 ranches representing 250,000 acres into this Network and have identified another 300,000 acres of ranchlands with a high potential for enrollment. With each landowner we develop an integrated wildlifeand grazing management plan and provide technical and cost-share assistance for implementing the plan. To date we have improved over 50,000 acres of grasslands through these actions, and we are monitoring the response of birds and vegetation to assess progress and inform our next steps. This collaborative, win-win and science-based approach now has significant proof-of-concept and is ready to be scaled up. Goals: • Enroll an additional 50,000 acres in the Chihuahuan Desert into the Sustainable Grazing Network (SGN) in 2018, and at least 500,000 acres by 2020. • Restore, enhance or improve at least an additional 30,000 acres of desert grasslands in 2018, and at least 150,000 acres by 2020. • Increase abundance and survival of priority grassland bird species wintering on SGN lands, including Sprague’s Pipit, Baird’s Sparrow and Chestnut-collared Longspur, among others. • Increase the Aplomado Falcon population to 10 breeding pairs, and improve habitat for endangered Pronghorn and other resident grassland species. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 14
Current Capacity and Needs: Keeping ranchers on the land by helping them improve their management, profitability and carrying capacity for birds and other wildlife is the most immediate and cost-effective way to slow and begin to reverse the decline in grassland birds. Bird Conservancy collaborates closely with IMC-Vida Silvestre, A.C., a Chihuahua-based non-profit with expertise in landowner outreach, grazing management and grassland birds. Thanks to support from our many partners, we currently support three full-time private lands biologists at IMC-Vida Silvestre who operate all aspects of the SGN from outreach and landowner relations, to development and implementation of management plans, to bird monitoring and evaluation. Funding is needed to help acquire infrastructure necessary to implement grazing plans and improve grass conditions (i.e., fencing, water lines and storage, etc.), as well as pay for diesel and machinery rental for shrub removal ($230/acre) and sub-soil aeration ($130/acre). Funding is also needed to construct water storage tank escape ladders ($60/each) and Aplomado Falcon nest platforms ($300/each), and support training and outreach events. Support from Southern Wings can help make a real difference in how quickly we expand the SGN and how many acres we can improve. Matching Funds: This project leverages significant additional investment from Mexican landowners, CONANP, the Carlos Slim Foundation-WWF, Bobolink Foundation, Dixon Water Foundation, Canadian Wildlife Service, Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act (USFWS), Bureau of Land Management, the U.S. Forest Service International Program, U.S. states including Montana, Colorado, New Mexico and Arizona, and the City of Fort Collins, Colorado. Every dollar invested leverages at least one additional dollar from other sources. Figure 1: The Sustainable Grazing Network (SGN) in 2018 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 15
Protecting stopover and wintering habitat for key priority species of shorebirds and waterbirds at Laguna Madre, Mexico Partner: Pronatura Noreste, National Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP), National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, Rio Grande Joint Venture States that have participated to date: Texas Overview: Laguna Madre, in northeastern Mexico in the state of Tamaulipas, is just south of the border with Texas. The lagoon is formed by a barrier island, enclosing a lagoon more than 100 miles long and as much as 15 miles wide, although it is on average much narrower. The lagoon is often hyper-saline, with some bays at times reaching salinity levels that are 150% of sea water. There are many bays, inlets and sand islands. Large numbers of shorebirds and ducks winter in the lagoon and on its shores and the barrier island. These include hundreds of thousands of Redheads, more than two- thirds of the total population. The lagoon and its islands also serve as important breeding, stopover and wintering areas for priority bird species including Piping Plover, American Oystercatcher, Red Knot, Long-billed Curlew, Reddish Egret, Snowy and Wilson’s plovers, Gull-billed Tern, and Black Skimmer. Conservation action at Laguna Madre has been identified as a priority in the Rio Grande Joint Venture implementation plan, and supports priorities identified in the United States Shorebird Conservation Plan (Brown et al, 2001) and The North American Waterbird Conservation Plan, Version 1 (Kushlan et al, 2002). Pronatura Noreste (PNE) has maintained a presence in the region conducting different types of projects for the last eighteen years. Working closely with the National Commission of Protected Areas (CONANP), they continue to work on projects involving habitat restoration, biological monitoring, community engagement and land protection. American Bird Conservancy (ABC) and PNE have been engaged in protection of habitat through the creation of conservation agreements on private lands, fencing and restoring wetland and riparian areas, mangrove restoration, feral species removal from islands, and focal species monitoring. PNE has regional watershed projects to restore streams and fresh water ponds from the Texas border to Laguna San Andres south of Laguna Madre. PNE is also interested in developing best management practices for ranching in Tamaulipas, a different ecosystem from the Chihuahuan desert grasslands where they also work on ranching practices. Threats: Climate change and drought conditions significantly impact Laguna Madre and its wetlands by reducing available habitat. This is exacerbated by overuse and poor management of water resources for agriculture and ranching activities. The lack of freshwater entering the lagoon and fresh water ponds around the lagoon are critical threats to the hydrology of the lagoon and its bird habitat. The loss of mangroves has led to increased erosion of barrier islands and is decreasing available resting and roosting habitat for migratory water birds. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 16
Birds: The focal species identified for Laguna Madre by PNE and local government authorities include: Piping Plover, Reddish Egret, Red Knot, Long-billed Curlew, Redhead and American Oystercatcher. Secondary focal species include: Wilson’s Plover, Snowy Plover, Sanderling, Least Tern, Black Skimmer, Western Sandpiper, and Semipalmated Sandpiper. Terrestrial birds of importance include Swainson’s Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Bell’s Vireo, Painted Bunting, and MacGillivary’s Warbler. Project goals – A multi-faceted project is proposed to identify, restore and protect key wintering, stopover and breeding areas for focal species through habitat restoration and protection of the 240,000 ha Laguna Madre. This includes the restoration of fresh water wetlands, reforestation of mangroves to stabilize islands and provide habitat, support for community monitoring and island clean-up programs, fencing of key areas to prevent predators from disturbing bird areas, and improved canalization of fresh water from the Arroyo el Tigre to support year round inflow of fresh water to wetlands and water sources on the edge of the Lagoon. Previous Southern Wings Successes: In 2013 and 2017, Southern Wings invested in the Laguna Madre project, funding mangrove reforestation that resulted in the planting of nearly 21,000 mangrove saplings over 75.6 acres. Prior to this funding, with funding from NFWF, ABC and PNE created two new conservation agreements on private lands totaling over 10,000 acres, began a program to control feral animals on islands, improved fencing to reduce cattle and other livestock from entering sensitive areas of Laguna Madre, conducted focal species monitoring, began mangrove restoration, and protected key nesting and wintering sites. The effort to remove feral dogs and cats from the islands, and educate local communities and fisherman about the problem, has led to these species being almost completely eliminated from islands. New Project Activities: Soil erosionon many islands within Laguna Madre continues at an accelerated rate due to wave action. One of the islands that has been significantly impacted is the Isla de Pajaros, or Bird Island, which is one of the most important sites for colonial waterbirds in Laguna Madre. As a protection measure PNE and CONANP are proposing the establishment of 500 containment barriers 600 meters in length on the south of Bird Island. These concrete barriers help diminish the force of wave action which will reduce erosion and have been proven effective in Florida. They will also plant mangroves to further assist with island restoration and erosion control. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 17
Budget: Total budget request is $40,000. For a more detailed budget contact Deb Hahn. Matching Funds: CONANP will provide support for labor costs and management. Funding from PNE through their Reddish Egret work continues. Maps: Location of Isla de Pajaros in Laguna Madre 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 18
Migratory Bird Wintering Grounds Conservation in Nicaragua Partners: El Jaguar Private Wildlife Refuge, American Bird Conservancy, the Red de las Reservas Silvestres Privadas de Nicaragua (RSP), Indiana University of Pennsylvania (IUP), Audubon North Carolina, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, El Centro de Entendimiento con la Naturaleza (CEN), Cornell Lab of Ornithology, MARENA, URACCAN, SELVA, Wildlife Conservation Society States that have participated to date: Pennsylvania, Missouri Overview: The cloud forests of northern Nicaragua are fragmented by agriculture, including sun-coffee production, potatoes, cabbage and other annual crops. Coffee can be grown as a full-sun crop, or as a shade crop that can serve as useful habitat for many species of Neotropical migrants. Adding shade to coffee plantations and using native species reforestation to create habitat corridors and protect water sources can help improve habitat quality for migratory birds. These highlands are important wintering areas for species like the Golden-winged Warbler (GWWA) and stopover areas for many species like Bay-breasted Warbler and Canada Warbler among other migratory birds. Almost all of the GWWA Focal Areas identified for Nicaragua are in this region. ABC and a host of partners are working in these focal areas to protect existing forest and create increased connectivity in this region through native species reforestation and agroforestry projects. Threats: Land use conversion from primary forest to agriculture, including sun coffee and potatoes, is reducing habitat available for migratory bird species, and reduces the number of individuals that the area can support due to decreased food and cover. Logging and cattle production further threaten wildlife habitat. Birds: More than 25 neotropical migrants winter in the area, including the following species that are present on the El Jaguar Reserve and its buffer zones: Olive-sided Flycatcher, Golden-winged Warbler, Golden-cheeked Warbler, Dickcissel, Summer Tanager, Yellow-breasted Chat, Wilson’s Warbler, Hooded Warbler, MacGillivray’s Warbler, Mourning Warbler, Kentucky Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush, Northern Waterthrush, Ovenbird, Worm-eating Warbler, Black-and-white Warbler, Black-throated Green Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler, Cedar Waxwing, Wood Thrush, Blue-headed Vireo, Alder Flycatcher, Acadian Flycatcher, Yellow-bellied Flycatcher, Eastern Wood-Pewee, Yellow- throated Vireo, Northern Parula, Ruby-throated Hummingbird, and Broad-winged Hawk. More than 15 other species also use this area as a stop-over on their annual migratory cycle including Canada Warbler. Most of these birds are Species of Greatest Conservation Need for state agencies, USFWS Birds of Conservation Concern, and/or on a watch list for Partners in Flight (PIF), National Audubon and others. Overall Project goals: The primary long-term goal of this project is to secure wintering habitat for the GWWA and Wood Thrush in Nicaragua. Secondary goals include maintaining important stopover sites for migratory species like Bay-breasted Warbler, Canada Warbler, and Blackburnian Warbler. The first phases of this project focused on advancing the creation of a conservation corridor between El Jaguar Private Reserve and the Reserva Natural Volcán de Yalí, which was later expanded to include the entire El Jaguar – Yalí GWWA Focal Area. We are now expanding this successful program to additional 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 19
GWWA focal areas identified in the GWWA Wintering Grounds Conservation Plan. Focal Areas of interest including Peñas Blancas, Datanli-El Diablo, Kilambe, and Saslaya National Park. As identified in the GWWA Wintering Grounds Conservation Plan, the conservation goals for these focal areas are to establish protections for 10% of forest cover in each focal area; restore 10% of existing pasture in each focal area; and convert 10% of all sun coffee to shade coffee in each focal area. Additionally, there is a goal to reduce the current deforestation rate by 50% over the next 5 years in these focal areas. These activities will also help advance the implementation of the PIF V Latin American Highlands Conservation Plan. Previous Southern Wings Successes: Reserva El Jaguar, with support from Southern Wings since 2010, has increased habitat restoration efforts at El Jaguar Reserve and within the El Jaguar – Volcán de Yalí Corridor. Since 2014 over 100,000 seedlings of native trees, nitrogen fixing trees, and fruit trees have been produced and planted on over 140 properties. Monitoring of migrants at El Jaguar and other locations in the corridor show migrants like GWWA, Wood Thrush, Canada Warbler, Chestnut-sided Warbler and dozens of others continue to use the area in good numbers for winter or migration habitat. In 2015 and 2016, in the El Jaguar – Yali GWWA Focal Area, we identified six landowners who were interested in conservation and enrolled their properties into the National Private Reserve Network. Reserves in this network are recognized by the Ministry of Environment as national reserves and part of the National Protected Area System. In total these new reserves have protected nearly 350ha (855 acres) of forest. Also as part of our work in 2015 and 2016, we held workshops on the GWWA Wintering Grounds Conservation Plan and conservation opportunities. These workshops facilitated the creation of new partnerships with additional conservation entities in Nicaragua to help implement the GWWA Winter Plan and expand conservation action for GWWA in Nicaragua. In particular, the Red de Reservas Silvestre Privadas (RSP) has been identified as a partner in Nicaragua that can expand conservation efforts to multiple GWWA Focal Areas. Furthermore, the El Centro de Entendimiento con la Naturaleza (CEN) was identified as a local partner within the Peñas Blancas Focal Area. Here workshops for coffee growers have been conducted and producers who are interested in planting trees have been identified. In 2017, the tree nursery at the CEN was expanded and the production of plants for reforestation and shade coffee efforts, and planting efforts are underway on 12 farms in the Peñas Blancas Focal Area. In 2017, ABC and partners expanded our work to a third focal area, Saslaya National Park. Here improved protection of the national park is needed through better surveillance techniques and patrols that have more targeted goals and are coordinated with the relevant agencies that govern law enforcement in national parks. To that end ABC partnered with Wildlife Conservation Society (WCS) to implement their SMART™ program protocol in Saslaya. This program, which is used throughout Latin America where WCS works, organizes and conducts special operations with park guards and local community leaders. In late 2017, WCS organized and conducted a special operation as part of a SMART training program with the Ministry of Environment, University of the Autonomous Caribbean Region (URACCAN) and community members, as well as to train for additional operations in 2018 and 2019. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 20
New Project Activities: New funding was provided by Missouri for the establishment of a MOTUS Tower at the El Jaguar Reserve. This tower will be set up in the next quarter with the assistance of SELVA, a conservation organization based out of Colombia. We hope to replicate this process in the Saslaya Focal area. An avian monitoring program has been set up for Peñas Blancas and we would like to conduct a second year of monitoring. Similarly, we would like to continue with the MoSI monitoring at the two sites on the El Jaguar reserve. We will complete our reforestation plans for both El Jaguar and Peñas Blancas in the first half of 2018. We will continue to identify additional landowners to work with and expand reforestation efforts in Peñas Blancas with the Red de Reservas Privadas. We have a goal of creating at least two private reserves that could be added to the reserve network in the next year. Also in Peñas Blancas, there is a desire to continue education and training including providing access to information about what is required by farmers to become “Bird Friendly” coffee and cacao producers. This includes understanding requirements for different certifications so that farmers can analyze the costs and benefits and decide if it would be a good option for them. A study of the marketplace for cacao and coffee is needed to determine how to increase the value of products produced and understand local commodity chains. The Red-RSP would like to venture into apiculture and meliponiculture (i.e., honey production) with native bees as an economical bird-friendly alternative for the farmers. Nicaragua exports about 90% of the honey the country produces and is an industry that can provide an important source of income for families. In Saslaya, ABC has begun to work with additional organizations based out of Siuna and with cacao producing communities in the buffer zone of Saslaya National Park. We will be communicating with multiple communities to identify which have interest in receiving technical assistance to improve their cacao production. We will then support URACCAN and IPDAE (a national development institute) to develop cacao production field schools in the communities. An evaluation will be done of current conditions, including varietals and processing procedures to determine how to increase volume and quality and the bottom line for these producers. If we can keep cacao economically viable it can create a green boundary around Saslaya National Park and prevent illegal encroachment. A model farm will be created to showcase production techniques that can increase cacao productivity and quality. We also hope to expand cacao production to reduce the need for annual slash and burn crops or cattle. To facilitate this work around Saslaya National Park, we will contract a project coordinator and team of local Budget (Matching Funds – Matching funds are from ABC, the Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, Indiana University of Pennsylvania, Audubon North Carolina, North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences, private donors, as well as in-kind investment from local partners and landowners.): Total budget request is $110,000. For a more detailed budget contact Deb Hahn. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 21
Figures: Figure 1. Key Nicaragua Golden-winged Warbler Focal Areas: El Jaguar – Cerros de Yali Focal Area #NI06; Peñas Blancas #NI03; Datanlí-El Diablo #NI05, Saslay #NI04, Kilambe #NI02, – El Jaguar is within Focal Area NI06. ABC is working in to Focal Area NI03, NI04 and NI06. Image 1. Saslaya National Park in background, while recently burned lands for annual crops in the buffer zone of the park are seen in the foreground. Rothman. 2017 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 22
Conserving Critical Piping Plover and other Shorebirds Wintering Sites in the Bahamas Partners: Bahamas National Trust, National Audubon Society, USFWS – NMBCA, Foundations, Private Donors States that have participated to date: NEAFWA, Virgina, North Carolina States with strong biological connections: CT, DE, MD, ME, MA, NH, NY, NC, RI, VT, and VA Overview: More than thirty-three species of shorebirds that breed along the Atlantic coast of the United States, Canada and the Artic complete a perilous migratory journey each fall to reach remote islands of the Bahamas where they spend up to ten months each year. These include around half of the Atlantic population of the endangered Piping Plover. Audubon, in partnership with The Bahamas National Trust, is working to protect critical coastal habitats that wintering plovers and other declining shorebird species depend on. Shorebirds worldwide are in precipitous decline. The Piping Plover, with an estimated global population of only 8,024 individuals, is the most endangered shorebird breeding in the United States and Canada. Concern about the species has triggered widespread, intensive conservation action throughout its breeding range, but protecting its wintering grounds ―where it can spend up to ten months of the year―has received little attention until recently. The importance of The Bahamas for wintering Piping Plovers and other declining shorebirds was first understood in 2006, when Audubon scientists discovered high numbers of the Atlantic breeding population spending the winter months in remote parts of the archipelago. Now, Audubon, The Bahamas National Trust (BNT) and other partners are taking ambitious steps to conserve and protect the vital Bahamas laces necessary for the survival of these wintering shorebirds. By protecting these habitats, we are helping many vulnerable species, including the Red Knot and the Semipalmated Sandpiper—and supporting important fish nurseries, coral reefs and eel grass beds necessary for sustainable fisheries and traditional economic opportunities for local communities. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 23
Audubon’s Strategy in The Bahamas At the core of Audubon’s International Alliances Program (IAP) strategy is working in close collaboration with local partners and communities in countries that provide the most significant opportunities to help bird species at greatest risk. In the Bahamas, we work closely with the Bahamas National Trust to conserve the Piping Plover and other important shorebirds. As both a conservation partner and a member of the BNT Council, we’re helping to strengthen the organization’s governance, operational, From Discovery to Protection and scientific capacity. 2006: Audubon discovers over 400 Piping Plovers wintering on several islands. Our goals are listed below. Each is an essential step toward durable, seamless protection for Piping Plovers and other shorebirds along 2010: 57 plovers are banded on three islands in The Bahamas. the Atlantic Flyway, from their summer nesting sites on the beaches of the U.S. and Canada to their wintering grounds in the Caribbean 2011: 41 banded plovers are found along the Atlantic coast, from North Carolina to and South America. Nova Scotia. 1. Long term protection of Bahamas wintering habitats that 2011: 1,066 Piping Plovers are found on 14 support at least 20% of the Atlantic breeding population of Bahamas islands by 31 researchers from 10 Piping Plover, 32 other important shorebird species and organizations local marine and terrestrial wildlife. 2012: Audubon focuses efforts and 2. An integrated and well-managed system of sites that discovers 708 birds or 20% of the Atlantic support migratory shorebird conservation at the scale Piping Plovers wintering on just 3 islands Andros, the Joulter Cays and The Barry necessary to maintain and increase survival of priority Islands. shorebird species. 2013: Audubon and BNT submit a proposal 3. Communities actively engaged in conserving important to the Bahamanian government for migratory and endemic bird species on all major islands of establishment of a 92,000 acre National the Bahamas. Park on the Joulter Cays. 4. Local conservation capacity is improved when Audubon shares our science, policy and organizational expertise with BNT and other organizations. Success since 2012: Habitat Protection Identified one of the most crucial habitats for Piping Plover on the Joulter Cay, and successfully worked with the Bahamian Government to establish a 113,000-acre national park at the site that will also protect a and important bonefish sport fishery and rich coral reefs. Laid groundwork for proposals to create additional new national parks on East Grand Bahama and Abaco Island covering 95,000 acres. Launched a pilot project to remove invasive Casuarina Pine from shorelines and convert it to charcoal for local consumption. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 24
Science and Research Coordinated the International Plover Census for the Bahamas Linked east coast scientist’s from Audubon and elsewhere with BNT scientists to develop a comprehensive survey of shorebird populations and to establish long-term monitoring on islands, cays and other sites across The Bahamas. Implemented a new online GIS resource to support Piping Plover research efforts across The Bahamas. Launched a pilot Citizen Science program, training volunteers in identification and basic monitoring techniques. Sponsored BNT’s annual Bahamas Natural History Conference, which attracts scientists from across the Bahamas and students and faculty from the College of the Bahamas. Audubon/BNT led shorebird-focused sessions. Launched a connectivity, detectability and survivorship study that has clearly linked wintering sites in the Bahamas to breeding sites along the coasts of North Carolina, Virginia, New Jersey, Connecticut and New York. Education and Community Engagement Taught students at all nine schools on Andros Island about the island’s birds and ecosystem. (The effort is modeled after Audubon’s successful “For The Birds Program” based in New York and Long Island.) Produced a Public Service Announcement promoting National Park designation of the Joulter Cays that reached thousands in the Bahamas, through social media and television. Hosted a three-day shorebird identification and monitoring workshop on Andros Island attended by eight students from the College of the Bahamas. Sustainable Economic Development Launched a bird-focused ecotourism program as a tool for economic development that supports biodiversity conservation. By demonstrating the economic value and benefits birds and birdwatching can offer local communities, we will enlist their support for protection of local birds and resources. Current Project Activities: Specifically we are focused on the following next steps. Improve BNT’s organizational capacity to manage the National Park System throughout the Bahamas, as mandated through legislation. Finalize the science and advocate for establishment of a new 12,000 to 30,000 acre of National Park at the Northern Berry Islands Important Bird and Biodiversity Area. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 25
Develop a management plans that engages the public in the planning and future protection of critical shorebird areas. Restore habitats with removal of invasive plants and mammals In addition to the above priority conservation actions Audubon and BNT will target other funding to support: Growing constituencies that support conservation actions through: Expand education and engagement programs with schools and communities to create conservation advocates in the Bahamas. Developing a Citizen Science network to support habitat management and monitoring of conservation actions. Deliver economic opportunities for communities through bird-based tourism and related enterprises that give value to the ecosystem and support bird conservation. Continue applied research to fill knowledge gaps for shorebird conservation that can be applied to inform management decisions and engage audiences. Budget (For more detailed budget information, contact Deb Hahn): A $50,000 a year investment for three years would allow us to improve management and enhanced habitat that supports 20 – 25% of the Atlantic breeding population of Piping Plover. A $40,000 a year investment for three years would allow us to improve management and enhanced habitat that supports 10 – 15% of the Atlantic breeding population of Piping Plover for the Joulter Cays. A $20,000 a year investment for three years would allow us to enhance efforts to support 10% of the Atlantic population of Piping plover through Improved local capacity and development of a management plan. Other funds identified for Shorebird Conservation Project – all components: $163,000 from USFWS- NMBCA (2 years), $154,000 secured from the Multi-Laterial Investment Fund within the Inter-American Development Bank to support the development of Bird-Based Tourism as an economic development tool (3 years), Science: Southern Wings - Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries $5,000, NC Wildlife Resources Commission $4,500, and NFWF $8,000. Additional match will be acquired from foundations, private donors, Audubon, and in-kind contributions from The Bahamas National Trust and other conservation partners. 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 26
Conserving Thick-billed Parrots and Neotropical Migrants in old-growth forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental, Mexico – Phase II Partners: Pronatura Noroeste, Organización Vida Silvestre A.C (OVIS), Ejidos (local communities), Comisión Nacional de Áreas Naturales Protegidas (CONANP), Comisión Nacional Forestal (CONAFOR), Fondo Mexicano Forestal (FMF), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AGFD), Unidad Forestal Galván, San Diego Zoo Global (SDZG), U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (Neotropical Migratory Bird Conservation Act). State(s) Participating: Arizona Overview: Mexico’s new national forest management policy, which now takes into account the management of biodiversity, presents an opportunity to work at reducing significant threats (e.g., destructive fires, over-harvesting of timber) to maintain or restore populations of birds in remaining forests of the Sierra Madre Occidental. This project focuses specifically on establishing and maintaining a network of forests under conservation schemes and integrating best management into forest management plans. The project area encompasses the high elevation forests found in the mountainous regions of Chihuahua (1,000,000 ha) where threats are severe and eminent. Continued loss of old- growth forests will inevitably lead to loss and/or significant population declines of species associated with these old-growth forests. One of the most dramatic examples is the almost complete loss of remnant old-growth forests in northern Durango and Cerro Mohinora in southern Chihuahua and with it the loss of locally-nesting populations of thick-billed parrots (an endemic species) and Neotropical migrant populations dependent on old-growth forests. The project will implement strategies outlined in the Partners in Flight Conservation Business Plan for the Sierra Madre Pine-Oak and Cloud-Forests / Western Mixed Coniferous Forests. Furthermore, the project addresses threats identified in several species recovery plans of Mexico or the U.S., including for the Mexican Spotted Owl, Golden Eagle and Thick-billed Parrot. Threats: The birds of the Sierra Madre Occidental are seriously threatened from the loss and degradation of habitat as a result of poor forest management policies over more than a hundred years, as well as from fire suppression and a higher incidence of catastrophic fires. Large scale timber harvest has been practiced for many decades without considering the need to also manage for biodiversity. These main threats to forests have caused the Imperial Woodpecker to be considered extinct and for two other species endemic to the Sierra Madre to be critically endangered (Sierra Madre Sparrow [Xenospiza baileyi] and the Thick-billed Parrot [Rhynchopsitta pachyrhyncha]. Forest exploitation has eliminated old-growth forests (it’s estimated that less than 1% remains of their original distribution) affecting whole groups of birds that depend on mature forests to provide cavities for nesting and shelter, such as trogons, woodpeckers, and owls. Timber harvesting for the past 70 years has been implemented through Forest Management Units (where a certified forest manager manages each unit). These units cover vast territories where various timber harvesting treatments are applied, sometimes including destructive clear-cutting and high- intensity timbering. However, under the new national forest management policy, two forest unit 2018-2019 Southern Wings Projects 27
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