Progress on recovered Carbon Black from Waste Tire Pyrolysis

Page created by Ruben Norris
Progress on recovered Carbon Black from Waste Tire Pyrolysis
Recovered carbon black from waste tire
                                                            Progress on recovered Carbon
 pyrolysis · technology · reinforcement
                                                            Black from Waste Tire Pyrolysis
 The use of recovered carbon black from
 waste tire pyrolysis is not progressing .
 The potential reasons for this stagnation
 are discussed considering the latest in-                   Present status and potential improve-        major morphological characteristics. The
 vestigations in this domain. What can be                   ments of their performance in rubber         variations we observe represent most
 expected from the present achieve-                         Tire recycling is considered today as a      probably mainly the difference in the
 ments of the pyrolysis technology? The                     must and waste tire pyrolysis is certainly   waste tyre compositions used as raw
 availability of active sites on the carbon                 for the time being one of the main tech-     material and also to some extent the
 black surface might be one of the major                    nologies considered to achieve this goal.    difference in pyrolysis equipment and
 causes of the lack of performance in re-                   Many different research teams are wor-       operating conditions. Pieter ter Haar [4]
 inforcement of the recovered material.                     king on this technology and in the mean-     in a presentation of investigations exe-
 The indications in the carbon black lite-                  time several plants have been construc-      cuted at Pyrolux, reports the differences
 rature are listed and discussed in view of                 ted around the world, covering however       in analytical data and compounded per-
 potential new ways to improve the per-                     only a very small fraction of the world      formance of rCB from ASTM 3191 SBR
 formance of the recovered material and                     waste tire recycling. The reason for this    compounds. It is quite interesting to
 close to some extend the carbon black                      stagnation is the fact that recovered car-   notice the difference between lower and
 cycle in the rubber industry.                              bon black is not a valid candidate for       medium reinforcing carbon blacks like
 Two technologies are pointed out. The first                carbon black replacement in order to         N-660 and N-330 on one hand and high
 one is the use of low temperature plasma .                 close the product cycle. Recovered car-      reinforcing N-110. In the first case the
 The second one, looking more promising is                  bon black is practically not suitable for    drop in performance between virgin and
 the use of thermal plasma generating ful-                  high quality use and only in a limited       recovered carbon black is visible in the
 lerenes and fullerene-like species on the                  number of applications. It is also quite     stress strain value which could be due to
 surface.                                                   interesting to notice that no established    a lower structure of the recovered mate-
                                                            carbon black producer has apparently         rial, while for N-110 the drop in perfor-
                                                            shown any interest or need in investing      mance between virgin and recovered car-
 Fortschritte in der Entwick-                               in the, in principle, competitive product    bon black is mainly visible in tensile
 lung von Rußen aus Altreifen -                             candidate and an ecological way to vali-     strength, which is partially due to the
 Stand und neue Wege zur                                    date carbon black production.                higher modulus, but could be mainly due
                                                               We realize that since 2011, when we       to poorer dispersion.
 Verbesserung der Leistung in                               published the paper “Pyrolysis Carbon
 Elastomeren                                                Black, an opportunity for the rubber in-        The results obtained by ter Haar on
                                                            dustry [1] no significant progress in the    the pyrolysis of the ASTM3191-com-
 Ruß aus Altreifen · Pyrolyse von Altrei-                   performance of the recovered carbon has      pounds containing the 3 carbon blacks
 fen · Verstärkung in Elastomeren · Hoch-                   been made. Commercially some interes-        may be considered as the base of the re-
 temperaturplasma · Niedertemperatur-                       ting developments have been reported;        covered carbon black problem.
 plasma                                                     nevertheless a breakthrough and real
                                                            closure of the material cycle cannot be
 Der Gebrauch von Rußen aus Altreifenpy-                    expected till the recovered carbon black
 rolyse stagniert. Mögliche Gründe hier-                    can assure a performing use in most car-
 für werden auf Basis der letzten Untersu-                  bon black applications. Work has been
 chungen auf diesem Gebiet diskutiert.                      done in two domains:
 Was kann man von dem heutigen Stand                        ■■ Changing the operating conditions of
 der Technik erwarten? Der Mangel an ak-                       pyrolysis;
 tiven Funktionen an der Oberfläche die-                    ■■ Treating the recovered carbon black
 ser Ruße kann einer der Gründe sein. Die                      in order to reduce the impurity level
 Rußliteratur listet eine Reihe von potenti-                   (Martinez et al.) [2]
 ellen Wegen die Oberflächengruppen der
 Ruße zu verbessern welche möglicher-                           Those techniques, although bringing
 weise dazu helfen könnten, den Rußzyk-                     some small improvements, did not
 lus in der Gummiindustrie zu schließen.                    change the situation significantly. Recent
 Zwei Verfahren werden diskutiert. Das                      publications and company presentations
 erste Verfahren ist Niedrigtemperatur-                     indicate some new attempts to change
 plasma, das zweite Verfahren ist Hoch-                     the surface of recovered carbon black.       Nicolaus Probst
 temperaturplasma, welches Fullerene                        Cardona and al. [3] have made a summa-       Avenue de Calabre 27A /18
 oder fullerenartige Strukturen an der                      ry and compiled many recovered carbon        1200 Brüssel
 Rußoberfläche erzeugt.                                     blacks from different sources. The table     Corresponding Author:
 Figures and Tables: By a kind a approval of the authors.   lists more than 20 carbon blacks, re-        Nicolaus Probst
                                                            porting their elemental composition and      E-Mail:                                                                                                                 KGK · 1 2021   35
1   Green rubber /CB Pyrolysis                    1
               STSA       Weight gain %                                                                              Figure 1. Specific surface
                                                                                                                     area (STSA) before and af-
N115                112          20,1                                                                                ter pyrolysis [4].
N330                76           15,3
N660                33           10,5
N990                10            7

    Table 1 Weight gain during pyrolysis           Figure 1.
                                                 expected      Specific
                                                            from         surface
                                                                   rCB without     areatreat-
                                                                                further  (STSA) beforerCB inand  after compound
                                                                                                               a given   pyrolysis [4]
relative to the carbon black content of          ments.                                               +/- 20% mineral filler is actually only
the green rubber with different carbon               Ter Haar investigates also the diffe-            for 80% carbon black The specific sur-
blacks [4]                                       rence between rCB with low and high                  face area of the carbon black, when
    Compound pyrolysis generates car-            toluene   extractables. The  observed   diffe-
                                                   Table 2 reports the rubber compoundedrecalculated   data for the  from  the average
                                                                                                                       3 furnace   blackscarbon
                                                                                                                                            and the
bon residues resulting in a deposit of re-       rence, although significant in tensile               black type and content in the original
latively amorphous carbonaceous mate-              corresponding
                                                 strength,            recovered
                                                            is most probably       carbon
                                                                               related  to theblacks.tire, can be situated between 60 and
rial and consequently in a weight gain of        increase in modulus. The increase in mo-             70 m²/g.
the recovered carbon over the original           dulus when the oily residues on rCB sur-              We cannot expect a lot of improve-
compound composition. This weight                face are reduced, might indicate that in-         ment by playing with the pyrolysis ope-
gain is a function of the aromaticity of           Table 2volumes
                                                 terstitial  Compounded       properties
                                                                      are freed  to some ex- in ASTM    3191
                                                                                                   rating       SBR formulation for N660, N330
the polymer. ASTM 3191 compound is               tent  and  consequently    the  void volume
                                                   and N110 for virgin carbon black and rCB [4]        The  elemental    composition (ash) of
based on SBR 1500 and as such quite              (structure) is increased. Void volume             the recovered carbon black can only be
aromatic. In the case of a waste tyre py-        measurements may give more informati-             considered to a limited extent as an indi-
rolysis the rCB may also contain the pyro-       on as the Oil Adsorption Number (OAN),            cation of its performance in rubber; the
lysis residue of other organic ingredients       which is strongly affected by the wetting         research should be focused primarily on
like textile cords. Ter Haar shows that the      properties of the rCB and cannot be con-          the potential interaction of the recovered
weight gain is also a function of the spe-       sidered as a relevant property.                   carbon black with the polymer.
cific surface area of the carbon black. The          Summarizing the different aspects
amount of surface deposit is proportio-          considered above and keeping in mind              Supposed that the performance of the
nal to the available surface area in a gi-       that only limited aspects of the rein-            recovered black is subject to the same
ven volume of compound. This explains            forcement are reported in the literature,         parameters as for furnace blacks.
the reduction of the specific surface area       it may be concluded that:                         The reinforcement of carbon black in
due to the increase of particle size and                                                           elastomers is determined by the interac-
the higher impact of this phenomenon             A. In the case of compounds without               tion of the carbon black with the elasto-
for high surface area carbon blacks. (Fi-            mineral fillers:                              mer chains. Carbon black is mainly cha-
gure 1)                                          1. The reinforcing properties of rCB in           racterized by two morphological proper-
    Table 2 reports the rubber compound-            comparison with virgin furnace black           ties: Specific surface area (determined by
ed data for the 3 furnace blacks and the            are not  very   much  reduced  for  coarse
                                                   It may be concluded that the main drop          theinparticle size) and observed
                                                                                                          performance       structure. on the rCB in
corresponding recovered carbon blacks.              particle blacks and slightly affected in
    Table 2 Compounded properties in               comparison
                                                    the case of with     the virgin carbon
                                                                    semi-reinforcing   carbon black    occurs
                                                                                                   Specific     witharea:
                                                                                                             surface   fine particle furnace
ASTM 3191 SBR formulation for N660,                blacks? This would explain that a significantly higher performance cannot be
N330 and N110 for virgin carbon black            2. For higher reinforcing carbon black            For recovered carbon black the particle
and rCB [4]
                                                   expected    from rCB without further treatments.
                                                     the reduction of the reinforcing per-         size is, or should be, if pyrolysis residues
    It may be concluded that the main                formance is more pronounced.                  from the polymer and organic additives
drop in performance observed on the rCB                                                            and especially mineral residues do not
in comparison with the virgin carbon             B. In the case of waste tire pyrolysis:           influence the particle size, the weighted
black occurs with fine particle furnace          1. Effects mentioned in A. are added to           average of the different carbon blacks
blacks? This would explain that a signifi-          the effect of mineral filler deposits;         present in the waste tyre used as raw
cantly higher performance cannot be              2. This means that the concentration of           material. We can however expect that

 1 Physical Rubber properties
                N660                  N660rCB          N330            N330 rCB          N115             N115 rCB           Reference rCB
UTS (Mpa)                 20.7            20.3                23.2           20.4        27.4             20.2               18.9
E@B (%)                   497             557                 424            455         520              457                537
M100 (Mpa)                2.07            1.90                2.43           2.37        2.15             2.84               1.95
M300 (Mpa)           10.4             7.6            13.6                    10.8        10.8             11.7               7.8
Shore A              62.0            61.5            66.0                    65.0        65.5             67.5               62.0
Dynamic Properties RPA (60oC Amplitude sweep 1Hz 1-100% Strain)
Delta g‘ (Kpa)       1008           1159             1586                    1514        2154             1800               1205

36   KGK · 1 2021                                                                                                
component is a function of the average graphitic layer distance (Lc). This
                                                     relationship is not existing when specific treatments are applied to the carbon
                                                     black as for example graphitisation or surface treatment increasing the number
                                                     and nature of the energetic sites on the surface.

                                                     Schröder [8] has studied (Figure 2) the various surface energy configurations
                                                     which can be observed on carbon black surface.
the particle size has increased and conse-       2
quently the specific surface area is redu-
ced due to the pyrolysis residue which is
                                                       I      II              III       IV
covering the original particles. This car-                                                            Graphitic                   Crystallite
bonaceous residues resulting from the                                                            I    Planes               III Edges
pyrolysis of organic parts of the tyre                                                                Amorphous                   Slit Shaped
(other than carbon black) are a function                                                         II   Carbon               IV Cavities
of the aromaticity of the polymer and of
the absolute surface of the carbon black
in a given volume. The absolute surface            Figure
                                                Figure    2. Attribution
                                                       2. Attribution     of energy
                                                                      of energy sitessites  I-IV
                                                                                      I IV to     to surface
                                                                                               surface                 [8]. [8]
area in a given volume of the compound
is the surface area in the given volume in
contact with the polymer. In addition to
the carbonaceous deposit, mineral com-         Tunnelling Microscopy might be tech-                 Wang and Wolff [5] describe the tech-
ponents present in the tyre compounds          niques helpful to get a better view of the       nique of inverse gas chromatography to
will deposit. The work of Pieter ter Haar      surface composition and of the surface           determine the surface energy of carbon
[4] studying the residue for several car-      arrangements of the carbon deposit.              black and discuss its significance for rub-
bon blacks after pyrolysis gives an esti-                                                       ber reinforcement. Mainly two parame-
mation of the pyrolysis residue. Ter Haar      Structure or void volume:                        ters are determined by this technique:
confirmed the influence of absolute sur-                                                        ■ γSd the dispersive component of the
face area. In the recipe, ASTM 3191, used      Structure, actually the volume of the vo-            surface energy describing the interac-
by ter Haar, mineral residue is 4.75% and      ids within a carbon black and the inter-             tion between carbon surface and po-
the carbonaceous residue represents +/-        stitial volume, filled to a large extent in          lymer;
2% for the N-990; +/-7% for N-660 ; 10%        the tyre compound by the elastomer, has          ■ Isp the specific component of surface
for N-330 and going up to +/-15% for           to be expected to be covered to a large              energy.
N-110. Carbon black surface acts as a          extent during the pyrolysis process.                 Wang (6) and Wolff et al. [7] report
catalyst on the deposition of carbon           Eventually new voids are created.                the evolution of the dispersive compo-
from a hydrocarbon environment. Car-               Experimental results by OAN indicate         nent, determined by inverse chromato-
bon black is used industrially to increase     that structure remains more or less at           graphy, as a function of the specific sur-
the yield of hydrocarbon carbonisation         the same    level as could be expected  from
                                                    Figure 3 Energy site distribution [9]       face area. The dispersive component is
Consequently we can assume that the            the carbon black mix. These results have         increasing linearly with the specific sur-
deposit of carbonaceous residue from           however to be considered carefully, as           face area. Similarly they report the bound
the pyrolysis is mainly occuring at the
                                                    Figure 3 [9] shows the distribution curve
                                               the OAN test is quite dependent on the
                                                                                                      for energetic sites for a Thermal
                                                                                                rubber of an SBR compound of being in
carbon black particle surface. We can               Plasma    carbon   black, which   has
                                               wetting process of the oil. More signifi-   also a similar  shape as furnace
                                                                                                linear relationship    with theblack.
consider that the average particle diame-      cantDifferences
                                                                     would beplasma
                                                                               obtainedandbyfurnace    black grades
                                                                                                component.    High γSare
                                                                                                                        of found  in the
                                                                                                                           the carbon    high
ter increases and consequently the speci-      voidenergy
                                                     volumepart     with Q  20 kJ/mol of theisdistributions.
                                                              measurements.                                       Thebound
                                                                                                   imparting higher     considered
fic surface area is reduced. This is confir-       Quite often specific surface area and            These observations show that the fact
med in ter Haar’s observations.                structure are considered for virgin carbon       that surface chemistry is usually not con-
    From ter Haar’s investigations we can      black as the only determining parameters         sidered as a specific property of carbon
conclude that smaller particles have a         for the prediction of their performance.         black is justified due to its very constant
noticeably more important growth of            This interpretation is in the case of nor-       relationship to the specific surface area.
the specific surface area than larger par-     mal carbon black quite justified. Surface        The dispersive component is a function
ticles. This means that we can expect a        chemistry of a normal carbon black is well       of the crystallite dimension, which is a
trunking of the particle size distribution     known as quality parameter; it is however        function of the curvature radius of the
and finally the tendency will be during        quite constant within a given carbon             carbon particle: The smaller the particle,
waste tyre pyrolysis towards a recovered       black type with a defined surface area.          the smaller the crystallites on the sur-
carbon black having the average particle           Ter Haar has studied the effect of oily      face and the higher is the concentration
size and specific surface area of a N-660.     hydrocarbon residues on the reinforcing          of active sites. In the case the normal
    This is in fact generally observed. This   performance of de recovered carbon               furnace carbon black the surface genera-
also indicates that the surface quality of     black. In virgin carbon black oily residues      ted in the reactor is rearranged to a quite
a recovered carbon black is quite similar      are usually more considered as an envi-          graphite-like structure. Wang and al.
to the one of virgin furnace black.            ronmental and health problem than rela-          showed that the dispersive component is
    Pyrolysis residue, as well as mineral      ted to performance. The difference in            a function of the average graphitic layer
residues, are also filling the interstices     composition and the amount of oily resi-         distance (Lc). This relationship is not
between the particles and the voids            dues on recovered carbon black and vir-          existing when specific treatments are
within the aggregates. The impact of sili-     gin carbon black would have to be inves-         applied to the carbon black as for examp-
ca residues is another subject to be in-       tigated. In ter Haar’s comparison the ef-        le graphitisation or surface treatment
vestigated.                                    fect of the oil seems to be mainly related       increasing the number and nature of the
In order to have a better understanding,       to a difference in structure, inducing a         energetic sites on the surface.
more fundamental investigations should         lower modulus for the oily material and              Schröder [8] has studied (Figure 2) the
be carried out on the surface of the car-      consequently a higher tensile and ulti-          various surface energy configurations
bon black. Techniques like TOFF-SIMS and       mate elongation                                  which can be observed on carbon black                                                                                                              KGK · 1 2021   37
Graphitic                  Crystallite
                                                       I   Planes              III Edges
                                                           Amorphous                  Slit Shaped
                                                      II   Carbon              IV Cavities

          Figure 2. Attribution of energy sites I-IV to surface microstructures [8]

                                                                                                     waves (150-10000 MHz).
                                                                                                     Two types of interactions exist:
                                                                                                     ■ By energy transfer resulting in scissi-
                                                                                                         on or excitement of chemical bonds;
                                                                                                     ■ By transfer of chemical species.
                                                                                                         In 1992 Weidong Wang [10] has been
                                                                                                     using a cold, high frequency plasma with
                                                                                                     a microwave generator. Two actions of
                                                                                                     the plasma can exist:
                                                                                                     a. Erosion of the carbon black surface
                                                                                                        due to the bombardment by ions, acti-
                                                                                                        vated species, molecules…;
                                                                                                     b. Modification of the surface chemistry
                                                                                                        by active species (free radicals, ions…)
                                                                                                        or by reaction of the defects created
                                                                                                        by the reagents in the atmosphere.
                                                                                                         Wang has been using different mole-
                                                                                                     cules: H2, Air, NH3 and Ar. He has also
  Figure Figure 3 Energy
         3 Energy           site distribution
                   site distribution  [9].     [9]                                                   combined the plasma treatment with a
                                                                                                     heat treatment at 900°C. He reported a
         Figure 3 [9] shows the distribution curve for energetic sites for a Thermal noticeable increase of the dispersive
                                                     may remain on the surface. The surface          component of the surface energyγSd. This
         Plasma   carbon     black,   which   has  also   a  similar  shape  as furnace black.
                                                     activity of the carbonaceous deposit is         increase was mainly visible after the
    Figure  3 [9] shows between       plasma and furnace
                              the distribution       certainly black    grades
                                                                 not fully      are found
                                                                           comparable      in one
                                                                                      to the  the high
                                                                                                     plasma treated carbon blacks were ex-
curve forenergy   part with
            energetic    sites Qfora20    kJ/mol ofof
                                        Thermal       thethedistributions.   The considered plasmaposed to 4 hours heat treatment at
                                                              virgin carbon black.
Plasma carbon black, which has also a                    It is as such very important to regene-     900°C.
similar shape as furnace black. Differen-            rate new functional groups able to un-              The specific interaction parameter Isp
ces between plasma and furnace black                 dergo new interactions with the elasto-         was also increased but to a lower extent.
grades are found in the high energy part             mer molecules or to remove inactive                 As bound rubber is also strongly af-
with Q ≥ 20 kJ/mol of the distributions.             material. No impact from the particle           fected by the structure of the carbon
The considered plasma carbon black had               size (specific surface area) can be expec-      black and considering that Weidong
been obtained at noticeably higher tem-              ted as we are in the range of the average       Wang observed the same effect on the
peratures than furnace blacks and had                size, the mathematical average size of          same carbon black in a treated and unt-
consequently a larger graphitic surface.             the blend of all carbon black types in the      reated form, we can expect that the
    For virgin carbon blacks the presence            tyre.                                           plasma treatments are an efficient tool
of energetic sites is proportional to the                                                            to increase bound rubber due to better
surface defects and graphite plan edges,             Generation of active sites on the               interaction between filler and polymer.
which due to the curvature radius are                surface of the recovered carbon black               Recent work done by Millington, Ben-
proportional to the size of the graphitic            Several techniques to recreate a more           net and Bradley [11] is using low tempe-
plans. Donnet and Custodero [9] (9)have              reactive carbon black surface can be con-       rature plasma to activate the surface of
shown by Tunnelling Microscopy that the              sidered. In the present paper we consider       rCB. Ozone, oxygen and peroxide have
carbon black surface has a kind of gra-              two:                                            been used as activated molecules, and
phitic scale arrangement. They also sug-             1. Low temperature plasma                       important changes in the rubber proper-
gested that some fullerenic structures                  (Cold plasma)                                ties have been observed.
are present on the surface of the carbon             2. Thermal plasma
black and could be the main explanation                                                              Thermal plasma
of the reinforcing properties of carbon              1. Low temperature plasma                       The most significant improvement in the
black.                                                                                               development of the recovered carbon
    We can expect and it is quite obvious            Atmospheric plasma or cold plasma has           black can be expected from thermal
that the active sites from the original              been investigated in the context of mo-         plasma.
carbon black have been neutralized du-               dification of the carbon black surface.             Donnet et al[12] and Johnson et al
ring the mixing of the tyre compound                 The cold plasma could be generated by           [13] have shown that fullerenes are pre-
and have provided the reinforcement to               luminous discharges at reduced pressure         sent in the toluene extract of furnace
the original tyre. The pyrolysis process             (1-10³ Pa), where free electrons, accelera-     blacks. According to Cataldo [14, 15] the
may have evacuated some molecules                    ted in an electric field, transfer their        surface activity of carbon is largely de-
which were adhering to the carbon black              energy by collision to neutral gas mole-        termined by the presence of fullerenic
by physical and even chemical processes,             cules. This discharge can be produced at        structures on the carbon black surface.
the pyrolysis temperature is not high                low frequency (60 Hz) between two elec-         Fullerene-like structures would act as
enough to graphitize the carbon black                trodes or at high frequency without elec-       free radical acceptor sites where the rub-
surface. The original carbon black sur-              trodes using different types of genera-         ber macro-radicals formed during mi-
face is however not very reactive anymo-             tors: by spark initiation (10-50 kHz), ra-      xing form chemical bonds between rub-
re, although some functional groups                  dio frequency (1.5-50 MHz) or micro-            ber and filler. These fullerenic structures

38    KGK · 1 2021                                                                                                 
supply, as mentioned by Fabry F. et al [22] was
                                                     maximum power. Each of the three phases was
                                                     electrodes of the 3-phase plasma torch located
would play a major role in bound rubber
                                                 4                     Plasma gas      Plasma gas
   Many publications have reported the                                                                   3 PHASE AC
possibility to produce fullerenes using                                                                POWER SUPPLY

thermal plasma[16, 17]. The starting ma-
terial is carbon black or other carbon
   Mathew and al. [18] have also been                           CnHm                            CnHm

able to show how fullerenic structures
can be used in compounds to significant-
ly enhance the reactivity of a carbon
black. Fullerenes are very reactive species
and improve the interaction between
carbon black and polymer. Probst et al
[19] reported the effect of thermal plas-
ma treatment of a N-330 carbon black.
Mathew used an N-330 and Ensaco 250,
a low reinforcing carbon black for his ex-
periments and plasma-polymerized ace-
tylene on its surface.                                 Carrying gas
   The fullerenic soot was prepared by                                                                                Solid
injecting the virgin carbon black into
thermal plasma in an inert He/Ar atmos-
phere. Carbon from the surface was va-
porized and recondensed as fullerene
                                                     Figure 4. Thermal plasma reactor [24]
                                                Figure 4. Thermal plasma reactor [24].
and fullerenic structures.
   After 1h plasma treatment with ace-
tylene the virgin N-330 carbon black
gave 1.05 weight percent coating, while        Fulchéri at the Centre Persee of Mines –                sis chamber into the thermal arc plasma.
the N-330 based fullerenic soot gave                 Solid recovered carbon     black
                                               Paris Tech (PSL Research University), in
                                                                         The high           was
                                                                                   temperature       injected
                                                                                                 gas/solid aerosol  in th
14% deposit. Similarly, the virgin Ensaco      Sophia Antipolis a trial in a thermal
                                                                         was introduced through a quench sys-
250 gave after 1h plasma treatment
with acetylene 2.4% deposit while the
                                                     synthesis chamber into     the thermal arc plasma
                                               plasma reactor with recovered carbon
                                                                         tem after having reached sufficiently
                                               black from scrap tires. The trials were
                                                                         low temperature in a filter system al-

                                                     aerosol was introduced
                                                                         les and through          a quench
                                                                                                        conditions syste
Ensaco based fulerenic soot gave 17%           run successfully as the extract from the
                                                                         lowing the separation of the solid partic-
deposit.                                       treated sample showed an intense red
                                                                                 the gas. The operating
   Schröder et al. [8, 9] show that only       color, typical for the presence of a signi-
                                                                         for the trials as reported by Fabry [24]
the sites II, III and IV are involved in the
interaction with the polymer. Sites I en-
                                                     sufficiently low temperature
                                               ficant percentage of fullerenes. The
                                               plasma reactor was a 3-Phase AC reac-
                                                                                           in a filter system a
                                                                            The recovered carbon black (Table 4)
rgetic functions are graphitic and inert       tor, the same reactor used in the pro-                  was partially vaporized when moving
towards the polymer. For N-330 carbon          duction of fullerenic material. The plas-               through the high temperature zone (+/-
black, only 10 % of the surface is involved    ma power supply, as mentioned by Fabry                  4000 K). The vaporization rate is a func-
in the reinforcement. Fullerenic structu-      F. et al [22] was 600 Hz, 0-400A, 263 kW                tion of the precursor particle size and
res are very reactive; according to Sola et    maximum power. Each of the three pha-                   the residence time in the high tempera-
al. [20] these structures deviate from         ses was connected to the graphite elect-                ture zone. The vaporization can be de-
planarity and have very high electron af-      rodes of the 3-phase plasma torch loca-                 scribed as an arc discharge, starting
finity.                                        ted in the upper part of the reactor [23].              with the generation of small carbon
   In March 2012 Probst and Löffler ha-         Solid recovered carbon black was injec-                species and finally followed by a quench
ve run, with the help of the team of           ted in the continuous gas-phase synthe-                 and the condensation of the small spe-

 3 Operating conditions on the thermal                                                                  4 Analytical data of the recovered
 Property                                              Unit                    Value                   carbon black CT- R 6632 [1]
 Average Power                                         kW                      36                      BET S.A.             m²/g       69
                                                                                                       CTAB S.A.              m²/g         62
 Average Current                                       A                       180
                                                                                                       OAN                    ml/100g 106
 Average Voltage                                       V                       150
                                                                                                       COAN                   ml/100g 84
 Plasma gas flowrate (N2)                              Nm³/h                   4
                                                                                                       Ash Content            %            14
Carrier gas flowrate (N2)                                                      4
                                                                                                       Carbon Content         %            82
Carbon black soot flowrate                             Kg/h                    0.8                     Oxygen Content         %            9
Recirculation loop gas flowrate (N2)                   Nm³/h                   200                     Sulfur Content         %            2.5                                                                                                                  KGK · 1 2021   39
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40   KGK · 1 2021                                                                                                               
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