Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

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Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World
GTSWORLD   by Great Travel Service

         Programs 2021
Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

     Our goal is to promote pilgrimage destinations in Italy and other
     European countries for pilgrims from all over the world. Our
     main office is in Rome and we have 30 years of experience.

     Our services include:
     • Organization of choral concerts
     • Private Masses Reserved in major Basilicas/Churches
     • Participation on the special events held by the Vatican, including
     • Reserve audience for Papal hearings.

     We offer tailor-made packages and special requests for both
     groups and Individuals, guaranteeing the highest quality and
     competitive prices.

     Our team is made up of qualified and talented travel experts
     with extensive travel experience and multi-language skills. We
     provide 24-hour assistance a day to ensure that our services meet
     the needs of our customers.

     We look forward to planning and developing special travel
     programs for your groups and individual customers by 2021.

                                           Daniele Campoli

     Why a pilgrimage?
     A pilgrimage can be a life-changing transformative experience.
     Being a pilgrim means starting an adventure in search of God; it
     means asking questions and seeking their faith.

     A pilgrim is not only a tourist, but an individual looking for an
     experience that can change perspectives and expectations.

     One of the most important reasons for taking pilgrimage tours
     and seeing places of spiritual importance is to meet other holy
     people who follow a spiritual path and see how they live.

     We do our best to make sure this is all pilgrims have to think
     about as they travel with us.

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World



ROME, ASSISI AND FLORENCE • 9 days 7 nights       5

DEVOTE ITALY • 9 days 7 nights                    6

ROME AND MEDJUGORJE • 10 days 8 nights            7

SPAIN SANCTUARIES • 9 days 7 nights               8

CAMINO DE SANTIAGO • 11 days 9 nights             9

FRANCE SANCTUARIES • 10 days 8 nights            10

FATIMA, SPAIN AND LOURDES • 9 days 7 nights      11

PILGRIMAGE TO MEDJUGORJE • 9 days 7 nights .     12

HOLY LAND • 9 days 7 nights                      13

PILGRIMAGE TO POLAND • 8 days 6 nights           14

EUROPEAN PILGRIMAGE • 12 days 10 nights          16

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

      FROM ROME TO ASSISI                                                                                                                  Assisi


      Day 1º DEPARTURE                                       In the afternoon our walking tour will start with          Day 6º ROME: ANCIENT ROME, ST,
      Departure to Rome.                                     the Trevi Fountain, where we will launch the               PETER IN CHAINS CATHEDRAL AND THE
                                                             traditional three coins. We will continue with the         BASILICA OF ST PAUL OUTSIDE THE
      Day 2º ARRIVAL TO ROME                                 Plaza de Trinité dei Monti at the top of the Spanish       WALLS
      Arrival in Rome and meet our accompanying guide        Steps, from where we can admire such a romantic            Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning we will enjoy
      who will be with us throughout the tour. We will       panoramic view of the city of Rome, then we will           a tour of some places in ancient Rome, including
      enjoy a panoramic tour of the city and then arrive     cross the city towards the Pantheon and end up in          the Forum and the Colosseum. Its real name is
      at the hotel. Dinner and hotel accommodation. (D)      Piazza Navona. We will have free time to explore           Flavius Amphitheatre, after the emperor who
                                                             and shop on our own. Dinner and accommodation              built it in the first century. Colosseum refers to
      Day 3º AM: PAPAL AUDIENCE / PM: ST                     at the hotel. (B, D)                                       the “colossal” statue of Nero that was once at the
      PETERS                                                                                                            entrance. We will walk through the Forum and the
      Breakfast at the hotel. This morning we will head      Day 5º ROME: EXCURSION TO ASSISI                           interior of the Colosseum.
      to Vatican City to attend the general audience of      Today we will visit this “quiet medieval city,             The last stop of our tour will be the Church of St.
      Pope Francis (subject to confirmation according        tinged with the mystical spirit of one of the most         Pietro in Vincoli, where we will admire the Moses
      to the established program of the Holy Father).        fascinating characters in history”. The city of            of Michelangelo. In the afternoon we will visit the
      After our visit we will have time to have lunch on     Assisi is located on the side of Mount Subasio,            Basilica of St. Paul Outside the Walls, home to
      our own and shop at religious goods stores in the      resting majestically on the Umbrian plain. This            the tomb of the Apostle St. Paul, also known as
      Vatican area. In the afternoon, our local guide will   city was home to Saints Francis and Clara. We              the Apostle of the Pagans. Here we will celebrate
      show us St. Peter’s Basilica. We will have free        will find our local guide for a visit to the Basilica of   Mass (if the group accompanies a priest). Our
      time to visit the Vatican Museums if you wish.         St. Francis, where we will celebrate a mass at the         tour concludes with the visit of the Catacombs
      Dinner and hotel accommodation. (B, D)                 tomb of San Francis (if the group is accompanied           of San Calixto. Dinner and accommodation at the
                                                             by a priest).                                              hotel. (B, D)
      Day 4º ROME: THE BASILICAS AND                         Later we will enjoy a walking tour of the city,
      CLASSIC TOUR OF ROME                                   including the church of San Rufino (with the               Day 7º ROME
      Breakfast at the hotel. We begin the day with the      baptismal font of San Francis), and the Basilica           In the morning, transfer to Rome airport to board
      visit of the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the     of Saint Clara (where his uncorrupted body rests           your flight. (B)
      largest church in Rome dedicated to the Virgin         in peace). In the afternoon we will meet in the
      Mary. We continue with the Basilica of St John         Plaza next to the Church of Santa Clara to take the
      lutheran. It was here that Saint Francis persuaded     transfer that will take us to the Eremo delle Carceri      NOTE:
      Pope Innocent III to give him permission to            (Convent), about 4 km away from Assisi. This is            Although no changes are foreseen, there may be
      initiate the Franciscan Order. The night before,       where St. Francis retreated to pray. Amid the lush         times when certain alterations are necessary for
      the Pope had seen a man in a dream, which held         green jungle and songbirds, you receive a deep             the proper development of the itinerary, such as
      the unstable building of St. John Lateran. The         sense of the spirit of St. Francis. Here we will           changes in flight schedules or other reasons. All
      next day, when Francis appeared before Pope            take some time to devote ourselves to our private          masses are subject to the final programming of
      Innocent, His Holiness recognized the face of the      reflections. Then we head to Rome for dinner and           the Churches.
      dream and consented to Francis’ request.               hotel accommodation. (B, D).

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

          Florence                                                                                         ROME, ASSISI
                                                                                                         AND FLORENCE

Day 1º DEPARTURE                                         famous for its golden bronze doors, particularly        EXCURSION TO POMPEII
Departure to Rome.                                       Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Parisian Sunsets. We will have       Breakfast at the hotel. We have the whole day off
                                                         free time to make a stop at Ponte Vecchio (Old          today. Those who want can stay in Rome to explore
Day 2º ROME / ASSISI                                     Bridge) the famous 14th century bridge, full of         the city on their own, or go shopping. Others can
Arrival in Rome and meet our accompanying guide          shops selling jewllery. Later, we will board our        buy an optional tour to visit Naples and Pompeii.
who will be with us throughout the tour. We will         bus to continue our journey to Rome, where we           Your accompanying guide will be at your disposal
board our bus that will take us to Assisi, “a quiet      will have dinner and stay at our hotel. (B, D)          to give you additional information and make the
medieval city, tinged with the mystical spirit of                                                                reservation. Free dinner. Accommodation. (B,D)
one of the most fascinating characters in history”.      Day 5º ROME: PAPAL AUDIENCE AND
We will celebrate the Opening Mass of our trip in        WALKING TOUR OF ROME                                    Day 8º ROME: ANCIENT ROME
a local Church. Dinner and accommodation at the                                                                  Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning we will enjoy
                                                         Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning, transfer to
hotel. (B, D)                                                                                                    a tour of some of the places of Ancient Rome,
                                                         Vatican City for the Papal Audience with the Holy
                                                                                                                 including the Forum and the Colosseum. Its real
                                                         Father (subject to Vatican programming). In the
Day 3º ASSISI – VISIT OF ASSISI                                                                                  name is Flavius Amphitheatre, after the emperor
                                                         afternoon, we will enjoy a walking tour, starting
Breakfast at the hotel. We will begin with the                                                                   who built it in the 1st of the Colosseum refers to
                                                         at the Trevi Fountain, where we will launch the
opening Mass of our pilgrimage in the Tomb                                                                       the “colossal” statue of Nero that was once at the
                                                         traditional three coins. We will continue with
of St Francis. After Mass we will enjoy a visit                                                                  entrance. Originally in its place was a swimming
                                                         the Plaza de Trinité dei Monti at the top of the
to the Basilica of St Francis, guided by one of                                                                  pool, around which was built the famous Golden
                                                         Spanish Steps, from where we can admire such
the Franciscan monks. We will continue our                                                                       House of Emperor Nero. The construction was
                                                         a romantic panoramic view of the city of Rome,
walking tour with the main places related to San                                                                 completed with the help of the Jewish slaves
                                                         then we will cross the city towards the Pantheon
Francisco such as the New Church, built on the                                                                   brought here in 70 A.D. The Colosseum served
                                                         and end up in Piazza Navona, a popular place for
foundations of Francis’ family home, the Church                                                                  as the center of violent sports, and traditionally,
                                                         the reunion between Rome’s neighbours. We will
of St. Rufino, which contains the baptismal font                                                                 as a place of sacrifice for many Christians. We’ll
                                                         finish our tour with the visit of the Church of Santa   see the Forum from the outside, and we’ll enter
of the Saint, and the church of St. Clare. In the
                                                         Maria Sopra Minerva to close the Liturgy of our         the Colosseum. Later, we will continue our path to
afternoon we will visit the Basilica of St. Mary of
                                                         pilgrimage. Tonight we’re having dinner at a local      the Catacombs of St. Calixto home to many tombs
Angels, which contains the Porziuncola, built by
                                                         restaurant. Accommodation. (B, D)                       of the Popes of yesteryear. After our tour we will
St. Francis and the Mother Church of the Order of
the Franciscans. In the vicinity of this place was                                                               visit the nearby Basilica of St. Paul Outside the
                                                         Day 6º ROME: VATICAN MUSEUMS, ST                        Walls, home to the Tomb of the Apostle St. Paul,
where Francis died. Tonight dinner will be served
                                                         PETER’S BASILICA & FREE TIME                            affectionately known as the Apostle of the Pagans.
at a local restaurant in Assisi. (B, D)
                                                         Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning we will          Here we will celebrate the closing Mass of our
Day 4º ASSISI / FLORENCE / ROME                          visit the Vatican Museums to see the works of           trip. Tonight we’ll all meet at our farewell dinner
Breakfast at the hotel. In the morning, we will          Michelangelo, including the Last Judgment and           at a local restaurant. (B, D)
depart from Assisi to Florence – the City of the         the ceiling of the Sistine Chapel. After our visit
Medici family and Machiavelli. We will begin our         to the museums we will have free time to have           Day 9º ROME
day with the visit of the Academy Gallery. This          lunch on our own. In the afternoon, we will enjoy       Transfer to Rome Airport to board our flight back
gallery houses the works of Florentine artists of        a guided tour of St. Peter’s Basilica, where we         home, with our suitcases full of memories! (B)
the thirteenth and sixteenth centuries, but its main     will also see the famous statue of Michelangelo’s
attraction is the David of Michelangelo, carved          Virgin Mary holding her crucified son, known
into a block of marble when the artist was only          as La Pieta. Then we will have at our disposal          NOTE:
29 years old. After the visit to the gallery, we will    free time to visit the excellent shops of the area
                                                                                                                 Although no changes are foreseen, there may be
proceed to visit the Duomo, with its pink, white and     with religious items, or climb on our own to
                                                                                                                 times when certain alterations are necessary to for
green marble facade, and the famous Brunelleschi         the dome of St. Peter’s Basilica, where you can
                                                                                                                 the proper development of the itinerary, such as
dome. It is the fourth largest cathedral in the world.   contemplate a wonderful view of the city. Dinner
                                                                                                                 changes in flight schedules or other reasons. All
Next to the Duomo is the Baptistery of St. John.         and accommodation at the hotel. (B, D)
                                                                                                                 masses are subject to the final programming of
One of the oldest buildings in Florence dedicated                                                                the Churches.
to John the Baptist. The octagonal building is           Day 7º ROME: FREE FULL DAY, OPTIONAL

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

      DEVOTE ITALY                                                                                                     Loreto
                                                                                                                    Cascia Lanciano
                                                                                                                                Monte S. Angelo
                                                                                                                    Rome        S. G. Rotondo

      Day 1º DEPARTURE                                      Pietrelcina located in the province of Benevento      became Flesh and dwelt among us”. Arrival in
      Departure to Rome.                                    in Campania. Birthplace of Saint Pio of Pietrelcina   Assisi, the city of San Francisco, we will tour the
                                                            (Padre Pio) in 1887. We will continue to San          Church of St. Clare, the New Church, where you
      Day 2º ROME                                           Giovanni Rotondo. Accommodation.                      will find the remains of the house of St. Francis
      Arrival at the airport meet and greet. Transfer to                                                          and the city square. We will continue with the visit
      the Hotel. Afternoon free to tour the city and do     Day 6º S. GIOVANNI ROTONDO – MONTE                    to the Gothic Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi, the
      some shopping. Accommodation.                         SANT’ANGELO - S. GIOVANNI ROTONDO                     upper basilica as well as the frescoes of about 130
                                                            Breakfast. Visit to the city, one of the symbols      meters. In a small crypt, under the main altar, are
      Day 3º ROME                                           of Christianity, charity and love of neighbor. We     the remains of the Holy One. Accommodation.
      Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Today we will take     will visit the Shrine of Father Pio, the spiritual
                                                            heir of St. Francis of Assisi. Father Pio was the     Day 8º ASSISI - CASCIA - ROME(250 kms)
      a panoramic tour of the city where we will enjoy
      its streets and avenues, passing through the most     first priest to carry the marks of the crucifixion    Breakfast. towards Cascia, a religious complex
      important places, Venice Square, Via Venetto,         (The Stigmas) on his body. We will visit the old      in which Saint Rita is venerated where the saint
      the Roman Forums, The Colosseum, Arch of              monastery with the room where Father Pio lived,       lived for more than forty years her experience of
      Constantine, the Castle of St. Angelo, etc. We will   the ancient Church of “Santa Maria de la Gracia”.     monastic life, until her death. In the monastery
      continue with the visit of the Vatican Museums,       In the afternoon we will visit Monte Sant Angelo,     you can see some basic places of the life of
      where we will be surprised by the famous Sistine      with the mystical Sanctuary of San Miguel             Santa Rita, the courtyard with a well, the ancient
      Chapel and St. Peter’s Basilica. Lunch included.      Archangel. His story relates to the appearance of     choir, the oratory where Santa Rita received the
      Afternoon free at leisure, where we recommend         the Archangel St. Michael in the Grotto, on May       stigmas, cells, the saint’s bedroom and the rose
      you to visit optionally and in detail the Roman       8, 490 and the successive apparitions (492 and        garden, recreated to remember the miracle of the
      Colosseum and its Forums. Accommodation.              493). We will continue with the beautiful Basilica,   rose and the hig . Arrival in Rome the Eternal City.
                                                            the Franciscan Way, the Bell Tower, etc.              Accommodation.
      Day 4º ROME                                           Return to San Giovanni Rotondo. Accommodation.
                                                                                                                  Day 9º ROME
      Buffet breakfast at the hotel. Free day to continue
      touring this fascinating city. Traditionally on       Day 7º SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO -                         Breakfast. Free time until the time of your transfer
      Sunday, at noon, the Pope prays the angelus in        LANCIANO - LORETO - ASSISI (450 kms)                  to the airport to take your flight back.
      St. Peter’s Square and imports the blessing to        Breakfast. Departure to Lanciano small medieval
      the attendees, we recommend that, in case of          town, where for more than 12 centuries is the first
      performance, they attend St. Peter’s Square on                                                              NOTE: Although no changes are foreseen,
                                                            and greatest of the Eucharistic miracles that we
      their own in their free time. Accommodation.                                                                there may be times when certain alterations are
                                                            can know when visiting the Church of ST Francis.
                                                                                                                  necessary to for the proper development of the
                                                            Continue to Loreto, where the Holy House is
      Day 5º ROME - PIETRELCINA – SAN                                                                             itinerary, such as changes in flight schedules or
                                                            located in the center of the Great Basilica and
      GIOVANNI ROTONDO (430 kms)                                                                                  other reasons. All masses are subject to the final
                                                            which has become one of the great centers of
                                                                                                                  programming of the Churches.
      Breakfast buffet. Departure to San Giovanni           pilgrimage. It is the same house of Nazareth that
      Rotondo, located in the Puglia region. During         visited the Archangel Gabriel in the Annunciation
      the tour we will stop at the beautiful village of     to the Blessed Virgin Mary, that is where the “Verb

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

                                                                 ROME AND MEDJUGORJE

Day 1º DEPARTURE                                        admire the great works of Michaelangelo such as         all over the world. During our stay we will visit
Departure to Rome.                                      the statue of the Virgin Mary holding the crucifix      Mount Podbrdo (Hill of Apparitions) and Mount
                                                        of her son. Also known as la Pieta. After our visit     Krizevac (Mountain of the Cross). Our local guide
Day 2º ROME                                             we will have free time to go shopping in the many       will introduce us to the visionaries to talk and pray
Arrival in Rome, meet and greet. Transfer to            shops of religious items that are in the area. In the   with them. A special point will be the excursion to
your hotel. We will enjoy a panoramic tour of           afternoon, we will enjoy free time to go shopping,      the Franciscan Monastery to Siroki Brijeg to meet
the city from the airport to the hotel. Dinner and      or take a walk through the streets of Rome to           and study Father Jozo Zovko (according to his
accommodation at the hotel. (B)                         experience a unique knowledge. Tonight dinner           availability) and receive his blessing. Dinner will
                                                        will be served in a local restaurant with music and     be served daily. (B, D)
Day 3º ROME: PAPAL AUDIENCE &                           wine included. Accommodation. (B, D)
BASILICA OF SANTA MARIA MAGGIORE,                                                                               Day 9º MEDJUGORJE / FLIGHT TO ROME
BASILICA OF ST. JOHN                                    Day 5º ROME: FREE TIME / DEPARTURE                      Today we will leave Medjugorje for Split Airport
In the morning, transfer to Vatican City for the        TO MEDJUGORJE                                           where we will board our flight to Rome. We
Papal Audience with the Holy Father (subject            In the morning, we will pack and depart on our bus      will arrive in Rome in the afternoon and we will
to Vatican programming). In the afternoon, visit        to enjoy a visit to some places in Ancient Rome,        transfer to our hotel near the airport. Dinner and
the Basilica of Santa Maria Maggiore, the largest       including the Roman Forum and the Colosseum.            accommodation. (B, D)
church in Rome dedicated to the Virgin Mary.            Its real name is Flavius Amphitheatre, after the
Nearby, we visit the Church of St. Alfonso, where       emperor who built it in the first century. The          Day 10º ROME
we can see the original symbol of Our Lady of           Colosseum refers to the “colossal” statue of Nero       Transfer to Rome Fiumicino Airport to board our
Perpetual Relief. Our next visit will be the Basilica   that was once at the entrance. We’ll stop by the        flight back home. (B)
of St. John Lutheran where we will celebrate our        Forum and enter the Colosseum. We will make
Mass. It was here that Saint Francis persuaded          a stop at St. Peter’s Church in chains, to see the
Pope Inocenzio III to give him permission to            famous statue of the Moses of Michelangelo. In          NOTE: Although no changes are foreseen,
initiate the Franciscan Order. The night before,        the afternoon we will transfer to Rome airport          there may be times when certain alterations are
the Pope had seen a man in a dream, which held          to board our flight to Split, Croatia. On arrival,      necessary for the proper development of the
the unstable building of St. John Lateran. The          our accompanying guide will be waiting for us,          itinerary, such as changes in flight schedules or
next day, when Francis appeared before Pope             also the bus. We will enjoy a panoramic view            other reasons. All masses are subject to the final
Innocent, His Holiness recognized the face of the       of the wonderful Adriatic Coast on our way to           programming of the Churches.
dream and consented to Francis’ request. Dinner         Medjugorje. Arrival at our accommodation and
and accommodation at the hotel. (B, D)                  dinner. (B, D)

Day 4º ROME: ST. PETER’S BASILICA &                     Day 6º - 8º MEDJUGORJE
ANCIENT ROME                                            Every morning, after breakfast we will attend the
In the morning we will start with the Mass at           Holy Mass in Spanish (subject to availability)
St. Peter’s Basilica, after which we will take the      at 10:00 am. In the afternoon we will join the
guided tour of it with our local guide. Here we can     prayer of the Rosary with the other pilgrims from

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World

      SPAIN SANCTUARIES                                                                                      Santiago de Compostela

                                                                                                                               Zaragoza Montserrat

                                                                                                                         Madrid                   Barcelona

      Day 1º DEPARTURE                                      be revered there for centuries. Accommodation.         of 1,300 meters. While in O Cebreiro, you will
      Departure to Barcelona.                                                                                      have the opportunity to see the iconic palloza-
                                                            Day 5º MONTSERRAT - ZARAGOZA -                         style houses and the site of a Eucharistic Miracle
      Day 2º ARRIVEL TO BARCELONA                           MADRID                                                 that occurred in the year 1300. At night, you will
                                                            This morning, after breakfast, your group will         go to Santiago de Compostela. Accommodation.
      Upon arrival in Barcelona, transfer to your hotel.
      Free time. Accommodation.                             depart for Zaragoza. While in Zaragoza, you will
                                                            have the opportunity to visit the magnificent          Day 8º SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
      Day 3º BARCELONA                                      Basilica del Pilar that was built on the site where    This morning, you will walk a few kilometers
                                                            Our Lady appeared to Santiago. While inside the        from El Camino, dive into the fragrant eucalyptus
      This morning, your day will start with breakfast
                                                            Basilica, you will see the pillar that was carried     forests and experience the stunning scenery. Later
      and a sightseeing tour of Barcelona! We visited
                                                            by the angels and from above appeared Our              this morning, you will attend the International
      the Plaza de España, Las Ramblas and Plaza de         Lady. After your visit to the Basilica del Pilar,      Mass of Pilgrims in the Cathedral of Santiago.
      Catalunya. We continue to visit the Gothic quarter,   you will visit the Cathedral of La Seo (Cathedral      After Mass and there will be free time for lunch
      and the Eixample district to visit Antoni Gaudí’s     of Zaragoza). Tonight, his group will continue to      and visit the Cathedral of Santiago. Formed
      impressive and unfinished Roman Catholic              Madrid. Accommodation.                                 by Galician granite, this cathedral is one of
      Basilica, La Sagrada Familia. Accommodation.                                                                 the best architectural examples in Europe, as
                                                            Day 6º MADRID                                          it encompasses the Romanesque, Gothic and
      Day 4º BARCELONA - MANRESA -                                                                                 Baroque styles. In addition, the Cathedral contains
                                                            After breakfast, we will enjoy a tour of Madrid that
      MONTSERRAT                                                                                                   numerous and valuable pieces of art that really
                                                            includes the Royal Palace and the Plaza Mayor.
      This morning, we will travel to Manresa with a        We continue to visit Puerta de Alcalá, Retiro Park,    captivate the view. Upon entering the Cathedral,
      visit to the Sanctuary of San Ignacio de Loyola       Plaza de Colón, Plaza de la Cibeles, Gran Vía and      tradition will guide you, as you will embrace the
      and the Santa Cueva where San Ignacio lived. We       Plaza del Callao. We suggest optionally visiting       dazzling statue of Santiago. After this intimate
      continue to Montserrat, home of the miraculous        the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium. Accommodation.          embrace, you will descend to the crypt where the
      Black Virgin. We visited the Sanctuary of Our                                                                relics of the Pilgrim Slam of Pilgrims are kept.
      Lady of Montserrat, located on a steep hillside.      Day 7º MADRID - ASTORGA - O CEBREIRO                   After that, you will enjoy a sightseeing tour of
      According to Catholic tradition, St. Luke carved      - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA                               the city. Some stops on your tour include Plaza
      the statue of the Black Virgin around 50 A.D. and                                                            Obradoiro, Palacio Fonseca, Palacio Gemirez,
                                                            Today you will depart from Madrid and head
      brought it to Spain. In 880 A.D., the pastors and                                                            Franco Street and much more. Accommodation.
                                                            towards the city of Santiago de Compostela.
      the bishop of Manresa were lured into a grotto        While you are en route, you will make a stop in
      by a bright light and heavenly music. Upon                                                                   Day 9º SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
                                                            Astorga, with a visit to the Episcopal Palace built
      discovering the statue of the Black Virgin in the     by Antonio Gaudí, which houses the Camino              Transfer to Santiago airport for your flight back
      grotto, the bishop of Manresa suggested that          Museum. Later this afternoon, you will enter           home.
      he move to Manresa. However, the statue was           Galicia, through the city, Lugo. Your first stop
      too heavy for it not to be lifted. As a result, the   will be in O Cebreiro, the first village in the Lugo
      Virgin remained in Montserrat and continued to        region and located in the mountains at an altitude

Programs 2021 GTSWORLD by Great Travel Service - GTS World
   Santiago de Compostela
            Foncebadon                                                   CAMINO DE SANTIAGO

Day 1º DEPARTURE                                      River. As a result of the creation of the dam, many    this village, you will notice joy etched on the
Departure to Madrid.                                  of the old buildings were moved, brick by brick.       faces of the pilgrims. Although they have traveled
                                                      Among these buildings is the Church of St. John        a great distance, they are not tired. With God
Day 2º ARRIVAL TO MADRID                              of Jerusalem. In medieval times, this church           and Santiago guiding their paths, excitement
Upon arrival in Madrid, transfer to your hotel. In    was strategically established along the route          and anticipation continue through their arrival in
the afternoon walk to the Almudena Cathedral.         of El Camino to protect the tomb of Santiago.          Santiago.
We will continue our walking tour of Madrid to        Accommodation in Portomarin.
include the exterior of the Royal Palace. Stroll                                                             Day 9º ARCA DE O PINO - MONTE DEL
through the Plaza Mayor and Puerta del Sol and        Day 5º PORTOMARIN - PALAS DE REI                       GOZO - SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
stop at the Church of Santiago. Back to your hotel.   This morning, you will travel from Portomarin,         Today will culminate the walking part of your trip!
Accommodation.                                        through the forest to the Palas de Rei. This was a     Before reaching the final destination, you will first
                                                      notable city in the Middle Ages, as it contained a     stop for Mass on Mount Joy (Monte del Gozo).
Day 3º MADRID - FONCEBADON - IRON                     Royal Hospital and the church of San Tirso. As the     You will know that you are approaching Santiago
CROSS - O’CEBREIRO - SARRIA                           rugged hike continues, it will continue through        because, at this point, you will be able to see the
This morning, you will be transferred to Sarria.      fields, forests and barns. In addition, you will see   towers of the Cathedral. When you arrive at the
Sarria is located in the northwest of Spain           a remarkable feature of the Galician landscape,        Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela, feel free
and stands out for being the entry point to the       Los Cruceiros. These crosses along the way             to say a little prayer in gratitude to Our Lord for
eastern side of the region, Galicia. Your transfer    represent Christ and the Virgin Mary. Dinner and       keeping you safe during the pilgrimage on foot.
will end and start on foot from Foncebadon. In        enjoy a restful night in Palas de Rei.                 At this time, you will check into your hotel and
the eleventh century, this village was a common                                                              enjoy free time to explore the capital of Galicia,
resting place for pilgrims in El Camino due to                                                               Santiago. Accommodation.
                                                      Day 6º PALAS DE REI - ARZUA
its hospitals, hospices and churches. Today, the
                                                      Your pilgrimage continues as you travel from           Day 10º SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
structures that have served so many are now in
                                                      Palas de Rei to the bustling small town of Arzua.      This morning you will wake up in the beautiful city
ruins. While you’re in Foncebadon, you’ll walk to
                                                      Before arriving in Arzua, your group will stop at      of Santiago de Compostela! We started by visiting
see the Iron Cross. This cross is a common pause
                                                      Melide. This city is a crucial point of El Camino      the Cathedral. Upon entering the Cathedral,
for pilgrims, as they leave a stone at the foot of
                                                      because it is where the French and Oviedo routes       tradition will guide you as you embrace the
the cross to symbolize a sin or a burden that
                                                      converge. Upon arrival in Melide, you will notice      dazzling statue of Santiago. We continue with our
they are leaving behind. Your tour continues to
                                                      the ancient paths dating back to the 14th century,     visit that includes Plaza Obradoiro, the Fonseca
the village located in the mountains, O Cebreiro.
                                                      which are some of the oldest in the Galician           Palace, the Gelmirez Palace, Franco Street and
Many pilgrims pause at this site because of the
                                                      region. As your group continues towards Arzua,         much more. Accommodation.
Eucharistic Miracle that occurred in the year
                                                      you will cross the beautiful medieval bridge over
1300. Also, make sure you have your cameras
                                                      the Iso River to Ribadiso. After your visit to this    Day 11º SANTIAGO DE COMPOSTELA
ready as this village is suspended at 1,300 meters
                                                      Chapel, your day will culminate with the arrival in
in the air and offers an impressive panoramic                                                                Your last day in Spain will start with breakfast
                                                      Arzua. Accommodation.
view. Accommodation.                                                                                         at your hotel, followed by a transfer to Santiago
                                                                                                             Airport for your flight back home. You’ll say “see
                                                      Day 7º ARZUA
Day 4º SARRIA - PORTOMARIN                                                                                   you later” to your new friends on this trip.
Today is the day when your pilgrimage on foot         Today, you will take a break to rest your body and
(El Camino) to Santiago de Compostela officially      shake of fatigue. After Mass, there will be time to
begins! With the guidance of our Lord, and            reflect on the journey so far and pass it at your      *IMPORTANT NEWS:
through the spirit of James the Apostle, you          own pace. Accommodation in Arzua.                      This itinerary involves an average of 13 to 20 daily
will become a true pilgrim as you travel the                                                                 walking miles. It is essential that participants are
physical and spiritual journey. Your first official   Day 8º ARZUA - ARCA DE O PINO                          able to complete the trip. We will have assistance
day of walking will culminate in Portomarin.          Your journey is almost over when you walk to the       vehicles available to help pilgrims who are unable
This city dates back to the Roman Age and was         largest community before Santiago, Arca de O           to complete a particular stage of the journey.
an important high along the route in the Middle       Pino! As you travel this route, you will immerse
Ages. Due to the creation of a dam in 1962, Old       yourself in the fragrant eucalyptus forests and
Portomarin is currently located under the Mino        experience the stunning scenery. As you explore

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     FRANCE SANCTUARIES                                                                                             Mont
                                                                                                                        Caen           Lisieux
                                                                                                                    St. Michel

                                                                                                                                             Paray Le Monial

     Day 1º DEPARTURE                                       After breakfast, transfer to Paray Le Monial.          family’s home, Les Buissonets. In addition, he will
     Departure to Lourdes.                                  Accommodation.                                         tour the parish of Santa Teresa, the Cathedral of
                                                                                                                   St. Peter and the Carmelite Convent, where Santa
     Day 2º LOURDES - TOULOUSE - LOURDES                    Day 5º PARAY LE MONIAL - NEVERS -                      Teresa entered in 1888 and is currently buried
                                                            PARIS                                                  with his parents. The tour of the life of the “Little
     When you arrive at Pau or Toulouse airport, go to
                                                            You will start your day with breakfast and then        Flower” culminates when you board the bus to get
     the baggage claim area and collect your luggage.
                                                            celebrate Mass, with some free time for prayer         to the “City of Lights” - Paris. Accommodation.
     Go to the arrivals hall, where you will be greeted
     by your tour guide and/or driver. You will embark      and reflection. After Mass, you will visit the
                                                            Chapel of the Visitation, where Jesus exposed          Day 8º PARIS
     on a panoramic trip to Lourdes. Check in at your
     hotel and then relax or explore before dinner. After   His Sacred Heart to St. Margaret Mary Alacoque,        Today, you will enjoy a full sightseeing tour of
     dinner, you will have free time to pray the Rosary     in the seventeenth century. These apparitions          Paris. After breakfast, you will visit and celebrate
     and attend the procession by candlelight (April to     allowed St. Margaret to rest on the Sacred Heart       Mass at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Miraculous
     October only), guided by the Most Holy Rosary.         of Jesus and experience unconditional love for         Medal, where you will see the uncorrupted body
     After this prayer experience, you will return to       humanity. During your visit to this sacred place,      of St. Catherine Laboure. The guardian angel of
     your hotel for the night.                              you will have the opportunity to see relics of the     the Holy led her to the chapel, where the Blessed
                                                            beloved Santa, located under a wax figure of it.       Virgin Mary appeared. During the apparitions, Our
     Day 3º LOURDES                                         We’re moving on to Nevers. Nevers is the site          Lady repeatedly instructed the manufacture and
     During your time in Lourdes, you will pray and         where St Bernadette lived for twelve years as          purpose of the Miraculous Medal, as well as the
     meditate on the site of the apparitions of Our         a member of the Congregation of the Sisters of         green scapular. According to the Blessed Virgin
     Lady. Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette in         Nevers. The saint suffered from several diseases,      Mary, those who wear the Miraculous Medal and
     1858, and announced herself as “The Immaculate         such as asthma, pulmonary tuberculosis and             the scapular will receive special protection and
     Conception”, near the Grotto of Massabielle.           a tuberculous tumor in her right knee. For             abundant graces. You’ll continue your day with a
     During the first two appearances, little Bernadette    this reason, St. Bernadette received “The Last         visit to Notre Dame Cathedral, a perfect example
     prayed the Rosary with Our Lady and left without       Sacraments” three times and finally died in 1879,      of Gothic art. free time. Accommodation.
     any exchange of words. During the following            at the age of thirty-five. In the end we leave for
     apparitions, Our Lady emphasized God’s love            Paris. Accommodation.                                  Day 9º PARIS
     for us, penance, and the need to perform acts of                                                              Today is the second part of the tour of Paris. We
     penance for sinners. During all the time you spend     Day 6º PARIS - MONT ST MICHAEL - CAEN                  will see the most recognizable symbol of the city
     in Lourdes, you will have the opportunity to attend    After breakfast, we leave for Mont St Michael.         of Paris, the Eiffel Tower. Historically, the Original
     Mass in the Grotto, where Our Lady appeared            Today we have an exciting day where we will meet       Intention of the Tower was to commemorate the
     to Bernadette, watch a video presentation that         Mont Saint Michel. We will have free time to tour      centenary of the French Revolution, but later, it
     explains in detail the history of Lourdes, drink       the cobbled alleys of Mont Saint Michel, to visit      assisted in meteorology, telegraphy during World
     water from the miraculous source that has cured        the abbey that is located at the top of the rock and   War I, radio and television. Stop by L’Arch de
     muc and dive into the healing baths. In addition,      free lunch. We will continue our journey to Caen,      Triomphe, a monument that symbolizes gratitude
     you will have the opportunity to experience the        with 1000 years of history. Accommodation.             for those who fought for France. This monument
     unconditional love of Christ, as you meditate                                                                 is located on the west end of Champ-Elysees,
     on the “life-size” Cross Stations that overlook        Day 7º CAEN - LISIEUX - PARIS                          one of the most famous boulevards in the world,
     the Grotto of Massabielle. Also in Lourdes,            After breakfast, we leave for Lisieux: we will         and another of our stops on the sightseeing
     you will enter and meditate on the footsteps           explore the life of St. Teresa. According to Pope      tour. We will also pass by the always famous
     of St. Bernadette. Your group will have the            Pius X, Saint Teresa of Lisieux was the “greatest      Louvre Museum. * This museum is one of the
     opportunity to see the birthplace of St. Bernadette    saint of modern times. His extraordinary love          best in the world and contains a series of pieces
     and the “Cachot”, an abandoned prison where            for God and his service to humanity will come          that really emanate not only French art but also
     Bernadette’s impoverished family lived. Each           to life as you walk in the footsteps of the Great      European culture. Your day full of fun and hustle
     night after dinner, (April to October only) you will   Holy. During your visit, you will see the beautiful    and bustle ends with a small Parisian “cruise”.
     have the opportunity to attend the procession by       Basilica of Santa Teresa, and the magnificent          Accommodation.
     candlelight and the Rosary, before a night’s rest.     mosaics and stained glass windows it contains.
                                                            After your visit to the Basilica, you will have the    Day 10º PARIS
     Day 4º LOURDES - PARAY LE MONIAL                       opportunity to see relics, clothing and personal       After breakfast, you will transfer to Paris Airport to
     This morning, you’ll wake up feeling well rested!      belongings of St. Teresa, when you visit your          take the flight back home.


              Loyola                                                                                             FATIMA, SPAIN
    Salamanca        Lourdes                                                                                     AND LOURDES

Day 1º DEPARTURE                                        Clerea, a church and school of the Jesuit order;         cathedral. In the late afternoon, you will return to
Departure to Lisboa.                                    The House of the Shells, currently a public library      your hotel for a restful night.
                                                        but also, a monument noticed and decorated
Day 2º ARRIVAL TO LISBON                                with shells, symbolizing the pilgrimage always           Day 7º BURGOS - LOYOLA - LOURDES
This afternoon we will enjoy a panoramic tour of        famous to Santiago (El Camino); the University           After breakfast, transfer from Burgos to Loyola
Lisbon, which will include the Monastery of St.         of Salamanca, the oldest university in Spain and         to visit the birthplace of St. Ignatius, founder of
Jerome, built to thank the Virgin Mary, we will drive   the third oldest in Europe; the Roman bridge,            the Order of the Jesuits. St Ignatius dedicated
through the Tower of Belem and many landmarks,          which stretches along the Tormes River, is a             himself to becoming a soldier of the Christian
including the April 25 Bridge, the Basilica of the      national monument and one of Salamanca’s most            faith and, as a result of many tribulations, wrote
Star and La Carpa of Pombal Square. Our last            resilient bridges; The Church of San Marco, built        the ever-famous Spiritual Exercises. In Loyola,
stop will be St. Anthony’s Church. The Church           in Romanesque style; The Church of San Martín,           you will see the 17th-century basilica dedicated
where we will celebrate Mass is built on the birth      a church dedicated to Saint Martin of Porres, who        to this remarkable saint. The Basilica is part of a
of St. Anthony. Accommodation in Lisbon.                is the patron saint of people of mixed race and          series of buildings surrounding the “Holy House”,
                                                        all those who seek interracial harmony. Visit the        the birthplace of St. Ignatius. We will continue to
Day 3º LISBON - SANTAREM - FATIMA                       interior of Salamanca’s two cathedrals (old and          Lourdes with a spectacular view of the Pyrenees.
                                                        new), one in Romanesque style and one in Gothic          Accommodation in Lourdes.
Today, we will head to Fatima, on the way we will
stop in the city of Santarem for Mass in the Church     style. After this eventful day, we return to our
                                                        hotel. Accommodation in Salamanca.                       Day 8º LOURDES
of St. Stephen and to venerate the Eucharistic
Miracle of the thirteenth century. Continue to                                                                   During your time in Lourdes, you will pray and
Fatima, a village of Aljustrel, the birthplace and      Day 6º SALAMANCA - ALBA DE TORMES -                      meditate elsewhere in the apparitions of Our
home of the three shepherd children. Dinner and         AVILA - BURGOS                                           Lady. Our Lady first appeared to Bernadette in
accommodation in Fatima.                                This morning, after breakfast, we will enjoy a           1858, and announced herself as “The Immaculate
                                                        short transfer to the village of Alba de Tormes.         Conception”, near the Grotto of Massabielle.
Day 4º FATIMA                                           This city is home to the Carmelite Monastery that        During the first two appearances, little Bernadette
Today will surely be a memorable experience.            Santa Teresa founded in 1571. When we arrive in          prayed the Rosary with Our Lady and left without
Our Lady appeared to three shepherd children;           Alba de Tormes, we will have a quick Mass in this        any exchange of words. During the following
Lucia (10 years), Jacinta (7 years) and Francisco       Monastery where the saint died and was buried.           apparitions, Our Lady emphasized God’s love
(9 years). These appearances occurred monthly           After Mass, you will have the opportunity to visit       for us, penance, and the need to perform acts
from May to October 1917. Our deeply reflective         the museum dedicated to Santa Teresa de Avila,           of penance for sinners. During all his time in
day begins with a visit to the Little Chapel of                                                                  Lourdes, we will have the opportunity to attend
                                                        which also holds her uncorrupted heart and left
Apparitions. Continue with a visit to the impressive                                                             Mass in the Grotto, where Our Lady appeared
                                                        arm. We continue to the medieval city of Avila.
neoclassical church, the Basilica of Our Lady of                                                                 to Bernadette; In addition, you will have the
                                                        Upon arrival in Avila, you will immediately notice
the Rosary. This sacred space contains the tombs                                                                 opportunity to experience the unconditional
                                                        the perfectly preserved walls of the eleventh
of San Francisco, Santa Jacinta and Sister Lucia.                                                                love of Christ, as you meditate on the “life-
                                                        century that surround the old town. The Cathedral
Continue with a visit to the Basilica of the Holy                                                                size” Cross Stations that overlook the Grotto of
                                                        of Avila encompasses the Romanesque, Gothic
Trinity. Free time. Your night will end with private                                                             Massabielle. His group will have the opportunity
                                                        and Renaissance styles of its time, within its
devotions and a candlelit procession, requested                                                                  to see Boly Mill, the birthplace of St. Bernadette
                                                        work of art and architecture. The Basilica of St.
by Our Lady (1917). Accommodation in Fatima.                                                                     and the “Cachot”, an abandoned prison where
                                                        Vincent in Avila, is located on the site of the
                                                                                                                 Bernadette’s impoverished family lived. You will
                                                        martyrdom of St. Vincent. Visit the Convent of the
Day 5º FATIMA - SALAMANCA                                                                                        have the opportunity to attend the procession by
                                                        Incarnation, where Saint Teresa became a nun.
                                                                                                                 candlelight and the Rosary before a night’s rest.
Breakfast at the hotel. We leave Fatima and head        Santa Teresa convinced San Juan de la Cruz to
for Salamanca. Salamanca is a city in the region        reform the male Carmelite order, the reform that
                                                                                                                 Day 9º LOURDES
of Castilla y León, and is known for its large          began when she met San Juan in Medina del
                                                        Campo. After following in the footsteps of Santa         Flights back home. After an early breakfast and a
university, the oldest in Spain that is still active,
                                                        Teresa, continue your trip to Burgos. Upon arrival       sincere farewell, your group will depart by coach
along with its prominent culture. Our walking
                                                        in the historic capital of Castilla la Vieja, you will   and travel to Toulouse, Pau or Lourdes airport to
tour will take us through the most notable sites
                                                        have the opportunity to explore the city of Burgos       take the flights back home.
like; the great Plaza Mayor, an iconic square
full of food, shopping and events of the city; La       and admire its magnificent Gothic limestone


     TO MEDJUGORJE                                                                                                               Medjugorie

     Day 1º DEPARTURE                                        hill is a Blue Cross, where Our Lady is said to        on the altar outside the Church of St. James.
     Departure to Medjugorje.                                have appeared to the children as they hid from         Worship takes place on Tuesdays and Saturdays;
                                                             the Communist police in the early days of the          Veneration of the Cross takes place on Fridays
                                                             alleged apparitions. As he climbs, his group is        inside the church. In addition, there is a Chapel
                                                             invited to recite the Rosary, pausing five times for   of Adoration on the grounds of St. James Church,
     Upon arrival in Europe, change the gates to board
                                                             each decade of the Rosary. At the top of the hill,     where Adoration is celebrated in the afternoon
     your short connecting flight to: Dubrovnik, Split                                                              hours. Meetings with visionaries: Pending
                                                             you will witness the exact location of Our Lady’s
     or Sarajevo Airport. Upon arrival, pick up your         first supposed appearance to the visionaries, and      availability, your guide will arrange meetings with
     luggage in the baggage claim area and continue          you will enjoy a private time for prayer. Climb the    visionaries in their homes. Visit to the community
     to the arrivals hall, where you will be greeted by      mountain. Krizevac (Cross Mountain): In 1933,          of Cenacolo: You will have the opportunity to
     a tour guide and/or driver, who will take you on        the villagers built a 30’ high cross on a mountain     visit the community of Cenacolo, founded by the
     the 2.5-hour journey to the village of Medjugorje.      to commemorate the passion and death of Jesus          Sisters of Charity, for young men and women who
     Enjoy dinner before retiring at night.                  on the cross. Your group will have the opportunity     have taken the wrong path and are on their way to
                                                             to climb this mountain and venerate that same          recovery. You can hear his inspiring words about
     Day 3º - 8º MEDJUGORJE                                  cross. As you climb, your group is invited to          his journeys back to Jesus Christ. Prayer on the
     The most beautiful features of Medjugorje are its       pray the Stations of the Cross (to meditate on the     statue of the Risen Christ: The bronze statue of
     simplicity and peace. While in Medjugorje, you          suffering of the Way to Calvary of Jesus), stopping    the Risen Christ is located on the grounds of the
     can experience your faith growing and share the         fifteen times for each Station. Appearances: every     Church of St. James. Many pilgrims sit and pray
     journey of faith of pilgrims from all over the world.   night at 5 p.m. or 6 p.m. (depending on daylight       on the benches surrounding this peaceful statue.
     A local guide will accompany your group during          saving time), your group will join the villagers       This statue miraculously filters water droplets at
     your stay in the village. Some activities that will     and fellow pilgrims of Medjugorje to pray the          all times of the day, outside christ’s right knee.
     accompany you on your spiritual journey: Attend         Rosary, as they all anxiously await the supposed
     Daily Mass: Every morning at 10:00 a.m., your           arrival of Our Lady to the visionaries. After the      Day 9º MEDJUGORJE
     group will meet at St. James Church for Mass.           apparition, at 5:40 PM (6:40 PM during daylight        After an early breakfast and a sincere farewell,
     At the end of each Mass, regardless of language,        saving time), feel free to stay at St. James Church    we set off by coach to Dubrovnik Airport (Split or
     there is a blessing from the religious items you        and attend Croatian Mass. After Croatian Mass,         Sarajevo) for our flights back home.
     have with you. On public holidays and Sundays:          there is a blessing from the sick. Adoration of the
     Mass in English is at 12 p.m. Climb the hill of         Blessed Sacrament: Our Lady has always called
     appearance: this mountainous hill is where              us to be close to her Son. For this, you will have
     visionaries first met Our Lady. At the base of this     the opportunity to worship the Blessed Sacrament


                                                                                                                      HOLY LAND

           Tel Aviv            Jordan Valley


Day 1º DEPARTURE                                      Tiberiades. In the afternoon, we will continue           the Model depicting the City of Jerusalem in the
Departure to Tel Aviv.                                to Tabgha to visit the site of the Multiplication        time of Jesus are on display. View of the Hebrew
                                                      of The Breads and Fishes. Then we continue to            University of Jerusalem continuing towards
Day 2º ARRIVAL TO TEL AVIV                            Capernahum, the most important Ministry of the           Ein Karem, a picturesque neighborhood on the
Arrival at the airport, reception by our              last four years of Jesus, to visit the Old Synagogue     outskirts of Jerusalem to visit the Shrine of St.
representative at the airport, assistance and         and the House of St. Peter, we will continue             John the Baptist. From there we will continue to
transfer to Tel Aviv. Accommodation in Tel-Aviv.      towards the Mount of The Beatitudes, scene of the        the Yad Vashem Memorial, a memorial to the 6
                                                      Sermon on the Mountain. Finally a brief visit to         million Jews who perished in the Holocaust. In
Day 3º: TEL AVIV - JAFFA - CAESAREA -                 the Diamond Factory, the second most important           the afternoon you will travel to Bethlehem. Visit
HAIFA - ACRE - GALILEA                                industry in the country. Accommodation in Galilee        the Church of the Nativity and the Grotto of the
Breakfast buffet. Departure for a brief visit to      (Hotel or Kibbutz)                                       Birth, Chapels of St. Jerome and San Jose. Back
the city of Tel Aviv-Jaffa. Continuation along                                                                 to Jerusalem. Accommodation in Jerusalem.
the coastal route to Caesarea, Roman city of the      Day 5º TIBERIADES – JORDAN VALLEY –
time of King Herod, famous for its grandiose          JERUSALEM                                                Day 7º JERUSALEM (OLD CITY)
architecture and port, whose importance endured       Breakfast buffet. We will leave Tiberiades heading       Breakfast buffet. Exit via Mount Scopus towards
until the time of the Crusaders. Visit to the Roman   towards Yardenit (place of Baptism), on the banks        Mount Olives. Panorama of the Holy Walled City.
Theatre, a cross town and the aqueduct. We            of the Jordan River. We will continue to travel          Continuation to Gethsemane, Basilica of Agony.
continue towards Haifa, located on the slopes         through the Jordan Valley to Beit Shean, one of the      Departure to the Old City. Visit of the Western Wall
of Mount Carmel to enjoy a panoramic view of          main cities of the Greek decapolis whose strategic       (Western Wall). We will continue with the visit to
the city, the Bahai Temple and its famous Persian     importance due to its geographical location has          the Via Dolorosa, Church of the Holy Sepulchre.
Gardens. Continue to Acre, to visit the fortified     endured throughout history to this day. Visit of         Then to Mount Zion to visit King David’s Tomb, the
city of the Crusaders of medieval times, from         archaeological excavations. Continuation via             Upper Room (Last Supper Room), and the Abbey
where you can appreciate the walls of the ancient     Judean Desert towards Jerusalem, bordering               of the Dormition. Accommodation in Jerusalem.
city. He continues to the Galilee. Accommodation      the city of Jericho and being able to appreciate
in Galilee (Hotel or Kibutz)                          from the road the Mount of Temptations.                  Day 8º JERUSALEM
                                                      Accommodation in Jerusalem.                              Breakfast buffet. Day off. Optional Tour Massada
Day 4º GALILEA – NAZARETH –                                                                                    and the Dead Sea. Accommodation in Jerusalem.
TIBERIADES                                            Day 6º JERUSALEM (NEW CITY) - BELEN -
Breakfast buffet. Departure via Cana de Galilee       JERUSALEM                                                Day 9º JERUSALEM – TEL AVIV
towards Nazareth. Visit of the Basilica of the        Breakfast buffet. Departure for a visit to Jerusalem’s   Breakfast buffet. At the indicated departure time to
Annunciation and the Carpentry of Joseph. It          New city. Visit of the Book Sanctuary at the Israel      Ben-Gurion airport in Tel Aviv to take your return
continues to skirt the Sea of Galilee towards         Museum, where the Dead Sea manuscripts and               flight.


     TO POLAND                                                                                                                 Auschwitz             Krakow

                                                                                                                               Wadowice                 Wieliczka

     Day 1º DEPARTURE                                        Window, in which, during his visits to Krakow, he     “Church of the Ark” or “The Ark of Our Lord”.
     Salida hacia Cracovia.                                  used to make night appearances to address the         The church was built brick by brick by volunteer
                                                             crowds of his followers gathered below, we will       workers without assistance from communist
     Day 2º ARRIVAL TO KRAKOW                                see the Franciscan Church, where, as a young          authorities. We will celebrate Mass and then
     Arrival in Krakow international airport. Upon arrival   man, he used to pray, and explore the Collegium       return to the hotel in time for dinner. Overnight.
     we meet our tour manager who will accompany             Maius, where he studied. We will end our tour in
     us throughout our tour Depending on the flight          the Church of Santa María, home to the largest        Day 4º KRAKOW - AUSCHWITZ -
     arrival time, we will schedule Mass celebration         wooden altar in Europe , and in the main market       HARMEZE - WADOWICE - KRAKOW
     in the Skałka, the Basilica of St. Stanislaus on        square. Free time and lunch is self-arranged in       Breakfast and departure to Auschwitz, known as
     the Rock. As the first native Polish saint, Saint       this area. We then continue our tour of Krakow.       the Nazi concentration camp during World War
     Stanislaus is one of Poland’s patron saints. We         We cross the Wisla River and view the house in        II. While visiting the old camp you can feel the
     then continue to our hotel. After check-in, enjoy       Debniki, where St. John Paul II lived as a student,   darkness and sadness that invade the atmosphere,
     a delicious dinner and have the opportunity to          and the Nazi occupation force, forced him to          as there were countless indescribable atrocities
     explore the city of Krakow before retiring to rest      work in the Zakrzowek quarry, while studying          that occurred in this place. In addition, during
     during the night. Dinner and overnight.                 at a seminary. Finally, we will explore the Nowa      this visit, we will have the opportunity to see
                                                             Huta district. This unique district, complete with    the cell that imprisoned Saint Maximilian Kolbe
     Day 3º KRAKOW                                           steel factories and houses built by the Soviet        and visit the Martyrdom Museum. Then, we will
                                                             regime in a realistic socialist style with many       pass by Birkenau camp, the site of St. Edith
     Breakfast at the hotel and departure for a full
                                                             Renaissance influences, was destined to be a          Stein’s martyrdom. Later, we visite the Franciscan
     day panoramic city tour in Krakow. We pass
                                                             model of “communist city”. Ironically, it later       monastery near Harmeze, consecrated under
     by the Wawel hill, the former “seat of power” of
                                                             became one of the centers of revolution and           the patronage of St. Maximilian Kolbe. We then
     the Polish monarchs. There, we visit the Wawel
                                                             resistance, which led to the eventual overthrow       continue to the small town of Wadowice, the
     Cathedral (entrance included), the main Polish
                                                             of the communist regime in Poland. As bishop          birthplace of Karol Wojtyla. Free time for own
     national sanctuary. The Cathedral served as the
                                                             and local cardinal, Karol Wojtyla played a key        lunch, we then enjoy a visit of the family home of
     Seat of Karol Wojtyla, the future Saint Paul II,
                                                             role in this transformation. For years, he met with   St. John Paul II on Rua Koscielna. Since then, it
     during his term as Archbishop of Krakow. His
                                                             local people, helped them organize spiritually        has been converted into a museum, with exhibits
     connection with this sanctuary goes even further:
                                                             and celebrated Masses outdoors with them. He          of the old possessions of the Wojtyla family. We
     he celebrated his first mass as a young priest in
                                                             struggled hard to build the first Catholic Church     then visit the local church where this beloved saint
     the Crypt of St. Leonard. We will then visit the
                                                             in this area, which led to the construction of the    was baptized, he received his first sacrament of
     old town on Kanonicza Street, where the future
                                                             Church of Our Lady of Poland, also known as           communion, attended mass as a child and served
     Pope lived while in Krakow, and the famous Papal


as an Altar Boy. Finally we have the opportunity       Sisters. As pope, he visited the sisters only         Day 7º KRAKOW – SANCTUARY OF
to see the miraculous image of Our Lady of             once, during his pilgrimage to Poland in 1997.        CZESTOCHOWA - WIELICZKA - KRAKOW
Perpetual Help, that St. John Paul II prayed daily.    He often declared a special connection to this        Today we will visit the largest pilgrimage sanctuary
The church is now known as the Basilica of the         Retreat House and called it “his second home” on      in Poland since the 16th century! We visit the
Presentation of the Blessed Virgin Mary. At the        several occasions. The room in which he stayed        Jasna Gora Monastery, home to the beloved Black
end of visit we we will enjoy a slice of the famous    is practically intact and serves as a small museum    Madonna icon, and celebrate Mass. St. John Paul
Papieska Kremowka (‘Papal’ cream cake and then         that celebrates his memory. Then, we continue our     II frequently visited this monastery throughout his
we return to Krakow. Dinner and overnight.             walk along the colorful Krupowki Street. Free time    life. Tradition tells us that this icon was painted
                                                       to shop at the local bazaar and have lunch on your    by Lucas Evangelista, discovered by Saint Helena
Day 5º KRAKOW - ZAKOPANE – KRAKOW                      own. From here, we will take a funicular to nearby    and later consecrated. After mass we visit the Black
After breakfast, we will travel through the Podhale    Gubalowka to enjoy stunning views of the Tatra        Madonna Chapel and have the great privilege of
region to the Tatra Mountains and the small city       Mountains and panoramic views of Zakopane.            visiting the Library. This 18th century library is
of Zakopane. It is considered the capital of Polish    Return to Krakow for dinner and overnight.            richly decorated and houses an incomparable
winter sports, but it is also an important spiritual                                                         collection of precious ancient manuscripts dating
place. People in the region always shared a special    Day 6º KRAKOW - DIVINE MERCY -                        from the medieval era. Free time for lunch. Then
connection with Pope John Paul II. Upon arrival,       LAGIEWNIKI - KRAKOW                                   we will continue on to Wieliczka, a small town on
we visit the Sanctuary of the Virgin of Fátima, a      After breakfast, we head to Lagiewniki, capital       the outskirts of Krakow. We enjoy a guided tour of
chapel built in 1999 as a votive offer for the speed   of Divine Mercy. Through the mediation of Saint       the world famous Wieliczka salt mines. The mines
recovery of St. John Paul II after the assassination   Faustina, Christ transmitted the message of Divine    are known for beautiful and unique underground
attempt. The Sanctuary has been extended over          Mercy in Lagiewniki. We will begin our visit to the   tunnels filled with buildings carved precisely in
the years and contains relics of the Holy Pope and     “Don’t be afraid” Center, where we can pray for       salt, which include many biblical icons and a
many souvenirs, including the special field altar,     the relic of St. John Paul II and celebrate Mass      statue of St. John Paul II. We will return to Krakow
which St. John Paul II used to celebrate a field       in one of the chapels. We then visit the Sanctuary    for a farewell dinner and overnight.
Mass in 1997, during his last visit to Zakopane.       of Divine Mercy, where Saint Faustina, Apostle of
We visit the Jaszczurowka Chapel. This beautiful       Divine Mercy, lived and died. We see images of        Day 8º KRAKOW
wooden chapel was visited many times by St.            the Merciful Jesus, the relics of Saint Faustina,     Breakfast and transfer to the airport.
John Paul II. Then, we will visit the nearby           as well as the Chapel of the Convent of Saints
Retreat House, managed by the Ursuline Sisters.        and his Tomb. We then return back to Krakow and       End of services.
During his frequent visits to Zakopane, the future     enjoy the afternoon at our leisure. Dinner is free.
Pope used to take the humble hospitality of the        Overnight.

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