THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola

Page created by Julia Robertson
THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola

                    FALL 2019 ACTIVITY GUIDE • AUGUST-NOVEMBER

 Fitness & Enrichment Classes • Af ter School Programs • Special Events • Youth & Adult Athletics

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
Message from the Mayor

Believe it or not, spring is right around the corner, bringing with it beautiful weather and plenty of sports for
youth of all ages to enjoy here in Pensacola.

Between our 93 city-owned parks and 10 resource centers, our Parks and Recreation Department offers
plenty of opportunities for residents to stay active in our community – from playgrounds and fitness rooms to
senior activities and team sports.

We’re especially excited to reopen Bayview Senior Resource Center in December after completing
renovations, and we know all of our Bayview seniors are more than ready to be back in their neighborhood
community center.

Keep an eye out for registration opening soon for spring youth sports, including Bill Bond baseball, youth
soccer, T-ball, girls’ volleyball and more – and team sports for the grown-ups, too.

We are fortunate to live in such a beautiful, thriving city, and to have so many opportunities to get outside
and be active through the city’s many parks and recreational programming. I hope you’ll take the time to
review this Playbook and find the activities and programs that best fit you and your family’s lifestyle.

As we prepare to enter a new year and a new decade, I’d like to take a moment to wish all of you a happy
and prosperous year ahead here in the beautiful City of Pensacola. I’m looking forward to seeing the great
things in store for our city in the coming year and beyond, and I hope you’ll get out this year and enjoy the
many parks, programs and activities available to our residents.
                                                                         Mayor Grover C. Robinson IV

     M AY O R & CITY COUNC IL                                     PARKS & RECREATION
         Mayor Grover C. Robinson, IV                                   BOARD
   Jewel Cannada-Wynn, Council Member and                         Meets the third Thursday of each month,
           Council President, District 7                       8:00 a.m. in the Vince Whibbs Sr. Conference
   Jared Moore, Council Member, and Council                                   Room at City Hall.
             Vice President, District 4
                                                                          Paul Epstein, Chairman
       P.C. Wu, Council Member, District 1
     Sherri Myers, Council Member, District 2                     Antonio Bruni              Gabriela Garza
     Andy Terhaar, Council Member District 3                      David Del Gallo            Leah Harrison
    John Jerralds, Council Member, District 5                Alejandra Escobar-Ryan           Rand Hicks
       Ann Hill, Council Member, District 6                        David Forte               Maranda Sword

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
Table of Contents
                                           City of Pensacola Government.......................................................2
                                           Parks and Recreation Administration.............................................3
                                           Sponsors & Partners......................................................................4
                                           Volunteer Opportunities..................................................................5
  Administrative Office                    After School Programs................................................................6-7
         City Hall, 4th Floor
                                           Bayview Senior Center................................................................8-9
        222 West Main Street
        Pensacola, FL 32502
                                           Cobb Resource Center...........................................................10-11
        Phone: 850-436-5670                Fricker Resource Center.........................................................12-13
         Monday thru Friday                Gull Point Resource Center.....................................................14-16
       Hours: 8:00am - 5:00pm              Theophalis May Resource Center..................................................17
                                           Malcolm Yonge Gym....................................................................17
  Administrative Staff                     Vickrey Resource Center.................................................................18-19
                                           Woodland Heights Resource Center.......................................20-21
            Brian Cooper
     Parks & Recreation Director
                                           Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones Resource Center........................22            East Pensacola Heights Clubhouse...............................................23
                                           Community Maritime Park...................................................................24
            Kim Carmody                    Adult Athletics...............................................................................26
   Superintendent of Administration
          & Special Projects
                                           Youth Athletics..............................................................................27            Roger Scott Tennis Center......................................................28-30
                                           Osceola Golf Course....................................................................31
            Dianne Dupire                  Park Map & Locations.............................................................32-33
                                           Facility Rentals........................................................................34-35

          Yolanda Fisher
        Administrative Officer
                                           Schedule Changes and Cancellations
                                           Our best effort is made to provide you with the most accurate information
                                           at the time of printing, however, schedules and fees are subject to
              Cheryl Fox                   change. We reserve the right to cancel, amend, change, postpone or
       Athletics Superintendent            combine classes/activities that are listed in this guide.

             Nikki Gray                    Holiday Closures
Community Maritime Park Special Events     The City of Pensacola Parks and Recreation Department Main Office,
    Supervisor/Event Permitting            Resource Centers, and Roger Scott Tennis Center will be closed in              observance of the following Holidays. Osceola Golf Course will be open
                                           on these holidays except Christmas Day.
             Bill Kimball
                                           Christmas 				December 25-26
        Parks Superintendent           New Years				January 1
                                           Martin Luther King Jr. Day		        January 20
           Melinda Meola                   Presidents Day			                   February 17
          Budget Manager                                                                            Find us on            Connect With Us!                                        social media
              Paul Pipes
Outdoor Pursuits & Volunteer Coordinator

            Heidi Thorsen
       Assistant to the Director

            Tonya Vaden                     If you have a non-emergency service request, please let the City of
      Recreation Superintendent                             Pensacola know using Pensacola 311.            Dial 311, visit or download the Pensacola 311 app.

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
             A Special Thank You To Our Sponsors & Partners

                                                                                 • Bethel AME Church
                                                                                 • Japanese Dancers
                                                                                 • Milk and Honey
                                                                                 • Northwest Florida Sports, LLC
                                                                                 • Pensacola Youth Sports and
                                                                                      Education Association
                                                                                 • Pensacola Senior Softball League
                                                                                 • Pensacola Senior Softball Organization
                                                                                 • Southern Youth Sports Association

                                 Become a Sponsor or Partner
 Be part of our winning team! We have a variety of opportunities for local businesses or community organizations to
       support our efforts in the following program areas. Contact us for more information at (850) 436-5670.
     Special Events                Summer Camp Scholarships                         Senior Programs
Youth Enrichment Programs               Athletic Programs                        Golf & Tennis Programs

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
      Monthly Park Cleanups
   Bay Bluffs & Chimney Park Cleanups
Join the Scenic Highway Foundation, Ocean Hour FL,
  Earth Ethics, and the City of Pensacola the second
 (2nd) Saturday of the Month at Bay Bluffs Park from
   9:00 to 10:00am for the Monthly Clean Up of Bay
  Bluffs & Chimney Park and surrounding area, 3400
       Scenic Hwy, at the corner of Summit Blvd.
                 Sign-in is at 8:45am.

   Project Greenshores & Bartram Park
      Join Ocean Hour for clean ups at Project
Greenshores, also know as Wayside Park West, and
  Bartram Park on the third (3rd) Saturday of every
  month. Project Greenshores is at the Three Mile
 Bridge and Bayfront Parkway. Buckets, grabbers,
       gloves and trash bags will be supplied.
                                                             Volunteer Opportunities
 Sign in at 8:45am, clean up from 9:00 to 10:00 am.
                                                          Are you looking to get more involved in the
 Please dress for the weather and bring water and
                                                          community, accumulate volunteer hours, or
                sunscreen as needed.
                                                          simply help make our parks and recreation
      Contact, or call
                                                          system be the best it can be?
        850-450-1112 and leave a message.
                                                          There are a number of great opportunities
            Bruce Beach Cleanups                          available throughout the year for friendly and
  Join Ocean Hour and the City of Pensacola on the        enthusiastic individuals and groups of all
last Saturday every other month at Bruce Beach, 601       ages to volunteer their time and talents to the
W. Main St., from 9:00 to 10:00am for a shoreline and     Parks and Recreation Department. You can
         park cleanup. Sign-in is at 8:45am.              choose whether to volunteer for one of our
                                                          Youth and Senior Recreation Programs or a
                                                          one-time special event. Want to be outdoors?
          Don’t forget to bring                           Volunteer to help keep your neighborhood
          water and sunscreen!                            park safe and clean. You can choose to
                                                          participate in a one-time project or one of our
                                                          ongoing projects and programs!

                                                               The gift of your talent and time are

                                                                         Paul Pipes
                                                           Outdoor & Volunteer Pursuits Coordinator
                                                                       (850) 516-9382

                                                              Sign up for volunteer opportunities at

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola

                                                            PROGRAM SCHEDULE
 After School Locations                                     Monday-Friday • 2:30-6:00pm
Cobb Resource Center                                        Play Pensacola Parks and Recreation’s After
601 East Mallory Street - (850) 436-5192
                                                            School programs offer activities that encourage
Activity #503033
                                                            children to be healthier and happier through
Fricker Resource Center                                     active play, fitness and sports, dance and drama
900 North F Street - (850) 436-5195                         instruction, computer exploration and S.T.E.A.M.
Activity #503031                                            activities. Our program also includes
Gull Point Resource Center                                  homework help, tutoring and a nutritious afternoon
7000 Spanish Trail - (850) 494-7360                         snack for grades K-5.
Activity #503034
Woodland Heights Resource Center                            Dates: August 12, 2019-May 22, 2020
111 Berkley Drive - (850) 435-1750
Activity #503036                                            Benefits of After School Programs:
Parents must arrange for transportation through             • Offer a safe space to play
the Escambia County School District based on                • Provide an affordable space that encourages
availability of bus space, or self tramsport child to           healthy, physically active lifestyles
the program at above locations.                             • Connects youth to peers/social opportunities
Vickrey Resource Center                                     • Connects youth to nature/outdoor experiences
2130 Summit Blvd - (850) 478-1222
                                                            • Provide educational support and supplement
After School Programming and transportation
                                                              learning opportunities
provided by YMCA of NWFL. See p.18 for details.
Contact for more info.
THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
                             Outdoor Pursuits Holiday Camps
                             Archery & Fishing Days
                             Spend time during your breaks from school fishing
                             and learning archery with awards and prizes for
                             games. Lunch is provided, limit 20 per session.
                             Dates		      Time			              Ages
                             Jan 6		      8:00am-4:00pm        7-14
                             Feb 17       8:00am-4:00pm        7-14
                             Cost: $35 City/$40 Non-Resident

                             Spring Break Adventure Camp
                             Go on adventures kayaking, fishing, hiking, and
                             learning archery over spring break! Limit 20 per
                             session. Lunch is not provided.
                             Dates		      Time			              Ages
                             Mar 16-20 8:00am-4:00pm           8-14
                             Cost: $130 City / $140 Non-Resident

                                        Register for Programs at

     Winter            Week 1           Week 2                   Cobb
                     Dec. 23-24, 27     Dec. 30-31,             Fricker
Break Camps                              Jan. 2-3              Gull Point
                                                            Woodland Heights

Spring Break
 March 16-20
   Gull Point
Woodland Heights

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
2000 E. Lloyd Street
BAYVIEW SENIOR CENTER                                                     (850) 436-5190
                                                               *Special Events may be held at different
                                                           locations due to parking. Check with front desk.

                                                          Enrichment Programs
                                                          Council on Aging Senior Lunch Program
                                                          To register, contact Council on Aging at
                                                          850-266-2512 the prior day by noon.
                                                          Days		         Time			             Ages Cost
                                                          Mon-Fri        11:00am-12:00pm 60-up Free
                                                          					                              ($2 rec. donation)
                                                          Tea Time
                                                          Come enjoy tea and snacks while getting to know
                                                          Bayview Senior Center Staff and socializing.
                                                          Day		       Time			              Ages		       Cost
                                                          1st Mon     10:00-11:00am        50-up		      Free
                                                          of each month

                                                          Friday Pickers
                                                          Bring your guitar and share a song, simply listen, or
                                                          strum along!
                                                          Day		        Time			Ages		Cost
                                                          Fri		10:00-11:00am               50-up		Free

                                                          Memory Lane Cafe
                                                          Enjoy live music, food, activities that are both
               Center Staff:                              intellectually and physically stimulating, and glimmers
                                                          of days gone by; while creating new memories.
  Jeremy Street, Recreation Supervisor                    Sponsored by Home Care Solutions, Assisted Living                         Locators, and Regency Hospice.
             (850) 912-4104                               Day		          Time			               Ages		        Cost
                                                          4th Thurs      1:00-2:30pm		50-up		Free

   Molly Mahtani, Assistant Recreation
                                                          Chair Aerobics                         Day		       Time			                Ages		        Cost
             (850) 436-5188                               Mon-Wed-Fri 9:00-10:00am           50-up		       Free

The Bayview Senior Center strives to maximize the         Exercise with John by Island Doctors &
quality of life for adults age 50+ in our community       Humana
by providing intentional programming that fosters         Day		 Time			                      Ages		 Cost
mental, physical, and social wellbeing in a safe          Tues		9:00-10:00am                 50-up		Free
               and caring environment.
                                                          Ageless Grace
                                                          Based on neuroplasticity that activates all five
                                                          functions of the brain and simultaneously addresses
 Like, Share, and Follow us on Facebook                   all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal
                                                          function. Sponsored by Silver Sneakers
                                                          Day		          Time			               Ages		        Cost
                                                          Mon & Wed 12:00-1:00pm               50-up		       Free
THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
Hours of Operation
               Monday-Friday                                      BAYVIEW SENIOR CENTER
             8:00 a.m.- 8:00 p.m.

Special Events                                             You Are the Cream Cheese to My Bagel
East Pensacola Heights Showdown!                           It’s National Bagel Day! Enjoy bagels and coffee in
Our popular Terrific Tuesday restaurant tour will          the lobby. *Location: Bayview Senior Center
hit the “famous” eateries along Scenic Highway             Date 		        Time			             Ages        Cost
in the East Pensacola Heights area this winter!            Jan. 15        9:30–11:00am       50-up         Free
Transportation is provided.
Date        Time		                 Ages                    Roaring Twenties: Senior Beauty Pageant
1st Tues     10:30am–12:30pm 50-up                         Who will be crowned Ms. Senior Citizen of
Cost: Transportation is free. Bring money for lunch!       Pensacola? Enjoy a glamorous night as we crown
                                                           one classy and fabulous young lady! Heavy hor
SANTA! I Know Him!                                         d’oeuvres and drinks will be provided. Presented
Enjoy a catered Christmas Lunch from Patrella’s            by Summer Vista Assisted Living, Home Care
Italian Café and a Christmas Performance by O.J.           Solutions, and Assisted Living Locators.
Semmes Elementary School. Sign-up at front desk            *Location: Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones
or call 850-436-5188 to register. Lunch fee due upon       Resource Center.
sign-up. *Location: Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones            Date 		      Time			              Ages         Cost
Resource Center.                                           Feb. 21      6:00-8:00pm		        50-up        Free
Date 		       Time			               Ages		      Cost
Dec. 12       11:00am–12:15pm 50-up             Free       Party Gras!
                                                           Join us for red beans & rice, community resources,
Sounds Like Somebody Needs to Sing a                       and live music by The String Farm Band!
Christmas Carol                                            *Location: Sanders Beach-Corinne Jones
Join the Friday Pickers for our annual Christmas           Resource Center.
Sing-A-Long!                                               Date         Time		              Ages         Cost
Date 		       Time			               Ages		     Cost        Feb. 25      11:00am–12:00pm 50-up            Free
Dec. 20       10:00–11:00am        50-up        Free

       Fun & Games!
          10,000 - Tues/Fri 2-3pm
     Bingo - Thurs 1-3pm, 50 cents/card
        Bunco - Tues/Fri 12:30-2pm
     Bridge - Mon/Tues/Fri Call for time
         Hand & Foot - Wed 12-3pm
          Pinochle - Thurs 12-3pm
    Some groups require a small club fee for
          prizes. See center for details.

THE PLAYBOOK - City of Pensacola
              CENTER                   601 East Mallory Street
                                          (850) 436-5192

                                            Center Staff:
                              Myra Williams - Recreation Supervisor

                              Youth Programs
                              Play School
                              A fun learning environment which offers a beginner
                              curriculum (alphabets, numbers, colors, shapes,
                              etc.). Kids will also play outside, eat lunch and take
                              a nap. Location: Arts & Crafts Room
                              Day		          Time			               Ages
                              Mon-Fri        7:30am-1:30pm         3-4
                              Ages: 3 - 4
                              After School Program
                              A fun, safe environment for kids with arts & crafts,
                              games, sports, computer lab, STEAM activities,
                              homework time, tutoring, and a healthy snack.
                              Our program serves students at Jacqueline Harris
                              Preparatory Academy, A.K. Suter, and N. B. Cook
                              Elementary Schools.
                              Day		         Time			             Grades
                              Mon-Fri       2:30-6:00pm		       K - 5th
                              Weekly Cost: $11 city residents/$14 non-residents

                              Hungry for Justice Kids Cooking
                              Kids learn to make healthy meals and snacks
                              and then take the ingredients home to make for
                              their family! Sponsored by the AWKO Justice
                              Foundation & community partners!
                              Day		          Time		       Ages		     Cost
                              1st Friday     4:30-6:30pm 6-up		      Free
                              each month

                              Youth Drama Club
                              For youth interested in dancing, singing and
                              acting. We put on shows 3 times a year in our gym
                              area showcasing what the children have learned.
                              Thanksgiving play, Christmas play, Black History
                              play, etc.
                              Day		         Time			              Ages
                              Mon, Wed 3:30-4:30pm		             5-12
                              Cost: Included with After School

Hours of Operation:
      Mon & Wed        7:00am-8:00pm                              COBB RESOURCE CENTER
      Tues, Thurs, Fri 7:00am-6:00pm

Youth Sports                                          Senior Programs
Recreational League T-Ball                            Seniors Program
Come join in the fun with our annual Recreational     A social gathering for seniors who enjoy exercising,
                                                      playing bingo, listening to oldies, taking shopping
T-Ball League!                                        trips to Destin, eating at restaurants, going to the
Days: Saturdays (games), Practice 1 day a week        casino and more.This is a popular trip and spots fill up
Time: 8:00am                                          quickly.
Ages: 4-7 years                                       Day		Time			Ages                                   Cost
Cost: $25 City residents / $35 non residents          Mon-Fri        7:00am-noon		         50 - up       $5/
Adult Programs                                        Council on Aging Seniors Lunch Program
                                                      To reserve a meal, contact Council on Aging at
Weight & Cardio Room                                  850-266-2512 the prior day.
Get fit and tone up. Our fitness center has the       Day		Time			Ages		                             Cost
equipment for aerobic and anaerobic exercise to       Mon-Fri      11:00am-noon       60-up		        Free
reshape your body. Exercise at your own pace          $2 reccomended donation
without the pressures of other fitness centers.
Day		         Time			              Ages               Senior Exercise
Mon- Fri      9:00am-8:00pm        18-up		            A short but hearty exercise for seniors usually led
                                                      by a DVD but occasionally taught by a seasoned
Cost: $1/day or $10/month, 50-up FREE                 professional.
                                                      Day		Time			Ages                                  Cost
Special Events                                        Mon-Fri       9:30-10:00am         50-up          Free
Kids Black History Month Program                      Vera’s Healthy Juicing
Join us as our After School participants celebrate    Ms. Vera shows how to prepare a healthy mix of
famous figures and influential people in African      vegetables or fruit blended into a nutritious drink.
American History.                                     Day		Time			Ages                                  Cost
Day		        Time			               Ages               Mon		        10:00-11:00am          50-up         Free
Feb. 27      6:00-8:00pm		         All
                                                      Seniors Casino Day Away
                                                      Every 3rd Thursday each month, Cobb Senior’s enjoy
Seniors Black History Month Program                   a comfortable ride to Biloxi to take in the sites, eat at
Join us as we celebrate the arts, heritage and        the buffet and even play the slots. Spots are taken up
culture of African-American lives through displays    fast so register early (non-members).
and a special luncheon.                               Day		Time			Ages		Cost
Day		          Time			             Ages               3rd Thurs      9:00am-5:00pm        50-up		         $10
Feb. 28        10:30-11:30am       50-up
                                                      Friday Fish Fry
                                                      Join us each Friday for a Fish Fry! Our Senior Group
                                                      looks forward to this every week. We play Bingo and
                                                      eat the catch of the week cooked to perfection by
                                                      Myra and served with a side of grits! Free with senior
                                                      program membership. Last Friday of the month we
                                                      have chips, hot dogs and birthday cake!!
                                                      Day		         Time			              Ages		        ____
                                                      Fri		         10:30-11:30am        50-up

900 North F Street
   FRICKER RESOURCE CENTER                                          (850) 436-5195

After School Programs provide                          Youth Programs
educational support and supplement
                                                       After School Academy
learning opportunities for grades K-5.                 Daily activities include arts & crafts, games,
                                                       homework help and more. This program will
                                                       serve children at Global Learning Academy and
                                                       S.L. Jones Elementary, and Jacqueline Harris
                                                       Preparatory Academy.
                                                       Day		          Time			               Ages
                                                       Mon-Fri        2:30-6:00pm		         5-12
                                                       Weekly Cost: $11 City resident/$14 non-resident

                                                       Daily activities for each skill component.
                                                       Day		          Time			              Ages
                                                       Mon-Fri        4:00-5:00 pm		       5-12
                                                       Cost: Free w/After School

                                                       Holiday Camps
                                                       Fun is served up during our Holiday Camps! Come
                                                       join us for field trips, sports, art, and gaming during
                                                       your school breaks.
                                                       Day		           Time			                Ages
                                                       Mon-Fri         7:00am-6:00pm          5-12
                                                       Cost: $49 per week City residents, $58 per week
              Center Staff:
                                                       Recreational League T-Ball
Michael Mims, Recreation Area Manager                  Come join in the fun with our annual Recreational                         T-Ball League!
                                                       Days: Saturdays (games), Practice 1 day a week
                                                       Time: 8:00am
     Al Desport, Program Specialist                    Ages: 4-7 years                      Cost: $25 City residents / $35 non residents

                                                       Recreational League Basketball
The Fricker Resource Center provides quality           Our Recreational Youth Basketball League allows
programming for citizens across the entire age         youths between the ages of 5 and 14 to play
                 spectrum.                             league basketball in a fun and engaging manner.
                                                       Fundamentals, teamwork, and sportsmanship are
Pre-School, After School Academy, and the              emphasized.
Summer Adventure Camp are just a few of                Days: Mon - Thurs
the programs offered to children between 3             Time: 6:00 pm-8:00pm
and 12 years of age. Adults are able to utilize        Cost: 7U - $25.00 / 10U - $35.00 / 12U - $35.00 /
the Center’s gym, weight room, and computer            14U - $50.00
labs during listed hours. Area seniors can
participate in fun and engaging activities via
                 the Gold Club.                   12
Hours of Operation
M-Th 8:00am-9:00pm, Fri 8:00am-8:00pm                          FRICKER RESOURCE CENTER
    Saturday & Sunday-Rentals Only

Adult Programming
Weight and Cardio Room
Get fit and tone up. Our fitness center has the
equipment for aerobic and anaerobic exercise to
reshape your body. Exercise at your own pace
without the pressures of other fitness centers.
Day		         Time			              Ages
Mon- Fri      9:00am-8:00pm        18-up
Cost: $1/day or $10/month, 50-up FREE

Aerobics with Sonshine
Day		        Time		      Ages		         Cost
Thurs		      6:30-7:30pm 18-up          Free
                                                            Shake It Up Hip Hop Dance
                                                            This Hip Hop inspired line dancing class is for
Recreational Basketball                                     people of all ages. Partner or no, you will have a
Come shoot hoops, work on skills, or get in a game
                                                            blast and sneak in a cardio workout at the same
of pickup basketball.
Days: M, W, F
                                                            Day		          Time		        Ages        Cost
Time: 8:00am-2:00pm ages 18-up
       6:00-9:00pm ages 5-up                                Wed		          6:00-7:30pm 18-up         Free
Cost: $1
                                                            Mature Adults 50+
30 and Over Basketball                                      Senior Bingo
Come join a pickup game or two with people 30               Day		        Time			              Ages
years of age and older.                                     Mon-Fri      10:00-11:30am        50-up
Day		        Time		        Ages       Cost                  Cost: $0.50 per card for Gold Club members
Tues		       6:00-9:00 pm 30-up       $1                         $1.00 per card for non-members

                                                            Gold Club
IBall – Adult Basketball League                             “Where age is just a state of mind.” Fun and
Come join the fun with our IBall Adult Basketball           engaging activities every weekday.
League. This is a recreational basketball league for        Day		        Time			              Ages      Cost
those looking to participate in the team game. For          Mon-Fri      10:00am-2:00pm 50-up          $5
more information, please call 850-436-5566.                 month
Cost: 300.00 per team
*Individuals looking for a team can be added to the         Council on Aging Seniors Lunch
Free Agent pool and placed on a team in need of             Program
players                                                     A hearty lunch for seniors provided by Council on
Pensacola Table Tennis Club                                 To reserve a meal call 850-266-2512 the prior
Day		        Time		           Ages                          day.
Mon, Thurs 6:00-9:00pm 18-up		                              Day		        Time			              Ages
Cost: $1, No cost for children to play.                     Mon-Fri      11:00am-noon         60-up
                                                            Cost: Recommended $2 donation

GULL POINT                                               7000 Spanish Trail
       RESOURCE CENTER                                              (850) 494-7360

               Center Staff:                         Adult Fitness Programs
                                                     Belly Dance Fitness
Thomas Brame - Recreation Area Manager               Day		         Time			            Ages        Cost                      Tues          6:30-8:00 pm		     18-up      $10/class
                                                     8 Week Session: $65 city resident per session
                                                          		           $75 non-resident per session
Addie Boyd-Quina, Recreation Supervisor              Optional coin belt and veil.
                                                     Body Conditioning
                                                     Day		        Time			             Ages      Cost
                                                     Tues		       2:30-3:30pm		       18-up    $8/class
                                                     8 Week Session: $45 city resident per session
                                                                      $55 non-resident per session
                                                     Bring weights and cushioned floor mat.

                                                     Cardio Kickboxing Fitness
                                                     Day		        Time			             Ages        Cost
                                                     Thurs        5:30-7:00pm		       18-up      $10/class
                                                     8 Week Session: $65 city resident per session
                                                           		         $75 non-resident per session
                                                     Bring weights and cushioned floor mat.

                                                     Couples Dance Class
                                                     A fun dance class designed to teach and expand
                                                     individual knowledge of basic ballroom technique. No
Youth Programs                                       partner necessary.
                                                     Day		         Time			              Ages    Cost
After School Program
                                                     Tues		        6:30-8:00 pm		       18-up   $10/class
Fun-filled days of exciting activities for youth.
Daily activities include arts & crafts, games,
homework help and more. This program will            Pilates on the Ball
serve children at N.B. Cook, Scenic Heights          Day		         Time			              Ages        Cost
                                                     Wed           6:45-7:45pm		        18-up      $8/class
and Cordova Park Elementary.                         8 Week Session: $45 city resident per session
Day		           Time			              Ages                                $55 non-resident per session
Mon-Fri        2:30-6:00pm		         5-12            Bring fitness ball, weights, and cushioned floor mat.
Weekly Cost: $55 city resident per week
                $70 non-resident per week            Tai Chi For Health-Novice
                                                     Day		       Time			              Ages      Cost
                                                     Tues        5:30-6:30pm		        18-up    $8/class
Kenpo Karate (Little Dragons)                        8 Week Session: $45 city resident per session
Day		         Time			             Ages                               $55 non-resident per session
Tues		5:30-6:30pm		6-up
Cost: $35 city resident per month                    Tai Chi For Health-Intermediate
      $45 non residents per month                    Day		         Time		             Ages      Cost
                                                     Tues or Thurs 3:30-4:30pm        18-up    $8/class
Yoshukai Karate                                      Wed		         5:30-6:30pm        18-up    $8/class
                                                     8 Week Session: $45 city resident per session
Day		         Time			             Ages                               $55 non-resident per session
Mon & Wed 5:30-6:30pm		           6-up
Cost: $70 city resident per month                    Tues & Thurs 3:30-4:30pm         18-up    $8/class
      $80 non residents per month                    8 Week Session: $85 city resident per session
                                                    14               $95 non-resident per session
     Follow us on Facebook @GullPoint.
                                                                        RESOURCE CENTER
Weight & Cardio Room
Our weight & cardio room is open to the public ages
16-up. Users age 14-16 must be accompanied by an
adult, no users under 14. Cost: $1 per day or $10 per
month, Free for ages 50-up.
Women’s Self Defense Classes
Day		        Time			              Ages       Cost
Thurs        7:00-8:00pm		        18-up      Free

Day		        Time			              Ages      Cost
Mon		        5:30-6:30pm		        13-up    $5/class
Wed		        6:00-7:00pm		        13-up    $5/class        Spanish Language Experience
                                                           Join a small gathering of mature adults to learn the
Senior Enrichment Programs                                 fundamentals of the Spanish Language in a casual
Bunco                                                      and fun environment.
Day 			             Time		      Ages         Cost          Day		         Time			             Ages       Cost
1st Mon of month    1:30-4:30pm 50-Up        Free          Fri		         10:30am		           50-up      Free

Coffee and Conversations
Enjoy a nice brew and fun conversations with friends!      Senior Fitness Programs
Sponsored by Emerald Coast Hospice.                        Ageless Grace
Day 		       Time			            Ages       Cost            Based on neuroplasticity that activates all five
1st Wed      10:30am		          60-Up      Free            functions of the brain and simultaneously addresses
                                                           all 21 physical skills needed for lifelong optimal
Color Me Stress Free                                       function. Sponsored by Silver Sneakers
A relaxing coloring program to melt the stress away        Day		          Time			               Ages      Cost
Day 		        Time			            Ages        Cost          Tues, Fri     12:00-1:00pm           50-up     Free
Mon		         10:30–11:30am      50-Up        Free

Computer Classes                                           Chair Aerobics
Each week a different topic is covered to keep you up      Day		       Time			               Ages      Cost
to date in this tech savy world.                           Mon,Wed,Fri 9:30-10:30am          50-up     $2/class
Day 		 Time			Ages		Cost
Thurs            12:00 – 1:00pm 50-Up		         Free       Chair Yoga
                                                           Day 		       Time 		Ages                     Cost
                                                           Mon          10:30-11:10am 50-up             Free
Japanese Society
Japanese Americans celebrating their culture with
crafts and social time.                                    Exercise with John
Days		        Time			           Ages       Cost            Sponsored by Island Doctors and Humana
1st Wed       10:00am-3:00pm 18-up         Free            Day 		      Time			             Ages   Cost
                                                           Mon         12:00-1:00pm        50-up  Free
Senior Lunch Program
To register, contact Council on Aging at 850-266-2512      Fitness 101 with Mary Francis
the prior day by noon.                                     Day 		       Time			             Ages
Days		         Time			             Ages       Cost         Tues & Thurs 10:30 – 11:30am     50-Up
Mon-Fri        11:00am-12:00pm 60-up          Free         Cost: $10 (drop in); $30 per month
					                              ($2 rec. donation)
GULL POINT                           Home of the Gull Point Performing Dancers
                                       Follow them on Twitter and Instagram @gullpointdancers and at
           DANCE CLASSES               Dancers.

                               Winter 2020 Dance Sessions
Session 3 Registration: December 9-20          Classes: January 6-February 28
Session 4 Registration: February 17-28		       Classes: March 2-May 1 (No classes March 16-20)
                         Register online at

                                          BALLET CLASSES
CLASS NAME            ACTIVITY #    AGES     DAYS        TIME       INSTRUCTOR            FEES

Preschool Ballet      302034:15      3-4     Thurs    5:00-5:45pm      Hotopp      $45 Res / $55 NR
Kindergarten Ballet 302044:30        5-6     Thur     5:15-6:00pm     Sclafani     $45 Res / $55 NR
Beginning Ballet I    302044:31      6-7     Mon      5:00-6:00pm     Sclafani     $60 Res / $70 NR
Beginning Ballet I    302044:32      6-7     Thur     4:00-5:00pm      Hindle      $60 Res / $70 NR
Ballet 3              302054:20     8-12     Tues     4:30-5:30pm       Starr      $60 Res / $70 NR
Ballet 4/Beg.      302054:21         12+     Thur     6:00-7:00pm       Starr      $60 Res / $70 NR
Advanced Ballet w/ 302054:22         13+     Thur     7:00-8:00pm       Starr      $60 Res / $70 NR
Lyrical Ballet     302054:23         8+      Thur     6:00-7:00pm     Sclafani     $60 Res / $70 NR

                                       HIP HOP CLASSES
 Hip Hop               302044:33     5-16    Thurs    6:30-7:30pm       Wright      $60 Res / $70 NR

                                    JAZZ AND TAP CLASSES
 Preschool Ballet**   302034:16       3-5     Tues    5:00-5:20pm      Sclafani     $25 Res / $35 NR
 Preschool Tap**      302034:17       3-5     Tues    5:20-5:45pm      Sclafani     $25 Res / $35 NR
 Preschool Jazz**     302034:18       3-5     Tues    5:45-6:05pm      Sclafani     $25 Res / $35 NR
 Tap/Jazz Combo I     302044:34       5-7     Tues    5:00-6:00pm      Hotopp       $60 Res / $70 NR
 Tap/Jazz Combo II    302044:35      8-12     Tues    6:00-7:00pm      Hotopp       $60 Res / $70 NR

                                            MISC CLASSES
Tumbling I            302034:19      3-5     Wed      4:45-5:30pm     Sromidlo      $25 Res / $35 NR
Tumbling II           302044:36      6-8     Wed      5:30-6:30pm     Sromidlo      $60 Res / $70 NR
Company Tap           302054:24      8+      Mon      5:30-6:00pm      Hotopp       $25 Res / $35 NR
Company*              302054:25      8+      Mon      6:00-7:30pm      Hotopp /     $60 Res / $70 NR
*Instructor Approval Required/Company Students Only
          ** Must select at least two and form a combo class.
								16 May take all three classes.
1301 West Gregory St.                             THEOPHALIS MAY
                (850) 438-6233
                                                               RESOURCE CENTER
           Programs offered by the
      Southern Youth Services Association

                Contact Tammie May
             For more information visit

Youth Sports Programs                             Adult Programs
Youth Basketball League                           GED & ACT Classes
Registration through December 20                  Day		              Time			              Ages
Ages 4-14. $65 Registration                       Mon, Tues, Thurs 5:30-8:30pm		          18-up
                                                  Call 850-438-6233 for more information.
Competitive Youth Basketball
Tryouts Jan. 13-17                                Open Gym Basketball
Girls and Boys Grades 3-8                         Day		        Time			            Ages      Cost
                                                  Mon-Fri      11:30am-1:30pm     18-up    $1
Registration Jan. 1-17                            Adult Exercise & Walking
                                                  Day		        Time			            Ages      Cost
                                                  Tues		       6:00-7:00pm		      18-up     Free

             925 E. Jackson Street
               (850) 436-5195
                                                            MALCOLM YONGE GYM

   Michael Mims, Recreation Area Manager

Mature Adult Programs
Day			             Time			           Ages
Tues, Thurs		      8:00-11:00am      50-up

Day			             Time			           Ages
Mon,Wed, Fri       8:00-11:00am      50-up

2130 Summit Blvd
 VICKREY RESOURCE CENTER                                     (850) 912-4056

             Center Staff                    Youth Programs
Maggie Lochas-Recreation Supervisor          YMCA After School Program
                                             New for the 2019-20 school year, the City               of Pensacola has partnered with the YMCA of
                                             Northwest Florida to provide after school care at
      Justin Paul-Program Specialist         Vickrey Center. This program will serve children from             A.K. Suter, N.B. Cook, Cordova Park, and Scenic
                                             Heights Elementary. Transportation is provided in the
                                             program cost. Visit to register.
          Facility Rentals                   Day		         Time			              Grades
Small rooms available for weekday meeting    Mon-Fri       1:30-6:00pm		        K-5
and training sessions until 2pm. GYM &       Weekly Cost: $38 for YMCA members
                                                            $52 for non-members
Multipurpose Rooms available for weekend
rentals. See back of book under “Facility    Galactic Child Yoga
Rentals” for rates.                          Focus on body awareness, breath, emotional
                                             intelligence, and essential connections.
                                             Day		          Time			              Ages
                                             Thurs		5:30-6:30pm 		5-14
                                             Cost: $35 per month or $10 daily city residents
                                                     $45 per month or $15 daily non-residents

                                             Youth Athletics
                                             City Youth Girls Volleyball League
                                             Come be a part of our Youth Volleyball League as
                                             you learn and develop various volleyball skills in a
                                             competitive and fun environment.
                                             Register January 2020 – March 2020 online or at the
                                             Vickrey Center.
                                             Dates		      Time			             Ages
                                             April – May TBA			               9-16
                                             Cost: $72 City Resident / $83 Non-Resident

Hours of Operation:
 Mon-Thur 6:30am-2:00pm; 6:00-8:00pm                               VICKREY RESOURCE CENTER
       Friday    6:30am-2:00pm

Adult Fitness Programs
Coastal Shotokan Karate
Authentic, traditional martial arts instruction. Emphasis is
on developing a strong lower body and utilizing foot and
hand techniques in about equal portions. Open to new
Day			                Time			                Ages
Mon, Tues, Thurs 6:00-7:00pm		               8-up
Cost: $35 per month city residents
      $45 per month non-residents

Tai Chi Community Group
Group class. Release some stress with non-impact
techniques (breathing, movement, awareness exercises
and meditation).
Day		        Time			            Ages		      Cost
Mon		12:00–1:00pm               18-Up		Free
Fri		10:00–11:00am              18-UP		Free

Weight Room
Our weight room is open to the public during normal
operating hours. Cost: $1 per day or $10 per month,
Free for those over 50 years. Users age 14-16 must be
accompanied by an adult, no users under 14.

Yoga with a Twist
Gentle yoga, stretch and balance with light weights
and dance. Be sure to bring a mat, weights, and water.
Come in and go beyond with our Yoga fun!
Day		        Time		              Ages       Cost
Fri		        9:00-10:00am        18-Up $5/class

Zumba Gold                                                     Adult Enrichment Programs
Day		      Time			                 Age Cost                    Easy Weed-Free No-Till Organic
Mon, Thurs 9:30-10:30am            50+ $4 per                  Gardening
                                       class                   Four-lesson basic organic gardening class.
Adult Athletics                                                Advanced gardening and other homesteading
                                                               classes including chicken keeping and bee
Pickleball                                                     keeping are also offered.
Day		         Time				                     Ages Cost           Day		          Time			           Ages
Wed, Fri      9:00-11:00am		               18+ Free            See staff for schedule		 18-up
                                                               Cost: $60 per 4-week session or $30 per single
Senior Volleyball                                              class
Day		Time				Ages Cost
Tues		 8:00am - 12:00pm		 50-Up Free

WOODLAND HEIGHTS                                                   111 Berkley Drive
                                                                           (850) 435-1750
                                                           Incredible Years
                                                           18 Week Program by CDAC, Project Boost. Designed
                                                           for 3-4 year olds, not enrolled in a pre-school
                                                           program. Readiness and learning preparedness for
                                                           successful future kindergarten enrollment.
                                                           Days		        Time			               Ages		      Cost
                                                           Mon–Thurs 9:30-11:30am              3 – 4 		    Free

                                                           TEEN Focus
                                                           This program is designed to provide life-skills to
                                                           teens within our local community. TEACH, EDUCATE,
                                                           EMPOWER, NETWORKING.
                                                           Day		         Time			             Ages            Cost
                                                           Wed		         6:00-8:00pm		       10-18           Free

                                                           To the Top Tutoring
                                                           This program focuses on tutoring students in grades
                                                           K-12. To Enroll Contact Mr. John Jerralds at 433-1749
Youth Programs                                             Day		        Time			              Grades        Cost
After School Adventures @ The Heights                      Tues, Thurs 5:00-7:00pm		         K-12          Free
Extended care after school for ages 5-12. Learn
new games, challenges, crafts, computer lab,               Youth Basketball Practice
teamwork sports and skills. Additional programs            Day		        Time			           Grades
identified below are part of our curriculum. Our           Tues, Thurs 3:30-7:30pm		      5-14
program serves students at Ferry Pass, A.K. Suter,         Cost: $25 ages 5-10 and $35 ages 11-14
and O.J. Semmes Elementary Schools.
Day		          Time			              Ages                   Youth T-Ball & Baseball
Mon-Fri        2:00–6:00 pm         5-12                   Dates: Spring (March-May) register now!
Weekly Cost: $11 city residents                            Ages: 4-7 years
                $14 non-residents                          Cost: $25 City residents / $35 non residents

S.T.E.A.M (After School Activity)                          Youth Arts and Dance
Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, and Math.          Keys to the Future
Learning the importance of each skill by doing an          Free piano lessons for students enrolled in the after
activity designed for that particular day.                 school program. Students will perform a spring recital.
Day		         Time			               Ages Cost
Mon-Fri       4:00-5:00pm 		        5-12   Included        Soulful Movement Dance
                                                           Multicultural Dance Company. Teaching sisterhood
                                                           through dance and spirituality.
Let Us Play                                                Day		          Time			          Ages         Cost
This is a new program that Woodland is offering            Mon		          5:30-7:00pm		    5-18         Free
to the kids in the neighborhood who are not able
to take advantage of our after school program and
other related programs. The focus is on                    Tabatha Fields Step Team - Redd
mentoring, homework and organized play.
Days		         Time			            Ages     Cost            Diamondz
Mon, Wed 3:00-4:00pm		            6-10     Free            Day		        Time			             Ages           Cost
                                                           Mon		        6:00-8:00pm		       14-17          Free
                                                           For more info contact Tabatha Fields
                                                           (850) 417-2527
Hours of Operation:
    Mon-Thurs 9:00am - 8:00pm, Fri 9:00am-7:00pm                         WOODLAND HEIGHTS
      Closed 2:00-6:00 pm Mon-Fri for After School
               Closed Saturday & Sunday
                                                                          RESOURCE CENTER
Triple B Dance
Blessed, Brilliant & Beautiful - Triple B. Dance and
mentoring program for girls.
                                                                             Center Staff:
                                                                  Reba Smith - Recreation Supervisor
Day		          Time			               Ages		       Cost
Mon		6:00-7:00pm		5-18		$15/                                    Theyuka Thomas - Program Specialist
Woodland Heights Girls Cheerleaders &                               Michael Mims - Recreation Area
Dance Team                                                 
Day		        Time			              Ages		        Cost
Wed & Fri    6:30-7:30pm		        7-12		        TBA                        Facility Rentals
                                                                 Small rooms available for weekday meeting
                                                                 and training sessions. GYM & Multipurpose
Adult Programs                                                   Rooms available for weekend rentals. Call
                                                                 for Availability. Hourly rates and/or 3 Hour
PSC GED Program                                                  rental requirements. See back of book under
Day		         Time			           Ages                             “Facility Rentals.”
Tues, Thurs 9:00am-12:00pm 16-up
Beginning January 2019. Call (850) 484-2120 for
orientation and pricing.                                      Senior Programs
                                                              Senior Game Night
Narcotics Anonymous                                           Come enjoy game night at the Heights ages 50-up
Day		         Time			              Ages     Cost              Day		       Time			            Ages         Cost
Mon-Thurs     6:00-8:00pm		        18-up    Free              2nd Friday 6:00-8:00pm		       50-up        Free
                                                              of each month
Chair Aerobics
Chair Aerobics group that develops your mind, body and
soul. Seniors and Adults with Disabilities welcome.
Day		         Time			             Ages        Cost
Thurs		       10:00-11:00am       50-up       Free

Open Gym Basketball
Day		         Time			              Ages       Cost
Mon-Fri       9:30am-12:00pm       18-up      $1

Weight & Cardio Room
Get fit and tone up. Our fitness center has the
equipment for aerobic and anaerobic exercise to
reshape your body.
Day		         Time			              Ages
Mon-Fri       9:00am-2:00pm,       18-up
Cost: $1/day or $10/month, 50-up Free

SANDERS BEACH-CORINNE                                                    913 South I Street
 JONES RESOURCE CENTER                                                    (850) 436-5198

                                                        Adult Programs
        Hours of Operation:
 Monday-Thursday 7:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m                     Ballroom/Couples Dancing
     Friday 7:00 a.m.-5:30 p.m.                         Instructional dance hour followed by a social dance
Facility is subject to close during building rentals.   hour to practice what you have learned. No partner
                                                        Day		          Time			            Ages     Cost
Betsy Huhn-Recreation Area Manager                      Wed            6:30-9:30 pm		     18-up $10/class
 Haley Hellrich-Program Specialist                      Cribbage                       Come enjoy time amongst friends playing an enticing
                                                        card game.
         Special Event Rentals:                         Day		       Time			            Ages      Cost
Event Rentals are scheduled throughout                  Tues        11:00am-2:00pm     18-up      FREE
 the week and on weekends. Schedule
   is determined on an event by event                   Peace Within Meditation with Dr. DeMaria
                 basis.                                 Guided relaxing meditation experience with Dr.
                                                        Michael DeMaria. Bring blanket, pillow, and find peace
                                                        Day		        Time			             Ages      Cost
                                                        Mondays      5:30- 6:30pm		      18-up $10/class
                                                        (Dates TBA)

                                                        In the Flow Yoga with Dr. DeMaria
                                                        This class will take you from rhythmic movements and
                                                        laughter through flowing yoga postures.
                                                        Day		          Time			             Ages    Cost
                                                        Mondays        5:30-6:30 pm		      18-up $10/class
                                                        (Dates TBA)

                                                        Weight & Cardio Rooms
                                                        Our weight & cardio rooms are open to the public
                                                        during normal operating hours. Users age 14-16 must
                                                        be accompanied by an adult, no users under 14. Cost:
                                                        $1 per day or $10 per month, Free for those age 50+.

                                                        Mature Adults
                                                        Pensacola Bay Ballroom Dance Club
                                                        Social Dance Night for ages 50 & up
                                                        Day		       Time			              Ages
                                                        Tues		7:00-9:00pm		50-up
                                                        Cost: $5/member $10/non-member

                                                        Hand and Foot
                                                        Come test your skills with friends at our card game
                                                        Day		       Time			                Ages      Cost
                                                        Mon, Thurs 9:00am-3:00pm           50-up     Free

3208 East Gonzalez Street
           (850) 494-7360
                                                             EAST PENSACOLA
 Open during classes and facility rentals                   HEIGHTS CLUBHOUSE
Adult Enrichment Programs
Ages: 18 and up only

Art with Fuller Brown
Day		      Time			               Cost
Tues,Thurs 9:00am - 4:00pm       $15 per class

Art with Madeline Burke-Fanning
Day		        Time			            Cost
Wed		        10:00am-1:00pm $65 per month
                          (includes supplies)

Adult Fitness Programs                               Available for rentals for wedding receptions,
                                                         baby showers, birthday parties, family
Chuan Fa Kenpo
This martial arts program is designed to teach self-
                                                      reunions  and much more. Rentals are $75
defense in a safe training environment. Students can
                                                        per hour with a 3 hour minimum. A $75
learn by performing the techniques first on a non-     refundable deposit is required to reserve
resisting partner and then against a resistive one.                    your spot.
Instructor: Shane Francis
Day		         Time			            Cost                    Thomas Brame - Recreation Area
Tues, Thurs 6:15-7:15pm        $50 per month                       Manager
Fitness with Mary Frances
Bundle & Save: Body Sculpt & Pilates $55 per month.
Body Sculpt
Day		        Time			            Cost
Mon, Fri     9:00-10:00am       $30 per month
                                or $8 per class
Pilates Barre
Day		        Time			            Cost
Mondays      10:15-11:15am      $30 per month
                                or $8 per class
Classical Pilates
Day		        Time			            Cost
Fridays      10:15-11:15am      $30 per month
                                or $8 per class

Zumba With Janette
Bring water, towel and get ready to sweat! Beginners
welcome! No membership, no commitment, no sign
up fees. For more information call Janette at 850-324-
5858 or visit
Day		          Time		       Cost:
Mon, Wed 5:45pm             $5 drop in rate

VINCE J. WHIBBS SR.                                               301 W. Main Street
   COMMUNITY MARITIME PARK                                               (850) 436-5671

                                                               Nikki Gray-Special Event Supervisor

                                                           Double Bridge Run
                                                           The Pensacola Double Bridge Run Presented
                                                           by Publix is one of the premier 15K races in the
                                                           country. The 15K carries runners over two bridges,
                                                           across Pensacola Bay and Santa Rosa Sound.
                                                           Registration details at:

           CONNECT WITH US:                                Day 		Time		Ages		Fee                       February 1 7:00am 5-up		 $38-up
                                                           Maritime De Luna Du Youth Duathlon
Free Yoga                                                  The race offers a scenic run-bike-run course for
Certified instructors from Breathe Yoga and                kids while friends and family cheer them on.
Wellness Center will provide instruction. The class        Registration Details: http://www.tgcyouthmultisport.
is free, but you will need to BYOM (Bring Your Own         org/duathlon
Mat) and any other accessories you would like to
use. Water will be provided, but you will need to          Date 		Time		Ages		Fee
bring your own bottle or container                         March 29 8:30am 6-15		 $25-up
Dates             Time		           Ages Cost
First Sunday 10am (Dec-May) All            Free            Ciclovia
of each month                                              Pensacola closes a portion of our streets to
                                                           motorized vehicles and opens them up to
Emerald Coast Walk for Life                                everyone! At the Ciclovia Open Streets event,
Assists all mothers facing crisis pregnancies.             you can walk, run, bike, roller skate/blade, stroll,
Featured keynote speaker Melissa Ohden. A walk             skateboard or just play in the streets. Five miles
through downtown Pensacola follows.                        of roadway running down the middle of historic
Registration:                   Pensacola’s business district and along our
                                                           beautiful Bayfront will be filled with energy and
Date 		Time			Ages		Fee                                    activities for all!
January 11 11:00am		 All ages See                          Day 		Time		Ages		Fee
registration info                                          March 28        9am-2pm        All ages     Free

Joe Relaxo Challenge                                       Pensacola VegFest
Are you ready to take on the challenge of running          Join us for free for an amazing day celebrating all
for 24 hours? Let’s go! The challenge is you have          the wonderful local vegan vendors from food to
to run 1 mile every 30 minutes. Don’t think this is        clothing, soaps, and much more. Watch cooking
a task to go solo on? No worries, there’s a team           demonstrations and try the food. Bring your entire
option. Grab your running buddy and sign up for            family for a fun-filled day. The best part, free
the 2-person team. Bring out your family & friends         admission!
and create a tailgate at the race venue          
Registration:                         Day 		Time		Ages		Fee
Date 		Time		Ages		Fee                                     March 28       11am-7pm All ages             Free
January 24 7:00am            All ages     $75-up

                                         Do you love to play pickleball?

                                         Parks and Recreation now offers outdoor play
                                         options at Armstrong Park and Hollice T. Williams
                                         Park tennis courts. Pickleball lines were added to
                                         the tennis courts over the summer and fall when
                                         the courts were resurfaced allowing for more
                                         opportunities to Get Out & Play this popular sport!

                                         Never played pickleball or not sure what it is?
                                         Pickleball is a paddle sport that combines elements of
                                         tennis, badminton and table tennis and is played with 2 or 4
                                         players. Pick up a paddle today and hit the courts to try it!

New Playgrounds Coming Soon!

We’ve been working hard to update several playgrounds in your city parks over the past
year. We’re always looking for new and innovative features to make your family’s play
experience great. Here’s just a few of the improved playgrounds for 2019 and more coming
soon in 2020!

New in 2019
Hitzman-Optimist Park
Armstrong Park
Parker Circle Park
Legion Field
EPH Lions Park

Coming Soon in 2020
Kiwanis Park
Durant Park
Miraflores Park
Springdale Park
Tierre Verde Park

Learn about more projects in your city parks!
We have more improvements underway like the new Bayview Resource Center
construction, improved parking at Woodland Heights Resource Center, new soccer fields at
Hitzman-Optimist Park, and more.

Visit our Park Projects page at for more details.
                                    Athletic Office:
                                    Exchange Park
                                    3200 East Lakeview Avenue
                                    (850) 912-4109

                                    Cheryl Fox - Athletic Superintendent

                                    Alex Odee - Athletic Coordinator
                                    Mike DeSorbo - Exchange Park Manager

                                     Check League stats, schedules, print
                                        registration forms and more at

                                    The City of Pensacola organizes sports leagues for
                                    adults ages 18 and older throughout the year. All
                                    games are played at Exchange Park.

                                    The purpose of the Adult Sports Leagues is to provide
                                    an opportunity for the community to play organized
2020 Adult Athletics Registration   sports in an environment that is safe, healthy, and
Dates                               free of negative attitudes. Our goal is to provide
Spring: February 1-28, 2020         community-based, athletic entertainment to our
Summer: May 1-30, 2020              residents by offering a safe environment where teams
Fall: August 1-30, 2020             can gather for organized play and promote good
Winter: November 1-29, 2020         sportsmanship.

                                    Co-Ed & Men’s Softball
                                    Cost: $330 per team
                                        $10 per player extra fee for non-city residents

                                    Co-Ed Kickball
                                    Note: Half of the players on each team must be
                                    female. The pitcher must be a male and the catcher
                                    must be a female. At bat, you must rotate male,
                                    Cost: $225 per team
                                        $10 per player extra fee for non-city residents

                                    Adult Flag Football
                                    Cost: $375 per team
                                          $10 per player extra fee for non-city residents
                                    Registration: November – mid December

Youth Athletic Facilities:
Bill Gregory Park - 150 North W Street
Legion Field - 1301 West Gregory Street
Lions Park - 1201 East LaRua Street
Magee Field - 2400 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
Roger Scott Athletic Complex - 2130 Summit Blvd.
Terry Wayne East Park - 1620 East Jackson Street
Vickrey Resource Center - 2130 Summit Blvd.

The objective of the Youth Sports programs is to
give boys or girls a physical outlet through athletics.
Our goal is for everyone to have a fun and enriching
experience while learning the basic fundamentals of the
game. The purpose of these programs is best served
when as many children as possible participate and play.
All Youth leagues focus on the development of skills,      Follow Pensacola Youth Soccer on
sportsmanship, and fun!                                    Instagram @pensacolasoccer

Bill Bond Baseball and T-Ball
Location: Roger Scott Athletic Complex
Spring Season Dates: Feb-May
Registration: November 15-January 15
Ages: 5-15
Cost: $175 before Dec. 15
        $195 after Dec. 15
*Limited spots available. For more info and to register

Pensacola Youth Soccer League
Location: Roger Scott Athletic Complex
Spring Season Dates: March-May
Registration: January-February
Ages: 4-17
Cost: TBA
Visit for online registration
and more details.

Youth Girls Volleyball League
Location: Vickrey Resource Center
Registration: January – February
Season Dates: April – May
Ages: 9-16                                                 Keep up with Bill Bond Baseball action on
Cost: $72 City / $83 Non-City                              Facebook @BillBondPensacola

Sign up for our email list at

                                        Roger Scott Tennis Center has 18 hard courts,
                                          10 rubico clay courts and 2 hitting walls.

                                                             Court Fees* - Clay Courts
                                                                    Daily -Adults: $12
                                                          		          Youth: $8
                                                             Court Fees* – Hard Courts
                                                                     Daily -Adults: $8
                                                                        Youth: $6

                                         Frequent players can save money by purchasing a
                                         membership. Members do not pay court fees. Non-
                                        members must pay a court fee to use the tennis courts.
                                            Membership Rates at

                                         An additional benefit to “paying ahead for court fees”
                                        is the ability to reserve court time 48 hours in advance.
                                         Court Reservations are made in 1.5 hour time blocks.

    2200A Summit Boulevard
         (850) 912-4103
                                                             Get a Grip is a full service
        Hours of Operation                                 pro shop with tennis clothing,
     Mon-Thurs: 8:00am-9:00pm                               racquets, gifts and stringing
      Fridays: 8:00am-7:00pm                              available. Located inside Roger
     Saturdays: 8:00am-5:00pm                                   Scott Tennis Center.
      Sundays: 12:00pm-5:00pm
 Closed Thanksgiving Day, Christmas                             Hours of Operation:
      Day and New Years Day
   Brock Sakey, Tennis Director                                       9am-1pm                                       (850) 438-0850
 Patrick Bateman, Tennis Director                    

Fun Play for Adults                                                  Tennis-4-Everyone
Adult Mixers
Music, door prizes and lots of fun tennis! Food and drink        Tennis-4-Everyone, Inc. is a nonprofit
specials provided. (See website for dates)                    organization founded in 2001 that provides
Day		         Time			                Ages                        free year-round tennis instruction and
Fridays       6:00-9:00pm 		         18-up                       academic tutoring to youth throughout
Cost: $20 RSTC members / $30 non-members                       the school year in community center after
                                                              school programs. Children learn to love the
Adult Tennis Programs                                          sport of tennis – a healthy hobby that can
Beginner’s Clinic                                             be enjoyed for a lifetime! Classes are held
Day		       Time			                Ages       Cost            at Cobb, Fricker, Gull Point, and Woodland
Thursday    6:00-7:00pm		          18-up      $15/clinic       Heights Resource Centers throughout the
Saturday    8:00-9:00am                                       school year as well as the YMCA and Weis
Women’s Clinic
Day		      Time			                 Ages       Cost               Please contact Rita Dotson if you are
Monday     6:00-7:30pm		           18-up      $20/clinic         interested in learning more about this
Saturday   9:00-10:30am                                        wonderful program, would like to make a
           10:30-12noon                                       financial contribution, or donate your time
                                                                       and talent as a volunteer!
Men’s Clinic                                                    Rita Dotson, President • 850-380-5458
Day		        Time			               Ages       Cost
Tuesday      6:00-7:30pm		         18-up      $20/clinic
Saturday     9:00-10:30am,

Junior Clinics
Kids will love this innovative program utilizing the
USTA juniors format to introduce them to the game of
tennis. Runs in six week sessions year-round. Drop-
ins accepted if space is available.

Red Ball Clinic - Ages 8 & under
Tuesday & Thursday 3:30-4:30pm

Orange Ball Clinic - Ages 10 & under
Tuesday & Thursday 4:30-6:00pm

Green Ball Clinic - Ages 12 & under
Tuesday & Thursday 4:30-6:00pm

Intermediate Junior Clinic - Ages 13 & up
Monday & Wednesday 4:30-6:00pm

Advanced Junior Clinic - Ages 13 & up
Monday & Wednesday 4:30-6:00pm
ROGER SCOTT                        Sign up for our email list at
                                             FOLLOW ROGER SCOTT TENNIS CENTER ON
     TENNIS CENTER                                       FACEBOOK

   Lessons & Team Clinics                       Tournaments
One hour or 30 minute private lessons
                                                 Event dates subject to change. Look on
and team clinics are available and must          Facebook or for up-to-
be booked by the Roger Scott Tennis              date information.
Center and/or the teaching pro(s) teaching       St. Patrick’s Day Tourney
the lessons or clinic. Lessons and clinics       Date: March 14-15
may have up to 6 people participating per        Registration info at
teaching pro. All ages.
Monday - Thursday 8:00am-9:00pm                  Leagues
Friday			8:00am-7:00pm
Saturday          8:00am-5:00pm
                                                 Greater Pensacola Ladies Tennis League
                                                 Membership of nearly 1,000 women playing on
Sunday            12noon-5:00pm                  72 teams across Pensacola, Orange Beach, Gulf
                                                 Shores, Gulf Breeze and Navarre. GPLTL Dues
          Cost: $55 per hour                     are $15 annually per player. Find out more at their
            Meet our pros at                     website:
                                                 Under the Hill League
                                                 A local tennis league formed in 1988 for men over
                                                 50. Plays on Monday evenings; UTHL plays two 14-
                                                 week sessions each year: Spring runs February-May.
                                                 Cost: $30 per season includes end of season party;
                                                 Additional court fees due each Monday.

                                                 USTA Local League
                                                 USTA Leagues are the country’s largest recreational
                                                 tennis league. There are leagues available for all
                                                 ages and skill.

                                                 Check out the schedules below for the Leagues
                                                 offered this season. Fees vary by court / team.
                                                 Schedules subject to change.

                                                 Adult 40 & Over: Feb-Apr
                                                 Adult 55 & Over: Jan-Mar
                                                 Adult 65 & Over: Jan-Mar
                                                 Mixed 40 & Over: Jan-Mar
                                                 Social 18 & Over: Feb-May
                                                 Tri-Level 18 & Over: Feb-Ap

                                                 For more information
                                                 Contact Megan Frederick, USTA Florida Local Adult
                                                 Play Coordinator, Escambia
                                        or 407-930-4619.
300 Tonawanda Drive
                   (850) 453-7599
                                                                     OSCEOLA MUNICIPAL
                                               GOLF COURSE
Lessons & Clinics
Ladies Golf Clinic
Dates: March TBA
Time: 12:00-12:30pm lite lunch
       12:30-2:00pm golf instruction
Ages: 18+
Cost: $150 for five weeks or $35 per class
(Includes 1.5 hour class and lite lunch)

First Tee Classes
Fall Schedule: (6 weeks): TBA
For more details call (850) 456-7010 or visit

Private Lessons
Tuesday-Saturday 8:00am-5:00pm
Lessons must be booked through the Osceola
Golf Course. Private lessons cost $40 per hour or
a 5 Lesson Package can be purchased for $180.
Lessons are open to all ages and all experience
levels. Group lessons start at $40 an hour with a $10
additional charge per person.                                             Open 7 Days a Week
                                                            Adrian Stills - Golf Course Pro & General Manager
Events & Tournaments                                          
Call the Pro Shop for details on how to register for           Eddie Daigle - Golf Course Superintendent
any of these events or schedule your tournament.           
                                                                    DAILY RATE: 18 HOLES WITH CART
Bill Jones Tournament                                                 Monday-Sunday: $32.66 plus tax
Every Thursday at 8:00am
                                                                    DAILY RATE: 9 HOLES WITH CART
Osceola Men’s Golf Association (OMGA)                                Monday – Sunday: $17.54 plus tax
Day		        Time			           Ages
2nd Sat.     8:30am-noon		     18-up                                         SUPER TUESDAYS:
Cost: $15 per Game (must be a member)
                                                                   Twilight After 2PM Monday-Thursday:
                                                                              $$25.09 plus tax

                                                                       COVERED DRIVING RANGE
                                                                     Monday – Sunday: $6.99 per bucket

                                                              Full service restaurant and bar at Osceola Golf Course
                                                              Book your next event, wedding or party at Fusion Grill.
                                                                     (850) 332-5073 •

                                                                                   PARK REGULATIONS
                                                                                   • Normal hours of operation are daylight to 9:00pm unless posted otherwise or
                                                                                   programmed activities are scheduled or proper permits are issued.
                                                                                   • Alcoholic beverages are prohibited in parks and recreation facilities with the exception
                                                                                   of certain facilities as designated by city ordinance and by special event permit only.
The City of Pensacola has a total of 93 parks & open spaces                        • Motor vehicles are restricted to roadways and designated parking areas.
                                                                                   • No go-carts, dirt bikes or dune buggies are allowed in any city park.
located within the city limits. Our parks are provided for                         • Golf is prohibited at all city parks.
your enjoyment – keep them litter-free, safe and beautiful                         • Pet owners are responsible for cleaning up after their pets.
                                                                                   • All pets must be on a leash unless they are within a designated Dog Park facility.
by leaving them as you would like to find them. If you have                        • The discharging of fireworks, rockets or other incendiaries are prohibited in city parks.
comments or suggestions, please call the City of Pensacola                         • No peddling, advertising, handbills or signboards shall be permitted in city parks
                                                                                   without a permit from the Director of Parks & Recreation.
Parks & Recreation Department at 850-436-5670.                                     • Destruction or damage to trees, shrubs, turf, grounds, fences, buildings or other
                                                                                   structures or properties within city parks is prohibited.
Map #   Park Name		                   Address                                      • There is no day or overnight camping allowed in city parks.
1       Admiral Mason Park            200 South 9th Avenue                         • Open fires are not allowed in city parks.
2       Alabama Square		              401 West Gonzales Street                     • If you see a condition that is a safety concern, i.e. a tree limb that has come down or a
3       Allen Park		                  141 Calloway Avenue                          section of a playground is broken, please contact us as soon as possible at 311 or
4       Andalusia Square		            1501 East Cervantes Street                   850-436-5670.
5       Aragon Park		                 540 Aragon Street		                          • If you observe anyone vandalizing or destroying property in a park please call 911
6       Armstrong Park		              300 West Lakeview Avenue
7       Aviation Discovery Park       4200 Jerry Maygarden Road                    Map #      Park Name		                          Address
8       Baars Park		                  4340 North 12th Avenue                       54         Lamancha Square		                    1400 East Cross Street
9       Bartram Park		                211 Bayfront Parkway                         55         Lavallet Park		                      3910 Montalvo Drive
10      Bay Bluffs Preserve		         3400 Scenic Highway                          56         Lee Square		                         602 North Palafox Street
11      Baycliff Estates Park         4150 Monteigne Drive                         57         Legion Field 		                      1301 West Gregory Street
12      Bayou Texar Boat Ramp         2700 East Cervantes Street                   58         Martin Luther King Jr. Plaza         50 North Palafox Street
13      Bayview Park		                2001 East Lloyd Street                       59         Theophalis May Resource              1301 West Gregory Street
14      Bayview Senior Center         2001 East Lloyd Street                                  Center
15      Baywood Park		                4597 Baywoods Drive                          60         Lions Park		                         1201 East LaRua Street
16      Belvedere Park		              4001 San Gabriel Drive                       61         Long Hollow Park		                   1001 North Guillemard Street
17      Bill Gregory Park		           150 North W Street		                         62         Magee Field		                        2400 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive
18      Bryan Park		                  1200 Langley Avenue                          63         Malaga Square		                      1000 East Blount Street
19      Bruce Beach & Natural Area    601 W. Main Street                           64         Mallory Heights Park #1              3000 Rothschild Drive
20      Camelot Park		                7705 Gallahad Road                           65         Mallory Heights Park #2              3600 Goya Drive
21      Catalonia Square		            2300 North 12th Avenue                       66         Mallory Heights Park #3              2600 Scenic Highway
22      Gen. Daniel “Chappie” James   1608 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Drive        67         Rev. William McNealy Park            520 Woodland Drive
        Museum and Flight Academy                                                  68         Milaflores Park		                    1601 East La Rua Street
23      Chimney Park		                5500 Scenic Highway                          69         Miralla Park		                       650 Connell Drive
24      Community Maritime Park       301 West Main Street                         70         Miranda Square		                     1005 North Palafox Street
25      Cordova Square 		             1101 North 12th Avenue                       71         Morris Court Park		                  1401 West Lloyd Street
26      Corinne Jones Park		          620 West Government Street                   72         Operto Square		                      1600 East Blount Street
27      D’Evereux Park		              4437 D’Evereux Drive                         73         Osceola Golf Course                  300 Tonawanda Drive
28      Dunmire Woods Park            1135 Northbrook Avenue                       74         Parker Circle Park		                 601 Parker Circle
29      Dunwody Park		                3600 McClellan Drive                         75         Pineglades Park		                    301 Euclid Street
30      Rev. A.L. Durant Park         Barcia Dr. & 9th Avenue                      76         Pintado Park		                       1830 Hallmark Drive
31      Eastgate Park		               3500 Forest Glen Drive                       77         Plaza de Luna (Splash Pad)           900 South Palafox Street
32      Eastgate-Elizabeth		          6385 Audobon Drive		                         78         Plaza Ferdinand		                    300 South Palafox Street
        Ferniany Peaden Park                                                       79         Roger Scott Athletic Complex         2130 Summit Blvd.
33      East Pensacola Heights        3208 East Gonzalez Street		                  80         Roger Scott Pool		                   2130 Summit Blvd.
        Clubhouse                                                                  81         Roger Scott Tennis Center            2130 Summit Blvd., Bldg#3
34      East Pensacola Heights        2900 East Gonzalez Street		                  82         Sanders Beach Park                   913 South I Street
        Lions Club Park                                                            83         Sanders Beach-Corinne                913 South I Street
35      E.S. Cobb Resource Center     601 East Mallory Street                                 Jones Resource Center
36      Estramadura Square            1500 East Lakeview Avenue                    84         Scenic Heights Park                  3800 Langley Avenue
37      Exchange Park		               3100 E. Lakeview Drive                       85         Semmes Park		                        1380 East Texar Drive
38      Fairchild Park		              2029 Fairchild Drive                         86         Seville Square		                     301 South Alcaniz Street
39      Firestone Park		              1900 East Baars Street                       87         Springdale Park		                    600 East Brent Lane
40      Fort George		                 501 North Palafox Street                     88         Terry Wayne East Park                1620 West Jackson Street
41      Fricker Resource Center       900 North F Street		                         89         Tierre Verde Park		                  5850 Reynosa Drive
42      Georgia Square		              1000 North Palfox Street		                   90         Tippin Park		                        6600 Tippin Avenue
43      Granada Square		              1001 East Cervantes Street                   91         Toledo Square		                      1700 East Gonzalez Street
44      Granada Subdivision Park      103-105 Pineda Avenue                        92         Veteran’s Memorial Park              200 South 9th Avenue
45      Greenwood Park		              1850 North 9th Avenue                        93         William “Redd” Vickrey               2130 Summit Blvd.
46      Gull Point Resource Center    7000 Spanish Trail		                                    Resource Center
47      H.K. Matthews Park		          3100 North 12th Avenue                       94         Victory Park #1		                    1801 North Reus Street
48      Henry T. Wyer Park		          320 West Belmont Street                      95         Victory Park #2		                    1301 North Devilliers Street
49      Highland Terrace Park         111 Berkley Drive 		                         96         Wayside Park East		                  1401 East Gregory Steet
50      Hitzman-Optimist Park         3221 Langley Avenue                          97         Woodcliff Park		                     4701 Balmoral Drive
51      Hollice T. Williams Park      1601 North Hayne Street                      98         Woodland Heights		                   111 Berkley Drive
52      Cecil T. Hunter Pool		        1601 North Hayne Street                                 Resource Center
53      Kiwanis Park		                1801 West Romana Street                 33   99         Malcolm Yonge Gym                    925 E. Jackson Street
                                                                                   100        Zamora Square		                      1800 East Bobe Street
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