Page created by Eva Mcdonald
The Magazine of the SIT2LRN Distance Students December 2020 Issue 34


About SIT
Southern Institute of Technology
(SIT) is one of 16 government
                                         Welcome to
polytechnics and institutes of
technology under the umbrella of
the Te Pukenga offering tertiary
education throughout New Zealand.
SIT programmes are accredited
and approved by the New Zealand
Qualifications Authority up to
master's level.

                                              or many, 2020 has been – to put it politely – a bit of a crap year. There
SIT has a proud history of vocational         are more blunt ways to describe it… but you get what we’re saying.
education and training. For over
40 years we have been providing               There’s been that whole, you know, Covid-19 global pandemic thing…
students with quality education          a couple of lockdowns… some home schooling… new words to be added to
across a range of subject areas          the vernacular – managed isolation or working from home anyone?
and at a variety of levels including
postgraduate study. This variety         We’ve had to adjust to no tourists, daily updates, sneeze screens, using
enables you to enter your training       a tracking app, online meetings, the bulk buying of toilet rolls and flour,
at the level that suits you and to       multiple daily hand washings, and a distinct lack of male grooming.
progress as you are ready. Many
of SIT2LRN's programmes link to          But there have been positives too. Depending on your work, lockdown
higher level qualifications at SIT and   provided opportunities to develop new skills – the country appeared to go
other institutions in New Zealand        crazy for baking bread (anyone remember Chelsea Winter’s Lockdown
and throughout the world. We
                                         Loaf?), cleaning and tidying, and getting out on bikes. In fact, if you didn’t
are constantly developing these
relationships to ensure that our         have to home school any children and you weren’t too busy trying to work
graduates have maximum mobility.         out how to work from home, then lockdown may have been a pretty sweet
Government Fees Free
                                         For many SIT2LRN students, lockdown provided an opportunity to catch up
Policy                                   and get ahead with assignments, or even to start new courses. There was a
If you are a student in your first       real upsurge in enrolments for intakes three and four as students realised
year of tertiary studies you may be      the benefit of studying with a trusted education provider experienced in
eligible for the Government Fees         distance learning.
Free Policy. You can check your
eligibility at                           For students like Heather Gordon, SIT2LRN proved to be a crucial             mechanism of change. Staring down an uncertain future in the tourism
                                         industry in Fiji, she headed home unsure of what she was going to do.
You may also be eligible for free
TTAF programmes. See pages 4-5           Thanks to SIT2LRN, she was able to study full-time during lockdown and
and back cover for details.              emerge on the other side with a new qualification and a renewed sense of
Students residing in Invercargill
may also wish to enquire about the       For some, lockdown was a blessing in disguise. Bryce Robertson was
Mayor Tim Shadbolt Accommodation         regularly making a 346km round trip from Dargaville to Auckland to attend
Bursaries. Eligibility criteria for      classes as part of his study through a blended delivery programme. But
the bursaries reflects that of the       once lockdown arrived, they moved the classroom to Zoom … saving him a
Government Fees Free Policy.             four hour roadie.
The Zero Fees Scheme
                                         Yet this edition doesn’t just focus on those students affected by Covid-19.
If you are not eligible for the          We’ve also got some inspiring stories about those who have embarked on
Government Fees Free Policy you          new career paths, thanks to SIT2LRN.
may be eligible for the SIT Zero Fees
Scheme.                                  Take Brook Rush for example. He put up his hand to be the office health
Our Zero Fees Scheme means               and safety representative… but enjoyed it so much, he’s studying in the
we pay your tuition fees, so all         field and is now moving into a full-time role as a health and safety officer
you have to pay for are the direct       with a focus on wellness.
material costs and application
fee for your course. This applies        There’s also an article about Maddie Bridge, who was so inspired by her
for all of our degree programmes         mother’s study experience with SIT2LRN that she decided to embark
and most of our diplomas and             on her own journey… while still at high school. She began studying with
certificates, including distance         SIT2LRN at 15, with the goal to become a wildlife veterinary technician
learning programmes. Many of our         or vet nurse working with endangered species. Talk about being an
graduates are able to start their        inspiration herself!
careers debt-free! This is not an
exaggeration – over a three- year        No matter how 2020 has treated you, it’s a relief that it’s almost over.
degree, our students can save            But the question now is what will 2021 bring? How prepared are you to
between $7,000 -$14,000 on tuition       face what life throws at you? Perhaps, like many in this issue have found,
fees.                                    SIT2LRN will have an answer for you too.
                                                                  19 Brook Rush
     04                            11                             - New Zealand Diploma
                                                                  in Workplace Health and
     Feature Articles              Student Profiles               Safety (Level 6) graduate
     04 Bachelor of Professional   11 Julia Swanepoel
     Communication and             -New Zealand Certificate in    20 Wendy O’Connor
     associated Graduate           Horticulture (General)         - New Zealand Certificate
     Certificates and Graduate     (Level 3) graduate             in Animal Care (Level 3)
     Diplomas                                                     graduate

     06 Meet the Team              12 Sarah Bell
                                   - New Zealand Diploma in       21 Courtney Sim
                                   Adult and Tertiary Teaching    - New Zealand Certificate

     08                            (Level 6) student              in Interior Décor (Level 4)

     Facilitator Profiles 13 Tasha Davie
                          - New Zealand Certificate               22 Donna Cameron
     08  Anna Goble                in Sport Coaching (Level 3)    - New Zealand Certificate
     - Bachelor of Professional    graduate                       in Study and Career
     Communication Facilitator                                    Preparation (Level 4)
                                   14 Renee McElligott            graduate
     09 Joy Kuhns
                                   - New Zealand Certificate
     -Bachelor of Applied
                                   in Study and Career
     Management Facilitator
     10 Anna Smythe
                                   Preparation (Level 4)
                                                                                                Contact Details
     - New Zealand Certificate                                    Careers in the
     in Sport Coaching (Level 3)   15 Bryce Robertson
     Facilitator                   - New Zealand Certificate in   Wool Industry                 Freepost SIT2LRN
                                                                                                Private Bag 90114
                                   Project Management (Level
                                                                                                133 Tay Street
                                   4) Auckland graduate
                                                                   15                           Invercargill 9840
                                    16 Maddie Bridge
04                                 - New Zealand Certificate                                    Free Call: 0800 4 0 FEES
                                                                                                (within NZ)
                                   in Animal Care (Level 3)
                                   graduate                                                     Telephone: 03 211 2699 ext
                                   17 Heather Gordan                                            Free Facsimile: 03 211 2698
                                   - New Zealand Certificate
                                   in Interior Décor (Level 4)
                                   graduate                                                     Website:

                                   18 Julie Dunn                   20                           Free Text: 2LRN (2576)

                                   - New Zealand Certificate in                                 Production Manager:
                                   Education Support and Care                                   Teri McClelland
                                   (Level 3) graduate
                                                                                                Mark Hotton
                                                                                                Claire Allison
                                                                                                Nathan Burdon
                                                                                                Anna Midhun

                                    13                             23                           Co-ordinator:
                                                                                                Vicki Popham
                                                                                                Art Editor:
                                                                                                Elana Bai
12                                                                                              Cover photo:
                                                                                                Tasha Davie of the Kiwi
                                                                                                Ferns in a try against the
                                                                                                Australian Jillaroos on 7
                                                                                                February 2016.

and associated Graduate Certificates
and Graduate Diplomas

The world of communications                                 sector had also transformed away from a traditional “PR-
                                                            type” perspective into a wide-ranging and dynamic one
has changed dramatically since                              that continued to grow.
                                                            “We recognised the need for effective communicators,
SIT2LRN launched its Bachelor                               researchers, writers and leaders to have access to a
of Professional Communication,                              broad qualification that reflected the industry at the time.
                                                            It also coincided with declining demand for journalism
and related certificates and                                training, so it made sense for us to provide that training.”

diplomas.                                                   The course had been well received, with graduates
                                                            gaining employment in areas including education,
                                                            tourism, local government and journalism.
                                                            “But as part of our regular monitoring, it became clear
The course was first offered in 2014 because of industry    the comms industry had evolved and matured and the
demand for communication graduates with a myriad            demands for employees had changed. Our consultation
of skills. At the time, the practice of communications      with the industry revealed there was demand for a course
was primarily led by former journalists often employed      that offered the most contemporary communication
by the very organisations they had written about.           learnings that meet the needs of industry on graduation.
It wasn’t unusual for the council reporter from
the local newspaper to become the local council’s           “That’s why we’ve revised and updated the entire course
communications manager.                                     and realigned many of the course aspects to ensure they
                                                            reflect that change and keep ahead of the curve.
Dramatic changes to the media landscape have placed
more focus on the role of communication practitioners,      “It’s a natural evolution rather than a dramatic
as organisations seek to fill news voids by creating and    revolution, and one I’m really excited about because
supplying their own information and content – in both       we’ve again listened to industry leaders and worked
traditional written and also new media material. The role   with them to create a training journey that will produce
of social media has also led to significant change in how   graduates ready to move into the communications
organisations communicate to those interested in their      world.”
products or services.                                       While previously, experienced journalists looking for a
Bachelor of Professional Communication Programme            career change or those already working in the industry
Manager Chris Montgomery said the communications            wanting to qualify their skills had predominately been

 4                SITUATION December 2020

those enrolling in the course, Chris expects the changes       relying on theory and allows them to balance that theory
will lead to an increase in enrolments from younger            against reality.
students coming into the industry looking to make their
                                                               “It will be really interesting to see where those projects
                                                               take students, because it really is a diverse and
“It’s an incredibly exciting and dynamic industry with         fascinating sector,” Chris said.
so many facets and areas to specialise in, and it’s a
                                                               The changes will be introduced for intake one in 2021, but
real growth market from an employment perspective.
                                                               the impact on students would be minimal, Chris said.
We’re seeing a younger demographic looking at
communications as a real career option and this will only      “With the degree they shouldn't notice any difference
accelerate with the changes we’ve made.”                       because only the new papers will be available for
One of the biggest changes has been the focus and scope
of papers offered. While originally the focus was on           With the graduate certificates and diplomas, students
public relations (or PR) and local government, which is        should consult the transition tables available on the
where the demand was, so many organisations now had            website programme page. And if they have any questions
a comms team and the goal was to ensure the course             they should contact the programme administrator, he
produced graduates ready to step into those types of           said.
roles, Chris said.
                                                               “I’m really excited by the new papers and am looking
“While there’s still demand from the likes of local            forward to seeing where our graduates end up. It’s
government and other traditional organisations that have       a dynamic sector and one that’s only going to grow
a need to communicate their stories, there’s increasing        exponentially in the coming years.”
demand from the creative industries for comms experts
who can tell a story through great content creation.
“The comms industry is no longer just about sending
out a press release and hoping someone at a media
outlet reads it and uses it. Now the content options are
quite diverse, which is why we’ve included video and 2D
animation creation in the revised course.
“Employers are wanting graduates who are comfortable
creating multimedia content for distribution across
various platforms and, of course, SIT2LRN is in a great
position to be able to offer that from existing course
While all the papers have been reviewed and revised, and
some replaced with more relevant subject material, a big
change was made to the elective options.
“We’re still teaching the principles of communication
and how students can apply ethical, legal and business
principles as well as incorporating appropriate cultural
practices in various media communication contexts. That
focus hasn’t changed,” he said.
The PR graduate qualification has changed to ‘Corporate
Sector’ to represent the wider role of traditional PR in the
strategic communication operations within that sector,
while the Local Government graduate qualification
changes to a ‘Public’ Sector’ strand to meet the needs
of communications departments in all public sector
organisations (including councils and district health
“These will also appeal to those already in the industry
looking to hone their skills and obtain an appropriate
industry qualification while continuing to work in their
A research project component has also been added to
enable students to engage in research of a contemporary
communication issue.
“That’s partly for the research skills, but also to allow
students to get their teeth into a comms issue that's
happening in real time. Research does form a bit
of comms but it gives them an opportunity to really
understand current issues in organisations rather than

                                                                                        SITUATION September
                                                                                                  December 2020
                                                                                                            2020        5

                                       AISSA SANTOS-QUEROL
                                       Aissa Santos-Querol originally came from the Philippines. Back home, she was a
                                       Licensed Realtor by profession however, most of her work experiences revolved
                                       around general administration, operations and management, both in the real
                                       estate and entertainment industries. She started her journey in New Zealand
                                       in 2017 as an international student. She completed her Postgraduate Diploma in
                                       Applied Management (Level 8) in 2018 and eventually got a full-time job at SIT.
                                       She manages most of the Horticulture and all of the Health and Safety distance
                                       learning courses.
                                       On a personal note, she spends most of her free time in the kitchen as she really
                                       loves cooking and baking. She also enjoys listening to all kinds of music.

  Into his eighth year at SIT, Chris is the longest serving programme manager in
  the faculty but length of service hasn’t dampened his enthusiasm for the job.
  “I’ve seen so much change in my time here, there is always something different
  going on, something new to challenge you, so you definitely don’t get bored. As
  a faculty we have experienced huge growth, so there has been a lot of pressure
  on us, but we work well as a team, we try and spread the load to help each other
  Chris mainly manages the Business and Communication programmes but has a
  passion for contemporary management theory.
  “I like to challenge the norm, rock the boat so-to-speak. We have seen so much
  change that has significantly impacted how we interact in business and society yet we are still running companies and
  managing people using theories and methodologies from the last century.”

                                       DEBBIE RANKIN
                                       Debbie worked for SIT in the Programme Development Unit and at SIT2LRN for 10
                                       years before spending 8 1/2 years in industry training with NZ Aluminium Smelter.
                                       She has returned to SIT to be its Programme Manager at the picturesque Telford
                                       Rural Campus located near Balclutha.
                                       While working in industry was a great learning experience, Debbie missed the
                                       great team at SIT and is loving working in education focused on the diverse food
                                       and fibres sector, and with supporting youth to reach their potential. She is very
                                       positive about the future of Telford.

Dushani Ranasinghe, originally from Sri Lanka, is the new addition to the
Programme Managers’ team. In Sri Lanka, Dushani was a Human Resources
Manager by profession and also a licensed counsellor. Dushani has completed
her Bachelors in HR, Postgraduate in Business, and her Master’s in Applied
Previous to her current role Dushani had been a facilitator with SIT2LRN. Dushani
also worked at “Work Read South Hub” attached to the Chamber of Commerce and
SIT as the HR Coordinator for Internship Programmes. She resides in Invercargill
with her family and loves spending time with them.

   6                SITUATION
                          ION December 2020

Lucille Hatley has been with SIT since 2006 and during her 14 years, has been in
various roles in SIT2LRN, New Media Arts and Business and the Telford Campus.
Most recently, since July 2019, she has been Programme Coordinator at the Telford
Campus, assisting in coordinating Project Management, Apiculture, Wool Clip
Grading, Wool Technology and a variety of other short courses.
Before immigrating to New Zealand in 2006, her background included work
experience in the hotel industry, owning her own café and working as a lecturer
and programme manager for a university of technology in South Africa in the
School of Business, Tourism and Hotel Management.
She is also a facilitator, supervisor and examiner for the Bachelor of Applied
Management Programme and Postgraduate Diploma in Business Enterprise and is
a New Zealand Licensed Immigration Adviser.

                                      STEVE WOLLER
                                      Steve is the Programme Manager for the arts and education courses and has been
                                      working with SIT2LRN for 5 years. He brings with him a wealth of experience in
                                      industry as well as a long association with education.
                                      Before coming to Invercargill to study the Bachelor of Digital Media, Steve had a
                                      real person job as a draftsperson creating plans for peoples dream homes. During
                                      this time, he dabbled in art, writing, and other creative endeavours.
                                      Since graduating in 2010 Steve has worked to increase his screen production
                                      experience. This has led him to work on multiple short projects (MERV, 2013) and
                                      feature films (Pete’s Dragon, 2016).
                                      Alongside Steve’s programme management commitments he is completing a
                                      Graduate Diploma in Education and he still tries to work on screen productions
                                      when he can. An adaptation of the award winning short story The Fort (2019), his
                                      first directorial role since graduation, was shot in late 2020.
                                      Steve is also a keen gardener and enjoys pulling weeds nearly as much as rolling
Sulina Sahib is originally from Malaysia. She trained and qualified as a lawyer,
working ten years as a solicitor - first in private practice and then as legal counsel
for an international bank in Kuala Lumpur. She then set up and ran a profitable
stationery business whilst simultaneously starting and raising a family. In 2017, she
came to New Zealand to pursue a Postgraduate Diploma in Business Enterprise at
She joined SIT2LRN in the dual role of Programme Operations Manager (POM)
and Development Coordinator in 2018. As POM, she manages the onsite business
programmes at the Auckland and Invercargill campuses and also the Small
Business and Project Management qualifications. She lives in Invercargill with her
3 boys who keep her busy and drive her, equal parts, to laughter and exasperation
with their antics. She enjoys reading and trying new recipes in her free time.

                                        WARREN SMITH
                                        Originally from Canada, Warren is well travelled and comes from a family of
                                        educators. He played a range of sports growing up, but his passion was volleyball
                                        which he played at university while studying towards an Honours Bachelor in
                                        Physical Education. He completed a Master in Human Kinetics, specialising in
                                        Sport Management, putting his studies to good use by helping run a Canadian
                                        Beach Volleyball Tour that raised funds for programme designed to help the
                                        differently abled find employment.
                                        After spending 12 years teaching in Korea, Warren and his family moved to
                                        Aotearoa to put his diverse education background to work with SIT2LRN. He
                                        oversees the Bachelor of Applied Management (and associated Graduate
                                        Certificates and Diplomas), Master of Applied Management, and Sport Coaching

                                                                                                ION December 2020        7

Bachelor of Professional Communication facilitator

Southlander Anna Goble has
a passion for both the law
and for local government,
as well as a love for helping
and teaching people, which
makes her the perfect type of
SIT2LRN facilitator.
She studied law at the University of        Anna tutored at university and           who renovates houses, spends time
Otago and completed an arts degree          discovered she loved helping and         with her pets and has reality TV as
(political science major with New           teaching people, particularly about      a guilty pleasure, has also managed
Zealand studies), and has managed           things she was passionate about.         to intertwine her personal life with
to combine those topics in her              So, when she spotted SIT2LRN was         her passions – she’s busy wedding
professional life.                          seeking facilitators with an interest    planning with fiancé Albie, who
                                            in local government (even though         she met when she was consulting
After graduation, she was an
                                            she wasn’t quite sure what being a       on a bylaw at council and he was
Invercargill City Council policy
                                            facilitator involved!), she thought it   submitting on it.
analyst for two years.
                                            sounded perfect.
                                                                                     She’s also relishing the opportunity
“The role of a policy analyst is kind
                                            “It was a great way to get my local      to share her knowledge with
of like a 'jack of all trades, master
                                            government ‘fix’ having committed to     students, even if it’s been a baptism
of none' one where your working
                                            being a fulltime solicitor.”             by fire – she started facilitating as
day is never dull. I was involved
                                                                                     the country went into lockdown but
in corporate planning, preparing            She facilitates three papers: BPC230
                                                                                     with the Covid-19 pandemic “being a
documents like the Long Term Plan,          – Working in a Political Environment;
                                                                                     political minefield” that’s made for
Annual Plan, Annual Report and then         BPC351 - e-Government; and
                                                                                     great discussions, and “now with
consulting with the public on these         MGT218 – Contract Law and Business
                                                                                     the election and referenda results
documents.                                  Relationships.
                                                                                     that’s meant for some fantastic
“Having a background in both law            “I think I’ve found a pretty perfect     engagement on the courses’
and politics was super important            marriage of my two passions and it’s     discussion boards”.
to this role and gave me a really           been a real eye-opening experience
                                                                                     “I love helping students and just
good ground knowledge of local              discussing assignment problems
                                                                                     hope they develop a passion for these
government processes.”                      with students as you can guarantee
                                                                                     areas after studying it – like I did.”
                                            they will all come up with totally
Once she completed her law study
                                            different answers.”
and was admitted to the bar, she
decided to practice as a solicitor, a       Someone who likes to be busy, Anna
role she’s had for three years.             admits she can go a “bit crazy” with
                                            too much spare time. Which is just
“It’s never a dull day as a solicitor – I
                                            as well, given the marriage celebrant
again feel like a jack of all trades,
specialising in civil litigation,
relationship property matters,
criminal matters, employment                    “I love helping students and just hope they
matters and the like. Sometimes a
local government matter pops up                 develop a passion for these areas after
and it certainly is a merge of my two
                                                studying it – like I did.”

 8                  SITUATION December 2020

Bachelor of Applied Management Facilitator

Joy Kuhns is
passionate about
facilitating for
SIT2LRN, after having
some extraordinary

After growing up in a large family
in impoverished circumstances,
Joy Kuhns couldn’t wait to leave
Christchurch and seek a better life.
She wound up in California, where
she cleaned Stanford-educated
professionals’ houses in Silicon
Valley. Without realising, those
professionals played a vital
mentoring role in her future – she’d
note their book collections and then
engross herself in what they’d learnt.   hopeful and spirited mentoring of       redesigning the Bachelor of Applied
                                         my California friends, and through      Management in HR. She also worked
After many years of study and hard       the dedication of the teachers at the   in the fast-paced logistics industry
work, Joy obtained a Bachelor of         University of San Francisco, I had      for a few years.
Science degree in Applied Economics      made it!”
and a Master of Science in                                                       “Now that I am lucky enough to work
Organisational Development… while        In 2009, changes at NASA began          for SIT2LRN, I’m thrilled to be doing
working fulltime in small start-up       affecting ELORET, and with an ill       both course facilitation and course
companies, and becoming a single         mother at home, Joy decided to          development, and these fit in well
parent to her daughter.                  return to New Zealand. She was          with my leadership practice.
                                         struck by the positive significance
Clearly not one to step back from a                                              “I thoroughly enjoy guiding students
                                         of the economic changes in
challenge, Joy’s career progressed,                                              – they give me such hope. I also
                                         Christchurch, particularly having
and she would go on to spend                                                     love creating new course content –
                                         returned at the height of the Global
10 years working for ELORET (a                                                   it’s like putting a puzzle together.
                                         Financial Crisis and knowing the
company offering research and                                                    I try to balance academic rigor,
                                         impact overseas.
engineering contract and consulting                                              with contemporary and practical
services) at NASA, where they            “After having had such exceptional      interpretation, which mirrors my
employed research scientists             learning opportunities, I switched      own experience in being equipped for
working on the space shuttle and         professions and became a teacher in     today and also tomorrow.
other outer-planetary vehicles.          the Department of Business at Ara,
                                                                                 “Over and above burying myself
                                         formerly CPIT.
“I eventually became Vice President                                              in books and journals, industry
of HR and it was a tremendous            “On my first day, with a full lecture   professionals have been so generous
privilege to work with such bright,      hall, I realised that although I knew   in sharing their expertise, which
down-to-earth and dedicated              a little about business, I knew         greatly benefits the students.
individuals.                             nothing about teaching – and it was
                                                                                 “I’m so fortunate to be continuing to
                                         frightening! So, I gained my Diploma
“One day when presenting a quarter                                               live my dreams, and these now also
                                         in Tertiary Learning and Teaching.”
of a billion-dollar proposal in the                                              include living a quiet life in my 1930s
Gold Room at NASA Ames Research          Joy worked there for nine years,        cottage at the beach, where I love to
Centre, I had a moment when I            including providing pastoral care for   walk and spend time with my family.
realised that ‘this was it’. With hard   a year, co-designing the Diploma in     Dreams do come true!”
work and passion, through the            Human Resources nationally and

                                                                                     SITUATION December 2020         9

                                                                                   theory of exercise prescription,
                                                                                   injury prevention and management,
                                                                                   nutrition, psychology, as well as
                                                                                   writing coaching sessions and
                                                                                   programmes for individuals and
                                                                                   groups of athletes.
                                                                                   “Students are required to work with
                                                                                   individuals and groups, considering
                                                                                   their characteristics and needs to
                                                                                   design sessions to target specific
                                                                                   Family, horses, art and exploring are
                                                                                   other features of Anna’s life.
                                                                                   “Recently I’ve also been trying to
                                                                                   be a better gardener. When not
                                                                                   facilitating I am mostly chasing my
                                                                                   two young boys, Taika and Gabriel,
                                                                                   around and going on adventures
                                                                                   with them, but also riding horses
                                                                                   and managing a very small horse

ANNA                                                                               breeding business, painting and
                                                                                   hiking. We are lucky enough to live
                                                                                   a short walk from a gorgeous beach
                                                                                   and spend a lot of time playing down

New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching (Level 3) facilitator
                                                                                   Anna said the nature of the students
                                                                                   who enrol in the certificate meant
                                                                                   that she continues to learn alongside
                                                                                   “Most of the students in sports
                                                                                   coaching are mature students
                                                                                   returning to study as sport and
Anna Smythe understands well the impact                                            coaching is a passion. They are really
a great coach can have on an athlete’s                                             keen to learn and develop their
                                                                                   coaching skills and they are so much
performance and life.                                                              fun to work with.
                                                                                   “The huge range of sports that
                                                                                   students are involved in means
A representative track and field          a straightforward onwards-and-           the material I’m reading is always
sprinter, Anna competed all over          upwards journey.”                        different and interesting, and often
the world during a 15-year athletics                                               I learn something new too. I love
                                          Anna, who is based on the coast          working from home and being able
                                          just North of Dunedin, has been          to run to the beach or get out for a
“I was lucky enough to train with a       involved with the Southern Institute     ride to break up the day. Mental and
really special athletics coach for a      of Technology for 15 years, helping      physical wellbeing, having a balanced
long time and it opened my eyes to        develop and facilitate both the health   lifestyle, is really important to me
the influence a coach can have, not       sciences and sports courses.             and another thing that coaching can
only on sporting performance and                                                   help to develop.
                                          With a Bachelor of Physical
development but also on many other
                                          Education, and a Bachelor of Fine        “I always get a buzz out of the
aspects of life,” she said.
                                          Arts for good measure, Anna brings       feedback from students regarding
“For a young athlete, a coach can be      plenty of knowledge along with           the sports psychology work and
a mentor and a friend and someone         her practical experience to the          the huge benefits they see in
who can help them to grow as a            New Zealand Certificate in Sport         their athletes. Some students are
person and develop self-confidence,       Coaching.                                achieving amazing competitive
motivation and ownership, social                                                   results with their athletes and others
                                          The certificate provides a great
skills, teamwork, and so on. I find                                                are helping kids to feel positive and
                                          grounding in coaching, Anna said.
the problem-solving aspect of                                                      confident – both are outstanding
coaching fascinating. It’s rarely         “The course covers many different        results.”
                                          aspects of coaching, including

10                SITUATION December 2020

New Zealand Certificate in Horticulture (General) (Level 3) graduate

When Julie Swanepoel and her husband bought
their new home in Upper Hutt in 2013, she had a
blank canvas to create a dream garden.

There was just the minor issue that        Julie has also had several medical          “We learnt about
the canvas was covered in gorse and        challenges that made studying
weeds.                                     challenging but she wasn’t willing to       soil types, plant
                                           let those get in the way of completing      propagation, different
The 7000sq m section offered the
                                           her study and putting what she’d
perfect opportunity to experiment
with various plants and ways of
                                           learnt into practice.                       types of plants
gardening, but she soon realised the       “I had Retinoblastoma [an eye cancer        both annuals and
clay soil made it difficult for anything   that begins in the retina] at age 3 and
to grow and prosper.                       lost an eye. I had Perthes disease [a
                                                                                       perennials and plant
“I bought lots of plants and seeds
                                           rare childhood condition that affects       names, recognising
                                           the hip] at age 5 so I couldn’t do
but I realised I needed to find out
                                           much sport as a child so I tried as         plant pests and
more about plants and the soil
requirements to create a lovely
                                           many hobbies as possible.                   diseases and their
garden filled with flowers. I also         During the past few years, she              treatments. I’ve
wanted lots of fruit trees and a           developed Trigeminal Neuralgia, a
veggie patch but I couldn’t really         chronic pain condition that affects         gained so much
grow even a carrot – I knew very little    the trigeminal nerve in her face, after     knowledge, all thanks
at the time. Some plants I even had        the removal of her wisdom teeth in
to move as I learned through trial         2013, and then during her studies her       to SIT2LRN.”
and error.”                                hip needed replacing.
So, with the help of Google, she came      “It hasn’t been easy but I’ve been
across the New Zealand Certificate         determined not to let things hold         “I’ve now done lots of plant
in Horticulture (General) (Level 3)        me back so managed to continue my         propagation, along with gardening/
offered via distance learning through      studies while recovering from the         landscape plans for myself and for
SIT2LRN.                                   operation.”                               several friends. I just love sharing
Although initially hesitant about          Originally from South Africa, Julie       the knowledge I’ve gained from the
studying such a hands-on topic such        moved to New Zealand in 2008 for a        course – and also seeing how my
as horticulture remotely, she found        better lifestyle.                         garden is growing,” she said.
it really suited her because she was                                                 “We learnt about soil types, plant
                                           “I always wanted my own garden
able to fit it in around her day job as                                              propagation, different types of plants
                                           filled with lavender and beautiful
an accountant.                                                                       both annuals and perennials – I
                                           flowers. I’ve got such a passion for
She was no stranger to distance            nature, and love birds and trees and      didn't know before some plants died
learning, she said.                        flowers.”                                 back in winter or only lasted one
                                                                                     year! – and plant names, recognising
“I’d studied cost and management           The course had been so beneficial in      plant pests and diseases and their
accounting part-time via                   helping develop her understanding         treatments. I’ve gained so much
correspondence after I completed           of horticulture and how to achieve        knowledge, all thanks to SIT2LRN."
school and while working full-time.        things in the garden.
I also did a photography course
through correspondence.”

                                                                                       SITUATION December 2020        11

New Zealand Diploma in Adult and
Tertiary Teaching (Level 6) student

Sarah Caroline Bell has no
doubt that studying with
SIT2LRN was the best choice
she could have made for her

Currently teaching in Seoul, Sarah is      “But, although I had a lot of             helped me reflect on the culture I
studying the New Zealand Diploma in        classroom experience, I didn't have       am working in and hopefully helped
Adult and Tertiary Teaching (Level 6)      formal teaching qualifications.           me to be more responsive to my
through SIT2LRN and plans to start                                                   students' needs.”
                                           “This year, I decided to upskill and
a Master of Education in Literacy
                                           chose the New Zealand Certificate         She is looking forward to next year
Studies in 2022.
                                           in Adult Literacy and Numeracy as a       and the final two intakes of the
Growing up in Nelson and moving to         starting point. I was really impressed    diploma.
Christchurch for university, Sarah         with how it taught best practice while
                                                                                     “But through the New Zealand
wasn’t really sure what she wanted         utilising best practice. There were
                                                                                     Certificate in Adult Literacy and
to study, and didn’t have much             many times I stopped and reflected
                                                                                     Numeracy, I've found a real passion
direction.                                 on how the course was being run,
                                                                                     for helping all ages strengthen their
                                           as well as the content of the course
She had done well in English at                                                      skills. I have a plan to start a Master
school, and while at university                                                      of Education in Literacy Studies in
came across a job advertisement            Sarah found a new job immediately         2022, and who knows from there! "
for a part-time English as a Second        after graduating from the course.
                                                                                     “At the moment, I am happy with my
Language tutor.
                                           “It isn’t in the area of literacy and     studies and my work. I teach in an
“I decided to apply! It was pretty         numeracy specifically, but it has a lot   Adult Business English and General
nerve-racking, but I started out just      to do with it because it is lecturing     Conversation Academy, lecture
tutoring children on a 1:1 basis. Later,   undergraduates, which I guess is          a couple of content courses to
the school asked me to run full            part of the purpose of ‘adult specific’   undergraduates, and teach English
classes, which was again daunting.”        professional development for              literature to young learners."
After graduating university with a                                                   “SIT2LRN has been the best
BCom and BA, Sarah applied for a job       Sarah decided to push on with the         choice I could have ever made for
outside of education.                      New Zealand Diploma of Adult and          my career. It didn't just help me
                                           Tertiary Teaching, which she started      develop my skills and acquire new
“However, I felt like education was
                                           in intake 3.                              roles, it also helped me uncover the
where I needed to be.”
                                                                                     passion I have for my occupation.
                                           “I really enjoyed the papers, most
She moved to South Korea in 2011,                                                    I recommend it to anyone seeking
                                           particularly the culture paper, which
got married and stayed on, with                                                      direction during these challenging
                                           taught me so much about Pasifika
a brief time back in New Zealand                                                     times.”
                                           and Maori-centered education. It
working in a somewhat related

12                 SITUATION December 2020

 New Zealand Certificate in Sport Coaching (Level 3) graduate

 SIT2LRN is helping former New
 Zealand rugby league representative
 Tasha Davie give back to the sport she
 loves and create new opportunities for
 young women.

Tasha started studying towards a         “I’ve also played tag for New            skill that they can execute better,
New Zealand Certificate in Sport         Zealand, winning a World Cup in          or a skill they could not do prior to
Coaching (Level 3) in May 2019, the      2012. In 2014 I started playing rugby    me coaching. It’s also about giving
flexible nature of SIT2LRN helping       sevens for Auckland Storm at the         an individual the ‘tools’ to become a
her fit her studies around a busy life   ripe old age of 38. I have also played   better version of themselves, on and
as a mum and volunteer coach in          representative touch rugby for           off the field. It's very humbling to see
several codes.                           North Harbour, winning numerous          a young person achieve ‘greatness’
                                         championships and being selected         in sport and in life.”
The fact the certificate was a
                                         for the NZ Open Women's Touch
recognised NZQA qualification and                                                 It comes as no surprise that she
                                         Team in 2004.”
could be applied practically to her                                               is passionate about creating
coaching was also a big incentive,       Tasha first got into coaching helping    opportunities for girls and young
she said.                                out with her son’s rugby league team     women to achieve through sport.
                                         and her daughter’s tag team. For
“It was a recognised NZQA                                                         “There is so much more on offer for
                                         the past four years she’s coached
qualification that could enhance my                                               female athletes now, by being able
                                         under-16 youth girls at her beloved
knowledge of coaching for all sports                                              to make a career out of their chosen
                                         Richmond club, as well as Auckland
fields that I’m involved with,” she                                               sport. So, for me, being able to give
                                         representative girls teams, high
said.                                                                             these athletes the right tools to be
                                         school girls teams at the Condor
                                                                                  able to be successful in their chosen
“This course suited my end goal and      Sevens and was an assistant coach
                                                                                  sport is a huge success in my eyes,”
my time management.”                     for the Akarana Premier women’s
                                                                                  Tasha said.
                                         team that just competed in the
Tasha brings plenty of playing
                                         national grand final.                    “In my career we had to pay for
experience to her coaching, having
                                                                                  every World Cup and tour we had
played rugby league for more than        Her love of coaching was cemented
                                                                                  representing our country. Now these
20 years.                                when she initiated an all-girls
                                                                                  ladies can make this their full-time
                                         Youth Rugby League competition in
Playing out of the Richmond Rovers                                                job, and with these opportunities it
Rugby League club in Auckland’s                                                   is only going to grow the talent and
Grey Lynn, she represented               “For me to get this off the ground       the standard of women's sport in
Auckland/Akarana in several              and help grow the women's game I         New Zealand, and that is something
national tournaments and went on         had to invest in this space and help     I want to be a part of and thanks to
to play for New Zealand at three         by coaching a team,” she said.           SIT2LRN, I’m doing that.”
World Cups, along with Anzac tests
                                         “I really enjoy seeing growth in each
against Australia’s Jillaroos, and the
                                         individual athlete. Whether it is a
Auckland Nines.

                                                                                      SITUATION December 2020         13

New Zealand Certificate in Study and Career Preparation (Level 4) graduate

SIT2LRN has provided Renee McElligott the
skills and confidence needed to take a leap
into a new career.

Completing the New Zealand                 “I was working and chose to do the
Certificate in Study and Career            full-time course, which meant I was       " The certificate gave me
Preparation (Level 4) provided             very busy for the three months until I
the stepping stone she needed to           completed that course.”                   a brief understanding
transition from hospitality to nursing.
                                           Despite being 24 at the time, and         on what to expect in the
Renee grew up on a dairy farm              a few years since she had been at         bachelor, so I definitely
in Woodlands, North-East of                school, SIT2LRN made it very easy to
Invercargill, and attended boarding        understand and follow, she said.          recommend doing this
school at St Peter’s College in Gore.
                                           “It was good because you could see        before deciding about
After finishing school, 17-year-old        all the exams for the whole course
Renee packed up and moved to               and could submit any time before the      the next step. If you
Queenstown to study at Queenstown          due date, which worked well for me
Resort College, completing a               because I submitted everything as
                                                                                     enjoyed the information
Diploma in Hospitality Management.         soon as possible. I also enjoyed not      in the certificate you will
                                           having structured classes so I could
“This led me to getting a job at                                                     enjoy the learning in the
                                           wake up early before work or do the
Millbrook Resort, which then led
                                           learning whenever I found time.”
me to moving to Broome in Western                                                    bachelor or diploma."
Australia and working at a beach           Completing the certificate led
resort where I ended up getting a lot      to Renee’s acceptance in to the
of my management experience.               Southern Institute of Technology’s
                                           (SIT) Bachelor of Nursing in
“I spent four years in Broome,
                                           Invercargill, and she has now
which gave me a lot of experience
                                           completed her first year.
in retail, tours and hospitality. I
also completed another diploma in          “The certificate gave me a brief
Australia, a first aid certificate and a   understanding on what to expect
snake handling licence!”                   in the bachelor, so I definitely
                                           recommend doing this before
Renee also took the opportunity to
                                           deciding about the next step. If
travel when she could, but during
                                           you enjoyed the information in the
her fourth year in Broome, she
                                           certificate you will enjoy the learning
started thinking about her future.
                                           in the bachelor or diploma.”
“That caused me to look into the
courses SIT2LRN had to offer, which
is where I found the New Zealand
Certificate in Study and Career

14                  SITUATION December 2020

New Zealand Certificate in Project
Management (Level 4) Auckland

While rehabilitating
from an extensive injury,
Bryce Robertson has
been able to prepare
himself for a new role
in an industry he knows
Bryce started the New Zealand                  "The staff were great. The tutor was personable
Certificate in Project Management              and very approachable. The quality and content
(Level 4) through SIT2LRN’s blended
delivery programme in March before             of the study was excellent – especially for a first-
the full ramifications of Covid-19
became evident.
                                               time tertiary student who had left school four
Returning to study for the first time
                                               decades ago! I figure if I can nail this anyone can!”
since high school, Bryce also had
a travel challenge, making regular
return trips of over four hours from    test the waters first. This course        business where I do the paperwork,
Dargaville to Auckland to attend        dovetailed nicely with my years of        manage the guys and certify the
classes.                                experience in my career. It helped        work, making sure all is going to
                                        me to formalise things I knew the         task and the stakeholders are kept
“Initially there was a lot of travel    basics of, but gave me an upgraded        informed of processes and time
involved, but when Covid hit, our       set of tools or skills, so to speak, to   frames. There is a lot involved when
tutor set up Zoom classrooms. It was    add to my toolbox.”                       it comes to health and safety and risk
great – we had all the Powerpoints                                                management, contingency planning
and paperwork in front of us, and       Learning how to study proved a
                                                                                  and budget – all the things involved
could interact and ask questions like   challenge in the beginning, but Bryce
                                                                                  in my course.”
we were actually in class,” he said.    quickly warmed to the task, drawing
                                        on recent experience.                     The way the Southern Institute
“After Covid I attended another class                                             of Technology adjusted to the
which was hands-on, but otherwise       “It took me some time, but thankfully
                                                                                  challenges presented by Covid-19
Zoomed in, which was an excellent       I had just recently project managed
                                                                                  was a game changer for Bryce.
idea.”                                  the refurbishment of my parents’
                                        home, so that was my first example        “The highlight was being able to
The certificate was an ideal way of     and made stepping into it a lot easier    attend class via Zoom. It saved so
beginning a journey towards a career    than it would have been,” he said.        much time and money and the work
change.                                                                           put in to do this was very much
                                        Bryce now plans to put into practise
“My background is in plumbing,                                                    appreciated.
                                        what he has learnt.
business owning, liaising with                                                    “The staff were great. The tutor was
contractors. I have a certified         “It has given me more confidence
                                                                                  personable and very approachable.
plumber qualification, which means      and a whole new perspective on
                                                                                  The quality and content of the study
I can oversee projects and jobs and     business management. If I do any
                                                                                  was excellent – especially for a first-
sign these off. So as you can see       more study going forward it will be
                                                                                  time tertiary student who had left
it leads into project management        from a health and safety perspective
                                                                                  school four decades ago! I figure if I
nicely,” he said.                       to further expand my abilities,” he
                                                                                  can nail this anyone can!”
“[The certificate] peaked my interest
– I have not studied before so this     “I am still awaiting clearance but I’m
was all new to me, so I wanted to       in the planning stages of working in a

                                                                                      SITUATION December 2020        15

     MADDIE BRIDGE             New Zealand Certificate in Animal Care (Level 3) graduate

          Studying through SIT2LRN is allowing Maddie Bridge the
          opportunity to follow her mum Michelle’s footsteps into a
                            career in conservation.

Maddie began studying through           time and it was an opportunity for       of Conservation and to go on to
SIT2LRN at 15, determined to            her to teach me all she knows and        become the National Predator Free
chart her own path towards a goal       loves about New Zealand’s natural        Communities Advisor.
of becoming a wildlife veterinary       environment.”
                                                                                 “I remember reading this article and
technician or a vet nurse working
                                        Maddie completed the New Zealand         this led me to my studies at SIT2LRN.
with endangered species.
                                        Certificate in Animal Care (Level 3),    Mum was working full-time as well,
“I grew up immersed in wildlife. My     while also studying NCEA Level 2,        and I remember hearing her up
dad and mum both have a great love      along with other study.                  and about at 4am working on her
of animals as does my older sister                                               assignments before she started
                                        “I wanted to progress toward my
Chelsea, who is about to embark on                                               work.
                                        chosen career before I finished high
pursuing her studies toward a New
                                        school and the easiest way of doing      “I felt inspired by Mum’s
Zealand Certificate in Animal Care
                                        that was to continue my NCEA Level       commitment and knew if I worked
with SIT2LRN next year,” Maddie
                                        2 studies and gain the first of my       just as hard, I could juggle two
                                        NZQA qualifications at the same          qualifications at the same time. My
“From a young age my parents            time,” she said.                         mum set a high standard though,
encouraged me and my siblings – a                                                achieving A+ marks in all her papers
                                        “Studying through SIT2LRN allowed
sister and two brothers – to develop                                             and when I started my study we
                                        me to pursue both qualifications. My
an understanding and affinity with                                               joked about this, it became a bit of
                                        mum had just completed a Certificate
our own endangered species here in                                               a challenge and I am pleased to say
                                        in Environmental Management
New Zealand.                                                                     I achieved the same result in all my
                                        and highly recommended
“Our family holidays were always        SIT2LRN. Studying with SIT2LRN
tramping and camping in national        by correspondence meant mum              SIT2LRN is helping create the
parks and I developed a deep            could continue to work and gain the      pathway for Maddie’s dreams and
understanding and connection with       knowledge she needed to pursue a         aspirations.
the environment and New Zealand’s       career in conservation – I wanted to
                                                                                 “My overall goal is to be involved in
native fauna and flora. When I was      do the same.”
                                                                                 animal rescue either here in New
10, my parents took a year off work
                                        Maddie was inspired by her mum’s         Zealand for the SPCA or working
and bought a house truck and we
                                        drive and achievements.                  in wildlife management and the
travelled around New Zealand as
                                                                                 protection of endangered and
a family venturing into remote          “My mum had an article written
                                                                                 threatened species. My SIT2LRN
locations and learning more about       about her in this magazine in 2018. It
                                                                                 studies were the door to unlocking
our unique landscape. My mum            described how she was successful in
                                                                                 my goals.”
home-schooled me during this            securing a job with the Department

16                SITUATION December 2020

New Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor (Level 4) graduate

With the hospitality industry hit hard by
Covid-19, studying through SIT2LRN has
given Heather Gordon the option of taking
her career in a new direction.

Heather has completed the New             “I had always been interested in         what made an interior work and how
Zealand Certificate in Interior Décor     interiors but knew that to be able       to create it.”
(Level 4) and now has her eye on          to work in sales in paint, wallpaper,
                                                                                   Heather researched several online
SIT2LRN’s landscape design course,        kitchen design or furnishing fabrics I
                                                                                   interior design courses, but chose
while still exploring opportunities in    would need to learn more about it."
                                                                                   SIT2LRN because she wanted to
the hospitality industry.
                                                                                   gain a formal qualification from an
Most of her career has been in sales                                               accredited polytechnic.
and marketing for deluxe hotels
                                             "I loved every minute                 “The course was fabulous in every
and resorts, working in Auckland,
                                                                                   way. I learned an enormous amount
Sydney, Queenstown, Christchurch
and for nine of the past 12 years she
                                             of it and am so                       – far more than I could ever have
                                                                                   imagined. It covered many topics –
has worked in Fiji.                          grateful to SIT2LRN                   elements of design, colour theories,
She was in Fiji this year when the           and the facilitators                  developing design concepts, wall and
Covid-19 pandemic arose and she                                                    floor coverings, furnishing fabrics,
had to return to New Zealand with 24         who developed it                      lighting, building plans, timelines for
hours’ notice.                               and who were very                     scheduling of renovations, budgets
                                                                                   and more."
“It was a bit traumatic at the time          supportive. It was the
as it all happened so quickly – I was                                              “I liked that each paper was broken
working 12 hours a day in a resort           one constant in my                    up into several topics, which kept it
one day and the next day was alone           life in a very uncertain              interesting and each component built
in my uncle’s small bach in Tairua                                                 on the previous components. I loved
on the Coromandel Peninsula with             time. I now have                      developing a concept or being given
no job."                                     knowledge I can use                   a design style and then sourcing
                                                                                   the components and putting it all
“I found out on the plane that
New Zealand was going into total
                                             in a new industry if                  together in mood or sample boards.”
lockdown the next day. What was              I choose to and for                   From her Rangiora home, Heather
going to be 14 days’ self-isolation                                                found distance learning worked well
turned into seven weeks in
                                             myself in my own                      for her.
lockdown and I stayed at the bach            environment."                         “I loved every minute of it and am
for four months before relocating to
                                                                                   so grateful to SIT2LRN and the
                                                                                   facilitators who developed it and who
During lockdown, Heather decided                                                   were very supportive. It was the one
she needed to do something positive       “Before I bought my cottage I            constant in my life in a very uncertain
for herself and her future.               had spent about a year looking at        time. I now have knowledge I can use
                                          properties on TradeMe and it struck      in a new industry if I choose to and
“With the uncertainty around Covid        me how uninspiring the interiors of      for myself in my own environment.”
and the tourism industry I knew that      so many of our homes are – I have
I would likely have to transfer my        always thought it must have an effect
sales skills to another industry."        on our psyche. I wanted to learn

                                                                                       SITUATION December 2020        17

New Zealand Certificate in Education Support and
Care(Level 3) graduate

Even though she has a busy home life,
Julie Dunn is excited about being able
to embark on a new career path thanks
to the support of SIT2LRN and her

After completing a Registered            “Throughout the course my facilitator      "At times I struggled
Nursing Diploma out of high school       was extremely supportive and very
and working in the psychiatric           knowledgeable,” Julie said.                to understand the
field for a decade, Julie moved to
Australia, got married and had two
                                         “At times I struggled to understand        questions in an
                                         the questions in an assignment
children.                                                                           assignment and my
                                         and my facilitator was always very
“Because my husband was a farmer,        helpful. After my assignments were
I left my nursing career behind and      marked and returned to me, there
                                                                                    facilitator was always
instead helped my husband on the         would be detailed comments about           very helpful. After my
farm and raised our two girls. When      each aspect of the assignment. It
we returned to New Zealand and the       was great to receive the positive          assignments were
girls were older I decided I wanted to   feedback.”
gain the skills to work with special-
                                                                                    marked and returned
                                         During her practical intake at a
needs children and the idea of being
                                         primary school, the encouragement          to me, there would be
a learning support person appealed
to me,” Julie said.
                                         of her facilitator was also valuable.      detailed comments
                                         “I had a few issues arise with one
“I searched the internet for available
                                         of the children I was working with. I
                                                                                    about each aspect
distance learning courses as we lived
out in the country and discovered
                                         could email my facilitator and receive     of the assignment. It
                                         professional words of wisdom from
a few options available, but the
                                         her, which was a huge relief,” she         was great to receive
SIT2LRN New Zealand Certificate
in Education Support and Care                                                       the positive feedback.”
was exactly what I was looking for.      “I absolutely loved the practical
The course content sounded really        intake and worked alongside two
appealing and the intake dates were      five-year-old children who had
flexible, which would enable me to       autism. It was a challenge but very
continue my own workload at home         rewarding. I had to have my practical    “The course also involved discussion
and on the farm.”                        assignments seen by the special          groups with other students
                                         education needs co-ordinator at          participating in the course and we
Julie said the application process
                                         the school as part of the course         would comment on each other's
was straightforward when she
                                         requirements. She was so impressed       ideas, which I found really great. It
enrolled for the New Zealand
                                         with the content of the workload         was like being in a classroom even
Certificate in Education Support and
                                         in the course that she asked all         though you were at home,” she said.
Care (Level 3) in May 2019.
                                         the other learning support people
                                                                                  “At the completion of my certificate
The support and guidance provided        employed in the school if they would
                                                                                  we became busy with calving on the
by her facilitator had helped her        consider doing the course.”
                                                                                  farm, but when we are quiet again
adjust back into study and ensured
                                         The interaction with other students      I am looking forward to working
she remained engaged.
                                         on the course had also added to the      alongside children with autism in an
                                         experience, she said.                    education setting.”

18                SITUATION December 2020
You can also read