Programme - Day 2 25 April 2021 - Rotary Africa - NET

Programme - Day 2
Zone22 Rotary
Zone22          Africa
Centennial International
    25 April 2021

                    Proudly sponsored by
Time zone: GMT +2
Events will be presented in English, French and Portuguese

08h30 - 08h55   Delegates log in on virtual platform
08h55 - 09h00   Entertainment - Ndlovu Youth Choir
09h00 - 09h05   Day 2 introduction                                 Master of Ceremonies - DGE Dr Stella Anyangwe
09h05 - 09h20   Rotary In Numbers                                  Past Rotary International President - Ian HS Riseley
                                                                   His Excellency, President Kenneth Kaunda, Zambia
09h20 - 09h35   Goodwill messages from:
                                                                   His Majesty King Letsie III, Kingdom of Lesotho
                                                                   His Excellency Bene L M’Poko - The Dean
09h35 - 09h50   Message from the Dean of Ambassadors               Ambassador of the Democratic Republic of Congo to
                                                                   South Africa
09h50 - 10h45   Session 7: Water, Sanitation and Hygiene
09h50 - 09h55   Moderator: PDG Grant Daly - Rotary District 9400

                Factors and solutions to Africa’s water and        Atsuko Toda - Acting Vice President for Agriculture,
09h55 - 10h10   sanitation crisis                                  Human and Social Development at the African
                                                                   Development Bank

                                                                   Moderator: DG Ndukwe Chukwu - Rotary District 9142
                An integrated approach to Water, Sanitation and
                                                                   Dr Janet Macharia - Senior Advisor, UN Environment
10h10 - 10h40   Hygiene (WASH)
                                                                   Dr Anthony Turton - Environmentalist & scientist
                                                                   PDG Joe Otin - Rotary International representative to
                                                                   UN Environment

10h40 - 10h45   Awards, recognition and announcements - DG Said Nejjar - Rotary District 9010
10h45 - 10h55   Comfort Break

10h55 - 11h55   Session 8: Maternal and child health
10h55 - 11h00   Moderator: Thami Nkadimeng - Message Architect
                Maternal and Child Health in Africa: Unfinished       DGE Prof Stella Anyangwe - Retired WHO African
11h00 - 11h15
                agenda                                                Region Country Representative
                                                                      Panel discussion

                Innovation for maternal and child health in Africa:   Shadi Nyokong - Child Survival, Development and
                How is Africa using technology to improve maternal,   Thriving Manager, Nelson Mandela Children’s Fund
11h15 - 11h45   newborn, and child health outcomes, strengthening     PP Mihaja Moyon - CEO Assist Group, Madagascar,
                health systems by using primary healthcare as an      D9220
                entry point.                                          Dr Samukeliso Dube - Maternal Healthcare Executives
                                                                      PP Prof Hanan S. Gewefel - Founder, Chairman and
                                                                      CEO, Women and Fetal Imaging Clinic (WAFI)
11h45 - 11h55   Awards, recognition and announcements - DG Maud Boikanyo - Rotary District 9370
11h55 - 12h10   Comfort Break

                                                                      Pillar sponsor: Shereen Hunter - Commercial
12h10 - 13h10   Session 9: Presidential address
                                                                      Director, African Brand Architects
12h10 - 12h15   Moderator: DG Annemarie Mostert - Rotary District, 9400
12h15 - 12h20   Welcoming of the keynote                              Gcina Mhlophe - Praise singer
12h20 - 12h40   Keynote address                                       Holger Knaack - President, Rotary International
                The global economic outlook and Africa:               Honourable TT Mboweni, MP, Minister of Finance,
12h40 - 13h00
                2021 and beyond                                       Republic of South Africa
13h00 - 13h05   Closing off the session                               Gcina Mhlophe - Praise singer
13h05 - 13h10   Awards, recognition and announcements - DG Annemarie Mostert - Rotary District 9400
13h10 - 13h30   Break and Networking - Entertainment - Ndere Troupe
13h30 - 15h10   Session 10: Protecting the environment
13h30 - 13h35   Moderator: DG Dr Carl-Heinz Duisberg - Rotary District 9350
                                                                      Ambassador Manuel Carvalho - Embassy of Portugal
13h35 - 13h50   Time to deliver: A fair, green and digital recovery
                                                                      in South Africa: Council of the European Union
                The importance of tackling e-waste and enabling a     Rtn Bonnie Mbithi - Managing Director, Waste,
13h50 - 14h05
                circular economy                                      Electrical and Electronic Equipment Centre
                                                                      Panel discussion: Moderator DG Jumoke Bamigboye
                A greener Africa? Environmentalism, politics & the    - Rotary District 9125
14h05 - 14h35   It’s going take a fully democratic anti-capitalist    Dr Tommy Bornman - Manager, SAEON Elwandle
                movement to fight climate change. The case of         Node
                Africa shows how far we have to go.                   Ellyanne Wanjiku – Kenyan environmental activist
                                                                      Dr Alex Lenferna – Climate justice campaigner
                                                                      Panel discussion: Moderator Rtn Kutay Saritosun

                                                                      Rtn Kutay Saritosun - Director of Fashion Brands at
                                                                      Bluesign Technologies
                Sustainable and environmentally friendly textile      Anyango Mpinga - Creative Director of ANYANGO
14h35 - 15h05
                development                                           MPINGA and Founder of Free As A Human
                                                                      Skander Negasi - CEO of Trade and Fairs Group,
                                                                      Messe Frankfurt Representative for East Africa and co-
                                                                      organiser of African Sourcing and Fashion Week
                                                                      Samata Pattinson - CEO, Red Carpet Green Dress
15h05 - 15h10   Awards, recognition and announcements - DG Rosetti Nayenga - Rotary District 9211
15h10 - 15h20   Comfort Break

                                                                      Pillar sponsor: Judith Chinkumbi - Director, Sesego
15h20 - 17h40   Session 11: New Generation
15h20 - 15h50   Moderator: Vumile Msweli - Career Coaching & CEO, Hesed Consulting
                A message of encouragement to young leaders:          William Kwamkwamba - Malawian inventor
15h50 - 16h05
                To the new generation - go forth and prosper          and author
Youth - The Hope For The African Continent
16h05 - 16h20        How can young people secure a better future for     Ethan Musolini - CEO, Success Africa
16h20 - 16h25        The art of money, sculpture and origami             Chad Daly - Artist
                                                                         Panel discussion: Moderator DG Yvonne Kumoji-
                     Africa’s Hopeful Future: A Look at Tomorrow’s
                                                                         Darko - Rotary District 9102
                     Opportunities and Challenges:
                     The promise of Africa’s future rests on its large
16h25 - 16h55                                                            Sihle Ngesi - Magubane - Chief of Staff, Jakes Gerwell
                     number of young people. A new generation of
                     African leaders and innovators comments on the
                                                                         Benson Wereje - Youth Activist for Peace in DRC
                     hope this presents amidst persistent realities.
                                                                         Lual Mayen - CEO, Junub Games
                                                                         Rotaract panel discussion: Moderator: AG Bruno do

                                                                         Ms Dorothy Pasipanodya - ITP Rotaractor
                                                                         Kudzai Milton Murongazvombo - Assistant Rotary
                                                                         Public Image Co-ordinator
                     Africa, The future of Rotary: Rotaract
16h55 - 17h35                                                            Yinka Babalola - Past Rotary International Vice
                     and Inclusion
                                                                         Jonathan B. Majiyagbe - Past Rotary International
                                                                         Mohamed Benmejdoub - Past Rotary International
                                                                         Sam Okudzeto - Past Rotary International Director
17h35 - 17h40        Awards, recognition and announcements - DG Innocent Nkongo Budina Nzau -Rotary District 9150

                                                                         Annemarie Mostert - District Governor, District 9400
                                                                         Patrick Chisanga - Rotary International Director
17h40 - 17h55        Conference wrap-up and closing
                                                                         Katerina Kotsali - Papadimitriou - Rotary
                                                                         International Director
                                                                         Holger Knaack - Rotary International President

17h55 - 18h00        Entertainment - Soweto String Quartet
*This programme is subject to change with or without prior notice.
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