Page created by Timothy Miranda

                                                                                                                           JANUARY TO DECEMBER

                                                                        Open Air Museum

Many people combine their visit to the museum with a
bit of shopping. The little shops are charmingly laid out,
and there is always someone on hand to help you.
Some of the products on offer are handmade and typical
for the region. If you are coming to the market square
at Hessenpark just to shop or for a bite to eat, entry to this
part of the site is free of charge (except when the Plant
Market and the Advent Market are held). Just let the staff
at the ticket office know.

The Hessenpark Open Air Museum is open daily during
high season from March to October from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Last entry is at 5 p.m. During low season from November
to February, we are open on Saturdays, Sundays and
public holidays from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Last entry is at 4 p.m.
The museum is closed on 24 and 31 December                       Hessenpark Open Air Museum
(Christmas Eve and New Year’s Eve).                              Laubweg 5, 61267 Neu-Anspach/Taunus
                                                                 Phone +49 (0)6081 588-0 / E-Mail:
Information about our admission charges and special          
rates can be found on
You can book museum tours in the following languages:
English, French, Spanish, Turkish and Finnish. The
booking team can be contacted by email via buchung@­    or by telephone via +49 (0)6081 588-333.
OUT AND ABOUT                                                 SPECIAL
IN HESSENPARK                                                 EXHIBITIONS

                                                                                                                            Still on display
                                                                                                                            BORDER OPENINGS AFTER THE FALL
                                                              LURE OF THE HEARTH.                                           OF THE WALL
                                                              Kitchen and Cooking                                           The opening of the Hessian-Thuringian border in 1989
                                                              This exhibition is all about the kitchen. Developed by the    This exhibition is dedicated to the many places along the
                                                              Alltag | Arbeit | Anstoß | Aufbruch exhibition network,       Hessian-Thuringian part of the inner-German border
                                                              it centres around the development of the cooking zone.        that opened in November and December 1989, following
On the museum’s 160 acres, more than 100 timber-frame
                                                              In doing so, the show presents techno­logical, social         the fall of the Berlin Wall. Photos and videos document
buildings from five centuries invite you to discover the
                                                              and cultural changes and, spiced with a little humour,        people’s joy in seeing each other again, their happiness
everyday history of our ancestors. Our exhibits are private
                                                              the gender stereotypes of men and women in a kitchen          about the end of the separation, their interest in the
homes and workshops, trees, fields and living animals.
                                                              context. Be it the hangout of a revolutionary cell, the       other side of the border and in renewing acquain­tances
                                                              place for the family council or a snack bar, the centre of    with old neighbours who had long become strangers.
Visitors can get right in the thick of it and experience
                                                              an apartment shared by students or a working-class            Biographies of border residents tell about the restrictions,
history up close. On theatre tours, by taking a look at
                                                              household, or even a design object: the kitchen provides      trauma and disadvantages caused by the division of the
workshops, stables, gardens and kitchens, by joining hands-
                                                              a social space for everyone.                                  country and how its end affected individuals.
on activities, or by sharing a meal in an historic inn.
                                                              22 March to 29 November 2020                                  1 January to 29 November 2020
Every year, several historic buildings are renovated and      ENJOY YOUR MEAL, GERMANY!                                     80 TH ANNIVERSARY OF VIEW-MASTER
refurbished to provide in-depth information about             In 2013, FREELENS, a photography association, asked           Just like Scotch tape or Kleenex, the View-Master is a
life in past centuries. Among the most important recent       its members to put the spotlight on all aspects of food for   brand name synonymous with the product itself, in this
re-openings are the Textile Crafts Building and the           a joint book project. The book of photographs created in      case the stereo viewer. In 2019, the View-Master cele­brates
Sawmill from Anspach. New buildings have also been            the process offers an impressive kaleidoscope of insights.    its 80th anniversary. On this occasion, Hessenpark pre-
added, for example the Nursery from Rechtenbach.              During the 2020 season, Hessenpark presents a selection       sents an exhibition in the House from Queck. It includes
                                                              of more than 60 images that demonstrate very clearly          the entire model range of View-­Master cameras, knock-
We are increasingly including media and activity stations     how our diet has changed over the years in terms of food      offs, the View-Master as a merchandising product as well
in our exhibitions to allow you to immerse yourself into      production, storage and ingestion.                            as exhibits from the fields of arts, music and architecture
the stories about former residents. Open our doors!                                                                         and the new ­virtual reality viewer.
                                                              1 March to 29 November 2020
There is something new to discover everywhere.                Open only on Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays and on holidays.     1 January 2020 to 18 March 2021
January                      SUN 15.03.                   SUN 26.04.                   SUN 31.05.                                                 August                       SUN 30.08.                   October                      November
                             THEME DAY                    FARMERS’ MARKET              MILL DAYS                                                                               THEME DAY
                             »SPRING CLEANING«            with regional specialities   On the occasion of the                                                                  »KNOCK ON WOOD«
                             The historic housewives                                   Ger­man Mill Day, our                                                                   This day is all about
                             drive out the winter with                                 museum mills open their                                                                 wood production and
                             cleaning demonstrations                                   doors for guided tours and                                                              processing. Of course,
                             and hands-on activities.                                  milling demonstrations.                                                                 there are plenty of
                                                                                                                                                                               for you to
                             SUN 22.03.
                             LAUNCH OF
                                                          May                                                        SUN 28.06.                                                tinker.                                                   SUN 01.11.
                                                                                                                     FAIRYTALE DAY                                                                                                       FOREST DAY
                             SPECIAL EXHIBITION
                                                                                                                     Today, the museum is                                                                                                Join in on various
                             »Lure of the Hearth.
                                                                                                                     transformed into an                                                                                                 activities, craft
                             Kitchen and Cooking«
                                                                                                                     enchanted world of                                                                                                  demonstrations
                             11 a.m.
                                                                                                                     fairytales with theatrical                                                                                          and forest tours.
                                                                                                                     performances, story­
                                                                                                                     telling, themed tours and
                                                                                                                     wonderful activities.
SUN 19.01.                                                                             June                                                       SAT/SUN                      September                    SAT/SUN                      SUN 08.11.
»FROM PIG TO PORK«                                                                                                                                01./02.08.                                                03./04.10.                   »FROM PIG TO PORK«
Traditional sausage                                                                                                                               THE FASCINATION OF                                        HARVEST FESTIVAL             Traditional sausage
making, preparing and                                                                                                                             METAL CONSTRUCTION                                        AND AUTUMN                   making, preparing and
                                                                                                                                                  SETS                                                      MARKET
preserving meat in the                                                                                                                                                                                                                   preserving meat in the
historical kitchen, hands-                                                                                                                                                                                  Experience historical        historical kitchen, hands-
on activities for kids.                                                                                                                                                                                     harvesting methods:          on activities for kids
                                                                                                                                                                                                            Period threshing,
                                                                                                                                                                                                            winnowing and straw
February                     SUN 22.03.                   FRI � SUN                                                  July                         MON � SUN                                                 rope making machines         SUN 15.11.
                             »FROM PIG TO PORK«           01. � 03.05.                                                                            03. � 09.08.                                              are on show. Activities      FARMERS’ MARKET
                                                          PLANT MARKET                                                                            HOLIDAY PROGRAMME                                         for kids, harvest festival   with regional
                                                          With gardening season                                                                   »LIVING HISTORY«                                          service and the Autumn       specialities
                                                          in full swing, one hundred                                                              Rural life in the late                                    Market with regional
                                                          regional and interna-                                                                   18 th century                                             products should not be
                                                          tional horticulturalists                                                                                                                          missed.
                                                          transform the museum
                                                          into a blooming paradise.
                             SUN 29.03.                                                MON 01.06.                                                 SAT/SUN                      SAT/SUN                      MON � SAT                    SAT/SUN
                             THEME DAY                                                 MILL DAYS                                                  08./09.08.                   05./06.09.                   05. � 10.10.                 28./29.11.
                             »SPRING IS HERE«                                                                                                     GRAIN HARVEST                PLANT MARKET                 HOLIDAY PROGRAMME            ADVENT MARKET
                             Discover all the great                                                                                               AT THE MUSEUM                Everything gardeners         »ALL WOOL AND                Over 100 stalls with
                             things Hessenpark has                                                                                                                             may want or need for         A YARD WIDE«                 unique crafts and
                             to offer in spring.                                                                                                                               planting in autumn:          Hands-on wool                culinary delights,
                                                                                                                                                                               roses, perennials, bulbs,    processing activities        a varied supporting
                                                                                                                                                                               fruit trees and shrubs.      for children                 programme, music
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         and lots of activities
SUN 16.02.                   SUN 29.03.                   SUN 10.05.                   SAT/SUN                       SAT/SUN                                                                                                             for all ages make this
»FROM PIG TO PORK«           FARMERS’ MARKET              THEME DAY                    06./07.06.                    04./05.07.                                                                                                          market one of the most
Traditional sausage          with regional specialities   »HEARTH AND                  OPENING THE                   GLASS PRODUCTION                                                                                                    beautiful in the region.
making, preparing and                                     HOME«                        CHARCOAL KILN                 IN THE TAUNUS                                                                                                       10 a.m. – 7 p.m.
preserving meat in the                                    On the occasion of this                                    Craft demonstrations,
historical kitchen, hands-                                year’s special exhibition,                                 information and activities
on activities for kids.                                   we immerse ourselves
                                                          in the life of housewives
                                                          in the countryside.

                             April                                                                                                                                             SUN 13.09.                   SAT/SUN                      December
                                                                                                                                                                               CLOCKMAKING DAY              10./11.10.
                                                                                                                                                                               The clockmaking              OPENING THE
                                                                                                                                                                               school, the tower clock      CHARCOAL KILN
                                                                                                                                                                               exhibition and the
                                                                                                                                                                               watchmaker workshop
                                                                                                                                                                               are all open today. Craft
                                                                                                                                                                               demonstrations and
SAT/SUN                                                   SUN 17.05.                   SUN 07.06.                    MON � SUN                    MON � SUN                    for all                      SUN 11.10.
22./23.02.                                                TIMBER FRAME DAY             BAKE HOUSE DAY                06. � 12.07.                 10. � 16.08.                 ages                         EUROPEAN DAY
CRAZY DAYS:                                               On show are historical       Three ovens, three            HOLIDAY PROGRAMME            CHILDREN’S WEEK                                           OF CONSERVATION-­
CARNIVAL                                                  craft techniques and         centuries: Today,             »POTTERY WEEK«                                                                         RESTAURATION
                                                                                                                                                  Historical school lessons,
A fun-packed programme                                    their use in traditional     visitors can go on            Hands-on experience                                                                    Restorers provide
                                                                                                                                                  children’s tours and lots
celebrating traditional                                   timber framing.              a culinary journey            for children                                                                           insights into current
                                                                                                                                                  of activities for all ages
Hessian »Fassenacht«                                                                   through time.                                                                                                        restoration and conser­
                                                                                                                                                                                                            vation techniques.

March                        SAT/SUN                      SUN 17.05.                   SUN 14.06.                                                 SUN 16.08.                   SAT/SUN                                                   SUN 06.12.
                             04./05.04.                   FARMERS’ MARKET              THEME DAY                                                  FARMERS’ MARKET              19./20.09.                                                THEME DAY
                             EASTER MARKET                with regional specialities   »LIVING DIVERSITY«                                         with regional specialities   FOREST RANGER                                             »SANTA CLAUS«
                             Visit our Easter Market                                   Demonstrations, hands-on                                                                CAMP                                                      Today, children can
                             with plenty of handicrafts                                activities and guided tours                                                             Travel back in time to                                    make a Santa Clause
                             and seasonal offers to get                                show the biological diver-                                                              the forest and camp life                                  from wood, felt and
                             into the spirit of spring.                                sity of Hessenpark.                                                                     of the 18 th century.                                     paper. The historic
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         will be
                             MON � MON                    MON � SUN                    SUN 14.06.                    MON � FRI                    SAT/SUN                      SUN 20.09.                   SUN 18.10.                   serving the
                             06. � 13.04.                 18. � 31.05.                 FARMERS’ MARKET               20. � 24.07.                 22./23.08.                   LIGHTING THE                 FARMERS’ MARKET              first batch
                             EASTER PROGRAMME             BURNING THE                  with regional specialities    HOLIDAY PROGRAMME            ALL ABOUT WOOL,              CHARCOAL KILN                with regional                of Christmas
                             with lots of                 CHARCOAL                                                   »UPCYCLING:                  HEMP AND FLAX                11 a.m.                      specialities                 cookies.
                             demonstrations and                                                                      TOO GOOD FOR                 A weekend of textiles,
                                                                                                                     THE BIN«                     with a fabric market,
                             activities for all ages
                                                                                                                     Used once and then           craft demonstrations and
                                                                                                                     thrown out? We dispose       hands-on activities
                                                                                                                     of many things quickly,
SUN 01.03.                   SAT � SUN                    SAT/SUN                      SUN 21.06.                    without really thinking                                   SUN 20.09.                   SAT/SUN                      SAT/SUN
LAUNCH OF                    25.04. � 10.05.              23./24.05.                   THEME DAY                     about it. But there is                                    FARMERS’ MARKET              24./25.10.                   12./13.12.
SPECIAL EXHIBITION                                                                     »HURDY-GURDY                  another way!
                             BUILDING THE                 BOOK PRINTING DAYS                                                                                                   with regional specialities   APPLE FESTIVAL               REWE CHRISTMAS
»Enjoy Your Meal,                                                                      MUSIC«
                             CHARCOAL KILN                Watch and join our                                                                                                                                WITH APPLE MARKET            MARKET
Germany!« 11 a.m.                                                                      This day is devoted to
                                                          demonstrations of                                                                                                                                 Historic apple press         Numerous stalls offer
                                                                                       different formations                                                                                                 demonstration with bar,      tasty delights and
                                                          type-­setting, printing,
                                                                                       and styles featuring the                                                                                             live music, fruit trail,     original gift items.
                                                          book-binding, paper-
                                                                                       hurdy-gurdy.                                                                                                         apple and fruit meadow       Christmas trees are
                                                          making and wood-­
                                                                                       The programme also                                                                                                   tours and a colourful        for sale as well.
SUN 08.03.                                                                             includes information          SAT � FRI                    SAT � SUN                    MON � SUN                    Apple Market await           12 noon – 8 p.m.
FAMILY DAY                                                                             about the instrument as       25.07. � 31.07.              29.08. � 13.09.              21.09. � 04.10.              visitors.
»STRONG WOMEN«                                                                         well as instructions
                                                                                                                     THE FASCINATION OF           BUILDING THE                 BURNING THE
in cooperation with                                                                    for traditional dancing.      METAL CONSTRUCTION           CHARCOAL KILN                CHARCOAL
the Protestant Church of                                                                                             SETS
the Hochtaunus region                                                                                                Colourful metal toys
                                                                                                                     to admire and recreate
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