PROGRAM Research & Innovation Forum 2021 - 7-9 April 2021 ONLINE Conference theme: Rii Forum

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PROGRAM Research & Innovation Forum 2021 - 7-9 April 2021 ONLINE Conference theme: Rii Forum
Research & Innovation Forum 2021
7–9 April 2021 ONLINE
Conference theme:

Managing Continuity, Innovation, and Change in the Post-Covid World: Technology, politics and society

PROGRAM Research & Innovation Forum 2021 - 7-9 April 2021 ONLINE Conference theme: Rii Forum
About Rii Forum 2021

Research and Innovation Forum (Rii Forum) is an annual conference that         Rii Forum 2021 Steering Committee
brings together researchers, academics, and practitioners in conceptually
                                                                               Higinio Mora, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Computer Technology Dpt.
sound inter- and multi-disciplinary, empirically driven debate on key issues
                                                                               University of Alicante, Spain
influencing the dynamics of social interaction today. Technology,
innovation, and education define the rationale behind the Rii Forum and        Miguel Jesús Torres-Ruiz, Ph.D., Professor & Researcher of the Instituto
are at the heart of all discussions held during the conference. The Covid-19   Politécnico Nacional, Mexico
pandemic and its social, political, and economic implications have
confirmed that a more thorough debate on these issues and topics is            Kawther Saeedi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, King Abdulaziz University,
needed, and Rii Forum 2021 will be devoted to this end.                        Jeddah, Saudi Arabia

Venue [online]                                                                 Orlando Troisi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Salerno, Fisciano,
Due to Covid-19 inflicted travel restrictions and other public health
measures in force, Rii Forum 2021 will be held online via Zoom.                Anna Visvizi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics,
                                                                               Warsaw, Poland
Time zone:
                                                                               Yenchun Jim Wu, Ph.D., Distinguished Professor, Graduate Institute of
All times indicated in Athens time, i.e. UTC+3 (as of March 28, 2021)          Global Business and Strategy, National Taiwan Normal University, Taiwan

                    DAY 1               DAY 2              DAY 3               Rii Forum 2021 Chairs
              (TRACK 1/TRACK 2)   (TRACK 1/TRACK 2)   (TRACK 1/TRACK 2)
                                   Panel 10a/Panel                             Anna Visvizi, Ph.D., Associate Professor, SGH Warsaw School of Economics,
10:30-12:00    Panel 3/Panel 6
                                          9a                                   Warsaw, Poland
                                   Panel 9b/Panel
12:15-13:45   Panel 1a/Panel 2                         Ph.D. workshop
                                         10b                                   Orlando Troisi, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, University of Salerno, Fisciano,
14:30-16:00    Keynote speech      Keynote speech      Plenary session         Italy

16:15-17:45   Panel 8a/Panel 4a   Panel 8b/Panel 5           --                                For further details, please, visit the conference website at
18:00-19:30   Panel 7a/Panel 11   Panel 7b/Panel 4b          --
                                                                                               Contact details: Sophie Krueger, Rii Forum administrative
                                                                                               assistant at
PROGRAM Research & Innovation Forum 2021 - 7-9 April 2021 ONLINE Conference theme: Rii Forum
Day 1               7-Apr-21

                    10:15: Opening of Rii Forum 2021

                                          Track 1                                                                             Track 2
     Panel 3        Paper ID               Title                    Authors            Panel 6        Paper ID                 Title                       Authors
                                   How does behavioral
                                                                                                                  Digitization of Polish cultural
                                  intention to use digital       Hongxin Wang,
                                                                                                                 practices - using virtual           Marek Bodziany,
                       004      technology affect citizens’      Wenqing Wu,                            003
                                                                                                                 resources of material culture       Justyna Matkowska
  Chair: Shahira                 mental health during the         Yenchun Wu
                                                                                                                 during the COVID-19 pandemic
   Abdel Razek                          COVID-19?
                                                                                   Chair: Francesco              ICTs for social value co-creation
                                                                Pablo de-Gracia-        Colace
   10:30-12:00                    Smart cities from slow                                                         during the Covid-19 emergency:      Ciro Clemente De
                       014                                       Soriano, Diana                         017
  [EET/Athens]                         philosophy                                                                an empirical research on a non-     Falco, Emilia Romeo
                                                                  Jareño-Ruiz        10:30-12:00                 profit organization.
 HEALTH & WELL-                                                  Hind Alasmari,
                               Life expectancy estimation
 BEING IN SMART                                                 Khulood Faisal,                                  Simulators used in the process
                       066     based on machine learning                                                062                                          Jacek Dworzecki
  CITIES: URBAN                                                 Dareen Alomari,                                  of training Polish policemen
                                and structured predictors                            CULTURAL
 DESIGN & URBAN                                                 Hanan Alghamdi
                                                                                   HERITAGE & ICT                Education Strategic Orientations
 PLANNING IN THE                  Resilient Urban Open           Shahira Abdel-                                                                      Haya Alkandari,
 COVID-19 ERA                                                                                                    of Bahrain Universities by
                       052       Spaces in the Age of the        Razek, Yasmin                          077                                          Fairouz Aldhmour,
                                                                                                                 Entrepreneurial, Innovation and
                                        Pandemic                    Moanis                                                                           Rustom Mamlook
                                                                                                                 Technology Transfer
                                       Track 1                                                                                  Track 2
    Panel 1a        Paper ID              Title                     Authors            Panel 2        Paper ID                 Title                       Authors

                                                                                   Chair: Kawther                                                    Luis Naranjo-
                               Impact of the covid-19
Chair: Alessandra                                                                      Saeedi                    Improvement of a sign language      Zeledón, Mario
                               pandemic on education at
    Romano &           006                                     Piotr Szczepański                        002      learning reinforcement tool by      Chacón-Rivas, Jesús
                               the military university of
Massimo de Santo                                                                     12:15-13:45                 using phonological proximity        Peral, Antonio
                               land forces
   12:15-13:45                                                                      [EET/Athens]                                                     Ferrández, David Gil
  [EET/Athens]                                                                                                   Architecture based on machine
                                                                                                                                                     David Gil, Magnus
                               Practice Enterprises in times                                                     learning techniques and data
                                                               Daniele Gualdi,                                                                       Johnsson, Julian
                               of the pandemic: Their                               IMMERSIVE                    mining for prediction of
                       007                                     Ana Beatriz                              046                                          Szymanski, Jesús
                               effectiveness through online                                                      indicators in the diagnosis and
  TECHNOLOGY,                                                  Hernández-Lara      TECHNOLOGIES                                                      Peral, Mohan
                               and blended learning                                                              intervention of autistic spectrum
EDUCATION & ON-                                                                    AS A TOOL FOR                                                     Tanniru

LINE LEARNING IN                                                                      COPING WITH
  TIMES OF THE                 Massive Open On-line                                    COVID-19 IN
    PANDEMIC                                                  Filippo Sciarrone,         HIGHER
                      040      Courses and Smart Cities in
                                                              Marco Temperini
                               the COVID-19 Time                                        EDUCATION                                                           Aurora Polo-
                                                                                                                                                            Rodríguez, Federico
                                                                                                                       Recognition of hygiene activities
                                                                                                              048                                           Cruciani, Chris
                               How to cultivate personal                                                               by means of fusion sensors
                                                                                                                                                            Nugent, Javier
                               learning and professional
                                                                                                                                                            Medina Quero
                               growth in a disrupting time    Alessandra
                               among reactions,               Romano
                               resistances and collective
                                                                                                                                                            Aurora Polo-
                               Facing COVID19 Emergency
                                                              Alessandra                                               A mobile application with            Rodríguez, Javier
                               in Higher Education
                                                              Romano,                                                  geolocation and virtual rewards      Medina Quero,
                      076      Teaching and Learning: a                                                       047
                                                              Domenico                                                 for promoting the social skills in   Magnus Johnsson,
                               transformative framework
                                                              Santaniello                                              people with social disorders         David Gil, Ignasi
                               for Faculty Development
                                                                Welcoming remarks by the Rii Forum Chairs
                                                                           Erkki Ormala
                    Keynote                         Senior Fellow, Innovation Management, School of Business, Aalto University
[EET/Athens]        speech                                              Title of the speech:
                                                           Successful innovations drive economic growth
                                  Track 1                                                                                     Track 2
    Panel 8a        Paper ID                Title                  Authors                Panel 4a          Paper ID                  Title                       Authors
                                                                                                                       Exploring the link between
                                                                                                                       customers’ safety perception
                                                                                                                                                            Benedetta Esposito,
                               Because of Snowden?                                                                     and the use of information
                                                                                                                                                            Maria Rosaria Sessa,
                      078      Privacy Issues Becomes the     Emanuel Boussios        Chair: Francesca        001      technology in restaurant sector
 Chair: Krzysztof                                                                                                                                           Daniela Sica, Ornella
                               Matrix of Cyber                                               Loia                      during the COVID-19. An
   Kozłowski                                                                                                                                                Malandrino
                                                                                                                       empirical analysis in the
                                                                                         16:15-17:45                   Campania Region.
   16:15-17:45                                                                                                                                              Lama Alharbi, Redha
  [EET/Athens]                 Political Debate during the    Carles Vañó-                                                                                  Alsulami, Hind
                                                                                                                       The role of e-commerce in Saudi
                               Spanish State of Alarm,        Agulló, Pablo de-                                                                             Alghamdi, Bashaer
                      028                                                                                     067      Arabia during the COVID-19
                               consequence of the COVID-      Gracia-Soriano,         SMART CITIES IN                                                       Al-Abdullah, Bahjat
                                                                                                                       pandemic: A survey
DEMOCRACY IN THE               19 pandemic, via Twitter.      Diana Jareño-Ruiz                                                                             Fakieh, Kawther
                                                                                      THE COVID-19
  POST-COVID                                                                                                                                                Saeedi
                                                                                       ERA: SDGS &                     New shades on the Smart City
                               Poland and its Covid                                      RESILIENCE                    paradigm during the COVID-19:        Gennaro Maione,
                      071      legislation. The strategy of   Jaroslaw Suchoples                              31
                                                                                                                       a multiple case study analysis of    Francesca Loia
                               the populist conservative
                                                                                                                       Italian Local Governments

government in times of the
                              Threats to democracy in the
                              time of CoVid-19 based                                                            The role of blockchain
                     070      upon the example of the        Wojciech Horyń                            22       technology during Covid-19 in     Vilma Çekani
                              political and economic                                                            health sector
                              situation in Poland
                                  Track 1                                                                              Track 2
    Panel 7a       Paper ID                Title                  Authors            Panel 11        Paper ID                 Title                     Authors
                              Slovenian and comparative                                                         Global Impacts of ICT-Qualified
                              experience in changes in                                                          Worker Shortage: Exploring the    Jennifer Moss
                     051      brain circulation and return   Dejan Valentinčič    Chairs: Jennifer     057      Need for Educational, Firm-       Breen, Antonella
                              migration through ICT in the                         Moss Breen,                  based, and Societal Investments   Carbonaro
 Chair: Howard                time of COVID-19                                      Antonella                   in ICT Human Capital
    Duncan                                                                          Carbonaro
                              "Working from Home":
                                                                                                                Technology Influences on
                              Government Initiatives to                             18:00-19:30
   18:00-19:30       053                                     Agnese Lace                               058      Employee Engagement During        Matthew Woods
                              Promote Returning to Latvia                          [EET/Athens]
  [EET/Athens]                                                                                                  COVID-19
                              amidst the Pandemic
                              Quarantining in Croatia –      Caroline Hornstein                                 Grief, Growth, and Silver
                                                                                                                                                  Angela Lehr, Susie
                     054      has the COVID 19 pandemic      Tomic, Dora Bagic,                        059      Linings: Humanistic Leadership
 DEPOPULATION,                                                                    HUMAN-HUMAN                                                     Vaughan
                              spurred homeland return?       Maja Kurilic                                       during the COVID-19 Pandemic
   THE GLOBAL                                                                       & HUMAN-                    The Challenges Teachers Face In
COMPETITION FOR                                                                      MACHINE                    Creating High Quality LMX With
TALENT, AND THE               Enhancing innovativeness of                          INTERACTION                  Students Using Online Learning
DIGITAL DIASPORA     045      China’s economy through                                AMID THE          061      Platforms and Maintaining a       Kelli Kidwell
                              attracting global talents                             COVID-19                    Virtual Collaborative
                                                                                    PANDEMIC                    Environment with Colleagues
                                                                                                                That Promotes Student Learning

Day 2           8-Apr-21

                10:15: Welcome to the 2nd day of Rii Forum 2021

                                   Track 1                                                                                    Track 2
  Panel 10a      Paper ID                 Title                       Authors             Panel 9a                             Title                          Authors
                            Dataveillance In Public Health: A                                                    Artificial Intelligence Supports
                                                                Gianluca Maria                                                                      Francesco Polese,
                   012      New Approach To Investigate                                                  011     Firms During Covid-19
                                                                Guazzo                                                                              Gianluca Maria Guazzo
                            Data Sharing Reluctance                                                              Pandemic
 Chair: Mara                The implementation of the use
  Grimaldi                  of technologies and Big Data in
                   024                                          Vincenzo Marrazzo                                Future China: AI leader in
                            Local Authorities at the time of                            Chair: Orlando   023                                        Marina Reshetnikova
                            Covid -19                                                       Troisi
 [EET/Athens]               Benefits and drawbacks of Agile     Sarah Sassenus,                                  Let thy food be thy medicine:
                                                                                         10:30-12:00                                                Francesco Smaldone,
                            (Scrum) and DevOps for the          Konstantinos                                     Exploring the impact of Covid-
                   038                                                                  [EET/Athens]     035                                        Mario D'Arco, Vittoria
                            development challenges of           Tsilionis, Yves                                  19 pandemic on the online
 DATA-DRIVEN                                                                                                                                        Marino, Marco Pellicano
                            cloud applications                  Wautelet                                         food delivery industry
                                                                                           AI IN THE             International Governmental
 MAKING AND                 Business dynamics in the era of
                                                                                        INTERNATIONAL            Organizations and Selection of
 STRATEGY IN                Covid 19: the link between                                                   042                                        Aleksander Surdej
                                                                Carlo Torre,             AND GLOBAL              Efficient AI Solutions in Public
  BUSINESS         005      performance organizations and
                                                                Francesco Marra           PERSPECTIVE            Services
                            uncertainty of corporate

                            Online Dmo for meeting
                   010                                          Gianluca Mansi
                                   Track 1                                                                                    Track 2
  Panel 09b     Paper ID               Title                             Authors          Panel 10b                            Title                          Authors
                                                                Ciro D'Apice, Claudia
                            A double blockchain-based                                                                                               Anne-Mari Järvenpää,
 Chair: Anna                                                    Pipino, Carmine De       Chair: Mara             Data-driven decision making in
                            consumption model using a                                                                                               Iivari Kunttu, Jari Jussila,
   Visvizi         013                                          Nicola, Chiara            Grimaldi       015     circular economy SMEs
                            gamification social environment                                                                                         Mikko Mäntyneva

12:15-13:45                                                                                 12:15-13:45              ICT platforms from barrier to
                             AI and Fuzzy Cognitive Map for
 [EET/Athens]                                                                                [EET/Athens]              opportunity: lessons from the
                             supporting urban decision-           Francesca Loia,                                                                        Antonio Botti, Antonella
                    030                                                                                        018     Italian case after COVID-19 in
                             making during the pandemic           Roberto Vona                                                                           Monda
   AI IN THE                                                                                 DATA-DRIVEN               restaurant management
INTERNATIONAL                On Techniques to Detect              Carla Limongelli,           DECISION-                Disaggregating data for a         Luca Carrubbo,
 AND GLOBAL                  Concept Maps Pedagogical             Filippo Sciarrone,          MAKING AND               smart and resilient healthcare    Antonietta Megaro,
                    039                                                                                        032
  PERSPECTIVE                Similarity                           Marco Temperini             STRATEGY IN
                                                                                                                       ecosystem                         Francesco Notari
                             Intelligent Information                                                                   Brave consumers for a new
                                                                                                                                                         Francesco Smaldone,
                             Technology Innovation                                                                     digital world: Exploring the
                                                                                                                                                         Mario D'Arco, Vittoria
                    081      Management in Higher                 Rustom Mamlook                               034     impact of Covid-19 on online
                                                                                                                                                         Marino, Marco Pellicano
                             Education                                                                                 purchase intentions

                                                                   Welcoming remarks by the Rii Forum Chairs
                                                                     Ari Huczkowski
                                                                     CEO, LUMINTEL
                  Keynote                                            Title of the speech:
                  speech               Bottom-Up Culture Creates Born Global Success Stories: The Case of Helsinki Uusimaa Region

                                     Track 1                                                                                       Track 2
   Panel 8 b      Paper ID                 Title                        Authors                 Panel 5                             Title                         Authors
                                                                                                                       Designing and Implement a
                             Chinese Formats of
                                                                                                                       Chain for Safe and low-risk       Carlo Alessandro Sirianni,
                             International Integration: from
                    056                                           Krzysztof Kozłowski                          019     Diagnosis and Control the         Parisa Sabbagh,
                             Shanghai Cooperation
                                                                                                                       (COVID-19) based on the           Francesco Marra
                             Organization to RCEP                                               Chair:                 Ethereum Blockchain
Chair: Jarosław                                                                               Emmanuel                 The use of local centers in
  Suchoples                  The Conditionality of the Next                                    Boussios
                                                                  Anna Molnár, Anna                                    spatial planning as a method      Radoslaw Malik, Anna
                    027      Generation EU recovery                                                            020
                                                                  Urbanovics                                           of diseases spread reduction in   Zdyb
                             instruments                                                      16:15-17:45              smart cities
  16:15-17:45                                                     Francesco                  [EET/Athens]
 [EET/Athens]                                                                                                          Exploring the differentiating
                             Virulence of two infectious          Smaldone, Mario
                                                                                             SMART CITIES,             characteristics between the       Erick Varela, Higinio
                    033      diseases: Inequality and Covid-      D'Arco, Vittoria                             072
DEMOCRACY IN                                                                                                           Smart City and the Smart          Mora, Anna Visvizi
                             19                                   Marino, Marco              PUBLIC HEALTH
                                                                                                                       Society models
  THE POST-                                                       Pellicano                  & INFECTIOUS
COVID WORLD                  ICT extra-curricular activities:     Francesco Faenza,            DISEASES                Towards Smart Data
                             the “Digital Girls” case study for   Claudia Canali,                                      Management of Scientific
                    009                                                                                                                                  Asamaporn Sitthi, Sidra
                             the development of human             Antonella                                    065     Literature: Addressing
                                                                                                                                                         Khalid, Saeed-Ul Hassan
                             capital                              Carbonaro                                            Polysemy and Aberrant
                                                                                                                       Decoding in Author Names

A protocol to diagnose cases
                                                                                                                                                 Evandro Andrade, Placido
                                                                                                              of COVID19 structured in
                                                                                                                                                 Pinheiro, Luciano Comin
                                                                                                      050     machine learning and verbal
                                                                                                                                                 Nunes, Mirian Pinheiro,
                                                                                                              decision analysis

                                    Track 1                                                                               Track 2
                                                                                       Panel 4b
   Panel 7b       Paper ID                 Title                     Authors                                                Title                        Authors
                             Youth migration before and                                                       Security of the real estate
Chair: Howard       021      during the COVID-19 pandemic:     Piotr Maleszyk                         063     market in Poland during the        Izabela Nowicka
   Duncan                    insights from Poland                                        Chair:               COVID-19 pandemic
                                                                                     Francesca Loia           Managing global epidemic
                             Taking care of Business: return
  18:00-19:30                                                  Kata Fredheim, Zane                            through resilience: from           Orlando Troisi, Mara
                    037      migration and brain gain in the                                          036
 [EET/Athens]                                                  Varpina                18:00-19:30             shared intentions to societal      Grimaldi
                                                                                     [EET/Athens]             changes
DEPOPULATION,                Israeli and Polish Policies       Agnieszka                                      Minimum areas of                   Raquel Pérez-delHoyo,
  THE GLOBAL        041      toward Returning Residents as a   Bielewska, Karin       SMART CITIES    016     confinement: towards a post-       Higinio Mora, Laura
                             Reflection of Nationhood          Amit                                           pandemic urbanism                  Ferrando-Martínez
 COMPETITION                                                                         IN THE COVID-
                                                                                                              Geospatial analysis of COVID-
  FOR TALENT,                                                                        19 ERA: SDGS                                                MAGDALENA SALDANA
                             Shrinking societies, returning                                                   19 distribution and its relation
AND THE DIGITAL     043                                        Howard Duncan          & RESILIENCE    029                                        PEREZ, MARCO MORENO,
                             diaspora                                                                         to public transportation
   DIASPORA                                                                                                                                      ALBERTO SILVA

Day 3            9-Apr-2021

                 12:00: Welcome to the 3rd day of Rii Forum 2021

                 Ph.D. workshop           RESEARCHING, WRITING, AND THRIVING WHILE A PH.D. STUDENT

  [EET/Athens]   Table
                                                                    Thank you and #StaySafe

For further details, please, visit the conference
website at

Contact details: Sophie Krueger, Rii Forum
administrative assistant at
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