PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton

Page created by Audrey Richards
PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Fall 2021
YMCA of Cape Breton

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Table of Contents
Our Mission                              Membership Fees                       4
We are a charitable organization         Individual Workout Plans              5
dedicated to the growth of all           Group Fitness Programs                6
persons in spirit, mind and body                                               7
and to their sense of
responsibility to each other and
the global community.

                                                  Frank Rudderham Family YMCA
                                                  399 Charlotte St. Sydney
                                                  (902)562-9622(YMCA) ext. 1

                                         Hours (effective Tuesday, September 7th):
                                         Mon- Fri      5:00 am - 9:00 pm
                                         Sat-Sun       8:00 am - 5:00 pm

                                                  Membertou Wellness Centre
                                                  95 Maillard St. Membertou
                                                  (902)270-9622 (YMCA)

                                         Hours (effective Tuesday, September 7th):
                                         Mon-Fri       6:00 am - 8:00 pm
                                         Sat-Sun       8:00 am - 4:00 pm

                                         Healthy People
                                          for Healthy
PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Mark your calendar!                                       Here’s what you need to know!
                                                            • No locked-in contract or cancellation fees
FALL REGISTRATION:                                          • Ability to put your membership on hold for up to
                                                              12 weeks at no charge
In Person & Online NOW OPEN!
Fall Term: Week of September 13th to                        • A complimentary fitness consultation to get you
Week of December 13th, 2021                                   started and expert staff to help you achieve
                                                              your fitness goals
                                                            • Access to YThrive and Y@Home+. Ask your
No Programs:                                                  membership services staff for more info
October 11, 2021 (Thanksgiving)
November 11, 2021 (Remembrance Day)                         • Unlimited adult fitness and aquatics classes
                                                            • Open gym time and recreational sports
                                                              including: Basketball, Pickleball, Badminton,
Register Online!                                              Squash and Table Tennis (book your court up
                                                              to 24hrs in advance)
To view your account, make payments, update                 •   Open Swims and Lane Swims
your personal and payment information, register
for activities & more, go to https://ca.apm.                •   Day use lockers                       •   Guest privileges at all Canadian YMCAs
Home                                                        •   Childminding and lots of family options!
                                                            •   Access to two facilities
First time logging in?
                                                            •   Weekly registered swim lessons
Please do not create a new account as your
information may be on file with us.                       How to Join the Y:
 • Click the Sign In/Up button and select “forgot           • Come in for a tour!
   login name”.                                             • Select a membership type that fits your needs
 • Enter your email to obtain your login                    • Choose a payment plan that works for you
                                                          General Policies:
 • To create/reset your password, select “forgot
   password”.                                               • Lockers are for day-use only and locks can be
 • If you need assistance, please contact our                 purchased at our Membership Desk.
   Membership Desk: (902)562-9622 ext. 1.                   • The YMCA is a scent-free environment.
                                                            • A YMCA membership is a privilege. Please
                                                              respect policies, members, and property at all
                                                            • A valid government-issued photo I.D. is
                                                              required for non-members 18 and over.
                                                            • Visit our Membership Desk for complete details
                                                              or check out our Membership Handbook on
                                                              line: http://capebreton.ymca. ca/Join-the-

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Membership Fees

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Individual Workout Plans

                   During your FREE consultation with one of our qualified
                   Wellness Centre Fitness Staff, you will discuss your
                   fitness goals and expectations. If you are looking for the
                   basics, the coach will introduce you to some of our
                   cardio and strength pieces, show you how to use the
                   equipment safely and effectively, as well as explain and
                   answer any questions you may have about gym

                   This FREE program, for all Y Members, is an easy way
                   to get fit and healthy at no extra cost to you. YThrive
                   lends the support needed to get started, quick results to
                   stay motivated and flexibility to get it done solo. YThrive
                   provides exceptional workouts via download onto your
                   device or paper copy options. YThrive offers programs
                   for youth and beginners, as well as those with fitness
                   experience. You and your coach will decide if this
                   program is right for you, help you get started and follow
                   up on your progress. As a valued Y Member, you will
                   receive a FREE program update in 30 days and a brand
                   new program every 90 days.

                   Personal Training
                   Investing in a Personal Trainer is a great option if you
                   have specific personal or sports training goals, have
                   mobility limitations, injuries or just need someone to
                   keep you accountable. The Trainer will work with you
                   one-on-one, develop an exercise program specifically
                   for your needs, encourage you and help you set and
                   reach your goals.

                   Personal Training Packages and Rates available at
                   our Membership Services Desk.

                   To book your FREE Wellness Centre appointment or
                   your YThrive appointment:
                   Call: (902) 562-9622 ext. 1
                   Book online:

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Group Fitness Programs                                                                       Register up to 24 hours
                                                                                             in advance!

ADULT TAEKWONDO                                CARDIO CORE                                   HIIT
Taekwondo is a fantastic way to keep           An intense blend of cardio and weight         A high-intensity interval training class
active, improve your flexibility and meet      training intervals that’s sure to push        with various training techniques,
incredible new people! Learn one of            your fitness level to the max. If you want    allowing you to give one hundred
the oldest martial arts in a fun, friendly     a challenge, this is the class for you!       percent effort, through quick, intense
environment with knowledgeable and                                                           bursts of exercise, followed by short
experienced instructors who are ready          30/30                                         recovery periods.
to guide you along the way. Build              You can expect 30 mins of intense
strength, confidence and improve your          cardio and 30 mins of strength                LINE DANCING
focus as you learn the art of Taekwondo,       conditioning. This class will push your       Exercise your body & mind by dancing
both as a sport and self defense.              body to the max. When you finish you          to lively, upbeat music. Grab some
                                               will feel the burn!                           friends for an hour of fun and do the
AQUAFIT                                                                                      Boot Scootin Boogie!
A class for all fitness levels! The high       CYCLE FIT
resistence of water and available              Fifty minutes of spinning through every       LIVING FIT
equipment offers an excellent, full body       type of terrain, improving your cardio        If you are a beginner to intermediate
workout while minimizing impact on             and lower body strength.                      fitness enthusiast, this class offers
joints. The shallow end is available for                                                     low-impact cardio moves, and
non-swimmers.                                  FIRE UP                                       strengthening. Bring a friend or meet a
                                               Fire Up will get your metabolism revved       new one!
AQUA RECOVERY                                  up with a fast paced total body workout
*registered program                            featuring a combination of cardio,            PILATES
Physical conditioning in our pool. Ideal       weights and core moves. The 40 minute         Pilates involves a series of classical
for people with joint issues. We place         class will have timed intervals with a        Pilates exercises performed on a mat
emphasis on stretching and muscle              rest when you need to philosophy.             without equipment. Each exercise
toning to improve and retain range of          Suitable for all fitness levels. Come get     emphasizes breath, core conditioning,
motion.                                        fired up!                                     and body awareness. Instructors will pay
                                                                                             special attention to alignment and form.
AQUA STRETCH                                   GROUP ACTIVE                                  Whether you’re a beginner or expert
A gentle exercise class in our pool. It        Incorporates all elements of fitness,         practitioner, this mat workout will
uses basic exercises, principles and           increases cardio endurance, builds your       strengthen the core, tone the hips and
movements and adapts them to a                 strength and improves your balance and        thighs, and flatten the abs.*Yoga mat
shallow water environment. With the            flexibility.                                  and large foam roller and 2 yoga
release of gravity, the body is able to find                                                 blocks are required*
the best stretch that mat yoga may             GROUP BLAST
restrict. Any person of any fitness level      Sixty minutes of athletic cardio training     RIPPED
can improve their wellness through aqua        that uses a step in a wide variety of         If you are looking for an intense
stretch.                                       ways. This highly effective workout will      resistance work out, this is the class for
                                               get your heart pounding as you improve        you. High reps, light weights and watch
AQUA THERAPY                                   your cardio fitness, agility, coordination,   as your muscles become lean & toned.
                                               power and strength with                       Let’s get ripped!
*registered program
                                               exciting music and motivational
Aquatic therapy is a water exercise
program that consists of a variety of
                                               coaching.                                     STRONG NATION
                                                                                             Combines body weight, muscle
exercises that are done in the pool and
are designed to provide relief for several     GROUP POWER                                   conditioning, cardio and plyometric
                                               A barbell based program that will help        training moves, synced to original
health issues including lower back pain
                                               strengthen all your major muscles in an       music specifically designed to match
and neck pain. Water therapy exercise is
especially helpful in cases where a land-      inspiring, motivating group environment.      every single move.
based exercise program is not possible
due to the intensity of pain, decreased        GROUP RIDE                                    YOGA
bone density, or disability.                   Encourages you to roll over hills,            We offer a variety of yoga classes to
                                               chase the pack , climb mountains and          suit all ages and stages. The classes we
                                               spin your way to burning calories and         offer are Beginner Yoga, Hatha Yoga,
                                               strengthening your lower body.                Chair Yoga, Flow Yoga and Gentle
                                                                                             Yoga. Please bring a mat!

Aquatics Online Registration:
Group Fitness Online Registration:

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Early Years
(6 Months – 5 Years)
Week of September 13th - Week of December 13th           Active Play time (1-5 years old/5-12
                                                         years old):
Li’l Dippers Program                                     The program provides age appropriate sports
Parents & Me                                             equipment, toys and our always popular Bounce House!
The second level of our YMCA Swim program,               Staff will provide fun and games, as well as help
Parent & me, is for children 18 months - 3 years old.    monitor children. Parents/Guardians are required to
We work with you to introduce your child to new          remain in the program.
movements in the water, including holding the wall,
kicking feet, and blowing bubbles. Parents get in on     Childminding (Ages 6 months-5 years):
the fun by participating with their children.            In childminding, Y staff will watch your child while you
                                                         remain in the building for a workout or otherwise
BOBBERS                                                  accessing our facilities. Our child minding room is fun,
The third level of our YMCA Li’l Dipper program,         clean and bright! Filled with age appropriate toys,
Bobbers, is for children 3-5 years old who are new       books, and equipment with small children in mind, your
to swimming. Children are encouraged to attend           child is sure to have fun while you get a workout.
without a parent. In Bobbers, we’ll continue to          Register up to 24hrs in
introduce fun activities in the water to activate the
movements that will eventually lead to swimming.
By the end, your child will be comfortable having        PlayPals (Swim & Gym) 6mo - 5yrs.
their face in the water, and will have learned basic     Our bi-weekly swim and gym program is one of our most
movements while being supported. We introduce            popular! Play Pals (Swim) is a great way to introduce
floating and gliding, and continue to practice other     babies 3 months -5 years old to the water. Parents get in
movements. Through structured activities and play,       on the fun by participating with their children. At this early
children will also become comfortable submerging         stage, children are still learning a lot about their
                                                         environment. The goal of Play Pals(Swim) is to make
themselves under water.
                                                         children and parents comfortable in the water together and
                                                         (of course) to learn to splash with arms and legs! After
                                                         your swim head on over to the gym for Play Pals(Gym) a
                                                         free play with age appropriate toys, ride on cars and a
                                                         whole lot of fun! Staff are present in the gym to start off
                                                         with a story or a song, a game, and to engage the little
                                                         ones in play. This program requires a parent or guardian to
                                                         swim alongside the child (1 adult per 2 children), as well as
                                                         keep an eye on them in the gymnasium.
                                                         Register up to 24 hours in advance:

     I MY
PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
PROGRAM                       DAY                   TIME              PRE-REGISTRATION
Childminding                  Monday                9:00am-11:00am    Yes
                              Tuesday               8:30am-10:00am
                              Wednesday             9:00am-11:00am
                              Thursday              8:30am-10:00am
                              Friday                9:00am-11:00am

L’il Dippers Program          Monday, Tuesday,    Various Times       Please email:
                              Wednesday, Thursday           
                              and Saturdays

Active Playtime Ages:1-5yrs   Saturday              10:30am - 11:30am Yes
Active Playtime Ages:         Saturday              11:30am - 12:30pm Yes
PlayPals (6mo-5yrs) Swim      Tuesday & Thursday    10:00am-10:45am   Yes

PlayPlays (6mo-5yrs) Gym      Tuesday & Thursday    10:30am-11:30am


PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Ages 6-12 Years

Learn to Swim Programs                                        Swim Lesson Notes:
OTTER                                                          • Must have an active Y membership to
Introductory Level for beginner swimmers aged                    register for swim lessons
6-12 years old. Otter will teach your child the basics         • Email Julie MacKinnon, Aquatics Manager to
of pool safety, going underwater, and gliding on                 register:
their front and back. The first of four levels in our          • No lessons October 11 and November 11.
national YMCA Learn to Swim program, Otter
teaches your child how to stay safe in the water               • Not sure of your child’s swimming level?
                                                                 Swim assessments are available by
and to develop their swimming skills. During these               contacting:
classes, your child will also select from an optional
list of skills to learn during the session.

SEAL                                                          Child Protection Policy
Seal is for children 6-12 years old who have                  Children 6 months - 12 years:
completed Otter or who have equivalent skills.
In this level they will further develop the skills of          • Children 12 years and under must be
                                                                 accompanied by an adult (16+ yrs).
gliding, kicking, and submerging.
                                                               • The adult must stay in the YMCA building for
DOLPHIN                                                          the duration of the class.
Dolphin is for children 6-12 years old who have                • Adults accompanying children 10 years and
completed Seal or who demonstrate an equivalent                  under must remain on the pool deck for the
skill set. Your child will be introduced to swimming             duration of the class.
on their front, back, and underwater.

Swimmer is for children 6-12 years old who have
completed Dolphin or have equivalent skills. In this
class, kids will learn front and back crawl, and how
to tread water. The last level in our national YMCA
Learn to Swim program. Children at this level will
have achieved a solid foundation of swimming
skills and be able to front swim for a distance of 25

Swimming lessons for children 6 – 12 years old
who have mastered basic swimming skills, the
YMCA Star program is a series of swimming
lessons focused on technique, stroke development
and endurance. During the Star Program, your
child will have the opportunity to meet new
people and explore other facets of aquatics, like
competetive swimming, water sports and aquafit

PROGRAM GUIDE Fall 2021 - YMCA of Cape Breton
Our new and improved Active Y program will
focus on building the frameworks of physical
literacy, with a monthly focus on different skills
and drills. Your child will get to try out tennis,
basketball, soccer, floor hockey and more!

Our Creative Y program will have your children
expressing themselves in all kinds of different
ways. Each week will have a different focus but          LEARN TO PLAY SQUASH (AGES 10 AND
you can expect your child to come home sharing           UP!):
their artwork, paintings and crafts to proudly           Participation in our learn to play program can give
display at home, or perhaps they’ll show off their       your child the confidence, drive, enjoyment, and
new musical talent, dance skills or the science          fitness they’ll need for the rest of their lives.
project they worked on at Creative Y! Our caring         *Goggles required for youth, available at the front desk
and talented staff have lots of their own special
skills to share and we expect your budding               *NEW- PARENTS NIGHT OUT PIZZA AND
artists, scientists and entrepreneurs will bring         MOVIE NIGHT (AGES 5-12 YEARS OLD):
their own ideas to the table as well! We look            This program is fun for kids AND their grownups!
forward to creating with you!                            Leave the kids with us where they’ll have pizza,
                                                         popcorn and water while watching a family
*NEW-MINI CHEFS (AGES 5-12 YEARS OLD):                   friendly movie while you get two hours to yourself.
Each week our Mini Chefs will focus on one new           They are welcome to come in their pjs, and can
ingredient, learning where it comes from, how to         bring a pillow and blanket if they like. $5 fee per
prepare it, and they will use it in a new dish!          child.

PROGRAM                         DAY                  TIME                   PRE-REGISTRATION
Active Y                        Thursday             5:00pm-7:00pm          Yes

Creative Y                      Tuesday              5:00pm-7:00pm          Yes

Mini Chefs                      Monday               5:00pm-6:15pm          Yes

Learn To Play Squash            Thursday             4:30pm-5:30pm          Yes
                                                     (ages 10-14)

                                                     (ages 15 and up)
Parents Night Out               Friday               6:30pm-8:30pm          Yes
Pizza and Movie Night


                                                     - 10 -
Aquatics Program & Courses
Candidates develop swimming proficiency,
lifesaving skills and personal fitness.
Candidates learn CPR and self-rescue skills
needed to become their own lifesaver. Pre-
requisites: None.

Judgment, knowledge, skills and fitness - the
four components of water rescue - form the
basis of Bronze Medallion training. Candidates
acquire the assessment and problem-solving
skills needed to make good decisions in,
on and around the water. Pre-requisites:
Completed Bronze Star or 13 years old by
the exam date.

Begins the transition from lifesaving to
lifeguarding and prepares candidates for
responsibilities as assistant lifeguards.
Candidates strengthen and expand
their lifesaving skills and begin to apply
the principles and techniques of active
surveillance in aquatic facilities. Bronze Cross
emphasizes the importance of teamwork and
communication in preventing and responding
to aquatic emergencies. Pre-requisites:
Bronze Medallion & Emergency First Aid

This course provides candidates with an
understanding of the principles and
practices on which the National Lifeguard
Program is based and explores approaches
and techniques appropriate for National
Lifeguard Candidates. Pre-requisite: Bronze
Cross & 15 years old by the exam date.

                                                   - 11 -
PRIVATE LESSONS                                           BECOME A YMCA AQUATICS
One-on-one classes which allow for                        CENTER VOLUNTEER!
an individualized swimming experience.
Swimmers can focus on specific skills or work             INFORMATION DAY COMING SOON! Stay
toward completing their swimming levels. For              tuned for more information!
ages 3+ years. Fees apply.
                                                          COMING SOON!
SEMI-PRIVATE LESSONS                                      INTRO to WATER POLO
Two-on-one classes for swimmers similar in
age and swimming ability. These classes are               Water polo is a competitive team sport played
great for parents who would like their children,          in water between two teams of 7 players each.
or their child and their friend, to be in the same        The game consists of four quarters in which the
class. For ages 3+ years. Fees apply.                     two teams attempt to score goals by throwing the
                                                          ball into the opposing team’s goal. The team with
To learn more email:                                      the most goals at the end of the game wins the                                match. Stay tuned for more informaton!

ADULT LEARN TO SWIM!                                      High School Credits!
Tuesday and Thursdays 7:00pm
                                                          Interested in joining our Aquatics Team and
*Pre-registration required. Available online or
                                                          receive High School credits at the same time?To
in person: https://ca.apm.activecommunities.
                                                          learn more email:

                                                     - 12 -
Recreational Sports at the Y!

PROGRAM                    DAY                    TIME                        PRE-REGISTRATION
Adult Pick Up Basketball   Tuesday                6:45pm-8:45pm                     Yes
                           Thursday               7:00pm-8:45pm
*NEW Noon Hoops            Friday                 12:00pm-1:15pm                    Yes
                           Sunday                 2:35pm-3:45pm
Badminton                  Various Times          Book court during open gym        Yes

Basketball                 Various Times          Book court during open gym        Yes

Learn To Play Squash       Thursday               5:30pm-6:30pm                     Yes

Pickleball                 Tuesday & Thursday     1:05pm-2:25pm                     Yes
                           Friday                 1:15-2:15pm                       Yes
                           Sunday                 11:15pm-12:45pm                   Yes
Squash                     Monday - Friday       5:00am-8:45pm                      Yes
                           Saturday-Sunday       8:00am-4:45pm                      Yes
TableTennis                Various Times         Book court during open gym         Yes


                                             - 13 -
Upcoming Events
            SEPTEMBER 24TH-26TH
             • All levels welcomed!
             • $40 per person
             • Prizes for each division
            For more information email:

            OCTOBER 2ND
            RIDE FOR THE Y!
            The YMCA of Cape Breton will host its 1st annual charity
            fundraising outdoor event, “Ride For the Y,” on Saturday, October
            2, 2021. This exciting half-day fundraising event will provide over
            200 spinners of all levels a one-of-a-kind experience. YMCA Cycle
            Fit gets your legs pumping with a high-powered indoor bike class
            set to energetic music by DJ Majestic! A YMCA Cycle Instructor
            will take you through a stimulating aerobic and anaerobic workout,
            simulating hills and valleys or timed athletic drills in the outdoor
            stationary cycling class. You determine the workout’s intensity
            by adjusting your own bike, making this a suitable workout for
            beginners to advanced. Book your spot today! For more
            information contact:

            OCTOBER 17TH
            Our goal is simple. We need to get people moving,
            moving beyond the limited movement of home and work.
            Even beyond the movement of steps. With MOSSA Workouts,
            regardless of age or condition, you’ll become a better mover,
            be more resilient, and feel better in your body. If you are just
            starting your movement journey or are an athlete pushing your
            performance, we will help you get muscle and movement strong,
            so you can move younger, longer. Come watch or better yet
            participate in one or all of our MOSSA Programs including,
            Group Active, Group Blast, Group Power and Group Ride.
            To learn more contact: Tanya Horne, Group Fitness Coordinator,

            More information coming soon!

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