PRODUCT GUIDE 2021 - Brevant seeds
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Innovation at Corteva Agriscience FOR US, OUR PURPOSE: To enrich the lives of those who produce and those who GROWTH IS consume, ensuring progress for generations to come. MORE THAN Our R&D organization strives to be the best at designing, discovering and developing innovations that INNOVATION AT CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE create value for farmers and deliver consumer benefits in planet-friendly ways. JUST A MINDSET. Corteva Agriscience is Key Sources of Differentiation Our R&D organization strives to be the best at designing, modernizing the agriculture discovering and developing innovations that create value QUICK FACTS industry as we know it. for farmers and deliver consumer benefits in planet-friendly Germplasm Our open and agile agriculture research Developed through 90-plus years of expertise, our germplasmorganization ways. library is brings together worldwide unparalleled in its resources: breadth and depth and is focused squarely on helping farmers improve their performance KEEP GROWING. and profitability. 5,000 scientists and researchers Targeted Breeding 2 innovation hubs: Targeted breeding tools such as CRISPR enable us to explore the development CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE of improved • Johnston, Iowa • Indianapolis, Indiana crops in years instead of decades, both in our labs and by licensing our industry-leading intellectual property to other innovators. 150+ multi-platform R&D facilities in 32 countries rives to be the bestDigital at designing, Tools ping innovations that Wecreate combine QUICK FACTS valuethe latest advances in technologies, artificial intelligence,100+ data analytics and crops consumer benefits in planet-friendly agronomic insights to give farmers Our open timely, and agile actionable agriculture research data they can use to make more organization brings together worldwide informed decisions and resources: make their operations less complex. INDUSTRY-LEADING CAPABILITIES Key Sources of Differentiation Environmental Impact and Sustainability 5,000 scientists and researchers Seed With more Green Chemistry Awards than any other company, we’re Germplasm building • Genomics on our and breeding industry systems Developed through 90-plus years of expertise, our germplasm • Biotech leadership in natural and naturally derived 2 innovation products hubs: library is unparalleled in its breadth and depth and is focused by continuing to research • Advanced phenotypingnew ways of • Johnston, Iowa helpingsquarely farmers conserve on helping farmersthe land improve theirthat sustains performance and them. • Indianapolis, Indiana Crop Protection profitability. • Chemistry discovery • Formulation and process chemistry Integrated Solutions Targeted Breeding 150+ multi-platform R&D • Natural products facilities Targeted breeding tools such as CRISPR in 32 enable uscountries to explore the Our industry-leading capabilities across seeds, crop protection Digital and digital Tools tools enable us to development of improved crops in years instead of decades, both provideinsolutions our labs andthat together by licensing create more our industry-leading value for farmers than intellectual any • Data solution could on its own. analytics property to other innovators. 100+ crops • Predictive agriculture tools • Farm management software QUICK FACTS Digital Tools INDUSTRY LEADING CAPABILITIES INDUSTRY-LEADING CAPABILITIES CLEAR INNOVATION CLEAR INNOVATION PRINCIPLES PRINCIPLES QUICK FACTS We combine the latest advances in technologies, artificial tiation intelligence, data analytics and agronomic insights to give farmers y Our open and agile agriculture Seed research data they timely, actionable can use to make more informed organization brings together decisionsworldwide and make their• operations Genomics and breeding systems less complex. Market driven 0-plus years resources: of expertise, our germplasm • Biotech d in its breadth and depth and is focused • Advanced phenotyping 5,000 Environmental Impact and Sustainability armers improve their performance and With more Green scientists and researchers Crop Chemistry Protection Awards than any other company, we’re Disciplined and accountable • Chemistry building on our industry leadership indiscovery natural and naturally derived products by continuing to • Formulation research new and waysprocess chemistry of helping farmers g 2 innovation hubs: • Natural conserve the land that sustains products them. • Johnston, Iowa ools such as CRISPR enable us to explore the Built to differentiate • Indianapolis, Digital Tools oved crops in years instead of decades, Indiana both Integrated Solutions• Data analytics ensing our industry-leading intellectual Our industry-leading capabilities across • Predictive seeds, crop agriculture toolsprotection ovators. 150+ multi-platform and digitalR&D tools enable •usFarm to provide solutionssoftware management that together Global yet local facilities increate 32 countries more value for farmers than any solution could on its own. st advances in technologies, artificial CLEAR INNOVATION PRINCIPLES alytics and agronomic insights to give farmers 100+ crops Focused on productivity ta they can use to make more informed heir operations less complex. 2019 Corteva Copyright Market driven INDUSTRY-LEADING CAPABILITIES pact and Sustainability OUR PURPOSE To enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume, ensuring progress for generations to come.
CONTENTS Our focused portfolio of products is designed to give you consistent, reliable performance. You will get the latest innovations from the best-in-class global CANOLA Hybrid Naming Convention 7 research and development (R&D) program from Corteva Agriscience, combined Clubroot 8 with the assurance that all of our hybrids and varieties are tested locally so you HarvestMax 10 can be confident they will perform on your farm. Brevant™ seeds are available Hybrid Characteristic Chart 12 at your trusted retailer, and together we are ready to answer questions, Canola Hybirds 13 Crop Protection Products for Canola 17 solve problems and support your business. We are here to serve you. SOYBEAN Variety Naming Convention 21 Variety Characteristic Chart 22 Soybean Varieties 23 Crop Protection Products for Soybeans 28
CANOLA CANOLA NAMING SYSTEM Brevant™ seeds has the canola lineup that will make a difference to your bottom line by providing you with BREVANT™ SEEDS CANOLA the flexibility to make the right agronomic and marketing choice for your farm. Brevant™ seeds offers high-yielding canola hybrids B 30 10 M with clubroot resistance, harvest flexibility and marketing options, now available in Roundup Ready®, Clearfield® and LibertyLink®* herbicide tolerant systems. Native Brand Herbicide Random Trait Prefix System Numeric Coding B = Brevant Description Random Description Brevant™ digit for numeric alpha for trait: Brevant™ seeds for seeds for herbicide Nexera™ M = HarvestMax Commodity system: Contracts S = Sclerotinia 10 = RR SM = Trait stack 20 = CL example 30 = LL *LibertyLink® is a registered trademark of BASF. 7
DEFENDING AGAINST CLUBROOT IN WESTERN CANADA A GROWING THREAT IN WESTERN CANADA It’s never too early to start protecting your crop from clubroot. Thousands of infested fields have been identified across canola growing regions. How clubroot affects your crop. Are able to move and Clubroot can cause up to Clubroot affected areas in 2011 Clubroot affected areas in 2018-2019* seek out root hairs 100% yield loss.* Can survive in soil for up to 17 years Zoospore Caused by a fungal-like Resting spore microorganism, clubroot is a soil-borne disease that results in distinctive club-like/gall symptoms Millions of resting spores released Clubroot Young seedling forming on plant roots. Life Cycle Zoospores encyst on root hairs Clubroot is spread via infested soil moving from field Clubbed roots disintegrate to field. Infested soil can move as soil tags on farm equipment, or by How to spot clubroot • Water and nutrient uptake restricted • Reduced seed production Infected root wind and water Scout fields throughout the season and pull up roots to look for characteristic galls. • Stunting and premature death • Rare virulent types are becoming erosion. more prevalent Adapted from Ohio State University A proactive and integrated approach to protecting canola. 1. Practice a 1-in-3 year canola rotation. 2. Grow clubroot resistant canola hybrids if you are in an at-risk region, even if clubroot has not yet been identified in your fields. 3. Prevent and minimize moving soil between and within fields. Work on infested If you find clubroot areas last, practice soil conservation, and clean equipment, vehicles and boots. Contact your local area agronomist and inform your provincial agriculture governing body. 4. Control host weeds and volunteer canola early (
HARVESTMAX IS A MAXIMUM YIELD Be the first stop on MANAGEMENT SYSTEM every crop tour. HarvestMax is about maximizing the yield potential in your field, while maximizing the efficiency of your farm. HarvestMax provides farmers with the flexibility to choose how and when to harvest the canola crop. By observing the field and the workload across the farm operation, farmers have the flexibility to choose how and when HarvestMax canola is harvested, ensuring maximum yield opportunity on the farm Normal swath, delayed swath, or straight cut - you decide. Brevant™ seeds canola hybrids with the HarvestMax trait are for growers looking for: Ì Maximum yield potential and maximum efficiency on your farm Ì Improvements in the harvest process – increase yield/easier harvest/more flexible harvest Ì The opportunity to extend swathing window - swath later or straight-cut Ì Reduced risk associated with all harvest management - reduced risk of infield loss/harvest management tool/extend harvest window THERE IS SOMETHING BIG COMING IN CANOLA. SWATH OR STRAIGHT CUT – YOU DECIDE! Coming soon – Optimum® GLY* from Corteva Agriscience. It’s an innovative, advanced glyphosate-tolerant trait technology designed to optimize growth. Optimum® GLY canola gives you Brevant™ seeds offer canola hybrids with the HarvestMax trait in all herbicide tolerant systems: excellent yield potential, improved crop safety and enhanced weed control - everyone will want a look. Optimum® GLY from Corteva Agriscience. NEW NEW B3010M B2030MN D3158CM Talk to your local Brevant™ seeds Territory Manager. ® , ™ Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont or Pioneer and affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 Corteva. * The Optimum® GLY herbicide tolerance trait will not be offered for sale or distribution until completion of field testing and applicable regulatory reviews. 10
CANOLA BREVANT™ SEEDS COMMODITY CANOLA HYBRIDS Herbicide Trait Segment Oil Content Score (1 - 9) Brevant™ seeds hybrid HYBRID TRAIT CHARACTERISTICS Early Growth Score Plant Height Score Clubroot Source Clubroot Rating Blackleg Rating Maturity Score Lodging Score Brevant™ seeds B3010M provides high yields, industry-leading clubroot resistance Straight Cut and the harvest flexibility and maximum yield management of the HarvestMax trait. • High yield potential – 100% of InVigor L233P B3010M • Clubroot (New source of resistance): CR3 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N), plus 2B,3A, 3D, 5X) RATINGS* • Contains the HarvestMax trait for straight cut or delayed swathing • Mid-maturity - suitable for all growing regions D3157C 5 R CR1 R G VG Tall Excellent 7 • Very good standability and ease of harvest D3158CM 5 R CR1 R VG VG Medium Tall Excellent 8 Brevant™ seeds B3011 offers great yields, good standability and clubroot resistance. B3010M 5 R CR3 R VG VG Medium Tall Excellent 7 • High yield potential – 103% of InVigor L233P B3011 5 R CR1 R VG Tall Excellent 7 B3011 • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) • Blackleg: R 1026 RR 6 R CR1 R VG Medium Tall G • Fusarium Wilt: R • Mid-Maturity - suitable for all growing regions • Very good standability and ease of harvest 1028 RR 6 R CR1 R VG Medium G 8 NEW! Brevant™ seeds D3157C. Yield, standability and clubroot resistance. 2026 CL 6 R VG Medium Tall G • High yield potential – 107% of DK 75-42 2028 CL 6 R CR1 R VG Medium G 8 NEW • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) D3157C • Blackleg: R B2030M N 6 R CR1 R VG VG Medium Tall G 8 • Fusarium Wilt: R • Mid-maturity • Very good standability and lodging resistance NEW! Brevant™ seeds D3158CM provides high yields and consistent NOTES performance with the strength of HarvestMax and clubroot traits. *For complete definitions and disclaimers related to product • High Yield Potential – 107% of DK 75-42 descriptions, characteristics ratings and disease ratings, and all other information contained herein, see page 32. NEW • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) D3158CM • Blackleg: R 9 OUTSTANDING 1 POOR INSUFFICIENT DATA NEW • Fusarium Wilt: R • Contains the HarvestMax trait for straight cut or delayed swathing G GOOD VG VERY GOOD • Mid-maturity • Very good standability and lodging resistance 12 13
CANOLA BREVANT™ SEEDS FOR NEXERA™ PRODUCTION CONTRACTS BREVANT™ SEEDS FOR NEXERA™ PRODUCTION CONTRACTS HYBRID TRAIT CHARACTERISTICS HYBRID TRAIT CHARACTERISTICS Brevant™ seeds 2026 CL is a consistently performing Clearfield® hybrid that Brevant™ 1026 RR is for growers who are looking for a consistently yielding delivers high yields and protection against weed herbicide resistance. canola hybrid that stands well and has both clubroot and blackleg resistance, with an added boost of extra early-season vigour. • Very good yield potential - 103.1 % of BY5545CL in 2019 IMPACT™ plots • Good yield potential 97.9 % of Brevant™ 1028 RR 2026 CL • Blackleg: R in 2019 IMPACT™ plots • Fusarium Wilt: R 1026 RR • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistance to pathotypes • Six (6) maturity 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) • Very good standability and lodging resistance • Blackleg: R • Fusarium Wilt: R • Six (6) maturity Brevant™ seeds 2028 CL provides Western Canadian Clearfield® canola • Very good standability and lodging resistance growers with a high-yielding, clubroot and blackleg resistant hybrid • Very good yield potential – 102% of Brevant™ 2026 CL in 2019 IMPACT™ plots Brevant™ seeds 1028 RR is a high-yielding hybrid with an outstanding • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 2028 CL (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) disease package, including clubroot and blackleg. • Blackleg: R • Fusarium Wilt: R • Very good yield potential - 102% of DK 75-42CR • Six (6) maturity 1028 RR • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistance to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M),8 (8N)) • Very good standability and lodging resistance • Blackleg: R • Fusarium Wilt: R NEW! Brevant™ seeds B2030 MN is a Clearfield® hybrid with the HarvestMax yield management trait, combined with very good early growth, clubroot • Six (6) Maturity and blackleg resistance. • Very good standability and lodging resistance • Very good yield potential - 99.4% of Brevant™ 2028 CL; 100% of Pioneer® 46H75 Maximize your marketing options and support the North American food industry. Plant NEW • Clubroot: CR1 (Resistant to pathotypes 2 (2F),3 a Brevant™ seeds hybrid for a Production Contract and get high yields and B2030MN (3H),5 (5I),6 (6M), 8 (8N)) maximum returns to your bottom line. • Blackleg: R • Fusarium Wilt: R Partner with Brevant™ seeds and leading grain companies to secure your • Contains the HarvestMax trait for straight cut Production Contract today. or delayed swathing • Six (6) maturity • Very good standability and lodging resistance 14 15
CANOLA CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS FOR CANOLA CHOOSE FROM A FULL LINE-UP OF HERBICIDE PRODUCTS TO HELP PROTECT YOUR BREVANT™ SEEDS CANOLA A NEW PRE-SEED HERBICIDE SOLUTION AHEAD OF CANOLA THE PERFORMANCE STANDARD IN WEED CONTROL FOR BREVANT SEEDS CANOLA WITH THE CLEARFIELD® TRAIT Ì Consistent and reliable post-emergent weed control, including subsequent flushes Ì Wide window of application on both crop and weeds Ì Superior control of lamb's quarters, wild buckwheat, cleavers For canola growers, Prospect™️ pre-seed herbicide, in combination with glyphosate, offers exceptional control of tough broadleaf weeds, including chickweed, cleavers (overwintered and and volunteer canola Group 2 resistant biotypes), flixweed, hemp-nettle, lamb’s-quarters, narrow-leaved hawksbeard, volunteer canola, and much more. THE HERBICIDE OPTION FOR BREVANT SEEDS CANOLA WITH Prospect Herbicide Benefits Efficacy THE CLEARFIELD® TRAIT IN THE PEACE COUNTRY Ì Just Go Benefits of Arylex™️ active Prospect Herbicide provides faster and more complete control than glyphosate alone. Tank Ì Rotational flexibility for farmers in the Peace Country of Alberta Ì Exceptional crop safety mixed with glyphosate, Prospect provides Ì Broad-spectrum control for Clearfield® canola Ì Multi-mode of action control 3 modes of action to reduce the onset of Ì Reliable control of tough grasses and targeted broadleaf Ì Compatible with all forms of glyphosate glyphosate resistance. weeds Ì Low use rates Ì Control of tough broadleaf weeds Weed Control vs. Conquer Herbicide THE MOST EFFECTIVE IN-SEASON THISTLE CONTROL 2-7 Weeks after Treatment (WAT): Without Glyphosate AVAILABLE - RIGHT DOWN TO THE ROOTS 100 Ì For use on a number of crops including both corn % Visual Controal 80 and canola 60 Ì The most effective in-season thistle control available 40 Ì Flexibility to choose your rate for optimal thistle control 20 0 BROAD-SPECTRUM WEED CONTROL FOR SUPERIOR Cleavers Flixweed Hemp-nettle Lamb’s-quaters Redroot pigweed Shepherds-purse Stinkweed Wild buckwheat Volunteer canola CONTROL OF WILD BUCKWHEAT AND CANADA THISTLE Prospect** Ì Broad-spectrum weed control in both glyphosate-tolerant Conquer*** canola and corn for superior control of wild buckwheat and Based on small plot field research trials conducted by Corteva Agriscience in Western Canada thistle Canada between 2016-2018. Ì Convenient all-in-one control with 2 modes of action Glyphosate Ì Protects canola without negatively impacting yield or maturity, ** Prospect herbicide applied with 0.5% v/v MSO unlike elevated rates of glyphosate *** Applied as bromoxynil + carfentrazone in 2016 and bromoxynil + pyraflufen in 2017-2018 16 17
Serious seed protection Key Benefits Lumiderm™ insecticide seed treatment provides · Enhanced protection against crucifer and striped excellent plant protection against both flea beetles and flea beetles. cutworms in one convenient bag. A mark of assurance in seed Designed for our genetics · Excellent control of early season cutworms. You’ve invested in outstanding Brevant™ · Excellent early season seedling stand establishment, treatments. seeds genetics for your field. We’ve invested See the Lumiderm™ insecticide seed vigour and biomass. in protecting their performance potential. treatment difference in cutworm control · Up to 35 days of protection through the critical You choose a seed treatment package to help LumiGEN seed treatments represent the best treatments stages of seedling growth. assure a successful season. In turn, you should for Brevant™ seeds genetics to meet the vital needs of Cutworms are a real problem in canola production. · Novel class of chemistry (Group 28) for resistance feel assured that those seed treatments perform emerging crops and add value to the seed you plant. If you’re not paying close attention to your fields, they management as expected, and work well with the genetics can destroy a significant portion of your crop in a Verified on our genetics matter of days. Cutworms are very difficult to detect you’re planting. LumiGEN™ seed treatments capitalize on over since they typically live underground during the day See the Lumiderm™ insecticide seed 100 years of crop protection know-how, and and feed at night. During the first 35 days of seedling treatment difference in protection LumiGEN™ seed treatments are designed, an understanding of what growers need and growth, Lumiderm™ protects your canola from cutworm against flea beetles verified and proven to work with Brevant™ how they farm. Our seed treatment combinations are feeding which helps enhance early season stand carefully evaluated at the Corteva Agriscience™ Center establishment and crop vigour. Across Western Canada, flea beetles are causing seeds genetics, to help farmers establish of Seed Applied Technologies (CSAT), a first-of-its-kind, significant damage to canola crops and growers are healthy, uniform crops and maximize productivity. demanding a better solution. Lumiderm™ insecticide all-in-one facility that’s part laboratory, testing center Look at the results and seed treating plant. Here, seed treatments are Treating your seed with Lumiderm is the best way to seed treatment offers a new way to obtain enhanced LumiGEN seed treatments are exclusive to reviewed using our exclusive six-step PASSER process. prevent a patchy, bare field and reduce your loss due to flea beetle protection on both crucifer and striped flea the seeds brands of Corteva Agriscience, cutworm damage. beetles for your canola crop. and represents the value of the seed applied Proven in the field with our genetics technologies that are available on Brevant™ LumiGEN seed treatments are tested in real fields on real farms. Through our Field Test seeds genetics. Network, our treated seed is evaluated by growers. It goes into the ground using real planters, under real conditions - and is observed and evaluated for real results. Standard Treatment Lumiderm Treatment Standard Treatment Lumiderm Treatment Source: Seven Persons, AB. 42 Days After Seeding. Source: Lumsden, SK. 22 Days After Seeding. See the Lumiderm™ Yield results Lumiderm™ resulted in a positive yield increase 78% of the time across Western Canada.† • 35% less flea beetle damage* • 1.4 bu/ac higher yield** † Results from large scale grower managed field trials across Western Canada in 2015. * Source: 192 DuPont Research & Development (replicated) trials and Grower Demo strip trials (2010-2015). ** Source: Canola yield averaged across 137 Grower Demo Strips, Western Canada (2013-2015). 18
SOYBEANS SOYBEANS NAMING SYSTEM Brevant™ seeds offers growers the latest in soybean BREVANT™ SEEDS SOYBEANS technology, in a range of maturities, for all regions. For 2021 growing season, Brevant seeds offers early-maturity, high-performing soybean varieties B 00 1 1 R X ideal for Western Canadian growing conditions Relative Relative Random Brand Maturity within Sequential Trait Maturity Alpha Prefix a Maturity Number Coding Group Letter Group B = Brevant Description Description Sequential Random alpha Description digit of maturity of relative number for letter for herbicide trait: grouping maturity release of 0 = conventional within maturity products in grouping maturity range 1 = Roundup Ready® 2 E - Enlist E3™ X = Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® Relative maturity is one of the most important considerations when choosing a soybean variety. Our new naming system lets you see, at a glance, a variety’s overall relative maturity group (such as 00 or 000) and then its relative maturity within that group so you can make the most informed choice for your growing conditions. 20 21
SOYBEANS Phytophthora Field Tolerance VARIETY TRAIT CHARACTERISTICS Sudden Death Syndrome Brevant™ seeds Variety Brown Stem Rot Score Herbicide Resistance Canadian Heat Units Phytophthora Gene Pubescence Color Emergence Score Relative Maturity Canopy Width Lodging Score Iron Chlorosis Flower Color Plant Height (SDS Rating) B00071RX • Short plant type White Mold Pod Color Hila Color % Protein • Average pod shatter score CHU 2200 • Very good emergence score SCN RM 000.7 • Excellent harvest standability RATINGS* • Shorter plant height soybean B00071RX 000.0' 2200 No 5 1K 5 6 4 5 4 P T BR 7 8 TN • Very good emergence and harvest standability B0011RX scores • Non-bushy, narrow row bean B0011RX 00.1' 2300 No 5 1K 5 6 4 5 4 P T BR 7 7 TN 34.4 CHU 2300 • Above average iron chlorosis rating RM 00.1 • Average field phytophthora score (1k gene) B0030L1 00.3' 2325 No No 5 4 6 5 P T T 7 BR 34.4 Rps gene B0040L1 00.4' 2350 No n/a No 7 6 5 4 6 5 P T T 8 7 BR 37.1 Rps gene B0030L1 • Taller plant with good pod set B0066L1 00.6' 2450 I88 n/a 1K 7 6 4 5 6 6 W G G 8 6 Y 36.7 CHU 2325 • Excellent standability and harvestability • Narrow leaf soybean RM 00.3 NOTES *For complete definitions and disclaimers related to product Brevant™ seeds soybean products are available with LumiGEN™ • E xcellent yield potential in all growing environments descriptions, characteristics ratings and disease ratings, and insecticide seed treatment, which offers excellent protection and planting systems all other information contained herein, see page 32. against key early-season pests. B0040L1 • Excellent field appearance with tawny pubescence HU 2350 • Good IDC (iron deficiency chlorosis) tolerance 9 OUTSTANDING 1 POOR INSUFFICIENT DATA RM 00.4 • Responds well to narrow rows • Canopy type: medium-bushy • Excellent yield potential B0066L1 • Excellent SCN resistance HU 2450 • Phytophthora rps1k resistance gene will allow good growth on heavy soils RM 00.6 • Canopy type: medium-bushy 45 40 Excellent 35 34.1 34 30.4 32.3 Yield Potential Yield (bu/acre) 30 25 20 15 10 Yield data summarized across 2018 large, replicated Corteva Agriscience™ IMPACT™ 5 locations across Western Canada as of 0 November 29, 2018. NorthStar Watson B00011RX NorthStar Leroy B00071RX 52 Locations 33 Locations 6 Locations 14 Locations 22 23
TIPS FOR SUCCESS 1. When using dicamba-based products on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans, you should monitor application conditions. Using a low volatility product such as FeXapan™ plus VaporGrip™ Technology helps prevent unwanted drift. Review and implement Your better the requirements for dicamba stewardship shown on the label. PERFORMANCE beans are here. Brevant™ seeds soybeans with Roundup 2. Layer modes of action Ready 2 Xtend® technology have been proven Use combinations of different in local trials to ensure they provide the yield herbicide groups in each pass within and agronomics that growers need. the same year. For glyphosate resistant weeds, herbicide programs will require an additional mode of action with dicamba for effective BETTER WEED CONTROL OPTIONS resistance management. Corteva Agriscience™ offers FeXapan™ herbicide plus VaporGrip™ Technology for use on Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans. 3. Herbicide resistance management strategy What does FeXapan™ offer? Manage weeds for the long term to This low-volatile dicamba offering will: avoid the buildup of resistant weeds on your farm. - Help manage glyphosate-resistant weeds - Provide better control of glyphosate- resistant weeds and other weeds that are hard to mange with a glyphosate-only Better genetics. Better yields. Better for your community. strategy Introducing Enlist E3™ soybeans, a more advanced seed with high Contact your retailer for more information. yield potential and a robust herbicide tolerance. Spray it with Enlist Duo™, part of the Enlist™ weed control system, for a better low drift, near-zero volatility solution. SOYBEANS Talk to your local retailer on the availability of Enlist E3 soybeans in your area. As with all crop protection products, read and follow label instructions carefully. Simply Better Soybeans. Learn more at 24 25
SOYBEANS Enlist Duo™ herbicides with Colex-D technology Enlist™ Duo and Enlist™ 1 are powerful tools for you to use as part of the Enlist™ Weed Control System: The Enlist weed control system gives you the choice of Enlist herbicides with Colex-D technology. · With Colex-D technology, both herbicides are designed to land and stay on target. · 2,4-D choline adds a Group 4 herbicide technology The Enlist™ weed control system will Enlist Duo™ adding a new tool for managing hard-to-control change how you think about weed and resistant weeds. Convenient · Both have a wide window of application from management in soybeans. proprietary blend of pre-plant burndowns up to the R2 stage of Enlist™ E3 2, 4-D choline and soybeans. Farmers will be able to purchase Brevant™ seeds glyphosate. · Both are designed to be used as part of a Program Enlist E3™ varieties for Western Canada in the future and Approach to manage a wide range of hard-to- will be able to take control of resistant and control weeds like hard-to-control weeds. Convenience of both 2,4-D choline and glyphosate » Annual sow thistle in one formulation - controls more than 90 weeds » Cleavers Introducing the Enlist weed control system including grasses and many hard-to-control and » Dandelion resistant weeds. » Kochia The Enlist weed control system will help growers meet » Volunteer canola the challenge of farming today and in the future. New Enlist™ 1 » Wild buckwheat Why use the Enlist weed control system? Stand-alone 2,4-D · A new system built for Canadian farmers starting choline with tank-mix Program approach with new traits providing herbicide tolerance in flexibility. soybeans and corn Start clean with If not applied before · Herbicide solutions built on 2,4-D Choline, an tillage, burndown PLANT ENLIST E3™ planting, apply soil APPLY ENLIST™ AND GLYPHOSATE HERBICIDES herbicide*, or a soil SOYBEANS No later than R2 or full flowering stage improved form of 2,4-D with new Colex-D™ residual herbicide New Enlist 1 is a stand-alone Colex-D formulation residual herbicide* technology that controls over 40 broadleaf weeds. It gives you *Apply according to · Includes a stewardship initiative that supports the ENLIST DUO™ HERBICIDE label directions. Enlist Duo™ the flexibility to tank-mix with and adjust rates of use of multiple modes of action to address resistant Enlist Duo herbicide, a proprietary blend of a glyphosate andof 2,4-D herbicide does not require glyphosate or glufosinate to control wide range a delay between application weeds, provides training, and promotes responsible choline, and planting. hard tocontains controlColex-D™ Technology. and resistant Enlist Duo has two modes weeds. and sustainable use of action to provide exceptional weed control and herbicide resistance management. Enlist E3™ Soybeans APPLY GLUFOSINATE HERBICIDES TM No later than R1 or beginning bloom Enlist E3 soybeans provide elite, soybean genetics with high yield potential and industry leading multi-mode of WHAT GOES INTO IT action herbicide tolerance. 2,4-D choline Latest Proprietary Advancing Modern Farming Why use Enlist E3 soybeans? with Colex-D formulation manufacturing Technology science process The Enlist™ weed control system will change how · Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant to 2,4-D, glyphosate WHAT IT DELIVERS youand think about weed glufosinate management in soybeans. herbicides · Farmers Minimized will be able Crop tolerance to purchase to Enlist herbicidesPioneer brand with Colex-D ® Improved Near zero potential Low technology is robust, enabling applications Enlist E3™ varieties for western Canada in the up to volatility for physical odour handling the R2 growth stage characteristics drift · future, Withand will betoable tolerance to take 3 different controlmodes herbicide of resistant of Visit us at and hard-to-control action, weeds.. Enlist E3 soybeans are part of a strong resistance management strategy KEY WEEDS CONTROLLED BY ENLIST DUO · INTRODUCING A program THEapproach ENLIST™including WEED CONTROLother herbicide SYSTEM modes of action and residual herbicides provides an Enlist Duo controls more than 70 weeds, including the toughest to Always read and follow the product label and consult the Product Use Guide for additional application information. ®, ™ Trademarks of Dow AgroSciences, DuPont control. Here’s a snapshot of some of the most important. or Pioneer and affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 Corteva. The transgenic soybean event in Enlist E3™ soybeans is jointly developed and Theeven morecontrol Enlist weed sustainable system will help growers meet the owned by Dow AgroSciences LLC and M.S. Technologies, L.L.C. The Enlist weed control system is owned and developed by Dow AgroSciences LLC. challenge of farming today, and in the future. 26 WEEDS CONTROLLED 27 Key Benefits of the Enlist weed control system: Grass Weed Species
SOYBEANS Designed for our genetics CROP PROTECTION PRODUCTS FOR SOYBEANS You’ve invested in outstanding Brevant™ seeds genetics for your field. We’ve invested in protecting their performance potential. LumiGEN seed treatments represent the best treatments A HERBICIDE PRODUCT TO HELP PROTECT YOUR A mark of assurance in seed treatments. for Brevant™ seeds genetics to meet the vital needs of emerging crops and add value to the seed you plant. BREVANT™ SEEDS SOYBEANS You choose a seed treatment package to help Verified on our genetics assure a successful season. In turn, you should feel LumiGEN™ seed treatments capitalize on over assured that those seed treatments perform as 100 years of crop protection know-how, and expected, and work well with the genetics you’re an understanding of what growers need and planting. how they farm. Our seed treatment combinations are carefully evaluated at the Corteva Agriscience™ Center of Seed Applied Technologies (CSAT), a first-of-its-kind, LumiGEN™ seed treatments are designed, all-in-one facility that’s part laboratory, testing center verified and proven to work with Brevant™ seeds and seed treating plant. Here, seed treatments are genetics, to help farmers establish healthy, uniform reviewed using our exclusive six-step PASSER process. crops and maximize productivity. A TOOL FOR WEED CONTROL IN ROUNDUP READY 2 XTEND® SOYBEANS Proven in the field with our genetics LumiGEN seed treatments are tested in real LumiGEN seed treatments are exclusive to fields on real farms. Through our Field Test Ì A new, low-volatile dicamba formulation featuring VaporGrip™ technology. the seeds brands of Corteva Agriscience, Network, our treated seed is evaluated by Ì Early pre-seed or pre-emergent applications provide short term residual activity at the high rate (0.69 L/ac) and represents the value of the seed applied growers. It goes into the ground using real planters, on broadleaf weeds such as wild buckwheat, lamb’s-quarters and redroot pigweed. technologies that are available on Brevant™ seeds under real conditions - and is observed and evaluated Ì FeXapan needs minimum spring moisture to activate (1/4 inch of rain) genetics. for real results. Ì A new herbicide group for soybean growers to manage against weed resistance including glyphosate resistant biotypes. Ì Registered rates: 0.33 - 0.69 L/acre (30-60 acres/case) Ì Application timing: Early pre-plant/pre-emergent stage to the R1 stage (Early flower) of Roundup Ready 2 Xtend® soybeans Ì Best time to apply FeXapan is between the pre-plant/pre-emergence timing to V3 stage of soybeans (3rd trifoliate stage). FeXapan at 0.69 L/acre provides excellent short term residual control Key Benefits Protection against phytophthora · Most advanced seed-applied technology to · Phytophthora is the #1 disease in soybeans and protect against phytophthora can significantly reduce yields · Enhances emergence and vigour to maximize · Lumisena™ fungicide seed treatment offers an yield potential entirely new mode of action to provide the best · Improves soybean plant stands protection against phytophthora · New class of chemistry for improved above and · Seed treatment research has demonstrated below ground disease control that Lumisena™ will provide greater protection against phytophthora than existing seed treatments Untreated check Low rate (0.33 L/acre) High rate (0.69 L/acre) FeXapan + Glyphosate FeXapan + Glyphosate Manitoba Herbicide research plots - July 25, 2018 - 59 days after treatment 28 29
FLEX Streamline your scouting efforts with Granular Insights. REWARDS Features like notifications, smart field rankings, and high-frequency satellite imagery help you take the guesswork out of scouting. Catch Problems Faster CORTEVA AGRISCIENCE A grower spotted an area of unusually high vegetation early in the season using Granular Insights Vegetation Index, powered by WDRVI, OUR 2020 REWARDS PROGRAM IS HERE! which identifies crop anomalies 3x more accurately than other tools that use NDVI. Flex+ Rewards gives you the flexibility to make the best agronomic Upon scouting, the dark spot turned out to be stubborn weed pressure. decisions for your farm while saving money for your operation. A timely herbicide application formulated to With Flex+ Rewards, choose from eligible crop protection target the weed eliminated the issue and products and SAVE. prevented yield loss at harvest. Purchase seed and SAVE MORE. Getting Started is Easy Book early and SAVE THE MOST. Create an account and start adding fields in 90 seconds, with auto-detected field boundaries and a simple interface. Access your fields from anywhere using the mobile app or website. Notifications Notes & Photos Satellite Imagery For detailed information visit : Get a list of the top fields in most Easily capture and share Pinpoint where you need to need of scouting sent straight to geolocated photos and notes scout with high-frequency 3-m your inbox every week. with your advisors and team. imagery combined with the GPS-enabled Find Me feature. Learn more about Granular Insights, talk to your local Pioneer sales Visit us at representative for more information, or get a demo at , , ® TM SM Trademarks and service marks of DuPont, Dow AgroSciences or Pioneer, and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 Corteva.
• WHITE MOLD: Scores based on Corteva research observations of CANOLA FOOTNOTES SOYBEANS FOOTNOTES comparative white mould tolerance among various soybean varieties across multiple locations and years. All varieties are capable of IMPORTANT: Trait rating scores provide key information useful in selection IMPORTANT: Trait rating scores provide key information useful inselection developing white mould symptoms under severe infestations. To our and management of Brevant™ seeds brand products in your area and management of Brevant™ seeds brand products in your area. knowledge, there are no totally resistant varieties in the industry. Information and ratings are based on comparisons with other Brevant Information and ratings are based on comparisons with other Brevant brand However, differences exist in the ability of varieties to tolerate white products, not competitive products. Information and scores are assigned by products, not competitive products. Information and scores are assigned by mould (i.e., the rate at which the infection develops and the extent of Corteva Research Managers. Scores are based on period-of-years testing Corteva Research Managers. Scores are based on period-of-years testing damage it causes). These scores reflect those differences. through 2019 harvest and were the latest available at time of printing. Some through 2018 harvest and were the latest available at time of printing. Some • PHYTOPHTHORA RESISTANCE GENE: scores may change after 2020 harvest. Scores represent an average of scores may change after 2019 harvest. Scores represent an average of performance data across areas of adaptation, multiple growing conditions, performance data across areas of adaptation, multiple growing conditions, (-) = No specific gene for resistance. and a wide range of both climate and soil types, and may not predict future and a wide range of both climate and soil types, and may not predict future 1a = Provides resistance to races 1-2, 10-11, 13-18, 24 results. Individual product responses are variable and subject to a variety of results. Individual product responses are variable and subject to a variety of 1c = Provides resistance to races 1-3, 6-11, 13, 15, 17, 21, 23, 24, 26, 28-30, 32, environmental, disease and pest pressures. Please use this information as environmental, disease and pest pressures. Please use this information as 34, 36 only one component of your product positioning decision. Refer to brevant. only one component of your product positioning decision. For more ca or contact your local Territory Manager for the latest and most complete information on all products, talk to your local ag retail or visit 1k = Provides resistance to races 1-11, 13-15, 17, 18, 21-24, 26, 36, 37 listing of traits and scores for each Brevant brand product. for the latest and most complete listing of traits and scores for each Pioneer 3a = Resistant to races 1-5, 8-9, 11, 13-14, 16, 18, 23, 25, 28-29,31-35, 39-41, brand product. 43-45, 47-52, 54 • MATURITY SCORE: 5 = Medium-Early; 6 = Medium. • HERBICIDE RESISTANCE: Varieties with the glyphosate tolerant trait 6 = Provides resistance to races 1-4, 10, 12, 14-16, 18-21, 25, 28, 33-35 • HERBICIDE TOLERANT TRAIT: Hybrids with the Genuity® Roundup Ready® (including those designated by the letter “R” in the product number) • IRON CHLOROSIS: A 1-9 scale is used based on total leaf area of plot gene (RR) are tolerant to labelled rates of Roundup® branded contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate herbicides. affected. 9 = no symptoms, 8 & 7 = Slight effect (Yellowing), 4-6 = herbicides. This technology allows for post-emergent applications of Glyphosate herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. Moderate effect (Yellowing and stunting), 2 & 3 = Severe effect Roundup without crop injury or stress (see herbicide label). Labelled Always follow grain marketing, stewardship practices and pesticide label (significant chlorosis and plant loss), 1 = complete plant loss Roundup herbicide should only be used over the top of those hybrids directions. Varieties with the Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Yield® (RR2Y) and varieties that carry the Roundup Ready designation. Hybrids with trait contain genes that confer tolerance to glyphosate, the active • SUDDEN DEATH SYNDROME (SDS) the CLEARFIELD® trait (CL) are tolerant to labelled rates of Ares™ SN ingredient in Roundup® brand agricultural herbicides. Roundup® brand • BROWN STEM ROT: A 1-9 scale is used based on total leaf area of plot herbicides. This technology allows for post-emergent applications of agricultural herbicides will kill crops that are not tolerant to glyphosate. affected. 9 = no symptoms, 8 = slight symptoms (a few chlorotic spots these herbicides without crop injury or stress (see herbicide label). Varieties with Genuity® Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ (RR2X) technology can be found), 7 = about 15% affected leaf area, 6 = 30% affected leaf Labelled herbicides should only be used over the top of those hybrids contain genes that confer tolerance to dicamba and glyphosate. area, 5 = about 40% total leaf area affected, 4 = 50% affected leaf area, and varieties that contain the CLEARFIELD trait. Genuity® and Roundup Dicamba will kill crops that are not tolerant to dicamba. Genuity®, 3 = 60% affected leaf area, 2 = 70% affected leaf area, 1 = plots with Ready® are registered trademarks used with permission of the company Roundup®, Roundup Ready 2 Yield® and Roundup Ready 2 Xtend™ are nearly entire plants affected (> 80% affected leaf area). Monsanto®. Hybrids with the LibertyLink® gene (LL) are resistant to trademarks or registered trademarks of Monsanto Technology LLC used • CANOPY WIDTH: 9 = Extremely bushy; 1 = Very narrow. Liberty® herbicide. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and the Water Droplet Design under license. Individual results may vary, and performance may vary from location to location and from year to year. This result may not be an • PLANT HEIGHT FOR MATURITY: 9 = Tall; 1 = Short. are trademarks of BASF. indicator of results you may obtain as local growing, soil and weather • FLOWER COLOR: P = Purple; W = White. conditions may vary. Growers should evaluate data from multiple • PUBESCENCE COLOR: T = Tawny; G = Gray; L = Light tawny; M = Mixed locations and years whenever possible. Varieties with the LibertyLink® • POD COLOR: BR = Brown; TN = Tan; G = Gray (LL) gene are resistance to Liberty® herbicide. Liberty®, LibertyLink® and • CLUBROOT RATING: R = Resistant the Water Droplet are trademarks of Bayer. Enlist E3™ soybeans contain • FIELD EMERGENCE: Rating based on speed and strength of emergence the Enlist E3 trait that provides crop safety for use of labeled over-the- in sub-optimal temperatures. 7-9 = Excellent; 4-6 = Average; 1-3= Below • CLUBROOT SOURCE: Shows different source of clubroot resistance. CR1 Average. top applications of glyphosate, glufosinate and 2,4-D herbicides is different from CR2; CR2 is different from CR3; etc. featuring Colex-D® technology when applied according to label • Lodging – 9=Upright (desired) 1=Severely lodged • BLACKLEG RATING: R = Resistant directions. Following burndown, the only 2,4-D containing herbicide • HILA COLOUR: BL = Black; BR = Brown; G = Grey; IB = Imperfect black; TN products that may be used with Enlist™ crops are products that feature = Tan; BF = Buff; Y = Yellow (Clear). • STRAIGHT CUT: E = Excellent; V = Very Good; G = Good; A = Average Colex-D technology and are expressly labeled for use on Enlist crops. 2,4-D products that do not contain Colex-D technology are not • PER CENT PROTEIN AT 13% MOISTURE: Compare data within table only. • LODGING SCORE: Excellent = Excellent; VG = Very Good; G = Good authorized for use in conjunction with Enlist E3 soybeans. WARNING: Values can vary widely by growing season and region. • PLANT HEIGHT: Plant Height: Tall; Medium Tall; Medium Enlist E3 soybeans are tolerant of over-the top applications of • EARLY GROWTH: Excellent = Excellent; VG = Very Good; G = Good glyphosate, glufosinate, and 2,4-D. Accidental application of incompatible herbicides to this variety could result in total crop loss. • OIL CONTENT: Oil content is compared to long-term check. Pioneer® When using 2,4-D herbicides, grower agrees to only use 2,4-D products brand 45H33. A change of one score represents approximately one per that contain Colex-D technology authorized for use in conjunction with cent difference in oil content. Enlist E3 soybeans. Always read and follow herbicide label directions prior to use. (-) = Variety does not contain a herbicide resistant gene. • RELATIVE MATURITY: Shows the relative maturity group rating, with the first digit representing the general maturity group, and the second digit showing relative maturity within the group on a scale of 0 to 9, with 0 early and 9 late. For example, a soybean variety with a relative maturity rating of 17 would be a mid-late variety in Group I maturity. • CANADIAN HEAT UNITS • SCN RESISTANCE SOURCE: There are three sources of genetic resistance to SCN currently deployed in the marketplace: PI88788; PI548402 (also known as Peking); and PI437654 (also known as Hartwig); R = Resistant 32 33
NOTES 34 35
Corteva Agriscience For more information on all products, talk to your local retailer or visit 2450-215 2nd Street SW Brevant® seeds products are provided subject to the terms and conditions Calgary, Alberta T2P 1M4 of purchase which are part of the labelling and purchase documents. 1-800-667-3852 THESE PRODUCTS ARE OFFERED WITH A LIMITED LICENSE ONLY. THE ONLY PERMISSIBLE USE OF THE PRODUCTS OFFERED IS FOR THE PRODUCTION OF FORAGE OR GRAIN FOR FEEDING OR PROCESSING FOR A SINGLE CROP. ABSOLUTELY NO RESEARCH OR BREEDING MAY BE DONE WITH THIS MATERIAL, AND NO REPLANTING OR SAVING OF SEED IS PERMITTED. EXPORT OF THIS SEED OR ITS PROGENY FROM THE COUNTRY OF PURCHASE IS STRICTLY PROHIBITED, EXCEPT THAT FORAGE OR GRAIN MAY BE EXPORTED SOLELY FOR USE IN FEEDING OR PROCESSING. RESALE OR TRANSFER OF THIS SEED @BrevantSeedsCA IS LIKEWISE STRICTLY PROHIBITED. POOLING OF THIS PRODUCT IS ALSO STRICTLY PROHIBITED. @CortevaCA For availability of other licenses, contact or by calling the Solutions Center at 1-800-667-3852. PRINTED IN CANADA , , Trademarks and service marks of DuPont, Dow AgroSciences or Pioneer, ® TM SM and their affiliated companies or their respective owners. © 2020 CORTEVA.
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