Primary Offer Data Information Pack for Badminton
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Information Pack for Badminton This pack provides information which you can use in the development of NGB proposals. Specifically, this information can be used to provide a rationale for focusing on particular areas and for developing and agreeing interventions in partnership with Sport England. The pack provides information on two of Sport England’s key Strategic Outcomes. • Grow • Sustain Badminton in summary • 900,000 participants 1 • 500,000 male participants and 400,000 female participants • 110,000 participants from black and minority ethnic communities • 45,000 participants with limiting disability or illness • 310,000 participants with children, 600,000 participants without children • 100,000 with a household income of less than £15,559, 340,000 with a household income of more than £52,000 • 610,000 in employment, 150,000 students and 40,000 unemployed • 510,000 NS SEC 1-4 (ABC1), 220,000 NS SEC 5-8 (C2DE) 2 • 90,000 without a car or van in the household • 2.2% of all adults, 890,000 people state than badminton is the one sport they would like to play more often. This represents 4% of the 54% of adults who would like to do sport and active recreation more often 3 • Badminton is predicted to decrease by 0.3 percent from 1.4% to 1.1% between 2005 and 2013. This represents a 22% change . 4 1 All figures from the Active People Survey (2005/06) and ONS mid population 2005 estimates 2 NS-SEC: 1. Higher managerial and professional occupations, 2. Lower managerial and professional occupations, 3.Intermediate occupations, 4.Small employers and own account workers, 5. Lower supervisory and technical occupations, 6. Semi-routine occupations, 7. Routine occupations, 8. Never worked and long-term unemployed, 9. Full time students and Occupations not stated or inadequately described. 3 Active People Survey 2, months 1-6 (fieldwork period mid Oct 2007- mid April 2008) 4 Sheffield Hallam: The growth potential of different sport and recreational activities (2007) unpublished 1
• There has been no significant change in participation between Active People Survey 1 and Active People Survey 2 (months 1-6) • 318,000 young people aged 11-15 participating in badminton regularly 5 Growth The information in this section will help you develop growth interventions and help to understand equality issues in your sport. An understanding of your current market profile will also help to develop interventions to increase satisfaction in your sport. Badminton: current participation profile This section provides information on your current market profile i.e. the groups that are currently participating in your sport. By looking at your market, you can begin to gain an understanding of where participation growth is more likely to occur. For example, if your current participant market is made up of 80% 16-19 year olds, it is probably more likely that any sustained increase in participation will come from that younger group than among the 65+ age group. The data also helps to identify inequalities in your sport. By comparing the demographic breakdowns in your sport, with the demographic breakdown across all people who play sport, and also the demographic profile of the total England population, you can gain an understanding of the type of groups which are over (or under) represented in your sport. It can also help you think about how you might tackle satisfaction in your sport. For example, if the majority of your current participants have children, perhaps providing more family friendly activities could improve satisfaction in your sport. All data comes from the Active People Survey (2005/6) and refers to participation at least once in the last four weeks: • 12% badminton participants are from black and ethnic minority community compared to 9% all sports participants. • Only 24% badminton participants are from NS SEC 5-8 compared with 31% all sports participants. • 90% badminton participants have access to a car or van in the household compared with 86% of all sports participants. 5 DCMS Taking Part Young People’s Survey 11-15 year olds (2006/07) 2
This table benchmarks how well your sport is doing in attracting different groups of the population when compared to the prevalence of those that do any sport, do no sport and the overall population. Market share Not undertaken sport or All Undertaken sport or active active recreation in last four respondents recreation in last four weeks weeks (excluding any in Active Badmint (excluding any walking) walking) People on Male 54% 45% 49% 56% Female 46% 55% 51% 44% White 91% 91% 91% 88% Non White 9% 9% 9% 12% Yes - illness or disability that limits activity in some way 8% 22% 16% 5% No illness or disability that limits activity in some way 92% 78% 84% 95% 16-19 year olds 12% 4% 7% 17% 20-24 year olds 10% 5% 7% 10% 25-29 year olds 9% 5% 7% 9% 30-34 year olds 11% 7% 9% 9% 35-44 year olds 22% 17% 19% 23% 45-64 years 24% 32% 29% 25% 65 plus 11% 30% 22% 7% children 34% 25% 29% 34% no children 66% 75% 71% 66% £0 to £15,559 15% 28% 22% 11% £15,600 to £20,799 8% 10% 9% 8% £20,800 to £25,999 7% 7% 7% 8% £26,000 to £31,199 10% 8% 9% 11% £31,200 to £36,399 7% 5% 6% 8% £36,400 to £51,999 15% 8% 11% 16% £52,000 or more 37% 35% 36% 39% employed f/t p/t 66% 49% 57% 68% Unemployed 5% 7% 6% 4% economically inactive - retired 13% 31% 23% 8% economically inactive - other 5% 8% 7% 3% Student 11% 4% 7% 17% Other 0% 1% 1% n/a NS SEC 1-4 (ABC1) 57% 49% 52% 58% NS SEC 5-8 (C2DE) 31% 43% 38% 24% NS SEC 9 13% 8% 10% 19% Car or van available in household 86% 72% 78% 90% No car or van available in household 14% 28% 22% 10% 3
12% 44% 56% 88% MALE FEMALE White Non White 5% 7% 17% 25% 10% 9% 9% 95% 23% ILLNESS OR DISABILITY THAT LIMIT ACTIVITIES IN ANY WAY 16-19 year olds 20-24 year olds 25-29 year olds 30-34 year olds 35-44 year olds 45-64 years NO ILLNESS OR DISABILITY THAT LIMIT ACTIVITIES IN ANY WAY 65 plus 11% 8% 34% 38% 8% 11% 66% 8% 16% £0 to £15,559 £15,600 to £20,799 £20,800 to £25,999 £26,000 to £31,199 £31,200 to £36,399 £36,400 to £51,999 no children children £52,000 or more 0% 19% 17% 3% 8% 57% 4% 24% 68% employed f/t p/t Unemployed 4 economically inactive -retired economically inactive - other Student Other NS SEC 1-4 NS SEC 5-8 NS SEC 9
Current participation figures in Badminton This section uses Active People Survey data (2005/6) to illustrate current participation (defined as participated at least once in the last four weeks) among different groups. This provides further information on your current market, inequalities in participation and has potential impact on satisfaction. Overall participation in badminton amongst adults 16+ is 2.2% • Participation in badminton is higher for people from a black and ethnic minority community than for those who are not • Participation is higher for students • Participation is higher for household that have use of a car or van 3.0% 3.5% 2.5% 3.1% 2.5% 3.0% 1.9% 2.5% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% MALE FEMALE White Non White 6% 5.1% 5% 4% 3.2% 2.9% 3% 2.6% 2.2% 1.9% 2% 1% 0.7% 0% 16-19 year 20-24 year 25-29 year 30-34 year 35-44 year 45-64 years 65 plus olds olds olds olds olds 6
3.0% 3.0% 2.5% 2.6% 2.5% 2.5% 2.1% 2.0% 2.0% 1.5% 1.5% 1.0% 0.7% 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% YES NO 0.0% Lim iting Illness or Disability no children children 3.5% 3.1% 3.0% 2.7% 2.8% 2.5% 2.4% 2.5% 2.1% 2.0% 1.5% 1.1% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% £0 to £15,559 £15,600 to £20,800 to £26,000 to £31,200 to £36,400 to £52,000 or £20,799 £25,999 £31,199 £36,399 £51,999 more Household Income 6% 5.5% 5% 4% 3% 2.6% 2% 1.3% 1.4% 0.8% 0.9% 1% 0% employed f/t p/t Unemployed economically economically Student Other inactive -retired inactive - other 7
4.5% 4.0% 3.0% 4.0% 2.5% 3.5% 2.5% 3.0% 2.0% 2.5% 2.5% 1.5% 2.0% 1.0% 1.4% 1.0% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.5% 0.0% 0.0% YES NO NS SEC 1-4 NS SEC 5-8 NS SEC 9 Car/Van for Household Use 8
Regional distribution of participation in Badminton This section uses Active People Survey data (2005/6) to illustrate the regional distribution of badminton’s current market and the participation rates (once in the last four weeks) by region. • The South East accounts for a fifth (19%) of all badminton players. • The North East and Yorkshire accounts for the fewest number of badminton players. • Participation rates vary by 1% between regions, with the South East, East and East Midlands having the highest participation rates. 3.0% 2.6% 2.6% 2.6% 2.5% 2.3% 2.3% 2.0% 2.0% 1.9% 1.9% 1.6% 1.5% 1.0% 0.5% 0.0% South East East East West South West North West London Yorkshire North East Midlands Midlands and Humber % of % of England badminton population players 16+ accounted for participation Number of population accounted for by each rate in each badminton 16+ by region region region players South East 6,588,348 16% 19% 2.60% 168,350 East 4,466,852 11% 13% 2.60% 117,720 East Midlands 3,483,554 9% 10% 2.60% 88,915 West Midlands 4,297,365 11% 11% 2.30% 98,145 South West 4,140,556 10% 10% 2.30% 93,502 North West 5,511,030 14% 12% 2.00% 109,580 London 6,067,026 15% 13% 1.90% 113,618 Yorkshire and Humber 4,076,520 10% 8% 1.90% 75,513 North East 2,082,212 5% 4% 1.60% 34,040 9
Seasonal variation in participation Using Active People Survey data (2005/6), it is possible to show seasonal fluctuations in participation in sports. This will help to identify key periods where demand for your sport is likely to be highest. Badminton participation remains at the low 2%’s throughout the year with the exception of a peak in April. 3.0% 2.5% 2.0% 1.5% 1.0% Badminton 0.5% 0.0% May Mar Apr Nov Aug Oct Dec Jan Feb Jun Jul Sep 25% 20% 15% 10% 3x30 5% 0% May Mar Apr Nov Aug Oct Dec Jan Feb Jun Sep Jul 10
Growth and Latent demand • 2.2% of all adults, 890,000 people state than badminton is the one sport they would like to play more often. This represents 4% of the 54% of adults who would like to do sport and active recreation more often . It is the 7 most popular sport. 6 th • Badminton is predicted to decrease by 0.3 percent from 1.4% to 1.1% between 2005 and 2013. This represents a 22% change . 7 • There has been no significant change in participation between Active People Survey 1 and Active People Survey 2 (months 1-6) 8 6 Active People Survey 2, months 1-6 (fieldwork period mid Oct 2007- mid April 2008) 7 Sheffield Hallam: The growth potential of different sport and recreational activities (2007) unpublished 8 Reference field work periods APS 1 mid October 2005 to mid April 2006 and APS2 mid October 2007 to mid April 2008 11
Market segmentation Market segmentation is a powerful tool which provides knowledge and further information on your existing and potential customers. The sporting segments are based on research gathered through the Active People and Taking Part surveys. The segments are built on demographic data identified as impacting on sports participation and attitudes; this includes gender, age, whether people have children and socio-economic status. The segments provide information on the specific sports people take part in, the motivations behind participation, whether they want to do more sport and the barriers to participation. In addition, the market segments provide information on: • Media consumption and most effective methods of communication; • Health indicators including obesity; • Participation in wider cultural activities. As segmentation is underpinned by key socio-demographic variables, the segments can be geographically quantified and appended to both customer records and the Electoral Roll. Therefore, every adult in England can have a Sport England segment appended to them, whilst a market segment profile can be counted at any geographic level within England down to postcode. This results in a powerful tool which allows users to understand the segment profile at local level. In total 19 distinct sporting segments were identified. The figure below shows the 19 segments in relation to age (along the x axis) and sporting activity levels (3x30 along the y axis with the red line indicating whether the segments activity level fall above or below the national average of 21% achieving 3x30). The segments are divided into four “supergroups” based on age. Supergroup A contains mainly 18-24 year olds, whereas supergroup D contains mainly those aged 65+. This allows for comparisons between segments of the same age. The segment circle size represents the proportion of people in that segment across England. So for example, segment 19 “Elsie and Arnold” are relatively large segments whereas segment 10 “Paula” represents relatively less people in England. The chart below outlines the 19 segments and their key characteristics. provides much more information about the market segments including pen portraits, how to use guides, technical documents and frequently asked questions. How market segmentation can be used in relation to Sport England’s strategic outcomes Market segmentation can be used for both the grow and sustain outcomes. In terms of the Grow outcome, the segments provide knowledge about who your potential customers are most likely to be, and identifies geographic areas to target. The attitudes and barriers information will help you to design interventions that appeal to your customers and the marketing data will help you attract them. In terms of the Sustain outcome, the segmentation information will help identify some of the factors that could help decrease the drop-off in participation and increase satisfaction. For example, Jamie would do more sport if he had people to go with and there were better playing facilities available. 12
Sport England Segmentation 45 Index > 200 > 150 40 1 > 100 > 75 > 50
Market Segments Summary This provides general information about the 19 Sport England Market Segments Segment Segment Age Socio 3x30 % Sports Media and Communications Key brands Activity characteristics name and characteristics econ Eng description 0x30 Pop A01 Ben Male recent graduates, 18- ABC1 40% 6.4 Football Ben is a heavy internet user and has a high Ben is well educated and well informed, and is with a work-hard, play- Golf speed broadband connection at home. He the most likely of his peers to appreciate live Competitive 25 Cricket Male hard, drink-hard attitude uses this for sports news, personal emails, music, photography and graphical design, 19% Rugby Un+ Lge buying films and games and in recent especially if combined with his thirst for the Urbanites Skateboard American Ftball months playing online poker. latest gadgets. A02 Jamie Young blokes enjoying 18- C2DE 32% 5.4 Football Jamie is a prolific mobile user, particularly Jamie is least likely to participate in the Sports Team football, pints and pool 25 Weight Lifting using sms text alerts and checking out the arts compared to his peers, being not Drinkers Single, Vocational Pool football scores on his mobile using wap. He particularly interested or finances being Student 30% has a pay-as-you-go phone, rather than a barrier. being tied into a monthly contract. A03 Chloe Young image-conscious 18- ABC1 28% 6.9 Aerobics Chloe is a heavy mobile phone user, Chloe is very likely to participate in the arts, Fitness Class females keeping fit and 25 Horse Riding keeping in contact with all her friends almost having been encouraged from an early age. She Friends keeping trim Yoga daily, and probably uses it more than a particularly enjoys crafts, photography and Single graduate 34% Netball landline. She uses the internet a lot, for dance classes, including those not just for professional. Trampoline social messaging, booking music tickets, or fitness. It’s a good way to meet new people and movie information. learn new skills. A04 Leanne Young busy mums and 18- C2DE 23% 4.7 Aerobics Leanne is a heavy mobile user, for personal Leanne enjoys participating in some arts Dance Exercise Supportive their supportive college 25 Netball rather than business use. She regularly texts activities, to meet people and also to take her Singles mates Body Combat and calls her friends, and is likely to use children. She is the most likely of her peers to Likely to have children, 44% Ice Skating pay-as-you-go rather than be tied to a participate in dance classes both for fitness and Rounders Student, Pt vocational. Gymnastics monthly contract. general enjoyment, and may also enjoy textile crafts. B05 Helena Single professional 26- ABC1 33% 5.0 Aerobics Helena always has her mobile on hand so Helena is the most likely of her peers to ladies, enjoying life in the Yoga that she is contactable for work and social participate in arts, having been encouraged from Career 35 Horse Riding Focused fast lane calls. As a heavy internet user it is her an early age. She enjoys going to museums, art Pilates Single, Full time 33% primary source of information on events, galleries and the theatre and also listening to Female Netball professional. Hockey holidays and restaurants. live music. Body Pump B06 Tim Sporty male 26- ABC1 32% 9.4 Football Tim loves to embrace the latest technology Tim enjoys participating in the arts. He is the professionals, buying a Golf –the internet is his primary source of most likely of his peers to play a musical Settling Down 35 Squash Males house and settling down information, and he is a heavy mobile user instrument, enjoying developing and learning Cricket with partner Rugby U for both personal and business purposes new skills. He may also enjoy photography or Single/Married, may 27% Shooting use his computer for graphical design, have children, American Ftball especially if these activities can be combined professional with his thirst for top of the range gadgets. B07 Alison Mums with a 36- ABC1 25% 4.6 Aerobics Yoga Alison is a medium TV viewer, watching Alison enjoys participating in the arts including Horse Riding Stay at Home comfortable, but busy, 45 Pilates mainly children’s programmes but also dance, music, textile crafts and drawing. She Mums lifestyle Netball cookery shows and dramas. She enjoys finds it relaxing, likes to take the children and Married, Housewife, 33% Skiing reading higher-end women’s magazines, the also likes meeting new people at events and Trampoline Children Body Pump Telegraph or Times. classes. Alison takes the children to the library regularly, and picks up a book for herself also. Swimming 14
Market Segments Summary This provides general information about the 19 Sport England Market Segments 33% B08 Jackie Mums juggling work, 36- C1C2D 21% 4.0 Aerobics Jackie is a medium TV viewer, enjoying Jackie enjoys participating in the arts, including family and finance Trampoline soaps, chat shows and dramas. She is a textile crafts, dance, painting and drawing, Middle 45 Ice Skating England Married, Part-time skilled cautious internet user, but is being having been encouraged from an early age. She Rounders worker, Housewife 47% encouraged by her children’s prolific usage finds these activities relaxing, and also takes the Mums Step Machine Children Rollerblading and is becoming more confident herself. children to them. Swimming B09 Kev Blokes who enjoy pub 36- DE 19% 5.8 Football Kev is a heavy TV viewer, particularly Kev is generally uninterested in arts Fishing Pub League league games and 45 Weight Training favouring ITV and C5. He is also likely to participation, or unable to for health reasons. He Teamates watching live sport. Snooker have a digital/cable package for live sports was also not particularly encouraged to Married/Single; may Pool coverage. Kev’s mobile phone is important participate at an early age and is unlikely to have children; Vocational 51% Darts for his plumbing business and getting the encourage his children to get involved. Sea Fishing Weigh Lifting footy lads organised, his landline is seldom used. B10 Paula Single mums with 26- DE 16% 3.8 Aerobics Keep Fit Paula is a heavy TV viewer, enjoying quiz Paula is likely to participate in a few arts Trampoline Stretched financial pressures, 35 Ice Skating and chat shows, reality TV and soaps. She activities, perhaps textile crafts or craft and Single Mums childcare issues and little Step machine is likely to have a digital or cable package design with the kids - these may have been time for pleasure Rounders and enjoys the extra choice this provides, encouraged from an early age or through her Single, Job seeker or 61% Rollerblading particularly the shopping channels. kids’ primary school. Skipping part time low skilled C11 Philip Mid-life professional, 46- ABC1 26% 7.8 Golf Philip is a medium TV viewer, enjoying Having been encouraged from an early age, Comfortable sporty males with older 55 Football business and current affairs programmes Philip enjoys participating in the arts – he may Mid-Life Males children and more time Squash and live sports coverage. He is likely to have play a musical instrument, enjoy photography, for themselves 39% Cricket digital TV and also use interactive TV visit theatres and be an active all rounder. services for sports and business news. C12 Elaine Mid-life professionals 46- ABC1 25% 5.3 Yoga Aerobics Elaine is a light TV viewer, choosing Well educated and well informed, Elaine enjoys Dance Exercise Empty Nest who have more time for 55 Step Macine programmes that reflect her interests in art participating in the arts, including dance, Career Ladies themselves since their Skippings or cookery. She uses the internet at home, painting, drawing, textile crafts and reading for children left home 44% Health and for news and emails but does not have a pleasure. Fitness high speed connection. C13 Roger & Free-time couples 56- ABC1 19% 6.2 Golf Yoga Roger and Joy are medium TV viewers and With more time available to them, Roger and Keep Fit Joy nearing the end of their 65 Pilates Bowls heavy radio listeners. They read Joy like to participate in arts such as painting, Early careers. Aqua Fit newspapers regularly, usually the Times or drawing, sewing and reading – they also use the Married, retired or part- 54% Tai Chi Daily Telegraph, and also subscribe to some local ‘university of the 3rd age’. Retirement Sailing Skittles time. personal interest magazines. Couples C14 Brenda Middle aged ladies, 46- C2DE 14% 4.0 Keep Fit Brenda is a medium TV viewer who likes to Although lack of time is a barrier, Brenda is still working full time to make Aerobics keep up with the soap storylines and the likely to participate in some arts. She may enjoy Older Working 55 Dance Exercise Women ends meet latest reality TV show on cable. She also dance classes and also textile crafts. Step Machine Single/Married 64% Health + Fit enjoys reading soap magazines and May have children Skipping newspapers such as the Mirror or Sun. Low skilled worker C15 Terry Generally inactive older 56- DE 12% 3.4 Fishing, Terry is a high TV viewer, both at home and Terry was not encouraged to participate in the Weight Training Local Old men, low income, little 65 Snooker/Darts in the pub, particularly enjoying live sports arts at an early age. He has a general lack of 15
C16 Norma Older ladies, recently 56- DE 9% 2.0 Keep Fit Norma is a high TV viewer, enjoying quiz Norma enjoys participating in the arts, Aqua Fit Darts Late Life retired 65 Dance Exercise shows, chat shows, soaps and religious particularly enjoying reading, textile crafts such Ladies Single/Married, Low Tai Chi programmes. Most new technology has as knitting, sewing and embroidery, and some skilled worker, Retired 78% Step Machine passed her by, having no internet access or painting or drawing. She will also regularly visit Skipping mobile phone. her local library D17 Ralph & Retired couples, enjoying 66+ ABC1 14% 3.7 Golf Ralph and Phyllis are medium to light TV Ralph and Phyllis enjoy participating in the arts Phyllis active and comfortable Bowls viewers, preferring to be out and about – they paint, read for pleasure and may play a Comfortable lifestyles Keep Fit instead. They like to read the Daily musical instrument. They regularly enjoy visiting Married, Retired 70% Tennis Telegraph or Independent do not have museums and heritage sites and taking foreign Retired Shooting access to the internet, but they have a holidays. Couples mobile phone D18 Frank Retired men with some 66+ C1C2D 9% 3.5 Golf Frank is a heavy TV viewer enjoying live Frank has limited participation in arts activities, Twilight Years pension provision and Bowls sports coverage. He doesn’t have access to having not been particularly encouraged in his Gent limited exercise Snooker the internet, or a mobile phone. He enjoys early years. However, he does enjoy visiting opportunities 78% Fishing reading the Daily Mail or Express. heritage sites and museums when given the Pool opportunity. D19 Elsie & Retired singles or 66+ DE 5% 8.3 Bowls Yoga Elsie is a heavy TV viewer enjoying old Elsie is keen to participate in the arts, widowers, predominantly Keep Fit films, and BBC2.Elsie does not have an Arnold Aerobics particularly enjoying the dance Retirement female, living in sheltered internet connection or mobile phone. She afternoon in the community lounge. Aqua Fit accommodation will use her landline to call family She loves listening to old music and Home Singles Tai Chi Widowed, Retired Dance Exercise having a waltz with other residents. 16
How to use market segmentation There are many ways that segmentation can help your organisation attract new participants and keep them in your sport. The knowledge provided by segmentation, and in particular the information included in the pen portraits, can assist you in: • Offering programmes and services which customers want and need; • Determining how to market to, and communicate with customers and potential customers; • Developing approaches to marketing and communication; • Developing new markets, securing and retaining new customers; Identifying segments to target For each segment we are able to tell the likelihood of taking part in a particular sport. This is possible through creating an index system which allows you to compare how distant the behaviour or an attitude of a particular segment is, from the mean. An index of 100 shows average representation in the English adult population, above 100 shows over representation and below 100 shows under representation. For example Ben’s index for recreational cycling is 210, this means he is more likely to cycle than the average. His index for doing any voluntary work in the last 12 months is 98, so Ben is not more or less likely than the English average to volunteer. His index for netball is 4, so he is much less likely than the average to play netball. Through the index system it is possible to identify which segments are most likely to take part in particular sports. Once these segments have been established, the segment profiles can help organisations to design interventions which are more likely to succeed in attracting new participants. Knowing who your existing segments are can also help in increasing satisfaction, by providing information on what matters to your customers. Which segments are most likely to take part in badminton? • Most likely to play badminton is Ben (index of 213), 4.5% of Ben’s play badminton • Second most likely to play badminton is Tim (index 171), 3.6% of Tim’s play badminton • Chloe, Jamie, Philip, Helena, Leanne, Alison, and Jackie are also much more likely to play badminton (indexes of 154, 150, 141, 139, 121, 119 and 113 respectively, % that play badminton 3.3%, 3.2%, 3.0%, 2.9%, 2.6%, 2.5% and 2.4%) • If females were a target group, Chloe is the female segment most likely to play badminton. 17
• If you were to target segments from lower socio economic groups, Jamie is the segment most likely to play badminton. • If you were to target segments with higher proportions of black and ethnic minorities, you would target Jamie and Leanne. • Within the 18-24 year old age group (Supergroup A), Ben is the most likely to play badminton; for the 25-45 age group (Supergroup B) Tim is the most likely to play badminton, for the 45-65 age group (Supergroup C), Philip is most likely to play badminton, and for the 65 plus age group (Supergroup D), Ralph and Phyllis is most likely to play badminton. The chart below shows the proportion of badminton players accounted for by different segments. It shows that Tim’s represent the largest market share of badminton players (approximately 15% of all badminton players). The chart shows a spread of participation across all segments. 16 14 12 10 % 8 6 4 2 0 Tim Jackie Jamie Norma Frank Roger and Joy Ralph and Phyllis Philip Chloe Paula Helena Elaine Terry Brenda Ben Leanne Elsie and Arnold Kev Alison Badminton Knowing where your customers are Once target segments have been identified, the geographic function of market segmentation means it is possible to identify where these segments are located. The tables below show the percentage and number of adults for the two segments most likely to take part in your sport broken down by CSP area. For example this shows that there are 105,000 Ben’s in Hampshire and the Isle of Wight representing 7.4% of the population. 18
These tables can help inform where investment can be targeted. For example, you may want to target areas where there are higher numbers of the segments that you know are more likely to play your sport. Sport England has produced maps for each of the segments at national, regional, CSP/County Council and Local Authority level. So, for example, if on the basis of the table below you decide to work in Sussex and target Tim, you can explore a map of Sussex to identify where there are high concentrations of Tims and prioritise localised areas to work with. These maps are already available, as part of the secondary offer support through the Sport England Research Team. If you wish to look at even smaller geographic areas, segmentation profiles are available down to super output area (geographic areas of approximately 1,500 people). Through Experian Business Strategies, it is also possible to analyse your existing membership base by sporting segments. For example, are you attracting Leannes, and are you attracting more or less than you would expect in relation to your potential client base. There is a small cost implication to this, please speak to your Sport England contact for more details It is also possible to look at how likely areas are to take part in particular sports, rather than looking at all 19 segments separately. Examples of some of these maps are provided below. Further information is available through the Engagement Teams and from the Sport England Research team. 19
Ben Tim % of adult population % of adult population population number in population number in 16+ thousands 16+ thousands Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 7.4% 105 London Central 12.8% 157 Greater Manchester 5.2% 102 Hampshire and the Isle of Wight 11.0% 156 London South 9.1% 95 London South 13.7% 144 Essex 7.1% 92 Essex 10.7% 138 Sussex 7.6% 92 Sussex 11.3% 138 Kent 7.3% 91 Greater Manchester 6.9% 136 West Yorkshire 5.4% 88 Kent 10.5% 131 Surrey 10.1% 86 Surrey 15.4% 131 London Central 6.7% 82 West Yorkshire 7.3% 120 London West 7.0% 78 London West 10.2% 114 Hertfordshire 8.4% 69 Hertfordshire 12.9% 106 London East 4.4% 67 London East 6.7% 102 Lancashire 5.8% 66 Berkshire 14.2% 90 West of England Sports Trust 7.5% 59 West of England Sports Trust 10.8% 86 London North 7.1% 57 Lancashire 7.5% 85 Berkshire 8.8% 56 Cheshire 10.4% 82 Devon 6.4% 56 London North 9.9% 80 Warwickshire 6.8% 54 Buckinghamshire 14.0% 76 Cheshire 6.7% 53 Devon 8.7% 76 Merseyside 4.8% 51 Warwickshire 9.2% 74 Leicestershire 6.8% 50 Leicestershire 9.4% 69 Staffordshire 5.9% 50 Staffordshire 8.1% 68 South Yorkshire 4.6% 47 North Yorkshire 10.9% 67 Buckinghamshire 8.6% 46 Cambridgeshire 11.4% 65 Derbyshire 5.9% 45 Oxfordshire 13.4% 65 North Yorkshire 7.3% 45 Hereford and Worcester 10.8% 63 Nottinghamshire 5.5% 45 Merseyside 5.7% 62 Hereford and Worcester 7.2% 42 Nottinghamshire 7.7% 62 Cambridgeshire 7.2% 41 Derbyshire 8.0% 61 Oxfordshire 8.4% 41 Norfolk 9.1% 59 Norfolk 6.1% 40 Wiltshire 12.1% 59 Dorset 6.9% 39 South Yorkshire 5.7% 57 Humber 5.3% 37 Dorset 9.7% 55 Black Country 4.3% 36 Northamptonshire 10.6% 52 Wiltshire 7.3% 36 Gloucestershire 11.2% 51 Suffolk 6.5% 35 Suffolk 9.5% 51 Gloucestershire 7.2% 33 Humber 7.1% 49 Lincolnshire 6.3% 33 Lincolnshire 9.3% 49 Northamptonshire 6.6% 33 Bedfordshire 10.7% 47 Tyne and Wear 3.8% 33 Black Country 5.0% 43 Birmingham 4.0% 30 Birmingham 5.4% 41 Bedfordshire 6.6% 29 Somerset 10.1% 41 Somerset 6.9% 28 Tyne and Wear 4.8% 41 Cornwall 6.6% 27 Cornwall 8.9% 36 Shropshire 6.7% 24 Shropshire 9.8% 35 Cumbria 5.9% 23 Cumbria 7.8% 31 Durham 4.3% 20 Tees Valley 5.8% 25 Tees Valley 4.8% 20 Durham 4.9% 23 Northumberland 5.5% 14 Northumberland 7.5% 19 20
Sustain This section provides information which will be particularly useful for the Sustain outcomes;, reducing the drop off in sports participation among 16-18 year olds and increasing the proportion of people that are satisfied with their sporting experience. Young People’s participation Understanding the participation profile among 11-15 year olds in your sport will help to identify which groups you will most likely to be working with 16 year olds. The following data is from an analysis of the Taking Part Young People’s Survey which covers cultural and sporting behaviour for 11-15 year olds. 10.9% (347,000) of all 11-15 year olds play badminton outside of school lessons in the last four weeks. Male participation is higher (12.5%) than female participation (9.3%). Participation remains relatively stable across 11-15 year olds. The figure below shows how many young people are playing badminton. 15 10.0% 14 11.8% 13 11.6% 12 11.7% 11 9.5% male 12.5% female 9.3% 0.0% 2.0% 4.0% 6.0% 8.0% 10.0% 12.0% 14.0% total age (thousands) 11 58.0 12 72.8 13 73.1 14 77.2 15 66.8 Total 348 24
Drop off in participation This section provides information on drop-off in participation in your sport, concentrating on 16-22 year olds. This data could be used to help you identify particular age groups you may want to work with and can be used to inform proposals. Key drop off ages in badminton 16+ • Between 16-18 year olds there is an approximate 50% drop in participation. This could be related to the end of compulsory education. • Between the ages of 18 and 25 participation remains relatively constant. • Participation rates remain above 3% until people’s late twenties. • Participation rates remain above 2% until people’s late fifties. Number of Cumulative change participation participants year on year age rate (thousands) thousands) Badminton 16 7.3% 47.9 0.0 17 5.1% 33.2 -14.6 18 3.7% 24.5 -23.3 19 3.2% 20.8 -27.1 20 2.9% 19.3 -28.6 21 3.5% 22.7 -25.1 22 3.6% 23.4 -24.5 accumulative change 16-22 -143.2 25 3.2% 20.8 -27.1 30 2.2% 14.7 -33.2 40 2.5% 16.4 -31.4 50 2.1% 14.0 -33.8 50% of badminton players stop playing between 16 and 18. The participation rates are above 3% until people's late twenties where it decreases to between 2-3%, a level it remains at until people reach their late fifties. At 50 the number of people playing badminton is the same as the number playing football. Participation rates remain above 1% until the early seventies. 25
The charts below shows the drop off in badminton by different priority groups up to the age of 30. • Between the ages of 16-18, 45% of boys have stopped playing badminton, among girls this figure is 50%. • At age 20, male and female participation are roughly equal at 2.9% and 3.0% respectively. • The drop out rate between the ages of 16 and 18 is lower for BME communities, with only 15% of those playing at age 16 dropping out of badminton by the age of 18 whereas for the white communities this figure is 50%. • If you are employed and participating in badminton, you only have a 1 in five chance of dropping out between the ages of 16 and 18. Among students this figure is 1 in 2. Participation decreases in both groups until 19 until there is no discernable trend. 8% 7% Male Female 6% All 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 9% 8% Working FT Student FT 7% 6% 5% 4% 3% 2% 1% 0% 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 26
Reach of organised sport Using Taking Part Survey data (2005), it is possible to explore the reach of organised activity into individual sports. By looking at tuition, club membership and competition separately, we can gain an understanding of what proportion of participants a NGB is likely to be already working with and where perhaps there is scope for widening the reach of organised sport. If the proportions initially look low this is because anyone who took part in your sport in the last 12 months, were asked to respond to this question, so it includes those who take part in your sport in the most informal manner. If data is not available for one of the three areas, competition, club and tuition; you can assume that the proportion taking part in this area in your sport is relatively small. (Data is excluded if the number of people answering positively to that question is less than 30). 6.7% of all adults 16+ have taken part in badminton in the last 12 months, this represents 2.73 million adults. The majority of badminton players take part in unstructured participation as shown by column B in the table below. Just fewer than 10% are members of a club with just over 5% receiving tuition and 4% having participated in organised competition. This indicates large scope for growth in structured participation. A B % of those that do the sport in the last 12 Total number receiving months who receive tuition (thousands) tuition Badminton 141 5.2% % of those that do the sport in the last 12 Total number in months who have organised competition taken part in (thousands) organised competition Badminton 112 4.1% those that do the sport in the last 12 months who have had Total number member club membership in of a club (thousands) the last four weeks Badminton 261 9.6% 27
Satisfaction In the absence of sport-specific satisfaction measures and baselines, Sport England is able to provide information from qualitative research which provides some indications of the type of issues that impact on satisfaction. Henley Centre Headlight Vision (January 2008) found that current participants are fundamentally “satisfied” with their sporting experience. If they were not they would not be taking part. Sports existing customers are the converted and already feel that they are enjoying the right “conditions”. As such, perceptions of what makes a good experience, are centred mainly on emotional and subjective issues, rather than facilities and tangibles. The figure below demonstrates the key components which affect satisfaction. While there is some variation across sports these are nuanced rather than fundamental. The main drivers to satisfaction are intrinsic (these drivers are highlighted in pink). ENJOYMENT PER SE Emotional and Functional drivers introspective PERFORMANCE drivers are to SERVICE / HYGIENE the fore Functional, EXERTION / FITNESS tangible ORGANISATION pointers are DIVERSION / RELEASE generally more COACHING recessive! SOCIAL / BELONGING Source: Henley Centre HeadlightVision (2008) Do these factors differ across sports? The emotional and service/hygiene drivers are common to all sports and the remaining three drivers (coaching, organisation and social/belonging) a result of particular types of sport (see figure below). As a solo sport diversion/release, exertion/fitness, performance and service/hygiene are all important to increasing satisfaction in badminton. For those receiving tuition, coaching is also important. 28
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