Page created by Paula Brown

                   Viorela-Ioana Nicolae1,2, Edgar-Costin Chelaru1,2, Ștefan-Decebal Guță1,2*
                            Costin-Ștefan Caracoti1,2, Alexandru-Andrei Muntean1,2

                       Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania
     Cantacuzino National Medico-Military Institute for Research and Development, Bucharest, Romania

   Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) is a circular retrovirus that belongs to the Lentivirus genus. Through
multiple mechanisms, the virus penetrates and replicates inside host cells, causing a chronic infection in
humans, with a long latency period and multiple pathological implications, an example being AIDS (acquired
human immunodeficiency syndrome), a serious condition that progressively destroys the body’s immune
system. There is currently no curative treatment for this infection, antiretroviral therapy (ART) being the only
control of virus replication and transmission. Although new therapies provide a longer life expectancy than
in the past, many people living with HIV remain undiagnosed or are diagnosed late. For this reason, HIV
infection is an important medical problem worldwide; the latest research in this field aiming at developing a
vaccine intended to prevent HIV infection.
   This review follows some of the current studies aimed to prevent HIV infection through vaccination and
the limits encountered in their development. At the end of the paper some promising directions for the future
of this field are presented.
   Keywords: HIV, prevention, vaccine, viral vector, human monoclonal antibody, DNA
   Virusul imunodeficienței umane (HIV) este un retrovirus circular ce face parte din genul lentivirusurilor.
Prin multiple mecanisme virusul pătrunde și se replică în interiorul celulelor gazdă, provocând la om o infecție
cronică cu o perioadă lungă de latență și multiple implicații patologice, un exemplu fiind SIDA (sindromul
imunodeficienței umane dobândite), o afecțiune gravă ce distruge progresiv sistemul imun al organismului.
În prezent nu există un tratament curativ pentru această infecție, terapia antiretrovirală (ART) fiind singura
formă de controlare a replicării și transmiterii virusului. Deși noile terapii asigură o speranță de viață mai
lungă decât în trecut, multe persoane care trăiesc cu HIV rămân nediagnosticate sau sunt diagnosticate târziu.
Din acest motiv, infecția HIV este o problemă medicală importantă la nivel mondial, ultimele cercetări în acest
domeniu îndreptându-se către realizarea unui vaccin ce are ca scop prevenirea infecției HIV.
   În acest review sunt studiate o parte din studiile de actualitate ce au ca scop cercetarea în vederea prevenției
infectării cu virusul HIV prin vaccinare și limitele întâmpinate în urma desfășurării acestora. În finalul
articolului sunt prezentate și câteva direcții promițătoare pentru viitorul acestui domeniu.
   Cuvinte-cheie: HIV, prevenire, vaccin, vector viral, anticorpi monoclonali umani, ADN
   The human immunodeficiency virus                                     analysis it was concluded that LAV and HTLV
(HIV) is part of the Retroviridae family,                               III were identical and were named HIV. In 1986
genus Lentivirinae. As a clinical entity, the                           followed the discovery of LAV-2 or HTLV IV,
HIV infection was reported in 1981, and the                             which was later called HIV-2 [1-2].
etiological agent was isolated in 1983 and named                           Over time, various hypotheses have
Lymphadenopathy Associated Virus (LAV).                                 emerged about the origin of the virus. The
Shortly afterwards, in 1984, a T-cytopathic                             human immunodeficiency virus is divided
retrovirus was isolated and grouped as HTLV                             into two types, called HIV-1 and HIV-2 [1].
III. Further, through cloning and sequence                              It has recently been shown that they emerged

* Corresponding author: Guță Ștefan-Decebal, e-mail:

     ROMANIAN ARCHIVES OF MICROBIOLOGY AND IMMUNOLOGY, Volume 79, Issue 3, pp 195-208 July-September 2020         195
NICOLAE et al.

naturally, being transmitted from primates to         response) [1, 6].
humans. Molecular tests were able to compare             From an epidemiological point of view,
human immunodeficiency viruses and similar            HIV-1 is responsible for 95% of infections in
simian viruses, as well as their phylogeny.           the world and includes 4 groups: M, the major
Initially, the results showed that HIV-2 came         group, and N, O, P which are less common.
from West Africa, from the Sooty Mangabey             M group (main) comprises the viruses most
monkey species, and it has subsequently been          frequently involved in infections and is further
proved that the most probable source for HIV-1        divided into subtypes: A1, A2, A3, A4, A6, B, C,
is a subspecies of chimpanzee, Pantroglodytes         D, F1, F2, G, H, J, K. In addition, viruses from
troglodytes from Central Africa [2-3].                different subtypes can combine their genetic
   The earliest evidence of human infection is        material to form a hybrid virus, classified as a
from a blood sample collected in 1959 in D.R.         ‘circulating recombinant form’ (CRF). N group
of the Congo, containing an HIV-1 strain [4].         (non-M, non-O) includes distinct viral strains,
Considering that the virus looks like a precursor     isolated from only a few people in Cameroon.
to current strains of HIV in the world and the        These appear to be recombinant forms between
high rate of errors produced at the time of viral     an HIV-like virus and an SIV-like virus, which
replication, it can be estimated that the time of     suggests that recombination between the two
transmission from monkey to man occurred              viral species and / or overcoming the species
before 1940 [5].                                      barrier is possible, with the emergence of new
   HIV has a genome consisting of two identical       viral types with unpredictable pathogenic
single-stranded, linear, positive-sense RNA           capacity. O group (outlier) is responsible for
molecules. The major antigens of the viral            some of the infections in Central and West
envelope are gp 160 and the cleavage products,        African countries or countries that had colonies
gp 120 and gp 41, these being the first to come       in this area. The differences from M group are
into contact with the defence factors. The            many, especially in the envelope and the pol
mechanism through which it enters the body is         gene, which encodes the reverse transcriptase,
mediated by CD4+ receptors, which are present         led to difficulties in diagnosis and treatment.
on the surface of leukocytes, endothelial cells       P group (‘pending the identification of further
and gastrointestinal epithelial cells. In the         human cases’) is the newest, formed in 2004. In
cell, the virus envelope is formed using the          2009, its resemblance to a recently discovered
host’s intracellular resources, thus integrating      SIV in gorillas was pointed [3, 7-10].
some of the membrane proteins of the host cell           HIV-2 is less prevalent and pathogenic
such as molecules encoded by the HLA I and            and comprises 8 groups marked from A to H,
II genes. Also, through a peptide that binds          the main ones being A and B. In this type,
simultaneously to MHC II molecules and to the         recombinant strains are rare; the first case of
CD4 lymphocyte receptor, HIV behaves as a             HIV-2 CRF was described in 2010 [9-10].
superantigen [1, 6].                                     Starting with the last part of the 20th century,
   CD4+ T-helper lymphocytes are the only             HIV infection became a problem of maximum
cells in which the virus replicates in high titers,   importance, spreading very fast within 10 years.
macrophages being also susceptible, but in            In 1992, WHO data showed that 10-12 million
much lower infectious titers. A major feature         people were infected. According to UNAIDS
of this retrovirus is the genetic variability that    (United Nations Program on HIV / AIDS), in
predominates especially in the env gene due           2019 the number of people with this infection
to hypervariable regions and this represents          was approximately 38 million, of which about
a problem both to the existing treatment and          1.7 million were new cases, and 690.000 people
to the implementation of a vaccine to prevent         died of AIDS [11].
infection. CD4+ T helper lymphocytes have a              The overall incidence peaked at 3.3 million
central role in the host’s immune response to         infected per year in 1997. It continued to
HIV infection, by activating antibody-secreting       decline to 2.6 million per year in 2005, and
B lymphocytes (humoral-mediated response)             then remained constant until 2015. At the last
and cytotoxic lymphocytes (cell-mediated              measurement in 2019, a decrease was observed,

Prevention of HIV infection through vaccination

reaching an incidence of 1.7 million [11].                The most affected area remains Africa, where
  The most affected are the sexually active               according to estimates in 2019 the following
people aged between 20 and 40, followed by                data were recorded and are listed in the table
perinatal infections; in 20% of these cases,              below (Table 1) [11].
children develop AIDS in the first year of life.

                                Table 1. Areas affected by HIV/AIDS

                                         Number* of people infected
    Affected geographical area                                               Number* of AIDS deaths
                                                with HIV

        South and East Africa                        20.7 million                     470.000

      Central and West Africa                        6.5 million                      330.000

   Middle East and North Africa                        240.000                         8.000

             Asia-Pacific                            5.1 million                      180.000

  Central Asia and Eastern Europe                    1.5 million                       47.000

    Central and Western Europe,
                                                     2.2 million                       12.000
          North America

            Latin America                            2.1 million                       37.000
* = numbers represent an estimation
   Approximately 90% of HIV-1 infections are              •   Subtype C: Sub-Saharan Africa, India,
M group viruses and are globally distributed as               Brazil;
follows:                                                  •   Subtype D: North Africa and the Middle
• Subtype A: Central and East Africa and                      East;
    countries that were part of the Soviet Union;         •   Subtype F: Countries in South and
• Subtype B: Central and Western Europe,                      Southeast Asia;
    North America, South America, Australia,              •   Subtype G: Central and West Africa;
    North Africa, the Middle East and several             •   Subtypes H, J, and K: Africa and the
    Asian countries, including Japan and                      Middle East [12].
   Given that subtype B is dominant in                    Spain, and Belgium). From the P group only
economically developed countries (USA and                 one infection was discovered in a person from
Western Europe), most clinical trials have been           France, originally from Cameroon [10].
conducted on it, although it is responsible for             HIV-2 is found mainly in West African
only 12% of HIV infections globally. Subtype              countries (Cape Verde, Ivory Coast, Gambia,
C is found in 50% of infections, but the fact that        Guinea-Bissau, Mauritania, Mali, Niger,
it is dominant in poor countries, such as India           Sierra Leone, Senegal, Liberia, Ghana, etc.).
and Africa, makes it less included in clinical            There has been an increase in prevalence in
trials [10].                                              India and several cases have been reported in
   N group viruses have been identified in                Europe and the Americas, most often in people
several people from Cameroon. O group HIV-                of West African descent. The greatest diversity
1 infections are found mainly in Central and              of subtypes is found in Cameroon and D.R.
West Africa, and in small numbers in countries            of the Congo. In the future, due to population
that used to have colonies in this area (France,          migration, the distribution areas of various

NICOLAE et al.

types of HIV will change [10, 13].                      and Bictegravir;
1. Antiretroviral therapy                           •   or Tenofovir alafenamide + Emtricitabine
                                                        and Raltegravir
   The virus can be transmitted in several ways:    • or Tenofovir disoproxil-fumarate +
sexually (heterosexually or homosexually) -             Emtricitabine and Raltegravir.
70% according to the WHO, maternal-fetal               2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase
(prenatal, perinatal or postnatal), parenteral      inhibitors and 1 non-nucleoside reverse
(in drug addicts), by blood transfusions or         transcriptase inhibitor:
organ transplants or in occupational accidents.        • Tenofovir alafenamide + Emtricitabine +
General prophylaxis measures refer primarily               Ritonavir;
to protected sexual contact and the avoidance          • or         Tenofovir disoproxil-fumarate +
of sexual intercourse with people suspected of             Emtricitabine + Ritonavir.
having the infection. But also to the prevention       2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase
of infection in young women, counselling and        inhibitors and 1 protease inhibitor
antiretroviral treatment during pregnancy,          potentiated by Ritonavir or Cobicistat:
choice of caesarean section and prohibition of         • Tenofovir alafenamide + Emtricitabine
breastfeeding (these measures reduce the risk          or Tenofovir        disoproxil-fumarate     +
of infection of the fetus to 0.3% according to         Emtricitabine, in combination with Darunavir
the Romanian Anti-AIDS Association), careful           + Cobicistat or Darunavir + Ritonavir [15-
selection of donors and wearing gloves and             16].
protective equipment [6, 14].                          Despite the fact that there is antiretroviral
   Antiretroviral therapy is established            treatment that, properly instituted and
depending on the stage of HIV infection,            monitored, has positive effects by increasing
physiological conditions (pregnancy), presence      survival and delaying the onset of opportunistic
of immunodeficiency signs and the occurrence        infections, it also has a number of limitations.
of opportunistic infections, patient’s age, and     The most important is the lack of elimination
also on the tolerance to treatment.                 of the infection completely; the treatment only
   Treatment aims to both reduce viral load         reduces viral replication. Patients may also
and restore CD4+ and CD8+ T cell numbers,           develop resistance to treatment over time [3].
along with decreasing viral replication in the
lymphatic and nervous systems and avoiding          2. Post-exposure prophylaxis of HIV
the development of resistance to treatment.            In the absence of a protective immune
   Currently, associated therapy is the standard,   response or the existence of a vaccine that
and is called ART (“Anti-Retroviral Therapy”).      can be administered after HIV infection, post-
The treatment regimen may have various              HIV exposure prophylaxis is considered in
combinations of the following drug classes:         emergencies and depending on the degree of
reverse transcriptase inhibitors, non-nucleoside    risk. When it comes to low risk of infection, it is
reverse transcriptase inhibitors, protease          not recommended to start antiretroviral therapy,
inhibitors or fusion inhibitors [15-16].            but it is considered in case of an intermediate
   Antiviral therapy is started at the time of      risk and is mandatory at high risk. The first
diagnosis, regardless of the number of CD4+         steps are risk assessment and rapid HIV and
cells, and the first intention is to use one of     HCV testing. Prophylaxis in these situations is
these combinations:                                 best to start in the first 4 hours after exposure
   2 nucleoside reverse transcriptase               and never exceed 48/72 hours after contact, and
inhibitors and 1 integrase inhibitor:               antiretroviral therapy will be administered for 4
• Abacavir + Lamivudine and Dolutegravir;           weeks, according to the following scheme:
• or Tenofovir alafenamide + Emtricitabine          • Tenofovir          disoproxil-fumarate         +
    and Dolutegravir                                    Emtricitabine;
• or Tenofovir disoproxil-fumarate +                • or Zidovudine + Lamivudine, to which
    Emtricitabine and Dolutegravir;                     Raltegravir is added twice a day or Darunavir
• or Tenofovir alafenamide + Emtricitabine              + Ritonavir once daily, or Lopinavir +

Prevention of HIV infection through vaccination

      Ritonavir twice daily;                                      or HIV seroconversions are sought among
•     or Tenofovir disoproxil-fumarate +                          participants [16].
      Emtricitabine + Dolutegravir once daily                        The researchers explored a number of
      [15-16].                                                    strategies by which they hope to produce
VACCINE TYPES                                                     protective immune responses. These include:
                                                                  • Vaccines consisting of recombinant
   So far, more than 40 HIV vaccines have been                        subunits;
tested on several thousand volunteers. Most of                    • Vaccines with modified envelope;
this research consists of studies on the safety and               • Vaccines with antigenic peptides;
efficacy of recombinant proteins, produced in a                   • Vaccines with HIV DNA;
variety of different ways. Despite encouraging                    • Vaccines with recombinant vectors;
evidence of human immune responses, it is                         • Vaccines against viral toxins [15].
unclear whether many of these vaccines could                         Most of the time, studies use a combination
prevent HIV infection [15].                                       of these vaccine types, in vaccines that contain
   Vaccines are usually given to a large number                   a main (“prime”) structure and an adjuvant,
of people at high risk of infection. After a                      stimulant (“boost”) structure. Thus, two or more
certain period of time, the results of those who                  vaccines are combined to broaden or enhance
received the vaccine are compared with those                      immune responses [16].
of volunteers who received placebo and involve                       The table below (Table 2) presents the studies
the evaluation of antibodies in the blood or the                  currently underway or recently completed (last
response of CD8 T cells to HIV in the test tube,                  5 years).

                             Table 2. Ongoing or recently completed studies

                                                                                             No. of
                          Starting Vaccine
    Trial name    Phase                                     Concept                                     Country          Status
                            year    type                                                   volunteers
                                             DNA (the active component of the vaccine
                                              that contains virus-derived genes) enters
     CRO2049/                                 the cells that will use HIV genes to make
                    I       2014    DNA        copies of viral proteins. These proteins        30       Great Britain   Ongoing
CUT*HIVA-C000                                 should stimulate the immune system and
                                             thus protect against infection. The vaccine
                                                was administered SC, IM and ID [17]
                                              To evaluate the safety and tolerability of
                                             PENNVAX®-GP HIV-1 DNA vaccine and
                                              DNA adjuvant IL-12, administered by ID
                                              or IM injection with electroporation (EP)
                                              in uninfected HIV adults. The injections
     HVTN 098       I       2015    DNA                                                        94           USA         Completed
                                              are performed with an EP device, which
                                               uses an electrical impulse to open small
                                               pores in the cells. Assesses whether EP
                                                increases immune response to vaccine
                                              Identification of optimal DNA delivery
                                   DNA,       conditions for amplifying the antibody
    CUTHIVAC002     I       2015                                                               24       Great Britain    Ended
                                   protein   response to protein-modified intradermal
                                                           stimulation [19]

                                                 This study will evaluate the safety,
                                             tolerability and immunogenicity of DNA-                    South Africa,
     HVTN 111       I       2016             HIV-PT123 (an HIV type C DNA vaccine)            132        Tanzania,      Ongoing
                                              and Subtype B gp120 / MF59 in healthy,                      Zambia
                                                     HIV-uninfected adults [20]
                                                 To evaluate safety, tolerability and
                                             immune response of the DNA-HIV-PT123
                                              vaccine used in combination with one of
                                   DNA,                                                                 South Africa,
     HVTN 108      I/II     2016             the 2 protein vaccines: bivalent subtype C       334                     Completed
                                   protein                                                                 USA
                                              gp120/MF59 (protein/MF59) or bivalent
                                             subtype C gp120/AS01B (Protein/AS01B)
                                                    in HIV-uninfected adults [21]

NICOLAE et al.

                                            To evaluate safety, tolerability and
                                         immunogenicity of two HIV-1 vaccines:
                                          p24CE1/2 pDNA and p55^gag pDNA,
  HVTN 119       I    2017   pDNA                                                       56       USA         Ongoing
                                           with IL-12 pDNA adjuvant, in i.m.
                                          administration with electroporation in
                                           healthy, HIV-uninfected adults [15]

                                           This study tests the mucosal-specific
                                        immune response (HIV-specific IgA and
                                        IgG in saliva, cervical secretions, semen,
                                        which may include neutralizing activity)
  HVTN 076       I    2011                obtained from the administration of a         45       USA         Completed
                                        DNA-type HIV vaccine, followed by the
                                          administration of an HIV vaccine that
                                        uses an adenoviral vector in seronegative
                                                       patients [22]
                                         To evaluate the safety, tolerability, and
                                          immunogenicity of four HIV vaccines
                                           in HIV-uninfected adults. It includes
                                        three vaccines: Nat-B env DNA, CON-S
  HVTN 106       I    2014   poxviral                                                  105       USA         Ongoing
                                        enzyme DNA and env mosaic DNA, and
                                         a vaccine called MVA-CMDR that can
                                         stimulate the immune response to DNA
                                                      vaccines [23]

                                         To evaluate the safety and compare the
                              DNA,      immunogenicity of the first DNA vaccine
  HVTN 092       I    2013   poxviral    plans, followed by a stimulation of the       209                   Completed
                              vector       NYVAC vaccine in healthy HIV-1-
                                            uninfected adult participants [24]

                              DNA,       To evaluate the safety and tolerability of
                               viral    the HIV-1 nef/ tat/ vif vaccine, env pDNA
                              vector    released by electroporation (EP), followed
  HVTN 112       I    2016                                                              15       USA         Ongoing
                                        by stimulation with the envC vaccine with
                                          recombinant vesicular stomatitis virus
                                          (rVSV), in HIV-uninfected adults [25]

                                          To evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics
                              Passive   and the antiretroviral effects of anti-HIV-1
      10-1074    I    2015   immuni-     strong neutralizing monoclonal antibody        33                   Completed
                               zation   10-1074 in HIV infected and non-infected
                                                        people [15]
                                           To evaluate the safety and efficacy                   Kenya,
                              Passive     of human monoclonal antibody mAb                      Malawi,
                IIb   2016   immuni-    VRC-HIVMAB060-00-AB (VRC01) in                 1900   Mozambique,    Ongoing
    081                        zation   preventing HIV-1 infection in higher risk             South Africa
                                                 exposed women [15]                             Tanzania

                                        A randomized, placebo-controlled clinical
                              Passive     study on the safety, pharmacokinetics
  IAVI T001      I    2016   immuni-     and antiviral activity of the monoclonal       63       USA         Ongoing
                               zation       antibody PGT121 (mAb) in HIV-
                                         uninfected and HIV-infected adults [15]

                                               To evaluate the safety and
                                                                                              Puerto Rico,
                              Passive    pharmacokinetics of three monoclonal
                                                                                              South Africa,
IMPAACT P1112    I    2015   immuni-      antibodies, VRC01, VRC01LS and               158                  Completed
                                                                                               USA, Zim-
                               zation   VRC07-523LS, in infants exposed to HIV
                                             The first study of the monoclonal
                                           antibody VRC-HIVMAB075-00-AB
                                         (VRC07-523LS) in healthy adults. Dose
                                           increase study to examine the safety,
   VRC 605       I    2017   immuni-                                                    26       USA         Completed
                                          tolerability, dose and pharmacokinetics
                                          of VRC07-523LS; verifies the safety of
                                        administration to healthy adults by IV and
                                                        SC routes [15]

Prevention of HIV infection through vaccination

                                          To evaluate the efficacy of VRC01LS
                                         and VRC07-523LS antibodies, as well
                                         as the organism tolerance range. Part A
                             Passive    of the research will study the VRCO1LS
  VRC 607       I    2016   immuni-       antibody, and part B VRC07-523LS.           20        USA         Completed
                              zation    Their blood concentration and dynamic
                                        over time will be monitored, and also if
                                       the patients develop an immune response
                                               against these antibodies [15]

                                          To evaluate the safety and efficacy of
                             Passive    (VRC01) human monoclonal antibody in                USA, Peru,
HVTN 704 AMP   IIb   2016   immuni-      preventing HIV-1 infection in men and       2700     Brazil,       Ongoing
                              zation   transgender persons who engage in sexual             Switzerland
                                                   acts with men [15]
                                         The first study of VRC-HIVMAB080-
                                        00-AB (VRC01LS) (MAb) monoclonal
                                         antibody in healthy adults. It is a dose
                                         escalation study to evaluate the safety,
                             Passive   tolerability, dose and pharmacokinetics of
  VRC01LS       I    2015   immuni-                     VRC01LS.                      49        USA         Completed
                                        The hypothesis is that VRC01LS is safe
                                        to be administered IV and SC to healthy
                                                       adults [15]
                                        To evaluate the safety, pharmacokinetics
                                             and activity of 2 experimental
                                          human monoclonal antibodies: VRC-                 South Africa,
  HVTN 116      I    2017   immuni-                                                   74                     Ongoing
                                           HIVMAB060-00-AB (VRC01) and                         USA
                                        VRC01LS in serum and mucosa in HIV
                                                 uninfected adults [15]
                                         To evaluate the safety, tolerability and
                                       immunogenicity of the recombined vector
                             ted virus
                                         coding AAV(rAAV1-PG9DP) for the
  IAVI A003     I    2014     vector                                                  21    Great Britain Completed
                                         PG9 antibody when it is administered
                                         intramuscularly, at different doses, to
                             ing gene
                                               healthy male adults [15]
                                         The main objective is to document the
                                           safety of the gp120-CD4 full length
   IHV01        I    2015    Protein     single-chain (FLSC) complex vaccine,         65        USA         Completed
                                         with a secondary objective of assessing
                                             induced immune responses [15]
                                        To analyse in HIV-uninfected volunteers
                                          the innate, cell-mediated and humoral
                                       mediated responses induced by AIDSVAX
   RV 328      II    2014    Protein        B / E in the systemic and mucosal         40      Thailand      Ongoing
                                          compartments and to characterize the
                                           functional specificities of B cells in
                                         peripheral blood and bone marrow [15]
                                         Randomized, double-blind clinical trial,
                                       to evaluate the safety, immunogenicity of
Ad26.ENVA.01                 Adeno-
                                         mucous membranes and innate immune
   Mucosal/     I    2010     virus                                                   24        USA         Completed
                                        responses of the recombinant adenovirus
 IPCAVD003                   vector
                                            HIV-1 vaccine serotype 26 (Ad26.
                                       ENVA.01) in HIV-1 uninfected adults [15]
                                            Randomized, double-blind, dose-
                                          escalation study to evaluate the safety
 Ad5HVR48.                              and immunogenicity of the recombinant
                I    2009     virus                                                   48        USA         Completed
  ENVA.01                                   serotype 5 HIV-1 HVR48 vaccine
                                         (Ad5HVR48.ENVA.01) in uninfected
                                                    HIV-1 adults [15]
                                        To evaluate the safety and tolerability of
                                        different vaccination regimes, Ad26.Mos
                                        HIV and C Clade (gp) 140. The response
 IPCAVD010      I    2016                 of envelope antibodies from different       36        USA         Ongoing
                                         vaccination schemes is also monitored.
                                        Monocentric, randomized, double-blind
                                         Randomized, double-blind, multicenter
  HVTN 118                    virus                                                           Kenya,
               II    2017                 study. Participants are healthy adults,    155                    Ongoing
 IPCAVD-012                  vector,                                                        Rwanda, USA
                                               undiagnosed with HIV [15]

NICOLAE et al.

                                               Follows the safety and tolerability of
                                              different vaccine regimens containing                Rwanda,
                                            HIV (Ad26.Mos.HIV), modified Ankara                  South Africa,
  IPCAVD009       I/II   2014   vector,                                                   393                  Completed
                                           vaccine (MVA) and type 1 HIV-1 Clade C                 Thailand,
                                            serotype 26-mosaic vaccine (gp140 DP).               Uganda, USA
                                                   Multicenter, double-blind [15]
                                                Randomized, double-blind study to
                                                examine the influence of antigenic
                                              competition on the immunogenicity of
                                Adeno-                                                           Brazil, Peru,
                                            HIV-1 Gag / Pol. Tests whether a vaccine
   HVTN 084        I     2011    virus                                                    100    Switzerland     Completed
                                             that includes only Gag and Pol peptides
                                vector                                                              USA
                                             elicits a stronger immune response than
                                             a vaccine that includes Env A, B, and C
                                                            peptides [15]
                                           The strategy involves two vaccines, given
                                             successively at different times in HIV-1
                                           uninfected adults. The goal is to stimulate
   HVTN 083        I     2010    virus                                                    180       USA          Completed
                                               different parts of the immune system
                                             and enhance the body's overall immune
                                                        response to HIV [15]
                                              The HIV VRC rAd5 vaccine contains
                                              4 different components, gag-pol / env
                                Adeno-        A / envB / envC. The researchers will
   HVTN 085       Ib     2011    virus           examine how the immune system             90       USA          Ongoing
                                vector          responds to the vaccine when the 4
                                           components are administered in 3 different
                                                ways to HIV-uninfected adults [15]
                                               The purpose is to evaluate the safety,
                                Adeno-      tolerability of the 2 different vaccination
   HVTN 117
                  II     2016    virus       regimens Ad26.Mos. HIV trivalent and         201    Rwanda, USA     Ongoing
                                vector      Clade C gp140 or Ad26.Mos4 tetravalent
                                  virus    A study to assess the safety of candidates
   PEACHI-04       I     2014    vector,   with HIV and hepatitis C vaccines when          32    Great Britain Completed
                                Poxvirus   given separately or in combination [15]
                                              The HIV Vaccine Testing Network
                                Poxviral      (HVTN) conducted a study to test
   HVTN 097        I     2013    vector,       2 experimental HIV vaccines in             100    South Africa    Completed
                                 protein    combination with 2 licensed tetanus and
                                                  hepatitis B vaccines [15]
                                              Double-blind clinical trial in HIV-
                                Poxvirus     uninfected adults. Uses ALVAC-HIV
   HVTN 100       I/II   2015    vector,    (vCP2438) and bivalent gp120 / MF59.          252    South Africa    Completed
                                 protein     These are experimental vaccines, used
                                                     only in research [15]

                                            Randomized, double-blind clinical trial
                                Poxviral     to evaluate the safety and efficacy of
   HVTN 702       III    2016    vector,   ALVAC-HIV (vCP2438) and the bivalent           5400   South Africa    Completed
                                 protein   subtype Cgp120 / MF59 in the prevention
                                               of HIV-1 infection in adults [15]

                                            To evaluate the safety and tolerability of
                                            delayed stimulation regimens of SIDAX
                                            B / E monotherapy, ALVAC-HIV alone
       RV 305     II     2012    vector,                                                  162      Thailand      Ongoing
                                             or the ALVAC-HIV / AIDSVAX B / E
                                           combination in HIV-negative participants
                                               The main purpose of the study is to
                                            better define the relative contribution of
                                             AIDSVAX® B / E alone, ALVAC-HIV
                                            alone or ALVAC-HIV plus AIDSVAX®
                                             B / E association to the immune profile
                                            observed in the weeks and months after
                                Poxviral       initial reception and the stimulation
       RV 306     II     2013    vector,     regimen of the vaccine from the study        360      Thailand      Ongoing
                                 protein         protocol RV144 and their booster
                                              effects in both systemic and mucosal
                                             compartments. This study will provide
                                                a more intense and comprehensive
                                                characterization of innate, cell and
                                           humoral-mediated immune responses than
                                                      in the RV144 study [15]

Prevention of HIV infection through vaccination

                                             To test experimental HIV vaccines that
                                           use an adenovirus as a carrier. The vector
                                             can help vaccines stimulate an immune
                               tive viral
   HVTN 110        I    2015                  response. Researchers want to see the     60       USA         Ongoing
                                                post-vaccination immune response
                                              and whether the vaccine adenovirus is
                                                          contagious [15]
                                                To test experimental HIV vaccines
                                                that use an adenovirus as a carrier.
                                           Researchers want to see if different ways
PXVX-HIV-100-001   I    2013   tive viral                                               61       USA         Ongoing
                                           of administering vaccines cause different
                                           immune responses. They also want to see
                                          if adenovirus vaccines are contagious [15]
                                               The study evaluates three subtype C
                                               HIV vaccines. SAAVI DNA-C2 is a
                                           vaccine composed of two DNA plasmids
                                             in equal amounts, expressing a subtype
                               Poxviral      C HIV-1 polyprotein, comprising Gag-
HVTN 086, SAAVI                  vector,    Tat-Nef transcriptase and Env peptides.
                   I    2011                                                            185   South Africa   Completed
     103                         DNA,           SAAVI MVA-C is a live, modified
                                protein         Vaccinia Ankara virus vaccine that
                                              contains the same antigens as SAAVI
                                             DNA-C2. Novartis Subtype C gp140 is
                                            a glycoprotein vaccine 140 administered
                                                     with MF59 adjuvant [15]
                                Particles Bivalent DNA-protein anti-HIV1 vaccine
                   II   2019     resem- containing multiple HIV1 protein epitopes       30      Russia       Ongoing
 (KombiVI Chvak)               bling virus          of T and B cells [15]
                                             To evaluate the response to 2 different
                                            vaccination schemes with an HIV DNA
                                            vaccine (HIV-DNA-PT123) or HIV with
                                           NYVAC (PT1 and PT4) vaccine followed
                                              by a combined stimulation with HIV
                                DNA,                                                          USA, South
   HVTN 101        I    2019                NYVAC (PT1 and PT4) and AIDSVAX             264                  Ongoing
                                protein                                                         Africa
                                             B / E. It will also assess whether BMI
                                           and / or gender influence immunogenicity
                                               and analyse regional differences in
                                               immunological responses between
                                               participants in the 2 countries [15]

                                            To follow the response to AIDSVAX B /
                                           E and MVA / HIV62B in HIV-uninfected
   HVTN 114;                               individuals who have previously received
                   I    2019    poxviral                                                100      USA         Ongoing
   GOVX-B11                                 MVA / HIV62B in DNA / MVA or MVA
                                             / MVA vaccine regimens as part of the
                                                     HVTN study 205 [15]

                                              The volunteers with low-risk HIV
                                            infection from RISVAC02 study were
  RisVac02boost    I    2019                 randomly assigned to get 3 MVA-B           24       Spain       Ongoing
                                             IM shots. They will receive another
                                                     stimulating dose [15]

                                           It can be hypothesized that HIVIS DNA
                                           and MVA-CMDR vaccination will lead
                                 DNA,      to a reduction in HIV reservoir markers
     RV534         I    2020      viral     as a result of vaccine-induced immune       45    Brasil, Peru   Ongoing
                                 vector     responses. The effects may be superior
                                             with the addition of TLR4 agonist as
                                                     immune adjuvant [15]

                                                 To Evaluate the Safety and
                                           Immunogenicity of Recombinant HIV-1
    IAVI C101      I    2020    Proteic    Envelope Protein BG505 SOSIP.GT1.1           48                   Ongoing
                                            gp140 Vaccine, Adjuvanted in Healthy,
                                                 HIV-uninfected Adults [15]

Vaccines with recombinant viral vectors
 AIDSVAX B/E vaccine                                            performed on 16,000 participants in Thailand
   The RV144 trial, also called the “Thailand                   over a period of 6 years. Two experimental
 Study”, had a significant impact on the field                  vaccines were used; the first one was a
 of HIV vaccination, with the study being                       recombinant type vaccine, using a virus from
                                                                the Avipoxvirus family, with inserted genes
NICOLAE et al.

encoding HIV antigenic proteins, intended            of the HIV vaccine used in this study and the
to stimulate cell-mediated immunity through          existence of a common immune response to
T cells, and the second one an experimental          authorized vaccines for tetanus and hepatitis B.
stimulant vaccine, containing an antigenic              HVTN is an interventional, randomized
surface protein produced by HIV, aiming to           study involving 100 volunteers aged between
stimulate the production of antibodies. The two      18 and 40 years, starting in 2013 in South
types of vaccines, used together, had a moderate     Africa. The participants included in the study
effect on the prevention of HIV infection,           had no previous pathologies, being clinically
with an immunization rate of 31%. This result        and imagistically healthy, willing to receive
contributes to the hope of researchers to make       vaccines against tetanus and hepatitis B,
possible an effective anti-HIV vaccine [15, 26].     evaluated with low risk for HIV infection.
   Starting from this trial, attempts are being         The following were used for treatment:
made to obtain additional vaccines that could           - ALVAC HIV (lyophilized vaccine,
enhance protective immune correlations.              intramuscular injection, reconstituted from 1.05
   The reduction in the risk of HIV infection        ml of sterile 0.4% NaCl solution for a single
is largely correlated with the total binding of      dose of 1 ml > 1.0x 106 CCID50 / ml);
plasma IgG to the gp70 of the leukemic virus            - AIDSVAX B / E (HIV glycoprotein gp120
in mice, containing HIV-1 gp120 with variable        subtype B 300 mcg and glycoprotein gp120
regions 1 and 2 (gp70 V1-V2). A similar              subtype E 300 mcg absorbed on 600 mcg of
correlation was observed with total plasma           aluminium hydroxide adjuvant gel);
IgG binding to V2 linear peptides and IgG 3             - hepatitis vaccine (each 1 ml dose contains
binding to V1-V2 gp70 schemes. These V1-V2           20 mcg of hepatitis B surface antigen (HBsAg)
antibodies appear to bind the middle region of       adsorbed on 500 mcg of aluminium as
V2 by a strong dependence on lysine at position      aluminium hydroxide, for IM administration);
169 and valine at position 172. Consistent              - tetanus vaccine (tetanus toxin absorbed
with these findings, two genetic analyses of         on aluminium hydroxide dihydrate, IM
viruses discovered in the RV144 trial identified     administration) [28].
increased efficacy against lysine (K)-containing        RV 305/306 studies - bivalent vaccine
viruses at position 169. Because CD8+ virus          testing
neutralizing antibodies and level 2 virus               The purpose of this study is to evaluate the
neutralizing antibodies were almost absent in        safety and tolerability of regimens with delayed
this test, a hypothesis was raised that protection   stimulation of AIDSVAX B / E alone, ALVAC-
was mediated by non-neutralizing antibodies.         HIV alone or the ALVAC-HIV / AIDSVAX B
In this regard, the results of several RV144         / E combination in uninfected HIV participants
follow-up studies implicate a role of the effector   in RV144.
functions of Fc receptor-mediated (FcR) non-            The study is interventional, randomized,
neutralizing antibodies, including Antibody-         double-blind, in which 162 adult volunteers
Dependent Cellular Cytotoxicity (ADCC) and           participated, starting in April 2012, Thailand.
phagocytosis [27].                                   Subjects included in the study participated in
ALVAC HIV vaccine                                    the RV144 trial, received the active product and
                                                     performed the 4 protocol vaccination visits.
   The HIV Vaccine Trial (HVTN 097) is a                The volunteers were organized in 3 groups:
study that aims to test two experimental HIV         • The first group was tested with ALVAC
vaccines, used in conjunction with two licensed           HIV 1 ml per injection containing 10X6
vaccines for tetanus and hepatitis B.                     CCID50 administered dose, AIDSVAX B /
   This study seeks answers regarding effective           E 1 ml per injection, ALVAC-HIV placebo
and safe vaccination in the uninfected                    1 ml, AIDSVAX B / E APLACEBO 1 ml,
population, how the immune system responds                weeks 0-24;
to the action of HIV vaccine, if the immune          • The second group was tested with
response to tetanus and hepatitis B vaccination           AIDSVAX B / E 1 ml and placebo 1 ml,
can help understand the mechanism of action               weeks 0-24;

Prevention of HIV infection through vaccination

•   The third group was tested with ALVAC-                Despite many failed attempts to induce
    HIV 1 ml and placebo 1 ml, weeks 0-24             protective        immunity,     researchers  are
    (29).                                             increasingly optimistic that scientific progress
Neutralizing antibody vaccines                        will eventually lead to success. While the path
                                                      to the development of effective vaccines and
   The International AIDS Vaccine Initiative          antibodies against HIV may still be a long one,
(IAVI) is a non-profit scientific organization        it is at least clearer [22, 30–32].
established in 1996 that aims to develop
vaccines and other biomedical innovations             DNA-based vaccines
that prevent HIV infection. IAVI is committed            The study on DNA-based HIV vaccination
to supporting the broad field of HIV vaccine          took shape 20 years ago. Significant experience
research.                                             has been gained in vector design, antigen
   In 2009, the first antibody capable of             optimization, use of DNA immunization,
neutralizing the HIV virus was isolated, being        as part of the vaccination strategy. With a
isolated from HIV-infected volunteers. It has         better understanding of the potential for DNA
been found that antibodies bind to proteins,          immunization and recent advances in HIV
making it difficult for them to get past the          vaccine research, it is anticipated that DNA
carbohydrate “shield.” Some patients develop          immunization will play a more important role
the so-called neutralizing antibodies (bNAbs).        in HIV vaccine development.
   It has been shown that some broadly                   An ongoing study, started in 2015 in
Neutralizing Antibodies (bNAbs) can provide           the USA, aims to evaluate the safety and
protection against HIV or a hybrid virus known        immunogenicity of the PENNVAX®-GP
as SHIV. This protection is largely due to their      DNA vaccine and the DNA adjuvant, IL-12,
ability to effectively neutralize the virus.          administered intradermally or intramuscularly
   An antibody that appears to neutralize almost      by electroporation in HIV-uninfected adults.
all viruses is 10E8. This antibody targets            Researchers will also look at whether
the proximal outer region gp41 of the virus           electroporation promotes an improved immune
membrane. Unfortunately, its usefulness in            response to the vaccine.
prophylaxis is questioned. Adverse reactions             The study involves 94 volunteers, who
such as erythema or redness at injection              were divided into four groups. In each group,
sites have been reported in seven of the eight        participants were given either the PENNVAX®-
individuals who received this antibody, but no        GP DNA / IL-12 vaccine or a placebo serum.
severe side effects.                                  Each group received different doses of the
   A tri-specific antibody designed by scientists     vaccine. Enrolment began with group 1, which
from Sanofi and VRC that combines the antigen         received a low dose of vaccine and adjuvant.
binding fragment (Fragment antigen binding -          Researchers examined group 1 safety data
Fab) of three bNAbs molecules, including 10E8,        before administering higher doses to groups 2,
into a single molecule is currently being studied.    3 and 4 [18, 33]
The researchers say that the safety issues of the        Another ongoing study was launched in May
10E8 antibody are diminished by using only a          2016 in southern Africa. This study evaluates
part of it, not the whole antibody.                   the safety, tolerability and immunogenicity of
   Work is also underway to obtain stronger           the HIV class C DNA vaccine and of the gp120
neutralizing antibodies with a longer half-life,      / MF59 subtype B vaccine in healthy, HIV-
as well as to obtain antibody combinations that       negative adults, aged 18 to 40 years.
would be more likely to protect against HIV.             Participants were divided into six groups.
Longer-acting antibodies 3BNC117-LS and 10-           Each group received the experimental vaccine
1074-LS, developed by Rockefeller University          (DNA-HIV-PT123) and proteins (Protein /
scientists, are already being tested alone and        MF59 vaccine) or placebo [21].
in combination in a phase I study involving             New research directions
both HIV-infected volunteers and uninfected
volunteers.                                             There are multiple challenges regarding
                                                      the development of an effective HIV vaccine:

NICOLAE et al.

the virus quasi-species biology, the complex        shots. All things considered, this subject
interactions between the virus and the immune       remains vastly unexplored, filled with research
system, the incomplete understanding of all the     opportunities.
immune mechanisms of the human body.                  Conflict of interests: The authors declare no
    When it comes to the development of an          conflict of interest.
effective HIV vaccine, the medical research
has been slow, with only one study showing          REFERENCES
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