Press Schedule August 2021

Page created by Anna Fowler
Press Schedule August 2021
Press Schedule                                                 August 2021

                                  Real Time South Africa
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Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
                                          09.00 Texas Cake House: The       10.53 Celebrity Animal
       1 August 2021                      Flying Cakes Of Austin            Encounters: David Arquette's
                                          Cake artists Natalie and Dave     Petting Zoo Calamity
06.00 May's Kitchen: Episode              Sideserf create the most          Stars David Arquette, Tricia
17                                        intricate edible works of art,    Helfer and Tiffani Thiessen
May Yacoubi's most precious               including lifelike animal cakes   recount their kooky animal
memories are from when she's              and cakes that fly and dance.     encounters, featuring giant
hosting delicious banquets for                                              rabbits and adorable quokkas.
friends and family. Now, she              09.23 Texas Cake House: Fly
shares her tasty, diverse and             Me To The Moon                    11.15 Celebrity Animal
crowd-pleasing recipes.                   Cake artists Natalie and Dave     Encounters: Emily Deschanel's
                                          Sideserf create the most          Bear Bones
06.45 May's Kitchen: Episode              intricate edible works of art,    Celebrities Emily Deschanel,
18                                        including lifelike animal cakes   Daymond John and Alex Pall
May Yacoubi's most precious               and cakes that fly and dance.     recount their kooky animal
memories are from when she's                                                encounters, featuring rowdy
hosting delicious banquets for            09.45 Texas Cake House:           bears, prized chickens and lost
friends and family. Now, she              Cakes Of Mythic Proportion        dogs.
shares her tasty, diverse and             Cake artists Natalie and Dave
crowd-pleasing recipes.                   Sideserf create the most          11.38 Celebrity Animal
                                          intricate edible works of art,    Encounters: Al Roker's Un-
07.30 Lone Star Law: Stag                 including lifelike animal cakes   Bear-Able Weather
Poaching                                  and cakes that fly and dance.     Celebrities Al Roker, Clinton
Warden Gould responds to the                                                Kelly and Raelynn recount their
call about an exotic red stag             10.08 Texas Cake House:           kooky animal encounters,
that was shot. In Hunt County, a          Starry Starry Fight               featuring hungry bears, invading
plethora of warrants are                  Cake artists Natalie and Dave     bats and protective dogs.
dispersed for unpaid fishing              Sideserf create the most
violations.                               intricate edible works of art,    12.00 Barefoot Contessa: Back
                                          including lifelike animal cakes   To Basics: Cooking With Tyler
08.15 Lone Star Law: Episode              and cakes that fly and dance.     Florence
19                                                                          Ina has a cooking date with chef
Everything is bigger in Texas,            10.30 Celebrity Animal            Tyler Florence. They bake a
including the job of Texas Game           Encounters: Whitney               birthday cake together and visit
Wardens, who protect the Lone             Cummings' Coyote Clash            the local farm scene to pick up
Star State's natural resources            Celebrities Whitney Cummings,     vegetables and chicken.
and police its 27 million citizens.       Lauren Lapkus and Perez Hilton
                                          recount their kooky animal
                                          encounters, featuring coyotes,
                                          skunks and new puppies.


 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
12.23 Barefoot Contessa: Back             15.00 Married by Mum and            17.55 Pool Kings: Wildebeest
To Basics: Cooking With                   Dad: Red Flags                      And Waterfalls
Michael Symon                             Mitch's parents pick his bride      Texas grandparents want the
Ina and Michael Symon cook a              and Mitch proposes to her.          ultimate backyard and waterfall
Greek feast. He makes delicious           While John goes on dates with       feature for their grandkids. The
smoked pork ribs on the grill             his potential brides, Christina     team builds a huge fire pit and a
whilst she whips up the side              and her parents decide what         dog-friendly baja shelf.
dishes, like spicy hummus.                they should do next.
                                                                              18.20 Sister Wives: A Secret
12.45 Barefoot Contessa: Back             15.50 Married by Mum and            Marriage
To Basics: Barefoot Chocolate             Dad: I'm Done                       Now that Meri has legally
Desserts                                  Mitch's fiancée buys a dress but    divorced Kody, the next step is
Ina makes her favourite                   keeps the wedding a secret          supposed to be simple: Kody
chocolate desserts from the               from her family. John's parents     legally marries Robyn. But when
Barefoot Contessa hall of fame.           propose to their top pick, and      is a marriage ever simple?
She makes cupcakes with                   Christina's parents continue
peanut butter frosting and                their search.                       19.10 Sister Wives: Wrestling
chocolate gelato.                                                             with Adoption
                                          16.40 Pool Kings: Hill Country      Meri is emotional as she tries to
13.08 Barefoot Contessa: Back             Heaven                              tell the kids about the marriage
To Basics: Best Barefoot Grilling         Tony and Paul design a natural      license shift to Robyn. Plus,
Ina shares some of her favourite          waterfall and stacked-stone spa     Kody wants to adopt Robyn's
grilling recipes. She makes               for a San Antonio couple, but       kids from her first marriage.
Tuscan lemon chicken,                     they struggle to tie the pool in
Indonesian swordfish, corn on             with the existing backyard          20.00 It's Your Fault I'm Fat:
the cob and Panzanella.                   pond.                               Episode 11
                                                                              There are many reasons for
13.30 Sister Wives: A Secret              17.05 Pool Kings: Tuscan            obesity, and the nature vs
Marriage                                  Wonderwall                          nurture debate is one of them.
Now that Meri has legally                 The team rips out a shabby          What happens when children
divorced Kody, the next step is           1980s-style pool and build a        blame their parents for their
supposed to be simple: Kody               Tuscan beauty. Design features      weight and diet?
legally marries Robyn. But when           include multiple overflows,
is a marriage ever simple?                glass detail work and a six-foot    20.50 It's Your Fault I'm Fat:
                                          feature wall.                       Episode 12
14.15 Sister Wives: Wrestling                                                 There are many reasons for
with Adoption                             17.30 Pool Kings: Pool Party        obesity, and the nature vs
Meri is emotional as she tries to         Paradise                            nurture debate is one of them.
tell the kids about the marriage          Tony and Paul help a couple         What happens when children
license shift to Robyn. Plus,             finish their outdoor entertaining   blame their parents for their
Kody wants to adopt Robyn's               space. They build a dream pool      weight and diet?
kids from her first marriage.             complete with grotto, slide,
                                          waterfall, barstools, and spa.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
PREMIERE                                  00.45 Guilty or Innocent?:            04.30 Lone Star Law: Stag
21.40 Paranormal Lockdown:                Episode 15                            Poaching
Old Cambria Jail                          Murder and other serious              Warden Gould responds to the
The Cambria County Jail in                crimes destroy lives, but so do       call about an exotic red stag
Pennsylvania housed the area's            wrongful convictions. What            that was shot. In Hunt County, a
worst criminals - and executions          happens when someone is sent          plethora of warrants are
took place there in its early             to jail for a crime they didn't       dispersed for unpaid fishing
days. Nick and Katrina examine            commit?                               violations.
its hauntings.
                                          01.30 Scorned: Crimes of              05.15 Lone Star Law: Episode
22.30 Guilty or Innocent?:                Passion: Caskets and Strippers        19
Episode 15                                Mark begins a steamy affair           Everything is bigger in Texas,
Murder and other serious                  with an old flame behind his          including the job of Texas Game
crimes destroy lives, but so do           wife's back. But his libido spirals   Wardens, who protect the Lone
wrongful convictions. What                out of control, triggering a          Star State's natural resources
happens when someone is sent              deadly race towards greed and         and police its 27 million citizens.
to jail for a crime they didn't           murder.
commit?                                                                                   Monday
                                          02.15 Sister Wives: A Secret
PREMIERE                                  Marriage                                     2 August 2021
23.15 Scorned: Crimes of                  Now that Meri has legally
Passion: Caskets and Strippers            divorced Kody, the next step is       06.00 Lone Star Law:
Mark begins a steamy affair               supposed to be simple: Kody           Confronting The Captain
with an old flame behind his              legally marries Robyn. But when       In Texas, multiple boats are
wife's back. But his libido spirals       is a marriage ever simple?            caught over-harvesting oysters
out of control, triggering a                                                    and the wardens must handle
deadly race towards greed and             03.00 May's Kitchen: Episode          an unruly captain. Plus, a fox is
murder.                                   17                                    found dead on private property.
                                          May Yacoubi's most precious
00.00 Paranormal Lockdown:                memories are from when she's          06.45 Celebrity Animal
Old Cambria Jail                          hosting delicious banquets for        Encounters: Von Miller's Cattle
The Cambria County Jail in                friends and family. Now, she          Tale
Pennsylvania housed the area's            shares her tasty, diverse and         Celebrities Judy Greer, David
worst criminals - and executions          crowd-pleasing recipes.               Koechner and Von Miller
took place there in its early                                                   recount their kooky animal
days. Nick and Katrina examine            03.45 May's Kitchen: Episode          encounters, featuring massive
its hauntings.                            18                                    bobcats and a rowdy herd of
                                          May Yacoubi's most precious           cattle.
                                          memories are from when she's
                                          hosting delicious banquets for
                                          friends and family. Now, she
                                          shares her tasty, diverse and
                                          crowd-pleasing recipes.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
07.08 Celebrity Animal                    09.23 Barefoot Contessa: Back         11.15 May's Kitchen: Episode
Encounters: Michael Madsen's              To Basics: Heard It On The            20
Reservoir Dog Rescue                      Grapevine                             May Yacoubi's most precious
Celebrities Michael Madsen,               At home Ina makes cinnamon-           memories are from when she's
Patti Stanger and Keith David             baked doughnuts and coffee            hosting delicious banquets for
recount their kooky animal                inspired by her trip to New           friends and family. Now, she
encounters, featuring stray               York. Whilst in the city she visits   shares her tasty, diverse and
dogs, lost dogs and lions.                The Meatball Shop and Café            crowd-pleasing recipes.
07.30 May's Kitchen: Episode                                                    PREMIERE
19                                        09.45 Pit Bulls & Parolees: A         12.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:
May Yacoubi's most precious               Diamond in the Rough                  Quick And Easy Movie Night
memories are from when she's              A dangerous midnight rescue           Valerie and her husband are
hosting delicious banquets for            ends with Tia chasing down a          inviting close friends over for a
friends and family. Now, she              dog's mysterious origins. Then,       movie night. She prepares a
shares her tasty, diverse and             a cat threatens to derail a           menu including crab boil sliders
crowd-pleasing recipes.                   Villalobos veteran's chance at a      and lemon Dijon potato salad.
08.15 Texas Cake House: Zen                                                     PREMIERE
And The Art Of Cakes                      PREMIERE                              12.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Cake artists Natalie and Dave             10.30 Celebrity Animal                Valerie To The Rescue
Sideserf create the most                  Encounters: Ed Begley Jr.'s           After a friend of Valerie's injures
intricate edible works of art,            Orangutan Face Off                    himself, she brings him a care-
including lifelike animal cakes           Celebrities Maddie and Tae, Ed        package including citrus
and cakes that fly and dance.             Begley Jr. and Rick Fox recount       marinated olives and manicotti
                                          their kooky animal encounters,        stuffed with ricotta and
08.38 Texas Cake House: The               featuring missing dogs,               sausage.
Flying Cakes Of Austin                    orangutans and roguish pups.
Cake artists Natalie and Dave                                                   12.45 Alaskan Women
Sideserf create the most                  PREMIERE                              Looking for Love: The Odds Are
intricate edible works of art,            10.53 Celebrity Animal                Good...
including lifelike animal cakes           Encounters: CeeLo's Crazy             Fed up with bearded fisherman,
and cakes that fly and dance.             Critters                              six friends from a fishing island
                                          Celebrities CeeLo Green, Ruby         in Alaska ditch the freezing
09.00 Barefoot Contessa: Back             Rose and Daymond John                 weather and head to Miami,
To Basics: What's Cooking In              recount their kooky animal            hoping to meet the men of their
Brooklyn                                  encounters, featuring                 dreams.
Ina makes a Southern-style                multiplying cats, adorable rats,
breakfast of grits with ham and           dogs and smelly skunks!
gravy at Seersucker Restaurant.
Later, at Bien Cuit Bakery, she
bakes perfect baguettes.


 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
13.30 Married by Mum and                  16.40 Valerie's Home Cooking:         19.10 Extreme Homes: Yoga,
Dad: It's Over                            Quick And Easy Movie Night            Ocean Liner, Fossils
During Mitch and Emily's                  Valerie and her husband are           From construction to
honeymoon, Emily's trust issues           inviting close friends over for a     completion, featuring some of
become apparent. Christina is             movie night. She prepares a           the world's most extraordinary
anxious to meet her future                menu including crab boil sliders      homes. Homeowners and
husband while Manny decides               and lemon Dijon potato salad.         architects design and build
to make amends with Marivic.                                                    unique properties.
                                          17.05 Valerie's Home Cooking:
14.15 My Big Fat Fabulous                 Valerie To The Rescue                 20.00 Married by Mum and
Life: Hate Mail                           After a friend of Valerie's injures   Dad: It's Over
At 380 lbs. Whitney is working            himself, she brings him a care-       During Mitch and Emily's
hard to make her "Big Girl"               package including citrus              honeymoon, Emily's trust issues
dance classes a success. But as           marinated olives and manicotti        become apparent. Christina is
things seem to be looking up,             stuffed with ricotta and              anxious to meet her future
hateful jeers bring her down.             sausage.                              husband while Manny decides
                                                                                to make amends with Marivic.
15.00 Pool Kings: Custom                  17.30 Alaskan Women
Contemporary                              Looking for Love: The Odds Are        20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous
A couple wants to tear out their          Good...                               Life: Hate Mail
old deck and rebuild their                Fed up with bearded fisherman,        At 380 lbs. Whitney is working
backyard for modern vibe. The             six friends from a fishing island     hard to make her "Big Girl"
guys build a low-maintenance              in Alaska ditch the freezing          dance classes a success. But as
deck with a view of Texas hill            weather and head to Miami,            things seem to be looking up,
country.                                  hoping to meet the men of their       hateful jeers bring her down.
15.25 Pool Kings: All About                                                     PREMIERE
The View                                  18.20 Pool Kings: Custom              21.40 Paranormal Lockdown:
The crew faces complications              Contemporary                          Beattie Mansion
while converting a neglected              A couple wants to tear out their      A threatening presence brings
'80s-style pool into a modern             old deck and rebuild their            the constructions on the Beattie
lakeside paradise featuring               backyard for modern vibe. The         Mansion to a halt. Nick and
multiple entertainment areas.             guys build a low-maintenance          Katrina use cutting edge
                                          deck with a view of Texas hill        experiments to lure out the
PREMIERE                                  country.                              ominous spirits.
15.50 Extreme Homes: Yoga,
Ocean Liner, Fossils                      18.45 Pool Kings: All About
From construction to                      The View
completion, featuring some of             The crew faces complications
the world's most extraordinary            while converting a neglected
homes. Homeowners and                     '80s-style pool into a modern
architects design and build               lakeside paradise featuring
unique properties.                        multiple entertainment areas.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
22.30 Guilty or Innocent?:                02.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees: A      04.30 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Episode 16                                Diamond in the Rough               Quick And Easy Movie Night
Murder and other serious                  A dangerous midnight rescue        Valerie and her husband are
crimes destroy lives, but so do           ends with Tia chasing down a       inviting close friends over for a
wrongful convictions. What                dog's mysterious origins. Then,    movie night. She prepares a
happens when someone is sent              a cat threatens to derail a        menu including crab boil sliders
to jail for a crime they didn't           Villalobos veteran's chance at a   and lemon Dijon potato salad.
commit?                                   home.
                                                                             04.53 Valerie's Home Cooking:
PREMIERE                                  03.00 Celebrity Animal             Valerie To The Rescue
23.15 Scorned: Crimes of                  Encounters: Ed Begley Jr.'s        After a friend of Valerie's injures
Passion: God's Gift to Women              Orangutan Face Off                 himself, she brings him a care-
A Pastor starts an affair with            Celebrities Maddie and Tae, Ed     package including citrus
church secretary Sandy. But               Begley Jr. and Rick Fox recount    marinated olives and manicotti
when she starts receiving                 their kooky animal encounters,     stuffed with ricotta and
prophecies about his death, it            featuring missing dogs,            sausage.
triggers a tragic chain of events.        orangutans and roguish pups.
                                                                             05.15 Alaskan Women
00.00 Paranormal Lockdown:                03.23 Celebrity Animal             Looking for Love: The Odds Are
Beattie Mansion                           Encounters: CeeLo's Crazy          Good...
A threatening presence brings             Critters                           Fed up with bearded fisherman,
the constructions on the Beattie          Celebrities CeeLo Green, Ruby      six friends from a fishing island
Mansion to a halt. Nick and               Rose and Daymond John              in Alaska ditch the freezing
Katrina use cutting edge                  recount their kooky animal         weather and head to Miami,
experiments to lure out the               encounters, featuring              hoping to meet the men of their
ominous spirits.                          multiplying cats, adorable rats,   dreams.
                                          dogs and smelly skunks!
00.45 Guilty or Innocent?:                                                             Tuesday
Episode 16                                03.45 May's Kitchen: Episode
Murder and other serious                  20                                        3 August 2021
crimes destroy lives, but so do           May Yacoubi's most precious
wrongful convictions. What                memories are from when she's       06.00 Pit Bulls & Parolees: A
happens when someone is sent              hosting delicious banquets for     Diamond in the Rough
to jail for a crime they didn't           friends and family. Now, she       A dangerous midnight rescue
commit?                                   shares her tasty, diverse and      ends with Tia chasing down a
                                          crowd-pleasing recipes.            dog's mysterious origins. Then,
01.30 Scorned: Crimes of                                                     a cat threatens to derail a
Passion: God's Gift to Women                                                 Villalobos veteran's chance at a
A Pastor starts an affair with                                               home.
church secretary Sandy. But
when she starts receiving
prophecies about his death, it
triggers a tragic chain of events.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
06.45 Celebrity Animal                    08.38 Valerie's Home Cooking:         PREMIERE
Encounters: Ed Begley Jr.'s               Valerie To The Rescue                 12.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Orangutan Face Off                        After a friend of Valerie's injures   4th Down And Yum
Celebrities Maddie and Tae, Ed            himself, she brings him a care-       Valerie hosts an American
Begley Jr. and Rick Fox recount           package including citrus              football-themed party with
their kooky animal encounters,            marinated olives and manicotti        former NFL pro Eddie Jackson.
featuring missing dogs,                   stuffed with ricotta and              The menu includes slow cooker
orangutans and roguish pups.              sausage.                              sloppy joe sliders and roasted
                                                                                carrot hummus.
07.08 Celebrity Animal                    09.00 Alaskan Women
Encounters: CeeLo's Crazy                 Looking for Love: The Odds Are        PREMIERE
Critters                                  Good...                               12.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Celebrities CeeLo Green, Ruby             Fed up with bearded fisherman,        I Could Do That Blindfolded
Rose and Daymond John                     six friends from a fishing island     Valerie and her husband have
recount their kooky animal                in Alaska ditch the freezing          guests, so she plans a meal to
encounters, featuring                     weather and head to Miami,            go along with card games.
multiplying cats, adorable rats,          hoping to meet the men of their       Snacks include three bean
dogs and smelly skunks!                   dreams.                               turkey chilli and broccoli carrot
07.30 May's Kitchen: Episode              09.45 Pit Bulls & Parolees:
20                                        Risky Business                        12.45 Alaskan Women
May Yacoubi's most precious               A former volunteer returns to         Looking for Love: Hello,
memories are from when she's              adopt a dog she fell in love with.    Sunshine
hosting delicious banquets for            And, only days after being            The women arrive in Miami, but
friends and family. Now, she              released from prison, a parolee       they feel out of place with their
shares her tasty, diverse and             puts his freedom at risk.             winter outfits and they have no
crowd-pleasing recipes.                                                         idea how to meet men. All
                                          10.30 Amanda To The Rescue:           except Sabina, that is... who
08.15 Valerie's Home Cooking:             Wildfire Puppy Rescue                 scores a date.
Quick And Easy Movie Night                Amanda rescues three dogs
Valerie and her husband are               with special needs from the           13.30 Married by Mum and
inviting close friends over for a         California wildfires, including a     Dad: Second Thoughts
movie night. She prepares a               very pregnant Chihuahua that          Christina and Tom contend with
menu including crab boil sliders          could give birth at any moment.       sleeping arrangement on their
and lemon Dijon potato salad.                                                   first night together as a married
                                          PREMIERE                              couple. Mitch and Emily's
                                          11.15 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode          honeymoon ends on a rocky
                                          1                                     note.
                                          Chef Sou believes anyone can
                                          cook, and she shares her tips
                                          and tricks to make it even easier
                                          along with simple but delicious
                                          recipes that anyone can make.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
14.15 My Big Fat Fabulous                 17.05 Valerie's Home Cooking:       19.10 Extreme Homes: Maze,
Life: The Say Yes Philosophy              I Could Do That Blindfolded         Tank, Chalkboard
After saying 'no' to life for the         Valerie and her husband have        From construction to
past ten years, Whitney's new             guests, so she plans a meal to      completion, featuring some of
'Say-Yes Philosophy' lands her in         go along with card games.           the world's most extraordinary
a plus-sized fashion show, an             Snacks include three bean           homes. Homeowners and
institution she resents.                  turkey chilli and broccoli carrot   architects design and build
                                          salad.                              unique properties.
15.00 Pool Kings: Ponds Have
More Fun                                  17.30 Alaskan Women                 20.00 Married by Mum and
A Texas family asks the team to           Looking for Love: Hello,            Dad: Second Thoughts
build a natural-looking cocktail          Sunshine                            Christina and Tom contend with
pool. The guys also build an              The women arrive in Miami, but      sleeping arrangement on their
expansive creek waterfall and             they feel out of place with their   first night together as a married
natural rock steps.                       winter outfits and they have no     couple. Mitch and Emily's
                                          idea how to meet men. All           honeymoon ends on a rocky
15.25 Pool Kings: Cabanas                 except Sabina, that is... who       note.
And Cannonballs                           scores a date.
An Austin, Texas, couple wants                                                20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous
the family pool of their kids'            18.20 Pool Kings: Ponds Have        Life: The Say Yes Philosophy
dreams. The team builds an                More Fun                            After saying 'no' to life for the
oversized spill over spa and a            A Texas family asks the team to     past ten years, Whitney's new
special place just for                    build a natural-looking cocktail    'Say-Yes Philosophy' lands her in
cannonballs.                              pool. The guys also build an        a plus-sized fashion show, an
                                          expansive creek waterfall and       institution she resents.
PREMIERE                                  natural rock steps.
15.50 Extreme Homes: Maze,                                                    21.40 Tattoo Girls: The Hairy
Tank, Chalkboard                          18.45 Pool Kings: Cabanas           Wolf Tattoo
From construction to                      And Cannonballs                     At all-female artist tattoo shop,
completion, featuring some of             An Austin, Texas, couple wants      Ink Ink, a hairy client requires
the world's most extraordinary            the family pool of their kids'      Kelsey to call the local waxing
homes. Homeowners and                     dreams. The team builds an          salon - and things get heated at
architects design and build               oversized spill over spa and a      a girls' night out!
unique properties.                        special place just for
                                          cannonballs.                        22.30 Guilty or Innocent?:
16.40 Valerie's Home Cooking:                                                 Episode 17
4th Down And Yum                                                              Murder and other serious
Valerie hosts an American                                                     crimes destroy lives, but so do
football-themed party with                                                    wrongful convictions. What
former NFL pro Eddie Jackson.                                                 happens when someone is sent
The menu includes slow cooker                                                 to jail for a crime they didn't
sloppy joe sliders and roasted                                                commit?
carrot hummus.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
PREMIERE                                  03.00 Amanda To The Rescue:                Wednesday
23.15 Scorned: Crimes of                  Wildfire Puppy Rescue
Passion: Naval Affairs                    Amanda rescues three dogs                 4 August 2021
Fred and Jennifer have a picture          with special needs from the
perfect marriage. But when                California wildfires, including a   06.00 Pit Bulls & Parolees:
Fred meets Danielle, a young              very pregnant Chihuahua that        Risky Business
doctor in the Navy, Jennifer              could give birth at any moment.     A former volunteer returns to
fights to keep Fred for herself.                                              adopt a dog she fell in love with.
                                          03.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode        And, only days after being
00.00 Tattoo Girls: The Hairy             1                                   released from prison, a parolee
Wolf Tattoo                               Chef Sou believes anyone can        puts his freedom at risk.
At all-female artist tattoo shop,         cook, and she shares her tips
Ink Ink, a hairy client requires          and tricks to make it even easier   06.45 Amanda To The Rescue:
Kelsey to call the local waxing           along with simple but delicious     Wildfire Puppy Rescue
salon - and things get heated at          recipes that anyone can make.       Amanda rescues three dogs
a girls' night out!                                                           with special needs from the
                                          04.30 Valerie's Home Cooking:       California wildfires, including a
00.45 Guilty or Innocent?:                4th Down And Yum                    very pregnant Chihuahua that
Episode 17                                Valerie hosts an American           could give birth at any moment.
Murder and other serious                  football-themed party with
crimes destroy lives, but so do           former NFL pro Eddie Jackson.       07.30 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode
wrongful convictions. What                The menu includes slow cooker       1
happens when someone is sent              sloppy joe sliders and roasted      Chef Sou believes anyone can
to jail for a crime they didn't           carrot hummus.                      cook, and she shares her tips
commit?                                                                       and tricks to make it even easier
                                          04.53 Valerie's Home Cooking:       along with simple but delicious
01.30 Scorned: Crimes of                  I Could Do That Blindfolded         recipes that anyone can make.
Passion: Naval Affairs                    Valerie and her husband have
Fred and Jennifer have a picture          guests, so she plans a meal to      08.15 Valerie's Home Cooking:
perfect marriage. But when                go along with card games.           4th Down And Yum
Fred meets Danielle, a young              Snacks include three bean           Valerie hosts an American
doctor in the Navy, Jennifer              turkey chilli and broccoli carrot   football-themed party with
fights to keep Fred for herself.          salad.                              former NFL pro Eddie Jackson.
                                                                              The menu includes slow cooker
02.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:               05.15 Alaskan Women                 sloppy joe sliders and roasted
Risky Business                            Looking for Love: Hello,            carrot hummus.
A former volunteer returns to             Sunshine
adopt a dog she fell in love with.        The women arrive in Miami, but
And, only days after being                they feel out of place with their
released from prison, a parolee           winter outfits and they have no
puts his freedom at risk.                 idea how to meet men. All
                                          except Sabina, that is... who
                                          scores a date.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
08.38 Valerie's Home Cooking:             PREMIERE                            14.15 My Big Fat Fabulous
I Could Do That Blindfolded               12.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:       Life: More Than a Buddy
Valerie and her husband have              Brother Vs. Brother                 Since teaching dance has not
guests, so she plans a meal to            Tom and his brother Dave are        led to weight loss, Whitney gets
go along with card games.                 competing over their home           a personal trainer. Her mom's
Snacks include three bean                 brewed beer, so Valerie makes       suggestion that Buddy is "the
turkey chilli and broccoli carrot         a beer themed menu including        one" raises questions.
salad.                                    slow cooker pulled pork with
                                          fried shallots.                     PREMIERE
09.00 Alaskan Women                                                           15.00 The Jennie Garth
Looking for Love: Hello,                  PREMIERE                            Project: All Fired Up
Sunshine                                  12.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:       Jennie Garth tackles the gutting
The women arrive in Miami, but            I'm Outta Here                      and renovation of a 1970s ranch
they feel out of place with their         Valerie is going on a trip, so is   home in Studio City, California.
winter outfits and they have no           preparing food for Tom while
idea how to meet men. All                 she's away. She makes a farro,      PREMIERE
except Sabina, that is... who             roasted beet and goat's cheese      15.25 The Jennie Garth
scores a date.                            salad and a beef bourguignon.       Project: Ahead Of The Curb
                                                                              Jennie pushes the envelope
09.45 Pit Bulls & Parolees:               12.45 Alaskan Women                 with her design choices to give
Good Gone Bad                             Looking for Love: Make Me           the front curb a major lift. But a
Tia sends Mariah to California to         Over, Miami                         bold decision comes with
rescue a former member of the             The women decide to get Miami       complications.
VRC family. Plus, a puppy's               makeovers to improve their
chance at a forever home is               odds with Miami men. During a       PREMIERE
jeopardized by her behaviour.             visit to an open air gym,           15.50 Extreme Homes: Alien,
                                          Heather falls for a charming        Egg, Tattoo
10.30 Amanda To The Rescue:               personal trainer.                   From construction to
Amanda's Hitchhiking Hounds                                                   completion, featuring some of
Amanda and her friend go on a             13.30 Married by Mum and            the world's most extraordinary
road trip to rescue Jedi, a boxer         Dad: Happily Ever After?            homes. Homeowners and
whose blindness doesn't affect            Men and women who have              architects design and build
his energy. At the crowded                been unlucky in love have           unique properties.
shelter, she takes in 32 dogs.            agreed to put their love lives
                                          and their future in the hands of    16.40 Valerie's Home Cooking:
PREMIERE                                  the people who know them            Brother Vs. Brother
11.15 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode              best: their parents.                Tom and his brother Dave are
2                                                                             competing over their home
Chef Sou believes anyone can                                                  brewed beer, so Valerie makes
cook, and she shares her tips                                                 a beer themed menu including
and tricks to make it even easier                                             slow cooker pulled pork with
along with simple but delicious                                               fried shallots.
recipes that anyone can make.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
17.05 Valerie's Home Cooking:             20.00 Married by Mum and            PREMIERE
I'm Outta Here                            Dad: Happily Ever After?            23.15 Scorned: Crimes of
Valerie is going on a trip, so is         Men and women who have              Passion: Roommates with
preparing food for Tom while              been unlucky in love have           Benefits
she's away. She makes a farro,            agreed to put their love lives      Iowa boy Shane finds himself
roasted beet and goat's cheese            and their future in the hands of    caught up in a love triangle with
salad and a beef bourguignon.             the people who know them            his wife and his childhood
                                          best: their parents.                friend. Rage and paranoia rule
17.30 Alaskan Women                                                           when he catches the secret
Looking for Love: Make Me                 20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous           lovers.
Over, Miami                               Life: More Than a Buddy
The women decide to get Miami             Since teaching dance has not        00.00 Tattoo Girls: Rosebutt
makeovers to improve their                led to weight loss, Whitney gets    A grandma wants a tattoo of
odds with Miami men. During a             a personal trainer. Her mom's       roses on her backside - and fast!
visit to an open air gym,                 suggestion that Buddy is "the       A tiger attack survivor wants a
Heather falls for a charming              one" raises questions.              tattoo to help him move on, and
personal trainer.                                                             Kelsey makes a shock decision
                                          21.40 Tattoo Girls: Rosebutt        about the shop.
18.20 The Jennie Garth                    A grandma wants a tattoo of
Project: All Fired Up                     roses on her backside - and fast!   00.45 Guilty or Innocent?:
Jennie Garth tackles the gutting          A tiger attack survivor wants a     Episode 18
and renovation of a 1970s ranch           tattoo to help him move on, and     Murder and other serious
home in Studio City, California.          Kelsey makes a shock decision       crimes destroy lives, but so do
                                          about the shop.                     wrongful convictions. What
18.45 The Jennie Garth                                                        happens when someone is sent
Project: Ahead Of The Curb                22.30 Guilty or Innocent?:          to jail for a crime they didn't
Jennie pushes the envelope                Episode 18                          commit?
with her design choices to give           Murder and other serious
the front curb a major lift. But a        crimes destroy lives, but so do     01.30 Scorned: Crimes of
bold decision comes with                  wrongful convictions. What          Passion: Roommates with
complications.                            happens when someone is sent        Benefits
                                          to jail for a crime they didn't     Iowa boy Shane finds himself
19.10 Extreme Homes: Alien,               commit?                             caught up in a love triangle with
Egg, Tattoo                                                                   his wife and his childhood
From construction to                                                          friend. Rage and paranoia rule
completion, featuring some of                                                 when he catches the secret
the world's most extraordinary                                                lovers.
homes. Homeowners and
architects design and build
unique properties.


 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
02.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:               05.15 Alaskan Women                 08.15 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Good Gone Bad                             Looking for Love: Make Me           Brother Vs. Brother
Tia sends Mariah to California to         Over, Miami                         Tom and his brother Dave are
rescue a former member of the             The women decide to get Miami       competing over their home
VRC family. Plus, a puppy's               makeovers to improve their          brewed beer, so Valerie makes
chance at a forever home is               odds with Miami men. During a       a beer themed menu including
jeopardized by her behaviour.             visit to an open air gym,           slow cooker pulled pork with
                                          Heather falls for a charming        fried shallots.
03.00 Amanda To The Rescue:               personal trainer.
Amanda's Hitchhiking Hounds                                                   08.38 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Amanda and her friend go on a                      Thursday                   I'm Outta Here
road trip to rescue Jedi, a boxer                                             Valerie is going on a trip, so is
whose blindness doesn't affect                   5 August 2021                preparing food for Tom while
his energy. At the crowded                                                    she's away. She makes a farro,
shelter, she takes in 32 dogs.            06.00 Pit Bulls & Parolees:         roasted beet and goat's cheese
                                          Good Gone Bad                       salad and a beef bourguignon.
03.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode              Tia sends Mariah to California to
2                                         rescue a former member of the       09.00 Alaskan Women
Chef Sou believes anyone can              VRC family. Plus, a puppy's         Looking for Love: Make Me
cook, and she shares her tips             chance at a forever home is         Over, Miami
and tricks to make it even easier         jeopardized by her behaviour.       The women decide to get Miami
along with simple but delicious                                               makeovers to improve their
recipes that anyone can make.             06.45 Amanda To The Rescue:         odds with Miami men. During a
                                          Amanda's Hitchhiking Hounds         visit to an open air gym,
04.30 Valerie's Home Cooking:             Amanda and her friend go on a       Heather falls for a charming
Brother Vs. Brother                       road trip to rescue Jedi, a boxer   personal trainer.
Tom and his brother Dave are              whose blindness doesn't affect
competing over their home                 his energy. At the crowded          09.45 Pit Bulls & Parolees:
brewed beer, so Valerie makes             shelter, she takes in 32 dogs.      Healing Hearts
a beer themed menu including                                                  Tia races to save a dog left tied
slow cooker pulled pork with              07.30 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode        up in the sweltering summer
fried shallots.                           2                                   heat. Meanwhile, Matt returns
                                          Chef Sou believes anyone can        home to rescue a pit bull on
04.53 Valerie's Home Cooking:             cook, and she shares her tips       death row.
I'm Outta Here                            and tricks to make it even easier
Valerie is going on a trip, so is         along with simple but delicious     10.30 Amanda To The Rescue:
preparing food for Tom while              recipes that anyone can make.       Puppy Overload
she's away. She makes a farro,                                                A new mum Chihuahua and her
roasted beet and goat's cheese                                                eight puppies are ready to go to
salad and a beef bourguignon.                                                 their homes. Amanda takes
                                                                              Splat, a special needs bulldog
                                                                              puppy with swimmers'
                                                                              syndrome, into her care.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
PREMIERE                                  13.30 Married by Mum and            PREMIERE
11.15 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode              Dad: Meet My Family                 15.50 Extreme Homes:
3                                         Former NFL player and ladies'       Rotating, Carnival, Bones
Chef Sou believes anyone can              man, Duggan, asks his parents       From construction to
cook, and she shares her tips             to pick his wife, but is he ready   completion, featuring some of
and tricks to make it even easier         to commit? Plus, Marissa wants      the world's most extraordinary
along with simple but delicious           a relationship to mirror her        homes. Homeowners and
recipes that anyone can make.             parents'.                           architects design and build
                                                                              unique properties.
PREMIERE                                  14.15 My Big Fat Fabulous
12.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:             Life: Doing the Beach               16.40 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Pumpkins, Sweets And Treats               A poor body image has               Pumpkins, Sweets And Treats
Valerie is celebrating the season         prevented Whitney from going        Valerie is celebrating the season
of sweets and treats. Her menu            to the beach for almost 20          of sweets and treats. Her menu
includes butternut squash pizza,          years. Will she overcome her        includes butternut squash pizza,
caramel apples, and spiced                fears with an epic return in a      caramel apples, and spiced
pumpkin mochas.                           bold bathing suit?                  pumpkin mochas.

PREMIERE                                  PREMIERE                            17.05 Valerie's Home Cooking:
12.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:             15.00 The Jennie Garth              The Weather Outside
The Weather Outside                       Project: A Family Affair            Valerie Bertinelli and her
Valerie Bertinelli and her                Jennie wants to create a            husband enjoy good food for
husband enjoy good food for               welcoming place for her visitors.   bad weather. Dishes include
bad weather. Dishes include               She is building a guest suite,      shrimp scampi, pull-apart garlic
shrimp scampi, pull-apart garlic          complete with its own private       bread, and hot chai with spiced
bread, and hot chai with spiced           garden.                             rum.
                                          PREMIERE                            17.30 Alaskan Women
12.45 Alaskan Women                       15.25 The Jennie Garth              Looking for Love: Girl Code
Looking for Love: Girl Code               Project: Custom Creations           While Lacy and Sabina get
While Lacy and Sabina get                 Jennie wants to build a forever     closer with their Miami men,
closer with their Miami men,              home for her daughters. She         Jenny and Heather fight over a
Jenny and Heather fight over a            starts to reshape the living        gorgeous Italian guy. Will each
gorgeous Italian guy. Will each           quarters of the house to make       girl find the man of their
girl find the man of their                three unique, custom rooms.         dreams?
                                                                              18.20 The Jennie Garth
                                                                              Project: A Family Affair
                                                                              Jennie wants to create a
                                                                              welcoming place for her visitors.
                                                                              She is building a guest suite,
                                                                              complete with its own private

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
18.45 The Jennie Garth                    PREMIERE                            01.30 Scorned: Crimes of
Project: Custom Creations                 22.30 Women in Prison:              Passion: Lipstick Love Triangle
Jennie wants to build a forever           Preacher's Daughter and The         Marcela and her girlfriend
home for her daughters. She               Soccer Mom                          Kimberlyn move to Vegas
starts to reshape the living              Two unlikely inmates are locked     seeking adventure and a new
quarters of the house to make             up in prison. Soccer mum Alicia     life together. But when they
three unique, custom rooms.               committed fraud, and Hannah's       meet a beautiful woman
                                          horrific crime still haunts the     tragedy ensues.
19.10 Extreme Homes:                      nation.
Rotating, Carnival, Bones                                                     02.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:
From construction to                      PREMIERE                            Healing Hearts
completion, featuring some of             23.15 Scorned: Crimes of            Tia races to save a dog left tied
the world's most extraordinary            Passion: Lipstick Love Triangle     up in the sweltering summer
homes. Homeowners and                     Marcela and her girlfriend          heat. Meanwhile, Matt returns
architects design and build               Kimberlyn move to Vegas             home to rescue a pit bull on
unique properties.                        seeking adventure and a new         death row.
                                          life together. But when they
20.00 Married by Mum and                  meet a beautiful woman              03.00 Amanda To The Rescue:
Dad: Meet My Family                       tragedy ensues.                     Puppy Overload
Former NFL player and ladies'                                                 A new mum Chihuahua and her
man, Duggan, asks his parents             00.00 Tattoo Girls: Stealing        eight puppies are ready to go to
to pick his wife, but is he ready         Clients                             their homes. Amanda takes
to commit? Plus, Marissa wants            Nikki and Megan give a cold         Splat, a special needs bulldog
a relationship to mirror her              welcome to new artist Liz - but     puppy with swimmers'
parents'.                                 are their fears justified? Kelsey   syndrome, into her care.
                                          tries to maintain peace in the
20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous                 shop, while trying to care for      03.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode
Life: Doing the Beach                     her dad.                            3
A poor body image has                                                         Chef Sou believes anyone can
prevented Whitney from going              00.45 Women in Prison:              cook, and she shares her tips
to the beach for almost 20                Preacher's Daughter and The         and tricks to make it even easier
years. Will she overcome her              Soccer Mom                          along with simple but delicious
fears with an epic return in a            Two unlikely inmates are locked     recipes that anyone can make.
bold bathing suit?                        up in prison. Soccer mum Alicia
                                          committed fraud, and Hannah's       04.30 Valerie's Home Cooking:
21.40 Tattoo Girls: Stealing              horrific crime still haunts the     Pumpkins, Sweets And Treats
Clients                                   nation.                             Valerie is celebrating the season
Nikki and Megan give a cold                                                   of sweets and treats. Her menu
welcome to new artist Liz - but                                               includes butternut squash pizza,
are their fears justified? Kelsey                                             caramel apples, and spiced
tries to maintain peace in the                                                pumpkin mochas.
shop, while trying to care for
her dad.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
04.53 Valerie's Home Cooking:             07.30 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode        10.30 Amanda To The Rescue:
The Weather Outside                       3                                   Life's A Dog Beach
Valerie Bertinelli and her                Chef Sou believes anyone can        A French bulldog puppy with
husband enjoy good food for               cook, and she shares her tips       suspected hydrocephalus needs
bad weather. Dishes include               and tricks to make it even easier   Amanda's help to find a perfect
shrimp scampi, pull-apart garlic          along with simple but delicious     forever home. Two of Amanda's
bread, and hot chai with spiced           recipes that anyone can make.       own dogs need special medical
rum.                                                                          attention.
                                          08.15 Valerie's Home Cooking:
05.15 Alaskan Women                       Pumpkins, Sweets And Treats         PREMIERE
Looking for Love: Girl Code               Valerie is celebrating the season   11.15 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode
While Lacy and Sabina get                 of sweets and treats. Her menu      4
closer with their Miami men,              includes butternut squash pizza,    Chef Sou believes anyone can
Jenny and Heather fight over a            caramel apples, and spiced          cook, and she shares her tips
gorgeous Italian guy. Will each           pumpkin mochas.                     and tricks to make it even easier
girl find the man of their                                                    along with simple but delicious
dreams?                                   08.38 Valerie's Home Cooking:       recipes that anyone can make.
                                          The Weather Outside
           Friday                         Valerie Bertinelli and her          PREMIERE
                                          husband enjoy good food for         12.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:
       6 August 2021                      bad weather. Dishes include         Thankful For Family
                                          shrimp scampi, pull-apart garlic    Valerie and Tom are bringing
06.00 Pit Bulls & Parolees:               bread, and hot chai with spiced     their families together for
Healing Hearts                            rum.                                Thanksgiving. Dishes include
Tia races to save a dog left tied                                             roasted turkey, cinnamon raisin
up in the sweltering summer               09.00 Alaskan Women                 bread stuffing, and Waldorf
heat. Meanwhile, Matt returns             Looking for Love: Girl Code         salad.
home to rescue a pit bull on              While Lacy and Sabina get
death row.                                closer with their Miami men,        PREMIERE
                                          Jenny and Heather fight over a      12.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:
06.45 Amanda To The Rescue:               gorgeous Italian guy. Will each     Short Days And Long Nights
Puppy Overload                            girl find the man of their          Valerie Bertinelli heats up the
A new mum Chihuahua and her               dreams?                             shortest day of the year with a
eight puppies are ready to go to                                              good meal. Dishes include
their homes. Amanda takes                 09.45 Pit Bulls & Parolees:         turkey sausages, fried
Splat, a special needs bulldog            Broken Home                         chickpeas, and lemon
puppy with swimmers'                      Tia and Matt find themselves in     shortbread.
syndrome, into her care.                  a heartbreaking situation when
                                          called upon to rescue some
                                          dogs from the home of their
                                          recently deceased owner.


 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
12.45 Alaskan Women                       PREMIERE                            18.20 The Jennie Garth
Looking for Love: Should I Stay           15.50 Extreme Homes:                Project: An Odd Fit
or Should I Go?                           Cartoon, Chateau, Bottles           For Jennie, the kitchen is the
Tina finally meets a guy, and             From construction to                heart of the house and she
Jenny's erratic behaviour spirals         completion, featuring some of       wants it to shine. But a couple
out of control. Plus, as their            the world's most extraordinary      odd angles make finding the
time in Miami ends, the women             homes. Homeowners and               centre of this room difficult.
must decide their futures.                architects design and build
                                          unique properties.                  18.45 The Jennie Garth
13.30 Married by Mum and                                                      Project: A Room Of One's Own
Dad: Meet Me At The Altar                 16.40 Valerie's Home Cooking:       For the first time in her life,
Devin's parents find him a wife -         Thankful For Family                 Jennie is designing a master
but he has a history with the             Valerie and Tom are bringing        bedroom for one. She finds joy
wedding planner. Tensions rise            their families together for         in personalizing her own space
for Bethany and Marissa's dad             Thanksgiving. Dishes include        complete with a custom closet.
takes his date to a gun range.            roasted turkey, cinnamon raisin
                                          bread stuffing, and Waldorf         19.10 Extreme Homes:
14.15 My Big Fat Fabulous                 salad.                              Cartoon, Chateau, Bottles
Life: A Fling Thing                                                           From construction to
While her parents prepare for             17.05 Valerie's Home Cooking:       completion, featuring some of
their big wedding anniversary,            Short Days And Long Nights          the world's most extraordinary
Whitney entertains the idea of a          Valerie Bertinelli heats up the     homes. Homeowners and
fling with an old friend. But             shortest day of the year with a     architects design and build
trouble brews when Buddy                  good meal. Dishes include           unique properties.
appears.                                  turkey sausages, fried
                                          chickpeas, and lemon                20.00 Married by Mum and
PREMIERE                                  shortbread.                         Dad: Meet Me At The Altar
15.00 The Jennie Garth                                                        Devin's parents find him a wife -
Project: An Odd Fit                       17.30 Alaskan Women                 but he has a history with the
For Jennie, the kitchen is the            Looking for Love: Should I Stay     wedding planner. Tensions rise
heart of the house and she                or Should I Go?                     for Bethany and Marissa's dad
wants it to shine. But a couple           Tina finally meets a guy, and       takes his date to a gun range.
odd angles make finding the               Jenny's erratic behaviour spirals
centre of this room difficult.            out of control. Plus, as their      20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous
                                          time in Miami ends, the women       Life: A Fling Thing
PREMIERE                                  must decide their futures.          While her parents prepare for
15.25 The Jennie Garth                                                        their big wedding anniversary,
Project: A Room Of One's Own                                                  Whitney entertains the idea of a
For the first time in her life,                                               fling with an old friend. But
Jennie is designing a master                                                  trouble brews when Buddy
bedroom for one. She finds joy                                                appears.
in personalizing her own space
complete with a custom closet.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
21.40 Tattoo Girls: Tattooing             00.45 Women in Prison:              04.30 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Your Entire Face                          Student and the Rebel               Thankful For Family
Liz's client struggles with a             Matriarch Red and loner Lora        Valerie and Tom are bringing
shocking face tattoo, and Kelsey          are both coming to terms with       their families together for
closes the shop for a day on the          their crimes. While Red             Thanksgiving. Dishes include
river to ease the tension                 reconnects with her mum, Lara       roasted turkey, cinnamon raisin
between the girls.                        bares her soul at the annual        bread stuffing, and Waldorf
                                          talent show.                        salad.
22.30 Women in Prison:                    01.30 Scorned: Crimes of            04.53 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Student and the Rebel                     Passion: Bedside Manner             Short Days And Long Nights
Matriarch Red and loner Lora              Nurse Stephanie is a former         Valerie Bertinelli heats up the
are both coming to terms with             beauty queen who always             shortest day of the year with a
their crimes. While Red                   fantasised of having a high class   good meal. Dishes include
reconnects with her mum, Lara             lifestyle. But is her charming      turkey sausages, fried
bares her soul at the annual              and rich boss the answer to her     chickpeas, and lemon
talent show.                              dreams?                             shortbread.

PREMIERE                                  02.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:         05.15 Alaskan Women
23.15 Scorned: Crimes of                  Broken Home                         Looking for Love: Should I Stay
Passion: Bedside Manner                   Tia and Matt find themselves in     or Should I Go?
Nurse Stephanie is a former               a heartbreaking situation when      Tina finally meets a guy, and
beauty queen who always                   called upon to rescue some          Jenny's erratic behaviour spirals
fantasised of having a high class         dogs from the home of their         out of control. Plus, as their
lifestyle. But is her charming            recently deceased owner.            time in Miami ends, the women
and rich boss the answer to her                                               must decide their futures.
dreams?                                   03.00 Amanda To The Rescue:
                                          Life's A Dog Beach                           Saturday
00.00 Tattoo Girls: Tattooing             A French bulldog puppy with
Your Entire Face                          suspected hydrocephalus needs             7 August 2021
Liz's client struggles with a             Amanda's help to find a perfect
shocking face tattoo, and Kelsey          forever home. Two of Amanda's       06.00 May's Kitchen: Episode
closes the shop for a day on the          own dogs need special medical       20
river to ease the tension                 attention.                          May Yacoubi's most precious
between the girls.                                                            memories are from when she's
                                          03.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode        hosting delicious banquets for
                                          4                                   friends and family. Now, she
                                          Chef Sou believes anyone can        shares her tasty, diverse and
                                          cook, and she shares her tips       crowd-pleasing recipes.
                                          and tricks to make it even easier
                                          along with simple but delicious
                                          recipes that anyone can make.


 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
06.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode              09.45 Valerie's Home Cooking:       11.15 Amanda To The Rescue:
1                                         4th Down And Yum                    Wildfire Puppy Rescue
Chef Sou believes anyone can              Valerie hosts an American           Amanda rescues three dogs
cook, and she shares her tips             football-themed party with          with special needs from the
and tricks to make it even easier         former NFL pro Eddie Jackson.       California wildfires, including a
along with simple but delicious           The menu includes slow cooker       very pregnant Chihuahua that
recipes that anyone can make.             sloppy joe sliders and roasted      could give birth at any moment.
                                          carrot hummus.
07.30 Pit Bulls & Parolees: A                                                 12.00 Alaskan Women
Diamond in the Rough                      10.08 Valerie's Home Cooking:       Looking for Love: The Odds Are
A dangerous midnight rescue               I Could Do That Blindfolded         Good...
ends with Tia chasing down a              Valerie and her husband have        Fed up with bearded fisherman,
dog's mysterious origins. Then,           guests, so she plans a meal to      six friends from a fishing island
a cat threatens to derail a               go along with card games.           in Alaska ditch the freezing
Villalobos veteran's chance at a          Snacks include three bean           weather and head to Miami,
home.                                     turkey chilli and broccoli carrot   hoping to meet the men of their
                                          salad.                              dreams.
08.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:
Risky Business                            10.30 Celebrity Animal              12.45 Alaskan Women
A former volunteer returns to             Encounters: Ed Begley Jr.'s         Looking for Love: Hello,
adopt a dog she fell in love with.        Orangutan Face Off                  Sunshine
And, only days after being                Celebrities Maddie and Tae, Ed      The women arrive in Miami, but
released from prison, a parolee           Begley Jr. and Rick Fox recount     they feel out of place with their
puts his freedom at risk.                 their kooky animal encounters,      winter outfits and they have no
                                          featuring missing dogs,             idea how to meet men. All
09.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:             orangutans and roguish pups.        except Sabina, that is... who
Quick And Easy Movie Night                                                    scores a date.
Valerie and her husband are               10.53 Celebrity Animal
inviting close friends over for a         Encounters: CeeLo's Crazy           13.30 Sister Wives: Marriage
movie night. She prepares a               Critters                            Counseling Texas Style
menu including crab boil sliders          Celebrities CeeLo Green, Ruby       Christine and Kody turn an
and lemon Dijon potato salad.             Rose and Daymond John               anniversary trip to Galveston,
                                          recount their kooky animal          Texas, into intensive couples
09.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:             encounters, featuring               therapy in an effort to improve
Valerie To The Rescue                     multiplying cats, adorable rats,    their relationship.
After a friend of Valerie's injures       dogs and smelly skunks!
himself, she brings him a care-                                               14.15 Sister Wives: Just Trying
package including citrus                                                      to Stay Afloat
marinated olives and manicotti                                                The Sister Wives decide to race
stuffed with ricotta and                                                      in a cardboard boat regatta at a
sausage.                                                                      pirate festival in Las Vegas.
                                                                              Janelle, Christine and Robyn's
                                                                              families build the boats.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
15.00 Married by Mum and                  17.55 Pool Kings: Cabanas           21.40 Tattoo Girls: A Shop
Dad: It's Over                            And Cannonballs                     Divided
During Mitch and Emily's                  An Austin, Texas, couple wants      A funky local girl gets shaved for
honeymoon, Emily's trust issues           the family pool of their kids'      her head tattoo! Kelsey has an
become apparent. Christina is             dreams. The team builds an          emotional breakdown when her
anxious to meet her future                oversized spill over spa and a      dad stops by, and Brittany faces
husband while Manny decides               special place just for              a difficult and gory piercing.
to make amends with Marivic.              cannonballs.
15.50 Married by Mum and                  18.20 Sister Wives: Marriage        22.30 Women in Prison:
Dad: Second Thoughts                      Counseling Texas Style              Teacher and the Medic
Christina and Tom contend with            Christine and Kody turn an          Anastazia committed a fatal
sleeping arrangement on their             anniversary trip to Galveston,      crime trying to protect her
first night together as a married         Texas, into intensive couples       daughter, and Betsy learnt an
couple. Mitch and Emily's                 therapy in an effort to improve     important life lesson - never
honeymoon ends on a rocky                 their relationship.                 give up your identity for a love
note.                                                                         interest.
                                          19.10 Sister Wives: Just Trying
16.40 Pool Kings: Custom                  to Stay Afloat                      PREMIERE
Contemporary                              The Sister Wives decide to race     23.15 Scorned: Crimes of
A couple wants to tear out their          in a cardboard boat regatta at a    Passion: Tall, Dark and Deadly
old deck and rebuild their                pirate festival in Las Vegas.       Chanin is a mother of five
backyard for modern vibe. The             Janelle, Christine and Robyn's      looking forward to a fresh start
guys build a low-maintenance              families build the boats.           after divorcing her ex-husband,
deck with a view of Texas hill                                                Clay. But will her online dating
country.                                  20.00 My Big Fat Fabulous           endeavours lead to tragedy?
                                          Life: Hate Mail
17.05 Pool Kings: All About               At 380 lbs. Whitney is working      00.00 Tattoo Girls: A Shop
The View                                  hard to make her "Big Girl"         Divided
The crew faces complications              dance classes a success. But as     A funky local girl gets shaved for
while converting a neglected              things seem to be looking up,       her head tattoo! Kelsey has an
'80s-style pool into a modern             hateful jeers bring her down.       emotional breakdown when her
lakeside paradise featuring                                                   dad stops by, and Brittany faces
multiple entertainment areas.             20.50 My Big Fat Fabulous           a difficult and gory piercing.
                                          Life: The Say Yes Philosophy
17.30 Pool Kings: Ponds Have              After saying 'no' to life for the   00.45 Women in Prison:
More Fun                                  past ten years, Whitney's new       Teacher and the Medic
A Texas family asks the team to           'Say-Yes Philosophy' lands her in   Anastazia committed a fatal
build a natural-looking cocktail          a plus-sized fashion show, an       crime trying to protect her
pool. The guys also build an              institution she resents.            daughter, and Betsy learnt an
expansive creek waterfall and                                                 important life lesson - never
natural rock steps.                                                           give up your identity for a love

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
August 2021 Schedule
01.30 Scorned: Crimes of                  05.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:          09.00 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Passion: Tall, Dark and Deadly            Risky Business                       Brother Vs. Brother
Chanin is a mother of five                A former volunteer returns to        Tom and his brother Dave are
looking forward to a fresh start          adopt a dog she fell in love with.   competing over their home
after divorcing her ex-husband,           And, only days after being           brewed beer, so Valerie makes
Clay. But will her online dating          released from prison, a parolee      a beer themed menu including
endeavours lead to tragedy?               puts his freedom at risk.            slow cooker pulled pork with
                                                                               fried shallots.
02.15 Sister Wives: Marriage                        Sunday
Counseling Texas Style                                                         09.23 Valerie's Home Cooking:
Christine and Kody turn an                       8 August 2021                 I'm Outta Here
anniversary trip to Galveston,                                                 Valerie is going on a trip, so is
Texas, into intensive couples             06.00 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode         preparing food for Tom while
therapy in an effort to improve           2                                    she's away. She makes a farro,
their relationship.                       Chef Sou believes anyone can         roasted beet and goat's cheese
                                          cook, and she shares her tips        salad and a beef bourguignon.
03.00 May's Kitchen: Episode              and tricks to make it even easier
20                                        along with simple but delicious      09.45 Valerie's Home Cooking:
May Yacoubi's most precious               recipes that anyone can make.        Pumpkins, Sweets And Treats
memories are from when she's                                                   Valerie is celebrating the season
hosting delicious banquets for            06.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode         of sweets and treats. Her menu
friends and family. Now, she              3                                    includes butternut squash pizza,
shares her tasty, diverse and             Chef Sou believes anyone can         caramel apples, and spiced
crowd-pleasing recipes.                   cook, and she shares her tips        pumpkin mochas.
                                          and tricks to make it even easier
03.45 Ma' Sou Atyab: Episode              along with simple but delicious      10.08 Valerie's Home Cooking:
1                                         recipes that anyone can make.        The Weather Outside
Chef Sou believes anyone can                                                   Valerie Bertinelli and her
cook, and she shares her tips             07.30 Pit Bulls & Parolees:          husband enjoy good food for
and tricks to make it even easier         Good Gone Bad                        bad weather. Dishes include
along with simple but delicious           Tia sends Mariah to California to    shrimp scampi, pull-apart garlic
recipes that anyone can make.             rescue a former member of the        bread, and hot chai with spiced
                                          VRC family. Plus, a puppy's          rum.
04.30 Pit Bulls & Parolees: A             chance at a forever home is
Diamond in the Rough                      jeopardized by her behaviour.        10.30 Amanda To The Rescue:
A dangerous midnight rescue                                                    Amanda's Hitchhiking Hounds
ends with Tia chasing down a              08.15 Pit Bulls & Parolees:          Amanda and her friend go on a
dog's mysterious origins. Then,           Healing Hearts                       road trip to rescue Jedi, a boxer
a cat threatens to derail a               Tia races to save a dog left tied    whose blindness doesn't affect
Villalobos veteran's chance at a          up in the sweltering summer          his energy. At the crowded
home.                                     heat. Meanwhile, Matt returns        shelter, she takes in 32 dogs.
                                          home to rescue a pit bull on
                                          death row.

 Produced by | + 44 (0)1462 895 999 |
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