Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...

Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...
Presentation of the Final Draft of the
2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of
the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee

Presentation by: Road Traffic Management
Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...

   Objective of Presentation

   Strategic Overview

   Key Performance Indicators 2018/2019

   Budget 2018/2019

   Organisational Challenges

Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...

 To brief the Portfolio Committee on the Road
 Traffic Management Corporation Strategy and
  2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan (APP)

Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...

   Objective of Presentation

   Strategic Overview

   Key Performance Indicators 2018/2019

   Budget 2018/2019

   Organisational Challenges

Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...

• The Road Traffic Management Corporation’s vision is “SAFE ROADS

• The Corporation is committed to reducing road trauma by creating a
  safer road environment.

The Corporation endeavours to ensure Safe, Secure and
Responsible use of roads in South Africa through:
• Education
• Enforcement
• Engineeringd
• Evaluation
• Planning and Coordination
• Partnerships
Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...
The role of the Road Traffic Management
Corporation as a Road Safety Lead Agency
•   To effect the pooling of road traffic powers
    of the Minister, MECs and the resources of
    national and provincial spheres of government
    responsible for road traffic management, in
    support of enhanced co-operative and co-
    ordinated road traffic strategic planning,
    regulation,       facilitation         and    law
•   To enhance the overall quality of road
    traffic services and, in particular, to ensure
    safety,   security,    order,    discipline   and
    mobility on the roads;
•   To phase out, where appropriate, public funding
    and phase in private sector investment in
    road traffic on a competitive basis;                6
Presentation of the Final Draft of the 2018/2019 Annual Performance Plan of the RTMC to the Portfolio Committee - Presentation by: Road Traffic ...
The role of the Road Traffic Management
Corporation as a Road Safety Lead Agency

• To    introduce   commercial        management
  principles to inform and guide road traffic
  governance and decision-making in the
  interest of enhanced service provision;
• To    regulate,   strengthen    and     monitor
  intergovernmental contact and co-operation
  in road traffic matters;
• To    stimulate   research     in    road   traffic
  matters and effectively utilise the resources
  of existing institutes and research bodies;
• To develop human resources in the public
  and private sectors that are involved in road

The constitutional mandate of the RTMC in
relation to other Spheres of Government

                Functional areas of concurrent national and provincial competence –
                   Schedule 4 Part A
                      a) Public Transport
   Competence         b) Road Traffic Regulation
                      c) Vehicle licensing

   Provincial   Functional areas of exclusive provincial competence – Schedule 5 Part A
                   and B
   Government         a) Provincial Roads and Traffic

                •   Functional areas of municipalities Section 156 of the constitutions a
                    municipality has executive authority in respect of, and has the right to
                    administer Local government matters listed in Part B of schedule 4 and
                    Part B of schedule 5
                      a) Traffic and Parking
   Government         b) Municipal Roads
   Competence   •   Section 64 E of the South African police amendment act of 1998
                    provides that the functions of the municipal police are:                     8
                      a) Traffic policing, subject to any legislation relating to road traffic
                      b) Policing of municipal by laws
                      c) Prevention of crime
RTMC unique governance structure formulation
arises from powers given by the Provincial MECs


                                       Minister of Transport

           Board of

                                                    South African Local
                            12 MECs with Road
                             Safety Portfolios
             Chief                                     Association

Establishment of functional units
                                                    Road Traffic Law

                           Law Enforcement       Adjudication of Road
                                                   Traffic Offences

                                                     Vehicle and
                                                Roadworthiness Testing

                                                Testing and Licensing of

                                                  Communication and
                             Road Safety

 RTMC Functional Areas                            Infrastructure Safety

                                                   Training of Traffic
                         Capacity Development

                                                Vehicle Registrations and

                          Data Management       Road Traffic Information
   Within the RTMC
                                                Accident Investigations
   Concurrent Mandate                               and Recording

The RTMC key programmes are governed by
Global and National policies

Goals and Strategic Objectives

  To promote and               Integrate and            Leverage funding          Create a dynamic
create a safer road         coordinate the road          for road safety          and transformed
   environment               safety and traffic           programmes                organisation

  Educate and create                                     Promote and source        Create a conducive
  awareness on road            Professionalise the         investment from           environment by
    traffic matters           road traffic fraternity   private sector for road    inculcating a culture
                                                             traffic safety        of learning and high
  Ensure compliance
 with traffic legislation          Establish an
 through effective and         integrated national
      efficient law          road traffic information
     enforcement              management system

 Establish and sustain
                              Invest in road safety
    relationships with
                                 research and
   interest groups on
  road traffic matters

     Promote the              Develop and monitor
  prevention of fraud        norms & standards for
 and corruption in the
 road traffic fraternity
                              road traffic fraternity
The RTMC Performance for the past 3 years

   • The Corporation has achieved clean audit for the
     past 2 years

  KPI Achievements



   80%                                       79%

             2014/15       2015/16          2016/17     13
Some key achievements towards the
implementation 2015-2020 Strategy…

      2015                        2016                         2017….
 • Development of the        • Research on Cost of       • Enhancement of the
   National Road Safety        Crashes                     Natis System
   Strategy                  • Traffic Offence Survey    • Assessment of VTS
 • Research on distracted    • Traffic Information         (Sedibeng)
   and inattentive driving     databank                  • Development of
 • Implementation of the     • Appointment of National     Driving School
   South African Road          Law Enforcement             Curriculum
   Assessment                  Review Committee          • Development of Crash
   Programme                 • Established Youth           Investigation
 • NQF 6 Traffic Officer       Structure                   Curriculum
   Qualification             • Integration of the Road   • Registration of Traffic
 • Road Safety                 Transport Inspectorate      Colleges as
   Practitioner                from CBRTA                  assessment Centres
   qualification             • Management of the
 • Funding Model               Boekenhoutkloof Traffic
 • Appointment of              College
   National Advisory         • Acquisition of NATIS
   Council                     System

 Supported by regular publication of traffic information, education,
     enforcement and anti fraud and corruption programmes
The Corporation is growing….

Number of Employees
900                                                      856




       2013/14        2014/15   2015/16    2016/17     2017/18

The Corporation has grown immensely which is due to the integration
                of RTI and Boekenhoutkloof college

   Objective of Presentation

   Strategic Overview

   Key Performance Indicators 2018/2019

   Budget 2018/2019

   Organisational Challenges

Summary of the indicators per programme
                      KPI Distribution Across Programmes
gramme 5: Support

               Programme 4:
             Strategic Services
                                                              Programme 1:

       Programme 3: Traffic
         Intelligence and

                         Programme 2:

             Bulk of the RTMC indicators are on Programme 1
Programme 1:

The RTMC has been managing the NaTis system since 5 April 2017,    18
 that has resulted in Key Performance Indicators which create an
         opportunity to integrate road traffic information
Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Safety
 Indicator               Target              Quarterly               Rationale

 Number monitoring       2 monitoring        Q1: 1 monitoring report As the Lead Agency in Road

 reports on the          reports on the      Q4: 1 monitoring report Safety, the Corporation will

 implementation of the   implementation of                           continue to provide an overview

 National Road Safety    the National Road                           on the implementation of the

 Strategy approved by    Safety Strategy                             NRSS country-wide.

 the Board               approved by the


 Number of youth         Youth programme Q1:Youth Programme          Continuation of the programme

 programme developed developed and 1         Implemented             with enhancements from lessons

 and monitored           monitoring report Q3: Monitoring report     learnt from the previous

                         produced            produced                financial year
Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Safety

   Indicator         Target              Quarterly          Rationale

                                                            The need to develop a new breed of
   Number of road    2 road safety
                                                            drivers has been identified as a long
   safety programme programme
                                         Q3: Driver         term solution, to change the culture
   implemented with implemented with
                                         Programme          of Road Users. The inclusion of the
   interest groups   interest groups
                                         Q4: Learner        private sector was deemed to be
   (Learner and      (Learner and
                                         license            necessary as there are funds that
   Driver            Driver
                                         Programme          the private sector dedicate towards
   Programme)        Programme)
                                                            community upliftment

   Number of                             Q1: 1 Community
                     1 Community
   community based                       programme          Continuation of the programme with
   programme                             developed          enhancements from lessons learnt
                     developed and 1
   developed and                         Q3: 1 monitoring   from the previous financial year
                     monitoring report
   monitored                             report produced
                                         Q4: -

Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Safety

  Indicator            Target               Quarterly          Rationale

  Number of reports 2 Reports               Q2: 1 Reports      With the rationale to measure all
  produced on the      produced on the      produced on the    important projects and initiatives,
  inclusion of the     inclusion of the     inclusion of the   this KPI is meant to update key
  Road Safety          Road Safety          Road Safety        stakeholders on progress made on
  content into the     content into the                        the inclusion of Road Safety
  education            education            Q4: 1 Reports      Education into the BE curriculum as
  curriculum in        curriculum in        produced on the    per the deliverables set out in the
  collaboration with   collaboration with   inclusion of the   NRSS
  Department of        Department of        Road Safety
  Basic Education      basic education
                       approved by the

Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Training of Traffic Personnel

 Indicator                 Target                   Quarterly                Rationale

 Number of NQF Level 6     6 NQF Level 6 Traffic    Q4: 6 NQF Level 6        To train a 1000 Traffic Officers for
 Traffic Officer modules   Officer curriculum       Traffic Officer          the country who are skilled to
 completed for enrolled    modules completed for    curriculum modules       deal with a wide range of traffic
 students                  enrolled students        completed for enrolled   related matters
 Number of facilitators    120 facilitators up      Q2: 40 facilitators up   To ensure existing colleges
 up                        skilled on the Traffic   skilled on the Traffic   continue to play a crucial role in
 skilled on the NQF        Officer NQF Level 6      Officer NQF Level 6      road traffic training
 Level 6                   curriculum               curriculum
 Traffic Officer                                    Q3: 40 facilitators up
 curriculum                                         skilled on the Traffic
                                                    Officer NQF Level 6
                                                    Q4: 40 facilitators up
                                                    skilled on the Traffic
                                                    Officer NQF Level 6

Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Training of Traffic Personnel

Indicator                 Target                  Quarterly                Rationale

 Number of NQF Level 6    6 NQF Level 6 Road      Q4: 6 NQF Level 6        To ensure other Road Traffic roles
 Road Safety              Safety Practitioner     Road Safety              are skilled up, in the interest of
 Practitioners’ modules   modules completed for   Practitioner modules     Road Safety
 completed for enrolled   enrolled learners.      completed for enrolled
 learners.                                        learners.

Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Traffic Information

 Indicator              Target                Quarterly             Rationale

  Number of state of    7 state of road       Q1: 2                 Beyond being a continuation of
  road                  safety reports        Q2: 1                 the previous year’s KPI – the
  safety reports        approved by the       Q3: 1                 quantity and quality of information
  approved              Board                 Q4: 3                 should be enhanced to inform
  by the Board                                                      policy direction

  Report on the audit   Report on the audit   Q4: Report on the     Ensure the accuracy of the
  of                    of Road Traffic       audit of Road         information in the NaTis System
  Road Traffic          information on the    Traffic information
  information           NaTIS approved by     on the NaTIS
  on the NaTIS          the Board             approved by the

Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Traffic Information

        Indicator                  Target                   Quarterly                         Rationale

 Number of provincial    Five      (5)    Provincial Q4:          Five       (5) To      ensure     all   road     crash
 authorities on the      Authorities       on    the Provincial Authorities information is collated in a
 integrated         road integrated             road on     the     integrated single system.
 traffic                 traffic         information road                 traffic
 information system      system                      information system
 Development          of Developed           motor Q4:             Developed Aligned          to    the   options     to
 motor                   vehicle             online motor vehicle online source more revenue for the
 vehicle          online registration system         registration system            Corporation, the responsibility
 registration                                                                       is   shared    between       Finance
                                                                                    and ICT
 Redesign       National Redesigned National Q1: Business case                      The current system is not
 Land                    Land             Transport Q3:Progress           report integrated with the Natis and
 Transport               Information        System approved by Board                there is a wide scale abuse of
 Information             (NLTIS)                     Q4:    National       Land the system.
 System (NLTIS)                                      Transport
                                                     Information         System
                                                     (NLTIS) redesigned
Programme 1: Operations
Sub-Programme: Road Traffic Information

 Indicator             Target                  Quarterly               Rationale

  Number of            Two (2) Law             Q4: Two (2) Law
  authorities          Enforcement             Enforcement
  using the National   Authorities using the   Authorities using the
  Traffic              National Traffic        National Traffic
  Contravention        Contravention           Contravention
  Management System    Management System       Management System
  (NTCMS)              (NTCMS)                 (NTCMS)

Programme 2:
Law Enforcement

Programme 2: Law Enforcement
Sub-Programme: National Traffic Police
 Indicator          Target              Quarterly    Rationale

 Number of          835 intelligence-   Q1: 220      5% increase is in line with
 law enforcement    led road traffic    Q2: 170      strengthening the enforcement with
 Interventions      law enforcement     Q3: 230      other Authorities
                    interventions       Q4: 215

 Number of          245 843             Q1: 61 460   The KPI remains the same as in
 conducted          inspections         Q2: 61 460   2017/2018 to allow the unit to refine
                    conducted           Q3: 64 389   the operating model, taking into
                                        Q4: 58 531   account the resource constraints

Programme 2: Law Enforcement
Sub-Programme: National Law Enforcement Standards,
Planning and Coordination

     Indicator         Target              Quarterly                     Rationale

 NRTLEC   approved NRTLEC   approved Q2:    Gazetting    of To    finalise   the   process   re-
 by the Board     by the Board      NRTLEC                    initiated in 2016
                                    Q3:          NRTLEC
                                    submitted to Board
                                    Q4:          NRTLEC
                                    approved     by     the

Programme 3:
Traffic Intelligence and Security

Programme 3: Traffic Intelligence and
Indicator               Target         Quarterly                   Rationale

%   of   reported 100%           of Q1: 100%       To ensure all fraud and corruption
cases             reported    cases Q2: 100%       cases     reported    are   investigated   in
investigated      investigated      Q3: 100%       pursuit of promotion and prevention of
                                    Q4: 100%       fraud and corruption in the road traffic
Number of self- 100 self initiated Q1: 25
initiated cases   cases             Q2: 25
investigated      investigated      Q3: 25
                                    Q4: 25

Number of anti- 35        anti-fraud Q1: 10        The     need   to    continuously   promote
fraud and         and     corruption Q2: 10        ethical    behaviour     within   the   Road
corruption        awareness         Q3: 10         Traffic fraternity is seen as a key
awareness         programmes        Q4: 5          element to improving Road Safety
programmes        implemented
Programme 4:
Strategic Services

Programme 4: Strategic Services
Sub-Programme: Research and Development

 Indicator           Target                 Quarterly              Rationale

  Number of          Research on the        Q4: Research on        As a lead agency in Road Safety,
  research reports   effect of alcohol      the effect of          the Corporation aims to define
                     consumption on         alcohol                programmes and frameworks for
                     road crashes           consumption on         amongst others, research within
                     published.             road crashes           Road Safety
                     Research on the        Q4: Research on        To increase research capacity
                     reclassification of    the reclassification   through collaborations with
                     serious road traffic   of serious road        critical stakeholders
                     offenses on the        traffic offenses on
                     Criminal Procedure     the Criminal
                     Act (CPA)              Procedure Act
                     approved by the        (CPA) approved by
                     Board                  the Board

Programme 4: Strategic Services
Sub-Programme: Research and Development

 Indicator         Target             Quarterly           Rationale

 Number of SARAP    1 SARAP Road      Q4: 1 SARAP Road    Continue to influence other
 Road               Infrastructure    Infrastructure      stakeholders on Road Safety
 Infrastructure     Assessments       Assessments         through scientific studies.
 Assessments        concluded and     concluded and
 submitted to       submitted to      submitted to
 relevant roads     relevant roads    relevant roads
 authority          authority         authority
 Development of the Environmental     Q1: ToR approved    Inward-looking target – aligned
 Environmental      Strategy          by the Board        to cost saving principles, the
 strategy           approved by the   Q3: Environmental   Corporation aims to improve its
                    Board             Strategy            carbon footprint through the
                                      approved by the     development and implementation
                                      Board               of a green strategy

Programme 5:
Support Services

Programme 5: Support Services
Sub-Programme: Financial Sustainability

 Indicator           Target            Quarterly          Rationale
  Total % increase   30% revenue       Q4: 30% revenue    The approved R30 and R12 transaction fee
  in                 increase from     increase from      increases for 2018 and 2019 will contribute
  other revenue      other previous    other previous     significantly to the Corporation’s Financial
  streams            financial year    financial year     Position however; alternative revenue
                                                          streams are still critical to improve such a

  Total % increase   10% increase on   Q4: 10% increase   Aligned to the 9 point plan, the Corporation
  in expenditure     expenditure       on expenditure     aims to ensure its goods and services are
  spend for SMMES    spend on SMMEs    spend on SMMEs     procured from SMMEs and ensure payments
                     from previous     from previous      are made on time.
                     year              year

Programme 5: Support Services
Sub-Programme: Human Resources Management

 Indicator          Target            Quarterly         Rationale

 Implementation     Implementation    Q2: Revised       Ensuring all performance management
 of a Performance   of an automated   performance       of the RTMC moves to an automated
 Management         performance       management        environment
 System             management        system
                    system            developed
                                      of an automated

The key projects alignment to the National
Development Plan (NDP) outcomes…
Outcome                              RTMC Projects

Outcome 1: Quality basic             •   Road Safety content into the education curriculum in
education                                collaboration with Department of basic education
                                     •   Road safety research

Outcome 2: A long and healthy life   •   Educational programme (youth and community
for all South Africans               •   Law enforcement interventions and inspections

Outcome 3: All people in South       •   Qualification for the Traffic Officers and road safety

Africa are and feel safe                 practitioner
                                     •   Training of facilitators
                                     •   Anti fraud and corruption awareness campaigns
                                     •   Anti fraud and corruption case (reported and self initiated)
                                     •   National Road Traffic Law Enforcement Code (NRTLEC)

Outcome 4: Decent employment         •   Employment of traffic officers
through inclusive economic growth
… The key projects alignment to the National
Development Plan (NDP) outcomes
Outcome                                       RTMC Projects

Outcome 6: An efficient, competitive and      •   Road safety educational programmes with
responsive economic infrastructure network        interest groups
                                              •   Enforcement interventions focussed at public

Outcome 9: A responsive, accountable,         •   Implementation of an automated performance
effective and efficient developmental local       management system
government system

Outcome 12: An efficient, effective and
development-oriented public service


   Objective of Presentation

   Strategic Overview

   Key Performance Indicators 2018/2019

   Budget 2018/2019

   Organisational Challenges

2018/19 MTEF Budget

 • Budget allocation per programme:
       Support Service includes Natis budget
       Operations budget includes training of traffic personnel and Boekenhoutkloof
       Law Enforcement includes new function from CBRTA

                                                    Budget per Programme
                                      2015/16     2016/17        2017/18     2018/19     2019/20      2020/21       2018/19
           Programmes                  Annual      Annual         Annual      Annual      Annual       Annual      Budget %
                                       Budget      Budget         Budget      Budget      Budget       Budget      Allocation
 Operations                              93 471      126 101       105 728     277 211      306 887      352 298          22%
 Law Enforcement                        162 701      156 600       167 378     244 908      264 218      283 364          20%
 Traffic Intelligence & Security         11 900       12 501        13 477      15 490       16 553       17 684           1%
 Strategic Services                      79 246      101 317       113 266     196 170      231 846      260 590          16%
 Support Services (including Capex)     312 605      304 540       336 873     498 472      677 128      825 335          40%
 Total expense incl CAPEX             659 923      701 059       736 722     1 232 251   1 496 631    1 739 270          100%
 % increase in budget year-on-year                      6%            5%          51%         21%          16%

 • The summary below shows that 47% of the allocation of the economic classification is
     distributed towards goods and services, followed by employee compensation.
                                                Budget per Economic Classification
                                                                                                                   2019 Budget
 Economic Classification               2015/16       2016/17      2017/18    2018/2019   2019/2020    2020/2021
                                                                                                                   % allocation
 Compensation of Employees
 Goods & Services
                                        170 500
                                        403 729
                                                       325 891
                                                       283 644
                                                                   352 346
                                                                   348 442
                                                                               541 420
                                                                               578 692
                                                                                            583 913
                                                                                            706 314
                                                                                                         629 002
                                                                                                         786 567
 Capex                                   85 695         91 523      35 934     112 137      206 404      323 701           9%
 Total allocation                       659 924        701 058    736 722    1 232 250    1 496 631    1 739 270         100%
Corporations key challenges among others

   Sustainability: Non-payment of the                    Harmonisation of all the Functions:
   R176million debt paid on behalf of the                The transfer of the 3 functions namely
   Department in relation to the Tasima                  Vehicle and Roadworthiness Testing,
   court case;                                           and Licensing of Drivers, and Vehicle
                                                         Registrations and Licensing

   Additional functions: RTMC took                        Integration    of     Road      Traffic
   over the Boekenhoutkloof Traffic                       Information: The ability to execute the
   College as well as the CBRTA                           long overdue infrastructure refresh on
   Inspectorate without their concomitant                 the Natis system;

Thank You

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