PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan

Page created by Wayne Blake
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan

PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
VALENCIA, WORLD DESIGN CAPITAL 2022               More than the organisation of an event, ever
                                                  since the initial bid we have worked to acti-
On 9 September 2019, Valencia was selected        vate a process that can integrate society as
as World Design Capital 2022 by the World         a whole, from citizens to private and public
Design Organization (WDO), an international       enterprise, through the fields of academia
non-governmental organisation that, since         and training. A process that enables the im-
1957, has set out to promote the design pro-      plementation of design strategies throughout
fession.                                          the region and in such diverse spheres as
                                                  politics, education, urban planning, commu-
Valencia World Design Capital 2022 seeks to       nication, tourism, innovation, culture and the
make this discipline a tool for social wellbe-    economy.
ing and sustainable economic development.
We believe in design as a fundamental vehi-       Valencia World Design Capital 2022 aims to
cle with which to improve people’s quality of     promote the activity and enhance the quali-
life, activate innovation in the short term and   ty of this creative sector, making it the main
generate systemic change in societies in the      agent of social change and urban innovation.
long term, resolving very specific problems       The aim is to generate a whole series of ini-
and challenges in the local sphere and gene-      tiatives that will project design beyond 2022,
rating global solutions that can be applied to    generating a legacy that is able to transcend
other environments.                               and become established as a key value of the
                                                  local and national social fabric.

                                      01 / INTRODUCTION                                       3
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
MEDITERRANEAN CITY                                    sues such as inclusion, gender equality, social
                                                      justice, sustainability and the importance of
The project of Valencia as World Design               education.
Capital 2022 appeals to a way of understan-
ding the world from a “Mediterranean” point           Valencia World Design Capital defends a “way
of view, based on the approachability of its          of looking” (a filter) with certain geographical,
people, their empathy, the joie de vivre of its       but also aesthetic, ethical, philosophical and
society, its tolerance, its diversity, its inclusi-   political implications. We seek to underline
ve, open and creative nature. Mediterranean           the brightness of our world, its poise and
design stands out thanks to its luminosity, its       balance, the accomplished and unequivocal
warmth, a more poetic, personal and intuitive         simplicity of that which has become settled,
perception which appeals directly to the sen-         assimilated and catalysed by the passing of
ses, seeking to please through appearance             time, tradition, cooperation and the appre-
and feel, without losing sight of functionality.      ciation of excellent work. The programme
                                                      of events of this bid for 2022 sets out to
This is Mediterranean design that refers,             understand this “way of looking” from the
obviously, to a geographic and historic space,        Mediterranean, while targeting some general
but also to a series of values. Social values         objectives and universal values established by
that set out to make life happier for people,         the UN.
and with a committed stance on specific is-

                                         01 / INTRODUCTION                                          5
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
                                                  Being awarded the title of World Design
Beginning with some history and arriving at       Capital in 2022 implies, primarily, the genera-
the present day, we set out here the names of     tion of a brand of internationally recognised
the main Valencian designers and design stu-      prestige, and it acts as a facilitating element
dios, those who have contributed to fashio-       in the construction of a sense of identity
ning the prestige of the design history of this   and belonging, as a synthesising element for
region; others who are currently working on       projection and communication to the outside
projects to continue this legacy. Furthermore,    world, as a discourse to attract visitors, in-
we have the new generations of promising          vestors and qualified residents. Being Design
young designers who, undeniably, are contri-      Capital will serve to enhance social processes
buting to making design and the designers         and to generate economic value.
of the Valencian Community an international
reference.                                        Design plays an important role as a driver of
                                                  progress in the economy and, of course, in
Paco Bascuñán, Vicent Martínez, Nacho             society and culture, as well as being an eco-
Lavernia, Javier Mariscal, Dani Nebot, Marisa     nomic sector in itself. Moreover, if we con-
Gallén, Pepe Gimeno, Vicente Gracia, Vicente      sider its transversal nature and its capacity
Navarro, Ibán Ramón, Yinsen, Boke Bazán,          for use in all sectors and fields of activity,
Dídac Ballester, OdosDesign, Jaime Hayón,         design becomes a vital strategic partner for
Mario Ruíz, Inma Bermúdez, Borja García,          companies that wish to evolve. An event of
Hector Serrano, Fran Silvestre, Jose A. Gan-      the scale and scope of World Design Capital
día-Blasco, Sandra Figuerola, Ramón Esteve,       involves the holding of meetings, congresses
María Arroyo, Francesc Rifé, Borja García,        and activities of an international nature that
Vicente Gallega, Rafa Armero, Juan Montesa,       will facilitate the insertion of companies and
Iván Colominas, Julio Guixeres, Cosín Estu-       organisations in international networks and
dio, CuldeSac, Filmac, Estudio Menta, Yonoh       interest and cooperation groups, giving them
Estudio, Ximo Roca, Carlos Tiscar, Alegre         the opportunity to diversify their internatio-
Design, Néctar, Miguel Herranz, Cuatro Cuar-      nalisation processes.
tos, Carmen Baselga Taller de Proyectos,
Nihil Estudio, Mano de Santo, La Mamba + El       Focusing attention on Valencia via design
Atelier, Masquespacio, Estudio Zyx, Estudio       will contribute to maintaining the interest
Vitale, Ideo, H Up Interiorismo y diseño, Estu-   of foreign investment in the region and the
dio Mercader de Indias, El Ático Interiorismo,    country as a stable destination, with a sound
Estudio Tarruella Trenchs, Estudio PG.            geostrategic position, first class transport
                                                  connections and an extensive network of
                                                  industrial and logistic spaces and centres of
                                                  knowledge, research and innovation.

                                                  Being Design Capital will enhance the social
                                                  relevance of design and help bring together
                                                  companies, organisations and institutions
                                                  that contemplate design as a key value in
                                                  their corporate and growth strategies. It will
                                                  enable economic and social returns in the
                                                  form of development, progress and prospe-
                                                  rity, as well as generating business opportu-
                                                  nities and creating links between design and
                                                  business to catalyse innovation and generate
                                                  greater productivity.

6                               PRESS MATERIAL & PICTURES
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan

PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
A→                                               ciety and the whole country with the need to
                                                 make design a tool for change and transfor-
                                                 If we speak about architecture, in addition to
The city of Valencia and by extension the Va-    the renowned architect Santiago Calatrava
lencian Community is a land of creativity. The   (Hemisfèric, Museu de les Ciències, Palau de
work of designers, interior designers, archi-    les Arts, Àgora...) the city offers a wide variety
tects and illustrators over the last one hun-    of imposing and valuable buildings, master-
dred years shows that Valencia exudes design     pieces of Valencian modernism, such as the
through every pore: with examples of graphic     Mercado Central and the Mercado de Colón,
design throughout the city, emblematic and       both with more than a hundred years of his-
singular buildings in every street and new ar-   tory. In addition, a special mention is deser-
chitectural, urban planning and environmental    ved by the Lonja de la Seda (Silk Exchange) of
projects that will shape the Valencia of the     Valencia, an exponent of Valencian civil gothic
future. And for the design and beauty of the     declared World Heritage by UNESCO in 1996.
interiors of its establishments, old and new.
                                                 The city forms its personality though its many
Valencia World Design Capital 2022 seeks to      neighbourhoods, some well established, such
make design a tool that is able to imagine in-   as El Carmen and the Ensanche, and others
novative solutions to the great urban challen-   emerging and burgeoning with life such as the
ges. Solutions agreed upon by all the agents     Russafa and Cabanyal neighbourhoods. What
of society to combat challenges such as en-      they all have in common is that they are full of
vironmental sustainability, population aging,    art galleries and cafés and their premises host
inclusion and inequality, the management of      numerous demonstrations of interior design
multiculturality, the generation and manage-     and even examples of experience design
ment of public space, among others.
                                                 The city of Valencia is a breeding ground of
Valencia is a city that already transmits de-    nationally and internationally renowned de-
sign in all its neighbourhoods, from Ciutat      signers. Numerous professionals and com-
Vella at the heart of the city to its maritime   panies, such as the designers Dani Nebot,
quarters, with The Cabanyal and Malvarrosa       Nacho Lavernia, Vicent Martínez and Lola
districts, bathed by the Mediterranean Sea.      Castelló for Punt Mobles, Javier Mariscal, Ma-
Being World Design Capital will give the city    rio Ruiz, Marisa Gallén and companies such
the possibility to transmit and to imbue so-     as Point, Actiu, Royo Group, Porcelanosa and

8                                PRESS MATERIAL & PICTURES
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan
Andreu World, have been rewarded with the           declared Intangible Cultural Heritage of Hu-
prestigious National Innovation and Design          manity in 2013.
Awards, and their track records have accumu-
lated numerous international distinctions for       Design in Valencia is present in leisure, ar-
their design work and products.                     chitecture, culture, gastronomy and, throu-
                                                    gh graphic design, in all its streets. The city
The complete gastronomic offer of the city,         of Valencia has many projects underway in
the result of its rich culinary tradition, brings   which design takes pride of place: the Arxiu
us closer to interior design, although the work     Valencià del Disseny, the future Design Dis-
of designers is apparent not only through the       trict, the Arena stadium (a large multipurpose
many cafés, bars and restaurants. The wide          enclosure for sports events) the new Valencia
variety of cosmopolitan and innovative com-         CF stadium, the Torre Eólica wind tower in
mercial proposals allows us to enjoy a route        Valencia Marina (designed by the architect
through the city and to perceive and experi-        Fran Silvestre) and the future Caixa Fòrum
ment new experiences led by design while we         València, in the Ágora of the City of Arts and
enjoy the goodness of the Mediterranean diet,       Sciences.

                                          02 / CONTEXT                                             9
PRESENTATION DOSSIER - event #Spainis inJapan


The excellence and potential of design as a
discipline is not limited to the Valencian
Community in terms of scope. The geostrate-
gic position of our region beside the Medite-
rranean, its history, and the particularly open
and friendly character of our community,
have led us to champion a narrative that is
fully reciprocated in Spanish society.

The qualities of an advanced society, such as
cultural diversity, business excellence, sus-
tainability or creative spirit are values that we
share with all the regions of Spain. Therefo-
re, our mission will be to work from the local
level, as drivers of innovation and sustainable
development, to finally bring together groups
that are already present in the social and eco-
nomic structure of the country, generating an
impact that will serve to promote the “Marca
España” brand internationally.

10                                       02 / CONTEXTO
Valencia World Design Capital 2022 aims to
promote the activity and enhance the quali-
ty of this creative sector, making it the main
agent for social change and urban innova-
tion. The aim is to generate a whole series
of initiatives that will project design beyond
2022, generating a legacy that will trans-
cend and become established as a key value
of local and national social fabric.

                                PRESS MATERIAL & PICTURES   11
→ DESIGN TEACHING                                 → THE STRENGTHENING OF THE LOCAL
                                                  OR NATIONAL PROFESSIONAL DESIGN
The didactics of design as a tool to improve      NETWORK
processes in society.
                                                  To generate a narrative shared by the three
→ THE SOCIAL TRANSFORMATION OF THE                provinces of the Valencian Community
REGION THROUGH DESIGN                             around creativity and design, positioning us
                                                  as a national focus point.
To create, activate and facilitate links and      → THE STRUCTURING OF THE VALENCIAN
collaborations between the design ecosystem       COMMUNITY THROUGH DESIGN
and innovation, as well as to establish stable
contacts with other disciplines or economic,      To build a closer relationship between profes-
social and cultural sectors that will transform   sionals at the national level and improve the
society in the long term.                         professional implementation of the design
→ THE INTERNATIONALISATION OF DE-                 sector in society.
                                                  → LEGACY
To promote Spanish design, its professionals
and companies, at international level. Fur-       To ensure the blossoming of a design legacy
thermore, to inspire other cities to use design   in the appointed city that will be prolonged
as a strategic tool to grow and prosper and       and remain after the conclusion of the twelve
generate an international network of cities       months as Design Capital.
that share best practices in innovative design.   All the actions carried out from Valencia


To assist and accompany the creation of stra-
tegies based on design to contribute to the
sustainable and inclusive development of the
region, improving the level of wellbeing and
the quality of life of its citizens.

12                              PRESS MATERIAL & PICTURES
04                                                 → NO POVERTY

                                                   → ZERO HUNGER

                                                   → GOOD HEALTH AND WELL-BEING

                                                   → QUALITY EDUCATION

                                                   → GENDER EQUALITY

                                                   → CLEAN WATER AND SANITATION

                                                   → AFFORDABLE AND CLEAN ENERGY

                                                   → DECENT WORK AND ECONOMIC GROW-

                                                   → INDUSTRY, INNOVATION AND INFRAS-

                                                   → REDUCED INEQUALITIES

                                                   → SUSTAINABLE CITIES AND COMMUNI-
World Design Capital 2022 will relate to one       TIES
or more of the Sustainable Development
Goals promoted by the United Nations on            → RESPONSIBLE CONSUMPTION AND
matters of sustainability and social justice for   PRODUCTION
2030. The Sustainable Development Goals
are a universal call to action to end poverty,     → CLIMATE ACTION
protect the planet and guarantee that people
can enjoy peace and prosperity.                    → LIFE BELOW WATER
The fact that Valencia is to be World Design
Capital in 2022 will enable us, between now        → LIFE ON LAND
and the 2022 horizon as the key year, to
generate collective projects and synergies in      → PEACE, JUSTICE AND STRONG INSTITU-
order to visualise problems, determine cha-        TIONS
llenges, design strategies and begin working
to reach our aims.                                 → PARTNERSHIPS


The project of Valencia as World Design         STAGE 0
Capital is not a recent event. It has been      PRELIMINARY
underway since 2018 when a group of profes-
sionals and entrepreneurs began to dream of     MARCH 2018 - DECEMBER 2018
this designation. Since then, the project has
passed through different stages, the last one   The process commenced with the first mee-
being the legacy, what will remain at the end   tings of the people who would form the com-
of 2022 and on which we are already begin-      mittee and the first working group, quietly
ning to work:                                   building up a network and bringing together
                                                the professional and entrepreneurial founda-
                                                tions of the project that, in addition to ha-

                                                ving already obtained the support of political
                                                alliances and even the opposition, began to
                                                set up the first working group with which to
                                                begin the bid presentation process.

STAGE 1                                          from the city of Valencia, the capital project
BID                                              aspires to unite and incorporate the interests
                                                 of Alicante and Castellón, acting as a hub to
DECEMBER 2018 - SEPTEMBER 2019                   articulate and promote the whole Valencian
                                                 Community region.
We worked for a year on the presentation of
Valencia as World Design Capital in 2022.        Beyond the organisation of an event, this
During these months we proclaimed locally,       initiative works to activate a process that will
nationally and internationally that Valencia     integrate everybody: authorities, companies
deserved to be World Design Capital with         and citizens. A process that will provide them
all of society united behind this project. We    all with increased capacity for innovation in
achieved widespread support, economic            the short term and for systemic change in the
backing from business and political consen-      long term. A process that enables the imple-
sus. We approached this stage as a journey in    mentation of design strategies in such im-
that, if we did not achieve our aims, at least   portant spheres as politics, education, urban
we would have broadcast to society the mes-      planning, communication, tourism, innova-
sage of design and design education.             tion, culture, business and ecology.

STAGE 2                                          The creation of our own narrative has begun,
GENERATION OF TRUST                              thanks to the support of a society that is par-
SEPTEMBER 2019 - APRIL 2020                      ticularly committed and open to projects that
                                                 can bring progress.
Valencia World Design Capital 2022 seeks to
make the design perspective the main agent
for urban innovation. Although it is activated

                                         05 / STAGES                                         15
STAGE 3                                            in times of pandemic.
                                                   This open and global platform, which has
APRIL 2020 - DECEMBER 2020                         collected over 500 initiatives and projects of
                                                   all kinds, both national and international, has
Having formed the basic team, we began to          received various acknowledgements such
generate initiatives and projects in which citi-   as the inclusion of its graphics in the forth-
zens, as well as professionals and companies,      coming exhibition of the Design Museum
felt they were participating and collaborated      of Barcelona: ‘Emergency! Designs against
with ideas and projects.                           Covid-19’.

The first months after our selection as Capital    At the same time, twenty key figures within
were situated in a challenging context owing       Spanish design united to reflect on the role
to the health crisis caused by COVID-19.           of their sector in the ‘new normal’ through
Despite this, we have managed to generate a        a series of interviews in which this line-up
project that reaches out to citizens, thanks to    of professionals spoke sincerely about how
the spirit of constant improvement inherent        the COVID-19 crisis has affected them and
to design.                                         how they believe design can help to resolve
                                                   all the challenges faced by society, as well as
Along these lines, the project #EstoPasará         expressing their demands to the public insti-
(“This will pass”) was launched at the begin-      tutions.
ning of April, as a digital platform to collect,
align and broadcast initiatives arising from       After a crisis such as the one we have expe-
design and other creative sectors in order to      rienced, design stands out as a key tool in the
contribute with solutions, relief and support      social reconstruction of the country.

During the process of creating our own narra-    endorse the work already performed as well
tive, the Capital project has received various   as vouching for the achievement of our aims.
distinctions and expressions of support that

                                        05 / STAGES                                        17
During the month of July, two key events         The second event consisted of the ceremony
took place that put Valencia on the map in an    for presentation by their Majesties the King
extraordinary manner, thanks to the official     and Queen of Spain of the National Inno-
support ceremony of the Ministry of Science      vation and Design Awards 2019, with the
and Innovation for the Capital project, and      participation of the Minister of Science and
the presentation ceremony of the National        Innovation, Pedro Duque. This ceremony
Design and Innovation Awards, which was at-      distinguished the professionals and compa-
tended by their Majesties the King and Queen     nies that have made innovation a vital ele-
of Spain.                                        ment in the development of their professional
                                                 strategy and the growth of their business.
The first event, the support ceremony of the     Furthermore, recognition was given to those
Ministry of Science and Innovation for the       who have contributed significantly to increa-
capital project, was attended by Teresa Ries-    sing the prestige of Spanish design and the
go, General Secretary for Innovation of the      companies that, by incorporating it in their
Ministry of Science and Innovation, and was      business strategy, have shown that design is
supported by the regional and local govern-      a powerful lever for innovation and competiti-
ments, with the participation of the President   veness.
of the Valencian Government, Ximo Puig, and
the Mayor of Valencia, Joan Ribó. This mee-      STAGE 4
ting emphasised the value of the Valencian       PROTOTYPING
Community as a land of creativity and as a
region in which design excellence has been       JANUARY 2021 - DECEMBER 2021
apparent for decades thanks to its National
Innovation and Design Award winners.             The year prior to being design capital is the
                                                 time to implement projects, to give the pro-

     VALENCIA                                    PROJECT
     WORLD DESIGN                                PRESENTATION
     CAPITAL 2022

                                                 WDC VALENCIA


gramme an international diffusion and begin       so that design will be implemented in the
to attract the attention of the general public    business, institutional and social decisions of
beyond our borders.                               Spain.
                                                  Design as a driver of change and differentia-
To make the “Marca España” brand an in-           tion:
ternational reference and to focus on all the
companies and professionals who, using            1 → TRAINING AND INDUSTRY
innovation and design, work every day to im-      The basis for any change begins with educa-
prove processes and people’s lives. It will be    tion and is sustained thanks to the economy.
the time to begin to prototype society using      Therefore, we will make structural changes
design and to include this in fields other than   to update the Teaching Guides for Vocational
those in which it is usually present.             Education and Training linked to design, we
                                                  will create new training schools linked to the
STAGE 5                                           wood, ceramics and textile industries. We will
IMPLEMENTATION                                    create the necessary links between schools
JANUARY 2022 - DECEMBER 2022                      and industry, to retain talent in the Valencian
2022 will be Valencia’s big year as World
Design Capital. A year full of events, both our   2 → INSTITUTIONALISATION
own and those undertaken with other institu-      We will act as a lobby between the adminis-
tions and professionals to enhance the disci-     tration and private enterprise. The instittions
pline from every angle, as well as to emphasi-    understand the transformational power of
se its social and economic importance and its     design and the need for its implementation in
capacity for transformation. Twelve months        all processes and results. We are not referring
dedicated to social topics such as sustaina-      to aesthetic results, but to relevant results.
bility, social inclusion, sustainable growth,
equality and sport, aligned with the United       Our first step will be the creation of a Design
Nations Sustainable Development Goals and         Council within the Valencian Administration.
with a regional, national and international       There will be no last step.
presence. We want to be the pole of attrac-
tion for world creativity for a whole year.       3 → OPPORTUNITIES ECOSYSTEM
                                                  Based on urban planning, the assignment of
STAGE 6                                           spaces and the activation of the network of
THE LEGACY                                        professionals linked to the creative industries,
                                                  we will create the right context to enable the
FROM JANUARY 2023 ONWARDS                         proliferation of opportunities for collabora-
                                                  tion, the generation of wealth and partners-
Valencia World Design Capital 2022 draws          hips in the long term, on both the professio-
two horizons: the present day and posterity.      nal and social levels.

Our main aim as World Design Capital is to        4 → GENERATION OF WEALTH
leave a legacy; because we do not see 2022        Understanding design as the end result of a
as a jubilee year, but rather as the founda-      process, the aim of which is to seek the ideal
tion on which this city – and by extension the    solution to a specific problem, it is evident
country – will be positioned on the interna-      that this process can only generate wealth,
tional design map. Therefore, all the actions     reduce costs, increase sales and improve
that we undertake today have a long-lasting       processes. We can speak of the relevance of
vision that will change the social foundations    the contracting of design for business and

                                          05 / STAGES                                          19
industrial evolution and we will work for its     out to compete or reproduce the same model,
dissemination and implementation.                 needs to generate dynamic and functional
                                                  facilities for all public and business sectors.
                                                  THE PROGRAMME OF VALENCIA WORLD
We incorporate in our strategy the Sustaina-      DESIGN CAPITAL 2022
ble Development Goals (SDG) approved by
the United Nations in 2015, and this will be      Valencia World Design Capital 2022 does
the fundamental pilar on which to build this      not merely seek to generate a schedule of
new reality that will be inaugurated with our     events in 2022, but to begin a transformation
Capital status. Design as the driver of change    process that includes the implementation of
in processes to fight against poverty, protect    design at a social level. And it does so by ac-
the planet and ensure peace and prosperity.       tivating the participation of professionals and
                                                  citizens with different calls for projects. In
6 → EXPORT AND BRANDING                           this way, major events and activities are being
Thanks to the institutional support we have       generated, not just for 2022, but furthermo-
received and our knowledge on the building        re from 2020 a whole series of activities and
of brand universes, a ‘Marca València’ seal       processes has commenced which includes
will be created, which will enable us to open     design in different aspects: internationalisa-
unique, competent and ethical export chan-        tion, the national brand, the implementation
nels. We provide value to all our producers       of the productive fabric, cultural acceleration
and entrepreneurs.                                or such specific matters as gender equality
                                                  and inclusion. The programme for 2022 will
7 → INCORPORATION OF THE VALENCIAN                cover, in turn, from large events and interna-
COMMUNITY DESIGN FOUNDATION AND                   tional meetings to other small actions that
ITS HEADQUARTERS, THE VALENCIAN                   transmit the importance of design and its
COMMUNITY DESIGN CENTRE                           transversal capacity.

The fact that Valencia is to be World Design
Capital in 2022 enables us, from now on and
with the horizon of the legacy as our main
target, to generate collective projects and
synergies to visualise problems, determine
challenges, design strategies and begin wor-
king to attain our aims.

Being World Design Capital must also mark
the start of a project that will be perpetuated
in space and time. Hence the need to incor-
porate a body that can continue to manage
and lead the legacy that the Design Capital
team will leave. A Foundation conceptually
linked to the world of design and its dissemi-
nation is, for Valencia, a fundamental propo-
sal that will complement the city’s cultural
ecosystem with a physical headquarters such
as those already in place in London and Bar-
celona, a centre for design, a hub for profes-
sionals and companies. Thematic spaces with
design at the centre of their programming
and management. Valencia, without setting

                                          05 / STAGES                                        21
The Valencia World Design Capital 2022 bid is a project of
the Associació València Capital del Disseny, which is bac-
ked by the Local Authority of Valencia, the Government of
the Valencian Community, Visit València, Feria Valencia
and Valencia Marina.

It is also promoted by the Association of Designers of the
Valencian Community (ADCV) and the Professional Asso-
ciation of Interior Designers of the Valencian Community

The project is supported by collaborating companies in-
cluding Actiu, Andreu World, Padima, Point, Tau Cerámica,
Zumex, Grupo Torrecid, La Imprenta, Vondom and Martí-
nez Medina, IBV, Escato, Punt and Veles e Vents and su-
pporting associations such as ComunitAD, READ, Art en
Blanc, Dimova, the Professional Association of Advertising
Professionals and the Regional Association of Architects
of Valencia. It is an initiative that has gone beyond the lo-
cal sphere to become a national project with the support
of three ministries: the Ministry of Culture and Sport; the
Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism; and the Ministry of
Science, Innovation and Universities, as well as many other
institutions. The bid has also received the backing of the
Spanish Royal Family.

                  07 / COMPANIES AND INSTITUTIONS         25
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