Page created by Warren Hale


                                        WINTER 2021-2022
                                        Experts fear that businesses may have to experience another Polar Vortex
                                        plunge into the United States again this season. In the winter of 2020-2021,
                                        a serious expansion of a disrupted Polar Vortex in the southern plains states,
                                        coupled with a significant ice storm, created a catastrophic power disruption
                                        resulting freeze damage which lasted multiple weeks. Could this year’s winter
                     DISRUPTION         season bring a repeat of these significant effects and business disruption?
                   Experts forecast     Experts forecast that another season of instability with the Polar Vortex could
                    another winter      occur this winter, however cannot forecast exactly where In the Northern
                 season of weather
                                        Hemisphere impacts will be felt.
                         instability.   The Polar Vortex (PV) is an expanse of swirling cold air in a low-pressure
                                        zone over the polar regions of the globe. During winter, the vortex normally
                Maintaining a basic
                                        expands and sends cold air southward. However, if the PV becomes disrupted
               weather impact and       due to changes in the upper oceanic basins, it can plunge arctic cold much
                business continuity     further south than the usual experience, sometimes as far south as Florida.
                      plan can help
                                        Much of the northern United States are accustomed to cold air outbreaks and
               minimize the impact
                                        is prepared to respond more efficiently. Building codes and experience are
                 on operations and      arranged for occasional very cold outbursts in that region. However, southern
                   help restore and     states which usually experience milder winters, cannot withstand these type
                   recover as early     of very cold air plunges typical with a PV disruption. These types of events
                        as possible.    present overwhelming cold air temperatures to infrastructure and typical
                                        business operations.

                                                                    The Buck’s Got Your Back®

                        Credit: NOAA

      The remarkable cold experienced during the February                  However, the final cost to the insurance industry
      2021 event in the southern plains resulted from a very               will not be known until at least the end of 2021 at
      disrupted polar vortex, and the event illustrated how                the earliest, as the current significant increases in
      unpreparedness can wreak havoc on infrastructures                    construction materials, labor and supply shortages
      and general properties and create catastrophic impacts               are impacting repairs, and business income
      to normal business continuity.                                       interruption claims are still being processed. Prior
                                                                           to the February, 2021 event, the largest industry loss
      CLAIMS EXPERIENCE CAN BE                                             from freeze was incurred in the March, 1993 blizzard,
      PROLOGUE                                                             which affected 24 states. Industry losses for that
                     A manufacturing client suffered a loss                event accounted for $3.6 billion in damages
                     during the Polar Vortex in February which             (reported in 2020 dollars).
                     resulted in an 8-day operational shutdown,            Fortunately, there are measures that can be taken to
                     despite power being interrupted for several           help fight against the cold and prepare more sufficiently
                     weeks. The company was able to limit                  for the next deep freeze. The following are opportunities
      their disruption and financial loss by renting emergency             to improve property hardening and help ensure better
      generators from a service provider nearby, until the                 business continuity.
      utility was able to restore power. This client reduced
      their business impact by almost 50% and the cost of the              Failing to Plan is Planning to Fail
      generators were reimbursed as an extra expense under                 Restoring a business or operation following loss
      their business interruption policy. A multi-million loss             of critical utility service for an extended period,
      potential was reduced to $500 K through this restoration             especially during adverse weather conditions, can
      action by the insured.                                               create a unique set of issues that increases risk to
                                                                           employees and property and require a well thought
      According to the insurance Information Institute, in the
                                                                           out restoration and recovery plan. Loss of power for
      first half of 2021, winter storms resulted in over $15 billion
                                                                           an extended period may be unplanned or intentional
      in insured losses to the industry, almost all due to the
                                                                           (rolling blackouts) with no or limited advanced warning
      winter storms in mid-February that affected a large area
                                                                           to customers.
      of the US. Texas was especially impacted with severe and
      abnormal low temperatures for an extended period. These              These disruptions can lead to property damage and
      events were predominantly caused by a severe plunge                  business impact due to lack of power but can also lead
      from an unstable Polar Vortex resulting in a prolonged               to more significant water damage when aligned with
      period of very cold temperatures and dangerous wind                  cold weather events where heat cannot be maintained
      chills. Storm events resulted in heavy snowfall, freezing            on premises and freeze-ups of process, domestic and
      rain and ice storms with resultant freezing temperatures             fire protection sprinkler systems are possible.
      in Texas for at least 7 days consecutively.                          Freeze-ups can go unnoticed until the weather warms
                                                                           up or heat is restored. The thawing process is what
      An October 2021 report from Lloyd’s estimated losses                 causes pipes and fittings to break allowing contents
      for this series of events will total as much as $20 billion.         to flow into finished areas.


      The best approach to minimizing risk resulting from                goods ahead of previously established timelines to
      these very cold polar air plunges is to prepare in advance         provide some breathing room. Check spare parts
      of winter for potential extended loss of power or impacts          and equipment inventories and verify your business
      to critical infrastructure upon which your business may            has the items needed. Working with key personnel
      depend. Below are some tips to better prepare.                     such as facilities, operations, and special equipment
                                                                         operators to pre-arrange for nearby accommodations
      • Plan to Win. Before the cold season gets into full
                                                                         during a severe cold snap could help to limit risk for
        swing, develop a basic weather impact and business
                                                                         damage or functional disruptions, as well as reinforce
        continuity plan to place your business in the best
                                                                         on-site security provisions.
        position to minimize operations impacts and
        weather damage, but also enhance the business’                 • Arrange for Redundant Power. Virtually all business
        ability to restore and recover as early as possible              operations and facilities depend on reliable and
        following the disruptive event. The plan should                  available power supplies. In a severe weather event,
        address responsibilities for preparations, triggers              disruptions to grid power are common. The business
                                                                         should arrange in their plan for a means to provide
                                                                         necessary power to the facility according with the
                                                                         operational needs and the business continuity plan.
                                                                         This can take the form of permanent redundant
                                                                         power on site via backup generators, fuel cells,
                                                                         battery energy storage systems. Where redundant
                                                                         power is not provided, the business can contract and
                                                                         should pre-arrange (in advance) with local vendors
                                                                         for provision of rental generators for an extended
                                                                         period as may be necessary. This may require
                                                                         advance set-up and installation of special electrical
                                                                         connections such as an automatic transfer switch
                                                                         to enable immediate connection should an outage
                                                                         event occur. Please note that most heating appliances
                                                                         require electricity for system controls, fans, etc.
        for activating various aspects of the plan, a stock-up           If backup power is not available, heat for the facility
        of equipment and materials to be used by staff to                may be compromised.
        prepare, vendor or subcontractor arrangements for              • Plan for Necessary Heat. It is important to remember
        preparation, heat, temporary power and recovery,                 that heating appliances will usually require some
        and restoration steps to be implemented once the                 amount of electricity to operate. Your business should
        event has passed.                                                plan ahead to assure continued heating, at least at a
      • Pay Attention to Weather Forecasts. Make a point                 minimum temperature required to operate. This is
        to regularly review forecasts to identify potential              especially true in areas with susceptible aspects such
        impending weather events which could create                      as liquid filled piping. Under no conditions should
        disruptions or potentially create loss of power.                 internal heat ever fall below 40° F, but ideally never
        Weather forecasting today has improved greatly                   less than 50° F. Thermostats and sensors in the facility
        over the past decade and PV events can usually be                only record temperatures at that location and does
        identified in advance enabling time for preparation.             not necessarily indicate that all areas of the facility
        With an already created restoration and response plan,           are exposed to that temperature reading. It may prove
        businesses can activate their plan and prepare not               helpful to raise the heat limits in some areas of the
        only for temporary impacts, but also for the restoration         building in anticipation. If the business continuity
        and recovery period immediately following.                       plan calls for the use of space heaters indoors, it is
                                                                         important that extreme care is taken to limit the
      • Getting the Business in Order. When extreme                      risk of fire. Organic fuel type heaters are strongly
        weather can impact supply chains, it is important to             discouraged as they can add unsafe levels of carbon
        put your business continuity plan to work. Stocking              monoxide inside. In all cases, during a severe winter
        up on raw materials from suppliers and buffering                 weather outbreak with very cold temperatures, the
        finished goods stock in your own warehouses is                   plan should call for periodic temperature readings
        smart. Work with customers to supply finished                    using a reliable device to assure minimum required


        temperatures are maintained at all times. These                  these technologies. Talk with your electrical and/or
        evaluations should be conducted at least once every              mechanical contractor about options.
        3 hours at all interior areas of the structure or every
                                                                       • Enhance Roof Maintenance Program. Cold
        hour when power has failed and heating appliances
                                                                         temperatures mixed with precipitation results in ice
        are negatively impacted.
                                                                         or snow. Both can be burdens to a roof, especially
      • Protect All Piping. Piping is used in most all
                                                                         if conditions exceed the expected loading which
        facilities to support heating systems, cooling                   can result from a prolonged power outage and
        systems, plumbing systems, fire protection systems,
                                                                         weather event. Before snow or other cold weather
        processing operations, etc. Depending on the types
                                                                         precipitation occurs, make sure facility roofing
        of systems and use, the types of liquids inside
                                                                         systems are in good shape, debris is removed, and
        may be susceptible to freezing temperatures and
                                                                         roof drains are adequately cleared. Drifting snow
        fail at joints or piping segments leading to liquid
                                                                         can bear down on roofs, especially those with
        damages. It is crucial to protect piping from freezing.
        Most piping will function well if the building(s)                varying roof elevation sections. Drifts will usually
        can maintain temperatures above 40° F. Freeze-                   occur at these drastic roof elevation changes but
        susceptible piping can be proactively protected to               can also occur adjacent to large rooftop equipment.
        limit freezing damage. Options such as local area                The business continuity plan should list tasks and
        heating, insulation, or heat trace can prove beneficial.         a responsibility for periodic monitoring of roof
        In addition to internal piping, it is important to               conditions to make sure that drifting snow does not
        also consider piping and systems on the exterior of              become so extreme that it can lead to overloading
        the building. Any cooling towers must be operated                your structure and a potential collapse. Ice dams
        and flowing at high volumes to avoid freezing in                 can occur that may inhibit draining of roof sections
        cold temperatures. Automatic systems may enable                  when thawing occurs. The periodic roof inspection
        flow reduction to minimal levels. Cooling tower and
        cooling system piping freeze-ups can be very costly
        to repair and limit or curtail certain operational
        processes that depend upon the tower system.
        Exterior air handlers and air conditioners may also
        be susceptible and should be properly protected.
        Extra insulation or similar protection may suffice,
        but don’t neglect them.
      • Integrate Sensor Technology. The capabilities of
        technology advance every day. Benefits are likely to
        be achieved by incorporating some technology as
        a supplement to existing property loss prevention
        programs. Electronic sensors for water leaks, a wide
        array of ambient conditions including heat, and
        even fire detection is readily available now more
        than ever. Strategically placed water sensors or flow            should include checking for this condition so that
        monitoring valves on primary water systems on                    melt ponding does not lead to excessive roof loading
        domestic and fire protection services can provide an             or other damage. There are electrical heating options
        early alert to water damage. Many can be arranged                such as de-icing cable or mats that can be applied
        to respond automatically in the case of certain flow             on roofs at strategic places to help with both drifting
        monitoring valves. Today, these devices can “learn               snow and ice dams around drain points.
        the water use signatures of a facility and alert when
        abnormal usage occurs (such as a rapid release) is             • Mitigate Heat Loss. Buildings are not airtight. There
        detected abnormal to that signature, then alert and              are always opportunities and small openings in which
        or automatically close the supply valve (on non-fire             heat can escape and cold air infiltrate the structure.
        protection systems). Temperature sensors in areas                Being aware of those locations and/or treating those
        with susceptible building elements can be installed              particular points to limit that exchange can help in
        to alert when temperatures are approaching a                     an extended cold snap. Provide additional insulation,
        pre-determined level. There are many vendors for                 improve seals, or provide sufficient additional heat to


        contend with the cold infiltration as necessary.                   and HVAC contractor will be very helpful to have on
        Where these exist in areas with cold-susceptible                   retainer. Be sure to engage qualified and sufficiently
        features (liquid filled pipes, etc.), extra care should            insured contractors whom your business has vetted
        always be taken to limit exposure.                                 in advance.
      • Protect Against Infestation. As temperatures drop                • Secure Prior to Shutdown. If the business is
        quickly, pests will want to find a way to keep warm.               planning to shut down operations for a period of
        An ongoing pest management service can be helpful.                 time, be sure to consider site security. Every property
        While investigating for heat leaks above, be mindful               is different in terms of needs, however, sufficient
        of opportunities where pests can make access inside.               security should include opportunities to observe
        Sufficiently treat those to prevent entry. In all cases            the property conditions (perhaps cameras if not
        with pests, be careful and engage a professional for               manned security) and sufficient access management.
        removal if one accesses the interior.                              Double-check pedestrian and overhead dock doors
      • Secure Loose Materials. Strong storm systems often                 to make sure they are secured. Operable windows
                                                                           should be fully shut and locked. Any outbuildings
        bring strong winds. These winds can readily pick
                                                                           should also be properly locked and valuable yard
        up loose items and project them against a nearby
                                                                           items secured. Perhaps the business consider a
        structure, breaking windows or damaging exterior
                                                                           regime that utilizes the benefits of condition and
        cladding. Should severe cold weather and forecast
                                                                           remote sensing technology and cameras (internal
        severe storms be forecast, arrange for staffing or
                                                                           and external) to provide additional oversight
        labor to pick up exterior loose items and move them
                                                                           opportunities during the shutdown period.
        inside or provide securement to prevent them from
        becoming projectiles and striking nearby buildings.
                                                                         INLAND MARINE (BUILDERS RISK)
        Where neighboring properties may have items that
        could affect a primary building operation, consider                          Facilities which are undergoing new
        installing exposing window protection such as                                construction or renovation are exposed
        plywood or metal panels.                                                     to unique risks during a winter weather
                                                                                     event. These can include the following:
      • Pre-Arrange Restoration Services. After a
                                                                         • Water-filled pipes must be protected from freezing,
        widespread disaster, finding contractors to make
                                                                           either by completely draining systems and shutting
        repairs and restore facilities are hard to come by.
                                                                           off supply at the main(s), or by providing adequate
        It always makes sense to establish an agreement
                                                                           heat to maintain adequate temperatures.
                                                                         • Even if permanent heating units are in place and
                                                                           operational, power could be lost or the heating
                                                                           system may not have the capacity to adequately heat
                                                                           the building during extremely low temperatures;
                                                                           therefore, back-up (temporary) heating sources
                                                                           should be available and prepared for use if needed.
                                                                         • As noted above, it is important to consider piping
                                                                           and systems on the exterior of the building in
                                                                           addition to the internal systems. This is especially
                                                                           true for construction projects in which it is much
                                                                           more common to have piping that is exposed
                                                                           and/or not adequately insulated for colder
                                                                         • To help maintain proper temperatures inside the
        or arrangement prior to any event with desired                     building, the structure should be “weather tight” by
        vendors who can respond as a priority. A restoration               covering and securing any doors, windows, vents,
        company may be the most important pre-arranged                     or other external openings and reduce the exposure
        relationship. In addition, an electrical, fire protection,         to outside air.


      • Materials and equipment susceptible to damage                                                                              potential damages and to help prevent further
        from low temperatures and/or moisture should                                                                               damages. This should include inspections and/or
        either be properly protected inside the building or                                                                        testing of structural components, MEP (mechanical,
        relocated to another secure and dry location. Some                                                                         electrical and plumbing) systems, drainage systems,
        equipment manufacturers will provide temperature                                                                           equipment (both construction equipment and MEP),
        and humidity recommendations for storage of their                                                                          etc. It is critical that recommissioning of MEP systems
        product materials which should be maintained.                                                                              and/or processing equipment be carefully planned as
      • An incomplete structure may require temporary                                                                              damage may be difficult to identify initially.
        shoring and/or bracing to ensure it can withstand
                                                                                                                               ADDITIONAL RESOURCES
        additional loads from snow/ice accumulations that
        might develop.                                                                                                         For additional resources, log in to MyAccount
                                                                                                                               to access the below related content.
      • Prior to an impending storm, all roof drains, gutters,
                                                                                                                               • Business Continuity Planning
        or other drains should be inspected to verify they
        are free of debris that could inhibit proper water                                                                     • Reopening Idle Facilities and Restarting Operations
        drainage, which can lead to water infiltration as                                                                      • Water Damage Prevention Planning
        melting occurs. Likewise, accumulations of snow                                                                        • Sprinkler System Impairments
        and/or ice can also impact drainage and, if needed,
                                                                                                                               • Fire Protection Self Inspection Form
        should be cleared when safe to do so.
                                                                                                                               • Gas Line Purging
      • It should be expected that the site may be idled for
                                                                                                                               • Gas Purging Checklist
        some time following a major winter storm; therefore,
        the site should be secured accordingly.                                                                                • Protection of Idle Construction Sites

      • When safe to do so, a complete and thorough site
        assessment should be completed to evaluate any

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      The information provided in these materials is intended to be general and advisory in nature. It shall not be considered legal advice. The Hartford does not warrant that the
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      advisors. All information and representations herein are as of March 2021.
      The Hartford® is The Hartford Financial Services Group, Inc. and its subsidiaries, including Hartford Fire Insurance Company. Its headquarters is in Hartford, CT.
      21-RE-21135 © December 2021 The Hartford
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