Bringing Together the Worlds of SAP and Microsoft Technology
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SAP and Microsoft Technology Bringing Together the Worlds of SAP® and Microsoft Technology Table of Contents 4 Integrating People, Processes, and Systems Across the Enterprise 5 A New Approach to Consumerize SAP Data Through Microsoft Productivity Tools 8 Key Benefits for Users, Developers, and Line-of-Business Owners 10 Getting Started and Realizing Value Quickly 12 Conclusion © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved.
SAP® Gateway technology for Microsoft provides a unified platform for integrating Microsoft productivity tools such as Microsoft Office, Microsoft Project, and other Microsoft-based environments. Through the use of this development framework, employees can work with critical business information stored in SAP® Business Suite software, the SAP HANA® platform, the SAP Business Warehouse (SAP BW) application, and other SAP software in a low-cost, highly transparent, and secured approach in a Microsoft environment. THE CHANGING DEMANDS OF TODAY’S Normally, diverse and complex tasks demand WORKFORCE access to information stored in multiple systems, Today’s workforce is different in ways never governed by uncoordinated processes, and before seen. Knowledge workers demand easy contained with multiple layers of security – all of and transparent access to critical business which inhibit easy execution. Since knowledge information to perform their jobs. This forces workers spend half their time on interactions, decision makers to take responsibility for their research suggests that companies should first own employee retention and the ease of essential explore the productivity barriers that impede work environments.1 In addition, line-of-business these interactions.3 Common barriers may owners must partner with IT to make work fun include a lack of clearly defined expectations and easy for their employees. and outcomes, competing information sources, and basic information accessibility issues such With the convergence of this business dynamic, as a complex, nonnative user interface (UI). referred to by Gartner as “consumerization of information,”2 a consumer-based approach to In recent years, many companies have taken a business computing provides business users hard look at the need to increase access to critical with simple, enterprise-ready tools to get work business information that exists in back-end done. Whether housed in on-premise, cloud, or systems across lines of business and functions. mobile applications, business information must As a result of this analysis, some companies have be accessed quickly while enabling workers found that there is a gap between information to perform daily operational tasks in a secure, accessibility and use. In an ideal situation, all easy-to-maintain manner across the entire workers should be directly connected to back-end enterprise software landscape. 1. Joyce Gioia, “The Future of Workers,” The Herman Group. 2. Gartner Group, Research Note G00250698, “Use the Engagement Initiative to Respond to Critical Changes in the Workplace,” August 21, 2013. 3. Ibid. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 2 / 12
SAP systems that allow them to access infor In response to this growing need, SAP has devel- mation directly and quickly to execute processes oped a solution that provides an extended set of efficiently. However, for most SAP customers, only tools and connectors that help create bidirectional a small number of business users are directly communication between the SAP stack and working on SAP systems, while the remaining Microsoft platforms in a secure, development- user population accesses critical information friendly approach. SAP Gateway for Microsoft is through unsupported third-party or home-built the latest enterprise-ready development tool that integrations. Although this approach may provides smooth interoperability with Microsoft address specific user needs in the customer productivity environments and is based on the environment, an enterprise-ready and native architecture of SAP Gateway technology, which integration option would provide lower overall already has more than 4,500 productive cus- total cost of ownership (TCO) while achieving tomers. As a result, this single, unified, and fully similar benefits. secured platform brings together SAP and Microsoft environments in a model that enables Considering that there are 1 billion Microsoft low-cost integration and highly secure data. Office licenses worldwide,4 it is easy to see that a typical SAP customer would have business This paper provides some background on SAP access to Microsoft productivity tools, such as Gateway for Microsoft and the many advantages Microsoft Office and Microsoft Project. In addi- it offers when integrating SAP and Microsoft tion, these business users are increasing their productivity applications. Further, this paper day-to-day consumption of business-critical features a number of business-case scenarios in information through mobile and non-PC which the development tool can help an organi channels – with more and more information zation realize ROI quickly and lower total cost of consumed through smartphones and other development by using development templates mobile devices.5 By 2015,most business users and streamlined .NET development flows that will access critical information through mobile use Open Data Protocol (OData) capabilities. and non-PC based applications versus PC-based applications and UI modes.6 This predicted trend further supports the need for broad integration between enterprise data services offered by SAP and commonly used productivity environments such as Microsoft Office. 4. Microsoft Corporation, “Microsoft by the Numbers.” 5. “Research firm IDC suggests that global downloads of applications will exceed 75 billion by 2014, an increase of nearly 8x since 2010,” IDC Mobile Application Survey. 6. IDC Press Release, “Consumers Increasingly Using Mobile Devices as their Default Gateway,” 2012. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 3 / 12
Integrating People, Processes, and Systems Across the Enterprise When considering a number of heterogeneous Systems combined with information and used as system approaches, it is important to balance inputs and outputs to tasks and processes three critical elements across the work and Smooth interoperability between multiple information landscape. technologies creates system agility. Balancing the best of SAP and Microsoft technologies makes People who perform work tasks it easier to access business-critical data through Enabling people to work in their most natural clear work steps without introducing more environment makes them more productive complexity with external third-party systems, through the best possible user experience (UX). while helping to ensure enterprise security. With Microsoft productivity applications, knowl- edge workers have access to a uniform produc- Each of these elements is important when tivity UX across its customer base. Therefore, considering the execution of work tasks in the it is important to balance the availability of highly enterprise. Very often, integration is a complicated accurate SAP information with Microsoft produc- patchwork of bolt-on solutions – which incurs tivity applications. high costs and generates low productivity when people, processes, and systems are not consid- Processes used to complete work tasks ered. Oftentimes, redundant effort and creation of Management can make timely, accurate, and inaccurate or misinterpreted information causes actionable decisions with tightly integrated rework, skepticism, and anxiety in the workplace. processes and data as a widely regarded, By using a balanced approach, new levels of company-wide best practice. Enabling those effectiveness can be achieved in Microsoft processes from SAP business systems and application environments when supported by allowing work steps to be completed with SAP enterprise information. Microsoft applications helps bring work and processes together with critical business data. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 4 / 12
A New Approach to Consumerize SAP Data Through Microsoft Productivity Tools According to a number of informal polls conducted the .NET platform delivers a consistent UX and by Microsoft Visual Studio forums, between 8 data flow for current Microsoft users. By applying and 15 million developers around the world build the OData architecture supported by SAP application services by using the .NET platform.7 Gateway for Microsoft, Microsoft developers can The .NET platform is an integral component of access a variety of SAP data sources through an the Microsoft Windows operating system for ADO.NET client layer and bring this information building and running next-generation software into specific Microsoft application environments applications and Web services.8 with sound governance and security. And all of this is possible, even when developers have no or By broadening the scope of its integration- limited knowledge about SAP data and structures. product family across SAP Gateway technology, Figure: Architecture of SAP Gateway for Microsoft, which supports a number of enterprise readiness features Microsoft Visual Studio (Developer Productivity) Consumer Layer Microsoft .NET C# Microsoft ASP.NET Office applications Windows 8 2010/2013 SAP® Gateway for Microsoft with ADO.NET Add-On Governance (SAP Solution Manager) Security (Identity Providers) ADO.NET Server* ADO.NET Client X509/ Enterprise Readiness Enterprise Readiness SAML (Single Sign-On, (Single Sign-On, OData4SAP* OData4SAP* Lifecycle Management, Lifecycle Management, and Supportability) and Supportability) X509/ SAML SAP NetWeaver® Technology Platform SAP Gateway Business Systems (Including SAP Business Suite, SAP HANA, and SAP BW) *In planning stage SAML = Security Assertion Markup Language 7. Various, including Microsoft Visual Studio blog, informal Microsoft responses on Quora based on early 2013 estimates. 8. Microsoft Corporation, .NET TechNet Library note. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 5 / 12
By enhancing the robust architecture of SAP •• Reduce cost of ownership: Overall TCO is Gateway, SAP Gateway for Microsoft combined minimized by leveraging previously made with ADO.NET provides a number of additional investments in both Microsoft and SAP soft- features: ware technologies and skills and by reducing •• Smooth integration: An enhancement of OData development costs. developed by SAP allows bidirectional annota- •• Monitoring and supportability integration: tions to data structures. Combined with addi- The SAP Solution Manager application manage- tional extensions and development templates ment solution enables end-to-end tracing accessed through Microsoft Visual Studio, devel- with a unique SAP object ID. The application opers can tap into business-critical information management solution facilitates error tracking from SAP software, such as the SAP HANA plat- and IT system audits, such as segregation of form, the SAP BW application, and SAP Business duties for Sarbanes-Oxley and related gover- Suite software. nance requirements. •• Quick development: Once OData services are •• Flexible use scenarios: Development templates exposed and discovered in Microsoft Visual for most common business scenarios and Studio, developers can select an automated application environments – such as Microsoft code generation feature to quickly provide Outlook and Microsoft Excel – ease the launch enterprise-ready connectivity from Microsoft of productive scenarios. productivity tools to SAP Data Services software. •• Ease of business use: Solutions developed While SAP Gateway for Microsoft currently lever- with SAP Gateway for Microsoft are deployed as ages the ADO.NET client protocol, future plans add-ons to Microsoft productivity applications. include leveraging the ADO.NET server layer to •• Secure user access and policy management: enable connectivity to cloud-based Microsoft To help prepare the enterprise with single sign-on Office 365 or Microsoft Azure applications. (SSO), SAP Gateway for Microsoft serves as a Backward compatibility exists for enterprises conduit for secure data connectivity with SAP still taking advantage of Microsoft Office 2010 enterprise services, sophisticated data encryp- environments. tion, centrally managed and integrated group security polices, and X-CSRF token handling. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 6 / 12
With SAP data and developer templates stored SAP applications, will find that SAP Gateway for in the Microsoft Visual Studio environment, Microsoft complements their Microsoft environ- Microsoft development teams can quickly access ment. While Duet Enterprise continues to remain critical data from an SAP source without the an excellent method for integrating Microsoft need to learn SAP development skills, such as the SharePoint with SAP applications, SAP Gateway ABAP® programming language. Development of for Microsoft allows for tighter integration of sce- certain functions that normally take considerable nario and business processes across multiple time can now be created with configuration Microsoft environments. SAP data is displayed, options prior to generating code automatically. updated, created, and deleted based on the OData For example, a developer may select specific services and SAP authorizations, directly from forms to add as part of a workflow scenario – Microsoft productivity tools without having to log choosing forms as an SAP service reference on separately to SAP business applications. In through SAP Gateway. combination with this secure and unified platform architecture, Microsoft users can use an SSO Organizations that are currently using other ele- approach to access productivity applications that ments of SAP Gateway technology, such as Duet® contain critical, SAP-based information. Enterprise software for Microsoft SharePoint and © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 7 / 12
Key Benefits for Users, Developers, and Line-of-Business Owners As part of a comprehensive integration approach •• High value-to-cost ratio when considering for Microsoft applications, SAP Gateway for business-process enablement across multiple Microsoft provides users of all areas critical Microsoft applications and SAP software. advantages, such as: Line-of-business leaders of cost-center driven •• A consistent UX and process-driven data flow organizations can decrease IT operating costs from their Microsoft application environment. and increase user productivity – boosting Without the need for training or development profitability. of data queries, business users can focus on executing tasks associated with their daily One of the quickest ways to realize value when responsibilities. introducing new work, processes, and systems is •• Use of the already-familiar Microsoft Visual the adoption of incremental benefits in an organi- Studio environment – with SAP data exten- zation, where need is great and user levels would sions and a built-in developer toolkit. This be high. Over the years, companies are allowing capability enables .NET developers to create time for a proof of concept to introduce changes solutions that integrate with the native SAP data in small, defined work communities to test a new environment quickly and efficiently. And with approach to processes and systems before under- development templates, this practice is further going an enterprise-wide implementation. SAP accelerated. Because SAP Gateway for Microsoft Gateway for Microsoft helps companies scale up auto-generates security features for quick con- from a proof of concept to a large-scale productive nectivity to SAP Data Services, developers are implementation by providing enterprise-ready no longer required to learn security and support- features such as SSO and supportability. ability aspects of systems integration. •• High-value benefits and low TCO by employing a secure, integrated environment to replace costly point-to-point solutions. IT manage- ment can achieve additional ROI by reducing maintenance costs when replacing complex third-party or custom-built environments com- monly used for integration solutions. Auditing and legal requirements are fulfilled with greater ease with built-in integration with SAP support- ability and monitoring software, including SAP Solution Manager and the system landscape directory of the SAP NetWeaver® technology platform. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 8 / 12
In addition, SAP Gateway for Microsoft provides With the flexibility to facilitate these scenarios, a number of development templates that cover SAP Gateway for Microsoft allows companies common scenarios, including: with investments in both SAP business software •• Contact – Oversee customer or vendor records and Microsoft applications to integrate their data directly from Microsoft Outlook. together on one complete platform. •• Calendar – Manage common calendar-based scenarios, such as applications for leave requests or time tracking. •• Workflow – Expose any decision-making workflows, such as approvals for purchase orders or vacation leave. •• Microsoft Excel – Manage mass data, including multiline updates of SAP data directly from Microsoft Excel. •• Unlimited possibilities with custom scenarios – Construct other applications by using OData protocols in Microsoft Visual Studio to enable enterprise requirements across Microsoft productivity tools and SAP Data Services. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 9 / 12
Getting Started and Realizing Value Quickly The following scenarios are available with devel- steps. Each progression updates the given opment templates provided by SAP Gateway for state of the purchase, vendor information, and Microsoft. Additional extensions may be added approvals, which are then updated in the SAP as feature customizations. vendor master record. Purchasing optimization with contacts and Product data management through a develop- workflow development templates ment tool based on Microsoft Excel Vendor management enables teams to define Master-data information for products can change daily activities such as meeting scheduling and quite frequently. Updating one product can easily contact management, while operating in an be done. But when prices go up, descriptions enterprise-wide environment. With this scenario, have to be altered or other changes are required, business users access critical vendor information, which impact all products. As a result, it is possible schedule interactions, and record notes based that thousands of lines of data would need to be on these interactions. All of this information updated. This also includes customer-facing can be stored offline and online in a central online product catalogs, as well as supplier-facing SAP data repository. requirements for components and subassemblies. In addition, product development groups often Team members who access Microsoft Outlook use Microsoft Excel to locally update bills of mate- can quickly identify vendors, contact groups, and rials (BOMs), which can then become an engineer- other information stored in the vendor record. ing BOM, manufacturing BOM, and service BOM Users can pull vendor contact information directly by pulling from the product data master and the from SAP software into Microsoft Outlook and material data master records. make it available online and offline in real time. This avoids the cost and confusion of maintaining Combining relevant SAP data with Microsoft separate contact lists in personal Microsoft Excel allows end users to work on the data by Outlook .ost files, which are traditionally migrated, using a spreadsheet. Standard Microsoft Excel cleansed, and stored in vendor databases. When functionality – such as formulas, sorting, filter, vendor information changes or a new contact is and auto-fill – can be applied to the data. Plus, added, the contacts database located in an SAP SAP-specific functions – including data-type back-end system is updated directly by Microsoft validation, the Help Value drop-down function Outlook. By using Microsoft Outlook tasks to within the SAP system, and conflict resolution – facilitate workflow integration, purchasing teams enable multiple people to work on the same can manage vendor contract documents, approv- set of data at the same time. als, and other basic contracting and fulfillment © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 10 / 12
In a software landscape that includes SAP maintenance or working on a repair creates Gateway for Microsoft, OData commands can the imperative to manage capital and human map specific SAP part and material master data resources. The SAP Plant Maintenance Rapid Mart and information from other Microsoft Excel package gives workers the ability to schedule sources without the need for integrating third- equipment downtime and assign resources party business intelligence solutions. By having to maintenance, repair, and operations (MRO) the ability to quickly upload product and material activities. data chances, engineering teams can help ensure engineering, manufacturing, and service BOMs Schedulers can use the Microsoft Outlook calen- are correct with the SAP data source. This dar with enterprise-ready commands found in enables users to avoid waiting for planned engi- SAP Gateway for Microsoft to define the start neering review cycles and to proactively alert and end times of maintenance and repair activi- manufacturing areas to necessary machinery ties. The calendar item can also incorporate con- and tooling changes as new part changes are tacts found in Microsoft Outlook to publish an logged within the SAP system through the event of the activity. Using a Microsoft Outlook SAP Production Planning Rapid Mart package. task, approval workflows for the MRO activity Planned updates and revisions can be entered can then be delivered to plant management by using Microsoft Excel. and service departments for final sign-off. Once approved, the scheduled MRO activity is then Plant maintenance and repair by using calendar, updated within SAP Plant Maintenance Rapid contacts, and development-workflow templates Mart. This process shortens the scheduling cycle Plant maintenance activities are regularly and allows plant maintenance teams to focus on scheduled events across industries, such as maintaining equipment and gathering necessary manufacturing and utilities. Proactively scheduling personnel to complete MRO activities. © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 11 / 12
Conclusion High-performing companies that understand the value of supporting knowledge-worker environments with intuitive, enterprise-ready systems and processes can achieve a competitive advantage by operating in a more focused, regimented manner. By bringing together the power and accuracy of real-time critical informa- tion from SAP with the familiarity of Microsoft productivity tools, organizations can build the workplace of tomorrow while applying existing in-house development skills and IT investments. For more information about SAP Gateway for Microsoft, visit Studio SAP | 29423enUS (14/05) © 2014 SAP AG or an SAP affiliate company. All rights reserved. 12 / 12
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