Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...

Page created by Jay Carr
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Preliminary Program
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Thursday, March 17

Connection Session: 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Virtual Field Trips: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Keynote Session: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (LaGarrett King)

Friday, March 18

Connection Session: 2:00 p.m. - 2:50 p.m.

Virtual Field Trips: 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Breakout Sessions: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m.

Keynote Session: 7:00 p.m. - 8:00 p.m. (Merry Wiesner-Hanks)

Saturday, March 19

Connection Session: 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m.

Breakout Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Keynote Session: 1:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. (Peniel Joseph)

Breakout Sessions: 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. / 4:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Keynote Session: 6:00 p.m. - 7:00 p.m. (Peter Kastor)

Sunday, March 20

Connection Session: 9:30 a.m. - 10:00 a.m.

Breakout Sessions: 10:45 a.m. - 11:45 a.m.

Breakout Sessions: 1:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. / 3:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.

Keynote Session: 4:30 p.m. - 5:30 p.m. (Alexis Coe)

*All listed times are Eastern.
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Keynote Speakers
 Alexis Coe is an American political historian and the New York Times Bestselling
 Author of You Never Forget Your First: A Biography of George of Washington, now out
 in paperback, and Alice+Freda Forever: A Murder in Memphis, soon to be a major
 motion picture. She is working on a third book for Crown and, thanks to a grant from
 Substack, launched Study Marry Kill, a newsletter, in December 2020.

 Alexis was a consulting producer on and appeared in Doris Kearns Goodwin's
 Washington series on History. She can often be seen discussing presidential history
 on MSNBC, as well as CNN and many others. She hosted "No Man's Land" and co-
 hosted "Presidents Are People, Too!" Alexis curated the ACLU'S 100 exhibition and
 was the assistant curator of the New York Public Library's centennial exhibition.

 Peniel Joseph (University of Texas) holds a joint professorship appointment at the
 LBJ School of Public Affairs and the History Department in the College of Liberal Arts
 at The University of Texas at Austin. He is also the founding director of the LBJ
 School's Center for the Study of Race and Democracy (CSRD). His career focus has
 been on "Black Power Studies," which encompasses interdisciplinary fields such as
 Africana studies, law and society, women's and ethnic studies, and political science.

 Prior to joining the UT faculty, Dr. Joseph was a professor at Tufts University, where
 he founded the school's Center for the Study of Race and Democracy to promote
 engaged research and scholarship focused on the ways issues of race and democracy
 affect people's lives.

  Peter Kastor (Washington University in St. Louis) studies the intersection of politics,
  policymaking, and culture during the half-century following American independence.
  He has taught numerous courses on the presidency, ranging from first-year programs
  to senior seminars.

  He is particularly interested in the ways that the diverse peoples of North America--
  governing officials of the United States and European empires, Euro-American
  settlers, Indians, slaves, free people of color, and people of mixed-race ancestry--
  imagined what the United States should be and how best to construct public life
  within that polity. He teaches undergraduate classes in both history and in the
  American Culture Studies Program. He also trains graduate students in American
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
LaGarrett King (University of Buffalo) is an Associate Professor of Social Studies
Education. He received his Ph.D. from the University of Texas at Austin after an eight
year teaching career in Georgia and Texas. His primary research interest examines
how Black history is interpreted and taught in schools and society. He also
researches critical theories of race, teacher education, and curriculum history.
LaGarrett has received two early career scholar awards for the Critical Issues in
Curriculum and Cultural Studies special interest group of the American Educational
Research Association and the College and University Faculty Assembly of the
National Council for the Social Studies. He has also been published in scholarly
journals such as Theory and Research in Social Education, Race, Ethnicity, and
Education, The Journal of African American History, and Teaching Education.

Merry E. Wiesner-Hanks is Distinguished Professor of History and Women’s and
Gender Studies Emerita at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. She is the long-
time senior editor of the Sixteenth Century Journal, and the editor-in-chief of the
seven-volume Cambridge World History (2015). She is the author or editor of thirty
books and more than 100 articles or book chapters that have appeared in English,
German, French, Italian, Spanish, Portuguese, Greek, Chinese, Turkish, and Korean,
and are widely used in teaching around the world, from middle school through
graduate school. She is currently editing, with Mathew Kuefler, the four-volume
Cambridge World History of Sexualities.
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Enrichment Excursions
                                  Museum of the American Revolution
                              Thursday, March 17 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
Join a museum educator for a guided, virtual walk-through of
the Museum’s core galleries. Learn how soldiers, women,
African Americans, Native Americans, children, and others
experienced the tumultuous events of the Revolution through
the stories and objects they left behind.

                            Tsongas Industrial History Center -Lowell Mills
                            Thursday, March 17 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
                                 Mill Girls: Life and Work in an Industrial City

                                                      Follow the journey of a mill girl from her family farm in
                                                      the New England countryside to her new job operating a
                                                      loom in Lowell’s Boott Cotton Mills. Students will meet
                                                      two mill girls during their virtual visit to the
                                                      boardinghouse and weave room, learning about each
                                                      girl's unique experience of life and work in a textile mill,
                                                      and experience for themselves a bit of what it was like to
                                                      work in the mills.

                              United States Holocaust Memorial Museum
                             Thursday, March 17 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern

  Refugees, Genocide, and Democratic Norms: Teaching about the Holocaust in an American Context
    What does it mean to be an American, and what should be America's role in the world? These questions
    are as old as the Republic. They are revisited by each generation, especially in times of crisis. Join staff
     from the US Holocaust Memorial Museum for a virtual tour and discussion about how an exploration of
    Americans and the Holocaust can help students analyze and evaluate longstanding national arguments
    about America's commitment to democratic norms, immigration and refugees, and genocide prevention.

     Through a virtual tour of the special exhibition, Americans and the Holocaust, historian and curator, Dr.
       Daniel Greene provides an overview of the history, themes, and artifacts on display. After the tour,
   educators from the Museum will discuss resources and methodology to address compelling questions and
   successfully integrate content from the exhibition into US History, World History and English/Language Arts
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
The Henry Ford Museum
                           Friday, March 18 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
                      Journey to Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation

     Be transported to Dearborn, Michigan on the campus of The Henry Ford. A globally recognized
destination that fosters inspiration and learning from hands-on encounters with artifacts, representing the
  most comprehensive collection anywhere focusing on innovation, ingenuity, and resourcefulness in

 You’ll be accompanied by two members of The Henry Ford’s Learning & Engagement team to virtually
explore The Henry Ford Museum of American Innovation. Together we’ll examine the stories behind six
  must-see artifacts like Buckminster Fuller’s last surviving Dymaxion House prototype and the bus in
   which Rosa Parks refused to give up her seat. Expect to gain a new perspective for how material
   culture provides insight into the habits that innovators use to identify and solve problems as well
         as how innovation informs the interconnectedness of technological and social change.

                        National Underground Railroad Freedom Center
                          Friday, March 18 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern
                                   The Idea of Mattering is Essential

        To spark the inspiration for meaningful education, the idea of mattering is essential in that
   educators must matter enough to themselves, to their students, and to our communities to inform
     with a spirit of justice and equity. Schools should not avoid discussions about racism, sexism,
   and other uncomfortable realities in the classroom, particularly social ills that students witness in
    their daily lives and are impactful to them. A meaningful education that challenges and inspires
   students to be courageous in matters of justice and equity benefits our society and community. It
     is through an authentic exploration of the social behavior of the past, that we discover that we
         matter to ourselves and others. In this experience, we will explore methods to approach
    meaningful discussions in the classroom to incite critical thinking, effective communication, and
    greater understanding of social realties through stories rooted in the Underground Railroad era.
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
United States Capital Historical Society
                                  Friday, March 18 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern

                                                       While the U.S. Capitol is closed to the public, the U.S. Capitol
                                                       Historical Society is providing a virtual tour of the U.S. Capitol
                                                       showing photos and describing the experience along with the
                                                       commentary of Public Historian and Chief Guide Steve
                                                       Livengood. This virtual tour will show and describe the
                                                       experience of the major rooms in the Most Famous Building in
                                                       the World, such as the Rotunda, National Statuary Hall, the Old
                                                       Senate Chamber, Old Supreme Court Chamber, the Crypt, the
                                                       Brumidi Corridors, and the current House and Senate

                                           USS Constitution Museum
                                  Friday, March 18 - 3:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern

Set sail for Boston and the USS Constitution, the oldest
commissioned warship afloat in the world! In this virtual field trip,
you'll walk the decks of the historic ship with a U.S. Navy sailor,
visit behind-the-scenes spaces and see unique objects in the
Museum collection, and learn about life at sea during the War of
1812 firsthand. Then, flash forward in time to hear from today's
crew about life in the modern U.S. Navy.
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Breakout Sessions
     Thursday, March 17 - 4:30 PM Eastern
Field Experiences for Deep Learning                   Lawmakers or Lawbreakers? Facing Slave
Sarah Jencks, AASLH/AAM EdCommittes,                  Catchers and Standing up for What is Right!
Gabrielle Rappolt-Schlichtmann, Harvard University,   Linda Doornbos, Oakland University
Adrienne Wheatley,
Museum of the American Revolution, and                Disrupting Traditional Narratives through Online
Annie Evans,                                          Curricula and Cross-Institutional Collaboration
New American History, University of Richmond          Schuyler Schuler, New-York Historical Society and
                                                      Maria Russell, Missouri Historical Society
The Cost of Progress:
Examining Labor in Appalachia in the Aftermath of     A Close Look at a Family Photograph from Manzanar:
the Second Industrial Revolution                      Engaging Young Learners in Inquiry
Kira Duke, Middle Tennessee State University and      Ilene R. Berson and Michael J. Berson,
Layla Smallwood, East Tennessee Historical Society    University of South Florida, and
                                                      Bert Snow, Snow & Co.
Students Learning Objectives through
Service-Learning Projects and Honoring                Teaching the Civil Rights Movement with
Vietnam War Veterans                                  the Georgia Historical Marker Program
Dianne A. Carson and Michael Doidge,                  Lisa Landers and Elyse Butler, Georgia Historical Society
Vietnam War Commemoration

                                Register Today
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Breakout Sessions
     Friday, March 18 - 4:30 PM Eastern
From Africa to Puerto Rico: The Process of        Civil Rights Investigation: Mississippi Burning
Transculturation and the Development of Culture   Sheila Mehta,
Thamar Lebron, Providence Day School              Lyndon Baines Johnson Presidential Library

George Washington's Mount Vernon - Stories of     Full STEAM Ahead: Pairing Graphic Novels
the Enslaved Community and Their Descendants      and Primary Sources with Elementary Students
Alissa Oginsky and Sadie Troy,                    Jenna Spiering and Valerie Byrd-Fort,
George Washington's Mount Vernon                  University of South Carolina,
                                                  Liz Hartnett and Christine Shelek,
Creating Collaborative Knowledge Communities      South Carolina Center for Community Literacy
to Increase Access to the Primary Sources and
Marginalized Histories                            Assessing Reliability, Relevance, Perspective
Jordan Jace,                                      and Missing Narratives in Student Research
New York State Archives Partnership Trust         Lynne O'Hara and Ashley Dabraccio,
                                                  National History Day
Engagement Through Student-Centered Learning
Robert Fenster, Hillsborough High School

                                                               Contact John Csepegi
   Group Discounts Available                           
                                                                 (240) 888-4105
Preliminary Program - National Council for History ...
Breakout Sessions
     Saturday, March 19 - 10:45 AM Eastern
Changing Communities:                             We Have Hard History and We Teach It:
The Great Migration & Redlining                   Grappling With the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre
Eva Johnston, Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis   Amanda Soliván, Akela Leach, and
                                                  Frederick Smitherman, Tulsa Public Schools
The Longest Hatred:
History of European Antisemitism                  Using Local History to Teach the National Narrative
Dori Gerber, Institute for Curriculum Services    Kelley Brown, Easthampton Public School,
                                                  Laurie Risler, Westfield State University, and
Why Here?:                                        Carrie Ray-Hill, iCivics, Inc.
Considering Power, Place, and Perspectives
Jason Harshman,                                   Two Case Studies from Preservice History Teacher
National Endowment for the Humanities             Education with the Library of Congress’ Teaching
                                                  with Primary Sources Program: Examples of Wise
Pulaski County: A History                         Practice
Nicholas Chambers, Yasmin Velasco-Allaney,        Ann Canning,
Hayden Browning, Kahlan Duncan, and               Teaching with Primary Sources Eastern Region,
Jackson Taylor, Pulaski County High School        Elise Langan, Bronx Community College/ CUNY, and
                                                  David Hicks, Virginia Tech

Join teachers, historians and university                The national conference is a place
                                                       where historical thinkers can come
faculty from around the nation for four
                                                        together and share their passion
 days of the Best in History Education!                     for teaching and learning.
Breakout Sessions
    Saturday, March 19 - 2:30 PM Eastern
Women, Politics, and Public Service                From Reform to Equal Rights:
Leslie Hayes, New-York Historical Society          Curriculum to Teach 200 Years of Disability History
                                                   Rich Cairn,
Racial Slavery in the Atlantic World               Emerging America: Collaborative for Educational
and Its Legacies Today                             Services
Mimi Stephens, The Choices Program
                                                   Digitally Writing New Histories:
Constitutional Change:                             Rethinking Professional Learning with
Amendments and Other Legal Mechanisms              Primary Sources and Museum Partnerships
Tiffany Middleton, American Bar Association        Troy Hicks, Central Michigan University,
                                                   Jessica Ellison, Minnesota Historical Society,
Never Again - Teaching the Holocaust via Inquiry   Rebecca Bush, Ottawa Area ISD,
Beth Krasemann, Suffield Academy                   Erika Sponsler, Western High School, and
                                                   Aaron Eling, White Pines Intermediate School
Finding Freedom
Linda Dean and Adrienne Whaley,
Museum of the American Revolution

Breakout Sessions
    Saturday, March 19 - 4:00 PM Eastern
9/11 to COVID 19:                                       Bringing International Perspectives
Connecting Historical Turning Points                    into US World History Teaching
Jennifer Lagasse and Megan Jones,                       Fernande Raine, The History Co:Lab
9/11 Memorial & Museum                                  Steven Stegers, EuroClio, Alice Modena, Historiana, and
                                                        Leonard Schmieding,
Joe Hill: Martyr for the Labor Union Community          Stiftung Preussischer Kulturbesitz Berlin
Jeffery D Nokes, Jenna Hatch, and Emily Shaw,
Brigham Young University                                Technology and Primary Sources in the
                                                        Social Studies Classroom
Contested Landscapes                                    Emily G. Miller, University of Indianapolis and
Annie Evans,                                            Kaitlin Holton, Indiana Council for the Social Studies
New American History, University of Richmond
                                                        The Struggle Continues:
The Constitution and Our Community:                     Engaging with the Long Struggle for Civil Rights
Civic Education Resources for Elementary Students       Daniella Ann Cook and Jenna Spiering,
Kathleen Munn, National Archives,                       University of South Carolina,
Christopher Zarr, National Archives at New York City,   Kira Duke, Middle Tennessee State University, and
Jeff Urbin, FDR Presidential Library and Museum, and    Bridget Hill, Mars Hill University
Sharon Brannon, George W. Bush Presidential Library

                                                                         OER Project
      George Washington's                                            Center for
         Mount Vernon                                           Antiracist Education
Breakout Sessions
     Sunday, March 20 - 10:45 AM Eastern
Martha Washington and                                Reconciling Patriot Versus Loyalist Communities
the Women of the 18th Century                        Following the Revolutionary War: Attorney Alexander
Tammara Purdin, FLCHE                                Hamilton’s Representation of Loyalists and
                                                     Hamilton’s Phocion Essays
"Glorious Revolution" or Dutch Invasion?             Adam Levinson, and
Reexamining 1688                                     Tom Oller, The Alexander Hamilton Awareness Society
Thomas Q. Marabello, US Capitol Historical Society
                                                     Inquiry, Analysis, and Argument:
How Chicago Transformed Martin Luther King, Jr.      Three Digital Primary Source Teaching Tools
James Ralph, Middlebury College,                     Lia Atanat and Emmie Michalkiewicz,
Mary Lou Finley, Antioch University Seattle, and     Maryland Humanities,
Pam Smith, Richmond Hill                             Karla Thompson, Maryland Public Television, and
                                                     Sarah Ditkoff, FableVision Studios
Giving History a Voice:
Examining National Events through Slave Narratives   Engaging the Contemporary Historical Moment:
Bridget Morton, Mars Hill University,                Culturally Relevant Pedagogy and Primary Sources
Loretta Wilson, Owen Middle School and               Jessica Ellison, Minnesota Historical Society, and
Mary Whitlock, North Buncombe High School            Daniella Cook, University of South Carolina

                                      Be Recognized
       Now Accepting Sponsors, Exhibitors, and Advertisers
Breakout Sessions
      Sunday, March 20 - 1:30 PM Eastern
Strategies for English Language Learners                     Raising the Bar:
Are Good for All Learners                                    Teaching U.S. History using SCOTUS Cases
Kristin Gallas and MaryBeth Clark                            Lora DeSalvo, iCivics
Tsongas Industrial History Center
at Lowell National Historical Park                           Pauli Murray: Community Collaborator & Agitator
                                                             Kathleen Barker, National Council for History Education
Ancient Chinese Thought and the Enlightenment                and Debra Fowler, History UnErased
Dave Wang, Queens Public Library,
Bin Song, Washington College,                                Journalists Who Made History
Selusi Ambrogio, University of Macerata, and                 – PBS NewsHour Classroom
Eric Wang, City College of Jersey City                       Victoria Pasquantonio and Luke Gerwe,
                                                             PBS NewsHour Classroom
Beyond Booker T. vs. W.E.B.:
The Promise and Practice of Education by                     Primary Source or Secondary Source:
and for Black Women during Reconstruction                    Why Does It Matter?
Lisa Gilbert, Washington University in St. Louis and         Cheryl Lederle and Stacie Moats,
Tandra Taylor, Southern Illinois University - Edwardsville   Library of Congress Professional Learning
                                                             and Outreach Initiatives Office

             Ford's Theatre                                                    DBQ Project
         Grateful American                                             Educating for
            Foundation                                               American Democracy
Breakout Sessions
     Sunday, March 20 - 3:00 PM Eastern
Immigration:                                            Women of Color and the Civil Rights Movements:
Dreams of Baseball, Belonging & America                 Incorporating Multiple Perspectives through
Jenny Pollack and Eve Schaenen,                         Inquiry-based Units of Study
Yogi Berra Museum & Learning Center                     EIleen Luhr, CSU Long Beach,
                                                        Kelly Chong, Kennedy High School, and
Using Young Adult Literature to Engage                  Jocelyn Aguilera, Fremont High School
Today's Youth with the Causes and
Consequences of the Holocaust                           Decolonizing the American Story
Mimi Coughlin and Marcy Merrill,                        Katherine Bateman, The Brearley School
Sacramento State University,
Liz Igra, Central Valley Holocaust Educators Network,   Observe, Reflect, Question: A Deeper Look at the
and Jody Cooperman, Sutter Middle School                Components of the Primary Source Analysis Tool
                                                        Lisa Fink, National Council of Teachers of English
Diplomacy, Sanctions, and Peacekeeping—Oh My!
Games and Simulations Bring Foreign Policy to Life      Communities and Natural Disasters:
Carrie Ray-Hill, iCivics, Inc. and                      Exploring Interdisciplinary Connections
Charles Hopkins, Council on Foreign Relations           through Primary Sources
                                                        Peter DeCraene and Lesley Anderson,
                                                        Library of Congress Professional Learning
                                                        and Outreach Initiatives Office

       Investigate the Past
                     Engage the Present
                                  Empower the Future
Poster Sessions
Global Collaboration
Tony Baracco, Oakland CC

A Broader Spectrum: LGBTQ+-Inclusive Resources for K-12 History Classes
Stacie Brensilver Berman, NYU

Conversations with the Past: Using Primary Sources in High School History
Nicole Camaioni, Agora Cyber Charter School

Connecting with Teacher Communities
Jennifer Banieiwcz, Stagg High School, Deborah Rowland, Lewis & Clark Middle School,
Laura Goorvitch, Hyde Middle School, and TaShena Melton, Calumet Christian School

A Community of Their Own: Analyzing the History and Memory of First Ladies of the United States
Jess Gagliardi, Adams State University

Teaching Reconstruction through Gender and Race
Leslie Hayes, New-York Historical Society

Teaching the Civil Rights Movement with the Georgia Historical Marker Program
Lisa Landers and Elyse Butler, Georgia Historical Society

Reflective Inquiry on Music from the Great Depression
Lisa Matherson and Liza Wilson, The University of Alabama and Russell Hammack, Jacksonville State University

Desegregating the District: Exploring Civil Rights through High-Impact Historical Timelines
Jennifer Myers, School Without Walls at Francis Stevens

Migrating to Communities of Purpose: Using Close Reading as an Approach to Teaching
Joey Oswald, Clearwater Central Catholic High School

Communication as Community: Examining the Role of Institutions in the Creation of Deaf Cultures
Kameron Carden and Stephen Tomlinson, University of Alabama

Learning and Applying Culturally Relevant Pedagogy in a Secondary Teacher Preparation Program
Gail Hamilton, CSU Long Beach, Trisha Camargo, Bolsa Grande High School, and
Alejandra Magdaleno, Dominguez High School

Parks Program: Engaging Students in History Via Interdisciplinary Studies
Michelle Iden, County College of Morris

The World in A Year: Teaching Global History Through a One-year Framework
Caitlin C Monroe, Northwestern University

Teaching Monumental Presidential Moments Through Films
Michael Ferguson, Naugatuck Valley Community College; Post University; Southern New Hampshire University

Reading World History: A Standards and Content Review Lesson
Dylan Edmondson, University of Tennessee, Knoxville
Poster Sessions
Virtual Reality and Inquiry: An Immersion into the Boston Massacre
Lisa Matherson and Liza Wilson, The University of Alabama and Russell Hammack, Jacksonville State University

Using Primary Source Inquiry to Build Empathy in an Inclusive Classroom
Lauren Sinnock, University of Notre Dame

Teaching the Civil Rights Movement with the Georgia Historical Marker Program
Lisa Landers and Elyse Butler, Georgia Historical Society

Observe, Reflect, Question: A Deeper Look at the Components of the Primary Source Analysis Tool
Lisa Fink, National Council of Teachers of English (NCTE)

Supporting Civically Engaged Argument Writing with Primary Sources
Trey Smith, Philadelphia Writing Project / Chester Arthur School,
Jennifer Freed, Philadelphia Writing Project / Springfield High School,
Beth Patten, Philadelphia Writing Project / Kutztown Area Middle School,
Javaha Ross, Philadelphia Writing Project / Penn Alexander School,
Peggy Savage, Philadelphia Writing Project / Richmond School, and
Lisa (Yuk Kuen) Yau 邱玉娟     , Philadelphia Writing Project / Key School

Women & the American Story: Teaching Culturally Responsive Women’s History with Primary Sources
Schuyler Schuler, New-York Historical Society

Civics! An American Musical
Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities and Sarah Ditkoff, FableVision Studios

Case Maker: Take a Challenge, Gather Evidence, Make a Case
Emmie Michalkiewicz, Maryland Humanities and Karla Thompson, Maryland Public Television

Maryland History Day for English Learners
Lia Atanat, Maryland Humanities

Journalists Who Made History – PBS NewsHour Classroom
Victoria Pasquantonio and Luke Gerwe, PBS NewsHour Classroom
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